arXiv:1804.05675v1 [hep-th] 12 Apr 2018 ∗ [email protected] emoi ouin faFv-iesoa hr-iosAd Chern-Simons Five-Dimensional a of Solutions Fermionic eaayeacaso ouin fa5 hr-iosAdS- Chern-Simons 5D a of solutions of class a analyze we ASnmes 04.65.+e,11.15.Yc numbers: PACS ou comes that scheme. function reduction particular o the localization of the means about by infer components can we limits, freed specific of some degrees in supersymmetric bosonic the mass with describes couplings equation fermionic This fields, present. fermionic is the torsion for motion of equation fe non-linear the a for get motion of equation non-trivial th a that yields show reduction We context. ferm reduction the dimensional to particular solutions a find to theories Chern-Simons of erties ansa Randall-Sundrum-type a With fields. gravitino without u rXve iad10 ra i eJnio rzl E 222 CEP Brazil, Janeiro, de Rio Urca, 150, Sigaud Xavier Dr Rua ae nrcn icsin ntes-aldunconventiona so-called the on discussions recent on Based 1 etoBaier ePsussF´ısicas (CBPF), Pesquisas de Brasileiro Centro uegaiywtotGravitino without ...Gomes Y.M.P. 1, ∗ moi ed eactually We field. rmionic v emoswt specific with fermions ive yia fmdl where models of typical N h emos chirality fermions’ the f z eepotteprop- the exploit we tz, madw hwthat, show we and om oi edeutosin equations field ionic sseicdimensional specific is SGAformulation -SUGRA otedimensional the to t , l 90-180 S 2


An alternative method to build up a theory with supersymmetry (SUSY) is by imple- menting a gauge theory for a super-algebra that includes an internal gauge group, , along G with a local SO(1,D 1) algebra that has to be set up to connect these two symmetries − through fermionic supercharges [1–3]. In these references, the field multiplet is composed by a (non-)Abelian field, A, a spin-1/2 Dirac fermion, ψ, the spin connection, ωab, the d-bien, ea, and additional gauge fields which complete the degrees of freedom to accomplish the supersymmetrization. These additional fields are dependent on the structure of the group and the space-time which we intend to work in. The representations of the fields are not all the same. The Dirac spinor transforms under the fundamental representation, while the gauge connection belongs to the adjoint representation of . In this framework, the metric G is completely invariant under the symmetries , SO(1,D 1) and supersymmetry. G − Due to the properties quoted above, the model displays important differences in com- parison with standard SUSYs. For example, there is no superpartners with degenerate masses, nor an equal number of degrees of freedom of bosons and fermions. There is not even a spin-3/2 fermion, i.e., a gravitino, in the spectrum of the model [1–3].

It is remarkable that, in odd dimensions, the Chern-Simons (CS) form is quasi-invariant under the whole supergroup. On other hand, for even dimensions, the symmetry breaks into SO(1,D 1). For example, for D = 4, the super-group can have no invariant traces, G × − and this is the reason why supersymmetry breaks down. The action in four dimensions must be seen as an effective description, due to, for instance, a quartic fermionic coupling that shows up and prevents the model from being renormalizable [1–3].

The paradigm that the procedure still keeps from standard SUSY is that fermion and bosons can be combined into a unique non-trivial representation of a supergroup. The differences already appear in the scenario where the SUSY works. In this proposal, SUSY is an extension of the symmetries of the tangent space. Since Dirac fermions lie in the [( 1 , 0) (0, 1 )]-representation of Lorentz group, SUSY is implemented as an extension of the 2 ⊕ 2 tangent space symmetries. This approach allows us to implement SUSY in any manifold,by looking for the symmetries of the tangent bundle. Another difference is found in the field representations [1]. 3

A Chern-Simons AdS5 supergravity is a gauge model based on a SUSY extension of

the AdS5 gravity. Based on the no-gravitini approach [1] and on the structure of SO(4, 2) group, we work with a field that is a 1-form gauge connection [4]:

1 ˆ =e ˆaJ + ωˆabJ + AˆkT +(ψ¯rΓˆQ + Q¯rΓˆψ )+ ˆbK, (1) A a 2 ab k r r where the hat stands for 5-dimensional forms; Γ=ˆˆ eaγ , with a, 0, ..., 4; k = 1, ..., 2 1 a N − and r = 1, ..., . This 1-form has values in the SU(2, 2 ) super-algebra, whose bosonic N |N sector is given by SU(2, 2) SU( ) U(1), where SU(2, 2) SO(4, 2) [5]. ⊗ N ⊗ ≃ The infinitesimal gauge transformation is given by δAˆ = dǫˆ + [A,ˆ ǫ , with ǫ = ǫaJ + } a 1 ab k r ¯r K 2 ǫ Jab + ǫ Tk +χ ¯ Qr + Q χr + ǫb . In components, we have:

1 δeˆa = dǫˆ a +ˆωabǫ + ǫabeˆ + (ψ¯rΓˆγaχ +χ ¯rγaΓˆψ ) , (2a) b b 2 r r

1 δωˆab = dǫˆ ab +ˆωacǫ b +ˆωbcǫ a + (ψ¯rΓˆγabχ +χ ¯rγabΓˆψ ) , (2b) c c 4 r r

δAˆk = dǫˆ k + f k Aˆ ǫm i(ψ¯r(τ k) sΓˆχ +χ ¯rΓ(ˆ τ k) sψ ) , (2c) lm l − r s r s

δ(Γˆψ )= ˆ χ (2d) r ∇ r

ˆ ˆ ¯r r δb = dǫb + i(ψ Γˆχr +χ ¯ Γˆψr) , (2e)

ˆ where ~ χ = dχˆ + [i( 1 1 )ˆb + 1 eˆ γa + 1 ωˆ γab]χ + Aˆ (τ k) sχ . ∇ r r 4 − N 2 a 4 ab r k r s In the work of Ref.[2], to ensure that no gravitini appear in the spectrum in a 3D action, the authors show that the dreibein remains invariant under gauge and supersymmetry transformations, but rotates as a vector under the Lorentz subgroup. To do this, we must ˆ look for the SUSY transformations. In the fermionic part, we have δ(Γˆψ ) = ~ χ , where r ∇ r χ is the local SUSY parameter. Any vector with spinor index can be split into irreducible representations: 1 1/2=3/2 1/2 of the Lorentz group. So, for ξα =(P + P )aξα = ⊗ ⊕ a 3/2 1/2 b b φα +Ψα, where (P )b = δb 1 γ γb = δb (P )b are the projectors, φα are the 3/2- a a 3/2 a a − 5 a a − 1/2 a a α b component and Ψa is the 1/2-component. Therefore, we have (P3/2)aγbψ = 0, by definition. SUSY transformation yields:

ˆ δ(Γˆψ )= δeˆaγ ψ +ˆeaγ δψ = ~ χ . (3) r a r a r ∇ r 4

Applying the P3/2-projector to the equation above, we find that

(P ) ν ˆ χ =0 , (4) 3/2 µ ∇ν r

which implies that ˆ χ =e ˆaγ ρ , for an arbitrary spinor ρ. This condition guarantees that ∇ r a r the symmetry transformations close off-shell without the need of introducing auxiliary fields

[2]. Applying P1/2-projector to the equation (3) we obtain that, under SUSY, δψr = ρr and a δeˆ = 0. The spinor ρr obeys the Killing equation; the number of Killing spinors defines the number of unbroken , i.e., supersymmetries respected by the background

[2]. For instance, if ρr = 0, we have χr = constant (covariantly constant), and we obtain a global SUSY. For a general solution, a Hamiltonian analysis must be carried out to extract the exact solution for the SUSY parameter [3]. The field-strength is given by Fˆ = dˆAˆ + 1 [A,ˆ Aˆ . In components, we have Fˆ = 2 } ˆa 1 ˆab ˆk ˆ¯ r ¯r ˆ K F Ja + 2 F Jab + F Tk + Θ Qr + Q Θr + F , where:

ˆa ˆ a a b ¯r ˆ a ˆ ˆ a ¯r ˆ a ˆ F = deˆ +ˆω beˆ + ψ Γγ Γψr = Dωˆ eˆ + ψ Γγ Γψr , (5a)

1 Fˆab = Rˆab +ˆeaeˆb + ψ¯rΓˆγabΓˆψ , (5b) 2 r

ˆk ˆˆk k ˆl ˆm ¯r ˆ k s ˆ F = dA + f lmA A + ψ Γ(τ )r Γψs , (5c)

¯ Θˆ =( ˆ )s(Γˆψ ), Θˆ r = ( ˆ )r(ψ¯sΓ)ˆ , (5d) r ∇ r s − ∇ s

ˆˆ ¯r Fˆ = db + iψ ΓˆΓˆψr, (5e)

ˆab ˆ ab ac b where R = dωˆ +ω ˆ ωˆc . In the sequel, we shall specifically analyze the SUSY transfor- mations and see how the gravitino sector is suppressed from the model. This Letter follows the outline bolow: In Section II, we displays the salient properties of the model, the action and the associated equations of motion. In Section III, we present our dimensional reduc- tion scheme, Randal-Sundrum’s presciption. Next, in the Section IV, we analyze possible non-trivial fermionic solutions and, finally, in Section V, we cast our Concluding Comments. 5


The topological action we shall be dealing with can be written as a Chern-Simons action in 5 dimensions [5]:

1 1 S5D = + , (6) Z hAFF − 2FAAA 10AAAAAi

where ... stands for the supertrace. Using these definitions, we can split the compo- h i 5D nents of the action S = SG + SSU(N ) + SU(1) + Sf , so that:

1 1 1 S = ǫ FˆabFˆcdeˆe Fˆabeˆceˆdeˆe + eˆaeˆbeˆceˆdeˆe , (7) G −2 abcde Z − 2 10

ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ SSU(N ) = Tr AFF AAAF + AAAAA + − Z h − 2 10 i i + Aˆ ψ¯rΓ(ˆ ˆ τ ˆ ) sΓˆψ , (8) 2 · ∇ ∇ r s

1 1 ˆ 2 ˆ 1 ab 1 a SU(1) = ( + )b(Fˆ) + b Fˆ Fˆab Fˆ Fˆa + Z 2 42  − 4 − 4 N 1 ˆi ˆ 1 1 1 ¯r ˆ ˆ 2 s ˆ F Fi + ( + )ψ Γ( )r Γψs , − 2 4 ∇  N N (9) and S = i ψ¯rΓˆ ˆ s( ˆ Γˆψ) + c.c. , (10) f Z Rr ∇ s here,

1 1 1 1 ( ˆ 2)s = (Rˆab +ˆeaeˆb)γ + Tˆaγ + i( )dˆˆb δs + ∇ r 4 ab 2 a 4 − r  ′ ′′ ′ ′′  ˆˆk kk k ˆk ˆk k s N + dA + f A A (τ )r , (11)   k s 2 s′ k s ( ˆ τ ˆ ) =( ˆ ) (τ ) ′ , (12) ∇ ∇ r ∇ r s and 1 1 i 1 1 ˆ s = Fˆabγ Fˆaγ + ( + )Fˆ δ s + Fˆi(τ ) s . (13) Rr − 4 ab − 2 a 2 4 r i r  N  6

It should be noticed that, since ˆ s ΓˆΓˆδs, the fermionic part of S generates a Dirac- Rr ⊃ r f 5 ¯r like action for the fermions (Sf d xψ Dψ/ r). Notice that the bosonic part is almost the ⊃ R same in comparison with the usual 5D AdS-SUGRA action [5]. The important difference lies in the fermionic sector which we will analyze in the Section IV.

Inspecting the Field equations

The 5D-CS action transforms under a gauge transformation as δS5D = δ . R hFF Ai We can check that, due to this result, one can readily find the field equations in terms of component fields; they are given by:

1 1 i ¯ δeˆa ε FˆbcFˆde Fˆ Fˆ Θˆ rγ Θˆ =0 , (14) → −2 abcde − 4 b − 2 a r

1 1 i ¯ δωˆab ε FˆcdFˆe Fˆ Fˆ Θˆ rγ Θˆ =0 , (15) → −2 abcde − 4 ab − 2 ab r

1 1 1 1 1 δˆb FˆabFˆ FˆaFˆ FˆiFˆ +( )(Fˆ)2 + → −4 ab − 4 a − i 2 − 42 1 1 1 ¯ N N ( )Θˆ rΘˆ =0 , (16) −2 4 − r N

1 i ¯ δAˆi f ikjFˆjFˆk + Fˆ Fˆ + Θˆ r(τ i)sΘˆ =0 , (17) → i 2 r s N

sΘˆ =0 . (18) Rr s It can be checked that = 0 is a solution to the field equation. Let us analyze this F solution. In components, we have:

Fˆa =0 Tˆa = Dˆ eˆa = ψ¯rΓˆγaΓˆψ (19a) → ωˆ − r 1 Fˆab =0 Rˆab +ˆeaeˆb = ψ¯rΓˆγabΓˆψ (19b) → −2 r Fˆk =0 dˆAˆk + f k AˆlAˆm = ψ¯rΓ(ˆ τ k) sΓˆψ (19c) → lm − r s

Fˆ =0 dˆˆb = iψ¯rΓˆΓˆψ . (19d) → − r 7 and

Θˆ s =0 (19e)

The first four equations above are not but the equation of motion for the bosonic fields.

In the section IV we analize the fermionic component Θˆ s = 0.


We have that the index a = 0, ..., 4 = I, 4, where the index I refers to the SO(1, 3) Minkowski group. So, the fields can be split into two pieces [11, 12].

ωˆab = ωˆIJ ,λˆbI , eˆa = eˆI , eˆ4 . (20) { } { }

Besides that, we are also interested in considering the action in a 4-dimensional version; so, we must split the coordinates as xα =(xµ, χ) and the 1-forms can be written it as follows below: IJ IJ IJ ˆI I I ωˆ = ω + ωχ dχ ; b = b + bχdχ (21)

I I I 4 4 4 eˆ = e + eχdχ ;e ˆ = e + eχdχ (22)

ˆ ˆk k k b = b + bχdχ ; A = A + Aχdχ . (23)

a I µ Since the 5 D gamma-matrices can be split as γ =(γ ,γ5), we then have Γ=Γˆ µdx +

Γχdχ, where: I 4 I 4 Γ= γ eI + γ5e ; Γχ = γ (eI )χ + γ5eχ dχ . (24) h i As we can see, the equation = 0 is a solution (but, non-unique) to the field equations F for the topological action. Therefore, we can analyze this solution in terms of the reduced components (see V).

Randall-Sundrum Dimensional Reduction

A Randall-Sundrum-like ansatz (RS) is proposed with the assumption that the geom- etry of 5D space-time has the following structure [13–15]:

2 −2σ(χ) µ ν 2 2 ds5D = e gµν(x)dx dx + G(χ) dχ . (25) 8

We can translate (25) in terms of the following f¨unfbein:

I −σ(χ) a h µ(x)e 0 eˆα =   , (26) 0 G(χ)   I J where σ is called conformal function. The 4D metric can be written as gµν(x)= ηIJ h µh ν, with ηIJ = diag(1,-1,-1,-1). Going further, the inverse of the f¨unfbein is given by:

(h−1(x)) µeσ(χ) 0 ˆα I Ea =   , (27) 0 1  G(χ)  I I −1 Jµ IJ where we assume that h µ has an inverse, i.e., h µ(h ) = η . This opens up the opportu- I −σ I µ I µ nity to define the inverse of the vielbein (in 4D). We have that e = e hµdx = eµdx , which I µ σ −1 µ I µ I implies eµeνI = gµν. Therefore, we may write EI = e (h ) I so that eµEJ = δJ . We can de- fine a operation “ ” in 4D, and we can present the identity above as EµeI =(E eI )= δI . ⌋ J µ J ⌋ J We shall use this operation from now on, and the 4D character is implicit in the forms without “ ˆ ”. From F a = 0, we can directly see that ωIJ = Gψ¯rγIJ γ ψ , λbI = ψ¯rΓγ γI ψ , χ − 5 r − 5 r λbI = Gψ¯rγI ψ = GtI and ωIJ = ΩIJ (e)+6ieM ǫ IJKψ¯sγ γ ψ (See Appendix (V)), and, χ − r M K 5 s I due to (26), Γ = e γI .


With the dimensional reduction ansatz present above, we can now initiate seeking a

solution for the fermionic fields ψr. We have: ¯ Θˆ =( ˆ )s(Γˆψ ) = 0 , Θˆ r = ( ˆ )s(ψ¯sΓ)=0;ˆ (28) r ∇ r s − ∇ r here, the covariant derivative can be written as ˆ = ( , dχ). Using the results from ∇ ∇ ∇χ F a = 0 and the Randall-Sundrum ansatz the ˆ -operator must have the following structure: ∇ s 1 1 1 I 1 IJ ¯s IJ r = d + i( )b + eI γ + ΩIJ γ 3(eI ψ γJ γ5ψs)γ γ5 + ∇  4 − 2 4 − N 1 ¯r I s k s (ψ Γγ5γ ψr)γ5γI δr + Ak(τ )r , (29) −2  and

s 1 1 1 ( χ)r = ∂χ + i( )bχ + G(χ)γ5 + ∇  4 − 2 N G ¯r IJ G ¯r I s k s (ψ γIJ γ5ψr)γ (ψ γ ψr)γ5γI δr +(Ak)χ(τ )r . − 4 − 2  (30) 9

Now, Θˆ = 0 gives us (ignoring the SU( ) indexes temporarily): µν N

I I I µ ν (Γψ)= ( µeν )γ ψ + eν µγIψ dx dx = ∇ h ∇ ∇ i I I µ ν = eν µγI ψ + Tµν γIψ dx dx =0 . (31) h ∇ i

µ ν Upon contraction of the equation above with Eb Ec , we arrive at:

[µ ν] I I EJ EK (Γψ) = EJ EK (eν µγIψ + Tµν γI ψ)=  ⌋∇  ∇ δI Eν γ ψ + T I γ ψ = γ ψ (ψγ¯ γI γ ψ)γ ψ = 0], (32) [K J]∇ν I JK I ∇[J K] − [J K] I

where = Eµ . Using that γ = ω J γ and, contracting with γJ γK, we get: ∇I I ∇µ ∇ I I J

1 / ψ + ΩI γJ γKγ ψ =0 , (33) ∇ 6 JK I where ΩI = EµI Ω , / = D/ +2+ 1 Ω IJ γKγ γ 18aγ/ 2Pγ + 1 cIJ γ γ , JK µJK ∇ 2 K I J − 5 − 5 4 IJ 5 D = d + i( 1 1 )b + A τ, aI = ψγ¯ I γ ψ, P = ψγ¯ ψ and cIJ = ψγ¯ IJ γ ψ. The equation is 4 − N · 5 5 5 part of the solution. Going further, the Θˆ µ4 = 0 component reads as below:

( )((γI e + γ e4)ψ) (γI (e ) + γ e4 )ψ =0 (34) ∇χ I 5 −∇ I χ 5 χ

Using the RS ansatz the equation simplifies to to acquire the form

/ (γ ψ) ∆ψ =0 , (35) ∇ 5 −

−1 J I −1 I where ∆ = G γ EJ χ(eI γ ψ) = (4G Dχ 2γ5 16P +2d γIγ5)ψ, with Dχ =  ⌋∇  − − ∂ + i( 1 1 )b + A τ, G−1σ′ =4P and dI = ψγ¯ I ψ. From Eqs. (33) and (35) we can reach χ 4 − N χ χ · 1−γ5 a differential equation for each chiral component of ψ. Using the definitions ψL = 2 ψ and 1+γ5 ψR = 2 ψ (the splitting the Dirac matrices in the left and right components), redefining a a the physical fermionic field as ψ ph = √µψ and the physical vielbein e ph = µe , where µ is | | a parameter with dimension [µ] = mass1, we find the following equations:

5i 18 2 1 σI (D + Ω a )ψ + (2µ + P cIJ σ )ψ =0 , (36) I 6 I − µ2 I R µ2 − 4µ2 IJ L

5i 18 2 1 σ¯I (D Ω + a )ψ + (2µ P + cIJ σ¯ )ψ =0 , (37) I − 6 I µ2 I L − µ2 4µ2 IJ R and 10

16 i 2 (4G−1D +2µ P )ψ σI ( Ω d )ψ =0 , (38) χ − µ2 L − 6 I − µ2 I R

16 i 2 (4G−1D 2µ P )ψ σ¯I ( Ω + d )ψ =0 . (39) χ − − µ2 R − 6 I µ2 I L Here we redefine ΩI and G in way to possess the correct dimensions [ΩI ] = mass1 and [G] = mass0. The Eqs. (36) and (37) are the Dirac-like equations of the fermionic fields on the brane with mass M =2µ. Moreover, the equations (38) and (39) are the cubic field equations from which we can fix the dependence on the extra dimension χ. For instance,

in the strong limit of µ parameter, assuming bχ = 0 and Aχ = 0, and for flat brane limit I −σ I (eµ = e δµ ), we are able to ignore the self-interaction terms, and we can write the fermionic

fields as ψL = α(χ)ψR(x) and ψR = β(χ)ψR(x), where x represents the coordinates inside the 4-brane. This are the zero mode solutions of the RS context. Therefore, we find the following solutions for α and β:

1 χ ′ ′ 1 χ ′ ′ 2 R0 dχ G(χ ) − 2 R0 dχ G(χ ) α(χ)= α0e , β(χ)= β0e , (40)

where α0 and β0 are constants. In this limit, we recover the well-known result which points to the problem of the simultaneous localization of the chiralities in the brane. Besides that, the ansatz are strongly dependent on the linear approximation and the flat brane limit.

Going further, we can contemplate the case bχ = Φ(χ). In this situation, the solutions for α and β can still be found and they are the following:

1 χ ′ ′ 1 − 1 ′ − 1 χ ′ ′ − 1 − 1 ′ α(χ)= α e 2 R0 dχ G(χ )+2i( 4 N )Φ(χ )/µ ; β(χ)= β e 2 R0 dχ G(χ ) 2i( 4 N )Φ(χ )/µ (41) 0   0  

As we can see, the Φ-field can modify the localization profile by a complex phase. A similar consideration could be made considering the A -field. Although, the SU( ) χ N structure requires more care. If A = A (χ) is considered, it generates an SU( ) phase, χ χ N analogous to the Φ-phase. Despite the absence of an imaginary i multiplying Aχ, the contri- bution maintains as a complex phase, due to the anti-hermitian character of the generators of SU( ) adopted here ( see Ref.[6]). N If we analyze the full set of equations, a non-linear system appears as a challenge for the comprehension of the spinor-localization in the branes. We shall focus on that and we are going to report on this issue in a forthcoming paper. 11


As shown previously, the fermionic equation of motion we have worked out is a non- linear equation, and the fermion field displays some interesting couplings. First of all, we find that the fermion acquires mass M =2µ, with µ a parameter that appears naturally in the formalism. As we have seen, the χ-component of the bosonic field b does not interfere in the localization scheme; the same happens with the χ component of the bosonic field A, at least in the strong mass limit. As it can be checked [22], is possible to localize both chiralities in the brane, by virtue of the presence of torsion. A careful analysis should be implemented to confirm this hint.

Another question remains to be clarified in a forthcoming publication. In ordinary

Randall-Sundrum scenarios, only one of the fermion chiralities (ψL or ψR) can be localized in the brane. Does this conclusion persist if quartic self-couplings are considered? May the non-linearity induce some new behavior of the localization scheme (i.e., topological solutions)? Is important to highlight that this non-linearity is present in other models of gravity with fermionic degrees of freedom. In our case, local SUSY unavoidably carries an intrinsic torsion from the new fermionic degrees of freedom.

By means of Fierzings, we can generate a Nambu-Jona-Lasinio cubic term in the field equations, and a dynamical symmetry breaking might take place. This is expected in theories with torsion, but the particularity here is that the coupling constant could be χ-dependent. This property may induce different masses, depending on the brane localization and, together with the mass M, it could yield a “see-saw-like” mechanism, involving a light and a heavy chirality.


Thanks are due to Prof. J.A. Helayel-Neto for discussions and suggestions on the orig- inal manuscript. This work is funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq-Brasil). 12


The representation of the generators is given in terms of (4+ ) (4+ )-supermatrices N × N [7, 8]:

1 α α 2 (γab) β 0 (γa) β 0 Jab =   , Ja =   , 0 0 0 0    

0 0 α 0 0 Tk =   , Qs =   , 0 (τ k) s δrδα 0  r  − s β  0 δrδα i δα 0 ¯s s β K 4 β Qα =   , =   . (42) 0 0 0 1 δ s    N r 

From that, the following algebra can be written:

[J ab,J cd]= ηadJ bc ηacJ bd + ηbcJ ad ηbdJ ac , − − [J a,J b]= s2J ab , [J a,J bc]= ηabJ c ηacJ b , − s s [J a, Q ]= γaQ , [J a, Q¯s]= Q¯sγa , s −2 s 2 1 1 [J ab, Q ]= γabQ , [J ab, Q¯s]= Q¯sγab , s −2 s 2 1 1 1 1 [K, Q ]= i( )Q , [K, Q¯s]= i( )Q¯s , s − 4 − s 4 − N N [T k, Q ]=(τ k)rQ , [T k, Q¯s]= (τ k)sQ¯r s s r − r i 1 Q , Q¯r = δrγaJ δrγabJ + iδrK +(τ k)rT . { s } −2 s a − 4 s ab s s k (43)

All the other relations vanish. The only non-vanishing supertraces are:

1 J J J = ε , T iT jT k = f ijk h a bc dei −2 abcde h i − 1 1 KJ J = η , KT iT j = δij h ab cdi −4 ab,cd h i − N 1 1 1 KJ J = η , KKK = + h a bi −4 ab h i 2 42 N 13

i i Q¯αJ Qs = (Γ )αδs , Q¯αT iQs = δα(τ i)s h r ab βi −4 ab β r h r βi −2 β r i 1 1 1 Q¯αJ Qs = (Γ )αδs , Q¯αKQs = ( + )δαδs h r a βi −2 a β r h r βi −2 4 β r N In the dimensionally reduced scenario, we have that the covariant derivative can be written as ˆ =( , dχ), where: ∇ ∇ ∇χ

s 1 1 1 I 1 4 1 IJ r = d + i( )b + eI γ + e γ5 + ωIJ γ + ∇  4 − 2 2 4 N λ I s k s + bI γ5γ δr + Ak(τ )r , (44) 2 

s 1 1 1 I 1 4 ( χ)r = ∂χ + i( )bχ + (eI )χγ + eχγ5 + ∇  4 − 2 2 N 1 IJ 1 I s k s + (ωIJ )χγ + λ(bI )χγ5γ δr +(Ak)χ(τ )r , 4 2  (45)

The above equations, components of F a = 0, are useful to the fermionic equations of motion: deI + ωI eJ = T I = ψ¯rΓγI Γψ , (46a) J − r σ′eI + ωIJ e = Gψ¯rΓγI γ ψ , (46b) − χ J − 5 r λbI e = ψ¯rΓγ γI ψ e , (46c) I − 5 r I λbI e = Gψ¯rγI ψ e , (46d) χ I − r I which gives us ωIJ = Gψ¯rγIJ γ ψ , λbI = ψ¯rΓγ γI ψ , λbI = Gψ¯rγI ψ and χ − 5 r − 5 r χ − r ′ ¯r IJ IJ σ (χ) = 4Gψ γ5ψr. From Eq.(46a), we can write the spin connection ω as ω = ΩIJ (e)+6ieM ǫ IJKψ¯sγ γ ψ , where ΩIJ = εIJKLe Ω and ΩJ = εMNJ (E E deI ) M K 5 s K L − I N M ⌋


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