Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-08-06

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1947-08-06 ON THE INSIDE THE WE~THER TODAY Car~s Gain Full Game .............. Page 2 'Fair and cooler' today still may mean 9O-de'" Advanced Degrees ......... .. .. .... Page 3 gree temperatures in Iowa City and vicinity. Cigarette Investigation (Editorial) ..... Page 5 owan' Ealabllilbed 1868-Vol.19, No. 268-AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Wednesday, Auquat 6, 1941-Five Centa 1 free Seven Elliott, Senator Shake Hands Dutch Break Th. U.S. TocIay- Killed While Fighting Eviction (10 Leader (harged With Tru~e,Say . Notion In Says Stand The News Is 'Hypocrisy' • lynch Attempt Indonesians Itr ..... .IIOCIAT.D r .... BATAVIA, Java (IP)- The In­ BOWAB HUORD lett tor New York Governor Governor Criticizes donesian army charged last nl,ht Washington late yesterday alter­ Calli for Preservation Grand Jury's Failure that Dutch troops on two fronts noon to keep a date with the sen­ had violated cease-fire orders in ate war Investigating committee, Of Union Principles To Indict White Men, the East Indies. and both Dutch H u i h e s' departure - withheld JACKSON. N, C. (JP}-Seven and republican leaders indicated from the press-was from the ALBANY, N. Y. (IP) - Gov. wbite men were' freed yesterday their forces would answer shot­ Culver City field of the plane Thomas E. Dewey yesteroay broke on ~harges of a lynching attempt for-shot any resumption 01 hostil­ builder's aircraft company. his silence on developing 1948 upon a young Negro. Shortly att­ Ities by opposing units. presidential campaign issues by erwird Gov. R. Gregg Cherry A republican army spokesman Nmeleen *)Ie ...... * * were IdUed speaking out for the preservation condemned failure of the North­ deciared in a broadcast that a near WaxahaebJe. Tello. Wbell of "the principles of union or,an­ IIIInpton county grand jury. to three-pronged Dutch force had the truck ba wbleh iher were ization and collective bargalnin. ... JDdicl them as a "miscarriage of continued attacking for two and rldlq coW,,, ",Ub a ruoline Dewey made his labor statement jQltice." iii half hours after midnight yes­ tank tnek earlr yeAerday. four days after returning from a 'rhe grand jury, by failing to terday. the cease-fire deadline. El&"bteen 01 *be dead were Ne­ 6,500 mile. month-long weltern lMict, also freed the Negro. 24- Before t~e Jogjaka rta radio ,roes. tour during which he was called 1tar-old Godwin (Budd:t) Bush, broadcast the republican charges The trucka bl.... for boors upon to declare himself on for­ who had been charged 'with an ELLIOTT ROOSEVELT (right) reaches across the witness table to after tbe erasb. Olfleen elosed attempted assault upon a young of Dutch violations. field advances eign and domestic issues. shake hands with Sen. Homer Ferguson (R-Mlch.) after flnlshfng his &he heavUr-travele4 Waco-Dal- white married woman, from Semarang indicated the One of his chief potential rivalS' \'est~lm:r before the senate war Investigating subcommiUee in Bush was taken from the North­ cease-fire was working out well 1.. hfthwar wbere tile aecl­ for the Republican presidential! Washington, Ferguson Is chal~man of the subcommittee probing war- tdtpton county jail May 23 by In that area. previously the scene deDi oeewretl. nomination. Senator ' Robert .A. time plane contracts. (AP WIREPHOTO) armed and masked men, but es­ of persistent sniping and mortar Taft of Ohio, last week urged Re-' caped. Bush hid for three days. tire. BJLL 1lUTCHIN8* * * 01 Dallas publican leaders to discuss major Then surrendered and was re­ *** *** The cease-fire orders of the missed his pnotography class yes­ issues frankly. moved from the community for Dutch and Indonesians complied terday but still fulflUed the day's Dewey, in the pre-Labor da, iafekeeping, with the call of the United Na­ assignment of taking on·tt!e-spot statement. said: Later he returned to attend his Elliott, Admits Censure Suited tions security council tor a ter­ pictures of some happenlnJ. "The administration of the gov­ father's funeral and has remained mination of the 15-day-old con­ Hutchins was on a bus stopped ernment of New York state Is de­ lht're without incident since. flict In the rich Pacific islands. .by the road-blocking collision in dicated to the principle that the G",ernor Cherry. in Raleigh, For Accepling 'Wedding'Gift' Major political con!Ucts appar. which 19 perso~ were killed. He principles of union organization ~xpressed disappointment that no enUy were shaping up on the grabbed his camera and got some and collective bargaining must be, indictment was returned against WASHINGTON (IP) - Elliott were deiJvered during the war. questions of forthcoming media­ of the best shots of the wreck. Al'TER A HALF-HOUR battle, two policemen stand over the bodr preserved." . the seven white men. H~ said ac­ Roosevelt testified yesterday he The senate subcommittee Is tion efforts and territorial occu­ The Associated Pr,ss and ita 01 Charles Longboat &I they remove ammunition with which Lon.. - The statement drew Immediate tion of the grand jury "does not might be open to reprimand for looking into $40,000,000 worth of pation. Wirephoto service bought many of boat resisted eviction Irom hi. Lyndhunt. N.J.. home yeaterd.,.. cOmplent trom Louis Hollander" elOsI! the case." letting plane manufacturer How­ plane contracts given Hughes and The Dutch said 1hey wanted the pictures. Loqboat and a policeman, Thoma. Albino, were killed, president of the New York state "Undoubtedly a crime has been ard Hughes foot a $576.83 hotel Henry J. Kaiser and Is seeking mediation carried out by the Uni­ (AP WIREPHOTO) CIO council which claims more committed by those who entered bill for him as "a wedding pre. to learn whether Roosevelt in­ ted States. The republic. however, JOlIN MEYER.* * *pubUelst 'or than 1.250.000 members. Hollan~ the Jackson jail, and one of the sent." fluenced the awards. requested that the matter be Howa", H.bea yeste~ der said In New York City: members of the mob had con­ Rooseve'lt also told a senate war The hotel check paid by Hugh­ handled by an International com­ termed "rlclJeuoh." ... ",_. Reveals Increase "Dewey's statement today sud­ fessed to the crime," the governor investigating 'Subcommittee that es. Roosevelt said. was at the: mission appointed by the United tastttl" the ...riIoa of a IliIIlt Toll denly to declare himself in love said. "The jury should have club tl~ rtrt llaat ,be II Bells Jack Frye. former president ot Beverly Hills hotel in California. Nations, Indonesian leaders in with organized labor after he was' found a true bill in order that ~b. laOMr of blr g ......- ... Trans World Airline, which is The time WaS shortly before his Jogjakarta Indicated they hoped, hi Price.of Sugar sllent durin. the entire discus­ this evidence could have , been controlled by Hughes, paid $850 marriage. at least. ~o secure Tepresenta.ti~ 1iOD. sion of the Taft-Hartley law Is beard in open court." in hotel costs for the marriage, The $850 paid by Frye. Roose­ of IPldia and Australia on that A warran' 101' MeJer'& arrest :WASHINGTON ()P)-The agri­ the ,reatest hypocrisy ever issued The report of the 18-man jury was Ilped Oft Ut. ___lalla, of At Hiroshima But the son of the wartime velt added, came out of Frye's commission. by a responsible government offi­ climaxed two days of tense court­ c~lture department announced pre sid e n t angrily challenged own pocket. the ctrl. Patriela Mlle•• U. wIIo HIROSHIMA (IP) - Bells cial. .•• In his whole career a. room proceedings. The grand jury sold. tllprettel New yesterday .an increase in ceiling Hughes' publicity man. John W. "But you khew at the time." ,t __ 0' thro\:jghout Hiroshima yesterday governor he was revengeful to had been asked by Solicitor Ern­ York'. awaillint m.bt .INd•. prices for sugar expected to come organized 1abor, .• . Labor will 'est R. Tyler Monday to return Meyer. to say whether girls listed broke in Senator Ferguson (R­ l~ed a one-minute reminder on Meyer's expense account were Mich), chairman of the subcom­ out at about one-filth of a cent a remember Dewey's record and no lrue bills on each of three counts THE CIUCAQO DallY Times ,~t just two years ago the world's "procured" for him. mittee, "that he was connected British Seize . *'* *' pound at retail. love stories tor Labor day wfll against the seven men; (1) kid­ announced ,elterd,y that "more ilrst war-dropped atomic bomb help him." Roosevelt married movie act­ with Hughes aircraft company.1" The department raised ceiling naping; (2) conspiracy to break than a sUUicient number" of its killed or left missing 92.000 of Dewey was denounced vi,or­ and enter a jail with intent to ress Faye Emerson on December "I knew he was connected with shareholders had ,ccepte4 an of­ prices 13.5 per 100 pounds tor raw I TWA, which Is controlled by Mr. this city's residents and destroy­ ously by organized labor in New injure or kill Bush; and (3 ) 3, 1944. He said he objects to fer by Marshall Field III. pub­ su,ar and 15 cents for refined su. York for his sponsorship earUlr "insinuations" about her, and has Hughes," the witness repned, Jewish Chiefs ed more than half of all ot its breaking and entering a jail with lisher of the Chica.o Sun. to pur­ ,ar at the :primary distribu tion this year of a state law prohibit­ intent to injure or kill Bush. no knowledge of a gift of $132 "But I did not know he was con­ JERUSALEM (IP)- The British chase the Times.
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    Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 10-1-1947 The Ledger and Times, October 1, 1947 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, October 1, 1947" (1947). The Ledger & Times. 1603. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/1603 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1947 Selected As Rest All-Round Kentucky Weekly Newspaper For 1947 -s • NUMBER WEATHER FORECAST UDIT Kentucky-Increasing cloudi- UREAU ness and continued cool to- Of day. Considerable cludiness • lRCul.ATIrls tonight and, Thursday. Prob- ably followed by occasional rain in north portion. YOUR PROGRESSIVE HOME NEWS- United Press PAPER FOR OVER HALF A CENTURY Murray, Kentucky, Wednesday Afternoon, Oct. 1, 1947 MURRAY POPULATION — 5187 Vol. XIX; No. 92 Local Harvest Days Sale 'Cut Out The Climb! Hendon Attends Farm Bureau Meet National Newspaper Week Begins At Louisville • 1. CP' Set For Oct. 10, 11,13,14 Rudy Hendon, president of the Calloway County Farm Bureau, is in Louisville attending the Faust Today With Merchants To Offer Bureau Federation's annual Presi- Many Events ;co, Sc Invitation Extended Many Bargains For dents' Conference, October 2 and Murray Woman's 3. eep 4-Day Shopping Spree Club to Exhibition The annual conference is held Ledger And Times so that county Farm- Bureau of- Ed Settle.
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