Founded by Hugh G. Conway, C.B.E. in 1987 For the advancement of education through the study of works of Ettore Bugatti Contacts: Richard Day Curator Julie Bridcutt Secretary David Morys Photographer Offi ce Hours: Monday – Friday 10.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. Address: The Bugatti Trust, Prescott Hill, Gotherington, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL52 9RD, UK Tel. +44(0)1242 677201 Fax +44(0)1242 674191 E-mail:
[email protected] Trustees H. R. G. Conway (Chairman), Angela Hucke, B. B. D. Kain, J. G. Marks, A. B. Price, Lord Raglan, G. S. St. John, A. C. Trevelyan, Sir John Venables-Llewelyn A group of guests at the offi cial opening of the Bugatti Trust 20 years ago. From the left they are: Lord Raglan; Michel Bugatti; O A ‘Bunny’ Phillips (founder member); Louis Quetelart (Vice President, Club Bugatti France); E Stafford East (founder member); Dr Joao Lacerda; John Marks and L Roy Taylor (founder member) 1 The Bugatti Trust – Spring 2010 Chairman’s Report January. He is so well known that we need hardly mention his achievements It is now twenty years since the Bugatti ranging from the Moulton bicycle, Trust was offi cially opened and as a the fi rst radical change in design for result it may be appropriate to refl ect 60 years, to revolutionary rubber on what it has achieved in that time. and hydrolastic suspension systems First of all we must acknowledge the fi tted to 8 million cars. Dr. Moulton’s generosity of our benefactors who made professional life has been devoted to the the annex extension in 2003 possible research and development of innovative and transformed the exhibition space designs and he has become an icon for to make it more welcoming to visitors.