7m). JAMES' STANDAED SPOETDia SERIES, No. 4' r ^ /-.

BY E F? J" AM E S.N.'i —


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18 77. Frice Fifty Oentis. Twenty-fourth Edition.

Entered according to Act of Consfress, in the year 1878, BY ED. JAMES, in the oface of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. PREFACE,

Notwithstanding that so many books have "been "written on PhtsicaIi

CuLTUEE, there still remained a large field to be covered—hence the publication of the present volume. Great care having been taken in its compilation, we feel confident that the work will be in every sense of the word practical ; so that those who desire may follow whatever their fancy prefers in athletic sports, in a creditable manner.

In our opinion, the general usefulness of the book could in no way be improved upon; but, in order to be thoroughly posted ia the laws governing athletic contests, the "Manual of Sporting Eules," as

a companion to this work, will be found very beneficial. The table of Proportional Measurements, according to height and weight, will form a good guide for the athlete as to his special muscular develop- ment. Banting's System of Beducing Corpulency, though not exactly

intended for training purposes, is not to be despised, containing, as it does, much interesting and reliable information, on the subject of

diet especially. To comiolete the treatise, and in order to prove what can be done by man when in proper physical condition, we add a record of the best athletic performances. CONTENTS-.

InTEODUCTOEY PAGE 5 Advice to Trainers 7 Training for Pedestrianism 10 Sleep 14 Clothing 14

Time and Dnration of Training for Eunning .4f 15 Sprint Eunning 16 Quarter and Half Mile Eunning 18 One Mile Eunning and upwards 18 Hurdle Eacing 18 Hints In, Before, and After tlie Eace 19 Training Practice, Fair Walking, etc 20 Higli Jumping .1 23

Broad Jumping , 24 Hammer Throwing 25 Putting the Stone 26 Training for Eowing, etc 27 Training for Long Distance Contests. 36 Training for Base Ball 42 Advice to Business Men and others 43 The late John Morrissey's Views 49 Training in Eegard to Pugilism and Wrestling 51 Principal Muscles used by the Athlete .^ 53 Temperament 54 Growth and Decay s. 55 Meats, etc., to be Avoided 57 Natural Sweating 58 Artificial Sweating 58 Sweating Liquors 58 Treatment of the Feet, Hands, Sinews, etc 58 Soft Corns 60 Hard Corns 60 Hardening the Flesh 60 Bunions 60 Boils 60 Strains 60 Sprains 60 Chapped Hands, etc 60 Blisters 60 Exercise, Sun Baths, etc 61 Baths—Hot, Cold, etc 62 Thirst, Medicine, etc 64 Weight as Proportional to Height 64 Weight when in Condition for Athletic Feats 65 Banting on Corpulency 65 EecQid of Best Athletic Performances 68 PRACTICAL TMININa


[According to Chables Westhatx, a physician, as wdl as one of

EnglancCs greatest pedestrians. "[

PEDESTEiAmsM, from its being the basis and priacipal agent in securing a thorough and perfect training to all who may have, from choice or necessity, to undergo a great- amount of physical exertion, may be considered the chief feature in the preparation of men for all contests in which great strength, speed, and wind may be required. From this point of view the science of walking will be treated in the present work; for whether a man may have entered in an engagement to , walk, jump, swim, row, or box, no training can be thoroughly accomplished until the athlete has undergone a certain amount of exercise on foot, and reduced his superfluous weight to such an extent that he can follow up his peculiar forte with fair chance of improvement, or at least so that he may not have to stop short from sheer want of wind or strength. Pedestrianism, which has before been stated to be more or less indispensable to the man undergoing preparation, from its healthful and beneficial effect upon the human frame, is of most vital importance in keeping the required equable balance which should exist ia every constitution, w^hether robust or otherwise. Good training is as requis- ite to any man who wishes to excel, as it is to the thorough- bred race-horse. A man who is fleshy and obese might as well attempt to compete with a well-traioed mail as the race-horse that has been fed for a prize-show to again enter the lists with his highly-prepared and well-tr.iioed contemporaries. A man may be endowed with every req- ;


Tiisite in health, strength, muscle, length, courage, bone, and all other qualifications ; but if untrained, these quali- fications are of no value, as, in every instance, a man or horse, well-trained, of much inferior endowments, has al- ways under the circumstances proved the victor. Good condition, which is the term used by trainers to indicate the perfect state of physical power to which the athlete has arrived, is one of the greatest safeguards to his health as, in many instances, severe and long-continued exertion when unprepared has had an injurious and continuous effect on tlie constitution, and, in some few but fortunately almost isolated cases, produced almost instant death. These few words are not alone intended for the man who has to compete, but for a great portion of mankind, who go through the regular routine of life day after day, their business being sometimes performed with apathy, and the remainder of their time passed in excessive smoking, eat- ing, drinking, sleeping, sitting, or any small pet vice to which they may be addicted. That such a man can under- go the same process of training as the professional who has an engagement to perform some arduous task against time or a fleet antagonist, we do not ask or expect—his occupation would not allow the same time; but the asser- tion that he would perform his allotted duties with more pleasure to himeelf and more satisfaction to all concerned if he were to submit to undergo a partial training, is a truth that ought to be tested by all who have any regard for continued good health. Were this system carried out to even a small extent, the physician would have cause to lament the decline of his practice, and the advertising quack become a nonentity. As a proof how necessary training is considered by the professional, it is only requis- ite to ask any pedestrian of note for his candid opinion to satisfy the most incredulous. The higher in the pedestrian grade the man may be to whom the question may be put the better, in consequence of his having gone through the whole performance, from novicehood upwards ; and, in every instance, it will be found that more than one of his defeats will be attributed to want of condition (proper training) arising from neglect of work or other causes, such as carelessness in diet, want of practice, and, in some instances, from the neglect of the precepts attempted to be inculcated by his trainer. Most of the above mistakes have arisen from overweening confidence in his own powers, or from underrating his adversaries' abilities. However CHARLES ROWELL. Champion Long-distance Pedestrian of the World. WILLIAM GALE, 10 who walked 4,000 quarter miles in 4,000 consecutive minutes. PKACTICAL TRAINING. 7

'Willing and thoughtful he may have been, these contretemps have almost invariably been the fate of ail our leading athletes, not only in the pedestrian circle, but in the ring, on the water, and in all sports in which a great lead has ever been taken by man. He will inform the querist that he will require from a month to two months for his prep- aration, and if he has been out of practice for some time, even more—thus showing to the dullest intellect the req- uisite time and attention needed ; for if a man who has shone pre-eminent in the sphere he has chosen for his ex- ertions, and has had the benefit of previous trainings, must again undergo the same ordeal as heretofore, a man totally untrained must at least requke the same preparation, as well as a greater amount of practice, to fully develop his particular forte as a pedestrian. To sum up in a few words, training is a complete system of diet and exercise duly carried out and strenuously adhered to. From the mode of hfe which almost all lead, the health becomes impaired, and the only remedy will be discovered by him who fol- lows the principle of training in some form or other, the more simple the better. That the same system of training will suit all constitutions, it would be absurd folly to ad-

vance ; or that the same amount of work and strictness of diet is requisite for a man about to run a race of one hun- dred and twenty yards, as for a struggle of an hour's dura- tion, would be equally preposterous. Nevertheless, the groundwork of training arises from the benefits derived from regular diet and steady exercise. Training will bring out all the hitherto latent powers of the athlete, raising the man who has previously been considered almost a nonentity into pubUc notice, the one of mediocre calibre into the first rank, and thoroughly develop the excellencies, etc., of the first-class proficient to an extent that will not only surprise himself, but his associates and long-tried friends and backers. Training is the process of getting a man who has to ^^er- form any muscular feat from a state of obesity and almost total incapabihty into a perfect state of health, which is shown by the great increase of strength, activity, wind, and power to continue great exertion and pace to the extent of his endowments. It is this acquired power which enables the pedestrian to j)ers8vere in his arduous task, apparently in despite of nature, which, but for his thorough preparation, would have long before been utterly prostrate. So much is depending on, and so many results 8 PEACTICAL TEAINING. accniing to the efficiency of the trainer, that a few worda of friendly advice to that official will nofc be out of place; for although the veteran has learned the precepts given below by heart, yet there is always a beginning to all occupations. As a rule, a great pedestrian is not qualified at the outset of his career as a trainer to undertake the care of most men, in consequence of there being a leaven of the remembrance of the manner in which he went through his work, etc., which will in most instances render him less tolerant than is requisite to the man of mediocre talent. Another difficulty is to find one with sufficient education and forethought to be able to study the different constitutions of the men under his rule. The above are only a few of the objections; but all are of consequence, so much depending upon the treatment of the man independ- ent of his daily routine of exercise and diet. The man who goes first into training is like an unbroken colt, and requires as much delicate treatment. The temper of the biped ought to be studied as carefully as that of the quad- ruped, so that his mind can be carefully prepared for his arduous situation, which is one of abstinence, and in some cases total deprivation, which always tries the patience and frequently the temper of the competitor, who in these cases should be encouraged by word and example, showing that the inconveniences he is undergoing are but the pre- liminary steps to the attainment of that health, strength, and elasticity of miiscle which have caused so many before him to accompHsh almost apparent impossibilities. Such a trainer is worth a hundred of those who have no judgment in the regulation of the work which a man may take without in any way making him anxious to shun his duty or to turn sullen. Let the trainer bear in mind and always remember that a fit of ill-temper is as injurious to the man in training as any other excess. In many in- stances, from a supposed well-founded cause of complaint, a continued civil war has arisen in the cabinet, which has not been quelled, perhaps, until the dissension has had a very serious effect in destroying the pedestrian's confidence in his trainer's capabihties and temper, as well as throwing back the trained man most materially in his advance towards condition. Nevertheless, the mentor should be firm in his manner, intelligible in his explanations, and by no means bigoted in his favorite notions respecting the use of any particular medicine or "nostrum" which he may think may be requisite to the welfai-e of his man. The PRACTICAL TEAIOTNG. 9 trainer, of course, is known or supposed to be of sterling integrity, and having the welfare of his man as his first aim; and on this in a great measure depends the monetary interests of the man and his backers. We are sorry to have to mention that such a man is requisite as a trainer, but consider it necessary, to mention it, as, if the trainer is not honest, and has not his heart in the well-doing of his man, all the pains taken by the pedestrian would be nullified and rendered of no avail. The trainer must be vigilant night and day, never leave his man, and must act according to his preaching, and be as abstemious, or nearly so, as his man, whom it is his duty to encourage in im- provement, to cheer when despondent, and to check if there are at any time symptoms of a break-out from the rules laid down—but at all times he must, by anecdote, etc., keep the mind of his man amused, so that he may not brood over the privations he is undergoing. Let the trainer not forget that cleanHness is one of the first rules to be attended to, and that the bath can hardly hurt his man in any season if only due precautions be observed, always bearing in mind that it is a preventive instead of a provocative to colds, catarrhs, and the long list of ills attendant upon a sadden chill. The duration of the bath is, of course, to be limited, and a brisk rubbing with coarse linen cloths until the surface is in a glow will always be found sufficient to insure perfect safety from danger. Of course, the amount of medicine required by any man will depend upon his constitution as well as the lowness of his nervous system, in some cases there being no occasion to administer even a pui'gative. But these are the times when the skill of the trainer is brought into requisition, and if he knows his business he will in these instances give his man stimulating and generous diet until he is enabled to undergo the necessary privations to get him into a proper state to be called upon to work to get into condi- tion. In no instance ought he to allow his man to sweat during the days on which he has taken a purgative 5 as in many instances men have been thrown back in their prepa- ration, or, as it is professionally termed, "trained off." The best test when all the superfluous flesh has been trained off by sweating, by long walks or runs, as the case may be, is taken from the faii'ness and brightness of the skin, which is a certain criterion of good health. The quickness with which perspiration is dried on rubbing with towels, sufficient leanness and hardness of the muscles, is 10 PEACTICAL TEAININa also the right test that reducing has been carried to the proper extent.

TEAININa FOE PEDESTRIANISM. Theke being so many classes of individuals who may de- rive benefit from training, each of whom have different modes of living, and whose particular line of excellences are as different from each other as light from dark, it must be patent to all that the same system carried out to the letter v/ould not have the same beneficial effect on all, the more especially in the dietary system, which, in almost every case, would require some change, as no two men have ever scarcely been found to thrive equally well on a stereotyped rule. The pedestrian alone com- prises a class by itself, which is subdivided into as many different ramifications as there are other sports and pro- fessions that require severe training ; therefore, as pedes- trianism is the groundwork of all training and all excellence in athletic games, it is the intention to give the hints req- uisite for the man who is matched to get himself sufficiently well in bodily health and bodily power to undergo his prac- tice with credit to himself and trainer, and justice to his backers. In all engagements for large amounts there is almost invariably a trainer engaged to attend to the man who is matched, who is supposed to thoroughly understand his business ; therefore these few words are not intended for the guidance of those in the said position, but for those who may wish to contend for superiority, for honor, or small profit. The same amount of work and strict regimen is not requisite for the sharp burst of a hundred yards or so, that it is imperative on the trained man to undergo if in preparation for the more arduous struggle of a mile's duration ; but, as stated before, the theory of the practice is the same. Westhall found that the more work he had taken at the commencement of his traming, after having undergone the requisite medical attention, the easier and better his fast trials were accomplished when hard work was put on one side and daily practice took place against a watch. Yet he, in pedestrian language, could race up to a hundred and sixty yards, but not finish two hundred properly—could run three hundred yards and a quarter of a mile, but yet not be equally good at three hundred and fifty. The same was found to be the case at the different distances up to a mile, which is the farthest distance he ;


Lad practiced. The first and primary aim ouglit to be the endeaTOr to prepare the body by gentle purgative medi- cines, so as to cleanse the stomach, bowels, and tissues from all extraneous matter, which might interfere with his abihty to undergo the extra exertion it is his lot to take before he is in a fit state to struggle through any arduous task with a good chance of success. The num- ber of purgatives recommended by trainers are legion, but the simpler will always be found the best. A couple of anti-bilious pills at night, and salts and senna in the morning, has answered every purpose. It is reasonable, however, to suppose that anyone who has arrived at suffi- cient years to compete in a pedestrian contest has found out the proper remedies for his particular internal com- plaints. The internal portion of the man's frame, there- fore, being in a healthy condition, the time has arrived when the athlete may commence his training in proper earnest; and if he be bulky, or of obese habit, he has no light task before him. If he has to train for a long-distance match, the preparation will be almost similar, vzhether for walking or running. The work to be done depends very much on the time of year. In the summer the man should rise at five in the morning, so that, after having taken his bath, either shower or otherwise, there will have been time for a slow walk of an hour's duration to have been taken before sitting down to breakfast—that is, if the weather be favorable; but if otherwise, a bout at the dumb-bells, or half an hour with a skipping-rope, swinging trapeze, or vaulting-bar, will be found not unfavorable as a good substitute. Many men can do without having any nour- ishment whatever before going for the morning's walk, but these are exceptions to the rule. Most men who take the hour's walk before breaking their fast feel faint and weak in their work after breakfast, at the commencement of their training, and the blame is laid on the matutinal walk when, if a new-laid egg had been beaten in a good cup of tea, and taken previous to going out, no symptom of faint- ness would have been felt, although it is expected some fatigue would be felt from the unwonted exertion. The walk should be taken at such a pace that the skin does not become moist, but have a good healthy glow on the surface, and the man be at once ready for his breakfast at seven o'clock. The breakfast should consist of a good mutton chop or cutlet, from half a pound upwards, accord- ing to appetite, with dry bread at least two days old, or 12 PEACnCAIi TRAINING. dry toast, washed down with a cup or two of good tea (about half a pint in all), with but little and if possible no milk. Some give a glass of old ale with breakfast, but it is at this time of the day too early to introduce any such stimulant. After having- rested for a sufficient time to have allowed the process of digestion to have taken place, the time will have arrived for the work to commence which is to reduce the mass of fat which at this time impedes every hurried action of the muscle and blood-vessel. This por- tion of the training requires great care and thought, for the weight of clothing and distance accomplished at speed must be commensurate with the strength of the pedestrian. At the commencement of the work a sharp walk of a couple of miles out, and a smart run home, is as much as will be advisable to risk. On the safe arrival at the tram- ing quarters, no time must be lost in getting rid of the wet clothes, when a thorough rubbing should be administered, after which he should lay between blankets, and rubbed from time to time until the skin is thoroughly dry. Most of the leading pedestrians of the day now, when they come in from their run, divest themselves of their reeking flan- nels, and jump under a cold shower-bath, on emerging from which they are thoroughly rubbed down, which at once destroys all feeling of fatigue or lassitude. In a few days the pedestrian will be able to increase his dis- tance to nearly the first few attempts at a greater pace, and with greater ease to himself. After again dress- ing, he must always be on the move, and as the feeling of fatigue passes away he will be anxiously waiting for the summons to dinner, which should come about one o'clock, and which should consist of a good plain joint of the best beef or mutton, with stale bread or toast, accompanied by a draught of good sound old ale, the quantity of which, however, must be regulated by the judgment of the trainer. It has been found of late years that extreme strictness in all cases should be put on one side, and a small portion of fresh vegetables allowed, such as fresh greens or potatoes ; and, in some instances, good light puddings have been found" necessary to be added to the bill of fare when the appetite, from severe work or other causes, has been rendered more delicate than usaal. The continued use of meat and bread, unless the man has a wonderful appetite and constitution, will once, if not more, in almost every man's trsiiniug, pall upon his palate, when the trainer should at once tfy the effect of poultry CELEBRATED SINGLE-SCULL OABSMEK, Riley. 1 Chas. E. Courtney. % V/. Ross. 3. Jas. H. 4. Ed. Tnckett. 5. Ed. HanloD. 6. E. C. Laycock, Elliott. V- Warren fcimith. 8. J. Higgms. 9. W. FEANK HABT, Second Winner of the O'Leary Champion American Belt. PRACTICAL TEATNING. 13

or game, if possible ; but, at any rate, not give the trained man an opportunity of strengthening his partial dishke to his previous fare. In cases like these, the only wrong thing is to persevere in the previous diet ; for if a man cannot tackle his food with a healthy appetite, how is it possible that he can take his proper share of work ? The quantity of ale should not exceed a pint, unless there has been a greater amount of work accomplished in the morn- ing than usual, when a small drink of old ale at noon would be far from wrong policy, and a good refresher to the imbiber. Wine in small quantities is sometimes bene- ficial, but should not be taken at all when malt liquors are the standard drink. If it is possible to do without vnne, the better. The chief thing in diet is to find out what best agrees with the man, and which in most instances will be found to be what he has been most used to previously. x4iter a thorough rest of an hour's duration, the pedes- trian should stroll about for an hour or two, and then, divesting himself of his ordinary attire', don his racing gear and shoes, and practice his distance, or, at any rate, some portion of the same, whether he is training either fOr run- ning or walking. This portion of the day's work must be reg-ulated by the judgment and advice of the trainer, who of course is the holder of the watch by which the athlete is timed, and is the only person capable of knowing how far towards success .the trained man has progressed in his preparation. It is impossible for the pedestrian to judge by his own feelings how he is performing or has performed, in consequence of, perhaps, being stiff from his work, weak from reducing, or jaded from want of rest. The trainer should encourage his man when going through his trial successfully, but stop him when making bad time, if he is assured the tried man is using the proper exertion. The rule of always stopping him when the pedestrian has all his power out, and yet the watch shows the pace is not "up to the mark," should never be broken; for the man who so struggles, however game he may be, or however well in health, takes more of the steel out of himself than days of careful nursing will restore. If stopped in time, another trial may be attempted on the following day, or, at any rate, the next but one . In a trial for a sprint race, which of coui'se must be run through to know the time, if the day is any way near at hand, suppose a week or ten days off, total rest should be taken the following day until the after- noon, when another trial should take place, when a differ- 14: PKACTICAL TEAININa. ence in favor of tlie pedestrian will in most instances be found to have been accomplished. In Westhall's experi- ence in sprint racing there has been invariably the above successful result. Of course, after the trial a good hand rubbing should be administered, and the work of the day be considered at an end. Tea-time will now have arrived, and the meal should consist of stale bread or toast and tea, as at breakfast, and, if the man has a good appetite, a new- laid egg or two may be added with advantage. In the sum- mer a gentle walk will assist to pass away the time until bed-time, which should be at an early hour. Before getting into bed another good rubbing should be administered, and the man left to his repose, which will in most cases be of the most sound and refreshing character.


Of this eight hours is an outside limit, and from six to seven will generally be found sufficient, retiring to rest not later than 11 p. m., and rising from about 6 a., m. to 7.30. A. M., according to circumstances. The bedroom window should always be kept open at top and bottom, shghtly in winter and wide in summer. Foul air generated by the human breath is never more hurtful than in a bed- room. Too much clothing should not be placed over the chest v\^hilst sleeping, as by so doing respiration is more labored, and the legs and extremities, not the trunk, require extra covering for purposes of warmth. A mattress should be always used to sleep on, never a feather bed. High pillows and bolsters are very injurious. The natural height to which the head should be raised in sleep is about the thickness of the upper portion of the arm, which con- stitutes the pillow as designed by nature.

CLOTHING. Flannel should be worn next the skin throughout the year, but beyond this no restriction is necessary when in mufti. The best attne for running is a pair of thin merino or silk drawers, reaching to the knee and confined round the waist by a broad, elastic band. For the upper part of the body a thin merino or silk Jersey is the best. No covering for the head is usually worn, but, in a race of such long duration as a seven miles walking or ten miles running contest, it is advisable to wear a cap or straw hat if the PEACTICAL TEAININa. 15

rays of tlie sun are very powerful. For running, tliin shoes made of French calf, and fitting the foot like a kid glove when laced up, are worn. The sole should be thicker than the heel, and contain four or five spikes, the lacing being continued almost down to the toe. For walking races, the heel should be thicker than the sole, and containing a few sparrow-bill nails, none being required in the toes. Chamois leather socks, just covering the toes, but not reaching above the top of the shoe, are the best adapted for running. Ordinary merino socks, but not thick and heavy like worsted ones, and worn over the chamois leather covermgs, are the best for walking, r s they prevent the dust and grit raised from the path from getting between the shoe and the foot. Except for sweating pur- poses, heavy clothing should never be worn in practice, the gait and stride being much impeded thereby. A piece of cork of an elongated, egg shape should be grasped in each hand while walking or running.

TIME AND DUEATION OF TKAINING FOR RUNNING. The foregoing are the foundation rules which constitute training, but of course they require modification according to circumstances, which must be left to the judgment of the pedestrian or the trainer, if he has that necessary aux- iliary to getting into good condition. For instance, the man has had too much sweating and forced work, in conse- quence of which he is getting weak, and, in the profes- sional term, " training off." 'This will easily be recogrdzed by the muscles getting flaccid and sunken, with patches of red appearing in different portions of the body, and the man suffering from a continual and unquenchable thirst. These well-known symptoms tell the trainer that rest must be given to the pedestrian, as well as a relaxation from the strict rule of diet. A couple of days' release from hard work will in most cases prove successful in allaying the unwelcome symptoms, and far preferable to flying to pur- "gatives for relief. The space of time which will be required by a young and healthy man will be from six weeks to a couple of months; but longer than this, if possible, would be preferable—^not that it would be really wanted to improve on the mere physical condition of the man, but to enable the pedestrian, when able, to go to any limit as regards exertion, and to —

16 PEACTICAL TBAIOTNG. have time for practice at his particular length; for, however fit a man may be as regards the proper leanness, if unprac- tised he woT:dd have no chance of success. The principal rules of training, therefore, are regularity, moderate work, and abstinence; the other adjuncts are but the necessary embellishments to the other useful rules. "When training for running a long distance—say from four to ten miles the man should most decidedly practice daily; for the shorter length going the whole distance, and for the longer vary the distance, according to the state of health on the day, as well as whether the weather be fine or otherwise. For a short race of a hundred or two hundred yards^ the pedestrian, after the body is in good health, does not re- quire very much severe work, but the distance must be ac- complished at top speed at least once daily, and about the same time of the day that the match will take place, if pos- sible. The same iiQes, with comparatively more work, will apply up to 440 yards—a quarter of a mile—after which distance more work becomes necessary.

SPEINT EUI^NING. Let the novice, some five weeks or so before the day of his race, begin his practice by a steady run, three or four times a day, of a quarter of a mile or so; so gently at first as to produce no stiffness of the muscles when the temperature produced by the exercise has subsided, and the circulation has recovered its usual condition. "When the novice has got his legs into moderate good fettle, so that they could stand a little sharp work, he might quicken up for about 50 yards in each of his quarter spins; and as he finds these spins can be accomplished without the slightest strain on any muscle, the long distances may be condensed into two a day, and two sprints of his distance at about a fifth longer time than he would take in the race. By this means the muscles get worked up by degrees to bear the necessary strain required. As he finds his muscles become hard and flexible, he should lessen the length of his spins until they are of the same length as in the race. This point will be arrived at some nine days or so before the day, and in these nine days all his energies must be devoted to practicing starts and get- ting quickly into stride. As the day approaches, let hinj obtain the services of some sprint runner to use as a trial horse; and the best way of turning his trial horse to ac- PRACTICAL TRAININa. 17 count is by making him start slowly some 10 yards in the rear, and, as he passes the noYice, who is ready at the scratch, let him quicken up into racing pace for about 50 yards. By this means the novice is encouraged to get off quickly, and a surer line can be taken as to improvement in starting than if the trial and himself started on even terms. Again, the tendency of all you^g runners to watch their ad- versary at the start is counteracted, the opponent in this way being in advance, with a straight course only left open for the novice to the goal. So' many sprinters, from stand- ing in a wrong position at the scratch, or from taking a longer stride with one leg than the other, jostle or run across their opponent in the spin, thereby either losing their own chance of success or depriving others of it. A bad begin- ning makes a bad end, and nothing is so detrimental to a sprinter as a bad start. He may get shut out, he loses his stride, or perhaps get spiked by the man who has crossed him; and when he does get into proper swing, he is too far behind to be able to make up what was lost at the begin- ning. Avoid walking long distances; they rather tend to stiffen the muscles and make them slow. Never miss your race; if you can only get one spin daily, make the most of it. Always run in form—that is to say, as you would in the race, on your toes, with an easy, springing action of the thighs. In the race keep your eyes well on the tape, and never lessen your pace when in front, or let misgivings dis- turb you when behind; your opponent may have the pace of you and not be able to stay. It is better to be a good second than nowhere. Every race you engage in will in- crease your experience and give you confidence for the next time. Good time for 100 yards ranges from 11 seconds to

10 J, according to the ground, &c. The top speed is seldom obtained until 40 yards are covered. A good sprinter Avill generally beat two others in 200 yards, each to run 100 yards with him on end. For sprinting, wind is not such a desideratum as elasticity of muscle. The shorter the dis- tance, the greater care and practice should be made in start- ing; the longer you have to sprint, the greater will be the necessity for working up the muscles. In practice, run with as slight clothing on as possible; buff is to be preferred. The action of the air on the skin keeps up a healthy flow of blood to the surface, and vnll do more towards a beneficial reduction of weight than any amount of sweatings, baths, or other appHances of the old school. 18 PRACTICAL TEAINING. QUAKTEK AND HALF MILE BUNNING.

A QUARTER of a mile is, perhaps, next to the 300 yards, the most patronized of any. Assuming our trainee to be in ro- bust health, the muscles should be gradually accustomed to the exercise by slow spins of half a mile each, two or three times a day, taking about from 3min. to 2min. 25sec., ac- cording to the individual, to do it. When the distance is accomplished with comparative ease, practice style and pace for about 300 yards to 350 y^rds to within about a week of the race, when the whole distance may be run, two or three times at top speed for 400 yards, slower the last 40. Ease up the practice in the last three days, merely working up pace for 100 yards or so. The same method of training will suit the half mile runner, with the exception of his spins be- ing longer, and more attention paid to an equal pace of go- ing. The quarter requires more speed than the half mile; consequently that point must be attended to. A steady, machine-like style of going pays best for the half mile runner.

ONE MILE KUNNING AND UPWAEDS. In practicing for a mile race and upwards, a long, steady course of slow running must be gone through to get the limbs and the wind gradually accustomed to the work. As they improve, quicken your pace, and for mile running practice half a mile or so in about 2min. 20sec., until the wind becomes good; then lengthen the daily sj^ins to three- quarters of a mile fast, and the last quarter slowly. Never do much work the last few days, but have a few fast spins of 300 yards or so, to keep the muscles in form. In longer distance training, the same steady practice must be follow- ed, with this exception, that, instead of practicing pace, rather get the condition of wind and muscle up as high as practicable, and reserve your energies for the day of the race.


The usual hurdle race distance is 120 yards, with 10 flights of hurdles 3ft. 6in. high and 10 yards apart. This gives a run of 15 yards at both ends. The quickest way of g^etting over them is by taking them in stride, or technically bucking them. If the ground is firm and level, this can be HAERY VAUGHAN, The Famous English Long-distance Walker.

JOHN HUGHES, First "Winner O'Leary International Belt. DAN'L O'LEARY. PRACTICAL TRAINING. 19

done, and three strides will take the jumper from hurdle to hurdle, the fourth taking him over. Should the ground be uneven, slippery or heavy, great care is required in bucking them. Touching the top bar will inevitably be followed by a fall or a stumble sufficient to put the jumper out of the race. In bucking, the spring is taken from one leg, and the ahght comes on the other; so that the jump, instead of being an actual interruption of the regular strides, as hap- pens when the spring and the alight come on the same leg, is merely an exaggerated stride. The advantage of buck- ing is apparent to anyone who has tried both systems un- der favorable circumstances, and who is strong enough to bear the strain which the high hurdles require. The lower the hurdles are, the greater is the superiority of bucking over jumping. To acquire the art of taking the hurdles in stride, practice over jumps about 2ft. Gin. high, at the proper distance apart, until the style is learnt.


-In sprinting, a good start is of such importance that we would suggest a careful practice in it. It is a curious fact that a novice will invariably start with one foot a yard or so behind the other, either with the body bent down low, or with the body erect, and swinging the arms as if they were the means of propulsion about to be trusted to. In the former case, he runs one yard more than his distance, in the latter he exhausts and unsteadies himself. Start with both feet within six inches of one another, the weight of the body resting on that foot which is farthest from the scratch, and the toe on the side nearest the goal, just touching the ground, and ready to take the jSrst step over the mark; the body must be kept well up, so that the first spring is taken steadily and in a straight line. As this method is the quickest for getting off the mark, it will apply to every description of pedestrianism. Before any contest, when you are stripped, take a trot to get the limbs into order and keep them warm; the muscles will be less hkely to get strained if well heated beforehand. In running with a chicken-hearted man, race at him, and, if you feel done, fancy that he feels worse. Run as straight to the goal as possible; it is the nearest way home, and therefore the quickest. The arms should be kept well up, and moved in the direction of the course, and not swung across the body. Any scrambhng in the race iy fatid to a - 'i . V (J

20 tEACTICAL TEATNING. |J/ good walker; the motion of his legs should be mechanical. In walking races, if a stitch bothers you, keep well on, and try and forget it; it will never last long if you are in good condition. In a race with heats, after a heat he down on your back, and keep the legs raised up, in. order that the blood forced into the extremities by the exercise may be as- sisted by its own gravity to return to the trunk. Rest is the best cure for a strain, and is much assisted by cold wa- ter appHcation. In a strain of the internal organs, their complexity renders repair a more difficult operation, as they do not allow of repose; recourse should therefore be had to a physician. Running on the toes on a path is to be recommended, as enabling a longer stride to be taken, and giving an easier motion to the body, and less jar at each step. In heavy ground, however, it is of little use, as the sinking of the toe in the soil interferes with the spring, and necessitates a larger surface of the foot to get a purchase for the next stride. Never in practice run with many clothes on; if the weather is cold, clothe in proportion. The action of the air on the skin increases its healthy vigor. A piece of cork is often held in each hand to grasp while running. In a long distance race, wrinsing the mouth out with warm tea with a little brandy in it, and munching a crust, will often take away any dryness of throat. Never commence fast sprinting in practice unless the muscles are thoroughly warm. Strains would seldom happen if this was attended to. Fruit fresh picked is not to be discarded. A small quantity, when ripe, wiU often give tone to the stomach and cool the blood. Of dried fruits, figs are supposed to be the most serviceable.


Walking is the most useful and at the same time most abused branch of athletic sports ; not so much from the fault of the pedestrians as from the inability or want of courage of the judge or referee to stop the man who, in his eagerness for fame or determination to gain money any- how, may trespass upon fair walking, and run. Walking is. a succession of steps, not leaps, and with one foot always on the ground. The term "fair toe and heel" was meant to infer that, as the foot of the back leg left the ground, and before the toes had been lifted, the heel of the fore- PEACTIOAIi TRAINING. 21 dnost-foot should be on the ground. Even this apparently simple rule is broken almost daily, in consequence of the pedestrian performing with a bent and loose knee, in which case the swing of his whole frame when going at any pace will invariably bring both feet off the gTound at the same time ; and although he is going heel and toe, he is not taking the required succession of steps, but is in- fringing the great and principal one, of one foot being continually on the gTOund. The same fault wiU be brought on by the pedestrian leaning forward with his body, and thereby leaning his weight on the front foot, which, when any great pace is intended, or the performer begins to be fatigued, first merges into a very short stride, and then into a most undignified trot. There is no finer sight among the long catalogue of athletic sports, more exhilarating and amusing to the true sportsman, than to see a walking- match carried out to the strict letter of the meaning, each moving with the grandest action of which the human frame is capable, at a pace which the feeble frame and mind is totally unable to comprehend, and must be witnessed to be believed. To be a good and fair walker, according to the recognized rule among the modern school, the attitude should be upright, or nearly so, with the shoulders weU back, and the arms, when in motion, held well up in a bent position, and at every stride swing with the movement of the legs, well across the chest, which should be weU thrown out. The loins should be slack, to give plenty of freedom to the hips, and the leg perfectly straight, thrown out from the hip boldly, directly in front of the body, and allowed to reach the ground with the heel being decidedly the first portion of the foot to meet it. The movement of the arms, as above directed, will keep the balance of the body, and bring the other leg from the ground, when, the same conduct being pursued, the tyro will have accomplished the principal and most difficult portion of his rudiments. This wiU in a very short time become natural to him, and the difficulty wiU be the infringement of the correct man- ner. The novice having learned how to walk, and being matched, requires training, which must be under the same rules as have been laid down previously, with the difference, however, that his sweats must be taken at his best w^alking- pace, the trot by aU means being totally barred. A con- tinued perseverance in the practice of this rule wiU enable the pedestrian to persevere, notwithstanding all the sliin- aches, stitches, and other pains attendant on the proper 22 PEACnCAIj TEAININa training for a walking-matcli, and which every man must undergo before lie can be considered worthy of being looked upon as a fast and fair walker. The tyro must not be discouraged with his first feeble and uncertain attempts if they should not come up to his crude anticipations, but bear in mind that, although the accomplished pedestrian goes through his apportioned task with great apparent ease, he has gone through the rudiments, and that nothing but great practice has enabled him to perform the apparent impossibilities which are successfully overcome almost daily. Therefore the young walker must take for his motto ** Perseverance,^' and act up to the same by contmued practice. The man training for a match should walk some portion of his distance, if weather permits, daily, in his walking-dress, which should consist of a hght elastic shirt,

short drawers, and Hght Oxford ties. . On starting, he must go off at his very best pace, and continue it for at least three hundred yards or a quarter of a mile, by which time he will have begun to blow very freely, and then, getting into a good, long, regular stride, his principal aim must be to keep his legs well in advance of his body. The rule of getting away fast in trials should be invari- ably carried out; ii prepares the man for a sharp tussle with his opponent for the lead, and will hinder him being taken off his legs in the match. When tired he can also ease his exertions ; but if he is in the habit of going off at a steady gait, in the generahty of instances he is virtu- ally defeated in a match before he has commenced racing. Moreover, he must, when undergoing distress from the pace he has been doing, never by any chance cease his resolute and ding-dong action; for distress, if once given Way to by easing, will of course leave the sufferer, but at the same time all speed has also departed, and not for a short space of time either, but sufficiently long for the gamer man, who would not succumb to the inevitable re- sult of continued severe exertion, to obtain such an ad- vantage as would be irrecoverable, as well as to conquer the aches and pains which invariably leave the well-trained pedestrian when the circulation and respiration become equalized—"second wind" it is better known by. After this happy and enviable stage of affairs has been reach- ed the work becomes mechanical, and the pedestrian from, time to time is enabled to put on spurts and dashes that would astonish himself at any other time when not up to thorough concert pitch. The recovery from —

PRACTICAL TEAINING. 23 these electrifying dashes is almost instantaneous, and the pedestrian keeps on his satisfactory career until sheer fatigue gradually diminishes his speed, although none of the previous aches and pains are present. The trainer must not forget the previously-mentioned rule of stopping the man when good time is not the result of his best and hardest exertions, as that bad time proves unerringly that something must be amiss which requires looking to thoroughly. As well might the engineer of a locomotive, on finding out that some of the internal works of his engine were out of gear, put on all his steam, and then wonder at the machinery being out of order at a future time of trial. One word more. Let the man continually bear in mind that "it is the pace that kills," and that slow walking never made a fast race or fast man ; let him practice at his best pace, which will daily improve. The commencement of fast work will most likely bring on pain of the shins, Vv hich will be sore after the exertion has been discontinued, as well as other portions of the frame being in the same pre- dicament. Hand-rubbing with a stimulating embrocation (of which the recipe is appended) before a good fire will in most instances be all that is requii^ed; but if obstinate, a hot bath wiU insure the removal of all the obstinate twitches, etc. The shoes for match-walking should be of the lightest description commensurate with strength for the distance required. They should be of sufficient width and length to give the muscles and tendons of the foot full play, without being in the shghtest degree cramped. They should be laced up the front, and care taken that the lace is sound and new. So much importance is attached to this, that stout wax-ends are now invariably in use. Some advocate the use of boots; but, although stated to be useful if there is any weakness of the ankle—a pedes- trian with weak ankles!—is there no cold water? ihe heat generated by them would certainly counterbalance the sup- posed benefit ; and there is the difference in the weight, which would teU at the finish of a long match.

HIGH JUMPING. Begin by gentle runs of about three hundred yards, with a few low jumps, say ten, about three feet high. Practice over these jumps for a few days until the stiffness of the muscles wears off, and then gradually raise them to four feet or four feet six inches. If this height cannot be cleared 24 PEACTICAIi TRATNINa.

easily, place the jumps at the most suitable height. Care must be taken to do them quickly and neatly. The run be- tween may be slow, but the jumps should always be taken with a quick spring, landing on both feet every time. If this modus operandi is paid attention to, the muscles will soon become accustomed to the sharp contraction required, and the legs will, by keeping them well together over low jumps and alighting on both feet, lose their tendency to straddle when a higher jump than usual is attempted. Some, when in practice for high jumps, strengthea their muscles by standing on one leg and lowering the body down until the hams touch the heels, and then raising themselves up gradually again. This action, however much it may be beneficial to the sinews, cannot but give them a tendency to be slow, which should be avoided as much as possible. A heavy coat, with a weight in both pockets, is of some service to those athletes stripped and ready to compete, as a great sense of lightness and elasticity is imparted to the frame on its removal. The heavy coat should never be worn except in the few minutes preceding the trial, as by constant use the good effects wear off. Always have a soft place to alight upon, as it not only eases the jar of the jump, but gives a jumper more confidence when he feels secure from the chances of a twist of the ankles on touching the ground. Hard turf, with very fine ashes rolled in until the surface is quite level, makes the best fair taking-off place both for high and broad jumping.

BEOAD JUMPINa Begin with a few jumps about twelve feet or so, taking your run for them slowly, starting about twenty yards off and quickening in the last few strides. The great object to be guarded against is taking off to far from the mark, or get- ting out of step in the run ; this can only be obviated by practicing at a certain distance until the necessary swing of the last few strides is acquired. The rim to the jump can- not be too fast; in the air the legs should be raised as in going over a high jump, and throvm as far forward on land- ing as can be done with both heels close together. No fear need be entertained of falling back on alighting if the run is sufficiently fast and the landing place level and soft; the impetus derived from the run gives the heaviest part of the jumper, the trunk, sufficient momentum to carry itself for- ward when the x^rogress of the feet and legs is arrested. SIX-DAY PEDESTBIANS. 1. J. Dobler, 2. S. Merrifct, 3. Geo. Hazael, 4. F. Khrone, 5. P. J. Panchott, 6. Wm. Dutcher, 7. Nick Murphy, 8. Norman Taylor, 9. George Guyon. W. GIBB, London, England. Vmo ran ten miles in 54min, 4:9sec., ;


The landing place should be soft to the depth of eight inches, and sufficiently binding to show the marks of the heels clearly on alighting; clay and mould mixed make the best landing ground. A soft place to jump on will prevent any jar to the knees, and will give the jumper more confi- dence. The concussion caused by landing on hard gTound may sometimes cause a serious accident.

HAMMEE THEOWING. The muscles of the loins and back are the ones principally brought into play in hammer throwing, and by their de- velopment they become extremely serviceable in assisting the spine to bear the upper portions of the body. The practice of this kind of exercise must, therefore, be bene- ficial to those whose lungs aad heart are too delicate to stand any of those sports, such as rowing, running, etc., which so particularly tax. their working powers. Commence practicing with a hammer about 71b., until the art of swinging while running is acquired ; to learn this the rnn should be taken at first only six or seven yards from the scratch; before the run swing the hammer well, like a pen- dulum, in the -direction of ttie mark two or three times, until it has acquired a good momentum, and then start, taking, at the first few attempts, one turn only in the run afterwards, as the practice becomes easier, two turns can be made, and the runs lengthened in proportion. Some athletes, however, take three or four turns, but, as a rule, two will be found sufficient. Between the turtis, run as far towards the scratch as possible, taking long, even strides to acquire a good impetus, and keeping up the centrifugal force of the hamm.er by swinging it well round low, and in a plane at right angles to the body. The arms should be kept quite straight the whole time, merely acting as if they were a prolongation of the handle. The work is done hy the muscles of the back and loins, and in deliveriug the ham- mer at the scratch the athlete should, above all things, bear in mind that he does not hft it as if lifting to leg. The " devil" must be put into the swing as the hammer de- scends in the last half of the turn, so that the force has culminated by the time the hammer is cros-ing the line j)arallelto the scratch, where it must be let go,the body at The same moment beiug thrown back to counteract the im.= p3tuo of the swing. The hammer should describe a curve at its highest point of not more than 11 or 12 feet from the 26 PEACTICAL TRAINING.

ground. AtoIcI pulling at tiie handle in the run, and in- crease the pace and swing at each successive turn. The farthest throw of thellib. hammer, 3 feet handle, on record, is 176 feet. The 221b. hammer has been thrown over 94 feet.


Balance the body on the right leg, the left side turned towards the scratch, the right foot being placed as near the seven-foot mark as possible, and the right hand balancing the weight, with the knuckles close to the shoulder; raise the weight up to the full stretch of the arm two or three times, till the muscles get into play, still keeping the weight of the body thrown on to the right leg, the left foot touch- ing the ground slightly; when the balance of the body is obtained, hop three feet towards the mark, and then spring up sharply to the scratch line, throwing tne weight away at the same moment, and bringing the right leg down^ with the toe touching the scratch hne and the right side of the body to the mark. By this means the follow of the body after the weight is prevented, and, by bringing the right leg forward at the moment of throwing, the v/hole force of the thighs are brought into play, and the muscles of the loins assist in the sudden turn of the body from left to right. The weight must be held on the lowest joints of the fingers and the palm of the hand, the wrist being kept as stiff as possible, and all tendency to throw it as a ball avoided. A heave is not so effective as a quick jump, with the muscles concentrated at the same moment. The quicker the hop and the throw are made, the further the distance put, x^ro- vided that the balance is not lost. Any delay between the first hop and the final spring is fatal. In delivering the weight, let it be put upwards—that is to say, aim to an object about fourteen feet above the spot where the weight will pitch. The further the weight has to be put, the high- er must be the elevation. No exercise is a greater proof of strength than this. Very little skill is required; and when once the way of putting is learnt, it seldom happens that a strong man gets beaten by the knack of a weaker antago- nist. The ankle is the part most likely to suft'er, from the fact of having to spring with the whole of the body, and the ad- dition of the weight. To practice, a cricket ball may be used instead of a heavy weight, and the spring made as be- PRACTICAL TRAINING-. 2? fore, with the delivery of the ball. After a little practice, a heavier weight may be tried until the one required can be put properly. The best "puts" on record are for the 221b. weight over 36 feet, and for the 161b. over 41 feet.


The present work is not intended for the guidance of pro- fessional oarsmen, or those who may row for large stakes, and who, when matched, leave their usual occupations and devote their energies to the better observance of the stricter rules of training. Such men invariably have a mentor worthy of following, and whose knowledge of right and wrong will lead them to success or otherwise, as the fates may dispose. The amateur, however, must be treated more gently and with more attention than the sturdier and hardier professional, or those who may have made the ri\er and adjuncts their capital in their struggle through the world for a subsistence. The amateur, when he has an en- gagement before him, should take into consideration the time he has allowed him to train, and the mode of pro- ceeding will depend in a great measure on the condition and previous habits of the man engaged. If a man is fleshy and of a full habit of body, a dose or two of mild purgative medicine should be taken, and slow walking ex- ercise only taken on the day the doses have been adminis- tered. After the medicine has done its duty, if the amateur is very fleshy, a Turkish bath or two may be taken wdth ad- vantage, the usual precautions agoinst cold being used. The subject, after one or two of these sweats^ is prepared for more arduous "work, which may be taken at a fair pace in the form of good sharp runs and fast walks, which, like all other trainings, "will become easier of accomplishment at each repetition. The above work, with rowing exercise, will infalhbly bring the practitioner, if continued for any time, into a proper condition to contend with confidence and success in any rowing contest. He must rise at five in the summer, and after his bath (cold), and having been well rubbed down, a good riharp walk of about a mile out and a rattling spin taken by run- ning home, when another good rub will be rendered imper- ;


ative Should tlie run not be taken, a row of a coiaple of miles at three parts Speed must be accomplished. When thoroughly cooled down, breakfast should be taken, which should consist of good wholesome meat (either broiled mutton-chops or steak, with no seasoning), stale bread or toast, and tea. When dinner can be taken at mid-day, say about one P. M., it is better, and should consist, like the breaefast, of good wholesome roast meat, with no veg- itable except a mealy potato, stale bread, and not more than a pint of really good sound ale (old, if palatable to the drinker, the best); some prefer sherry, but, although agree- ing with a few, the ale, as a rule, is more strengthening and wholesome. The row should be taken before tea, which should then be of tlie same viands and liquids as the break- fast. The above rules, of course, are open to alteration, ac- cording to cu^cumstances, and the diet varied successfully by the introduction of fowls, either roast or boiled—the latter preferred—and when there is any indication of train- ing off, a small portion of gr sen-meat, in the shape of sound cabbage or any fresh vegetable in season. The last food before retiring to rest should be either about half a-pinfc of thin gruel or a glass of ale with dry toast;. The other por- tion of the day's training must be left to circumstances but it must never be lost sight of that sharp work, regular- ity and cleanliness are the chief if not the only rules to be followed to produce thorough good condition. The use of the bath should never by any chance be missed. Nothing is more injurious to the wind, etc., than hard rowing on a full stomach, the ill effects of which, although scarcely felt at the time, have at a more remote time, in many instances, proved to be the germ of serious disorders. In rowing, the legs, loins, trunk, arms, hands, the di- gestive organs and the lungs are made to perform their regular and legitimate functions simultaneously, and the danger of building up one part of the system at the ex- pense of another thereby avoided, and to the recognition of these facts is ascribed the popularity of aquatic sports here and abroad. But it is not always convenient for large numbers of our people to indulge in this healthful pastime; the expense of owning and keeping a boat, the difficulty of reaching an acceptable place for rowing, no less than the dangers incident to inexperienned oarsmen upon the water, are drawbacks which can only be met by the sub- stitution of a machine giving all the advantages without

the disagreeable accessories ; to this end several machines PEACTICAL TRAINING. 29 have been introdtKied to public notice, but none have filled all the requirements until by careful observation of the de- fects of former attempts the Eureka Parlor Rowing Ma- chine was introduced, which gives an exact and perfect imitation of rowing. It teaches to feather tbe oar cor- rectly, it gives the dip of the oar, it has the shding seat, it can be regulated for heavy or hght, short or long stroke, and is manufactured for either open or cross-handed row- ing, and the pressure can be changed to suit the weak or the strong.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT TRAINING FOR ROWING. Eor the further information of those who cannot have too much of a good thing as to the preparation for rowing a race, we subjoin the latest ideas of modern authorities upon the subject.

JOSH WARD'S SYSTEM OF TRAINING. The following rules, from the pen of Josh Ward, ex- champion sculler and captain of the W&rd crew, which among their other achievements won the International four-oared race at Saratoga in 1871, will be first-class au-

thority : First, be sure that the men are in perfect health, so that they will be able to stand the work, which they are about to commence. A mild medicine is usually required to cleanse the blood, as, unless the blood is in good order, and in very many cases it is in any other condition than a good one, the food taken will not digest well. Upon getting up in the morning take a sponge bath, dry wellwith a coarse towel, after which walk about two miles before breakfast. Breakfast should consist of a good tender porterhouse steak, broiled rare, and thoroughly masticated before swallowing. As a drink, a cup of black tea. Drink no more than absolutely necessary either at meals or any other time. After breakfast, eaten slowly, no exercise should be taken for about an hour; lat the expiration of which time, the crew can get in the boat and row the same distauce ex- pected to be rowed in the race, and at a good pace. After returning from the row, a rub down and then a 30 - PEACTICAL TRAINING. moderate walk, tintil shortly before dinnertime. Dinner should consist of roast beef or broiled chicken, with soft boiled eggs, etc. If any drink is taken, tea or water, in moderate quan- tity, should be used. After dinner no exercise for about two hours, when the crew take the afternoon pull, which should be over about the same distance and at the same pace as that of the morning. After coming ashore, rub down as in the morning, with a coarse towel, and then take a moderate walk, returning home about an hour before supper, which, when eaten at all, should be a light one, composed of a little broiled meat, v/ith a piece of dry toast and a cup of tea. Two meals, at the least, should alv/ays be taken; and where only two are taken, they should, in all cases, be what is known as breakfast and dinner, as both these meals, or rather either of them, are more essential to the man in training than su|)per, particularly if he, as I would advise him to do, rises with the sun and retires at about nine o'clock, or half-past, in the evening. After a night's sleep, and after having left the bed at five in the morniiig and walked or ran two, three or. four miles, as well as taking a bath, the system is generallv quite importunate for sustenance by seven o'clock or half- past. This is not always the case, however, in regard to sup- per; as, after having eaten a hearty dinner, at 1 o'clock, without any other exercise thereafter than the afternoon row, a man with very little practice can accustom himself to doing without more food until the following morning, if he retire at about nine o'clock. • Up with the sun in the morning and pursue the regular plan of bath, walk, etc., unless stormy, in which case exer- cise indoors should be substituted for the walko The dumbells and clubs are proper implements to use for this purpose, and every man in training, whether ama- teur or piofessional, should have one or other, or both. The man in training should always have plenty of ex- ercise given him at regular and proper intervals. By plenty of exercise I mean just enough, neither too much nor too little; and to be able to tell just when a man has just enough belongs only to those who 'have had an ex- tensive experience in preparing men for aquatic or other contests. His habits must, of necessity, be very regular, otherwise CELEBRATED FEIMALE PEDESTRIANS.

1. Cora Cushing. 2. Mary Marshall. 3. ExildaLaCha- pelle. 4. Fanny Edwards. 5. Berth f. Von Berg. 6. Fanny Rich. 7. Bella Kilbury. 8. Madame Tobias. 9. M?.dainc Franklin. MADAME ANDERSON, the great 2,700 Quarter-mile Walker. PRACTICAL TEAINING. 31 the course which he is pursuing will result in very little good- In regard to the oars which myself and brothers—the "Ward crew—generally use, they are sweeps, about twelve feet long and five inches wide. A boat for our crew of four would be forty-six feet long and twenty inches wide. In puUing we use the legs, and in a four cr six-oared boat pull forty and forty-two strokes per minute. In pulling a pair of sculls, I pull about thirty-eight strokes to the min- ute, and u^e the legs. We used spoon oars, and our boats were constructed with the stroke on the starboard side. In sculling, I have always pulled open-handed, but I think cross-handed is the better style. To make a successful rower great practice will be re- quired, a,lthough in this, as in everything else, some learn much more rapidly than others.

Benjamin F. Brady, ex-president of the Amateur Row- ing Association, furnishes the subjoined: Coxswains are carried in the gigs and barges only; all the shells being constructed to dispense with them, and it is safe to predict that they will soon come to be a thing of the past in all American shell races. Whether with or without a coxswain is the more practical or scientific, de- pends, in a great measure, upon the nature of the course pulled, and the efficiency of the bow oar; but an ex- perienced crew can well get along without one. While the fact has been several times proven that a good coxswain has been the means of winning a race with an acknowl- edged inferior crew.

COXSWAIN'S ORDERS - Among the Clubs of the Association, are given as follows: 1st. " Oars."—The crew raising their oars to an angle of forty-five degrees and then placing them in the thole pins. 2d. "Out."—The crew running their oars out to the proper distance for rowing, the blade being' parallel with the gunwale of the boat. 3d. 'Give-way."—At the word "Grive" thromng the handle of the oar forward well over the toes, the blade being at a proper angle to strike the water; and at the word "Way" dipping the oar in the commencement of the pull. 4th. "Weigh."—To stop rowing. ) »


5th. " Weigh-starboard,' To turn risflit or left. " Weigh-port.'

6tli. *' Easy-all."—To slacken speed. 7th. *'Oars-apeali."—To salute when at rest. The oars to be raised perpendicular^, the handles resting on the floor, and the blades running fore and aft. 8th. " Weigh-across,

"Apeak." j To salute when under headway. Running the oars across both gunwales. 9th. "Let-fall."—To regain former position. At the word ''Let," raising the oar about four inches, and at tbe word " Fail," throwing it into' the thole-pins, the blade " first " touching the water. 10th. "Across-ship."—To get the oars in the boat. At the word "Ship," raising the oar at a distance to clear the heads of the crew, and dropping it lightly in the centre of the boat. 11th. " Traii-oars."—In passing through bridges, cul- Terts, etc., unshipping the oar and trailing it at the side of the boat. 12th. "Recover-oars."—To regain former position. The number of strokes pulled by the association crews it would be impossible to designate, with any degree of ac- curacy, as all rowers haye their own peculiar styles; and in many cases a man, or a crew, may start at the ra^te of thirty-six to the minute and increase to forty, and finish at, or near, thirty-two. In practicing a crew, a " puU^" and "tire out," is certainly detrimental to proper train- ing, as a crew should "never" be over-worked The mode of dipping the oar among" the association crews is, as a general rule, to immerse about one-half the blade; row with the back straight, elbows well at the sides.

STEPHEN ROBERTS^ SYSTEM. In training a crew for a race, the habits and mode of living of a man are to be consulted more than any set of rules. If he is used to eating meat well cooked, it will not do to give him meat cooked rare^ as this is apt to produce a looseness in his bowels. A man must eat according to the state of his system, and if he trains hard, eats meat, and is troubled with loose bowels, he should train light and live on toast, bread, and coffee or tea, for a few days, with puddings, or bread and milk; and if he is used to PEACTCICAIi TRAINING. 33 drinking, good fresh ale will not hurt him, bnt no Hquor stronger than porter or ale should be used. On the other hand, if costiveness is present, no longer than forty-eight hours should be permitted to elapse without a motion, and this should be brought about, if possible, by making use of the suitable food and drink; such, for instance, as the veal steaks cooked rare, with cider or water as a drink. The main thing, in training a man or crew, is to give him or them plenty of the same kind of work performed in the race. Be careful, however, not to put on too lauch at first. If a mile race is to be pulled, twenty days' training will be required. - The first day, row, say one mile; the second and third day, about the same, or a little more, not too hard. After this, increase the distance half a mile every day, until five miles are gone over at each row. Then, if there are no blisters on the hands, row the whole distance at racing pace. Every other day, row eight or ten miles, up to within twenty-four hours of the race. Less rowing than this should not be taken; more will not hurt. Clerks, bookkeepers, etc., generally require two weeks more of training than men who have been always used to heavy lifting; but, when a man once does get into good training, his race becomes an easy matter for him.

THE HAKYAED SYSTEM. Broiled steak or chops, potatoes in almost any style, without grease, bread nearly fresh, tea if desired, water, or milk if preferred, oatmeal porridge or gruel, and eggs poached or boiled—not very hard—render the breakfast of a Harvard student in training palatable and even at- tractive. The best roast beef or mutton procurable, potatoes, bread, cracked wheat, rice, oatmeal gruel, and the various vegetables in the market, often, if not regularly, make the dinner inviting; and a piece of salmon or a dish of poultry or game is an occasional visitor, aiding to vary yet more the programme. Tapioco, farina and other vegetable pud- dings make an admirable substitute for heavy puddings as a desert. Milk, water, and tea again, and also butter and salt, in reasonable quantities, are permitted. Bread and milk, or tea, butter, oatmeal gruel, dry toast and crackers, are the chief and often only articles taken at supper. 34 PRACTICAL TRAINING.

About a half hour's careful rowing at a tolerable pace, with au occasional stop or "easy," for instruction and rest, in the morning. In the afternoon, an hoar's rowing, with not more than two or three rests, will complete the day's water work. The rate of speed in the afternoon should go up from thirty-five strokes a minute when commencing training to racing gait during the last two weeks, and pulling over the proposed course once " on time " will be plenty of work for ttiis last period. A three or four mile walk, at a four-mile gait, starting an hour after breakfast, will not, unless in extremely hot weather, prove too much for a vigorous young man with ordinarily good legs. The speed of this walk should be reached gradually, and after, perhaps, if a man in the start is much out of condition, say two weeks slower going. A thorough rubbing of the entire body, until the skin is absolutely red, should "immediately" follow each row, and then a dry suit should be donned. Flannel is the best material for it. Eight hours should seem a good medium for sleep. If a man feels all right with a less amount than this, he should reg-ulate his own hours; but if he is nervous and excitable, he should have more. Pie should never lie abed awake in the morning, but spring up ab once, and take his sponge bath, or in warm weather, if convenient, a plunge into cold water.

HAEEY CLASPER'S SYSTEM. Rise between 6 and 7 a. m., walk four or five miles. Breakfast at 8 a. m.—Chop or couple of eggs, bread, tea, Eesb for half an hour, and then a brisk walk or run. If morning exercise has not been heavy, a row, terminating about 11 A. M. Dinner at 12 m.—Beef or mutton, broiled; egg-pudding, with currants in it if desired, or other light farinaceous pudding; old ale, one glass; wine, one glass, (port); or ale, two glasses, without wine. Rest for an hour, and then on the river again for a hard row. "Rowing ex- ercise should be taken twice every day." Tea, with toasted bread sparingly buttered, with one egg only—more has a tendency to choke the system. Supper, not recommended. When taken, to consist of new milk and bread, or gruel, with raisins and curratits a d a glass of port wine in it. Bed about 10 p. m. Summary: sleep, between eight and PRACTICAL TEAINING. 35

nine hours; exercise, walking and rowing about four or five hours; diet, limited.

CHAELES WESTHALL'S SYSTEM. Rise at 6 A. M. or earlier in the summer; cold bath and rub down; sharp walk about a mile out, and run home; or a row of a couple of miles at three-parts speed; a diy rub down. Breakfast at 8 a. m. —Mutton chop or steak, broiled; stale bread or toast, ten, half a pint. Dinner at 2 p. m. — Meat as at breakfast Vv iih a mealy potato, stale bread, old ale, one pint Rowing. If dinner be late, luncheon to be taken, to consist of btef or mutton, hot or cold; bread, old ale, one glass. If dinner be early, "tea with viands and hquids as at breakfast " to be taken. Supper—B alf a pint of thin gruel, or dry toast and a glass of old ale. That the above rules are of course open to alteration according to circumstances, and the diet varied successfully by the in- troduction of fowls, either roast or boiled —the latter pre- ferred; and it must never be lost sight of that sharp work, regularity and cleanliness are the chief if not the oDly rules to be followed to produce thorough good condition. Summary: sleep, about eight hours; exercise, four or five hours; diet, limited.


Rise at 8 a. m. According to season and weather, cold bath. Exercise, 8.30 to 9 a. m. —Let all take a gentle run or smart walk. In most instances a smart run of three miles will be about the besfc distance. Breakfast; 9 to 9.30 a. m. —Oatmeal porridge, with beef or mutton broiled, and bread; tea or coffee, or old ale, one pint. Tea is preferred to coffee. Cocoa is too greasy. Exercise, 9.30 to 11.30 a. m.—BilHards, skitfcieSj quoits, or other light exercise. 11.30 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. —Rowing. 1.30 to about 2.30 p. m.—Running, rubbed dry and linen changed. Dinner, 2.30 to 3 or 3.30 p. m. —Beef (roast) or mutton, (boiled mutton occasionally), roast fowl, partridges, or pheasants (allowed), or venison (nothing better); bread, puddings occasionally, made of bread, eggs, and milk, and served with preserved fruits. Vegetables—Potatoes (one or two only), cauliflowers and brocoli (only as an occasional change). Old ale, from a pint to a pint and a 36 PRACTICAL TRAINING. half; wine, a glass or two, port or sherry. After dinner, until 5 or 6 p. M., a gentle stroll. Eowing 6 to 7 p. m. Supper, 8 p. m. —Oatmeal porridge, with dry toast, or chop, with glass of port. Bed at 9 or 10 p. m.

Sumviary : sleep, ten or eleven hours; exercise, say four hours (exclusive of billiards, etc.); diet, varied.

WINGATE'S SYSTEM FOE A MONTH^S TEAINING. Eise at about 7 a.m. (Glass of cold water recommend- ed). The crew meet at 7 a. m., walk and run for four or five miles; or, in later practice, quick run of two miles. Wash and dress. Breakfast, 9 a. m.—^Meat (broiled), bread (brown) and butter, tea, two caps. Cocoa made of the nibs boiled for four hours is better thon tea for breakfast. Luncheon at 1 p. m.—Beef sandwich, with half a pint of old ale, or biscuit and glass of sherry, or ^gg in sherry. At 2.30 p. M. row about four or five miles. This altogether depends on the state of the crew. Dinner at 6 P.M.—^Wash in tepid water. Meat (roast, broiled or boiled). Vegetables—"The green foods per- missable contain in their list spinach—the very best of all; sea-kale, asparagus, but without melted butter; turnip- tops, young unhearted greens, but not sohd cabbages; brocoli, carrots, parsnips, and cooked celery. Turnips are also favored, and peas condemned, also cucumbers, and all salad mixtures. But boiled beet-root is good, and Jerusa- lem artichokes; and French beans si and next to spinach in virtue." "Any kind of wholesome meat thoroughly cooked." The course is varied daily, so that no two days together shall see the same articles on tiie table. "Light puddings may be eaten." Old ale, one pint. "Wine, two glasses of old port or sherry, or three of claret. Biscuits and dried fruits, as cherries, figs, etc., allowed. "All fresh fruits are avoided. Plain jellies are innocuous. As much spring water as they have a mind to." Supper, 9 p. m.—Oatmeal gruel, if desired. Bed at 10 p. m. Summary: sleep, eight or nine hours; exercise, about three hours; diet, varied. TEAINING FOE LONG-DISTANCE GO-AS-YOU- PLEASE CONTESTS. About the first recognized legitimate contest of this kind was originated by Sir John Astley, a Crimean veteran and general athlete, giving a valuable gold and silver belt, open 1. J. M. Ward, Pitcher. 2. Ed. N. Wmiamson, 3d Base. 3. Fred. Dunlap, 2d Base. 4. Jas. O'Eourke, Right-field. 6. Geo. Wright, Short-stop. 6. P. A. Hines, Centre-field. ,7. Joe Start, 1st Base. 8. Chas. N. Snyder, Catcher. 9. Joseph Hornung, Left-field. LLEWELLYN H. JOHNSON, The Distin^ished Amateur American Champion Bicyclist. PRACTICAL TRAINING. 37

to the world, to tlie one wlio should cover the greatest dis- tance, in whatever way he chose, unassisted, on his legs,

for a period of six days . Long distance feats were not in themselves new, by any means, Capfc. Barclay, Foster Powell, George Wilson, and others in auld lang syne figured conspicuously in England and Scotland, their jour- neys being traveled out of doors, on the roads, similar to the long walks of Weston, Sergeant Bates, Wm. Gale, and others. The athletic mania, which had lain dormant for so many years, was suddenly revived in this country, and spread like an epidemic far and wide, bringing with it a healthy reaction. The saloons and viler resorts began to lose caste for the running and walking match. Street cars and stages, and elevated railways complained of lack of patronage on fine days, as old and young, rich and poor, fell into the walking rage, and amateur spurts from home to place of business and mce versa became visible on every few blocks. Even the working girls caught the health im- parting habit, and stepped out as jauntily and with as much snap as your La Chappelle or Eannie Edwards. Dailies, weeklies and monthlies saw increased interest and patronage by devoting space to athletics, while Beecher, Talmage, Moody, and other lesser lights mixed athletics up with their dogmas, until at the present time it is the fashion, and with us style is everything. True, druggists, doctors and undertakers found their business falling off, but we are candid enough to admit feeling pleased at this state of things, as, from being looked upon as a nation of tobacco-chewing, nervous, dried-up; money worshipers, experience has proved that Americans now, instead of fol- lowing, take the lead in everything worth speaking about. It is not every boy or man who will malce a Rowell, an O'Leary, a Blower Brown, a Frank Hart, or whoever hap- pens to be the head of the class when this meets the reader's eye—neither must a yoking lady expect to becopae a Mad-. ame Anderson, a May Marshall, or a Yon Berg. Both sexes can, if they have the will, in time, accomplish what now seems an utter impossibihty . Does any one suppose that Daniel O'Leary walked his square heel- and-toe contests, Madame Anderson her great accomplish- ments. Captain Webb his swimming across the English Channel, Ed. Hanlan conquering all the world as an oars- man, by saying "I can't," and making no further effort? To become adept at anything, perseverance is the keystone, as "Little by little great oaks from small acorns grow," and 38 PRACTICAL TRAINING.

constant dripping even wears stones away, so that " if at first yon dont't succeed, try, try, try again/' If necessary, commence by walking only a block at a time, Madame An- derson used to tell her lady admirers, increasing to two, four, eight, and so on, doubling and doubling until it will be found as easy to go miles as it was before the length of a single row of houses. Youth is the best time for practice, and the smallest, sicMiest looking boy or girl will, with one or two companions, manage to cover an amount of ground that would make ordinary grown-up i3eople very much inclined to doubt, and very loth to attempt. The youth has ambition in this direction, not having yet got into politics, money worshiping or being addicted to chew- ing, smoking, drinking, etc., which to many men are con- sidered absolutely necessary. A party of boys with jackets on their arms will walk and run eight or ten miles, on a Fourth of July day, cutting up, prattling away, whistling or singing, with no other refreshment than a little water or fruit. They fix upon a certain place to go lo, may be an orchard, or to hunt bird's nests, or to a place to swim, row or fish, and get there, whereas a man or party of men, un- less conveyed straight to the spot, would probably con- sume half a dozen lagers at least, and smoke as many bad cigars, pipesfull of strong tobacco, or chew a paper of so- called solace. "We have tried both, and found out we could travel twice the distance on a few oranges or a mouthful or two of spring water, a biscuit or sandwich, than all the lager or tobacco taken in our life. Presuming the individual to be in good health, the walks, trots, or runs must be gradual at first, and increased daily, not exactly in the order laid down in previous chapters, for the six-day business is more a trial of endurance than speed. It is not necessary to measure the distance be- tween meals, but keep on the go until pretty well tired, rest at intervals, then buckle to again. The "Rowelltrot" won him the belt and drew a $50,000 gate, his share the first time he came to New York, after all expenses being over $20,000. It has been proved beyond all argument that trotting or running beats walking, and when once acquired the dog trot will come as easy to a man (if not easier) as a fast walking gait. In practicing long-distance running, stylo is nothing—wind and freshness everything—let your arms, therefore, swiiig easy which ever way comes most natural, as the legs are the motors for this kind of work. Neither attempt long or short strides, no matter what your PRACTICAL TRAINING. 39 gait, clnmsY or otherwise, for it is tlie distance to be got over t'jat will lan':l;^rou a winner, not your sliape or traveling " on your pretby," however people may criticise . An old car- horse will keep up the fame jog-trot nearly all day apparently undistres:ed, while a terrible three-inile disli at full speed wi'l perhaps use the f ;st horse up. It was not natural for tlie car-iiors3 to go that gat at first, hut he was broke to it, and men are pretty much like horsas in this respect, except that they can eadui*3 more in tiie long run. You will doubt- less have '• bellows to inend," stitches in your side, etc., but stick it out and they will not come again probably twice the same day. A short stick, easy-fitting clothes, light head cover, well-season d and easy fitting laceel-up shoes, seem-

IcK -', v7oolen stockings, and a cheerful companion are a'l ne- cecsary If troubled with sore feet tlie ped strian should fol- low Dr. Parks' advice to the British Army, viz. : Before setting out dip the feet for a minute or two in very hot water, wipe them quite dry, and then rub them with soap (soft £oap is best) liU there is a good lather; then put on the stockings. If, nctwit cstinding, they are yet foot-sore, at the end of the d y wire the feet w tli a damp cloth, and rab them with a mixture of taUow and spirits of wine. Be- sides this, fjreat attention should be paid to the stockings, which should be cons' acltly washed. Worsted and mermo stockings are. preferable to cotton ones. If thirsty, Oie or two oranges will quench that, and be most agreeable to the stomach, as well as being of more benefit than anything else. When in-doors, light dumb- bells and the f kipping-rope may be used vigorously to im- prove the wind, but nothing heavy or too violent, as in this branch of athletics the musc'es to be controlled are those of the le£:S instead of the arms; chanoe of fla nels, socks, shoes, a salt water sponge-bath, rub down; then ap ily a little bay rnm, month rinsed out, and a plea:^ant chat with a friend will mgke you feel like a new man, and after meals, before aliudid tc>, ready and willing to ticide hard work ag.iin. If the pedestrian's appetite fcUs off, whether from nervous'- ess, sleej)iessness or v/hatever causes, a prepara- tion of iron and gentian may be taken, say a teaspoonful about tan minutes before easting, until his natural appetite returns, when it should be discontinued. 11, on the other hr»,nd, the iiod taken does not digest readily, and symjD- toms of dyspej)sia follow eating, then a tab;es;aornfLil of wine of pep5-in a quarter of an hour after meals wiU soon briijg that trouble over, discontinuing when it does. When .

40 PBACTICAL TEAINING. sickness at tlie stomach succeeds, a tablespoonful of pre- pared lime water, taken in a little milk, when the feeling comes on, acts like a charm. "When the bowels are lax, thickened flour and milk are r ood. If costive, rhubarb pre- serves, or prune tea, or a mild injection of soap- and warm water wiU be found to answer every purpose Some enterprising Knight of St Crispin, with a view to increase their trade by working on the feelings of pedes- trians and others, introduced the old-fashi rned piece of steel under the instep, between the welt and the sole, and designated them spring walking-shoes, for which there used to be quite a demand. Experience, however, has proved that the only spring likely to lead ta ihe winning-post is what nature gave, and that all artificial appendages sue more likely to do harm than good. The shoe best adapted for a walker of from one to ten miles is alow-cut shoe, laced nearly to the toe, with low heel, broad instep and plenty of room for the toes, and light as possible and of the best seasoned leather. Ordinary shoemakers cm no m re make professional running or walking shoes than an ordi- dinary blacksmith can turn out a razor or set of chicken- gaffs, and, therefore, the business should be entrusted to those who make a specialty of it. The most successful and tractable of modern pedestrians, Charles Rowell, has made more money in his t vo six-days' ccntests in New York than he would have in fifty years at a trade or in his own country. Here we are t^arried away with almost any thing of an international 1 character, both press and public. When RoweU made his 500 miles ia the first visit and 524 on his second, it was generally conceded that he performed the distance on the square, and hence the patronage bestowed. Other six-day contests have been g>en with nearly 40 more miles tacked on to the winner ahead of Eowell's time by the black-board, but the receipts were as quarters to dollars in comparison. There appears to be a weakness for figures not altogether warranted by the finan- cial results at tlie end of the week. To all, therefore, who compete in long distances for love or money, do not worry about the score, but keep ahead all the time. A gain of ten miles on the first day, wlien hon- estly made, and with the intention of staying on the track through the competition, wiU le pr( tty sure to find theleader far enough ahead to carry off the lion's share, for, as the vet- eran Jack Goulding's logic proves, if there is a dollar at the end of every mile it is surprising how many miles a man PRACTICAL TRAINING. 41 will go. The practice of the crack flyers competing on the first day, with no idea of going the week more by pre- concert, may suit the betting ring and the book-makers, but it has hurt the business more than can ever be patched up again by the most adroit, self-interested parties. In addition to Rowell, Brown, Hazacl and others have been brought out, but they either weot wrong or could not be managed by their trainers. Self-reliance is very well, but an ungovernable temper or dissipated habits are sure to be left behind when opposed to tractability and abstemiousness. The Enghsh peds used to say there were lots of better men than Bowell over there, but John Astley knew he was unap- proachable and as honest as they make them, and, whether the best or no !", he carrie d off the belt against all competitors. The advantage of an inteUigent, capable trainer cannot be over-estimated, and one who can satisfy his protege of his su- periority in his business, as well as a man of nei ve, is what is required. When Dan Donnelly, the champion j.ugihit of Ireland, was trained by Capt. Kelly for his fight with George Cooper, he was in magnificent condition, bub when he met Tom Oliver, having had men to look after him whom he considered only his equal or perhaps inferior, he was in no condition at all. We are of the opinion that John Ennis but for James Cusick would never have got second place to Kowell, or Nick Murphy, Steve Brodie, Hart, Panchot, etc., made the time they did but for men of superior quah- fication. It will be interesting to the young athletes to know the length of time taken for rest by the six-clay men, and there- fore supply this information so as to be easy of reference. We allucle to the contest from April 5th to 10th, 1880, inclusive: Hart, 23 hours 2 minutes 59 seccnds; Pegram,31 hours 30 minutes 53 seconds; Howard, 30 hours, 50 min- utes 39 seconds; Dob^er, 22 hours 37 minutes 12 seconds; Allen, 34 hours 24 minutes 49 seconds; Krohne, 27 hours 18 minutes 15 seconds; Williams, 28 hours 52 minutes 33 seconds, and Hanwaker, 27 hours 58 mi:uit' s 21 seconds. Hart's actual time on the courze was 118 hours 20 minutes acdl second, and Lis average walk in that time was at the rate of 4 7-10 miles per hour. Rowell's regular food when on a six-days march is beef- steak, chops, bread, vegetables, lea and coffee; occasionally he takes a little pudding and cheese. Guyon feeds en beef tea, chops, potatoes, toast, tea and coffee, but no stimulants. Weston, beef tea, custard, lime water and tea, beefs.eak 42 PEACTICAL TEAINING. and no stimulants. Ennis, oatmeal, beef tea, rare beef and oj^sters. Hazael, chops, s!:erJ:s, craclrers, to3.st and lemon soda. Merritt feeds on jeries, fruits, beef, mutton and vege-

lables, with tea and coffee . Hart eats chops, chopped eggs, toast, corn bread, tea and coffee.

TRAINING FOE BASEBALL. It is v/ell known that an athlete desirous of excelling in any special F.port cr game must be trained only to the ex- tent to suit the requirements of the sport he desires to become an expert in. To train young men in a gymnasium alike for rowing, running or for field work in baseball, cricket or lacrosse, putting them through the same routine of exercises, is simply to unnecessarily overwork tliem for ono particular sport, and to give them insuilicient exircise for another. Of course, to a certain extant, rdl kinds of gymnastic exercises, if moderaLely engaged in, tend to develop a healthful physique, if gone through with under the rules of an intelligent system; but the indiscriminate way in which baseball players- enter a gjonnasium and go through with what they call their training is ofttimes worse then useless work in prej)aring them to sustain the fatigue incident to their game. What is necessary for a baseball player in gymnastic exercise is to take only that exercise which makes him agile and quick of movement, and which trains the eye to judge the ball, or the arms and chest to wield the bat, or the legs to run the bases. Lift- ing heavy weights or exercise which is calculated to de- velop strength for such purposes is useless. Swinging clubs, if carried to excess; jumping is unnecessary; work on the parallel bars, the trapeze, etc., is needless. In fact, a ball player can find far better training for quick move- ments, gaining keen sightedness and endurance in a hand- bail or racket court than is possible iu a gymnasium. Ex- ercise in short-distance ruuDing is good, and all exercises which tend to strengthen the muscles of the ankles—such as skating', f r instance—help to train a ball player. But what is particularly required in the Sj'stem of training for professional ball players is that very activity which hand- ball yields. This game strengthens the hands, trains the sight, and especially gives a player endurance in the very fatigue he has to undergo on the ballfield. A skillfal hand- ball player, when he becomes accustomed to baseball field work, will always excel in picking up hard-hit groimd balls. ii. E. MEYEKS, The Bcnownecl American Runner. WELCOMING O'BALDWIN TO NEW YORK. The Irish Giant, Joe Coburu, Ed. James, J. C. Heenan v.. PEACTICAL TRAINING. 43 ADVICE TO BUSINESS MEN AND OTHERS. The majority of our readers are doubtless young men having in view perfecting their frames for some muscular feat, and the buli of this work was written principally for their benefit. There is still another and larger class for whom no author seems to have troubled his head about. "We allude to those compelled by circumstances ta suend their time in sedent::ry occupatiocs, and are not likely to get time or means to pui'sue a regular course of training. It would be simply ridiculous to advise a letter-carrier to take exercise after going his rounds of forty or fifty miles a d'.iy, as physicians sometimes do without being aware of the calling cf their patienb, or to suofgest fasting forty days and nights for djspc-p-ia because Dr. Tnnner did it, giving no impossibilities or absurditieSj but such as we are willing to practice and carry out. Asa general thiog, to keep down fiesh, if inclined to corpulency, avoid sugar, salmon, eels, herrings, pork, pota^.oes, beer, bread, butter, milk, cham- pagne, port and anything calculated to create bile. It would be well to dispense with fat meats, eggs, pastry, new bread, cheese and whatever else may produce nauseau or indigestion after eating. Befijra making your morning toilet, a spono-e saturated in tepid salt water should be applied to all parts of the body, and then rubbed dry with a Turkish towel. If too much of a shock to the system, apply a flesh-brush or the palm of your hands vigorously to the skin, after which the sponge bath, and when dry the brush or hand, as before. When the shower-bath is used, and a person fecl^ exhila- rated from its effects, it is better than the sponge ba li ; but when it produces a shiver or weakness, it shoukl be discon- tinued until strong enough to indulge in this great summer luxury. The mere fact that millions of human beings are strong and healthy upon a purely vegetable diet should of itself suggest that, althorgh animal food, as more concentrated, and yieldiug more force with less expenditure in its diges- tion, is superior to vegetable food, yet there is excellent nutri- ment to be extracted from vegetables. The anatcmical in- dications of man, being omnivorous, should also point in the same direction, and the need of vegetable acids, no less than the advantages of vaiiety, at once disclose the error of banishing vegetable food. The chief mistake lies in the cookie g. The water in which green vegetables are cojked is poisonous. There is not one house in fifty 44 PEACTICAL TBAINING.^

-where the vegetables are not cooked in small vessels, con- taining very little water, wbich is never changed, and where the greens are sent to table with the water properly squeezed from them. Let any person unable to eat broc- coli, or greens cooked in a quart of water, try the effect of ha^iiig them cooked in a gallon of water, or of having the quart changed three or four times during the process, and he will soon discover the difference. If potatoes are "watery," it is because they are ill-cooked. No Irishwoman serves up watery potatoes. Yeai and pork are rigidly excluded by the trainer, which some will hear it with amazement, and will ask how it was that th-j ancients gave the athletes nothing but pork. Would the old hen be thought nutritious, and the chicken injurious? Would the sheep be tender,, and the lamb tough? And why is the calf to be blooded, and the ox not ? Yet, so long as this practice continues, no one should indulge in veal, unless his digestion be vigorous. Fried dishes, rich gravies and pastry should also be avoided, be- cause of their tendancy to develop fatty acids in the

stomach. Some cannot endure fat ; others cannot get on

without it. Some cannot touch mutton ; others are made ill by eggs. Let each find out his own idiosyncracy. The only thing the trainer teaches us is to take abundant exer- cise in the open air, and to be simple and moderate in onr diet, with regularity in hours. If neither time nor strength permits our abundant exercise, and if our avocations pre- vent regularity, what remains but moderation in diet ?

The effects of exercise are two-fold : on the one hand a stimulus is given to the action of the heart and longs, which enables the blood to be more thoroughly oxygenated

and more rapidly circulated ; on the other hand, there is an expenditure force, accompanying the increased activity of the organic changes. Exercise strengthens the parts ex- ercised, because it increases the nutrition of those parts. When any organ is inactive, the circulation in it becomes less and less, the smaller ramifications of its network of blood vessels are empty or but half filled, the streams grad- ually run in fewer channels, and the organ, ceasing to be thoroughly nourished, wastes away. When the organ is

active all its vessels are filled ; all the vital changes, on which depend its growth and power, proceed rapidly. The force expended is renewed, unless the expenditure has been excessive, in which case there is a disturbance of the mechanism, and depression or disease results. But unless PKACTICAL TRAINING. 45 tliere lias been excess, we see that the great advantage of exercise consists in keepiDg np a dne equalization of the circulation, an equable clislributicn of nutrition to the va- rious organs. Perfect health means the equablt3 activity of all the functions ; not the vigor of the muscular system alone, nor of the nervous system alone ; not the activity of this gland or that, but the equable vi^or of all. Ee- member that when life makes great demands upon the muscular energy, the demands upon the brain must be less ; and when the demands upon the brain are energetic, there is less force disposable for muscles and glands. The advantage of exercise to a student or any other brain-worker, as that it lessens the over-stimulus of his brain, distributes the blood more equably, colling to his muscles some of those streams which would impetu- ously be rushing through his brain. And understanding

what this advantage is, he should be careful t.:) avail him-

self of it ; but he should be careful to remember at the same time that within certain limits all the force with drawn by his muscles is withdrawn from the brain or some other organ. He must not burn the candle at both ends. It is certain that sedentary men, and men of hard-worked intellects, are greatly in need of some means of distributing

the circulation through the muscles . Exercise is the means. When the avocations are such as to render coLtinuous ex- ercise in the open air difficult or impossible, we should seek to compensate for this by variety of gentle activities d'stributed throughout the day. No error is more com- mon than that of supposing open-air exercise to be indis-

pensable to health : we may have no time for walking, rowing, riding or any of the ordinary modes of out-door activity, yet—as the excellent health and strength of domes- tic servants, who scarcely ever stir out, will show—the mere activity of the body, in various occupations, suffices for the equalization of the circulation. Let the sedentary stand as well as sit, changing the posture frequently, and using back and arms as variously as possible. A variety of gen- tle activities is more beneficial to the student than bursts of violent exercise. Above all things, remomber that in exercise, as in diet, the grand rule is moderation. Avoid

fatigue ; as you would cease eating when appetite abates, cease muscular activity when the impulse to continue it abates. In general, the healthy man may eat almost anyth-

ing in moderation ; but it is wiser for all to avoid 46 PKACTIOAL TRAININ&. meat twice cooked, rich gravies and fried dislies. Na- ture tells us very plainly that that pleasure is a means no less than an end. The exercise which has in it the ele- ment of amusement is ten times as beneficial as a listless walk ; and the meal which is eaten with a rehsh is far more nutritious than a meal eaten only as a periodical necessity. Solitary walks along familiar or uninteresting roads, or soli- tary meals on dishes uu stimulating to the palate, are not to be compared with rambles through interesting tracts, or with stimulating companions, and meals where the guests, no less than dishes, add their pleasureable excitement. There is oiie point of regimen to which attention may be called, and that is, never to attempt ssvere mental or bodily labor after a full meal. If possible, let aU such labor be got through in the early part of the day, after breakfast,

but before dinner ; not only because the bodily vigor is then greatest, but a'so because the restoration of that vigor through dinner should not be ' interfered with. We know that ill many cases this advice is impracticable. Night- work is inevitable in some lives, and is fancied to be so in the lives of students and literary men. In such cases, there is, at least, this mitigatiog resource—not to commence hard work until the labor of digestion is over. Thousands rum their digestion by disregarding this simple advice. If work after dinner be inevitable, 1st the dinner be a very light one, and let a light supper be eaten. In order to prove the facts above cited, a physician of our acquaintance tried the experiment upon two healthy dogs. They were both fed ahke and in similar quantities, one being allowed to rest in quiet an hour after feeding, and the other permitted to run around and frolic for a similar length of time. Both dogs were then ' killed, and the food of the one allowed to rest was quite digested, while that of the other was scarcely digested at all. No better general advice can be given in conclusion than that furnished us by the greatest physician of the present time. Dr. Willard Parker, now enjoying rugged health at the advanced LgQ of eighty, and being a living example of the truth of his reasoning.

, The blood will be either good or bad, according as the material or food is good or bad. The character of blood made depends on the kind of food taken. In this country, as a rule, too much meat is eaten; meat once a day is suf- ficient, especially for brain workers. Tne waste matter from a meat diet is eliminated through the kidneys. Too PRACTICAL TRAINING. 47 much labor thrown upon those organs produces disease. An overloaded stomach is unfavorabie ta active brain work. Man is hke an engine with two service pipes, one for the brain and one for the body, and no man has the requisito force to work both at once. Generally Americans bolt their food. It should be cooked. The first process of cooking a steak is on the range; the second is in the mouth, and this is done by working the saliva into the food by chewing. Thus is the food prepared to be acted upon by the juices of the stomach. Infants in nui'sing move the jaws to obtain the milk, and the working of the infant's jaw mixes the milk with the saliva, and thus fits that milk tj go into the s omach. After being subjected to the action of the stom- ach for two or three hours the food becomes fitted to pass into the circulation by absorption. To have good food, therefore, it is necessary that it be made of proper material properly prepared. We are fuiTiished with milk to start with as we enter the world. Had meat been the best diet, we should have bee a born with beefsteaks in our hands. But we are given milk. Milk and blood are nearer alike than any other two fluids; a large proportion of each is water. After milk, breadstuifs and vegetables are the best diet, and in warm climales fruit. Then meats. Sugar and fat go into the body not so much to nourish it as to be a fuel to give it warmth. Meat contains much ritrogenous matter, A hmited quantity of spirits at the principal meal, espe- cially for persons advanced in life or of weak digestion, may aid in the combustion of the food. Spirits aid diges- tion in feeble and aged persons; but only the feeble or the aged require such a stmiulus. The young and vigorous do n(^t need it, and are better off without it. Middle aged persons may perhaps drink a little sphit with their meals without danger; but they cannot safely make it a beverage. In small quantities alcohoHc drinks stimulate, and if not enough is taken to coagulate the pepsin and the albumen in the food they promote digestion in x)roper cases, and thus help to repair the system. But whenever more alcoholic liquor is taken into the stomach with the food than is de- man ded it passes into the circulation, distui'bs the action of the heart, flushes the face and confuses the brain. When so much fermented or distilled liquor is taken into the sys- tem that the functions of the organism are disturbed posi- tive harm is done—the system has been so far poisoned. An irritation has been set up instead of the desired health- ful stimulation of the stomach. 48 PRACTICAL TRAININa.

The Imman system contains water, fat, starch, sugar, nitro- genous substances, iron, sulphur, pliosphorus, animal qui- nine, sodium potassium and chlorine; but no alcohol is found. It has no like in the system, hence there is nothing that it can repair, and it cannot, therefore, be ranked as a food of any kind. It possesses an inherent deleterious propel tj^, which, when introduced into the system, is capa- ble of destioying life, and it has its place with arsenic, belladonna, prussic acid and opium. Like these, it is to be employed as a medicine, and has its true position in works on materia medica. It is both a poison and a medicine. It has been settled by science that alcohol, which passes into the blood when more is taken than* can be employed as a condiment or tonic, undergoes no change in the blood, but exists there as a foreign substance, creating irritation; aid the excitement involved in the effort to throw off the irritating substance wastes the energy and life of the system. After alcohol has produced disease of the stomach it next expends its force upon the neighboring organs, inducing disease of the Hver and dropsy or Bright's disease, both of which are fatal to health, if not to life. The life insurance companies understand it. Their figures show that while a temperate young man at twenty may reasonably look forward to forty-four years and two months of life, the young man of the same age who poisons his system with drink can expect not more than fifteen years and six months. He who uses alcohol becomes an easy prey of epidemics; his system cannot resist the poison of diphtheria, cholera and fevers. To make good blood we require good food, pure water, pure air, sunlight and exercise. Either foul air or impure water poisons the blood. If you don't throw off two pounds and three-quarters of effete matter every twenty-four hoiU"S through the lungs and two pounds through the pores you must expect sooner or later to fall. Nothing is more essen- tial than pure air. Impure air is the source of our ship fevers. Cleanliness has been classed as akin to godliness. It cer- tainly takes high rank in equalizing the circulation. The jockeys apj)reciate its importance. How regularly and care- fully they groom their horses ! Is not man as precious as the horse? Every man should groom himself every morn- ing—sponge himself from head to foot with water of the temperature of the room in which he sleeps. The purpose of wetting the surface is merely to make the friction of a TETEE, J. PANOHOT, Pirst Winner XJ. S. Six-day Go-as-you-please Champion Belt; making 480 miles and defeating 40 competitors.

BLOWER BROWN, Second Winner Six-day Go-as-you-please English Cham- pion Belt, making over 542 miles, April, 1879. EDWAED PATSON WESTON, the American Long-distance Walker; :

PEACTIOAi TRAINING. - 49 rough towel more effectiye as it is rubbed oyer tlie person. You shou-d not sleep in any garment that you wear by day, and the room in which you sleep shou'd be perfectly ven- tilated by a fireplace and a partly opened window if possible. If, after you have observed the rules of hygiene to the extent indicated you have cold feet and limbs and indiges- tion and a tendency to vertigo, plunge your feet into water, as hot as you can baari , and teep them there five minutes. Then put them into cold water for a second. *'Cool head, free bowels, v/arm feet and a good- salary" is the old aphorism. If yoii suffer your feet to get cold you are in danger of appor.lexy of the brain or of the lungs. Cold feet are very likely to be associated with a sluggish state of the bowels. The feet are co'd because there is too much blood in one place and too little in an- other. Cold feet follow the breaking of an equilibrium of

the . circulation. Sedentary occupations are provocative of cold feet. If you keep the skin clean and the bowels. free and 4ake moderate exercise you will maintain an equi- libr 'ujh of circulation, and this equalized circulation will keep the feet warm. When the feet are cold it is better to warm them with exercise than at a fire. Look at the wood chop- per, swingiug his arms so that his hands slap his sides. Thus he carries the blood to his hands, and it warms them. That is the best w^armth for either. There is a vast differ- ence between the longevity of men who take care of them- selves and of those who do not. It is, as the life insurance companies' tables show, as thirty-five is to about seventy. The man w^ho bows to all the known laws of hygiene not only hves longer, but is able a'so to enter into all the joys of life without the aches and pains.

THE LATE JOHN MORKISSEY'S YTEWS. The Honorable John Morrissey, ex-champion pugilist of

America, in conversation with us about diet, said : "Mr. James, you can form no idea of the glorious feel- ing that a man experiences when he gets himself in perfect condition. Evers^thing in the world looks different to him fi'om what it does when his system is clogged up with bile, •child he is carrying a quantity of flesh that is only a burden to him. It is almost impossible to get a man when in such a condition into a bad humor. He feels like a young colt, and wants to kick up his heels and have a good time wicli ever^diody and everything he meets." His course of train- ing was as follows 50 PRACTICAL TRAINING.

First. Take a black draught. Any druggist \Yill put it up. Ail prize-fighters take this "when they begin to train for a fight. You'll find it the liveliest dose of medicine you ever took. Second. Be sure and get at least seven or eight hours of good sound sleep every day. Third. In the morning when you first get up drink a glass of hard cider with a raw egg in it. If the cider is not to be had taen use sherry wine, but I prefer the cider. Then start out and walk briskly for a couple of miles. "When jou come back take a sponge bath and rub yourself dry with a coarse towel. Bub until your skin is all aglow. Fourth. For breakfast eat a lean steak, cooked rare, and stale bread. Use no milk, no sugar, no butterj and no po- tatoes, with the exception of about once a week. If you wish you can eat a roast or baked potato in the morning. Drink sparingly of tea and coffee. Tea is the best. Fifth. For dinner eat rare roast beef and stale bread. Use no potatoes or vegetables of any kind with this meaL For change you can have occasionally a mutton chop. Sixth. For supper, a lean steak or a mutton chop, with out fat. Do not eat any warm biscuits cr warm bread, at any time. Stick to good wholesome stale wheat bread. Eat no pies, cakes or pastry of any kind, and use pepper, salt and all other seasonings very sparingly. Seventh. Use no stimulants of any kind. Do not smoke. Drink sparingly of water. Do not eat berries or vegeta- bles of any kind, excepting occasionally a raw onion. Eighth. If you feel weak in the morning before break- fast, it comes from the bathing, and it should be discon- tinued for a few days. The system for hardening the muscles, etr^., most ap- proved of by the Senator and the leading pugi ists, is being first sponged with a decoction of arnica flowers, alum, bo- rax and Jamaica rum, then bathed with hartshorn liniment, and an application of white wine vinegar mixed with alum and borax to the face and hands. The proportions of the ingredients used in the sponge bath have hitherto been a profound secret with the professional trainer. For the

benefit of the fraternity we here print them : Take two pounds of arnica flowers, five cents' woi^th of borax, five cent s' worth of alum, and steep aU together, after ijulver- izmg the alum and borax, in a gallon or so of Jamaica rum, and after letting it steep for twenty-four hours, apply as before stated. PRACTICAL TRAINING. 51 TRAINING IN REGARD TO PUGILISM AND WRESTLING. The work necessary to reduce or otherwise bring the pugilist into something hke condition will be, of course, nearly if not precisely similar to the training required for a pedestrian or other match. The physiciug wi 1 require great attention; all drastic and gTiping medicines are to be avoided, if possible, and cases will occur from time to time where no medicine ought to be given whatever. The man in one of these instances will be in a low state, and requu^e feeding and training up. In another, the body will be in so open and relaxed a state that the prescribing and giving the usual dose would be followed to a certainty by the patient training right off, and failing into a low and pros- trate condition. In the general state of health, however, which characterizes the pugilist when matched to fight (with a full habit of body, flushed countenance, and a pulse full and slow), the usual dose, salts, etc., mp.y be introduced with advantage, but the quantities and frequent use left to the usual habit of the man, or to the judgment of the trainer. The physicing and preparation for the hard work should occupy the first week; and the number of sweats taken during the second week should be regulated by the state of inside and the loose flesh on the body. A sharp run will soon shov/ the state of the inside by the state of "the bellows," whether the wind is short or not, and the manner in which the loosa flesh shakes when sparring is a pretty fair criterion of there being a good quantity of out- side superfluity to get away. He ought to be rubbed down after his runs and fast walks, and dry clothes xmt on in a warm, dry room. The loss of weight should be gradual. If, on the contrary, the loss be too rapid, and continue daily, the reducing system must cease, and feeding up take the place of sweating for a few days until the system is restored. The meals, of course, must be taken regularly, and consist of the same kind of animal food as recom- mended previously, and the beverage most suited to the constitution of the man taken in small quantities—the ki id and quantity, of course, being leit to the judgment of the trainer. "Wine is principall}^ given when the man has to be trained up, and then good old port wine will be found to be of the most service. The pugilists of the present day strengthen the arms, loins, and shoulders by hitting out at a striking-bag suspended from a beam, and a large bladder 52 PKACTICAL TRAIlN^]^G. hung in like manner; by exercise with pnlleys, the ropes passin--^' OYer wheels and having weights attached; plenty of practice with the gloves, diversified with the use of a skip- ping-rope, and finally , but by no means of minor importance, by continual sharp practice with dumb-bells of about seven pounds weight or under. Good condition in the pugilist will be shown by the healthy state of the skin, which will be clear, with a ruddy tinge underneath, as well as soft, with the muscles underneath swelling and feeling firm to the touch at every movement of the limb or portion under manipula- tion. The eye will be clear and bright, and a look of confidence and ease of mind characterize the expression and looks of the athlete. As regards the pickle for the hands and face, the nostrums for the first are legion, and one as good as another; but we believe that nothing is better than the simple juice of a lemon for the latter, and which will be found to answer every intended purpose. The trainer ought to be chosen with regard to his conversational powers, as well as for his knowledge of what is requisite for the physical health of his pupil, that he may amuse and instruct him to the fullest extent of his power. The trainer should inform him, if possible, of all the peculiarities of the antagonist, his mode of attack and method of defense, the weak points of his temper, or any physical deficiency under which he might labor, as well as the manner in which he may have won or lost any previous battle. And, as in many cases the first or second telling may not have the effect of raising the curiosity of his man, the patience of the trainer should not give way under the repetition before the slow and obtuse curiosity is roused to such an extent that the pugilist commences the interrogation in his turn, and becomes anxious in his in- quiries for information, which will almost invariably be the case when he finds out the importance that the trainer's continued repetitions have invested the apparent trifles with.

PEINCIPAL MUSCLES USED BY THE ATHLETE. In high jumping, the front muscles of the thigh are prin- cipally used. They are attached at one end to the top part of the thigh bone, at the ocher to the knee cap, which passes over the knee, and is fixed to the top part of the shin bone. In the act of jumping, these muscles contract violently, and straighten the leg with a jerk, the quick- •


ness of which mainly contributes to the height of the jump. In long jumping, the muscles of the back part of the thigh are used; these are -attached to the back part of the shin bone at oiDe end, and to the lower part of the pelvis at the other, and by contracting draw the leg backwards on the trunk. This action is also assisted by the gliitoeus maximus, which is fixed at one end of the top part of the thigh, at the other to the lowest part of the vertebral column. In long distance running, the front and back muscles of the thigh are used in equal proportions; the former in raising the body at every stride, the latter in propelling it forward. But in the case of running on the toes, the calf of the leg will be the weak part; so much so that no amount of practice will enable some, especially heavy men, to run any distance on their toes. In short distance running, the front muscles of the thigh which lie nearest to the trunk, bring the leg forward in the rapid repetition of the strides. These are a different set from those that straighten the leg, and are used in long distance running; they are attached at one end to the lower and front part of the pelvis, and at the other end to the top x^art of the thigh bone. The back muscles of the thigh are the same that are used in long distance running for propelling the body forwards. A narrow pelvis is a great assistance in this, as indeed in all running; for on the narrowness of the pelvis facility in repeating the strides principally depends. In throwing the hammer, more depends on the swing than on the strength of any particular muscle, though the strain comes more particularly on the small of the back— that is, on the muscles which raise and keep the back erect, and are attached to all the vertebra of the spine. In putting the stone, the muscles called particularly into action are the front part of the deltoid, which is attached to the top x^art of the arm, and at the other end to the collar bone, and brings the arm upwards and forwards; the top part of the pectoral muscle, which also runs from the top of the arm to the collar bone, and brings the arm for- wards; the triceps, which is fixed. at one end of the shoul- der and shoulder blade, and at the other end of the fore- arm, below the elbow, and extends the arm at the elbow joint. The feet are also assisted by a simultaneous spring with the, legs, and a rapid turn of the body. .


In walking, the muscles of the whole body are brought into action more than in any of the other exercises we have alluded to. The arms and back assist the legs greatly in changing the balance of the body, and in bringing the hips'forward at each stride. The calf of the leg has much work to do, even as much as running on the toes. The muscle, however, that suffers most is that which rises on the outside of the shin bone, near the knee, and runs down the leg, crossing the shin near the ankle, to be inserted near the inside of the sole of the foot. This muscle raises the foot, and draws it back towards the leg at the end of the stride, and also points the heel at the commencement; so that in fast walking it has no rest, and consequently becomes very painful. The front and back muscles of the thigh also come in for a large share of work. The following measurements are an average of the dimensions of some of the best runners, and may be taken as a fair guide of what the proportion of the limbs should be respectively:

Height. . . Bit. Gin 5ft. Sin 5ft. lOin 6ft. Weight.... llGlbs 1331bs 1491bs 1681bs. Chest 35in 37in 39in 40in. Waist 27in 28in 29in 31in. Hips 34in 35iin 37in 38in. Thigh 20in 21in 22in 23in. Calf ISiin 14in 14|in 15in.

The dimensions of the chest may appear small at first sight, but it must be remembered that the runner has no muscles of the shoulder blades to increase his measure- ment. A well-made runner has not that top-heavy appear- ance that characterizes the gymnast who does much arm work.

TEMPEEAMENT.' The Sanguine Temperament belongs to that class with bright, ruddy complexion, light hair, and full circulation. Their disposition is energetic and spirited, but their- power of resisting disease or of bearing protracted exercise is not great, and their ardent character is rather the result of nervous excitability than of vital force. Their power lies in dash rather than in endurance. The Bilious Temperament is of an opposite description. The circulation is sluggish, the disposition persevering and obstinate ; the constitution as a rule is tough, and is capable of severe tasks, under which the sanguine would NOTED SWIMMERS. M. Webb- 1 Geo. Werhan. 2. Fred. Beckwith. 3. Capt. Geo. Wade» 4 E. Von Shoening. 5. Geo. F. Ferns. 6. Beckwith. 7 Wm. H. Daly 8. H. Troutz, 9. Wm. "WILLIAM MULDOON, Wrestler ~ PRACTICAL TRAINma. 55

succumb. These men are good subjects for traiuingj but tliey require good food and much exercise. The LjTuphatic are of a pale complexion, with delicate skins and full habit of body. There is a torpor about their mental as well as muscular actions. "When subject to dis- ease they become peevish and are difficult to treat. When united to a nervous disposition, they are perhaps the worst class of men for training, though we sometimes find much latent energy in them. To a certain extent, nervousness is

overcome by habit ; but the nutrition of the nerve power ought to be the main point in the advancement of health.

The nerves are the controllers of the actions ; they regulate the contraction of muscles in the activity of the body. The work done by the muscles depends on the proper adjust- ment of the mechanism, their guidance and activity on the energy of the nerves. The important work tha,fc the nerves fulfill is evident, when we consider that the brain itself needs one fifth of the wZiole supply of the blood in the body. It must suffer, therefoi^c, if the supply of air to the blood is bad. How easily is accounted for the dull aching of the temples of the athlete accustomed to pure air in a badly Tentilated theatre or room. If deficient oxidition of the blood is the cause of derangement to the nervous system, blood of bad quahtj must be equally hurtful to the muscu- lar. The sensibihties of the internal organs are the dispo- sition of each person to such a degree as to be infiueneed by the slightest sensation of pain, joy, grief, or any feeling

of the mind. The reaction affects the muscular system ; all the functions of body are carried on by a system of self and mutual help, so intimately united together as to be de- pendent for proficiency on one another.

GROWTH AND DECAY. The food after mastication by the teeth, and solution by the action of the saliva, gastric and other juices, is taken up by a system of vessels, and^ minghng with the venous blood, is carried to the heart, whence it is sent to the lungs to be aerated, and back again by another set of vessels to the heart, to be finally jDumped through the arteries to all parts of the body, carrying materials for the re^oair of the tissue, and production of heat. In the very minute termi- nations of the caj^illary arteries in those structures., w^herc the molecular change of the body goes on, the current of the blood is very slow, to enable the warmth and susten- 56 PEACTICAL TEAINING. ance of the body to be kept up by the chemical actions of destruction and reproduction of tissue. The oxygen in the arterial blood obtained from the lungs is carried through- out the system and assists these actions, therefore perfect respiration and pure air are the great promoters of change of tissue. This shows the necessity of the blood being in a sufficiently hquid state to hold gases and nutritiYe mat- ter in solution for the purposes of oxydizing tissue and of forming flesh. The amount of water in the blood de- termines to a great extent the health of the body, the blood being the organ of the vital processes of change. The severe restrictions on liquid imposed on those in training, who by arduous exercise waste much tissue and need much repair, are, therefore, physiologically wrong. The action of the air on the skin stimulates the secretion, and exercise, in- directly raising the heat of the body, induces perspiration, which is nature's remedy to keep the temperature of the body constant. Evaporation and secretion require water. On a daily average, 21b. of water is thrown oE by the skin in moderate exercise. Water forms 70 per cent, of the whole body, and for the digestive fluids the proportion of water to solid is as 12 to 1. Liquidity is necessary, also, for the actual processes of decay and repair, by causing the passage of fluids of different densities through the various animal membranes from the oxydation of venous blood in the moist air of the lung cells to the repair of tissue by the smallest capillary in the extremities. Want of liquid causes a stagnation of the circulation, an inflammatory state of the body, and excites the nervous system to an extraordinary degree. Owing to this want, under the usual system of training regimen, the body m frequently in a state of fever about the second week, until either the trainee gives up the prepaication, or his constitu- tion has temporarily accommodated itself to the change at the expense of his vital energy. The nourishment of the body by the food taken is im- portant in its regard to health, and its variety. The pri- mary object of food is to form l3lood, and according to the condition in which the body receives it, greater or less nu- triment, at the same expense of vital activity, can be ob- tained. The assistance of nature, by proper cooking and careful selection of articles, is in our own hands. Our vegetables should be well cooked, and the animal food ought to be done so as to retain the juices of the meat. Let it be rather under than ©verdone. Brown meat is PEACTIOAL TRAINING. 67 more nutritious than wMte. If the digestion is good, the athlete need not be particular as to description of food. Eich sauces are not to be recommended, or even heavy pud- dings, but jeUies and light ones are most acceptable. A healthy, robust man, in hard work^ may eat nearly anything in moderation. The food should be well masticated, to en- able the saliva to dissolve the starchy matter in it, and also to prevent a sudden loading of the stomach. The blood during cligestion is princijcahy employed about the stom- ach. Exercise or mental work, therefore, directly after a meal, will retard the operation of digestion by taking away the blood to the limbs or brain. Great mental activity requires much repose. In the winter more sleep is required than in the summer, from the fact that the activity of the system, in keeping up its warmth, etc., though of shorter duration, is greater. Sleep after food is often required by nervous persons of weak digestion, but the athlete is better without it, an amusing book, light study, etc., taking its place. A mattress gives the soundest sleep. The quantity of clothing should be sufficient to keep up a gentle e:dialation from the skin. The WTcSting of the body to reduce weight is frequently carried to a ridiculous extent. It has been proved that the body in daily work loses about l-24th of its weight, and that life ceases when the waste has reduced it to 3-5ths of its original weight. In the nerves, however, the loss is hardly perceptible; while the fat suffers in double the proportion of the muscles, 90 and 45 per cent, re- spectively . This may well explain the nervous excitability of the body when kept beyond its regular time for food, or when supplied .with fcoct of deficient quahty. The arrangement of the internal mechanism must go on, respiration continues, chculation and heat result, at the expense of the machine itself. By regularity in meals the stomach accommodates itself to the changes of action and repose, and the system harmonizes with it.

MEATS, ETC., TO BE AVOIDED. Veal, pork, and salt beef or bacon should be avoided; also goose, duck, and wildfowl generally; as well as butter, cucumbers, sweets, and all seasonings, except salt with a little black pepper. Venery should not be indulged in under any ciicumstances while training. 58 PRACTICAL TRAINING.

NATUEAL SAVEATING-. Put on extra clotliing over those parts more particularly which are loaded with fat. Thus^ if the legs are very fat, two or three pair of trowsers should be drawn on; if the abdomen is full, then a double apron of flannel should be suspended from the neck under the trowsers; and if the arms and neck are loaded, two or three thick undershirts may be worn, and a woolen shawl wrapped round the iieck. When thus clothed, a brisk walk or a slow run of two or three miles brings on a profuse perspiration, which may be kept up for an hour or so by being covered with blankets, of by lying in front of a good fire; the clothes should be then stripped off, beginniDg with the upper part of the body, and sponging each with hot salt water, before drying it with a coarse towel, after which horse-hair gloves should be used freely. The dressing may be ss usual, taking care to expose each limb as short a time as possible.

AETIFICIAL SWEATING. Take a Turkish bath, or the whole body should be stripped and immediately wrapped in a sheet wrung out of cold water, but not so as to get rid of all the water; then, roll- ing the patient in a thick blanket, inclosing the arms, like a mummy, he is placed beneath a feather bed, covermg all up to the chin. In a quarter of an hour or so reaction comes on, and a most profuse perspiration breaks out over the whole body. When the sweating has continued from an hour to an hour and a half, everything should be taken off, and cold water poured over the whole body by means of a shower bath; then rub dry and clothe.

SWEATING LIQUOES. A scBUPLE of Dover's powder at night, or half a pint of whey made with white wine, and with thirty drops each of antimonial wine, and sweet spirits of nitre added. Care should be taken ..to rub the whole body with horse-hair gloves night and morning.

TEEATMENT OF THE FEET, HANDS, SINEWS, Etc. The chief cause of tender feet rests with the socks and shoes or boots in which the pedestrian may commence his PRACTICAL TRAINING. 59

"worli. By no means attempt work in new boots, or in tliose, however well seasoned, that are not of SYL^cieni length and width in the tread and across the toes. The thickness, so as they are of a sound double sole and perfectly water-tight at the lower part, does not so much matter; but a few dajs' use will soon prove to the training man that a rather stout pair will keep his feet sounder and be of more comfort to him, in a long journey, than the lighter kind. Different men, however,, are of various opinions; but Westhallj during a long experience, found that a pair of boots laced up the front and reaching a trifle above the ankle and of medium stoutness, answered every purpose required by anyone who is satisfied with doing well. A very thick pair, of course, may be kept in reserve for very wet and muddy weather, when slow work only will be advisable to be taken. Should the pedestrian, however, be obstinate, and take fast work in the heavy boots, he will in most cases be punished by sore shins, which will prove a source of such trouble that the lighter sort of boots will be in requisition for the future. The socks should be of an easy fit and of fine v/arm lambs'-wooL The chief care about the socks, however, is taking the precaution that a pair of socks should never be worn a second time until thoroughl}^ aired, and if possible a supply should be so provided that they may be rinsed out in cold water, and then dried before again being worn. The above precautions wiii prove of the greatest value to those who have feet given to sweating, and in some instances have proved an efiectual cure for the incon- venience. The toenails should be attended to regularly, and the shape of the foot v»^ill be the best criterion for their treatment. To prevent the hands from swelling, a short stick or switch, carried in the hand will be efficacii)us while walking about. Strains are of frequent occurrence, and chiefly arise from, the man making some sudden effort when the tendons or the fascia (the thin covering) of the muscles are stiff and sore from previous hard work. The tendon Achilles—from the heel to the calf of the leg—is the principal seat of the most dangerous of the strains of the tendons, and is incurable except by rest, and that of some duration. Should there be any swelliDg and hardening of the injured portion of the tendon, do not attempt any methods of self-treatment, but seek medical advice. All strains are assisted in their cure by bandaging, but they should not be applied until hot fomentaticzs for some 60 PRACTICAL TBAINING.

time have been applied, and finished up by the applica- tion of tbe embrocation, with plenty of friction, before a fire. Soft Coens.—Pick off with the nails as much as possible; next day apply caustic, rubbing it in; afterward keep a piece of carded cotton between the toes night and day. Haed Corns.—^Pare off the hard cujicle; then apply tinc- ture of iodine with a brush or caustic. Hardening the Flesh.—Lemon juice is one of the simplest and best for rubbing on the hand. Horseradish grated and mixed with -vinegar is also good. Whiskey poured in

- the shoe is frequently used. Bunions.—Apply two or three leeches every day for a week; when the bites are well, brush with tincture of iodine every other day. An apphcation of "Papier Fayard" is sometimes very beneficial. Boils.—^Apply linseed poultice, or open it with a knife. If on the " seat of honor," apply a plaster spread on lea- ther, and composed of equal parts of mercurial and opiate plaster. Do not use the knife. To those subject to boils use the following as a preventative : take nitrate of silver, from fifteen to twenty grains to the ounce, made into a wash, and paint the surface every night. This turns the skin black, but do not mind that. Strains.—The following is the receipt of Westhall's stimulating embrocation: Spirits of wine, J pint; spirits of turpentine, J pint; white vinegar, J pint. Mix thoroughly, warm by the fire, beat up a fresh egg, and mix gradually with the spirits, etc. ; shake the bottle well. Sprains.—For sprained ankle, make a flannel bag about -a foot long by six inches wide, which fill with bran and plunge into boihng water until thoroughly saturated; then squeeze almost dry, and apply it as hot as the patient can bear on the weak part. There should be a couple of bags, so that when one application gets cool fresh heat may be immediately applied. Chapped Hands, Etc.—Smear over the parts chapped with glycerine, by means of a brush or feather, night and morning. Blisters.—Prick with a fine needle before they burst, inserting the needle obliquely, and the water presses out, repeating whenever the blister fills again. If the blister is broken, apply collodion with a brush; if too painful, use finely carded medicated cotton in a thin layer, under a kid glove, or powdered gum-arabic, taking care to keep the LABRy FOLEY, JAOK THOMPSON, Noted Australian Pugilists. JOHN ENNIS, Long-distance "Walker.

CHAELES A. HAKEIMAN, American Long-distance Walker. PEACTICAL TBAINING. 61

hands from water for twenty-four honrs. For feet blisters, spread a piece of kid with soap- plaster, applying over the

skin ; also bathe in strong salt water mixed with powdered alum and vinegar. If large, run a stocking-needle thread-

ed with white worsted through ; then cut the end off, leaving the worsted in the blister until the water runs out. Do not leave off washing the feet in salt water, etc., as this will act as a preventative.


The increasing interest in the matter of healthy exercise is shown by the number of athletic clubs and gymnasiums throughout the country, especially so in our colleges of learn- ing and public institutions. Most of these have every gym- nastic appliance, as also professors to give instruction; but where such do not exist a complete outfit at a very moderate expense can be obtained, all ready for use. The rowing machine has been previously described. The health lift, as a gentle exercise, is rapidly becoming an institution of necessity to persons of sedentary habits, and brings into action, when properly used, as many muscles of the human "frame as any other exercise, and yet consumes but a few moments of time daily, which of itself is an important item to brain-workers and industrious humanity generally. It is so adjustable as to be alike suited for the weakest, strongest, shortest and tallest persons of either sex. Indian clubs, dumb-bells, trapeze bar and rings and striking bag may all be readily obtained, and, simpler still for in-door exercise, Goodyear's Patent Parlor Gymnasium, which can be used by ladies and children without any fear of strain or the slighest jar to the system. Dr. Dio Lewis, in his work on New Gymnastics, gives a-series of movements and illustrations without the aid of any auxiliaries, so that there can be no possible excuse for neglectiDg exercise. Sun and air baths, involving no expense, can always be had. By these we mean exposing the body naked a certain portion of the day to their effects. It was the custom of John Quincy Adams to walk up and down his bedroom nude, and with open windows as a preventative of colds. This le practiced both winter and summer, with the desired effect, living to be over eighty. With a view still more to the assistance and preservation of nature, General Pleasanton has vmtten 62 PEACTICAL TBAn>[ING. an elaborate work, claiming wonderful effects in nervous diseases from the sun's rays as reflected through blue glass panes, and his theory is extensively practiced with very encouraging results. Dr. Samuel E. Elliott of this city, an athlete as well as a very skillful physician and scientist, has found that in some cases the blue glass alone produces too strong an effect, and believes that alternate blue and white strips, two or three inches wida, engender the proper form and quantity of electricity;' and we tlierefo^^e suggest that his plan be adopted. The patient should sH for an hour or more daily in such position that, whatever part of the body is affected, may be acied upon by the ra}>s thus received. Where advice can be had it is better to obtain it, as all persons cannot even take electricity in the same manner, quantity or proportion. The glass should not be colored on the surface alone, but through and through, of a deep mazarine hue.


The use of water cannot be too much applied to any athlete as regards outward application, but of course cold is the most beneficial if the constitution of the recipient be of sufficient vigor; and there are but very few indeed who are so delicate as to require tepid or warm water; but even the latter are better than the absence, even partially, of the bath. Cold baths may be taken anyhow and anywhere, provided the whole of the body is immersed or thoroughly sponged over, but the most decided benefit will De derived from the plunge bath. However, equally successful results may be gained by the use of a large bath well filled with water, the body being well sluiced with the water from a large sponge. The shower is also of great benefit, but in some conditions of body the sudden shock has rendered the nervous system so irritable that it has undone all the good intended by tlie reaction. Where there is not the convenience of a bath of any kind, a towel dipped in water and the body thoroughly and briskly rubbed will insure a thorough cleansing of the pores of the skin, and of course a proportionate share of vigor given to the frame. In the present system of training, the pedestrian puts on his sweaters and does the work set him by his trainer, and then, when he is in a state of perfect perspiration, he PKACTIC.\I. TEAESING. 63 throws off his wet and reeking flannels, and takes his shower with the gTeatest unconcern, knowing that the friction which is afterwards apphed will restore the proper heat of the body after the sudden shock of the shower has closed the pores of the skin for the time and relieved him of all his previous fatigue. The rubbing restores the circulation of the small blood-vessels of the skin, and so strong and fresh do the pedestrians feel after this treat- ment that, when dressed, they all declare they feel no remains of their previous fatigue. Nothing but good has accrued from the treatment, and those who have under- gone a trial of the sweat and shower swear by the method. The Turkish bath is only fit to reduce an infirm and obese man to something like weight to begin work, and can on]y be looked upon as a luxury, and not an adjunct to training, besides being far from healthy. The hot bath is of course requii^ed when a man is stiff and tired all over from cold or overfatigue, when they will modify the symp- toms; but, as they are so simple and so easily obtainable, they require no further comment. A vapor bath is of considerable use in assisting a healthy and fat man to reduce his weight; but after sweating he must be rubbed with a wet cloth, or have a shower; he should then put on a set or two of flannels, and do at least an hour of severe work, during which time the reducing process will be going on in perfection. On arriving home the wet towel should be applied, or a sponging with cold water; after a good rub, and fresh clothing being donned, it will be found there has been a good morning's work accom- plished. The vapor bath can be made in a very home-spun and simple manner, but equally efficacious with those attached to baths of large name, etc. A washing or any other flat tub, a third filled with very hot water, in which is placed a stool, will do for the ground-work of the vapor. Take your seat on the stool, the feet of course outside the tub, and be well covered with blankets round the neck, and round the tub, leaving an opening which can be closed at leisure. Having heated two or three large bricks to a red heat, put one into the water, and when cooled another, until the bath has been prolonged a sufficient time. This is a primitive but a very useful bath to put into use to relieve a bad cold, or for any other service required at a short notice. 64 PRACTICAL TEAINING-.


The chief punishment when a man is in the conrse of training requisite to reduce his bulk is thifst, which is in most cases of rather a severe character. The same amount of pluck which enables the man to go through his work and adhere to other rules must be here called into requisi- tion. The best plan is to gargle the mouth, but not swallow any; but the application of cold water will be found to afford the greatest rehef—washing the hands, wrists, and face freely wiU give relief; a little pebble kept in the mouth is a very good thing, but faithfully avoid all nostrums such as cream of tartar, tartaric acid, etc., when suffering from thirst, as they only gratify the palate with- out reheving the craving for liquid immediately the acid taste has passed, when the before troublesome feeling becomes much augmented. Should relief, however, become ipaperative, a small portion of powdered nitre will be fol- lowed by an immediate flow of saliva, which will give in- stant but unfortunately only partial ease. There, however, is no increase of the s^ymptoms from the application of the remedy, which will assist the action of the kidneys, and allay the accompanying fever of the system. The chief cure is to wait until the next meal-time, when the previous abstinence from stolen enjoyment will be rewarded by an approving conscience in having resisted a severe tempta- tion. The thirst will leave a man when he leaves off sweating.

WEIGHT AS PEOPOKTIONAL TO HEIGHT. HEIGHT. WEIGHT. HEIGHT. WEIGHT. 5ft. lin. should be 120 pounds. 5ft. Tin. should be 148 pounds. 5ft. 2m 12G 5ft. Sin...... 155 5ft. Sin 133 5ft. 9in 162 5ft. 4in 136 5ft. lOin 169 " 5ft. 5m 142 5ft. llin 174 5ft. 6in 145 6ft. 178

The above table was formed by Dr. Hutchingson, and. was taken from a mean average of 2,648 healthy men. By this scale life insurances are regulated in England. The Doctor's calculations were made upon the volume of air passing in and cut of the Jungs, and this was his guide a^ to how far the various organs of the body were in health, and the lungs in particular, : .

BANTING ON CORPULENCY. 65 WEIGHT WHEN IN CONDITION FOR ATHLETIC FEATS. HEIGHT. "WEIGHT. HEIGHT. WEIGHT. 5ft. lin. ..From 106 to 111 pounds. 5ft. 7m. From 133 to 140 pounds. 5ft. 2m. : 112 "115 5ft. Sin 140 " 147 " 5ft. 3m 117 "118 5ft. 9in 148 " 154 " 5ft. 4in 119 "125 5ft. lOin 155 " 163 '* 5ft. 5iii. ...:.. 125 " 129 5ft. llin 165 " 174 *' 6ft. 6in 128 " 134 6ft. 175 " 186 « The proper measuremeiit according to the height and weight: IVIeasueements.

Height 5 feet. Chest (uninflated) . , 324 inches. " Weight 103 pounds. Wrist 5i - Neck 12 inches. Ankle 71 '* Allowances.

The following allowances should be made where the di- mensions are found to be greater than shown in the pre- ceding table

For every inch in height c . . If pounds. For every inch around neck | " For every inch around chest 1 *' For every § inch around wrist 5 " For every § inch around ankle 1^ *«


The system, of i;educing corpulency as adopted by William Banting, an old retired merchant of London, England, in 1863-4, by the advice and direction of Doctor William Harvey, of Soho square, in that city, though not by any means admissable or advisable for training purposes, we give the substance for the benefit of any one who feels interested. At the time Mr. Bantmg commenced his reduc- ing system he was sixty-six years of age, weighed 202 pounds, standing only 5ft. Sin. in height, and, having spent seven years in consultation with the greatest mcv^ical lights of England for relief of his af&iction, but in vain. He had followed an active business life of fifty years, and attributed his obesity not to neglect of necessary bodily activity nor from excessive eating, drinking, or self-indulgence of any 66 BANTING ON CORPULENCY. kind, except that lie partook of simple aliments of bread, milk, bntter, beer, sugar, and potatoes more freely than his aged nature required, and hence he believes the generation oi the parasite, detrimental to comfort, if not really to health. He tried both rowing before breakfast for two hours and other bodily exercises; also sea air and bathing in various locahties; took gallons of physic and liqure potassae, rode much on horseback, and tried the waters and climate of various springs in England, as well as Turkish and vapor baths, shampooing^ etc. Banting could not stooj) to tie* his shoe, had to walk backwards down stairs to save the jar of increased weight upon the ankle and knee-joints, puffed and blowed at every exertion, particularly going up stairs, suffered from an umbiUcal rupture, had to wear a truss as well as knee bandages, his sight failed and hearing became impaired, he had indigestion, heartburn, palpitation of the heart, and could not attend to the little offices which humanity required without considerable pain and difficulty, which only the corpulent man can understand. Upon consulting Dr. Harvey, previously alluded to, he was told that all his ailments were caused principally by corpulence, and prescribed a certain diet, no medicine be- yond a morning cordial as a corrective, with immense effect and advantage both to his hearing and the decrease of his corpulence. The items from which he was advised to abstain as much as possible were bread, butter, milk, sugar^ parsnips, beet root, turnips, carrots, champagne, port, beer and potatoes, on account of their containing starch or saccharine matter, tending to create fat; smoking v/as not prohibited. This is the diet prescribed by Doctor Harvey: for breakfast, four or five ounces of beef, mutton, kidneys, broiled fish, bacon, or cold meat of any kind except pork, owing to its fattening character; or veal, on account of its indigestible quality; a large cup of tea (without milk or sugar), a little biscuit, or one ounce of dry toast; for din- ner, five or six ounces of any fish except salmon, herrings and eels (owing to their oily natare) ; any meat except pork or veal; any vegetable except potato, parsnips, beet root, turnips or carrots; one ounce of dry toast, fruit out of a pudding, any kind of poultry or game, and two or three glasses of good claret, sherry, or madeha; for tea, two or three ounces of fruit, a rusk or two, and a cup of tea with- out milk or sugar; for supper, three or four ounces of meat, or fish, similar to dinner, with a glass or two of claret—night-cap, if required, a tumbler of gTog (gin. T. R ABMSTEONG, Jb., Who walked one mile in 6niin. -idjsec, New York City. EDWABB C. HOLSKE, tlie Celebrated Young American Walker. :


whiskey, or brandy, without sugar) or a glass or two of claret or sherry. Eggs, if not hard boiled, are unexcep- tionable; also cheese, if sparingly used, and plain boiled rice. On rising in the morning, between six and seven, Banting took a tablespoonful of a special corrective cordial, not aperient, and partook of solids and liquids as follows: about five or six ounces solid and eight of

hquid for breakfast ; eight ounces of solid and eight ounces of liquid for dinner; three ounces of sohd and eight of liquid for tea; four ounces of solid and six ounces of liquid for supper and the grog afterwards. He took his meals as follows: breakfast between eight and nine; dinner between one and two; tea between five and six; supper at nine. His former dietary table was bread and milk for breakfast, or a pint of tea with plenty of milk and sugar, and buttered toast; meat, beer, much bread, and pastry for dinner; the tea similar to that of breakfast, and generally a fruit tart or bread and milk for supper.

THE EEDUCING SCALE. Under the new dietary, Banting lost flesh according to the following scale

On 7tli S 'ptember it was 200 pounds, having lost 2 pounds. " 27Lh September ' ' 197 "3 more. 19th October ' 193 " 4 " « (I (c 9tli November ' ' 190 3 << i< 3d December ' 187 " 3 *' 24th December * ' 184 " 3 " " 14th January ' ' 182 " 2

4th February ' ' 180 " 25th February ' ' 178 " 2 " 18th March ' 176 " 2 ' * " 8th April • 173 "3 <' 29th April ' 170 " " 3 20 th May ' 164 " " 3 "

' ' 10th June 164 • " 3 " « i( << 1st July ' 161 3

22d July ' 159 " 2 " t( a " 12th August ' 157 2 " 26th August ' ' 156 " 1 «« 12th September ' ' 156 " *'

Total loss of weight 46 pounds. His girth during that time was reduced round the waist 12 J inches; these desiderati were attained by the most ea y and comfortable means, with but little medicine, and 68 RECOED OP BEST ATHLETIC PERFOEMANCES. almost entirely by a system of diet. At the end of one year Banting asserts that he was restored in health, both bodily and mentally, had more muscular vigor, ate and drank with a good, appetite, and slept well; all symptoms of acidity, indigestion and heartburn vanished; he left off using boot-hooks and other such aids, which were before indispensable; he lost all feeling of occasional faintness; left off knee-bandages, which he had worn for twenty years, and gave up a truss almost entirely. Corpulence, says Banting, though giving no actual pain, must naturally press with undue violence upon the bodily viscera, driving one part upon another, and stopping the free action of all. Saccharine matter is the great moving cause of fatty corpulence, produciing increased weight and a large amount of flatulence; stouty matter is not so troublesome as sac- charine, which largely increased acidity as well as fat. Pure genuine bread may be the staff of life, as it is termed? it is so, particularly in youth, but it is decidedly more wholesome in advanced life when it is thoroughly toasted. Any starchy or saccharine matter tends to the disease of corpulence in advanced life, whether it be swallowed in that form or generated in the stomach; that all things tending to these elements should be avoided, of course always under sound medical authority. Vegetables, and ripe or stewed fruit, are generally ample aperients. The dietary system only attacks the sux3erfluous deposit of fat, and purges the- blood, rendering it more pure and healthy, strengthens the muscles and bodily viscera, and. sweetens life, if it does not prolong it.


EOWING. 2 miles—13min. 21Jsec., siEgle-scull, turn, James Eiley—Aug. 9, 1876. 3 miles—15min. 37lsec., four oars, straight, Argonauta E. A. —Sept. 8, 1875. 3 miles—16min. 32 4-5sec., six-oars, straight, Amherst University crew—best college time—July 24, 1872. ——


3 miles—17min. 40Jsec., six-oars, turn, Ward Bros, and Jared Eay- mond—Jaly 1% 1868.

3 miles—17min. 58sec. , lour-oars, turn, Halifax (N. S. ) Fisherman crew- Sept. 4, 1876. 3 miles—20min. 28sec., pair-oar, turn, Geo. Faulkner, P.Eeagan Sept. 5, 1876. 3 miles—21min. 9^sec., single-scull, turn, Edward Hanlon—Sep". 6, 1876. 4 miles— 24Qjin. 40sec., four-oars, turn, Ward Brothers— Sept. 11, 1871. 4 miles—28min. SOsec, single-scull, tiu'n, Y/allace Ross— Oct. 19, 1876. 4§ miles (about)— 23mm. 4sec., smgle-scull, straight, Geo. Tarry er Oct. 19, 1876.

5 miles—30min. 44|sec. , four-oars, turn, Biglin Bros, and Denny Leary—Sept. 10, 1860. 5 miles—32min. Isec, pair-oar, turn, John and Barney Biglin—May 20, 1872.

5 miles—35min. lOsec. , single-scull, turn, for champion belt, Joshua Ward— Oct. 11, 1859. 6 miles—39min. 20 3-5sec., four-oars, turn, Paris crew—Aug. 23, 1871.

PEDESTRIANIS M. —EUNNING. 100 yards—9|sec., George Seward— Sept. 30, IBM. 150 vards—15sec., 0. Y/esthall—Feb. 4, 1851; and George Forbes Dec. 20, 1869. 200 vards—19 ^sGc. G. Seward—March 22, 1847. 300 yards—31isec., J. NuttaU—April 27, 1863; and D. Wight—Aug. 5, 1876. 440 yards— 48isec., E. Buttery—Oct. 4, 1873. 600 yards—Imin. 13sec., James Nuttall—Feb. 20, 1864. 880 yards—Imin. SSIsec, Frank Hewitt—Sept., 1871. 1,320 yards—3min. 7sec., W. Eichards-June 30, 1866, 1 mile—4min. 171860., W. Eichards and W. Lang, level ground, dead heat—Aug 19, 1865; in 4min. 2sec., part down hill, W. Lang; in 4min., four starts, C. Westhall. 2 miles—9min. lljsec, W. Lang—Aug. 1, 1863. 3 miles— 14min. 36sec., J. White—May 11, 1863. 5 miles— 24min. 40sec., J. White, as above. 6 miles —29miu. 50sec., J. White, as above. 10 miles— 51min. 45sec., John Levett — Oct. 11, 1852. 12 miles, less 100 yards—Ih. 2min. 22sec., Y/. Lang—April 3, 1863.

20 miles—Ih. 58min, ISsec, E. Manks—Dec. 16, 1851. - 50 miles—6h. 17min., G. Martin—Sepi. 22, 1863.


1 mile—6min. 23sec., Wm. Psrkins-June 1, 1875. 2 miles—13miu. 30sec., W. Perkins, as above. 3 miles—20miD. 27sec., W. Perkins, as above. 4 miles—28min. 59sec., W. Perkins, as above. 5 miles — 36min. 323ec., W. Perkins, as above. 6 miles— 44min. 24sec., W. Perkins, as above. 7 miles— 51min. 51sec., W. Perkins, as above. 8 miles—58rani. 28sec., W. Perkins, Brighton, Eng., July 29, 1876. 9 miles— Ih. 9miii. 4lsec., G. Davison, London—Dec. 6, 1869. 10 miles— Ih. 17miD. 33sec., G. Davison, as abova —


20 miles— 2h. 42min. 48sec., G Davison, as above. 21 miles-^2h. 53miii. Sisec, G. Davison, as above. 25 miles- 3b. 42min. IBsec, J. Smith—Nov. 10, 1851. 40 miles—6h. 33min. Isec, G. Ide—Oct. 16, 1876. 50 miles— 81i. 19min. 55sec., G. Ide, as abo^ve. 60 miles—lOh. 46min. 2sec., Daniel O'Leary—Oct. 16, 1875. 100 miles— 18b. 51min. 35sec., W. Vaughan—May 9, 1876. 120 miles, 1,560 yards—in 241i., P. Crossland—Sept. 12, 1876. 1,000 miles in 1,000 consecutive hours—one single mile in each single hour. Captain Barclay— June 1 to July 12, inclusive, 1809. 15 miles 508 yards walked in 2 hours— George Davison—Dec. 6, 1869.

PKIZE EING. Longest Battle on Eecord— 6h. 15m., James Kelly and Jonathan Smith—Australia, Nov., 1855. Longest Battle in England— 6h. 3m., Mike Madden and Bill Hayes July 17, 1849. Longest Battle in America—4h. 20m., J. Eitzparick and James O'Neil, Berwick, Maine— Dec. 4, 1860.

JUMPING. 29ft., 7in., by John Howard, running wide jump, taking off from a block of wood, 1ft. wide, 2ft. long, 3in. thick, and elevated 4in. May 8. 1854. 13ft. 7in. —Joseph Greaves, standing-wide jump—Sept. 18, 1875. 6ft. 2iin. —M. J. Brooks (Oxford University), running high jump- April 7, 1876. 47ft, 7in. — K. Knox, running hop, step and jump—August, 1870. 40ft. 2in. —D. Anderson, standing hop, step and jump—July 24, 1865. lift, lin.—High pole jump, J. E. Woodburn—July 21, 1876.

MISCELLANEOUS. Kegulation base-baU thrown 133yds. 1ft. 7iin. by John Hatfield—Oct. 15, 1872. E. A. Pennell put up a dumbbell weighing 201|lb—Jan. 31, 1874. Mr. Pennock put up a lOlb dumb-bell 8,431 times in 4h. 34m. — Dec.

8 3, 1870. 1,000 yards swam by E. T. Jones in 15min. 30sec.—Sept. 7, 1874. Mr. Forbes threw a ciicket-ball 132 yards, slightly aided by the wind —Oxford, Eng., March, 1876.

Lifting. —Hand : l,250ib, health-lift machine, John M. Cannon Jan. 16, 1875; l,2l01b, E. A. Pennell—Nov. 8. 1873. The ath- letes hereinafter named are credited with having lifted the fol- lowing weights; but these feats are not properly attested. With harness: W. B. Curtis, Ne-v York, 3,3001b; Ambrose A. Butts,

Auburn, O , 2,737fib; John J. Lucas, Belleville, 111., 2,7001b—Oct. 26, 1875; Dr. G. W. Winship, Boston, Mass, 2, 6001b. Hand lift—W. B. Curtis, l,230ib; G. W. Winship, 1, 2001b.

Van Fleet, Pkintek, 88 & 90 Centre stbeet. New Yoke. —


ii and Iscle

From a nn-mber of very lengthy and elaborate criticisms of the press in various sections of tlie United States we give the following extracts: "Here we bave in condensed form a vast amount of valuable in- formation upon a subject which should deeply interest everybody, the substance of numerous other foreign and domestic publications on hke subjects mingling with impressions and advice born of the author's observatiun and practical experience. A treatise on the muscular system, tables showing the correct measurements of noted athletes and propoi-tions cf a perfect human figure, with remarkable feats of strength, etc., are also given. It is written in language clear to the understanding, and is a wo] k which we can cheerfully recom- mend all to read, coufidert that no one can peruse it without profit to themselves. "-MEY/ YOEK CLIPPEE. " The many interesting facts and hints contained in this ably com- piled work will immensely benefit everyone, it giving the crwam of the best authorities upon everything concerned in lis title. ' PHILADELPHIA SUNDAY MEECUEY. "A compendium of useful information."—N. Y. SUN. "Should be in the hands of all oui- athletes."—YONKEES (N. Y.) GAZETTE. " Eichly deserving of perusal. The work is not intended for pro- fessional athletes exclusively, but for all who desire to enjoy perfect physical health, which can only be acquired and retained by a proper regard for the laws of nature Mr. James thoroughly understands the subjects of which he writes, and presents them in a straightfor- ward, attractive manner. The book deserves to be widely read, and its teachmgs, if followed, will do more than doctors' prescriptions toward preserving healti."— NEW YOEK HEEALD. "It IS filled with useful hints and practical suggestions."—UTICA (N. Y. ) OBSEEVEE. "Of incalculable benefit to the health of many who are !--u£fering from a lack of physical training." — WASHINGTON SUNDAY HEEALD. "ilr. James is authority in matters which this volume treats upon. He has here given a plain, well-arranged system as to the manner of acquiring Health, Strength and Muscle." — BOSTON SATUEDAY EVENING EXPEES3. " A complece dissertation on the treatmc-i^t of free livers and sed- entary people in matters of air, clothing, food, stimulants, and the bestmodesof exercise for all ages. "—ST. LOUIS (MO.) HEEALD.

This Fook will be sent prepaid by Mail on receipt of Fifty Cents.

ED. JAMES, Publisher, 83 & 90 Centre St., N. Y. :


ISMfll TMlip'liil IF «!li Ett •--• Below will be found a few from the many encomiums of the New York press on the excellence of these works NEW YORK HERALD. "Treatise on Practical Training."— At a season of the year when most needed Edwin James' "Treatise on PrncticHl Training " has appeared. This neatly gotten- up book is full of valuabla hints to athletes of whatever kind and character, hav- ing been compiled with rare judgment, which long years of laborious work in the sporting Avorld has giren its anthor. The unpretentious volume, among other things, contains useful chapters on Training for Rowing, Boxing, Wrestling, and Pedestrianism, in additi»n to instructions for High and Broad Jumping, Fair Walking, Hammer-throwing, and in fact everything else useful to the professional or amateur athlete. NEW YORK CLIPPER. ''Treatise on Practical Training."—A new friend, and a most welcome one to all devoted to the pursuit of athletic exercises, has just made its appearance in the form of a neatly gotten-up book bearing the above title. It has been compiled with care and good judgment by Ed. James. In addition to the useful chapters on Training for Pedestrianism, Rowing, Boxing, AVrestling, etc., the book contains instructions in regard to practice for High and Broad Jumping, Running, Fair Walking, Hammer-throwing, Hurdling, and Putting the Stone, and tells what to do in case of accident, tender feet and hands, boils, etc. "Banting's System of Reducing Corpulency," a Table of Proportional Measurements according to Height and AVeight, and Records of Best Performances are also included. NEW YORK SUN. Mr. Ed. James has just published an edition of his "Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing, and Wrestling," embracing "Banting's System of Reducing Corpulency." It is an excellent work. NEW YORK SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. "Treatise on Practical Training."—The well-known sporting author, Ed. Jasies, has jus-t published a "Treatise on Practical Training," Avhich gives an immense amount of condensed practical information, valuable to lovers of athletics and all kinds of sports, besides containing important Tables of Statistics, revised up to January, 1877. NEW YORK SUNDAY DISPATCH. "Treatise on Practical Training."—The celebrated sporting writer, Mr. E-d. James, has just issued a "Treatise on Practical Training," which we can confidently recommend to every amateur and professional athlete in the land. It contains minute instructions as to the method of training for races, walking-matches, wrestling, pugilism, jumping, stone and hammer throwing, and sports of every kind, besifde a fund of useful record matter concerning time, weight, conditions, etc. NEW YORK CLIPPER. "Manual of Sporting Rules."—This is the title of a "work issued by Mr. Ed. James. It contains rules regulating Trap-shooting, Cocking Contests, Boat-racing, Prize Ring, AVrestling (different stjdes). Running, Walking, Jumping, Bagatelle, T^acrosse, Quoits, Rifle and Pistol Shooting, Archery, Shuffleboard, Shinny, Rackets, Handball, Swimming, Pin-pool, Fifteen-ball Pool, Skittles, Foot-ball, Knurr-and- spell, Scottish Games, Ten Pins, Skating, Curling, Fly-casting, Polo, etc. Hereto- fore where rules Avere in existence they could be procured only through private sources, or separately; but we now have them in such shape as will meet all de- mands. In many instances there were no rules, but the publisher has, by con- sultation with the leading exponents of the several games, combined with his own intimate knowledge of sporting matters, been enabled to supply such wants in a satisfactory manner. The volume is illustrated with engravings representing various games. The work should command a steady sale. TURF, FIELD AND FARM. " Mantjal of Sporting Rules. "—A very complete work, comprising tue latest and best authenticated revised rules governing all the various games played and prac- ticed here and elsewhere, has been published by Ed. James, a gentleman long and favorably known to sportsmen. In it we find rules for Trap-shooting, Canine, Ratting, Badger-baiting, Cock-fighting, the Prize Ring, Wrestling, Running, Jump- ing, Walking, Knurr-and-spell, Lacrosse, Boating, Bagatelle, Archery, Rifle and Pistol Sliooting, Billiards, Scottish Games, Skating, Curling, Polo, etc., and about everything else upon which it may be desirable to have information at hand to decide disputed questions. SPECIAL ITOTIOE.

state The safest way to send men p ""^'^'^ ^^ tered V fa t °'i°™' Letter or Drr.ft. "^'^ °^^^^' A deposit required o n ^^gi^ value, and, °''^"^ » for less an^ounl cash ^^^^ding $5 and Prn^ts sl^l Z sent by n>ail, "*'• post-paid, unles" ^"°J=' Gloves, Indian otheT^T'^''"'^^- Clubs and aU bulky 11/ ' Boang goods are sent C. O. ""^', '^ ^^^^^^ D , the ^^» the same, partSXt and for returning Money '"^^ *"S^^ "» press charges ^(1^ l'^ are very heavy, ^':™'°"<=^. ^^ere or where fh ez. B^unication, '" Gloves, etc., can be "° "^«^^ <=°m. per sZh^ T ounce, which has °f °- to be prepS/'^Sv •.'f'^"^*^ «°' C. O. D., as the ^'°* express compLes °"°°°' ''^ «ent tions. will ^Z No extra charge "" ™"'* ""^ ^»* for l^Z ™d /• ~°<3i- qurry wiU be ^" cheerfully andTromDflv °«- ^" '^«^'^ °< «»- stamped envelope. °° No merchanre !l.e'^'^'''^ ««'Pt "f « inches inlength can be sent pert^^'^'^S ^«> ^ »«gM or 18 " TEANK QCTEEN, Esq Ed. and Prop. " New Tori Clipper " ^'' ^^'•• COL. T^Ed'^"'?"'^^OP- a D. BEl-CE "Spirit of the Time... Prop. •' Turf, Field and Farm >• ™°„ "^ETHOLOMEIT, Es, E- F. ""• WILEresoN Esq. ''''"'""»«"' York ie„s.>, Editor "Eield... Lond™, England p '""'™e, Esq., f' ''" 1 GEIFFITH, Esq ^"'"'"''S I'lfe, " London, Eo, Ed. BelPs Life... Esq, London, England T''-^''^.^™, - ' ^"''- '^^'"oke Harvard D B C

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0IIPPEEBUILDne,88and90CEI.TBEs;.,J^.Y. ;

ffn this Um we challenge the world to produce a superior article to ours at the same pricej^

o i^er A.-Buckskin,^tuffed with. Si-t.

B.-Buckskin, stuffed with hair^ very substantial, 3 50 /C.-Extra Buckskin, stuflfed with curled hair 4 00 D. -Extra fine soft Buckskin, bound with fancy colored lea- ther, with strings to tighten, stuffed with curled hair .... 5 00 E.-Extra fine and soft Buckskin, white kid palms, stuffed with the best selected curled hair, with strings to tighten, and bound with fancy colored leather 5 50 r.-" Sounders," white kid leather, stuffed with the best selected curled hair^ bound with fancy colored leather and strings to tighten the wrists 6 GO

m- White French Kid Groves, made of very best materials, styre and finish with gauntlets, very tastefully trimmed with fancy colored leather, per set, $10.

3 lb. each, per pr 2 50 Q^l^^^^^^^^^ U '^' Pff P^ _^ | J^- «^f ^ ^ ^^^^^^^jii 101b. ^^ ^ ^JS; u u loo jll

25cts. , Maple Wood, per lb. each, Iron, from 1 lb. to 100 lbs. each, per lb. lOcts. ; lb. each, 75ets. Lignumvitse, per lb. each, 50cts. ; Rosewood, per PATENT STRIKING BAG, For Pugilists and Athletes of Every Description.

This bag is intended to strengthen the arms, wrists, shoulders, back, loins, and particularly the muscles of the abdomen, and will teach the striker how to deal a blow. No. 4, 20 lbs., covered with English canvas $I2 oc? <^® No. 5, 25 lbs., covered with English canvas 15 No, I, 20 lbs., covered with buff leather 20 OO


Per set of i. 2Ibs.ea.$l 25 3 do. 1 50 4 do. 1 75 5 do. 2 GO 6 do. 2 25 Iron pins, pair 50

Rapiers, Foils, Singie-sticits, Masks, Gloves, Etc. . English Haute Rapiers per pair $6 00 ^y--^ Iron-mounted Foils " 2 50 ^^^>^ ^-^ ^**^ 1 rass-mounted Foils " 3 00 Brass-mounted Silinger blade, curved ha.ndle wound with fancy leather $4 50 Wir ,per pair $3" 50" Wicket-handle Fencing Sticks 2 25 2 00 Wire Masks, with ear protectors. . . 4: 50 Fencing Glo/es Wire Masks, with ear and forehead Fencing Gauntlets 3 50 j^rotectws 5 50 i'lastrons for protecting the chest. 3 00 THE NEW PATENT SEAMLESS BOXING- GLOVES Without fingers or tliTimbs, being held on firmly by grasping a leather strip inside the glove (see cut). No ripping or bursting or falling off the hands; they are seamless and fit to perfection. The most durable article ever made, and the only glove which brings the art of boxing to as near the real thing as possible. Manufactured of best French white kid, with ventilators at the sides, per set of four gloves $6 00 Superior buckskin, per set 4 50 In ordering this glove please specify i,l.at you wish THE PATENT SEA?*ILESS GLOVES, in order not to canse any mistakes. ED. JAMES has the sole agency for New York State, and the Pat- ent Seamles-s Glove can only be obtained by sending to headquarters,

B.B. CATCHER'S MASKS AND CATCHER'S QLO^ES. The glovea are made of I n d i a n tanned buckskin, with padded palms, half fingers, and are as soft and pliable to the hands as kid. Price per pair, $2. The Catcher's Masks are made of wire, and cushion- ed with soft leather, filled \vith the best curled hair. They are light and easy to adjrst. Price, each, $3. BATTLEDORES AND SHUTTLECOCES. BATTIiEiyOPvES, from SI. 25 to $3.00 per pair. SnUTTLECOCKS, from 30 cents to $1.00 per pair. ' Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, and 90 Centre st., N. Y. EUREKA ROWBNC MACHINE, This machine gives an ex- cellent and exact representa- tion of rowing. It has the sliding-seat movement, and its propelling action is with oars (as in a boat). It is simple in construction and durable, and it packs so small that it can bo stowed away in almost any cupboard or closet, and can be put up and worked in any ordinary-sized bed room. To- tal weight, 2 7ib. A beginner can lecim on it to be a good sculler, as well as increase his-muscular and physical development. By shifting the chain links attached to the lever it can be adapted to th« strength oi any person, or used and v/orked by a child 12 year^ of age. Pnce, complete and ready for use, $10.

1JE¥ ATHLETIC SUITS. Seamless Shirt, pink or white, $1 00 Knee Tights, pink or white, - $1 00 With fancy trimming, each $1 25 Flannel Caps, from 75c. to $2 00 In ordering state width across chest, waist, and size of cap worn.

^ RyM^ir^G Ai^D WALKIMQ SHOES. American spikes, Bunning Shoes, per pair. ... .$3 50 English imported spiked Eunning Shoes $6 00 Balmoral canvas Walking Shoes, $3 50 Ai^ERICAl^ PEDO!¥iETER, Easily adjusted to any length of step from 23 to 35 inches, measures accurately, is the size of an ordinary watch, in a nickel-plated case, and can be carried in the vest pocket. It will measure the exact distance you walk. It is a true indicator of the amount of exer- cise taken in and out of doors. Invalids will find it invaluable in regulating their exercise. Full directions, together with ready reference table, accompanies each one Price, $5 00.

Address ED. JAMES, Chpper Buildinc, G8 a:id 99 Gentro ; :., :: I. EEELS. 60yds., brass, English make, stop, each S2 50 80yds., brass, English make, click, each. 4 00 150yds., German silver, American, balance handle 3(0 300yds., Ger. silver, steel, pivot and patent cap, balance handle.. 13 00 BASKETS. French or Enghsh make, for troat, from $1 50 to 4 00 2 50 to 6 00 Square Fish Baskets, from ^ RODS. Trout Eods, 4 pieces, full mounted reel bands and best cap, 00 fine finish • ^ Trunk Eods, 6 pieces, full mounted, hollow but solid reel plates, each joint 2it. each 13 00 Fly Eodp, 4 pieces, fall mounted, hollow but extra tip, each 10 00 Brass Eods, 4 pieces, general rods, hollow butt and swelled fer- rules, extra tip, each 13 00 Bamboo Eods, 4 pieces, reel bands and guises 5 00 SEINES OE NETS. Crab Net, ring, and jointed handle 1 50 Minnow Nets, hnen, 22 inch, each 1 50 Landing Nets, hnen, each 2 00 Also Hooks, Eagle Claws, Lines, Floats, Fly Books, Baits, Sinkers, etc.

FIREMAN'S COODS. HATS AND CAPS.—Enameled leather and front Hats, each $S; four cone Hats, each S6.50; eight cone Hats, each $7; enameled leather Helmet Caps, per doz., ^18; New York Eegulation Cap, clotb, very fine, per doz., $21.

BELTS.—Patent leather, 10 different styles, per doz. , from $9 to $24. SHIETS.— Firemen's Service Shirts, with figure or monogram, best flann 1, per doz., $29. TEUMPETS.—Duty, Nickle plated, 20 inch, each $7; Parade, chased and pjated, 20 incli, each $21. MISCELLANEOUS.—Buttons, with F. D. on, per doz., largo $1.25, small 75c. Badg-^s, with fine design and number and name of com- pany, per doz., $10 Silk, Cord and Tassels, for trumpets, each $1.60. Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 90 Centre st, N. Y. As a parlor game for ladies and gentlemen, it has not an equal. It has not only the accuracy and distance requisite for the common pistol target practice, but is without the ex- pense of ammunition, and also free from the annoyance of dangei-, smoke, smell, &c., that accompany the use of firearms. Each Rifle is put up in a neat box, with three darts and two targets. Price of Rifle, complete, $5. Darts, per dozen, f 1. Targets, postage prepaid, 25 cents per dozen.


This instrument will clip a horse in two hours, and when clipped tlie coat is equal to a natural Sum- mer coat. Anyone can^ use it. Over 200 horsef have been clipped by on( single machine, without sharpening. Price $5 The Dexter Horse Clipper. Price $8. Addler's Patent Clipping Machines, $8.50, $10.50, $12.50. SAAVS, SPURS AND MUFFS. Muffs for Sparring Cocks, per set of four. $1.50. Steel Spans.—Regulation, per pai'i-, $5; Drop Socket, per pair, $6.50; Tl.imble Heels, per pair, $6.50; 3 Cornered, or Bayonet Blade, per pair, $6.50; Sword Blade, per pair, $6.50. In ordering spurs, it is necessary to name the length of blade and style required. Direc- tions for Measuring Spurs.—The dotted line indicates the correct way of measuring. The socket does not count in measurement. Saws the knife knife included, $3.50. for sawing off the heels, finest quality, $2.50 without ; TEN PINS AND BALLS.

4>^ inch ball $2 00 5 inchb;ill 2 50 5>^ inch ball 2 75 e^nchball 3 00 inch ball 3 25 6K UO 7 inch ball f 7^4 inch ball 4 2o 7Minch ball 4 50 8 inch ball 4 75 00 83^ inch ball o 9 inch ball » 2j Pins, per set; o UU

gI£ITTIi*0 FINS AKD BA1.IL.S. L.IFTING- MACHINES AND 50 liUNG TESTERS. 7 lb cheese ball $3 4 50 ll>^ib chee.se ball Straia:ht Gauge Lifter, $70. Dial Gauge, 5 50 14 lb cheese ball $90. The Lifter platform is 12x20 inches, i^ uu Skittle pins, per set while the gausres are silver plated. They lift from Ifi) to SOOlb. IVOIiY CROQ^UET BALIiS. Straight Gauge Lung Tester, $45. Dial li< inch,"'per set of eight $5 ^0 Gauge Lung Tester, $50. The Lung Tester 1% inch, per set of eight 6 5U comes in a nicely painted box. with legs to high. TROTTING AND RUNNING- screw on, 13 inches square, 2}^ feet HORSES. GENUINE DIAMONDS. Size 14x18. Price 30 Gents Each. Half Carat, Judge Fullerton. One Carat Stone, $100; $50; Eight Carat, $15. Huntress, Quarter Carat. $25; an Commodore Vanderbilt, with running mate, These may be had either spiral or with pin. Pins. Diamond and Dexter. Rings, same price as Shirt Tom Bowling. Clusters, from $50 to $150. Dexter against Etton Allen. Bassett against Longfellow. IMITATION DIAMONDS. Goldsmith Maid against Lucy, 2:17. Studs, from $2 each, accord- Dexter acjainst Butler, to wagons. Pins or Spiral size. Rings, from each. Clustery See page 15 for other Horse Pictures, same ig to $5 size and price.

H. and T. TRAPS. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS For Pigeon Sliooting, $8. of Actors,

HAND BALLS. Actresses, Politicians

$3 per -dozen, or 30 cents each. and distinguished

people. BASK BALiIiS. 25 cents each, 6 for $L

Professional, red or white dead ball, each $1.50. CROSSE. Professional Star, each $1. XA ProfessionaJ Practice, each 50 cents. Bats, per pair (hickory handle), $3.50, Balls, per dozea, $6. BAL.L.OT B03CES,

Black Walnut, with white and black balls RACKETS. complete, S5. Cheaper quality, complete, $S. English Rackets, S6. Gavels from $1 to 54 each, American Racket Bats, all wood, 50 cents. Racket Balls, per dozen, $2.

FRENCH POOL. TS^HEKLS. SPORTING For Trotting Courses, Fair Grounds and Sa- SHOES. looE.'s, 27in. in diameier, the best kind man- ufactured S50. SUNNING Same size but cheaper design, $30- PUMPS, American make, $3,50. TAROETS. English imported, S7. 20 inch square in fancy colors, lead bulls-eye, Wei Cher's make, with steel spring shank, §8. wood face for darts, and fancy figure to Welcher's Walking Shoe, with steel spring raise when bull's-eye is hit, $5. shank, S8. 20 inch round target, with iron plate, bell and Baseball Shoes, of heavy white canvas, with comic figure, $6. instep strap, $2.50. Habbit Race Target, iron, nicelv painted, Boating and Gymnastic Slippers, of white felling when bull's-eye .is Mt. Size 10x24. canvas, $1.25. Price $8. Racket Shoes, $8.



COLT'S 7-shot »«^v*E KNIVES, CARTRIDGE REVOLVER ^'^'^^'^ DARK LANTERNS, t0^1^^J^^^^S?^^^^^^^Bladdress, on receipt Of ^^^ S2 and $2.50. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. DOG COLLARS. NEW SAFETY ROLLER SKATE.

Enameled Leather, Ger. Silver Trimmings. The front link prevents the operators from falling forward and 9 to 13 inches, 50 ceiats. enables them to spring from the 10 to 16 inches, 65 cents. toe, and can walk up a steep in- 14 to 20 inches, $1.00. cline, turn round and run down. 18 to 24 inches, $1.50. The back check is to prevent fall- Enameled, raised edges and cen- ing backward ; also to enable the tre, German Silver Trimmings. operator to stop at will in case of 9 to 13 inches, 60 cents. danger. Can be used any place. 10 to 16 inches, 75 cents. Enables learners to use them 14 to 20 inches, $1.25. without danger of falling and 18 to 24 inches, $1.75. hurting themselves, Bkass Collaes. which is very common with other skates. The 21 to 3iin. diam., 35c. wheels being of iron, are war- 21 to 4^in. do 50c. ranted. Price per pair, aU sizes, 4 to 6m. do (with ring), 75c. $2.25. — 5^ to 7in. do do $1.00 German Silveb Collars. LAl^N TENNIS GOODS. 2i to 3iin. diam., 50c. 2^ to 4iin. do 60c. 2|- to 3^in. do (with ring), 60c. 2i to 4iin. do do 70c. 4 to 6in. do do $1 00 5i to 7in. do do $1.50 Large Brass Chain Collar, from $2. DOG LEADERS Of steel or iron, plattod or linked, Four English bats, four plain 75 cents to $1.50 each. balls, two polished portable poles, Of platted leather, with tassels, in sections to pack in box; one net, 50 cents to $1.00. 26x5ffc. ; two guy ropes and run- ners, four pegs, one mallet, book of SPRING PAD LOCKS. rules, all comx3lete, in box. I inch, Brass Spring, 30 cents. Price, $15. I inch, Brass Spring, 35 cents. I inch, German Silver, 35 cents. WHIPS. I inch, German Silver, 35 cents. DOG MUZZLES. Hand made, wire ftame and leather neck strap, 50c. Leather, small, closed or open snout, 50c. Cowhides, Dog and Jockey Wire, 40c. Whips, from 50 cents to $1,50. POLICEMEN'S GOODS, Etc.

22in. $1.75, ISin. $1.25, Uin. $1, Sin. 60c. THE SECRET BALLOT BOX. Blue, each, $12.50. Nickel- plated, $14. ROUND POLICE OR DARK LAMTERN

Made of tin and painted. Sin. Made of Black Walnut, Fine bull's-eye, $1.50. Flat Police or French Polished and Lined. Can Dark Lanterns, 2in. bull's-eye, be used for Baseball, Cricket, §1.25. Archery, Football, Boating, and SHELL PO-WDER FLASKS all Sporting Clubr; a] go for Ma- sonic and Ojld Fellow Lodges, 80Z $1.00 Temperance and all other socie- ties. Size, 65x6 |x6 inches. Each, $5. lOoz $1.50 DRINKING FLASKS. With metal 12oz., extra fine, screw tops, $3,00 covered with roan, h o g- 16c z., extra fine, skin morocco $3.50 and Eussia

leathers, in i, WHISTLE.

k, I and pints, from $1 to $4 each.

SMITH & WESSON'S NEW MODEL Polished metal, with rattle, 30c. NIPPERS AND CUFFS. Pol c e Nippers, Chain, nickel-plated, per pair, $1.25. Po- Hce Nippers, patent spring, the bestmad.^, $2.00. Handcuffs, pol- ishud, $4.00. Hand- With Patent Automatic Ejectoi; cuffs, polished, lor

five shot; weight, 16oz. ; cahbre, conveying three pr's- 38-100; lengih of bairel, 34m. oners together, $6.00. . ,

THE BOGARDUS PATENT Glass Ball Trap and Rough Balls.

SPOON OABS. Leathered and copioered, 7 to Tgft $3.50 do do 8 to 9ft., $3.75 do do 10ft., $4.00 Theso Traps and Balls, patenter! With buttons, right and left, by Bogardus, and used by him 9 to 10ft $6.00 Plain spruce many thousand times, prove to be oars, per foot. . .15c. just what is wanted by ail sports- Plam ash oars, par foot 12c. men's clubs and amateurs. $6 ROWLOCKS. ^.^ ^ each. The Patent Kough Ball. — bide plate, brass, per pair $2.50 The only ball that will break sure do gaiv. iron, pr pair. $1. 25 when hit by shot. Every ball ^CLEATS AKB CHOCKS, marked. Patent Rough Glass Galv. cast iron, per lb 14c. Balls, $2 per hundred; Patent do do chocks, per lb. 14c. Filled Ball, $2 per hundred; ^ TACKLE BLOCKS. Smojth Glass Balls, $1.75 per Galv. malleable iron, with hundred. The above balls are wrougnt hooks, length 2^ packed three hundre^ in a barrel, to 3^in. each 60c. to" $1.50 ready for shipping. ^ , RUBBER BRACES. Field, Cover and Trap Shoot- Galv. malleable iron, perdoz. ino', by Bogardus. Price, $2. 50 sets $3.25 to $4.50

Strippers or IViagic Euchro Cards.

..~=i^ A By means of which the most celebrated card tricks known can Readers or trick cards, a-s used iSy magicians and others', puzzling be performed without practice. everybodv not i a the secret. Pric , Per pack, $1.50. wi.h full directions, per pack, $1. WINNING BICE. TOMMY BOB TOPS.

"Will spin high

cr low, as de-

sired. Of best

ivory, with ex- Of best ivory, three high, three low and three square. Price per planation of the set of nine, with directions for use, $5. secret, $3.00. —

THEATRICAL. GOODS, ETC, Red Clogs, all sizes, v,-ith jingles, from $3. )er pair upwards. Directioas lor measure- nent; "" D No. 1, Measurement around foot at toe. O No. 2. Measurement around foot at instep No. 3, Mea,surement around heel over ia- step. No. 4, Measurement of length of foot. Silver Clogs. $7. ^aile Boots, $& Sandals, feJ. Song aad Dance Shoes, 1dm. long. Spangles, silver or gold, "from M^S f|^ per lb. Upwards. Worsted Knee Tights, wis g3- rrirmed, scroll spangled, $14. Knee Tights, V Felvet leaves., and flowers spangled, Sir. !>a .iflborine, large size, brass rim aad screws, W iP!= j6. Moccasins, per pair, S2.50. Helmets, 1^^ /.^ach, from S8 to $15. Plain Steel Armor lOloth, per yard, $2. Shell Armor Cloth, per iyard, .in §3. Harmonicon, with moutlkpiece,

-j 54.50. Bones, rosewood, 75 coots per set; lri^.lo jebony, S1.25. Burnt Cork, prepared and ^ ready for use, 50 box, or lb. cents a S2 per I Colored Fire, for tableaux and fairy scenes, S2 per lb. Mongolian, in a paste, for Indians, ill etc., per box, 60 cents. Prepared Whiting, for clowns, statuary, etc., not afiected by pei'spi- ration, per box, 60 cents. Pencils, for eye- if K M s: brows, 60 cents; Pencils, for veins, 60 cents. illllilsll Lightning, per box, 60 cents. Moonlight "Sis" light, for statuarVrCtc. 40 cents oer paciiage. AMERICAN RACE HORSES. STEEL ENGRVINGS. Size 18x24. Price 60 Cents E.-\.ch. Col. W. R. Jshrison, of Virginia, the JSfapoIeoa of the Turf, Boston. Gray Eagle. Shark. Black Maria. a o John Bascomne, Monmouth Eclipsa Ripton and Confidence in tlieir celebrated Two Mile and Repeat Match over the Ceu- treville, L. I., Course, in 1842, gi5^ rjlmported Leviathan. Si o c-2.: o Ph c i Wagner, c X a> ^ g c^^ilmported Monarch. D >= ^i Ira ported Hedgeford. oot-ITf. Fashion, cs^?-- MISCEIiliAWEOUS GOODS, Fine Silk Umbrella, So. Fine Silk Umbrella, with gold plated cup, $6. Double Nine Dominoes, S6 per set. Dice Boxes, leather, per pair, 50 cents. Large Ivory Dice, 20 cents each. Sporting Knife, with screw, saw, hoof HORSE GOODS. digger, etc., $1.50. Hunting Knife, lOin, long, Jockey Cap, silk, any col- $2.50. Bowie Knife, iOin. long, $2.50. 14in. or, to order, $3.50. Leather Checker Board, $2,50. 15in. Leather Weight Boots, per pair, Checker and Backgammon Board, $4. Rub- ^- from 4 0z. to l^^lb, $5.50 ber Suit (boots and pants), $15. Pewter P.'>ston Reins, $12. Mugs (half pints), per dozen, $13. Dog Coup- 'folders for Reins, $3.50. lings, used in coursing, $.3. , Bezique Box, $2. .3hin Boots, $6. Dark Lantern, Sl.oi Signal Lamp, for Mast Lollin? Bit, $6. Head, SG. Side Light, for vessels, $7 Derby Bandages, per set Decoy Duck, with movable head, $2.25. Gea- of four, $5. uine Bla.ck Thorn Stick, $2. Cuckoo Clock, Knee Boots, for protecting above and below $20 Patent Stilts, per pair, 50 cents. the knee, $10. Abdomitial Supporters, $6. Shoulder Brace, Tfx> Boots, per pair, $6. $6. Stockings for Varicose Veins, per pair, Spurs, per pair. $6. Ear Trumpets, S2..50, $6 and $10. Res- Whips, Gutta Percha, 8 fl:., $4.25; 4 ft., $2. pirator, for consumptives, $2. Loaded Dice, three high, thi-ee low, and three square, MASONIC, ETC. $5 the set; Gym- Gold Enameled Slipper, S2. Gold Square nastic Morocco Slippers, $2.25. Rattlesnake and Oompas.«, $3. G.jld Three Links, S2.iGame, or Going Around the Horn, 50 cents. Gold ITinters' Composing Stiok, $2.50. Trow- Magic Tobacco Box, 50 cents. Magic Cigar el, with coral handle, $3. 'Case, $I.5U ; MISCELLANEOUS GOODS.

Falling Birds and Stars, falling back when hit. Made for out-door ' shooting. Iron, for cap and shot." $5. Set by a rope from stand. MECHANICAL TARGETS. COMPASSES. Charm Com- Plain gold plat- Round 18- ed.—fin. in di- inch Target ameter, 50 CiS. 12- with 13-16ths in. in inch iron diameter, fine, plate, for 75cts. Float- cap and ING Dial Com- shot, comie pass, for yachts and boating. — figure ris- 2iin., brass, each, $1.50. Hint- in g and ing AND Fishing Compass—l|in., ringing a brass, each, $1.25. Hunting-case gong when Compass, with stop—2in., $2.50. bull's-eye is hit. Nicely TURTLE SLEEVE BUTTONS. painted, sot by a rope from stand, Nickle- $5. Booster, small chick spring- plated, 50 ing on his back when bull's-eye cents. is hit, iron, for cap and shot, 14x1 6in., $2.50. Eagle, opening Magic Turtle, his wings and ringing a bell when all alive, a buU's-eye is hit, iron covered, for great curi- cap and shot, 28x28in. , $6. osity, at 30 cents. THE ABBOTT POCKET MICROSCOPE KALEIDESCOPE. It examines, in focus, whole in- sects, bugs or worms, alive or dead, transpar- ent or opaque, feet up or down, confined in a cage—which is a part of the in- strument— while in motion or in Elegantly mounted on walnut fixed position stand, and furnished wirh revolv- without harming the insect; also ing brass Object Box, containing for examining seeds, flowers, transparent tubes filled with plants, minerals, fabrics, engrav- liquids of the most brilliant col- ings, bank notes, etc. Price $1. ors. Price, complete, each, $3. — MINSTEEL AND THEATEIOAL GOODS.

NX^GRO ]>ONSTREI. GOODS. EQUESTRIAN SHIRTS. _-^__ BURLESQUE Theatrical Shirts, white, black, or flesh "^ )ng-and-Dance color, $2 each; in fancy colors, $2.75; ^HOES (buff), fine worsted, black, white, or flesh color, $4; in fancy colors, $5.

SONG-AND-DANCE CAPS, flannel, long THEATRICAIi WIGS. peak, $1; fine opera flannel, $1.50; ^ Measurements. satin, $2; silk, $2.50. No. 1. » From forehead to PREPARED BURNT CORK, per box, 60c. ^ ,y •;-'' \ nape of neck. TIGHTS—As Shown in Cut. ^*'' Full length cotton, flesh, ^\ Around the head. '^'^M^^ ^ white per pair, - No. 3. $2.50; m fancy colors, From ear to ear across the crown. same style, $3 ; fine worst- ed, black, white, or flesh No. 4. color, $4; in fancy col- From ear to ear ors, $5. across forehead. Measurements Gentlemen's Dress Wigs, with natural 1. Around waist. parting, $10 each; of ordinary color, 2. Full length. extra red or light, $18 to $20; Bag

3. From crotch to heel; Wig, continental style, $5 ; Bald Wigs, also, give the length according to shade and qu-ality, from to . of foot. $5 $15; Yankee Wig, ordinary col- ored hair, $5; Yankee Wig, very light STOCKINGS. iragg or extra red, $10 to $15; Irish Crop In any color or colors, long lengths ^^S Wigs, ordinary color, $4.50; Irish Crop

to come over the knee, all wool, . Bag ' Wigs, white grey, $4.50; Dutch Char- per pair, $1. iMw acter Wig (Gus WilUams), $5; Indian Extra 50 heavy quahty $1 QS Wigs, $5; Judge and Jury Wig, $10; Fi.ne worsted, plain 2 00 ^S Clown Wig, $6 ; Pantaloon Wig and Fine worsted, fancy 2 50 ^H Beard, $6. Worsted, striped 3 50 ^. Worsted, striped up & down 9 00 ^^^ NEGRO ^WIGS. BONES, per set. Rosewood, 50c., 75c., $1; Plantation, or Short Crop, per doz., $12; Ebony, $1.25. Astrachan ditto, each, $4.50; Hat Plush ditto, each, $3; Middle-men or For Musical Instruments, see another page. End-men, each, $2; Wench or Topsey, KNEE BREECHES. each, $5; Fright, each, $6; Bald Negro Wigs, with whiskers and eyebroM'S, $4, Worsted (various colors), trim- med with gold or silver lace, .


BASEBAL.1, GOODS. STOCKINGS. First quality goods, long lengths, $10 per doz. pair, $1 per pair. Second quality goods, long lengths, $6 per doz. pair. Extra quality goods, all wool, and long lengths. $27 per doz. pair; $2.50 per pair. Extra quality goods, all wool and long lengths, cotton feet, $24 per doz. pair; CLUB OUTFITS. $2.25 per pair. Outfit No. 1, embracing Shirt, Pants, Cap, BELTS. Belt, Hose, Shoes and Spikes, complete, per man, $9. Outfit No. 2, same as No. 1, but of in- ferior gosds, per min, $7. American Union Web, different colors, . 'lYz inches wide, 24 to 36 inches long, black leather finish, double straps and P. & S. New Treble Ball, red or white, per buckles, $3.50 per doz. dozen, $15; each, $1.50. P. & S. Professional Ball, red or white, CRICKIET per dozen, $12; each, $1.25. OOODS. Cricket Bats, all patterns, with bag, P. & S. Amateur Ball, red or white, per each, $lto..; dozen, $9; each, $1. $12 00 Cricket Balls from $1. 25 to 4 00 BATS. Wickets or Stumps and Bails, per Ash, Bass, Spruce or Willow, per dozen, set, from $2. 25 to 3 50 "Willow, half $2.50; Light American Leg Guards, from $3. 50 to 6 00 Ash, polished, per dozen, $5; Sapling Knee Pads, per pair 3 25 ' wound and waxed handles, per dozen, Abdominal Protector 2 50 American Willow, loaded at handle $6 ; Open Palm Batting Gloves, per pair 5 00 •with ash, per doz, $8. Batting Gloves, ordinary tubular. 8 50 FLANNEL SHIRTS. Wicket-keeping Gauntlets, tubular 5 00 Long-stop Gloves, First quality, any per pair 3 50 Belts, each, from 7oc. to solid color with 1 50 Morocco and Leather Belts, stitched, letter or number painted names sunk in, to 3 00 on shirt, $36 per $2 Cricket Score Books, each $2 and. 3" 00 doz. ; $3.25 each. Second quality, G5-OODS. per set $33 per doz. $3 CROQUET ; Boxwood.—The durable each. Third qual- most set made; superior in every respect; ity, cheaper style separate compartments offlannel, $27per for the balls ; with patent design Mallets, doz. $2. 50 each. ; in chestnut case 00 First quality opera-flannel, any color, $15 Beach, or Rock Maple.—Imitation stripe or check, $32 per doz. $3,75 each. ; Boxwood. This is the best set FLANNEL PANTS. that can be made from these fine First qualit}^ of any solid color desired, American woods. Patent design $36 per doz. $3.25 per pair. ; Second Mallets, in chestnut case 9 00 quality, $32 per doz. $3 per pair. ; Rock Maple.—French polished. A SHOES. very handsome and durable set. Oxford or Low Cut, made Patent design Mallets 7 50 of fine white canvas, Selected Hard Wood.—Thoroughly

with patent spikes, $34 made and varnished ; a handsome per doz., $3 per pair. set; patent design Mallets 6 00 Ditto, Avithout spikes, Hard Wood. —Good selection of $24, $2.25 per pair. Balmoral or high hard wood; barrel-shape Mallets; cut, made of fine canvas, with leather, handsomely striped; full set and instep straps, etc., and with patent very durable. Balls and Mallets spikes inserted between the soles when varnished 5 00 made. The spikes can be taken out Hard Wood. —Barrel-shape Mallets and put in the soles in two minutes' substantially made. One of the time, and the shoes worn in the streets best cheap sets made in this without injury, $36 per doz., $3.25 country. Balls varnished 4 00 per pair. Hard Wood.—Oil finish 3 00 CAPS. Youth's Set. —Good selection of Leading styles, flannel, anv colors, $6, $8, hard wood; well made and var-

$12, per doz. ; Jockey Club shape, $9, nished; strong and durable 4 00 $12, $15, per doz. Youth's Set.—Hard wood ; oil finish 3 00 ; ATHIflllTIC I^OOBS.

SliKKVEIiESS SHIRTS. HEALTH LIFT MACHINE. Cotton Tights (no seams), A complete gymnasium for men, women solid colors, $30 per and children. Elastic, reactionary and doz., $2. 75 each. cumulative. Price, complete, $30. Same as above, in stripes, $36 per doz., $3. 25 each. Patent POCKET GYMNASIUM, ¥ Extra fine qualities, knit Over fifty dilTerent Excercises from worsted, in solid can be per- formed with this apparatus. for colors, $48 per doz., No. 1, children from 4 to 6 years, $4.25 each. $1; No. 2, for children from 6 to years, Same as the above, in stripes, $54 per 8 $1.10; No. for children from 8 to 10 years, doz., $5 each. 3, No. 4, for children from 10 to 14 Any of the above, with Initial Letters, $1.20; years, No. for ladies and child- Anchors, Oars, Stars, etc., extra, $8 $1.30; 5, ren 14 years upward, per doz., 75 cents each. and $1.40; No. 6, for gentlemen of moderate strength, KNEE TIGHTS. $1.50; No. 7, $2; complete set of seven, 7. is fitted with a screw-eye Of cotton, solid colors, $27 $9. No. to the wall or floor. per doz., $2.50 each. and hook to attach of this size, properly arranged, Extra fine quality, knit from Two gymnasium. worsted, in solid colors, $45 make a complete per doz., $4 each. Stripes knit in either of the Improved HORIZONTAL BARS above, extra, $3.50 per doz., For Gymnasium, Stage or Parlor. It can 35 cents each. Also imported goods of be fixed easily in a few minutes in any qualities, furnished when de- cheaper room, and as quickly removed; and is cent, less than the sired at 20 per adapted for both sexes and all ages. above prices. The fastenings are most ingeneously arranged to adjust the bar to any TRUNKS. height. Heigtit of upright, eight feet Cotton, per $12 it can be adjusted as low as four feet, doz., good $1.25 each; and regulated to use from a four to a quality, $18 per doz. $1. 75 , six foot bar. With two pairs of the each; heavy worsted, $24 Iron Stanchions, very strong and neat per doz., $2.25 each; ex- Parallel Bars can be made. Horizontal tra fine worsted, $30 per Bars made of the best young hickory dOT., $2.75 each. wood, and finely finished. J'riee $1.25, SKUI.I. CAPS. $L50, $1.75, $2, $2.25, $2.75, and $3.25 each. Size, S)^, 4, 43$, 5, b}i, 6, and Cotton, any colors, per doz., each; $9 $1 6j4 feet. Price, with everything com- quality, per doz., each: heavy $12 $1.25 plete, $25. fine worsted, $18 per doz., $1.50 each. ENGLISH BOATING SHOES. PULLEY MACHINES. White canvas, leather soles, $2.50 per 101b to lOOib each. No. 1, without pair; white canvas, extra strong rub- weights, $20; No. 2, on platform, $25; ber soles, $4 per pair. weights for the above, per pound, 6c. -WHITE CANVAS SlilPPERS FENCING STICKS. Low cut, with draw Basket handle, per pair $1 50. strings, $12 per doz.

pairs ; extra quality, BOOKS ON ATHLETICS. with eyelets and laces, $15 per doz. prs. Prof. Wm. Wood's "Manual of Physical Exercises," $2. GYMNASIUM BELTS. Dr. Dio Lewis' " New Gymnastics for Men, English Web, $1; Union Web, fifty cents. Women, and Children," 300 illustra- tions, $1.75. RUNNING SHOES. Ed. E. Price's "Treatise on Sparring and American Spiked Run- Wrestling," 75c. ning Shoes (buff), per Kehoe's "Work on Indian Club Eiaer- pair, $3.50. cises," $1.25. Best imported Spiked Running Shoes (black;, per pair, $7. Ed. James' ''Treatise on Practical Train- Hydi-aiilic Rowing Macliine. ing for Running, Walking, Rowing, Single machine, comfilete and ready for Boxing, Wrestling, Jumping," etc., etc., use, $30; two machines, one seat, two 50c. levers, $55; four machines, four seats, Ed. James' "Manual of Sporting Rules," four levers, $110. governing in and outdoor pa.stijine^, 50w. AMERICAN ized rubber, and will not "become soft oi BAK peel off when in use. TEJ\DER, Per pair, $2, $3, $4, $4 60. containing over 100 Summer and Winter Drinks. CHESS MEN. 50 cents. HOW TO MIX DRINKS. I ^i. I BY Boxwood, 8 sizes, per set, $2 00 to $6 50 Jerry Thomas. Hardwood, 5 sizes, per set, 1 25 to 3 00 130 pages, $1. Bone, 4 sizes, per set 4 00 to 8 00 Traveling chess-board, mahogany, draw out, bone men, small and large, per ROLLER SKATES. set $4 00 to $6 00

Sixes, 7, 8X, 9X, 10)^, ll^^ia. foot-plate. CHECKER MEN. This skate is neater, lighter, and more I.ignumvitfe and Boxwood, 1)^ inches. durable than any skate yet offered. The black walnut box, per set $1 00 foot-plate is of sheet-iron, with mountings Bone, l^in., black walnut box 4 00 (well secured) which will not cause pain Checker and Chessmen combined.. 1 50 or injury to the feet. The axle runs through a steel collar upon which the wheel revolves, thereby preventing fric- DOMINOES. tion. The roller is made of solid vulcan- Bone, per set $1 00 to $3 00


STRAPPED, witli.lieel bxitton ALL CLAMP STEEL. Sizes, 8, 8>^, 9, 9^, 10, 10^, 11, llKin. (See cut above.) Japanned sheet-iron foot-plates, con- Sizes, 8, 8K, 9, 9K, 10, 10)^, H, HKin. verted steel runners, steel heel button In constructing this skate, no new or strapped with broad toe straps. Per untried mechanical principle for obtain- pair $1 25 ing the desired motions and power is em- ployed. The transverse sliding clamp for grasping the sole, operated and held by MEDIUM Q,UAL.ITY. means of pins and sluts, is a mechanical device long and successfully employed on Sizes, 8, 8}i, 9, 9^, 10, 10}^, 11, llKin. skates ; which, with the single and direct-

Stamped Eagle, No. 3, well finished, ly acting heel clamp and loiigitudinal blued foot-plate, right and left screw, im- screw, malie this the most desirable of all proved guides, per pair $2 00 clamp skate in the market. All of the important parts of these skates are made of steel; and the runners are manufac- HALF-ROCKER. tured of the best welded steel and iron, carefully tempered. Sizes, 9, 9K, 10, 10>/, 11 inches. No. 9, Nickel I'lated, per pair $5 50 Falf-rocker welded steel and iron run- No. 8, Blue Top, per pair , 4 50 ners hardened, French polished beech wofflds, mounted with heavy brass heel and toe plates, very highly finished, LADIES' SKATES. for inches, broad toe straps, pierced 1% Sizes, 7, 7K, 8, 8)4, 9, 9)4, 10 inches. per pair 00 $2 Monitor pattern, solid post frame skate, tempered runners, polished beech woods, trimmed with black leather, broad toe NEW YORK CLUB. and heel straps, roller buckles, brass plates, per pair $2 00 Sizes, 8, 8K, 9, 9K, 10, 10 1-^^, 11, ll>^in. Blue finished, steel foot-plate, polished runners, same quality and style as nickel plated, per pair $3 00

Address ED. JAMES, 88 and 90 CEHTTEE STREET, New York City. .

RARK ENGIilSH SPORTING lilVE STOCK. PRINTS. Westminster Dog Pit, representing a dog fight in this famous pit in the last century. Size 16x22. Price S1.50, Crib and Rcsa, two high bred bull dogs. Size 16x20. Price $1.50. Bubble and Squeak, terrier and rat. Size 18.X20. Price S1.50. Rat Catcher, dog killing rats. Size 12x15. Below are given prices of birds, animal.?, Price $1.50. etc. (express charges not included), which in- Price Cocker and Woodcock. Size 16x13. _ §1. variablj" have to be prepaid bj' express and Spaniel and Wild Duck. Size 16x13. Price SI monej' forwarded in advance. No Uve stock Setter and Grouse-. Size 16x13. ^rice $1. sent C. 0. D. Maltese Cat $10 00 6H) Black and Tan Terrier 40 00 Pluck, small' black and tan d'og, with large Sft do 25 00 rat. Size 19x24 Price Si.50. Bull Terrier, from $25 to 100 00 Bull Broke Loose, bull baiting with dogs in Italian Greyhound, from 30 to 75 00 the olden time. Size 16x22. Price $1.50. Scotch Terrier, from 20 to 50 OO Pot and Kettle Race, t^vo dogs with pot and Skve Terrier, from 20 to 50 00 kettle tied to then: tails. Size 16x21. Price Newfoundland, from 30 to 100 00 $1.50. Coach Dog 35 00 Pugilist, monkeys as pugilists, with seconds, Retriever, from 25 00 etc. Size 15x16. Price $1.50. Fox Hound 40 00 Duehst, monkeys fighting a dueL Size 15x16. Setter 40 00 Price $1.50. Pointer 40 Oa Lurcher and Rabbit. Size 16x13. Price $1. Beagle Hound 40 0(1 Eetriever and Pheasant. Size 16x13. Price $1. Ferrets, per pair 30 OO Pointer and Partridge. Size 16x13. Price $1. Game Fowl, $10 each, or the trio 25 00 Derby Day. Size 27x50. Price $20. Parrot, from $12 to 50 00 English Race Horses, winners of the Derby Parroquet 8 0(« and Ascot, beautifully colored. Size 18x22. Cock of the Rock 75 Oft' Price^ga, Silver Pheasant and Hen, per pair 50 00 Monkey, from $15 to 25 00 Canary, from 5 to 10 09 Anaconda Snake, from 50 09 Cockatoo, from 20 09 Mocking Bird, from 25 09 VETERINARY INSTRU- MENTS. THE SET-TO. Metal Horse Syringes, 24. 36 and 48 oz., $3 50, $4 50, 85 5(1 Two Brass Horse Svringes 13 Ofl Game Fowl m the act of fighting, beau- Reed's Patent In.iection Pump, be?t 35 00 tifully colored lithograph. Size 14x18 Reed's Patent Injection Pump, plain ... 23 00 Price 50 cents. Eng^ish Imported Horse Tooth Rasp 5 00 English Imported Horse Tooth Rasp, DR. guarded 6 25 COOPER'S GREAT WORK Two Fold Case Veterinary Instruments. 18 00 Three Fold Case Veterinary Instrum'ts. 27 00 Pricking Knives, 1, 2 and 3 blade, plain. $2 50, $,S 25 and $4 OO GAME FOWL,. J' Pricking Knives, 1, 2 and 3 blade, spring back $2 75, $3 50 and 4 25 Over 300 pages, with two elesant chromos. Castrating Clamps $4 00 and 10 OO Price $5. Castrating Eraseur 17 OO [Set of Hobbles 35 00 Firing Irons 3 00 Balling Guns, wood 2 50 PIGEON PliATE. Balling Guns, brass 3 50 SHOOTING Elastic Horse Catheders 3 OO Metalic Horse Catheders 3 00 The Gi-eat Championship Pigeon Shooting v^„,ii^o r^1o5r. ^„^^„ ^eedles,plam Si 25 and 1 Match between John Taylo? and William l^^^^^n 75 Seeds, 4 25 the "Jersey Boy," sriving portraits ofi'?f,^°ii'^?^^'^|' i o'«!fJo'V,i^/it ^""^^^ Fleams, 1, 2 and 3 Wades. over 50 celebrated shots! tinted lithograph. ._ 2 25, $2 75 and 3 25 Size 28x48. Price $2.50. Beautifully col Tracheotomy Tubes, metal 50 ored, price $3.50. 7 Tracheotomy Tubes, hard rubber 5 25 Spring Lancets 3 25 SPORTING WORKS. Tooth Forceps, from 6 00 •Clipping Shears $1 75 and 2 25 American Racing Calendar. SI. lipping Combs, horn 75 Clipping Combs, steel 75

Apparatus for Ringing with gas . .$6 50, 18 00 Racing Rules, 50 cents. Apparatus for Singing, with alcohol , Trotting Rules, 50 cents. S2 50 5 00 Frank Forrester's Horse of America, 2 vOiS., Trocars and Canulus .' 3 75 $15. Hvpoderme Svringes S3 75 and 6 00 Pigeons: their Variety, Management, Breed- Silver Milk Tubes 2 00 ing and Diseasse. By Hugh Piper. 75 cents. Horse Muzzle 7 50 Sweet's Elements of Draughts, for beginners. Small Nippers 2 25 60 cents. Baldwin Bit ' $2 50 to 5 00 Sweet's Bead> Reckoner. 50 cents. Bit to Prevent Wind Sucking 3 00 MUSICAL INSTEUIENTS.

445 20 screws, inlaid rosewood rim, Each. nickel plated trimmings, metal tailpiece 30 00 450 20 screws, inlaid rosewood rim, nickel plated trimmings, cover- BANJOS. ed back 30 00 All Banjos liere described are 11 inches 455 20 screws, brass rim, new style, with nuts inside.... „ 21 00 iu diameter. Each Tack head, sheepskin, with walnut 460>^ 20 screws, brasa extra fine handle $2 50 rim, nickel plated trimmings. . 25 00 6 plain screws, slaeepskin, walnut 465 20 screws, German silver rim, handle, iron hoop 3 25 nickel plated trimmings 25 00 6 eagle brackets, sheepskin, wal- 470 20 screws, German silver rim, nut handle, brass hoop 5 00 nickel plated trimmings 30 00 6 eagle brackets, calfskin, walnut 475 20 screws, German silver rim, style, . handle, brass hoop 6 00 new with nuts inside. . . 25 00 10 eagle brackets, stained rim, calf- The patent consists mainly in the ap- skin, walnut handle, brass hoop 7 00 plication of an entirely new style of screw 8 shields, stained rim, rosewood and clamp, the latter catching upon the veneered handle 8 00 metal hoop, and the screw passing through it and into a solid ash rim, forming for itself a thread almost as durable as one PROFESSIONAL BANJOS. of metal, and producing an equal and 10 brackets, fine head, fret, walnut Each. powerful pressure upon the flesh hoop. handle, and oak rim $8 50 The advantages of this banjo over all 16 brackets, fine calf head, walnut former patents are many, and comprise, handle, oak rim 10 50 mainly, a power of tone never before at- 16 brackets, polished veneered rose- tained in a low-priced banjo; extreme wood handle and rim 12 50 lightness, durability, and an attractive 1,6 brackets, extra fine rosewood appearance, which assures the dealer of veneered handle and rim.... ,. 15 00 a ready sale. 16 brackets, extra fine solid rose- On ALL these Banjos we use the best wood handle aud veneered rim 21 00 quality French calf head, Italian strings, 10 brackets, German silver rim, and thoroughly seasoned wood for the lined with wood inside, walnut necks and rims. fretted handle 13 00 16 brackets, German silver rim, lined with wood inside, walnut fretted handle 15 00 16 brackets, German silver rim, lined with wood inside, inlaid handles 13 00 18 brackets, German .silver rim, lined with wood inside, soUd TAMBOURINES. rosewood 25 00 TACK-HEAD TAMBOURINES. Ea^h. 10 inch, sheepskin $1 50 DOBSON'S 12 inch, sheepskin 2 50 "mPEOVED PATENT BANJOS," 10 inch, calfskin, stained rim 3 00 12iach, calfskin, stained rim 3 50 jsj-Q^ Patented February, 1873. Each. 10 inch, calfskin, wooden rim lined 400 8 screws, im. rosewood rim, with brass 4 50 cherry neck, brass trimmings. $7 60 12 inch, calfskin, wooden rim lined 405 10 screws, im. rosewood rim, with German silver 6 00 walnut neck, brass trimmings. 8 50 410 12 screws, im. rosewood rim, SCREW-HEAD TAMBOURINES. cherry neck, brass trimmings. 9 50 10 inch, plain, sheepskin, iron trim- 415 14 screws, im. rosewood rim, mings 2 00 walnut neck, fretted brass trim- 12 inch, plain, sheepskin, iron trim- mings 10 50 mings 2 75 425 14 screws, im. rosewood rim, 10 inch, calfskin, painted, brass nickel plated trimmings 15 00 trimmings 3 50 430 16 screws, im. rosewood rim, 12 inch, calfskin, painted, brass nickel plated trimmings 17 00 trimmings 4 25 435 20 screws, rosewood rim, nick- 10 inch, handsomely painted, calf- el plated trimmings 21 00 skin, v,'ith fancy gilt trimmings 5 00 440 20 screws, inlaid rosewood rim, 12 inch, handsomely painted, calf- nickel plated trJi^uiings 24 00 skin, brass trimmings 5 76 ED. JAMES' STANDARD SPORTING SERIES. HEALTH, STRENGTH, AND MUSCLE, with Cures for various Diseases, Proportions of a perfect Human Figure, Measure- ments of Noted Athletes, Remarkable Feats of Muscular Strength, Description of the Muscular S.vstem, Nutrition and Digestion, Food, Air, Exei'cise, Stimulants, etc., etc. Sent prepaid by mail for fifty cents. DUMB°BELL AND OLUB^SWINGER'S MANUAL, Containing- all the Movements and What Muscles they Develop, with upwards of thirty-six illustrative figures and portraits, original and engraved expressly for this work. Sent by mail on receipt of thirty cents. Practical Training for Running, Walking, Rowing,"Wrestling, Boxing, Jumping, and all kinds of Athletic Feats, Banting's System of Reducing Corpulency, Record of best Athletic Performances, Proportional Measure- ments according to Height and Weight, etc. Price, by mail, prepaid, fifty cents. TTTR COMPLETE E[AJNI>BOOK^ BOXING ANDOP WRESTLING; with full and simple Directions on Acquiring these Useful, Invigorating, and Health -giving Arts. Illustrated with Mtj original Engravings and Portraita. Prick Fifty Cents, prepaid by mail.

. THE 0-JLM.-E COCK. How to Breed, Feed, Train, Eandle,fthe Cocking Rules, etc. By Ed. Jamea Heel and Trim ; Treatment and Cure of Illustrated, cloth, by mail, $1 25 Diseases, Cockers' Tricks Exposed, and all) TERRIER DOGS, ETC. How to Breed, Crop, Physic, etc., with Dog Fighters' Tricks Exposed, Avith a Points and ; Properties Rats and Rat Kill- chapter Teaching Dogs Tricks. By Ed. ing, Ratting, Badger Baiting and Dog James. Cloth, illustrated, price $1. Fighting Rules, How to Train for the Pit, MANUAL OF SPORTING RULES, COMPRISING THE LATEST AND BEST AUTHENTICATED REVISED RULES GOVERNING Trap Shooting, Canine, Ratting, Badger jSwimming, Foot Ball, Pin Pool, Fifteen Baiting, Cock Fighting, the Prize Ring,|Ball Pool,' Scottish Games, Ten Pins. Wrestling, Running, ' - ^Valking, Jumping, ISkating, Curling etc For- the United Knurr and Spell, La Crosse, Boating, {States, Canadas 'and Great Britain By Bagatelle Archery, Rifle and Pistol Srtoot- Ed. James. Illustrated. Paper, by maiL mg, fehulTle Board, ^ ^ j Shinnv, Quoits, Skit-!prepaid, 50 cents- > ties, Hand Ball, Rackets, Fly Casting,] T33.e Modern Oarssnazi; Teaching how to Scull, Row, Steer, Slide, Trim. Sit, Feather, etc. Also, Record of Important Sculling Matches In both Hemispheres, Portraits oX Noted Oarsmen, Boating Rules, etc Price Fifty Cents. PUBLISHED BY ED. JAMES, 88 AND 90 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK, NEW YOEK CLIPi^ER BUILDINa. EB. JAMES' PWQIMSTIC? BEBIES

Illustrated Life and Battles of JACK UKNM flljlj, known as The Prime Irish Lad. with full account of his battles with Leonard, Jack Payne, Walton, Dodd, Ugly Boruk, Dick West, Harry Holt, Aby Belasco, Burke, Joe Parish, JDan McCarthy, Ned Turner and Jack Martin, containing portraits from steel plates. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of

Champion of Ireland, who defeated Tom Hall, George Cooper and Tom Oliver, being knighted for his bravery, with portraits from orig- inal steel plates. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of JOIIM MOMIISSIJY, Conqueror of Heenan, Sullivan and Thompson; his turn-up with Bill Poole; Senator and Member of Congress, with portraits. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of J€>H.M C5. HEEMAM, containing full accounts of his International fights between Som Sayers aT>d Tom King, etc., with portraits. Price, 25c. Illustrated Life and Battles of

AU about his great $10,000 championship battle with Yankee Sulli- van; contest with Country McCluskey, etc. Four cuts. Price, 25c. €IlAMFi4>^S &W 1:M«SE(ASI1>. from the year 1700 to the present time, containing Authentic Eecords, Anecdotes, Personal Recollections, etc., etc., with 30 eugravings, from original portraits by Ed. James. Price, 50 cents. Illustrated Infe and Battles of YAWKS2E SUlL,IjI¥A5f. including his Convict Life and Prize Fights in Australia, fights with Hammer Lane, Yince Hammond, Tom Secor, Billy Bell, Bob Caunt, Tom Hyer and John Morrissey, down to his assassination in CaUfor- nia. Price, 25 cents. The Life and Adventures of HEM M€>©AH. who delights in being looked upon as the Wickedest Man in the World. Containing a full account of his thrilling and remarkable experience, together with a complete report of his triumphs in the Prize Eing, and his career in the Oil Eegions, in the Far West, and on the sea. Dluscrated proiiisely ; 300 pages. Price, 50 cents. . .

HEEMI AND SAYERS FIGHT for £200 a side and the Championsliip of the World. tJcmtaining 250 portraits from life of the pugilistic celebrities and sporting men of the day. Framing size, 22x28. Price, with key-plate included (unframed), $3 When sent by mail 50c. additional required for postage, etc. Fliot€>^FapIig of Piigilistg, Ktc. Imperial size, taken from life. Price, 35 cents each. Joe Goss, Paddy Ryan, George Rooke, Mike Donovan, Dooney Hariis, Johnny Dwyer, Billy Edwards, Arthur Chambers, Wm. C. McClennan, Jim Murrav, Mike Cobum, Dick Goodwin, Patsy Sheppard, Ed. McGlinchy, Frank White, Edwin Bibby, Prof. Bauer, Ed. Hanlan, John Morrissey, Wm. Muldoon, John McMahon, Matt Grace, Jimmy Kelly. No other photographs of pugilists for sale.

DAN" DONNELLY'S Life and Battles, profusely illustrated 25 cents JOHN MORRISSEY'S Life and Battles, with, portraits 25 cents JOHN C. HEENAN'S Life and Battles, with portraits 25 cents TOM HYER'S Life and Battles, with portraits 25 cents PUGIIilSTICA, or the History of British Boxing for 144 years. Published in month- ly parts. This work, illustrated, was commenced in March, 1880, and is issued every month. Price, per part, 50c GAME FOiri^S, Their Origin and History, with a Description of the Breeds, Strains and Crosses; The Ameiican and English Modes of Feeding, Training and Heelinsr; How to Breed and Cross, Improving Qualities and Preserving Feather, together with a Description and Treatment ot all Diseases incident to Game Fowls. Illustrated with two beauti- ful chromos of a cut out G-ame Cock and Game Cock in full feather. Over 300 pages. By Dr. J. W. Cooler. Eltgantly bound in cloth and gilt. Price, per copy, $5 00.

Containing fuU instructions for everything appertaining to the busi- ness, with specimen programmes, stump speeches, end-men's gags, etc. , etc. Illustrated with characters, scenes and f)ortraits. Price, 25 cents. Address ED. JAMES, Clipper Building, 88 and 90 Centre st., New lork. ED. JAMES' PRICE LIST.



SIZE, 17x21, 33 COLORED, YACHTS, Etc. pitJCE: 1 EJ^CH. SIZE, 14x18. PRICE 25 CTS. EACH. JOHN C. HEENAN,i JAIVIES IWACE, Meteor, rOIVS SAYERS, TOiVi PADDOCK, Dauntless, j Henriitta, NAT LANGHAIVI, | WiVI. EDWARDS, Vesta, Fleetwing, ARTHUR CHAIVIBERS. Cambria. JOHN J. LWYER. Yacht Race for the Queen's Cup, 1870. Sappho and Livonia Yacht Race Cup of 1870. Little Ship Red, White and Blue. '* Ship Great Republic. MAJCIR." Steamship Great Eastern. The R. E. Lee aod Natchez Race. Race on the Mississippi. SIZE, 25x31, COLORED, Ice Race Boat on tlie Hudson. eaclx. Boat Race—Rowing. Price ^1.3^5. New York Ferry Boat. 8® AMERICAN FISTIANA. Containing rounds, etc., of principal Prize Fights from 1816 to date. 160 pages. By mail, 50 cts.


.Vs they appeared in their celebrated figh:; in New York /x March, 1849, with por- HORSE PICTURES. traits of ha jlers and celebrities. Size, 17x2L Price 50 cts. MISCELLANEOUS. PRICE 20 CENTS EACH, OR 6 FOR $1. Lucille Oolddust, Henry, SIZE, 14x18. PRICE 25 CTS. EACH. Prospero, Lady Thorn, Frank, Dutchman, of Chicago. R a r u s and G r o a Lady Fallon, iJurnmg Eastern, Hambletonian, East River Bridge, New York. Trotters on the Snow Flora Temple, Family Register. Parole, saddle, Occident, Royal Family of Prussia. Harry Bassett, Sweetzer, Talked to Death. Ethan Allen, Longfellow, Dexter, Molfie McCarthy, Dolly Varden, Goldsmith Maid, Edwin Forrest, Burns and Highland Mary. Lucy, Lucille, Byron in the Highlands. American Girl. Croxie. Dexter vs. Butler, Sam Purdy, I Family Photographic Tree. ' Blackwood, Jr. Gloster, Tomb and Shade of Napoleoa. Red Cloud. , Hopeful, Smuggler, Lady Maud, Assassination of Lincoln. York City. Camors, Rarus, i View of New Fleety Golddnst, Bella, Daniel O'Connell. Nettie, Srausf£jler vs. Fuller- Robert Emmett. Mambrino Gift, • ton. The Setter Dog. Lula, Great Eastern, Bodine, Ten Broeck, The Pointer Dog. May Queen, Tom Ochiltree, Empress Eugenie. Sensation, Jay Gould, Royal Family of England. Gov. Sprague, H'lnnis, The Broken Slate (for bar rooms). The Heathen Chinee. Walter Browa and James Hamill's Great Sculling Matcli, 25x33. Price, $3. A Modem College Scull, 17x21. Price, 50 cents. _ Amateur Muscle in the SheU, 17x21. Price, 50 cents.

RUNNING HORSES. Harrry Bassett, with jockey wait-

ing for the signal ; size 25x33. Price, $3.

Petonia and Fashion running

their great race May 13, 1845 ; size, 25x33. Price, $3. Plying Dutchman and Volti-

PORTRfillSOFTHEGBEATTRDnERS geur, running race ; size, 22x28. Price, $2. Size, 25x23. Price, $3. Goldsmitli Maid, to sulky, 2.14. Road and Track Scenes. Lula, to sulky, 2. 15. Size 26x36, ench $4.00. Smuggler, to sulky, 2.15i. A Stopping Place on the Road. American Girl, to sulky, 2.16 s. Trotting Cracks at Home—A Model Occident, to sulky, 2.16|. Stable. Hopeful, to sulky, driven by Mace, Trotting Cracks at the Forge. Going to the Trot—A Good Day and Good 2.171. Track. Judge Fullerton, to sulky, 2.19. Coming from the Trot—" Sports " on Eed Cloud, to sulky, 2.18. '• Hotnestretch." Fast Trotters on " Harlem Lane." Lucy, to sulky, 2.18|. Speeding on the Avenue. Lady Tliom, to -wagon, 2.24; to A Brush for the Lead, NowYork "Flyers' sulky, 2. 18|. on Snow. the Season—To go as they Music, to sulky, 2.21-1-. First Trot of please. Thos. Jefferson, to sulky, 2.23. George Wilkes, to sulky, 2.22. Size 25x33, ench $3.0C Joe Elliott, to sulky, 2.15|. Scoring— Coming up for the Woi Brush on the Homestretch. Moore, to sulky, 2.31, A Tom Won by a Neck. Dan Rice, better known us Ehode Trotting Cracks on the Snow. Isl'd, to wagon, 2.81^;s'ky. 2.23i Trustee, to sulky, twenty miles in Famous Trotting Horses. 59min. 35^sec. Size 25x33, each $H.OO. Barus, to sulky. The King of the Road, Dexter and Bon- to sulky, and Great Eastern Barus ner. to saddle. American Girl, and Lady Thorn. Goldsmith Maid, and American QlrL Size, 22x28. Price, $1.50.

Com. Yanderbilt, to wagon. Billy Bovce—Pacer. To Saddle, 2:14JI^. Jack Eossiter, to fculky. Dexter—To Sulky, 2:174. ED. JAMES' PRICE LIST,

Monk $ 5.50 Welling's Patent King Lear Wig and Beard 12.00 Clown Wigs Compressed By sending the size of Hat -wom, a good Ivory Faro Checks. fit can be obtained. Pltiin \}i inch, per hundred $10.00 •• \% « " " 11.50 Beards, Moustaches, Etc. Lined \)i " «* " 11.60 \% " " " 13.00 Full Beard $3.00 « Extra Ions? 4.00 Engraved 1)^ in. " 13.00 " " " Side Whiskers and Moustache, on \% « 16.00 wire. Plain XYi in. pr. set of six hundred 50.00 •' 1^ " " " " eo.oo Side Whiskers and Moustache, on " " gauze 3.00 Lined 1>^ " •• 60.00 i. 1% .. M M .t Moustaches, all colors, each 60 70.00 Engraved in. " «* " 80.00 Imperials fiO 1>^ « 1^ " «• « «• 90.00 Banjos. stage Banjo, 14 Screws $15.00 Poker Chips. Solo Banjo, 15 Screws 18.00 rVOBY. Rosewood Banjo, 16 Screws 25.00 1 Inch. per hundred, $10.00 Solid Rosewood Banjo, 16 Screws.. 35.00 \% « " 12.00 Silver Plated, 16 Scrc-ws 45.00 lY " " 15.00 Sundries. \% *« " 16.00 Either red, blue or white. Tamborines^ BOHE. Violins, from lO.OO

• I in., per hundred, Accoi'deons, . * Concertinas, Mouth Harmonicons, 32 Holes. Ijtf " plain. S.00 Best Ebony or Eosewood Bones, cut to measure, " Triangles, each 1.50 1>^ « 4.00 y- t« i« «< Burnt Cork, the Receipt for mak- ] 6.00 " «• «« 8.00 ing it 26 1% 1^ *• " " 10.00 Boston Counters, per set 4.00 Magic Lanterns, from 2.00 Albums, for m Cartes 2.00 Welling's Patent Albums, with 50 Cartes of Celebri- Compressed ties 4.00 Ivory Poker Chips. Sleeve Buttons—Horse, Dog, Ivory Poker Chips, pr.eetof six hundred,) Turtle, Egyptian Stag, Erog, Owl, and 7.00 with glass eyes, per pair. . . 75c. Heads, Parties sending for Poker Chips will please specify the number wanted Of p!l§^^^ Faro and each color. '^Mf&^i. Keno Goods Tools. Etc. Faro Boxes and Square Dealing Faro Box, fine make, German Silver, extra heavy.... $25.00 Ivory Faro Checks. Card Punches, steel 4.00 Card Punches, silver, with hinge. . 10.00 FIRST QUALITY. Trimming Shears, double edged Cutter 35.00 in., plain, per hundred $35.00 \yi Shears, Knife small.... 20.00 lA " " " •' 37.50 Trimming \% " " " " 40.00 Trimming Shears, Knife large.... 50.00 Stripper Plates, to use with Knife, 1>^ " fancy, " " 37.60 1» " " " « 40.00 per set 5.00 Card Press, without cover 6.00 1^ •* ' ** •* 42.50 Card Press, with slide cover, com- SECOND QUALITY. partment for dealing Box, lock IrV in., plain, per hundred 27.50 and key : 10.00 jT? u'^« .« « 30.00 The same, to hold a dozen packs. IJc « « « " 32.50 Double 14.00 \% " " " ' 35.00 Case Keepers, Cards, Wooden " \)i " fancy, " 32..'50 markers 12.00 19 " " " " 35.00 Case Keepers, Cards, Composition \y^ " «' " " 37.50 markers 15.00 Coppers, Splits and Markers included. Square Props, per set, 4 in a set.... 3.00 Brolcen Setts of Checks filfed up at short Case Keepers, finest painted Ivory notice. markers 25.00


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£D. JAMES' STANDARD SPORTI l||l||||ll|||llllllllllillllllllllll r -" 029 726 844 2
