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, 7_: _ 's body Bowlers in Panic; was a plain white envelope, Clues Point to laddressed to him, and bear- ing this strange valentine: I Friends as "You've lost your job, youve losl your dough. Your jewels and cars and band- i Assassins11,-1.1- s 1 i some houses. ..MBCHIHE .i'L1I'92"JECK MQQ ,But zhings could still be worse, jGurn, 38, dapper Capone,-Jyou know; and ; At least you -haven! lost your No. s, was shot and killed ai::f trousas!" 12:55 a. m. today in the Ave- Clues? nue Recreation Parlor on the second oor at 805 Milwau-_ Four similar va1entines"' kee av. .1 lhad been left at the cigar Hewas shot from behind,p0-kgcounter in the alley by some lice believe, by two "friends"! with whom he was waiting tog bowl, as three confederates, posing as stlckup men!: plunged the place into con- Ieel!'*i"hfi?orn McGurn _ H.- fusion with a iusilade of mysterious person. And pee shots. v lice sought to know it they ihad been left by McGurns ; 7 Years Later slayersif, indeed, they were H l~icGurns death came ex=intended as a ghastly mock- actiy seven years alter the ery of the victim. , St. Valentine's. Day massacre, The others were addressed in whichhe was one of thmto Doc Pecaro, Nick BeJohn, -vchief suspects. ' Skippy, and Jim Dyne. Police sought to learn who those men were. - , From William Aloslo, who Hrpfition l owned Parlor, the Avenue abowlingRec- 4 _ ._ r. ;;_ an-__ 7- .1.-. *v'fj,:.,.;;_:._" :7" ';_:...:f"_' _--=';';--.- '..:-4..-- __ ".;--~1_'~; ~11. " v ----- ' " +- --f r "Pi -""' '"*"'___" -.'4__*'_ V T_ J _ 7 "- _- _ .-- 1 ~ ,i:_.-.:, :=r ';.1Ti--_-'i--~-'I--"q'~'1'"--- it -A-_._92;___.. ,'1 "'* T-_. __',______-_-_- ______ n. ': "._'*-.;"'_'.:*".. A .-' -- _ -. -'15?-,1;---H . + :1" -r!'~ ' " . 1.... , , - - ------¢,_ -.- ~.-_.- . _ . _-...___ .e . .-e... _._. ..z______...... _ .._...._a- 1 .__-__. ..._i- ~--- - I -.---.. ,"_ . T ii -,..~-....-...... -.-.. - " ' +=-

-- _i__¢ - iwz? Gang Guns Roar P-s Again-1 1 I W PANIC AT CLUB . »-1'» AFTE KILLJING had disappeared after the shoo -_ Crowd Rushes Outi,_hAlosio . U- was sitting on a chal"l Into Zero Cold as ; near the cigar counter-with one shoe off. He had been injured - Bullets Fly 5.in an auto accident, and his toot was still bandaged. Suddenly three men walked in. They shouted: VICTIM TRAILED . "Stand where you are. This is I. stlckup." BY GUNMEN Without waiting. they began to shoot. At the first shot, Alosio 12:50 and asked for an alley. It! plunged beneath a pool table. But was the first time, Alosio said, that l the three men, police learned. McGurn had" ever been there. | had stayed near the door, tiring , The parlor is a long rectangularflfusilade of shots into the walls ind ceiling. room, northwith side.four and thealleys benches along th foiil the players at the west wall. Or; hot From Behind the south side are several poo . tables. A cigar counter is along They did not walk far into the the south wall, about forty feet. room. But McGurn who. astounded from the west wail. and west of} at the shots, had whirled to face it is the entrance door. them, was shot from behind. i Two bullets had shattered the 20 See Slaying back of his head. McGurn fell i on his back in front of the bench. There were about twenty per-1 at the head of the alley, blood sons in the parlor. and Alosio told streaming from his wounds. l McGurn he and his friends could Three shells from .45 caliber; have the north alley, No. 1, as automatic pistols were found on soon as those playing on it had the floor near the door, apparent- finished. ly fired by the stickup men." No l McGurn and his companion?mells were found near McGurns took off their coats, and sa - dy. and police believe the two! x 1 down to wait. One of his compan i'iriends" who slew him used re- ions wrote the three names on sheet at the alley-a sheet whic lrolvers.At the county morgue a coro-'

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I 1' * 92 R -THE END OF A GANGSTER. Jack McGurn': Body an police found if. ' lmernnuonal News photo by Herald and li}zarn|ner


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i irestauraht at 807 _[ patrons who were in the place at m diately after the shooting. I- l the timeand for four "pln boys" They were Sam Alosio. 21, of _. ..l§ 1141 W. Huron st., brother of who were wstchin: Mcurn just William, and Charles Alazowka. before the shooting and.presum- 22. of 666 N. Curtis st., both said gave himtime to get settledbe labiy, sew exactly what happened. to have minor police records. and John Battailla, 23. of 1154 W. fore they entered. ' B0 terrified were they that they Ohio st. None oi the three bore lied with the oth-ers-not eve a gun. .-lor92 They to domay their part enteredhave with extreme pal1 the wiltlni for their _ The police declared their eon- itrepidstion. Theycouldn't sure be Aloslo and Mascareila pro! fidence that the murder had 92»,thst Mcum wouldn't draw8- to be unable to give the names been carefully planned, and that gun and open tire before the of the boysor the names of any at least five men--the two Essassinsact. could . other patrons in the place. "friends" and the three "bandits" _» Butas McGumwhirled abci-If Alosio, questioned at the West were included amen: the plot- at their tire. the "friends" P°~": ll station by Deputy Coro- bullets into his head. Those shot-S lner Victor Schlaeger and Capt. were tired st point-blank ransB- Martin Mullen. at rst answered {Z811- rhey couldn'tmiss-apd M*_:G92i"1- routine questions reluctantly, then no was No.5 on Chicasos fl92"SC' took refuge in sullen silence, only Jat of public enemies.died as t' breaking it to shout repeatedly U nrcwelPlot - i t. Valentine's victimsDay died -~ that he be allowed to see his ishot from behind, without i: ll lawyer." The friends, they believed. chance.W 1 ' ._ had been with McGurn for the 'WakenedShots by entire evening. but were afraid to tackle him alone. McGurn Masearella was a little more known as a tough guy." one who 1 willing to talk about the shooting was quick on the i-F1888! and W911i -but not to give any real infor- able to defend himseii. mation. He said he had seen one The two. appointed as the ac- I oi the "stick-up men," but insisted tual klllers, lured him to the he didn'tknow him and wouldn'tbowling alley. police believed, at a be able to identify him. carefully appointed. time. But even Later Mrs. William Aloslo was there, with McGurn supposedly at ease and oi! guard. they de- i!_sgized r questioning. at_2020Pierce and st. he?pended on the confusion created |The inquest was set for 1 sl I11.today at the county rnorgu. by the "stickup" to cover their Meanwhile three men were talu- ssault. I ,whenIen neyInt? custody were seen questioningfor entering a Accordingto that theory, police limo. the three stlckup men" 92 ere waiting for McGurn and the hers to enter. They watched i~ McGurn come to the trap and "'92

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K IiIlliilHN5Pii # III IIIP PIIEIII t McGurn soon became In-| 'volved in difficulties with the North Elders, and the immediate WIIH HIIIIEISresult was an effort to kill him. ~- As he stood in a telephone booth in a amokeshop at 618 Rush st.. Gangster Narrowiy Escapedtwo men entered the shop and. K Death Many Times; Survivedfired on him with I. machine gun! r and a pistol. He survived two Terror Reign of Dry Era wounds. i JOINS CAPONE. Jack McGurn, product of "the His answer was to ioin the , Valley" on the lower West Side. Capone gang as an active warrior one-time pugiiist. graduated from in years of battle. And identifi- tiie age of street fighting and th cation of him by witnesses to thel beginning of the St. Valentines fdw years in the ring to the deadjDay massacre of 1929 indicated lg] warfare of gangdom in the midi he took part in the most effective die of the era. Vbattle against his former allies. His "rise" to infamy as one of After the murder charge for the I massacre was quashed he became} the most deadly machine gunners 92 : involved in lesser difficulties withi was accompanied always by the Ithe law when federal agents seized - menace of death. Many times he him and his blonde alibi, LouiseI ' / narowiy escaped the vengeance IIRolfe. June 25, 1929, on a Mam} that overtook him last night. fif- act charge resulting from thei trip together to . teen years after he became aligned |IIISCAI-ES BY MARRIAGE. I with the liquor gangs. I I. Though he was convicted and REAL NAME GEBARDI. Isentenced to two years in pl!i$O1'i,I His real name was Gebardi. He re escaped the penalty by an ap- I JBII to the United States Supreme 0 took the name of McGurn for the prira ring. He was 38 years old. Court based on his marriage, meanwhile, to Miss Rolfe. He had He became aligned with the been married previously to Mrs. in 1927. The Helen Gebardl. but was divorced. gang had been headed first by He had one child by that mar- riage. _ B} .._,.T*4 Dean OBanion and includ d .-,1; 2*, ' ';.. Y; After repeal of prohibition Mc- Hyrnie Weiss and VinceritGurn became I. gentleman of "Schemer"J Drucclaali shot to i leisure, playing golf in costly togs death during the years of bat'.leI at fashionable courses in amateur with the Capone mob. Latier tournaments. He bought the home George Bugs! Moran, still liv- in Oak Park, and engaged in vari- ing. led the North Side crew. ous gambling enterprises. Players in the Western Open tournament at Olympia Fields on August 2'7, 1933, were amazed to see police invade the course and seize a golfer about to tee off on the seventh tee. The golfer was 'l92/icGurn, entered under the name of Gebardi. He was arrested oil a vagrancy warrant. I ______. _ - -_ __ . .. +WW:'11*»? - "i___Y ""*' . _ __ ..__ 2- ' K"' _'_ ._._1 - ~_"" .. .__.._ . inf '_. ..__ ._ -Iv. _..__._H ____-_s -Inn 1" --v- |-W----'"~s if-v-av-fr-::'_ ' - r*l___. *--._ '-"-_.._._*="'"- 3"-v__ ":3 -"#2:. .-"__-. - ".- :s__.-.-. ._._ .2..- -_.i.v_.__-l_._.Z ....___.. __ .'_:a;__ ...' Ti '.'-'2"_ CPL ' _."- *r:..-..-."'-'"-'* ..__. "" *"'*,, '-H :.':7_i'-W ilk._ _~ ' _, _' I wt». l§~ ,2*.j7_..T.,l_1j_. _ s __ __ .._._ . . V- .n-.. . ., __ .,,___,-.. - hi... ._._..._-- .--._._. I 1- . YHQ _-. J. -A--92 -..-_1-.. ...

G In l 1 Hunted Slaying AlllllV6l'S3l'y 3 Gangland vengeance caught up with Jack McGurn lust seven year! after the most infamous I crime with which he was charged the St. Valentine: Day massa- cre of 1929 In which seven of "Bugs" Moran! gang were slaugh- tered. On February 14, 1929. the seven men were lured to a garage at 2122 N. Clerk st. by a fake phone i call. At 11 a. m. an automobile re- sembling a police squad car halt-5. I ed in front oi the garage. An-4 other car pulled up at the rear.; i Two men in police uniform entered irom the rear and four entered from Clark st. The intruders produced ma 0 chine guns from under their coats i and lined the seven Moran gang- sters against the wall, announcing it was a liquor raid, and pressed triggers, sending a deadly stream of bullets into the seven men. mowing them down into 9. lifeless bloody row 0! bodies. Though Moran had not fallen !"92 into the death trap, the massacre virtually destroyed his gang. kill- ing Pete Gusenberg. Frank Gusen- berg, Al Weinshank. James Clark, John May. Adam Z-leyer and Dr. I .L. '_._. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer. Three weeks later McGurn was .: seized by police in a downtown hotel and identified by two persons fins havingbeen seento enter the prettygarage. Louise Roite.his said sheBut blond alibi7f'a <1 McGurn had been in the hotel ll- the timeof themassacre. andL1..- Gurn was freed. r LOUISE ROLFE 'BIorIJ Alibiin mannrrl. .,O


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ldttnl? _ n,__ 9 3!!- IIIIUI: you this1- . September or I egt tell you thtlmlll? __" J1!-L".-i , more. looming *F''"WP'-Q!- ¢-- _-Jan; theevenlng v'vu'there-went under a pool table. Q.-How oeuplewouuyau *4 wt-Q»:--=-"t m your mm ox bust-_ - t ; M . I-~.=' - Employ: Tella were .-and T9111; lmrelll, . 55%--, Ir. ii :__ __._, W t l J I " '§¥.=<#=der==1.-r stlckup. ~>~=»-we I-" - ~ +,.m.v;;e.,~n ...,.._. twenty wltaeueu alanine. Q.-~Do you, mean a robbery? - Jack 1lIcG'tu.'i: was I-lain A.-There were about twenty man ing» _ .r .-"atl e ltwttneaaod the inne . > 92 92l, 3'"! int "l'lI~I-l'te-"» "uowmg "statement to Capt. th e ti: ootiag place was whula earring,the *2, .'rT. I '81 2 said, -"sou them up 92E. llullen at the Racine don't1 ove. - = " Itatiqn thll morning: ' - they all lambltgtdt tor the was it that laid that? Q $1 I .' ~ ' _: 92 Q--ArB you etnploytd Q.-What lo you mean when i don't. - exactly know who where? A,--I out 111; it. I wlaraitinl on afttlntz after theae mm left? - _ 1 ...., my Pilht leg on another ch A.»-"There wr three men | -!_-_=-I-__.,-I-'14.:. . the window: on the Mwauk outotthep ce.butIon1g'aa= ue aide of t.he_ establishme 2 i ITNESS TELLS Of them doing the Ihoottng. I heard lomebody about Stt Q.--Could you describe an; ~ emu-p,kand then some ahoo ' these men? ~92 Z - Id, and I ducked under a pool "IA.-No, I can't d_eec_rlbe -q_:y.of 92 _ le. I waited a while and when; sronvnr new jhe~ahnoting ceased I got up. ' Mei-Iow c urn? - long hedjyouinown : Q.--Then what did you do? A.-I dont know him. This was 1.- - A.--Everything was in a commo- n lnd everybody ran out of the MBlIRN DIED £1-éegconcilmel saw him lathe ace. I looked over on the bowl- W B I 97- . Q.-Who did. he emne "to the approach and there was a man bowling 811!!! with? e . .. g on -the. oor. _ Continuedfrom Fi1£tPage.!M gt.--I don't I wu llleep ,.. .-Did you know-whoethat man Xw en be came , _ gum. room and bowling alley: at 803 --No, sir. ' '_ ' ' Q.-when you sew -him lying on Mtlv.-Jul§ee avenue. . 92the oor was he tully dressed? -Did you nd out later on lo that man was? Q--By whom ire you em- Goat and Bat on Bench. - -Notuntll the police arrived. Dloyed? A._-I only know the man A.-No. ht! overcoat and hat were then I learned he was Jack as Smokes. - on the bench tn tront. oi the alley. N Q.-Isn't the man you known as Q.-You stated that you new Jack Me-Guru once before in the bowling Dido: Know Elm. e _ A _ 1Smokes Wilmn Alolsiot - A.-i it a tact that you knew alley. What eight we! tteaod bow I don't know his hat name, but I many people came tn with him! .. Ma-Gum, whoee real name is have heard him called Willie, Gobardl? . ._ . 92 A.-About two weeka ago; then I Q---I: he the proprietor to! th were two mm I'12'h.i|1'|, and - I dont know him. ' - glroom and bowling t alley? _ wled. . ' ' .-- did he come into-yo 92 _ - with lag night? ea. Q.-Did You J1»--I do not know. - Awakened by lhola. I. e en with him wling alley? . _ 92 ;,- $ QDtd . ha come - in alone}. _-_! Mascarella ;aid he was aal when he was awakened by the A"_.H.°*;.92 ahotl. , = '

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1 K » En}-0:1 _ ,_ _ __ iii i WILLLAI ALOIBIO. Duehd under pool tabloid shooting. i Valentine ,l_..e Spotlight _ the It Vs.lmf.lne's malauo J11 it diaaraosd Chicago and Iisds X 'schi:ns Gun" Jack llouna a 92- x92 tlonaliy 1-edleiarualy known I4. vweds ma Q-Massacre /' rage It I12! ll. Clark I. "Seven mm-ibers d the - 4-. *'-' .tll"IB shipment Blob. of Ilivpttilbboose, wlra ed 192lcGurn r-ale whui two men _ ioe unllorios waikad 8. EH51. own. but happenedspparm iicemen iinsd the " - a gunners raid, whereuponwho " >r shot them d

the history of rohih

. inst a vs-all Z = seven men lying K itiered room, is Dthe near in Chicago. Gl.".I.N SHOT IEIOII. Jix of mi victims were dead en police arrived. The seventh. 7 '_*'92Ilk Guseriberg, died within an Ir sitar mentioning "police- n." lusrnberg and his brother, er, also killed in the iriassaaire, l been accused s year before 1ihe ihootios of Mourn, Mc- l1 had been shot through the g when arnhushed in his car 92 1 , Q _ 1.fillhad to Alexlan beentaken Brothers supposedlyHos- / lotirahi le rallied and Ilveq ms mg ow spirit-ed him away - the hospital while he was int]! precarious oondltion. WANTED POI HABSACII..HnldalH. The massacre started a furorel '.l'ha-awaauchhuasussaa92a-1 Chicago, Rewards totallingssgaogirswersroundsiiup. .000 were offered and the po-} avsntuaiiy lloCl92o'o and Jdm lisird seventeen men I-I want- i'm- the killings. suiisesu-eindietwi in-mm-on he most tangible lead cameland Ream Paneili as aootory -ut ten dlle later when ll alt&f-lslfaot '2ornobile was Ioimd in a b1-u'n- ll.oClurns lawyers, Nash and . I _ : izarsge st 1.123 N. Wood st. . -was apparent an effort had Ahsi-n.rweated.lypreuediortrial. COG I dux. made a Cwone to destroy hoodlum. the as auto-the _ lie. Police named Claudehutthieatate kepttak.ingoohtinu- her of the ear. ' aux. cl-slmlnl that additional . "_'1i:"""' ___.ireat two excitement weeks alter was the occasionedmurder. the arrest of Mnurri Ieimiary ;H'ld:IiRI'a.lbel.i1g1iii00Ycr92d.In the meantime Sosiise was as- was found the rnsehilie gun- sassinated in s gang killing gon- had been 1lVlI'.92R in the Stevens}e.i-a-llJ laid to the Capone moo. Things mull still is ;orse, yol enilse addressed to Jack MeGura and -el with Louise Rolfe as Ilr. HGUIN'I CAEI EIIICIIN. _ know, was the ironic phrase on the a's1- tossed on the floor ten feet from his body. I Mrs. Vincent D'Oro. Hctiurn intimately was admit- ted to hail and iinslir. in Decem- - OND -92LIBl' ENTER-S. her Bl ili, the indictment llalolt him was stricken when.LAW, GUNS CHEATED F.OR I2 YEARS for the fourth consecutive term Jack Mrurri for ll years horeFor Junk demonstrated ht men-charges and federal charges 92lndPY' oi court, ha appeared ready for a charmed life. l 92 trial and the state was not. No The law never mate eaught uptal aiterosss. he was finally se-the Mann srl based on their mp. one was ever tried for the orirne.with him. quit!-ed. to Florida and other southern re- do ended the prosecution of lic- The sahgo almost gr him in Mall in his hehaii the thenaorta. Gum for the Valentines Daytill: then he survived eight yea-rsAlderman i92. J. Prignaoo appearedThe auto raso dressed ih-n-irh massaore without the blond alibi"more during which. Ln hotel inh-tsitestifysstothesoodeharactermany CDi'lili'llllltlP$ and s o .' "'1' IPPQIHDI in noun. hles. on golf links. in Florida sodof lseqiim. That was the samefurore over a bond forfeiture our Several months istu came theelsewhere. he was the moot oun-Prlsoano who was a state repre-ll. got nos-here. Prosecution of IICOUHI and hou-splcuous ehsi-set-er of Chicago'ssentative when he was shot. down incidentally M:-Qurn was on! lse on federal Mann set charyu.underworld. The blond Louiseand killed in front ol his Twen-gangster who never faced income resulting frh their trip to FloridaRolfe. whom he married in histieth Ward home the night of tax proseeuuon. lose!-her. which drilled on forattempt to beat a lilson set ease.Ikeember ll. 1035. While he was sill] fishiinr ihr years until the United States Bu-rwas almost oonstantly with him. The nest year in lsiisiieipslHahn art conviction in 1930 he preme Court finally irpoet his oon-Irnade him even more eniispieuous,Court llcuro bear. s charge of was ti-I-ed by Judie Frsnkhauser: viotion by Federal Judge Ll.i'i.|ey"but somehow the dapper gun-carrying eonoesied weapons whenon charges of l;lii_Vll'lI concealed which had twioe been upheld byiosn escaped durios all theseJudge Rooney was convinced theweapons and sentenced to s year. the Court ed Appeals. years the assassination that over-;g1.m he was charred with carryingin jail and s I300 fine. took so many oi his oornteiripo-was not rrotioosled but was lying AN UNSOLVID CI.lllI." rules- -beside hioi on the asst ol an auto-non to iaosms. ' The iihassscrs of R. Clark st. His careu was almost cut shutmobile. llI:GtI'n tried to avoid the sun ultimately went down in Chicagobefore the Bt. Valentino's Day trial by Jumping bond and flee-' crime annals as an unsolvedirriasaacre that made him I ha-I1, V&LlNl!Nl'8 N31. ing to Florida. But eventually he crime. tionai criminal oeiebrity. Be was HoGili'n'l nut big c-lash withwas csughi there on A1 Cawneri In the pusinl years triers hasambushed in his oar in ll andthe iaw was t.he BL Va1ent.i.nespalatial estate and Drury and. been a general opinion among po- massacre. There was grat excite-Howe Ient down and brought him Lioe and other investigators thatshot through the lung. ment when he was arrested twoback. Hcurn was certainly ope thelFEC'l'i92CULi92l ISCAPII. weeks after the killing of sevenCOURT AID I0 BOUDLUM5. l isldar in the plot. I-Ila escapes from the law warsMoran mobsters in s N. Clark IL Attomeys Thomas Nash and The most generally acceptedmore maneroua and nan morelaraga and the polioe announcedliliehaeel Ahem. who fought mos! theory is that the head man in spectacular. he had been positively identifiedof MrOurns court haiiies c.r[lFd His first big lirush with theor two witnesses. one a myster-the ease to the Illinois silpremr the execution or the seven Moran!law came i.'r92 iI2'f when he wasioussocietyequeatrlennewhose ~ - %?;e;=.--."-*-'-=- K- ------~~ -- #77 *-i *? J_*""I -iii-*' '-""11"? -""'_"** * ___ ' '92'T'7;" T-";__ _ "" ""' "'i"""'___._._T_ L 7 7-.-I tn-hyév m if-i-Vvi - -_-_-3:" --i-*1---*-21-? -;'§ _, -. , W _-____._,_ _ .__ . _ _ .1; _ "_' - ' -_...;_._.. xi _ -7 ~' __ ____ I_ '_ -__ _ _ -_<;--»,_ 7'31 _ ,,i,;:- -, ___. . I-T,r'11*.*§._-7 V -_-._-__-krfjt 1. _?-2-._-.-- .. _ _ , _ ______~* . 7 . _._..@V __ _;:~.'_- 4:. '. -~ _ r-'- - ... . _- 4' 92. ffnr ,7 Al< .-.4.-_ _ ' ' " " 7'1. *'*" -_",1''"' '*"_* 12'1" "'_:f;;::" ,,,:*.; '1;"'* 5,! 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Margaret Mann. BL kl-an the Judy: D_e0|.'I'i In the mnyel mother punhqol to pen llll I. llordoll of Wllloth rtlt

llamas! IIhQllIlI', I7.

IIIIMIK IZICAII nu. 1 f !nmu;§mu:mnuh

Arreuldnllhlrlunlll. of Thirty-nomad IL I'll may utter he broke I- n tavern at 1825 W. Gun h-ahmeu, tnarn elected Hclncrmy I01- _ _ k._..._.._. --H 1--~ _ 7, __ - _4___ - _ _ 92; _ _ __- ___ _ 7 _,_. __.. 1.j- - -""'* ..___ . . _._. _, ,_ ,,__._. ._ -_ _.,__ .. _.._. _..__.____ ._ _.... -_..__.__ Q.1-~ _";___._ -__.._.-- " '" 1 """*" _"_$$ __M__ _ if. __ _, -._-._1-_- . ->7 ---...... 4§_b.. _-7 - ' '"'- L___ . . ____,.,__.._ ,. ....___ _-- - ' A~ 7: ' ' 7 W i-_, _ ,;~~~ - -- - __ i W " __ ~f i ':_ _ 1.? W-F!_ I ' I 'i'* _ _ "i i :1 ' :|r* "if , - ,__ ., __ __ -_ __;,+~? _ M 7 _____ I 7 if __ ___f_ i: Y ,-, --4;;_". .._»-'=- WY-' _ -I. ,,-__,,,,,-q|_- ' ' - -I;.;.|i-arr '1IIII---':- *I --'---1i:l-nnnuirr-1"-I--%'""""' "' ' _ , _ I ~ '1: 1 7- ""T:"- "'_"' _ __W.l.'TA 17-; _ ___ #4. ___ ..:4______. ___ U. __;___ '2: : _ :____ L. .. _ ' Ti; __v______, ._. _ - r. V _.--V--

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O . 5 _ _ _ 92 , . V _ : - Louise Rolfe McGlu1 dovqrn tar-stained aye: u sh-I In led into the Racine av. police station for questioning in -the nssuninnon of Machine Gun Jack McGurl. {Chi- cago American-Internutlonll New: photu.! '2,/5-QC J i' _¢._ -- _-J_ .' "'T "'t_,w_~ -- --+1 ---__-...... _. . """ '"""""' ""--- *'I-'-III-|'~wI.v.¢-n.-.~,..,..g1* _~- -- --»-- ..,_.__ ___ . _ __-__;._..c " '.:-:* ' -_: 31- -.. __ :1. " .-~_:~ '1' .4- if- __ -__f_ _-r-*-»:-rw-~--a¢-.-l-'|.'-=---1"--.,,:.._.:."_-. - _ __ - *4. . ' __ ' --- "1 5.T. -' V - .=_ " ,1 .7 _-|~_ :7 H1? ""-__ ;;- "-- . -1--~_ _---'.....___ -..-. P -.-*1»-1--my-pg, .._ - » --- -- '_ ___ .'. " W ' " -'- -~- " - -'---- ":1". n-r.-_'--- .' * ' - _ - ----~-Q-..----.-_' .?-,__. . ___,.,_."""I"______T ;' - -* a5_. . ______: _n;.__-... ;"__,_"_""" - ''::_ --r-_ -L-__ nIl|-w-in-nun -TU!-BIS-I _,__92 _-.3 kn I I - " ' -' - W ' ;__ ", _ * :'__: i 5; , ,é" hi ' _~__ -2'1"i __ -- _ _ .:;..-._5._..-. ---..._ ..__',___ _ n'.__ V -4-u_._.__ Ligng ___ -7 4"- :~~~ ___.n _ .:In_ . ;,q_ -It __.r.. --,c _* T''~; _ -'' "-- ... - - _ . Quin-_, i . $»' . ,,___ _ I r_ . ' - , ' '-._==.- _f_?*E'.'::-:=-- -.1.¬f""_-, I=:'__ illiw ~-"*IInun--vi ' _ - n-1 '" ;.".'"' "'3, _ ' 1 . :r: ....._-.:'=ii-_._,,___ ---_ ti . . _i*_ _ '7 -- - ._ F -=.1=m-=.~=,-,-,.,- _ - =" ;. -- ,_..,,'___._.,,. In _ _:_ -~ - .--. -i u-...-._.. _ - ..- ....--.1-I--.--i_.._.-_. . __ _ ._ ~. W .__ V _ __ __--- -... --...~ -.__._.-,______V W__ ' * '~'....___ _ _.__.....-.._._..: .... _. .. ._ -_ V

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llr. Nathan .|,_ _ HI. T0hon___,______Mr. Baughmm _____ Chi-:f Clerk -_,. ______ s M1" Chg-.'._-__._.____ Mr- n» Mr. Cm.ey ____ -;.u,w;. M: Eat-uni; ______;'.....;=_.-92, 1- 5--- ...... "i _ .='_U:. NY, I:-gvs-9% ..-¢.;.,; I'._1' Y. ..1»_92, _ ..fi__ .. J : 1-»:- .-¢... _ 7'a :-- E. .-7?-;--=-¢;92 . £1- ,__ .'I92. ». F 214...... !"_. Q _ . L IL; T. 2;. G» L 71-- {Ens '-'5P.-...... -. 5*" is- V _ .-_-¢ o...... _-.., , __ " '~----no----n ' -92 F 6//U /¬0- 1-/.5-if '1»9 ' , If- ___ 4 _ . qnl , _A,_: :ii;?_*':3.£:T;;¥1:,?_:..="I-'~I------4»--~ ._ , - --~_,______.- ,, ..____..._,r . . _ ~_-. -- »-V» ----1--¢----1-_~-1-_-~--;:.;7;'~----a-.--+ -~'""T__'-"5, - _'_>_ --= ..'_.' 1,1. ___- ,_ - ;* :;_ ,.,._,...,._.-..-,__ -__- _~__ --qu-my-;I|,, _:,. y __ _ _ _e _-e, __ .t.....~-~ - .~~ _ ~.;_: -~ , .r;i_.;:7 _ " HA_,__7;__:i_::,, ,_T__-___ _- _Tq'.;__:_: -2'T_T..""_'§%V-" Y .___* -~_r_-Q ______- _._--.__.-.._. _.. ___¢»£'-- '__ V - i A-E »-_-- .1; ;_;;;______;______, _;-.3 _b.______.-..--3;-_-_-;-*_~Vf-_',, A J5; _ _ _ _ ._ em ---w--*-_- - . _4 - -- _...__.... ;-<;_q':-...._ _.. .-...ca._.4.-a. -~ 1 .19-s-|-..-_.zu --;-+""-- {mums ¢ a___ ,______--4- "-'-*'-"' "*,_' - , 1 - -*-1'.-'-"* '_-,-T - ,.,_ W ._ i .*_-"-. --'. ._ » t _ .7 one _.. ,----1----_-_-;_-'1'" .. """'f_ _- ~ _ __ ~- _;;--- v _ Y. _ --_ L______;;':_'i,__~'-_- '> _ j _if T j _'; ,_ ,__ _:. -' -''"' ""'-F _. _ em , _ 7;. _; " VA-;<~~ ;~~~ * *~~' 3'j;_; v _ 1-_ _ "";il'_.';. . - » ~ V; M:1 _ ieeie _ _.|: ~ -=I_4II~~--"-¢, _ * * , __ e 7 _ e _ ---m» _ W -XIII"II'i -H7 I _*,_,,. ve-we i ':'TL_;, _ -1* - __:V__ __1_- ,_* _ __ 71:1. ,_,, =I" .._' __ F ---_ -""' _:_*;%_ _-'7 _v ' 7- 117* '__"_._..___.~,_q.----=~i.==:-- 1:, _V______P ___., , .. 7 ~- W 2 '.A__¥-_ 14% ~ ; ii: ~- A ~__ , -, _..__ . ~ _.,_-_ _ 7T - *~~_-:--_*?:_2_1- . -2-42-=2 ---g- - -:- _ .1 . - __iZ___ _:---u-_"' -_ 1- _ '-3} "A _.,., ,7 , -_. I . __ I ,_ _.._ _ - - - - ' ' "' L .,..._i_. . J ----an-ear

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_ __ _, F, ~ ._ *"'ntqenme Gun_I_ook mo - o-v - - V ' e ~u.- orlou: gnniitef-wh'o' anus livlj i fir 6£"M92:a$ong. Ml Ilwf -*-- 1 mm um _». emu»; "mi u -ller At J15 4Hl1wenkee'1ven92I§-1 dm; BUM! 1-_-.3 no "Mm ki1loTd.';-= 1-! ;,< -=-to 1' 5 -With -ms" en- meduuwe wlr 1 aha-H:h:n DI- I ?°**. "5[!!.f!1§!¥1-I I h$mw&uK"1 I

is-om one of three mm rivho M _ x . mild: nun ,&.!'92:5'1 .--'-5.- R = '|_low_ed the oid C1908? Bqltbnmt into 1;; ' ~14- i the izhoe uidwen l_Ih_u -=.- kt the held ofthe I-1187.: I ran 't ,'_"Ev'erjrbbdy_ moo sun." vol "the uzt X , -"Mow I-nod you die-"7"; .; --.,_.._.- --olna--¢.- W Gum Blue; lourn Dlel._ - 92f As the Mtheeiea 1oo_ked_oo, ape ljoona, moo nicked. Elchy oz tn] "*9. P! I I. three rne_-nhgrouped in 1 ,ii_ttIe oemitime etreet,u1<|'_ é circle about M¢Gu1. mdnnlbd 1 Ihbtd to'doilh-I Ute ring. A-hu1J¢t'crl,lhed into his -_----»~ iv -. Beminderl of llama-e. " head. Another plowed Into hllhaok. F Al he i'e11..'1ns!4nt1¥ dead, on theThane were at than report: that smooth wood or the alley the killers cGurn was implicated to ut shook Slowly booked wwird-"me italrwny-- Most investigator; discredited I his. however. Thlt some one wished ;92 [the alleys Ire o';:7dt!_ie 'peqm.d oor], remind McGum of Vl1enttnesday _' dropped their _v'v_eap6_nl"!uto their over-wu proved by the discovery or a Fooat kets.. 2 . grid . ed to th9 - at:-eet. 3; comic lithog-r:_1ph that on iett with 1 The spectators. of the tut moving dreme, vere 'tiiemne!*gei ' galvanizedAlooio for him some time yesterday. 92It depicted e couple in séanty cloth- 'lnto action. '!ey,'925oo, atoms we ing, with I little jingle ulnder it which etreetl Wl}en_ me gioltoe infived only"reed: . . _ - ~ - 11em'A1oi|o. 1121 Wei: _ Huron let. propnetor oi whi "_Y0uve lost your job, you'92;e lost your I know-n_ as the-Avenue Reeretltiori '. i; dough; I oml. was left. He it Wu who t/old Thing: gull could be worse, you , k.now- ' _ '; ,-P . _ story or the tie;-ii-lg. -' 3' J M lent you luven't ion "your -, trousers." ~92 'I_he shin man| overcoat and s t ' 't were found on a bench neu |e '14~- -. -0-- h--- so 1-'¬'e-1.. - -E-r=,. i wling alleys. They contained o Goottnued on 'pn|e 2, column 5.]

lp. d. V vat V:-. >92]o- 1- . » {|..__:

2- 92 o'?L __,__W _e_.._, __..-.-ls;---~ ;-__-___-;_:...... ;...-._-:§-_- 2 1 r 151->51*"1¬i-:;;:;_.- . -. A -~>4 r- ~=""*"'..3.*-.:&-...*"'*"'"-"_ .. r* --__..':.:';;..;._'_.._-_--._~_-::'¢-"'-5*_--_5"1_.a*"' pi-;1"'5*1 iii ' 7- '-__e *:._::"r"_-'=-*'=Ir-l--1-~u'=i'-T» - e h o11" 7- - Y i W 77' j_'ff W "7 _.._..._..--....._. ' '_~}'. -. - <- i " '__".i';'_?_'_..:..f"_-iii-L-- 7 mcnalnls "ET":-"':1--~ -"""'~' 17- ' ""_"".£.-,_ '"'~. - e -t''" ~-1- _...' --~- *1-1' k E ff"" :1_ i_ _ W. H h filer: :j_': _-_ '3 ;|__'p-|_7~.I 7 r * __ 1:_._- -_||. --an --- _ __ _ _ .--_~e~ --r-'* ..______.. __ ,. _;___+'ra._v-~ - . ._ fl" -~------ ~.¢|aii-iii '~_ ____ **:|nnu_1- *'-"!"'* ,-,__,,' _. _ . .-.11-violent-L:-_ , _.. .. - a T _i _;7__ __.:_e.. , . 4-, ____ , ;_; _,:___:._. ' _FI i._-- _ _ . " :~______, _ _ _, _Z_,_,,,7 __, -i **__,___' __,._. * __ ..s_2%---~. ______. ""9:-»T er »* =.--' I _ r* , .2 _. e_...-_ e:--_ _'__;> T Z §_~,_A_l1|=-_- l~' =a_. .:e_ -' r - l'E_ -1-JH-_a""'- - : .- " _ . -- _~" _ '17 e -1 ______.-.____-.-1.--v- _._?-..¢_aq.-.- - ___,ia- -> _ .__..._._ -.-a_.-._. " *' "

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4.~.=l--.~?:r. sf,

rs-Q:-" :f92&' _ ~.<--. _.' 92--92l- --._ 1: "=.w--.- -i:-fie . -e-1-'~!"?--"1 1'-. P ACHINE cum i lets were dirae 5 JACK. MmivnziiHis lrienda in o : _v. _ ' ._ er at . -~_~_»- _;.;; SLAIN ;_H_ _ _BOWLING _._ _n.__.__ lth_eo,p.inionoii§apLias-ry oliEHlf!hltlwll'id' - """" .;!- ' t. . #3. 0al1hlnDlaetuaeaIotiv0.~ -f "Bot anything. could have hap- ij.Tr:o Ex-Néapone.pened ln this instance. he added. "McGurn-had plenty oi people with W5- Chief in Alley to |Jtt.'!'.i- him o. My guess| [Continued tram rst page.! la that he had stepped on somebody/sl toes in the alky racket or the gain-; bllng buslneu,- and reoentiy._ The? __Z..._.__, pistol. McGurn was neatly dressedgangs don't usually shoot to avenge! in gray and wore gray spata. In his"something that happened years ago.f .pockets were found $3.85 and twoThey put enemies out or ht:eL'le=s' tor tickets, unused, to the Bath-Burmanwhat they're doing now. - ght. 92 Three men, one at them a brother -_ Cant Gives Police a Claw. .oi Aloslo. were seized in iront or the __,-_._-_-. Some importance was attached to atbowling place shortly after the snoot- card bearing a telephone number,ing. All denied they knew anything Delaware 3943, and the name "Hen-92ot the slaying. Later the police t-its-ix ny. The police supposition was that covered a man who admitted he was i this Henny might have been one of upstairs. He is Tony Muscarello. W23 the men with McGurn when he went West Grand avenue. His statements -J_= into the bowling alley, which he via-acost little light on the mystery, how-. lted frequently. 92ever. as he asserted he was asleep N It was the belief of the investiga-1iwhen the shooting started. ii tors. headed by Capt. Richard Barry. i The police set out on a search tor that the killers had accurate knowl- the pin boys on duty on the theory edge that McGurn would be in the~that they were more likely than anyi bowling rooms, at about the time one else to have been looking direct ' he arrived. Probably, it was said, they t McGurn as one of the bowlers. malted tor him and climbed up tl l .,.air= to the second oor as soon a_ .iI - Colorful Gangland i I I i '.' fa ailway. and his friends had clear-.d H1 "eMcGurn. nt Gebardi whose was real one name 0! the was most.Vii-i l It -was even theorized that the me colorful of all the gures in the gang ;wh0 went with him might have been

.. -1- ' - .,.,, '.._.,92__ '..n;~'.|a

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,3 -/5'3 W? __ Q Ii ../' " . _ i_ I __ _ ,. 4. .. ' . '.___....-... .- ...... :i-....-_...-._.._.. _,_ ..-.-l.. :l-1': ~ --0---_-: _ jji '-1==='w* Tr nr ~-; -. ' e>;?1=T_ F ---~.~;; i i --:1 __, _-P. .- r '.E""' '-" ' " in-= Y1" t- A*I_l *:*--"-='-5 _--"" ;, ff". _ .- ,, J __ Wi _--.. Q-J Q. g- _-in __' _.____,_,_ . _., . -,__,_- :_._,__,_...___._:._?_ _ H - __._.._ _- .. . 71,- x _:_; _' ' ______. __ d _ * *_i:_._. __.....__.._._.___. -_ --:---- -- -¢_ _ __ - _ _, _h,___ - n_4_,._-.. 4_ - _L-_._.-i $ -Q 4:.-:s_:___--.|-»¢_ _ -"l"'J_____:_ _,__"""..._"'"". -e . -- _,_,4 ....__ . _ J... ._J-I-.'-t. .-..._-.1» __. ii__ W _ i _ ___ h 7 ;s-| - * ***' 7 -, ' _ +7 *1; ~~e i 7 in 7 777777 -M _ _'_: _ _1_: ___i_W__ __ _ -8 , _ ,-?-@_ o eqisef *7 -' q..';'F _ . _ r_ '*_.T7 ___.-*1-v ___ 1 W151 '*'7 . i"_" __ '9 ax%%*-lé . Q -7 77 g -- 7 7 if: ---_ W .-~+-.- e- - - --=1;. -5- _ sham--'4 '7; K '77- I: --- ' &-7' - ee *-I .- J.U " 7 ___'_ H _ _f_ "" -:7 -l-r--:_-s-§.'1--§-- 1. '" -1 --1 "' _w .. ...- -s *

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1-ee.-te at t.'r-.'.~oe.!L:: st-e.-to A man or uninching "courage. he h T ;,, ;;.;: ;?_ ' " '__i_ , ,__i~1 little more of the graces-or poi lety than most of Iellcmts. - M """-"-"_._ - --I-veil-P _.__- ri ...... ~'-'Ie-,7-H-I"" n . "" -*':"' - -__ _ ._e -e "-*'=F ~" as an athlete and under __ -" -rs? -.- . _¢ I .._,.-.1 ame competed tn *severa1'gol1 *1"!-..°¢' 1"! b1'=Il=1!=lI_l19297 _ ,:.. -. . i western oneni . ' ..;-'. e- E His pseudony-|n_1_ra.s taineijft the . l prime"§rlng when he was a yotttll and . .._e_. .__ J. we '-hisreal, one tar-ans _wa.s soon mau="is§:,__ '_ --:-;-_::-1;--;_~ .1-7 1-.- _ _ '...__::1-7-Z-i '1 _ __ H ______ A _ _._..._ . liq ,_ -"-'a--an-§g_ - _ L - ---b- -nlrr-4.¢s..w__ _,,_,L ,"- I "*:* ¥___ "~'-7 :i_i__; = j_j_l_ . 7 _,_; : 1---_--~~ ___. Lu-I-an .1_.-rlzuu; __;_;. '__...... _,.___ "*"' '-___-,___ _ t' '," .;..___V F . 3 ' '7 " --- ";'77::-_--- Qgu-7-Z---7..------L...-....-.. ~ - ' __ _ 4 -7 , '""l~*- 1- ~ _},:.==_ .-.7 £ , .. ..___._____ 1 _. -.7 . --. ,_ ; .1 77: ¢-»_-_-7- ~:r.'a' ..- 7 '--..-.."..=-7»--..-»-- ___77 ---- . 1- ' -_ _ ;_-1'1» -. -_-- D $1 En 5}; 92 :._4_ _77_. _7**# -* - T _ r "1 - __ 929292-92924:':|r|'-V U 7 5:11. 7"" ' . 5 " ' --.4 Illa! -1---_ . h_ V-Q 1'+~- -11:1: _ - ~ I . __

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BBELES BQWH '7-_-s 5| 1I. 1:119 I17 llburn apparently re- en 4 mamed close to home until shortly. _ before midnight, when with the com-; W " somealley petioetound houses. Danton: he went to the howling a1ley,,.._ 'Yo92;verm your '- thus spoiling the klen: hope of Yoie lost gourdough, 1H! him on the hnnive ,, ,-- "Your Jewell and can and hand- policeShoftly after errested his his - e ' " - 1 Loulee Rolfe. 7*. .'*s'1'"-"1 ."Butthingeeou1d|tmbe'l'cIle.. lost your tn-ouau1" .,_7__ ._ _-, _:;. Phelan, who I'll mne- ea: _, equacl car nearby, reported tnreehaown hoodlum: ¢ | _ .- ...E=1=.e1r92-212-_-0* 1 - e 5 snter the restaurant below the place. I where the shooting occurred alter 92 Mcurn was shot. The three were; taken into custody for queetkmlnga ._"1hey are Charles A!n.znrk.e,., John Hfncugiu, is..mi...iuu_ ii. .._,__

- 92 w 92- 92 .. - 4 * . KJ ' - " . ¢ a r R 5 ' 5 -;,,- -: ' . . s , , A. , _{_".;->1 __m;-1: ».,_, ' ' ¢ /'92 " 1- " "' I,- ~ 1- .. : . -' ,-1 ' _ " ,i|92 Q .. 1 ».1 ... » . _ ._ _, ',rv ». w{r_ I. . $ 92

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r - _ __ ._ Dir. lid-ruin A_ .. ._-...;-.. .. - , I ---- , _ "I:?V'-1' _~_--7 _ lgln w L---J-5'...... --- ____ I, __-_-..-_.__...... "7" HI H | ~._.--V _ _ _ 1 H ;;:"" ' _ _ __:x.,;¢.q§..'.'...... _._,_,_-___._.--_--Q--'_ v -;~-»----- . >- ' " __ i

. - 4 M. _ " g_ii_¬fIre<=:r'--.---_-.---$- r" Q:-.-.' -e..- j i Chief--I liven W . l' ~ mum 59""-G""""""""_--"X'-"-'1 ~--r»»'- ~:..:. A -i _ . _. - III. .I.. '.. ;,4_4 1 __ E." .i.__.. .. .- __ '- _ at -.e- ....._' ,_.___.92_; __e,_._. -_ ._.... _.______:- _ ._._.. __ .. ' _ ____ .-92_7-,7 '.. -#8" 4--7.1% 1 .;;-.1 _--17"" "f':"1t."",:' .5~'- Y _ -. - , ~- - -f eomie T-T"? 5 bl°¥.'°f . much ' Horen_|"en:e_t_e;-1year-e ego in the bloody Bt. hie Ioune hill illici _ 92 day me-see:-e. toe up shot don gt the time of ______; indicted. He beat the . mp" T an-the - _ where cu-inknight" tree non-intocine in the recreetdon bevmanperigee, eheriebyprnduclnllhencw werehe1n¢eerved._ iihlond ; wile.She alibi," mum who um ill-er 91¢ become and Me-. _ t t owner wuum =: the Aioiain, iioiiiii whqn.l:lheI_e_| mm, we the -

" -= 1 ' otthephoeandhadmt-¢i'ed1lm.|n-~. _ - The nus:-er: death came with the utee before he Wu shot down. _ l21&$5lC-IIIOI some ~"=".:=.-e-iauneiiietleithetthef dnmetic the euddenneu Moran men. ee did While the within He p01l:.elll!O92l.1"lIil92I¢I92.l.lu¢92lI¢OIIaid ll or the 36 three feet at men llourn welked andto "._, - . Mcfiurn and two unidentied coup red eeveni |hote._ _ _ ,penione alleymt 805 set Milwaukee ine second-oor avenue. bowllnz on the when Tremped Moqurn on the tell. loot they nee: foothe _ - tum. nearthree Northwestmen entered Bide, awaiting the plwe their and Ohmic On the volentlnc front It-ddmseed orthe veleutineto H ~ , 92you ordered:ere." - "stick em up! Stand where their thegures underyveu. of e men In and the e beckfround.Irom = '" I erect.Mcurn. Without his back another to the men. word,Itoed my wu the picture oi e house reading-merhed - "92 trio upeneq re with .45-caliber piston. "household"said" inn enoth the Oneright shot atruck eer end Mcurn the other just in behindthe * " * * * e " ' i iower pert at the neck. . The police coiled Mcurn a cold- biooded - 7 gengs'92!P'ITlTme 77H-I-' --'- Q o! '.pnn:_"Scarface

- age:-52" "_' . gggl ff ;3_ //5-;q

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. .5. »- .,_. 1» a. -J -.7,-'5" -:.-._ ~»-:1,-=~ 92. I!-.1 "-1- '.~_-.' 92. :7: I 1 92 I; - '.-.9 -- 1. 92- M ,V_Yr_. 7_

-u-T 7 ¢¢11rn.vial? .. I In iiist. c :¬7lIentIn¢'l1_D'11; 1gg_9_, 1 --'.:'.~ . at:2-°-°§~='§"u?§.l..°.?¬.i' thenish bee 5131111!0! ue '|even ' 2.f".7....".-z" 92 "ill. _Bi11¢I_i¢1311;"-5 _Ch1e_ago 92 '-_. ._ -" - 92 r/54 ~--39--~= _ = ,. ' r "~_ .1 . I . - u- -k ..» :1 -1.-v. ' v "=~";;:=:-7;,~=*-7*n 0 o w ,e_, la ~in 7'3:-MI .1 7 r-o n a n'1burb|.?0'|§ir|angurich l 180. fn_19_33,the-former sentenced to -3" _J:-m0l:!grt&1"min jail after h icou t _vagrlncy., _ McGurn; termqd I "_l'uhion unmln because! his pen:-hm caring expensive, clothe! ed Vincent G-ebhnrdl; ' under um uni that la p in the Western Open oumlment in 1933, which In uestoiningfederal by agmti. .' _ ._____-- __._- eta" ~.';':.-.'::'_:|:: +*"'-"-...... __."'-*'. ,.7 -.. .._. -.....-_ '-1::::1',2------.-J - - - ~ _ __ _ _._ """"'-" ____ . F-"'1" _ l '_:*' R IT A I-I H "" .';."'-.§...'i?_'. .-e - : ' " - "i '" .... +7--e 7 %;"g"-Ii '-7.7, *" ' ---7.» f- - ' _ Q ".. ' - N- ..1-::_?t...:...'*_ ...." ' V j i;3~LI-"'__, .i._.E* $.32? 11$" ""l!l._ -1-T ___ . . __...7_7 _..__..._..___._ , , _ 7 . :11 7 _.__...f'_ ' *"' ._ _,_ _ _ '- _.______Iv-Hli--I--~ _;...... _..._n§._V__.._n.;__V:.E-r -_,--__ 7 _ -_~ _ -AJ___ _, __ n ... -_f ._ 4-q- ...-...._.._ _ - . -Kh-_"_-_ '._.:'_ n-9.... :_....v_. _"4;" "3;--9-...-.. L" "T_....£4.'Tl"'_ __ --T.J T ...:_.___._..._____. _%:92-_._ u.--~n"-..n.-_-.vrIlI--.._1;.-1'l:r::.g -.II.ur_J_A_ r - _ --_b_l"il~:-Wo'1l - . Um ' - ll-53¢? -- 1 _ .. j~; _ _ , nuns. _. 4.4-1::-.. ..;. . ai7s|_n-=-.' _'_ L I 92.v 7 2:- _ " 1 ...-»."-7' 7 _ 7' _ ': _7__ " 7' 5: '~:3i"' __A7~ _ 1 .6 _ - z *7 is: 7 ' ' -___ ., _ E: '::' . ' ' g *_ L1- _"' "**.7 _ - " 7* -::.. .77"?-""1"-2-'5' _ _'V_ 7' ,, '1. 1-q..___. '7 ' _ '_ ' " .. J. .' ._.7 7 ' ' .1 ' _ ' i if " 77 ' ' J1@ ~~1 TZ _I--u-7- I$bIZ_:s?1 *I. 7-lxnf __ 471i * -in -;L --|:*___7-_.|.~ 7% _ ' 7 .7 . 41* 7 ..._. 7 .7 1'". '-' .7;...7 if -Z-=17 -1-=792;=e---.=-.7 - -.-==n$ r Iv:

- ~O 4-.-. .~ .. .- . 7 ~--..7-- - - "-. . -. -e _.{.._ . - 1 . -~ 7 _., ....._ .. _f. ._¢._. t 92_ ..,_ ._.... --- 7 77...; ___ :1? --- - 1 7 1* A..; - .... . t____ '_ ':7_.: -. --. .. e..l...-.1 .---.._' . -. ..-_.n.n--...-_...... ' 'x_.--_. ... . - _ .._..,_ -...l.h._.-.. __ ._. . PUQL- , _ . C --.. -..7_...-..__ _ 1" -. -. 7- - - .. . , .. . ..- .--7--7.7 ._- .~-1 _-_....'._'; 1.1- ..,,, :;._ p ._ .7 ...... 92._ -_ -A.-._._ .:-3..., .7 7.,_.- 7 1-1- -4--»-l. ..__-.._._ -....- A . _. » -,~.;;'-' ;' "- "z->'=-_~.-'--§+ --' -§$$:,-'-*.L 911;? 1- 7 . -.7 -- -.-.,-.2- . -.-.-_-n._..._._.._-...-_._ _ -.- _:.- ... - Al -I "._'1¢~ I;.¢'_--.1-----."'_ ' l__ Y ; I D 01 1}'Ia.r3d¢_t¢1'1';-.:.'_. -. x_ 1 .41-Q] t... ..:a92?.._._.~._.__..~_...-27-...... 1 . ;_."_'1'_:"'--";."*_:?'_:'-;. Mr. Q:th:n...... :- 71~.-. _-_.._l.» _-'--I-._..¢.'Z¢-_.¢'7.=._'l.:...... _.7.' In-...§§_.1_ _ ... ._-; .-.-.:'_ .... . is .92. -» - .._,. 0.-21;.-.' 1 . < _ -I,F3211. ~ ..., -I7 ... ' 7 1.} .-. '_ "'.-..-..;.92. '. I CHICAGO. FUBJII. -'_gf--_.--'.&=.r':'"=>.>>!:- _ .-...... 5.1.-lineman Gun Jnckf'31e- Kr. *5: . _ :4 .92 ,'_ .!_;v .-E7 ___,__!,: ..E;-'f_~0°11; dunner taunts mameue Ii T:-T-AI - -7- - -- 7 _ o - '- - - 1 _'mom}. was shoe to deem Q§1'1y'>; t; 'ti=.=.:h-1»--e92 .e .1 . X } - * 92 ll 3 - - -e~u- A I_ .Ldu in the Avenue Recreation Club 92 J k "'_¬.'..i;.';==:_r:';..s- .92 "'1 _| on theeeeond oor on the Norm- -,-.. weet Side. - ' ..i;_.. .n---.--- _.,92 . ; ;?_-- i -...-,--,- . :._- .-...... t ..- .9 Y 92 Hie death came exactly aevm _ ; . '_'J_:.i1'l.' .' i,'.S..T._..» -._ ,__'.-,5-1-.-_.' '_ _...... I.'._*_'T wean um the notorious at. Valen- '_1'f""_,,1'.-""'i. """ '..':-'-__'""'-.'-.".".""""""_""" J ' tine; day massacre in which he. - . ._. I ..._-._,_- - . . ._.___.-...... -__.,,;..-7- .. v-J WM ouch! the chief luap9et.g___:'_ . _;....-.r;.;.,:; . _- .... :".-...- ....-3 .--A. More than W0 scare pgtmng . were in the "club." e bowling ma - " ".:'- ."._'_' ' ' ' ".' __....._._._._ .., 92 -:'f_-if _v _7.7...¢_-92._ n92bmil-Pd 11111. when Meurn was sht down. A near panic fqliqw-g¢ --. 4- and mi-hr raced into the street,-.-Irl-~F~ i 2 1 __ r 92_ without waiting for their mete, - P°11°¢ W110 Shed to the scene 4* .. -92 -_ H V. I _tool: into custody several per-mmLl I . who were still in the club when .__4 H19? l1'l'1V9d. They pg]-Q Qggkingi w .L,._i':?92_ _ .=.._. . to learn the circumstances of the " ""5 GIIOOI-inl. J The St. Valentine; Day murder in which seven members of the Mm!!! 88115 were shot to death, came shortLY.a.tter McGurn hm; a falllnl out with the North Side .7, 0 -74* _7r__i' *»_ __.. .7;

.a;"='-rte .5 92 l__ -92 92- r * ~ we ,: _. '92 . J5 / ', 1.: ~~ . _,» . - ~ Fe ' 92 . .h . I; I 1 tf92 'ix ¢.. 4 _,.¢- M , . I 92 t I92 .5" - -, _ 7.


1 - . X' .. 4 1'92' I- 1, E1 g *5- c *1. ¢-..___ .,.='-. P | 92.I..4. _ 'r .; '_-_-'.-. _ Y3 .. 3"";

7 M7 /5:»-A _"._ ' .a.. ' f ::.::::' ------.4 T_'_ '21- ?|'-' -'::.. e i "i " ;:'" i-9;=-_-_*'-"~13"-7---"w-w-W .~-l"'.'..l' ;_"'iI"_'.*".":_".~- "B -.__._ ._.. ~ i-- . ~p--....:=.-...--.-...._- ----,-- ..e..e .__-...,-._._ . - _-... -=Q. _ T * *1.-1- A " > ' _ ___:_ . ' '3"-i5l1';"1"" -_:; __ _, -3"-'"" W____ -'-'-;_~--- f_ _; -7-3--I-Z "m I-' * ..'Z.;._._.' ";__ ..; " ' -L.'&_."__*'.._ _",,_'; :92- ' '-_ E1'_'_ ' '--* " 1' 1 i 'i ~- - _ 3:__ ---1---.. - _ E V, _._.,__ H , __.,__ ml. .-:-__.. ___U ....__ :. - 2; " _' ""f'_.__* _ ""''_'*"'__'~""-----'--- __,'r ' __ --' --- -_:-fr-: - -_a- -HIQ1; ..._..~- 4-i-a'6$- 4'52-..---.. __.;__ ..... A __._ _ ___ ' _. n ___::|-1,; ___; ___ W":--__ _ H-7 W mp 3; ~i'_~ _7 _*_ _ * 7:. 3; 1 r; 1 f_-_.;..,_- ii 4; ;>~ - r<-r _ V i 7 i f u~i- 4: in .1 ii.-.,*-. ;_i . . --1T?_ee:_~.~ ,; _; - -_-1- -- ;_.;..- r ~ ' --I '"==f --

. - ..._. -..,.,...

"i" -r--~ --I-------u--- _....- -___._ ~._~e ~ _ Ir. Nil "- Ia. 'I'olaIl------- _ 1 - ¢ *¢ p Tii ¬;b_1o,f ClII'l--»---

Ir. Uhsl ------" II. Gail! ------" - _¢ ~l.-"dn92|bie-ot;_"-. Ir. I-lhru-dl ------_-,__ . A | GANG cIl:la'.I_smN'noNa'n.? -, -531' k I . 2 W §-. lilnl-Ht-tllné Ianutera ' ;,.f3n_: ...... -- llilvned-_.in_connecti_ou.Iiqrp - yr. fervor!!! ------was Icon .- Mt. H1759 ------was accused M1. Jmvh ------tar...... -_. . J E Mr. Keith ------Yx. 31,, Lester Q-,-inn ...... ------17-7-- 4-J - ':'?.;:Z-i. .>.,.. ' .. *'. Ow .sTM ost Notorious e » _,- ...... _ . ._ Mr. Trad ------- .-l-. Gang Crime Still ' 151,» Gan!!!------ - -:1 ______,__,- -_--Q _Q.-- _'.'.-* " Unpunlished f t hei ha , , , . - . _. . . . ----¢- i a-..--. -u-u --.. e.-..a-¢»-n_- 1-; . i §¬I'Ull [VIII "U M ill Ill-I. siebedthatlackwas derworid perpetrated its most » hotel room at the t ~¢a'i.--- gory crimethe unsolved Bit. Vai- filinma .....-. . ent.ine'a Day massacre oi aevm Down through the rears at gangsters at 2122 N. Clark IL ads have led nowhere and It was on February 14, 1929.B Demetraton of the bl |when all the world was supposed to be in love. that twomen dis- isode -of Chicago crime annals! zuised in police uniform drove main unknown. i to a Iaraie, tvsiked in nonch - 'antiy and mowed down sevi I 1 members Morangang oi the with George a machine "Bu:s';r Pailina before th'e aprav oi - ! lets were Peter Gusenberi, ex-com -vict; Frank, his brother; Adam Heyer, alias Arthur Hayes, ex- 92 convict; James Clark, brother-in- J law at Moran: John May, me- chanic; Albert Weinshank and Dr. T Reinhardt B. Schwimmer. MULTITUDE 0F MOTIVES. Investilators advanced a mul- titude of motives tor the merciless slayings. The massacre, they de- cided, could have been the climax oi a boomegana "war; it could have _.__»-..2»; A5 been retribution Ior Moran gang .-, . attempts to muscle in on a lucra- tive labor union, or it could have been the extra-legal" settlement i a dispute between rival. fro pd peratina do: race tracks. -a Scores oi suspects were le v,»¢y_'-'-..- 92 '$ " --Mg!-1"- . d queetioned; many witn tiered information; but no u- tion was Iorthcoming. - -.

'-FT f~ "--1'--¢~ r1-.-.--.-._...._..._.,- i . - . . , __ _ i p ~ l_'2q|%¬1"A';/ ,h 4,55

.1 55-ft; LI , .-- ._- ._ _ ..._ - .______. .___. _ _. .~.-~-.-,,_;._.__-.-.__ . - ~ l . .~-;v-: '- ~1n-vr-- -- ,.r ;~.rA~-P" --'~-- %#TT'~" . ' '_r:":..' T -8-K? ..-. ...-..._.....r-...... -_...-...... _....----T "'U?;."-- 11.: '='r.:+§.-;==.'~-5" - .. '"=-~.. -%"' "-<1? . .-....-...---._.__ ~ ; ...... ., -...-. ..._, ; --- __.-_.__._. ..._..._ ___._.___.__. - .-- --_-__ ...: . i _._ _._¢:__.T-__H :-ann|....._-n..~4_.:r..J.{:._a-:.__. _____,__.....;:_:...»-Ins:-5?-_. -___....____,_...__._.__ _I..;._-4...-T .1:;n||-....~:--Inuit-92-..- .___.._._.-.._._..... ______,.____.__.__.:-.__...._ ya. :1-nn_...,._anu:|]n.E- . ..-....1m.:__ ...... w._.._.f;.-.'_.....;.. , .. . 7? l fff if} _ Q -f'*:2."- .-i|_-,"}':*5_ V ;_ _i.'-_ _-~r=:i:r, 5" f I ,.J;i;..I"-it lwfi .+ W *% , .,i'_ i _ I. ' A *~* __-_. _ -=§.. *_.:. "it ._q______. _.*.:;_|_*'_f --;=.y,.r_|:_.1-3-___._T_'_' __ :_. 7 ~ .._r:*." - __* '2 _w~» ...... »cgq_-¢-qg|p.-,gnu|p_-1i- w W -*i-n||z-|-3.-U nu- -P;-;>1iw ' =22.-.~=r~=§@-1;.:'-1~1~*-»-?_=-_-""' if: 1-7 §:___* _' L _"""5" ' ' "F -*-Y '_*_',""_"''___. '*.'..*'T' H. 1; '' _. ~ - - . _ _ - £9-.-.!-I-*erY-'...... {_.--n-. -,- _ n_'_=___ I

-- -21; .---_-..-._.-.... ;: ~ 7 __ _ _>&=-. :~__.-... _ __ _ ..- -.-.-..-A. -_- --_-_ ..-.-_ '.-__.:;_:-as-.::.'...-Y:-:..i: __ _ -_.._., ~_-.i._ . _ _ ..._ --._-- . -. _..._. _ _ ..v. _ .... -_-4- Vu.Hnnqjirrlnl ,..,,,, Clad Carri: . 1 1 HI. k;¢r!"nv ____,,,,_ L . Ed-rx.;;.'...... L..... I - M? ' '1r .';I.£;:u:...... --__ ..=|-1*» -'2 ;,.£ ' R! 4'*5 an"= +92{92'&- J. 11' r I L-es.-.._"~ :*§-'."-._*~=.*#?i"§ '- - .- -> . . ..-._ . -'.. -.-...»-.. . »;_'92'!*-"ET.*.__;92.... t_ i|92_.ll1 . :'f§3;_,7;- l - f5.i$FF.1'a»F2lR¢MT92*'_. - _ :1 4 * i l L " L £1-¬"Ca§or§é_'BRich "1?a1j";" ' i Tracy ... I Vienna, Austrl;- M-Ala: S! £150 Lia-1111'... "1 '1P15 T u wealthy, mjrateriou-Ip I ._-'."V'' 1 W owntbvieum po1=u:na|" I -4;-_-.-1 gern! the American underworl' will he 1 tree man without I coun- 5 l-v<-@---.-1mm-.-_..,+,,, dirylnlzmore clays. . . i 1 M: anew trial Friday Syoowa I ' i ntenpe on acharge oi tmveli 3

I Nib. 1 falullled Canadian pus an reduced from seven to I e months. Sycowskl is to be deportld, but to what port remain: unanswered. His funds still apparently are ianlimited nd he told police, alongwith ta1_i V I his friendship for a 1 e late Jack Legs! Diamond, th '1-_"_,.. 1 e hadseveral dollars: on milliond I .'.-,- 1 osi§,jg@gAg:|sterdambank.


H _..,. K .4_-»_.. MILWAUKEE JOURNAL FEBRULRY 14, 1936 1.1 .

;;.- -- -. 1. _ :11 $3? -'¢ ...,." ...- 92l:~l'92.r:;'

1/4/-/5'0»/~92 ~ -__:-- _ ,:.:" _. - AW .. _.:_. -1;.-,:_-.: -_" : _;:-=:==§;¢:.,-...._.__,. _' '1 * ' _ _'*§,;'..:__ :4 .__ .:- J1 *.:T:.___ _ "-- '- - - fit '"'~~ *8"-=1-i= ='I-' .~ I :_ ~44, .. __:>*|-- . _ _ _ . . ,- 1.- .. .._ ._..... 7 _ ._._._._...._....._-_._,.- I ~ - ..J--<;;_ ___=- -.--- -A;-1- _.-.-.-_-;-__... ~ -- -- -n , 7 ~ ..~- _ !'>;::'". _- . Ia , 1:-.W, , .._ ,, _ ,-___.. :._._ . ._._.L... air.-1....-. _.A;...... -._.__ . ... _... __.-_.L.-H-....._|..-_ l 1' -92dzR..;.._, _"" .. .. " " '- W _-;-alt.-_ _ __ , _ ,_,__ ii; _;_____ "* *5 -i-_ -...m_- -r 'i.h- --- f%;u;%j' Qiml = -' *:r- =-- __ :"_ _ '_" 7 _ 7 - ..,.. /G»; -@= H A: -.1 " --

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Jrmm Mmmmmmmmw M ~<~~=..- 1- -<*-e &';i:'_Ti-, ~. ,-_.e . =:"" »--" 11$ »--~:->:<_.*;t;r_~ la.. . "_"_T._-;e_--ee..Q:'__.-..-.'Q_.;.--.Z..T_Z_"'I' I:_:.-_...'_Z_ _"._' ._..*.__,_ 1' "' 4" 1' ' = "- -- _~ _ " "is - '_ e- 7 :~*- , -fee: " e.*|=|o|.*..92'-a.-I-.¢-.§.l-'-415'-'.:L _ _* * i-K - _-I:vuZ_ - -- -.._ Q:-.2, .' L-T$qn.~....»-2.1-n.s'-1-__ _-.--F e e.-...._ '__' _. _.__....._' _ _,.. " i ._...__,_- _._ "~____' 4" _I;n.ai _'~-___ - _ ~ - "--- '---~- -¥-1'--Inn, i " V:~'*'<-.;" _',_- _A _ __, T ,___ --";_-;V, _-,1, *__,:,,_ _ __;~___ _ _ .._. __ ~i_ _ __i V_____ ~ '*' -- ~ e_ --I- i_ .,,,,e :* , , _ ___- _,,::_ _,; _- ____,__ __, __ i _. i, e;-;:" _ Hi. _ __, _, W fey 5 - j - '; ._...; 711.2, ~... '7;_.I._T-er i-.__-|.._;"._ _ .. .I._:f*:' e__._..__|-I-_p_--| [______I: _._l_7-1: -_.I______-%_ -.- Ji ' :'__%-Ih.--u%;*L 71' ' " i§:E.;- _ :,_ ' 17?*7- i. I . "W ' _' _, ' . Y-==-" -- '- r ~: " V ;.;,;_:-__ - ';-'-28;:--.,:.T-1,-:-:_- 32.: ___,-_:~ _ _

- -1-1 - ... _vi.._..---A . ._ -¬.-.-...t--.-..- -_-. ":' " "' --':-:-:~_-:~.::_- -~-' .. -1.9-»-..-~ -.;.- . ,, 1"? 1:. ___.____,_ -=5 " -A '51: - 5'3? |'rl_¢II92!-:- +?4§: _ Q 1?;-. }Z|:hDinnnI92 _ ___ - - -~ ----------~-0--. I -."""l .....,. lllrb - "-:~.: f. :4.-,1 1*-" -». .2.~r'-.= r 1 |. - .4? - -~--- -I-HI--cielql . i .;¢92,||-1 ' ldvtrg ______#3:- 92 .' E;e;» - ._E_._I'__h --_.m - - -r _. . - ' -L." -n".;:!;--' - '-"~':...».r..- . e .-_ fr-92 » oEAIHtPibieH e. . , .-;,n,_,,.,¢. : 4 :,:'_ -_-¢_ '-"-. |4 _-..;.._-" - -eh--I ill/II" ;;v..,' , ' ._..,- ::'-Jr! _ _ .s<3-'.92'.n'-|¢ 4:-$2-.92.--5..-5,»-.. .,'_'4 - W. ..' __,, ' 0 - v 4 .. a 0 lit. E.1<-.92,-- n A i' i -'1',_.tin" ? - .... ea; E T .'_:2i{"*-,.' -_'-f. r.'--!:.-;;- - 7 .-_.l,__,! 1!--S-.-'-LL 1;:f;;.;.i ,.-1 _ ;_, _ llr. I!-may _____ '_I Capone, one time Ia. I gen;-1 . II5." G92ndy______|_l-it el ljl Uettel In" 'be'e'u marked tei-,Aaa.th by _.-.-....__ lei ee1_92_viet.i en ea-Lru inhn ~ 4 ltiP0l1!.~. w!:1cl:_ ed; _-mar _lhrough'thl lf.1-iét_'|:erL:|ori92iiip en '.! federll Devil: Ilisud" the tni 1 . ..»q___ dle of Sm II:-enclloe bay, Itetl U-mt Capone 1| dl.il_y in tee: of being, l1.ahbed'-- that he ween _ liven] ,3, ~- told: of eeuvnp an incl thick .-,9.-z wrapped around his body from hll 2:» cert to ntomech. - - <1 Warden Jlmel 'A. Johnston re- ed to affirm or deny the reportl,92 suming 1' noncommitt lttitud I is his custom With reporteon ..I:.4 cerning the life of the "bad mm 0 th rock." ' ~- - = 1 . According to the reportl, Capo ie oluringly referred to ll gr-ene hall." _ . _ - ' ; Among the oocti ii Aiéiii-§_i =1:-e 1'riendl- of ctlmi .0! the BL Valentine: day manure 92n Chi- _ 0 in 1929 when seven "Bug" ran gengbteru were mowed down A.._._ machine gun bulletli _ _ I CY GBIIEVANCE. WISCONSIN NEWS I They have attributed this use |~ FEBRUARY 12, 1935 slnatlon to Capone: henchmen an .-E. -_ 3 upled with e. recent grlevlnc _i"'i'-5'iaan'- K ainst Capone for his failure 1 ovide money with which the A - -I '- " 1 1¥:t pe-l to Le eecnpe, buy e they beet, have in e plotted 2.-.:~.~:.=.=::=his1 | =9-01..--'-.p H-e--I I ~$~-v


*3-/. .}, -re? - __ _e +-' I ;=:= - _ " - -'- ~--4 - _ _ -__ . =,j .. ._.. i§- ::r_-...... __...... _.-. P'-$l.92t:7 ._.._r.-. as-P-'~.l...i.~Q_.I .. e. . _ . _-_'I__:¬1 e~,- ...._...£!::'£...+... we _ = --.-.---- ..,...._...._.____;-__.._ ~ A -~-- -.__ ,_., ,_.;,¢_~.n¬§___,,_ .______,___;,_, ______,_--1 ~31:-P-->-_ . ,, . _»g_7 . .._ _.. . _ ~A*~~ - V _._.__.. ._~__..___.__...-..._..__...._j_-_._..__ _. , 4...... i ee :_ . .. ,_ U___e: _.e .___._..._ .__. . _ .»_, .__. _ _-1.--.1-.--; -_..+- l.._.h. N _ _f_ . , -_- ;__-_.-_;.-.-.._' _ ___. _ _, W __ _.__1_ _i: __ _-£?;I'-_ -_._,._ ,__ _ _~ __.._ _ J __ .,_ '': _ ___ _ 'T.=e-. ---_ 1_ _._ __ _A__-V--_._-.._.___._ __ __ s >"_>';:*;7' _ W *_ ____-' ;;.._i-.iu:i.h'.r--a...-s:una:.n::u:-.-'. ' - --'1' " "*-- na-5-...n..-.__ *-' --- lawman; I 1 _;.qnn||.,..,m;,,_:__ --_~~ - _-___ ,____-3;,a;_;_.;|-nu-_ -»--:.-~-_-.--- _ _--_ _. _ _*,_.i_ '" _ ,=H_ """'"'_...__ . _. -""""".. e_< _ :-_ . .= rat ..'.e.-Y- 1 _-_ *.'f?_ . _ '?=T;:.;; .-. i _;_:__._-- T-..'.;. IF 1:1". -'_ __ "w ' _~". ' " +7...... -"-0--pa-4114:-i-an---u-. .- -._.--- , ,,.,,.-,,_,-i,_,,i.____ =.-II_I=; 7 H " _____ W -==a=.______'7'7 -:» '2- W '7 ' 7' -' 77' 7 " - -_? -:.F._ . __H. __- ,_-_-,,.. -.- A-*1? ___ __!_ L .1:-:':..7 7 '1-c - _ » V . 7. _ . __.- -.-.

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'_,_. C §§*92.'?_ I15-. ,. - I ' -F --' -' *- '-"w- " -- ~ ~' -e------- - » - » -----~ -~ i1__.- .. -....i-1 ~.._ wr 92UD- -1.r.._i-_ _,__, .. ,1;; __,_____ +;__*_;-l~'__,, 46+... _* :,,_ h ""1' - ~- 1- - ~- ;:=-e,1~ ------I _ _ ,.! w 92-~ ' -1- 4 ;; ,,_...._. 'M-_ W _"'*13i1'1'se'irn?cili'svs' rebriiei-y;1£§fiL9ee . -. rel?'-.~.-7--5---~. *'_'-"-A:-"ii"?-.7een;..;--7".ir.-e-*"+_hli'§i¬etth:.-.:P;.t9;::;h<1-.. Q _ :41. 1:1-~r ------._.,.:_. 1..- 1 1" Ln» r, *:-"or. . 1-=1 YA!-Eaeone Dad.-ilng-Death In --1-1»-~ i<"*:*; Y » - TIT . - ,;- i»_-,po-f.4--_.4___._:'_e,..-__,:._ .-. -_-. - _, ;. w»'

Q 1 --1 ' '_ e; " . -_ ~ r r J--.=..e*.un~ l IA- - -1.1. $4 4-Iltlup-u-- .~ --.. l : _n ' 4. ; ;Q...". e 1 92 -.,.._-t 7 ___-W . '1 -. . . .-. 5.1--92 .~_-. .5 .,_ .,, ,. 1! "" _ 'UnleI-:'Ill!c'921eo. ' FRANCISCO. Rb. 12.--A1 l?Il>one. the: once _ "'Dem'§¢g;mg1i: ormo the bland , r and ted cock-TM.in Inre the Chic!-so f0U0IlT7%|.I "kin: mzmee oi crime. article,in _Alc.a.tras whti conic Prison through today is the runningrigid ecvwwu-E-ihrp of the mm grim in Thick -~' -- - - !.....*1..-i4w.8111: anci.,lco92.BQyJ , H Mr. Clog: ------C piete me time on the island before mt C;-Quw ,.. .q-e-------vfellow convicts carry out their ~ -threats t-0 kill him. !92l_|-_ Kqiwa-'55 .--- _ ? The real story of Al Capone on92 Zr Err.-vi .. H llicatraz Island, heretofore ward-1 . A " _ P21-_1r-vr'1 - _:r=~i _ai race by ofcial with eoth--a silence race and censor-in- re--. .-. 92. - i5h1D_ was obtained by Universal i- 54 '-|"1_-bi,,,_ 4 Service today. _ -. in Capone, in spite otofilelai - statements. is not just another __ _ _r_,_. __-_;a;.. -.1»: Hnumber" on Alcatraz. Prisoni Y-..__< _" :?t=¥"-T-=_'=,,-'-1-~ _ guards are pertormini tor him Z117 " "' M __i_-92 __. ... Lhow a service amazinziy similar . I m that oi his paid bod>i.iarls durin his Chicago heyday. e | -I LI IN DANGER l '.in92oJ ------~ . | rude ----- » --- 192.%thnston and other officials is i Jaotig much to keep ariswed on Alcatraz .4» .1 '-. ._;_'keep him alive! The formant, wrote: . ll ! U18 it were IOU 01' posewlfd Jamea 1. - Gonna: . Capone im- ix-. as it is to Louie 01006:: Ion-g v 92loos he let other: iotgeg C ',5-L H... Alcatraz in-92 hr: -..: ;.' »< q.. W 'Deiennve meuouree cl 1-,-1-.~ ible to get in his race with death away with it, Capone would tron. were described by never leave here alive. Al will riot. He naked: be fortunate it he ll alive ell . fin Clline otnldto lie: months alter leaving here. 9.-..92.":.ee 91-' .":-GB! ' "Capone was transferred from 92 the United states penitentiary I Combo ha-ll ¢I-pill wrap]: at Atlznk. Ga., to Alcatraron I-round Illa body from his he: Aunmt 19. 1934. He one not AL CAFOBLE suownva '1-ne ocuron ms cm-:1-zx to his stomnch. The flora transferred becauee he war llllill . wninniadeathlekneeeotobo .1. bi-ll men. but 92eece"_-.e he bribed the Illlrdl to bring him i Y one-lull Inch. That wge nearly nnxthin: he wanted. h 92 kw] Ilium from ltabbii

Capone on the iederai "Des Island" in threatened by de: not only because of gangland b $188. but also as o'i-esuit ol r prison . the intormnn <5 closed. He said: . Capone Ira! asked by HA . - ----I A-._% 1: 53"-=4-.-,-AP- 1; - ..;;,';'._;i;;é:;:¢::.";:..;..T;::-:i:;::;?§ ~--an-L-- .' 3'...J "3 ' -..- - '1 ' * iiié- -- --_--_,_.--__..._ " _.. __,~ .-_ - :=__':2.:r':_-:_-_-_:_|~r1:i---~f.-v-:-iu-:-._=:-v-~~'--~;-- '-:-;-.-.7.-i'-''"5_-.:7--'T-7'=3 :2: -1- f"l¢' :,'i--------_-7"' " ' --- -"*"? -'_-__ 7_~_-»--IITH-I-Ar----~ --41-...... ;..-|_,JE§vl .__g.__-" ._r.&- .'l_...... ',_:T_-,'._-,__T;_"I._._"j'.:'T .._92_!L W -' .__';_.;.__...;'2.:_.,,_'"" . - -_. _ - .-_..._.. "--'--""-.,_ -','¢T__ "Z;_j": ... ..-.é.;..;a.;.-4..-_ .--4;; I-...3|g.,_,_' ___ I ___'__fa _'_ _é'__"-'-m___r ____ - - -7: :::.....-- -- __'l|II"- -"' ' -Yj .:|;-.. ' '1'_ -¢:; __-' * -II} Li-c~__. ;_D-- xi 2;. _ ____ a-1.-. ___; ______'' .l__Jj _;"_ __ _ f ' __V;'f_ ___;'_____M--V ____ _ T ~ '__ 7- "1- 7" a_._..__ . _; -+ . -..__ -,.i;.*___ T: K -*; __ _ i i ___ - -' -15-

I-" . ._ . _ _ 7 -'- "ii yi- I -[email protected] ___,.,__1"" . -.. "_"#_i=== --- -..-_..-.---i...-92.-. .-.-:-.-u ..; .--===_.'__, - '_ __"___' ' J. *7 * _ 7* _ =- - -- _:__ 1--.~---_'-Q.-_.,_- . ,--__-_: -v--,--_.._ -~ ___;_ é: _ . _ * E i-'1'r:£.-2 ='.="_.':"=_I!-I_-5= _ In r<-an--_. _. --....:";:" - -.-.~~.- T, ._+ ; .___t,_.:..'iA,___ , ,_ __i _ H__r _ __ iii ;;_di "-" '1-i"w...... _ ." -"-'"~%".L- "1 _.~ 1 . _. .. -~..__ ...... 1__k__._ ... *_._ -....._. ___- ...... _..-_..- ...._..-..______, M . H _ _ ~»--~_:;'- - ---§.-Jumu-m..____.! . 'Ii"""""i".'r_;:: t'*I.".*é;-r.-l.;-_'-r:;-.f3i§:£"33'é __ l " Y~»;_--,_,»._ 11- "50:!-'...... ' 1*. .._L____ _ ' 1'. - __ 4. _ ->"3=r7..~- ~-é--~ ~33 -7 -4-l-' - - -'-"4 12 1936.;...__.l?§';Q...:.i...l:_'.,_' _'_3-d*Iru1g.;._____. Ir _____ - _ _....- . ' V;,. . -,~ - 7' :?'*92iIl. IQ. ~22:.-.. _-_,;';--g_..- '_ -_.-;._._-- .:*_:._._: .iu . . ._:_,_-,:;£.'_.T.J.92_,"____'=;_____: ____,_,_ ___., W-._.:_:.1-H... ,__ ' * - ~-4 1--92~r-1r - w 1., _- ' ¢.'. - Y -~;1u---..¢.,.4-.-.»..+.,._- . 92 _;. 1 - 5 F _ 1"-r Eh}: ...... ;c{'--._£_::~.; : ' in 5.-1-=;¬'5.. . =§":~-4-..';-sir".- »;_ .._ . - ' 1:.;;.,.:.. !- .%..~-:*'~._=..."::..-- ~ I 1 - 1%--.11.... ' .,. ,.- 4..--..H1 ' M-»~_" ¢ -an .- .1 - .=.~ _ _.. ._ '}6.:.£~'»l$h.' -i=.;.- >. 1'-J-..'92-.._ i,...- -~-."~._..',,..r:I;.. '* _ ___ " ;_ 1 __ __ Y 3! » _._._.'-"_:.'_::-_m -..-V.:.__..._; - -- .. . ._.- _.. '*~*~'~l---~-~-Wu-=11-=»M»;-3.»---~-§,..A...... 1_nn_.;.»...» .. ...F1 1_----4»-mi...... * '= _.-...z;,.,.,.:-___"- Eb;-.3--.-" "'h*"'"'Q1I-~I- 1* In-ha-n. LIZ 0-1-~ . . '- . K-i ,.. .._¢__,__~_'i' ~-- -- ll-' '.=. .'.-.-vi:-.§?.:_:"?_;.=' sa...-L'1'.-_',... L.AK: ..;£_' ...".m*'-vi-.-" * _.h_ .-_-é._.._. I.:.I _ ~ nib. . 7 _:.._ - _...-'-.-;.'...;..V._- I: 1. _-.1. g 1,. "'7-"1*'.G!-'35 -~- -A- ___.-W . ,

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--_ ' -ii-hr ~1-¢- =.. 92 --aw: .. :.~.,¢,j'_"»-1-i.-=,-.~:-.2. Vilml 0! d ___ ..-no $.71;-l mwwe In m mp when ' S°"° 3"" 3°"? IIBIMQ were '1.= L- m°'KB"¥*"lmugs» II! iinl. - ~ !".'. . ..,; :53 '1'?1°.Y!rlbvt.euumunum mt ip '.2: I 5 - Ca-P0l_1_e"l3'11e1ichmq3@|1p]gd92 ._ 1 - -_ - "i51.l"'1'wvntIr1évma"""b-lanmi ' I. it .. 1Il'1lJ1l'-IH'0provldgI. b1wabmt!n;tmtht:::1¢pa¢z:¥mime: wmm mp Z 5"? 9Yhl:YBD11J'Hi6dh-lldlh.th 1? 4; *,-- .,.,.f I W-. 3 I 4 _|' _92' < il- _'.-|-3;-'" "_~;;_;*:.-:.-_~ f -1: .;£" n Q1. " ¢ , _ o - l ff"; -'.¢ -.§.'.T_'.-S;-¢._- O - Q -1. .:;-.- 0-920 '~. ~ < 1: ~71-.-. l A. 4. . 7. "r._ 1.55 "'~.. ' . 4,' -. 1- , 92-1 - n. -. 1*- I 4 ' P r-."& "'J'-adns I

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-92 - .-¢,_..- -- . .¢¢--. v- - 1'4" 5 K . . ,l...... __._- _~__.. W,-._.. "V". ._'-J._ V sw- ._-__u. .-_. ._.¢- -Q----_.--Q » nt - 1---4, . " - -*:T_* ~ ie" ;<;-__,m "_""* .._...... _ ,_._._. . A '_:..,§Q.§'_-el.'I_¥l'i|.. TL. re * - "" *¬---i i Ti :""!P...r'3"¥'A' _-5" Jr" 4 ""I92. . .-. 7. 1-? t-- ' -I: . _... .._._._n..a-.. - ~- Existence 'in Y the sums; i - e '4 = {l'"".-¢751sf"533=I¢=i=§9Inem._i., "'7,LL. r- IVVIIQI..- 92 _ l _! -_~O! '- V ' I . .'.H: §:=_ .92_ _ I I!;;an_____.. .- 1- world, protccted' ' _ by alert . 4- Ja- , .1. '; ., In. well-paid gunmen, is one QMr. 1 ,-._! in .5.':':!b9.:;*:; - "Ins-~ .. Q . -__;__ >._ th.i.1!.ll-.. ..'.,...§. -.7, Y :11. ---- _.. __ . _ . i '_lnsi<_le stony Alcatraz M - .1 '-'i.*=.i=I¢@I-'%i5.l"'- IfM--Y1E;-dz ...... 0 ~-_- - - - GIm'Kelly,'sls_o._H_arvey_ 1-as _Prison, fall tlmsiin the *1 -I'_.-. ,...._..___- . ml. =5 _ _, _.. - Bailey and Albert lk t ,. . hands of Al _Ca- _:.:;. F .Lee1Ir ------. *9 pone nds life more'coni- associated with Kelly Q

l.__.,....-_.q'_.;-;_._.rc_--.-'-,_,__.._ ,7 .._. Pliastsd» .'!9T9!!1.!d¢!11-J-Z kidnaping Charles. IP- he is, by desperadoes'1at- gehel, oil millionaire. '_-;.%A ... ;§1- or are not 1:1: zunmenior r; Q , l-. '1"~r:cy...-__. .- killers, ,_ __ _ 4 Al Capone, however, h . 4-- i usually ableto take care -92-Q.2 Cilia! ------¢'92"-'"1"'_"" After 1 prison mutiny, ------F of himself, outside of Fed- _.. - .,_,=u., a hundred convicts were eral with .; locked up insolitary con- - -_ .-According to legend'- 92 finement, pn bread and aI6.'b.efore"the w¢r

There has never been any suspicion that Al Ca- pone had anything to do with it, but some of those Alcatraz "insiders," using the unpleasant word i It-5'? Ylln $15.3? iliifihi» rat," might learn that _ 1. l kpickini on Capone is not! Jr.- - 4» 1 -_- L ii» - , :-:f_v,-_ '___f¥__,__ H "W I _ -..'* '5 i -5 ___ _ _ _-'-' ___ '5;--'2? 3 <1,-_-__ j_"____ _ mi _~» _ _;_~*~'--' - - W _ ;H;____ ' __: __i;_'_*'_;'__._...... ;2---_.--e_ ,__ - ,,:§___ __;»;-_'_-1; .i?_'...... _.__:_...__:...*_.".:._Zy."_-f '__;__ . _ 92-¢ _ In-c.._...--us.-..._. ___. .. ~ n -________: V _ H ______._a,__,;_;__ v. . .. ___~.._:i lI'l'l||;-'-.- : .-.a5.-a-n-..-n._.- V .--¢_--,__ar5-»--4554'---_ g .. »-we '__-___-_;i: :~_ 7* _ _7__ _7 7 W; ___ r -F ______Mrnfij M =2...-_ _: ______,_ _ , _ ,_ E , -- !4.____'_i_.;:_A+ng_i¢J T; *1 _-w - _ . ; - - __tT*i" T - --~- __ _ _. £;_=_ =5=.1:1n§lI'R1iiIsn _ _ ?'=--i'=3*="-"I: 'i%"" -7_'?~'i ~-*-= , " _ u_ - '5' ' 7 1'_-M '' _"'_ >:t' *7:;_-{$7"=l '_l"_ " q-H - -- -1- a-zxzi ' q -- ___ _. ...-___. __ _. .,,_.,..- .,,':_-_-'1

,,-, _ --" .. . - -_;._'__ - _ _ Pen '-1-~-?_*:*:'.. _-"4,-3 - - ¢- 1 I hi, '-' e 3- .-. . - __ .. we-'T1 1'" J *4 _ ., ..I__q>1;.,_-- -...;;:__.;__.._.-,- _, ' Mr. 'l"nlnm92,,_ -~1~1;/*,,____ i-..- ;,.,E=!i=t@n<=s is ¥*_.1.=...9?*i¢ Mr. Bushman ...... ~"Ir91'11.1- . Pr0t@¢.i=.¢

La-I90-A _.,. _92 .-1J" I-é 5-1-.. t ks 92 __ _ ;______i__f., , _ __ ,_ .,_,__7._.. ,.__.,__._ _ --_ -- WI-._ '_;;;-V71 aw tr ___W_,____,_, -'-* s " ' "' ' :--- ~<- ' 1- -~F- - : '" 3~»l-T3-"4?-1'--"»5-';.'.»_f,".i: W '' - - - ' - - A -' --_- At... 5" ;;i E:§?§~§7-1__. __ 4:*:':-*---7_f-="~--~'* -Z1;-"' _._* _""_._,"2_T_...-:_.*___*:_*._...Q __FI1-!I- _~n=--1;-. _j_' , -_*~*;,a- _ _. ,, , _._"". ______- lI*'7"Z1E"':"j" I . , '- -*1-'-92*--H t ----- _ 4811--I---R- _ _ ~ @4I _.4d, ,,-4I -1.-~-'-4 :.'_:';"_'Z'"i'--_._-:r_"--fr--51-i------nun...... -1:-_'._ ..n ... _._.s. __-_- __-.- ,1 "P _ --- -_ a , *%"'@**T. e e _,_ _.____:_ ,_T¢_;-K _,_;__ _ __-t1 ,__Y_ 1" __ ;;_: ____"T*-Z , ,__ ___ q,_-_ Jr-;;s__:" i . _7'1; '7..';|r,"__".AIT _-1; _;..-3I- -1qt-.-,,'t.up- -IT!-. .--_...... :|-~~._-__.,,-,., _=_,,._,,- ra _ ____ . .H___ ,*_ _.- fw ___'f I _::l"l' - ~l|92

wig:--_ ~ -_ - , 7 :,=-=-=F. __ --_-- -FY, :; 1'. __, _ _,, __. if ' ;- I 3': ui-,4-we I

92'L';. vii Tu]-|,|]______Nntliil. _ l rlhsgs is.---.-1 1» .- I Chief '1-'11 Clerk fhmnn t.---.___.._,,_. ' -Q,-....__. SUSPECT c W... C1ev:.=., ""*f'c_:'n....,.._. CAPONE I ?~d~.v;'w'l_'__ 4__, T-¢'.1..; _, , 4' I"-1'-rwm--.»..._,,_ ;if"._-' ' _ "=s1u|f' F'R.A1i¬TSi'Jf!, st.-§Tl Cc.-1-9 Ll---._...'-Z"-3- . faced with sullen mutiny from lev- ,-=;'.£- erel herd-boiled prisoners, officials 1 I-'t-______0! Alcatraz Prison yesterday r _ . -I _. . 2, turned their investigation towards l the possibility thst "Scarface Al :1 ...... _,j Capone may have inspired the re- l " -. .1 volt of Jan. 20 with the idea of -1-qee-| deliberately double-crossing the othels in the hope he might be transferred to some other less for- C~1rh ...... " midable institution for his own =='-fa-3% lt may he for this reason--thE fact that he had dol1bIecr0ss6,| themssy certain officials, th t X-*4 - the erstwhile vice baronoi C11: 4 ¢__ 1* csgo is accredited with ratting, gcompsnied e. . - by threats against his Ever s master strategist, Cs- pcne is not considered by under- A world associates and fellow-prisom ;e'§?';_' -I l er! to be shove such a clever move .'.i;~._-J st their expense. Meanwhile, the ve alleged ringlesders of the shortive revolt ere still reported in solitary con- finement, although Warden James A.- Johnston declared that none was in s dungeon or on s bread and water diet. The revolt, nurtured through -'i#.EA,w_ , months oi silent brooding within ~ .-_.-gas .-at' the grim edifice in San Francisco '---. . harbor, sprouted into mutiny after the desth of Jack Allen, s convict .;._-- known ss s "work dodger." {Allen ¢'o»*f-_" 1 _ often pleaded illness as an excuse H. to otheriroid prison toil shops. if: the laundry , Ini d - Tgpi :1:

.|.,. id,-. r.

s z .1. __,_ ___ " ' _ **_'._-, K L :7'_:""ff; _' '*_-_*-** * 4 ~ ' - -- ---..A 1-. I-_-'.._L___ e- ---_ __. _ . ....-____i'.'...._'?.'. '. I ' ._" .1 ' --,'_ -:_": V '39-15' T i _ ,_ _ .__-_-._..___ . _ __:_.___ ;______* ______i ,

+e ~--- ---a- ___e,___ ;_T _7~ T777 -._ 7_,_ _A ' __ _ _ ii A - :-

92 . -92 Fl; 41% Mr, N "P. 'l"0l !._,i* :'-.;»r !*".r'92 :l.C 1.5+;-Una: on A Joifr. P I were , that am UIUioneioulddlmiokeepthecorfor Itwo days while the entire city wall combed for I-lcGurn's SIIYCYS, and lHiU51then boldly drive it to the spot at which it was lei't._ Investigators had been informed STEHYthat Mr:Gi:.m and his two corn- 9;. . panions drove in the car to the] fr i Avenue Recreation Parlor, B05 .."'~¢ I-W--, is Newspaper Cl..-__, .... 0-,-L Mentioning-0 n_._ Milwauku _ av., _ in which _ he _ was,_ " "'"='=M '1" 95 '-" bdlislain at 12:55 a. m. SI!-l.1l'R3f.' el-'2; -- ;. ;">..L _ Frank Nitii and PrignanoThey believed that the slayers; J had used it to ee alter the Picture on Page 4.! murder. i F011?-Bikht hours after "Ma- They assumed that whoever] Y--L .. ghine Gun Jack Mctium was shotabandoned it would not have -Ind killed, his automobile, missing idrlven it far, and searched the Liince his murder, was driven to| immediate neighborhood in an cf Tort to find where it was kepte H1: you I1» at nun ln on. -+ Juan use A1151; mi»!-.+nu ..-..-I-at-.--.'n-|.|§11]- Only one fingerprint was found 11011941 by B mysterious man, wh1'.--,on it, showing that great care fled in a second auto. Thad been used to avoid detection. | That act brought new mystery CAPONE COUNCIL TOLD. ' to police who have sought to ; It was the second time that, Pierce the wall of gangland silence rthe name of Nitti had appeared and find a motive for the slaying. in the investigation durinl mé iday. Police had been told elriieri For, on the rear seat of the car, that McGurn, fearing a plot to~ was Iound I newspaper dated De. skill him, had appealed to a coun- E r"rnher 30 and bearing the head- cil oi the Capone gang in . line: for protection and had been de- nied aid. Included in that coun- Frank Nitti hunted in Prig- cil, the police were told, were nano Slaying," Nitti, and Jake Police recalled that Fran}; Guzik, only recently released from TheEnforcer"! Nitti_ once pow-prison. _ ' r erful lieutenant ol Al Capone WIDOVV THREATENED. d McGurn had been bitter ene Meanwhile, Mrs. Louise Rolfe Kies, and that McGurn and Stat:I/£cGurn, his widow. was protected liiepresentatlve A. J. Prignano ha d against reported threats agaimt her lite, apparently designed to iieen memoir. keep he: from ta.lkinZ-" Pliit l dignbted that McCi-urn had cog- 'l'.,lded r iy secrets to her and re- 1garded the threat as misdirected.

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1 92 .°_-_1=.-.~:; .92 ; F. 92 ..r. '1l~'vlI...... --- -'Hm <- "Hill ,,.... .. Fl--rk ...,.... '-._ n' '.'.'i~'-1:...... - I I ER PRINT - .. Q --Z-v ____,,... FIIIINII IJIIIIRIIN Q InE1-»uiI...... I ~ M I ll,-ml!-,,,_... Ute automobile in which Ma- I ehinegun Jack McGurn rode to , .r;. 1, bu his date with death was in the If Jwerpll-. ,..-- hands of baffled police today . '. .-il.t|...... ---I-. and a single finger print, found -'. -1l92II'----.----- on the door, was being scruti- -- _.__-- ' .4 ..- ~~ J-e ------v__ __ _ Vs-e.u_.-..¬x'_.-:.,.,--- _.._,' --_,?.._..__.,_,.-- 77+ --.1---:;_ -- _"i_** ________------_._ 0-in "M ' '"'7 " P--_ _ ;i;_.l_. I-__ ._ _._._ ._._ .'_W ~-- ' ff. .;. ._.' _. -_. _.- -.e._. -- - ------ -- ti-- W ..._.__.___ _ _ - _-----_--» -W --- -- ._ _ . . ___ ..A... _ _ _ _ _ - - - iv -- - __ .__ ' -.-- J " we-4... _._ __ ,e _ _ _ . _ if 7_ . ...1 - - " 7'~ -- ' ' ' . '1'._ : - i _'_ ___ __ -- .__._i1 I_

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n fl 'I'I92 HI U li la lil: *~92

9292_ » ISF

_ _ Left in Street by Gang,


. 92.-._ . . t . Us, 92 -. . 92 ' 92

" Tr 0 '-nu. Orders Bowlers Questioned. I .2. Capt. MartinE. Mullen Jr. orderei -4 yesterday that all persons known a regular patrons of Aiolsio'sbe quesl 92 -..'~'-"?'."I tinned, anddetectives the of Racini an ivclliu..__ _amiuu -0 H "QQQ viva:I-.--u wists; oclasuu----Ah -92lll i for these bowlers. There was no change in the police .- theory that McGurn was slain prob- '4 ably by a man whom he regarded as a friend. Only such a person, accord- IL ing to investigators, could have come up behind him when he was at play. ' P Possibly, it was said, several men, in- cluding two who entered the bowling -as-. place with him, were In the murder Q plot. It was viewed as a "gang purge to rid the Caponeites of a man who, at 32 years, had outlived his underworld l :... . |.'_'"=.. l usetulness. »-- ,¢ , The automobile of Machine Gun Funeral Pomp to Be Missing. Jack McGurn, which had been sought The pomp and circumstance that by the police since the notorious marked the funerals oi gangsters in ll {gangster was slain early Saturday inn the days when Al Capone was grea; L _= ll. bowlingalley at 805 ll-lIilwaukeei'llwill be missing tomorrowwhen Mo- - . +e...a. .1 We ._._ -1-E éi... ~-'*-'- . V " ___' J-3.-__.; -- -ii-92Ip " 1- -so .~;:r *4-~w ---- _= -~ '1L ~ _ . - _ ___,__,___.._-. »-- - u-.._ _ ,;_ .__i ____. -,-T- .- -----__.- -- V ---- - _- __ ._- _ -_, .. __ ._ "1 " '_:..:__::--_ 'I-"- _.._ H r¬_- .17" - - -We-.,_e_- .- - -.. A ., _,__,_. _.___... f._r_ _... __ .s.. ___.J.-.._...____-.-_"_':,____- 1.1 * -i -AI "".-J; .1 ._ _ . -1'»-#'"'-QQEF-_;.;'--"-1'1-1""? -.. __ . . . __ --.-----w->- -- - .- --__ - -r -r 1:22;. ..___;-2"

;- 7 -i-7:-*:~:-::-4 _ -:--1-.-: - _._....-_e I_..__ ._._-- -

___._._._- »Car

_ _~ 1 - 4 =* .-..a.- it EURNKIUINB

...... -3 - > Found Abandoned 48

Q Hours After" Shooting. -T? ' 92= - 5 I v


r. I fl 92 I/ ix



J, ' 1;--s. P /~ /Mi , __, . _ '92. . , 7 _ ..-_ 7 ., ---- -Zr -- - " ---- -~I-..._, gr-~' - -7-'7 '~ ---- ' 7 ._ -' --- __ __ ~._.._ A2 ___ ,,_.+_

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92 . ,_, 92_

. . ..-.92,1 .. - .--Q ll. 9292 I -

V-92 FLEES THREATS,L ;McGurn Widow M 52$? G083 'I1ltO Hiding - PROBE; _/0/ ' 92 -'1. .~ .. / ?"1,..t:Ls

./ '92 X


92LOUISE K McG-URN, VVIDSQNETD BUL TS . BY GANGLAND I '1 2 I utified at Inquest Into Auauil-|1rt:'on of Machine Gun ' J 1-ch ~ ::'.':':-..';.:.:::::.:-;:::::.¢ '1? * - --i i - ~ s-e_----""*"':r."". -__.: 1, 7 ; W ._ '1-ls-~ e'+'~-*= -Y"--as *-w_-,."_;" _ -6-sf; I ..g _" ._...a.tr..e..._.._i...-_..____.i...__ _. _::___ _L; ______. " " I

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_ _.. _ k ._ _ .__- _ _,__._-_m. Z''.;"' c. T 'f'*" 92 _ ,

Bl6nde- Alibi Fears Death Mob;

7- L310 [O YIOCKS - i I CHICAGO, Feb. 16 US!.-As the underworld waited terisely today to learnif the assassination of Machine Gun?i J a-k McGurn would touch off another of Chicago a deadly gang; wai , threats against her lite were!» W . -' 92 msrkeriouslw conveyed to Mc-the old Capone gang had been Gm-ns widow. his blonde alibi" in withdrawn from him; C the St. VaIentines Dal! B11551"?! Pleaeled for Hie Lilo seven years ago. E 1.-:er£ul~me t-_h_re-at-s be Detectives heard in "!rapevi_rie" 5 reD0!'Ls that McGurn llteralli executed. Perhaps BY 0115 P! T3" pleaded for his life at a recent" same three men who shot McGurn meeting of several of Capone's ___i.. to!death in 1 b0wlln8 alley earls high-ranking hoodlum-racketeers yesterday. Mrs. M00-urn went into in Miami. Fla. The answer was: hiding, taking with her a 12-31811!-Thumbs down. . As the police got the story. Me-i old daughter by an earlier mar- Gum, who handled a go]! stick as} riage. adroitly as he did a machine gun, How many secrets of the old A1 went to Miami not only to indulge gamma gang, 0! which he was in the his favorite game. but to see Frank Nitti, "enforcer" in the "chiet executioner," McGurn con- Capone mob. , IIIQBG ~=-- * Ill ~=- I113 -"lie W - authorities do Instead of seeing iiitti alone. lnot know. Nor do they know if however, McGurn was brought be- fore a "committee" which dis- l his widow. the former Louise Rolfe,played none of the genial cams-, J is aware of the identity oi enemies raderie which had marked their who might have put him "013 U18relations in the rum-running pro- spot" as he was about to ensage hibition days. in a bowlinz Sim! with tw° friends yaterday. AI: B:-other at Talk Under Police Protection i From that date McGurn lived in constant fear of death. 'gut on the possibility she may Among members oi the "com- be able to furnish a lead to the mittee," it was said. we're Jake .a_5555511'15, police took immediatefduziir, formerly high in the councils or the Capone syndicate steps to protect her. and now just out or prison; Ralph ; Threats that she might meet the Capone, Al's singing brother; Willie same fate as her killer husband Heeney. a "utility man" in the were taken by investigators to in- Blmdicate. .amL_Cnar1es__'_'_Luckrl Luciano, czar oi the __Unione_ "3-- :dicate those respnslble 1°! "9 Sicllianl, " assassination were considerin th! "They were there ior business. same pOS5ibilltYt1ll.l'. the bl0I'1i-I6and McGurn was not welcome. Louise might talk. One reason was that among his former friends he was regarded as Tonight the police were without having lost most of his usefulness a hovafel <=.1u=- '1ih=i.w=is ":.E!P°.2-this in spite of the fact that he in the Gal! 85 LO HIE ltluty 01 is credited with machine-gunning . .+ ithe killers as they were as to the the seven Bugs Moran gang- imotive for "zhe crime. ' sters to death seven years ago and i" Police tocay said McGurn had as ellectiveiy "rubbing out" many ._-_s_ ..- [been in frantic fear of death for other Capone rivals. some weeks. and had been told the protection of the remnants or Plan Loan Shari Ring 1 The business before the coin- imittee, the police say, was for- 'matlon oi a Chicago branch of the big loan shark racket which a1-._ ready had prdved highly profitable / ilin . i _.. ; F _[ a. ll.- ;_..~/i92__. - W ...---- 'r --- . ¢- -__._. ~_;..;,,.-L '__,,,.._.-H'. _'_"_._.__' -~--.-E-_;__ "l*'_:'-4 "_:_r:- -A __ _ Y ._i_ -- 7 --- -_+. _ _ ~.______. ______"I - * _*" ""j"_-i" "1 __' _..',~_92-_--=1 -":7T_ _ f-f -_-_'._-;-__:-;-tzzji--*I'* --_- - - a . I 1" ..."...... ' - ' P "" ~'__ __~,-__ * '~ __ 'IIQ_ ~~ - - ~ e t-, E! 1'":_ :'":-=1-""2 .,_ N,.. _ _ ._ _ - ~ - if '»r - -7 -__ - E we .. A _ . __.-.. -._____. +_.___,.,__ --._ _m.-...... _ _ . _ - . ._._.. 1... .

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."_'-4' 1 . /' , if I 4.... i . 92 I a A HNGERPRINT r l CHICAGO, Feb.1'1 I.N.B.!¢-A_ /' 1 lone neernrint. found on the: abandoned automobile of "Ma- i eliine Gun Jar M':G!L'!'..wu the - only definite clue to his asst:-Sine»-' 1. 4--._..-...._ tion in police possaslon today. .' Police admitted as much as they - revealed the automobile of the . I one-time chic! executioner for Al L Capone was recovered last evening 92- 3 after being abandoned on a North § side residential street. "a 1 mobileWitneseea was parked police by a lone auto-E man toldthe who fled in e second car, Car Kept Two Dan Police marveled at the audacity i of the man or men who had kept 1" K the car for two days while the city wasbeing combed for clues to the murder of the golfing me- 1 chinegunner. l. Mcurn had-driven the auto- r ,mobile to the Northwest Side 92 bowling alley where he was slain by three men early Saturday. Adding to the mystery of the slaying was the discovery in the automobile of a newspaper dated December 38, and bearing the headline: I Frank Nitti hunted In PHI- nano slaying. Police recalled that Frank, "The Enforcer Nitti, once a powerful i Capone chieftain, and Mctium were bitter enemies, while Mc- Gum and Prlgnano had been ti friendly. Hiding Place Sought .1 ' ' » Assuming that whoever aban- 1;._..___.__= d0ned_th¢ automobile would not 1,.i;.-: >- -. . 92 X have dared drive it far, police be- gan a systematic search of the im- mediate neighborhood where it t was found in an effort to discover . where it had been hidden. ' I McGurn's blondealibi, under '~ policeguard following mysterious I threats on her life, prepared to bury him tomorrow without the ostentation formerly accorded pub lic enemies, while police and the underworld waited tensely today, for reprisels. Police investigation today cent- ered on tha.mund.l.u1 of some 20 i ___'-rs, -is .__ ~~ --ee -Iv-....._ -4» __ --q..;-- - ._. ~ _- .-n--! " ___ -_ ____,__ ___, __ _, _~ _~l_r--..~__ _Ls;,..F..I_"f.-2; ""'":r.;".lIw:_k. -- -- @ _ " F-'9" j:- "*':*;":'." - " ***"""'."'§'..-"".'."t'"'"'-"' ..*;"i;:'.' _ . *-T 1 ,- s * _ ~ _ _ _F -¢_--.-_ C "_.. _ "fa -.-...T1... ;_ " it

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' P s.-.. Q i

1, " -_._ ':' _-.:._ ;_. . if ':;; ..:_,. "._.:_;:; _ _. . . ':*..__ . i _ 1, --4--.---¢ 4;-__ .r I S dashed in. Saturday in, fired when several three volleyme , i UISEO . 1 ABANDDNED. Twenty patrons were bow i Vanishes, but Friends pinyin: pool or loitering in 92 venue Recreation Parlors at 'n Tel! of Drinking Trip KEYS CLUES '92 _._.C'l_..!.__. ll..- -Au'l'o Qininn :92'l' qrnnn: and ed. ~ on slaying W I , ¬'92Y'|¥Il Kl {Silk 92_'__q..- ~.., - ..._ _. i ERIEND8 SUSPECTED. '1 '6 ii Two friends who had come with Plr. .92'n.'..a-- t / Police were told today that " of Slaying, Left i HcGurn iiiteen minuta oeiore -IL! I ,, Louise Rolie "Blond Alibi"! also disappeared. Evidently the I . on West Side "kids" had put Jack on the w McGurn .._.....:| _.l 4...__._... was making h__I_ I 1-5-4. lP0t- . / I I'U'l..ll1l.I. U1 LIVCIIIH U31-fly uo- l£oGurns ear vanimed Iran in .4. I P. A" urday while her husband, Gum was there? AShe he!front or the place. _.§.!.°'..".=!...P£'°£°. WNW "* n _ _ . Machine Gun Jack, was was not there. _ I mine I'I.l.l.llI.liII llfslliss, 35, if iii L-'1 being murdered. 5 Q-When Marjorie came back did she say where she went with W. in Sixty-ninth the Cushrnan place. Motor a watchmanlDelivery |_ a.4'|. Their was Miss Mary Company, 315 N. Ada st.. heard Lo-die? AShe and she Mr 71.?-» 'ic1-rinson, I9, oi 195 1:. Chestnut an automobile door slam. %., who made her statementa couple of restaurants or taverns FLEE8 IN SECOND CAB. H- A '3,-L . F i1-1'4 leaving He looked anew out coupe mo and sawagemngi men into a dark sedan, which was then driven north at a high speed} vir.| The abandoned coupe was Mc- Gurns. There were rive keys in the car. one was in the switch i ith -11 . ogier, lock on on the s chain steering with post. three Ane-ad M . -. < iav. iupt.station. Martin Mullen I-ii Rililug . YR W3 at bout 1:30 in m_ BUT,d ion!-1 lie!/B. was in the shii urday that McGurn, the dappvtlctk. i erstwhile Capone lieutenant. wt Mr The girl had come voluntarily -Beret. Kyran Phelan said oni. 1 with Detectives James Dorsey and _kllled in a bowling alley at 885 o" the three keys is a door ke" M!. Trlly .. . Milwaukee av. William Du Bois, who were trac- ui the McGurn home at 1224 ii. 'i.i.= Gancb ______,_ ing a reported phone call from GIRL CHANGES STORY. Kenworth sin. Oak Perk, He ;Mary's room Saturday morning i st first Miss Dickinson deniedcould not identiiy the others, but one was said to resemble the type lin which Mary's roommate, Mar- , she knew whether Miss Swift knew ibouise McGm'n, but changed her usually issued ior sate deposit jorie Swift. 19. was reported to story after her sister. Elizabeth vaults. -have said: ,Dicitinson, 26, told police Marjorie A search was to be mad; 19;- "They got him after he was had spoken of meeting Louise. such a vault. --H lh is-92cnn,nHAn ~l-"'92'lIl92I-ll-us n-I {La use uat, a_.._ _.Le_a_wnlcn sent to the bowling alley." The Dickinson girls are daugh- ters or Mrs. Dorothy Dickinson, had been kept inside since its dis- FRIEND OF LOUISE. iwho lives at the Seneca Hotel, appearance, revealed a lone n- . Miss Dickinson denied knowl- 200 E. Chestnut st. Only Mary Kerprint. -edge oi such s call. but said her came to the station. PRIGNANO DEATH STORY. _ roommate, Miss Swift, was ac- , SEEK T0 TRACE KEYS. quainted with Mrs. McGurn and On the ledge back or the seat: I While this angle oi the case was1!! the sansster's automobile was Z had gone out to meet her after a phone call Friday afternoon. ;being investigated, police sought e. or Dec. 30. Q-Did you ever see Marjorie ,to trace keys round in his auto- The headline read: Nitti Hunted Swift with McGurns wife? A- mobile. which was leit last night in Prignano Killing." on a West Side street. The former is Prank "The ;No. l an-_rs..-...I.. |....s-. 1-.. 4- - A 'QAiter McGurn was shot did l s92r.u..92.Iu.u.|.a uuargr any an I Q1, IN Enforcer"! Nitti, now ruler oi the she say anything to you about it? copper-colored" casket and Louise Capone interests, and the latter A-No, she just said she was keep- made arrangements ior the burial was state Representative Albert J. ing up with it in the newspapers. itomorrow morning. Prlznsno. who was shot to death QWhat time did Marjorie ilnvestlgators said that perhaps at his doorstep in a simulated get home Friday night? A--About holdup shortly after Christmas. I 2:30 a. m. Saturday. . tiJcGurn's name was not men. JACK NOT PRESENT. !oifie or two oi the keys found in ti ned in the Prignano mung QDicl she say where she had rtlie automobile t aLsecret safety The two men were friendly. * been? A-She said she went to gposit vault. which may yieio. a party and left the rest of then}to luable McGurn's iniormation most recent pertainingdeal-i there. - ings. ?'-""'_ ~"-i-...-.:|=. " g " ___ -::'-'"-..:.3;;-_;---- _;_»- if &iI*,.--_.u * .1 , ~ __ - 1.---. - ~._ l ¥.i._._,_ _ _ - _ --_ ..-,~- r . _V .__._____, ____ :. 7_ -__i,:r,._.. _la: =~1r~. ..=-. .'92_7 I I -In V 1"-"!'._'#*'~'===-- -=1; a;-4: '-i. - '"'' -?fl'-1L "' .e "--. J ~'--T.. -e --1'- ti --'--. _, -..-e .._, - H __ --- _AA._._.;_. '£v#I-new--:_'£. p- -- lune» H. ..; __., -av .', -' -H" ._ N.» - ~ ' ,. . G. rmn _ %.__.,. -~ ea =_e.=ia:-_:_:I!z!1ube.eeo-1- ... .-..""--7--' -T-:11. .--' -- -__ a ;:==-A..=~ 7' l " ' ' '1»- _ '__-'_'__ ._1:::'i_'.T -m cftii '. _p """'-"L-*3-I-In _ _,-I92eae-en? _ _,q_.~;,,| y ' l'_li'§: _"'}Z-A:§"",Z_"" ""'='_, _%':_§1'-_:'_;;_:;;

E -.7.- Ja ~"";" - "*' J --hV-w-*-w_-- -'._ _-.-_'_.,_ .~______G ""-"yo. w'liaur'-"Three-F-veeredll E-_ 4;" E_; - _: 1'T-'" " " i";:-*= e ___cr - ' "'-'= - _ W F - '" "-v;'=..-H leek . Wh|ie::::-_ .:."1::1 H ;°P|,|:qm,-' ~ " - ---l ___- ,_ n£¬d_9:_.r ._ 4% -~- - c I. . »-_ --....__,,__ _ , ,,,,__""7'"1%'7i7'-'7:-" hp _ - r.W7 - r i - V an I -e e. "'__ Direciu" _ . ___ -77C . ;__ _-:-______k ______n _-2 V -Q " AV - - .92 v __ RIlPl'I*¢¢P°"0_ *'~~ *:-1» Jigbave Emrnen -7-_---.-. M __._ _ Jack Heinan E 1 1 . " see boardoi direcfon] * and their gangs of Franceeee Uala[Frank Ya [owner oiPaddeci inn] ~ a _ _ 4 learnefer-5'racia- union NCN ' turn-runningc manager l Lawrence "-Dago" Man- ori lo Chicago irucl: gim ._ . I . . 1._ Erani "Wes? iiide Erani:ie"r Same: " Fur" iarnrnons ...... , __, Pope hrofheland gambling Formerly withereef side Jimmy Mend '. house owner] . [Cicero diwlelreeperj. O'Donnell gang] Claude Maddox{Johnnyl " Billygoai" Taglio weed of"Circus" Hyrnie "Loud Mouth"Levine Fred Riee ' |[plumbere'_racl:- union e si- Norih avenue eieer] ._ _ _ and hearoij, and iii " Mike de Pike" Heiiler Peie Penevich Murray Humphrey: ~ 4- mill: driversunion reek-. Al Lamheri Sam "LiHle New York _ Joe"Peppi Genera" Annerenol eieer pagna [booze husfler a A Leander, _ Te Frenlr SullivanV 1%-="i%e "_"'- Y |.lee92 sireei sweepersunion nib! _ __ reclefeer] ' Ralph Gilleiie _ Assisiani managers, - croupiers. head waiiers, William Cliilord Frank Diamond Jalre Adler , I. waiters,ch ofs, pen+rY- " Golf Bag Sern" Hm [headmanager of sll rnen. if a i n_e ri.siab-e er-in-law of Capone Jeclr Zuia ' boys. veierinariee,danc- Johnny Began ibroihel keeper,siool pigeon, e r s, singers, vraichers, Riple§ guard] ireacherous adviser lo norih bouncers, eic. and oihere side gangs] Tony Lombardo {see Boardoi Direcio 1 Marcus "Siuiiy" Looney vicemonger| Thischar} represenis ihe Caponeorganizaiion and ifsprincipal conneciions many ofThem Pasquale Lolordo l Jacl: Guzilt lfLornl:ardo's successi 1 [see Boardoi Direc+ors_] iemporary] duringii: heyday: from Senior Pariner Torrie:reiiremeni eariyin W25 uniii "T::'.:gl'!" Capezi Teny - l Rocco Fenelli[procurer] releniless publiciiybrolze ifup in l93l. 92 Ii is as accureie as all available informaiionfrom l Prosiifuies, panders. dancers. Breaiery operaiors,disl eralors. saloonlzeepe police andofher invesiigaforscan malrell. ers, waichers, colle-: l aingers, rnanagers, walchers. ' a bouncers, etc. |______a_ 1 ___ *1 | raqenien, spies, e-c. L __ * *7 1% __ _ ' 7" _ " 7 ' "* * W _ i * ii *' Wii i * ,4 '*'i ' '71 ii 7 i " _ THESE MENARE MOSTLYGUNMEN. BUTMANY WEREIN THE BOCTLEG l.lC!U¬!REUSii~ l l Tony Accerdo "r Derninicl Brencaio Rocco DeGra:ia [driver] Jacl Heinan 1 James Adduci [William Pion} Ralph Buglio Nici DeGre'|:io Murray Humphrey: Sylvesier Agoglia P. C. "Denver Blaclia" Burchar» Tany DeGra1ie "Golf Beg Sam" Hui Nicl Juflra l Samuel Ale: Fred Burhe [Killer from Si. Louis, Roleari OeGra:io Bari Delaney hrlariy Kane 1- l Hiie Allegreilq Mile Bulara Johnny "Genera" Annereno John Capone l Arihur. Colby] Franlr Denice Julian "Pardon" Kaufman Augusf "Genera" Annereno Mallhew Capbalarm Rocco Fachelii [File-.heHi] Tom Kerwin Theodore "The Greek" Anion Charlie Carr Rocco Fanelli Henry Kimrnel Philip Kimrnel . Tony Arano Sanlo Cellehron Fred Farley John Arrnbnde Louis Clernenli Carl Fonlana . . . Lipschulh [garageoe'ne'l Dcmlnicl: Biil William Cliiierd Em!!! Feniane Frank Mangane Louis Bario [Valerie] Charlie Coaiello Jarrrel Forsylh ]FevrceH'] Sam Marcus, [bodyguard] Bill Marihell Bobby Barlon lGu1l92'a cheuliilur]Michael Cosielle "Big Earl" Fraher Rocco Beleaaira Samuel Coalallo J0$lpl92 Glimcb|"LiHle Tim Murphy"! Louis Maasesaa[Sieve $¢lllI'°' Franl:_ _ 9 e l BicvlParr l bodyguard] _ Tony Curingione [To rnRon] Joe Guinia l-lune] Phil D'Andrea[bodyguard] Sarn Guzik Roleerl McCullough will: Biofl Henry ppladin T E L . _' _-5.1"!" ;~ A _ vi - T ' Fl i £3 ":§z;ra;: _,_F:__. 1, ,,,,¥

"I-=In_..hm-have 1' 7-''1 ' =1"--5-F' ~T c-1 7' .2:" "Y _1 - - '_ "' ..I... --- .-'-- +;=;Jg' . -' '1-"-'-E -- . - __ 51-'-1 -Q. __ '__ -;'"~'f§;__ '»=::-_-e=' - ~~__-_-;--~ _.-§;*=. *- __ __ _]F_L__v A__ Q - ______*#______y _ _ __*n"$'=~_:!_;;._'I..Z...;? ..l....___-..,,.,,.--:_V __--.-----"'______-I _ _~ »-_ --r-'I-'-L; -' - __A _ ' J... _ _._ . .:-,4, . 5 __;. --...__ -- -- .an_:i-a_A_na - - - - - ~' ' **t.4"" " - - - _..._ _.....c_.-...-______lI1II_ ,______A______4-. .__...._k______._, ...-.u.--..s___L.. L. ~ *"--""-"_.___._____""'f'1 "'1" V - _ ...... mar "-?"?'-..':"-Z_"-..-..-"-T-'LT-'~i'-----_ -_ -"-- H .7 . _ "'-" --"- ~. V ._"_' . .11. ' " " j.__ ..j-L "J-"-" __ . _ __ ~ ~ .. _, j " Y!

--- - ' :j:Tf 1 "'_ _ --_,_ |=, _I-;:_l*f+?._.'¥.;1'._ILT...... ' L .1 1-'".._...... '' zfi e 1 1 3- ~ as .A - 7-'~§me=-=--- IIl'__ v , ,;jj*;__ ..,-ea... '1¥¥§§E_?ifPPERS COl.l.EC-""" in-. .» - , , - ~ w-*"=-*r';i-:'-. C-....-.. " i;'°R$-wiéw .*;".*.*1,,,°:P.;:*.':»'§.P°"*ifr!.:":r"=~ ' L ~ L -~-- ' AlbertFrnh rm»-=--H-1"i "- ==rd.=r1>:¢a§5i=i._4;;i:;_'Capl'. '' Wauighi L Vlilliarn profechen' of Capone C" -1--s Deni. P.Epslein _ _ vasf synclicalewish, i_'ls. Frankijsee NaniNieof Boml '-Jllireclforsl.Hby Joseph Lusflielcl ' Lawrence Mll'flnQly_P. elaborale breweries. dish'l- 'Tony h "Mops"Volpe kl ln Miami _ I . {see _Boardof Direclorsl , * J. Frifz Gordon ' r .l_eries. ifs lransperralion '. . Vincenr C. Giblin syslems. Hewell aclverlisesl l ..barf Anselmi 1-raw _ Ia lorpede."ace killer] houses ofvice analgam- . M Defenders "oi Mops" Velpe: John EllioffByrne 92 ma.an squadsoi mas; - . iJohn Ilanofher "forpeclo,'f ScaliseAnselmi's Franhll. Reid[former con- al- parlnerl - gressmanfrom Aurora] . . ere and raclrefeers. These Ii Machine GunJech" HcGurn___Defendersn I l1'.r c. '=' P°'."f.='.!.'-eehsé .152!"-.=*' ,5 memore] Gebharilil[Vinoenf ." rwi A. n;.i'.."..i...""."°info {he congress oflhe ' llboclyguarcl andNe. l mac ine Dennis M. Kelleher 1 . ~ - gunner! George N. Murdoch L Unifed Sfales and included I. Willie Heene L members of fhe Illinois lbodyguarclymachine and gunner]Delenclers ofAl Caponeand Frank Reein :. slafe legislalure such as L Charlie Fachei Fischel'li] Bernard L. Lemiseh S la f e Senalor Daniel A. [cousinCapone, of bodyguard,Cornelius HaggerlyJr. iller! Serriiella,former oily sealer Defenders ofJames Belcaslro: of Chicago], members of 1 Tony "The Chevalier"Spano [Jos- Elliodor M. Libone eph Nerone] Alberl Filei fhe Chicago oily council. bedyguard andkiller! ward oommieemen,pariy - " Ley Louie " Carnpagna Defenders of Jach McGurn: leaders in lbolh cify and l boclyguarcl] Beniarnin Felclman l Harry F. Hamlin Jame s " Bomber"Belcaslr: sfafe machines. lesser g- > fexperl bomb lesser] Defenders oi Rocco Faneliz ures such as loam mayors. Ienedid J. Sheri ' Lawrence "Dago " Nlangano councilmen, policemen.and I {weal sideleader and brains ofa George H. Guenlher l n _lzi<.lnoplng gang!. Roland. V. Libonari in some cases panefrang even re +he benches of mu- Joe Morici Morel? Ferraro!Deiencler oi Frenh Diamond: i '1Lornbardo'syguard! be John F. Cashen nicipal andsiafe courlh w I l l l .- _l92 _ T '_ __ ._.L ._. n l AMBLING, LABORAND RACKETSAND OTHER UNDERTAKINGS WITH AL CAPONE: | Null Niel: Sorella[bodyguard] TonyD'Andrea ::_l;:l'g_g'l3::|""ll ~ "<"'*'~"" 3:1: ..1':z::."" ..'..:. ,1 [Mm-,¢ig!ThomasPollocl: Slenley Sullivan[Tom Cullen] ldP ml"!°ll"" Essa J Tait?D K 9 lN"'°.cl°lclnllel Ella" E¢lWl"| nslilhu°lD°"'"'ll 9" Joseph "Hurnclinqer"Corrigan [Nucmo] Mane 92:'ll|lllll'HS chubo>D°M.|| Ind rm" Mb." --;r~1_%.--r--.-»--- - ---7-***"'**s"2~"" * F-1% _ 'j;. . .; " ., ~._r ;_.._--M _-_=_ , ,= _ _ ,__,_' _,_. -- ~=--a_--__.-.,---unnillllv--I---._,...»,------"'". ~ , _____,_ an-- --up-~ -= r A - -171-' ., __ ,_ A I ___ - - »- ,_ _ _, , .. , __.A ,__,_ .--.-1-.-'= MI-h-»--'~ -... -_-I ,. .-.A -~- ~ ~-' -..|--.. .,__.. ...n-- a-1--u--uni __ 4__ _ - "" .. -~ . , . .. . ._ .-.- ____,______- ' V " ' - . L -- _-- -- - _ __ . :-mwrm______-:r- _ ,_ i . 7 -» e -3 "*.__._:__*,,r_ _;_ __ :,__._..-._.- -E~ _A- __ e _ _;_- 5 _ i _,.___,;_-_-,__ __7e~ ;=__-4; _;;_+__, u .. .__._._:____::_L__ . .._7>:-411518": - ._'-r___- |_II~_T-92r"'_':__f5:'7: ~ 3- -,,,m -5,37. .* ;.__...... "v-_.;-23.25.;-;..;;.;.. -- 7- *;;__ ._._.t-_..'.7 " '" ;_ __ *5 _ _, ---F .1» ; -.__-5,.,____- :_;-_:_ --__-1--'.'.:.;;'=~ _ _ -_;_:_7=; ,__.' ' <:;'Ij, 5.7 :_;___ ~_ .-a. ;... 7 _, _ e..,,,,,._i7;7; * ' 1'7.-. __ _ .__|__a _. ----1 ._ - '77 _ i ,*_ __;_,_ , I"2ii . - 1- t -r-wp- 1-aw;-~ - --an; -'-"Il!II!"""''-vur-92 ._ ..-7--_';_E"-Q _;2_$_;._';_:;¬~~ -».....-7 ::I;______:i____?__ 7.7 mi ;_._1______£_V____::_:_.,___ _ 7 ' :4 7 _:§ni:';_ . -*'*__ 7-:2 |- :7=n~.< - 1 _: r-*92_=|r % -7 .._* = -e t 3 _ - ,_,______92l -__ -iv-v_-; _ _ _-;_ -'_-_+*' _ t , ,___ _ _ ., - . 7_... T. _.-.¢-. --~- , - .- 1 '- - ____ , ,_ ., , _,_;__ - , "r ,_..,.,'r....-.., 'r_. n ._-.--a-a-_.¢. ' ' _._,.' '4. _ .. -_ , -..-- . .. . ,--S -- lw--~ . < _¢ s_~ _ --~ .__'4-ya _ - ;:|:| I-"r_:§=§.A1'*'I ~ =- - -§""..- P ,.,~_==-1.? ~~ ';J:"..'r7 1 . . ._ :~* a 4 - _ --;_- ~ - ,_. l - I -" _.a J-ie _ % ,__. A ,,,,, ._a. la _ _..... __.| @rap,lJ_it , 7 écrtlun *__ __ r_: f 1-@,,,s92 - FEBRUA



Prohibition. to _ ,_ _y g Blame for l ALPHONSE CAPC Als - PERSONAL PRESIDENT or ATTENDANTS AI Capone is the inost notorious __ I 3| I Known as "Sr-ioriy", "Th; Q;. gangsta:-_ in the -country. . . . By- Valats Uh"! '$cariaco Al". Ho personally common 1;;-puts and common police knowledge he has been the head of a Chauffeur; Trainers and lawyer contacts, and pi murderous gang living by deance of federal 1aw."--From an editorial in VV,i~|-9|-5 Barbers details of the syndicate; attain The Tribune. May N. 1929. Secretaries D°¢l°"5 He was born in Broohlyn, N. Y., End the-Reign ol -Gangdom.From etc. His net annual income once | The Tribune: platform tor Chicagoisnd. j 7 1931. "Eectual resistance to 71' '7__7 i 7, 7 7 1 7777 7* _ ___; . . . is and must be impossible without publicity, persistent, sensational publicity BQARD QF . . .- Crime is not encouraged by publici- ty. It works when it can in the dark.- Pgsolm an editorial tn The Tribune. Dec. Z!. FRANK REO aliasKlinel. CHAIRMAN or THE BOARD mo VICE PRESI- 1 . DENT OF THE 5YND|CATE- Gunman and bodyguard, who became the Al Capone is under sentence of eleven big boss after Capone was imprisoned. years imposed by a federal court in Ohb aogo, because the Chicago newspapers for three years have not only played up but JACK C-I-UZiK. BUSINESS MANAGER mo CHIEF STATISTICIAN. have exploited Capone systematically and Former waiter who became an able organizer, boolzlceeper. go- with the definite object of suppressing Mm. --Thomas L. Rice, noted criminologist. between, fixer, schemer, and liept many important figures in his head. Though able, he was loolzed down on socially by the other directors. By our MURCHIE JR. i-ia was paymaster in bribing oi politicians and police. and owned a ERSISTENT, sensational pub- south side brothel. Piicity, therefore, suppressed Al FRANK NiTTi lhlittol, TREASURER mo secouo VICE PRESIDENT. Capone, just as it did the Ever~ General adviser, well intormod. presentable, and handled much money. ieigh sisters, the labor rackctecrs, the kidnapers, and the Dillingers. JOHNNY PATTON, mayor ot Burnham, big brewery owner, Capone's it was the uncompromising cru- I-nln R nnlnliriiu that ornament I-I'll closest political ally. V _- _,= Ir . if _. 1--e *~4l"7'; ;_- l -- F" w"'"_"'h-_A':...nnin--¢_,,k L if ¬=_""' __-... '5 I Q-._.--~ n -1*"-= '___ _§-q-. *""¢ _ _ " '_'- 4" ' .~;I-92»-IIIK--- - '-I2 - "Io-1-:' _ ' -' _ ii. '- .. -

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I --l--""-I N U 7 _ How Chicago ias A! Brown! . NDICATE PERSONAL Was Ruled v", and in newspapers! BODYGUARD Y almost supervised all his ;mp°r+an§ 'potitician . At tnmesnt _,. eontluned - ._ sev- . _ eral dole" m°"- 5*" "h°Y brought the ofcial action that iamend . Ch. Eganiiaeq, d A|¢l:+er;3 C. 0 ill had , lmpOI"i6lll'-' Ollie? . - nally -oby..C11.11_1s____.... cost Capone his empire7 ,__ Y -'exceeded - - $|'0oo'0Uo' ~I ------duties. ' I NEWS. and his persistent freedom. and It sensa-was 7 i "7 W will it tional, day in and day out, that rid Chicago of its archcriminal ll and ended the lawlessness he in- LTORS spirecl. .PH CAPONE. Al's brother, bodyguard and general assistant in liquor, vice, and gambling racl:el'$. i Joe Howard leaned back in his chair behind the cigar case in Heinie Jacobs saloon at 2300

:Cl"'I'I'| Iu, bodyguard and assistant in charge oi paying oi-i llbl ents and certain other police otticers. . _ South Wabash avenue. The calen- VARD O'HARA,big dog tracl: and race tracl: manager, etc. d ° the wan behind the bar showed the date to be May 7, 1923. INIS COONEY, cate and chain brothel manager, and important The clock said six. Only a spoon- >one ally. ful of bourbon remained in old . Joe's glass as he sat back to tell /lES "JIMMY" EMORY, relative ot Capone's, race tracl: owner I1" boys ill! about his hliB'1l<5l18 LI. Lance :0! "it-I4-.1.-H. I-ll-J.-.Llm U13 uua: HI wllluusju I |927|g|||:- ll triumphs night before last, 1 - - _ _ of--- - .._ W ~ -l3__"IE: '"""---I-n-1. ~ 3 - . Q: -~._ -. e~9- i -1---a --;_é_..__r______W _ _ __ I __ .. '*; __ Ca "_-or-ea; Y'_*-_ , Y -new ______-_.._ - 1-F.'r'r.1.;.,. -1 r * - _ __ was I$.__ o-Inh-.'%-Ii . __._. ":.;.._ ,__ gr -_'. '__ .1. M waning ,- Iront. ~Tsn3'h'=wi3iimi?1E6us""*]§5'"m~.;".;. . "' - - a " . _; -n:.___ . - U filers _ 1 -- of-leranegg-Iii__ -._. ____ :- - A _§::n't;r::t:*:£__ .. On Torrie: h mm: irl_0hlca_g6. ___,,,,m,.,,,,,,,,,_ -m_,6n,,,,,was almost eauar :lutlIi.'!he ___§!olosimo's -QOQE!-bl eeased-ell_~oHl1~eeI0ried orooks and qfirainalswere to be I asoreihllilnaa aisailerl torture ii"! least '1 1i?_r_o§"II t he and I'm-rio wengiide lot, _ that at O'Connor In the tall at; death. ,1-Ie de- the gun. It watdsls pnokealioif. ,.__._,-|. -, -elt e bodyguard When shortly alterhls srrlvslsltres -l %r»"~»1*92r-~*=-. Mango.1 1.. ere U ll 11 Ill ll II-e" - soolsona measure at diactp s » .. -+ York tor the rur- Black Hahde dernindid that "J-+ under his drill sergeant irini oi In ab to ' U -._--_, ._ aout 1910. airno meet than with lx under leadership. HI! remarkable air -¢--us-.-.__ ... I-an during tliariae ,. .clt s 29-year-old an Archer avenue viaduct. Ion-to tor organizing built up a machine player trons Brook! -..-.__ hany Torrlo whom sent {our .sae.n to the spot with admirably suited to the teak set for were to bqbrought to = one at the elder sawed-oil shotguns. When the Black it. The drivers. at-iarpshooters. spies. ~"-8 sis all were to be acquitted --135:... 55! Flve Point! gang. Hand leader approached the dark watchmen. lawyers. and others on oheSam Vlnoi, who chill! th ; J4 said that he Wei touring car. asking. "Where is our the pay roll knew what was aspect- casloa of a roroners inquest to dis- lea. . . . He had paekagel " he suddenly found him- ed oi them. and they did it. Few Patcis John Minatti with I .6¢al.i- - -_h business aaiaclly. self looking down a 12-zsuge saut- ever deserted or turned traitor. ber automatic. His explaastloa imagination. He zle. For the Black Haulers it was They not only reepeetnd their boss was: 12 duplicity of poli~ a rendezvous with death in the but they feared that he would do zcient in the civili- John *1. shape at lead 811181 at a range at sis to any roan Q.-ho him. The and I t-sot. tongue and adrolt feet. .. ' - - mind behind that asalivs, heavy- tree um" " c had e plausible i upped tees was unfathomable. Ca- _Vinci was sent to Jollet her peniten-Mikes poaedulthiaslasltbrrnssio One tiary for twenty-live years.-oing w ~-ts Torrie telt his power his embi- das be or-dared one ot his own brew- The situation already was beyond tion grew eoaec. Bis Jim Golosimoer!-wsiolnera to ."Lar oi! rabble Ilgevefa control. In the tall oi! 1923 was prosperoig. let. held! £9313, iiiia that Joe ?i.l-21%. Yet: % and Ifwing contented with the Capone had no tower than W men he's not with us." " ' on his pay roll. and there was a gen- its status quo. The boundary of his "How did the his teller know I'd % ambition was the southern bor- Qrtl stampede of criminal opportu- 4" beer and was a been tsumr with Joe ietely? the nist: to his eamtl. He soon termed der oi! the First ward. But not so man asked his watch partner that was wugii. with Torrio. Torrid had his eye on an alliance with the surviving south the whole city and then some. lie night. - aide Crbonnells. The wholesale liquor asinesi and declared O. Al's got spies everywhere,industry was ourishing. Money, said. To hell with was heard saying to a procurer came the reply. friend one night on 22d street: which last year had been measured or i When it became necessary to do in Ce $100 bills!, now was lightly Qi0 - I'm sick of the First ward. away with the various rival gangs achery. discussed in terms of the grand There's no money in it. Tm going who contested the Torrio-Cations to start operating wherever I get a $1,000!. And the impecunioua young fy and Joherty that monopoly over all Cool: countyfs pimp. who had been dellgted with 1' chance all over the city and in the liquor and vice business Capone did suburbs, too. even it Jim won't oome an annual salary at $3.0!!! a couple not hesitate to send his army out to r on the north side along. A monopoly of all Cook county la the only way to handle this business so it'll really pay." ty against Capone in and Johnny Tor:-in acted on his of years before, now handed out in idea. meet the enemy. His orders were: the booze tr_aQc4lorw»-r-e-"'~"""" iported to get Capone. Torrio towns sprang up. Prairie Wait till they get where you want Q Jnutsal Q3353; 10 JQUMD 3-D Ma centers thathad 01108 80!?-9 $0 B05 em, then let em have it." Emma j;m92.uo_L :a.ti.M 3!-1 "3 we whom Johnny Patton at dusk and risen at cockcrow now The headquarter! or the C;pt>.1¬- . ssaqznoudol -Till 503%? a-51 3l'mQ had to sit up to all hours with Tor- Torrio organization in these early ,1: --15 - very -;'-"iii!-UH t. Louis to kill Capone. ri0'a growing roadhouse industry. days was an unobtrustlve tour-story if go sanup so qot a pauunqo uoos aq The rst at these towns was Burn- structure at 222 South Wabash av "3 'u.t0q sum at; aaaqm ltlyumutuoo lJ.l.lB'[ ham. eighteen miles southeast of enueknown as the Four Deuces. It .0; elancl to kill Capone. auto] out uxox; sesxoq 10 tuaurdgqs the loop and readily accessible to looked like a rooming house from the . ll lil!M "DID iIiM.L ill "I 3!Il192l-1" pone beer and booze. couples and parties driving trom outside. but it actual-5' was r. den or l ragga lloq o1qa1s a :1: Joan: our itli southern Chicago, Gary. Hammond. iniquity of the rst order. On the If -ugag Q35: u| snodeouttl U] uau-I Calumet. and other places for an - ground oor were the Torrio-Cm cg evening: entertainment. D a n c e pone general emcee and a saloon ad -oood ucaaqaa a sum npqsunag; Al on election day. halls. gambling dens. and night and care. The second and third "0 X1033 sin; 10 suouriegs -ur qsxg an; tn p101 sum. sqrnoo mu] wn gang in rivalry with clubs or all descriptions arose and oors were devoted to gambling and ran wide open under the charge or the fourth to the demi-monde. The r .-"..:g.:;! an; ug Lani r .io_ ploudn our ember of Capone's body- .q1tuu; puaraiqagg out liq pameqa conceal his treachery by Johnny Patton, the famous boy place was widely known to hawm mayor." who consider-ately saw eye been the scene at twelve murders, "1" re 'pu'o1o>I-112! E all"-T!! ME 3'-ll to eye with Torrlo. lor reasons beet all unsolved. ' 30 Sup-Cogs pun Sutdcupgn aq: 10 ash: l8 while serving as rum- known to himself. Having proved the edlcacy or his urn 910 ill UB5 5lH '92'=9ll°l3 1° 3°!-P And then-on May 11. l--Coir» methods in the Joe Howard case, Al ill! so.-a pqsunr nuns; Jaalt tutti 1:1 gang hangout oh the St. slrno was murdered. A mysterious adopted mthlessnesa as a basic pal- lug -gm; u; £[..i'id .-tits yew; men executed their most lone sasaaeln. who has never been icy in eliminating business compo-zag uodn qsam. agppgtu all? 1° 921°ll-"ill? ieir north side rivals. identied. secreted l-irnsell in the mien. The following September. aqe at]; snoo; ol ueaq exam vestibule of Colosl.mo's call! in the 199.3. in the process of expanding his tag suo|am[od sq uatuuni pua early hours of the morning. waited south side territory. he encountered Q ,, saalsduu I0 uopoasosd out his chance to lira the total shot. the opposition oi a sang known aareg Pl" "PP-llill-I S1'iOciVC-INNI With Coloei:-no gone. Torrlo was the south aide O'Donnell; Spike A 1' the Unlone Slcillohc. was released ram the limitations oi his O'Donnell. the leader. had for part-U. BNAYM 3 92W.i" with Capone. assisted late hoes. hers his brothers. Ema, Walter. and Prohibition. coming along at about Tommy. as well as three thick- 9 711959.35!" *1 §!'i° ll:-5 this time. had caused the closing of slcinned henchmen named Jerry sprain an sapes II go puooes aql I! I!-U. or $250,000. the 15.000 legalized oases in Greater O'Connor, George "Spot" Bucher. l 5'00] pigeon tor the poiioe Chicago. This gave Torrid some- and Georgia Meaghan. The O'Don- ant, thing to think about. Ho was not nell method at expanding their pue uaumnf! a little dazzled at the thirst-quench wholesale territory was to invade a 92uuie~».:it5cd Capone. ing possibilities in addition to the speskeasy which had not been huy' -it-oi gang leader and ally at other business he aspired to control. ing their liquor. let the proprietor-O Q The two breweries he had leased to see their artillery dangling in belt I, .. , ' '~ --=---in resorts soon were holsters. and put the question. ___! L11 M1 Who you buylni from? Alter Jistening to the answer. which .they knew already. they -~-1-4 1..-milly suggest. "Wall, how I ___.

ej_-!ow_ar_t_l. _said Mcswiggin. _ :1 §..i'...§.."i..§ . cmk stint .£;.{.'.+ trial .i .1...... s.._ 1-Who, me?" eapliad Al 1B'i§'§'a_ steam P illsll.Joos...1.l!ur..Eln .1 = " eras strain-____~.;lnts9er. Yinsi. Dspsly ih_e1_'i:i_ William 6slI.9lm.; -1 l.uslu.s-as man. Pu a second» lle meant it, all liely Ill! hi aa tueaitura dealer." e . _ mtliatirlg IlOlltlUl'l"i1t'tll'IIlandltlbrow: for a lob Ina eale.--Re al- this was in 193. alter the NW that Al remain. but Al _ _ put ea his ready was learning _ how to turn his l 's I m 7" f ''1; _ 4* - -*1 4;. " - _-.:_ r:1_ __ . '* _. --._w__ '4 - s~A'i --- eed Capone already was Well coat and smooth [ray hat. friendships with " Bathhauae Ioha eortallfd-llih ll §8ll1l!f'HI'l1I hu- " ' the road to success. How was he Wlthout a word the stranger and Kinky Dink" into a golden- aeilflilm -le to x the witnesses so surely pulled e ion:-bladed lcnlte ts-em his egg-leyhsg goose, and Le sheet at he could wall: into the hands he owned his own poolroora. A year mo's sate st pocket, opened it. and gave Al to l92'Ill-92II- - ' -... the police e few weeks later with- understand he'd play pool or else-.' t the lillghlelt fear of taking the A1 did not hesitate one saoolld. His ortsrolatersasryoslngilsnapra-' pl What was his bscl¢F°und?'right shot out to the man's chin hat sort of training qualied this with all his 200 9°-lhdl blhllld it. ciaet osotala with various privileges an to win out over all others in apperlatlling to the old levee district The man dropped and lay notion- Eventually Big Jim became ting; e treazied scramble to control the less. Al ran tor home. . .. . loesled within the boundariaso! tlu -0,000,000-a-Year booties liquor busi- aelsnysrletlyd bees ot the south s " Twenty minutes later a mista- ward and bisected if the ltlllllvll-fl .=ss which started with the advent underworld. and his revenue came-1 iorassd trleall trons the ponlroorn whoopee spots of ml |lI'IO1- FIOHI prohibition to a city that was poolroom proprietor he --b e c am e not only from the resorts he wndi arrived to tell him that his late 09- himsell but also in the lorln O! trlh- : re-to-one wet? What Incl-01! honkytonlr owner, then partner in ponent was dasd. There was excite- ute from all other illegal resorts in " aped the ea;-aer oi this extraordi- -ry hei-1g,who in a liierent age artr! weeems Genes! the district. rd environment might have been a horas-' But A1 thousht oi his tough But wealth brought with it both ussolinl or a Napoleon! * cousins in the Five Points Bl!!! in comfort and _COl'|lpliCI.tlO1'll. Big _ lower at the other end He was a sleelf. solidi! built boy Jim was victimized by the American --5 1.. .__.,,I.'. ..:; 1; things quickly in of the Wllliamsbllrg bridge, The Maa. He received letters threaten-If :hool and was a help to his moth- Five Points Rang was than consid- 4 =-. He lived near the corner of ered the best training school tor hoodlums in the country. Surely roadway and ushing avenue. rooklyn, N. Y., in an Italian tene- the Five Points boys would know tent and was known to the boys as what Al ought to do. .1. son of Capone the barber. W910 They did. They assured him he ad recently migrated to America had better get out 0! town immedi- . Mannawaal -1 N anrawUIII'92Ina I ately. They said they could help QR him to the extent of trying to get a former captain in the gang. one While still in the fourth grade Al . to I001: out Ior him uit school to help his parents in when he got to Chicago. Torrie heir struggle for existence in the had gone there to be associated lums. Only ten then, his function with Big Jim" Coloslmo, a politi- 1" to bring home rewood Or any clan and vice overlord or a section iher useful supplies he could col- in the southern part oi Chicago; ect. He seemed affable and soft» First ward. 5.-.'l'£é'1n..¢e5t to ti-Te few who knew Al Capone tool: their advice. He lim in anger. came to Chicago in his best new He was smooth as a dancer and suit. and. sure enough, Johnny Tor- requented a hall then known as rio xed him up. Torrio got a joh he Broadway Casino. He also he- for the overslzed boy trom Brooklyn -ame one of the best pool players as watcher for a house oi prostitu- n the Greenpoint section of Brook- tion in Btirnham. yn. He was never afraid of a fight While young Capone watched du- ind could hold his own sill-illlii ill! tifully at his post in Burnharn, with west ot them. . his neat scar said to have been re- At the age or twentyone he had ceived in a Brooklyn saloon! tor his never been arrested. But he was chevron, Big Jim Coloslmo was en- loo close to the gang lite t0 be im- joying the lucrative fruits of his mune tor long. The world in which political success in the 22¢! street his associates moved was a world district. Big Jim had come to Chl- mostly oi opportuniim. a world in c-ago in the nineties and got himself which cops were one's natural ene- a job as water boy on a railroad miss and anyone carrying money or section gang. His next job, pushing valuables one's natural prey. a broom through the streets ot the It happened one evening when Al First ward. gave the ambitious was listening to a political rally. A youth much better social opportu- fellow from his favorite poolroom nltles. with broom in hand he met came up. such colorful personales as Aids. "Hey, Al! " he said. "You gotta Michael -fink! Dink! Kenna and co..".e bet}; to the joint right away. "Bsthhouse John" Coughlin. and We need you. A pool shark came it was a natural development for in a couple of hours ago an has Jim to shiit from broom-swinging to been cleenln us out. All-Qgethe! vote-swinging. Ha rose to promi- we owe the guy about eight hun- nence in the street sweepers union .;.t.l ....-L1...--L2...t la, we did when and organized his tellow whltewlng; 1 left. He's stuck-up as hell. but we into a social and athletic club whic st: Z...-.-.:- ;'c: '.¢.ll'! take hlrn. You could deliver as a unit at election gotta hurry, though, Al. time and was as bridle-wise as a Capone hurried to the spot. The riding-school nag. soy. were orcrjoyed to see him, tor Borne day I'm going to run this they knew he never draglt and that ward." Coioslmo once said to a tel- at-* ---'5' Q ' i-_*"@* E1


~-. , '-""~ '1-5, 2- V-f _; I1llihllli1lT¬I5U --a_- . oooaider.lnlI'biL ~ -

. __~,. lI h 7 - ,;;.j_ $1 lfeiia would pant our-hour nay. at tho l|,| it I1: val still awh- bom they would empharlze their ._1-ufngalt lth ab or l'!92DiVlP1 1; I ppggiggly UWIMPI Iii out lurthrr-. - ' " -la llcepull In lamb Gels. who said. "1 bur any beer tram C190" and 1,'orr1_a.._aad !':n aat-illll |g_II l , _. - . ' mm an: could not chanle Iain: _-mind, Iorhtahnrlylraroosaaaa -l:e|aa""" ion nueit iar 6"onaaiic iwa -qon-uaamcri. who ant trounced rial» "IHut'ggl|. ' oh '92:uB:ara,' '1-at " ,2; _ Utkaw,.1» thraa Dlteharfoatlud it G{nol'¢hborl92o0daaloo:la1.2l.IlI, J. » Tribum 7 __ walling giimpsa oi Capona on hi: way to lira United s+.+»' diilriei aornafs oioa for quoitioniogwuaalatnnetaariilamcevr iii Giii ii"ii Iiiii in a naiintiu loarad. Torrlo, tho buainoaa Ila-u. With a lracturad skull and lay at » ahrurdiy lat: tho retail bualnaaa to the polo! ot daath Io: weak; Altar i other: and began to Ixpanl a want loir argument with Gala that no _ . l_ l. J-» mi.;';L41 _I'|Il0l¢IIil buainea: which rapidly nlng Eh! around O'D0nn:lla Invad- i took on tho proportion: of a aouth ud Iva othar recalcitrant boar aeti- aide monopoly. Ira adminirterihg variou: treat- ! To oparato an Induatry bi; anough manta, and than repatrad to Joseph to -n-r Ton--o'i iiibiiioa Triiii K!=;k:': ::lw'-.. at % South Lia 1. require abia lioutenant: and a pol- coin Ilreet. a poi-t or headquarters 3 icy or ruthleanma toward all oppo- to partaka of ratreahmanta. A / .7. r altion. Who oouId"'l'orrto gat to It was while they were relaxing » ___,...¢-'0. htlp him? Torrie was an airport- in I .iopka':place that ve men en- onmd manager. and ho thought tho Jtarod and tha laador, brandtahin; problem over carefully-then piokad hi: .3. roared: the alaok Neapolitan boy who had "Bi/iok UP Yvur hand: Or I'll blow %:: @lr.::o='eii:aBu-nhiia. Ton you to 1,:.eI_l." rio knew that A1 Canons was big Tho O'Donnell: acatlerod tor the and almug and quick lo action, that door! and wera pursued cioariy to ha waa intaliigent. that he drank the atreel. where, ahooting wildly at little, that ha oould be amooth on their attacken, they made their occasion, and that ha waa a natural eIcape--all ueept Jerry O'Connor, loader of loan. ' who lay dead on the sidewalk, ahot *1 -How would you tlko 85,0!!! a through the heart. ea /§._ ,o/YT! year, 5-!!! Terrie w Cow:-= on: In the oicloi records Jerry 0'Q92n- evaI1ingi.nth0roarota22d:tra:t nor: death 1: indexed an the lint GIIIGI 1--n. and w he my on-um killing or the bootleg war. It waa In the beer and bone buainoaaifollowed ten day; later, SepL 11'. by We'll Ipilt Uta liquor prot: fty- the murder: of hi: aeaociales. Mee- itily. What do you any?" ghan I-nd Bucher. 352 ' t u QKi Johnny." gruntw bi: AL The den! was on. Capone stepped The rcperculaionl of the O'Don- into his new Position with eon- nell purge, however, would has-0' ndenoo and alacrity. Soon he be-fan boon anough to worry 3 oommander to make hi: mark. Han learned to or loner ltatura. Tho late William Morgan Collins,Chicago nnfica oonqminionar nua!ear and reaaoot him. -Ha nrvar E. Dover. then :!x month: in omco H23 to W21. .- I " nntod a n'|.ag',to do anyming thatla mayor, wan no almeked by tho he oou1dn't r wouldn't do bimaeit klliinn that he revoload the licenses 01' 2,41!! loft drtnk parlor-:," amn- In: kldnapina front. And he was. . . ammuwua."__.1|_..A - He could be a: tough as a mad Ile- for ransom. On Torrid: arrival phant one moment and an piaylui monod Chief of Police Collin: to hi! "illr then Lhmaia of It . Klein, I8 I puppy the next. The oolloctlonemu-, and lsntmed peraonal charp . tarture ld Coloe!mn'a persecution eeaaod at of illanortcd crooks and C,r1m.'lnaIa0! the atiualion. His ocial nata- aath. Ha do- lean! temporarily. lo1-rio lived by that he and Torrlu wen able to mant aaidr _ st himself a bodyguardtho gun. It waa his pmleaeion.91111:! from all over the city quickly "Tho polio! will lollow this can u New York for the pur- When ahortly after Ilia arrival three wok on a measure at diaclplineto a Illilll aw they do all olhera. Black I-lander: demanded that Coin- Thla guerrilla war between hi.iack- I'll about 191.0. simo meet than -:viU1 325.03 under under his drill aergeant brand of . . Iht blcic a Eyaar-old leatlerahip, Hi: remarkable air en. rum runnen, and Illicit beer .92' med Johnny Torrio whom an Archer 59921"-Q vlguct. Tor:-lo [or Organizing built up I machine peddle.-a can and will be oriiehed. wn as one oi the cider moot [our lnen to tho Q01 with admirably suited to i-he talk let for It was a bravo utterance-but it ll Five Point! Z8112 sawed-oi! otguna. When ll-la Black 11.. The driven. oharpahootara, lplaa, wa: almoat aquaiiy futile. There J aaiii mu: no we: iianrl leader approarber! the dark watrhrnvn, lawyera. and othar: on Wm to be I more Icilllnal similar ian. . . . Hr had touring oar, aaklng. Where la our the pay roll knew what lira: expect- to that of O'Connor in the fall of 15-. h92l51l'92r55 sazacily, partner?" he lllddenh-' !0l.l.nd hun- ed of them and they did It. Iow ul imagination. He selr looking down a 13-gauge mu» ever deserted or turned traitor. 1993.1-lln152d.46in1925,andHin X


- IWI £3.

ill Z Pm-* 92§ I N ~_ / " mmamaatruronhmd

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531;;-*~ K: K " -~';-.1 Caponewho hid klllal Ion annel for llllrlodlg with on Caponr'1'oI1'lo blolill 5| buataua. Ta obtain mud: erltlama m m-..-.-1:: awn: re-T-t a ta-mi-E Crowd around federal huidmg matter. All amllrtr mltllllaa all-er I-ha autadar. a Rn-lrll order Ill aahad to all rolloe Italian ts ar- nat Mg, But Al Caaona was nowlma la ta _. t. l - A -=-1;round. and st the lnquelt the ne day the wttnesaea to the crime wen e,_ II e_.,c..e.rt trl I: with ...... rnvnrinlu _.,-.--.-... nil,_.- Q K ntenl-I. Helllil IIWII K-BOUII11 it -'rl'l:we u-hm.! over. 'Il1en he I901: thl W11-I983 stand and ieatle la loll!-MI? , Alphonso Capone, boss criminal, al the lmglll af lm carasr, Capone 0 liar; /.. . "I waa called tn a rear room to n} "la g; g ri-|||r of Johnny Toma tn the Boar and boon Lou lt- '-.. .-.< an:-_wer a. telephone [it before UM nan was 25,000.: yaar. Soon lul organluhan wan dosing in rnllilana. shooting. I don! know nvtllln already a qulrter about IL" to I, and Al to! lllunelsbeclr ql-92iVl'P4l1!1¥ ill-ill! lowed an tron "I wouldn't he lbll to ldantlf? bound rule about C-lp0I|O ev-ell ll brought lacs to taoa going home at with him- 10$ Hilton could not be nuatl.Two "R11 lay twl ' other poaalble Hnrltnessea to u kill- hundred an a lns. and tg have been la Jacobigameol M.ral¢hl;" nl-om: at tha time. wen Tonv proposed AI to the Mouth Bsmnla and on-I Cllttord condant utlelrer. Elton. Both till!-led havihi Mill Wan; to Ila! there, and no one wllld gtvl Pm"! mat"


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L __._ ._;.s-,. < 'lh'hloeslum.! - - . -_ , O'Donnell: would grant tr-four-hour stay. at the ii wailing glimpse of Capone on his way lo ll-is United Slain dish-iel attorney: office for gueroeieq whim, ll he was still stub- .. .;, hm {hey would emphasize their ii 92 . sosrod. Torrlo, the business alan. argusnent sirilll st; or revolver shrewdly left tlse retell btlallsaas to been has epealsessy owners hid .. others and began to expand a vast out turtherl - ' - _v'bolesale business which rapidly tool: on tbs proportions ot a south .1. emeptlon was lamb Gels. FBI ? es-id. I blur my beer tron C-some .. .i aide monopoly. ,a 1.'o_r;i_a,.aad I'm_astlsad 2 -Y-l~";¢. To operate an Industry bi; eooulh .."'_|¢' 1" . H ' ' - . ,':= to satisfy 'l'ol-rins ambition would men asuuauenolelungs lab! '-11'---P! roqulre able lieutenants and a pol- aaiad. tor 'h|_I_ burly lralne In a icy at ruthlessness toward all woo- -hm; an gueh lot O'Dom92ell'a ban ellion. Who could Torrie get to dljssnlslors, who got bounced elabov._, __ help him? Torrie was an expert- 4.311; eat late; loom. Io thsaa snoed manager. and he thought the upuun" '92satam,"wla-vcu-s=,'rI r-1- problem over nare!uiiy-then picked Me-again, and Iueher,-eailed1't Je.-,. . the sleek Neapolitan boy who had Gdtnalghbotood sslooaa-12151 -It . beendolngsowelllniunthaas. Ton- Waatlatatra-etoa|'t§la uieeve-'-_;f~ _ .1.-.».l.~. I rio knew that Al Capone was big an - . . and strong and quick in action. that 92. ?£'i.- M was I.nl.ellIges|l. that llo drlnlt . "little. that he could be smooth on F occasion, and that he was a luturai leader ot noel How would you like $5.000 a , at Gale was talran tn a hospital _ Year." said Torrto to Capone llna with a trad-urad skull amt lay at evening tn the rear ot a 221! street the polo! oi death tor weeks. A-ttse dance hail, and to be my partner their arm-lment with Gels that avav 1-.3" i;=:-§i* In the beer and booze business? nlag the aroused ODonneila Invad- We'll spilt the liquor prots lily- ed Ive other recalcitrant boar eel!» J < Itlty. What do you say? " ers. administering various treat- W: ments. and then repaired to Joseph Klepkfs saloon at 5358 South Lle- r '0.l .. Johnny. zrunied big AL eoin street, a sort of headquarters. The deal was on. Capone stepped to partake of ntreslunanla. into his new position with cun- It was while they were rlla1rt|1,g | -Y-"er denoo and alam-ity. 5001: he bent: in Kieplr-s.'s place that ilve men en» 5... J§7I92" to make his mark. Men learned to .tered and tba leader. brandishing Morgan Collins, Chicago police commissioner from rear and respect him. He never his .38. roared: 192110 W27. i ' asked a do an$rmln,g that Stick no your hands or I'll blow h he couldn't r wouldn't do llim.se1i'-you to hell." 4 ing lddnaplhl lront. And he was . . . ambitious.He could be as tough as s mad ele The O'Donneils scattered tor the for ransom. pliant one moment Ind as piayllll 'ia:.-ythen tbwlta of On Torrie: arrlvol Hl. 92IiJI-I0. doors and Were pursued closely to -small. torture and Coloslmdr persecution teased-at as s puppy the next. The collection_ thestreet. where, shooting wildly at least temporarily. Tor-rio lived by of ll]-assorted crooks and criminals their attackers. they made their death. H-I lla- that he and Torrlo were able to ut himself a bodyguardthe gun. It was bis profession. es-cape-all except Jerry O'Connor, o New York for the pur- When shortly alter |92|.l arrival three enlist from all over the city quickly who lay dead on the sidewalk, shut 2 F Black Hsndars dernandod that Coin- tool: on a measure of discipline through the heart. P WII Rb-ml! I310. under his drlii sergeant bran! of i gm. bIU'I a B-yearold aimn Inert them with $3,003 under In the ocial records Jerry O'Con- an Archer avenue viaduct. Torrie leadershlp. His remarkable air nor's desih' is indexed as the rst med Johrlny Torri whom tor organizing bull: up a machine Wu as one or the elder sent tour men to the spot with killing oi the bootleg war. It was sswedoi! hotzu-M. When me Blaek admirably suited to the talk set for followed ten days later. Sept. 11'. by he Five Points Bang IL The drivers, allarpahootera. spies. .s ssi-i mat he Wu. Hand leader aplprosrh-rl the dark the murders of his associates. Mee- lg. ufiian. . _ . HP had mu:-in: ear. asking. '" where ta our watrlln-ten, lawyers. and others on ghan and Bucher. DI¢klB!'."' he suddenly tound him- the pa} rnil icnear what was a:poct- ly. business aagacii!, ed of them. and they dl-ll It. Iaw 1 Ell imagination. lie self looking do-wn a 12-gauge mu.- t 1|... .a._..::..;.92. I92' ....92. zle. Fur the Black Hlndera it was ever deserted or turned traitor. I'll.-I Al .-ml" --.--.-.s.a as.-|- L..-- '!"l92e repercussions of the O'Don- v nell purge. hows-ver,_I'ouid have been enough to worry a commander of lesser stature. The late William 9 ml»


> i

5 3 i


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'._.__._ mmzmeeremninnil

B! A L}-lo IQ 1. -.j' " ._ - iaunuumnuwqpun " " "'2'.1 Capone who had killed I90 Berni tor lltfell-lg with tho Cgpoapforrlo boool bole '4------Q -r-- - bupinen. To obtain elmllh evidence Crowd around faqlorol building i to convict Capone named a simple mutter. Lnl I.&l-rnllillll-It ltr the murder. a linen! order urn uhad to I-ll wile: Illllll ll lb n 1-at him. '5- But Al Capona Iral nowhere to ba Round. Ind at tlie lnqueat tho neri dny the witaeuel to the crime WIN all llrlcken with mylterloul Ili- ' 41'ril:weohm.! Eleni}. Helnie Jaooba tlwuiht ll» Alphonse Capone. bow criminal, nl 1-he Iulqlii al his urn:-. Cg over. '11!-to he l-O01! it Wllll rif iala as a pcrinor of Johnny Torrie in flu bur and bum l sun-id and testied n follows: J I was col-le 10 8 NIP N01! $0 MI! was?25,000a year. Soon his orgonleaiion an dullnq In r" ansyuer a telephone jail. before the already a quarter ahooilng. I ION! Imlf B6111!!!no I, and A1 fol; about it. lowed on lron- lluneilb-eclz quiveringly insisted: bound rule about "I wouldn't be lble to Identify going home at Cqpone even ll brought hue to hoe 10:M. he---- with him." "Li1 lay two Billon could not be found. Two hundred on n oLher ponible wltaeaaea tn the idli- gnrne ol straight, ing. aid :9 have been in Jacobiproposed Al In the saloon at the time. wen lbw condant allekcr. Mou{l1 Bamnll Ind an: Clllord "Won; to olay Eaton. B-oi-ll illlhd Mvinl VII! raaf 1 Ll them, gnd no one could give proof "It'l a bet. to {he ¢0l1WlTF- grinned the other, The inquest hid £0 bl lllillill How About p lndeniily, and 0 month later. when hundred more on thingg had quieted down, Capone iln E75-Mn ball! sauniered into 31¢ Cllll Gm" ll K.,"llid Al. police gtetion m remgrl: to Captain The two Ill I0 =. *2 i McMahon: work. The aperio- "1 heal the police are looking for iorl peered excit- rn-=, What tor?" edly [ram adjoin- ..-.. 11». 4af.'L:'!....'l1.'.'I§'-. $=i£.'::'..'..*':t'L';-. M-an--. By be questioned by u young assistant10.30 AI I'll-0 Hie stale: ptiomey named Willinm H. $31! hark qud§156 Mtwlggln. 0! the ltra.nge|"|' '.'~ l|.¢ w.-:1--~ for i the rnmvler rs! money---god mu Jc-e Howard," said Mcswiggm. he said he must ' "Who, me?" replied Al with I go. u he wu due Courlrooln aeone al lrlll el Sam Vlnci for Ilia '1'"! rd UFO fJol'ln M" Inn W 1. L09 l orig' lat; Br nuwzled look. "Why. I'm a rtlpq:ll- home. hie uran- Kruogor, Vlnel,Depufy Shel-if William Gulluglm-,and [Handing] Vinci's aornoy, Fri ble burineae man. Pm e aewld. ler Wu paturoliy Eon! iv-Iillre rlpqler." resentful at beingleft. in thll hu- He rriaerit It, and almriiy will his mlllaiinz oorition and eannnded reriain rod-light orilerpriuc. and Thil Wu in 1923. uzr the park- broom for n Sub in n cote. He ai- nally Big Jim of bia own 601055 thlt Al rnmllll, but Al put on hi; rlldr Wu learning how tn turn on frrrd Crow-e already war well cont and Imooih gray Ill. moa call :1. 2128 South Waboilr ..'.'. 2;: .*u1.l lo success. How was he lllillllilll with "Bnll92houn Iolm " avenue. "; able to ll: the wlinenes so eurely 92Vilhoui I word the lirangor and "l-[inky Dink into 1 5,14,". Eventually Big Jim became Lin that hr 1-mild Wllk into lb. hand-2pulled a lnngdnladed In-like from his !I£"|ll'l-T15: 3001!, and in lhorl order ackllowledgod boss oi U12 south .i.i.ll.:. ni rho puliill a few weeks lll wii.h~ pockol. Op-ellvd it, and gave A] iu he owned hia own poolroom. A yam underworld. ami his revenue nnrnr_ out 1|-re rlighteei four of taking the understand he'd play pool or Que! 91' "VD I118! saw younl Jim I pre- not only tram the ream-ls he owned; rap? Wlut was his background?Al did not hellilln one nooni 141; cinct corlli-n with various privilegeshlmlell but also in the form of Lrlb-3 What aort or ix.-Jung qualllli nu: Fill!" ~" -' out lo the Hill: ghig an-eri-ainlnz to the old levee lillrirl uie from all other illegal reeorls ll mun to win out over ail others in wiih all his ll] pc|un.d1 ho]-rim] il_ lo:-lied within iile bnundariea of the time dlsirirl. Q The man dropped nvi llq lwlrllirmward ind bisected by the nigl-Min the 1'l'n:4i~"l S-Bl'l1'll1ll =0 1;-antral lhl less. Al inn for liilrfllr. Bul woalri: brought with ii bih . I . 56, h -"foils -cooentlngilrlb-s $'.Iie§1*"III"*"92~"~-'-'l1eaz:.se =5... ed gonnderabl: _, :" '- en! "Ina-as-.-r ' ~;;,- H -ct 112:2 "Q-mum-um ~ " -._1:id.-usateo ___F______,___,__ F-3-'=~ -~ * "--""' '- _ '.:;:-¥"i11il'!tI¢Ol'tIZ!mO_'R11l.Q'lfDIi;Itl?-.=#*;r="'~ere~14-er»-' _ _ wither: -1"-tew we-Ea he re in -iris .~newspaper'atl.aeka he Underworld and upon city ant! Olciala. Then the Hin- wuaate tar] demanded l * EL L o gag law, passen:§§: room I was told by the count? B1- in speeches madc to newspaper re- " The license was acted upon fa- porters to blow the roof otf the _ tgrney to answer all questions that vorably both in the license commit- county building in Minneapolis i1 tee and by the council. George he or any member of the grand jury asked me. which I did. Alter I had not granted immunity." After sev- Sheteld received $500, Giebenhain. eral conferences with County Attor- Dress got $500, and I kept $500 for myself. completed my testirnony the counts attorney stated that I had made a ney Olson the defendanL.plcaded' " A few days after my return tram guilty and was ned $750. $:J92'cl.F. cones r-r-L clv New Orleans in December, 1928, good impression. in his opinion, on the jury members. I remained in Yet it was this incident which Giebenhain called me by phone and the county attorneys oce until the made it possible for Floyd Olson to told me by all means to get in touch run for governor in 1930. He was grand jury adjourned. nd then he Crew . . with Ruff. I told him I would if I elected by a plurality given him by assisted me in getting out without could. Rut! had given Woodward the labor voters. anybody noticing me." the _$l,5O0 paid us. The next day veal 574 d From the testimony given by Rit- l . ,~_. _ -1 1 arranged for a meeting with him ten to that grand jury indictments u_,__ g_., _= ,__i.__..?_ at the home ol a friend in north The third oi this aerial on "Mur- uw mu, -nu kw he DI tar pr were returned against Aldermen "VII!-I; Aimed!mu. mg! -.-mt -1 un- Minneapolis and begged Rufl not der in Minneapolis" will appear of Hurt an-an-1; .-' .-1-tn-Iin-I Eel-cberg, Giebenhain, Maurer, Shef- in an curly issue. ' :1 uni-nwnauuuntuui to mention my name in connection --ta-m-u-nun eld, Sweeney and Rendell. A group ---_--so-1.-m.....s...|92q-nwith the cabaret license. I admit: ted to him 1 had received the money I7 ' .: :-7__'; ;';i.'77 7L7;;.:.' 7777;j- nag».-4»;-5...-awn---q-q=_pfrom Woodward, and declared to '4e.'v-nnsiuwliamdl-an-ova Thilgull. i Ruff that I would make everything N0 more half-sick Ieehng .-t-rm nan-nus!-~|..¢m|n|-Io.-newF45-r!.ndIn;Ihd|1;|a5u'!Ia92 l right with him alter the investiga- rs--sauna-1.1-rial-by-o---an-an uni-i-=---olunngd-i-. tion had blown over it he would -nawiw0nR~- ran-.-'-a-sol-mun-lpremain silent. I told him I would for me...no more harsh nrwnn-a:nlaid:||,¢g,p4=--_|-1-ebwnmsd 4l'IlUF|'i'il.f|hrw'uillmIIF92lll|=92- -=-uuuuuyuwi-qua on §I. do anything in the world to keep -l'=~¢"92 |'u-as-anh»a|.a-pr?! * I..I}-or-0 = - _-i._92.|-na»92u.ie-time-p.u i my name out of the papers in con- " nce cufhortics in...-p-J.|.s.,...a 92 nection wiih this matter. 92 ,.a:....r92a..t-s.s|..t...|.|-He promised faithfully that he l When I feel run down, headschlh bl tobed t.hat'swhy it: called "the throb- would say nothing. This meeting vrrmpead.vJm-lA¢|92e*l'andlu- lick-I'heu. the children get iffil-8519. minute way"!-anditgoestowork easily, ¢-=r||m- nl|.lnleulza-was in the afternoon. The next day crankythen I know it: a sign of con- pleasantly, and gr-oduolly. There are no I called Frank Brunskili [then the Itipation. 1 get out our fl-mil! 5°! °t cramps, no nausea, no bad after-effects. chief investigator for County Attor- FERN - A- MINT, the chew_ms£e192l1'Our family wouldn't be without it for ney Floyd Olson, having been re- ative. There used to he a time when we anything. Costa only 15c and 25c a bot- = W1 moved by Mayor George Leach from took old-fashioned, harsh, inter; -wauurl-in-Iiwu eh-u aduars ilera -a4_ul up amp Sq-am up -be III the post of chief of poiicej because cll - at - once" cntbartici, but ._'-'5 _; ...-us; mimm we an he was a very good friend of mine. that: all over now. We jlllli -_i92>'-5: . _ . ;;.;. -=..< .. _ _: :1 .- _ -,;. !..- .¢ m.-r» 1 .'~ chew FE!-N-A-MINT F £~' neon-&im1_92" 1 ~:...... and asked him to see me. 1 He came to the oice early in three minutes before going -- _- II-4:';;,}92as -in la" " .-{==f"5--"-"' . -.'j§;»»92*.*l_". , _ l .i ess oi Dec. I4, I935. the afternoon. I told him about I N. 1 M , "7?-'§92'X'L'. ~ -._ .92 '4' KM ,- ;..-. . . _ I i - ." iblisher. TUNE W Iljdn-|'g N"-°"'Smash """'" Till. With'- - my meeting with Butt. He told me 1 Ln!-brnri51.a11Columbla Network. J. _-f__ , ' _- V" 3" "'7" 7.-..:;__;W. 7, .*"=.§P._£*?I*1_I!§*#..z--P"'r. 1 - - , _. - u;;:92_;Qeie<~iiv'g'-6 so antic ~..-.= sa:,t:.'$:es1 do -M st - "__'=-»=7'*==-*"*'~-4=i=**;l~P= ='li= _Q, node-..on ans: ' Cipi;sio'_§eii§-§'3.l1': state civil soaxlmuga in "3.f_..;§!o Iigcns also otllt-Winn intotlie tn? 0! as _$n_hom In tin g;;,@_q1_" ~~ _-j--_' A which 1uoa|:d.s_nf:92c ne brnnds:§§_a_séMAl.laeits1ln._§fi{een_:rdt92"ing 3 iold mm to leave the saloons." ' new 'qire'L'. onued lo... wt-. feiwltv l_ wrlv if ==v_¢r= that her Q1939. selling nor-31111 l==1.1'." were kept: srwtln :-~!wth=- and Gmlforii had I-some snldmo be owned by one Iohn Ln he would pay the rems'{3e'i"1;r,¢{-'_* oss statesaent~ier-the-nnsa.nanrgan¢_..ms.us' Wnrnlngs__;l_1st un1essfh_e 9,- _Bl'elitl.81l. Later it was learned that Brennan was the alias used by Har- vey Bailey, leader oi the U1.-schel nation. and separate accounting: printing stories about the Una lrldnepinz gang and a bank robber tolilrs.Wlnkler.' 1- '------Tor each of a dozen liquor producing-~-mrodfhe would -be-slain. land killer. He now is serving time The snort concrete evidence con- Plants. for gambling houses, and for ' ..in a federal penitentiary. When oeming the activities ot the alcohol M Bailey was nabbed by federal agents and vice syndicate was obtained by $orne of the information lacking in Kansas City in August. 1.932. ¢Wo'federal agents and county authori; in these records was supplied by .. 'lhe,__ Minneapolis newspape; employee of the Northwest bank "ties in December, 4-I33. when Con- -.~onl of . Althea: . women, _who told while reluctant to rec-ognlze Gr identied him as the leader of the rad Althea, who once was a golf how he labored over his accounting. ford as s newspaper men, demand gang which robbed their institution. professional at the Mlnnepau course The wornsn, although bitter against action -upon this shooting, saying Hot even this story brought action It Minneapolis, was I01-ind lllin. _.'A1thens slsyers, was unable to give was an attempt to silence the £1 ,h};L1.hl civil service commission. Althen, who-was an expert so any help in the hunt for the actual press. At rst it seemed they mi; 'I_ federal agents, seeking kidnapinz.countant as well as a golfer, was books. The searchers were particu- get what they demanded, for Gu lord from his hospital bed identi lung! and bands oi bank robbers the hooltinee P9-T tor the syndicate.. lsrly anzdous to nd the books. who terrorized the middle yiest ,ln_ Harry Jas and "Irish" Gotth lldehadboenllrvinitheng since sinoe much nt the government's 1932 and 1833. begin worlrln The 19$, rendering quarterly -etate- - one against the syndicate members as his assailants. ".lhe bwo gun:-r. Twin Cities as the best p0ini:s_I-t menls as concise and balanced as depended upon nding them. . were seized and jailed. men tr which to pick up the trails of their Jhose d"a:i:r.1=92l1'lv@1l92i°=-,_¢;;;~f_'_:'_;Lfterr snonths of searjchlng. gov-'were identied by other wltnesr quarries. " ~ - - J- --ernment scents concluded they ll!!! " N0"c1larges were placed -agnii L 1. rciurn to the decade of "" r-'--1-H -92=r1I- -£ -ow-->---" been destroyed about the time Al- the men, however, and they wt the twenties. Not only was Minne- then was slain. With the books not taken before the grand jury ' arm"! n hideout for visiting crimi- One week before his body was gone the indictments were dropped, County Attorney Floyd Olson. Th nail but it also was the home when his recovery had become found the federal grand Jury "tn only ten of the 38 men named in stamphlg ground for one of the certainty, Guilford began to we Minneapolis had voted secret indict- the original true bills being brought in his story. While yet convair largest and best organized aloohol ments against 38 of the better into court. Most 0! these escaped ag: in the country. The ring was ing he identied pictures of a n known hoodlunu in that cltys un- prison, merely paying nominal nes. operated by a syndicate of never who was in a_penltentia.ry as 1 derworld. The rinzleaders, their The real strength of this organ- of his attackers. Later he s cl-|iet_ lieutenants and Althen were ized gangland was rst shown in 5955-i3 % gut all/named. aithouxh this informa-1927. It was demonstrated when n. Fiippy Share and a gunman. J w33'"""**"'"'»'~ -oqsp paounoq ""'-I"'~P-=:- pa; oz: Imus_ on at that time had not been made coupe containing two men drew Gould, of Chicago, had done H9090 lpu is,-q I. - but _ _ 1 __ _ r alongside the car containing How- O-M1I l"[]3lJllQq0 ' _-go: Han; 0° napi It was apparent. however, that ard Gui1ford,- publisher or the Sat,- wnen he emerged irpin the I urday ?ress, a weekly newspaper pltal the charges against all ..;:r.:::::.:r~ Pifw-I -1"Ploy I-RAE - dernl men were anxious to seize Lthen. The day after the indict- oi Minneapolis, at Lowry avenue in PWIIIB IIIJ VP;-1 .°;JJ;': 92i;!m|- ents were returned they raided an and West Broadway. With Guilford auoda-1! I-U0.-I} .1-Iraq gm gnq In TI iartment house where he had been was Iltting his sister-in-law. cuss @399 qoasg sale uonqaaxa Y a_ .ing. Finding agents at iront and One oi the men within the coupe 1 gr, Althen jumper; from a window red ve shots at Guilford, leaning Read: A B01001" Pleq uaumo lfsvalfsods iiziun-J so escaped. . J3-410.13-I -IO 13:3 HM Iuauflg-IE Altnen went into hiding. His -H3111 &2[£$_?1_{1_1'g,g3 n-_-M inn wuoq ends, according to police, sought rn out and advisedshim to our-' '.j1_,925'~'?;-L -' -' -.:,l=:!' ' _ . -.-~. 1'.-5 to the trap. ' ' ""=,_=§§j I '.I:ZEE;:;E;E:':;': "" The Wrec Ail}-ie joined the boys," who pro- "'4cded quickly to slug him into un- ,;; .- - __ _1 ~ "'1 .§..::si§;.-F-_-2: "92=-~i~I=ness and then drive to a Record Spllo .1--.'». - r-. ., -~ 1.+:'92-=.»2s,t road near South St. Paul. -- . r=':r?Ii=:fs.-.- ..-" Siam April. I931, Ceuwmanlst evidently he regained con- , ,2. ;,___-Q ,.,.£;,i;»5$§: is Buns: I-hes: lfillinnl oi -_r.=r==fI?;I,;§f<." <.=..'=.-"FE-*-f3I=§i.- Tu Thousand -lobe of Willa; W l8 as he gas pitched into "_ ' ;,.z§:.; fir;-=;:*= .,-55. E ditch. His bullet riddled body .. -=-. -===~f=.-will =:- , Ons¥irnglDdthet!,ltemI925&||l found the next morning. It lay 'Is.Itin3 the Governor's Advim to'0r3-anios 1; ....=-,-=,->l.=:=- " ~=<...I '- i i -15.-" "I'!" I;92'l"."$'$'I-i-.92;,;-!~::--$;-1;.-$32 ,, lnands." Takins Courage From the issui- the =1-ight side with the left hand ,,.==5j.-;5=¢;=' "_,.5;- .=..- ' la Leis Inertia, the Publie's lndierenes - PWU. Lou? ll Bids Fair to Tali! Om k! as it to ward off a blow. '-'»I»_.,'~. ~ -I I-:-:.--. - _ _ . circle of empty shells on the , _.., , _,__n.- _. tx .._._a it . . .-- _ -¢'.._;-: -;.-_~92,F Ii-as-1-e¢|rsu,a¢. lyre-s "_""_;wFHm!.by-slillillbil above the body clearly told > has lrvu -in a machine gunner stood there .- !9 _- , W 1-as-s 1'1:-ea,-n-ss|u.I,.4r-a-1'un-sul><.r UOM1aM0d let y a burst of 14 shots, all -1- J "' ";"-rt I mwon HOLDS! one oi which struck Althen. .. __ if _»;@,;__, bdoks Aiihen kept have never Y1 TO srnury en found. It is assumed that,his AssociatedPress photo.! - ' ends who feared he might Howard Guiiiord, publisher of pquswk" if he got into hands of Saturday Press, who was wound- ye federal investigators destroyed ed by gunmen in I927. Seven Top is-elf of the-Frli P599 ° - F m. years iefer he was slain. J. M. Near-ht S'i"_'.".1"""""" ...... ,_ ,-,,,,--,,,-~;- - 5--iaeii : 92

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' Jheh T... attention of the mlddl I115! that elty eay in 195. '_ , In that year Frank Brunaldll Berman. Barney, the = @101 Cf PENIS. Hi! PIT! 111 =;.1nae of the lddnaping Ben I1. I-int! tae ltov. Knute B. Birlreland. aa__ , _ momGottloh, and . - ___ Iah hroEhera.kEa.rr-,7, , William,, charged "I1 the iiirieiand fam.Tly_ 3.1 .92___ _...,_- ._ - .'.."_.5;and ppnerabyajurymtae Crim- E _u|1.iu.1ru,wuw:o1n u3,nrst.ia- ~|.qQ.¢._l-1-I Mill! tbla cram!-Qlle 'It:aimentO!'thUi'y.annually handled Illilona of dollar! - often imm Emit 5 "J7 -- T... Bronaldll wan a veteran_poliee~.. . . #4.:'mani.nlllhnnapol.i!i.nl.%'Be-gin.Al in other citlh when large _ or_¢a.nizatinna wielded power pith .n5n;1:laucreer'aaaatahiehora2t.n'politicians and paid henewullr Ior police nrntectlon among all razull ¬=,'i-arriving hi the Twin Clllee withinlav entoreana. the hoodlum: _ _j1pIlll92~§f_]I0lU £rpan_!he£o-wa_ Irma any moleatacl. . .hnnudmm92mltrwhenhe_wa.|born.Perhapathhhwlaexjrlnlnn Ieaooaoetalnedaiohaadrivlral"'IJa"venport lnanii. 121. ;unnanaho92abdBIle-IJo'lh In ill I-he Rum. xwedaear er 92¢l.lbIl!:I'booil|!¢l4I. 11'! the hrvwi-11; company. arranged Im- Qpgpgllarllmee-lealnl-Iiiilll-' Brunalll tojoln the poiioefnmeaa 1 rnnl.ri'n nah-nlman ne.-eat:-lI'|'a Q--o - Atlarthoktiafhavenportwa J aasignmenta included raid; pn mm; an-ea-ted and a deteetivouriad or the brewer: customers, urwhem, iii-in with iiraifuiegreo munier. The -. . I I. T .- "I911-Ill 581911. Ill had been deliver- matter dragged for one month while ing is-taer.' In Ii: year: Brunakilt became a detective. " l ' ' .Davenport remained in jail. 11-ten .,A Minneapolis riot acana, one oisaveral displays of violence in nit: the grand junrvotedano biilatur V ~'v"~' Mayor Thomu Van Lear. who- . , andiholhiq later was to become the atar de- iele Wit-he-Ia at Milwaukee for the gunman. Jack Davenport. and virtu- I ¢ ally obtained the acquittal of that ______,._-an...-4- _ZZ'-manualshabitual criminal in the cue of the Ibberf of the Northwestern Na- i -4». .- tional bank of Milwaukee. made Brunalrlll chief of detoctivea, 11-. i 19% Brunalzill became chie! oi the entire force, holding the job untji Mayor George E. Leach removed 3 *- him ln 1928. ~ ' Brunlkill wai removed after the mayor obtained evidence proving that the policeman was habitually ahielding orimlnala, a In recent years e number or private dtlzena have ied mm. plaints against Brunakill with the commission. but the policeman who now la captain oi the Minneapolis north aide station never has been Isked to defend himself. One oi the latest charge: bean repeating. In the information aent C to the commission It was stated that on May 1.1., 191R, police learned that an automobile believed to have been uled by bandit; who had, a /, month earlier, held up the North American branch of the Northwelt Seven men irorn Hinneanoiis and l92'ati0l"a1 bank of Minnoapoiie, tak- Hdneping of Cherie: F. rschai, av in " ii ihfd ing a large aum of caah and securi- Si. Paul in Icouriroum in Okla ome City awaiting ca as e eere ties, war discovered in a garage at: oaifhy oii man. In i-he front row: [i Barney Barman, 2LSam Koziaer9 2945 South Pillsbury avenue in hearing an-era] witnesses Intro- [Si Isadore [Kid Conn! Blurnenfeid, 6] Pete Miller, eie Arnold..» . Minneapoa. duced by County Attorney U'|l0It. % The widow oi Wlnkler was visited A week later. however, detectivesout of i-he car and shouting rhea by Davenport only a few days after raided a place where Allhen had while, "Damn you, Cui]f0:d,_!ve- Garage attendants were in the act the ahooiing. At that time, lhe been living at one lime. There they got. you now." Then the car oi armor plating the oar when De- lays,Davenp0rt told her: I've paid found ledgera, account bDl'Iki,.iOl'l1Eaway. . . tectteet -Joseph Lehmeyer and .*.r= $40,000 in the right place and I'mcorrespondence, eorne old freight Critically wounded in the ahll tllur Weibe arrived to lelze ll. The not going to be prosecuted. At the and truck waybiila and other rec- men, Guiliord jotled down the ".1 two detective: did not take the car, easne time I'd 1L=.e to have you ttee,-1ordl. Theae, although merely in- cense number of the gang car ani hut reported back to Mayor William your mouth ahut to keep an much dicea of the actual accounts, dis- drove to a hospital. '= A. Am-ieraon that Captain Brun- heat oi! me as poaaibie. I'll bargain closed that Althea kept 5995!!!! As an individual Howard Guiliort aklll walked into the garage as they with you. I will give you $7.500,aiatementa for each oi the gang had no importance. He had bet"- wt-r about to drive it away and the ltate civil damage maximum in hii shots. Code numbers were uaed atiacking the city and county uh.- told them to leave the oar alone." cue oi death. Lf you'll keep your in the lndicea. ciala, however, charging them with Th - automobile, at that tirne, was trap shut." 'l"he indlces also showed "quieiui accepting graft and protecting the lair to be Owned by one John J. The widow agreed. Davenpontact,-ounta," M;-Coy acrou!-us," in open operaiinna of the syndicate. Breiinan. !4ter it was learned that then handed her $3.5-U0, tolling her whirii t'cr:<92t'da of the n" bramis 'l'l'92ese nitnvirs had been growing in Brennan Wu! the aliaa used by Har- he would pay the remainder later. of uncut liquors demanded by eer- intensity over a period or several vey Bailey. leader of the Urachel It never has been paid, accordingtaln patrons were kept. n prr-hi Ind months, and Gullford had received to Mrs. Winkler. loaa Itatement for the entire organ many warnings that unless he quit kidnaping gang and a bank robber iatlon, and separate accouritiril.-~'printing stories about the tlndr: nnri killer. He now is serving time The moat oonrrrete evidence vou- ior each of I dnze11liq921o1' "92-1-|:m H1; or-uiri he would be slain. cerning the activities of the alcohol pianil. for gambling hU|i?'7'- and lor and vice syndicate was obtained by vice resorts. ~..e""" 5v 7. i $ome of the information lackin: _,_. =2 i. i-I_-|'v:-e-:~:~_- .er T: 5



i. riot; ,r - . 92'_: into.! g " --"L hr '-i-cl: drivor|' strilie there in I934. Nate the policemen the ghting.

_ ..../...,. Gov. Floyd B.Dlson oi Minnesota ward the cost 0! carrying the ght , who es e county attorney in Miri- to the United States Supreme court. neapoiis is shown to have tailedin his claw of prosecuting certain to e-'...,-,- Tm: CHICAGO 'In1aUNE individually members of the criminal Qmant. Tribuneshow.! engaged counsel for Near. that during that afternoon Rut! had of business men also were indicted, R MM ~ at In an epochal decision on June 1, been in oonference with Melvin Pas- these defendants being nat-ned as 1931, the federal Supreme court solt and Joseph A. Poirer in the givers or bribes. the alderman being i I a, ! K _ ruled the Minnesota gag law was county attorney: olce, and he be- charged with their acceptance. iv . __-,~'<.; ~ .-... unconstitutional because it inter- lieved Ru had told them every- fered with the liberty ot the press But Olson's part in granting Rit- as guaranteed by the fourteenththing regarding our meeting. ten immunity from prosecution amendment to the federal constitu- " I asked Frank what he would do never before has been made public. ',. , _ tion. In this battle Near and Guil- ti he were in my boots. He dc- That confession was obtained by ford won, and the Saturday Press ciared I. should get a good attorney. two Minneapolis newspaper men who continued to be published. I asked him whom he would recent- followed Ritten when the latter ed While these matters were in the rnend end he said. Get Archie M. to California. Viihen they returned courts, Hennepir. County Attorney Cary. [Cary is known in Minne- with the document their editors i... Floyd Olson was busy building 3 apolis as the lawyer who appearschose to print only certain excerpts political organization. Defeated in fur the syndicate hoodlurns and tberelrorn. _.l- _ . _ :"-Z -:3"-I".-"en-.4|qij|. 1924, when he ran for governor on other criminals who are able to pay During the trials which followed a platform which was almost wholly large lees] the public was kept in the dark '1 " '-'5' ''IF"? ...1.'.. cornmunistic. Olson was out to gain Brunskill called Mr. Cary from about the Ritten incident. Prose _:. .._,,,;,_;___ t . {Air- the support of labor in the three my olce and arranged for a con- cuter Olson was praised as a public . Y large cities in his state-Minneapcrference, at the same time telling servant. zealous to uphold the iaw. ,_. J tic, St. Paul, and S!-ttiuth. Mr. Cary that Lou is e very good Strangely enough the " common peo- His opportunity came in 192%,friend ot rnine."' ple "the laboring classes of Minne- when bootilers in the Minneapolis That evening Ritten went to apolis, St. Paul, and, in fact, all City council became panicky. Ca'ry's home for a preliminary con- Minncsotarallied around, him, imeni began its case in the The boodlers had been operatingference and Cary telephoned Brun- Just what Olson did for the lnbgr. on a smell scale, the ring consistingskiil to come to the home also. Rlt~ lng men of Minneapolis is shown m Kroniclc, [4] Charles Walk. of half a dozen aldermen. ten's confession continues: in the following table, which lists AssociatedPreu photo.! Leader of the ring wasAlderman "I told Frank I was worried £0 the defendants as to punishments ~. 4 Louis N. Ritten of the silk smock-death and didn't know what to do or lack of punishments: Guiiiurd had mentioned were l.ng" Second ward in Minneapolis.or where to turn, or words to that -pad. Guiltord himself, accord-He was a. former president of the eect. Brunelciil declared that he Prison Sentenced tO Iricitcls, was unexpectedlycity council and a prominent grain 2 es] perous. lie changed his borne had been in a bad ti: himself, and John Y. Eckiierg, labor alder» merchant in the town. Soon after that Cary had got him out of man. Twelfth ward, 10 years. ac- =2 ii i a shabby rooming house to a he entered the council, accordingtrouble." 2 in one of the best, hotels, he to Hlttc-n's own confession, he begun ww- cepting bribe; Frank E. Gl¬lit21l~ -bed considerable sums of hain, labor alderman, Tenth ward. accepting bribes. Then he became 10 years, accepting bribe; 1?}-ed i_~. qliil sported many he--.'e member ct licensing -fonimitteesThe following day at another con- Man:-er. labor alderman, Third :eS_ and of a committee which conlroleclference Cary demanded a retaining wnrcl, 2 years, accepting bribe; E. purchases. fee oi $5,000, which Riticn produced,J. S cc:*.o_v, labor alderman, Third -1 --I-hid a few weeks he re- Within e. short time Ritten worked Bitten tells also that Woodward ward. 2 years. accepting bribe. ar! to his I'iFVt'5pB}JEl' attacks out an arrangement with Aldermandemanded money to get out of town. 1the underworld and upon city Frank E. Giebenhain of the Tenth saying a grand jury subpcna llilti Fines 920b|ll_92 oit-iels. Then the Min. ward, a labor representative, and been issued for his appearance. In Morris Eisensiadt, cleaner and "B E-ll? l-W, passed by the state J. Russell Sheffield, Eighth ward, to all Ritten gave Woodward $3,300 dyer, er92ii92'itt9d Oi giving bribe, i-Hutu ill 1925, was invokedaccept money which would later be to get out of town. Then he was paid $1,500; Jnrncs E. Fox. oil nst Guilford and his partner, divided among the trio. Certain tolrl that Ruff was about to go hr- hrokor. nlcadcti guilty to giving is New "'?'ii1'hii'-lit-rs of the sn- other nlderrnen. including John P. fore the grand jury. Ht! than iv- brine. paid 575" iy Pr--<92 The vase rig i.i.si rhcni 131ki"H:~ B labor party pUlllli_lcll'lcirled to go before the grand juis P7959: -?E'l by F10!-Pd Slat. from the Twelfth ward; F;-ed Maui-. and try to get immunity, on advice Charges Dismissed. Consent ht! D-We-= cut: law was peculiar er, another labor man from the of Cari". oi Slate "1|1£'S alone. 92'i:92it permitteriThird word, and E. J. Sweeney and The tI'llll"$92l- n -rim 'iIlli_~_92;J. Rte:--~ ll Shciciri "si>< stock- t t.- slate ollclals to stip- 92'92"- TI. Rendcll intermittently tori. ing " Eiplitli ward, indicted for rc- part. in the boodling. "A few days iaii-r Car! .1rr.nii;i-rt .=i-i.I -'};i.;i|1;-_92- na'_,.._ for R meeting beiwroii rnyscll. ceiving bribe; Don Green, agent uhllbl-.r1 JllBl,9292_i of 5 'm;_,[,. County Attorney Floyd B. Ulsnii. for re f|[l]1aJ"BILi$ mantifacturing rendaious. or dtfaInairiry" -M and hzruself in e t--om at the Mini -- rnmi-mi_92, indicted for giving bribe; 1121'" Ili'li-Lrr, rem ¬S!.:lt" l1:'C.L; . an ,..,.-. .n ...:.i_ t _ apolls Athletic liJl'At The: i;ii.i 1 '-<. I told the i'o:iil_- niiiiilivj t92'!'Yj-lint.-ins ft-l gi92"t:;j lirilw; 1; In I,3 . thing l linen, esccpt the p8!mtiil:~Brown. busiitcss man, iiirlicied ior to Woodtvard. The next conferencetiivim: bribe; Henry M. Baskexv .' . 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tron um 9 -1 - , - j nut j ' um'own ti on :1: 1 no no 80 in at rap:-In cums» the Inuatol __$!»"llIl!lI||l$i»;§_u__-%=_f_Iona j of 1; ea-"lupin; StolenAnti! the 1n.Qu0bu. no at 0 e _ l * ti ' tint this in-inf of-i iii fiiiili ' lututigatim rm ° of this 0110; In, I118 all lthntlnlyI

=1: rod an-vino to the Iltplrtnuntpt Justin. ll» - '- ~ w Q.-4;-_§ -Q-11 13 - - I'92I'I'§-il In-1;; K __I % z Dgvid D- . - " r 1' 4.. =_A I-i___ ,>{>-:;:~9292.'_- . , I , . -1. -g <- -L cla bl ranch at 1205 K-8* i J-V Iuhin gton,D. Q. _ Qhenn lumbar Franklin-10499 . i