The National Standard Squab Book
fk^i^T-.v^s^p>^::Ss 'pm^'k^y^'-^ •• SqUABBQDK ELMER C RIC ^m fork At ffinrntU TUniverait^ iCibrarg Cornell University Library SF 467.R49 1907 The national standard squab book, 3 1924 000 124 754 Cornell University Library The original of tiiis bool< is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. The National Standard Squab Book ' ~r ELMER C. RICE. The National Standard Squab Book By Elmer C. Rice A PRACTICAL MANUAL GIVING COMPLETE AND PRECISE DIREC- TIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND MANAGEMENT OF A SUC- CESSFUL SQUAB PLANT. FACTS FROM EXPERIENCES OF MANY HOW TO MAKE A PIGEON AND SQUAB BUSINESS PAY, DETAILS OF BUILDING, BUYING, HABITS OF BIRDS, MATING, WATERING, FEEDING, KILLING, COOL- "' ING, MARKETING, SHIPPING, CURING ^ y. ^""^ ^ AILMENTS, AND OTHER INFORMATION ' Illustrated with New Sketches and Half Tone Plates from Photographs Specially Made for this Work BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS 1907 Copyright' ISOl, by Elmer C. Bice Copyright, i902, by Elmer C. Rice Copyright, 1903, by Kmer C. Rice Copyright, 1904, by Elmer C. Rice Copyright, 1905, by Elmer C. Rice Copjrright, 1906, by Elmer C. Rice Copyright, 1907, by Elmer C. Rice rights reserved. A WELL-BUILT NEST. Ptees of Murray and Emey Company Boston, Maaa. ILLUSTRATIONS. Page Portrait of the Author {Frontispiece) A Weil-Built Nest 8. Thoroughbreds ....... 14 How a Back Yard may be Fixed for Pigeons 18 Cheap but Practical Nest Boxes 22 How City Dwellers without Land may Breed Squabs 24 Unit Squab House (with Passageway) and Flying Pen 26 Nest Boxes Built of Lumber .
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