• See notice of spraying demonstra­ CITIZENS CITY OAtrCUS, tion for next Saturday. : .'•i>.V.-;.:'J,v.;j,-ii.:- V-,;v;.',i>:. _ , , , , • All riualilii'd voter* of the eitv of . .• >•?;.:-.;-%^^^'i;:;P^•i;..^'•.v^• CLEAN CASH PRICES LOCAL NEWS 0 IKXHKKIOaUiMtUOlKXIUOUOUOOUIKklUoaoaCKM See not (:e o top buggy, single liar- ^^,„„ („ f„v„r of a iionpar- ness and bicycle for sale. • t,|^,„, jrovernmciit,, are retiuested " ' ' AT Epworthlans—notice that, there will to iiiet't at the court room in the city That's the greatest point about Farmers, Take Notice. be a league social next Friday. (if Ma.'iou on food. It can't be gooA if it's not Thorburn's Grocery We will pay 2.')C iMs week for biil- The Rebekali drill stall will meet at Monday Evening, Maucii 27, 1011, At eight o'clock, for the purpose of clean. liome kitchen never was tcr fat delivered at creamery In (fnod the hall Wediiet-day evening, March Moss Rose Flour 70c placing in Tiomination a cliv ticket cleaner nor better ventilated than condition. Mason Cukamichy Co. 29th. Best Flour—..-. 65c and tlio ward tickets, iiicliicling tlie the Holsum Bakery. No dust .See notice til' two liorse.s for sale, . Mrs. Ella Marcli Is movim.' into the usual (illiccrs to lie placed in iiomina- Lily White Flour 75c gets in, no hands—or breath- •Tames ICertis house on west tion, electing a city committee and Snow Flake Flour 65c See nniice of new niilcli Jersey cow street. transacting such other business as touch the dough or loaves until for sale. Henkel's Bread Flour 80c you unwrap them. Every loaf See notice In business local column may properly come before tlie caucus. Kew garden .seeds at Qiiirli's, 5c Gold Medal Flour 85c of siioe repairing. Shop across from By OitDicit oh'CoMMirncK. is sealed against odor or anything packii|,'es fur .'ic wl Graham Flour, 10-lb sack 28c opera liou^e. L. B. McArtliur, C. W. Whitman, unclean in special wax paper. It Is time for O.tforils, .=;ee Mie lat­ W. L. Clark, A. L. Rose. H. M. 25 lbs Granulated Sugar $1.35 D. H. Burgess has sold his fray Flying dust or hands grimy est styles lit 11, L, ilrovvii .Sun's, * Willifiui.s, II. B, Lniigyear. 4X Sugar, per ILf 8c driving team to a brother of i'\ J from handling horses can't soil. Rapp at Lansing. Cube Sugar, per lb 8c R. G. Dart, real estate, Ifiaiisand cnl- Will Lose an Eye. Holsum bread. Get one loaf of lectiiins, Olllce in Lawrence Block. * Struck iii'tlieeye by a piece of kind­ Pure Leaf Lard - 15c Wall paper, paints, murescii, room the cleanest bread and see if it moiildlni.'s and a full line of decorative ling, Fred A, Kicliols, a metal pollslier Lard Compound 13c Tlie W, 1<\ M. (if the M. E. clmrcli isn't the best tasting too—crust will Kive'' a public tea oii li'rirlay, materials at Quirk's. wl living (III West BIdwell street, will Lantern Gli^bes, each..- 8c to center. Holsum bread costs. Marcli ;ilst,. probably kwe the sight nf tlie optic A new billiard table has been pur­ Best Oil 11c Nicliol.s was cutting up some wood at 10 cents. It's a double loaf and Uiit! Ciil! Ciitl Miys tlie lien. Rut, chased for the iv. (if P. club room. It Perfection Oil Sc his home late last evening vvlieii a cuts the neatest looking slice. there'll be nii cut. in tiie qiiiility of the will bc installed soon. piece Hew up and hit him, the spiin- Gasoline 13c We also have Clipijer's bread Baptist (iHii stipper. tured end burying itself in the eyeball. Regular meeting of the L. 0. T, M. ARLINGTON A. BERGMAN Qt bottle Ammonia 8c and fried cakes, just as good as. Last Wednesday aftenioiiii Mrs. IT. M, Monday evening, March 27th. Eu Sliircring exireiiie pain, lie was taken One of the democratic candidates for 100 lbs Oyster Shells 65c L. Briiwii of Liiiisiiii! ^iive a liinclieoii terta 111 ment at the close. llrst to Mic olllce of Dr. A, S, Kimball mother made. Circuit .ludgu. for Mivs,./, E. HotLsel. in the Ward building, but he decided 11, L. Brown & .Son have a complete BUSINESS DIRECTORY, tliat the services of a specialist were We, the undersigned, members of In biisiiic^.s local culiiniii will bo and up-to-date Hue of Pumps and Ox A.LVANDERCOOK needed and called Dr. B, D, Sleight. the bar of Ingham county, commiind found an adv,-f(ir Genrtje OweiKS of folds, See their window display. * Nicliols was taken to Nicluils hospital ed the candidacy of Arlington A i'Men with various articles for nale. where his injury was treated and it A vole for Alva M, Cummins of LaO' Bergtuan for Circuit Judge last fall Democratic Caucuses. It. 0. K. llli;NI)li;K.S0N, Dentist. Over K. ,1. Mason sent a lartre dele^ratinn to sing will be a vole for a capable young may be several days before lie can be and we attain commend hira to tlie Bfowii's Shoe tilMu. AUUBLIUS D man who will make an excellent judge. about. Tie will doubtless lose the voters of the county for that ollice at Lansini; Saturday aftcrnoiin to The democrats of Aurelius township n. .;o.s. s. jiAwT.icv7'r)eiitist. Kormei'ly attend the matinee at the Gladiiier. sight Of the injured eye, but the sight the coming spring election, Last Saturday a Holstein calf was will meet In caucus at the town hall D Ma«kliiaer»lati(l aiiil ,St. iKtiacu. HitCCO.'iSIM- of tlie Other will bo saved.—Battle 10 Dr. M|iaulilltiKan(l Dr. Miiiiley, LawrtMniu hlk. born on the Goiemaii & Wlii|iple farm Judge Rnllin H. Person, Judu'c 0. on Friday, Marcli 24tli, at two o'clock ' Don'li fall to read tiie auction adv, Creek .fournal, Mjircli •')th._ of W. A, Crumb on the fourth pii(,'e of In Vevay that weiglied 117 lbs. Wliu P. Black, Judge Cliarles H. Gliase. in the afternoon, fur the purpose ot this issue. Ne.vt Monday at lOoclock. can beat this? Death of Simeon N. Eolfe. Judge Frank S. Porter, Judge Jason placing in nomination candidates for Simeon K. Rolfe, for .many years a E. Nichols, Judge S, B. Ron, Hon. tli6 various lown ollices and transact­ Epworlli League meets every Sun­ II. AI.U.XANDIJU, I'hysldan and- RarKuno. , Money Ifianed on personal property, resident of tills city and well known Richard Raudahaugli, lloii. Lawlon ing any.titlicr business to come before R1 Oflhto over KlitiiaKini's Dimik Stoi-o. nntea and contracts boiitrlit.. Olllce day evening from six to seven o'clock, (liMiurtopportlto the liantlstCliiircll. Ollleu hours throiitihout Ingham county as one of T. Ilemans, Hon. Frank L. Dodge them. A large attendance is desired. over Farmers Bank. N. N. Gull Densmore Is the leader for this S to 10 a', in, i to.l aial 7 to 0 |i. III. Masoti. .11-1 the pioneers of Vevay township, died Hon,S. L. Kilbourne, Hon. J, n.Dun Bv OltDKU OF C0.M.Mn'TEE. week. Topic,."A Good Soldier." nebacke, .lohn McClellen, J. 1. Car­—at or near FTInklo's grocery, a at the City hospital In Lansing Mon­ UUNKKItlllLL. ll. CIIAS, H. llAI.I.AItl), Ilomoopathlc I'liy- penter. ' D slolan and .SurK'uon. Diseases of llio Kye, small alliyittor purse containing $;12 The local oraUiriciil contest of the day night. There will be a caucus of the demo­ Eiir, Nose aad Throat a specialty. Offlce-Near and some coin.s, leave at this M. TI. S, will be lielil Friday evening, Born in New Yrirk state October 2 cratic party of the township of Bun- Stop! Look!! Listen!!! Block. lloiirs-StoO a. in., l tliu to B and 7 to 0 Olllce orTFInklc's grocery, Ip Marcli 31sl, at the school house. Pro­ ]8;:il, the deceased ciime to Micliiga kerhill, Mich,, at the town liall of the* p. 81. •siiioo 01 'illil •>inii|O|0 (lOAOsqi! gram will appear in next week's Issue. with Ills parents 75 years ago. Tliey said lowiiship on Tuesday, March 28, The ciisc (if Arthur II, Laxton vs, ll, intANK I!. TIIOMA.S, I'liyslclan and Siir. Settled in Vevay township and the 'infSOij') 'Xnpjj.ii: i|i)jniio aqi iii |ii|OOS at two p. m., for the purpose of nomi­ Keoii. Ollluoovcr Wehh iS; WhM/iian'.sstore; Patron.s Mutual JHre In.s, Co, of Mich­ D The date of the benefit concert for group of homes composed what wa JUilflS Ul.fliM ll3Al((|Ot j1U|O9 OJIi .{3I|X nating candidates for the township resldeileo two iloors oast of Methodist elitlroli. igan is on the calendar of the April the Presbyterian church has been known as the Rolfc settlement. In •ooumin jno.f sj mojJ jsisndiig oin /(q olllces and transacting such other term of the supreme court. KDHON (lOVIiV, I'll. D„ M, D. I'liyslciaii changed to Tuesday evening, March 1800, Mr. Riilfe purchased a farm near uoA|;i iiijoos i;' pua'jiii joao uoA" picr business us may coiiie before the cau­ I aiKt KiirKeoii, ulvlii|{ speulal atteiillnti lo O 28tli. Admission, 15 cents. Program tlic old homestead, residing on it and cus. By Ordhii of Coir. olllco piw.llcoaiid the cure of elironic diseases. The ladies' aid society of the Bap­ in anotiier column. . in Mason until two years ago. Bad. peculiar, ilillleiilt and sluhtiorn cases that tist Church will meet at the iKimodf Ingham County Normal Alumni. VKYAY. balllo others or have Been iit'nlectcd or Itniirop- Mrs, ,T. il, Sliafer on north Main Mr, R'llfe was twice married, Miss erly trealeil, aro Invited, Visits made niiydl.s. Miss Hannah McHenry, principal of The County Normal Alumni asso­ The democratic electors of the town­ street on Wednesday, >riircli 29th, ' Eliza Piatt being his llrst bride, Sli tance If rightly an-iiiiKed for, onlee hours, ti to the Cedar street school In Lansing for ciation lield a very entliusiaslic meet ship of Vevay will meet in caucus at 9 p. 111. Call or write, 112 Wnslllnnloii Aveiitiu died about 20 years ago, after wlilcl The Troadwell-Whltncy Stock Cti. many year.s, lias been placed upon llic Ing at the high school building last the town hall on Saturday, Marcli 25, sooth, Laiisiiid, Mich. tS.'"Over Ileatli's store. he married Mrs. Lucretia Latham, closed its (iiiiiiigcmeiit here Saturday democratic ticket as candidate for Saturday. Tliere are about 70 gradu at two o'clock in the afternoon, for who passed away four years ago. A TAMliS SliVlN, Nurse. Ofiuliiale Itellevtie nil^lit and went to Albion for a week's school Commissioner. aies, between 40aud 50 of them living the purpose Of placing In nomination J llospllal, Now York City. Uusldeneo, Miisoii. brother, Wesley Rolfe of Vevay town engiiKement wliicli opened Sunday, in this county. Thirty-six attended a township ticket and transacting any Uitizena I'lioiie lllllli. Dell plioiiu liiC-'ir. Geo. P. Grillln, who has been en­ silip, and two sister.s of Lansing, Mrs. gaged in tlie hardware business at the meeting Saturday, and evel'y min­ other business that may come before Mrs. L. C, Webb entertained a com­ Eliza ITuntoon and Mrs. Celestia JuS' Albion for tlie past 10 years lias sold ute of llie lime was tilled with good tliem. By Ordicii of Com. jft.TTORa^E-Z'S pany of lady friends in lionor of Mrs, lice, survive hira. his store and busiocss to Eaton Rap­ things, whicli went to show the value ! A LA in don. C, A, Caldwell ot Detroit at a St. Pat­ Sliort services were held in Lansing A LKIUCl) ALLKN. Attoriioy nl, Ollloe in ids parties. He talks of going to of tlie training received In tho county The democratic electors of the Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock, ^ Kariiier.s liank htilldlia,', Mason. rick function last Saturday afternonn. Cuba. normal. Those who had a part in the townsliipJAN, ATTORNEY and COUN- present. A meeting of the Quickstep Driving to this City whore the llnal funera' a clear, practical manner that showed SBI.OK AT LAW, Mason, Mich, March 24,19II, at one o'clock to place- A. Club will be held-at the olllce of N, services were - held in the Baptist The E,xcclsior Degree of the L. 0. iliey were dealing with familiar sub­ 'n nomination candidates for the vari­ N. Rouse on Monday evening, Marcu cliurcli at two o'clock, b'ling conducted B. McAIlTHUK. Attorney iiiiil Oounsolorat T. M. M. will be conferred Friday jects, whicli liad become so through ous (ifllces and the transaction uf sucli 27, at 7:30 o'clock. All horsemen and by Rev. .1. I-T. Stewart, witih inter time and practice. . I.nw. Olllco In I'-arniers Hank hnlldiiii,' eveulngi'Marcli 24th, at the Maccabec Other business aa may come before Others interested are requested lo be riJcnt in Maple Grove cemetery. hall. All ladies eligible to thedek-ree Some Changes in tlie program were tile meeting. By OiiDEii of Com. KN.SMOHi';, K. A,,, are requested to be present. Supper present. MlchlKan, The North Aurelius ladies' aid soci­ made necessary by the absence of twii D at six o'cl(i(;k. WEST ALAIEDON. As tlie .Democrat is the only newS' ety will meet at the Gleaner hall who werti tu have taken part. Miss T. III';,VIAN,S. Attorney and Oonn.selnr at Graliam of Benzie county normal W. H. Oollins is in Lansing on busi­ li'rank IT, Green of Stockbridge has paper Of tills faith published in liie Wednesday, March 29tli. Potliick • r>aw, Olllce in Lawrenco Itloek, Miisoii, sent word lliat morning that the seri­ ness. LMich. Money to loan on jjeod secilrity. applied for a divorce from Bertha county we would like to do the elec­ supper, ..Bring thimbles, thread and ous illness of her fatlier prevented Clias. Underwood has sold his farm Green, on grounds of extreme cruelty. tion printing this spring in the towns needles. that are controlled by democrats. her coming, and Fred Fullerton, I'or- to Mr. Richmond. Tliey were married in Sod us, Berrien Miss Hall's class of the Preabyte Democratic town boards, bear this in mer superintendent of the Mason Mrs. M, M, Whitney spent a week county, in 1908 and parted in 1911. A rian .Sunday school will give a candy mind. liw2 school, spoke in lier place. The coun­ n Adrian and Onsied recently. W, or.AUK. fieneral Auctinneer. Leave or son two years old is in the custody of and bake goods sale at Geo. M. Webb's ty normal here was organized while The Doyle family from St. Johns, I der.s at this ofllce, Satlsractloii gilnran- the mother. shoe store .Saturday, March: 25th. O The Epworth League will hold a Mr, Fullerton was in chiirge of the who bought tlie Drew, farm, are mov- leed. Hell phatie Dansvllle 5,4 a. Come and see us. Alta B. Gortright, who has been "Colonial Evening" on Friday next at school. Boy Merrilleld was absent on ng here this week. Mr. Doyle, who ENllY KUBTZ, General Auctioneer. Satls- working for IT. M. Taylor in Alaiedon Renu and Jeliial Root's at 7:30. All A. G. Lyon, having sold his farm account of sickness, iin'd his place on fell from a street car in Lansing sev­ faollnn unaranteod, terms rlt,'ht. Leave during llie past year, was married to are requested to dress in colonial and going out of i lie horse business, the program was left vacant. Tlie eral weeks ago and was seriously In- orderH s at this ofllce. Poalonico. Mason. Mrs, Delia Clark of Eaton Rapids style. A colonial prntrram and gatues will sell his personal property at auc­ alumni songs were sung witTi great .ured, has been taken from the liospi-, township at Eaton Rapids Tuesday of will be provided. There will be a tion at his barn corner A and Oak zest, and tliey and the banquet at the tal to the home of his daughter m last week, fie has purchased his Charge Of 10 cents a person. streets in tills city on Saturday, April M. E. church at noon, were important Lansing, but is stillin a precarious ist, at one o'clock in tlie afternoon. features in the day's enjoyment. condition, symptoms of inflammation riARMEKS' MUTUAL I'IKIC INSUIJANOI! wife's 80-acre'farm In that township. A. I. Barber was in Leslie last Fri­ £_ Comniinnnanyy of Intthain countyoonnty..­ Tliere is a large list of horses that are Notiiing but good words are heard of tlie brain iiave developed and his > est and best, Kor infonnatlon write to K, II, day afternoon to attend a party given At Ills barn on A street ne.xt Satur­ A 'No. one and farming imple­ for the county normal system, and the recovery Is doubtful, .' :' Field.secretary. Hhsoii, ICA, Donsmore, presi­ by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tuttle in iionor ments. C W. Clark and Walter dent. Mason. Olllce In the court, liotise. day afternoon at two o'clock T. •/. marked improvement in the rural or his father's 69th birthday.-. Covers A Fierce Night Alarm ',; Sweeney.will sell at auction his black Ilarkness, .auctioneers. schools is easily traced to the benefit were laid for 11 of his friends. Mr. Percheron stallion Frank McGee, ills the teachers received in llie normal :s the hoarse, startling cougli of a : Tuttlf^ was presented with a gold- imported French stallion Premier Marriage Licences. training cla,ss. Sunt. W, D. Riggs iiild, suddenly attacked by cruup- lieaded cane and Other presents. D. P. WHITMORE and a three-year-old lllly by Green­ and Cominl.ssioner F. E. Searl spoke Often It aroused Lewis Chamblin" of backs well broken both si'ngle and Albei't G. Schray, Lansing---26 words of encouragement to the alum­ Manchester, 0., [R. R, No. 2] for their Louis Brower wasln aliotcl fireat Real Estate, Loans and Insurance double. ^ Mary E. Thurston, St. Johns-—-20 ni, and told liow mucli they appreci­ four children were greatly subject to Chelsea last Thursday rnorning, the Dean Cross will have a spring Nelson K. Smith, Locke ...... 63 ated tiic good work tliey, as teiKihers croup, "Sometimes in severe attacks,""- building being entirely consumed. Ingliam County News Olfice opening on insuriince gasoline stoves, Amelia S. Barnes Smith, Loek6-63 n the rural schools, have done. he wrote, "we were afraid they wuuld He saved a suit of clothes, but lost Myer's spray pumps, Lowe Bros.' James F. D. Traver, Lansing 3 die, but since we proved what a cer­ Mason, Mich. the rest of his belongings, including a paint, American fence, washing ma­ Bessie E. Tucker, Pontiac—•• 22 tain remedy Dr, King's New Discov­ new gold watch and fob chain. He chines, hay cars .and builders' hard­ Franklin Frei&much, Bunkerhill E3 Tourist Club. ery is, we have no fear. We rely on writes his parents tliat lie is tliankful ware on Frida'y and .Saturday, March Blanche Morehouse, Jackson Co. 23 t for croup and for'couglis, colds or to get out alive. George Bouse, Leroy — 25 March 15 tlie 'club met with the any throat, or lung trouble," So do' More Than Fifty Farms 24 and 2,5. Be sure and call and louk over these lines Of goods. wl Dean & Cross will* have a spring Ida F. Goetz, Le'roy 17. leader, Mrs. Alexander, nnd 'was thousands of otliers. So may you. called to order by the president. Asthma, li.'iy fever, lagrlppe, whoop­ Ranging in Prices from opening on insuraoce!ine stoves, Harry J. Kesler, Bourbon, Ind.--.21 •inhn Slielt, a resident nf Mason Myer's spray pump.s, Lowe Bros..' Iva Petty, Lansing '• ...... 18 Miss Irene Burgess loegan the ing cough, hemorrhages (iy before it. when we were a boy, died at his home Prank B. Bailey,, Lansing 21 orogram with ,a piano solo. The 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Sold • $30 to $100 Per Acre. paint, American fence, washing ma­ in St, Louis, Mich., on March ]2tli, chines, hay cars and builders' hard­ Mary M.. Silverthorn, Lansing-17 'irst paper, which Nvas upon Scot­ by.Longyear Bros. • aged nearly 85 years. He was born in ware, on Friday and Saturday, March Cecil B. Holly, Onondaga- .-30 tish Home Life, iwaa by Mr,s. Ad-, Muncelona, 0., March 24, 1826. Mr. 24 and 25. Be sure a od call and look Is'adore C. Slaughter, Lansing—21 ams, and gave "an exceedingly • in­ GREAT BARGAINS Shelt was a soldier in two wars, the over tiiese lines of goods. wl teresting and realistic description BUSINESS LOCALS,, Mexican and the Rebellion. He left of" the most attractive subject re­ In City Property, consisting ol ALAIEDON CENTER. Mason for St. Louis in 1872. An aged lating to anv (People, and the homo Will ITolley, living two miles north Sugar making is the order of the widow and a daughter survive lilm. life of the Scottish people in par­ Business Property, and one and oiie-half miles west of day. Ifoiiscliold Ooods for .Sale, ticular has- been Immortalizeii in Mason, will sell his personal property L. C. Dceg and Ed. Vigis are about Consisting ot sideboard, dining room talile, din­ Residence Property The case of Carl Warner against poetry and prose. The writer of ing chairs and rockers, carpets, oak flat top, • at auction at the premises on Monday, to build new barns, Thomas Bateman has just been lllcd the paper had evrdiently become desk, book case, bedsteads, cook stove, stands, and Vacant Lots Marcli 27th, commencing at one Bern ice Bateman was the guest of ete. Also two colts, ono three years old In June, with the county Clerk. This was tried familiar with her topic by giving o'clock sharp. Tliere are horses,.cat­ Ida Palen over Sunday, the oilier two years old In .Itiiie. ftiU brothers. in justice court in Aurelius last -lunp, it considerable studiy, and the dis­ H. 0. OLiNU, eoriier or Molloburt and Maple Residence Property from $400 to $I,000 tle, hogs and farming tools. Usual A. J, Keeler and wife gave a sugar and Warner was given a judgment of cussion which followed, fl:eing led streels, foritierly iHrs. Allen Kowo'a residence. terras of sale. Henry TCtirtz, auc­ party for ilie young people last Friday $114.30 and $10 costs, by a jury, who by Mr. Stewart, "a native to the tioneer. R. C. Dart, clerk. night. It. rays t() .Spray rriiit TrcoK. SEND FOR PRINTED LIST listened to the testimony In the case. manor born," was a grateful con­ Archie Barnes will soon move to Ills riiivlng secured the agency of the Hardy Warner bought a horse of Bateman, The plant of the Ideal Motor Co. at trast to the emphatic silence Sprayer I will make a demonslratioii on the new home near Pine lake; whicli he Claims was recommended to Lansing was gutted bv (Ire Monday sometimes observed at such times. slroecsof Mason ncitt tiatui'duyafternonn. All Eoss Keeler and Robert Stillraan, Interested in frtilt raising are Invited to witness. If you want to buy or sell, it will pay you to liiin as perfectly sound, but proved to afternoon. Fire started from a spark Marion Deeg, Vallie and Linnie Potts, The Life and Works of Henry r.'wip .lou-v 0. Dkan.' see me. be affected with poll evil. from emery paper. Loss estimated at Drummond was the title of the Dwightand Ina Laylln, Willie Ben­ For Sale. $50,000, covered by Insurance. Reu­ next paper. The writer, Rev. VV. The ladies' aid society of the Pres­ nett, Maud and Lawrenco Bradman Newtnlloli cow with calf by side.. Half Jer­ ben F. Sliunk Of Alma, aged ,58 years, H. Simmons, did (full lustice to his byterian church held its annual meet­ are the new members of Alaiedon sey. 12wlp ALFRicn ASKLTiNK, Mason No. 0., lost his life in the fire.- After escap­ subject, who in his peculiar line Ion .1. Cortriglit has been elected ing at the home of Mrs. D. P. Whit- Grange.. . ing from the building Shunk went was one of Ithe most distinguished Go to Aldrioli .V: MiiisIuiU president of the Aero club at M. A. C. more last Friday afternoon, a picnic back after his coat which contained NORTHEAST ONONDAGA. men of modern times. The list of for good shoe repairing at the right price. Slioi>.: supper being held. Olllcers for the on Maple street, across from Opera Uotise.'. 12.2p Williainston Odd Fellows dedicated $60 and was not seen alive again. Drummond's friends included till coming year were elected as follows; •Mrs, Fay Boodie and daughter Ruby their new lodge room last Thursday. Capt. .Tulius Baker of the fire depart-, who knew him, and especially the President, Mrs. F. E. IToyt; lirst vice from south-Of Jackson visited rela­ Vor Siile. • This lodge was organized in 1873. raent was hurt in jumping to escape a students wlio were fortunate to president, Mrs. C. W. Randall; second tives here part of last week. Two brood sows, ]{liode Island' Red cockerels falling wall and several employes of have him for their teacher, and and pullets,White Wyandotte eggs for hatchlDK F. C. Parker, who lias been working vice president, Mrs. W. G, Grow; sec­ Eion Smith of. South Bend, Ind,, tiie company were slightly burned in his books occupy a position in re­ and strawberry plants. Gisoiton Owkns, Edeu. , for C. J. Whiting for 11 years, will retary, Mrs, Harrv E, Neely; trea.s- visited Ilis people here thejlrst of tlie CItl'iens t'hone Kin nmp making tlieir escape from the burning ligious literature somewll at to the soon begin with the Mason Elevator urer, Mrs. L. W. Mills, ,Tr,; executive week. . ' ' , , • structure. works of Darwin and Huxley in •Two Horses for Sato. C(L ; , committee, Mrs. L. T. Ilemans, Mrs. Miss Lena Hill attended the St. Pat­ One driving horse weighing 1030 lbs. and a gen-,; their line: Of: thought. Athlete, S. H. Culver and Mrs. L. J. Acker. rick social at Aurelius last Friday oral purpose mare wolghlnirl2,')0 lbs. Quite cold for March loth when A benefit'concert to be given at scientist, 'author, .evangelist, ..3iis night. : . . 12tr Pit. K, II, ALH:CANl)l{lt. thermometers range from three to Presbyterian cliurch Tuesday evening, influence for good iias rarely been County Clerk Parsons was called to • David Everett and family have mov­ • . For Siilo. . 'Ave above zero. There was a strong March 28th, at eight o'clock. General excelled by any Iman of modern Webbervilie last Fri'day morning on a ed to Lansing for tlie summer work. Top buggy, single harness nnd DIcyete, wind and the cold was very severe, £idmisslon,'15 cents. Program: times, althougJv he was taken in peculiar errand. There was a docu­ Mrs. Adelbert Hunt and .son are vis­ 12W2 E^J, Fosicrr. / Gilson Stand ish has moved from Organ selo. ;..„....;...,,.Mrs. Kllett the midst: of ;(hia usefulness, and ment which contained instructions iting here mother and brother, here., Ingham'.township tli this citj', into •Orchestra '• ,• ^ with no successor to take:up and; The National Loan & Invostiiient Co, pays 4K; that it could only be "executed by the Male quartette Mrs. Joe Artz of Fi.tchburg visited per cent. See F. II, Fikld. I0t( the house on east Oak street recently carry on the iwork. clerk Of the court of records, no notary Messrs. Adams, Mills, T.yon and Adams her: mother and brother here from purchased by hira. Helias b.eoQ stck SohR .LittleHelen Hill .1 •:':• • • ::-I'or ..Siilo.,.,'; .'•'.::.•,,. public would do." The person hold­ The paper and (its subiect Avere Solo Mrs. HiiWioy Friday until Sunday. House, lot an'd barn on Cherry street. I>oU since coming here.. ing the paper was sick and unable to aroinbonosolo...,,...... l\Ir, riarold Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Bonoker of Lansing briefly discussed and Itho usual in­ live rods wldB. 7tf Andiirw Lan«.: Last Wednesday afternoon Thos. leave home, so it was necessary for Duet...Mrs. MaDiin and MLsa TenByok. l.anslnK were guests of Dan Darrow and wife termission with refreshments duly Solo Mrs. Mlokelson .J. Sweeney purchased the American the clerk to go to that village. Men over Sunday. observed. . -At the close of these If your money does not net you live iter e«nt, <- of considerable experience in legal: Tlio ...... :Mlsses Kllett; Longyear aud Gall see H. 0. Freeland. :U House property ot Mrs. Ella: Marsli, I Orchestra M. J. Bowdish and wife; Earl Jessop rites Miss Burgess gave ..a- musical business say this is the flrst time they •selling Ills property corner, of Ar and 5010...... Mr. Longyear and family and C. E. Hyde and family selection, and nearly all gave a AViintod. ever heard bf a case where a notary Vloim solo;iMl98 Kerns Mill streets to F. P. Millbury. Mr. Of North Leslie were Sunday guests quotation from Drummond or .Bar- Good man wIHi small family to work on farm.: public,was not allowed to execute a IteadlDg;...... ,.,„.Mrs. Alexander Sweeney will paint, and paper the Solo MUs Cnlver Of Mrs. Ruth Hyde. ri© in • response . to' roll call.. Meet­ Good lonemont bouse. W. A. Molton,-Alaiedou.:'. American Houseiput in entire new paper of the kind, and tlien have the Dnet...... Mrs. MiiDiiD and Miss TenEyck ing-then ndjourned' to meet Avith Dan Darrow, Sr.v and wife-returoed Kouso for Kent. county clerk's sea! and. signature add- 5010.1. Mrs. MIokelsou Rev. 'and Mrs. Simmons at the furniture .and i make other; improve- from California the first of the week, On Maple; street, > opposite Donnelly House,:^ edlater. Male quartette » . Imeats before opening. ' : Messrs, Adams, Mills, Lyon and Adams where they spent the winter. manse. wit-'-h or withouwif t •barn- , ilw2p; James Kkuns; For .BEood Diseases and Ailments

Possesses medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself and has an

unequaled record of cures. Take it tliis spring, in usual

IIKSUMABLV e v e r y h o t! y liquid form or tablets Icnown as Sarsatabs. knows hy this time tliat tliero Is a slaadliig offer of Spring Humors are due to tho im­ Hood's Sarsaparilla has no equal $•100 In cash for the man, pure, impoverished, devitalized condi­ for cleansing the blood and expolliug woman, boy or girl who tion of the blood brought about by the humors that accumulate during finds the nest of a wild pig­ the unhealthful modes of living dur­ the Winter. It effects its wonderful eon (ectoplstos mlgratori- ing the winter, too close conflneroent, euros because it combines the utmost UB), otherwise known as too little outdoor air and exercise, too remedial values of more than twenty the passenger pigeon, and heavy diet. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures difterentJngredlents. Insist on haviug finds witli il the nestling them and builds up the whole system. Hood's. It has no substituto. hlrds. In order lo get tho reward tho person who iiiakeH the dis­ covery must leave the nest and tho birds unmolested and prove the truth of bo handled very o».»llv. Tho nick aro cnred. nnd Rll othon in a stable, no matter liow"exims*''llilnB. r.ocnl nk-enl*«'aul«d. Liirifest KiUlne .w— w.—V lorao remedy luexlMtenco-twulvoyearf. ten about' the dlKuppearanoo of tlio SPOHN tnSDIOAL e0..fl'ciiililsttailll«lcr!olo5l«n. Qoclien. Incf.., 0. wild pigpons which once, ns it Is, al­ ways iiut, ."darkened llio sun with their Dost lliou love life? Tlicn do not I'lie man who lots 'well enough alono lllglils." '1 ,T1h! members of the biologi­ squander time, for time, is tlie stuff life novcr gets very far ahead. cal survey' in \Vaalun;;loii aro specially is made of.—Franklin. inlpresl.cjd in the subject of tlio disap­ .Katnre's laxative. Oarlield Ten, is intide pearance of litis bird of iiassfigo from Constipation, indigestion, Bick-hcailnche ot cleiiii, luweet. lienllli-nivinK Herbs. its wild' hauiils. Kor years 11 has been nnd liilions conditions iirc overcoino by a oourBO of Garflold Tea. Dvink on retirmi,'. hoped that nosliiig pairs mi;.;lil he found Those days aro lost in wliich wc do in some pari of llie eouiiiry and that no-good; lliose worse llian lost iu Yhe Beginning. with ]iroper protection tlic bird inlKhl which we do evil.-Cromwell. Children iearii lo creep ere they can he restored lu pari tit least to its place learn to go.—Heywood. In miluro. Tliou.«nnds ot Cnn.inniplives din every VMr, Consiiniption resiills from a nep;- Iloceiitly tliero was a story published TO CrmR A COI/D IN ONK DAT lectcd cold on Iho liinjtn. Ifiinilins AViznrd rsilto LAXA'PIVM imoilO Oulnlne 'I'ahlols. Oil will cure these colds. Just rub it into to tho effect tlial the birds, wearied of DniKKlsiarefnnd money If li. fallH tn cure. K. W. tho coiuiliint perscctiiion which met tUtOVH'SslcDalurulaou eaohbox. »c. the chest nnd draw otit tho inllaininuiion. them ill llio Uiiiled HIatea, had eluinged There never was a good war Or a the coii^'so of tiielr lliyhl and had goiio Lll'o is a stago play; it matters not Into Mexico and thorn were living peace­ how long wo act, so long as we act had peace.—h^'rankllii. fully and liappily. 'I'liis story iirovod to well.-Bacon. • bo absolutely without foutidalion. Still another tale wiis lo llio effoel that llio Mrs. WInsIow's fioothlni; S.vriip for Children and Iho country sports Icethliig-, Hofleii.i ihc(jinns. reilneoH Inllnniinii- pigeons had gone into tho heart of Soutli men told Mr. Burroughi tioii, jtUuyB piiiii. eiircs wind colle, S.'ic ii bottlo. America and there Oiiiling conditions thai Ihoy had seen pig pleasant were leading a uon-migralory eons tliat spring, at leasl Nothing under tho sun •. has dono life. This tale also proved to bo en- 1.000 of 'them, but that more to help'the fool killer earn his Millions of people have CAS­ Uroly llcllUous, none ot them Iiad been salary than inordinate self-conceit. CARETS do Health work fur In all parts of the soutlicrii slates ia shot. Mr. Burrouglis was the winter seasons tliero are pcopio them. If you have never trie'd inclined to believe the re­ ASIC rOIt A Lf.EN'S roOT-KAfil! watching Bliarp-eyed for a glimpse of port, for the men who tho Antlsoptto powder to shake into your shoes. Ito- this great health maker—Get a 10c fho bird thai onco was a ooniniou sight. llovoH Corns, IlnnioTis.lnKron'lnfi; Nalla, Swollen ana made it wero old-timo BwoatlnB feet, Ullsters and Onllona «|ioI«. Sola box—and you will never use any In tho Buinmer sharp eyes of the north sportsmen aud supposed­ every where, 26o. Jiati'tticceiil anv'itbstUule. Sani- are constanlly on the ;ilcrt for the same plo FlllBlll. Address AnonS.01iii.stcd, Lolloy.N.V. other ifco(t;e/'medicine. 912 ly knew the bird well. purpose, but as yel, no autlionlic report However, there is no pos- CASCARRTR loc n hex for a week's has been received that llio bird of mys­ Words of Comfort. treatment, nil dnigffists. Biggest seller itivo proof today that the terious disapiieariiuce lias revisited tho "My doctor says I must sleep out-of- ia the world, WilUou boxes u mouth. New York farmers and scenes familiar through lite centuries lo doors," said the man who is not gunners woro not just as Its ancestors. "Well," replied tho friend who much mistaken as were makes painful efforts to cheer up; One of the scientists most interested the old-timers who told "it's all right so long as your landlord In tlio scarcli for the wild jiigeoii is ond be compelled to pay to your landlord most the slory of the return of doesn't say it." nuthven Dcane, fellow of the American of your hard-earned profile? Ownyourown the pigeons to the upper fnrm. Secure a Free Homestend in Ornithologists' union and president of Michigan country. nnitohn, Sasknlciicwnn or llio Illinois Audubon Society I'or tho Important to Pi/lothora Alberta, or piirchase In The Auk, a quar­ Examine carefully every bottle oV hind in one of these Prolenllou of Wild llird.s. lli: Deano — ,districts ond IiniiU n terly journal of ornithol­ CASTORIA, a safe nnd sure remedy for virtually has given up all hdpe that any priifll ot $10.00 or ogy published hy tbo infants and children, and see that it .•iiia.CO uu ucre living s))Rciiiicii of the jiassengcr pigeon every yeur. American Ornithologists' ever will ho found, but he is as tireless Bears tho >^ y/V^ ^ Land purchoaed ,1 union, tliere recently ap­ years ago at 810,1)0 nn today as over in tracing reports of tho Signature of C^a/^/^T^i&k peared a paper by Albert acre has recently bird's roajipoaranco to tlieir sources. In Use For Over 30 Years.' eh .1 ntreU hands at Hazon Wright on "Some $25,110 nn acre. The The offer of .flOO for Ihc discovery of a Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, crops ptrown on these Early Records ot the Pas­ nesting pair of tlio iiigcons aud their lands warrant the senger Pigeon." In this advance. "^00 can undisturbed nest comes from Clifton R. Patriotic Determination. paper are reported somo Hodge of Clark university, but .$100 ad­ "Your Avifo insists on being allowed of the flrst accounts ditional will bo jiaid for the discovery to vote." of a pair of birds and theii' nest if found which ever saw print of;, bycntUernisinir.dolryinit.rnixed "Yes," replied Mr. Meekin. "She's furmlnir and crnin ^rowlnir in in the state of Illinois. The additional the pigeon multitudes of the provinces of AiniiltolHi. not content with having the last word .SiLskulchowun nml Alberln. reward is the joint offer of Mr. IDeano the early days. When one in political argument. Sho wants to Free liomc-ilcnd mid, pre- and, as I remember it, of Professor Whit:man of reads them it seems al­ go to tho polls and put iu a post­ cmpllaii iirea.-i. aswell ns land tho University of Chicago. Chicago, to look for migrating birds which had most incredible that a bird species which num­ held by railway and land com- script." . pnnies, will jirovido houiu."i J dropped down into the pleasure ground froni bered its individuals almost, it would appear, by. for inllllon.-E. . ^ Ono of the most curious features of tho • their night flight iu order to rest and teed. I had • the million milhons could ever disappear from the Professional Foresight. Aclnpluble .•voil, hcjoillifiil search for Uie wild pigeon Is the mistakes which clItiiulG. splendid schools just entered the park when my attention was face of the earth. ' "That fellow has a fearful nerve," one] chiirchu.«,iiood rnilwuys. are mado constantly by men who years ago attracted,to a large bird perched on the limb of The account of the great pigeon fiocks which said the dealer In firearms. iror settlers' niLes, do.serlpllvo trapped the pigoons and were as familiar with lllonvlnro"ljiBt l! Weil," ho'w a maple tree and facing the sun, which was just - is most familiar to the people ot the country Is "Who is he?" t,o reach tho country and ollior p.^r- their appearance as they wero, and arc today tlciilnrs, wjlio to Siip'i. of Imnil- rising; out of Lake Michigan. • My heart gave that written by John James Audubon, the natural­ "An alienist. He says, he will'give tor that mailer, with the appear.ance of the com­ ration, Ottawa, ('aiiada, (ir to tho a sort of leap, for I recognized it instantly as the ist. It seems from Mr. Wright's paper, however, me a commission on his business it, I &anudhin Oovorniaent Ag'snt, mon rohiii of the dooryard. Reports have come passenger pigeon, a bird of which I had not that a century aud a half before Audubon was W II, Riii!trs,3nliliiorTrictl«iiTtriiilnslllUii.. in from all Boctlons of the country of the reap­ will hand his card to every wild-eyed InilliiMtiolls, Inlma, or Caiwllan Omcnmiciit seen a living specimen for at least, twelve years. bom records were made of the: Immense numbers Aucnl, liirdncr Biilldlng. Toltilo, Olilo, pearance of tho pigeon, but oa investigation It person who comes in and buys a re­ Thea instantly I began to doubt and thought of tho birds which •were seen in America. The (UaenddrossnimreBlycAi.) 33 Invariably has been found that the discoverers volver." that my eyes must be mistaken and that the at­ earliest writers called them turtle doves. Mr. had seen nothing more nor less than tho com­ mosphere waa magnifying the bird and that what Wright quotes from the Jesuit father, Le Jeuue, mon wild dove (venaidura macroura), or mourn­ was before me was really a mourning dove. ' I who In tho year 1637 likened the American Indi­ ing dovo, which is so familiar a bird that it drew closer and then, I knew tliere was no pos­ ans to the pigeons. "Our savages are alwiiys sav­ seems almost impossiblo that any man of the sibility of deception. Before me was a beautiful age; they resemble the migratory birds ot tlieir ' V Or a little vi-oter from the human system when countryside could have failed to overlook it as thorousihiy tested by the chief ahemist at Dr. specimen of the male passenger pigeon with ihe own country. In one season turtle doves, are some­ his constant neighbor and could confuse it with Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., tells tlie . sun striking full on the hurnished feathers of times found in such abundance that the end of ita much larger cousin, the passenger pigeon of story of impoverished blood—nervous exhaustion his throat. I stood within IG yards of the hird other days. their army cannot be seen when they are fiyiug or some kidney trouble. Such examinations are for fully half an hour and then It left tho maple in a body." made without cost, and is only a small part of the To give an example ot how the search Is con­ and wont in arrowy flight down the lake shore Mr. Wright found a.notlier reference to tho im- work o£ the iitaff of physicians and suriJeons under ducted for tho wild pigeon and how conscientious drive toward the heart ot the city. I have often sense numbers of fho pigeons in the writings of the direction of Dr. R. V. Pierco giving the best are the scieatisLs in attempting to verify reports wondered since what was its fate. another .Tesult father In the year 1671. The ob' medical advice possible without cost to those of its reappearance this one instance, taken from Theodore Roosevelt is deeply interested in sorvation was mado at Cayuga lake in New York who wish to write and make a full statement of a hundred instances, may be noted. Recently a symptoms. An imitation of natures mediod of the otitcome of the search for surviving mem­ state. "Pour leagues from here I saw hy the side report from northern Michigan reached tho presi­ restoring waste of tissue (ind impoverishment of bers, If such there may be, of the passenger pigeon of a river within a very limited spaco eight or dent of the Illinois Audubon society that tho the blood and nervous force is used when you tribe. Mr. Roosevelt knew the bird whea he was iiino extremely, fine salt springs. Mauy snares are take an alterative and glyceric extract o£ roots, passenger pigeon in very tnilh had reappeared a boy aud in his trips afield he always has kept set there for catching pigeons, from seven to eight without the use of alcoliol, such as in the vicinity of a club-house frequented by a watchful eye open for a possible sight of a hundred being often taken, at once." Another fa­ flshermen and gunners, many of whom had speoimon of the species now feared to be extinct. ther of the church in the latter part of the seven­ known tlie pigeon well In the old days and who When Mr. Roosevelt was president, of the teenth century writes of the passenger pigeons ot , , Dr. Pierce's Golden Me^ were certain that in this caso they could not United States he occasionally went to a -U'ild the St. Lawrence' country; "Among the birds of be mistaken as to tho identity of the Wrd vis­ Which makes the stomach strong, promotes the flow of digestive juices, re­ spot in Virginia where he owned, a cabiq. Ho every variety to be found here it is to be noted stores the lost appetite, makes assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and itors. (jailed the place Pine Knot. 'While there one day that pigeons abound in such numbers that this purifies and enriehes the blood. It is ^ the great blood-niaker, flesh-builder It was a long journey to the northern Michi­ lie saw what ho believed to he nine wild pigeons. yeai-one man killed 132 at a single shot." ond restorative nerve tonic. It makes men strong in body, active in mind gan club house, but au ornithologist undertook It would be perfectly proper today for a man' .Within the last five or six, years reports have ond cool in judgment.. Get what you ask for 1 the trip bellovlng in liis heart that finally tho who saw as many pigeons as this, together to come of the reappearance of the pigeon in Mis­ passenger pigeon had been found, for, he knew shoot one of, them—ono only—in order to prove souri, Oklahoma, Illinois, . Wisconsin,: Michigan, that tho men who had made the report had been beyond peradventure that the tribe-still .has ex­ Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia and familiar wdlh the bird In the old days and sup­ istence. When one simply reports the appear-, perhaps from some other states. In no instance ESTAB. posedly knew the appearance of its every feather. ance of a pigeon or of a flock of pigeons every­ has proof been adduced that the real' passenger 1876 53 H Shoes 1°WOMEl" f At the end of the journey ho was told that .the one doubts very naturally the truth' of the tale, fflgeon, tli'6 bird of the old time,, was the species }V. I/. Douglas shoos cost more to make than orilinary .shoos, because higlior grade loatliors aro nsbd and soleotodwith greater pigeons were there and he was led out to see holding that the mourning dove has been again seen. The disappearance of the flocks whitjh onco cafe. Those aro tlio reasons why W. L. Douglas shoos aro guar­ them. They proved to be mourning doves, a mistaken for its cousin bird. covered the sky as with a cloud is one of the mys­ anteed to hold their shape, look and fit hotter aud wear longer bird common in nearly all parts of Michigan President Roosevelt did not have a gun with teries of nature. Man's persecution of course had than any other shoos you can buy.' and in most of the states of the Union. The dis­ him on the occasion oi: his meeting with what much,'if not everything, to do with the annihila- - . ^BEWARE OF SUBSTITVTES.'^ appointment was keen, and keener in this case he thought; were wild pigeons. It he had he tiou of the species, but it,would seem tjliat some- The genuine have W. L. Douglas name and the retail because this was one report which seemed to probably would have shot one of them. I-Ie told ting else, disease perhaps, must be held account­ price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees full value have about it every mark of tnith. no one except a few scientists and a few friends able at least in part for the dying out of a noble and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshocs. "When I was a boy I knew tho wild pigeon ot his discovery. He knew as well as anyone race of feathered game. aEFUSESUBSTITUTESOLAimiamBE'JUSTASGOOO' If your denielorr cannot anaiippl; y yon trUli thn «enulno W.L. Ponulns shoes, write fairly well. It was nothing like as abundant else did that in, the absence of the proof fur­ forMull Order OatftlotTOaMiloR.. ShoeS s sent direct from factory to wearer, all;ea Bovs' Shoes as it had been in tho years gono hy, but occa­ nished by a bird in the flesh it would be said at u. l>uiii:iita, t:ip.iii>U St.. lii'ocktou. Slu*'. $2.O0,$2.C0i$3.00 sionally small fiocks were seen in the vicinity of once, that he made the common error. No ono my hirthplace in the foothills of the Adirondack knows positively, today whether the nine birds Too mountains In, central New York. I am sorry to which the president saw were or were not pas­ Amonsf Colts,, Maros; and Stalllon-s cured with ono bottle: of saythat'I sliot some of the birds before I fully senger; pigeons. Every time that Mr. Roosevelt FUAZIER'S DISTEMPER CURE, or your: money refundeiL realized the value of giving protection to a van­ has been to Pine Knot since he has hoped for Dr. liarvoy W. Wiley, the government's food ex­ One. dose placed in trough or feed will prevent all oaaos.; In-;, fluenza, PInk-Eyo, Catarrhal Fever, Colda and all , forms of: ishing race. The mourning' dove I know as well another sight of the birds whichimade him glad pert, said at a recent dinner in Washington: . • • Nose and Throat troubles curedin 4 to 8 days. ,?1,00 bottle holdsl, as I know the English sparrow, and I think that some years ago. "But in our search for pure foods we may go too three 60 ot. slzo-bottles.. Send postal for froo booklet: on the: there is no; chance of confusion in my mind re­ horse. Sold by druggists or prepaid from •-.•,:::' : John Burroughs, heard from his. friend; Theo­ •far.* Thus a lady entered a grocer's the other day specting the identity of .the dove and its bigger dore Roosevelt, that the nine pigeons had been and said: BINKLEY MEDICAL COMPANY, Dep't A; NAPPANEE, IND.' relative, the pigeon. It is possible, though T am , seen in: Virginia.;. Burroughs believed the story ;: "Have you got any currants?" not sure that such is a fact, that I saw the last because he knew how accurate an observer of : ::The clerk,^ a college gi-aduate, replied: :• wild pigeon reported In Illinois. Others may V;"'Yes, madam, we: have• very fine :Corinth3, or nature his friend: the,president was and is. The A Country School for Girls in New York City have been seen since^that time within the hor- stories ;0f the pigeons in Virginia led Mr. Bur- . small dried grapes- from the Greek town-of-that ders ot tho stato, but If so I, have not seen their Best Features of Country and City Life roughs to make Inquiries at once in tlio counties name—currants, you know, Isthe corrupted form. Out-of-door Sporfs.on ;Schaol;Parko£ 35 acres near the Hudson River.,' Full •appearance reported. in New York state west of tlie lower I-Iudson How many will you have?" Academic Goiirse fromPrimary Class to Graduation. .; UpperClass for Advanced; At five o'clock on the morning of a late April lying In the old line of flight of the migrating : V;'None sit all.:lf.4hey are corrupted,' muttered,the': Special Students,'Music and Art. 'Certificate admils to College., School Coach Meets; flay, fifteen years' ago, I went into Lincoln park, pigeon armies of years ago. , There the farmers lady.', 'I belong to a pure food league'.' "" Day Pupils. Mif» Bangs and Mus Whiton.Riverdole Ave., near, 252d St.yWest NOT EXACTLY THE SAME. CURE THAT SORE THROAT Rep. Woodworth has Introduced a' bill to take a fall out of the D. & M. railroad,Which under Its special char­ Sore throat is Inflammation of the E m m ter and ownership of the Grand raucous meinbrano of tho throat, nntj Trunk has been escaping its. Just pro­ if this membrane happens to bo at portion of the taxes for years. Ills sensitive a predisposition to soro D bill jirovides a tax of 2 iier cent upon throat will exist the shares held lo be !)aid by the Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic Is both a road and of 1 per cent.upon tho in-, preventative and a (jure for sore debledness of the road. It is ex­ By LAWRENCE ALFRED CUY throat because it possesses extraor- THE JUDICIAL PRIMARIES pected this tax, if levied, will ralso the ta.xes of the road to an eqaaiity 'dlnary cleansing, healing and germi­ THEIR WORKING CAUSE at least with other roads and perhaps cidal quailtieB, Just a little In p, glass SOME CRITICISM. a little higher. If this last ccmdl. Copyrlelit, 1310, by AssooiuleU Literary Press of water, used as a gargle, will quick­ tion should arise, .Air. Woodworth ly relieve all soreness and strengthen Mrs. George Armstrong, relict of awakened by sounds that made hor would grieve none, since he believes- THE LEGISLATURE HAS PASSED sit up in bod and gasp for breath. Tho Traveler—Hello, Hans! I hear the mucous membrane of the throat, the state would ilien ho getting back George Armstrong of the village of A BATCH OF LAWS THAT ARE you'vo taken a chiince in the matri­ and thus overcome all tendency to a litilo of the money tho road has Brunswick, had passed her year of Her bedroom v.'indow looked out on monial lottery again. I suppose you've sore tliroat, UNCONSTITUTIONAL. not lieon jiaying in in the last few mourning, and thero were gossips in tho garden, and the sash was raised. Paxtine Is far superior to liquid an­ years. the village mean enough to say that "Widow Armstrong," said a voice won a prize? Hans—Yaas; I got a surprise. tiseptics or Peroxide for all toilet and Very Graphic Vievy of the Work she was in tho market again. Of that -ivas certainly not human, "1 course tliey did hor injustlco. No am hero to '\varn you!" hygienic uses, Done and Being Done hy the A new bill as a substilnte has been drafted for the teachers' pension fund widow is ever In the market. If it so She looked out. Under the apple Paxtine may bo obtained at any Law Makers. EYES WOULD BURN AND STING bill. The original provided that tho happens that ^voraen contract a sec­ tree stood a ghost It was none of drug store, 25 and 50c a box, or sent: teachers should create this fund b.v ond marriage, it is a matter of sur­ tho vapory ghosts that wave tor- postpaid upon receipt of price by .Thej "It is just a year ago that my sis­ By Toby Candor. asse.ssmont upon tlionisolves. Thu prise to tlieni. Thoy didn't plan to, ward and backward over tho ground, Paxton Toilet Co., Boston, Mass.' ter came over hero to us. She had alihslitute provided tliat the money Send for a free sample. TIic rosiiU of the judicial primaries and how thoy came to do it is a mat­ but a solid-looking chap in white who shall come from tho iiriniary scdiool been hero only a few weeks when her Jias not increasi'd the iioimlarily nf ter to puzzle them. stood llrnily on his feet. fund. This is ou the theory that tlio eyes began to be red, and to burn and this inetliod of noiniaathig jiidses in Barmaids in South Australia. teachers shall retire after 20 years It was true that tlie widow Arin- "Widow," continued the voice, "bo- Bting as if she had sand in them. the least, in sevonil instances the South Australia is suffering from a of .service hiit shall do such substi Btrong was looked upon with favor ware of the piano tuner! He is Thou we used all of tlio homo reme­ I'esnlt ha.s hoon lo nominate men not barmaid famine. Two yoar.s ago'bar­ Into work as maj-lie rotiuired by .the i hy several men, Thero was the piano doomed to go mad! Beware of thq iitted for iho bench, hut merely aide dies. She washed her eyes with salt maids were iibollshed in that state by hoard of eilucatiou, in return thoy | tuner that came down'from Cleveland butcher! Ho will slay you as you ito round nil tiie voles just as any waler, used hot tea to bathe them w-oll ho liojit upon the jiay roil at half i every two or lliroo months on his act ot parliament. No moro could bo sleep, if you marry him! Beware oi with, iind b.andaged them over night other liolitician rnnnds tliem tiii. In Iho average salary of the city or j ,.oy„^|g „f ^^^^ villages, She had no legally engaged, but those tilready em­ tlio lightning rod man. He will got consecpiencu a sti'ong sentiment lias town in which slie lias lieon toivchliig. 1 g^ng^i discussed v.'ltli tea leaves, but all to no purpose, ployed could remain on condition that dovcdoped In the Icgislalnre in favor your last dollar and then abandon Since the ,,rinuir,- Kchool fund may lie She went to the drug store and got thoy registered thenisolves. of not only doin.'^- awiiy with the nom­ you! Beware! Beware! Beware!" used or not ling hut eachers salaries ° , , , i some salvo, but she grew constantly There are now only '100 ot them left ination of the jtidlciary hy iiidintiry, it is considel-otT lilting lhat this pen-! 'f''' '"'f ^y^^ «°<1 d'l"'^'''^' °" Ami thou Mr, Ghost rotrcalod worse. She was scarcely able to look and tho coiii|)etlLion for their serv­ but or doin;.': away wltii the clootioii slou fund should come from it. I'''^ coat collar, and. he had thrown noiselessly and gnvo the frightened In Iho light. At last she decided to ices is such that tholr wages havo of the judscs. Senator Charles Wiiito I out hints that his artistic soul longed widow a chance lo got hor breath. go to a doctor, bocaiiso sho could of Herrlen is most outspoken on tills jumped from 25 shlUlnga to £3 a subject and is .seriously considerinK \\':\r lallc in Miiising is as general f"'' "'•'''e. All the rest ot tJio night she lay with hardly work any more. Tito doctor week. The liolels that liavo had to Tlieu there -was tJie sewing machino (h<3 tidvisiilillUy of iutroducini,' a joint ns in WiishlngtDU. Two momhers of licr head covered up and expecting said it was a very severe disease, and employ barmen report a considerable roBoluiiim for tin amondmcnt to the Iho I liaise, one of llio. Senate and ono man, l-lo had sliort hair, tamo eyes tiie summons any moment, and she jf gjie did not follow his orders close- change for tho worse la their receipts. PKOiistilutioii prnvldiiig that all judges iiows|)aper corroesiiouilont aro mem-' and no dandruff, but he iiad his good was a happy woman when tlio roost­ ly she might lose her cyeslgiit. He her.s of the national guard and have points. Ho had coinniitlod pages and fihai! he niipointcd hy the goveiainr ers began crowing for dnyliglit made her eyes burn and applied elec­ Bold Scribe. had their sabers ground to a keen piigos of Shakospearo to memory, and for life or during good hohavior, thus Did sho i-ush off to tell tho neigh­ tricity to tliem, and g.avo her various "Ho hum!" ejaculated honest .Farm­ removing them oiiiircdy from politics edge and their buttons polished up between tho way ho. could spout them bors as soon as sho had oaton hor olntmoiits. In ihe two and a .hillf or er'llornboak, w-ho had oncounlerod In ;ind from political or other influences. ready for ilie fi'ay. Roj). Stewart of and repair a sewing machine was breakfast? Not a bit of it. If she' three months that she went to tho tho village iiowspiipor an example of Tlic sentiuioiit in this lino Is growing ICoiiL is ;i major eommaiuling tho Rometliliig to mako a widow sit up the perversity which tho linotype daily and this method of naming Grand .Raiiids iialtalum of the second had told of tho ghost sho must havo doctor, we could see very little Ini- and think. sunieliiiies "The editor of judges is hound lo ho adopted soon­ regiment, lion. Gaasser of liay is a repeated tho ghost's words, Sho provomont. And then there woro tho village the Plaindealor ain't afraid' lo spoalc er or hiioi'. ."^0 far nobody has tackled major. Seiialor (.'.olllns of Bay Is a wasn't going to tell of tiioso throe "Then wo had road so much how tho his inind. lie como right out and tho rask of rovii-;iiig Ihe primary law. captain and Roy C, Vandorcook, news- butcher, tho lightning rod man, offers ot marriage and set , otlicr people had been bellied by Cuticura tho says: "in our opinion the Hon. Thom­ I'^ory session of (lu! lc;;iHlaturo since |),-il)er (.-orrosponiloiil:, is a captain i druggist over at Liverpool and tongues to wagging. Ami before noon lhat wo thought wo would try It, and soli as Rett has iyddaoiilczzounsoltttjit tlio primary law was agiialed comm.-iiuliii;; liatiery A, lield artillery, j man who came twice a year lo canie she began lo doubt tho ghost' v/o oannotbo thanlttul enough that, we, the act has lieoi tinkered Willi and All aro ready and anxious lo .go to the I'arniers fertilizers and labor sav­ jm mnwww trahahalia, liawzw zcus- She Weill out to Iho apple tree, imd' used it, i\ly sister used the Cuticura rovi.sed o\rr aiiii iwvx again. Today ihn front, wliero ihey holiove sonie­ ing machinery, Itibby." And, by jolly! ho says it as she found tracks on the soil—tracks Pills for purifying tho blood, bathed it l.t ill condition if ])ossihlo lhing is about lo liiippon. Por not being on tlio market, and If lie means It, loo!"—Puck, of boots, or: sho didn't know :tracks; only Willi Cuticura Soap, and at night than (!Vor. A coiisiilorable iimnhei' for a who did not in the least of ch.'inges .-ire liiidly iicoded, but so wiion slip ,saw thoni. Some ono had after wasliing, she iiiiuiiited her eyes S'cnllnu'ii ill favoi- of adjoiirnmoiii encourage liic flattery of men, the Executive ability consists in finding far nobody ha.s iiiad'o nn attemiit to wraiiped himselt in a • sheet, and very gently oil the oulsido with tlio on .April J I) si'oms to be growing in widow Armstrong was well provitlcd some one iiad held a jioach. stone • in- •Cuticura Ointment,' In ono 'wbeiv, tlio a man who can do tho work—and in Ktraiglileii out its many tangles. Son- Iho Mouse antl within a wcoic tlio for. Tho hist, but not least, of hor leUing him do it. Lots of men who ••itoi- .(allies lias i.-.lloduccd a oorru|it concurrent rcsuliKion already adoiu.ed ''7,'..g waq his mouth Willie ho talked, swelling Wits oiitirely gone from tho tlio village carpenter. can do the lirst, cau't do tho second. liraclices ;ici. lint the onroUmoiit fea- ill iho Sonalo mav iiass tlie Hoiikc. l'^^ „, „,, , , Whon a man trliles with a widow' oyes, and after a month thero -^vas no liire.s, iho dale of Iho primary and if le.gislature does adjourn at lhat ».'"'^° ^'"1 ''^"t ho doesn't know what ho is going to longer any mucus or watering of tho snmo oilier tlihi?Ts of similar naturo a bachelor. Ho wa.s a coy man and Read not to contradict aud confute,, time it is ccrtaiu a Ipl of l.lio most got. When this widow had decided.' eyes. Sho could already soo belter, iiave not liccii touclicd. a shy man. Of course ho cnuldu't not to beliovQ and take for granted, liiiporlant legishiliou will not have that sho .was being guyed by some and in six weeks she was cured," not to find talk and discourage, but to been touched. Among the tilings lol't ono siio w'ent across the stront and (Signed) Mrs, Julia Csepicska, 2005 uiiilone will he Ihe revision of the weigh and consider.—Bacon. Tlie Ingislaiure has boon.very busy borrowed a sliolgtin lo shoot^ cats Utah St,, St, Louis, Mo,. A.u_g, 20, 1910, taxation system, tho I'evision of tho passiii.g acts wliiiih are iinoonslitu- with, and paid ai 'boy ten cents to Iirimary law, the redlstricting of judi­ Make Good. TakiuK Gariield Tea keopi? tlio system tional. Tho oonstilill inn provides that load it with powder and salt and cial (--irciiits, llio redititricting of con­ all acis shall, lie nenoral, but , "Wako up, Citll," says tiie burglar, clean, llio blood pure and tiie pcneral A gressional distrcls, and a large num- show lier how to fire it health good. Buy from your druKgist, Ihe legisinturo has been iiassing local shaking tho man by the shoulder. 1)01- of oilier imiiorlant measures, all - No ghost came that night or tho aels i-e.nai-dloss. Of course, if any­ The man -wakes up, and jumps up, nf wiileh are essenlial lo the good nekt. On tlie third day the Liverpool Cleanliness is next to godliness.— body clioDscs to kicli on such laws too. government. of the state. druggist dt;ovo over and eased his Jolin Wesley. , they will 1101 hold waler, P, ,T. M, "I wont troo dis liouse las' week .an' palpitating heart by a confession and 11aby, norpnral.ion counsel of Dolroit, got $100 an' a bum gold watch," ex­ a proposal. His tracks were liurdly has raised a consliUilional question The uniform probation bill prepared plained' the btirghir; "an' do pajiers of vast imiiortaiico to the .state and cold when in came tho sewing ma- hy Tracy McGre,gor and Detroit at­ said dat you said your loss was $100 which must lie taken Into the su­ chine man. He must tell her of bis torneys lias boon introduced in botlr an' joolry to the amount o' five or six premo court at once lo determine tiie branches ot the logislature. It lU'o- loyo or, perish. 'He was permitted to hundred." validity of a lot of Important laws vidos that porsnns who have commit;-| tell. The fertilizer man had meant now on the .statute boolts. The con­ "•^'e-yes?" That's Why You're Tired—On6 dsff' tod their nrsl minor offense shall bO; to bo first but came in third, being stitution provides that llio legisla­ "•\A''ell, make good, sport Mo pard- Sorts—Have No Appo^'". placed In charge of the probalioa of-! unavoidably detained by Deacon ture shall provide for the incorpora­ ner dat was watcbin' on do outside llcer to he appointed by eacli judi­ CARTER'S LITTLE^ tion, etc;, of cities antl villages "by Robinson. He also loved and had to cial circuit, in communities ot less made me cough up do difference be­ UVER PILLS a. general act." Now ".A general aet" tell of It or run tho risk of an ..ex than 200,000 iiopulation the salary ofj tween ^yhat I got find wiiat you said •will put you risht plosion. . - does not moan by several acts. Mr. Ihe chief probation ollicer is llxod I got Now, you got to malte good. iu a ew days. Ifally points out that a strict inter­ at $],200 and his assistant at $S00. "To each ot the last throe the widow You can't beat me dat way."—Judge's They do pretation of Ihis clause would make returned tho same answer as to the Library. (Iicir duty. it imiiossihlo for the state lo regiilato Ptuil H, Kink, cleric ot the House,i first three. Six, proposals in a week, Cure tho sale of licjuors in cities and vil­ CoiutIpi> was the hero recently when he en-! and six men going away fairly happy. lages and all our liriuor logislut.ion Useful in Its Way. lorod tho House, inisliing his baby {ioB, Eil. pretty nearly would bo void, Tlie When it Is ligui-ed right down, any Maud—AA'hat a long hatpin! Surely cab, in which was his little daughter, ioasneta, Iniligestion, and Siclk Headaele* same would bo true as ajiplled to local widow is a blessing to the land. you don't over use it! horn since the convening of the leg-' clod ions and to tho legalizing of bond Midnight again. The widow Arm­ Ethel—Only wiien I ' go ' bargain SMALL PIU, SMAa DOSE, SMAU. PEICB Islaturo, , .Paul w-as loudly cheered issues as has been done during the strong sleeps, ' The shotgun leans ffienaine miMbeat Signature as ho made his triumphal entry and rushing, . jii'cseiit legislaturn for several cities. the baby was immediately surround­ against tho wall,, Tlie ghost comes Attorney General I'^ Kiilin looks ed by meinhors, oniploycs and every­ across the garden with noiseless feet I am not so lost in lo.xicography as upon flic iiiatler as most serious and body' else in'osont. Cats take one brief glance and fiy tor to forget lhat words are the daughters it is iilanncd to lake a case into the their lives, of earth and that things are the sons su]ireme court at nncc and secure a of heaven.—Samuel Johnson. TAKE A DOSE OF conslrtictiou of tlio clause. Senator Mapos' bill providing that "Widow, I am bore to warn yo-a •school dislricla may, pay to the iiar- again! Do not marry the sewing ma­ ents of poor children %'i a week wliilo Dr, rioi-oo'.s'Plcn.siint Pellets first put up chine man! •(I) j-cii)'.s .ifjo. Tlic.v rogiil.-ito and invifior- the children remain in school has The action ot congress in adjourn­ "Do not. marry the drug store man! ate. stomach, liver and bowels, Sugar- ing without having lixed a basis of pas.'^ed the Senate. This is one of Fly for Their Lives. "Do not marry the fertilizer man!" ooaled tiny Ki-nnulos, •Tor- COUICH.'S a COUI3S cnngri'ssinnal appnrlioanient bas left the several- measures beforo the legis­ always run awtiy when he saw a The widow slipped softly out of Miclii.gan lii?,'h and dry in 1:lie air. lature which tends to lighten tbo Slight exaggerations do moro harm |a 1(1 ouncoo to bunion ot jioor persons while tlieiri woman coming, but he talked as little bod. There stood the ghost under Unless Live worlt is now done hy a than reckless violations of it—Ches­ Bfli thp paoknuo; special session of the le,i?islatare "fol­ children arc securing an education. as he could and got away as soon as tho apple tree, I-Ie had the same —otlior Htnrolnis only 1-2 omices—samo price and terfield, lowing llie action of llie extra session ho could. Ho hadn't married simply white sheet, around him—same peach- "DEFIANCE" tS SliPERIOR QUALrrV.i of the new congress, Michigan may Senator AVhite's bill conipelling| because he was sliy. stone in his mouth!. She reached for riI,ES CUKKu .IN 0 TO 34 BAYS have to elect a congreasmau-at-lnrge. supervisors to malto annual reports It was when the widow Armstrong tlie old gun, and as. the ghost turned to VonrdniBulst will rol'nnu nionoy If PAZO 01.)1»T^ - MKN't' fnlls lo cure any case ol' lichinif, JiUnd, The law iirovidos that sbould tho ot the financial condition ot tlieir laid off her weeds that a great evisnt bo swallowed up In. the night, shd BloedlMB or I'rutrudlnu I'llos tn 0 to M days, fiUc, hasis ot aiiiiorlionnieat be changed townshiiis has iiassed the Senate, happened in the life of Mr. Phillips. fired. There was a yell and' a fall. while tlie Icgishiture is not in session Senator Miller's 1)111 which authorizes He found hinisolf thinking ot ber— The ghost, had .been salted. Boots Even a little trial is a big one \i you and the nuiiihor of congressmen the persons ot one township to use not thinking whellier she wanted a and legs kicked the air—the sheet have no others. W. N. U„ FT, WAVNE, no. 12-1811. should bo increased tho additional Iho public libi'ivry and reading room summer kitclion built on to her house, was thrown off, and the next minuto representatives to the national bouse ot aiiotlier township lias iiasscd. the or tho picket fence repaired, but. of may bo flleclod at large. But this commiltoe ot the whole. the widow was out door and bending being a Pemoeralic congress wilh no her as a prospective wife. He thouglit over a man .and saying; desire tn increase the representation Governor Osborn may not after all and blushed. He thought and dodged. "Why — why—it's Mr, Phillips! I-Ie thought and felt chilis. It was of JMichigan hut rather to reduce it have a township named for him. Sen­ Why—why—what on earth!" if possible it may result that Michi­ no use to banish the thoughts! Once ator Fowlo has introduced a bill pro­ "I—I, difln't want you to marry gan will have to get along with less they got a foothold they stuck by hlni viding for the organization ot Osborn anybody but mo!" he.exclaimed as he tlian tho present 12 congressmen in township in Mackinac county. Rep, like a porous plaster. But what struggled to his knees, which event it -would he necessary to McEachern of that county is opposed could the poor mau do? There he "But I didn't know you cared for Ciill tho special session ot tlie legis­ to the bill because he declares it is was, born shy and coj', and tho widow lature to redistrict the state. me!" •aii attempt to reward some political might marry 20 times over be­ "But I do!" workers and is unnecessary. fore ho would dare to tell, her of his "AVell, come in and sit down, and Governor Osborn may soon awake love. I-Ie did brace himself to walk we'll see how badly you are hurt" to find liimsolt without a secretary. Michigan may add another county by her house, and to bow to her, and By tho nomination of Prosecuting to the S3 it already baa. Rep, Mor- "But I can't—can't sit down!''. to sit in the pew behind her at Attorney McDonald of Houghton coun­ ford has introduced a bill to organize church, but at the same time ho real­ "Then come over tomorrow and • ty to ihe circuit bench, a, vacancy the country of Forest, to be composed ized that widows are not won that stand up and tell mo you want me for appears in the firosecutorship. Will­ of six townships from Presque Isle a wife and maybe.I'll say yes!" iam R. Oatos, the governor's secre­ and six from Cheboygan counties. way. He even ivent so far as to,put tary, is a candidate for the place a hinge on her gate and make her a and so is Rep, Aniihony Lucas, who Rep. Brieker has introduced a bill press-board gratis, but was that Women Voters on Defense. in tfte Circfe, defeated Oates in tlic primaries for in the House providing that iill rail­ courting and telling her that he could The women voters of Washington meven ;a^o, of ill© GGHuiiie. tho legislature. Lucas is now hust­ roads must so arrange their schedules not live without her? state have formed a committee to de- ling for the nomination, while Oates that passenger trains will connect at tend themselves from misrepresenta­ is sticking to bnslHCSs and dependin,? all junctions with the passenger And all tho while Mr. Phillips was tion by persons opposed to woman DO NOT LET ANY DEALER upon hist riends' to land tho job I'or trains ot other roads. loving and hoping and dispalring, he suffrage. At a meeting lield the other him it ])ossible. . . was hearing from the gossips how day at Seattle representatives, of the DECEIVE YOU./ Senator Poster's bill exempting this or that man was laying siege to suffrage clubs of the state organized Senator AVntkins proposes to pro­ from taxation private wood lots of the widow's heart. He just groaned the, committee, .which consists of one tect in some measure tlie blue gills not more than 20 acres in order' to as.he-listened to the talk. Then the SYRUP OF FIGS AND EUXIR OF SENNA HAS GIVEN representative from each of the suf­ and sunfish wiiich are,annually'taken encourage forestry has passed the hour came to him when it must be UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEAIlS out of the lakes and streams in vast frage clubs and is especially to reply Senate, either suicide or a bright Idea. , The PAST, AND ITS WONDERFUL: SUCCESS HAS LED UN- numbers. He has Introduced a bill to untrue statements "regarding any bright idea came .lust as he -was SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTUBIERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER limiting the catch to 25 in a day and Rep, AVood has introduced a bill in conti'ol of the votes ot women in fa­ selecting a rope and a limb. INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND no person may have more than that the house prohibiting piece work In vor of ajiy particular candidate or COSTING THE DEALER LESS) THEREFORE, WHEN BUYING, The widow Armstrong had • had a 'number in his possession at one time. locomotive boiler shops in Michigan, party." pleasant day of It The butcher, the The Flowers bill demanded by Gov­ Rep, Ball's bill, which provides for piano tuner and the lightning' rod' NotefeFuff Name of the Gompan . President Enjoys the Dance. ernor Osborn by which an expert, tax a state fire marshal, has passed the man had all called the, same after­ PresFdent Taft danced four hours commission will be appointed to in­ House, This is a measure advocated noon and laid their hearts at her lWlF0Ril«WRU the other night in the east room of vestigate and possibly revise the tax by Governor Osborn and it is believed feet She hadn't refused and tram­ PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSS,NEAR THE BOTTOM. AND IN system of Michigan has passed tiie win greatly reduce the fire losses in pled on them—oh, no! She had sim­ the White House, at the party given THE CIRCLE,NEAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKAGE.OF THE House. Rep, Lord's fight against the MINIATURE PlCrURS tho state. • . ply, said that she felt honored, and by, Mrs. Taft: in honor of-Helen and CENUINE. REGULAR PRICE BOc PER BOTTLE; ONE SIZE bill failed. OF PACKAGE. If In tlie far-distant future—years young Robert The president carried .ONLY. FOR SALE BY ALt LEADING DRUGGISTS. Rep. Woodworth in the House-has his weight, with the agility of a young and years in the, future—should- she SYRUP OF nCS AND ELKIR OF SENNA IS THE MOST PLEASANT, WHOLE. S: Judge P. J. Russell, recently ap­ taken tho bull by the horns.and has desire to marry agafn— man. Mrs.-Toft, however, cannot in­ SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TR0UBI.E3, HEADACHES pointed a •member of - the pardon introduced a concurrent resolution ;They had tobe.content with, this. dulge too much In the .whirl, • hei AND BIUOUSNESS DUE TO CONSTIPATION, AND TO GET ITS BENEHCIAt hoard after Governor Qsborn's big providing for an -amendment to the No wise widow ever turns a man down health.; not permitting." ThO':danclng. EFFEaS fr IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY CENUBI6 . shake up surprised everybody by get­ state constitution to give -the initia-- began at 10 and kept up without Inter WHICH IS MANUFACTURED BY THE ting married. Judge Russell is 70 tivo, and, referendum, in state affairs, BO completely as to leave him with­ ruptlon;.until;midnight, when:, supper years of age while his hride; Miss, while' Rep. Dunn,,has..introduced, a out a hope to cling to. Mrs. CeciJ Eddy .ot- Watsonville, Cal., is similar resolution-providing.: for tSie,' Armstrong'went to bed ' h!appy .and was served, and was thnn resumed ua- CiLiFOHNiA Fig Syrup Co. but 22. recall. i If earless, but at midnight she wus. til 3 in the mornlns. m NORTH LESLIE, Iteport of the condition of tho MASON MARKETS. Hakes Home Baking Easy Mr.-f. Fred Allen was In Jackson Correcited every Weduuscltiy urteruoou.. Tuesriav, First Stale&Savings Bank OKAIN. Mrs. P. P. Backus will entertain the TIMELY HINTS AT At Mason, JIlcUlKan. at the cliiso nf btisliioss Vi'HB.iT.Itfld.No. 2,pBrbusbel fo O SZ' L. A. .S. Tliui>day, Marcli 30ib, fot March 7tli, mil, as called for hy tlio Cotniiils. slouor of the liaiiklai'.Doimrtniem: WHEAT, White,No, 1, per bushel.... SO © a one o'clock (liniier. liVK, per bushel 753 so Mr.-*, Caroline IngaIN and Claude . JIESOUJtOES OATS, per bushel '.'7(a LOAXS AND DISOOU.VTS, VI/.., COltN, shelled, per nuuured J ooai lo Jubb were III Masmi Tuesday. Coiniaorcinl dopartnient.SlOLOSd 30 OLOVKK SKKD. per bushel 0 mt.1 BO Mrs. Wriglit La.xiiiu and sori visited TIMOTHY SKED,jier bushel 5 0C®0 00' at Claude Laxton'a Sunday. HavliiKs dopiirtinuiit $101,080 IIO JolinCorbin bus moved bis family IIONDS, .MOliTOAdES A.NJ) SlCCUlimi'.S, VIZ., OUOOKKIKH AND I'UOVISIONS. SAl.T.SagluHW,per barrel i oo into Fred Allen's tenement liou.;e. Coiniiioreial dopiirtiiiont, $ll,2W 80 .Saviniisdepartiiioiit 271,574 oO ?'J82,s?3 SO BKANS, unpicked, per bushel Ol Ci/ Ellis Wetzel and family will leave Overdrafts 12a lU I'OTATOES, per bushel dt 25 •Tliursday forCalllornia to mike tlieir K1.00K, lier hundred 4 25®4 75 Furiiitiiro and llNtures l.oouoo IIUOICWIIEAT FLOUK, per hundred 6 40 future liomu. The best wishes of CURTAINS liKSKiiVK-Coininorclitl SavhiKS EGGK, perdozeii O )4 many friends gn wlili ilieui. Due from banks DUTTkltiper liound 132 -si LAliD.per putind lOK iScluioi liiia closed lor a week's vaca­ Our line of Lace Curtains is an new. Pretty curtain swiss ill i'e.sofvoeitles$J",357 3a $37,060 uo Al'I'l.KS,dried, per pound tion. ICtiiliiiiiiies t (I r PKAUHES,dried, per pound 8ia 12 and draperies, 10c, 15c. Irish point door panels, 25c. Brass cleiirllli.' linilHi'... 43 OS U.S.and .NaUonal , LIVB STOCK AND MEAT, If you have trouble in getting rid of curtain rods, 4c, 10c. Opaque oil window shade, with hangers, baitkciirrency..4,(XK) 00 10,200 00 OATTLK, per hundred 4 mid CO your cold you may know tliiit you are Oold coin 3,000 (Kl 5,'0.'i 00 BEEK,dressed, per liuiuired o ooas oo 25c. Paper window shade, \yith hangers, lOe. VEAL CALVES, per hundred (i .1038 Oi) not treating it properly, 'i'liere is no Silver coin (lo l,.l7i ».1 Nickels and cents 01 50 74 70 Slon,Sl2 31 IIOOS, per hundred o ooa" oo reason why a cold should bang on ^ I'OliK, dressed, per liuiulred 8 Ooao Oo Total $III4„SJ0 50 for weeks and It will not If ynu take ' USEFUL ARTICLES lAAlS, per pound• 15 SIlOULIJEIlH.per potilid II Cliiimberlaln's Gmigli lleinedy. Furl i.iahii.ities .SPKING CIllOKENS.drijssBd.lwr lb sale by all dealers. Good white Bed Spreads, 75c, 9Sc, $1.45.. Marsailles spread, $3 Capital sliicU iiiild in, i?J5,ooo 00 (MIIOlCKNS.llve, per pound... (3>li Siiriihisfuml.... 15,000 00 Beautiful Axminster Rugs.- $1 25, 1.68, 1.98, 3.42 TUHKKYS.ilvo.per pound 17 Unilivided iirolll.i, net.... 21,"12 O" TUKKEYS,dressed, per pound •JO. LESLIE and BUNKERHILL LINE Ciiininuielal do|)Osits sub­ ' Potter's best Floor Oil Gloth, per square yard.- 32c HUILDINIl IIATKUIAL. Tbe W. F, M, S, of Felt Plains will ject to clieck ?I05,030 :\r, Absolutely Pure "A new broom always sweeps clean," a good one for— 43c Cdiiuiiorcliii certillcato.s of I'OUTLAND CEMENT, per barrel... 140 meet witli Mrs. .1. Hiirber Marcli deimsit 7«1! 40 OALOINED PLASTKI!,perlOO 45 ThB only baking powdei* lor supper, A cordial invitalioo is Mop Sticks 10c. Six boxes Matches 25c Savlims eertllleates of do- I'LASTEltlNO irAIlt,porbushal.... w HIIINOLES,per thousand 2 0024 oo Oak tanned Leather Soles 10, 13, 15c. Scrub Brushes...... 10c JiOSlt ;K0,;)S4 13 433,103 S3 mado from Royal Grape extended to all. I.IMK, per barrel •. l ix) •lames ami Archie Burr and families Tablets, Box Paper, Crepe and for pantry shelves.... 5c Total ' iH04,81O LATH, per M. 2 00'i50() Oream of Tartar are untertainltig an aunt, Mr.-i. Lough- state of .Micliliiaii, Ciiiiiilyof Inuliaiii, s.s. Every make of Machine Needles...2 for 5c. Stove Brushes..lOc rldge of Nebraska. Tbey all visited I.K. IC. l)uiisiii(iie,Cii»liiurof tho aliovo named Eloetion Xiitiee, NO ALUM,NO LIME PHOSPHATE Whisk Brooms I2V2, 25c. Horse Brushes ..lOc bank, du .sdlenialy .swear that llio nlmvo state- at Will Barr'.s Sunday. iiii.oit is true lo llio host ot tiiv kiiowiedno and TO THE Qua LI EI nil ELuo'roitHOi'TiiECou.v- Bruce Wliislow vbiied In Jackson Whitewash Brushes, brass bound-10,18. Nest Eggs...3 for 5c lif^lluf ami cerroi'lly I'epresiMits tlie iniis siali) ol' TV 01' I.NdllAM : Villi are hereby nolilled, that nt the (ieneral Sunday. tho several iiintlers llioreiii eiinlaliioil, as shown Round Paint Brushes...15c. Flat Varnish Brushes, 5, 6, 10,15c by the books of tin) hank. Eleclliiii 10 he held in Iliis Stale on Grandma Galloway Is very low at French Sash Brushes ...3, 4c. Mouse Trans 2 for 5c If. li. De.ssmoiii!, Uasiilor. Jloiiduy, IlKi Third (luy of April, lllll. the liome of ber grund.son. Spencer Siiliscrllied nnd sworn to before 1110 this mil All aiiieiiiliiient to Section Nine of Article XI of Galloway. Birch and Pressed Chair Seats..5, S, lOc. Sacflron Handle.-lOc day of jMarcii, 1011. the Coiistlltitioii of tills Stale, rclatlvu to tlie Ptibllslied ICvery Weiiaesday hy li.,l. Itoxn, Ntiiary I'liblie, iippnilloiiiiii.Ht of primary sciiiiiil tiiom'.v, will Miss Grace Crooks, a returned mis- Easy Bright Stove Polish...4c bo.x. Paper Napkins...5c a dozen .Aly cnininissidn e.vpires .itilv 0, lUM. be siihiiiltted to the (imilllled electors of said WILLIAM L. CLARK, .'iionary from India, will .speak at Good grade of Clothes Pins 5 dozen for 5c Correct attest: 0..\V. llAt,.srKAl), cotiniy. Felt Plains cimrcli next Sunday after­ L. 0, WKiui, ill witness whereof. I iiiivo iierelo atliielied my MASON, Alien, Mrs, Potts e.xtra heavy Nickle Plated Sad Irons 93c noon, Miircli 20tli, for tlie benelit of llAllPKlt JtEED, siKiiiiliire this twoiity.llrst (layer March, nine- Directors. lean iilliuired eleven. .1, A. DAKNIJS, tlie W. F. M. S, of this place. A Kntered at. tlio rosnillloe, Masnn, Midi., as riw2 Siieriir of Iniihatii (bounty, Mloiiluan, thank (ill'urlng will be takun, SPECIALS sueond-class iiiatler, KIcctloii Notice. Harold Winslow, wife and baby TO THE (.MJALIKlKl) ELK(;T0IIH OE TIIE ClTV spent Sunday with Ills parents. Lot new Ladies' White Shirt Waists, pretty patterns..9Sc, .$1.25 PRICES: OP MaSO.V, I'OU.VTV OE I.V'CltAM; A number from the neigbbrirbood Ladies' Lisle and Silk Gloves, black and colors 25, 45c Notice Is hereby nlveti, Tliatii Koiioral election.' Onk Ykah attended the senior play at Leslie last will ho held at the foiiowliii,' named places, to. Perfect Food Chopper—Chops all kinds of meat and vegetables. Six MON-nis • P**" Friday upd ijald it wiis line wit! TmiKK MO.vriis ..Sfle Eiit.ST Wakii—At A. A. Jlowlott's AKrlcuUur- A great improvement over the other machines is the patent itl Storu. Do you know tliatnf all the niino drip spout, no slop un table or floor. Hkconi) WAiti)-At the roiiiniflii Council' Itooias, within said clty,nn aliments colds are by far the most Granite—New line of Granite in gray and white. Absolutely niohduj', tho :illcallon fur such roiilstriitlon. I'ro- Mrs. Noble Glassbriiok is quite sick Mr.s. 15. A.Oalkliis, niakliiK two copies of liled lhal all such appilciiiils must Own property wiMi inllanimatory rlieiiniatisni at tbe the tlraiiil Ledtro fraiieliiso which they as.sesrted for taxes somcwiiere within said county Of Iiiu'ham, except tliat any wnniaii otherwise home Of lier jjarents, Mr. and Mr.- Kiivo the Power Co 2 oO SOUTH MAIN STREET MASON, MICH. liliilllled who owns properly within said county Saii) Brown. Moved and supported tliat tlie re­ {oliitly Willi lier liiisliaiid or other persiins, or Will Sloiiuli and family from the port of the llnaiice coiiimitteo be ae ho owns prniierly witliiii said county on con- cepted and adopted iiilu orders drawn Iraotand nays tho taxes liiiTeoii, shall liooutl- nortlieru part of tlic state bave iiuiv lied to roKlstef. ed onto ibfiir tarni at tliis place. I'tir tlie same. Carried. Yiias, Dean, Ifdlhnviii); are the iiualllleallons of niah) elec­ Miss Neva RIkhs, toaclier at tills Kellogg.Moody,Millbury and Watkins. tors III the Hliitent MlclilKnii; Every male iii- By Aid. Dean— hahilant of this stale, heiiiu' a citizen of the place, treated Iter school to warm sii- United Slates; every male iiiliiililliiia residlOK III. jfar at ber lionie Tiiesfbiy evening. Resolved, By the common council this slatooii the Uv«ol..\.rdui'ili day of .Iiiiie, oIkIi- .lolin W'e.'ivpr Is mi the sick list. of tlie city of Ma-son, That tlie iliird teen htliidn'd.|lilrl.v-llve; every iiinle lulinhllanc iiistalliiieiit of "special assessment" ffisldliiK in this stale on the lirst day nf .laiiiiury, Art Hasbmok and family of Lansing litiileeii limidred lifty; every male iniiHhitanC visited at Frank Roback's recently. roll li)09 Nol beconllrined as reported of foreign birth who, liitvint; I'csided In this Mary Aseltine is lioiiie from Spring by tbe buard of assessors and that the state iwo yimrs nnd six iiintitiis iirlor tn the (;ii,y cierit attach his warrant thereto elttiilli day of November, eighteen htiiidrod and Arbor'for lii.T spring vacation. niiiety-tonr, and haviii),' declared his Intention to and transmit tlie same lo the city hecotne a citizen of the United States two years eden! treasurer for collection. and six months prior to said last iiuined day; and every civilized male inhabitant of Indian Aldrlcli VanPatten and wife of Chi­ Moved and supported tliat the above descent, a native of tiie United States and not a cago visited at Orlii DIsenrotli's over resolution be accepted and adopted. ineniber of any tribe, shall be an elector and Sunday. The former returned to Chi­ Carried. Yeas, Dean, Kcllngg,Moody, entitled to vole; but nooneshiiil bo an elector or entitled to vote at any olnetlon unless ho shall cago .Sunday nltilit. Mrs. V. will re­ Millbury and Watkins. be above the oko of twenty-one years, and has main a couple of weeks. Resolved, Tiiattliefollowingnamed resided In this state six months and In tho town­ George Owens and wife were In places be designated as places of reg­ ship or ward In wliich he olfers to vote twenty days next proceditii; such election. Cleveland part of btxt week. istration and election: First ward, Said Hoards of UeKisiratlon will he in session Vance Douglas went to Detroit A. A. llowlett's agricultural store on at tlie Iltne above kIvoii in tlio several wards ot HM.onday a.s juror In tlie IJ. S. ciiilrt. Ash street east; .Second ward, at the said city at the iilacesdeslKiiatert below, viz: common council room. Having sold my farm two miles north and one mile east of Dansville l''lrst Ward—At A. A. Mowioti's A(,'i'lcnltural Mrs." l-'eii'rl Etoc entertained ber Store, Ash Street past. Grandma Drew from Fowlervlllc last Moved and supported that the above and seven miles south of Williamston, I will sell the following property on Second Ward—At tliu Common Council Room. week. resolution be accepted and adopted. Said Hoards of lleKlstraiion will lie In session nn tiie day and at the places aforesaid from eiRlit Mrs. Carrie Ward of Leslie visited Carried. Yeas, Dean, Kellogg,Moody, o'clock In Iho forenoon tiiitii elwiit o'clock In the her sistpr, Mrs. A. 0. Sanders, Tues­ Millbury and Watkins, afternoon for the purpose aforesaid. day and VVedncsflay. llesolved. That tlieclty clerk beand E. 1!. KELLY, OitvOierk. Dated this 20th day of March, A. 1). lon, 12-2 .iesse Holdcn and sister, Mrs. Nellie be is hereby instructed to draworders ITodgesof Lansing wcreSiindaygiieshs Oil the ciiy treasurer for tlie following Klec.tlou Nollco. at tlic home of tiloir aunt, Mrs. Jobn salaries; To TBK QUALIEIEP ELEO'J-'ORS OE TIIE ConNTY Growl. Mayor $50 oo OP iNQIIAJi; ' Yon aro heroljy notified that nt tho General Segar Dewey of Fitclibiirg called on Clerk.... JSO 00 Elect lon to bo hold in this State on old frlPiids In Eden Monday, 'rrea.stirer jv.t oO irroiKliiy, the tlili-d rake, hay tedder, 2 horse wheel cultivator, Gale sulky Sold by Abble Clark Is working for Mi's. L, of the back, .at times or constantly, if plow, stock rack, iron beam Curtis plow, spring tooth harrow, spike tooth McCarty, • the urine Is profuse or scanty, if it J. F. GREVE, Mrs, John Anderson visited ber 3s smoky or cloudy after it stands a harrow, 6 tooth cultivator, wide tire wagon, pair bobs, 100 new potato mother, Mrs. Peter Kelly, Monday, few, hours, or has a bad odor, or it MASON, crates, 30 gal kettle, wheelbarrow, set heavy harness nearly new, new E. Walker and wife visited her sis­ you havo pain in tho bladder or a touch of rheumatism anywhere, the chances Sole Agent I'or ter, Mrs. Kitchen, in Leslie Monday. double harness, 2 seated double buggy, bike axle rubber tire top carriage, are almost 100 lo 1 that your kidneys C. Osborne and wife of Mecosta are clogged with body poisons of va­ steel tire top buggy, pair horse blankets, hayfork and rope, new grind­ Chase & Sanborn's county visited friends in this vicinity rious,kinds. last week. Bladder troublee, rheumatism, Bright's stone, quantity of hay, about 60 hens, 300 to 400 cedar fence posts, High Grade Teas and Coffees. G. M. Burden and wife entertained disease and. so on, come from bad, post ho e digger, forks, shovels, chains and other articles not mentioned. company from Lake View last Tues. dying kidneys. They can't throw out day and Wednesday.' the poisons. • . Gardner Swan and' wife werS guests Stop overythinff else you may bo at C, Neltbamraer's last Friday. taking for your kidneys, bladder or FARMERS rheumatism. Stop! Put your whole C. DIckerson has' bought Cassius LUNCH AT NOON. heart and soul in the following treat- Are yearly paying more attention | Pulling's farm, , men and go to bed tonight never more Ray Bravender won the. medal in doubting for a moment that you will .( to the subject of the contest at the church last Friday be quickly relieved and saved. night. Go to your druggist and ask him for Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills, nothing James Goodwin of Lyndon visited TormC" -^'^ sums of $5 or under, cash; over that' amount, a credit-of 8 FERTILIZERS more. Every box, every pill is guar­ bis parents Monday night.' ' anteed. You will say it Is the greatest I CI 1115.""months' time at 6 per ct wiM be given on good bankable notes. • Prof, McLaughlin of the S. H. S. remedy that man has ever found. Some and by careful experiments dis­ was a guest of Ralph and Metta Ha'y- of the most prominent men andwomon covered what their land requires - ner over Sunday. ot tho country believe in them because TheL. A, S. will meet at the ball they have been cured by them. to make their .crops more profit­ next Tuesday. Mrs. Ina Dutcher will Dr. Derby's Kidney Pills aro sate, able. If you are inwant of fer­ have charge Of the meeting. give no bad after effects. In the first W. A. CRUMB. tilizer give us your order early so 21 hours you will feel^differqnt, better. There was a good attendance at tbe you may have it for seeding time. / silver medal contest last Friday even­ nr. Derby's Kidney Pills are sold by all druK- (rists—25 for 50 cants.; It you want to test I hem ing.' Tbe contestants certainly did llrsr, Just ask; your druKglsi fora free'sainplc well and all were well pleased, packaae.."• ' R. C. DART, Clerk. C. W. CLARK, Auctioneer. RG. COY&CO. Michigan United R'y Co.

TIME TABLE SOUTH BOUND SPRING STYLES IN SPRING COATS and SUITS Limited—II. m., \)-M, ll:."j4, J), lu., 1:54, 3:54, 5:54, Local—a. m,, *i>-M, 7:30, S-M, 10:50. p. m.. 12:50, 2:50, 4:30, 0:57, 8:57, 11:25, NOItTII BOUND STYLE IS NOT ENOUGH LlmiLed—n. 111., 10:10, p. m„ 12;l(i, 2:10, 4:10, 0:10, Local—a. in., »0;19. 7:55, 9:28, 1I:2S. p. III., 1:28, 3:28, 5:28, 7:28, Of course your garment must be stylish-that goes without 9:28, 11:49. P. W. BROWN, Jacksnn, . ARE HERE saying. But you must have correct fit, high quality, splendid Gen'l Pas^, A(,'ent, J[, K, Cami'bkll, Loeal A|,'ent, workmanship. Your stylish garment must be one that will •Except Sunday, All other cars daily.

Would be glad to show them to you whether wear well. The Palmer Garment "is it." Our new styles for you buy or not. spring are now ready, in both Suits and Coats, for ladies and

In Hats we have all the New Shapes in Stiff and Styles at misses. The style illustrated here at $16.50 is one of our best Very Attractive Prices. values. We have a good assortment of the new Spring Suits • Let Us Show Them to You at Any Rate. with the shorter jackets.


to the

SOUTH and SOUTHEAST CALL AT MASON, MICHIGAN Tickets on sale April 4 and 18.1911

Final return limit 25d.'iys. To point: in North Carolina, Tennessee and Vlr g-inla, Oil the Chesapeak & Ohio Ry. Dcnsmorc's Hardware Norfolk & Western, or Virginia Ry. return limit 29 days. •FOR- iWKKMHMMlCXHMHKKMI HOLT. Obituary of Seymour Hulse. E. P. RIcliiiinnd has botiglit Charles Seymour Hulse was called from ^ ..PERSONALS.. Winter, Tourist Fares IJnderwodd's farm three miles east of earth to his eternal home Marcli 11, iiore in Alaicdun tuwnshl)). 1911, at the age of 41 years, one month via The M, C. pa.s.sRngcr and freight de- and three days, aftpronly one week's Michigan Central Syrup Cans, puts, the locale ullicc and tlie hand car sickness of typliuld fever. Mrs.C. C. Caslerlln ia vinlthig In Flint, liuuse have been newly painted. He was the oldest son of Edwin and to points in Mr.s. K. W. Webb was in •laekBon Tuesday. Elmer VaiiBurcn, uiir meat market Francis Hulse and was burn Feb. 8, Alabama, Central America, Cuba, 1). I), May of WilUainstoii wits in tbo city last man, is duing considerable business in 1870, at the homestead on Col.umbl^i Friday. ' pmiltry, Juseiili Miller, an experienc­ street just west uf Mason, where he Florida, Georgia, Lousinia, Mex­ Sap A. M. Cnniininsof Laiislni; was in tiio cily last ed man fmiii Lansing, is helping him. lived with liis parents until he was ico, Mississippi, New Providence, Friday. M. .1. Keller and wife have moved married to Mrs. Ada L. Smitli of this ClaiKla I). Aldrlch of Knst LnnsliiK was in tho New Mexico, North Carolina, to tlieir farm at north flult. city un April 28, 1898. Shortly after city today. South Carolina, Tennessee "and (ieorKo (ilftsscoir of Katoti Itapids was in the Waller ,lones will wurk the Hartlck wards he moved tu the farm in Aure­ 4^ Texas. city Monday. farm the Cuming year and has moved lius, which since has been his home. and All Kinds of Su^ar Making Tools II. D, Leo and dauKhter of Bnakerhlli wore Up into part nf tlie limisn. Mr. Hulse wa.s a young man of ster Tickets oa sale daily until April 30,1911 llio cily yesterday. May Hewitt and Mary North were ling worth, uf u kind disposition, al Miss Bussio Sweeney was la Lauslnn lasl unable to attend school last week, as ways ready to lend a helping hand Thursday allernooii, Tickets are also sold to Florida, both were sick. Capt, OeorKO A, Miliar was In LaiishiK last and always met his many friends with going one route, returning an­ Just Received a New Line of Tliursday afternoon, Mrs. A. Snow and Mrs. S. II. Phil­ a srnile. other. Liberal stop-over priv­ Mr. and Mrs. Krank Otis of Lauslni; were in lips are sick with neiiraigiii. lie will be sadly missed, not only ileges. llio city over Sunday, , Roy Welch is building a fence and his own home, but by the community Mrs, Daa'i Nihart of Laiisiii),' Is visiting her Otherwise Improving his property. at large. uncle, C. W. Wiiltnian. L H. Chandler has moved to the res­ When a young man he united with Ohas. A. Billion of Aiaiedon was In Lansing ONE-WAY SECOND Step and Extension Ladders idence lie recently purchased un tlie the Baptist church. He was also last Saturday atlernoon. street tu the ricput. Mr. and Mr.s. Ceo. P. tirinin of Albion were member uf the I. 0. 0. F. and Wood­ and in the clly last. Saturday. The Holt rural teleplione central men lodges of this city. Mrs. C. A. Caldwell of Delroil is visiting Mrs. will be iiiaved tu a new lucatioti some He leaves to mourn his death MIXED CLASS COLONIST FARES L. C. Webb and other Mason friends, time during the .year. wife, stepdaughtei',father and mother, via Mr, and Mrs. l.oroy iirowor of Chelsea spent Tlie concert at the Presbyterian a brother and sister and many otiier Sunday with his iiiliit, Mrs. Lydia Maine. cliiircli Sunday evening was well at­ relatives. . ^ Michigan Central E. A. DENSMORE Mr, and Mrs, .lames Slid visited tholr son and tended. ' Otiituary of Mrs. Peter Aseltine. wife In .Jackson last Saturday and Sunday, Remember the supper to be served to points in Marie E. Coy was born Nov. 13, Mrs. II, \V, Moelleriiig was at Cosiieii, Ind., by the ladies' aid fruin 5 to 7 p. ra. on from Krlday until Tuesday of tho iiasl week. Thursday, March 2;i. 1S,'),'J, and peacefully passed from this Alberta, Ariiiona, British Colum­ life Marcli 11, 1911, at tlie age of 77 David Mickens and wife of (irand liaplds Cliiirles Underwood has bought the bia, California, Colorado, Idaho, years, 3 montlis and 24 dtiys. She was were guests at h'red (irayson's over Sunday. Emma Penberthy house and lot on Mexico, Montana, Nevada, Jew Lansing street. tlie third uf a family of seven chil­ I!. W. I>iirlaii(l Mrs. C.H. .Stocking of Lansing Mexico, Oreg-on, Saskatchewan, THOMAN'S MQSS ROSE were guests of .1. 11. Dart and family Tuesday. A great many loads uf gravel have dren, three of whom preceded her to the Gi-aat Beyond. Texas, Utah, Washington ancl Herbert I.. Ilrowii of Liinsiiig is now in eliiirge been phiccd In'tlie center of the liigli- of thu boot and shoe IInn of 11. L. Brown & Son. way tliroiigli tlie village, In 1851 site was united in marriage Wyoming-. with Pp.ter Aseltine, wliodicd in May, Mrs. .1. W. (ilass, Mrs. P. II. Glass iind Mrs Tickets on sale dally nnill April 10, lOIl IS THE LOGICAL FLOUR TO TJIU I'UltMC. 1910. To tills union 13 children were W. L. Clark were In Lansing Monday afternoon, I "Surgery is a (ad anil so often needlessly done born, five of whom survive tn mourn Mr.s. II. T. Bortle and illlie son and Mrs. .fits. now-days lhal imicli of Ir Is real'cut cussediiess,' the loss of a kind mutlier. The chil­ Linn ot Lansing wero uiiests al Tlieo. Bortle's Why permit the kiiifo to be baptised In your For Particulars Consult Agents It is best for bread, biscuit and rolls lasl Tliursday. blood when most cases of aiipendiciils, cancer, dren wlio survive are Mrs. Emma Gar­ Mr. and Mrs, 1'. IC. Woodlioiise of Lansing listtiia, goitre, gailsloiie, gravel, piles, riipttife, rison of Mason, Edi'ar Aseltine of it is best for cakes and pastries wero guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. .J. Bond the strlcUire.ltimor,nicer, varicocele and tlieepHeial Battle Creek, Adelbert Aseltine u polvie alls of men nr wiiinen may bo CU.I!I3I> latter part of last week. Dansville, Albert Aseltine, who re­ -VIortgiige ,SjiIe. WITHOUT CUTTING?" ' Default having been made in ihe payment of It is the most economical Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Crltcliclt and son Klanley 1 used to (1(1 cotislderahio surgery, have oven sides on the old huraostead east of the money .secured by a tiiortgagu dated the loft today lo visit their naughier and sister, Mrs. been professor or surgery in medical colleges, Mason, and Mrs, OlilTord Bates uf twelfth day of .Jiinuary in the year one tlionsand W, J!. Lincoln, at Bolvldere, lli. possess good liistruinoiits and know how to use nine hundred nine, e.xecuted by.-I''nMl ]). Wood- It Is The Flour You Ought To Use them, so It operation is desired can aceniiimo- Etcliells, Besides the children, Mrs. Mrs. ir. A. Jlarbeck tirrived In the oily Mon­ wortli of Village of (Jiioiidaga; Ingham County, date—plenty. However, as lime and large ex­ Aseltine leaves IS grandcliildren and Michigan, to. It. C. Dart of Mason, Allchlgaii, day evening, lier linsiiaiid met her at lluraud., perience added to my medical resotii'ces I havo No.xl Monday Is their Bolden wedding day. 29 L' whicli said mortgage was recorded In the olllce Hade only by the Thoman Milling Co., Lansinjf, riich. found san«r, safer, li(stl«r ways of treating lit the Register of Deeds of Iho said County of Mrs.,I. W. Class of Alma vislled the family many cniidliloiis for wiilell 1 used to (nnd oUiers About four years ago, Mrs. Aseltine Ingham, ill Liber H2ot Mortgages on page of hor soil, I'". 11. Class, over Siindiiy. slie still coiiUiiiie to) cut, Kow when a. .so-called sulTered a stroke of paralysis and she on the V2ih day of .January, A. I), liion, at -lifiO "surgieai ("ase" presenrs, 1 ask myself 11 In such brouglillier liulo graiiddangiilcr back with her. has been practically an Invalid ever o'cjook p. 10. Of said day. And, wliereiis, the oonditlou I would periait operation on my own luiioiiiil claitiiod to be duo on said mortgage at Clyde Tints Is iioiiio from ICitiamazoo on a i>ers(iii, and so, doin^ as l ivould lie diiiie b.y, since. About a week previous to lier Uie date ot this notice is the sum ot tour hun­ • visit. lie leoeiitly underwent an opernt.ioii for 1 cure nine cases out iif ten (lor which otiiers ctit) death, she snlTered her last stroke, dred and eight.)-nine dollars and seveiit.v-llvo apiioiidlolils in Ihat city, where he is employed. byrallonid and cnnservativB medical methods. and never regained consciousness. cents lit prineipal and iuteroslaiid lim further ff advised lo undergo operation, before sub- sum ot llfleeii doilars (.Sin.OO) as an attorney lee President Deiisninre and Secretary Kieid at­ ](!cUng your body to the iialiis and hazards ot During the last few years of her WALTER'S GROCERY tended the meeting of the Stale Association ot stipulated for in said iiiorlgage, and wliieii is Iho "slush sm-gery" It would lie wise, and likely to lil'e, Mrs. Aseltine and her husband whole aiaount elaliiied to bo iiiiimIiI and due on Mutual Fli'o liisnraiice compiiales at Lansing prove advantageous, to consult me regarding last Wediiesdiiy and Tliursday. have been tenderly cared for by the said mortgage, and thai un suit or prnceedings yonr chances of cure by meliiods less dreaded have been iiistlinled at law or in erpilly tn re­ W. A, Slilnner. keeiier ot ilic county bouse, and risky. C. Hdsoii Covey, M, I),, llUWasiiliig- son Albert, assisted by the eldest cover llio debt now rentalning secured liy said was in the cily Tuesday, tlolias had charge of loii avenue south, Lansing, Midi. 2.|yl daughter, Mrs. Emma Garrison. Iiiorlgage, or iitiy part thereof, wiiereUy tho ere, are a Few of the Cash Bargains this Institution for several years, but leaves lower uf sale cootaiiied In said iiiorlgage has April 1st, going to Wiiliainston. Mrs. Aseltine was a loving wife and NORTHEAST AURELIUS. jeconie operative. motlier and a devoted ciiristian and Now, therelore, notice Is hereby given, Uiat by FOR THIS WEEK SOUTH AURELIUS and Ed. Gowdy and Clianccy Near were it can be truly said of her that silc virtue of tho said power of sale, anil in pursu I hav&on hand 2,000 rolls NOETH ONONDAGA n .Inckson Saturday. did all she could. She will be missed anceof tiie statute of theStiaeut Michigan, in such case made and provided, the siild mortgage Wall Paper and more on the way, A, C. Evolin arid wife were lu Lan­ Mrs. M.attic Brown has been stay­ not only by her large circle of friends will ho foreclosed by a* sale or llie premises, 0 lbs Best Gran. Sugar, with or­ sing Tiicstliiy (if last week. ing with lier sister, Mrs. Ada Hulse and relatives but by the whole com­ therein described, at pnbilo auction, to the high­ will have 5,00.0 rolls by April 1st. for a few day.s. munity at large. . est bidder, at the west Iriiiic door of the court ders for $1.50 worth of AQn C. Oranc itnci wife visited friends in liouse in lite Cily or Mason, in said County or Leslie a ciitiplc of days Inst week. Due Eckhiirt Is visiiring in Olivet, Funeral services were held at the Ingham,on.tiie a-ttli day of ,711110,. ]in:l,.al other groceries-- —-tt J1/ This will be the best line of Wall Mr. llydi; hits moved Intu Gcoi'tfc Mrs-, Tllornas Bateman has been old home si.x miles east, of\ Mason, leu o'clock In tlie forenouii of that day, which said premises are desoriOed in said mortgage as Disenrotli's ticnenietit lintise. quite sick with fever, but is better at where the most of Mrs. Aseltine's Paper ever shown in Mason. follows, towit: Those cartaln nieces or parcels White Lily Flour, 25-lb sack-.65c ]\[i's, Lois Hill and baby (if Lansing tills writing. married life was spent, on Marcli 14, of land, situate and being lu the VlUagoof On­ visited iter parents Leo Isham visited his aunt, Mrs. with interment in Falrvlew cemetery. ondaga, liigliani County, Michigan, and mnro cans of Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, Ida Eckliart, last week. lartloulariy described as follows, towli: Lot jftj'ss Coria UiiHois u< Leslie visited 'niir(.|)lii Baldwin's addition to tlm Vlllaga of Pumpkin,Succotash, WaxOC p liei' L'raiHlpiirent.s, W. Preston and •Tames Eckhart and wife visited at Baptist Church. Onondaga, according to plat and survey of W, Beans or Sauer Kraut..-Z Jl» , wife, (inc day last week. GeorgeJ.lutit's Sunday. 10:00 a. m. Subject—Arrested . de­ II. Uayner, County Surveyor, comiiieiicliig at tho All New Stock oorlliwost corner in the center of tlie iiighway, Tlicre will be a box social by tlie velopment. 6 doz Sweet or Sour Pickles-25c AURELIUS. Uieiico east ten rods, thence soiitli four rods, Anrelius base ball boys li'riday iiinlit • 11:30 a. m. Bible school. llienco west ten.rods, thence north four rods to 3 large bottles of Catsup.-—-25c at tile ball. Ladies, bring bn.x I'or two. Mrs. Roy Hunl.oun and daughter 0:00 p. m. Young People's meeting. tiie place ot begiiitilngj also, coinniciiclngat the soiitlicast corner ot said lot four, in block thi'eo. visited her parents last week. ' 7:00 p, m. Preaching service. ,, Everyone come and lielii tlie boys. of Thomas K. Baldwin's Addition to llie said Red Alaska Salmon, tall can-15c I will show samples if request­ Mrs. liny Rtintnon and baby uf Lan- Mrs. lluntingtuii of Mason spent Rev. .T.H. Stewart, Pastor. A'lliageot Onondaga, and running tiience east 7 bars Lenox or Jaxon-Soap-25c ainn visited her parents here the last last week with Mrs. T. .L Grinnell. 10 tlie west banket (jratid river, thence north­ ed or will be at my shop in old Mrs. J. Coucli of Detroit visited erly along west bank ot said Grand river until of tlie week. Presbyterian Church, a point four rods north of the llrst lino Is reach, Cold Blast Lantern Globes-.—- 8c Mrs. Pliillips and daugiiter last Wed­ depot, two doors east of Farmers Miss Lena Hill of Leslie visited her Next Snnda,y, March 20tli, is set for ed, thence west to the tiorlheiist corner ot said nesday and Tliursday, lot four, block three, thence sotitli to tlio place 2 sacks of Charcoal- -.--25c cousins, Howard and Sarah Miller, the celebration, by tlie whole chris­ Mrs, Evelin is visiting her mother, of beginning;, commencing la the center Sheds on Ash street west, every last week. tian world, nf tlie 300th anniversary nf Kiver Street In said Village ot Onondaga on The best Tea Sif tings, perlb-15c and Other relatives in New York state, J. A, Field nf ,Taeks(in visited his of the completion of King James' the northwest corner of tho lot now owned and evening. flociipied by said Fred D. Woodworlli, thence Teas, per lb.--.25c, 35c, 40c, 50c mother and family hist Friday. . A box social will bji given at the version Of, the Bible. The morning hall Friday evening, Marcli 24th. east along .said line ten rods, tlienco nortii tour Mrs. Edd Lee uf Rives .lunction sermon will be, "What the World rods, t.lience west ten rods to the center ot said Coffees, per lb..20c, 25c, 30c, 35c .spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mrs, Claude Crane visited Leslie Owes the Bible." The pastor and the Ulver Street, thence south along comer of said N. Isliatn. friends part Of the week. church will be glad to have every man Itlver Street four tho plaeo of beKlnnlng, . Chas. Simpson and wife visited in all In Uie Village ot On(Hidaga, lugliaiii County, Mrs. lluntintttnn (if Mason is visit­ and woman, whether regular church Michigan, and on Uie west fracliouai halt of the ing Mr.«. Cora Grinnell. Dirnondale part Of last.week. attendants or not, join in this.service. southwest oue-(|uarter of section twont.y-eight; Fine Lines and Extra Good Values for F. M. WELLS Ed. Warner is visiting relatives towil one north, range two west, Michigan, The scliuol had a vacation last week In tlie evening tlie three churches near Coleman, Dated March 21st, 1911, Your Money. Try Them. on accoiintof the teacher beinp; sick. will hold a union service in this church 12W13 . U, C. DAKT, Mortgiipee. The new sugar house of Mr. Law­ Gtiy'Liivvrence's house fur boiling sap in the interest nf the famine sulTer- BOTH PHONES MASON, MICH. rence's was burned Saturday evening. Uuo, W, BRISTOL, Attorney for Mortgagee., , burned Saturday evening. ers of China. It is hoped that a Mrs, Ada Parker was in Lansing last Mr. See and wife of Dlmondale vis­ goodly sum may be secured fur the Notice of aroetiiiR, Saturday. ited his sou. Dr. See, two days last relief fund. • , > . week. ' Towhoinit may concern: Be it known that Miss •insie Clickner visited friends The Christian Endeavor society at on the oth day of March. A. D. toil, an applica­ MAPLE STREET A farewell party was given Mrs. in Big Biiplds part of the week. six o'clock will have a special liome tion wasjliled with County Drain Cotnmlssloner Preston Monday afternoon. 1 Mr.Pres- ot tiie County of Ingham, praying forthedoop- Mrs. Evelin, Sr., is visiting friends mission topic • ton and wife will move to Leslie the eiilng, widening, straiglltening, relocating and OLDEST STATE RANK IN in York state. e.vteudlug of a certain drain, whicli said drain is Twent.y-two of the lady friends and last of the week. Salvation Army. ouscribed in said application, a certllled copy of INGUAM COUNTY. Meat Market neighbor.s gave Mrs. Preston and Iter A large audience enJTiyed the enter­ Meetings every Tuesday and Satur­ wblcli is now on file In our ollice.'., iiavorsiiig the Towiishi|is of Onondaga and Anreiiiis. mother a party and sewed rags Mon­ tainment given by Mrs. Geo. Minar day evenings; open air at 7:00, inside The choicest cuts of Be It further known, that on the aist day of Capital, $50,000. day aftcrriuon. A nice lot Of post and little daughter, iissisted by Mrs. at7:30, .Sundays at3:00and7:30 p. ra. Miij'ch, A. D. 1911, a joint inoftting or the Alva Bell and daughter. ' Township Boards of the Townsblns ot Onon­ . cards were left for Mrs. Tompkins. Adjt. and Mrs. May and Licuts, Coun- L.B. MoAiiTHUii .....President Rev. Davis and his father are in daga and Aurelius, will be held at the residence FRESH MEATS Jay Rider will move into the M, E. sel-and Stocking in charge: ot S. B. Davis, Section 10, Onondaga Township, •T.K.Elmer... Vice Presldem Adrian to attend the funeral ot a rela­ parsonage for tlie summer. at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon, lor the purpose of A.J. HAM...... Oashici B. H. Field and wife visited at P. tive, Kills a Murderer. determining whether the said proposed drain is We aim to please our customers necessary and conducive to the public liealth, A.6, Lyon ....Assistant Cashier 'Hugh Dolbee and wife are moving Orr,'s in Mason Sunday. , A mercilessmurdererlsappendicitis convenience and welfare;'tliat at such meeting : and. furnish them with best to Aurelius, with many victims, but Dr. King's all persons owning lands liable to assessments for henellts, or whose lands oiussed by MON^Y TO. LOAN of everything in our line. Card of Thanks. Gerald Graham visited in Lansing New Lite Pills kill it by prevention. the first Of the week. - llie said drain, may appear for or against siiid COMB AND SEE US. Mrs, Seymour Hulse wishes to thank the I, 0. They gently stimulate storaach,,liver drain proceedings. CASH FOR HIDES AND PELT5 O.F. for their kindness and assistance during . Mrs. Claflin and son Alfred are vis­ and bowels, preventing that clogging Given underour hands this icth day of-March, • ihe sickness and death ot herhneband, also the iting in Dimondale, that invites appendicitis, curing con­ A. D. 1911. 11. IL Nichols, Directors—J, K. Elmer, Goo. M. Hoyt, A. J Kebokahs, the L. 0. T. M. M., the M. W. A, of Township Olerk of the Township ot Onondaga. Aurelius and Mason and the Aurelius Grange Alva Grinnell was called to Adrian stipation,headache, biliousness, chills; 12W1 0, M. Casleu, Hall, A, L.Bose, li.B. MoAnhur, A.[..).•.. lor tbe beautiful flowers, , by the severe illoess of a brother. 25c at Longyear Bros. . Township Clerk of the Township ol Aurelius. . C. W. Clark, C. J. Dakin. CRITCHETT & SPANIER Ten thousand women. It Is estlmatw!, tabllshos a course of study on physl- Infhain County Democrat are, registered in Milwaukee for the semi-annually as at present, and es- ology and hygiene with special ref­ school board election ou April 4. Tbo BILL UP erence to alcohol and narcotics, and OESIGIIHE F W, L. CLARK, Publisher. unexpectedly large registration 1» at­ tributed to the energy displayed by gives tho superintendent of public in- Btruction power to remove any mem­ MASON. ., - MICHIGAN. clubwomen. • « .* ber of a school board on sufflcleut CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS, SWEPT charges after ten days' notice. At the San Francisco's telephone sorrico BY $300,000 FIRE. Benton Harbor..— William B. present time fho superintendent can was partly demoralized when 30 girl Smith, a well known farmer a mile operators wero seized with an attack make a complaint against any mem­ Appropriating $15,000 For the west of Berrien Center, started for of ptomaine poisoning following ber, aud the now provision ^vould the baru to do the usual chores. Two- luncheon In the company's cafe. make him absolute master of the sit­ ENTIRE BROOM CORN SUPPLY Erection of Monument, Jiours later members of the family 9 • * uation: ifound his body in a six-foot water For several years Representative At Oconto, 'Wis., the city council has in the barnyard. Tlio family's Unsoeld has been working to havo passed an ordinance imposing a tax of Large Warehouses Filled With Broom theory is that he suffered some kind NEW EDUCATION MEASURE a course of physical training pre­ six dollars upon all unmarried mea be­ Material and Buildings Covering of stroke and fell Into the tattle. Oth­ scribed for all tho public and normal tween tho ages of twenty-one and iif ty ers think It a case of suicide. Smith schools of the stato, and his bill went Eleven Squares are Burned—Other years. The money raised lu this man­ .was sixty-four years old. A widow |ntrodui:ed by Senator Watkins, anti through. It also prescribes that a News. ner is to bo used for the support of or­ and three children survive, course of , physical education for phans or other needy children. Provides for Three High School teachers shall be established in the Detroit.—l\Iystory surrounding the Inspectors at a Salary of normal schools. disappearaiico of D'avid Alois, After .suspending traffic for nearly $2,500 a Year Each. Charlosloii, III.—Fire of unknown itwenty-seveu years old, who Representative Copley's bill author­ two weeks bocauso of landslides in origin, which seemed to doom Uie en­ has been missing from his homo, izing Ihe clerks and assistant clerks tho Foalhor river and Nllos canyons, Luislng.—'i''ho JIapos hill appropri­ tire city, started in the northwest cor­ 7G9 Lariiod street oast, since last De­ of justice courts to sign summons and the WcHtGrii Paclllc, railroad succeed­ ating ^15,000 for tho erection of a ner of the warehouse of llarrynian cember, has been solved. The body Latest News Told Bubpoonas was passed, as was Repro- ed In opening tlio line for freight Bros., north of the city. 'Plio loss of ,of the man was found lloating in Uie monument to Zach Chandler iu tho sonttilivo Leonard's authorizing for­ in Briefest and service. tho Ilro is osiiniated at $1100,000 and waters of Maum'ee bay, near Toledo, hall of llluslrlous American citizens eign insurance corporations insuring by flshermen. Alois camo to this in the national caiiltol came up again automobiles to do business in tho destroyed seven buildings and 1,500 ! Best Form. The,movement for a "sane Fourth" ia the senate. Although the bill stato. tons of broom corn. With the assist­ jcity about a year ago. On December lias put the largest manufacturer of passed on third reading, it was not ance of the IMaltooii ilro department, '23, 1910, ho left the house to visit a The house spent, an hour trying to nrcworks out of business. Tho Pain uutll after Senator Lee, a Democrat, v.'liicli was smiinioiiud, Iho Ilro v.'tis got­ jdrug store, and failed to return. .Tames decide whether to adjourn April 20 or .Miinufactiiring company, a $50,000 declared Uiat if given a few days ten under control. iAIoIb, his brother, believes that David Washington oorporatioii of Now York, applied to to accept Uio suggestion of Reprc- more ho could produce a letter signed . The loss incliidoH the Clover Leaf 'met with foul play.; Suiiremo Court .luslico Guy for leave sonallvo Straight to appoint a joint . . , „, , WiiliDiiL a ilissenlliiK oiilnlon tho Sii- by Ciiandler v.'liicli would prove that Port Huron.—Actuated by a dc- to dls.'solvo and as.slgned this reason stcorlng commiltco to framo tho work ! ''^""'' ^'"^ "'S hour Ireiglit otUcc and jprcino ci.iiifi. of Uic Uniled St.itcs ho conspired with another person iu ;bIi-o to havo her crippled daugh­ as ciiuso for the proposal. of Uio session ana fix a time, with ! ^'"'••'il^''^ »'^«'s, GOO I'oct.of platform bc- hiiiidi'tl down its decision holding Uiat bojje of buying tho votes of enough ter restored to health, Mrs. Al- * to Ihe result that all the resolutions jJ^''''''"'"! "^"'^^^ legislators to jniss a bill ho was inter­ il'red M. LaForgo ot 203S Tcnlli street, Ihe eorjioi-pLlon (;tx iirovlslons ol' the wero tabled. Representative Smith's j l'''"-^'' warehouses, llu,- property ot In the crop growing pennant race ested in. jfell a victim to tho wiles ot a gypsy, |l'a3-iie-..\hlrii;h tariff act, were consUtii- bill prohlbiUng palmistry and astrolo- i Uarrymau Bros.; two warehouses of 1010 Jowa wrested from Illinois iMrs. Oliver Boss, and gave to tho lat- jtional. TliiiH eiiiioil u conlrovorsy "I will not vote lo place the slatuo gy tor money was passed, but the 1'^' ''\'''''«'"- ''^ i'hinlon and the first, ])laco in (ho production of oats. itcr $34 in ctish nnd a piece of tino (ivagod almost coiUiiuioiisly since Trcs- of a man who tried to buy voles in practice of spiritualism Is expressly ' ok^vi'-tor of Wheatloy & Liiider. The Ideiil 'I'aft iirsl siiKSested their cnact- California took from !\1innesota the dress t'oods. Tho gypsy woman called tho national eapltol us a rcjiresonta- exempted. liiiiilior yard ot Andrews & Co., four honors for tho production of barley, at the-LaForge homo and wanted to hieiu to fdtigress. UvQ of Michigan's Illustrious citizens," Tho new military bill, as framed squaros from Uie scene of Uio con- and Now York secured tho hay grow­ Of t) (f Bald Lee. toll fortunes. Sho saw tho little crip- ing title from Iowa, according to an by RopresentaUvus Gausser and' ^'".^''••''•'°"' caught lire several Unios Thn roHpoiisiliillty of tlin secretary- i5oiiator Fowlo, who had opposed tiled cliild and stated to Mrs. La- aniiouncomont mado by tho depart­ Stewart, who are majors in tho Na- i '"'t^ ^^''''s 1'"^ o'lt l^cforo gaining any phip or lh(.' dcp.Trliiient of the interior iForgo that through hor mystic pow- tho Mapes bill wlion it was discussed tional Guard, was considered In com- hcsdway. ment of agrioulturo. ;0rs sho^coiild restore tho lltUc girl to fivas sliiflod wlicn. Walter L. Finiicr of on the lioor the first time, jierformud mittco of tlie whole. It has been re­ There was a strong wind from tho * •> * ' Ihealth. , , Cliicacn look the oaili of oflii;!^ as an acrobatic feal and landed on the vamped so often that very few under­ uorlliwest and for about an hour it At tlio Ciiriioglo 'Trust company In­ Saginaw.—The annual, convention head of thai depal'tineiU, kiiccci^iUii;,' lloor williout suffering injury. stand the provisions of the measure, seemed that the cily would go. Sparks quiry before Iho grand jury in Now of the i\IicliiKaii minors, district HiclKird A. i:;i!IiiiRor. The lormality "1 was ojiposcd to this measure for but It will be givon a thorough over­ ilcw in grG:it voliinios iiiid the csciipu York- city II was staled that Andrew 'No. 2i, oiieiied in SaKinaw with was f'iilii\ly v,i;;iijul ccl'iMnony, and ecoiiuiuic reasons," shouted Fowle, hauling In Uio Bcnato. of the cily is considered miraculoi'is. Cariiogio" would lose .fSOO.OOO by tho oiily tlic iiiiniciiiiilc iiriiieipals to Uio "but i)o\y I'll supiiort it. I can say The tiro dejiarlmont ot Cliiirlostoii in­ a largo niimbor of delegates pres­ fnrt;tM'y of an odicial in tbo wrecked chtiiir.i.' «i.'ro lire;;, iit. withoul seeing tills letter that it is a cludes one leant and two wa.gous and ent. 'I'ho returns of, the recent hank. ' Clapp Tall Ani'Mioiin prima got uj) and pass it." ,lapp 01 Minnesota, who delivered a j oast-Douiid and two west-hound ipiaseil Ihc contoinpi ch.nrges iigninst leughy adtrcs on popular Kovern- j , „.„.,„^ ^,,^„.„ ^.^j'y-ti'oasiirt!r. Thomas Heading' dotiiiii,'i! i-ii!r:;li !k>]' iii>r.soiK;il licroii^ni, Senator Watkins was the only Re- for Goorgc Yi. Coic, hanker and political mcnt, and. direct legislation lie de- „^„„,^ ton. Bay City; national board nieim iprovmilii'l :i ji.-uiir In tl'.o Molropolitan puljlican wlio had iiroteslcd against loador, lfi.> declaretl tho uUeranoos clared that tho recorded history of her, Wlllin.m Diamond, Saginaw ioiici'a lioiir.c al IMiihideliihiti and ox- the hill bocauso of ucomvmlcal coin- by, Cnx, which woro iv.iblished after il.OOO years shows that progress has Cadillac.—Dolniar Rlorritt was ar< •timciii.'-'lM^d ;i !ir(Mi|)Oii tlie Hltifje which puiicliuns who voted against it. Lee, I Breaks Four V/orlcl's Auto Fast Marks. the politiol.-iii's iiidictiiicnt for perjury, only been mado aa a result of rested hero by Flint olllccrs ancl f,ho iiiul iniidvorleiitly sliirttid. Loidiciii tuid (,'onluy. Democrats, woro Los Aiigolos. Cal.—Tcddy Tol.zlaft iu wore "in.';olciil and fiilso." protest and tliat the protest was taken to that city. Soma !'i'liroii;',ii il all.'. llio" audioiicfi of the remtiindor of ilio opposition. a Lozier, cslablislied four world's auto- * * f> has always hacn made by the com­ mouths ago Murritt is alleged to li.avo 12,1)1)1) li.TOiidn;.; more iiei-voiis every Tho L;o]iloy bill rogulaling nia- iiiobilo records at Iho Playa del Roy A gain caiiEod llio collapse of tho mon jiooplo. tic also look Iho view made an attack on his wife and an­ 4-X!(Uiiid pix-iKiriiig to iiiiilui a mad toriiii.y hosiiitnls was referred to the motordome, when im dofoiited Ralph wails of Iho Viiirncd .1. H. Fall biiild- that no governmonl could bo so laid other man whom hs found in his nndi for Iho exils, slio coiitiiiiind her oommitlce on public hualili when it IDc Palma, driving a Fiat, in a 100-nillo iuK at Kaslivillo, Tenii., burying be- out in advance as to lake caro of !lomc. Morrilt's father went on his singing. came up in tho soualo on third read­ race. The race was linishod In ono iioalli a carload of debris insurance i;hangliig condiUons and times! Pond hilt the father fearing that tlio . tf ei ''.I ing. Senator Aioriiirily pointing out hour, 14 mlnuU's, 29 1-5 seconds, low­ men, contractors and laborers to tho Senator Clapp favored the direct son was about to leave for Uio Avest, Two iiiillioii is the iijinroximatfi Uiat thu section reiiuiring a public ering tlie provioiiB record of 1:10:21, nnmhcr of oO. and of tills number 12 clocUon ot United States , senators, .lotified the officers he would no long­ [irisb-lioi'ii pojitiliitiliu ; of ; tho TJnitod rocord ot all lunialcs v,'ould seriously niiide liy llarrouu. • The following in­ dead were fakou out and as many er stand good for the ofl'ondor. liamiier the work of the House of and also tlio initiative, referendum termediate world's record.s for a speed­ |Sl.alo;:. 'I'lu'i-o wdrc Madly l,(n;),'M'.i more Injured. Providence of Detroit and other in­ and recall, to which he devoted a way, regardless of class, v.'cro also es­ rjansing, — T.,abor Coirimissioner PrlMli horn in Iho United Slates in »• « » corporated iustituHons. great deal of attention. tablished: Twenty-livo miles—18:22 Fletcher has appointed, Mrs. Beat- [11)00, |pimii',r;\tion from Ireland for Aliss Melon Kander, daughter of a Senator Watltins introduced a new Previous to tho joint session Sena­ 3-5; former record, 1S:52. Fifty miles i-ico Massey of Grand Ranids. Jtho last Ion yotirs has averaged :!7,000. Kalama/.oo (Mich.) resident, lies at education bill, which creates a com­ tor ClapD was tendered a reception —3U:;j5 4-5; I'oraior record 37:55 3-5. state facl:ory inspector to succeed her liomo in a serious condition as tho In the executive parlors, whero tho WIss I.^uolIa Burton, who left tho de­ I'huiiloyos of l.lie lliii'led States and mission of three, composed of the Seventy miles—54:50 1-5; former rec­ roRtilt of injuries received in being members met lilm. partment ,^bout two weeks ago. .Mrs. fWolls-l'"'iii'go lOxprcss foiiipanios, iinm- presidents of tiio university and the ord 57:15 3-5. initialed into tho Gamma Delta Tau Massey will havo supervision over all jborlng li.noo iicrsoiis, joinod the strilc- M. A. C, and tbo superintendent of Talking privately, the senator, IVlore Than Two iVIilcs a Minute. sorority. of the factories outsido of Wayno> lliig t'orccs of the Adams lOxpross public instruction to supervise the wlion asked liis stand on Canadian .Tacksonvillo, Fla. — Bob Burman Washtenaw and Oakland counties. Icoinpaiiy in New York' city, making courses of studies in all ot the high rociprocity, declared that he was op­ drove what is said to lie the first mile ji.OOO v.'lio arc now out. Rinployes of schools of tho state, it also provides posed to the IfcCall tariff bill. Kalamazoo.—The Commercial cliihi Sporiin in in an automobile at. faster than two jtho National and Anicrioaii oomiianles for tlireo liigli school Inspectors at When his attenUon was directed miles a minute here when he piloted gave Impetus to a movement to erect Ktncl.: to IlioIr posts despitn threats l.lghtweiglit Champion Ad. 'Wolgast $2,500 a year each. to the fact that Representative Mc- his 250 horse-power Mercedes over the a .$50,000 statue of e.x-Senator Julius 'und eiilriial.iea of a union olilcial. never scored an easier victory than Senator Putney's bill giving tlie su­ Call had nothing to do with prepar­ beach, a mile in 2S:40 socomhs. Sev­ Caosar Buitows at Millliara park, Kal­ * *• * lio did when ho had George Iilemslo perintendent of public instruction and ing the agreement, which was an ad­ eral watches cau.ght the same time. amazoo. '' i Fire ill Iho plant, of the JMiniiesota Iiractlcally out in nine rounds of mill­ the secretary of the state board of ministration measuro, ho added that Menominee.—Mrs. Mario Lar.son ing before a big audience at tho Billiard 'i'abki roiiiiiany at .Mllwaiikoe health supervision over tiio erection ho did not Uiink that President Taft 30 Firemen Overcome by Ammonia. died at St, .Toseph's hospital, Me­ Vornon arena, Los Angeles, Cal. In spread so nipidly that liO employes of schools in communities of less would oppose any germane amend­ Chicago, lli.-Tliirty rircmen were nominee, as the re,'3ult of Injuries :" the ninth round it was so evident that [ivoro forced lo leai) from the second 50,000 population, was passed ments. overcome by the fumes ot ammonia sho received by falling through a trap Moinsic was all through that Referee kind tlilrd-atory windov.'s. Ono iierson on third reading by tho senatti!. "I think," he said, "that It can be while fighting a fire which destroyed t door at the residence ot her son, E.Vton slopped tho fight and the vic­ Is missing, an niiidoiiUllcd man's body Other bills passed on third reading liropcrly amended, so that the con­ waroliouse of Uie Monarch Retrigerat Lowell.—A-lbert Fehnlng, rural, tory will go down ill ring annals as jwas taken from Ihe ruins, eleven per- wero: Representative Dunn's bill sumer as well as tho manufacturer ing company and caused an $800,000 mail carrier, aged thirty-five years, being a technical knockout. jsous aro in the l.'lmorgeiicy liospilaJ. relative lo tho examination of teach­ can be protected. If wo take the loss. Thrilling rescues wero made in got up at (Ive o'clock in the fTho liiiaiiolal loss is ii;tOO,000. ers; Senator Fowle's hill for Insuring tariff off the steer we can also take carrying the Unconscious llremen fi;om morning and wrote, a few lines, to his the accuracy of Ihe school census; the tariff off tho beef." the burning sU'uctures. It was neces' wife saying: "Don't blame me; It Is Personal fhi'oo sons of .lohii Gallaus, a minor, Representative Warner's bill changing The special committee which in­ sary to take them down the fire es­ the only way out of it; you'will soon . /Were burned to doiith in a fire tliiit do- .lames ,S. Culver, retired brigadier tho name of the various stato asylums vestigated Marquette prison will not capes as the cables of Ui.e elevator, in find out all about It." Then placing' jstToyed tho Gallaus homo at l-loney- general ot tho Illinois National Guard, to' hospitals; Senator Conley's bill be ready to submit a report for at which Uie rescuers ascended, snapped the nolo on tho kitchen table, he went Ibroolc, Pa. died at his homo at Sprlnglleld, after giving the governor power to call out least another: week, but those who and the cage plunged three floors to to the baru, closed the doors and shot 41 HI « an illness of three days. the militia in cases of quarantine. expect a sensational report will bo the basement wiUi a load of liroinen himself througli tho heart. When A shooting affair following a brawl Culver commanded the Fifth infantry Representative Warner sounded sorely disappointed. No irregularities found by his wife a few minutes later, the death knell of Representa­ his clothing was burning and tho barn In an Italian boarding house at Pen- during tho Siianish-American war, were discovered, but it is possible Indicted for Fraud In Alaskan Deal. tive .lerome's bill appropriating full of smoke. Doctor Anderson was , alngton, ,\'. .1., ended in the death of and was retired a few years ago. that the committee may recommend Chicago, III.—Nine men were indict­ * •> * .$10,000 a year to be paid tho depend­ called but life was exUnct. IJio jiropriolor and his wil'o and the so- Uiat William Russell, brother of the ed by the toderal grand jury charged ent families of convicts in the state rloua if not fatal wounding of tliroe Mr. and Mrs. '^'iiliam J. Bryan an­ warden, ho transferred from the with having defrauded Uie government Lansing.—Governor ' Osborn trans- , prisons when he declared that the e'of tho boarders. nounce tho, engagement of their overall factory, whero he is, Iceeper, out of 10,000 acres of Alaskan coal mitted to the board of con­ measure oslablished the principle of daughter, Grace Dexter Bryan, to Speaking privately, ono member of lands valued at $10,000,000. The lands trol Of the Newberry asylum a let­ placing a premium on crime. A ma­ The llrst scliool of tanning in this Richard Lewis Margreaves of Lin­ the committee stated tliat it was one arc in the Cook Inlet precinct. The ter received from Pr. A. W. Geers, jority of tho members agreed with (Couiiiry is to be oslabli.shod at Pratt coln, Neb, Tho marriage will ho cele­ ot the best managed prisons be ever men indicted are: Albert C. Frost, pastor of Uie Catliolic church at New­ him, the final vote being 8G for and 45 institute. Hroolvlyn, ,N. Y., under' brated early lu .luno. saw. Chicago, president of A. C. Frost Co., berry, calling his attenUon to in­ against. .Teromo then secured a re­ the auspicos of the National Tanners' * IH 111 former president of the Chicago, Mil stances of discriminations against consideration of the voteand the bill uissociatioii of tho United Slates. Columbia university has voted a waukee Electric road; George M. Sew­ him as a pastor who is obliged to look was tabled. 412 Children Are Placed in Homos. « i!i niembership in the Sigma XI society, ard, Chicago, receiver for A, C. Frost after the welfare of the Catholic In-, Nine men, prominent among whom a high sciontific honor, lo Chung Yu "Why should this legislature single Secretary N. A. Reynolds has just Araoss, alleged'commander-in-chief of mates. Fr. Geers menUons that the 'Was Albert C. Frost, promoter and Won, a Chinese student in metal­ out convicts js special objects of issued his biennial report for the the night riders. asylum authorities have persistently [builder of Iho Chicago , & Mihvaukee lurgy. charity?"' said Representative War­ year ending .Tune 30, 1910, showing refused to erect an altar, for the cele- [Electric railroad and promoter and * •> <• ner. "It is sollcilious regarding, the the work of the State Public School braUoh of mass. - , U, S. Marshals Shot Down by Worrien. Ipresident of the Alaska Central rail­ family of the murderer, but what for Dependent and Ill-Treated Chil­ Aclrian.—As tho: result of a bold Mrs. Carrie Nation, tho militaiit Bristol, Tenn!—After Charies Tack road, were Indicted in Chicago by a fed­ about tho family of the man he cuts dren, located near Cold water. rnidnlght burglary at the farm Kansas temperance worker, who is at itt had peacefully surrendered to rev­ eral grand jury charged with conapir- down in the prime of life? Is his The figures, show that G,S78, chil­ homo of Fred Beck, five miles south a sanitarium in Leavenworth, Kan., Ib enue officers who had come to destroy iiig to defraud the United States gov- family not entitled to at least as, dren have been received at that in­ of.the city, three Adrian lads, Leon gradually growing weaker. Her con­ his moonshine still, his mother, aged {ernment out ot 10,000 acres ot coal much consideration? It is a danger­ stitution since it was established In Vaugh, aged eighteen; Arthur Cornell, dition, due to a general breakdown, is sixty, and his two sisters, aged sixteen iiilning property in Alaska valued at ous measure, and a, wholly unneces­ 1874, the tliree counties which have seventeen, and 0. M, Day, fourteen, - regarded as serious. and eighteen, respecUvely, opened iire «10,000,000. * * '» sary one, and I hope that this, body led in supplying them , being Kent aro in,the county jail aAvaiting trial. on the three officers, mortally wound­ will not place itself on record as es­ with,381, Wayne with 317 and Ingham The lads, it Is alleged, forced an en­ ' * * \ .lohu B. McDonald, the eminent en ing Charles Smith.: Garfield, Smaliwood tablishing a premium on crime," with 267. During the past two years, trance' through a cellar window and ! As a result ct the gale which swept gineer, who has been critically ill foi was fJhot through the hand; and Dep­ The house passed a number of hills however, the leaders have been Cal­ carried away Mr,' • Beck's trousers, , Lake Erie the tug Sliver Spray of Erie, weeks, died at his residence in New uty Marshal Poterv/as Chased from operated by tlie flooth Fisheries com­ on third reading, but all of them have houn with 45, Ingham with 37 and from which they took about $25 in York city. the scene. pany, wout down off Cleveland harbor. » » » yet to, go through the soriate hopper. Genesee with 31. W.ayne sent but bills and change. The crew, consisting ot six mon and a Representat;ivo Glasher got his bill seven. Saginav.'.—After :, several blocks Foreign Cleveland Memorial Now Assured. boy, took lo the tug's lifeboat and through to: compel all applicants for Most noUceablo of all is the grow­ of sprinUng through the busi­ ' Princeton, N. ,T.—It was announced rowed for the shore, but were dashed marriage licenses to fil(3 the certifi- ing demand for places for younger ness district by Officer Barnes, a man* ' . The end of the revolution in Mexico by the-commisision in charge that.the on the breakwater and drowned. cato of a reputable physician to tttb chiliiren each year. Up until 1884 calling himself Charles Smith, sup-, Is forecast by the understanding that last contribuUon needed to raise $100,- * *' IP effect that, they are not suffering from, none under three years were received, posed forger, was captured and locked prevails here that Senor' Llmantour, 000 for' the Gover Cleveland memorial The jury at Albany, N. Y., in the case any dangerous or infectious diseases, and it •was,''not imtil 1897 that any up at. Central police staUon! Smith ,, minister of finance, has perfected a ten tower had been received. The tower of Mrs. Edith ]\le!ber, charged with tho the examination to be made,30 days under one year 'was received. Since is 'believed to be the man who passed :.: tative plaii for reforms agreeable to the which Is to be erected at the southeast murder of her four-year-old sou last before, the license is issued. , then this number has been increasing a worthless check on a West side Diaz government, which will satisfy corner of the graduate school of Sonuary, brought in a verdict of mur­ Two educational hills were also unUl it totaled 41 in 1910, • making merchant and before tho hanks,opened-: Iho leading insurrectos. This is be Prhiceton tniiversity,^ will rise 1C5 feet der in tho second degree and sentenced passed on third reading. One pro­ the largest number for any one age visited sevpral places on the East side lieved to explain the sudden' depai-ture above the plain on whicli the battle of her to not less than twenty years of vides for apportioning the primary below one year. This has been true trying the same game, which did not;}::'; l of Senor .Llaiantour-from New Yorlt Princeton AVas. fought. school money annually instead of Ave out of the seven past yetirs. ', work at Auburn prison. city.. .work..' ' •.. •. '; •.::'':-,i'',.. Coral—Beatrice, tho two-year-old i "Death Corner" Scene of Mystery. Nevada divorce conditions have been AD. attempt, was made to blow up the daughter • of ; Dr. and Mrs. '.El., :>?:'';': State Federal Notes. New Corporations. Chicago, Ill.-pTonyGothias was,shot tlirown wide open by a bill requiring barracks at .Tuarez, Mexico. Two hea-vy W. Bolio, dropped,dead,while playing. V' Clyil service examinations will, be' and .probably fatally wounded nt a 'physical residence of only' six charges of. nitroglycerin ^yere placed • The following'companies have filed in the-family parlor.-: Heart failurev'f^i'l held April 8 for rural carriers at Half­ ''Death Corner," as the intersection at montlis, .with the privilege of leaving under the place and exploded, tearing articles of: Incorporatloti with the sec­ induced by an enlarged colon -was f: :•': way and Attica. Oak\ street aiid ,Mil,ton avenue, has: be­ the state when necessary, ' which out parts ot the building occupied bj retary of state: Metropolitan State the cause :ot death. She,had, but re-', • A civil service,examination,:will be come . known' within the. last 'few passed both houses of the legislature the Mexican troops. • Two of a small bank, Detroit,-decrease,from $l,0iJ0,-' cently returned from ',Detroit','.where ','.:,!^ held April i at Oakley for postmaster months.. Three • men have', been-, mur­ last night. • :'• ; band, of Insurrectos, wlio secretly had 000 to $250,000, principal stockholder, she: ;Was treated',by 'specialists,' and: :• at Chapin. dered within : three ;-;days. nearthii. entered, the, town were, wounded .and Henry C. Weidman; Combination was thought to he' recovering. • . :: •The follQiwlng Michigan .pensions: street corner, all believed to be vic­ ,,' By the terms of a judgment entered captured. . j ' / Brick; company, Detroit, increase from •Baton;:;: Rapids.-,--•p.;'^-'p-r:;;Mosleyv:'£^ have been granted: Clark H. Boards- tims of the black hand.. The shooting by.,the supei-ior. court at,, Tacoma, $50,000 to ,$2g0,00p,;',iprinclpai;.:r'stoclt; ono V of tho most prominent lee, $80, special .act; Josephine A. of' Gothias is ascribed to tlie same Wash., Mrs. Anna V.' Vilas,^ widow of Archduchess '. Stephanie, Coustess holders, William J. Richards and: Wil­ oncer residents of this section, •waa' Bonner, $12; George L. Carey, $30, agency. Italian residents of th'a dis­ Senator William P. 'Vilas of Madison, Lohyay, the second-daughter,'of King liam Kirth; Ottawa Leather com­ stricken with paralysis at hia homo special act; Caroline Chappell,- $12; trict in which a score of murders have !WIs;, Is awarded a one-fifth, interest Leopold ot Belgium and widow ol pany. Grand Rapids, increase from near Ononlaya, where he has resided Mary A. Dawes,; $12, special:, act; been committed recently are in a In the proceeds of property In •Wash­ Crown Prince Rudolph of Austrla,il3 $100,000 to $200,000; Colonial Puml- for the past 61 years. , His condltloa'.' Aaron Flelg, $1§ ington valued at $219,000. seriously ill at Zurich. Switzerland, , ture company, Grand- Rapids. $10,005^' etate of terror and fear to aid police. Is critical. -J Munyon's Cold r.omedy Kelleveii the A.WHO^ OF TfllE Wriy,yiy^5PPI BUlSBJLE WasCuredbyLydJaE.Pink- liond, throat ami lungs almost ininieiUnlc-. Iv, Checks Fevers, slops DIseliargca of ham's Vegetable Compound COPVTSIOH-r 1909 ^ BOBB.S'-MEliRILL COMRAj/y the nose, takes awiiy nil aehe.-i nnd lialn.t caused by colds. It cures Grip iind oh- Elwood, Ind.—"Your romcdieshavu stinute Coughs and prevents I'noiiinonln. Write I'rof, Munyon, ."lard.iuul .lod'orson cared me .and I havo only taken six SYNOPSIS. that no woman in tho world should 00 Sts,,''' Phlln,, I'a., for luculcill uilvlco ub- Ijottles of Lydia E. Piiikham's Vegeta­ Bolutcly free, ble Compound. I happy If J could help, I slipped In tho was bIck threo Senaloi- .Tohn Calhoun Is Invited to be­ body ot the slipper a littio lino or so months and could come Hocretary of slato In Tyler's cab­ that I had written when you did not GRAND VOYAGE TO THE POLE. inet, llo doolnrt'S that If lio accepts Texas not walk. I suf­ and Oregon, Iju added to tlio Union. seo, when I was in tho other room. fered all tho lime. He seiid.s his Bocrdtnry, Nicholas Trist, to 'Twns tlint took tlio iilaco ot Van The doctors said I iisk Iho von Rltz, spy of tho BrlllMh iiiiiljii.'jHador. Pakcnbnni, to call at Zandt's message, after nil. Monsieur, conld not get well ills iti)iirliiionl.s. Wlillo soarclilni,' for iho it wns fiito. Van Zandt's loiter, Willi- without .in oper.a- baroiicBs' liciiiii.-, a carrlaso drives np and Uon, for I could NichohiM Is liivllud lo ciuer. Tlio occupant out plan, fell out on my table. Your la tho biironcsM, and sho n-sks NIcliolua to note, sunt by plan, romaiiiud in llio hardly stand the assist ill cviulliiK |)Ur.sner.s. NIcliola,'! notes pains in my sides, Hull llie bafoiics,s liaa lost a Hllpper, Sho shoo!" especially my righi; i;\vc>i liiiM ilii> reniulnliiij Hllpper as a "And what did it sny? Tnll me at jilodRO tliat .'die will loll Calhoun wliat lio one, and domi my tvmn.'i to kiiijw reKardlnK KnKluiid'.s in- once." right leg. I began leiiilons toward IWexleo. As Bocnrlty "Very little, Yot enough for a wom­ to feel belter when I had taken only •Mcholn.s glvoH lier u irinknt ho hitonded an who loved and who ox|)Oeted. Only one bottle of Compound, but kept oii tor hl.s .sweoUioart, JOllzahetli Cluirchlll. Tyler lell.4 J'akeiilium that Joint oeeiipa- this: 'In spite of that ollior womuu, as I was afraid to stup too soon."—Mr.s. llon of Oix'Kuii Willi ICnuland, iiULsl cease, S.U)fK MuLLicif, 272S N. B. St., EI- that the liiui ral.sed llio cry of "Flf- come to ino still. AVlio can loach you wood, Ind. ly-four Forly, or J''liilil." Callionii ho- love of woman as I can? HeUaia.' 1 Mine.s .lecroOiry of .stiito. 2Io ordera Wiiy will women lako chances witn Nicholas lo JMoiitreal 011 ulalo bu.slnes.s, think it was souio such words ns an operation or drag out a sickly, and till! iattor plan.s to bo married that those." lialf-heartod existence, missing -threb- nlglil, Tho says alio will try to prevent tlio iiiurrhtge. A drnnkon oon- "1 iiad not thought any 0110 capable fonrtha of tho joy of living, when they grosuiniiii wlioiii Nlc:holas iiaUs lo aa.slat can find lioaltli in Jl^ydia E. Plnkham's ill tho wc'dillnt,' arranj,"'iiK'iUs, aciuts tho of Ihiit,'" said I. , Vegetable Qomponiid ? baroiics.s' sllppi^r lo JOIIzabotli, by mls- "Ah, but 1 ropentod on tho instant! tiiko, and till) weddInK i.i declared olV. Eor thirty yoai's it has hoen tho Nicliolart liiKl.s Ihe bai'uni.'.s.'f In Montreal, I ropentod before night camo. In tho Btandard remedy for female ills, and fihu havliit,' Hiicceodcd, where lie I'nlled, in twilight 1 got upon niy knoos and Try This for Colds jbas cured thou,s,and3 of women who ill.scovirliik' lOiiivlaiul'.s liitentlon.i ri.-f,-ard- Ini; Oregon. .Sho If.ll.'i lilni lliat tlin »\\\)- prayed that all my plan might go Prescription Known for Results have been troubled with such ail- pur he liiul in Ills piwsessloii conlalncd a wrong-it I could call it jilan." Rather than Large Quantity. ^ mcuts as displacements, inllammalion, nolo from tlie altaclio of Texas to tho ^ulceration, fibroid tumors, irreguiari- l^rlllsh ainlia.ssadur, tiaylnir that If tho But again I could only turn away Go to your driigijlst and got "Two •tlos, periodic pains, backache, indiges­ United KtaO'.s iliil not a.iine.>c Texas wllli- to iionder. In '!0 days, riiie would lo.HO both 'To.vaa and ounces- of Glycerine and .half, an oiinco tion, aud nervous jn-osti-alion. , OroKOii. Nlcliol;iH ineota a naltirall,sl, Von "See," sho wont on; "for myself, of Coiiceiui-ati-)d Pino compoiiiid. Mix If yoiili.ivo tlio sliglitcst clonl)tj rtllteiiliol'PM, who (.'lvoH him intoniiatioii this is IrrenicdUiblo, but It Is not so these with half a pint of Kood whialiy. Shako well. TiUto oiiu lo two lon.spooii- that Lydirt E. Pinkliam's Vegc- ahniu OreK'oii. The baroness and a British wnnililp dl,sappoar from Montreal sininl- for you, nor for lier. It is not too fills after oaeli meal and at bed time. tuWo Ooinpoimd Avill help you, laneoiisly, Cjilhoiiii enffaBcs Von Ritlen- ill to be made right again. Thero in Smaller doses to children according to- Tvritoto Mr.s. Piiiklunn atXynn, liufen lo make iiinp.s of tho woalorrt cotm- aKo," Any one can proparo Uils at Montreal, 1 tliotight that I had failed Mass., for advice. Yoiir letter try. Calhoun ordorii NIeholas to head a lionio. This la said to bo- tlio quickest party of .sotllers bomul for Ore(,'on. in 'my plan, that you Indeed wore mar­ couBh and cold cure known lo th» •will 1)0 absolutely confidential, NIcholaH lioH nil tinaatl.sfactory interview medical professlonl .Bo auro to uot only aud tjio advico frcor Willi JOllzaboMi. Callioun excites the ried. You hold yoursQlt well in hand; Iho genuine (Globe) Concentrated Pino. Jealousy of .Senora Ytnrrlo nnd thereby like a man, monsieur. But as to that, Bach .half niinco boUlo ooin'es In a tin seciirea tho HlKiiatiiro ot the Texas al- ficrow-lop Ki'aled eii-so. If tho drutrfrlst taelie lo a treaty of nnnexallon. Nicholas you were married, for your love tor Is out of stoeic ha will riiilclcly ^-et It SUNSHINE AND GOOD HEALTH Blarts for On.'Koii. Iio wins the race over her remained; your pledge hold. And from his wholesale houso. Jlon'l fool the JJrUl.sli puny, A Urillsli warship ar- with uncertain iiilxlurcs. It is rlaky. 4h flvoa Willi tho baroness as a passenger. did not I, repenting, marry you to lier Wherever Sun's Rnys Petietrate Hu­ —did not I, on my knees, marry you lo Railroading and Dancing. man Life Is Qulci



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Then you are ready and in order for spring business. All at



^ • • ' ' '

MEADVILLE. C. M, Pullliii,' has sold Ills farm to Thomas DIekersnn, Couni ews Items Wirt Mllher was in Lansing Sundiiy to visit a relative wlio is very sick. IHi Mrs. M, .1. Proctor and .lames Wes- 1 HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST GATHERED sel spent Sunday at Steve F^elim's. 0. F. Patrick and Mrs, Martha Boli- Always on the alert for hew ways of benefitting our customers, this FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS nett visited at I, W. Moe'.s In Dans­ store, with its accustomed enterprise, has inaugurated the most advan- ville Monday. Mrs. Carl ila/.elton visited her par­ tageous and convenient innovation ever attempted — A COMPLETE " ents near Stockbridife the week end. AND AUTHORITATIVE FASHION DEPARTMENT. STOCKBRIDGE. Gardner Swan and wife vislled atC. Mr.". Lyman Sayles passed awiiy at Neitliamiuer's last Friday. Here our patrons will find positively the very latest and most advanced styles in everything -nv- the home of lier son .lolin on Thurs­ tliat is newest and Ue^t in woman's ilress. Here are sliovvn the irlentical fashiuiis all the well dressed wuiueii WEST COUNTY LINE. day, March Ki, l!)ll. She bore her suf- in the large style centres are now wearing. And here .you will lliid hints and suggestions for your new Siiring W. L. CLARK. I'erllit; with patience and was n'wcn liecoived too late for ia.stwcek's issue. outllt that will easily solve tills troublesome question fur you, the tenderest care by her faithful hus­ Eui,'ene Allen expects to move soon I band and lovinff children. Her funC' on the Will liryan farm north of Di-| Wednesday, Marcli 22,1911 ral was held at the M. E. ehiircll last mondale, wliich he lias rented. Prices Within the Reach of All Saturday at 10 o'clock, conducted by ]\Irs. Ro,sa Snow and cliildren visited Rev. Johnson, with interment in Mt. her sister, Mrs. Einma Allen, part of | Whether you wish an expensive outfit or one at a more reasonable cost—we have it for you OKEMOS. Pleasant cemetery. last week, in this new riepartiiient. The assortment Is so vast that yo(i are sure to Iind sonietliing lierc that is just the If. II, Kerrc iind fmiiily visited In The oratorical contest between tlie Elmer Grovenbtirif and wife enter-1 thing you want at a price yuti will be glad to pay. Owussu I list) week, senior boys last Tuesday evenlii(,' was tallied company all uf last week, Mrs. Llllle Stillman vIsiCed lier piir- won by Uliarlea Kennedy. The ciin- Harold and AKnea Wilson spent| But regardless of what you select you can rest assured that i^ is positively the best value for ent.s tills week, was under the auspices of the W. Sunday with relatives In Aurelius. the money you could possibly get, And whether you buy or not, at least come and see this magnillcent display Tlie Bliptlst Sunday school is ifolni,' G. T, IJ. Mr, and Mrs. Tucker are prepai'lnul Of the newest Spring fashions. 1,0 liave il Wiirm siiijar social Friday Mark Westfail and family have mov­ to move on what Is known as tliel nlnlih at Jlalpli Hudson's, ed onto David Westfall's farm. BInkleyfarm. Blanclie Ilelwit,' visited at .Jay Frank Ellsworth and A. Holt eiicli Becker's last week. have a new auto. , Arthur Clark and wife spent Sunday | Our Made to Measure Styles are the KABO CORSETS Ruby Granifor of Stinlleld visited •lames Clark and family have moved at Chas, Gunn's at Holt, Have No Brass Eyelets Season's Latest her sister, wlio boards at .John JIuiii- to Lan.sinu, Mrs. Barnwell and son of Hudson j ML«s Ji'ern Hall spent .Saturday and Kabo wearers are realizing that this no metal eye­ iiKind's, last week, are spending the week with Mrs. Ord j Don't miss this miignlllcont exliibit. It Is a com­ Sunday at the home of Lucille Ds- let feature makes this corset in service away head of >Ir. Hill and family of Dansville are Aukney, plete line (if the American Ladies'Tailoring Co, of trander in Mlllvllle. any Other corset they have known. Think of it! A gtilni,' tu work for Mr, Wanner. They Mrs, Hazel Strobel commenced her I Chicago-the iicknowledged leaders of ladies'man- corset that In Its lacing mode is alwtiys reliable. No will live in Mrs, Voss' house. A larire number of youn^r people spring term in Dist. No. S of Windsor | tailnred-to-measiirc garments—and consists of 72 lat­ pulling, twisting or corroding. A sitnple patented Quite a niiiuber (if children who gathered at Gleaner hall last Friday Monday. est Spring style creations and 27S newest guaranteed tape eyelet tliruiigh which the lacer is run in a jilTy. have been siek have started In school nlKhttd 1,'ive Miss l^es.sie .Hayner F. J, Hoelin received word Sunday j fabrics. We will take yoururder fur any selections It's an exclusive feature—you cannot And It In any iiKitin. farewell reception. She wh.s present­ nf tlie sudden death of his brother you may make at the following remarkable prices Other corset., Jfarry Olin canio luurie frttin Howard ed with a beautiful rin^ as a token n' Robert, who was a former resident of | and guarantee satisfaction in every way. colleife', where he has been itttendlni,' esteem and respect in which slle Is this place but now of Bullalo, Kabo models are boned with non-rustable boning—another school, held. Frank Lamoreaux tmd wife enter-1 Suits, .$13.50 and up Dresses, $1L50 and up comfortable feature. From the viewpoint of style—why Clare Backus and wife have moved taincd Chas. Buck and wife of Holt, Coats, $10.00 and up Skirts, .$5.00 and up —tlie models held In the hand show grace In every WEST AURELIUS. into the house recently vacated by F. .1. Hoelin and wife of Dimondale, Capes, .$8.00 and up VV, II. Townsend and wife visited Mark Westfail and family. Fred Strobel and D. Tooker, with | line. Many styles suiting every type of form. Ask at L. K. .Icwett's and M. O. lii'own's tlieir families, last Sunday. Ask for our hMdsome new FREE style us to show ynu the new styles. over Sunday. Has Millions of Friends. book, showing this magnificent line Wm. Jiandall and W. C. Miii/ulre at­ DIRE DISTRESS. How would you like to nuiuber you tended the sail! on the Grillln farm friends by millions as Bucklen's Arn" Waists last Saturday and tlieir wives visited ca Salve does'? Its n.stoundlng cures It is Near at Hand to Hundreds of Stockings to Please the Boys Mrs. Guy l.^atenian. Have you bought one of our $1.08 Silk Waists? In the past forty years made them Mason Readers. Bert Collins and family and Wm, Tliesft are very special at this price, as tliey were its the best salve in the world I'or Bovs don't try to be "nice," they re just boys. Eilndiill and wife spent Sunday at Don't neglect an tiching baclf. .sold for $2,75, $3.70 and $l,i)0. sores, ulcers, ec/.enia, burns, boils, They like "CADET" Stockings because this Is the Wni. Maitoire's. Backache is the kidneys' cry fur help. scalds, cuts, corns, sore eyes, sprains., kind that stands the knocks. Girls like them, toti, Jlay iialcnian coniiitenced work for swelllni^s, hriilses, cold .sores. Has no Neglect hurrying to their aid but motliers like them most of all, because they save Harmon Hall Monday. equal fur piles. 2,5c at Lunnyear Bros Means tliat tirlnai'y troubles follow worry and money, Twice the life of common stock­ Neckwear and Umbrellas Orville liateiiian hits (,'one to Albion ings and that means half the cost. quickly, lo work. "CADETS" last longer and wear better because New styles In Ladles'Neckwear and Ladies' Um­ Clias. Bunker,and wife spent Sun­ Dire distress, diabetes, Bright's dis­ brellas. Something you will be interested in seeing. LESLIE. made of twisted yarns; wear parts reinforced witli day at M. 0. Brown's. ease, special linen ; ripless, rubless, stainless stockings;, . Mrs. Caroline VVIIdy,who livesalone, Mesdames Henry Mull and Ed Eck­ guarantee on box top,, was found by one of tllie neighbors last Mrs. Lewis Courtright, North and liart of A'ermontville have been spend- Every pair will givesiitisfactionor we will replace Stylish Easter Millinery week to be very sick, and it was it few days with relatives here. Mechanic streets. Mason, Mich., says': with a new pair. Only 25c a pair. Mrs. Rha Walton is no better at this thought at llrst that she would not re­ We want ynu to see our elegant Dressy Hats. We writintf. cover, but at this writing is reported "In viewof myexperience with Doan's will supply you with classy and up-to-date Ladies',' to be a little better. She Is an aged Gpor|.,'la Bateiiiiin spent a couple of Kidney Pills, I feeljustlfted in recom­ Misses'and Children's Ready Trimined Htits. Our lady and one uf the pioneers uf this Black Taffeta Petticoats day,s last week in Laiisini,'. styles and prices must be right, because we know if county. Her maiden name was Du- mending them. About a year ago I As a leader and for Our First Spring Sale we they are not, we will be tlie only ones to suffer any The most coniiiion cause of insom­ Bois, Her .son, Thomas Wildy, of loss, and it is therefore to our Interest to give you had a severe attack of kidney com' bought twent,y-flve dozen Black Petticoats tliat nia is disorders of the slomacli. Kalaniazuu has been with her the past styles and prices that will give yiiu big bargains, We plaint and I suffered intensely from should sell at $1.00 each. But we have not marked Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver few days. will continually add new Trimmed Hats to our line them $1.00, because we can self at a less price, and Tablets correct these disorders and Last Friday afternoon upon invita­ dull headaches and pains in my kid­ as the season advances and can assure our customers we flow give you the advantage of our close buying enable you to sleep. Forsale by all tion of Hon. A. J. Tuttle the follow- that wesliall send out nothing but the latest and neys, I did not rest well and I was in petticoats* dealers. . • . . • ' inggentlemeii—A. I. Barberof Mason, most attractive, up-to-date st,yles during the coming J. P. Bond, A. A. Lombard, W. D. annoyed by a kidney weakness. Doan's Special Price, 59C spring and suiuiner season. WHEATFIELD. r^ongyear, Jos. Sayers, C. T, Brown, Kidney Pills, procured from Longyear Miss ArdeniiB May visited at Wil­ Geo. McArthur, L, Martin, C. Carpen­ liamston last week, ter, Jas. VVIiealon and A. VanHurn, Bros,' drug store, did mc a world of assembled at his residence to help cel­ Miss Liz/.ie Silndal of North Dakota good, relieving my aches and pains Is visitint; her,sister, Mrs, Harry Lane, ebrate the (iOth birthday of his father, /"•I md strengthening my kidneys. ' Yoij Mrs. Ralph Backus is (lulte sick. 0. V. Tuttle. Mr. Tuttle was out to C. A. Parkhurst, Mason .Mrs. C. Smith, who has been very is farm thrashing buckwheat and are at liberty to use my name as'a sick with erysipelas, is some better. did not want to go to town before he reference," Mrs.Harry Ijiuie has so far recov­ got through, but his daughter coa.ved ered from her recent operation as to Im to go and when he came into the For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts, be able to dispense with ,her nurse, room where these uld acquaintances Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Miss MarieSliiiwerinan, who returned were ho was very much surprised. to Ann Arbor Saturday. Being St. Patrick's day, decorations York, Sole Agents for the United Mrs. Emma Belim of Stockbridife were on that order and after en.joying States. Remember the name—Doan's visited lier sister, Mrs. 11. Backus, a good social visit, with plenty uf mu­ —and take no other. sic, and cigars furnished by the host,' , lasti Sunday. Simplicity is the New Keynote of Motor Car Building the cumpany was escorted to the din­ Robert .runes has moved tu his new SOUTHEAST LANSING. home and the |i,'Ood wishes uf liis ing room where they sat down to a The friends and neighbors of L. . friends and old iiei(,'lib6rs t,'o with him. siimptiiiius repast. The table was ENGINEERS are now devoting their attention to simplifying the automobile, but it is Shaw and daughter Paye met at their VV. L. •loluison has moved tu the nicely decorated with Irish emblems acknowledged that no one has succeeded like Howard E. Coflin. The introduction of wiring- home Wednesday night and presented farm vaciitpd by Mr. Jone.s, which lie and each guest presented with pretty tliein with a chair in memory of their exposed rods, valvesand other mechanical bric-a-brac so common on most cars, adds greatly rei'cntly ].iiircliiised. souvenirs. Mr. Tuttle presented his isit. Mr. Shaw has sold liis farm and to the maintenance cost and is the reason for the high prices that have been asked for Ij'vin Hufcsfurd's family llas the fiitlierwith a beautiful mild headed expects to move soon, mumps. cane and umbrella, and Mr. Lumbard automobiles. presented liiin with a cigar jar lllled Albert Stortz, Louis Wieland and Fred Hall has moved to Cha.s. Da- MR. COFFIN, in the HUDSON "33," has reduced the number of parts by approxi­ with cigars from the i,'entlemen in- Wm. Kurtz, with their wives, visited kin's farm and Percy Fuliir atid wife viicd, It was an occasion to be long at the home of their uncle, Wm. Wie­ mately 900 over those found in dther cars. In making a simple car, he has made it dust have moved tn Mrs. Foiar's farm va­ remembered by these old friends of land, at Gunnisonvllle last Sunday. cated by Iilr. Hall. proof and oil tight. There are no connections to work loose. Strength has been placed Mr, Tuttle. The Combined ages of Frank Collins and wife and son Rob­ where it is needed and extra weight is eliminated. So simple is the car that wherever it is •Tohn W. Sickelsmith, Greensboro, the ten oldest men present, including ert spent Sunday at J, J. Trevellee's, exhibited, people have inquired if it is all there, for they expect it to look as complicated .Pa., has three children, and like most 0. V. Tuttle, was DSo years, Miss Muriel Collins began her school . Aiaiedon Center Monday, after a as other cars. We have a HUDSON "33" here for your inspection^ Children they frequently take cold. B. M. Gaylord, who was badly in- three weeks' vacation. "We have tried several kinds of cougli .1IIred several weeks ago in a runaway, OUR allotment, is limited. MANY probably will be disappointed at not being able to medicine," he says, "but have never Louis Bnuts is working for Frank is recovering. get the HUDSON, for. the demand is greater than the supply. AN examination of. the found any yet that did them as mucli Clever of East Lansing. -' • H. B, Longyear and family nf. Mason (lood as Chamberlain's Coui^'h Reme­ Misses Grace Box and Muriel Col­ HUDSON "33" is the.only conviction you need, for the skill of the designer and the integ- attended the oratorio, "lioly City," dy," Ji'or sale by all dealers. lins attended a party at Andrew Kel­ Tuesday evening. rity of the maker is assurance in itself that in every detail of design and construction the ' ler's last Fridiiy night. HUDSON "33" excels that of other cars at its,price. If you are interested in automobiles Oha.s. Kurtz Of Lansing called on his ETCHELL'S NEiaHBORHOOD.- and intend to buy this year, you would better look at the HUDSON "33" now. To delay son William last Saturday. ' . Wilber Bush of Jackson visited long means that you will be unable to get this car. Iricnds liere a few days last week. DANSVILLE. Mrs. Stephen Hanna was a Lansing The HUDSON "33" is furnished in three types-a Touring Car at $1,400, a Pony Ton- The little town they call Dansville visitor Tuesday. lias no grist mill, no saloon, no hotel neau at .$1,450 and the Torpedo at .$1,500. These prices include complete equipment with Eny Hunt was home from Laosinpr FREE BOOK ^nd only one doctor at present and our dual ignition system, including Bosch magneto, mohair top,; Prest-o-Lite gas tank, gas and over Sunday. Business men think the town is pros­ Mrs. Bert Hanna visited her sister and oil lamps, tools, repair kit, etc. ; For Every Living Thing on tlie Farm pering, . , in Dansville Monday. Mrs, Peter Aseltine died March nth Mr. and Mrs. Ami Terrill very pleas­ Huinplireys' Yeterinary Speciflcs. and the funeral was held at the late antly entertained the Etcliell's pedro iOO Page Book free, on the Treatment and home the 1.3th. She was laid at rest diib Friday eveninR in form of a St. by the side Of her husband in Fair- Patrickis party. Guests who were jaro of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, view cemetery. present'were,Mrs. Albert Terrill, Bert logs and Poultry, also Stable Chart to J. T. Hills is moving in Claud West's and Mary Terrill and .lames 'Terrill lang up, mailed free. liouse tills week. and wife of LansinR, Wilbur Bush of . Jackson, David Horl.burt, wife and Lee Hullerberger and family spent LIST Of SPECIFICS. daughter, Mrs; Fowler. Stephen Sunday at All'red flravender's. The W. C. T. U. will meet with Hanna won the ace prize. Maple sy­ \. A, For FRVER8. Milk Fever, Lnris Furor. Mrs. Frank Remington March 30th in rup, biscuit, wafers, crackers and 0^. a. For SPBAIIVS. LaineneaH, llheumoiiaiii. pickles were served for refreshments. the afternoon. Every member please C, ForeORIi;Thront,BpizoDtic,Dlat«inper, 'Bert Holt/, iind Loonard Handec be present as especial business Is to be D. ». For iroitMS, Beta, Gruba. liave taken up their duties in Lansing taken up. . for an indeflnitc time, being drawn as E. E. For COUGHS, Colda, Innncnio, ^ George Jessop and wife and Miss M. jurors. , • ' F. P. For COLIC, Dollynclic, Diarrhea. Miller went to Lansing in the auto Tuesday returning Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. 0. A.Hunt and daugh­ G. G. Progenia MISCAHRIAGE. .MaRi^ Thosewlshing to learn to dance will ter visited in .Leslie Saturday and H. II; For KIDNEY nnd Bladder diaordera. be plased to hear that Mrs. D. D. Sunday. I. I, ForSKIN DISEASES,Mango, Bruyllona, HUDSON V33" Briggs wUl'gi ve a series of dances be­ J. K, For BAD COIVDITIOIV, IndtKestlon. When you iiave rheumatism in your ginning onsFrlday evening,;March<24,- MERRITT^ GARAGE COMPANY foot or instep apply;Cliamberlain's At druggists or sentf prepaid on receipt at rink; 'Hours ifrom 8 to 12 o'clock. Liniment and you will: get .quick re­ of price. 60 cts. each. -ttf. F. Jewell of Gregory pianist, PHONE 318-2 R. , DROP A CARD FOR DENIONSTRATlON OF CAR , EATON-' RAPIDS, MICH. lief. It costs but a quarter. Wliy HDMPHlREYS! HOMEO. MEDICINE CO;, OtTOM Mr. and Mrs. Ethel Blakely were in r , 'I i suffer?.' Eor sale by all dealers Lansing last Saturday. fVIUlam and Ana Streets, Kow Y&rli;, V|

1.1, 1 1 y I'.fi