Published OnlineFirst September 27, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0130

Cancer Biology and Translational Studies Molecular Therapeutics CRISPR Genome-Wide Screening Identifies Dependence on the Subunit PSMC6 for Bortezomib Sensitivity in Chang-Xin Shi1, K. Martin Kortum€ 1,2, Yuan Xiao Zhu1, Laura A. Bruins1, Patrick Jedlowski1, Patrick G. Votruba3, Moulun Luo4, Robert A. Stewart1, Jonathan Ahmann1, Esteban Braggio1, and A. Keith Stewart1,5


Bortezomib is highly effective in the treatment of multiple validation. Of these 20 targets, the proteasome regulatory myeloma; however, emergent drug resistance is common. Con- subunit PSMC6 was the only validated to reproducibly sequently, we employed CRISPR targeting 19,052 human confer bortezomib resistance. We confirmed that inhibition of to identify unbiased targets that contribute to bortezomib chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity by bortezomib was sig- resistance. Specifically, we engineered an RPMI8226 multiple nificantly reduced in cells lacking PSMC6. We individually myeloma cell line to express Cas9 infected by lentiviral vector investigated other members of the PSMC group (PSMC1 to CRISPR library and cultured derived cells in doses of bortezo- 5) and found that deficiency in each of those subunits also mib lethal to parental cells. Sequencing was performed on imparts bortezomib resistance. We found 36 mutations in 19S surviving cells to identify inactivated genes responsible for drug proteasome subunits out of 895 patients in the IA10 release resistance. From two independent whole-genome screens, we of the CoMMpass study ( Our findings selected 31 candidate genes and constructed a second CRISPR demonstrate that the PSMC6 subunit is the most prominent sgRNA library, specifically targeting each of these 31 genes with target required for bortezomib sensitivity in multiple myeloma four sgRNAs. After secondary screening for bortezomib resis- cells and should be examined in drug-refractory populations. tance, the top 20 "resistance" genes were selected for individual Mol Cancer Ther; 16(12); 2862–70. 2017 AACR.

Introduction have been identified frequently in multiple myeloma cell line but are not found in newly diagnosed patients (17, 18), while XBP1 Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell malignancy, which has seen mutations have also been seen but are also found in less than 1% significant improvements in outcomes following the introduction of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma cases. Indeed, the muta- of proteasome inhibitors (PI), specifically bortezomib, carfilzo- tion prevalence of these genes combined is only 2% in supposedly mib, and ixazomib into routine clinical practice (1–6). PIs used in PI-refractory patients (19). XBP1 knockdown experiments have combination with other compounds achieve initial response in shown correlation with bortezomib resistance (14, 20). Recently, nearly 90% to 100% of patients (7). Despite the high initial Acosta-Alvear and colleagues reported an shRNA screening and response rates, almost all patients develop drug resistance over found that genetic depletion of the vast majority of the 19S time and eventually becoming refractory to PIs. The underlying proteasomal regulator subunits, including PSMC1 and 6, con- mechanisms of such PI resistance are still incompletely under- ferred a marked resistance to PIs (21). In a separate study, Tsvetkov stood (8). The genes and pathways most commonly associated and colleagues using gene-trap screening identified that with bortezomib resistance are PSMB5 (9–13), the ERN1–XBP1 compromising the 19S proteasome including PSMC2 - 6 pro- pathway (14, 15) as well as the IGF-1 axis (16). PSBM5 mutations tected cells from proteasome inhibitors (22). Sheffer and collea- gues (23) using CRISPR technology also identified loss of PSMC6 as inducing resistance, although to date, results are only published 1Department of Hematology, Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Scottsdale, Arizona. in abstract form. 2Department of Hematology, University Hospital Wurzburg,€ Wurzburg,€ Ger- CRISPR-Cas9 knockout is a precise and efficient genome-edit- many. 3Bioinformatics Systems, Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Scottsdale, Arizona. ing technology (24, 25). This simple gene-engineering tool con- 4Mayo/ASU Center for Metabolic and Vascular Biology, Arizona State University, 5 sists of a 20- single-guide RNA (sgRNA) and a Cas9 Scottsdale, Arizona. Center for Individualized Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, protein, which can specifically recognize and cut the sgRNA- Minnesota. binding region (24). Recently, a genome-scale CRISPR-Cas9 Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Molecular Cancer library was developed (26, 27) including 19,052 human genes, Therapeutics Online ( each gene being targeted with six sgRNAs. We used this genome- Corresponding Author: A. Keith Stewart, Mayo Clinic in Arizona, 13400 East wide library to identify genes that are potentially associated Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85259. Phone: 507-284-5511; Fax: 507-293-2379; with bortezomib resistance. Our screening identified absence of E-mail: [email protected] the proteasome-regulatory subunit PSMC6 as the gene most doi: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0130 consistently conferring bortezomib resistance in human multiple 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. myeloma cells.

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PSMC6 Deficiency Causing Bortezomib Resistance in MM

Materials and Methods hour later, 3 mL of fresh medium was added. Next morning, the medium was changed to 6 mL fresh medium. Cell lines and plasmids Human multiple myeloma cell lines RPMI8226, FR4, JJN3, CRISPR sgRNA screening KMS11, KMS18, MM1.R, OPM2, and U266 were maintained in RPMI8226Cas9 cells were infected with the CRISPR library. The m RPMI1640 with 5% FBS, 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 g/mL infected cells were treated with bortezomib at 7 nmol/L for 7 days streptomycin. All multiple myeloma cells were from Dr. Leif (changed medium with 7 nmol/L bortezomib at days 2 and 4). Bergsagel's laboratory. These cells were tested negative for myco- Residual cells surviving bortezomib treatment were expanded fi plasma and validated by ngerprinting developed by Dr. Bergsa- over 15 days without bortezomib treatment and then subjected gel's laboratory (unpublished data). All experiments were per- to DNA sequencing formed on multiple myeloma cells less than 20 passages after thawing from liquid nitrogen. Plasmids pCDHpuroCr expressing DNA sequencing and data analysis selection marker puromycin and pCDHgfpCr expressing a green We screened the abundance of sgRNA targeting the approxi- fl uorescent protein selection marker (GFP) for cloning sgRNAs mately 19K genes in cells showing resistance to bortezomib by were derived from pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-Puro and pCDH-CMV- next-generation sequencing (Ion Torrent PGM, Thermo Fisher MCS-EF1-copGFP (SBI), respectively, by cloning the sgRNA Scientific). An in-house algorithm was used to clean the gene- expression cassette from plasmid lentiGuide-Puro (Addgene specific sgRNA by eliminating the surrounding adapters #52963; ref. 28). Plasmid pCDHBlastCas9HA was derived from sequences. A script written in the Perl programming language lentiCas9-blast (#52962; ref. 28) by cloning Cas9 gene (Flag tag was used to identify all instances of the "tag" sequence was replaced with HA tag) into pCDHBlast under the control of AAAGGACGAAACACC? that occur in the fasta files. The "?" can CMV promoter, which was constructed by Shi and colleagues denote A, C, G, or T. The script also captures the next "target" (C.X. Shi; unpublished observations). sequence of 20 nucleotides downstream from the tag. The targets are stored in a hash table, which counts the frequency with which Small molecules each target appears adjacent to the tag. The gene-specific sgRNA Tunicamycin was from Abcam (cat. Ab120296) and its struc- were quantified, and the 100 most abundant hits were subse- ture was published by Takatsuki and colleagues (29). Stauros- quently blasted against the . porine was from ApexBio (cat. A8192) and its structure was published by Furusaki and colleagues (30, 31). Bortezomib was Proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity, caspase-3 and 7 activity from LC Laboratories (cat. B-1408). Carfilzomib was from MCE assay, and 26S proteasome assay Medchem Express (cat. HY10455). Dexamethasone (cat. D4902- Proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity was measured by cell- 25MG) and melphalan (cat M2011-100MG) were from Sigma. based assay, which was performed according to the manufac- fl Utilization of sgRNA turer's description (cat no. G8660, Promega). Brie y, 2,000 cells The GeCKO V2 library (Addgene #100000049; ref. 28) was were plated into 384-well plates. Cells were treated with different expanded by transforming the library into DH10B cells by elec- concentration (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 nmol/L) of bortezomib for trophoresis with a total of 2.5 107 clones produced. A sgRNA 24 hours. Then, proteasome-Glo reagent was added into the cells. library for the second round screening was created by cloning Luciferase activity was assayed by luciferase reader Cytation 3 sgRNAs synthesized by IDT technology individually, mixed man- imaging reader. Caspase-3 and 7 activity assay was similar to ually, and finally cloned into the vector pCDHgfpCr. All proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity but using caspase 3 and 7 other individual sgRNAs were cloned either into the plasmid Glo (cat no. G8091) instead of proteasome-Glo. Total 26S pro- pCDHpuroCr or pCDHgfpCr. sgRNA sequences used for targeting teasome assay was performed by ELISA Kit according to the PSMC1 to 6 are displayed in Supplementary Material S1. manufacturer's instructions (cat no. 353541, United States Bio- logical). This kit is specific only for the detection of the intact 26S Lentivector packaging and infection proteasome in cell lysates. The capture antibody is specific for the A modified Graham's calcium phosphate method (32, 33) 20S particle while the detection antibody is specific for the 19S was used for packaging lentiviral vectors. Briefly, 293T cells particle. This kit is not cross-reactive with the following: 19S were split one to four into 100-mm tissue culture dishes (total particle, 20S particle, PSMB1, LMP2, and PSMA3. volume 15 mL medium, no more than 70% confluent before transformation). Transformation was performed 24 hours later. Western blot analysis and MTT assay For making calcium phosphate-DNA co-precipitation solution, We used standard Western blot analysis. HA antibody (cat. no. 100 mL of CaCl2 and plasmids [18.34 mg for pSPAX2 (Addgene MMS-101P Clone 16B12) was from Covance. Caspase-8 (cat. #12260), 7.34 mg for pMD2.G (Addgene #12259) and 24.34 mg 9746S), ERN1 (cat. 9956), SQSTM1/p62 (D5E2; cat. 8025S), for a lentivector] were diluted with 1/10 TE buffer, pH 8.0 to a final and VCP/p97 (cat. 2648) antibodies were from Cell Signaling volume of 1 mL. Then, one volume of 2 Ca/DNA solution was Technology. UFD1 antibody was from Bethyl Laboratories, Inc. added quickly to an equal volume of 2 HEPES solution. After (cat. A303-847A). Immunoblot quantification was performed by 1 minute, 1.5 mL of the mixed solution was added to the cell the software ImageJ (NIH, Bethesda, MD; ref. 34). The viability of culture medium. The next morning, the medium was changed multiple myeloma cells was determined by MTT assay (Sigma- with 12 mL fresh DMEM medium with 10% FBS. The viruses Aldrich) following the manufacturer's instructions. were harvested 20 hours after medium change. For infection of multiple myeloma cells, 1 106 cells were added into 6-well Quantitative PCR plates with 6 mL polybrene (5 mg/mL) and 1.5 mL lentivirus Total RNA was isolated using RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (Qiagen) and fresh medium was added to the total volume of 3 mL. One and reverse transcribed using QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Mol Cancer Ther; 16(12) December 2017 2863

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Shi et al.

Kit (Qiagen). Quantitative PCR was performed using TaqMan sgRNAs, including three sgRNAs from the GeCKO V2 library A Universal PCR Master Mix with predesigned probe (Applied and the fourth from GeCKO V2 library B (Supplementary Material Biosystems), and the comparative CT method was used for relative S3). In addition, 14 nonspecific oligos with high copy number in quantification on an ABI 7900HT Fast Real-Time PCR system the next-generation sequencing were included in the secondary (Applied Biosystems). screening as controls (Supplementary Material S3). We performed secondary screening in quadruplicate, and next-generation Results sequencing was again performed in the resistant cells. Sequencing Targeting multiple myeloma cells with CRISPR-sgRNA results were listed at Supplementary Material S4. The 20 most We first tested infection efficiency in eight multiple myeloma abundant sgRNAs (Fig. 2C) were then selected for individual cell lines (RPMI8226, KMS11, KMS18, FR4, JJN3, MM1.R, OPM2, validation. Four sgRNAs (the same sequence was used as in the and U266) with a lentivirus bearing a GFP marker (packaged from secondary screen) for each of these 20 genes were individually pCDH-CMV-MCS-EF1-copGFP). Flow cytometry results indicat- cloned and mixed for virus packaging. Ultimately, only the PSMC6 fi ed that all cell lines were sensitive to lentivirus infection (Fig. 1A). gene was identi ed as consistently inducing bortezomib We then engineered all eight cell lines to overexpress Cas9 with an resistance in independent screenings (Fig. 2D). Next, we infected HA tag using lentivectors packaged from plasmid pCDHBlastCa- RPMI8226 cells with individually packaged sgRNA targeting PSMC6 s9HA under selection of blasticidin for 2 weeks. We analyzed Cas9 . Three of four sgRNAs were associated with resistance to expression of these eight cell lines. RPMI8226, MM1.R, and bortezomib (Fig. 2E). KMS11 expressed higher levels of Cas9 than the remaining five PSMC6 was validated as a bortezomib-sensitive gene cell lines (Fig. 1B). Next, we tested knockout efficiency using a To confirm that PSMC6 deficiency correlates with bortezomib sgRNA targeting ERN1 in all eight cell lines. ERN1 expression level resistance, we designed a pair of sgRNA (sgRNA # 5 and 6) was significantly reduced in the three cell lines showing higher targeting intron regions flanking exon 1 of PSMC6 (Fig. 3A). This Cas9 level (MM1.R, KMS11, and RPMI8226; Fig. 1C). RPMI8226 pair of sgRNA only deletes endogenous PSMC6 exon 1, but not cells were selected for primary sgRNA whole-genome library PSMC6 cDNA introduced by a vector, thus allowing the rescue of screening, because of their superior capability for colony forma- any PSMC6 deficiency phenotype by overexpression of wild-type tion when compared with MM1.R and KMS11. PSMC6. These sgRNAs delete around 800 bps, allowing screening for PSMC6 knockout by PCR. We subsequently obtained two PSMC6 was identified as the only reproducible gene conferring clones (clones A and B) from RPMI8226 cells with PSMC6 bortezomib resistance deficiency validated by PCR, quantitative PCR, and Sanger Experimental screening procedures are illustrated in Fig. 2A. sequencing (Fig. 3B–D). Both clones developed resistance to The top 100 sgRNAs that featured in next-generation sequencing bortezomib with an IC50 for clone A and B of 6.0 nm compared of surviving cells following bortezomib treatment are listed in with parental cells in which the IC50 is 2.5 nmol/L. (Fig. 3E). Supplementary Material S2. The 31 most abundant of these Furthermore, multiple myeloma cells lacking PSMC6 also devel- sgRNAs found in cells surviving bortezomib treatment were oped resistance against carfilzomib (Supplementary Fig. S1A). selected for secondary screening (Fig. 2B). Each of the 31 potential These results were fully reproduced in cell line KMS11 (Supple- bortezomib resistance–inducing genes was targeted by four mentary Fig. S1B and S1C).

Figure 1. Infection efficiency of lentivirus and targeting efficiency of sgRNA against ERN1 in multiple myeloma cells. A, Lentivirus infection efficiency to multiple myeloma cells detected by flow cytometry. B, Cas9 with HA tag was detected by Western blot analysis with HA antibody. C, ERN1 knocking out efficiency by CRISPR technology in multiple myeloma cells. Cr, ERN1 sgRNA; NS, nonspecific sgRNA control.

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PSMC6 Deficiency Causing Bortezomib Resistance in MM

Figure 2. PSMC6 was the only gene producing resistance to bortezomib (BTZ) after knocking out by CRISPR sgRNA. A, Schematic diagram for genome-wide sgRNA screen. B, Top gene list for first round screen. C, Top gene list for second screen. D, Three independent experiments (MTT assay) of RPMI8226 cells knocked out by a mix of four PSMC6 sgRNAs (A þ B þ C þ D). E, PSMC6 knock out by three independent sgRNAs produces resistance to bortezomib.

To exclude off-target effects, we reintroduced wild-type PSMC6 contrast, the sensitivity of the proteasomal chymotrypsin-like with an HA tag in the two PSMC6 gRNA targeted clones (Fig. 3F). activity to bortezomib treatment in cells lacking PSMC6 was In both cases, the expression of wild-type PSMC6 rescued most of significantly reduced (Fig. 5B). Multiple myeloma cells with the bortezomib-sensitive phenotype (IC50 for parent cell is 3.7 PSMC6 knockout were resistant to bortezomib-induced apopto- nmol/L, IC50 for clone A was restored from 7.6 to 5.5 nmol/L, and sis, which was confirmed by measuring caspases-3/7 activity IC50 for clone B was restored from 6.4 to 4.6 nmol/L; Fig. 3G). (Fig. 5C) and caspase-8 expression (Fig. 5D). We checked expres- sion levels of SQSTM1/p62, an autophagy pathway protein (35), PSMC6 deficiency was specific for bortezomib resistance and found no significant change in 8226 cells with or without To confirm that drug resistance induced by PSMC6 deficiency PSMC6 protein; however, the protein expression level was signif- was specific to proteasome inhibitors, we treated PSMC6-deficient icantly increased in KMS11 cells after deletion of the PSMC6 gene RPMI8226 cells with dexamethasone, melphalan, tunicamycin (Fig. 6). Expression levels of the endoplasmic reticulum–associ- (an ER stress inducer), and staurosporine (a pan-kinase inhibi- ated protein degradation gene VCP/p97 (36) were reduced for tor). Isogenic PSMC6 wild-type and PSMC6 knockout RPMI8226 both RPMI8226 and KMS11 cells after deletion of PSMC6 (Fig. 6). did not show any change in sensitivity to dexamethasone, mel- VCP/p97 expression was further inhibited in KMS11 cells with or phalan, tunicamucin, and staurosporine (Fig. 4) or similarly without PSMC6 by bortezomib treatment. UFD1, which forms a engineered KMS11 cells did not show any change in sensitivity complex with VCP/97 (36), has similar expression change as to dexamethasone (Supplementary Fig. S2A) and melphalan SQSTM1/p62 (Fig. 6). We next measured the total 26S protea- (Supplementary Fig. S2B). some and demonstrate that RPMI8226 and KMS11 cells lacking PSMC6 have varying change in 26S when compared with parental Mechanism of bortezomib resistance induced by PSMC6 cells. However, both RPMI8226 and KMS11 cells without PSMC6 deficiency continue to express significant amounts of 26S proteasome (Sup- The basal level of proteasomal chymotrypsin-like activity plementary Fig. S2C). This is important to note as other studies has no significant change after deletion of PSMC6 (Fig. 5A) In have demonstrated absence of the 19S proteasome to be lethal Mol Cancer Ther; 16(12) December 2017 2865

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Figure 3. PSMC6 was validated as a bortezomib (BTZ)-sensitive gene. A, A pair of sgRNAs targeting intron region flanking Exon 1. B, PSMC6 exon 1 deletion was validated by PCR for two cloned cells. C, PSMC6 expression levels detected by quantitative PCR. D, Sanger sequencing analyze cloned RPMI8226 cells deleted PSMC6. PCR amplified PSMC6 exon 1 region and cloned into T-vector. Then, purified plasmid was analyzed by Sanger sequencing. E, MTT assay for cloned RPMI8226 cells (clone A and B) deleted PSMC6. The cells were treated with bortezomib for 72 hours. Control ¼ RPMI8226 cells infected with lentivector with nonspecific sgRNA. F, Overexpression of PSMC6 with HA tag in cloned PSMC6 deficiency cells. G, Overexpression of PSMC6 wild type or with HA tag rescues the phenotype of PSMC6 deficiency. NS, nonspecific sgRNA control. Vector, empty lentivirus vector. PSMC6HA, lentivirus expressing PSMC6 with HA tag.

because its absence precludes formation of functional 26S protea- PSMC5 mutations and one patient has two PSMD7 mutations; somes. It seems this no longer applies in the CRSIPR knockout Supplementary Material S5). A total of 16 PSMC subunit muta- multiple myeloma cells. tions were identified, although none of them was in PSMC6. PSMB5 is most frequently associated with bortezomib resistance Depletion of PSMC subunits PSMC1, PSMC2, PSMC3, PSMC4, in multiple myeloma cell lines in vitro. Two patients with PSMB5 and PSMC5 also results in resistance to bortezomib mutations are detected in the CoMMpass dataset. Functional We tested the effect on bortezomib resistance of the remaining confirmation of the significance of these mutations was not PSMC subunits PSMC1 to PSMC5 using three sgRNAs for each performed. gene, which demonstrated that each PSMC gene also caused bortezomib resistance in RPMI8226 and KMS11, albeit their IC 50 Discussion was less than that of PSMC6 (IC50 were calculated by PRISM, see Supplementary Table S1; Fig. 7A and B). Cross-experiment com- The mechanisms of bortezomib resistance have remained parisons are not tested for statistical variability. The induction of elusive in multiple myeloma. The proteasome subunit PSMB5 is resistance was confirmed by individual CRISPR sgRNAs (Supple- a major target of bortezomib. Mutations and increased PSMB5 mentary Fig. S2D and E). Notably, however, these five subunits expression have been correlated with bortezomib resistance did not appear in our CRISPR library screening. in vitro (8, 10, 13), but not yet in vivo (17, 18). By performing whole-exome sequencing on multidrug resistant multiple mye- PSMC6 mutation profile in myeloma patients loma patients (37), we have previously identified a missense We analyzed the mutation profile of all proteasome subunits in mutation in PSMG2, another component of the proteasome, as the genomic sequences derived by whole-exome sequencing of well as in XBP1, potentially suggesting their involvement in 895 patients in the IA10 release of the CoMMpass study (https:// bortezomib resistance. Recently Acosta-Alvear and colleagues It is important to note that the vast majority (21) using a next-generation shRNA library screening demon- of exomes in this dataset are in newly diagnosed patients unex- strated that knocking down the vast majority of subunits of the posed to bortezomib. In that dataset, a total of 36 mutations in 19S proteasomal regulator, especially D group subunits PSMD2, 19S proteasome subunits were identified (one patient has three PSMD6, PSMD12, and PSMD13, induces bortezomib resistance.

2866 Mol Cancer Ther; 16(12) December 2017 Molecular Cancer Therapeutics

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PSMC6 Deficiency Causing Bortezomib Resistance in MM

Figure 4. Multiple myeloma cells without PSMC6 have no significant difference in sensitivity to others chemicals tested. Cloned RPMI8226 deleted for PSMC6 by CRISPR sgRNA (PSMC6Cr5þ6) were tested for response to different chemicals assayed by MTT (72-hour treatment). A, Dexamethasone. B, Melphalan. C, Tunicamycin. D, Staurosporine.

In their validation screening, PSMC1 and 6 also appeared in the Acosta-Alvear and colleagues selected PSMD12 from their list of genes that can induce resistance. top hits for validation (21). However, they found that knock- In the current study, we applied a newly developed unbiased down PSMD12 did not affect the activity of the 20S subunits CRISPR genome-wide screening to identify potential gene targeted by carfilzomib. They demonstrated that the mecha- impairment correlated with bortezomib resistance. After perform- nism of PSMD12 was the selective accumulation of protective ing two independent screenings and further validation, we iden- factors, including SQSTM1/p62, and two subunits of a hetero- tified the proteasome-regulatory subunit PSMC6 as the most trimeric complex functioning in endoplasmic reticulum– prominent gene associated with bortezomib resistance. We fur- associated protein degradation UFD1L and the triple AAA ther demonstrated that impairment of the remaining PSMC ATPase VCP/p97. We therefore checked expression levels of family members also caused bortezomib resistance, albeit less SQSTM1/p62, VCP/p97, and UFD1 and also found significant potently than with PSMC6. Of note, the PI resistance we observed changes in KMS11 cells deleted of PSMC6 for SQSTM1/p62 was not complete; however, the same effect was found in cells and UFD but could not demonstrate such findings in treated with bortezomib and carfilzomib, suggesting that both RPMI8266 cells. As our primary screen and validation were drugs are affected by PSMC6. Further validating our finding, performed on 8226 cells, the autophagy pathway seems not to PSMC6 was also listed in an independent CRISPR screening be involved in bortezomib-resistant multiple myeloma cells performed by Sheffer and colleagues using the same library, lacking PSMC6. In our experiments, expression levels of VCP/ although no further validations were reported (23). p97 were reduced for both RPMI8226 and KMS11 cells deleted PSMC6 and other PSMC family members are located in the PSMC6, a finding in contrast to the report by Acosta-Alvear base region of the proteasome 19S regulatory particle. All PSMC and colleagues regarding PSMD12 (21). Franke and colleagues subunits have an ATPase function, which is necessary to unfold (10) found that bortezomib binding to mutated PSMB5 was the substrates and translocate them into the core particle (38). impaired in bortezomib-resistant multiple myeloma cells, PSMB5 is a catalytic subunit, which has chymotrypsin-like activity underlying the basis for bortezomib resistance in this situa- and is part of the proteasome 20S core particle. Our results show tion. As mutations of PSMC6 have not yet been identified, one that PSMC6 depletion reduces the bortezomib-induced chymo- possible explanation of our finding is that PSMC6 ablation trypsin-like activity of PSMB5. changes 26 proteasome structure and influences bortezomib Mol Cancer Ther; 16(12) December 2017 2867

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Figure 5. Multiple myeloma cells without PSMC6 showed resistance to bortezomib (BTZ)-induced . A, Cell-based, chymotrypsin-like activity assay on cells with or without PSMC6 without treatment with bortezomib. B, Cell-based, chymotrypsin-like activity assay. The cells were treated with bortezomib for 24 hours. C, Caspase-3/7 activity detected by luminescent assay. The cells were treated with bortezomib for 24 hours. D, Caspase-8 p55/53 and cleaved caspase-8 p43/41 detection by Western blot analysis. The cells were treated with bortezomib for 24 hours.

binding to PSMB5. However, this needs to be addressed by The knockout cells were healthy under microscopy. and expressed crystal structure studies. 26S . One possible explanation is that PSMC6 func- Using another approach (gene-trap), Tsvetkov and colleagues tion is cell dependent, as shown by Tsvetkov and colleagues using have reached a similar conclusion, to our work, demonstrating haploid and near-haploid cell lines [near-haploid human chronic that a modest reduction in PSMC2 - 6 protected cells from myeloid leukemia cells (KBM7), near-haploid fibroblast cells proteasome inhibitors (22). One of their findings was that strong (HAP1), and haploid mouse embryonic stem cells; ref. 22]. 19S reduction was cytotoxic, for they were unable to isolate stable Whether other 19S proteasome subunits are also dispensable in clones deleted of the 19S subunit from the resistant pools of cells, multiple myeloma cells needs further study in future. unable to recover diploid cell variants depletion of PSMD12 by Genome-wide sequencing data of PI-resistant multiple myelo- CRISPR technology and unable to recover clones with inactivated ma are currently not available. We did however analyze the 895 PSMC2 and PSMD12 from haploid mouse embryonic stem cells patients sequenced as part of the MMRF CoMMpass trial and that harbor reversible gene-trap induced by Cre-mediated inver- found no mutation in PSMC6; however, a significant number of sion. However, in our study, we developed both RPMI8226 and patients with other 19S subunits mutations (3.7%) are noted. KMS11 cells with homozygous deletion of PSMC6 successfully. Most of these patients are newly diagnosed, and we hypothesize

Figure 6. Expression of SQTM1/p62, VCP/p97, and UFD1 in RPMI8226 and KMS 11 cells with or without PSMC6 treated with bortezomib. Cloned RPMI8226 or KMS11 cells (clone A and B) deleted PSMC6 and control cells infected with nonspecific sgRNA (NS) treated with bortezomib at 10 or 50 nmol/L for 4 hours. The proteins expression was detected by Western blot analysis and analyzed by ImageJ software (numbers below the Fig. 6 blots are normalized to GAPDH and untreated control).

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Downloaded from on October 1, 2021. © 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst September 27, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0130

PSMC6 Deficiency Causing Bortezomib Resistance in MM

Figure 7. Deficiency of PSMC1-PSMC5 also results in resistance to bortezomib (BTZ) treatment. The cells were infected with lentivirus including three sgRNAs for each gene. The infected cells were treated with bortezomib at concentration of 4, 5, and 6 nmol/L 72 hours after infection. The cells that survived to the highest concentration for drug treatment were tested for response to bortezomib assayed by MTT (72-hour treatment). A, RPMI8226 cells. B, KMS11 cells. that mutations would be enriched in resistant/refractory cases to Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest PIs, in line with our recent findings in patients that have relapsed No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. after treatment with IMiDs (19). Thus, CRBN, the gene targeted by IMiDs, was found mutated in only 0.2% of newly diagnosed multiple myeloma ( Authors' Contributions pass), but in 12% of patients refractory to IMiDs therapies with Conception and design: C.-X. Shi, R.A. Stewart € mutations in the CRBN pathway in at least 22% of the same Development of methodology: C.-X. Shi, K.M. Kortum, A.K. Stewart Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, patients and probably higher as structural variations were not provided facilities, etc.): C.-X. Shi, K.M. Kortum,€ Y.X. Zhu, L.A. Bruins, analyzed (19). Acosta-Alvear and colleagues (21) found that P. Jedlowski, R.A. Stewart, J. Ahmann, A.K. Stewart PSMC2 expression levels quantified by flow cytometry were Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics, significantly higher in the group of patients who achieved com- computational analysis): C.-X. Shi, K.M. Kortum,€ Y.X. Zhu, P. Jedlowski, plete response than partial responders after treatment with car- P.G. Votruba, M. Luo, R.A. Stewart, E. Braggio, A.K. Stewart filzomib-based therapy. A similar longitudinal and comprehen- Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: C.-X. Shi, P. Jedlowski, E. Braggio, A.K. Stewart sive screening is desired in patients treated with PIs to elucidate Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizing the mutation rate and expression levels of PSMC genes over time data, constructing databases): P. Jedlowski and their potential role in the development of PI resistance in human multiple myeloma. In summary, using comprehensive genome-wide CRISPR Acknowledgments screening, we identified and validated PSMC6 depletion as A.K. Stewart is supported by NIH grants RO1CA183968 and RO1CA 167511. the strongest hit associated with bortezomib resistance. PSMC 1–5 subunits also confer bortezomib resistance in multiple The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the myeloma cells. PSMC6 deficiency reduced the ability of bortezo- payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked mib to suppress the chymotrypsin-like activity of PSMB5. Three advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate independent studies with different approaches have now this fact. reached the same conclusion that deletion or downregulation of the 19S proteasome subunits leads to resistance to 20S protea- Received February 8, 2017; revised May 12, 2017; accepted September 5, some inhibitors. 2017; published OnlineFirst September 27, 2017.

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Downloaded from on October 1, 2021. © 2017 American Association for Cancer Research. Published OnlineFirst September 27, 2017; DOI: 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-17-0130

CRISPR Genome-Wide Screening Identifies Dependence on the Proteasome Subunit PSMC6 for Bortezomib Sensitivity in Multiple Myeloma

Chang-Xin Shi, K. Martin Kortüm, Yuan Xiao Zhu, et al.

Mol Cancer Ther 2017;16:2862-2870. Published OnlineFirst September 27, 2017.

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