
THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 18M PAG* TWENTY-FOUR lEit^ning l|»ntUi Avorago Dsily Not PrcK JR ^ The Weather F or tba Wdric Eaded Fereeaat ef U. S. Weather M a ah 8. J 888 Wet saew ending teaight Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Hender- Corps Cadeta of the Salvation The American Legion bahd ndil aon, mUalonariea of the American Army wij^meet at the Citadel to­ rehearse tomorrow night at T;30 Robertson Pupils Smmnlatten 1 to 8 tnehee. Low |a AboutTown Board Commlaalonera for-fTorelgn night wldi their leader, Mrs. Peter at the Legion Home. New members 12,634 80s tonight CloiMly, a bit nonmwL are welcome to Jbln the band at Mlaalona. In Portugeae Weat Africa Steyanbon. The midweek service Compare Schools Member of the Audit Saturday. High iM r 40^ ttockvUU Lod£« of Elka will con­ will be guest speakera at the meet­ wittfollow at 8 p.m. and will be this itme, as ityis lust beginning Bureau of OIrealatiea duct a memortu aarvica for Thom- ing tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. lij. conducted by Major and Mrs. John Its spring practice sessions. Of 1900, Today Manchester-^AHlity o / Village Charm Pickup. aa J. Waddell Jr., a ifiamber of the the Buckingham Con^egatlonal Members of the CosmopollUn lodge, a t the Holmea fu n eral Church. A pbtluck aupper ^ 6:30 Club are/veminded Of the Industr/ Robertson School pupila com­ (TWifiNTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1958 (CTasalfled Advertlsiag an P a|o 18) PRICE FIVE C E I^ Home at 8:15 tonight. will precede the meeting'Mlaaion The Manchesier Association of meetln;i^to be held Wednesday at pared the achoolrobm of today with VOL. LXXVII, NO. 189 exhibiu will be on vleyrbefore and Insurance Agents will meet Tues­ the Rt^al McBee Corp., Hartford. thoae in. the early 1900’i for the The annual foUoa and Flra aet- following the m e i^ Gifts for “One day noon at the 3 J’a Rmtau'rant. Registration vdll be at 10 a.m. and baek tournament will be held at PTA laat night. ^ Great Hour of Snaring” will be Howard Johnson of Manchester, luncheon will b* ot ^ P-*” - the Pine St. flrehouae on Saturday, received!. manager of the Connecticut Com­ plant cafeteria. Reservations, Mra. Mary Ann Handley'a flfth H ardi 12, beghmtngTit drSO p.«., pensation Rating Bureau, wilf be must'be mnde by Saturday with grade class depicted a typical 1800 Rebels Say Chairman Kenneth Barker an­ the speaker. - claas, marching into the room Members of Co. No. 2. Town Fire Miss Doris Williams, West Hart­ when a large hand bell waa rung; nounced. Department, are requested to meet ford. . Jobless ‘ The banner and prize for’ the The girls’^ drMsea were covered by at the firehouse at 7 o’clock to­ aTrona and pinaforea, crochet^ * New Clash night to proceed to the Holmes Fu­ greatest percentage of parents MIm Barbara Smith will appear handkeri^lcfa pinned to>‘ their State Police neral Home to pay respects to present at the Nathan Hue PTA in an original 1-act play entered by dresaea and hair arranged with GEN ERAl Thomas Waddell Jr., a former meeting fuesday evening was won Albertus Magnus College, New Ha­ large, colorful tomys. • 'nie. boys 7" member of the company. by children of Miss Phyllis Kie- ven, in the workshop drama festi­ wore knickers or short psnts, neck­ Same: In Sumatra T V SER V ICE baek's second grad^ val at Newton. College, Newton, ties, and: had .''’sHckum’’ on their The commission on membership Mass., on March 23. A sophomore. hair. Mra. Hfcndley wore a dregs of Waahington, March 14 (/P) Singaporo, March 14 (IP)—■ Deya M AE A CaU Miss Smith is the daughter of Mr. Klghta vZaSd Plua Parte and evangelism of the North Washington Lodge, No. 117 LGL, the period. A water bucket .and .i^The AFL-GIO wiid today •Fighting broke out again to­ Methodist Church will meet will meet tomorrow night at 8 and Mrs. Oval J. Smith, 125 Main ■ mer was in the classroom. The TEU MI 8-8482 o’clock in Orange Hall. St. ' net conduct of the class In those available data indicates that day between Jakarta govern­ morrow night at 8 o’clock. unemployment in mid-March ment troops and rebel forces / days was portrayed.. / Mrs Florence Wood's sixth grade )■ at least as high at in Febru- near Pakanbaru. the oil cen­ of 1B58 showed how a present day S fy , instead of showing the ter in Central Sumatra, -the class is nbnduoted, 'With student paMiripation. .The program dem tMual seasonal improvement. rebel radio reported. onslrated how the scope of teach' The ^tlmate was made In a The government of President Intriguing? ir.emoraraum sent by AFL-CIO Suksmo announced yesterday that H eir Born Bullets Hit ing has widened. parstrodpcrs had esntured nil Parents viewed work of children Freaident G ^'g ' Heany to Preel- . Oakland,^Calif., March 14 (Sn on . display in the library. Victor dent Eisenh^er to support Labor’s field* of the AmMlcah company eontoitlon the economy Is tUll dc- Caltex after 'Seising Palcanbaru. — Dr7u. Dean-Hoaklns *aid to­ Bwanson, president of Die Man-r To HanieTs day newR^ii* '«ife i* expecting Woman on Chester Improvement Assh., asked allnlng. TT.e rebels later admitted they had .Ifeany sent an accompanying Withdrawn 'from the town of fiO.OOO. quadriiplets i* "the moat chal­ the group to support a mova to lenging and Intriguing event ||n" have Robertson Brook enclosed. latter to EtaenboWw saying "every The broadcast from the rebel eurrenc economic imjicator demon-1 mountain capital of Buktttinggi Of Monaco our live*.” , Neck, Head Mrs. Stanley L ucas announced for­ atrates that the recCMlon has n o t; alHO said Tapanuli province in "We are both delighted and mation of a first aid course. The aurprlaed. Our th r^ MUghter*. nomination committee nameth^-to- -Kit the bottom. anA-tl>p,-thersLJa w MnntP Curio, Maf-ch 14 (/P) Br JEWELL JACKSON every need for ImmediiKc ectlon.” had remalnearuncommitted in the „ . A 12. and 14 -,y4ara- old, - are . eludes Mrs. Irene Hanklnaon, Struggle between the Sukarno gov-1—Princess Grac^ of Monaco pretty exrited. too, Md wALtra T iaB ^^ chairman; Mrs. Doris. Rlvoaa and : v.l!^ AFL^no report w^nt to the t White House before" Eimimhower; emment and the out-laland rebel*. I today gave birth to a baby "They haven't a preference ' 3tate Police are sifting clues Mrs. Eva Mott. for b-other* and »i»ter*,” he Mrs. Floyd WtchelL Mrs. John met -with his cabinet this morning hbd pu*ted It* military commander i (hg new'^ heir to the today in an attempt to solve^ Baldyga and their hospitality com­ to review the nation's economic appointed by Jakarta. | of thts Mediterranean ;arid. "TTiey’ll take whatever the murder of Mrs. Evelyn 01- ' mittee served Ice cream cake roll migtot. The radio *ald rebel troop* nrincinalitiV th-y get." sen’ Seddon, 33, of Rt. 32, ‘Tltc memo supplied statistics unde^ the command of Col. Ach- pr^ncipaiuj/ Mra. Dorothy Hoakina, 36, and coffee in the acUvlty room. The fornji^r Hoily\vood , ihovlc was told that medical-tests Mansfield, found yesterday in The attendance award 'was wOn Far Family Health and Happiness indicate that burinass aa well mad \Hu**cin began attacking queen'* firet *on—PrlpeC' Albert by Mrs. Handley’s fifth grade,, ampio3unent has been deterkn-atlng. , Jakarta government force* that andix-ray* shewed huadniplets. a car on Valley Falls Rd., Ver­ The prediction that unemploy-j seized Pakanbar.t airfield and the Alexandp4 Loul* Pierre—displace.* They are due In May. non. and ment now la tha aame aa or higher j, town Wedpesdoy in a paratroop ' bi* 13-jhonth-oid *lster. Princes*' An autopsy performed at Hart­ HALE’S Self Serve Meat Dept.i attack. ' jC a r i^ e In the line of *ucce**ion Prove To Yourself That than the S,l7S,000 total counted In , ford Hospital showejd Mrs. Sed­ NEW CAPE, noo iq. ft. mid-February waa baaed on ah- to riile oVer 3,000 aubjeeta, and don was shot twice, apparently at DOUBLE S & H GREEN STAMPS TODAY WITH CASH SALES | Hu*«ein hinjeeif went on nr the n nair J 'I 20.000 habitant*. ' $15,550. Call No\v~ alyala of Unemployment (Jompen-: Iranian Ruler cloB# range. Powder burns were PINEHURST MEATS aation (UC) benefit claims. The palace »aid the baby was found on the vtctim’s neck, The memo said the rate of theae j to Central Sumatra. . aT j State Police questioned >the dead Thi' R. F. Dimucf' Co. Divorces H is woman's husband, William P. Sed- ★ St» Patrick's Day Specials ★ ore the FINEST clalma over 1837 haa increased i V a ' child are doing fine. Ml 9-524S from 60 per cent for the week of I had said they were not informed ^ birth came | : don, and a man identified only aa HALE’S a "former boy friend." at Stafford Feb. 8 to more than 90 per cent for [Where.they weia heading, when from several young * S&W GrEM Maraschino C h o rrits---- battft 39e the week of Harch L It said claims !they left Jakarta Yor the CeOtral laundresaedi Young Queen Springs barracks until after mid­ in New England... who appeared at a palace window. night, but said neither is being • Virginia Dor* Emarald Cook Aid . . . 2 bottios 29e Dubuque’s Mississippi would have to drop more-than 200,- Sumatra assault. One of them shouted. "The baby

t. ,. r ,■ &■

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, C O N N „ FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1958 MANCMESTO EVENING T O MAKOT«HSE. CONK^ FBiDAY, MABck^HCj>» P A G ^ T W O day that' Dr. Benjanttn Lund, a Uad annual pay inerShaea totaling i* a bp M ra Mhilorta m South Windadr Hartford dentist, will exhibit an Budget llicreifDe $8'9 for workers in hie department Andover ceadueted daaee* at the extensive collection of old coin*. The rest of the proposed increase RoUon ter TW CA for five yean. She He will aleo IdenUfy and evaluate Earmarked for would be absorbed in the rising cuneully teartdiy daaew Ip ATE .A-- '• costs of supplies, materials and jt,'. S iie iiiw c lld on" _ d SATtnOAT any coins broug'nt by members daatoBbitry. Statfoad ^rtasa. Noted Author to Give Talk and guests. All people Intereated Clerk of Works Similar. . G A , Two Cub Packs E^ blished; G irl Scouts aocfevuie, Tbompaonville and Eaat ------JOB# FBOM ..... Slff Ohappell also asked'Martin to SBOWH D.AILT a t 9i40-0>99 In this subject are invited to at­ HarUord. ...s>. file tend. consider e means of increasing the oM A N cas ju a t Moilhi ' At Wood Memorial Library The - why* and wherefores of e payments made to department In­ Speakere at tha organbiatioBal THAN tlN B Ean-Wcat 0 Bepe U w g* Fur 10 year* 4 Boy Scout exe­ Rl.6PickedasI)iyidingLinej Hold Unique meetiasip Meoday n o r ^ c wfll hii propoaed $84,350 budget for the spectors using their personal cars cutive, Dr. Lund haa been col­ Building Ipapeetor’e Department BANTLY Oil etade Mra Barbara Tbompaon. By AMtod BkHawili "PEYTON lecting old coins for SO. years and tritlle on city business. Author Shirley Belden of Roekyfwin leave H4rtfoid early on the were expiaihed to GenereiManager He explained that the preMpt • - M- ; . !M former prciident of the Maaebca- Boar staouM you ptey ttw tnuep 15th and will arrive h6me on the is conaidereff quite an expert on PaiwaU. M i m * png n m «T. •er*1c«„ ctfocatkwi A w a r d C o u rt tcr WATP3: and ICae Smithi Hiaa suit if yo«' era wtielwg esily the jam will apeak before k Joint Richard Martin by Griswold A. •even cents a mile allowan^'ls evening of the 18th. the subject. He ia a retire'll., UJ). Chappell yesterday. Cuk Scout ' Mpiwrta, voted laet(aad reaeanh, Smith wtn describe and demon- kiag and two small cards? Sheuld 4 2 k 4 PLACE" Friande of the Library and . Union Army ' Lieutenant- colonel not sufficient to offset the car ex- nigM to tnJS&ib two Qib Wfta; ___ A Court « f Awards held Wednea- atiato tho type of inatnietta to be you ilsi , or aboold you play the w a tt EAST 4 t • e i i . ; Several new features have been , , Chappell, who heads the depart­ pentes. Chappell said that because leL MItchrM 9 !n town. For orsasizatiMwl pw* P«e wore eerred et ' School PTA meeting to be held at added to thie year's achedule. A servm In both WodO War 'ment centeto aupported W Eaatwjitoy n|ght in the elemcntarr echool given in the S-wedr ebetebe and sea ia tltt hope of dropplag the 4 K 10 4 4 J 9 7 0 2 II. He le a Zionist, and a ment. told Martin a good part of of the nature of the inatectlon BOM, dtvtiton for tho pwclu ^ the Wood Memorial library on visit has been planned to thf Navel KOChVILLE TR S-.1271 . Seal funds. Camp Hemtodte >nd tn^diflered from tha prevlana formal will ifistrfbote pimphleta. kiag? 4 K 5 •SLi »•! Degree Meeon; He i* now president a $5,250 increase asked for in. thia work, which entaiis conaMerahte b Route. «. However, the dhid* ^ e a t epenad the leek ed « a - 4 K 1 I0 9 4 ♦ A 7 0 2 Main St. at 9 p.m. ‘Thuraday. Academy at Annapolia, M(L, Where yoar'o propoaed budget—$3,520— Jriving iround .instruction proj­ the homebeund am^oym m pro* j (.ueHumha baraonf of the findinga Mrw-!rbMPo<« outline the the claaa will see .cedeta m .* tull of the Numismatic Club of Hart­ ine btie wtB MDt be oM fstory a ^ WAXES prM am which faietudep a aiwt thg datenden the 4 7 OS 4 1 10 5 She le the author of "Sterduat/'j ford. Was earmarked for the tenmorary ects, the Infutence premtunis on caadtdetea ftom both areaa win be EODIH « ' review. The same evening, ■ .. .>■■■ waOhly wciipiing-la. monthly aad first two tricks in that suit. A t tbe a literary Guild aeleetton, and Oathollo Observance job of clerk of the works to super- the cars bate been raised to $212 eeeeptad by the ether, 4 A 5 group will board a ateamer in -viae tha building of the new add!- UNIVERSAL drtn to uoeftilnM and todepend- yearly awarde tor the greatest third trfdc West ahifted te a ctate. alao works at the Hartford Pub- Station* of the dross will be a yea^'Theae premiiirna are paid A moeUoc tor paivnie north and 4 A Q 9 0 2 Baltimore arriving In Willlaiha- -Ucn to the Washington School and owners. etiee, Mr*. McKiaber aald. S S . ^ weight jgaen dnd program* on Declarer won with dummy's lie Library. In'addition to diacusa- burg, Va., the followliig morning said at 7:30 p.'m. tonight at St. eaat'of Route a win'be held at fbrird to WmMagto* „ | what the Girt SewtUtrg aims and good groondng, diet and general ♦ 03 any .other similar project* which GARAGES kiag and led the jach ed beatte 4 Q 9 0 2 'ite “ StaMust," ahe will apeak on after an entertaining evening on Frencli.of Aaaiei Chiurch. , _jappell iMkoO Martin . to con­ United Katbotflat Church on Hareb Edmund J. Perealoha of Wetroua piuemra* are. __ ■ aeif-impnhrement. from domaiy/East played low. aad BINGO “Booka for Young People," might come up during the year, sider the poestbiUly of either reta- », FarenU ts the remOtoder of Waff the water. The itinerary will also ■fsoy TO tua 1 Rd ia in Waahtagton. D. C„ thtei OooampwiiUy, the recent Court to- The two graupe win operate South bad to decide whether to put The meeting waa jointly . an­ liiUude a baseball game end a tour Manebeeter Evening H e r a ld Chappell ex(>lelned that i»ei ing the nUteage allowance enough town win meet at the adaooi on weik f S t h i ^ ^ ^ e o e r AFU- Uhtded eaWbtta of the glrla _____ .but.hotb ______wih ba open to up tbe see or to let the Jack ride EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 7s30 nel from hi* department cou' 3 V nounced by Mra. John Nielaen, ffho of Radio City Music Hall. Many South Windsor conreaponileRt, El­ Wright Leonard C. Mallet to (wmpehsate for the increased ex- Mardi 34. Both jneettoga wOl have CIO Economic Conference. He le end dempnotmtlonp of their netin- i j f »omen the community for a ffaease. la In charge of publicity for Frtenda other points of interest will be vis­ die the supervisory job* cm''a part- penqis or to set a specified flat rate aa their pctm# objeetfvc; 4 ' grejal lodge repreeentatlve'for the ‘ Om. ' . . more G. Burnham, telephone Mlt- Ntlgkksr^ Bight Set la gcacraL the fiaaaae has a bet­ Opeffiff IsM •> 41 of the Library, and Mra. Paul 8. ited. (diell 8-6 ' to: Beverfy ^nmhall. Sally Clough, you want to b« in game no mat­ receptacle has been placed oiiteide Esther, Mrs. Viana Osgood; j pit*** m*4 PRCB c*(*l— * ' “ 1 St. Fatrlck's Day Social hava barn Members of tbe refreshment to drop tbe Uag, evea if it were SUNDAYS 2rfWr.M. Martha. Krs. Walden CoUtna; Elec- thenie of the Buckley School PTA cut operations, was elected - vice r itio e than 20 works eupervlston. Thia waa taken $35,000. Kathy Darwin, Kathy Donahue. committee are; Mr. and Mrs. John ter what sort of miseraMa opening tha Library to that overdue bdoka In hia new post he wm-tUcMt all o ^ le t a iy add oat. Tha Council Judy McGuire. Karen Ostby, Judy not tte best chance.'When the can be returned even though the tra« Ml*. Charles Madsen; warden, meeting Honday at 8 pjn. in the president of the corporation as into. cbnalderatioh in the budget I Name— i ...... | has. m fact, oversdd iU original Advertisement— Hutcbtndon. Mr.' and Mra Clarence khte: 'failed to fall on this triek. bid yuur partner baa. you must m> well, He was alao named to the operations of the dtyiaion, Incjud- More'than five million roiea are Provout and Oerol Uraiii. Tbe house' all the way to game by yourself, building is not open. Mrs. Theodore Petersen; end sen­ ichooi 4uditoriumV 'The Rev.- reqtMrt, ha aaid. - I Addreaa...... f / quota by 20 per cent Auto insuranco fates too high? Goee and Mr. and M ra WUUs South aUn had another chaace for tinel, William Foster. Officera wtu Arnold W. Toxer, pastor of the corporation's operating and policy a- the CANEL Labora­X.-'' Alao accounting fdr, the.budget rown in the greenhouses of Give us a call^ M oMigation. keeper's hadge was also awarded Coved. seif. .In addition to regular hours, both tory In Middletown and In We; I B-4 Tha pubUe, however, is invited to Nancy Hndak. .LanrH Warner bis contncL Politb-Amerioan CUizeot Clib hie inatetled. Second Congregational Church, committee. 'ipereeae, Chappell eald,' are euthor- fpringfield, Ohio, to attend the program of enter- Quality insurance at aeasibie (Copyright 1099, General Fea< . Wood Memorial aite Sadd Memorial Palm Beach.,.^Tla., where P 4 and Susan W ro U la ^ Declarer continued with the ace tures Corp.). -r-r— : Ehnll Ooehring haa presented and Rabbi Leon Wind of the U AC * board of directors ap- Uisment toUoarUiA the dinner. A prices. Croekatt ' Agency, Inc. MI E v e a ia g Herald '------^ VILLAG^T. — ROCKVHli Ubrarylibrary In Wapping will be 4M>i .„*''"** • Temple Beth Sholoni will.share the prpveil both promotions. They be­ new modem engineering pnd de- 1“ r$ $Tiil7$T. « NiW H A V l ^ ^ t-lS7T. Othmr badge-mvarda-inchidad-the. AndeveV'" In a lh u l end queen of clubs. When the suit email admiatkm charge will be following: jiLigie CSarpet, BOverly brake, he ted Ms tsstlUab.' diacanl- prOl^iS: ' ------come” effective' Ap'iil' 1,' 'Where .veiopn^ift'' faclittiea are being <»m- PfsBstfeU. PUgrirn ^"7"" CUMBOfO... Ihg March. These hours ar* an at- 3T*yo, a part m a ^ r eff Bver- pleted.' , ' / f All COIU'-T • Nl HA Vi tns^e - • BramhaH; First Aid to Aidmsls. ing a spade from,dummy. green Lodge, AF4AM. to become A t the same meeting nomina­ Leonard S. Hobbs will retire as' Jerry Montie- «4tl be in charge Advertisement— t-999d. In. 1900 life expectancy in the tempt to increase public eervice. tions -will be taken from the floor vice chairman of the corporation HO 7-6396 When Buyitw i SelUite Bolton Donna Gasper, Judy PrUvoet and Fesoea W e ^ s Hand United States was 47A years, la a part of permanent lodge records. ------— ------of the Feggy OXCeiS dance troupe, Laurel' Warner: RamMer, Kathy Vnleas response is greater this pro­ for. the nominating committee to after 39 years of serviec. Hobbs, which wilt piveent a program of Property can LO< mee P. nano. West declined to trinnp the last 1954 (last year tor which accurate gram itiay be withdrawn, library OM Moaey Talk Slated plfck next year's slate of offleir*. will continue to ’ serve on UACh PliOite M; 9-9910. Donahue. Jody McGuire: Adventur- chib for the good reason that he figures are avaUahle), average life NEW CAPE. nOO .q. ft Irish step a»d folk darteea Montle er, Donna Gasper and Judy. Pro­ Ward School Set nffictels. say. Money, monqy, money will be board of directors and its execu­ who will perform, with tlie six wat not eager to lead. South there­ expectancy had climbed to an all- ^ Claae Trip Plaaned - the aubJeiT of a South . Wlndaor DeSOTO BROUGHT PIGS tive committee. $ 15,550. C all Nov.-— H o ra ld vost; Child Care. Nancy Bodak, upon ted a trump, forcing West to ^ K £jcJlectivte young dancers, has won acclaim in tiro* high of 90.9 years, an increase The annual Senior Class trip of Historical Society nwetlng to be HiatoHans say that AmeHca’a Parkins, who is inteniatlonally Belton______ei rriap ident. Dsflo M. Judy McGuire and Judy Provoat; | To Offer Course win tbe triek at an awkward time. of 22.9 years in a half eeptury. the Greater Boston ahd Fairfleld and Ost and Dog, Sally Clough. Eilaworth Memorial High School held Monday at 7;46 p.m. at Wood first pigs (13 sows and 2 hoars i kriowm for his contributions in the T h e R. F. Dimock Co. FOR . Irish step-dancing competiUons. friteHa, telephena tOteheS HHM4, I f West returned a diamond, Memorial Library. Mra. Herbert were landed, by Hernando De- avlatiflin power plant field, waa di­ A fe c ia l PHuN badge, tor fun. dummy would ruff while South dis­ will be held this year April 15 M l 9-5245 Michael Godfrey of Hartfewd will was swarded tp five girls who bad The rapid acceptance of transte- through 18. Principal Henry J. H. Hoakins of Kourteay Knolla, the I Soto at Gaaparilla Island, near rectly responsible for the develop­ acoompany the dancers on. bis Irish carded the losing spade. I f West, society' president, announced to- 1 Tampa. Fla., on May 25, 1539. ment of PAW'S postwar piston SAFETY’S SAKE brought their pencil, handbook, uni­ tor circuits during the pest two instead, returned a spade, dumr Adams announce*; The students secormem. Other entertainers in­ Pupils at Green form and notebook to each troop And Longor Tiro Woor clude the local 9-year-old accord­ years has created such demand for ray's queen would win. ntber way, ■4fN(4raitmi Christian Science moeting. Since they had been “ per­ technical knowledge on the tran­ South was sore to make liis con­ Drivo In For Our ionist, Psul Shea, and Vernon fect" all year, tb ^ were allowed ''Video Byeryda/' ginger, Winston Breck. Host to Parents sistor that the Ward School of tract. to get out of uniform for this one This was declarer's extra Lana Tatner-Hope lawgo AO Rights Reeefwd niere wilt be group singing and occdsian by wearing miniature Electronlca a division of the Uni­ EnUtied ’ for dancing after the show, Polished shoes and shining faces versity of Hartford, has decided to chance. I f the king of trumps Lee PhOSpe B. T. Dlckanoai 4 Oa,. Ine. ' Therapy Coatlaaed straw hate as tbeir new badges. failed to drop, there was sUU the were the order Wedneedsy night in Tbe girls receiving the PHUN baftee offer a special course on the sub* "Chrisrtoii Sci4wc4; Th* DIviw Sdutiow ^ Flve^local school children are hope that the player with the king FREE were; Kathy Donahue, Judy Mc­ ject, begtaming Mdndi 29 at 7 pjn. conUmimg. treatment in speech rooms and corridors of the Green of tnunpe would later have to lead ' Evffry Human Probl4m''‘ Front End, Rrofco ond Guire, Kathy McGuire, Karen Oet- This is the third time the Ward PEYTON PUCE The Capital City knows value when it sees it! On sale today...- - 7- therapy atHhc Speech and Drama School as the students played School has conducted such a away from the king of spades. Shock Absorbor Inspoc- by and Carol Ursin, DaUjr Question CInemeSrepe aad Cater Department ^ the University of hosts and hostesses to their The program included a play, course and the instructor will be Lffcturtr: JuIm Ctni, C. S. of N«w Yorii City tien. Connecticut. TO«re hed been seven parents at tbe annual Open House. “ Oiarley Cottontail," and a- dem­ Angelo OtUie, phsse coordinator Partner opens with one heart Shewn Ite40d9-0:19 pblidrtn reportink weekly at the after t*w pesees. The next player Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. Over tM parents attended tha fes­ onstration of child care. Amoite the of basic electronics at the echool The First Church of Chriat, ScienGst, In Boaton, Masaachuaetfa Work done by expert* eh all clinic but work wUh two was tivities, Many colorful art and sci- displays were tulip biilbe that had and writer on this subject cmivenrionnl makes of eiu*. dropped at the end''t^ the first encs projects were displayed in the been started, teirarlums. a small The course will be based on his Ploc*: Monehtsfor Hiqh School Auditorium semester. \ rooms. No Individual eonferencei theater, seed and fruit etdlections, forthcoming text which is expect­ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ for HARTFORD from PLYMOUTH They are being trained >y grad­ were scheduled to allow the teach­ leaf prints, coliectiona of cisanhig ed to be published within the next 134 East Middle Turnpike MORI AR T Y uate students In speech ers to circulate more freely among tools, baby clothing and toys, snd several months. ELECTRONICS Mancheater, Conneotient to overcome defects and the parents. jackknife work. This special course will Consist □ HERE IN PERSON— □ / . BROTHERS ties. Transportation is provided' The»^slate of Mrs. John Gorman ^Slimnastice* Course Plaaaed of J9_te»ion8. to, be held two LABORATORIES Time: Sunday erftornoen, Morch ID, 1958 ot 3:15 nights per week, and a p i«-re ^ - NIGHTLY - r ' 901-915 eshter Street parents. ^ d her nominating cbmmlttea A meeting will be held Monday □ □ First Church ot Chriat, ScienGat, Mancheater Tetephene Ml 9-9195 Arrangements for treatment are wara unanimously, elected ait the at 9:30 a.m. In the Town H a lljo aite tor participation will be a for- Welcomes You. made through the office of local bustness meeting. Mr. and Mrs. ofganice a "SllmnaiUcs"^ course w i r traiHWr W’ XJrtc 277 BROAD school nurse, Mrs.'Alice Robert. RodeHgk Elisson were reelected end a^chapter of the WAXES club or practical application ren tin g □ Easter Seal BeaefHa co-presidents for the 1999-09 sea­ if suffletent interest ia id>own. from on the job training.- PAD') T i 1 f V I ^ I 0 N Mrs. Everett T, McKinney, local son. Otnhr offlesTS elected were Twelve girls have enrolled so far Furtber Ihtormatiofi may be ob­ AT THE ORGAN for the "Siimnaattes” course which tained by writing the Ward School □ o HMUOTIBip |IWIII]8BIBB«MBIOBni« Easter Seal chairman, report* the Mr*. MyroilvRlce, vice president; ■off B n e w . C a a a . itotei^gc* rom tu.'a i|b e a - requires a minimum group of 20 of Electronics, .44 Nilef St., Hart­ Now for your dining and lia- atatewld* goal this year in the sale Mrs. HerbertNA. Hulheld, secre­ ten iu pleasure we present of eeals la S440,000. She said ap- tary, Kenneth^gren. treasurer; and five have enrolled for the ford 9. □ □ rs«l t l I D*ir*r Itoftla alan la ■aa WAXES, which need 10 members BUI Donahue at the organ •I Fear" 0#EN TONIGHT UNTIL 9:00 Mrs. George Marlow. Mrs. Dorothy nightly. % S ^ 4 .ff. (XMet UTE OP BtLBV Poole and Ollmoute Cole, dele- to begin. \Anyone Interested la re­ «^«8aiLgi “A TmA ParOiMF* WUHam , people .gstes. \ - quested to call Mrs. Paul Pfsn- □ □ ■m ALs stiehl. •.-•e < 1) urn. ann pied by dlseaso or accident. The MMI “ FOOD ( Mat raana aJhim ... a^M ow remainder goes to support a nation-1 The Instructor In ‘‘Slimnastics’* □ uaMto: Erdte _____ FOR □ GALLUSTODAY Library Displaj^ MANSFIELD AVEY’S For Information About STARTS TONIGHTI MOOD” . 0 FOR RENT Every Thurs.. Fri„ Sat.i_ •;» ( at W UT 111 n c t m i L B i and 19 mm. Movie Projectors j a t HILAIilOUG j h 2 4 M o m < $411 PSTBICB HCmEL _ sound or sileat, also >9 mm, Next weekNriU be National Li­ o ■■Off ObmIs Martha Bar* • ^Bflsg, DaoSist • SRTViCR uM»> t t A k a W n OP W A is alido projoetors. brary Week. \ mOTG^/ i / d ^ □ □ □ □ O^D □ □ □ □ Paal Piaciai (tan la **Th* THAT KEITH’S Miss Anna F r ^ h , head of tbe ■Mwr 8rM«a” WELOON DRUG CO. library depsrtment^said there will I as4 EstertaisiiMat * (iM*> tmr t a n MAS I A t thV l^B dllest Place ^ “ D**u* 901 Main S t Tel. M l 9-9921 be displays in the ^owcases at • PREMIUM GRADE . U4t < a> MBW» a m f f E m n each of the three' lit^ries, and idsAit^Sm s-A -r-- FUEL 4HM ■ ...... ~f MB fffiBwni ffnwmaix guided tours of Mary t^ n e y Li­ I MIKE in^ANKO'S r PILE “ Bavte aad Orttath” T (»*•) Tffff ummp brary: ^"Tli* OcMf* Chm“ SAVES YOU MONEY A t least one tour for local^usi' IIM9I uAVAU'anRMh-ApnpTa ness, religious snd fraternal gn : Ook Grill WYMAN'S Tv** Dar*H* v« Taaj *a- w m ih»«E le re*. 'Hcht bMvr- during the week is the aim of t 90 Oak St„ Manchester OIL COMPANY library staff, she said. 24 MAIN 8T— TEL. Ml 9-1909 UiU ( I) PKAl u n u t WaUy Fields Quartet' I Me* *4 An open house was planned for utM III. NEffl-- aepoB'riB______A.m Whiton Library. Electrical Im- GRfXN STAMPS ON ’58 FRIGIDAIRE! FUEL iislnesamea's LanchcoBs m u n a B i p- vements wi^uot be completed, (UMe> PCBM ir TO PRaSON ull Course Dinner* iN «u) m a KAiu.v la te eaoff and the event ngs been poat^nc'*. • iN «iu ») a U 8DSIE 'B io TAVorw rirasabwte EiSr” jeONT. FROM 0:30 TME OEEAT OODES- OIL Dally S TUI aoaing W. H. ENIILAliO 2. You M«e the “middle man’s’’ lubstantial profit! Hamlltom Bermuda — Bermuda Enjoy or Prepared Out.. At The Armory RANGE OIL attracted 121,000 vlsltora In 1057, 4:4e ( i> Taitensa ‘ LUMBER 00. who apent an estimated. $27,000,- BROAD STREET. HARTFORD / ( I) SMEBICAHnm ovrn oa* naNOSTlUlD S. Yea tei the rack bollMi orM No padded pricM! 000. The resort's total retail aalea s t a t e ! (ta-is> uiiEEh ran a ekx OPEN ALL DAY to both resident! and tourists last (Hi A.I.C. SKlOMAa SATURDAY year amounted to " 180,000,000. 4:U itne> efeUBBT------ITS THE SECOND ANNUAL' it UTTUC Bi... Bermuda imports an average of (U ) EOQB o p m e _____ LOWEST-PRICt SPECIALLY-BUILT BOLAND $37,000,000 worth of goods annual­ TOMOitROW (4e-U)A]&^Aa>BANl>aTAin> M:U ( a> THIS WEEK IN aPOBn ' (tt> SP0BT8BEEL ly. DOORk OPkN 1:39 «itt m -m Mw w t o miMaKCEa tai) SPOBT6 eaXEEA 1958 RANGE OIL COMPANY X Greater **** ( a w im i^ w a n B K B s UiM I •> ffOBui’S Bsar movies CRYSTAL (u> I UBO T n E E u v n I. “The Bare ffar" t LUXURY CAR YOU CAN BUY! e SPA iTE R FREE BROUUNG! Broil 369 CENTER ?iT. (tfi im r»li8 T 3HOW “BtoMl* iBsffraltaa’’ too Ttmra ABd Never Need To aeaa DXBDV-iD t TIMErr— (1L»> HEffS T d . M l 3-6320 NEW CAPE. nOO sq. ft. b in TIM Tin ___ (Ml WmTEEB $ 15,550. Call Now— Harttordi Fair UiW (Ml PESTCEK POETY * QRILJ- DOVBUC QUICK-! ,Uke Char- 24-Hour Burner Service (ail ffBATXEa *, A OtadY to (•eel. Enjoy Extra Deltooue Flavor! Tho R, F. Dimock Co. CRYSTAL LAK|^ lltU liai MIMJON nULLAE KOYIB l ‘or llnrn* r *-« f\n« <>nl> 4M) th e EABLV show “Tale* *1 X * ffM " ^ lifmert »«* *•*” * DIAL THE DONENE.SS! Just Adjust M l 9-5245 “Naaey Strele It .MUilac'' ^ (Ml iACR PAeI ■EOWx-'-^ The Control Panel The Way You lR 9 iR 9 8 Bis EKtitiDS Days ' C O R I « / (4a> TW1UOHT THRATEE fl:M m i JAVK PAEE SROW C tb mi or A ll S-48«ti I irk 'k if'k 'k 'k itk ik 'k (n> NEffS Want It! T o R ie rro w Sonirdoy tlW I S) FOrSYE THEATER Mareh to 22 CHANNU Million Dollar Movie There's never been anything like Saturday 11:15 P.M. it before! Radiant Walla im­ prison • "exploding'.^ fat ao it 3 SHOWS DAILY 2dNI-5S0-8:30 fTTALES t>F HOFFMAN’* can't aplatter up your oven., Fat LEGAL NOTICE ^ RUSS COLE IT’S YOUB COMMUNITY. U iM ( at NEW6 A WBATMEB LUXURIOUS TORSION-AIRE JUDE . . . An opportunity to buy such a beau­ the control to Rare, Medium or emiventions of said Parly specified betew, to/fether with the (U) caaTooM caxNivAL U:M ( I t NEWS , Well Done! N*w *11 ' electric street addresses of said candidates: ’ ★★★★★★★★★★★ // • ill ( U YXSTBipaY*S NRWSaEEL Di lixi aRodized alininiR Spdrtan(< same suspension system as in cars cost­ tiful car at such a beautiful price CARSON Shmv In Conn. ( s» PEOPLB'S- UiBBY meat tender, automatic cook- •:M m> 6BIEB’8 COBNEB . SATURDAY. ing $6000 and morel doesn’t come along very often — niaatar, maiiy other new fffg l- NAME ADDRESS CONVENTION •:M ( a> NBWB aVOBTS a ffBATB- side ! William S. Davis 63 Constance prlve State Sunday CITY" U:ea ( f ) B.‘ P. D. „ ^ and this one is for a very limited daire features! .s^. 44 Oreenwood Drlva State ( S) f^S^BATHEB A (latel THE SIMMY DEAN SHOW SPORTS-CAR HANDLING . . . far safer! Hassl Finlay (tit HAWBBYE -Spicial natalKc silver riif! time onlj^. This is not a stripped- MODEL8 FROM Ray B. Wsrrsn too Princeton Street State RECORD HOP and DANCE • PLUS • (U> TmS M TUB UPC ' (Ht TBDB B1DBY No sidesway on turns. . . no nose-dive John 8. G. Rottner 493 East Center Street SUte ___ •;U (»i spoBnoAffr down model. It is a true luxury car Ir FfTlO B FEATURES *.*« .Ml «!■:«* --- L------Dn stops 1------Chapter I -Ilit^arwafd4etli-findeMTRaDMts Congressional •iM i •> town CBIEB . —a specially-built, specially- John F. Shaa .Jr, 40 Phelps Road 01 Exciting New Serial 1:M ( •> • BXffOMOnB MAMA Oloria Benson • .308 Hackmatack Street Congressional. ( I) HOPAMlWa CA8JBDY For Rent )in brilltant, fl8|Riin| chrone! t o t a l -c o n t a c t b r a k e s . . ; to give equipped Plymouth beauty. Audrey Brsttsefmetder 139 Tanner StrWt Congraaslonal DICKY DOO (lai 7 oVxoch BKVoiri you safer, surer stops! This is the same Howard Stafford 31K Garden Drive Congressional "ZORRO'S m t ffXATHBB a UlOAI^BWS You can see and examine the (M> NEWS AND WBAnCB WASHER-WAXER brake Resign as in America’s most ex­ AND THE DOirrS HERB SHRINER . (U) anra a w e a t h e b Wkite sidpwall tires! magnificent new Plymouth “ Silver James Duffy 232 Henry Street County FIGHTING (SS> 6POBT8 poora Combination $1.50 Martha Stevenson 133 Lenox Street County RECORDINO STARS OF At All Show»--4starday'aiib'k!wday, Marah 19 and 19 TlU (Utel TOI'OlJtB EDWABOB. pensive cars! Special’’ at your Plymouth dealer’s With OperatIv* Trade : CUCK CLACK NEWS ■ • • • Weslsy Shields 136 School S tm t County LEGIONS" («> WOIIUOHTB POLISHER 7$e De lixt wheel covers! right now. Our stocks will go mighty Floyd Forde 04 Spruce Street County DANCING 7 to f t PJil. . AND Admlaelon 90c (St Soffif OALV. NEWS DAY or WEEKEND New Silver sfyiing . . . Diractienal fast at the low price we’re featuring LIBERAL Senatorial M. C. CANDY GANDIDO 1:1* ( S) PBATl'BK FILM Smart frint fender chrome! Harold Turkliiglon 55 Winter Street- CARTOONS GALORE Stobilixer Fine for safer highway travel —and when these Plymouth “ Silver Arthur J. LeClaire Jr. 46 Ansaldl Road Senatorial AT ALL SHOWS! ( aut BIN 'HN TIN BUDGET TERA4S Ronald Jacobs 39 Elsie Drive Senatorial “ Bitter Booty" PINEHURST . . . grootost glass aroa in Ih* lew-prrce Specials” are gone, there may not Senatorial (Ji-ie) LEAVE IT irp BEAVEB Electric windshield wipers! Clifford Varney 141 Wsranoke Road . “ The Btrte L*. Beajjt" be any more! So don’t be disap­ (»-M> TBtT'fil Om CONBE- GROCERY _^3 . . . plus many, many other Plymouth Notice is also hereby given that a primary will be held on U^NCEK ~ Directional sifnals! ^ ; pointed-hurry in today! OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. — FREE PARKING April 17, 1969, if a slate of candidates for any or all conventions •iM ( salt im BOWIE-. 302 MAIN ST. advances at not a penny extra toiH ' ' ‘ * - AT ALL SHOWS! ■ “ The Lloa'* Cab” Close Wednesdays At' Noon, Regular Store Hours From » A.M. UuMI 5:80 P5I. Keith’s, Eae* la filed in scoordsnee with No.' 36 of the Public Acts of November, (IS^et TBACEDOWN 1995, as amended. Dine Out! SEEt—The Large Variety Of Educational and U iM t St UNIV. OP MWmOAN Hartford, Open EVenlBg* Until 9, Close Saturday* At 6. — —■ , Forma for petitions for filing such c-andidacies by or on behalf b (n-M> 1WB OtJpBT OF LA9T (tt) POBEU^ UIOIONNAUB of a slate of enrolled Republican party members of other than Enjoy a delicious dinner Commereinl Exhibit and a Hundred: ^ / , BP4IOBT (M) OBTIHWVaSiK DfABY liM I tl THtt n UONHBt^ODT ' party-endoraed candldatea may be obtained fi«m ' Mr. Donald seiected from our varied Different Items to Interest the Public! ( S) WOlLD’S BBBTHOTIE8 Hemingway, Republican Registrar of Voters, Manchester, Con­ (IHi UINE BANUBB menu. Expertiy prepared ( » ) CHAHPtONBBir BOWLINO necticut Instnictione for'DIIng euch a slate of candldatea are (tat COMMUNITY CUBEST contained In Part I, instruction Page of the petition form, copies^ by Chef Nino. THOUSANDS OF ADULTS $1.25 Nlehols T I D F (Ml DANCE PABTY YOUR NORCON PLYMOUTH DEALERS ASSOCIATION of which are avallsbie in said Registrsr'a office. Prior to obtain­ l i l t (M> WA8HINQTON BEPOBTS Dancing Thpni., FrL, Sat. Monelwstor ■ ln«. liM (111 LEABN AND HAVE PUN FORESTVILLE SIMSBURY eith Furnitur ing the petition form, the consent of each candidate to be- pro­ DOLLARS IN NEW RRITAIN W IN D SO R - CHILDREN UP TO ( 1) BPBAEINO FBOM WABB- HARTFORD WEST HARTFORD EAST HARTTORD MANCHESTER KANES lARAIE. INC. posed therein plus a dejibelt of 919.00 for each such candidate to the ^Three Knights,’^ mOTON ' NEW RRITAIN MOTOR CENTRAL GARA8E SELEMAN'S, INC. GOODYEAR EASTWOOD MOTOl REAUPRE MOTORS. INC. 223 Broad Street South Mhin Street must be filed wjth said Registrar. A petition for an opposing slate BUI Dab., merchandise 12 YEARS 60c (Ml ABT8 AND TBE OdDS J. R. JOHNSON, INC. DRUCKMAN MOTOM, INC. CAR CO., INC. 611 Palisade Avenue containing the required number of sighaturea of .enrolled Republi­ (Ml 8ATUBDAY PEBPOB. 424 Homestead Aye. 923 Farmington Avenue SALES, INC. 358 E. Center Street 1115 MAIN ST. 317 MAIN ST. MANCK 549 Connecticut Blvd. 248 Elm Street W in d s o r l o c k s SOUTHINGTON G R A N B Y can members in the town must be filed with aatd Reglitrer of GIVE-A-WAYS! TAX INCLUDED TIRES ItU ( I) BANS CBBIBTUN A|(DEB- ROT MOTORS. INC. Voters not later than 4 ;00 P.M. on March 37, 1999, being the 21st . BON WTENTOWH' FlYMOUTHAUTO BRISTOL ghorches auto,sales M $ 0 CHRTUER- RRANRY RARARE EAST HARTFORD, MART, INC. iURNSIDE MOTORS, INC. 241 N. Main Street PITMOUTH, INC. Hartford Avenut MANCHESTER day preceding the day of the primary. - Stors and Pbuit.mS nraad St. liH I It AMEBICAN LBOBND MOTOK. INC. T. c .; ruoon, INC. Turnpike Road WALNUT RESTAURANT 99-100 High Street 544 New Park Avenue l U Burnside Avenue .Eden Avenue ’ Dated at Mancheater, Connecticut, this 12Ui day of March, 19^9- 142-1[-145 North Straff EDWARD TOMKIBL, Town Clerk 7 WALNUT STREET—MI 9-8070 ^ , SPONSOR - STAR ate DROSS ia OOML TEL Ml 3-5179 (aS4*f^BBTBAlSL*^ lOB.t I) ^TU B M FUJI ■J ■- t '' A. A> .'ilk :--y

-/ 1

MARCH My 19BS PAGE FOUR l^C H ESTER EVENING IfERALp, MAj»K;^STER, c o m FRIDAY, MANChIeBTER EVEtJING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.j FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1968 PAGE F n m k ^ He. had been released from WeUi- past weak. He received an award Following ths luncheon, discussion ard Hodge, Mre..MeCann «nd Mre. UConA Students ereOeld in Auguet 1051 after serv­ OP MANCHgBTER WnnilngU»r: N. C. to" attend the groups will 'bonslder brotherhood Brtgga. . ’ ' WT10->10M FerninoAjsks ing eeven of a 2 to 18-year term annual A aalu Paatlval. Mrs. Hilte f< tha hlghaat average in agrtetiW.: TaS* I FLETCHER CLASS CO. oateMil. Columbia x* - ; turc and for dairy,, soil and Water problems such SS, "What holds us The Stanley Circle of the eoclety w i » o —WM Daily Radio WHAY—010 for a 1044 breaking and ehterlhg ♦■7870 says this beautiful event, which, back In our communitlea?" "What wilt prepare the luncheon. Finstiilf aip a' WPOP—1410 Practice Teach conviction. Ha had also served a beghte March M, te a 4-day high­ conservation.' Joseph■ Saegda. stm H m WOOO-UM EMtWB SUadanI TUm Reduction in liMI WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE of Mr. and M.e. Joaeph Ssegda of action. If any, should be imder- An all-day nursery w^U ,be avail-'. ■■ ■ • • ■ ■ previous term for a 1087 robbery. light of the season and drawa peo­ ieken on a conference level?" and able at no cost for pre-school chlh I ' In Schools Here CXIBNEB DURANT ST. Xadies Aid Unit Gives $1,000 ple from all over the country. Szegda Rd., was runneriip for tl.e PINE PHARMACY Throughout the Town Court and highest avem gejn all subjects. "What ahould be the nSi^t steps in. dren'. Mothers planning to ' b e! . NEVv' CAPE. nOO sq. ft. t«:llt— than Ifi'Sny other town, according pair Shop, 257 N. Main St., beat­ On Vaeatloii speaker. Plans were made for' the aociety Future Farmer j}.warda show how many cubic feet of weter Walker Briggs, president of the Chairman of the committee plan­ ^■®UY-rFielter Perly WHAY—Night Watch to the Untverelty. ing 66-year-old Joseph Brakuskaa OONTEAOTOIISt HAVE EN STOCK , V Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Allis, Lake- South Ohurch society. ning the local church participation $15,550. Call Now — Potterton's wCCC—Record Revue WTIC—Cavalcade of Sporla with his fist, and taking the cob- Mra. Armella Baker of the Man­ .to be reapqnsible for furnishing view Park, laft yesterday morning ' Myron Cobb, son-of Mr. and Mrs. a ffscond move pest, the mcasure- Famous For Service Mnee 1081 Uoode for Romance The practice teechere learn flowers for the church from Palm ■ The program for the dSy, to be In the day te Mra. ChaCtes Straight. WKNB—P.M .. WPQP-Hound Dog , bler'a wallet containing $07. The chester Dletrict Committee ofrthe MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS for Florida, where they win begin (Raymond Cobb of West St., waa n ent point. The test takes less than Phdae MI 0-4087 through praetlc'al experience and I^oceaan Bureau waa hostsM for Sunday through the ihonth of (wo bours; with conventional equip­ held in the sanctuary, win com- She is being aaalited by Miss Ethel The R. F. Dimock Co. tolbV r the guidance \ f a regular claaa- offense toad occurred the day be­ a 2-wcekt' vecation visiting In sev­ honored at a meeting of the Tri-Ag Obilec, Mrs. Martin Keiderling, 186 Center St-, Cor. Chflreh S t WPOP—Weiworka W H A Y ^lghl Watch ; Lenten Speaker fore the , arrest, about an hour th« meeting. The agency euper- OPEN SATUBDAifS—OPEN THUB8DAT iEVENINOB April. eral places. Bn route home they Chapter, Future Farmers of Amer­ ment it used to require several men<;e with a s.vmposliim . on Ml 9-5245 w ir e —Ca^lcade ol Bporle . room teacher hoW to cope with the vlzes child care, prenatal care, and Mrs. Adol|^ Hlnrichs, chairman "ChrteL the Church, and Race." Mra. Melvin Jochimsen, Mfs; Rich­ ‘ ■t^A ,V—Pietler Party WDRC—MoSia for Romanea’^ Dr. George A. Biittrick, minis­ after midnight. Brakuskaa made ElhTKAIES OLADLf OIVBN wiU etof) off'-with Ms brother Ih ica at Windham High School thia s ' ■ WPOP—Modern Bounda problems of Instruction. The prac­ placement of children, with foster of ways and means, announced WCOT—Record Revue tice teachers earn course credits ter of the Memorial Churchf of his home in the room at the rear plans for a "Name Your Game" W IW B^P.II. Harvard University will be the of hla shop. . parents. The meeting vras the third »TIC —Roee m iJtr WHAY-NIght Watitv for their work and receive a mark Of four held yearly. etud party, decided upon at a tTORO-Cal Kolby WTtC—Comment V at the end of the six w4eks. speaker for the Sunday Evening From a description furnished Lt. WPOP—Wexworka WDRC—Mooda for Romaitca meeting held at her home this WPOP—Modem Soujida. \ While here, the praettee teach­ Lenten sen;lce et .the South Walter Caaeells by the cobbler; week. Combining forces, the Socl. *wiiAY—Platter Party it:e a - ers are being observed by their co­ Methodist Church at 7:30. Feridno, an ex-cohvict on parUle, •ty and tha. Womert'e Guild, plan ‘n. ‘ WCCC—Record Revue WHAY-Nile Watch operating teacher, by the, principal Dr. Buttrick is the last im the waa arrealed and presented be­ a large aHair, proceeds from nmch WIWB—P.M. WTIC-Newa fore Judge John 8. G. Rottner in WTIC—Newa WDRC-Newa _ of the school where they are teech- series of clergymen who have been will go toward the building fund. & • WORC-Newe Reporter WPOP—Modern Sounda iM , end by officials of the school brought to Manchester by. the Town Court oh ' July 30. After It wtU be held May 10 In Yeomans The 5ole You've Been Looking For!' WPOP—United Auto Workera Show ll:1lt— Methodist .Men of the church. more than two hours of: testimony. WHAY—NIte Watch S )^ m . \ Mall. ■ „ * 'ImAY—Platter Piarty WTIl •—Snort o—Weather In Addition, they are observed Others In the series have Included Judge Rottner found probable . On tha committee with Mrs. The New Ineempereble W('CC—Record Revue WDRC-—Moods for Romanea by the Ihatructors of education In by. Ixm’ell R. Ditzen, Dr. Halford cause and the case waa bound over Hlnrichs are: Mrs. Edward PeUr- WKNB—P.M. WPOP—Modern Eoundi E. Luceock and Dr. C. Homer to the Hartford County Superior WTIC—Roea Miller lt:» — the cbllege'where they aiw being aon, Mrs. Edna Rimlngton, Mni. WDRC-CalW bRC-Cal Xolby _ . WHAV—Jaa* Alley trained. Practfee^teachera pay, their Ginns. Court. Femino hgd .been presented OMrge Evans, Mrs. Jane McKeoh, WPOP—r'“ ~ United Auto Workera Show " TIG—UN Radio Revleer Dr. Buttrick waa the minister of on charges bf assault, breaking and , Mrs. John Him. Mrs. John Card <3 I U E A C • :sa------Moods for Romanea college for the prtvilege of teach­ WHAV—Platter Party Modern Sounda ing, Just «s they doX^r any other the MailiBOn Ave. Presbyterian entering and theft. -aadJfiaa Jean-Hatach- - WCCG—Record Revue itieit—-X; ■■ ■ ------course w'hlch awafdi clu^lU, Church Ih Nevr York for 87 yearn "Urthe Town Court naston, Atty. Mrs. Clayton Hunt reported SReSow Peneied All WKI^P.M. W H A Y -^aa Aliev and left there in 1055 t6 become W. D. Shaw of HartWrd; defense eompleUon of six operating room' W”l(t—Siwllghl Serenade Others practice teachln^-V the the Preacher to the University and counsel, attempted to cAtablUh sheets, 60 green towels and 15 baby WDRC—M o ^ tdr Romance high ichbol v e Miss Grace Btdwell, W ASH end NO-IRON WPOP—* Plummer Professor of Chrietian Femlno's whereabouts at the time dreaaea for Windham Community • iU— ■ East Hartford; Miss Arden C u r ^ the crime waa committed, while Homoriat Hospital. WHAY-putter Party Worceeter, Msm .; Miss Audrey orals at Harvard. His books in- WCCC—Record Revue of Jeaus,” the State baaed its case of Brakus for long dUtenee motiM and ttorage at reatonahU KeoeaMl Mila Gift WKNB—Open Mike Levy, Brooklyn, N. Y.J and John g,” “Prayer, kas’ Identification and other testi­ Mra. Herbert Hainer of Hamp- WTU-—Roaa Jllle r Cbaaidy, E u t Norwalk. mony that placed Femlno'a car in prieet-^h^ver you . call the mover who ,toa spoke to. the group telling | WDRC—Cal Kolby Local Stdeks Teaching at Barnard Junior High C h H itX ^ Man's EHlemma" and WPOP—Waaworka "So We BeUeve, So we. Pray." He the area at the time. For nearty half a century, about the Second Mile Hiseionary ; are Mlaa Barbara Braezkowaki, On Sept. 30,. Fernlno was con- AMODIO has proved iU dde$ everything. ' gift. She said It was sUted hi' WHAV—Dateline Daep River; Miea Patricia Stock- is general editor of thd-Interpre­ QiioUtiona Fumiibed by \ ter's Bible, a ^-volu m e commen­ victgd of robbery with violence professional peraonallzcd 4088 at a meeUng of the Oongrega- | WTIC—New* Kwell, Elmwood; and Miat 'Virginia ■ Uonal Christian Women held In BATISTE X W imtc o—Newa —Newe; Weatbef Coburn A Flakio, New Haven. tary on the Holy^Seripturek and Suprior Court Judge J. How­ moving service. Every­ Cdme Early WPOP—Newa Bank Stocka Dr. Buttrick WiBv epeak^ on ard Roberta passed sentence. Fer- thing. la acientificaUy m 'New Umdon. They were told that • its— "Prayer and Realism::'’-B f^ial mu­ nino wee also ordered to serve ah' pecked T- apeclel Cartons additional funds were needed to WHAY—Dateltoa Mannheater Tniit . . . 58 08 engage merae* Buck as a Conn. Bank and Tniat sic for the service will ot under other 11 yeare for violating parole. for dlahea, , cloth­ SLIP Foi"|test r wjBto3Sr2&er and Mil Co...... 88 89 St. Pat’s Pipers the direction of Philip N. Treggor, ing! Just sit back and re­ AMODIO tor an East African Mission. ^ WPOP—Lawranea Welk lax . . . you KNOW every­ prompted the women to Jdve 0 ‘M— NbUonal Bbnk of . minister of music of South Church. m<»ey over and above .thejiKueual i WHAY-Baranadt Manchester...... 27 81 Busy on Weekend Everyone Is welcome. thing will be just right. ililii. Selection tm e —Cota Olea auh N E W CAPE, nOO sq. ft Prices are always reason­ FRANK AMODIO A SONS MOVING and STO O GE miasionary glvUig. a r ift of sac­ X WDRC—Ony Lombardo Hartford National Bank 4k Truat Co. . 82 84 able. Before you move ill rifice. Once ^ s was Arne, It was j F01TIOU8 in compargble Blip* by GILEAD of WPOP-John Daly A busy weekend for Menches- S1 5,550. r ill N o - - — MandhfHter M itchell Hartford JAelwon 7*140t ' adopted as a year!/ custom wiw Firo Inaurance Oompanlea ter’e St. Patrick's Pipe Band will Father-Son Night out . . . let AMODIO p! soft fine combed-ebtton batiste. Proper- ^ move in. iliia different projecUtaeclded upon by ^RititrSe'atar Extra Aetna F ir e ...... 57 80 be climaxed by Its appearance in T he R. F. Dimoeh Co. 9-5650 New BriUtii B A kM m S-St26 ' the women •for'lts use. The money tioned to your exact size and length. Pretty WDRf^Leweil Thoinaa Hartford Fire ...... 157 167 New York City Irish Day Parade Planned by PTA riused throuito mite boxes is the and practical with double-front panel for , WPOP—Top 40 Review National Fire ...... T m 82^4 on Monday. Ml 9-5245 norieU^'-'Second Mite Gift. ■^‘I tHAY—S erenade Phoenix ...... 84 87 The local pipers will be at the / Demoermta Elect ,.X shadow' security,, 4- straight cut de­ WTIC—N. E. Skiing Manchester Parkade Saturday af­ A Father and -Son night witl be Ufo and IndanvMty Ins. Cot. held at Buckland School Tuesday Mrt. MariU Merrick wee re- sign prevent# riding or twisting. Aetna Casualty, ...134 144 ternoon from 3 to 4 o'clock. On ^•l^ciUfd chairman of. thq ■•Demo- Sunday they’ll be In ’lolyoke for at 6:30 pjn. Sponsored by the JUIST SAY "CHARGE |T!” AT Aetna L i f t ...... 187 l97 PTA, some 90 people arg expected y 'o * tie Ton-n Committee ■ertnade th'at city’s annual'8t. Patrick's Dajr- day night, at the re-organlmtlon,} 9ck Burtal Conn. General i ...... 361 371 to attend. Boa 'n Andy Hartford Electric Lt. 87 69 parade. meeting of .that group, w hi^ re­ . Monday^ the group win appear Ih The theme of th* evening la"“In­ P; Morgaa Travelers ------...-704 0 1 4 ternational Night.” Thie l's the sec­ cently elected two new mem^m— _ Y:> Public Utilities the New York parade at the Invit ■Mrs. Mery Soraechl and Walter ) WHAY—Saranada . tatlon of the Kerryman'a Protective ond annual affair of 'its kind at WTU^-Nawa ol World Conn, lig h t ik Power 10 - JO ttoa schooL In charge-nt.entertain- I Wimc—Today'i Buitneaa Hartford Eiectrle Lt. 56^4 50^4 and'E4n'eV6I«Ht ''Assn. Tt‘11 be the ment Is Philip ' Hopper; ' dining “*^ hM ™ om W rt- “named _,..xx;. WPOP—^p 40 Tima Hartford Gas Co. . . . 88 41 Manchester 'bagpipe unit's fourth room, Mervln Thresher; and kitch­ George E. Peters, vice chairman: i appearance in the world famous Walter Deptuls, seeretary-treasur- ' " *‘^HAY—Berenade Southern New England Gotham spectacular. en, A1 Grant. WTIC-4.lfa In the World Telephone...... 86M1 88^ “ELOQUENT" er. Committee heads chosen were; , WDRC—E. R Murrow Burt Jones of RAndeof Locke is Publicity, George Peters; ftoM^. WPOP—Top 40 Tima BUaufactnring Cempanlce pipe major of the band; Jack Arm­ ■ :M— ' Marv Soracehl. absentee ballots, WHAY—Record Rodeo Arrow. Hart, Heg------46>4 49>4 strong, originally from Tyronne, Henry M. Beck; and etecUon day, WTIC—Rob Hope Bhow Aeaocieted Spring . . . 10 23 Ireland, and now livlnr In Hartford,, WDRC—Robert O Lewla Bristol Brass ...... 844 10<4 is drum major.. Bill Marceau. Walter Deptua. ... ' WPOP—Myatery Tima P a t. Humphrey, local Post Office The party wlU hold lU caucus to a, 0:14— Collins ...... — liO LIGHTLY-PRICED elect delegates to the Slate, Con-, |J1 • \ I, WHAY—Record Rodeo Dunham Bush ...... 714 8',4 I employes, serve as piiie sergeant greeelonel. Senatorial. County and “ WTIC—Bob Hop. 1 Show. . Km-Hart ...... 46 40 and drum aergeant. respectively. Whitff only WDRC—Robert Q_ Lewta The St. Patrick’s I ^ e Band la 825 MAIN street P i ^ U Dtatrict conventions, ^ WPOP—M vetery ^m e Fafnlr B earin g...... 53 56 night at 8 o'clock In Yeomans HalL -.; .iesa— Landers, Frary, Clark 12i4 14'4 presently having nrsr kilta made true IVY STYLE MANCHESTER WHAY—Record Rodeo In ScoUand. “Uitfortunately .we Chlldrea'a Mathwe ■. 82^44 Average WTIC—Bob Hope Show N. B. M achine...... 27>4 30»,4 The fourth of the PTA Matinee i WDRC—Ruety Draoer North and Judd .... 2444 ' 27>4 won’t have titiem in time for this SLACKS 34-44 Tall weelftnd’s'Witlvltles.’? Htti Series is scheduled for tomorrow ' f-. WPOP-Hound Deg Russell Mfg...... 17>4 204 n t 1:15 pjn. at the Shafer Audito- |gj ■ :44— Stanley Steam ...... 30 42 , aid, adding that the ttdw fa stis' WHAV—Record Rodeo It be hiade of a special plaid ma- rium. WllUmantlc state Teachers J WnC—Bob Hope Show Terry Steam ...... *.160 160' ' " 3 T » 2 b i: X COUegc. The entertainment te to be fe WDRC—Ruety Torrlngton ...... 23 . 25 tem t designed eepectally for the WPOP-Hound Dog U.8. Envelope, com. .. 1 0 4 ^1*4 locaivgroup. "We'll have the new a play "Winnie the Pooh," which^Jg ' 0:»4- X U.S. Envelope, pfd. . . 114 134 kilts Di. time for the Memorial Day X WtU be presented by a Windham i J. - . WHAY-Nlght Watch area dramatic group. . .. iia ■ WnC—Monitor Veeder-Root ...... 424 , 484 PeradeXere,” the drum aergeant ------WDRC—The "Wond^ToiilHit said.— . - ..-.k, • j Mrs.- John- Pringle, locsl-chair-rigi WPOP—*louad Dog 'hie above quotajioita are .not fo The banik already has scheduled nan, has announced that the'-Rec- , B be construe aa^ac^al. tparketa. - several app^ances for this sum­ W E reatton Council bus will leave :’s a fabulous X TeleviBion Programs ----^ ■ mer, including'the annual Fordham Yeomans Hail at 12:45 and will re- ^ \ On Page Two Mango Fh^a$ New Item Irish Felti, one of the biggest Irish turn At ApproximAtely 2:45. T«n \ Cultural and Athletic Field Days cents Is asked of each child to de­ Mysore, I ^ a —Breakfast food staged in this country. TAKE fray the cost of operating tht bUa m aulenform Volunteer- drivers to date have or anackSriMii be made tastier in ViUUETY been Sol Koenlgsberg, Omries Ol-1 GENERAL the future in India with mango TW flakes. This new product wgi Noman, Okla (iPi—Dr. Cheater sen end Merrill OroeS. ., | ICE-OVER** 1'^" dqvHoped while hew economic usee Willlems. Univerelty of Okla­ GREAT PRIDE Coffee noara Mated TV SERVICE for mangoes were being sought at homa professor, explains to visi­ Mrs. John Pringle Is local chair­ tors that the 88 pipes on his- desk man for the "coffee hours ” to be f Days M OK ^ the Central Food Technological Mghts 9As99 Plus Parts Retekrch Institute, Mysore. The are not a collection. He iaya he held again this year by the Worn-:. $24IS just doesn’tTike to smoke the tame en'a Auxiliary to the Windham i TEL. MI 8-M82 . flakes are highly nutritious and •FABULOUS” e ♦ 0 rich In vitsmln A. pipe twice in a row. IN Community Memortsl Hospital.' They-are planned for the month \ o f A pril. iMm. Pringle has named (he following captains; Mrs. Irving , Ipf .Just right I W ^b^r, Mrs. Wallace A. SmedleyT M rsrcarl Qosllno, Mrs, Ed- m-ard cTMacDougslI. Mrs. William for yqur figure! 8. BumhanVMm. Clayton E. Hunt.; X. ■ Mrs. Walter Mrs. Mor­ ris Kaplan, jJrs. 3(srry T. .Chal­ mers, Mrs. Alfred W/^Brsnd. Mrs. Harry Fox, Mr4. Ralph ^B^olm er. w Mra. Frederick A. .Beardsley, Mra. ‘V Nethap Pell, Mra.-Francla C. Sav­ age and Mrs. Sol Koenigsberg.' ■These women will give, a "nrst" coffee hour wtilch will Start' a Chain. Each of their guests. In SHOE WITH THE eeAUTIFUL FIT turn, will give one glao. Funds re- HiB MiM vortetiM ffotiiMd at th* r W ved go to tl4e auxiliary. -' Kindergarten VMIor. State Policeman Thomas O'Brien New Yofk and Boston FtoRier Shows. (Bf Pine St.Who is atteched to the SiiifiM — Double* T - Rufflei— M-Colar* Stafford Springs barracks. Visited PARK “BBAVO' :■ y ■ -■ .. X the Co-operative Kindergarten to talk vrith the .Children’Wednesday. FREE Wf'ro prqudai c*n bo to be .ablate In addition to a talk about "aafe- DON’T BULBS FERTILIZERS X tv,'.* he showed them the hand- ^ -V P U R N ( ) i -.=• aftnotifice the arrival of famous y - ' ' cuffs and delighted them when he , ^ P .A li K I N I NATURALIZERS! From now bn you cor rnaka put them on their tCacher. Mrs. OAUDIUM 2 i.«r ,89c George Evaroi. They also enjoyed FANCY LEAF Armour 4.25 SLOAN'S your heflclquarters foi: thasa . seeing and hearlifg hla car radi.o. MISS justly famous shoes. We shew here just a'few New Beads , A town meeting last May accept-, PERUVIAN DAFFODIL 2 r„ 7Sc Tan cord M,\ from our large just-unpacked, ed two atreeta In Lakcvlew Park Agrinite,-All All Organic, 4.90 NATURALIZER collection. All these shown^- as town aid roads, thua -m aking T IQ R IIIIA - . TO r., e ----- ^ ir—-T**- trim . H* them eligible for town care. They 75 in patent leather, some in nfvy, others in are now bring rebuilt and will be Otir Fabulous 50 red, bone, benedictine and other spring *58 ‘ hard surfaced. A new stretch ofi GLORIOOA ULY 98c 2 r., 180 Cow Manure Lbs. 2.85 Stripes. M.\ colors. Hurry in and try them on , . . tomorrowl road la being built to connect th'e Gray or olive. “ “■.'■"'TV Ferto Pots —Seed Trays—Vermiculite —Seeds Spdghnum Moss—Plastic Pots — Rootbne — Peat Moss Tan or gray s^id. <9 and .98 YEARS VALUES TO $45 COMING — COMING — COMING — COMING Polished A-* "LOW AMAZINO" OF MARCH 29th and 30th ROSE FESTIVAL aHES IN CONNECTICUT . ■! TWICE-OVER BANDEAU.^*' T ^IC E OVER LENGTH- • Smart spring styles THE BIGGEST DISPLAY OF ROSE BUSHES IN CONN. For lilting lift, lasting control BRA. All the marvelou.s Twice AUTOMOBILE Over bandeau ■ features plus • Chemise styl®3 AJm Available In , . . there’s nothing quite like Lime — GrosG Seed — Scott Spreaders—Rollers to Rent this beauty. C’i'i-'’s-ci'068 more. More elastic, more lift, • Clastic cardigans Men’a Slzra EXPERIENCE holds smoothly, moves easily more control. Perfect for .vou Boys' Dept.-.-Downttalra with your every move . . if. you’re short-waisted, if .vou • Cocoon wrap styles while the double track ­ like an all-in-one look with ed cups mold and hold your girdle, jf your curves *■ Wonderful fabrics a beautiful bustline. need controllng. Elastic right n n O E R A LD down to your waist makes the • Spring's bright tweeds • AND 3 « P X b, ecuns difference, ' • Muted fleece end checks Pl/xydland ' X 95 i t n lilt /*.!//» wv.iy CLRHOlj^fiSO N FORD 5 • Sizes for Mi»s#s, Juniors end Petitei. i fvT"Sw St effi^YaSra 95 Soft Toes VERNON . 1215 toHand TumpHit — MoneliashH’, Cenii. Plenty Of Free Parking ' They Look, Good Hoel-Hnggtng, Complete 6 FlexIbUlty Open DaHy aml$iiiiMay f A.M. to 5:30 P.M. In Rear Of Store ’ From Any Aagla Ttw-Freo Fit r ■■ (m . u ' ' ' ' ' ■ I ■■ ~l • - , T ■ I I I 1 '..n,', 4» I. ». . ^ II X t ' .8 ' a X . 'r • ; ' ■ r; . i ; x - :■ 1. n- ':xr- ii. ’i, ‘ «*, . it : '-V ... . ■ a • ■ ■< ' MANCHBSTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1968 PAGE • .A MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1968 PAGE SIX gartefi. Mrs.- LouU. A. Staullet, Clark Mitchell of the Pilgrim Fet- to 7 b.m. April 80 mt the Church Camp Fund, Teea-H’era Club 1b Bolivar Tomb in Caracas I Coventry . president, and Mrs. Marion V. Gre­ Iifwehlp wtll read the Scripture. CommunH'y ' House. Reservations charge; ‘‘Out-of-Doors' Day" mir- the gams day aaamad more In tuna for office rant In the Squibh Bvdld- gory, American chairman,' will A special irallectlon will be taken must be made by April 21. prtsa hike. Girl Scout Troop 71, Caracas — Vcnezuela’a greateat A R T H U R i i H t anri)ipatpr with what tha tlmsa are auppoaad A Thought for Today *rs Ask ing, in New Tork. make the presentation to Mr,a. Bur­ for the One Great Hour of Sharing Proceeds wUl be used to pay leaving from comer Daley Rd. and native son. Simon Bolivar, th e: Certini hsueiii 40 Wq^rrants The Mancheater attorneys said ton E. Moore, teariier. program to benefit ’the overseas for the new plasUc pe'rmanent sign R 8Hf entertainment, buffet ,aup- to be. Some of these read as fol­ Speaaored by the Manchester they waatad this information for Fiiltons File Zoning Appeal "Great Liberator," • waa born in O P E N 7 1 1 1 I fEonmtd l|priiUi Ootmcll ef Chnrehee On Sunday, the unit will attend relteif and reconstruction project. on the building- which cost about Apr and dance, 9 p.m., St. Jude Caiaeua and ia buried here. He lib--' lows: Data on Pay the period from Jan.. 1» 1957 to a Joint InsUllaUon of post and ‘Nerth’ Church Notea 8150, with thq balance for general .^^ounCIl, K of C, at Nathan Hale erated Venezuela, Colombia, Ecua­ THB , "Bullard Nat 'Divwi In ’67; Salas For Delinquent SMFD Ta^es data. They eiao requested permis­ WATWNS- auxiliary officers in Norwich at The Rev. C. Arthur Bradley will operating expenses. Oonimunity Canter; aeml4orinal C»,<^DfC, — sion to Inspect the books of the To Make Novelties in Shop ttee chairmen of the,eUp- dor, Peru, and Bolivia frqm Spain.' Drop.” tM it 3:30 p.m. use “Or\e Great Hour of Sharing," Commlti dafice, 8:80 p.m.. Public Health -ijny-Cana. 'the nyed for Lent is to redeem Collector of Revenue Piul CeraAone ease in which a delinquent tax corporation If tha material was not Auxiliary members have distrib­ •s hii sermon topic at the IT a.m. per follow: Leroy M. Robertk and Nursing Assn., at Shell Ctoteau. "PoR’ar Output Drops In Waiki” Of Silberstein furnished, and asked for a reply to WiST Edward E. White, Mjrtral co- ERGrUVOIV man. freeing him from aelf-made vini “has Isauad mors than 40 war­ payer let himself get put behind The Zoning Boarfi of A pp^iaj lary community service, ebairman, uted pamphlets of Robertson and services 'Sunday at the Seebnd Wllltmantic; Mr. and Mrs. Club of PubUMiart '‘Flrastonc'a Profits Fall In mortal sin. rants in an attefiipt to ^lean up bare before payment was mads. their letter by March 19. will hoM R public hearing on four] wilt be in charge, Coventry, Grammar Schoola on the Congregational Church. chairmen:- Aaro A. tickets; Second Congregational Church, Feua4<|^Octob*r 1. IMl Quarter.” Tha symbol of Lent is the crosa old South Manchester PTre DU-' -According to Oervinl, the war­ A request for a breakdown of The letter ie the second sent to "Great .Seal of Connectitmt,’’ .as There will -be a special offering Raymond Hicklng, cleanup; and letvlng at 7:30 p.m. from Chinch ■alariOB, faas and expense accounts Faiiral ServlN raquesta at 8 p.m. March 21 at the] Also Invited will be the euxil- B se ^ Then, also on this parUcular day, of self-aacriflce. trict -tax' deUnquencles. rants 'are. the only protaction the the' corporation by tha two dia- Robertson Schpol. jiarlex of Rockville. Stafford, Msn- part of Ita ..Americanism program. tkken for (he relief and recon­ George Carpenter, dining room. Community House. at tn« Tha purpose of Lent la pt puri­ 'Ihe warrants are. being,' aarved towrn haa in dalinquent personal paid Leopold Silbarstaln and hta aldant atockholders In . a weak. Tha Ormond 4. Woat. D iipeto struction 'overseas program, relat­ CYiildto Examined there were two headlines looking Cilnton anti.Bertha FMlton have ‘=**“ ‘**',■"‘1 -Local members of the Fourth ■'li; Ret it Conn., ■« fy human will, attuning i t ' more on residents.of the old fire dis­ proMriy tax caeee, which involve son, Charles, la thf lateat move In first requested pcrmiailon to In­ 148 East OMto fit The local Auxiliary has voted District Legion Auxiliary took ing to the sermon. About 25toldren received physi­ Manchester Even lag Herald to the future. These read as fol­ fully to, God’s will. ■uch property as autqmobilsa,' of­ tha proxy fighi. Mgncheater attor­ spect the firm’s lUt of stockhold­ appealed • for permisaion to op Mrs. Frank. Oalinat and Donna cal examlnatloiM and Immuniza­ trict who owe personal property MItMwIll fi-TlM erate a novelty and machine shop to sponsor a girl to attend Laurel part in sponsoring a social pro­ Coventry eorreapandent. Mrs. F. f STTRSCRiraON RATES lows: The pain of Lent is the under­ taxes on the Grand LUts of 1052 fice equipmant, invehtorisa and neys Georgs C. liMsnkr and John ers, and asked that the request he Girl’a State this summer.-. Plans gram last night at the Ro who died on the croes that eatata taxes, tha town can put a Pann-Taxaa Corp. morning, tha letter had not bean Fulton’s plans Include convert­ ices. riealUi Nuralng Aasn. olfioe. Dr. ' | u MoBtha ...... Price Rise; July 1 Boost of 15-17.50 would go after the 1956 delin­ Tha request wac made In a let­ MacRarland of Mansfield. Center, The group has voted 82 to the n r« « MonUii ...... m an; might live to grow 'in love. quencies when the earlier ones are lien on the property. answeto. ’ MaaelMBtos Oldbt ing a 24 by .24 foot building for chairman of thla project. Care program, 82.50 each to the Miss Margaret E. Jacobson- of Louise G. Tobi, local physician, waa 8690,000,060 .MORE INVESTED Ong ^onth ...... a...... ^'3S a Ton Ukaly." Without Buffering sacrifice no one ter sent to Ernest Stroheim, treas­ The local attorneys, who In Jan­ wflh flEH t ItellH to shop purposes, and purchase neces- the Stafford Springs • State Police tn charge. Assisting- were Mrs. Wtcluir ...... 30 off the books. . Thoea now being eervAd are only urer of the giant holding company, plans are being completed for local and Mansfield Red Cross fund Paris — American direct invest Stntla.Cepjr ...... i . .;...... M Copper. Price Rise Sean a# Soon truly loves. The total owed by those being a portion of the 1,900 reeidanta of uary filed notice of Intent to wage o ir-f t o a t rertoeg ■ery machinery in a field in which the Past Conimander'B and Past drives and 82 to the Leonard Wood barracks will give a talk on.‘‘Teen­ Thomas O’Brien. RN, and Mrs. ihenta in Western Europe in 1956 aa Slump Bnda.” The ^lory of Lent brings man this' week. The letter also aakad a proxy fight, say they were not EatabUahad 1 1 2 4 he has hsri aome 30 years' exper- agers and Cars," at to ? P-*"- A.arold Abbey, RN, of the PHNA, increased In book value by about \ HBHBEBER o r served it low, amounting to $1,- tha former fire district who «wad for an accounting, of:. , ■atlsfled by Sllbcrateln’a ousUr as President’s Night program to Memorial Fund which la a nation­ meeting Sunday of the-Benior Pil­ THk ASSqCIA'~ .TED PRESS These, of course, were the really closer to the Bastertide of the 50L72, and at least one of the de^ personal property taxes whan the Isnee. Health, conditions prevent start at 6:80 p.m. March 29 at the. al-sponsored program bensfltlnF and Mrs. Joseph P. Eaton and Mrs. 8500,000,000. Petroleum accounted la axclualvaly Risen Christ, fulfilling the soul Salatlea, fees ahd axpenaa ac­ chairman of the board, They think hla employment other than from grim Fellowship a f the Church TIm Aawlclated Pr sUrtUi« headlinea of tha day., llnquent tax bills U aslittle as 60 dUtrict merged with town on Jk^ljr Legion home. Raym'ond L Pender lepers. Frederick C. Rose of the Young for 8230,000,00 and manufacturing ontlUad to .aw tmuaa

t • t ’••'-I' i. J- f -N

\ • MAtiC N .1951 P A Q f W : ^ PAGt: EIGBT^ FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1958MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER> COI phone the church elBoe of the par- DialaLift Calls eonage. - i . Committee , members are Hen­ \ ry Janssen, chairman; Patterson AR7HUR Reportedly Heavy Chaffin, vice chairman; Fred Hutt, treasurer: Richard . K. Kelson, DFEN In less that four days of opera- memter-st-large; and ths Rev. Mr. V Jt Uen 10,185 telehpone call* fo Dlal- Rask.- ex-offlclo. M i 7 r Jobs Plan a-Llft ended in a busy signal. The service is financed through ifiemters of the church who will In about thS state period, which contribute ever., third Sunday ind (OMtttnoed from Page One) ended Tuesday morning, 3,817 cal­ through, chdreh organisations. i Miao HalfO Eatao. Fpeulty Adrlaar lers — at the rata of ohe every 3.4 I pL XXIV, No. 24 Friday, March 14 Compiled h ^ ^ t u ^ ta ^ ;^ ito c h d ^ ^ M^li School DECORATING ^ 'dap he favored extending benefits Jobless Total minutes succeeded In getting . SEVEN STATES PAPER HANGING \ only to those persons now entitled their calls completed and hearing The Tennessee RlVCr system to the full 26 weeks benefits who the Inspirational messste recorded flows through seven states: Ala­ PAINTING bama, Georgia. KShtucky, Missis­ cannot find Jobs during that pe- by the Rev. K. EJnai Rask, min­ CANVAS CEILINGS ister of Coventant -(Tongregational sippi,' North Carol iris, Tennessee Librarians Tell About Class of ‘58 WinsM)|i Court, riod, - j -. Industrlal-R eeldentiat . (Contined frdp Fags OM) Church which sponsors the Serv­ apd Virginia. 'Interior sad Exteiloe The GO chairman indicated this ice. - f ____ . /f ...... limited expansion of benefits was haa drop^ f r ^ ald-Febtuary to Workmanship Ouarantesd As a result of the heavy flow of Fnlly lasnred. iDay^s Busy Schedule about the only action on un­ mld-MarS^ by a rate of lOOfiOO calls, the Rev. Mr. Rask lias de­ N E W c a p : n o o -n f? Schiors Upset Facility 37-36 employment compensation con­ untU a wo€k to 88,000. Steal pro­ cided to record the daily meseage templated by Republican legisla­ duction dropped in the samS pMlist at 11 p.m. instead of at 8 p.m. C-MH -V WhitthoHM Brei. {"A UbrarUa worka from dawn, Manchester High Rchool'a elsss tive leadtra. S3tb per cent to per cent» k4 When the phone is very busy. t | duik and her work ia never real- Th« R. F. Wn-'-irt C o . Willimantie, CoBa.V of lEM felt the 'Wirm of victory Labor groups- have called for added. The committee in charge of Dia.l- Call Collect HA 3-8724 ip done.” While thU la not . a real even more literal teneflta. than "In other wordar". Maaay aaid,' a-Lift haa asked any who have Ml V-524ij AoUUon, It appllee very aptly'to Cliassic Cotun^ MHSStudeiits last Friilay evening, 'bs they upset Rlbicoff proposes. "things are not growing better. trouble getting a call through to aar - two achoQl librarlana, Mfa. MHS PoU (and aet-bsck) ths MHS Faculty, Baldwin said‘that by limiting Ih’elyn Gerard and Mra. Marlon '.Ronnie Gambolatl dresaed.up a To Preserit 37-36 in s real thrlllsr. Through extended benefits to those 'hw irs' two Monahan, who do everything from dummy In an authentic reproduce fast hustle snd advantageous plav. aUgible for 28 weeks "w e would new government reports .. i^ovlng catalogutog nevir hooka to helping Because this is National Library be paying extra money only to that both buainesi and aeesiimere Area Debut people select .a college. The li­ Week we thought that this col­ tion of a Roman Warrior for the^ ing. Coach Ricliard Dubanotkl’s wtndov In Room 118. for th# For­ 1958 Seniors ran up a 9rpolnl last quar­ people who had been steady, work­ plan to reduor their '1858 .’-MaJkfidstes public by local dealers today. Ths brarians were Interviewed as a umn should have a literary as­ ^ G>ncert ers and not to Itinerant or seasonal ing. -One. estimated buslaeas MHS observance of National l i ­ pect. And so we set out to prove eign Language Week diaplay. ter lead, which Coach Matthew ,tp Manchester. The sporty new model offers tha Soma facta about the costumes; Maetozo's Faculty squad just workers." vestment Will be-13 par. cent kissr 'nSmowSy ridifl’g comfort and dip-free starts and stops, brary Week. or disprove the common theory Daniel Manchuck, a senior at He said the extended benefit this year than last, n s other add that all athletes .are uheducited, The shields waa made of. sheet couldn't quite overcome. TihfiSt^c windshield wipers. ______^ ’ When asked about a typical day aluminum. Each link waa made MHS and student conductor for the Wayne Longfellow, senior, was plan would not be made a perma­ conaumcra plan raducad outiayis In the school library. Mrs. Gerard. and totally unfamiliar with liter- nent part of the Compensation pro­ for homes, can, ^ipUaaees fipfi ary knowledge! individually. Say Ronnie and MHS band wilt conduct three selec­ big gun for the evening vdth U head librarian, gave .this answer: Tom Adams who also made a cob- tion at Annual Band Concert to be points. Longfellow proved out­ gram. He said it would he. geared furnitura , . v and Tyler Liske are stocked and- •'No two days are .alike, but it's I tume, "You need a lot of brothera held bn Frldsy, March 31 In the standing uifder the backboards as . to the unemployment situation in A bit of encouragement otibe managed for angling by his De­ fun helping people?^ ' To accqmplish this we asked the state, and would become effec­ from stll another n$M t tbatik**', ^ partment and have been for many many athletes for any interesting *^and siatars to help cut out the MHS audltoriiun. The concert, well Ss putting up the baskstball. ^ M s in g yeara A boat livery ia operated on On '''slow’’ periods Mrs. Gerard aluminum links.” under the direction of Mr. Robert Other scoring stSndouU wars tive only in times of receeelon partment store aaloa, ap fi and Mrs. Monahan check, books books read recently. The results, C. Vater, will begin at 8:15. Dan Philip Hyde, faculty, 8 poInU; Del­ when total ehqitioyment reached a by the Federal ,-Reeen* I Tyler Lake,"he added. and catalogue them. When stu- were very informative. War aldrieid Speaking, of Roman Warriora, has been a member of the band for bert Reynolds, senior, 7, and q>edfl*nrad Stiitelmeier, Louts Imported by the department was tiona (A*f**‘t'* have long contended the pensation fot the rights they may dictionaries, books of quotations, favorites of Phil Pineo ’SP and Bophomore in Room 239, for they Paulus. snd Richard Danielson, /91.900. to , - r - lose through the enforcement .of He aaid1 that if ■ the pond U •'Who's Who,” books of biogra­ Bob Seelert '60 respectively. faculty. month a/Feor ^ ban is necesssry to aroteet the pub­ ths bathing ban. thrown open to bathing, the water are busy searching for one. read­ / A year ago ,in March, 1967< un­ l ic frontepldemie maws***- ■ phies and myth and fables or to ing about Jason and his quest. Higalights of the evening senior employment was 28.900 and then aad -jBe cabinet The committee also heard State should be filtered and this would get an Introduction to Bngllah festivities included the ‘‘cheer­ ■pselAealiy, the mwiapre seeks involve construction of 3 million Dick Williams'M and NeU Presr rose to 58.500 In December, 1907; members were s»|isabed to -revtaw U rewrite an 1888 fecial Act giv­ Fish and Game ' Director Lyie novels. Classes frequently come cott '59 agreed on "The Cane Centaur or Senator, or la there* leaders,'’ headed by-Buddy Brown, 88.900 in January and 91,900 in h^-retiewten- nofipfiAltoedy^ tak- Thorpe, a backer of the measure, dollar filtration plant. in for special projects, which re­ the "drum majors” head^ by A1 ing ths City of Waterbhry drink­ Sen. Benjamin L. Barringer, Mutiny.” "Green Valley” by Stein­ a difference? February. by the odDdafttisMdBridd uiess ing water rights to a series •‘.f "strongly urge” the multiple use of quire a lot of Iwlp. All In all, the beck, and "Up Front” by Bill Mal­ .Mrs. Marion Monahan,, left, and Mrs. Evelyn Gerard, librarians, display a-modelOf the Globe Thea­ Weiss, and various stunts by the feantlme, unemployment claliM In all the state's water resources. New Milford Republican who pre­ library often serves 600 students senior girts Dick Yules an­ p^tda Slid strsams in upper New sided, suggested that ' Robert den as three Worth-ybur-while ter madb during a Shakespearian project. In the background are posters being Jbdged today in incidentally the "New Yorker” to rw o week ending March 8 w «e days s|to Haven mid':lows: IJtchfleld Coun­ Thorpe said that “multiple use” a day. books. connection with the observance of National Library Week. Librarians are kept busy aiding atu- is cooperating—Did you see th e . nounced the entire affair with of- reportod-at 68.013 by the copnnls- tion irtiild ymfiva...... means ' boating, sWimmIng and HarUgan of the Connectiept In between, when there is time, ficisls Anthony AUbrio sad Stave ties. Waterworks Assn, and counsel for \ dentq and teachers In research projects. (Herald Photo by Odb*'*)- cartoon where two centaurs meet: sioner. These did noi include the making any dMakn Ofi eatUng Named Iti the bUi are Tyler Lake fishing, and said such multipile the librarians have to read reviews ' Dick B axter, ‘80 enjoyed "My -Trrrrjr- and one says to the other "I'm Provost refereeing. Walker Briggs 2,500 employes of a H a ^ o rd firm taxSs. but damands p jm mean- use Is permitted in the upstate both sides in the dispute meet with d ,,screen new books. The old timing, and George Cushing scor­ and West Bide Pond in Goshen a ' legislative subcommittee to India” by Jim Corbett and "The forma. It waa entitled "Snow Deep worried about Nick.' Hit horM who started a Wrp weektoasashut- vidiBs mounted. WhoM restdents Say they are fight­ reservoirs of New York City with­ hs take up time too, for they Raft,” which is a book sintllar to came 1)ack without him.” ing. ' down and whose n^Uhs, by special tfitaet of tk« tap cifi plans was out creating a health hazard. draft a bill to protect the rights of m u ^ be checked out, stamped, In Math.” David Lawaon, David A senior band ltd by Dan Man- ing to frtatrvo Uselr half-century Goshen residents. "Kon-'nkl.” Works of Art Kelsey, Sue Hubbard, Mary Jane GirLShooter arrangement, were collected at the one Jnteedueed by Rep. fitmpm Custom of using both ponds for , He also noted West Side Ppnd taken Hn. mended If needed, and By the way do Centaurs eat hay chuck accompanying the chcer- factoty upon Uwr return to work (R-Fa^ lpfltMnUal member of ths filed, every single day. Bogginl, Karenlee Gaura, Marilyn leaders opened the show with a boatind, bathing and fishing. The only baseball player we Kurtz, and Aija Freimans were in or meat? March 10, HoitM W6n end Mssns Commlttesi Ths committee yesterday heard A groupSrf girls, known as ‘‘Li­ found who enjoyed science fiction Displayed in Tells ThriUs JUl D iskan‘M. few antics as tha players 'wero In- If theea 'employes h ad ' filed HisIdM weiM«b^lndtviduaI iBeoms brary Pages>\ are trained In the charge. troduced. Principal Edsofi M. io pst tent, rsddbs cow three hours of spirited debate on was Dick Avery '59 who read ‘‘I,Jfe . For Christmaa thera waa a tree eUimi hr the umiai msim^rs hy w |Mt the measure, from state and city ways of the liorary. Most of these o n Other Worlds.!‘ He has also Bailey then dedicated a aong' to ths depakfriwt said the sUtswide to->porate income taxes from 52 to 60 iDO IT YOURSELF! girls hope to be^brarlans. some ornamented with symbols and student body—"Get A Jop.” At tal w^ld have been over 70,000. pte cent. and Slaab many excise oAciale and rasldenta of Goshen. read "Twas There” and “'Ihe Matli Qasses geometrical shapes constructed by With Indians Souhs Compose ^hudel StapelHiek Ptxq>erty owners told the com- MODERNIZE YOUR PRESENT RED day. SUrk.”- ■' halftime thq majorattea on a irlng the prw^dlng week, 68.- (asiba) taxes in haU.. The euU Many unusual reference ques ifaren Rivard,' Kay Olsaver, Jill X- spectacular demopstratlon fol­ claims were filed snd during' wcM ldti^l •town |6.400.000jR», -mlttee they had been accustomed to A series- of bulletin boards in. a Rosenxweig, Jdargaret '-Cote,' San­ "Any girl could be* on the rifle clsrlnst quartet, a flute . trio snd enjoy all the reSreatlonal advan- tiona are asked. SeveraKyears ego “Compulsion” by LSvin, said Class Anthology another musical quartaFv Ths lowed by the senior gtrls’ verstofi the aaipe week a year stgo, claims; A, Mioti^ctit method of artiievtng a major search was Insttgiited for mathenisttcal vein, has graced th i dra Smith, and Sue StOlUinberg, team If ah« had tha initiative aiM clarinet section will be featured in of our MHS football squad. Latar- feU to 28.8SX front 38,180. ISfiM.OOej rsduction was rs- tages of both ponds, and that the GO HOLLYWOOD! the answer, when a teache: swimmer Pete Zsgllo,' while his . . . . __ all from period 6. Tl-M ■ tto last night 1 present situation developed when NO MORE lEP SLATS, ...... Reach For The Sky- by Bill" room, 260. throughout the year. Period 2 In NoveniiDier did a Adams, a ^nior atv Manchester My 1 mind Just will not work! section In ‘•The .Penny WhUtis their song— l A Jo* . new spells of uhemptoyiinent, __ __ _ NO MORE BROKEN BED AAILS — IB) asld he would cominu* bis fight prop'^y on West Side pond for a car used?” Other queationi. The purpose of these boards has board entitled-"Cutting the Turkey I High~ -School,...... In-a recent interview. Tf really is a sorry plight-— Song" Seiectlons from "My Fstr Following the basketball ganra’s ereaaed to 6,831 during the weak sa ‘.‘What is the Big lnch?” r^uli Becken ridge. Algebraically." Ladj/*^and seVeral marches will ending March 8 from 6,772 for. tits ter a tfut in ssclaa tsxodsnie pack- f camp from Mra. Molly Odenwaeler been to stimulate a • greater In­ She went on to aay that alie her-, The tssk I seek to shirk.” thrilling ending: the students en­ age rajectsd last night wAtId have I of Goshen, INSTALL THE much time effort in order td terest in math' by preaepUng the ‘‘Good Study Habits Mean Good self nearly missed the experience of So, facetiously, with true poetic siso be included In the concert. joyed two hows of dancing to prsesding week. find the right answer, Mrs. Gerard Segal-'58segai was well'aatisfled Grades” was the ndme of period Among the marches will be John The Brldgapset -srsa, IncItidiOf afiecled todivtdusl income, teeise Atty. Charles ROraback, counsel still laughs about the time a boy subject 1^ an intereatlng apd novel being the sole feminjne imember of diction '-and alliteration speaks records and # band. ad transportation toxoa. IM PER IAL / "Not As A Stranger" and vein. Each month a different peri­ I’s project for. October. Babies the varsity team because she waa Carolyn Curtis in a poem trritten Philip Sousa’s immortal ‘'Stars ALWslss, 'fi .-filUford. led,the stats to rtalnta for both the Town of Goshen and ' came running in and said, ‘‘What ■iq Morningstar.” were pictured fiieunted on geopi'at and Stripes Forever"...... with 1L37A H»Meva, aft« > • ff January's board Was 'designed visor of the club that ' -i of her moi« work in practice teaching In Norwalk .with 1,635: Tbedtpedfr; Right now, the librarians are Finally, if you are still In doul own.would be^tter, .. 'jqr be- ‘They're not classed as military changed to a party in the ‘eparStion for a teaching career. ville With 1830; New Lomfon wUh getting ready to celebrate National as to whether the sports-minded • period- 3^ hnd. depicted-’♦.snow- prthgtolie, pf A,uguqt' 4s Sar- y/eapons, . , . . . . 11 ii l|, 'cauee- it^would ne slf-ii - '.itt'wlMj room for ths band meinbcni' and Each pupil was given complete 1,328 and W iabnaatic'w ith 1.170- 3TT: Libra^ Week from March 16 to males are well read. Bill Stuek '60 kes, all - perfect geometrical fier. personaLJdtoajmcra^ 'being H they were it would be considered their friends. Refreshments WiU control over^a portion of claaa in The ratio of ^UnsfnphmmOot to n ■'' i-i 1 March 32. This is the *irst time it has read "Bases of -Psychology,” — X — — . ------^ ...... —y-;------>,■ j ■'T-r— l^en^to a^CUtS^TTiisi lel^ Pgida ' a Joke. ' served snd music, for dancj which they w'era to teach a acssw la'bdr force to.CbnnOcticut waS Pfi' wilt be held on a .national basis. Scott Clendanial '58 "The Basic of to buy.her first gun, a. Winchester K it the. forty thousand killed last be provided by one of t[ 1 i. The purpose is to focus widespread from the play "Macbeth." Mr. per cent, said.tte cemmlaeloner.- FyRMTlTRE DEPT.—Phone m 9-6221 i.t Psychoanlysis,". and Dick Dubano- 41 ;75, from Heidi Schimmel, a past year aren’t laughing ■bands • Hunt waa Jiist'another member of attention .''n reading and the im­ ski ‘48, captain of both the basket­ Legion of Honor member of the high iwhool varsity And iir ’fiS the record will be broke.” ^ Pat the class. EAch .student was to an^- portance of libraries. ITirough na­ ball and soccer teams has con­ . : \ Ken Ames' contribution,' by con­ Ejw'Dfpsihant acA WHIRLPOOL I lT squad. 'Heidf ia now attending the ploy different tdachin|{ techntqiiea. / tional *and local events, it can nro- quered "Educational Psychology.” Connecticut, College for Women. trast,-prsieesthe virtue-of solitude: - These people have had experi­ , ylde' • focus for chntlnued re" iing, "How We Think” by John Dewey, Paula's biggest thrill last yesr T like to vradk through the forest Aquaetteii^ jL U o o s e ence before, teaching on tha ele­ Boston — W aora toeliaod toraly attract attention to the libraries and "Meditations of* i Philosophy” was shooting in the State Champi­ And litjen to 'the sounds and (he TSi mentary school level during thS (WK heavily on eo* eya tfian the » ^ /a n d the work they do, increase the othar, tootaod of foslat Mm Usages ' WASHER 11 by Descartes! onships in New Haven. Her “tre- fest, '' practice teaching program Con­ V. Importanre of libraries, .and inspire Jean Martin '60 mendoua” score of 105 waa second Cliu^/i^resident of botk-oyte. Studios, ■ww toot to people to do more reading. Not of the city nor the pesti ducted by the school last fall; but highest on the team.and for it she Bi’t of oulet snd 'nesce snd rast.” this Class program is to give them about «4k t CORMCT FITTING V What is Manchester Higji's receieved'tier'first •'medal. At the Bob Masaaro hails the coming of ark *50 was elected pjeslr experience on the secondary school eye dnmlnatw.«Nton. Th* |oft «ye Library doing tp celebrate this oc­ Shorthiaiid Clans moment she ia pleased With her Spring: denf^ of the 1958-59 Aquaettes level. rulw to 18 pair cant of tits cossa ' GUARANTiiD casion ? Mrs. Laverne Kelson's prasqnt week's average of 173, . ^IThisre is .'something about Miux:h 8. Jan has'been a very'-ac- Peg Boland, Sue Buckley, Bever­ oBdiB ths retooiitder tb« eyeo al- Giris’ washable Boys’ Ivy-style junior and senior art classes are whichiS quite a bit higher than her spring ■ Hive member of the club and A ly Case, Lorraine Pitcher, Donna taSnSta.’ ’. ' crmpeling with each other in a Interviews Clerks first score.. Paula attended the With gail^ colored'flowers, '•■ member of the choreography, com­ fiandals, Ellen Shapiro, and Bruce ia , contest to find the most original State Championships on.Saturday, Thera is something about apHng mittee for tWo years. McClain were the members of tha < TUhagf BBBBF .f oater commemorating this event. Interviewing secretaries and this' time shooting in the fourth Which makes boys etart pushing The other officers sre vice preiri- class who participated. Bboop oftca sn a p wtaoro that* spring toppers sport suits 5udging will be Keld on Monday. qlerk-typtsts fvai a recent assign­ segment of the varsity sqiMd. mowers." dent. Sue (Tarter, ‘60; treasuret, Claire Carlson *69 to not.anaqgh groaa for cattlS bo- ,9Iarch. 17. The posters are on dis­ ment given by Miss Avis M. Kel­ Paula ended the interview by Dede Renn, '61; ' and secretary; oauM-teaap Uka W- oat woods and play lii the library now and every­ logg to her Shorthand II clasa. The stating; "I'm hoping to better my Ing Jean Martin; ‘60. Mra. June Bra

V i W '1

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ FRIDAY, MARCH 14, IM PAGE EtBVHH BIANCHESTEB EVENING HE»ALD, MANCHEiSTER, CONN., FRIDAY-, MARCH 14,1968 PA G E T E N Bay to Block Island; off Rhode Is­ 30 Awp;h. vrinda at timeb. SUppery baked goods picked up may make land. o^tbwtnds up to 80 miles per road ^nditlons were reported on jels Selected arrangSnente by calling Mrs. How­ Norfolk Area’s hour predloted. High tides were some hi$b3'i'*ye- Yhe bureau pi ard W. Baldwin, ICE eUlES Iranian Ruler H ^ir B orn NeviUe Fund $1,891, expected. dieted snow otearing tonii For Style Show Msmbers of the Mancheater Gar­ John Pentland Dies, New Hi-Fi Recordings The Wdahlngton. O.CA_;brta got den Club are supplying the floral MIUER'S FHARI Soggy Snbirfall A.special Interior eastern New arrangements for the tea tables. York Weather Bureau advisory only Intermittent enqjrAsleet and Models for tha Women’s Auxili­ BY THE Divorces His light rain duringx^ night with Guests are welcome and -tickete To Raniers said snow had nread over the ary of Manchttifer Memorial Hos­ may be obtained from Mrw Walter m ORBBNTO, Veteran Local Florist Feature Spanisfai Music Amount to $6,711,640 •s Donate southern two-thirds of the state, precipitation IMpirlbK oft by ^ y - 10 Inches Deep with a 5 'to ID-tnch accumulation brei^ RalXlff^eoutheik^West Vir­ pital fashion show and tea Tuesday Schardt'Or Mre. Edward J. Thoms. Young^ Queen ginia tqlnfra to snow oqring the have been announced. Tbe show Tiekete Will also be sold at the By HUGH MULLIGAN ^Spanish folk tunes. Tha album fesn Town departmental heads have The BHl Nevllte fund recolvad aj-- • . o. * predtoted in central and southern door. John 0«to‘rK« (Ouip^o) Pont- O f M onaco (Oonttnoed from Page Ooe) sections before tapering off early uIlA will be held at 2 p.m.'ln the lower (Oontlaaed from Page One) •AP Newafeatore Writer tures superb soumy and delightful ■ubmittod budget requests that total ropriatlons voted so far this year ter being held over two dey$, is snow along eoufln New Jersey and Mn. bqvid M. CMdwSIl Jr., and "tem and coveredYhe Russo-'Jww- resident for "70 years, bong In­ man womtm, was educated in la ieamki that a composer's Job album of this popular singing with decreasing cloudiness there­ I to^ 10 inchcifui northwest areas MAMMAL^ NOT BIRD Mrs. Myhqn A. Bi^liech, is not to capture and Imitate the group. baby, apeciallat here for the blrtlw >y the Board of Directors. Bassd n a t^ a**toUfl*^T*81M^l *•**’** **^ over again today hud after at drier air moves in over esa war e t i m turn of tbe oeptury-. terested In flowers, he opened hlsi Europe and has many western Dr. Emile Hervet, h ad ‘been called on current estimated receipts and ^ J ^ lh ^ te S m a te e o f uSibJy who Manager BUI Shepard of the s! The duck-pilled platypus is Mrs, Rlchqrd W. Moore, general Eftry Friity Night own business tn November 1935 ideas. folk music of his country but to Musical Souvenirs this section from the west. ireau njessured some 3 classified as a mammal, not. as a chairman, husannounced that the 7:30 interpret it and embelliih it With The ^oubadors. KAPP Rec­ to.the bedalde of the mother at t Grand LUt of slightly urdet "isJ: paralyzed from the neckneck.down down. I A snow and rain storm, accom­ after Working for several florisU. The Shah haa one daughter by 1140 million, the new depart- "Don’t Go Near the Water,” IS of snow at 5 a.m. Clearing bird. It haa a bill shaped like that decorating conunlttee is carrying N FW {.'.Af'-i n O U '. 1 ft For many years the shop has been his flrat wife. Princess Fawala of his own mobda and feelings until ords’ fine makers of mood music, o'clock. NevUle, a sophomore at the school, panied by stiff winds, swept north-- leather was in . prospect later in of a^uck vid lays eggs instead out the Sj^ng SCHOOLHOUSE something entirely new results. visit Spain and. bring back a meatal budget requeate would re­ suffered a broken neck in a tum­ which wae supposed to start t ward from the Maryland coaat^tO^ located at 17 Oak St. Hundreds Egypt, but women cannot succeed Grace's mother, Mrs. John quire an 8-mlU increase tn the Will be ahowR from nMt WednSe- the day. Turnpike speeds were cur­ of bearing u young, but it nurses tary for "Sprlngtl: !o ' Manchester people who have re­ to Moslem thrones. The Monarch Debussy has shown the .way.'with sdiapbook full of musical aou- Kelly of Philadelimla, alao was on bling class accident Feb. W. day, after dropping more thafi^ne DobieiivillR-YofliiOR, 'venini. Among tbelr beat sra present tax rate.' r te faculty and ataff of the high day through Saturday, inches of- snow on wet terti Mary­ tailed during the night its young with milk aa do cows, furiilahed bv Coret < ceived honors have been thought­ divorced Fawxia in 1948 because "Iberia,” pne of hia orchestral hand. In New York dlty, the Weather dogs and other mammals. given by 3frs. Carl E. A>$eraon. 7(i*' i!. t . [ ; i n i o r . « C o . CORR. fully remembered by flowers or she, too, apparently could not give "Imagea,” and In several piano pro- Bstrelllta, Habapefs, La Goldon- Light Brawa Hair However, in dlscloeing the budg­ school took, up d private coUecUon land before whirling Ibf way into The fashion show ludea baaed upon. Spanish themes. rina and an exciting version of the et requests' Utoi today; General which netted 3325. The Round Ta­ Canada’s postal service uses New England, Bureau forecast 4 to 6 inches of M! corsages ^from Pentland the'Flor­ him a son. Tha new baby' had light brown every means of transportation enow, and posalbly 8 inches tn the The Order of the Purple Heart ed by a bake sateXt 1:30. ist, official name of the business. Falla, steeped Inr the folklore of ever popular tango, Jeidousis. Manager Richard Martin said he ble Singers at a performance Mon­ Gale and wpMl craft w arnlnn The communique pub Soraya's di­ hair and was reported In bouncing from dog sled to helicopter. were dlsplqyM from Chesapeake northern suburbs,' with rain and was established in 1782. desiring to haYe her donation At the beautiful landscaped vorce settlement gt $134,000. She his native land, out^d the master Audio Fidelity Recordi, ape- health. He meaeured 20 inches long "won’t recommend a figure any­ day evening, collected 331.66, with Kia magnificent "Nights in cislista in full frequenc> range as he lay on the baby scales. where near that amoimt" .when ' BLY Gift grounds around his Porter St reportedly also will keep aeveral recordings, have two Spanlair,al' home Pentland raised thousands of million dollars worth of Jewels the the Gardena of Spain,” a 3-part ae­ Attending the nrincees with Dr. he presents his tentative budget At an Informal meeting of the ries of symphonic impresslona for bums with a sound range'from Hervet ware Dr. Maurice Donat of to the Dtroctors in two weeks. Senior Hl-T the NevlUe fund wee flowers, particularly gladlolas and Shah bought'fbr her during their 13 to 25,000 cycle! per aecond. pom poms. The welcome sign seven years of marriage and will piano and orchestra that have be; Nice and Dr. Paul Qandelon, aa . Message Doe Mareb M cierlloned and 316 was immediate­ coine a concert-hall favorite. ’They are "La Zambra," featuring other baby epecialiat. ,Dr. Gandel' <:n>o gtnenU manager mutt sub­ ly riven. _ , was also extended to vtsllors, to get a court pension to pay her llv Fernando Sirvent, famous Fla,- view the gardena and hundreds John O. Pentland In^expensea.' By turning away from hla pre­ on immediately '.over the pare mit tale budget and budget meeeage ThO Mahcheetai' BotUlng Oo., vious ri^ d adherenib to folk melo- menco guitarist, and "Juerga Of the Prince and, after he wae by March U . at which time tho which services the high school of Individuals and organlaations ^ e handsome Shah married Flamenca,” a colorful’ and ex­ toured the area and marveled at Soraya, 'whose name me^na “star,” dies, FaliTla managed to capture the weighed, placed him ' In the royal Board will begin Its own review cafeteria, gave 310 to • a NevUle very soul of hia country: T^ie wild, citing collection of gypsy music cradle wbieh'Rainiar and Caroline of the budget The Boor^i In­ container In the lunch room. *the freah grown flowers. on Feb. .12, 1951. Since 1958 she recorded in Spain. The sound Hla record in fraternal circles has traveled to Switzerland several exotic dances, the dreamy patios, had uaed. variably makes cute In the' man­ The total of the fund la now Obituary the lingering phanton^a of the on both is both oelbw and above An unidentified wdman shouted la an enviable one. Pentland was times, and the couple consulted what the huriian ear can e :^ ri' ager’s budget 31,891.33, according to N. William a member .of the Manchester New Tork doctors on a 1955 'vialt Moorish past, the paasiohate, influ­ the tfrat newg of the birth — ."It’s The general fund figure dose not Knight of the Manchester Trust ence of the Gypsies; the aenauoua, ence, but the engineers claim the a boy! it's a boyr-:-from a pataca Lodge of Masons for more than 50 Charles C. VanAuadall to the United States in hopes bf Kill registers, even though tn- Include requests from self-sup­ Co., Rdio is treasurer «rf the fund. years, reeeiving his half-century C3iarlea Conklin VanAuadall, 47, ending their childlessneaa - throbbing And^uaian rhythms.' window to the crowd of reporters porting deportmante and servicea, Local 991 of the Mancheate^ . Records Falla’s Work audlbie, are necesaeir to produci and Monacans ia the p^ce RATED pin Feb. 8,1957. He held member- 19 Xhreatwood Dr., died last night Early this year the queen left maximum hl-fl sstisfactlon. such os the Water and Sewer De­ Town Employes donated 382, ■hip in the Shrinera S3 years and at.his home. for West Gehnsny. A court envoy In a new recording eqMclal}y square. portments end the ParUng Meter A group of ‘^Qarbagentep?^|ave was a meniher of the Tork Rite He was bom in Hartford, Sept visited her,' reprartediy with the engineered for hl-fl fans, for Whom But the birth came too late'to tend, or thp Town Fire Depart­ flO to the fnndATTm WOtrare aot proposal for the Shah to take an Spanish music haa become a muat, Nolcfl Fixed in 2{697 8. C. ve Monaop’e 3,700.schoolchildren ment, which is financed by a sep­ \. Bodies. Hc-first Joined the Hart­ 29, 1911, the son of Mrs. Mae MC' Altaulfo Argents conducts the Na­ ge day off. Thay ^11 gat tbair trash collectors; theyrldy ■ ford Lodge-Sd Elks in 1013 and '(Jonnell VanAuadall uid the late additional wife. The communique tional Orchestra of Spain in a mov­ arate tax. gems called "gafbdgo" *nd at one held a membership card for 45 Charles VanAusdall. X teller at the made no mention of this, saying Hong Kong — Hlatoriana agree holiday tomorrow. Five of tha Six The largest item among the de­ point the pqb^mounted to more ing, memorable rendition of Falla’s riaonera' in the royal Jail, behind partmental requeate Is the $3342,- years, being active until the last Connecticut River Bralich, Hart­ that Soraya had expressed herself masterpiece (London). On the other that Huang-ti In 2897 B. C. was are for relatively light'offenaea, than PIO.JXM at the seven players two years. He was also a member ford National Bank and ’Trust Co. ready "for any sacrifice In aecurlng the flrat Chineae ruler to stand­ 786 that baa bean proposed to op­ suggwitea giving It to the fund. side of this Ipng playing record la gare expected to be amnestied. erate the school system in the new of S t Mary’s Episcopal Church, he had been an employe of the the future of the monarchy Rodrigo’s "Guitar Omeerto,” fea­ ardize music and that during hla Rainter’a family had gathered at buttons made to the NeviUe / Connecticut Florists’ Assn., .King bank for the past 30 years. Iran.” turing soloist Narciso Yepes. Both reign ancient Chinese music as­ the palace Soon after the word fiscal year. The Board of Educa- ^ und are deductible on income tax. David Lodge of Odd Fellows and Besides his mother, he leaves his Another suggestion was for the works were previously recorded by sumed its characteristic form. He went out that the baby was on the ttem this year is operating on a returns, according to Pau) Cervlni. the Manchester Rod and Gun Club. wife, Mrs. Ula Graham VanAus Shah to name his brother, 'Abdu.r took a certain note «s a base, fixed You can count on her 32.875,429 budget The School collector of revenue. Reza, Or his 9-year-oId nephew, Al: London with th« same artists sev­ way. Flowers began to stream Board, ^ however, expects receipts Pentland was long Interested in dall; two sons, (Varies O. and eral years ago and have become sounds and gave them names, and the royal apartment NeviUe's condition was listed to­ ^orta and was often a ^Mctator Garry T. VanAusdall, both of Man' Patrik' as crown prince. But the best sellers throughout the world. drew comparisons between the Leae than half an hour after i - to rise of $893,491, compared with $887,- ^ day by Hartford Hospital authori­ at major events throughout the cheater; a brother, Richard Vah^. court advisers . felt the throne, The new recordings, made last notee. The notes weK originaily — birth the Monaco radio broadcast 150 in revenue other than lyix ties as unchanged. Blast as well as In Manchester. Ausdall of West Hartford; and which the Shah'ir aemi-llterate, eX' May, should do even better. and atlH are obtained from the this offiejal buUatln: funds for this year. TWO recent gifts which improved Tljough hla generoaity, flowers Ooasack father . gained by force, lua, a striea of 12 bamboo tubes to the occasion! The'Board of Dlrector»;has set/ sister. Miss Edith VanAusdall of Enrique Granados y Csmplna, "Wa are parUoulariy happy to the boy's morale were a television og The 7x: dressed up various organisational would be safer If passed from fS' wlhch are suppoeed to render' the April 7 aa the d a t e ^ a public Hartford. who like Falla deserted a career announce that a boy was bom at set and a special pair of glasses functions in and around Manches­ The funeral will be held Monday ther to son. .aa,a concert pianist to win rehowiv gl2 chromatic semitones of the oc­ hearing on Uje m aug^* tentative from BUI Savitt, Hartford Jeweler, ter on many occasions and he often The divorce ended what had ap­ tave. ' thei royal palace. The prince heir budget Stertlnr'tbe qext night aftembon at 2:80 at the Newkirk as a composer of Spanish music, is ie named Albert Alexander Louie and Ms brother Judge Max Savitt. remembered shut-ins with presents and Whitney Funeral Home, 818 peared to be one of the world’s accorded a worthy ht.fl revival on the Board wfll'Ueet with the vari- The two men hearjl through a radio in the form of lloWem from his happier royal maniages. ’The a new ^ i c release, “Granadba” PERFECT PEARLS Pierre. He was bom at 10:48 and cue depfiMaimt heads In a 8-week Burnside Ave., East Hartford. Bu­ queen had been widely credited PcrfectlF . round pearla are con- weighs three kilos 950. broadcast that the youngster, had spacious grounds. A close friend rial will be in Wapping Cemetery. featuring Spanish pianist Eduardo Green Manor 'ormal budget seeaions. In his room a pay-televisioa set summed Pentland up like this, *’r? w i^ helping the Shah develop delFueyo...... ------Bidered- the finest. Drop or pear th e bulletin. Itte the one issued Board, by law, must adopt Friends may call at the funeral from a rather ineffectual young ahapee, o'val ahaiwa and Jiutton for the birth of Frincess CJarollne, which he could h o ^ y see. was generous to a fault” ' ' home tomorrow and Sunday from In "DueU With the Spanish budget and set a tax rate no Tile special glassee enable NevUle Mrs. Pentland, the former Mar­ man with a fondness' for aporta Guitar,” a first class Capitol al­ shapes are next in va}ue in the probably was written by Prince Set to Build later than May 7. ' 3 to 5 and 7 to'9 p.m. cars and flying into a strong nller order' named. Irregular shaped Rainier himself. to. see the set even though he can- garet McLean, died O ct 8, 1947, bum, guitarist Lisurlndo Almeida la aot lift hie head. BRAND While her health permitted, she who steered his. country down Joined alternately by a soprano and pearla, called baroque pearls, are PwfeeUy BoUt pro-weatem path. a flutist for a aeries of exciting the least valuable. A medical bulletin announced , AparUfteftts JIRimIa AmmbIb took an activb interest in her hus­ Developerg Help ^ Young BUI has received a help- ] band’s business. F im e r a lt that "the Infant la perfectly built He leaves a half sister, Mrs. Rob­ and cried from the moment of Its Ingyhand from , another dlrecUon. birth.” The bulletin added that the XppUcatlonsfo^^ permits which Town Firms, Too Radio and teievlsiott announce] • X ert Porterfield of Manchester and Bob Steele has featured the Neville | several oo-isins. Mias Rath W. Munson State Police Weigh Qiies birth was natural and that no would allqqr'lba Green Manor Con Funeral SMrvlces will be held The funeral of Miss Ruth W. The drugs or anesthetics were used eiruetteR'i^. to begin work or. the Avowed objective of tho Town story on his programs in tjie'morn- Munson, 36D St. James St., was t ^ little principality, which can tog and evening almost every day. Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock at In Murdei* of MrSe Seddon ictlon of a 3840,000 garden Development Oommisaton Is to at- This morning he devoted a great I the Watldnsi-Weat Funeral Home, held at 1:30 yesterday afternoon ,Doctor Sayo be covered in five minutes by apartment development on W. traet new industry to Manchseter, 14" E. Center Sit Friends may call a t the Holmes Funeral Home, with automobile, was basked in eilnj deal of time tq,^ppeal for funds ] at the funeral home this evening the Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, min­ (Contlniieft from Page Cm) lildit a* it noisily greeted tho Middle T39ke,.,.arf n w . but that doesn’t -mean lt.baaYor».. ,Jb»ai..aU.Connarticut _ ister of the Center Congregational late getting home. The note did not prince, who will be Albert-'U on sldersd by Building Uuq>ector Gris- gotten the home folks etther. ‘Yhls evening he wiU feature an­ from 7 to Bay where abe intended to go. Her Find Neurosis VletiiiM Hhavo otherMiMal. He has already In- Church,' officiating. Burial was in her head "a-mass of blood. She waa More Symptoma Than lth|MO hie acceeeion to the wold CtappsU. The 'Oommlasion hoe sent tetters Norfolk Center Cenutery, with the husband works at American te^4w ed the youth once, and | fully .clothed' and was wearing a Thermos Co. in Norwich and was Many Amari> ’ The eenstrucUon company sub to approximately 100 firms in the ^b^dcast a tape recording of It. Rev. Justin Hartman of the Con­ cogt she - had made herself. at work when notified of the By EDWIN P. JOI$DAN/ M.D. touriete had mttted appUcatiohe fbl- the Mrmite town offering to aid them, in every gregational Church in Norfolk, of­ yesterday seeking permission to ^ Tomorrow tbe NevUle story will Grand Wizard . Shs was. wearing high heeled' murder. Wriften for NEA Sorvice hand at the rajru birth. way possible in tbrir plans for fuir- be featured on the Kathy Godfrey | ficiating there. A conrespendent writes that Ue Ruled ^ t te house of Grimaldi erect nine separate bvilldinge con­ ther expansion. Bearers, were Robert McComb, shoes. Her left shoe was partially Mra "Seddon’s landlord aaid she. taining nlnety-atx 1- 3-, and S-bed TV ahow. off her foot and the toe of the saw the deceased leave her home wife has been sick for 35 years since 1397; Monaco came under the T h e Commteaion offers to. pro­ This afternoon marks the kick-1 Sentenced for Horace Murphey, 'Robert RusSell, and ho encloaes a list of IT doctors protecuoB^'Of-8'>x>>ca in 1861. By a room apartments at an estimated vide data rei^rdinc^ awsUabte in­ Everell McKinney, Thomas Don' ehoe retted on the clutch pedal. ' Tuesday afternoon "all dressed cost of 3513.853. Three of the fund­ off of the Manchester AuxUiary She waa found about 9:45 a.m. up.” who have seen her, none of whom t^ehty of 1918, Monaco irould come dustrial sitea and usd factory Prtioe campaign to coUeet articles nelly and Michael' Regetts, all has found any cause for her ail; 'Under. French rule and the citlsens ings will contain 8 apartments; apace, the latest tnfonniition on former students of Mias Munson, yeaterday by Thomaa Hooker of A younger sister, Mrs. Athella three, 10 apartments; two, 13 foA^op auction to benefit the | Indian Rioting Bolton Rd., who grew suspicious Amea of Seagrave Rd., Coventry, mwt*.: would hsv«-4« pay ..French taxes new resources and w ll^roct firms NeviUe''fnpd. and would be subject to the French' KpeiUnentM; and one, 18 apait- to contecte who i^ e "shown an Memorial Masa when he saw the car in the iame said yesterday her rister had i t Is almbat incredible Diat the mente." (ConUnned from Page One) spot where he had seen it - the called her Tuesday morning and lady in question could Jhavo any mllitary^lraft if Rainier died with­ ability to preparo's package plan A requiem high mass will be out an heir. The biUlding department has col­ complete with brchltectural. engi­ eaid tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in S t night before. Ho$|cer ,was on his arited her if she wanted to go serious organic dUeaser'iOr such a Grand Wisard did hold the rally, way to work when be found Mrs. shopping. .However, Mrs. Amea long time, w ithout-^e discovery This grim prospect wee re­ lected 31'.8S3 in tedUUng permit feet neering and'financing details." Parked Car Hit James Church for the late Joaeph said she had things to do and did from the construction company. 'The members of the CSommission despite the warning, was the heart A, Farr. Seddon. of the cause, qp-mthout .consider moved with the birth of Prthcets Processing of the applications of the State’s case. not go, able wQieenteE Hence one would Chiroline, who could succeed to the are^tally interested in encourar- In Minor Ctash I According to the medical exam­ should be completed early next, and helping local Industry to The defense, which preaenUd no iner, the autopsy performed Xn smploye of the TVick Craft suspect thdt ahp la, a victim of throne. A boy takes precedence, week. vidtnessea, pounded on the Bill of yesterday. Indicated she had been and Ceramic Shop in Willlmantlc what iSr'called a neurosis This is however. 'mpand and prosper in Manchester, Despite the hazardous driving] Rights’ guarantees of peaceful as­ Agawam Firm said Mrs. Seddon, a frequent cus­ dsflnfi®-as a fufictional disorder of Prince.Albert has the legal right The company haa been malUkg the letter amd. dead "quite awhile.” Asked to ImprovemenU on the mputihmt conditions imposed by today’s rain j sembly and the right to bear arms, elaborate. Dr. Flaherty said he did tomer, visited the shop Tuesday nervous systnn. It meqns that to apply for American ctUzehshi; and enowfaifT there were no auto­ and the fact that the Klan had a 'disease r-4apaneM About Town ablo two-way alratch oupport. New while having time for feminine TdMKPO MOATS AMP SMAU OATT Of newspaperf today began weav» Parker St.; Mrs. Sally Waugh and $e,95 IF PERFECT $11.95 k Aiso Available with Gas Operation TMC MAW, IMCtMlMM OHMATt, son. West Wimqgton. loo and heal daalen for aipoolh fit, k Time Line Control (Easy to Read) ' companionship, are downright self- ing a cloak and dagger rayste^ Girl Scout leaders interqeted in MANY SIZES cemptata Wa Iraadom! FuU-lootad. 445 HARTFORD ROAD, Near McKEE lah tn not allowing their husbands MAJMTAIM AMP MIMATM TMt MAIM around the body of a U4I. mas­ first aid are Invited to tegs a 10- to spend any time With other men. IMS IMIS AMP AVXlUAHy IMOIMt MOOM ter sergeant found floating In hour course, sponsored by the Ver- ntene pad mtll ordtra enmMItVUM. Every marriage needs a certain MACMIMlMy, OOMPOCT TiSrS AMP Tokyo Bay. The police Identified plahck PTA at the School,. start­ BROS. lunount of VVlogwemeas”. But the dead man as Emmet E. Du­ MI CAi ! , 100 sq, ft IMSnaiOMS, MAKS M Am mMMAUlS ing Xprll 7. and to run for five ^tore, Hoursi . not so much that It cuts into the gan but the Army withheld oon- weeksl Those" Interested are asked S.’ S ,b S 0 r V' M.'V" OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 . . . SATURDAY till 7 FREE PARKING time a man owes to his career or AMP MtMAIMSi AlSO OHMATl AMP flraiatlon until relatives were Men, thru Sat. 9:89-8 to call the Girl Scout office by nex.t Than, and FrL 9:80-9 tha time be owea to himiMlf'for MtMAIM MITMKIMATIOM AMP AIM netlfled. A epokeemaa aald the Tuesday and register for the baiag a man among men.. * eoMPiTioMmt sysTtMS. man had been nUaelng from Us course. The coqrse will hot be 99 IE. 47ENraS» 0T,. OPPOSITE POST OFFIUB (AD righta fsaerved. NEA Serv- given unlesi sufficient Interest Is '-'v: ifR la e .) shown. , u . . . > - ‘V ■ • -i'

j . f \ ''■'‘vV MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 14,19B8 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN-. raiD A V , MARCH 14.1968 PAGE THIRTEEN PAG® TWELVE Jews to Hear . Wondws al the Uhivefse- Police Don't Rush Things! PTAFto Sponsor After lib Wife Sues A young lady busily preparing' F irst Aid Glass Ike, Macmillan to Plan her veils and other parapher-. ONE STOP Noted Author nails for her annual "coming The 'Verptanck School PTAwlU I (CoBtomac. frem Page Om) . out" party in Manehester in a HOME Dr. Trude Welss-Rosmarln. Jew­ few days has changed her mind 4>onaor.a Red Cress First Aid On Summit Conference a teatimonial dinner tir hU honor —temporarily It's hoped! Course etartlng Monday, April 7, ish scholar and author, will be the last January. They , Included 30 After one look out the win­ IMPflOVEHEHT third and final epeaker In thB'sec- In the cchool building. The courae, (0>nanu«d frwm r« fe One) Accident Tally j . chiefs of police, judgta, attorneys, dow this morning she regretful­ ond annual Adult Lecture Series ion ly put away the Anery and which will be open to all inUrcat- SERVIOE towp ofificials. State Police offl" hM been »Uendln(C H meeliiig of The total number of autoiho- of Temple Beth Sholoin. Dr. Welss- reached for her long underwear ed peraona, will he the standard bile sccidcnU In Manchester so mlim - cere end a U.S. congroozman. and galoehea instead. Red Cross First Aid course, gtVdn the SouthtMt Asia Treaty Organs far this month is far lesa than Roamarin will speak Sunday eve­ tetaSrrwwtlMH-/ormer Secretary of Defense. In hlsA S, As an obaervatloiv post from William F, Oeenty, Cattaneo’a one night a. week in two-and-one ning at 8:15 In the vestry of the lawyer, declined to comment o n ' "Spring" may be youftg but aatlon, told a newt conference m the number reported by the Po­ ...... - . — -T- first annual report to. Congress on -Which to direct missiles to their •he’s learned from bitter ex­ half hour tessions for five weeks. Manila that a way must be found lice Department during the first Temple. fi firiemn on Ote o r the the National MillUiy Establish­ ta » e U on the earth. th'e annulment suit. perience not to trust New Eng- A R ^ CJrose certificate will be tfc end tbe U.S.-Rusaian "Imposse 13 days of ^arch 1857. There "Judaism ind Christianity: Agree-, ment on Dec. 3S, 1848, visualized tT As a fueling station for the Cattaneo’s reaignatlon followed ^ d weather, eapeclaliy when awarded upon completion of the over a heads of government con­ have been 19 accidents this menta and Differences" kill pe the a space station moving around the' refueling of rochets for Inter­ the, filing Wile week of an annul- uie report reads ‘‘wet enow to-' course. ference. He said the deadlock month, including a minor mis­ subject .of Wr. Welss-Roamarln's vi;t, 'director of the Fela Flanor r..rth at in' altitude of 900 mllee. planetary exploiatlona — a. last . raent suit in Superior Court by day, windy and not eo mild, Mrs. Harold T. Falls of the arl.';es because the Soviet Union Is hap last night. Through March lecture. As the editor of the Jewish snrlam nf the FrankSn Instttata |a Th'e Important poesibilltica In the *'gas eUtlon,” aa It were, before I Mrs. Shirley Tozzo C a t t a n a o , snow tapering off to flurries Verplanck- PTA, who la tn charge Interested In s meeting whether or 13 s year ago, 27 were recorded. Spectator .and a frequent contrib­ ultiiwate development of thi# proj­ braring the unknown spaces be­ whom he mxrrifd June 12, ,1957 at of the arrangements, has request­ Fhllndelnhla. -fn tbR Introdiietsry Tuchahef, ff. Y. The complaint l.’,te today." not It produces agreements while March 1-13,1858 19 utor to Menbrah Journal, Jewish C-ririe. Dr. r.rvitt dtficuviM the ect afp: . yond. , ed that anyone Interested in elRn* the United States Is primarily In­ M a r c h 1957 27 Book of Apnual, Congress Weekly, ,f. Am a television rela.'ri station, When first Issued, the Forrestal ehargul that Ce.ltaneo married ing up for this course* call the Red So far this year 151 trt'’fgnund of tbe rocket prln- Gladys Camp at ICingsUnd, Ga., ment In 1927 and was named aer- terested In geeting agreements. Liberal Judaism., National Jewish elnlii V-Tewirrraw’p, eolutiiin. con- to hUni{§t «fM side nf the Earth or, report eounded. like a maze of C!roea chapter office by Tuesday. The pi-cvalllng view In diplo­ Jan. 1—March 13,1957 .. 142 Monthly and other perlodlfcals. Dr. strange, disquieting nonsense, but Sept. 19, 1953 and that the mar­ geant in 1940. Ha advanced to ^m a-tke. prohlehia of returning with thriui 'atatipna, th*-‘ entire riage never'waa knded by divorce Ueutenant In, 1946 and became a matic quarters here is that dis­ Total 1957 ---- ■.------. 810 Welss-Roemarln Is well, known to a crew to eerth from p speee ship.) Eefth, with a given program. It confirmed earlier reports that armament may provide the way Uib American Jevirlsh conlftnunlty. th« Germans had made progress In L^lures Here or -mnulment. captain tn 1950. • Baby Flainfaigofi Gray 3. Aa a weather station for world the development of a transatlantic out of the Impasse. , week’s ehfahes,at Pakanbaru and 'Sihe is a member of the Editorial DR. i M. LEVITT coverage, 'With the predletioA 6f , . r « . »• » , . The second Mrs. Cattaneo aeeks The idea would be to negotiate Advisory Committee of -the B’Nsl rocket eiid Were seriously consider* JuleS.Cem . ^ of New York City,, a annulment aiid'alimony. Her' r ig h t AT HOME KralendijUi Bonaire — Bonaire, through diplomatic channels and three east coast Islands'.' the rebels Dlreetor, Fein Planetarium weather on a world-wide scale. Injf e ipece pUtform. It no longer ( Science; includsd a 556,000 attachment an Island In The Netherlands West have either skirmished, briefly or B'rlth Youth Organization, con­ 3. As a laboratory to Mudy ex- Luton, Engtand (dV-Flrst-ycgr pos.ilbly an East-West foreign min­ tributing editor of Judaism, a PkotmiVbor IscoM r In an ancient aBjy. «t Just about sounded like an amazing Cattafttp. boys at a secondary school In tills Indies. Is called "Flaminjgo Island" isters conference a tentatfee plan headed for the jungle before gov­ ths «m* men were learning aome- .treme temperaturee, chemical re- Too many fantasUc droame had CattanM joined the Hamden Po- because of Its nesting colony of ernment troops arrived. member of the Conference on the astiona in the absence of gravity, come true. The V-2 rockets couldn’t 1 ^heetar High School ..MUnrUm, I,. _ •« Bedfordshire town have their KITCHEN FAN for Soviet-West agreement on Foundations of Jewish Splrltusl th ’n*T c'ln'irrte abomlc; ,fX 3 .16 jg j, fta became a regular birds,' Baby Wrds, h a ^ e d In May, dicated this was part of a plan to and cultural Unity sponsored by of short-wave radiations and in the some of them were bom. Addition ably the phase dealing with suspen­ the B’nal B’rlth In Jerusalem,, and ’The d'seeverer probably was a bomb couldn't hapMn, but it did iandHtimiin i ^ «nu «.a azrgeanteirgeant In 1933. •1 buildings being used by the are pale bluish gray and don't look lure government forces away from absence of gravity; and finally aa AtAs th*the tim*time w«welbegan hriflran totn reallzo!r**ii*ii {Vine-ooluuon. to Every . Human at alMlke their long-legged, brlghU 8” CelUng Fan. 13.00 sion of nuclear icsU. . a member of the Conference on X Chlnem v/ho, playing with flre- a "hard” vacuum laboratory for 'Two y<;ars later he was advanced school include a former maternity Russia has long demanded a test the shore Into the Sumatran wilds Contemporary Problems of Jewish erickers. saw what every , child has with grim uneasiness what we now Problem, .1,. to captain and he became deputy ■feathered parents. ^ suspension apart- “‘®* where the vebels can wage i electronic research. know certainly: that a apace plat-1 The ■ lectors.: •ponsoKd by gnnex. B" Wall Fan. 16.00 Ideology end 2Uonlsm sponsored by ir-n nf one time or another. One 4. To establish an. astronomical tarm I First '^len.,; chief 'in IC-fS, He received four amiament Issues. The rasenhower guerrilla war'and forage for fo^ the JeWUh Agency. M O B I L H E « r S f reerather. Instead of exploding, administration la reviewing lU In territory they know.j Observatory free of atmospheric lifetime. The ways for doing It have I w ui'oo open to tne P”''"® service. i-. M" Celling Faa. 22.50 The previous two speakers. In [ slnvnly spewed smoke and spargs interferences.. been discovered, , without charge. policy on that pitiblem. They also said that Lt. Col the series were Chester Bowles and fr.d purh'Hl Useff' along theoround. A native of Texas, Csm was an Thatcher, 55, joined the depart- ' Dulles Sets Chlang Achmad Hussein's crack rebel 5. As a radar beacon for posi- (Copyright 1SS7, GeaersI Features 10" WaU Fan. 15.00 In Taipei, Formosa, Secretary Dr. Immanuel Ben-Dor; LAula 8. - Out oif tWa evdlved the notion fjott-finding on the earth. Corp.) advertising executive for a large troops were grouping In the Pa-j Hurwltz la chairman of the lecture (h*.t a bitger flreoracker, designed [New York department store. After Dulles lodnv conferred with Presi­ dang area on the west .cout In committee, which included lUtoW turning from advertising to the dent Cliiang Kai-shek after open­ State Police check car In which the body of Mri. Evelyn Seddon was f spLw Inataed of eetplode;' prob- BAHK 1 preparation for a majot govern ’ Valiev Falla Rd., Vernon. An autopsy showed the Mansfield woman was shot twice by a hand- Leon Wind. Irving Hochberg. MH- wquld take off. Sooner or theater, he appeared In three pla^s ing a meeting of 11 U.S. ambassa­ ment landing th er^v A densely n m 'a t close range. Lt. Harry Taylor, commander of the Stafford Springs Arracks, lookaon ton Lw a and Arthu^Rlttat^erg. / lim^ Brokidway; and t(» of dors to Fat' Eastern nations...... the United States and tkmada. Dulles flew-to Formosa for a jungMrm6untahNrt^fU--*rii"*^ ' — ' ^ ----■ ' i:!." - s’:e off B i d proved, without know- ^Remains DR. BARNEY . the Pakanbaru area from the ford), ' ’ . ■ ______I It, a btalc law of nature-^the Since 193.’) he has devoted his' full 12-hour Stdy on the way bacH to west coast. time to the public practice of SATURDAYS . Washington from the Manila meet­ action and reaction—which WICHMAN In Jakarta, a 9-man parllamen-1 NEW r.ip'-', \ 00 f' • IqiMl menlMy fuel bilk. legardloM of weaiher. O'r MUC Newton put Into words Christian Science healing, and to ing. He Is scheduled to take off tary commission reported It had tempers cooled down, the chamber and trees Crashing to earth, yri service of the Christian Science for home just after midnight. ‘ finally approved the proposal rec-J the herd can move away rimost In S l;.-,b5ti C-o(l N ov - - • Never a'lorqe fuel blll...BOf even In the eoMest wlirtor some th«ee ccqturles ego. Push a In Chicago Apartment CHIROPODIST cU McmciteAieA Go-. made no-progtess at working out silence, when danger Is scented. Cowiitf! material out of a tube with organization. Before the first of two meetings an agreement between President Fascists ognlzlng the partisans — "Volun' • Cenveniani paymenl record plan—lolls how yeuf detounS stands. with Chlang, Dulles Issued a state­ teer Corps of. Liberty.'" , ------Thi 0 F. f'Onc.ct. Co great fo rc e iln one direction and (Cofltinued frem Page Cue) 117 EAST CENTER ST. MAI>, Sll.,11 OMd ". N » = IH MAIf. Sldtl' • MASCHIS'lB C Sukarno and former Vice Presi­ LONGEST SERVICE • txiro ehorpes—you sfill p«y only for die oil you acluolly uso. a*e.tuM muet'- move with equal millionaire, has a $50,000 trust ment saying Nationalist China "Is dent Mohammed Hatta, whom the The secret ballot gave 346 votes fund set up by his brother and ai NEW CAPE. 1100 ',q ft. a major and Indispensable part of Reds in IJome for the proposal, to 46 against. Di the American Revolution, the MI 9 -F 7 4 '' force in the bppbalte direction. Let when he walked out of the prison, 9 A. m. to 12 NOON rebels want Installed ss Premier to ij^ mn Inflated hhljoon: and the $10,000-$11,000 legacy from an HAS r e s u m e d the free world defense partnership give the'outer islands a better Fleet New Hapipthlre Regiment read, a prepared aUtement In aunt " <15 5'=.n Call Ne w— against Communist expansion. (Conttnued from Page One) CAN BE QUIET,,- 'kerVed cOTtlnubualy for eight yeafe ItUKtARTb' BROTHERS X-rCc . balloon will careen madly as the economic deal and purge the gov­ SwndCmvjMMi .which he pleaded for privacjr. He Leopold and his companion In ' OFFICE HOURS < "The United States continues While feeding In the forest, and eight months. Thla Is said to MI-SIS Center Street escaping air. propels Xt through crime. Richard Loeb, were sen­ The- R. F. D im oclt C o . ■teadfast iri Its support of the Re- ernment of communists. when Fascist members cried out be the longest service record of •psca. appealed for newsmen and "soci­ The commission said Sukarno in­ elephants make a great din, ■^h #«r PIMW MiHlaw dmeUi ao MoWOiool SudfelMr lyNwa. ety at large” to "agree that the tenced to life and 99 years for the M! 9-5245 ufcllc of China," he added. Dulles "It’s profane! It’s a sbame!’' branches crackling like pistol snots any regl*»«"l war. Shews Priaciple 1924 thrill slaying of 14-year-oId ad said In Manila that there was sisted oft carrying on his own nego­ At once, Communist and So­ f " "" h o b b y " H full Owtalb only piece of news about me is tiations with Hatta, which also Hens#. E'ven the erratic flight of th^bal that I have ceased to be news.” Bobby Franks, a slaying which GEIUH8 TILE tno change in U.S. policy on non-, cialist deputies were out of their


BY V. T. HAMLIN OUB BOARDING HOUSE ' , with MAilOR HOOPLB Shapiro will be in charge of the ALLEY OOP Lodge W ill Vitw event. she aXJLD A-SOIE BACK T o u S S T wi5S>EF _.I CXXXA WOOU* WELL. IT WONT The yoiing models will be Rjeky rtA O n never HM/E G1VGK) UAOC TMCE HER VERY ' TO A<»> CCXW5NT SHT- IA&R BASWlfJ.TRULV A O R A N G E Hi AUS'VOU STEOOA GALAVANtlN* j Sense and Nonsense .TKSASURS.''-— WITH MV Pictures 'Monday Aronson, 'Gary Aronion, Unda OGKr IN ik MQONDiooK IF fine LONfiTTEfkM WHERE, KRUMBUKV 1 Bayer, Laurie, Davit, Edward Fire- WITH HIM AFTER WONTSHE? OFF WITH SOME NC / PEPUTATiOf) IN TMB TW HkONTT THOUCHTMXJX) O?0WN,MAJ0K-*-VOL) A9K60^ atone, Susan Goldberg, Leslie Haas, W FUNERAL, account SAMBLERr Always a. Goal Man — Tha trouble with you oc^ YtoRLD.LCOULD 6BT A fM C Y Sunset Rebakah Lodge will view tOCKEDIHE BUCKET TO 5 e 8 iT."—-PRO0ABLV Ellen Hoch^rg, Susan Hurwltx, 90MEWHERE BETWE&i DID nr? cults ta that, you believe in things FISURE FOR THAT P(?1ZE.^-w Whenever a woman aUrta weep­ 1300-1200 Rui— AASy'RlAM' TuJo Honor Students fl’-is Of tha BrttiMi I a l« Monday Anita Karp, Jana Karp, linda HERE WOO THE MOON! ing, you can’t ae’e. I din't. I am a ffian JT MIGHT BB^WlSERTO DEAL Leon, Ann Leaaner, Robin Neleibar, fill 7 of common aenaa ' ’ e m p ir e ,VKlsIOvO/ WE'Vl THROUGH ME THAN JAKE. r . 8 p.n|i.7n Odd FaUowa Hall. It’s part of a deflnlto plan — — v b THE 6 B tA S M Judith iimlly HaUchar and Jaiiat^Cfonventlon Albcrt R. Tenn- Miaa Bvmllna PenUand and 2(lsa Enid RoaenWial, Ricky Rotthar, To get aomethlrlg but of her sys­ Speaker (without hesitation)— whose CONNECTIONS TSe Piece 'OFTEN ARE A Itniaabath .Draaaet today wara etodt, Abner X ^ B rook e, Atty. Gertruda LiddOa took tha pictures Debbie Rubin, Nicola .^ublflow, tem, Oh, are you! Well let ue believe Harry Hammer, John U Moran Greta Rubinow, Andiba Sandaia, , WpOLD,BfelM6 „ , Bit 5M ADV- last aumfner. They will tell o f their Or get something out of her man1 the things we can see. Put your }A KIN6S RAMSOM/ Inamed valadlctorian ^and aaluU- and Mra. Marjr Pfaii^'-v.. Diane Schwartx, Lori Sender, Pam- EVERY SATURDAY NIGI common Aense on the table, and hak- ktaff/? trip while showing tha slidaa. Miss , v. ». .. — Sally Clark. 2 A/yvuSEUw ItoriaiV nwpigetivdiy, of tha Rock- Named to the fiOth^XMetrict Pwtland la a part noble grand of *>•» Sloat^^g. ^bWa then we'll believe you hava It iTltta claaa of 1?8S. Senatorial Convention' wera Ttay> 7 :4 5 f M . . i -OH, "T School the Rebekahs.Rebekeha. 2# OAMER-4 NFECIAL8—1 The apeakcr on the fourth dt- c ju ix e Mt|a%allcher la tha daughter Of mond Splelmin, Mrs. Myms. Monday night wtU be neighbor’s Solomon, Benjamin Wald, Ellen mesaion had asked the audience An o)d fellow can get a crew |a|r. and Mik. Fred E. Haltcher of Pierre, John J. LeoA WillUm E. night, end gueata xra ex|>ectod Wenlek, Joshua Wind and David to l)uenUon anything they couldn't cut,, sports clothes, bow tie and 113 lUed 8t., Rockville. Miaa Stilei end Harry F.'^rtel. from other, diiitrict lodges. Mrs. Zubrow. understand. Suddenly a man rose other tricks to take 20 years off iDroiaar la tha daiightar of Prin- Stats Convention delegataa are Eleanor Prentice end her eommit- to Ms ^fact, Slid in .a loud voice hla looks but he sure can't fool a letpal Allan L,. Dreaacr and Mra. Town Chairman Jamas A. Do­ \ • herty, First Selectman Edgar H. to.; will serve refreshments. Mlaa Cranes Opc^ra^d bji Tape remark''ed, long" stairway. IxiTaaaar of 43 Lawreneo 8t. Sidlth Smith is'program chairman. idaa HaUchar who achiavad tha Wllaon, Dr. John E. Flaherty, Ed­ PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL. VERMEER i hlfhdft claaa adaadlag for her four win J. Hack and Fred Berger. St. Louis—OveqMadt . alectric County Convention delegates are crane# engaged in repetitive du­ THINK! IN A FEW , I CAN REMEMBER <30SH, I DIDN’T^ ryaara/ haa been active in tha atu CROSSWORD PUZZLE I i$nt laadarahlp of tha achool, edi Nicholas Pawluk, Francis Barbero, Youths to Model ties can be run without an op-1 S IA V E f • PICK-UP >DAy§ PRISCILLA^WILL WHEN I W A^ TENil (NOW POP WAS EVER John Bchltphack, Mra. Betty Kris- erator—by recording preselected j ------V E A R S OLD! tor of thr Banner, the claaa year- BE TEN VEAR6 o ld a m , THAT’S A tofak, and William E. Weber. operations onto a tape. Tha aya-, WONDERFUL, Vaepity chaerlaader, choir Spring Fashions Cases of Sod!'" at accompialirt. Oirla’ 8tat« rep- Probate Convention delegatee tern makes use of a tape recordar,' It Lar|t iR illti ivaantativa, graduation marahal are: Atty. Leo B. Flaherty Jr.; frequency generator, and fra- i DISCOUNT PRICES Answar to Provioua P unit 1 her Junior year, member of Uie Mra. Mery Berger, Mrs. Margaret Chlldran’a spring fashions, mod- quency-selector panels and a ^ n - j Missing? lAaderta’ Club, glria' baaketbaU Rady, E, Fentoit. Burke and sled by tha moppets themaeivas, trol panel to provide automatic | l it t l e Thomas Kernaii., operation. ■ . . at O u r Bottling Plant MUSCLE team, danoo- grO|ip, TTutura Teach- win be on review Sunday aftai> ' PIb b D^FooK era' Chihi tiihrajfy Club and the Talk an Reading, ACBOM 2 -— • And /.Mies Ann V. Fobtrg, senior con noon at 8 in the vestry of Temple alack! Oeorga Sykea Chapter of - the Na- ■tlenin Honor Society. BUltant In Elementery education of Beth Sholom. ^ • 5 ''or Naw N£VV C.APE, IX !) /q tt. $|.65 Ddlrtred flfht Miaa Dreaaar haa bedn active aa tha State Department of Educe' Presented through the courtesy I ItolneL MANCHESTER 4----- and CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Praaideat and Secretary Of the Aa- tion, will apeak at a meetiiig Of the Y»f Tots 'N Teens, the show ia si';7:;o. c«:! Mo .,- - -Mond 4 What a^ Rural Varnon School Assn. Mon' I brthg:^held to raise money for the Pina Depodt hockey pla ■emhly Club, aaaociate editor of EDiftant the Banner. Secretary of the RH8 day at 8 p.m. at Vernon Elemen' donor funds of' tha Sisterhood of Th" (\ D-!!.-"-!' C r, docs tary School. tha Tem^leL and Hadasaah. Mra. ★ ★ ★ BOTTLING CO. 12 Brown 8 Prince Ckarlee Biuul, co-captain of the girla' Ml 9-S'X ,‘i ‘. October— and Princeaa baakethall team, Olrla' State rep- MIsa Foberg, wno la alao Direc­ Irving Oodditrd^ and Mrs. Lester lOHiNDERSON RD. *12 — and purl naantaUra and grtaduation mar­ tor of Elementary Training at HiU- ' RauO Boftlca M l 3 -7 9 2 2 MPadeatal part 6 Celebration 24 Kind of ahal bar Junior year, member of yar College, will aprak on "The Caaa of 24 LONG SAM BY CAPP and BOB LCBBERS 15 Dadce ilai> 7 And to forth rubber the Lieaden’ Club, Library aub, Teaching of Reading in our Ele- -It-IntwtalntaiB-^ X VHONPAR PX)0P W t •??«>6.>rwwf (ab.) 2 5 a * b ig = ™ tm et t awipr-Choir-and thoCeorga moHlary- Schoole,’-’-. . ___ .20 S ou th O f f re talaa 8 Worahip chamber Sykea Chapter of the National Following her talk, the hudlenee J C A fttm^XiXmfoucBsoetm, ,'?H ri6iW[io _ Utandad 1k i IneL tecMise- •nviriJwpwREPf • A — woraa 21 Prove f abe Honor Society. will be divided into three dlactu- n C n n ta r S t. - propartiaa ' than death. 37 Evergretn tree 44 War god Patricia Ann WlanlewMil ob­ Bion groups, prlmery, intermediate Pina Depedt 20 Dancer, —— 10 Arabian gulf 2$ Sacred bull 46 French tolhk tained third honora. Sha ia the and senior, with a teacher in . North O ff Caitle 11 Aacended 3fiMcadowa 47 Imminantly daughter o f Mr and Mre. Alphonae charge of each group. 21C^lit 19 Ouide 2 1 — the lily 46 Indian X WiaaiewahTof ThUahd. A aocial period, with refreah- n . l 5 DaMvarM 22 Spar*----- It Anphitbeater 32 Caeaai waa SOPotatMlva EatlWr Libby BUin obuined mepts. wilf conclude the program. TOxIacL W ait Cantor St^ 24Fladiy frtiit 23 Give forth pronoun fourth honora. She : a the daugh ,26 FoundaUon 1 Mrs: Fred Lewie and Mrs. Francis Janet E. Dresser Judith E. Hallcher ’ PhM Depodt T"MyOal— " ter of Mr. and Mra. Baruch Ellin of RIeder arc In charge of refrash- M 2 riri Ellington. menti. tOTaka r r Theae four high, ranking atu- Letters of appreciation from chil­ venfeanea Miss Foberg wea one of 17 per- Stuffed Auimals ^ dren touring the museum, and re^ Large Selection Of Irish kecerds t28crateh danta will be the apaakcra at the aona sent to Japan In IM l and g ^ u a tlo h axeirciaea to be held queata from teachers for claasri 24 Fatten acain 1D52 hy the United States to help displays always rkte the aiUn For Si, Patrick"^ Day ISIdaalatate June tt, In (he'Sykea Auditoriiun. reconstruct th* educational ayatem Given to Museum TIt'ater DMdalon Appealed and birla high in popularity. 24 Intact thera along more democratic! lines. ■ The open house for Hi-Fi Records ($3.98)-$2.79 hUadde Oai9oiAtIon CouivmI Harry Ham She is the prealdent-elect of the Through the F«nerosity of Wil­ School, held on Wednea^y, waa LEGAL NOTICE SSItoUlnE atonaa mer filed an appeal ycaterday to New England Aasocletton for Su­ liam J, Siemlonko of East Hart­ attanded by approxlmrtcly 350 OPEN TONIGHT TILL t BY KEN BALD and BRONDFIELD •athar no— • tha Supreme Court of Errora in pervisors and Curriculum Devalop- ia haraby givan that tha fellawing bava bass earUBad JUDD SAXON ford, the following stuffed ani­ children, their parents/and teach­ -etidonedloraed candidatescaadidatos of the Republican. Party for alac^.alac^ aOWotion nr an attempt to void the aale of ment ers. Next Wednesda}/ open house ..,SmCE THEN t HAVE I OKAY, VAN VLIET SUJYICER A HIPPEN microphone 41 Wicked mate.and birds have been added to _ member of the Town Committee o f eald Party -Jn tha IQ|=s^^:3'r PlOCS UP EVERY WORR.. RoekviU^ Watan- and Aqueduct Co. Clennup at Verwim the exhibits on display at the tMtx ■will be held from 3/Xo 5 p.m. for HONEST ANO HAVE/ FlSukEP ON A FAT FEE FOR 420aze fixedly to Suburban Water Services Inc. of ktancheeter, together with th^atreet addrasacs of said S PONE WELL. I blabsins your flans, his 45 Furman Spring cleaning at Vernon Con­ Junior Museum: Young opossum, Keeney S t 'Sebool and Lincoln candidates: . ' HER SAXOH, ANT anOLVEMENT WITH i . Hammer has alao drawn up an Potterton^s VIOLENT P SAPPEABANCE IS gregational Church is acheduled THE POuet WILL aUlH MY EFFORTS TO MY RECORO languate. redwing blackbird, meadowlark, SchooL / 130 Center St. Easy Parking Cor. of Church St. AAUST REMAIN^ cdwopental. you can stop araendmant to a bill paaaed by the for March 22 from 8 a.m. Id'S red squirrel, scarlet tanager and NAME ADDRESS • 5BT UP MY OWN ASENCY. A5 A >OUNS SPOntSS-,, WORRYING,.. BUT AIK 41 ILevtly placea General Aaaembly a year ago giv­ MAN 2 wAi puicrrop •1 Card game p.in, cooper's hawk. The. stegourUnu, a ‘ prehfitorie Andisio, Raymond 74 Otis St., Mehcheater, Conn. VWRRIE5 AREN'T ing tho city the right to purchase' Meiqihcra, friends and young dinosaur, w m 30 feet long and had A SMAU lNPI5C«CTON_ OVER.../ ..^Aldand — T^cse new •items are. certain to Bagley, Roger 72 Broad 8t. MBlbliealwaad the waUr company. The amend­ pcopla hava been asked to help attrack attention, according to, a heavily /armed body and tiny Bailey, Thomas A. 25 Raddint St. fi4:Cut off ment, introduced by AtaU Rep. Clean up tho' '-ehurch buildings, Miaa NelU, director of the museum. head. ' / . , Barnes, Gilbert C. 20 Wellington Ad. ffiSuMarfufe Franklin O. Welles, would give the grounds and outdoor chapaL Rot 4: Benson, Mre. Gloria 398 Hackmatack St. MBnow vehida r city the right to acquire the easets chocolate, tea and coffea will .he N O W O P E N T E L Ml Iv022t Bowen. John H. STb'.Woodbrtdga 8t 87 BUckblrd af the finn through condemnation, served tlumighout the day. Help­ Brettschneider, Mra. Audrey 138'Tanner St. 3-19 as provided by state atatutes. ers should bring their own. Clean­ Brown, Sidney A. . 19 Coburn Rd. 1 r iTJt ea. a* SS S. MainSt. ______MrwNW**-*—.lA A provision in tha amendment ing equipment. LUXOR ifldMn Carlson. Stuart H. V, 8 r stlpuiatea that purchaae of the ^ Venien Food Sale J BANK gg^:DOCTAGE ST. » ITgOS *Thi tiMlwr ifownH f«W Rh* eoW|St#¥ ltecRW thF^ " Ai^iifAalplIrin V w - Joet Oft Oak St., One Block From Mala S t Crandall. JHfa. Mary J , — havo In' be authorixed by a special non Congregational Church Sat­ Crockett, Charles N. 14 Gerard S t quottlong, Eh* pwkt thfi catBferiBgr city meeting. It further requires urday from 1 to 4 p.m. Specialleing la draper)’ materUla^’^rcaae reetetant tahrtes, drone Davia. William 8. W) Constance Dri've that , the PuC determine the falr- Teaat breads and pies will be Mttofi, salUag, nylene. pare aUk, dSeron sheer, towcUag. Diana. Vincent 140 Benton 8t B. C. • BY JOHNNY HART 137 Heniy .St. BY RAY GOTTO neae pt the cost fmd whether this featured. Food may be ordered in SATURDAYS V Dik. Edward 8. COTTON WOODS would bo accepted by the commis­ advance by calling Mra. Alyce MtMBiK r 0 c EVERY^Y A SALE DAY Detohih, Mrs. Flavin 58 Doughignerty Nt. I THMR lU sion for. accounting purposes. Duffy, James' 232 Henry St, 3 ^ I DION’t / ’— OAFFOOILWUZ I [T.„AN'BEF0'I KNOWED CNmaNBfMT la Liak or Mrs. Helen Lathrop. WHUrSHE ^THATla aaNNYt^^V Tha amendment alao provides for AT REJ^ DISCOUNT SAVINGS! England, Cecil , 384 Main St. OAB6IN AWAY ON HER wuz awMcrtmt m otill -I OONrRBMiMiR 1 Cells la Canada 53 ThomuoQum Drive /<• > FRONT PORCH ONE NIfiHT ABOOTIf^NO IM TH6 wariR. wtMWN* BLAXmaa! I authorisation of the city to issue cU MoHx>UeAi2/i Co-. Engllah. George R. ,7!? se lf face t ' Earl Johnston. Vernon Square X ' STORE HOURS \ ■18 Foret L (now 175 Mato B t) ANT GOT DROWSY AN' , L ...... bUHlB to finance the transaction. M A!S '.ten? n OOT m VAtr, STOfn • MANCM'S^fB COKN Ferguson. Thdmae F. 8 NOOOEOM HEAOft : FACE WITH A Dance caller, will make hie second Monday tkru Jjatorday 10 a.m. ,to 6 p.m.—^Thnra. 10 i 1,-9 p.m. FinUy. Mrs. H uai . 44 Oreanwood Drive fVkRSON,' Claims Error visit to Osnada in aa many months Flrato, Harry J, 99 Plymouth Lahe Atty. Hammer is baaing his high to call for the Ottawa Valley 9 A . m . t o 1 2 NOON Spruce St."- SniUng Fords, .Floyd court appear on. orrora ha clAtom Fquare' Dance Club Friday. Jobm Dross Genovcil, Vincent 183 N. Main 8L 'H , " were made'' Judge Alva P. a t^ 'ffUl'Jpeke the tXJp by plane Matortal Material Fabric Gingrae, Omcr A. Henry St : , x lAiseDa’9n'*tRnnUMng the city's arid plans to be home in time for Gordon. Robert W. 8*9 Mein S t - ' x . appeal.ef a PUC decision which ap- the Varnon' Square Dance Club's Grannies. Russell M Westwood St. 'X, provad the sale to Suburban. regular danca Saturday. Yd. 40c Yd, Yd. 55c Td. 52c Gremmo, Felix 98 Maple S t Hammer clalma the court erred The Club's dance this wack will Hair, Daniel 435 E. Middle Turnpike when it agreed with the city's con- a St. Patrick's Day party “ 'America’s Favorite Dessert’' Hansen. Clifford 50 Farm Drive ,• tention that ''local*' control means Dalce. - to be held at Vernon Ele-' Hemingway. Donald ' 88 Summit S t ^within the franchise area but held mentary School Saturday at p.m. Herrmun, Otto 612 center St. . hat the PUC did not act illegally 8 ICE CREAM y .7-H Hosplial Notes Hoiway. Mra. Lillian. _ 143 Adelaide Rif. msaHoerlhg Suburban, a state-vride Irvine, Mrs. Veronica - 72 Baldwin Rd. ^ conbern, which docs not operate in Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Fran­ For March and especiallj' St. ■n BUGS b u n n y cis Keune,' 58 Hammond St.; Jackson. Harry 182 Maple St. ' this ^ a , to purchaae the Rockville Jacobs, Ronald 29 Elsie Drive • ; com ‘niemas Loos, 12 Maple St.; Allan Patrick’s Day serve O^itelli’s BUZ SAW YER BY ROY CRANE 'HAND 'EM EVER, ^ WHEW! Raed, 32 Charter Rd.r Mra. Faith Jacobson, Mra. Dorothy 45 Wyllys St; Hamriiar also claims the court j ’'reheh Pistachio IcX C re a m - Johnson, Mrs. Irene 4 Orsndview S t OCEBO. AN'lU. Lucicvrr erred in nUing that the PUC de­ Shortman. Pinnacle Rd., Ellington; FW'EMgfiCK HIT SCRAMBLE*^ UP. EACH "JINX* \ .] WHEN MOSCOW RADIO 8R0A8- FtGGEff HOW MUCH Johnson,t Roy C. 75 Pleeasnt St. A«NAIS AT A PIFFDtbtT TIME IHTtRVAL. VI CASTS THE FOSmONS: OF OUR HITVOUff cision did constitute sn alloca­ William • Kinney, 53 Windermere in pints and brick. Don’t • l* ^ 'r 0N7HIHUUS Ave. I ,Kellv. Eugene N. 20 Agnes Drive OF OUR 51111% THE ONE THEY PUT ONOUR CARRIER,WEU) t SHIPS TO THE WORLD, THEYtL TQE.-IF tion of waterNwtalde .the area. forgei order ybur St. Patrick’s 46 Anaaldi Read ^ IT HAP Dichafged yesterday.: Mra. Phyl­ LeClaire. Arthur J.. Jr. AOMIIUL. W K ff SWITCH TO OUR TANKIR. THE ONE ON / 1 6E AU WRONG) ITTL THROW Suburban haas^nounced plana to Lefort, Harold 8T8 Lydsll St. X lis Cochran, and son, RFD 3; Mra. stenci stke of ice cream. THE TANKER, WE'LL SWITCH TO OUR ^ t THE REDS FOR A LOOP, CONFUff SffO /fTM lay a pipsUns to thq Windsors from Luts. Joseph 78 Alton St. CRUISER, AND SO ON. ■» THEM, MAKE THEM LOOK IP BE OUT Snipsio Lakike, tha TMtl water aup- Helen Kloter end daughter, 65 Orchard St.; Mra. Cecelia ,0 ’Brieh Marte. Paul 22 Benton St. n e u w f m r c f u t r s h ply. McComb, David . 42 Elwood Rd. Democratio Osndidstes and son, 14 Laurel St.; Ronald 8 MAY HAVE Sa'tryb. 10 Thompson St.T Susan McCormick, Christy F,'^ 240 Henry'St. T h c ^ s F. Rady, \,Democrat Ice'Creai o . McKinney, Herbert J. 54 Adelaide Read ir^Mki ^ETHINE Probata' Judge, waa ^hdoraed by Urain, West WUlington; John Her- there, McVeigh. James 81 Oxford St, . Vernon Democrats iaat night for xog. 11 Highland Ave.; Linda St. lSAwyir. Peter. Pinnacle Rd., Ellington. MANTFACTURERS/fS^ ORFITe LU’S "SPfMONT^ Miller. Jacob 103 Adelaide Rd. renoniinaUon to the post. 28 WARREN STREET—MI 8-gfM Murphy, Thomaa E. 32 Jordt St. vj^ Delegates to the party’s various O'Conner. John J, 18 German Place conventions ware endorsed, as„ Veni«m and Taleottville news h a nomlnethirliaadled' -throogh 'The Herald’a Osgood, Harold 29 Cumberland St. recommended / by Pagant. Ald6 . 38 Locust St -committee. / RockvUle BarMHi, 7 W. Mala S t, '' JR'* telephone TRemont 5-81 SC Peck. Frederick. ' 14 Strong St. \ / 3-fI Delegisteir to the Congressional . Pero, Mrs.' Emma '299 Oakland S t Saturday Is Phelan. H*rbert A.. Jr. ■ Hlllcrest Repd M O l^ MEERLE BY DICK CAVALLI iGi-iX. Pickles. Mra. Esther 55 Holl S t MICKEY FINN BY LANK .LEpNAR; 'Ouish. Mra. RoMlind 81 Cambridge S t Rice. Biirton A. 38 Bruce Road Robinson, Tteymbnd E. 414 E. Center St. ATTENTION BUSINESSMEN! DAY Rohan, Earle 517 Hartford R oad' Rottner. John S, G. 483 E. Center S t FOR EFnCIENT aiMi REUAILE Win a new ATYKE .Rubin. Mrs. Helen C. 114 Plymouth Lane SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF Ruddetl. Bari G. 143 Lakewood Circle '^' "-v , Ruasell. Mra.. Dora 84 Bolton S t >*’. REFRIGERATION and AIR-CONDITIONING MANCHESTEk SH0PFIN6 ' Saari,.Edward ' 58 Plymouth Lana Schaller. Mrs. M:jldred M.. 218,Puker St MG A sports car Shea. John F.. Jr. . / . 40 'Phelps Road. ,■ ■ '■ o. CALL Ml 3-4686 Shields, Wesley,' 138j^hool St-. ’ ■ • \ W .* Stafford. Howard , 3Tit Garden Drive Starkel. Robert H. ‘ 40 Cbmbridga S t V/OODCOCK 4 CARS GIVEN tREE. Just for telling why . Stevenson. Mrs. Martha 133 Lenox St; aEmafRATioN «e Ais-coNDiheitim ypu like New Pedwin Squires. ' . Strange. Everett 58 Virginia Itoad And beDorra to celebrate this Saint Patrick's Day— Stuck, Mrs. Jsne 43 Stephen St. OCX a.iu Swanson. Victor 30 Hudson St. .x ., olvxlu * The famous, pipes of Saint Patrick’s will be a awirlinsr , e OKAVl IFI4UU M ..IN MDMMrfi WRIL SlrRACIcMfi dO FAR NO 5MP5 AT Walsh. Jerome 36 Gerard St.’ \. ..HE PRACriCEG .X, A H O U LD P h » DVEK THt WOBT KWTW P He BllRUIV/fiO » T A T I O N » WTFRVALOTOBIOMFV 4$QU1RES should na miss, so up all you sons of Erin and on tb the THa MAN 15 AUVI. m ^ HfiSfINE QUAUTY STEEL CABINETS Warren, Ray S. 109 Princeton S t EVEPK CHANCE COAfiTfiJ TfU MIMUTBS; H1» FKBT RlVOUItlON P fto tm T H B Parljade this fine day. OP THR fiAKTHl 5KY F0RTH8 Williams. George H. 105 Oxford St. HE GETS. T AT WHOLESALE PRICES 49 Arch St. FAIUT RADIO To add to the celebration we have flown from the Old Wilson, Mrs. Eleanor fit0HAL.THeN.. Sod “ Real Live Shamrocks" ^irect from Shannon, and The number of Town Committee membert to ba elaeted. under Gloca Morrah. Sure they are yours for the asking as long party rules, le 100. □ as they’re lasting from two o’clock this finb

, . r - .; ’ Q- f i 1-1,.

, \


EARL Y0§T Stengd .Plans m m m Better Dayt Aheod < Wears Hebnai 'Spam Edllor\,_ . <^!ompetition Underway 36 NBA Marks Broken I Kelly Green, White New^S«|i ool Colora \ To ^ Use Front Prexy Claims Giants St. Patrick’s Day is Just around the Monday being During 'Regul^r^Season HERALD LEAGUE’ At Y Saturday at 10 a.m. Staadinga e a g u e the dftjr for the wearin’ of the green and lS»«)e> Tech has ------^— 7 ^ ' le P la y ers W L P i decide to get into the spirit of the approaching'irish seSBon. New York, March 14 (/P)—'Hifi National Basketball Assn., ...... 64 26 .( ;rs Athletip Director Tony D’Angona announced thoHiereafte;’ A record-breaking field of 88 of the town’s leading keglers, which closed its regular seasdn .Wednesday, reported today New Y^nj’k, March 14 — a ...... 48 32. .too SarasoU, Fla., Mahth 14 (/P)-Th« furor* W ar whathtr 'X^eney Tech’colors will be Kelly green and while, Alrfipture including three former champions, will begin firing away in 36 records were broken—14 more than during the 1955-56 iinten ...... 32 4t .400 i«d Williams would defy American League President Will athletic teams wiH be decked out in green and white cw season which was the previous high for revising the bopks. Aside to the Milwaukee fatlj Agatea ...... 26 54 .325 Phoenix, Aria., March 14 (fl>)—Preaident Horae* Stoneham the seventh annual Men\Town Bowling Tournament tompr- who sent a -weeping willow Harrldge's mandate that plajrers wear protective helmets ’ Also, the Tech teams'*WiU be nick-c morning at the Y alleya. Eleven bowlers are scheduled ' ■ ...... deorge Yardley of OetrcRt and Despite dropping a 3-1 decision of the Giants predicts that over the years his club will draw named the Rangers, this being the tree to New York Yankee to the Bendays, the Rulers clinched his season turned out to a tempest in a teapot. is expected on the football field fw^ftcUon on Uie opening shift at*— . — ’* ; ...... Boston's Bill Russell greMiM the I more'fiins in San Francisco than the Dodgers in Lps Angeles. The-Boston Red Sox slugged decision reached after a j>oU of the next fall at Wesleyan, has made scoring and rebound titles; creating Manager Casey StengOl; It the league championship last nUht 10 o'Nqck. Other shifts are slated Ding Balch, Walt Hlllnski, Tony at the West Side Rep alleys ’fiie This despite the fact Los Angeles County with 4,000,000 peo­ today ha not only wHl ^ h r student body. Previously the Tech,''the. honor, roll at the Middletown at 1 o’clock in the afternoon, 3;45, Yvon Dtirelle, moat of. the ndW IndivjduaJ'Hieerd*. made 01’ Casey tnad. But tha^roteetlve helmet, but that he sohool. was referred to os the Tech- 'coUege. where be is a freshman. Sarpola. Tony Dcsimore, Denhup, Clyde Lovellette of Clncinnattl last place Agatea upset the Point­ ple ie about twice aa large aa thea-- men and-MoohlnistsAnd the school 6:30 and that'a not tha only reason Stengel ers 3-1 in the other match. The loop Nortbci-n Catlfomia bay area. n weaving one for the past Dom had th« distinction of. being Defending Champion Hippo Cor- Bemie Chappell, Ettore Barrera, colletted 679 field goals, one more is angr\'. His Yankees need some the Giants' prexy was aakad tt tha 10 daya\The headgeag ls not the colors wera a drab iharoon and the first. IJttle League boaebaU Edgar Brainard, Ted. Lawrence, Tonjf^^/Anthony than George Mlkan’e 1950-51 ends next Week,' . "San Francisco Is a better aporta Dodgers were declining. — renti, who alao'wps willows with base hits in them. Al O fvinl rolled a new high sin­ town alt around than Los An­ plastic type by NationsI Leaguers. gray. player to have a swatch of 11953 to become 0»a lOne double Hank WIttke and Roland Iriah. standard with Minneapolis, .lit 88 The American League champs . "No.c esme the reply. "We’re gray (white) hair . Sophomore , titliat, was among theJLrat entries 8:43— Paul Correnti, Bryce Mac- games. gle of 144 arid finished up with a geles,’; Slaqabam said aa ha watch­ Just getting better and we can get Instead it ^ a regular baseball took another one on the chin ye^. 369 triple while Joe LaForge pinned ed Ipa club work. out here yaster- cap with a prutectlve helmet lin­ Don 'Pei*lU won Individual' scoring received by ToumamentNWrector Kay, Bill Carlin, Ken Monroe. igbt Tonight In scoring 2,001 points, an axtr- terday. dropping * -l-O verdict to sUU better alt of a audden. There Shoti Here and There . tX... a 132 single'' game. day. "The next couple of yCara ing made of >Kmora With New Haven TcoChers Jack Vltlner. The v e te n ^ O r- Norm Kloter. Milt Tedford, Bob ag* of 37.8 (or 73 gomes. Yirdley the Boston Red Sox for their fifth y MIDGET LEAGUE 8rc a couple of young fellows In Boston’s CelUcs, tabbed by many (Jottege during the post' season. Fitzpatrick, A! Plrkey, Bolin. Ted those big opening-day crowds in thia Camp who cbn help right now. - What mads TCd c(unge hit mind rent! will roll in the final ahifi JOE TWARONITE York, March 14 (ft) — With cracked Miken’s mark of 1,933 also loss and third whitewashing in aix w L Pet. the Loa Angeles coliseum (102,000 M the finest collection of basket­ tosaingjn 467 tallies in 31 games morrow night Chambers, Nene Aceto, Henry ia title fight hanging in set in 1950-51. Yardley olw -at­ Oepedai impreestvs . p o u e f ^ ft FIRE is not known, but rarlier the 8$- ball players ever, wbn ihe Esst- exhibition aUrts. Dodgers ...... '.... 24 14 .68S capacity) will give tha Dodgers a year-old batting chanmion had for a 31.3 average .. National Cfitarlle Whelan, 1955 kingpin, la tlnelli, Smokie Bmoluk. Whel­ he b a la i^ Canada’s brawny tempted 808 free throwis. breaking Irnmadlately after the game, Red Sox : ...... 1 9 19 .500 ulg edge in^ home attendance. "This Orlando Cepeda talked '■ ^ a Chiefs of the Police and *m Division of the NBA this ees- Leagut hockey offering ,on video dotn’n for tha 3:45 shift while Cy. an,Rusconl. Bill LaRiviere, n Durell^nd New York's lean the 1952-53 record of 794 064 by Stengel alerted ' regulars Hank Firemen’s Midget League at tha stoutly maintained he wpukf net son by eight, games. Although tomorrow afternoon will bring to- Yankees ...... 17 3l .447 "But when we get In our park,- with me a few'days ago and Just wear a helmet, asserting g GJorgetU, who captured the crown T o m W ^ n and Benny Paganl. NCAA Hoi Field AU to Itself Tonpv^thony^lash tonight in Pbilodelphia'a Nell Johnston;Tha Bauer, Bill Skowron and Oil Me- Braves t...i ...... l« 22 .421 I’m sure over the years we’ll out- talking there seemed to be no Eaat Side Rec finished their sea little has, been written or aaid gether the Boaton Bruins andXew j i„’ , 994; will see aiUon at 1 o’clock. C:$Ci—-Hltoski. John Morton, retum M ttle o f ^ h t heavyweight Detroit star convertod 653 frea Oougald. "Be ready to work by the son in fine fashion’ last night, tum- ferred with hit timing. WlUk^s, about tba SL Louis Hawks in the W k Rangar. ln_ B ^ to w n at 2; Tmaorrow Both matches, Dodgers-Braves draw them." quesUon in his mind that he was however, had advised other plaj Carpenter, ^ ^ c k Buckley, Bill contenoei' throws to crack the reciird ,of.S25 weekend,” he told the tender-arm­ and Red Sox-Yahkees, wound up In g back tha Ladders 38-3$. «b*st over” category, . the St. o’clock .. Lima Rock s f ^ s car San Franciaco will have Ita new ths Giants' flrst baseman and a to wear helmeta. v \ Ademy, Tony s^vatbre. Nowlckl. 10 of Nation’s Top Quintets Late backlog forNhe British set by Doiph Schayea of Syracuse ed trio. “We gotta win a ball game 1-1 Btalematea last, night at the Y good hitter. With Willie Kirkland, Paced by Randy Smith a«d Bill Lmiisians’ margin (over the runner- racing seaaon aUrts Runday, April All participant's will bowl a to­ Varrick, Jim Martim Lamoureaux, in 1966-67. stadium with 45.000 capacity in The rule was passed duringJlhe tal of aix strings tomorrow, with Empire l76-p(9uhd^ch*mplon ha* pretty soon.” while Larry Bates. 128. Buddy ne’U provide new power! And this Powers, the (Jhlefs had little trou-, . . ______, up Detroit Pistons and Cincinnati 27. The mile and one-half trOcT la Farr, Johnaoi), NorOT''Vlttner, Stan dropped the oddi^Xinm the 7-5 1959. ble in upending the Ladders and American I>«Su«. ^ w n y ^ the eight totat-pinfall leaders qual- Far Ahead of Stokea No laughing Mntter Woods 109-100, Eric O3ols 109, Rudy Denies ,Reports kid Jim Davenport h as. been a Royals was also eight games. The located in th* foothills of the Beft' Saaiela, Pate Aceto. Hdwrte Hamp­ Scheduled for Action Tonight favoring Anthony all week And' in commenting on the 84S Wojnarowlcz 106, - Roger-,,Pbe IM ieaaant surprise. It's Just a ques- therebv R is in g into a second.^ meeUng last Jan. 25. ^ t had been Pistons and Royals wound up in a shire Mountains. tfyliig^ for ensuing head-to-head ton, Gene Tost end Ed BujOurius. Russell, in smashing avery ra- Tha Giants_ ,i>rMideht iprasi danlad re- ^ c e finish. GetUng away to a^kept sfcret for some time. I t w o • • • niatcMB. Quarter-final and aemi- money. bl^ M .»selve4Jrpmua-tre^ and Bl<*--f5yler^^e6ai)e«i»tia==the whetherafi this...... is the right. ■ ■ .^deadlock. These two teams wU) be 9:15—Hippo Correnti.' Fuller, They will meet over the 1' bound record for aeason and gOnra. pofta' JHe— ’ cTud Wi eiy J h '’Wisconsin for "One Weep­ beat single game efforts. time to start him." • ^ ■«art“ wfd-l*adlng 8-4 at thrr«at until weeks laUr that Prtu^ on .teevee screens Saturday Brendan Shea, who ia now loos­ finaT 'matches \vilt be a best of McCurry, Larry Bates, cas far ahead of tha 1933-57 with advania ticket saleis.itlthough-' ening up his pitching arm. aver­ three-game oerlea. and the final New York, March 14 (ft) — Tenathe individual scoring champion- route at Madison Square Ga! rka set by Maurice Stokaa. with ing Willow Delivered ,at Glendale, THtmaOAY HOUSEWIVES Cepeda; the 20-year-old. Puerto end of the flrst period the winners lAne. general manager of tn*. sHoniDon from Detroit in the firat Waickowski, Gerryi (Thappell, BIf ship. "Big 0" averaged 34.5 points The bout will be broadcast P»t. h6 indicated they weren’t hit rapid pullod out front to an 18-14 edge Oeveland Indians, let tha eat out aged eight pointa par gams last and consolation match wilt be a th* nation’s top teams, four of ,t ester, before the franchiao Calif.” (Stengela home), Casey W 'L Pet. Rican, last season hit .305 with 25 of tnidr best of three series .- . . Pagan! Jr., Ray Johnson, Jim former champions. Join aix os th* Bearcats compiled a 34-2 telecast (NBC, 10 p.m... EST) said, "D ie guy who pulled the Joke .7W •• expected. : at the Intermission. Smith was of the bag when, he told report- seaaon with the Trinity baaketball beet of five' Mriea. Guaranteed moved^to Cincinnati thia aenoon. Ten Pina ,■...... 67 25 homers at Minnaapolis where third Look tof a change not only in Mathieaon, Bill Chapman. TVaro- unrahl^ed quintets tonight In .col­ record. Durslle, an awkward but strong to find It expenaive, be­ JOrFl’a ...... 47 45 isil ■ “We're not at all concerned baseman Davenport batted .291. the paceoetter wlth .l4 polnU and ars that the league had voted. squad. The local lad ia espectad to caah. prisca will be .awarded to the had 1,584 reboitiiida to [igg ; about the advance ticket sales" he . personneKbiit tn the coaching spot four finalists in addition to the hlte. Bob Molumphy.. John Sim­ lege bi^etbairs title-aeeklnk pa­ Right behind him is SeatUe’s mauler, I* aiming to clinch a title cause the willow goes right back Bowl-a-Jeta ...... 45 47 Kirkland, top right field candidate, Powers follon-ed with 10. For the 7 to 1, in favor of it. The lone dls- ■With ths New York Knickerbock­ be one of the top. three pitchers mons. ,Dick Stratton, Keama and AU-American Elgin Baylor, who shot with world light heavyweight 1,256 fdrXStokes, and hla new . . . . . 44 48 ]478 declared. ' "Why, they're twice with the Trin boll club thia spring. rade e* the National Gollegiate unless the New York club wanta to Rockettes . ■ -. came out of the Army Just In time loeing Firemen, Jack • Simmons sentlng club was the Boston Red ers. The K p iw placed fourth and Ski Fa'loon. lead* hla mate* against Son Fran­ champion Archie Moore. Anthony, mark of 2KT per game compared pay for it.” BowI-a-Deara 43 .487 as good aa our Jwat year in New tb play winter ball. hooped 14 taines and teammata Sox. who obviously had Williams in Jimmy Ctonivan of Hartford and | Athletic AeahW university compe­ with Stokea’ « d record 0£ 17.4. 30 .328! York. ■, 1 think We had about last in the EaS^rn Division and tition move* from and center in ciaco. at San Francisco with a 33.3 a 23-year old styHst, wants a sec The Yankees managed only six Pinupa Among the yOung' pitchers. Nod Cronin chipped in with 10 mind. The National League sl- failed to make the^playoffs. Vince Miles McDonough of Bolton being ond crack at old Archie. New York. Whtoh didn’t ovaif hlU off the combined efforts of Lea^e-lcading Ten abut out $650,000 in 1966 after tha cham- Stoneham singled out 19-yfar-oId the oU}«rs . . . GoL umbrellas, four regional tourioament*. mark. markers. ready had this Bpryla, ex-Denver/ and Notre The NCAA has tfioTicld ail to The champ flattened the hard- make the playoffa^Oqt aaven « - Frank Sullivan, George Stuce and tha Bowl-a-Dears 4-0, runneraup' pionshlp year and in Sen Francls- Mike McCormick w'hom the Giants Tonight at 6 o’clock, the Lad-. Last week,^ Hanridgs sent a di- equipped with flberglas plsstic Here’s tonight’s lineup with Dame star who went on to greater itself .today in the twb< tourna­ hltUng, fra^le-Jawed Anthony in fensive recorda. Tha KfildUl oCored A1 Schroll. Billy Oonsolo got the HU-Fl’a won 3-1 over the RofckettMi CO we’ll do about $1,300,000. On paid a $50,000 bonus to sign In dars ktli pair . off against the. rective to his umpires wUch read: shsfts, will b* on the maricet this Fred Hawkins ranking, if any, and records: 8.068 points, breakinpv 'Bpaton'a and the third-place Bowl-a-Jets opening day ^ combined. 19.56. The left hsfider from Bakers, fame with the Knlcks.lMS a top ments’involving major achbms. The the seventh round six months ago. winning hit for the unbeaten Red league champion Cnliaers in the "If a player appears-at bfit drawer performer but has^^ failed season . , . Springfield’a Indians, Lawrence—Cincinnati, No. 3 Maybe time has dimmed Tony’s 1955-56 mark of 7,682, Sox. He drove a long single'to left and Pinupa rolled to a 2-2 stale­ That in round figures would be field, Calif., pitched 75 innings last having clinchad a spot in the Amer­ NIT in New York takes a d br final tilt of the season. I out a protective device or IMlmet, to distinguish himself as a ^lnnlng (24-2) vs Kansas State, No. 3 (2ft- memory. That was his lost fight. League scoring reached ^ bU> center following Sammy Whites mate. , 200.000 peppIe-i-lO times as many year with s 8-1 record. ican Hockey League playoffs for Setting Pace following opening round vieto: 3 ) : Oklahoma State. No. 19 (20-7) EAfiT SIDE JUXIOm you are not to order him off'-tha coach and New York, more than by 8t. John’s of New York an< time average of.106.6 point* double in the third inning. Noteworthy .alnglca were chalked aa will b f crowded into San Fran­ ^ “ He covild be an ace in tha Na­ 1 Mending ' field. . Instead, you are to inform.. the first time in scvaral aeaoona. Arkansas (18-8)...^ Lucky to Escape up by Miriam McCormick U9, cisco’s Seals Stadlurh on April 15 tional League in a ^ couple - of any other city, needa a winner St. Joseph’s of Phlledalphla. He almost didn’t get that chance game. The fleld goal percentage Tha Milwaukee ’’willoWa" rakqd L Pet-' the manager of the team that tha ' sn'.artain Claveiand tonight at the rlotte—Maryland. No. 6 (21- the league’* e*gl6-*yed ahooter Tohnny Podres for six funs in the Nancy Bamea 106 and Mary Chap­ to see- major league baseball on years.” someone suggested. Songailo ...... 11 4 .783 player is Improperly attired and heads start to roil. 'oliseum. If you don’t have a tiek- At Pensacola No Rest for the Weary because of Durelle. Tony took on X, man 106. the Phcific Coast for the first time. Stoneham smiled and added. "It • • • But there is no rest for the 6) va'^m ple. No. 5 i24-2); Man­ the then lightly regarded fighting was .383 in 28$ contests, com­ first two Innings as-the Braves de­ Parkade ...... 7 • I lijMk report to the league prasi- •tXl'd suggest you stay home. hattan (^ -8 ) v* Dartmouth (21- pared with .380 per cant f()T Oie feated the Los Angieies Dodgers MERCHANTS LEAGUE Switching.from fans to players. might not be that-far away.” 9 weary among the elite of the small fisherman from Bale Ste. Anne, L. T. Wood ...... 9 ♦OOtdent.” f™ Well balanced beat describes the .'Geriy, Blunan of the Indiana ia Pensacola. Fla., March 14 (ft)— 4) , same number of gamea mttlng 8-2. Doubles by Andy Pkfko, John­ W. L Pci. Nasaiff Arma ...... $ 9 siv* dtsplsy of the Syracuse within'Veach of the club racord of Fred Hawkina playing Uie beat colleges. Two upstarts. South Da­ NB., has a warmup for the Moore White iGlasa ...... 31 9 .775 •t®": Although Uiare is no apecifle L,e*lngton--t^ntucky, No. 9 (19- match and was lucky to escape 1966-57, or an avera^ of 89,6. ' ny .Logan and Felix Manlllla fea­ “ • *• “ '* *** : penalty, an iimpira aaid It was his in their final NBA start 40 goals in one reason, set liTlft47- golf of hla 10-year pro career, waa kota- and St. Michael’s of Ver­ Community Presa ..27, 13 .675, mont meet in Evansville, Ind., for 6) V* Miami (Ohio) 18-7); Notre with a draw nine months ago. The top 10 scoring leaders: tured a four-run outburst by the Ing Town Tournament. L. _i. understanding that failure to obey u(ar season, a 110-99 de- 48 by Eddie Kobuoaen. Ehroan the pace-setter in today * second Deme, No. 8 (23-4 )N(* Indiana, No. Braves in tha second inning. FiUpe Dart's Dairy 25 15 .6^ Iqat a squeaker to league champion Philadelphia. Two play- the NCAA small college crown Yvon had Tony rocking and reel­ 1. Yardley, D etroit...... 27.8 the rule would coat the player $50. needs three mpr- to tie the club round of the $15,000 Pensacola 13 (12-10). Montemayor homered for Los Howard's / Bruins Lose Topazzini S i^ a llo’a 28-37 in the Junior 13 talliea, three had 13. standard. Open Tournament. after upset victories in the semi­ ing in ohe round. 2. Schayes. Syracuse ..... 24.9 /■ A second defy by-the player would San Franciaco—San T!rancliCo, Anyone for Basehdll! Angeles. Landscaping ...... 16 25 /.875 League at the Eaat Side Rec last and -one man six • finals. "Frankly, 1 didn't think much of 3. Pettit. St. L ouia...... 24.8 Vic’s Soda Shop ...... 13 2 7 / .325 not only set him back anetlMr 850 The veteran from Ei Paso. Tex., No. 4 (25-1) V* Seattle, 18 The other West Coast team, tha n ^ t . In tile second tilt, Manchea- ‘The ach^ule of 387 stakes Wedding______bells, ' be ringing And in Kansas City the semi­ him, ” said Anthony, a confident, 4. Lovellette, CInn...... 33.4 WMther here»bouU today U anything but auiUble for baaeball Moriarty Bros...... 10 30 .250 tw Parkade cruised into second but a aimiiar fine would n aa- moved out in front yesterday with finals of the NAIA match defend­ (20-5); Idaho State (22-4) v a ^ ll- 23-year old. ’’He looked awkward 6. Arisin, Phlla...... 20.7 but thanks to Lou Aptar of tha Ragal Men’s Shop, the Alumni San Francisco Olanta had better seasod against tha manager. Vacaa tor March Novem- j aaturday'"Maceh■ ' ‘ Quim- e aixiunder-per 88, despite blow­ luck. They clobbered the Chicago Two matches — front-running For Balance o f Season pl^ca as It smothered lifeless Naa- bar cornea to $9,714,000 in ’ added! j,y_ former UOonn ______ing champion Tennessee State and fornla (18-8). \ and clumsy. Sure he was awkward 6. Sharman. Boston ...... 23.3 and Intermediats Baaaball Laaguaa this summer wlU have soma SpMS Relme6s 0 «t II sUr ing himself to a fat seven on on* Cuba 13-2 tuhind the slugging o f White Glasa over Howwd'r Land- Arms 70-28. money" which the variqw tracks George Mitchell’s Texas Southern in on* game and St. John's got off on th* right blit he was strong, could hit pret- 7. Hagan. St. Louia ...... 19.9 new equipment to work with. Testerday. Aptar,jrlght. present­ sesping and Moriarty Bros, over "I don’t like those apace hel­ hole. foot In the NIT after a alow start 19.5 Daryl Spencer, who had two home For Songaito Bill Vlof, who will put up to attract the G een Manor Proa . . . Wi unbeaten Western Illinois and tj^ a r d and took a good wallop. 8. Johnston, Phlla...... ed several hundred dollars’ worth of baseball equ l^ en t to Mrs. Vic’s Soda Shop were decided Boston. March . (fiVrBoston’sAblMdlng right eyee Later it was scored half of his team’s pointa, mets.” Williams complained, "but formers of the turf . .^FeatuKrare Hawkins had collected seven Georgetown of Kentucky In the by downing Butler 83-72. St. Jo­ I know belter now. I’ve got plenty 9. Sear . New York ...... 18.6 Kay Ponticeili, president of the AAI Leagues. The "loot" in­ runa and a pair of singles. Jim 14 they doing now: Jeckie Davenport, rookie third baseman, by similar 4-0 Scores while second playoff atock has tumbled a little reported that the hemorrhaging pumped in 14 tallies to set the pace if I have to wear them I gueaa I at Lincoln Downs Monday birdies on the first 13 holes. other. The winners meet Saturday seph’s moved up with an 85-72 of respect for him.” 10. Mlkkelsen, Mtan...... 17.3 cluded two dozen bats and balls, two full catcher’s equipment place Community Press upended will, ’n u t's all tl^ere ia to It What's i3ec)ted the Providence Collet conquest of St. Peter's of Jersey also hit for. tha ^circuit for ..tha .vriUL-th# loss of Jerry Toppaztlni was within tha e)(e itself, that while Bob Hamill and Jim Mc- Patrick’s Ijay—vlli b« a 110,000 Jreshmen beaketbell teem this peat JACK VITTNER PGA officials aaid the nine bird­ night for the championship. Since Lhat first meeting in and two o f - bases. —-Jtha^AhimntiJLBaiue is Jar Jboya ■ w httr'BWHtfeai Jtte mtained -tSm -tlttiw-w«a-im‘dt«*»r-«frtoeIiWf't2Hr Auie^aclFaftdeftlettn l^»r 4ho *oai^(8»®AJ»-t^ ftUJ(*-lAp»®4Jor Potrtolila^tlaadicap Winchsaier- 'Twriaiwi-.j.-ir.-r ...... \ •. ie* Hawkins bed-tor tha .sound Ttmlght’s NCAA doublebeadars CUy„ - DityoR. Darkle has eonie up in JHantzr ~ ------______. . . - ' - '.Mm J -W - " m — -m--.---irvmr_-- _ siae-— -f-eii^m ■—T-fwem- eamweme» - m ml »m a* vm waanM i seaw'n / ;_K*n;’(3er. ganae average going into the Par or better rounds were turned NCAA contenders but they are John's victory os he grabbed off tary point system alao will be used thKpoce. Mias Hanson tourod the ' Final Smadtnga “ The rule merely atatca a play- tioned anen played profewonel Others who will beef we' to help avoid draws. and Gene Green’s single in the Smorgssbords ...... 19 Winger Toppaazini, hustling contest, was helped off the ICe and Pet. baaketball tn Mancheeter in ^ e in by 42 players despite gusty not Involved in the two big games 22 rebounds. X 6,20a-i(atd Auguata Country Club lith enabled St. Louis to nip the Clambakes .,,,.1 9 penalty killer and 24-goal acorer rushed to a hospital where it was er must wear protactlve haadgaar. Norm (Dinky) HohenUial baa ere Andy Lemoureeux (Uii) winds and green* still soggy from on tonight's card. St. Joseph’s, who'll meet St. cou rseV 72 strokes yesterday to House-ft Hale..... 10 7 ?°*-^Well, as far aa the Red gox Are been awatded^a letter for varsity Eeafam and American Leagues .. post two year*), Skip: i Chicago White Sox 3-2. Outings ...... 1 6 for tie team, will not play again learned he had a concuaslon but Peraonailzed Floors . 9 8 Another one-^time Silk Town fa­ showers the day before. One if the clash at Lawrence Bonaventure tomorrow night, also Traffic safety posters around the match menb par. Miss Berg, 40- j' Burdette Bnds Holdout Weddings ------,.16 thia year because of an injury to had escaped the spinal injury It I concerned, the ordinary baseball baaketball'at Batea. The big fresh­ ima (fourth laat/yeer). Cher-1 Ken Venturi, the San Francigeo between high scoring and second trailed during the early going but .vear-old competitor from St. An- JOHNSON BROTHERS West iSidaa...... 8 ft 'IliU a p odH oonatitute e n o n g b ^ - man; from Manchester was also a vorite—when he played for Men- : He Varrick. Jaiz Fuller, Fred M e-, golf course in the town of Chrl.it- j In other jiewa.. World Series Receptions ...... ' .14 hia right eye in the first period. was-at first feared he might have Harm's Cimera . . . . ^7 i() shot a two-under-par 70. ranked Cincinnati, starring All- moved into the lead shortly after church, England say: 'Good " 1 drew*, III., t o ^ second place with ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS varaity letterman in football last t .eater Puggy Jtell.. is a , (Turry, Stan JVayckowaki.Wa/ckowaki. P*'**Paul | alth(>' I star Lew Burdette ended his 12- Match results: Bufleta 3. Wed­ Toppaazini ran into a stick- be­ sustained. Sparkeded lyyby W Belfcewicy. » »’»»"«» the head. di tectlve in New York (JIty. It wa.s his first time to America Oscar Robertson, the na­ the midway point of the first half, Driving Matters.’’ a 73. , ; HAVE MOVED FROM 50 COTTAGE ST. jd i^ holdout Slid gigned with the dings t ; Smorgasbords 4, Outings hind the Montreal goal and fell Plante ia axpactefd to be ready fall .. Dom Squatrito, whom much I Correnti;^ ^ 1 Bolin Jr...... Mike Den-' step on'ihe course. tion’s No. 1 individual point get­ Twibble and .. Gi-eg Manchuolb hup. Joe TWaromte. Don Carpen-! and stayed there. Bob McNeill was j Mlwaukee Braves for a $2,500 0; Clambakes 4, Receptions 0. to the ice in pain, clutching hla for action this weekend. "Not khqwing the courie cost ter, and third rated Kansas State, St. Joseph’s big man with 22 points, ter. Ding Fmv/ and Pete Aceto. i NOW LOCATED AT REAR ' w s e —shortstop Don Buddin of Night’s best scores: -Helen Wilbur Cross Wins me at leaattwo or three atrokea.” led by talented Bob Boozer. one more than teammate Bobby thexBoaton Red Sox was dlscbarg' LiebaU 107;141-134-382 (iiew.bigh Hd^Hdid JT2-36-Sa-Sfl win oypro)wr cellar-dweTl-(ceiiar-awen-; 4^ _^ _ s 4 nr> n p ______•__ Ell Fish, among others too numer­ said Venturi, winner of three tour­ Ow ls Pay Maryland ous to mentlim. 'v Clarke. ,ed fbpm the Army^ as a- hardship triple for this league), Fran Cran­ Exhibition BafiebiiH lag Kerm’a Gam«r«. Irt -the- the open-; ^ J flS S A . X O U TO C y Green Manor’s Burr Carlin naments this yeaK/’I ml.splayed at Th* other is at Charlotte, where Other NIT games Saturday are: X case and will report to the team dall 114-117-107-338. Doris, Pren- Stale Cage Grow.|c ing game of the Uvinbillill at ver-. ____ ^ • Fifty-three/bqwlerrxompeted In least four holes aimply because I All-America Guy Rodger* lead* the 1957 ev/nt sponsored by th* Niagara vs Xavier (Ohio) and by the weekend. . .' And Jim Gal­ tice 126-107-336, Mary Brown 112, , planck School, PeraonaHzed(zed Floors!F „ is didn’t know them.’ the fifth ranked Temple Owls in Fordham vs St. . Francis (P*.). j lagher. former genersj manager of Bea Cormier 113. Rita McAllister Washington 9, Phlladalph Recreation /Departhn^nt. quest of thelp 24th straight ric- A First for Orbss clinched second ptace honorsdpors with; ' aa Named to All-Star NBA Clubs Bill Casper, who 'x °n th* Big Surprises { i the Cubs joined the Phillies' farm 110, Grace Oliva 108, Edie Correnti San Franciaco 13, Chicago ' • a hanl-fought 68-46 triumphumph over Wilbur Crose reigned^ /M a y as €HMnpl(^e linesip oiM shiftar. New Orleans open title tory (they have lost two) against OonnocUrut's large hi|^ school The semi-finals of the NCAA (ACS108S FROM STATE THEATER) ' syatem. Ha«j)tlU help farrh di­ 130. June LlchaU 122-128-347, Cincinnati' 7, Pittsburgh A the West Sides; The winningninpi teams 10:00—2^ n n y Balon, Murray. den death playoff with Vebluri, sixth ranked Maryland, surprise rector Eugene Margin. Helen Wilhelm 108, Olive Rossetto .N ew Haven. 1$ (Ah—The baskethaU champion. A 89-50 vic­ small college tourney, produced the will represent the league in the Bridgeport. March 14 'ft»— Crouse, Earl Everett. Stan Miruc- 'bad putting trouble and ended winner of the Atlantic Coast Con­ 180, Amy Plrkey 104-122-123-359, Milwaukee 8, Loa Angeles %, Ctaaa A basketball cham- forthcoming Town Junior .TBuma- tory over Martford Bulkctey was Basketball ference’s playoff tournament.' big surprises. Soutli Dakota trip­ the clincher..- Frank ( Porky i Vifire of Bridge­ ki, Gepe Phaneuf. Stan Matteson, With a 74. Of A ll'57 NORGE Jean Mathiason 109 (are you read­ Cleveland 3, BalUmora 0. pionshjjit 'tyaa a Jong time coming meat, lelm. Bundl Tarca, Nlek The field of 150 will be cut to Robertson faces a nigged Kan­ ped defending champion Wheaton, Hockey at\i Glance ing this Rusa?). Helen Zui-omsky Cross and nmnerup Bulkeley port, Bobby Knight and Ron Her-' Boaton 1, New York 0; to .Wilbur Ctoas High Seheoi of Belketsicy hooped 15 points and ria of Milford. Dick Surhoft of New Y MU. .iCT LEAGUE Bob Zukas and Bill Easton. the 60 low pros and ties and 10 sas State defenie that had to stop winner of 27 of its previous 28 10(9-114, Kay Scabies 123rl07. Ruth will go td the New England games. 64-60. St. Michael’s turned St. Louia 3, Chicago (A) 3. ...-f^ew Haven. teammatea Twibble and Manchuck Haven and Burr Orlaon of Man­ W. L. Pet. Tom Yoat, Pat amateurs after today's second Kansas and All-America Wilt Refrigerators, Ranges Natkmal Hflinskl 117. Emma Aceto 123 and tallied 23 markers collettively for Schoolboy Baaketball ’foumoment 12 3 .357 (!!hamberiain to win the Big Eight back highly regarded Evansville Detroit 8, Kansas (31ty,8. Never'before in the history of chester compose the first annual Elk* ...... Benache. John Ri*der, Joe | round, Finals are scheduled Sun Boston 7, Montreal Marie Hebenstrelt 116, the 1957-58 champions. Hustling in Boaton next week. Croea is the Man. Auto Parts . . . .9 5 .843 i title. He will be out to nail down 78-70. . j the tournament, which started only undefeated schoolboy .team in Ctoanecticut Basketball Aaan. All- iler, Ron Schack,^ / Siorgettl, 1 day. Dlqk .Sylvester wound bp with 22 Star team, selected today by a Fletcher Glass ...... 7 7 .500 i Washers and Dryers In 1933, had the New Haven team tallies for the CJamersmen. New England, Hith a gl-OTe^rd. Keith's 'Variety . . . . .7 7 .500 been able to win the title. Cress In last night’s capacity - crowd panel o f .. coechea. and managers Product Sturdy Dirk Avery, nlRhl’s top \ rapreaenting the eight clubs. CyclieU ...... 4 10 .288 formerly was known as 0>mmsr- scorer, had 27 ppirita for the Floorer game at the ArenaJjiere, Croas Wyman Fuel ------.3 11 .214 Stock. Act Now! clal'Hlgh School. and ijnii McGehOn Chipped in with started off strong; r but allowed Vieira polled the mesi points Manchester Auto P«rt« edged New Haven Hlllhouac remains 14 markers. Hard-working Eddie Bulkeley to gain a 21-15 lead atths (S3), based on fiv* for a first team Fletcher Glass last night 26-2‘ the king with 10 atata champion- CXln (12). Frank, Boyd 112) and end of the first quarter. By half aalactlon, three for second. Knight and the Cyclists got their fourt, ships, just twice as quiny •* run Mike Rothman (IP) combined for time Crpss was on top, 37-28. - received SO. Harris 24 and Surhoff win of the season as they downed nerup Bristol has compiled. Hart­ 84 points. Carols controlled the second half. and Ooflaon 2l each. Keith’s 23-17 Newest Developinent in ford, Weaver a.nd Naugatuck have BTWT SIDE MIDGETS It led. 50-35, going into the finaL ■ Chosen for the second All-Star The Automen garnered 17 /big three ’ champiQMhipa each, while Standings quarter. teem were Fred Congleton. East points in the last half to Meriden, Torrington, Ndw Britain ...... , ...... W L -PcL The''New Haven school's Dom 'Hartforil (20). Dave Spears, Dan­ from behind and win the Genuine W o o d Paneling and Waterbury .Wilby have each' Ddci’s ...... ^ '..• .1 6 3 .769 .FerraraNfllpped in 24 points and bury (l9), Charlie Stetson, East The GlSasmen seemed to run won twice. Norman’s ...... 9 4- .692 Won-the Tr.ophy as the Hertford (18), Art Quimby, Man­ steam and couldn’t find thj! Manchester, Bridgeport Central, Police ft F ir e ...... 7 6 .583 most valuable player, end wgs chester (17), and Jack Scott, Ham- after the intermission. Bridgeport Baasick. Bridgeport Gus’e ...... 7 6 .538 named a member of the all-tour­ iltona of Windsor Locks (15). 'George May and Dave G, _ Warren Harding. .Windham and Naaeiff's •, • - ...... ^ t ney team- the scoring for the losiM rvt,' May New 'London each have won the Paganl and .'"on 6 7' .462 other ' membeira of the honor' getting 19 points and (J w b four. championship once. Personalized Floors . 4 9 .806 team are Dom Pemo and Bill Hul- Liist Niicht’ a FiRhls Chip RohrbacJt played w'ell on de­ PontIcelU’s ...... 8 10 .231 teen of Cross. Hartford Bulkeley's fense. For the winners. Jim Smith had Norman’s had on* qj the Itottest Chirmen Perrone and Hartford Los Angeles ' Herman Duncan. TBF-' o shooting nights this sesson as a Public’s Stanley Egnat. 128 Lm Angeles, stopped En- H tallies. Ken Salo nine, and big MEW CAPE, nOO sq. ft t< am, walloping Ponticelll's’ 53-24 rieuq Acevea, 129, Loa Angeles, 8. Briice PIgott ,S(x. las night. Paul Quay and Bob Revere, Moss. — Dick Hall, In the nightcap the Cyclists also SI 5.550. Call Now— Blanchard were high for Norman’a Huskies Drill Outside 160J4',’ Boston, knocked'out Gene put on a a^ond half rally to grab their win. Kelth’i had only two wT';, 20 and, 18 points, rospectivelyr, Stoirs, - S^reh- 14 (ft). While - —Hamilton, 160J4, Huntington,, W. Tf.t* R F. Dimock Co Ve.. 1. pointg-ln the third quarter and this For the loelng Contractors, Craig the sun batted better than 50 proyed to be their downfall. Ed Ml 9-5245 Phillip and Dick Melesko combined degrees, the University of Con­ Doucatte with eight pointa and for 23 Uilles. necticut baseball team .yesterday NEW GAPE. nOO sq. ft. PUck Daley with seven led Kelth'i In the nightcap Naasiff Arma practiced outdoors for the .fii;at ftttftck* moved one step closer to the play- tima-of , the season-'(^bSch J. O. «15 r5‘V CnM Now— . Jim Blanchfietd had only,

.V HANtSHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESPPER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1958 PAGE n in e t e e n PAGfc EIGHTEEN MANCHESTER EVENINt} HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 14,1958 - ^ - ...... ^ ^ ...... y.. . ------^------——----- —— 73 Wanted— Real Estata 77 . RooiM Without Board 69 Buaincao Locations Houses for Sale 72 Houses for Sale 72 Lots for Sale t h B Y F A G A L Y ai|d S H O R T E N HoMshoId Goods 51 Musical Instruments 53 Education hy Mail Plays Aato Driving School 7-A Heating and Plumbing M ERE OUGHTA BE A L A W for Rent 64 (IV) OFF PORlSOt STREET - LARGE LOT 170x388. On bus line, 8ELLINU. Buying, Trading?'L.38.- v n o j i r ApOM, centraUy locatad, (X v to) NBVir C A ra, ii«.900. six M.L. (Which means Uva Modem BALE 1-8 OFF bn wallpapsr. # a ll SPECIAL clearance sale Thomas ■ndy Cape Ood, (Tomer let. ames- high In the hills. Oast of Manchw- LARSON’C .drivJng School—Otteri OIL BURMEA.Sarvtca. Complete* electronic organa.- Save 30% to heat hot water, parking. OeiiUe- ENTIRB BUILDINO about 0,800 finished rooma, 1% batht, ameaite —Multiple U st)—all your reat ae­ .^eating as.-vice, work auaranteed. tiles 40 a tUt, Ksntila. bom 7o 5 ^ ’ prafarred. CaU 3 0 9-7129, Ita drive. $14,700. Thia at ex- ter. Sacrifice for'Immediate sale. Important Role in Russia Clmified all typ«a of driver education on each.- Orteii Palm ond Wallpaper, 38% on single fnanuel, 3 manual, ■quora feet Suitable tor atom , drive, choice locatkm. R. F. Reuben T. Mc(?ann Agency. MI tata the modem way, Tha EUo- inaured dual control cafe, ata^d* Call Ml e>l7tS day or nighi. DImock A C o., ftfttdtore. JO ceUent bity in a beautiful location. Mff/TMHOM/C 0 ^ / V I at the Green. afid Chord organs. All new instru­ office,. Inourance companyi tiau, R. F. DImock O h , Reaitora, 30 8-7700. .______worth 3Utten Agency, Realtom, ard or automatic. By trained 'Wd I 50«A9«TCfur|»on enoM FOR RENT— Gentleman 9-5345, Joseph Ashtord, 30' 94tl9, 30 8-8980.______ments. Mahogany, ebony and wal­ M^erred. privately owned. Tele- etc. Occupancy 8-8 munths. In oH . 9-6348 or Jooeph Aabforo 30 By THOMAS P. WHITNEY * ebtrespondenee couraea are of Advertisement certified Instructor, Ucensfid by iv e s t OAMie wim twi centar of town. One car garage for Barbara W o ^ , 30 9-7703, PLUMtflNU AND heating—repalrf COME AND GET IT! nut finishes in stock. These re­ {jidqe In room. 3 0 8-7908. '^9r9819, Barbara woods, 3T 9-7702, BuiujilNG uyr, 100x200, AP ForeIgM News Analyst particular Importance to Soviet the State of Omn. Ml SdOTS. 9>^in«(no ttfevee i’ettt at tha Canter. CaU 30 9-6338, Robert Murdock, 30 B0473. water and sewer. Close to schools. Legal Notice* men and women who wish to eoM-^ CLASSIFIED ADVT. and contract work. Call Ml S4S41. f A f V f U m M 8 A 4 ROOMB FURNITURE duced prices (starting at $848.49) RipIlBrt Murdock, 30 8-8473. CorrMpondanca courses play an Include guarantee, delivery,Ivery, and 8 LAROtt'FRONT riaom With garage. or 30 9Y848. Inquire 864 BidweU St tinue their education but m dit DEPT. HOURS VIOUlOM' NAME YOUR OWN PitiCB BEST BUY In town - Six room LIMITATION OBOKB axtraoixUnarlly Important role In alao LMITO’S PLUMBINO Servica as- private lessons. (We needeed room to -Six room Cape, stick with thetr Jobe. 8:15 A3f. to 4:30 P.M. [^Business Services Offered 13 UliiaiT/ GIVE US $40 PROFIT Vicinity W8at Bide. Oentlemah pre- FOR OFFICE or comnciarolal uae. Cape, two baths,' la :^ taraga and 3tAN< VERNON—First 11,295. Large lot. AT A COURT OK PROBATE, held ^ v ia t hlfhar and technological ed­ sures satisfaction, prompt «rv icc . THAT’S ALL WB WANT expand our Wurlitzer and Kimball feirefl- 091(30 breeseway, quiet residential neigh­ plus „ . nice location, all city at Maoehester. within and (or the Some can attend night echoola CH T-ei34. Ml e-MM. displays). Tempo Organ Studios, three rooma, ground door: Main utUitlM, hHl price $14,800, Six good area. Hfrvey Ade(berg. .CM District oC Manchester oq the 13th day ucation. FUXIR SANDINO and retlnlalU^ NO p a y m e n t s t i l l APRIL 15th borhood. Immediate occupancy. or March, 1*66. if there are suitable educational Cancheater. p l e a s a n t , ,furnished, heated St. near jpoot office. Phone 30 7-8169 any tim e.' ■ The latest figures In Russian COPY CIAISING TIME SpeclalliliiK. In old flodCa. HI TARH: ALL OR PART 888------Mslr. r. St, Man 9-8230, MI 8-7-8-7444. $15,900, M L S 868, Ken Oatrinsky, room cape, two bathe, breezeway Present, Hon. Jolui J. Wallelt, Judae. institutions near where they live room near 8t. Private bath Estate of Oscar E, Peterson, late ol statloUcal. handbooks—for the e - ^ . INCLUDES ALL THI8-10 PC. 30 3-5159. Ahd garage, large lot. A dandy for and work. But othera wtthout such f o r c l a s s if ie d ADVT.. Millinery DrMsmalqli^ 19 BLOND BEDROOM. 12 PC. UV- BE SURE TO see and hear the and entrance. G^tagti. Gentleman. $l5,900.Over S9 more good buys in' Suburban for Sale 75 Manchester in said District, deceased. school year 1956JI7—show that 36 new Nurlltser Chord Organ. Only PROFESSIONAL OFFICE, 881 Cen­ On motion of Arthur A. KnoRa of per cent of total'enrollments in So­ faclHItes nearby can only ad­ MON. THRU FRI. ING ROOM, 14 PC DINETTE SET, Ml 9-88191 \ ter St., rear parking, aH faculties. (XXIV) FOUR UNIT apartment In u i price ranges. Call The EUs- saM Manchester, administrator. vance their education throui^ cor­ DRESSMAKING and alterations on Chord Organ avaUable with 3 RockvHla. Only one year old. Ex­ wor& 3Uttelv Agency, Realtors. ANDOVER—Hendee Road. Four CmDERED; That six months from viet unlvergltlM and institutee con- MURTEN8EN TV. Spaclallsed RCA 8 PC. SOFA BED SgrT iJPHILCO’’ PUHNISHBO u n it hquadkeeplng $76 m o r ^ . 30 9-1880. room modem ranch. AriesUn well, respondence courses. 10:30 A.M. television servica. Ml »-tpe rooms) large kitchen, fuU bath RealtoV, TriUimanUc, HA 3-2089. nothM to the creditors to bring 111 their Ui the laat school year, compared of correspondence education. A XOtIR OOOPEBATION WILL children’s clothes. MI 9-9814. HAWK" AX. RUGS, “ SEALT" b e a u t if u l , heated room, claims within said time allowed by group of professors of the AH- a-efog. ______'______IX-SPRINO, “ SEALT" MAT- gan representative. .cated,' $i:$110 a month. 30 1-6861 four down, two utffintahed up. Nice down and lavatory on second publishing a cany of this order In some to 1,227,900 actually in elaasrooms. BE APPBEOATED fumUdied, tUe bath, private after 8 o’clock. condition. Nrar schoola, tranopor- BOLTON ” newspaper-having a clrculaUon In said Union Correspondence Polytech- . .'WeitAVtSOMB 1, DISHES, SILVERWARE, Oentleman, 819 Spruce St. floor, air conditioned heat oil, During the present school year, RAY ANN T V Oinlc service call MORI tM THE CAR/ tatloh and Humping canter. Im- latge lot t>eautlfuHy landscw proiprobate__ dtstrlcl_____ within...... ten- -^ys days .. from according to figures published In nleal Institute recently wrote to $3.60. S4 hour service. Bonded Moving—T rucking- A PANS, KITCHEN . CABI­ ’Wesrinr Apiutrel-'^’nrs 57 Here is a new raiteh that defies the_ date of this order and return make a Moscow paper complaining that Dial Ml 3-2711 DEAftlDTMEOROCtni NETS. PICTURES AND A FEW p l e a s a n t large heateid' room. mediata occupancy, OOI the R. Sacrifice for quick sale. Easy to thia court of the notice given. the government ncarspaper laves- work. Work done on radios, car Suburban For Rent 66 Dimock Co., Realtors. 30 9-0240 or comparison. It has been appraised ______JOHN J. WALLBTT. Judge. the students of higher teiHuileal Storage 20 OTHER itBMS. GRAY PBRBIAN lamb (iHgcr tip y Pree parking,— on Iboa line. 148 Cen­ terms. George L, Grosiadlo, Real­ tia, the number of correspondence radios and HI Fi. Ml $-8877, MI HEAttr ifttHECUfilDMEA Jooaph Ashford, 30 9-8818, Bar­ tor, 3 0 9-5878. for $1,000 over the sales'- price. schools were provided with only Free DeUnOry, Free Storage, length coat Mink collar and cuffs, ter S t Tel, 30: 8-8003, U M IT A ’n O N OBDEB students In higher education has 8-2968. MANCHES’IER Package Delivery. viHO WAITS till tHC R(X?i>EVnXE^ New three too bara Wcoda, 30 9-7703, Robert House boa 6 rbome, fireplace, boae 10 per Cent of the necessary text­ Free Service, .Free Set-up, never worn Mnes rsmodelsd, $180. apartment, refrigerator gas ment garage tor two care, imported AT A COURT OK PROBATE, held risen to more than .900,000. Llgtit tnickmg and package dellv. BUSIEST PAT TO home, next Murdock. 30 8-8472. PORTER STREET AREA -r SU at Manchesleri within and. (or (he books. LINOLEUM, asphalt tile a-all cov­ m Phone for Appointment MI 9-731S, c l e a n k o o m - range, dispoesH, no pets, M5. Call wall paper (Ooat .^UO (or the Correspondence courses also room colmiial, vacant, three bed­ OuNriet of Hanobester on the 13th, day Lost and Found ery. Refrigerators, washers and 9ETURM PEPOSlT CH 7-0888 X to bath and ahe ifer. Free parking. have Importance in Soviet si ering. Phonee Ml 3-8109. QuaUty stove moving specialty. Folding TR 8-2505Npr TR 5-5050, HIGH EUCVATION. immAculaU, rooms, very large living room, Mper), acre lot, buHt-ln oven, wall- of Marab. 1938. BOTTWEB - I After 7 PM ., JA 8-9908 OntL’g two-plsce rose suit, else 13, MI 9-0887. o-wall carpeting on oak (loort, Preaent.-Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. ondary technological -'Question, NAMED FOB BBOTHEB and service since 1946. chairs for rent. Ml 9-0782. three bedroom ranch, earamlc fireplace, attached garage and . Bstate of Ruth Warner Munson, late LOST—Young sable and white Col­ '• See It Day Or Night \ 88. Boys’ spring coats, navy, aisa bath, hot water heat, garage, combination windows, amestte, etc. which turns out trained technicians New York state wab named by 4, $8, brown and white checked, ro o m FOIt R fH T. Female only. rear porch. Vanity, tUe bathroom, of Manchester in said District, de­ lie with slight limp. Tag No. DICK'S WEATHERSTRIP Coft- AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS CO., local If you have no means of transporta Summer Homes for Rent 67 trees, only $13,950. Carlton W. plus lavatory first floor, hot water etc. And the best of all, the ceased. in a number of fields. King Charles O, of England, for hat, else 8, $4. MI 9-8808. Will consider Board. South Wind­ On motion of Joseph Willard Munson, 180509. Finder please call MI pany, doora and wrindows, custom and long distance moving, pack tion. I’ll send my auto for you. No Hutchina. 30 9-5182. neat oil, Rusco combination win­ $17,250—worth investigating, isn't In the laat school year there were his brother, the Duke of York, work, guaranteed. Call MI 9-1683 sor g^ a. 3 0 8-129S after 8 p.m. ON AN ISLAND in taautiful Lake Esther Avenue, Ellington, Omn., 851,000 correspondence student# 9-6945. Ing, storage. Call MI 8-8187, Hart­ J M U ^IAml9SO^^ obUgaUon. dows and doors, flve years old, it? lacutor. when he ordered New Nether­ .after 6 p.m. Waukewan, MeredllK, New Hamp­ MAN(MRSTER — Spacious seven in secondary technical schools ford CH 7-1428. -A—L - B —E—R—T—'S Wiuitcd—To Buy 53 CU£AN MODBSRN double Toom shire. A HVo bedroom cottage, near achools. bus and shopping Just another choice T. J. Oockett -ORDERED; That six months from the lands taken from the Dutch In M*KUtPWr,PA, 48-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD -with kitchen privUeps for one or room Colonial, newly decorated area. A real bargain, eaaUy fi­ Hating—we have others, too In Bol­ day of March, 1969, be and the compared to 1,681,000 In full-time 1884. ASHES, RUBBISH, garbage,0V«lka MANCHESTEP Moving and Truck- privacy galore yet minutes away throughout. 25’ Uving room, large ton. Call 3tl 3-1677 or res. 3H som e.are limited and allowed (or the physical attendance. That’s about Announcements shoveled, all klnds^ generaTwork BRANCH OF "CONNECnCUTg OLD GKOtS tany eoadiUbB), two gSntlemen. 3 0 9-7814. from the scenic White Mountains, nanced. George L. Graziadio, credltdra within which lo bring In their Ing Co. Ml 8-8668. Owned and op­ LARGEST FURNITURE STORE’ swords, war reUca, saUquas, etc. modem kitchen, dimwaoher, dis­ Realtor. 3ventrv Lake, new notice lo the creditors to bnng In their NEW CAPE, noo sq. ft. home or by appointment. E ?^ r- agent for Burnham’s Van Service. Open Moii. .thru Frl, 'till 8 p.m. S t TsI. an for U|^t houaekeeplng. Apply 4 neat, attached garage, close to OWNER TRANSFERRED — Six claims within said time allowed by pub­ According to Dr. Homer Kemp- sonable. 9-0142. after 8 P -m . \ ■even room split level, 114 baths, leneed tax work. Ml 8-4733. Service tc 48 states. ' . Chiipel St. ______• pad e and high schoola. Inquire room ranch, three bedrooms. A-1 lishing a copy of this order In some fer, executive director of the Na­ $15,550. Call N o w - fireplace, attached garage, game newspaper havihg a circulation in said GONDER’S T.V. Service, avaUable Help TVanted — Male 36 Articles For Sate 45 Building Mnterials 47 C-QUARTgR bed. HoUywood / Town and Ountry Realtor, AD condition. Attached garage, tional. Home Study CbuncH In UGHT TRUCKINb done evenings GRfTUBSfEN—Separate entrance, 3-6388, Glastonbury ME 8-2792. room, lake privileges. Present probate district within leh days from any time. Antenna converalona. 1e, rolt-’a-lliway. Excellent condi BOOKS BOUGHT, sU l^ids, OI«i Wanted to Rent 6$ radiant hot water oil heat, ceramic the date of this order and rctum_inaka W aithlngton. there ata from„one Th<» R. F- Dimock Co. INCOME TAXES prepared. Call and weekends. Reasonable rales. BARGAnrS-^Famoua^Hoover' vac­ USED' BUfiDiNG and plumbing Tel. MI 8-8358. ..new. Tel. MI 9-4937. n . bath. Shower, modem conven­ tile bath, combination storin win mortgage can be'assumed, moiith- to thia court of the notice given. PhUco factory supervised service. WANTED— Experienced man to iences, potklng, centra], privacy. (XXV) ELEVEN unit rooming to 114 mllUon active pupils of cor­ Ml 9-8329. ' 7 MI 9-2727, . uum cleaners. Reconditioned. it. Windows, doors and as- FOUR OR FIVE room unfurnished dowa and doors, Ceranio siding, W payments are only $77.89. R. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. respondence courses In'‘the United Ml 9-5245 Tel. MI 9-1488. manage retail package store and IC kitchen stovs and elec CRIB. In good condition. IbMSaa- 3a8-»gl<-. ______, house In East Hartford, 186,000. F Dimock * Co., Realtors. MI part time assiatant. Write Box Z, Guaranteed, 813.95 up. Free home lUmber. Open Saturday 9 apartment for couple. Prefer drat Insulation. Large lot. all city utill AT A COURT OK PROBATE, held States. Moat, he said, are studying FEDERAL INCOME taxes pre­ S a.m.-4 'pt^m. weather permitting.trie rbt^erator. Both In good ably priced. CallU MI S^4JM after 0 ExceUent Investment property. ties, near schools, bus, shopping 9-5249, Joseph Ashford, 3C 9-6818, ELECTROLUX owners — Prompt, Herald stating age, experience demonstration. Ml 9-3651 after 8 a t c e n t e r floor. 30 8-0768 after 5 p.m. at Manchester, within and for the courses of college level. pared with year savings In mind. Painting— Papering 21 Week d a y i3:30-6p.m. Stock Place condltloihsBxcellent for summer p.m. . Raaaonable. CTean For further information or ap­ Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702 or Rob­ District of Mancheater on the 13th day friendly service on your Electro­ and aalary desired. p.m. ■ area, easy financing. Immediate Reasonable rates. Call MI 0-8246. off North Main St., or call - Ml cottage. AlM PhUco combination room for one or two gentlemen pointment to see call R. F. occupancy. George L. Graziadio, ert Murdock, MI 8-6472. of March. 1958. lux (R) cleaner. Pick up and de­ with partting, bath and shower. 29 Dimock a C o., Realtors, 30 9-8245, Preeent. Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. livery. Call Electrolux authorized EXTERIOR and Interior paihting. GRAVET SPEaAL-$1.50 per ton 9-2392. ^ radio and i^ o rd player console. Realtor. 3H 9-6878. Elstate of John Kisalaukaa or Klso- SEMI-RETIRED man to sell adver­ CANOE IN GOOD/bondiUon, 18 ft Hazela St.I 3 0 9-(-7083. WANTED Joseph Asitford, 30 9-8818, Bar­ (DC) BOLTON—Coventry line. New FomRy VcKotioM On Air CoHdltteiMd s»'-.s and service. MI 9-0848 or JA CelUngs refinlshed. Papernanging. delivered In truck load lots. Reasonable. Phone MI 9-OlJO after lauckas or Kazoloskl of Manchester, In INCOME*TAXES prepared. Call MI tised specialties and calendars Call MI 9-9387. ^ bara Woods. 30 8-7702 or Robert 5 room ranch, ceramic tUe bath, said DIstrtcl, an Incapable person. 2-0108. Please ask for. Augustine WaUpaper books. Estimates given. locally. ExceUent opportimlty,^ Crushed stone, washed sand and 8 p.m. BOLTON—Five room nmch, on % 9-6056. Fully cmrered by insurance. Call asphalt. MI 8-2427, Nuasdorf ''and Business location with parking Murdock. 30 8-8472. acre lot. Basement garage, (ire- knotty pine kitchen, walk-out The conservatrix having exhibited her Kamienski. igood commission. CH 6-1678. Diamonds—W stdiM r- / Dosrders Wanted '59-A baaement Large lot Reduced to Interim account with said estate to this BLOCK ISLAND Edward R. Price. Ml 41008. area. We need an office and show- place, baseboard radiation, hot Court for allowance, It la IS YOUR CLUB or organization In­ and Stone Company. Jewelry -^48 TWIN STROLLER, In good eondl- BEAUTIFUL NEW three bedroom $14,900. R. F. Dlniocli Co., Real­ MAM RUBBISH offers spring REFRIGERATOR. Il^food running room area of about 260 to 800 water heat, ceramic tile bath, ORDERED: That the 31it day of 35 WkH of F fM Booehot / terested In earning $20-$40 by tak­ PAINTINQ AND paperhanging. TEST ENGINEER THREE PIECIE bedroom suite, ma­ condition. MI 3-7317, \ tlon. Call MI 94)974. ranch, hot water heat, ceramic tors, $a 9-8245, Josepb Ashford, March. 1958. a( eleven o'clock, fore­ housecleaning plus attics, cellars, LEONARD W. YOST, Jsweler, re* Youngstown kitchen. Omtplete noon, at the Probate Office In the Munl- ing orderii for seasonal products? Good clean workmanshhip at rea- hogany. Space heater with electric ROOM and board for gentleman on square feet plus work room space bath, exceUent workmanship, 100’ with modem style furniture, gtiRfe 3n 9-8818, Barbara woods, 30 Contact Ml 9-0657. yards. Rubbish removed at your M E or C H E degree essential pdrs, adjusts watches expertly. P l l R ^ T o p frtsier refrigerator, frontage, $11,700. Carlton W. 9-77D2, Or Robert Minrdock, 30 ctpal Building In said Manchester, be convenience, 24 hour service. MI fonable rates. 80 years In Man­ pump and blower. Win tell reason­ bus Une, free patMng. 30 6-1446. of about the same. and refrigerator. Ready to movb and the same Ji assigned (or a hearinr Reasonable prices. Open daUy. $80. T h^ -piece maple bedroom Rooms Without Board 59 Hutchins. 3 0 9-8182. .______,8-8472. on the allowance of said account witl ATLANTIC APARTMENTS 9-9767, ’ chester. Raymond Flake. Ml Experience In testing, pumpa pre­ able. MI 9-3379. Thursday evenings. 129 Spruce in. Been by appointment only. (JaU 9-9287. ferred. Should be aggressive, will ------suite, — t^ w iU i box— -r-nge-Tepesprings. said estate and the filing of a subse­ INCOME TAX prepared In your Street Ml 9-4387. PLEASANT R(X)M for one or tpo. Write Box F, Herald ' 5-4 TW0-FA3OLY, 214 baths, Mrs; Ztlckenrnah, 3H 9-8285. (1^ ) BOLTON — <3oventry Une. quent bond, and this Court directs that LOCATED ON 9 ACRES OF COOL, GREEN GRASS. RESTFULL, ATTICS. CELLARS cleaned. Rub. Bupervlae one engineer and eight STEAM radiator 88’’x30“ ta li' five recorder. 8-8884 or Inspect, at Separate entrance. 14ie Hackma­ Apart — notice of the time and place assigned home or mine. MI 9-1533. PAINT PROBLEMS? We apply 78 Princeton Sl>. \ type kitchen dining combination, New'six room Cape, Four (iniahed (or said hearing be given to all persons SPACIOUS ACC03IMODATIONS FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. blah removed. Resonable. MI technicians, some pump design tube, shut-off valve. Sink, white ______. ______'• tack St. MI 8-8906. Tenements 63 MANCME8TER—(hiatom six room, aluminum clapboards, (any color) porcelain with faucets, 30’’xl5“ attached double garage,' .only down, ceramic tlie bath, walkout known to be Intereetcd therein to ap­ PHONE or WRITE FOR FREE FOLDER aoid BIAP OF ISLAND. SADDLE HORSES for hire at B L 9-5374.. helpful. Exceptionally gipod com­ Fuel and Feed 49-A Gsurlson (Colonial. 24 foot Uvini; pear and be heard thereon by publteh- or new ' non-]^eling paint, Low Electric range, lift up units, 40’'x CARRIAGE 810. ear bqd H x car SUMMER cXyiTAGE for the sea­ 818,500. Carlton W, Hutchins, 30 room, 20’ master bedroom, ll4 baaemeiit, lot. $18,700. R F. B stables. Great Swamp Rd.. pany. Interviews will b«K arranged A’lTBAlOTVBi.Y (umlsbcd ai^ VERNON-^-TTiree room apartment. Reaitora. 30 Ing a copy of thie order In eome n ^ a - GRINDING and sharpening—Farm terms. Free estimates. Monarch 26". Tel. MI 9-1290. seat $2, playpen $8. And miscel­ son at Oalumbla Lake or Andover 0-5182. baths, finest workmanship, 140 Dimock paper having a circulation In said Dla- Glastonbury, Hillatown Ext, Open Friday eveninga if qualified. Salary SEASONED hardwood for fire­ lerful rooma. Complete light Garage. Modetn cooveniencea, ex­ 9-S24S, Joseph A a ^ r ^ 30 9-8818, and household tools, lawm mowers Co., MI 9-5660. $10,000. C. fee paid. laneous itsms. MI 9-3898y '-'.. . hoilMkeeplng (acUttln available. Lake. Family of four, two adults, foot frontage, trees. (Jarlton W. trict, at least five daya before the day HAROLD J. DWYER-MI 3-5326 all the time. place, ent and split to order. Call clusive neighborhood. References MANCHESTER — Owner trans Barbara Woods, 30 9-7W. or Rob­ of said hearing. aiid. saws precision sharpened, POVVER MOWERS, reel and Single, double. Children accepted two children. Call AD 8-7173 or Hutchina, 3a 9-5132. CEILINGS Whitened, interior paint­ rotary, riding mowers, ell sizes. MI 8-7081. Leonard I*. GigUp. required. Ml 9-2837. write R. Reissig, 63 Oierryfleld (erred. Cape 414 rooms down, two ert Murdock, 3 0 3-8473. JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge. tin Ne. 2, ANDOVni. CONN. / motors serriced. Empson H. BARKER PERSONNEL REFRIGERATOR— Good condi­ —limited Parking. Cantral. ftaa- unfinished up, fireplace, garage Abom, Maple St., Ellington, TR ed. Evenings and Saturdays. Ask for a demonstration at Capitol ■Ooabla^rica! Come aee! Mra. NOW ON display four and five Drive West Hartford, Conn. MANCMESTER—Attractive Cape AT A COURT OK PROBATE. h»ld Automobiles for Sale 4 Phone MI 9-5425, SERVICE Equipment Cp., 38 Main St. MI tion. Reasonably priced. MI 9-5079. buUt-ln oven and stove, aluminum Ood brick front, four down, two VERNON at Manchester, a-lthin and (or the 6-7188. Garden—Farm—Dairy Doceay., iLArcb St.______room model apartments. March District of'Manchester on the 13th day 1883 MAIN ST. 8-7958. URGENTLY needed four or five comUnations, nicely landscaped. aeml-flnished up. Garage, fire­ BEFORE YOU BUY a used car WALLPAPER removed, ♦7.60 per SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Products 50 11x11 DARK GREEN wool rug, 18th occupancy. $10S to $180. Open rooms. Two adults, two girls, ages i Owner MI 9-9436. Where you get a aavlngi In taxes of March. 1958. LAWNS PLOWED. Rapid, reason­ matching 8x8 runner, Uke new, parklnr, Raildan- daUy 1-7 p.m. Park (Chestnut place, storms, large shaded lot. and lower prices. Prrtenl.-Hon. John J. Wallett. Judge. see Gorman Motor Saids. Bulck able, conscientious. Free esti­ room, quick, clean, ateam remov­ . REpublic 7-3667 RIDING ROTARY mower. Riding Ua} aelfhbbebood. Pbona 30 17 and 12. MI 9-0155 Owner transferred. Reasonable, Estate of Elizabeth M. Halt A a Sales and Service. 285 Main al. Evening accommodations also. reel type mower, two sickle mow­ OOOKINO APPLES OOe.Kclntosb 188. CalTOBlumbia AC 8-9888 after apartmenta, comer Park and MANCHESTER-Large new five $11,900—Oipe, six rooms, twbrcar Elizabeth M. (lordoii Hall, late of Man­ mates. Call PI 2-7869, eveninga. cold storage No. 1 I1.3S half 8:80 or rfcekends. ^ 9;«>98.______CBeatnu' Sts. Call Ml 3-0676. Louis room ranch. Nice place for kids. MI 9-8263 after 6 p.m. garage. chester. th said District, deceased. ’'Custom .., ,■ Street. MI 9-4571. Open evenings. MI 9-9158. ers, twb garden power tillers. The administrator having exhibited Situations Wanted— Small cement mixer. MI 9-2053 bushel, ftt. M3' 8-8110. Louis ATTRACnVELY fbrnlabed front Lavltt, renUl agent. Bu-siness Property for Sale 70 Finished basement, plenty of MANCHESTER—155 South Main St. $18,800—New 514 room ranch. his administration account m-lth said NEED A CART Short on a down Female 38 Bipiice^^e629 West Center Street extras. Call Builder, 3U 3-8321, $13,900—New five-room ranch. estate to this Court (nr alloa'ance. It Is Housfhold Services after 5 p.m. l^usical Instruments 53 room foi- one or tPp gentlemen NOW RENTING—ROCKVILLE — ’ B oiS oN — Combihation gas sta- Large home for large family. An payment or had your credit turned Courses and Classes 27 with complete bouackeeplng-. fa* exceptionally well maintained 814 $14,200—Ranch, 40x28, mortgage O RDERED: That the 27th day of Blended” WOULD- -GARS - for-, oaa .o r ..i.two . COOKING. AND anting m . Brand new 414 room, s p a c i^ . I tlon, grocery store and pack- (II) NEW 5’ 4 room ranch ceramic Mafch, 1968, at eleven o'clock, (ore- 4)«wnf Don't giva FOr V good .. OfttteA. X3A 8BLLn«$:OU’T>>AU^^^oUUngj aiK ’TiT"*'TitE‘''R1hliri'(mT' '""■(eKirtWmlb '''etHttee.r'.''FacMng^.Jbrqulre'..’at... '..1S7,, iv'emwttiwaBmrgiBtkwagMagaim'-laswaL'rtAladfct-i deal—not thru a small loan com- small children, days in my home. a to quart'-basket. Louis :0 , $14,700—Ranch, five rdoms, garage. nicipal Bulldinr In said Manchester, be RADIO-ELECTTRONICS- Television tiquee, tools, glassware, silver, spinet organ today, l^ e s t quality Maple St. heat, hot water. Built-in oven, lot. Asking $16,500. Madeline any — see “ Harry" at 833 Main FURNITURE repairing and refln- MI 9-6412. garden tools,, furniture, . plant 280 Bush Hill JRd. room brick Cape, like new garage, full basement, ameslte $14,900—New atx room ranch. and the same la assigned (or a hearing ms area! ishthg; antiques restored Furni­ —“ Learn by Doing” at "Connectl of any home organs. Dnhaldo range, exhaust fan. disposal. 11 dairy bam, with or without 84 drive. Completely landscaped Smith, Realtor, 30 9-1642. on. the allmrance of said administration §L (Formarly Douglas M otors)., dishes and o{d coins at 28^ Oiar $15,900—Ranch, six rooma, bus line account with said estate, ascertainment ture Repair Service, Talcottvilte. cut's Oldest Electronics School.” BABY SITTINO in my licensed Music Center, 188 West Middle cuble foot Frigidaire. Otiored acres on two main roads. Owner $17,200, R. F. Dimock A Co., No one lawn seed mixture it risht Day electronics , technician clas^ ter Oak Ave., Hartford, Conn. . Turnpike. FURNISHED ROOM for rent at LAKE WILLIAMS—Sacrifice $5,590. $16,900—New six room split level. of heirs and Order of distribution, and MUST SELL 1985 Lincoln convert!- 8G 8-7449. home, full or part time. Days or Fertilizers 50-A 108 Birch St. 30 9-8884. kltclwn. tile bath. Dead end street. retiring will carry first mortgage. Realtors, 30 9-5245, Joseph Ash­ 25 minutes Manchester. Five room $16,900—SpUt level, seven rooms. this Court direnta that notice of the everywhere. Long years o f experi­ ble. Very nice. CkU PI 2-8383 for and evening electronics Teclul- day and night. Call Ml 3-7320. ...- C3oae to bus line, churches, new For details see Lawrence F. ford MI 9-6618, Barbara Woods, time and place assigned (or said hear­ ence at their own widespread prov­ clan-nde class, start on March EIGHT STORM windows and FAMOUS Kimball spinet pianos. furnished ranch. Harvey A'delberg. $17,900—Ranch, two-car garage. ing he given lo at) persons known to appointment to see. TCvenlngs. FI-AT FINISH Holland Window screens Sl-14’’xS ni’’. Very reason­ GOOD (CLEAN cow manure. Deliv­ PLEASANT heated room one block ■hopping center. $110 plus utilities. Fiano, Broker, 30 9-S910. 30 9-7702. or Robert Murdock, 30 ing grounds hevs taught F.H.Wood- shades, made to measure. All 17th. Enroll now! New England MATURE woman, 36. AvaUable im- 10 year gnairantee. Lifetime guar­ CH 7-6169, .any time. $21,500—Ranch, seven rooms, three- be Interested therein lo appear and be able. Phone AD 2-5705. ered. .Excellent (or iawms, ahniba, from Main. Kitchen privileges if CaU 5f.B_Chase. TR 5-1200. 3-6472. . \ car garage. heard thereon hr publishing a copy of nm now to blend lawn seed inixturee 1956 WIULY8 one-ton, four-wheel metal Venetian blinds at a new Technlcial Institute, 56 Union 'mediately. Figure aptitude, dm gardens, etc. MI 3 -7 ^ , MI 9-8731. antee on sounding board. Out­ desired. Gentleman. Parking. MI this order In some newspaper having a Place, H *Jord, JAckson .5-3406. standing exclusive construction circulation in said Dtstrlct, at leas( five to fit the toil and climate., where drive. Hydraulic show plow, stake low price. Keys made while you .1 type, use comptometer. MI 8-0154 SIX FOOT drafting table. Small 8-4724. Farms and Land for Sale NEW THREE bedroom ranch, INVESTORS SPECIAL they're sold. Come in and let us help wait. Marlow’s. features and tons. $595 up includ­ THREE ROOM apartments. Phone large kitchen and tUnette. -AA TREMONT AGENCY davs before the day of said hearing, body. Low mileage. $1,800. Mc­ after 6. ' blacksmith'a forge. Two small REALTOR - INSUROR and bv mailing on or before Marrji 17. you pick the mixture that's just right ^ Kinney Lumber. Ml 9-4S25. Household Goods 51 ing bench and delivery. I>eesons Ml 9-5229, 30 8-7444. FOR DIFFERENT . sizes and types zone. Reduced. Owner 3tts8-8967. 1958, by certified mall, a copy of this I ^SOLU TE Bargain - Upholster­ steel machine shop benches. Gas hfn 70 Two-famUy of three and three, RCK3CVILLE TR 5-2349 fo r your lawn! Business Opportunities 32 cutting and welding outfit. 10’’ avallabi Tempo Organ. Studios, —:-----—— ------of (arms and land trsusu wlthl garages, central. Both apartmenta order to John S. Gordon. 17 Gerard ing. custom made cornices, WILL CARE for child In my home. FIVE PINE'' commodes, nine 888 Main St., '>(anchester. Exclu­ FIVE R(X)M apartment, second I miles ol Hartford. Lawrence (XXVO) —EA8THARTFORD 8t.. Manchester. Conn.: Jack M) Gor­ TnrfrMaker mixtures for sun, Stanley safety eaw. Painters cat r/noh I vacant. Immaculate, oil heat, ex- BOLTON—Direct from owner, im don 1393 Manchester Road. Glastonbury. 1965 CHRYSLER Windsor Newport drapes and slip covers. $79 50 and FOR LEASE on highly traveled Lake St. MI 9-1342. chests of drawers, four marble top sive KimbaU organ and piano rep- floor, oO heat, hot water. T ^ 30 i pTano. Broker. Ml 9-991C. (While they last) — New anen i return. Also a practically shade, sandy and loamy soils. walk. Apartment size electric tables, Victorian what-not, Victor­ mediate occupancy, new Cape Ctod Conn., executor of the estate of Samuel full poWqr. Only $1,375. MI 9-0386. up: Choice of fabrics. Call Mrs. road In residential a;‘ea, -nodem resentatlve. 8-4751 r homes. $14,990. (Completely fin- j new 4 and 4. one vacancy. Another G. Gordon. 1 Ib. $1.69—6 lbs. $7.46. WOULD LIKE pari time work, gen­ range.. Small and large.' space ian gentlemen's chair, two butter WANTED: ished). Built-in stove and oven. ■ home, convenient to Manchester, JOHN J. WALLETT. Judge, LaPine, Ml f-STOI. tw bay service station and large heaters. Two wooden work Houses for Sale 72 is 6 and 5, completely renovated. 150x490 partly wooded .lot. Hot 1948 DODGfc coupe, good transpor garage. -Write Box C, Herald. eral office experience, ac.curate chums, two kitchen 'sets, two MODERN FOUR room apartment.! fireplace, ceramic tile bath, full | Milford Green mlrtures for sun or shade 1 Ib. $1.26—5 lbs. $5.65 taUwi. Ml 9-6105, days, MI 3-1417 WEAVING of buma, moth holes typist. MI 9-6528. benches. Two h.p. electric motor. desks, four cherry tables, one pins third floor, suitable for couple. $35 | BUIiJlEHtS special -buUt (or water heat, basement garage AT A COURT OF PROBATE, hrld Jailor ExtoaRvt basements, ameslte drives, com­ open stairway. $14,500. Excellent M Manrhf'Ftf’f. ti*Uhln and for thr evenings. and tom clothing, hosiery runa. FOR LEASE Call hU 9-2052. table and one pine stand. 3d per month. Coventry PI 2 7358. himself. New living room wlto pletely landscaped. 10% down. T. .1. CROCKETT, Realtor District of ManchFNtrr on the 13th day : handbags repaired, slpper re­ 8-7449, A U t tf Hm im financing. Phone MI 9-3493 or MI of March A.D. 1958. WE DEUVER — FREE PARKING ITie Massachusetts Mutual Life APARTMENTS - Now renting. buUt-in bookshelves, finished, rec­ F.H.A. R. F. Dimock k Co.. Real­ 30 3-1577 of MI 9-7751 T^oarnt. Hon. John J. WaU**tt. Judge, DE CORMIER MOTORS placement, umbrellas repaired, New two bay service station. Cor­ Situations Wanted— Male 39 TELEVISION Croaley console 19“ , reation room with, fireplace and tors. MI 9-5245. Joseph Ashtord. 3-7200. G E 17“ console. Snace heater, ANTIQUE FURNITURE, allver. Insurance Ckimpany, In buoinese New. 814 rooms, RockvUle. Excel- Estate of Marie Helm of Manchester men’s shirt collars reverted and ner Grove.and Hale Sts.. RockvUle. Yea. this 7-room Cape Codder since ISSl, heeds salea and public paneled den. Huge kitchen, dining 30 '9-68I8, Barbara Woods, MI i in Raid dleirlct. a minor. WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS I - SAYS, , . N. . replaced. Marlow’a' Little Mend­ Excellerit location.: Paid; ^training, kitchen cabinet. PI 2-7211.*^;; glass, china, and used (umttbre With breezeway and garage lo­ . lently. appointed and located, ex­ «cea. Twice aa many cablnota as 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, 30 J ~WapM—R^l Estate77 Upon applicAtlon of Blanche Klein, c a r p e n t e r w o r k — All kinds, relaiions '8JWJmowr tnttwfwred Ih clusive, adults. MI' 9-4824, TR’ guarrtlan. praying for authority-to com.-, ing Shop. program. Financial assistance can bought and aoid Furniture Repa.’r cated at 413 Summit Street la usual. Two ceramic file baths. For 3-6472: MANCHESTER AND “ OUR FINE CARS ARE CARE Job guaranteed. Call Ml 8-2015.', Service. Ml 8-7449. eatabllshing his own business, 6-5778. USTINGS WANTED—Single, two- promise and settle a doubtful and dis- be arranged with proper party. • a lot of house for the money. where talent rather than capi­ further Inlormatlon or appoint­ tHited claim in favor o f salti m inor FULLY SERVICED TO ABSURB Another transfer means the ment to see call the R. F. Dimock TOLLAND—$1200 down. Four room VICINITY family, three-family, business against Russell S. Phillips. Ella Doris Building— Contracting 14 Boats and Aecessoiies 46 ABSOLUTE b a r g a in - Custom tal is required. This Is. a ca m r FimN18HED-Thr.ee room heated property. Have many cMh buyers. Geriflcr. a k a Ella Doris Gerglaer. and CUSTOMER SATISFAimON GULP OIL CORPORATION Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 owner wants to sell. Excellent convenience. a Co. Realtors. 30 9-5245, Joseph contemporary ranch. Fireplace, EklUh > m ella G ergier. ft is made cornices and drapM Slip opportunity requiring' ability, apartment. Every carport, trees. Immediate occu­ Mortgages arranged Please call MANCHESTER BAmC TERMS OF COURSE." BIDWELL Home Improvement Co. covert, $59.50 and up. Choice of location and price makes this g « ^ education and absolute Private entrances Parking. Aahfoid. Ml 9-8818, Barbara 0RDERF:D; That the forepoing appli­ MANCHESTER PET Center. 995 BOAT TRAILER. UaSd once. Orig­ a home to see. 4 bedrooms and Woods, 30 9-7702 or Robert Mur­ pancy. $11,500. (?li((ord Jlansen, $9,500-Seven miles from Man­ George L. Graziadio Realtor. 30 cation be hear^ and determined at the Alterations, additions, garages. CH 6-6571 fkbrlce. Budget terma. Mrs. Rita, honesty. Applicant selected will Adults. References Apply 299 Probate office In Manchester in said Main St. MI 9-4273. Open Monday inal cost $130. Price 8100. MI 114 baths will accommodate a dock, 30 8-8472. Realtor. 30 3-1303. chester Center. Four room ranch, 9-5878. 109 Henry St. Re-sidlng specialists Easy budg­ J A 5-7780. be given complete training. As­ Autumn. hot air heat, basement garage, District on the 25th day of M arch. A.D. ^ PLUMBING and SUPPLY CO. through Saturday .9-6, Thuraday 9-0178. , . / growing family with little 19555 at eleven o’clock In the forenoon, This Week’s Specials: et terms. MI 9-6495 or TR Ask for.Mr. White sured Income while learning. AH USTINGS WANTED, single and ■ F. T. BUSH JR., President aad Treasurer and Friday nights tUl 0. strain on your pocketbook. txnw (XO) 3lANCmESTER - New six EAST HARTFORD — $1500 down. artesian well, wooded lot. and that notice be (riven to all persons 5-9109. A ''opHlies handled In Strictest con- room ranch home in Rockledgo Four bedroom Cape Cod, dish­ two-family Houses. Member of interested in said estate of the pender^ 1957 Cadillac Convertible Club OUTBOARD MOTOR F.H.A. down payment for qua! ' COVENTRY — Heated four room $12,500 — Near Route 6, Andover. cv of said application and the time and * * lf Its HardtvareWe Have It” ______DACHSHtDfD-^Nine ' weeks old. ience and no Investigation or section, il'y baths, ceramic tfla washer. carport, trees, near 30S. Howard R- Hastings, Real­ Coupe ALL TYPES of carpentry work Help Wanted— Fenjale 35 NEW CAP£, llOO-Wj. ft. tiled buyer. Only $19,500. apartment. CH 6-9567. Two bedroom fiv* room ranch. tor. 30 9-1107 any time place of hearing thereon, by publl.^hinf 877 MAIN ST. MANCHESTER done, eitereUona, dormers, roof­ Male, pure breed, registered. MI New “ Sea King-’ De luxe-“ 12” , ' :act with present employer, kitchen counters. Attached garage, schools. Qifford Hansen, Realtor. a cop y of this order in som<» new spaper Gorgeous, for luxury loving you Steam heat, stone fireplace. Almost having a ctrculatlnn in said district, at ing, porches, etc. Call Ml 9-6981. PART TIME office girl, Saturday 9-4088. * 12 h.p. Silent motor $15,550. CoH N ow - will be made without applicant’a FIVE ROOM duplex, heat. hot ameslte drive, fully landscaped 30 8-1303. ARE YOU tXJNSlDBRXNG and yours. consent. Give full details of lot $21,000. Call R. F. Dimock Co., one acre lot. least five days before the day of said and‘'Dr Sunday. Apply at the Sale Pric^ $299 water, range, refrigerator and ga-' SELUNG YOUR PROPERTY? hearing, to anpenr If they see cause at HEALTHY Airdale puppies, regis­ Janris Realty Co. present employment, experienca Realtors, 30 9-5245, Joseph Ash­ VERNON-$2000 down. Quality 514, ______„ . _ . said time and place and be heard rela­ , Only $1,095 Down W. C. HOME IMPROVEMENT Thomas Colls Company, 251 Broad' The R. F. Dimock C o. rage. Near bus. Call 30 3-5709 or robm ranch, full basement, auto-1 $15,200—Bolton five room ranch. We will appraise your property Co. Remodeling and- repairing tered. Five weeks old. Retuly to and qualifications. BUS-S607. ford 30 9-6818. Barbara Woods, wlfiiv'iit anyinv obligation. tive thereto, and make return to this St. go. AD 3-4950. . MONTGOMERY WARD ' 854 CENTER St. Ml 9-7702 or Robert Murdock, 30 matic oven and range. Near new Built-In oven and range. Complete free and wlthv'Ut any obligation 1956 Hudson Honiet Sedan kitchens, bathrooms, porches, ga­ Ml 9-5245 high school, $16 900. aifford Han- with many extras, 2 ', acre wooded We atflo buy property for cash. .lOHN J. WALLKTT. Julgr.. rages, dormers, residing and roof­ SALESLADY—Thoroughtly exper­ 828 MAIN ST., 3IANCHESTER Writ* Box D / EAST HARTFORD, 135 Burnside 3:5472. Member Multiple Usting Every fine accessory including PARAKEETS for sale, also.breed­ Call Ml 8 -4 1 1 ^ 3 0 9-1300 sen. Realfor. Ml 3-1303. lot. power steering and power brakes. ing. A complete home service. ienced. Selling apparel, full time. e /e The 3Ianebeet«r Evehlbg Ave. Two room furnished apart­ STANLEY BHAY. Realtor Easy budget terms. Tel. MI 3-0731. 40 hour week. Apply in person. ers, nest boxes and cages, at 134 ment. See Max, second floor. 31AN<3HESTER—Custom brick and $16,500—Manchester. Large five News In Loolt-Alikes One owner Glenwood St. Ml B-8672. Evenings Mi S-7M7 Herald fram8, six room ranch, two (ire- MANCSIESTER—$2.0(X) down. Five BRAE'BURN REALTY Tots 'N Teens, 956 Main St. 414 ROOM HEATED apartment. places\, large recreation room, room Cape, garage, good location, room ranch with many e.xtras._rity m 8*6273 Only . $450 Down RAYMOND f. SCHALLER" :______^___ ;_____ ;______water and sewer, ameslte drive, GERMAN SHEPHERD 4og nine 8105 month including stove and re­ only $17,900. Carlton W. Hutchins. near schools, bus and shopping. (• FULL TIME waitress or counter months. Best offer accepted. MI SEPTIC TANKS FOR SALE-^VEKY FINE $14,600. Clifford Hansen, Realtor, basement garage, comer lot. 1953 Nash Statesman Hard­ BUILDER _ girl Experienced. Apply in per­ frigerator. Nice location. (?all MI Ml 9-5132; 3-8320. AND CUSTOM Ti^lLORED IB 9 -4 ^ (or appointment. MI 3-1303. Collections Of Quilts! top son. Hole-In-Ohe Shoppes. Man­ (HI) MAN(3HES1ER Investment Other Listings AvaUable, A sharp ecohomical car, fully 218 Packer St., Manchester, C?onn. chester Shopping Parkade. PLUfiCED SEWERS ROCaCVlLLE—24 Grove St. Well property. Tw'o (amUy duplex. Ex­ $12,900 SEVEN room Colonial, four, New Listings Needed equipped including hydramatlc. Articles For Sale 45 MEN'S SUITS furnished two room apartment. In- cellent conditipn, large 2 bedroom large bedrooms, excellent condi-; 25 years experience In new home MATURE WOMAN to care for 10 . ' - - ■ - -__ -i------Used, but in “ Uke^NeW*, $15,500 tlon, near 31atn St., stores., Only $250 Down building, in suid around Manches­ year old boy during illness., and quife first floor apartment 9. home, 3rd bedroom possible. LAWRENCE F. FIANO, DUAL (CONTROLLED hall- dryer. MaeMni Qlaanid condition. NEW CAPE COD^Largo living room with fireplace, open atalr- Spacious renovated kitchen. Good churches, convenience. Carlton W. ■ ter. school vacations wh)le mother :ST de luxe push buttoo car radio, Septle Tanks, Dry Wells, Sewet Bizet: About 44-46. caae, Youngstown kitchen, 3 large bedrpoma. full bMement, ol R(KKVILLE—14 Laurel St. Well Hutchins, MI 9-5132. Broker 1955 Rambler 2-doOr Station works. Please call MI 3-0067 after investment inconrie., Prime loca­ S s k t f & t e ^ Additions, remodeling, alterations both new. Call MI 9-7388 after:'4 Linea Inetalled— Cellar Water- Priced to Sell. heat. Big lot. Just over MancheeUr town Hna In Vernon. AH (umUhed three room apartment. tion. R. F. Dimock k Co., Real 30 9-5910 Wagon 5 p.m. o'clock. See Them At The Inquire first floor rear, Mrs. TWO-FABOLY 6-6 rooms. Two-car: and repairs. prooSng Done. types of llnanclng, a v ailable^ ; tors, 30 9-5245. Joseph Ashford. SF.VEN ROOM Ranch — $16;900 A clean economical dual purpose Porter. garage, centrally located, one “o f f ic e CLERK OIL STOVE, chrome pipe and two LEXINGTON MI 9-6818, Barbara Woods, 30 1'4 baths, extra large garage ear, ' ^ 9-7702 or Robert Murdpek, 30 block from Main St. Convenient to Teleplione MI 3-6446 drums. (Call at 61 Strickland St., ROOCVILLE:— Four room unfum- churches, schools and shopping. screens and storni windows, , ^ '^Qnly $345 Down Excellent opportunity for woman MeKINNEY BROS, SHOP 3-6472. side door. _ ' . 209 WftUCE ST. The RvfC DIMOCK COi l^ ed apartment, near center. Call MI 3-6315 Or 30 3-8677. : radiant” heat,, brick fireplace with experience on^comptometer or Combination gas stove furnished, natural woodwork, formica count­ ' 1952 Chevrolet 2^id^r Sedan Aluminum Storms and calculator. Varied detail work. Will StweraoD Dispossd Co. MANCHESTER FOUR /BEDROOM Dutch colonial. ISO-183 Pearl Bt. • Ml S-SSOS 'Mi9.S245 , . washer, dryer and parking space 114 baths, three lota. Manchester (Vl)—BOLTON LAKE—Fbur room er. den paneled in knotty pine 1957 PLYMOUTH FULL PRICE - One oeiier car. R a ^ , heater. Screens 14-A require' someone with good Judg­ Rlcham F. DImock, Ml 9 4908 - Joseph N. Ashford, MI 9-8819 avaUable. Tel. TR 5-4956. Ranch (urhlshed. Inciudes stove, Ameslte drive, fenced in' back You guessed >it, former'owner a ment and ability. Excellent work­ Green area. 3D 9-1205. Barbara Woods, MI 9-7702—Robert D. Murdock. Ml 9-8973 refrigerator, washer, two double yard. Completely landscaped. 4-DOOR SEDAN ^ local school teacher.' CXIMPLETTE price range of alum­ ing conditions, liberal benefit WELL PLANNED apartment for beds, two chest drawers, three oc­ Beautiful shade trees and flower­ inum windows,, doors, awnings. (X iX )—SPECIAL! New 6'4 room Thie car has a large heater and , ' Only $165 Down gram. , ^ convenience. Excellent condition. Tanch;'' Built-in oven and stove, casional chairs, complete kitchen ing shrubs from spring until (all.. Jalousies. For 'free estimate call Four rooms, bath and shower, set, lamps. $9,800 complete. R. F; Phone MI 9-2672. Agents protected. defroster, dicecliohal signals, Us now. Home Specialities Co. MI -fully plastered, full basement. sportprte trim apd 11.000 origi­ FIRST n a t io n a l STORES heat Md garage. Adults only. $89 $15,900. R. F. Dimock * Co.. Real­ Dimock A Co.. Realtors, MI 9-5245, 1953 Pontjac 2-dr. Club Sedan 8- 2856. ' converse nal miles. S^cyl, radio and heater. A solid PARK AND OAKI-AND AVES. TO SELL YOUR monthly. 'Write Box G, Herald: tors, 30 9-5245, Joseph Ashford, Joseph Ashford, MI 9-6818. Bar-1 BEST BUYS-BY BELFIORE finf running car. EAST HARTFORD, CONN.. >«»^FA STER 30 9-6818, Barbara Woods,' 30 bara Woods, MI 9-7702. or Robert I Roofing-Siding 16 BEAUTIFUL new completely mod­ 6-J702, or Robert--Murdock, 30 Murdock MI 3-6472. MAKE A REASONABLE OFFER • Only $245 Down Contact a Mancheater Board em four room apartment. In on this nicely located 4 bedroom 1 A BEST B U Y - - . - B Y BBLI 3-8472. FOR THE best In shingle and built Realtor Affiliated with the apaotouB colohlal' country home. NICETHREE bedroom single. In Ciblonlal. Completely modernized 1956 PLYMOUTH FULL PRICE 1953 Hudson Hornet 4-dr. PAINTIN6 and Babcock Hin Rd.. South Coventry. ','expellent condifion. near school. kitclien. Including dishwasher and up roofing, gutters, leaders, chim­ SECRETARY “ MLS” Service. . . NEW SDC ROOM house; Carter St., 4-DOOR SEDAN Sedan ney and roof repairs call Coughlin; Adults. Call 3 0 3-7056. Manchester. Five rooms, complate Prided right at .$11,900. 8. A. disposal. Near all schools. Owner A clean powerful ca r.' Fully Mf 3-7707. PAPER HAN6IN8 By Hating with one Realtor, 25 Mockledge Section full rear dormer, 114 baths, fire­ Beechler, Realtor. Phone- Wejley willing to take back Timsll second Equipped with large heater and *,C9iallenging position available for R. Smith, 30 9-8952 or 30 3-6989. equipped. TELEPHONE others and their sales reopl*. Multiple place, basement garage. T. Shan-, mortgage. CaU us now !^ defroster, pushbutton radio, di­ SPEOAL WINTER rates for aU intelligent young woman with ihitia- non Builder. Ml 8-7469, BU 9-1418. rectional signals, excellent tires. . Only $245 Down work to sell your home, each Listing . WouW anyone like a 3-bedroom ranch aituated high MANCHESTER--G I resale, three $16,500 will buy this 8'~bedroom types of roofing and siding. For tlve ^ and good aecretarial skills. Ml 9.3266 Low mileage. ( 1195 equipped With photo and full bedroom Colonial, 114 years bid, 'free estimate, call. Manchester Must have ability to handle volume Service enough to aee Bradley Field-^ean enough to (literally) (XXVI) JUST OFF Porter St. Colonial. Nice fireplace in living Beautiful alx room Dutch Colonial garbage dlaposal, dishwasher. room, full dining room, recreation Roofing-and Siding Co., Inc. Ml of detail and accept responsibility. deUlla. Your best assurance of FOR SHARP CARS PRICED 9- 6933. eat off the floor—and new. enough to have been occupied HOWLAND’S (or only $21,500. Call R. F. Dimock $2500 down. Call 30 9-8316. $17,900. room in cellar. Real value here, Submit resume to Box E, Herald. faster action. barely a y9ar? If so, we sincerely believe this is for you. n;i.ri.Ki:i,i) i.isriNi.- k Co., Realtors, MI'9-5245 or Mr. fu ll PRICE RIGHT SEE YOUR RAMBLER RAY’S ROOPINa CO., shingle and Bemie Cantor, TR 6-3495. SDC ROOM ranch 40x30 on a. 140x Six room ranch in Manchester ,1955 PLYMOUTH built up roofs, .gutter' and con­ I E^ery room (and we mean every, Including the ceramic 185 lot. Hot water oil heat, fire­ Green area. Near schools, trapp. 2-DR. DE LUXE WAOON DEALER ductor work, roof, chimney ■ re­ The Ghi|it Art Down (XVn) TWO new Capes with 1100 place set into full wall, pins panel­ portation. shopping. Combination ♦ pairs. Ray Eagenow, .Ml 9-2214. MATURE WOMEN who must earn tiled full bath) is pversized. The very modern kitchen is, MANCHESTER . square ft. of living area 6 minutes ing. $14,200. Will assume mort­ washer-dryer, also disposal gage. Hendee Road. Andover. Call Equipped with large heater and Ray Jackson. Ml 3-8825 their livelihood. Pleasant,, profit­ in a word, mammoth. Philippine mahogany paneling and from Manchester Green. Youngs­ Screened in patio. defroster, directional signals, au­ •18,500.00 is the new reduced MEET BOB OLIVER Very clean 6-room ranch, town kitchen, Uving room with owner Mr. Mlcoletti 8-12 a.m., JA DE CORMIER MOTOR able work serving regular Avon price. We're ready. Are you? tomatic tmn.smi8slon, excellent,, ROOFING. SIDING, painting. Car- OF a raised-hearth fireplace seta off the apacioua living room fireplace vestibule. Large lot) 8-4169. Call us about an Immaculate Co­ 1150 customers In exclusive territory. Seeing is believing. Why not with attached garage. Plas­ lonial in one of the town’s nicest tires. Low mileage. pentry Alterations and additions. Phone MI 8-5194. CENTER MOTOR SALES nicely, along with the large picture window. Each cloaet $15,500. R, F. Dimock and Co., 31 Y'C- SALES, INC. see today? This charming six tered walls, ceramic tile Reaitora, 30 9-5246. Joseph Ash­ MAN(?HESTER— Immaculate six sections. No 8176 with Patt-O-Rama la 111 Ceilings. Workmanship iparan- room (modern as tomorrow) . 461 MAIN STREET teed. A. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn PART TIME helper to assist man­ has sliding doors. Aluminum storms fnd screens, base­ ford, Ml 9-8818, Barbara Woods, room brick Cape. Two luxurious Many Others AvaUable sizes 10. 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 12, 32 34 MAPLE ST., MANCHESTER Jarvis built spUt level home at bath, formica counters, fire­ baths, gbundant storage apace, These four quilt books will per bust, sleeveless, 4H yards of 85- , St. Ml 3-4860. » ager at laundermat. Apply Laun­ SBlIhif Only board oil heat and a Bilco hatchway in the huge full cellar 30 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, 30 1954 PLYMOUTH FULL PRICE dry Miss, 381 East Center St. WoodhUI Heights In Manchaa- place, radient heat, carpet­ 3-6472. trees. $3,000 down. Clifford Han­ THE mlt you to keep a wonderful collec inch. „ , 1 CONNECTICUT Valley Construc­ ter. Dbe to owner's transfer P«nonally StlBCtBcl are, a few of the other features of this truly fine hom_e at sen, Realtor. 30 8-lSOS. tlon of quilts at yoUr fingertips (or No. 8176 with Patt-O-Rama Is 2-DR. DE LUXE W AGON Auto Driving School 7-A tion. All types of roofing, siding, there ir tnunediate occupancy ing. Large nicely land- (XI) OVERSIZED Brick Cape. WILLIAM E, BELFIORE quick and easy reference. QlOl — in slze-s 3, 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. years. Size | Ustd Cars (XXni) NEW TW0-FA3OLY 414 gutters and . carpentry work. 35 on this '8 bedroom,' 2 bath hobie a modest price. 6<»ped lot. Good mortgage Five rooma down, two unfinished AGteNCY Flower Quilts; Q102—Grundmoth 4, sleeveless, 2 yards of 36. Jp^h. Equipped, with large healer and MORTLOCK'S—Manchester’s lead­ designed for comfortable family up. FamUy room in basemenL 414. $25,000. The ultimate In a. er’s Patchwork Quilts; and Q103— $ years experience. MI 3-7180.' Sattsfaetlon. Guaranteed Two patterns, '' defroster, pushbutton radio, ing driving school. Skilled cour­ • SEPTIC TANKS living. Oarage, workroom for The location is excellent, the interior is matchless, the available. Offered at .Present Inortgage can ne as­ multiple dwelling. R. F. Dimock k MI 9-0760 All Year Qiiilts, each contains pat Send Thirty-five cents in coins white wall tires, tutone paint, teous Instructors. Llceneed, so- Cleaned and Instklled Dad. laundry .area for Mona. . Terms To Suit You sumed: R. F. piipock A Co., Real­ Cot.. Realtors,. 30 9-6246, Joseph Tem pieces and directions for mak Bank FUtanclng price is right pnd the number is Ashford. 30 9-6818, Barbara fon each —add 6c for-each excellent tires. Uiorized by Department oi Motor Roofing and Chimneys 16-A Large yard on safe atreet' for S16.000. tors, 3 0 9-5246. Joseph Asitford. MANCHESTER—Seven room over Ing 12 lovely quilts in patchwork pattern for first-class mailing. | Phone 3H 9-008t * Woods, Ml 9-t702 or Robert 'Mur­ Vehicles for driver educstion. # SEWERS children. Close to shopping and '1. 30 9-6818, Barbara Wooda, Ml- sized Cape Cod with two baths, two and applique. Q104—Young Fdlk’a Send to Sue Burnett. The ManchM- Hydramatlc, standard shift. MI R(X)FING - Bpeoiailztng in nepsJr- with all city faculties.. Low 9-7702, or Robert Murdock, 30- dock. 30 3-<[472. ■ fireplaces, paneled den, garage, Quilts contains pattern pieces and ing roofs of all kinds. Also- new Machine Cleaned ter Evening Herald. 1 1 5 0 AVE. | •-739S. FM.A. down payment tor qual- MlrehuB 9-0760^ 8-8472. breezeway, oil hot water heat, directioiui for ten coverlets espe AMERICAS, NEW YORK 88, N. Y. roofs. Gutter, work. Chlmneya Med-buyer. This, la selUng below WARREN E. BOLTON—South Road. Enchanting dishwasher, landscaped, comer 'daily nice (or uee in the little one’i ^jiANCBKSTER Driving A^dem y. cleaned, repaired, 38 yeare’ ex • INSTALLATION WANTED! . y|^|. ■ (XV) RIGA HEIGHTS. Bolton— . one owner custom built ranch, Print Name, Address with Zone, | replacement coat. Don’t delay. lot. Owner MI 3-7470. or teenager’s room. Price (or each Style Number and Size. licensed by .State of Conn, and penence.enence Free estimates Call SPECIAUST Magnificent new .ranch. Six two-car garage, fireplace. RSMliaht Quilt Book is 50c. Motor Vehicle departmenh Can H(lowley, Manchester Mi 3-5381. USED CARS HOWLAND rooma, two car garage. $21J)09. heat, oU, combination storms and Basic Fashion. Spring and Sum­ w i i D amlbelfiore Lots for Sale Send 80o In Colng, your name, ad mer '58 contains dozens morel fulfill all driver educational needs, MLS— -REALTOR Sea eigpis on Bolton Center Rd. R. ■erpens, apacioua kitchen. Rear dresa and thb Quilt Book Number from I f lA eO Standard shift, push Jarvis Realty Co. (CLEAN ONLY) TOrch. Large lot, trees, stone wall. smart, easy to eew etylaa In aU 351 E. CENTHl ST. T lL 3 - m i ''Heating and Plumbing 17 Town and CouRiry A O tN C Y F. Dimock 1c C o., Reaitora, Ml- BOUTON—Two large wooded tqU to Anne Cabot,' The Manchester tattoo; Quid drive and automatic. •84 Ct^fTER ST. We wHl tay you top 1 ,u n()onm;ii)i,i. >r. 9-6245, Joseph Aaliford, MI^ Choice location. Priced right, i Evening Herald, 118# AVE. OT slses; apecial features; Send 8 6 1 BarvtaM 3tancbeateri Rockville, S. VKATSUN, PLUbtBlNU and neau for your clean ear. OoU I I I.. Ml I nm QoodchUd Realty Co.. RegUori, | on Williams Road. Call owner, ML cents „for jrour copy. Draiaayi Co. GUI MI f-4U 2>-3II f-U M Tluuik Y ob Votir Much 9-6818, Barbate Woods,. MI 9-7702 ABOOdCAS. NEW YORK 86, N. Y . O smiiiGw, Aolton, Andover and Ing contractor. New InataUatlona, MI 9-9981. or Robert Muzyiocl^ MCI 8-9472. 3 0 ^7925 or BU 9.(>989. ' 8-6321. VaraiiL GUI Mr, 3ClcletU, PI alteration woi4 and repair worL. Ml 9^143 ' EvsUfga 3 0 8-7M1 - S4M9. .. i T 30 9-8808, ■ v ■ ' L ■(r V:

..r.\ V-.

X., FRIDAY, MARCH U ,im p a g e t w e n t y Welcome Your Red Cross Solicitor Tornorrow, Red

^ . Member.'of the Mancheater Rod an'd^'Gun Club will meet at the Artraf* Dalljr Net Preaa Rntt About Town The Weather ' Watklns-West Puneral Home to­ Ear Dm W a * iM a d night at 7 oclock to pay reapecta i aureb 8. 1158 Paraeaat of U. 8. Waatbar Baoaa Th* Women's Xllsstonsry Society to John Pcntland, a member of the ■ ■/ o^ Brhumuel Lutheran ChurCh at club. . Deoreaalag doudlMsa, BtUa their meeting yesterdfy^ made 12,634 cbMga hi teoiparatiira taai|^ The Past Mistress Cliib of the: plans to entertain the; New Elng- Mambar af tha Aaittt U tw near 80. Partly deoliy, land, Conference of Women’s Mis­ Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, will meet tonight at 8 o’clock at- the Bo n m af CIroalattoM wiady Soaday. HIgb aear 40. sionary Societies, 'at the local Hianche§ler-~-A City o f Village Charm church. -April tO'and 11. All ses­ home of Mrs. Ethel Duncan, 8 Lit­ .XL sions nil! be >«ld at Emanuel, \^th tle St. - the excejstibh of the banquet Trj- VOL. LXXVIL NO. 140 (Claaalfloe Advortidng aa Paga lO) day ev'qning, April 11. which w ill Mrs. Philip Holway, 143 A ^ ald e MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 1958 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS be ^ I d at the South Methodist Rd., is among the 74 Oopiiectiqut Chiireh. Delegates are expected Republican w’omen who-^i^lll attend from all over New England. the sixth annual National Wom­ -o en’s Republican ^ Confertnea in Hot Dessert Bandmaster C. Peter Carlson Washington ^uftday through To Complete Your New Spring'Ensemhle 300 Escape and the Salvation Army Band will Wednesday, leave Sunday at 8 a.m. in private Denver. March IS (A—Flames from a brandy-soaked dessert cars for Ansonia. The Band will Office!^ and^ membera of the severely burned Mary ‘ Eliia- As Spillway supply special music for .the Shel­ ! British Anieticai^ Chib will meet 1 beth Kerchevsl, 30, on the left ton Congregational Church in that i at' the clubhouse .this evening a t . Choose from a wonderful oiiorf* To Find ‘Red’ Sub arm yesterday during a tele­ city, and will he entertained at ,-7:30 and' proceed to the Burke ^ vision program. dinner by the Salvation Arn^v Funeral Home in tribute to Mrs. Miss Kcrcheval conducts a ’ Gives W ay there. The local service will be con­ Margaret B. Shields, whose hus- menf of lovely spring ^flowers for program at Station KBTV tin­ ducted by Mrs. Major John Pickup . band, Chester Shields, is a m em -. Off Atlantic Coast der the name of Mary Kirk. Bennettsville, S, C., March and Mrs. Col. Edwin J. Perr'etl. I eb rof the club. | tfk ' S ^ During the course of a dem­ \ your coaf or luit waar. We hav#^' onstration on how to prepare 15 (/P)— An overflow spillway Edward J. Habcrcrfi. Son of Mr. i The Married Couples Club o f ; (KOTIBt m u m c . ray, AaooN- the brandied defsaert, another of a wilRlife reservoir dam and Mrs. Michael Haberern. 13.’5 In Mrs. I the Covenant Congregational' -atad Praaa mUltary aflalni roport- performer Ignited the brandy. was swept away'here eafly to­ Bissell St., has been appointed a.s- ; Church will meet at 8 p.m. tom or-; ar. waa aboard tbo atomic odb- The flames flared up and sistant mail clerk of his recruit DAISIES. ROSES, VIOLETS, GAR­ marlaa Saawelf oa a crolse pbuiaed day flooding a quarter mile row at the Manchester Bowling caught Miss Kerchevsl before * r - company at the Great Lakes Naval Green. iM part of a routtae taaiabig b m - she could spring aside. She was area, including a Negro resi­ Training Center, Great Lakes, III. DEN BOUQUETS, ate. lieavar aloag tba Baat Coaot. Bat taken to a hpepltal. dential section. Mrs. Oglore White, patriotic in­ a report that a Hnoataa aabtaarlac Police Chief F. E. Dsvls Said The 1958 Cub Scout Themecraft arigkt bp larbiag la tbe arm, beat no deaths or injuries were report- M il Bliow for BlaCkledge District will structor of the Auxiliary to An- Police derson-Shea Post. VFW, presented ' tbe Seawall oa a bunt tkroagh tbc tA in the Booded area immediately be held tomorrow from 6:30 to 8:30 aceaa deptba. lihla waa Om ftrat below the lO^foot high dam. Davis p.m. in the Verplanck School a flag last week to Den 3 of Cub Pack 112 at the home of den moth­ .00 Eb m a reporter t v t ir bad takea High Wind, said about 300 Negroes awoke to auditorium. Elverypne is welcome. eat part la eoeb a veatiire. Ibe ea- find the waters of Lake Paul A. On Fossil]_ There will be no admiqsion charge. er. Mrs. Beryle Gluca, 71 Cedar and St. TTie flag was accepted by Cuh - tira atory oaa’t ba 4oM boeatna af Wallace awliifhg"''bemfiiQr''’^ M r ScotR’ irosepir'CurTti. ' aecartty eeeelderatteae. Wbat «aa o w beds. ba told ia rdatad here.) Davis said a division dam which Death Link TTie Newcomers’ Club, sponsored runs down the middle of the lake RAINBOW GIRLS By ELTON C. FAY slso waa in danger of breaking. by the YWCA, will hold a ''New­ (AF Mmtary Affalra Beporter) 8tate Police are in v est!^ comer's Look Fashion Show” n Tie Region Water on one aide waa being low­ r Aboard Nucltar Submarine Sea- ered so that a weak spot about six ing a note found in the pock4t^ Of MonehMftr Tuesday night at 7:45 In the . . J . Plan to attend the STYLE SHOW at WHITON HALL naxt j woU. March 12 (DeUyodj («>— feet uT.de could be sandbagged. book of Mrs. Evelyn Olsen Whilon Memorial auditorium. Bomerwhere In tha sea around this By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Membera may Invite friend.s and I The spillway break waa on the Seddon, 38, Mansfield, murder atmn-powered aubmarlna may be a A wild northeast storm other side. YWCA members and the public I TUESDAY, March 18, at 8:00 p.m. HALE'S will shew ntw Spring | Soviet tub, lurking in deep waters, pasted New England with,ad­ victimtim found in g parked cair are also invited. The earth dam at the spillway FOOD SALE /.• •• \ off the AUanUc Coast. ditional heavy snows today, on Valley Falla Rd., I stylet. The show it under the sponsorship of the New Comari* Club. I The Seawolf baa been given the apparently, waa undermined be­ tangling power lines, snarling cause of wet weather and gave Thursday mottling. Saturday, March 15 Anthony D. Paone,. seaman, Job of tryttig to find that Ruseian Lt. Harry. Taylor said tha nota USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Domenic traffic and generally belying, way between 2:15 a.m. and 2:45 oubmarlne, if it ia there. ajn. read something like this: “This Is 10:30 A.M. A. Paone. 44 Princeton St., ar­ It’s the first time the Navy has S ■ f f-M-i the fact that spring was less The water swirled through the something you a)W4ys wanted and rived in Boston, Mass., Feb. 28 Ordered an atomic undersea craft I than a week away, by. the cal­ now you've gptr it." aboard the heavy cruiser USS Al­ to condhet what is very much like W. T. GRANTS endar. (Ck^tinued on Page Six) Police botWve tho note is In bany after a tour of duty with the a war patrol, I Heavy, wet snow’ measuring up Mrs. S f^ oa'a own liandwriUng. Main Stroat U.S. Sixth Fleet in the Mediter­ When the Seawolf started out They, said they do not know from port,, it was beaded for a rou­ ; to 22 inches covered Tsnnersville ranean. in the Cats kill Mountains of New whether the note Is connected with tine training cruise.' But an order, her murder. radioed to tba eub a few hours . York, n i i Inches blanketed aec- Scranton Fire The Auxiliary to Anderaon-Shea I tiona. of Connecticut and more Talked of Suicide Post, V I ^ , will hold Its regular iVeu.Sprmg S C A R F S after it sailed.- converted its mis- Mrs. Olga Darico, fritnd o f Mrs. Non into a bunt for an unidenU- than 13 Inches was on > card party tonight at 8:30 at the , In northwestern New jS t S Kills 2 T^m en; Seddon’s whom she visitad Tues­ post home. The public is invited. fled submarine—or eubmarines— day afternoon on Bolton Rd., said beliavad sighted In this area. storm was given added ferocity with winds, which gusted up to 70 the victim had talked of suicide SAM ■ I Mra. Wilber UtUe and Mrs. See our assertment of lovaly naVf Spring scarfs There would be no great aurprlae In the News m.p.h. in section.^ of New Engjuid 5 Others Hurt several times a few years ago. , Eugene Freeman made their an- If this search eventually should Friday and earty'/tpdsy. ,How- Mre. Darico said she never took I ' nual vialt yesterday to the Newing­ in tquara, tfubbi# and long ^ ylss. Cheiea of Identljty the reported unidentified sver. temperatures wdra^pot sever* ... tho girl seriously; Police have de­ ton Veterans Hospital where they ! 44 aubmarina as Russisn. The subma­ —mostly around the frew ng: level. Beranton, Pa. March 15 W — A Sharp Skid .Disaster Averted finitely ruled out suicide. YULYES distributed gifts to 188 patients. dot and^rintt rines of sU msjor powers roam far. Worst In History g ^ r a l alarm fire swept a 4-story n.ufUdn.’iLxiuUS'makaJl arouBd.ia.-cucvaMi..fittm>.. ,ftfl^-AWi.tttViiiatigatlng pqaelM*, Mrs. Little also left 50 books and { ALBA” NYLONS solid colors, po -Noer-'-Hampehtre"" hsvo-iariy'^teili^. nded up perched precariously on the bank of the connectlcm of the note with the I»80O groettoig-wtwls-at the -Mbrary;-A| waters ot a nstion and commtf no Service Co. termed tho storm opo ig two women and. injuring five Hockanu'm lyver. The driver, OMrge L. ColUna of Manchester, and five paaaehgers eacaped unhurt death of Mrs. Seddon by two gun ' CRYSTAL CLEAR HOSIERY IN SHEER SEAMLESS hostile act it would be difficult to I ter kind for over 40 years.” j member of the Department Re- through the Tcar-end emergency door. A rixQi passenger was admitted to the East Hartford Hos­ shot wounds In the head and nack. I I habilitatlon Oimralssion. she plans QR FULL FASHIONED DARK SEAM STYLES. drive them away or take acyon pital with possible stomach, 'back and n ^ injuries. The bus, which skidded on the slippery high­ Police believe M n. Seddon might NOW AT 28 OAK STREET _ ! to attend its conference in New against them. way, remained overhanging tha river foriieariy three hours beforb being righted. Story on Page 6. have written the note t o . ^va to ■ Haven tomorrow. 2 - 9 8 Since about I860 there have r-^Zbi^Toi^ro/lS-^^ A d ^ ? * ^ Without in. (J^boto by Maurice Malo). ' \ . , . someone with a ceramic gift. Sh# Use 'Parnell Parking right | Uben rH>eated reporta of eigbtinga at our rear entrance. • DARK SEAM CAREER SHEER . .., $1.15 Pr, c a . had purchased some ceramic ar­ to Of unidentiHad autamarinea off tbe ticles at tho Trickraft Ceramie The first meeting of tlie recently . sereii^ S d m e-5T JS ‘’'‘*.ld^lJ i ^mrnmmmmwmAorganized Manchester Council of • DARK SEAM DRESS SHEER ..... $1.35 Pr. East and West Coasts of tha Unlt- aoixiM tlm Maine ‘n ^ p lk e , tern- y, u,ree’ Shc^ in WiUimanUc early TueWlay Catholic Women will be held in St. fd Statss. . afternoon. Employee at tha shop in roeont days, thsrs was a frsab p o ^ l y halting traffic. i floor, of the old brick building, Bridget's hall Sunday afternoon at • MICRO-MESH SEAMLESS ...... $1.35 Pr. •fid ■)>«_ BM m - g o ^ splrite,' and - f lP OtPmPA ! Mm ifloke of returning to the show at a 3 o’clock. Mrs. Cain Mahoney, was report^ by Veifjtioht State The fire developed like an oil Chairman, wifi be in charge of the (Ceotteued e« Fsgs Ms) police, and" sir, rail and highway uns later, date. ST. PATRICK’S DAY • WALKING SHEER SEMI-SERVICE $1.35 Pr. soaked bonfire,* bumiiqr through the An autopsy showed Mrs. Seddon meeting, to which 'all Catholic traffic‘was disrupted over a wide roof and for awhile threatening women are invited. Officers and area tbo nort^st.. ' was shot twice by either an auto- a,9»i8tileo* oLgaaoUM atoced. in • 'N. .^tiq'Pistol-Qc . revolver. State Ro- PARTY delegates will be elected for the en­ In the' southeast, tempe: 'next-door'garage,; suing year. Mrs. Frank H. Mioke- AI^C to Explain took an overnight dive and were llee did not reveal the ealiber of When the flames subsided the the mUrder weapon which has not Anderaon-Shea Post 2046 v m v wicz is chairman of the hostess All eyes turn—the reaeon le obvious. Vour coat "/f's Personalized 10 to 18 degrees cooler than Fri­ burned body of Mrs.. Katherine Berlin, ' March 16 (JP) — Three AuxlUary—Mancheater Green committee. day in Florida. Jsckaonyllle re- ^.^By JACK BELL ^lary of the Treasury Anderson is been found. Error io^News i ported 47 degrees this morning vrinlow ** * **’*’^'* i ^ W ’* convent, 230 opposed to a tax cut at this time. The victim was found by Thomas reflects you—lovaly and axciting. Tha cellar ia Washington, March 15 |4»1—Sen. Hooker of Bolton Rd. about 9:45 SATURDAY. MARCH 15 j compared with 85 Friday,, >iiu and «Mi- i - MrS* j*irs. Helen neien Ratayski,nacaysKi,. a reUredreared |i — . ®V* ^ . Byrd (D-Va) said/today he he- T)ie administrstion is holding up - ami's 60 degrees was 12I degrees nurse, was trapped at another third! 9*** morning in an accident on the any'decision oif . tax reduction un­ a.m. Thursday. He was on jils' Intricate but eo flattering—in Lassie’e own Uav- for you..- lieves friont Democr4ts4n COngfsss way to work at the time and grew 430 P.M. NEW CAPE. 1100 sq .ft. Of N-Detection less than Friday’s reading.Ig. jl noor window Firemen started into"^ Berlin Turnpike involving their pre^f. a sound public works pro­ til it eftq find ou\ whether the un­ nnoor. Exciting color cholcaa In sizes 6 to 18. I The northeastern snow gram I'nstead of tax cut* td'-cqni- employment situation improves t, . ------«< Roaat Beef Dinner S I5.550. Coll Now— * budding to help her. 3hey station wagoii wagoii, a second auto and (Continued bn Page Sis) Washington. March 15 iJP)— I of a snowy belt which extishded; were fbrced~back. two trucks. .bat the business slump. ^ jhis month and iinql it can deter- Entertainment and Dancing Aa aavartisad in ^harm $ 4 5 .0 0 Atomic ' Energy Commission I from the Dakotas, across tha'j . They yelled to her not to jump ' Two of the nuns wore killed Uh '' Byrd, a leading economy advo­ mtne.^ whether ahti-r^esaion steps The R. F. Dtmock Co (AEC) officials -were called to Great Laket and into New Eng-; and put up a ladder. Bbi' grabbed stantly and the third, Sister .i^ ry cate in CongrCas, made it clear in it alreftdyhas taken are Raving the DONATION 82.00 Ml 9-5245 C ^ t s l Hill today to explain the land. However, ' accumulations) for Uie ladder as it.. feached her Marciah, was pronounced dead on an Interview that he would favor deslrCd ertSet. \ AECs ecknowlcdged error In re­ were rather light In all except the j window and misae^She fell to the arrival at Hartford Hospital. The mo*' spending to tax reductions Meanwhile, the.^^ Senate •• has Lovely Spring porting on detection of an under­ northeast and Middle AtluiUc street fatally injijKTd. other two were not identified. if the economy does not turn up­ Bulletins Hugh ^pB\eX'was brought down ward and the choice of alternatives turned back a drive bjMfome of'its ground nuclear' test shot that sections. Hilaries Holley, driver of one of members, for quick cuts nrp^son- caused a Nevada mountain to Five Inches of new snovv fell dur­ a ladder frhm the third floor. the trucks, was rtporUd by hos­ must be made. from the AP Wires ing the night at, Lebgnon, N. H., Maude Campbell, 57, jumped to a •To some extent there will be al income and,excise taxes. Theqe •‘jump.” ^ pital authorities as in fair" condi­ Senators contend such cuts kre ( « Tha unusual Saturday hearing one to two inches fell at Rumford. fire net''from the-^same floor. Both tion, suffering trbm heap injuries. wasteful spending In accelerating, HANDBAGS Maine, and Burlington. Vt. N*w suffered smoke inhalation, shock, public works,” he said. “But I am fastest way to revive the economy wgs arranged by the‘Senate-House According to report's, the three REDEOFFER SPACE PLAN Committee on Atomic Energy. York City had measured 'six irich- apd minor injuries as did the confident the majority of Demo- |>y putting more spending money MoaooiSv.5lsrch 15 (AV-Rusata Princeas Grace of Monaco, es of wet. sloppy snow during thee Udhers, nuns, driving toward Hartford in crats in Congress would rather fol­ Into the hands of consumers. Rep. Durham (D-NCi, commlt- / On, I a station wagon, were attempting propoaed towy-4M..ere*tioa of a Many atylea in atraw' baaketa gaily' tse chairman^ said his group wants top, yesterday gave birth to last 24 hours] On. the second floor. Dr. Leo low that course than to reduce During two days of lengthy ses­ U.N. organ for w terq^oaal co­ ( her first son in Monte Carlo Butler, a dentist—the one person to pais an oil truck when the right taxes now." sions, a small Senate group, nuiU- decorated, also new paatel prlnla and to know the background of an AEXI Old Snow Packed sida/'Ot their vehicle struck the left operation in Outer BpSM and pm announcement early this month —the new heir to the throne In some places, the weaUibr bu­ not injured—was awakened by- an President Eisenhower, who has bering both Democrats and Repub\ plaatic patent. Top handle pouch, your very explosion which blew out his 'win­ rear tractor wheel of the truck. suggested it be consIderadAMhe boxie, totea and clutch.atylea. that the Nevada test last Septem­ of th'e tiny, principality. The reau said, the new faUfKof wet delayed any decision on taxes, licans, tried without succesa to tack' propoaed summit conference.' c dows. vThe nuns lost control, swerved asked Congress yesterday for an ber could be detected--only/.250 Shah of Iran announced his snow were so heavy as^to pack the icross the esplanade and after broad tax cut riders to a bjll that plan n-as part of a 4-polnt pro­ miles when selamologicsl etsUons divorce from Queen Soraya old snow and decroMe the total He said he walked into the .hal)- emergency appropriation of 8125 U would save life Insurance compa­ own grazing a southbound auto carry­ million to speed up river and har­ gram for the conference, includ­ ( up to 2,320 miles away reported because she failed to give him measurement, * ing . Mr. and Mrs. BUnder D. nies 8124 million on 1957 taxes, ing a ban on InteroonUaental detecting it. a son and heir to his throne; (Continued on Page Six) bor projects and 846,200,0(X) for taxes. jewelry Herbst, 98 'Main St., Hartford, hospital construction. miasilee and the liquidation of " Tb* AEC smended the ahnounce- (AP Photofax). (ContiqUM on Page Six) they crashed almost beadon into a .. That insurance bill was passed U.8. biases ringing the Soviet- ( $ 0 .9 8 ment a few days later and acting southbound truck pperated by Hot- White House Press Secretary by the'Senate laat night, 61-19. union. to initials AEC chairman WiUsrd F. Libby James C. Hagerty said the re­ but most of the debate revolved said the error “was entirely Inad­ (Continued on ^ g e Six) quest for the funds, to be spent around the efforts to slash indi­ AF RICAN GROUP BANNED ( ^ vertent” in the year beginning July 1,’ was vidual income levies and excise Johannesburg, March 15 (A>)<— with every. Libby said this after Sen. Hum­ aimed at helping lift the level of taxes on such things as automo­ Tbe government baa move4 to phrey (D-Minn) questioned Trheth- Nikita Warns West employment. biles. ' outlaw the countiw's largeat and er the error was sntlrely scciden- Congressional approval of the The Senate yesterday rejected by moot influential |»litica) organi- dress -tsl. request was regarded as a fore­ voice vote a proposal by Sen. Dougr i zatiog for African Natiseo. Dr-- 13is question of how far sway a News Tidbits gone conclusion. las (D-III) to r^ u ce excise taxes! H.F. Verwoerd. minister of na­ nuclear blast can be detected is an On Role in Europe Called from AP Wires Holding Decision by 82,200.000.000. -. | tive affairs, yesterday signed a ; important one in connection with , Amid Indications that Ehsenhow- Military Projeclq Bpoeded I proclamation banning the Afri­ ' proposals that the United States er.will postpone any final decision can National Congrese, which liaa p. and Russia suspend nuclear tests. It also defeated, by a 64-19 roll. . , a HOl-IRON* I fABRICI Moocow, March 15 (B—Warning Russia, voiced formal objections Americans don’t have axcluslve on taxes until some tim'O in April. ca ll' vote a proposed amendment! played an Importniat part In rally­ Referring to such proposals, Boyd said it was his understand­ ing African sentiment ngjinst . Humphrey said the' error gave "the that ^ s8 ia will block any western yesterday against debating disarm- rights to srientiflo thinking, Dr. by Sen. Yarbrough (D-Texi to tV$hKtnt^ hftl M .lM ametti in the U.N. Socurity Coun­ Hu Shih, former (Chinese ambassa­ in g' that ^any reduction proposals raise individual Income tax exemp­ the government’s segregationist impreeaton. that jMientifiC; facts attempt to tamper with eastern Eu­ cil. But western diplomats held would be-'advanced on a bipartisan tions from $600 to $800 for- the re- legislation. 4 . ^ c^ot^rest . . . art being used by aomMhe to dor to the United States, says dur- rope, Nikita Khrushchev pressed hope the Soriets would attend _such Ing Yale University lecture. . . , basis, i ' maiifder of 1958. He estimated this enriched with diamoneLthape prove , a poUUeal point, a danger­ anew last night for a summit con-, a session.;,^;. '' ^rrd said, however, that he has JUNCQLN DOWNS SHUT ous concept to perpetuate In our Actress Marie’ (the body) McDon­ Pumps For Spring pppliques . . . AAode of DA^LE' fercnce—on Soviet terms. The Russian^ reaction came from ald home in Los Angeles—with “no gained the impression that Secre- (ConUnued on Page Six)' ~ Lincola - Downs, -R,-Lr4fiareh^ effort to work out effective arms In 4 briatUng speech climaxing 15—Racing at this track has - by Springmoid -r- the lustrousi control agreements.” . ' the Soviet Foreign Miniatrv and oommenf'^to questions about her the campaign for Russik’a onO- Russian U.N. delegate.Arkafiy So­ new. kidnaping story, t been canceled' for tbo second '■ wrinkis-resittant cotton with * But Libby replied in a letter to pariy parliamentary elections 'to­ day, on account of track epndi- In Red and Navy Huihptirqy that “there was no in­ morrow, the Communist party chief bolev. The Soviets questibned the Spanish government' 'suspends the everlasting luxury finish. Wes'fs njoUvea in bringing disarm­ civil rights throughout., northwest­ Renounced Royed Title tions, and -threatenbig wenthor. tention and no attempt to distort denounced ag ‘ ‘insulting” President ament -before the security council ern coal mining region to break 'I , , ' ^ . * DRIP DRY — needs little qr or misrepresent scientific fa,cts for Eisenhower's propoaar to include in at this time and said it was a move a 10-day strike of more than 3,000 DERAILED any political puiruse." He eaid the a summit parley the issue of East Eugene, Ore., March 15 no ironing., Colorst beige, navy, Europe. to distract world attention from miners. . . . Chicago merchant AEC put out a correction as soon a,auninut meeting. prince, Frederick H. Scott, 78, re­ A Southern PaoUlc Railroad pas­ - ' ascot blue, melon. aa it deteimined there had been . Khrushchev told 14,000 cheering Ex-Archduke of Austria, senger train, * the northbowd followers In Moscow’s Sport* Pal­ The West has cglled for a 2- tired Chairman of .the board of a, mistake. Carson, Pirle Scott and Co., dies of Cascade, was derailed six mUea Sizest 10 to 1-8 and - Ubby, in' testimony released ace that "in the event of any new phase prog.-am—a meeting of the south of Creaeent Lake and near attempt, train abroad to change the 25-natlon disarmament commis­ heart attack in Yuma, Ariz., hotel. 12Vato22Vj. yesterday by the Senate Disarma­ . . Communiats call meeting'Of tbe crest o f the Cascade moun­ ment subcommittee, gave some status of the Socidliat (communist)' sion and a session of the ll-natlop 61, Dies in Willimantic tains early today, and- Some la- t couifiries by force, we will not re­ Security Council' late this month. the Military Armistice Commission for Monday, possibly to hand over juriee were reported. The Cas­ STYLE’SHOWN main ordinary onlookers and we cade had about 300 passeagars . (Coattnued on Page ’Three) U.S. fighter pilot shot down March willimantic, March 15 (A1 —TheA He waa married in 1919 to Bar­ .jjrill not leave our friends In the (ConUnued on Page Six) J aboard and L 'K. Smith,'super­ Itffidh.” 6 by Red ground fire over Korean body of a man who renounced his oness Dagmar Nicolica Pordlnska demilitarized zone. but after the exile waa divorced. intendent of the Portland Divi­ Shortly before Khrushchev spoke, royal title to become an American sion, said he understood Ilwre .98 the foreign ministry proposed mov­ Actress Lynn Bari charges in will be returned to his homeland He later married an American 2 Red N-Tests NATO to Get West Los Angeles her former husband. citizen, Alicia Cobum.^ That mar­ were from six to eight persons ing back the time of a summit par-, . for burial. iiyured. ley from June to July. The minis-; T P « l t P l n i ' i Sid Luft, ia 83,468 in arrears on ali­ The former Archduke Leopold of riage also was formally dissolved mony and child support.. . .-Ousted Austria. 61, died here yesterday. but the couple remained close try i^newed proposals that 4 for-i ^ A I llK . L l c U l REDS 4)UIT NORIM KOREA Listed by AEC eign ministers m m ing be held next' dictator Juan Peron denies he sup­ His full name was Leopold Haps- friends. , ■ ported successful priealdenMal can­ burg of Lorraine, a member of the Mra Liorraine was at his bed-' - Tokyo, March IS (85 — Th* month to decide the agenda of a top Paris, March 15 tffi—^The United first trainload of dUneoe Cotn- . Washington, March 15 IB —Two level oonference. didate Arturo Frqn'dizi in Feb. 23 famed Hapsburg dynasty of cen­ side when he died. States, Britain and France .%ill elections in hopes of regaining tral'Europe. - In World War I he distinguished munist soldtora to..leave North STOP IN REAL SOON AND SEE more Russian nuclear weapdn The. West has rejected Soviet Korea as part of a general 'with­ taaU have been reported by the limitations on foreign ministers aubmit their thoughts on a aumralt power in Argentina. But to Willimantic folk* who himself in the Battle of Medeazza discussions and refused to set a conference to the North Atlantic Two men file suit in New York knew him, he waa simply “Mr. becoming the- youngest soldier drawal departed to ^ y fr*m a ZOC Green Stamps • OUR FINE SELECTION OF DRESSES FROM $5.98 to $8.98 : Atomic Energy Commission,. Pyongyang, tbo North Korean ■ Both occurred yesterday, the date for any sumriiit meeting un­ Treaty Organization >vithin 'a few* against John Roosevelt, son of tbe Lorraine.” He had worked in ah ever to receive his country’s order industry here, because In his youth radio reported. With All Cash Salea SrORTSWEAR DEPARTMENT'’ S ABX3 said—one north of the Arctic til agreenrient can - be reached on days. Foreign Minister Christian' late Democratic President, and two o f the Golden Fleece. Take elevator to aecond Boor. ' " Circle and the other at ‘ ‘the usual Us topics. Plneau said today. ' others, charging they paid |S,900 his family believed that nonllity He is survived by a daughter, Siberian testing site.” Krushchev declared Russia would Flunked Math for sulphur mill stocks which never should be trained for manual work, Gabrlelle von der Mull, o f Baden, PLEAS FOR CHIUyS RETURN hold to its.determination to kaep "Plneau ratprtied - to Paris from were deUvered-. .Fulgencio Batis­ too. ■Switzerland; and two brothers, Naha, Okinawa, March U (/6 The announcement said neither the Soutiwast Asia Treaty Organi­ *'—A young .American father ap­ a Ample FREE Parking was In thd megaton range, as were German unification off any sum­ Missile expert Dr. Wernher ta's candidate for president of Final services will be held at and four sisters, all Europeans re­ zation meeting in Manila, where he pealed on Okinawan radio sta- three other Soviet nuclear .blasts mit agepda. Reunification would von- Braun, after testifying be­ Cuba opens his campaign for the Tlppen, Austria. taining their titles. At Rear' Of Our Store reported recenUy by the AEC. A work itself out, be said, if foreign conferred with Secreta’ry of State- fore a joint session ' of two June 1 elections des^te tight gun r A grandnephew pt the powerful tlona ‘again today for tho return Dulles and Brlfish Foreign Secre­ House Education subcommit­ rule on the island. Emperor of Austria and Hungary,' He was the son of the late Arch­ of hla misolng Infnnt son, n p p ^ - megaton Is the equivalent of a mil­ troops were-gyithdrawn from Bhj- duke Salvador and the lata Bianca lion tons 5 ‘TNT. rope and baSh Gorman govern­ tary Selwyn Lloyd on a summit tees, confessed-he had flunked Montreal police check on several Franz Josef, the Archduke came to ently kidnap^ Wedneoday, Ter­ meeting. , . physics and mathematics leads to three daring gunlfien who the United States after World lYar of Castille, princess of Bourbon. rence Hitt, 88, hroadcast his ap- Th# three earlier, test blasts also ments were given a chance to-es- Until he renouheed his titles he Were reported in tbe Arctic Circle tablisb normal relations. -. Pineau said the plan to be sub­ when he was 12 or 13 years walked into a diamond importer's I when his family was forced Into peal after hundreds of .American The COM. I was first in line as pretender to and nativ* beatchom thrmi^MM JW HAL€ area. ' A West German government mitted to the North Atlantic old In (Jermany. He urged office during lunch hour and made exile. ' the throho' of Spain under the li'^s si Yesterdw‘s tests wars tha 30th spokesman indicated’ in Bonn that Treaty Organisation “would . In- following the European prac­ off With aa eatlnmted f^.OOO in About throe years ago. after tho the island Mtod la tmn ns CEHOUSESSCN Car list line. . chM to the •^weA-*U hoc I ISJ and 8tst'Soviet atomic explpeions lt> would be willing to drop its de­ velva a forelm -ministers confer­ tice of showing more concern ans. ..Sen. Ervin (D;NC) says Communists withdrew from Aus­ M a n c h bster Conn* S Ha ronouneod that right in favor whcwnhsnte. H tt i HADE’S READY TO WEAR DEPAR'TMEN'T reporlsd' Inr the ABC. The agency mand that unification be placed on ence yid would also permit a de- in schools for the gifted child enata hearings on violence In the tria, ha returned there for a tiint WE , GI VE GREEN STAMPS o f his youngor brother. Car lea, yanr-«M wifov M4Mjr* ‘I^ke elevator to aecond Boor. CORNER MAIN and OAK STREETS M s said, Bowsvsr, it doesn't sn- the Bummit agenda if tho talks a n rather than the slowest in tha Kohler striks ar*' nr to help settle faihUy ootata tn»t- aouaca idl Ruaslaa tssts It detsets. confine^ to disarmament. , i (OMitlaM* oa Faga Bwo) ' class, (AF Photofax). BoeeasniUy. Urs but came,back to Willimaatle. who died abw t two yeara hgo. FlyaM th. Mteh. .... Free Pa^kinf I" The Rear Of The ^lore - I./; ,-' -' V