our Ifoist Germans 'Soak Up'Freedom At UM

«v ED LANG Earlier in the morning the three had a The Hurricane Staff money at UM. Right now they are not at liber­ of meeting with UM President Henry King Stan­ ty to say what they're going to do." n wearing sneakers and sha v ford and walked away more than impressed. , th'e TjM campus, three men Apparently this is being saved for Life Clean un "In our country there is a hierarchy," ar° first few days of freedom. Magazine. ,an"' Manfred Kupfer said. "It would be impossible 'up Hfinhold Kupfer and his brother for a student to walk in and talk to the presi­ Reinh—el _A ^•l&jsmA at the Richt_ Reinhold, who speaks practically no En­ P*l\ost< ^ "tared wide-eyed at the Richt- dent of the university. It is just not.done." SfVKUPdeerthe many lights at night, glish, tried to relay the friendliness of the peo­ Peter Rost picked up a picture of a sing­ ple they have encountered so far. ffij and Karl Bley were part of a ing group called the Accolade and smiled. Ttiethrf to escape East Germany. Karl's lot "I am quite a fan of western music," he "The students and teachers seem so ,vear P „nmnlunicated in coded letters for said. "I enjoy listening to the Beatles and the C friendly here," brother Manfred related. "The |^fs eSuP ^ elaborate plot. Rolling Stones. My country, while they allow s student-to-student relationships in my country Vear cruise ship floated into this music, are a little more cautious as to are also friendly but sometimes, it is political." ¥ VaSt So the Seven Mile Bridge in what is played," he said. "There seems to be d aC The lady representative broke in and stop­ irea a J pVS An airplane then buzzed the more freedom in Czechoslovakia and Poland rida when it comes to this." ped the conversation. "That's all they can say •*Fl° Ji J knew the signal and as every- about that," she said. Kl Karl Bley kne rf .^ ^ AtJan_ Manfred, 37, was awed at the site of the ookl relatively new buildings on the campus. •Twas ' f0utboard boat. The three other "Let me ask you something," Manfred aW "In my country the universities are 500 said. "Can you say anything you want around Kt° Bley jumlatep overboarr they werd ane idn thethey Floritoo-, .«( D'Vj 1 . , _.. tu.ii HjDi-D in fho Finn. years old. Here the buildings are so new and. here?" The reporter answered, "yes." modern. F^Anhoowed' f i^' Plater, flanked with a female in- As the three packed up to leave Manfred Five h three men entered the Hurricane None of the three are lackeys by any said, "What you are doing in this office could ».mretef.j stretch of the imagination. Rost, also 37, is a never be done in my country." Effice- , problem was they refused to micro-biologist, Manfred, a neuro-pathologist On December 30, the three men will have ""*The" their voyage. They had sold their and Reinhold a pathologist. —Photo By MIKE GARRETT ent their hearing before the Immigration Depart­ loi# J";Joss'ible" story to Life Magazine • When asked if they might teach at UM, ment. issl n Manfred Kupfer, I., Peter Rost and Reiflhold Kupfer W '° ted to keep anything further from the lady spokesman ehimed in, "No I don't They are hopeful that the decision will be think they would do that, there's not enough ... enjoying themselves at UM last week fl2 out. favorable.

Winner of college journalism's highest award —— Pacemaker 1970 •\ jilitoriate DM Sports

m j "the mental Hurricane Sports Edi­ 2/f college stu- tor Ed Lang endorses 5 For the answer 'bubble' referendum. ent S See Page 13. ,rV I s TPonPage5. a **>> nxrxmm Vol. 46, No. 21 Tuesday, December 8, 1970 284-4401

1 Draft In Spite Of Controversies ***** adlines t Dec. 31 Fall Elections Set ptrants wishing to deferments and be re­ lied 1-A draft status to Jvantage of a year-end /announced last month For Thurs., Fri ,e Selective Service Sys- have been given until ght Dec. 31, 1970, to By LINDA ORMES TYPING [dt the reclassification. Of The Hurricane Staff For a look at the candidates, see Page 6. irs, edited-filing«. ft, requests must be re- Student Body Government elections for freshmen and : iiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii tcurate, reasonob!«-J by locaj boards by illllillllllllll ::.'i:- ric. 446-2382. sophomore senators, fresh­ |date or carry a postmark is going to start making lecember 31, 1970 or man and upper-class seats on tition deadline until this ruling, the commission was the Student Entertainment week. directed to discontinue its rules, they might as well run UNREAL Committee, and two referen­ The ruling made it possible method of random sampling the election." announcement if con- dum issues will be held for students who failed to and checking petitions. He said he felt the decision ree? Contributions need- n instructions issued Thursday and Friday from 9 meet the original deadline, to Richard De Quattro, Elec­ itself was equitable, but he nition. Send $$ to:Veri- boards by Dr. Curtis a.m. to 4 p.m. file their petitions. tion Commission chairman Jurango St., Coral Ga- Mg^, national director of The election booths will be Also by Supreme Court said, "If the Supreme Court Continued On Page 6 3134. wive Service. These in- located in the lower lounge Mions alter previous poli- of the Student Union and in nk that Turtle con take Wich Stat?d the aPPlica" the Memorial Classroom reading room. Was SEC •ay from Irving? Whot fff tote in the hands of ame of Turtle if Candi left ^ Bard personnel prior All undergraduates are eli­ the real question: What j :ember meeting of the gible to vote for the referen­ 1 board. dum issues of raising the ac­ ndi's hair... reafl^ tivity fee by $3 per semester Equipment j^U young man hold a for a field house and by $.75 land ... higher than that per semester for United led by his local boatrd Photo By TIM PUGLIESE Fund. Lent Out? sion"RIGHT0N"isri •to. 195 has been set as Photographer Catches Life in 1968 Dorm Lobby Freshmen only will be al­ highest number which lowed to vote for the four fell board can reach . . . just part of flick featuring UM campus life By ELIZABETH OSTROFF freshman senators, and soph­ Assistant News Editor fl his advantage to vol- omores only for the one §% give up his def er- Controversy between the sophomore representative. chairman of the Student En­ JF a 1-A classification. Students must show their 1 cas tertainment Committee and I VERSITY OF MIA* i^ es, he will move UM identification cards, and OF MEDICINE 0IV»'I ^er draft priority university administrators Ja 'Cane Newsreel Project non-duplicable paper ballots „ATo,rRFSEARCH ? °" "«ary 1, 1971 will be used. erupted late Friday when it HIATRIC RESEARCH ^•jer members of the was learned that $18,000 OFFERS At press time, the follow­ tfirst priority group with ing candidates were ap­ worth of sound and lighting opportunity to po'l*" equipment had been taken ortont development' numbers. proved by the Election Com­ without proper authorization programing-* Expands To Featurettes mission: recognizing that from the campus for use at a ety ond oMi-depre«o»l Mark Deutsch and Willy en holding lottery need money for other pro­ Hays for the four freshman privately produced concert. over their local By JOHN REILLY is a UM recruitment film to h Of The Hurricane Staff be shown to high school stu­ jects they have planned. vacancies in Senate; Alan ,s both mole ond h»* " 'gh" could effective- dents all over the country. "We have asked Student Arzt, Cal Leventhal, Pat Wil­ Sparks began to fly when 1 years of *"*1 their vulnerability to If the students of the Hur­ Government for $1,500 to son and Jeff Wollman for the it was learned that SEC t by being classified ricane newsreel program "The recruitment film will .rvous tension, a«* be made so high school stu­ produce the featurette and sophomore Senate vacancy; chairman Erwin Ellerin had , thoughts. h.«.*fj ty the year's end, have their way, UM will be­ we think it will be ap­ Darryl Damico and John Lisk contracted with Magic City saicl, "The law al- come the film capital of U.S dents can identify with it and gue.insomnia.irr-' UM," Isacson said. proved," DePanicis said. for the freshman seat of the Productions to rent the d Nng men to elect campuses. in concentrating «" * th First Tuesday of NBC, and S.E.C. and Nacy Baren, Tim Will UM Get a 'Bubble'? equipment for $1,310 for the -ey will apply for a After the recruiting film is t will be considered- Formed in early September finished students will start Newsweek magazine have Keyser and Robin London for . . . students decide, Thurs., Fri. two night Sly and the Family « and those young to shoot newsreels concern­ expressed interest in doing the upper-class seat on S.E.C. Stone Concert at the Miami granted deferments producing a featurette. It will ept confidential" ing campus life, the group be a 30 minute movie, with stories on the film program. Other candidates who re­ Jai-Lai fronton. - . will b« oPPrt able to drop them u,rementwnn > has expanded to filming doc­ an original script and sound ported to the Hurricane for umentaries, using stills in the "The newsreels are becom­ interviews but were not offi­ I 5 minutes a «• track, filmed on the UM cam­ ing more serious and origi­ Balloting Decides Ellerin who wrote the con­ tk period. «u j, newsreels, featurettes and is cially approved at press time tract and signed it himself, pus using UM students for nal," Jim Cosgrove, one of ionby phoning^ working on a script-writing actors and crowd scenes. include: David Acton, Philip claims he was not aware of 5 P.M. ""J the students in charge of the 9 A.M. ano' program. The group owns all its Holtzberg, Tommy Leon- the fact that in order to be Lane newsreels said. "Although we hardt, and Dave Shultz on a valid, the contract had to be Spokesmen for the group, equipment; a 16 mm Bolex have expanded very fast with a 400-foot magazine slate for freshman senators; 'Bubble' Finances initialled by Union officials Len DePanicis and Bruce everyone still likes what we WANTED forcoj Isacson, said the group has with a sound-sync generator. Jerry Gorde for sophomore Kay Whitten and William do." senator; and Stu Weiss for ,. include stajpej grown from 35 members to The group has access to Whether or not UM will Thursday and Friday, when Sheeder and then must be *>mes upper-class S.E.C. seat. more than 80 in just two three Bell and Howells and All newsreels are shown in have an on-campus field they vote in the Student sent to Vice President of Fi- Since candidates first an­ months. all its own tripods, lights, the LC Building before the house this spring hinges on Body Government referen­ n a n c i a 1 Affairs Eugene ngeles. nounced their candidacies Cohen. "Our first newsreel recording equipment and pro­ feature films. UM students' willingness to dums, which will be held in jector. There will be ^n important there has been a controversy conjunction with the Fresh­ Article IV of the SEC by­ h Zon e showed life in the dorms, the over the election rules. pay $3 apiece per semester Bookstore and the Ring The major problem the meeting of all students inter­ man class representative laws reads in part: "All as­ Last Thursday the Student for it. elections. pects of the particular event muory - 9" _^<> resident's Cabinet group has is money. The ested in the newsreel pro­ ri2 Theatre. It was in black and Body Government Supreme ed the ticketing Hurricane pays for all news- gram Thursday night in room quests prepared for forward­ n white with sound," DePanicis Court directed the Election Students will have a § away of vehicles reels and for the Homecom­ S-241, at 8 p.m, in the Stu­ The field house referen­ ing to the Vice President for said. "It was also shown on Commission to extend its pe- chance to decide the issue Financial Affairs. Copies of sa'^Pus fire lanes. Channel 2 in Miami." ing film but the students dent Union. dum provides for a $3 semes­ 10n all contracts and correspond­ Chico9° • J was spurred by ter increase in the Student eto The group's first color pro­ ing material shall be sent to IOre Thanksgiving in duction was a newsreel on Activity Fee for the next 10 3rea durin the President of U.S.G. and ,WP ICn,. Gables firemeS the events of Homecoming years, for the financing of a the Vice President for Stu­ ,6 nightclubPi^i|f( 'S? « Week 1970. The UM Alumni loan for construction of a dent Affairs," 5 SUMMON Mounting Dollar Drive masvaeoti"" - arry heav Association liked it so much *«t r0^ y bubble-type field house. Possible rental of th© ' after 6. ars M ^ far away be" they have agreed to buy the balanced against the need of this program and the hundreds By ELIZABETH OSTROFF equipment had been dis­ film. (. tf siRocked fire lanes. Assistant News Editor of people it services each week." The field house will be lo­ cussed by the committee ever :emaler"oo^ ' Bjs have been erect- Negotiations are being n- ine223-8l30p .- nalized with The Miami Her­ SUMMON, UM's program for student-community in­ Among the community agencies and individuals serviced cated at the present site of p^rances to Maho- volvement, which has gone virtually unfunded for three se­ by SUMMON volunteers who receive academic credit for the sewage treatment plant, Continued On Page 3 60-9SnHallsandlr ald for the group to shoot a color documentary on me mesters will seek financial help from UM students and facul­ their work, are the Dade County Jail, the stockade, Inigrants, and will be used for concerts, Be,i„ * complexes Herald as a public service. ty this week during a fund raising drive. retarded children's homes, and school children who can't sports events, registration, fles'gnating the fire Y "We'll be approaching all segments of the university- read. ;;5Sw74T^ "Students identify with and other activities. Pari!!-10 student lead- students, faculty, administrators, employees-everybody pm. our films because these films "We provide tutoring and simple human care," Manasa r^'n'strators, UM SUMMON founder and Director Norman Manasa said. r are made by fellow stu­ said. The structure will be a Security Fred giant inflatable plastic bub­ oommate *'* tude what makes our films differ­ UM faculty members and employees for contributions today day in the LC building and dormitories. Admission will be 25 c iS ? nts resid­ crete wall. It will seat ap­ n bedroom-<- ent from others on campus \VA Wednesday and will make the student population their cents. ue ^dormitories re- proximately 7,500 and will [ s yt0take life-" targeTon Thu^ay and Friday. SUMMON is asking for $5 per Isacson said students are person. Manasa said SUMMON volunteers collecting during the withstand winds up to 200 C2 i- given the chance to experi­ drive will be identifiable by green and white name tags and m.p.h. e ffectlv "Un 'til now SUMMON has been a virtually unfunded Ihesp f e action ence every aspect of films, manila envelopes stamped with the word SUMMON flre lane > orogram so the money collected will go toward paying of ^gen,v « clear from technical, to acting, to "This may seem like a narrow attitude, but this is the "Right now, the whole 5 a month- " 6 action by Hrht operation of the program, for instructional materials ab] script-writing, to directing issue depends on the stu­ TteKd L' pelnet, vehi- fo, the Se with whom we work, for Christmas parties, university's own program, and by right, the cost should be ,lo«,ki < flre la and advertising. born by the members of the university," Manasa said. dents' cooperation," Student |to " nes are ,„j (_ fjpid trios," Manasa said. * Body Government President emale^^,,.^ Wln "We also have lectures a "The 197 students and 17 faculty members participating fu er's p°v § away at " I Je money collected by SUMMON will go directly to a Mark Krasnow said. "If this hare Ibeau" ' J n Tickets once a week, given by experi­ in SUMMON have made a serious committment to the social Jim Yasser : UM account solely for use by SUMMON and all contributions referendum doesn't pass, the k idall f° ca|l|5' ^ilSS1 f- enced students, so they can ills which plague us all," he said. "We only ask the other peo­ ° fines and a field house is scrubbed." ... ite're honest* ng,P°0- r n Coral share their knowledge with ^ ^Fitfd^'sounds like a lot," Manasa said, "until it's ple of the university to do the same." V '

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UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI Owned and operated by BOOKSTORE the Univ. of Tues., Dec. 8,1970 THE HURRICANE For Privately Produced Concert ' * Was Equipment Illegally Lent?

Continued From Page 1 troversy is that in drawing She added that she assumed Magic City employee Jim not out to screw anyone," up the contract between SEC the students would be paid Yasser if the equipment could Yasser said. since it was decided last se- and Magic City, Ellerin speci- directly by Magic City Pro­ be taken, was actually be­ University disciplinary ' mestef tfir prfaras*fit. Its ttse ' fiedthat the rheck-for$T,31-e- ductions and that had she or ing removed from it's stor­ proceedings were initiated for the Friday and Saturday be made payable to him rath­ any other Union official been age area in the Pearson Hall against Ellerin Friday, ac­ night concert was not dis­ er than SEC. He said this was allowed to see the contract, by Ellerin. cording to Whitten Union cussed until last Tuesday's done because Mrs. Whitten "nobody would ever have al­ "We contracted for equip­ Director Sheeder. S.E.C. meeting at which time had told him that if the lowed this type, of arrange­ ment and services and it Was "This whole thing could the equipments rental to check was drawn to S.E.C. ment to go through." a fair price, "Yasser said. He have been avoided had Erwin Magic City was informally the money could not be Another charge made by also stated that Ellerin was gone through the proper approved, according to SEC touched for a year and there­ Union administrators is the not an employee of Magic channels a week ago," Assistant Secretary Richard fore the amount due UM stu­ fact that while administra­ City Productions and was Sheeder said. "The university Lewis. dents who worked on the? tors and student government paid only through the SEC. is not opposed to other peo­ Union program Director concert would not be paid officials were being asked by "We are all students and ple making money with it's Kay Whitten, who arrived at this year. former SEC chairman and we're all honest, and we're equipment." the meeting "a;!few minutes "Erwin didn't mention that late" s^id that use of the SEC would be paying the equipment was not discussed students," Mrs. Whitten said., while she was present and claims that Ellerin did not in­ tNBACH form her that it.had been di?- - Non-Tenured HAVE YOU SEEN cussed or that the committee >rane Staff Writer Listens to West Lab Students had informally decided to Get Eligibility ... they charged UM students with littering rent it. ; —- — -Mrs. Whitten said'that she The last step has been spoke to Ellerin two, weeds' completed in the procedure YOUR NEW 10% prior to the conceit and that Tor altering the Faculty Char,- prior to the concert and that ter to permit non-tenured she didn't lfieirtion the neces- faculty members to be elect­ Grammar Schoolers sity-of a- contract to him but* ed to School Council and DISCOUNTiXARD? "I toldv him to- '~go to- TJSG Faculty Senate positions. m since the equipment was paid The announcement was ' " ;; for and owned by USG and made by Dr. Sidney Besvin­ b UM 'Litterbu SAFAC. ick, chairman of the Faculty JUST PRESENT YOUR STUDENT CARD! Senate. Although the equipment When asked what the stu­ trash cans around the cor­ The vote of the faculty, DA0RMES dents looked like who did the was paid for entirely by stu­ completed Dec. 1, was ap­ &LIN ners of the field. dent monies, it was given ITS WORTH %t Hurricane Staff littering, one boy promptly There are approximately proximately three to one in lung *tudents Came replied, "It's the long-hairs, university inventory numbers favor of the proposed chang­ 400 students in the public which; technically make it the Sersity of Miami but of course I have long hair school and there are many es, Besvinick said. 10% OFF 'lead their cause myself!" property of the university. As a result of the., vote, children on a waiting list Also when removed from the r0Wing. menace of non-tenured faculty members Laura Reisman, fifth grad-. who are hoping to be en­ campus for a non-university rolled. will be eligible for election in YOUR TOTAL I[children, ages eight to er retorted, "I don't think function, it was not insured. the next balloting for the West Lab uses progressive •tented the students that's fair; it's not just the methods of teaching such as Another aspect of the con­ Faculty Senate in the spring. 5t Lab School and long-hairs, it's everybody." DINNER CHECK Another student Jeff the Initial Teaching Alphabet hatUM students stop and a non-graded system. , eir athletic field Levey, also a fifth grader AT |HF PUB 'U*«mmmmM&&&im^^^ii £nMSg%£j? th The Student Council presi­ 'on the northeast edge added, "it's the kids who STUDENT SPECIAL want to have fun by lying dent summed up the stu­ For instance you may order the Pub Steak Steal, A Sliced ! down and sunbathing." dents' plea by saying, "Coral Wt mind that you Gables should be a decent Sirloin Steak Dinner which comes with all the famous Pub to our field," fifth- The adult-like students all neighborhood, and we hope on agreed that they want UM Extras. A Salad with a Lazy Susan of Dressings. Jumbo Ben Pius said, "we're UM students will cut down king that you don't students to continue using the littering, or we'll nave to Baked Potato with sour cream pouring... Vegetable ... In­ tt. We're even willing the field, and next week they begin watching over them RENT TV'S dividual Loaves of Hot Bread... Steaming Pot of Coffee. • out trash cans." will try to have number of like babies." Served from 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. I students, all Student New 11" and 19" brand name portables lil members, said that JVlGIllI Id-ends are the times litter the most. $ Price $3.95: With I. D. Card $3.55 Sundays many of 10 PER MONTH Or take 10% off anything else you order from our regular Pub Menu. lunches and radios Both offers good Mon. thru Fri. lake I YOU'RE ON FREE DELIVERY "Student Council it Gary Gittelson JOIN YOUR FRIENDS AT . the original OURUST $ id come Monday COLOR TV — 25 PER MONTH the principal and {Etodian have to go THE STUDENT and pick up trash, littering just has to RESTAURANT Ben said, "our princi- DIRECTORY IS COMING ROBERTS APPLIANCE CO. and tap room BS out there and finds bottles and every-. 3500 Coral Way • Reservations: 445-1331 95 Call PL 9-5794 LONGCHAMPS OF FLORIDA, ARTHUR HOR.OWITZ, PRESIDENT and that's where 8985 Biscayne Blvd., Miami •ay"

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mm Drop Lamp Sale] »32J Scott Bressler THE HURRICANE Tues, Dec. 8,1970 ©hr iltantfflitrrtratif Summon Needs An AlhAmerican Paper

JERRY HART Editor In Order To e Slw colleg K M* o week, y SCOTT BRESSLER CHUCK JONES SUMM Wha we.ve all heard the story about the ON, whic. passes, It i Associate Editor Business Manager students who I°\ S' Ptoni%%tCpSape^eVwho % Work ^ id readily of the communit^-H! f eSome*ea.PhetweeP„ December 25 Celling him o «er..It has gone u^H and New Year's ception last year K ^ l>*%age 18- r,bu "V< , eriod Funding Appeal Day. And we've support in the near StU' bie P H unsta all seen most of lose its closest li % jiiy them fail. nk h0w unstable For SUMMON Who are these The university k„ *t plastic people? t e * tudentswas Try looking in tl so that SUMMON w a mirror. to us, the student bcl^ Goes To Students There are 19/ students attend­ SUMMON begins its money raising drive this ing this university Most students week in an attempt to continue to survive as a work­ aren't who don't deserve what goes on in ing part of the University of Miami. Here Norman the 13 areas Manasa, Director of Summon, gives his personal plea the plastic tag, where ce­ to the student body. and unfortunate- BRESSLER dents work are the n ^ Redland's Migrant rC»i By NORMAN MANASA For Retarded Chi^l %es know, how. Summon Director gram which is probably the most more than ^ Junior High in thP n e Coco e f n the most va Project SUMMON begins its fund drive today. worthwhile idea ever conceived at this ghetto. Every da f e MON members the I 'can be learr The facts involved are few and simple: we are in debt, "Excuse me, sir - but there is a way to be rid of them • school. are we are unfunded; we are a large group of UM stu­ people in areas g help create a better las tog of one's ^f. dents and faculty (totaling two hundred fourteen) of us. . wuriw dt( working for social peace, human Nancy Johnston ^majority do mar understanding and the recogni­ Sri damage. M« tion of individual worth. At the Redland's u 1 _3 and most si We need money and have no for example, SUMMON? % of emotiona one but the members of the Uni­ been tutoring nre-^i, , ' college career. versity to ask for it. nish Dept. Neglects Duty sothatthey^fc It has always been a policy grant camps for the rest 0f fet causes these p for this Program never to ask for -they be relieved, anything unless we need it. But At Carver Junior Hk cant workers come in contact, Jn a national level, the time has come to extend to To Listen And Speak To CAG iO i with exams, gra you the empty palm. 15-year-old students who sex, and parent The ne t0 a reat Too few of us have been excited, There.is little doubt in my mind read or write. Beside; }p^Z_f\' mo y will §° S 3. Make them write in Spanish. students to find es hi ? universities have challenged, sometimes disappointed Exams probably are less useful than that if some changes along these or a place ims, psychiatrics. many places. Into our programs other lines are not made in the teach­ MANASA at the jails, the ghettos, with the and often hugely entertained by the frequent short papers, even if the SUMMON members are houses" for emotio series of meetings called the Commis­ exams are essays, but in any case the ing of Spanish, before too long the strange phenomenon 0f Migrants, the retarded, the emo­ classes will be filled with obedient which has just taken nj ttemot to remain I tionally disturbed and the lost children. sion on Academic Goals. Hopefully the only way to write is to write. jnphasis is placed o Commission will prove to be of more 4. Go easy on the anthologies. note-takers who took Memorizing 101 school. But you probably know most of this already. long-range use than merely a safety as a pre-requisite. There will be no hool. Many psycho What you don't know yet is that we are asking from There must be 800 million of them, valve that has allowed a handful of some excellent, but students should room for people (I immodestly include SUMMON has grown isturbed individual each member of the University (student, faculty, em­ UM faculty, administrators and stu­ read some things in their entirety. myself) who are interested in learning enrollment in its three. ijei to the Lions'Den ployee and administrator) five dollars. I realize this dents to verbalize their frustrations, 5. While literature is indispensable a second language and grooving on existence has climbed frornlseme;s flm a failure and i request will cause a great deal of sputtering, moans, aspirations and suggestions. in learning about the language and the the history, culture and essence of an­ 197 and next semester cries of indignation perhaps, and even a cardiac arrest culture, it is not the be-all and end-all. other section of our little planet. approximately 330. or two. The December 2nd meeting's sub­ Bi ject was the faculty. There's no point Are there no short Spanish-language There are several easier majors Let me stress that we only ask it (not demand it); films that can be shown in class time, than this one, but grades are not the It would be a crime to It the reason being simply that we need it. in asking why the Cafeteria Complain- ers did not turn out in force to voice within the budget? Students could only motivation for many students. gram like this fail because of • Most will say they don't have it. This is not true. learn bits of plays and perform them Students do not want to be bored to money. SUMMON members' The people of the University are part of the wealthi­ their often-valid criticisms of their Man teachers. In my opinion, however, the in class..Teachers can recommend pro­ death for a C, however, and it's time collecting donations this wes! est generation of the richest nation this old earth has grams on Spanish television, even get the Spanish department got its collec­ dollar contribution will be | ever seen. We've got the five dollars. low student attendance was not nearly as disturbing as the fact that so few short reports on them instead of tive head out of the sand and had a important Christmas y«i The question really becomes then, should it go "quizicitos." good look around. Es verdad, no? year. for a program like SUMMON? There are reasons it faculty members showed up to defend should and reasons it shouldn't. I'll offer the reasons themselves, to offer suggestions for A improving their working milieu or just for but the reasons against you'll have to come up an can see gn with on your own. to get some ideas about how they are Stu Weiss perceived by the students at large. es, and blacks, and This is an effective program for competent social 'riad of other shad change born in the University, and in this its own sys­ My gripe (you knew it was com­ n. He can perceiv tem. Our own people do the work. ing) is that there was no representa­ me-dimensional, tw By no means understand your contribution is an tion from my major department, Span­ Problems, Conflicts, Chaos Live al and even three-di end; it is only the beginning, (and a very mild one) of ish. I hope several pairs of ears were Ml man has to do is a noble series of committments we will ask you to burning, because I believe that some and he can see tl bear. comments made about gross neglect, as they are. poor teaching, lack of enthusiasm, and In other words, giving, by its true nature cannot In UM's Student Government La to least that's the be a one shot affair. Theiollowup will last until the putting in one's time are relevant to a '.number.of that department's faculty. ks in theory. But University itself turns to dust. The planned eventual Once upon a time there was a stu- Meanwhile, for almost an entire se­ just alternates, (who cannot« ttless eye speciali involvement of an entire University will make your This school is probably unique in ent government. And like all good mester now, 25% of the Student Coun­ As the plot thickens, * p that most peopl money more effective than it might otherwise. the U.S. in the number of native Span­ student governments, every once in cil has not even begun to serve, or for inexperienced elections cot lis in front of the The University should support its own if only as ish speakers in its student body. This awhile they were that matter they have not even been attempting to ease over * difficult to believe. an effort to save ourselves. makes life easy for a teacher in Span­ supposed to hold elected yet. Couple the four vacant edges erupting in this election, It doesn't seem r< We have nothing to give you in return, by the ish courses from the 300's up because elections. freshman seats with the sophomore For example, one carf .-People who si way, but our work. There will be no buttons handed he or she does not need to work at all Normally they vacancy, and there is a legislative e out for each donation; no cookies sold, no stickers, on the spoken language, he need not held these elec­ body acting at 2-3 capacity. disqualified because he didn't! £ f ™>°n can raffle tickets or candy. We refuse to con you. A try to get the students to practice talk­ tions during the required amount of signature »and only see hal young lady from the Grove slum writes this: ing, and he can comfortably dictate a first six weeks of To make the student government the school year or scene even more confusing, there is' an Dear Santa Claus; lecture (usually taken down verba­ of his petition. ssightmustbeimp" tim), confident that it will* be regurgi­ around the middle elections commission, which was se­ Please bring me an ice-cream maker and a lected via a lottery method. An entire freshman si Otherwise, how co tated faithfully on his exams. of October. This moved because they bro# i,who see the wor pair of skates and bring me a babygo by by year though, the doll and a pair of tennis shoes. I confess freely that I had the The lottery method of choosing the nature sheets in ten miff§, be able to watc rulers in the land Next, ed< I have been a good girl do you no I'm weird ambition (when I came here as a elections commission, seems like a fair established deadline. ( youth chanting f of student govern­ manner in which to choose unbiased candidate who doesn't going to make you a cake for Christmas. junior) to become bilingual. Spanish is ment, have put Rowing rocks anc Love, Susan a lovely language and the Iberian and WEISS members. Unfortunately, no one in­ ; V W0rse particularly world-shaking but I think ousy Viet Cong. It's really too bad ar m, th Copy Editor Bill Lizewski ment is of prime importance to the the mess they made••* ^ e Photo Editor TomGura • they are. worth considering, and none that so many have been killed. The k at continuing success of America as one ing. The Court defln> e ^ Entertainment Editor , , Jim Fishel of them costs more money, just com­ country, under God, indivisible. Spend saddest part is that they don't know date for turning i P ' eeYk° ^ Classified and Subscription Manager ..RoniBarone mitment from teachers and students. on; «1. ri8ht cl Controller ...Frank Heltai some afternoon, like I did, going over how nice the other s.de can bQ But terday, nsteadI of t|= ,^ - *imosn 1. The students in 300-plus courses biggest shame is that we have neonle tinues a nd Advertising Manager David Croelinger the records of American war heroes a week ago. mi* c^ m\.R'S2f)t r •-- <*Dusin no!t are mostly majors, so a teacher ought nght here that don't know how nice it all the disqualified c ^> k ^ ASSISTANT SPORTS EDITOR: STAFF WRITERS: Barbara Kerr, and choke on it for a while. is. Gee, too bad. abusinbri g Lew Matusow Pat Duarte, John Reilly, Linda to be able to expect a certain level of One old veteran told me that many back into thc race, J ^1^ haven thee 'ASSISTANT ENTERTAINMENT Ormes, Alice Henne, Fran Kling,- a plat on of Vrv iiius EDITOR: Iri Pollack Iris Horowitz, Melani Van Petten involvement from them and should Germans would surrender with their cnwn ° infantrymen, the politico or has-been rld wil1 ASSISTANT COPY EDITOR: Walt COPY STAFF: Hazel Bungy, Iris not pour a bunch of dates into them, 6 a Charge at a f ^uil° ' Dozier Horowitz, John Reiilv . rifles over their heads saying that they £ Particularly tion picture. . hatf* t^Whv?atter h ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR: Eliza- STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS: Bruce for no higher purpose than total recall would help the Americans fight the Ail S °erman maehine-gun nest. In the past, m ^#i esn beth Ostroli Barham, Buzz Birnbach, Buzz Har- on exams (every teacher I have had 6 W re Cut down exce Student Government co' « oi tK° 't h EXEC. SPORTS EDITOR: Dave outunian, Don Allen, Paul Tumar- Russians. The Germans are not known en I? !! l Pt the G'oldstein kin, Barbara Kerr does this. What in hell for??). colonel who had half his hip shot 5 *Ck hewatei to be stupid. They did make two stupid smoothly. Problem ^ Pw the SECRETARY: Judi Sullivan SALESMEN: Ernie Westbury, Rich- *8tor .EDITORIAL RESEARCHERS: ard Cooper, Lee Scheuer, Mark Lan- 2. Make the students talk as well mistakes though — Germany fought ways erupted. jaflts th \*hen th ' Shara T. Pavlow, Stu Weiss, Rocky ger, Sandv Karlan at e evised an Walter AP EDITOR: John Reilly as listen. Ask a lot of questions, and two wars against the United States. fin=,n f *} 5 attack which However tltf ^ y it oblife SPORTS WRITERS: Kathee Marie, allow them to struggle with the phras­ I hear talk about revolution. What Government Land^d up \ j^ Lyn Marschke, Dave Berman, Tom World war One; the colonel was the ma Woodcock ing. One teacher requires a couple of are these people talking about? What cieve the all e^L^A* Senior Advisor — George Southworth oral reports (not memorized or read do they really want? Better yet; what ate General George S. Patton. I say their-lack of comP Co# Celf 'Printing & Graphics Advisor — Norman Koski Financial Advisor — William Muff from a script), and this is a beginning. that that was a man. I say that that is this year's de^tf cit as a kind of people do they think we are? DJ y. l! guys, you really « Why ca: ir Tues., Dec. 8,1970 # i -_^^ IUC»„UBC.B| i»/u THE HURRICANE 5 ,111otiona l Disturbance' Is Common In College cHAR„*«AA T.. PAVLOW cu._._ . „ TD V ttp,eiltly is the cause of emotion 8 kids have it made. While I and administrators are attracted to Miami not <_ collef week, you complain about only Kw J^ JJ - S p ent becomes trapped in a because of any academic reputation, but rather 40< Ls What a life. . ." because the city provides a nice community in ',rs°fC Mar' It rolght, but any college t reSgSpLr f which to live and raise a family. ho ;\ M ff readily set this envious speaker h S h deds 0n t0 remain in s Workf , could,.\ him university life can oftI r cVo ! i ^ool is onunity,,*A t n2 that cess in tt?< °WfdS b6tter mental health- Suc- Also contributing to emotional problems is a telh g i1Jfi„ll1t . that for the av. S?iS confrontation" often provides the flt _K*%£ difficult. feeling of rejection and failure among much of §°^unfutl 1 J r ement for a student the student body. The doctor says that for tyear K ^ Lnrd^aj g 18.25), this can be an emo- r^!t T ^ to face the .rLrindinlife. real and underlying causes of his disturbance. many, UM was a last chance, "safeguard" the stu ablea p 611 does UM fit into near> liyunst trirtS? *°T T the national school. Either they could not get accepted to an­ sestiink.. unstable he is, the typical student picture of student mental health? According to other institution or else many would not even ^ithr h0W derstand. For instance, he might one psychologist from Miami's counseling cen­ apply to their schools for fear of failure. just ter, this university is unique in many aspects. in0t ft in 1967 the national SuicJde rate t0 tha "They naturally have trouble adjusting to a Provide?" yealize .ents was 50 per cent higher than st Reuqesting to remain anonymous, the doctor school they never really wanted to attend," he -ollege " in general. Or, he might not MM0NWH co nas said he believes part of the blame for stu- believes. the ;"nk magazine claims the 1967 num- aent maladjustment lies with the university it­ itu s ttiat self. While this professional psychologist does dentbod7 « * dent suicides set an average of 1,000 believe the university is partly to blame for stu such attitudes, neither does he minimize the —Courtesy of LOOK MAGAZINB dents ;fc "This school has made a pitch to get people role of family finances in mental health adjust­ . \ not realize that the seemingly nor- from wherever it can," he said. 'Because of fi­ "In 1967 the national sui- einlg mild be disturbed, but that it often- ment. ,erson nancial pressures a certain enrollment must be Many of these kids are from affluent fami­ cide rate for college students k are up until disciplinary action must be ^e ^ met. Therefore, recruiters do emphasize being lies. Having had little previous responsibility, eC was 50 per cent higher than Migrant cJ in the 'sun and fun capital of the world.' " they are perfectly happy with their four-year 99 kn0w. however, that getting a de- He explained that prospective students set for the nation in general. ed°f, more than a knowledge of facts — vacation from life, he says. gh ln stallentallSs nwis „^i,^__ up false expectations and are disappointed ver the rv rp°most valuable part of a college y day > U1C when they don't find a party school. Some are not like this, the doctor claims. At he " learnin, • g frtko rloodeall «»twitUh ^„J1daily„ Good physical health is of prime importance, mbers ay 1 , can oe college, they might begin to see a different way are ems and to gain a more complete under- the doctor says. Enough sleep, a proper diet and as su>l "The fault lies with the University for being of life and really want to lead creative, produc­ of one's self. so non-selective in their student body," he regular exercise are a necessity to intelligent tive lives. The problem lies in that they don't functioning. - claims. have the strength to fight parental pressures maiority do manage to cope without se­ and values. ptal damage. Many, however, are not so "This is what creates an apathetic atmo­ Many of these so-called students come to Secondly, he recommends that the student , Aland's u 1 and most students are forced into come to Miami with a picture of things in their le jessful, sphere." college because it is the thing to do. Having > SUMMON i ' 0f emotional confrontation during proper perspective. Because there are so many ln§ Pre-schooi .kind Location and climate also have a great deal been here awhile, they soon question both soci­ to do with why some choose UM. Many stu­ ety and themselves. distractions, he must realize that to do well aca­ ey too won't e allege career. dents had been here on vacation with their fam­ demically a person must be highly motivated. >sfortherest c ut causes these problems, and how (if at ilies and had a fun time. They expect their col­ Often, they don't know where they are going According to the professional counselor, it is they be relieved? lege life to be the same. Disappointment turns or even why they came to college in the first extremely important that each individual find ver Junior Higi nn a national level, most often the blame is to frustration which becomes an inability to ad­ place. Parents have frequently pushed their his own niche . . . circle of friends. This could ^meincontact^ i with exams, grades, graduate work, the just. children into college because they want them to be within an academic department or even an i students who Tsex and parental pressures. To help, be financially successful. extracurricular activity or special interest orga­ 'rite. Besides h'' i t universities have set up mental health The doctor further believes that UM is nization. o find a pia ce Lis, psychiatric services, and even "half- unique because of an over-emphasis on ma­ For many, this is tragic because they are not He also suggests that the student latch onto members are 'houses" for emotionally disturbed students terialistic and economic values. academically oriented. Where they might have a few faculty friends who can offer a more ma­ henomenon 0f lattemot to remain in School. led happy and. prosperous lives without ever ture viewpoint. just taken D Emphasis is placed on keeping these persons Citing that the university was begun as a coming to a university, they are instead pushed Despite apparent difficulties in achieving ehool. Many psychologists feel that sending real estate deal and promotional land venture, into an "unnatural life-style." "normality," this doctor claims that it is not im­ sturbed individual home is like returning he says it has continued to be run primarily as a How, then, can a student avoid many of the possible to adjust and succeed in both academ­ -. pito the Lions' Den. They say that by label- ON has grown c business and not an educating institution. emotional problems so common in this universi­ ics and in personal relationships. in its three semei '_* a failure and forcing him back into a He pointed out that many faculty members ty community? It just takes effort, he suggests. ias climbed from 4J1 ext semester tely 330. Bill Diffenderffer Bruce O'Boyle d be a crime to If P^nkLySpeaJCinQ . . . by Phil Frank :his fail because of! JMMON members Man's Sight donations this wed A Warning To Students tribution will be tl Christmas gift yo«: A Total Waste? m Man can see greys, and that it is more than .just an ugly Don't Sell Out Concerts tes, and blacks, and reds and part of the city, that it is an ugly lyriad of other shades in be- place where people just like he The SBG Concert Series Com­ dents in the concert once they The only proposal necessary ' en. He can perceive objects and his children have to live? mittee's proposals for returning are there are assanine and ridic­ to have concerts returned to the one-dimensional, two-dimen The ghettoes are realities, but the concerts to the soccer field ulous. soccer field is a student force of live i \ and even three-dimension- too many people fail to see them. would be quite acceptable if we Somewhat more disturbing one hundred, with say red shirts man has to do is open his Sight is being wasted on were in a state of transition from was Jeff Wollman's (SBG Com­ and black arm- and he can see things ex- man. For some reason man fascism to democracy. But, since mittee member) comment in last bands, who yasthe are seems unable to view the totality *HIIS /MEAMNBlft CASE IWA5 0APA5 WE we are not supposed to be in Friday's Hurricane," ... if we would effi­ 1T \ % y - such a transition, selling out to are to have concerts back on the ciently patrol LU" I least that's the way it of what is to be seen. Maybe man, like Shakespeare's King HmHisavpeKTWMB^ the administration for a few con­ soccer field, any proposal which lall the fences ks in theory. But although certs is disgraceful. the administration will accept ites, (who cannot* itless eye specialists have Lear will have to be blinded be­ land gates to The proposals to rope off will have to be somewhat con­ (tearfully say plot thickens, « «n that most people can see fore he will be able to under­ servative ..." stand. areas and another to keep stu­ no to the beau­ :ed elections cos t is in front of them, I find tiful children to ease over ft difficult to believe. of the local ;ing in this election, t doesn't seem reasonable lQ c o m m u n- imple one can* ^°V who supposedly iity who have because he didn't! «Perfect vision can look at a been known to nount of signature J-andonly see half of it, or are necessary for others. This O'BOYLE overdose on souttn are — what dogmatists. Many of ture classes where the student is er a spot check* e window and see an The Bubble Tax us have reached the first desir­ required by the teacher to form might be the beginning of true drugs and bring weapons and ion Therefore, most peo- able stage — we have learned to and express an opinion — even communication with one anoth­ fight and other things which con­ tmustbeim erfe '* i,™. slate n? P ct. think for ourselves. But have we when he may not really have er. veniently give us the situation 16 frfhtn f^56' how could some Should Only Be liberated our minds from the dis­ one! (Miss) Rae Ory we now have. luseth see Computer Services Librarian 53 f° *e world in one position to exercise inexorable One Victorian writer ob­ To accept other proposals 3tSin,r Nex L6able to watch a long For One Year tyranny over the thoughts of served that college students in under the guise of protecting dead,lme'n'f t lmth Chanting ^ul words others? his time felt they had to choose these children is an intellectual sides on every current issue . . . Noise Problem ragdodoese t0 * throw Whlng yrock cans and see only To the Editor: This quote is from a book by move by intellectually inclined ,1 •' 't 't that same much like choosing a sports and thickheaded individuals dent govern^ > e curses the hippie, see I have been here at UM for Edwin P. Hood entitled, The Age team. Does the intellectual life three and one half years. For and its Architects. Is Blamed On whose confining ideas are un­ °f the same things that the consist of game-playing of this democratic, and who, in essence, ction Commit * sees? two of these years I have been kind? Must we think in terms of I have noticed in all my would sit idly by and gladly ac­ ^ Student J ^t that man, so up- hearing about the "BUBBLE." winners and losers? ourt for an "f ^acter, see the corps- classes here at the university, in Residence Staff cept students imposing repres­ In the upcoming student sive acts upon themselves, all •ningthispers° Jlng back frQm ^^ elections there will be a referen­ social contacts with people of all Naturally, anyone who is ages, and in all areas of the forced to take a stand on any To the Editor: for a few concerts. >wn an "a^ *^°Ple living in ghettoes; dum to raise the Student's Activ­ •working world that everyone subject must defend it as loudly One wonders about the effec- nlerpretedthe »^jl^fcjs pouSlng the ity Fee by three dollars to build tivness of Mr. Jack Cantwell and that this per ; .^Us the hippie sees it has a strong desire to have other as he can to avoid losing face. this "BUBBLE." people share his opinions. Some­ But is it always necessary to his staff in 1968 Complex. I won­ run. It must J; ^ why can't that hippie If 12,000 students were to der if he has spent a Saturday times this takes the form of take a stand? Last week apartment area i* odious he appears when pay $3 a semester for a bubble, proselytizing — trying to con­ afternoon trying to study in 1968 s IOCKS and Head Resident John Fullerton Profsn-^n •g rocks and chantchant-­ after 10 years this amount would vert others to one's own beliefs, There is a feeling of glory in with an electric guitar going full clearly heen es?'s? Iif , come to $720,000. Now the stu­ getting in there and fighting and and overly able Asst. Robert %tthe . ^her could whatever they may be. blast on the floor above. Well, I t anyone sa "'dactl?othe. err saw, neither dents at UM should (I HOPE) winning and killing off opposi­ have and I'm fed up with the in­ Holmes presented a search war­ ct as rant to a Railey House apart­ ;ut- they do. have more intelligence than to An interesting point is that tion . . . but what does it really effectiveness of this staff. the W[ li ' look !fd'0Ur up-right man pay almost three quarters of a get anyone? It doesn't seem to I realize that the dorm is not ment at 6 a.m. The warrant, )ugh, the more inconclusive the evi­ seeking "illegal males" living in fiettir, , e newsreels of million dollars for a temporary, lead to any kind of synthesis of the best place to study on a Sat­ a 1U vi dence, the more subjective the the apartment, has caused con­ , ,n si " ^minruV*"''u emam ana limited purpose structure. feelings, and the more unsup- ideas and feelings, which would urday afternoon, but after all, «g shot in Vietnam and If the students want to tax be a fruitful goal. tempt toward these individuals, „ where death portable any one conclusion is electric guitars are not to be was - wasn't real themselves — which I am in After all, almost every idea played in the residence halls. I a contempt so strong that one ndidates elig t*yonnee 0t . . . the more rigidly are ideas wouldn't even care to ask them !foet? .8 medals. favor of — why not one dollar defended. A good way to start there is has some merit in it. called the front desk twice on b leca for a year?? With $24,000 the why a search at 6 a.m. Friday ,wouldnr !!*re|elg 7i. . n* loo»uuka aat t LlltthJe any group of people arguing Why should we cut ourselves off Saturday, Nov. 21st, and both *tiy. 10tin morning was necessary when are p**" -not § oncampus- students can launch a sophisti­ with each other is to get them to from the full range of human times I was assured that the s > ^ those ^?at P^Ple were cated fund raising campaign for noise would cease. It didn't. the only offense was friends eats. So- make statements on a subject on thought? Why must our specula­ sleeping at dawn. -he fresh l> f°*™8le Intel- They will defend it to the death. especially when such is agree­ n We have all seen this in litera­ we will no longer feel that they Tom Alexander able to students concerned, and especially when such adds more tc ns H ided j t man ," , - ow can up- to the educational process than 0 l0 0k Communication in pet*' *| see a K at the window the narrow-minded resident reg­ mfnnie°€$ ^lmlnn8ht clear world ulations ever took into account. } nd Not Based On %^r3< >nu° 5h *<* see that if These individuals' have done • nld^i'1 ^Ct KUSlng it' that it something which deeply hurt 'Ua ce **fy ?heC ^ht and clear? Old Philosophies some people, and for that they Worl dt „ vision ul will always be can not be forgiven. For doing ^^^*fui no n, . ^ways D. e thatf terhowhebe To the Editor: their job, can they be forgiven? I came across a statement re­ For one to portray himself as vernmen^a^wb£^*~»«^ hel0ri the cently which surprised me. The aid and friend and to then stab theni statement seems so applicable to with one hand and present ar­ mNarsTiwhe? n ght sky d an tha our own times, yet it was writ­ chaic reasons and documents \he g' ^J VX 'thaatt t the air is so /j rt obliterates the ten in 1852 by a Victorian in En­ with the the other hand is reason t Land tn for resentment towards these r-*%\ Sun • gland. Here is the brief quote: ltime c l0 ugnt people and all they purport to neten ^'« .heTo man sees the >f C0S V* W* c^6^ Jt as an eye-sore With all our professions of stand for. eiect^ ty. Why ^^ ^ ^ liberality . . . what tyrants we ,aiiyble* Hays; 'Tool For /,, , THE HURRICANE Tues.. Dec. 8,197* es Willy Hays, candi­ a;

date for freshman sen­ ri ator said he would like ^t to ^ to be used as "a tool teache tenure by freshmen," to rep­ ^Lt?. problem JJ\ resent them effective­ there sho By Freshman ly. standing »Ul°d \ 0< e de C Representative He said he would of * 0 like to know freshmen ::zs> p well enough so they refer arewill "Mayh, could come to him a little e rg with a problem. He sai i 8 by.f n detox* "I would also like a d oT

Gorde Wants Wilson Wants Tuition Check HERE ARE CH n,eLibrary hours: Finals in Dec. "I want to run to reipre- av Dec. 20-closed sent the students, because •5 p.m.; Thurs.-, "I will not compromise I feel they really don't Here Are „8.30: 8 a.m.-5 p.n my position and ideas to know what's happening in ,turdayJan.2,reg get political endorse­ government," Pat Wilson, ment," Jerry Gorde, candi­ sophomore senatorial can­ ADA HOLDS: didate said. date for sophomore sena­ imericans for Dem tor said. Wilson, who co-ati- •group, is holding thored the field-house bill, Miami area toni Candidates' Calling the Student Union. The pub: said he would like to print Body Government "the a monthly newsletter to I Rolkway at 28 biggest political machine all sophomore students so 1NGLERS DISCUSS I've seen," Gorde ques­ they will know what's going on. ffie UM Angling C tions whether our govern­ e fisherman J. Lee Platforms ment is capable of produc­ "There ought to be om S-237 of the St ing results. some way people can get iblic is invited. together and check into "I think there are only tuition, so when a student )UATE STUDENT Continued From Page 1 meeting for about an hour, Alan Arzt three free thinkers on the Cal Leventhal enters college he has the here will be a mee then called De Quattro back Senate now," he said, same tuition each year," hursday evening, questions where the court in and made its ruling. Wilson said. "and I hope to be a erre Building. All gets power to "legislate." Alan Arzt Hits Levanthal Likes He feels the Federation ed graduate studen By extending the election fourth." of Cuban Students and in­ Richard Reichelt, acting date, Gorde and a number of Sophomore Parking Woes Trimester Plan ternational students INTERNATIONAI Supreme Court justice, other candidates were able to Gorde, treasurer of the should become involved in nternational studer claims that the power was apply for candidacy in the Representative Alan Arzt, candidate for Gadflies and member of "I feel that the academ­ student government. derived from an article in the Ihursday and Friday elec­ illection, should an sophomore senator, is run­ the SBG Birth Control ic environment is inade­ "The international stu­ how is going to be SBG constitution giving the tions. The Election Commis­ ning because, "a lot can Committee would like to quate because it hasn't dents are here to learn Went Union and Supreme Court "original ju­ sion is going to check each be done through involve­ about America," Wilson risdiction." name on every petition, De see a birth control clinic progressed with the •basis. ment to increase the uni­ said, "and one of the 'or further details "No law was changed; to Quattro said, since they can on campus. times," Cal Leventhal can­ versity as a whole." things they should learn 1284-5794. us it was the extending of a no longer use the random didate for sophomore sen­ about is the process of law, Reichelt said, not mak­ sampling method, a method Arzt is a member of the He would also like to ator said. government." IRIED STUDENTS ing law. widely employed in national Student Orientation Ser­ change the academic cal­ elections. Wilson said the security le Married Studer "Once a case is brought to vice (SOS), treasurer of endar to have finals be­ He said for this reason the Supreme Court, we can the Co-ed Congress from system here is not effec­ py for all child! fore Christmas. his platform deals mostly act any way we like." During the court discus­ 960 Complex, Hayes tive, and students should «ty will be held o with improving the aca­ have been informed before jNplex Auditorii The case which led the sion Election Commission House Steering Committee demic problems. wil1 court to its decision involved members, who were appoint­ and Lieutenant Governor Gorde serves on the the new armed security be gifts, ent guards were hired. en attending. the appeal of a candidate ed by the SBG president, for Hayes House, and Un­ SBG concert series com­ lea Leventhal, member of ' se R.S.V.P. no were charged with neglect by dersecretary for Resident mittee, and is a member of Wilson is in favor of. who was disqualified by the Phi Eta Sigma honor soci­ e attending. There Election Commission for not two candidates for not taking Student Affairs. the Summon program. He setting up a tenants' union was the coordinator for ety said that he would like for students who want to irth Pole. having enough signatures on minutes during their meet­ to see a more accurate ings, and for allowing alter­ the 7th Day Festival for live off campus. This Nervations can be his petition for sophomore If elected, Arzt would and comprehensive Facul­ L Justice and is executive would help students know " we know th senator. nate commission members to like to look into various ty Evaluation booklet to coordinator of Peace &S0]Pteas e make vote. UM problems such as: include every teacher on what they're moving into, Strike South. he added. Jenry Gorde was disquali­ Gorde said however, "They campus. ALPHA KA fied by the Election Commis­ were doing the best under • The transportation the circumstances, because here will be a me< sion, which acted indepen­ and parking problem on He would like to see the the student government is %in room S-226_ 1 dently, Wednesday. campus formation of an academic trying to rush this election It­ agenda toda evaluation committee to through —and what did they 's and a° During the court session • An investigation of reform the departments re-take oi expect to happen."- Xiatory. the following evening, Gorde why the Hurricane Room requirements of all Good luck pleaded that some of the sig­ The Election Commission in the Union has been schools. He sees the possi­ natures were fraudulent, but held its first formal meeting °ELTATHE closed on weekends bility of a tri-mester sys­ he had no way of knowing Nov. 18 and has since then iTueisda y tem based on three cours­ , at 7:0( this. had to draw up an election "tUniioun • An attempt to re­ es of five credits each. Delta The He decided to withdraw code and set procedures for ? hono>rr 'ng all t his case, so the Supreme voting and campaigning. store UM concerts 'silentt!s "I would like to get a have made Court could go on to another The Supreme Court will % issue, that of the neglect of # Extension of "resi- general consensus of the Dean Louis meet tonight at 7:30, Reichelt ! 'is McQuit the Election Commission in said, and they will take each dent rights" students by passing out an Will] its procedures." case as it comes. If neces­ accurate questionnaire," After his withdrawal, the sary, he said, they will meet • An investigation to Leventhal said. Supreme Court closed the again before the elections. try to abolish all book­ ^AY'S R0U]N store discounts He said he in favor of combining Christmas and fth8En "Sophomores have mid-semester vacations, br rr w ,at * much to do with change at having 24-hour visitation erisa ° <* the university, they're the for male residence halls, middlemen, half way in and opening up the library 'CANE FLY and half way out," Arzt stacks to all undergradu­ rricane said. Jerry Gorde ates. it Fiye 'loom;, - *ill be , 245 m ' Entertainment Committee Her? dlscussed 9 StUde 9 Damico: 7 Want Concerts on Campus Keyser: 'Loud, Funky, Drug-Inducing Music conce: who wants to "bring hard core acid, loud, concert series we'll end up paying more for Resea to get ideas about the music they prefer in "This does not mean they sno* Hshrv' rcl security than for music," Keyser says. 0p of funky, drug-inducing rock music," to UM if concerts. , Gestapo guns, though," he added. ^ *.ff the elected to the Student Entertainment Com­ Damico also would like to see c ^ One of the questions on his poll would back on campus as a convenience es* for loc mittee. Keyser also wants students to be able to be, "Would you attend a concert if it dentsltS . 0 VOlJ bring more than one guest. "The youth cul­ weren't hard rock, and if so what?" - , rock and P. W NGDE» Keyser, who has made the Dean's List r0 l for the last four semesters, was head of the ture is based on a. different set of values Damico, a member of the ad hoc concert Damico is a drummer for ^nce W groups, and has performed in a a ^ a UM Grape Boycott Committee, and is active than that of exclusion," he says. "Our music committee to investigate getting concerts i$ ^om s-22 back on campus, feels drugs should not be He has worked on a stage crew. ^ should be shared." DAMICO dU KEYSER in Veterans for Peace and Young Democrats. used during a concert and that security road manager. He has also pr° shows. London: 'More Representative Entertainment9 Weiss: 'Qualified Because of Experience9 ^ Robin London, candidate for Student En­ "I'd like to prearrange interviews and Stu Weiss, candidate for Student Enter­ YD tertainment Committee, would like to see tape highlights of the performances to be ment brought to the university* ^ certaiJ written in the paper and aired on the radio," tainment Committee is last year's student body who would promise that ^ n more of the students at UM represented be­ government treasurer, has served on cause "everyone pays the same fees." she said. group be here is a liar, because^ ^ a 01 SAFAC, as chairman of the Calendar Com­ way to guarantee appearance •* Miss London would like to take a univer­ mittee, on the Constitutional Revision Com­ She is a member of the Students' Rights too many variables." sity-wide survey in order to round out the mittee, the Rathskeller Advisory Board, and oK Commission, WVUM newscasting staff, and concert schedule. was both freshman and sophomore represen­ Committee to improve Slaters Food. Weiss prefers not to say what W ne >• tative to USG. t^lnmont V. ...ill ..rnrlr fOf. bUl . _ .Vl|S1 " "I'd like to see more festival type con­ tertainment hen will work for, - [Q his u "I'm supporting referendum No. 2 to in­ certs because it attracts big name groups most qualified for the position ° ^Q A member of Iron Arrow and chosen for perience with SEC when he was LONDON crease the Activities Fee $3 to help pay for and gives the local, smaller name groups a WEISS chance to perform and get publicity," she "Who's Who Among American Colleges," surer. the bubble over the next several years," the Weiss says he wants to see top entertain- sophomore, 960 resident said. said. Tues., Dec. 8,1970 THE HURRICANE

ri ^t0rv,

tions tot> tenu'e or'S; f /?e/( teacher. *% Yes' May Sa^e a Friend ari

there _ He |, VAN PETTEN By ^TM Hurricane StaH *tandin> ' the clinic also runs sensitivity groups which the pa­ visions UM students will have to tients are encouraged and in some cases required to co %rifeSedo°\ of the dM onthe. student Body Govern- join. and Co; the stu iCnMemo ai H^italDrugDT ford s^Vt^i™^ ^ too," Miss Craw- that has to be filled. You just can't cure the physical > "but T 2 o is *e Jackson^M ^ g De ord d. If they really want to get high, they'll try l sai J gCL m a uie u Lr addiction and then dump them in the street and ex­ People and 0s:" r.linic. Known to most students» «a s mthee anvthinit os ver—y easv to f? t it n&n th' * ctrpM-iy yn Can 4 c 8 S ery ea§ fi Can do % ^X3-n' iitt workworkss mainlmainlyy witwith heroihen n ad nSiI fori ' ?! f I y to get it on the streetin pect them to do well." do t0to rm The rouble them ne a drug Which is used d ti? - t ^ that sometimes they'll try to Methadone, however, is not a cure, Miss Craw­ effep,X ad° wing methadone, a drug which dissolve the pill water without "cooking" it first, governmlS wdi^'vfficatiodistrl n and rehabilitation, in "cooking" it ford stressed. "It's only an aid. You can never really fyernment y detoxification to ad- and methadone won't go into solution that way. cure an addict, because even if he never uses drugs ^1o get straight. When t e shoot it into the bloodstream, it's all in h y again, he will be faced with either the thought or the Methadone itself is narcotic, it's only Particles, and can cause death " use desire every day of his life." ;ca ' ont of hard-core narcotics addicts." For this rp9cnn +u„ r • , For all these services, the patients are charged fJ^CrawUd, who handles admbiS- screening^£ XS ^kVs^cluXg" $1.50 per day. "Many of them can't afford it," Miss !dM the clinic "When you put a patient on social, medical, and drug-use histSrv and nhv ?cal ftt a Crawford said, "but it's our only source of income, simply substituting one addiction tojietennine whether or "ot the person is ?Xan &** other than the United Fund and private donations, and there aren't many of those. 0:-. e is that methadone builds a stand- fferenc "We occasionally have people come in who "We owe our life to the United Fund," she said. ^ while heroin and other narcotics build ranCe arent junkies, just to try and get the methadone," "They gave us $25,000 to set up, and have continued ^ ' tolerance," she explained. "Because of Miss Crawford said. aSing to support us ever since. They've also pledged sup­ ^ control the tolerance level. Also, one After the patient is accepted for treatment, he port for next year. Right now we're waiting for a $1.4 Cdone lasts for 24 to 36 hours, so the pa- comes in once a day, every day, and drinks his pre- million federal comprehensive drug abuse program to nrk eat, sleep, and just basically lead a scribed dose of methadone while the nurse watches. come through, but even with that money we'd need •f With heroin, you need more every few He is also encouraged to resume a normal life. The the United Fund. clinic has representatives from the Department of Vo­ The federal money is only for paying the staff, AMP is not useful for all forms of drug cational Rehabilitation and the Florida State Employ­ and we have a few other expenses, like methadone, ^Crawford explained. ment Service, and a social worker who is in touch for example." rkswith all the opiate and synthetic opi- with all available community agencies. —Photo By MELANI VAN PETTEN tW A student who helps us out could be investing in °s heroin, morphine, demoral, and codeine, Methadone Clinic's Constant Research a Medical and psychiatric care is available in the the future of the student who sits next to him in 00d for amphetamines or barbituates," out-patient clinics of Jackson Memorial Hospital, and class, and not even know it." . . . helps to cure addicts Hurricane Eye "Research or Service?"

HERE ARE CHRISTMAS LIBRARY HOURS CAG To Study t jbrary hours for Christmas Recess are as foMows; it to run to repre- Dec 20-closed; Monday-Wednesday, Dec. 21-23: 8 students, because !'spm-Thurs.-Sun., Dec. 24-27: closed; Mon.-Wed., hey really don't 8 a.m.-5 P-m.; Thurs.-Fri., Dec, 31-Jan. 1: closed; aat's happening in Jan. 2, regular hours. ient," Pat Wilson, ire senatorial can- ADA HOLDS FIRST MEETING TONIGHT Bill Baird Speaks id. Center Functions Americans for Democratic Action, a liberal political lob- . . . speaks Wed. group, is holding its first organizational meeting iri ti, who co-au­ By JOHN REILLY graduate student in econom­ which a university can make Of The Hurricane Staff to field-house bill, »i-Miami area tonight at 8 p.m. in Room S-226A of the ics; and Susan Wilson, a inroads into a new area," vould like to print Union. The public is invited. For further information "Centers at UM are a way graduate student in urban Besvinick said. "They play a AWS Holds ily newsletter to jRolkwayat 284-5511 or Fred Morinat 661-2302. in which the university can studies. very significant role in the "Centers are a way in modern university." )more students so NGLERS DISCUSS LIGHT TACKLE, WEDNESDAY continue to grow and test ill know what's new deas," Sidney Besvinick, Birth Control He UM Angling Club presents pioneer and expert light fisherman J. Lee Cuddy on Wednesday night at 6 p,m. chairman of the Commission 2 ought to be S-237 of the Student Union. Films will be shown and on Academic Goals said. Seminars iiblic is invited. ly people can get CAG will discuss "Centers: and check into Bill Baird, director and IUATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION MEETS, THURSDAY Research or Service" tomor­ so when a student founder of the New York row night at 7:30 in the ollege he has the Parent Aid Society, a non­ lerewill be a meeting of the Graduate Student Associa- Brockway Lecture Hall. ition each year," hursday evening, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 306 of profit birth control, abortion, aid. and narcotic center will srre Building. All departmental representatives and in- The various centers of UM ils the Federation uate students are urged to attend. speak in two AWS-sponsored include the Center for Ad­ lectures tomorrow at 4 and 8 i Students and in- vanced International Studies, ial students INTERNATIONALS: PREPARE FOR ART SHOW p.m. in the Flamingo Ball­ the Center for Urban Studies, room. ecome involved in taxational students. All those wishing to exhibit their the Institute of Molecular 'overnment. llection, should arrange for it before December 20, 1970. Evolution, the Center for Baird has been arrested international stu- ww is going to be held in the International Lounge of Theoretical Studies, and the several times while trying to e here to learn Indent Union and it is going to be on first come first Mailman Child Development create changes in birth con­ America," Wilson basis. Center. Capt. Lovell John Swigert trol and abortion policy. He md one of the i is now facing a three month 'or further details contact Ahmad Shamspour at 284- . . . 715 hours' .. .Apollo 13 hey should learn Besvinick said the commis­ prison term for giving a birth the process of or 284-5794. sion will look into the rela­ control device to a Boston U. ent." IRIED STUDENTS WILL HOLD KIDS' XMAS PARTY —Phots By BARB KERR tionship between the centers coed. at UM and the university's The case is now pending n said the security lie Married Student Association is sponsoring a Christ- STOP — Heir Pollution, That Is academic goals. Astronauts Lecture here is not effec- toy for all children of University of Miami students. . . . ZPG'er shows her position before the U.S. Supreme i students should My will be held on Saturday, December 12, 1970 at the Court. Specific topics to be dis­ Astronauts James Lovell -;. In addition to his astro­ An all-male panel will n informed before Complex Auditorium between the hours of 10-12 noon. cussed are: r armed security Wl|l be gifts, entertainment, and refreshments for all and John Swigert, members naut duties, Captain Lovell speak to the women's move­ en attending. ZPG Slates Raffle, of the ill-fated Apollo 13 mis­ serves as Special Consultant ments in the Flamingo Ball­ rere hired. # What are the functions i is in favor of. 1ea sion, will speak at UM at 2 t( the President's Council on room at 8 p.m. Thursday, se R.S.V.P. no later than Wednesday, Dec. 9 if you of centers at UM? p.m. today in the Internation­ Physical Fitness and Sports. p a tenants' union -attending. There will also be a surprise visitor from Dec. 10. The members will al Lounge of the Student include: Dean Emmett Lowe* ;nts who want to «th Pole. 9 To whom should the Union. They are sponsored John L. Swigert was one of Dr. David Saltzman,. Dr. Eu­ ff campus. This nervations can be made by calling 284-4505. It is nec- Plugs Birth Control centers report academically? by the UM Lecture Series. .19.'.astronauts selected, by sip students know gene Clasby, Dr. Robert tbatwe -know the number of children who will be at- NASAin 1966. He served as Allen, Arthur Swire, and Col. ;y're moving into, so # How should centers re­ Captain James A. Lovell * Please make reservations. By PAT DUARTE has spent more time in space command module pilot of Harry Muller. Of The Hurricane Staff late to academic depart­ ments? (715 hours and 5 minutes) Apollo 1:3, the most danger­ ALPHA KAPPA PSI MEETS TODAY "Something For Everyone" should be the title of. than any living man. ous U.S. space mission to e the raffle being conducted by Zero Population Growth" # How can the centers .will be a meeting of all members of Alpha Kappa A United States Navy cap­ date. w nroom S-226Dof the Student Union at 4:30 p.m. UM's population-control club. The prizes? Contracep­ help UM achieve its academ­ tain, Lovell was recruited by 2>r.SuLer,JJ.mois -•-agenda today will be elections for next semester's tives for both sexes, of course. ic goals? NASA in 1962 for the astro­ He was a co-recipient of idatn o'take of Pictures for the "Ibis." Coat and tie "I suggested this as a joke; and the more we Besvinick said the open naut program. the American Institute of m°V- Good luck to all candidates. thought about it, the more thought it'd be a novel idea," hearing on centers is very Lovell was the first man to Aeronautics and Astronau­ ZPG Vice Chairman Judy Bagatti says. important to students. journey twice to the moon tics Octave Chanute Award Optometrist DELTA THETA MU TAPS, TUESDAY For ZPG, the raffle serves the dual purpose of fund- and he was the command for 1966 for helping demon­ Riviera Theatre Building d a raising and policy-advocating. "The centers are very little module pilot of Apollo 8, strate the Rogallo Wing as a «tUnio n t 7:00 p.m. in room S-226C and D of the "Prizes" will be foams and jells for women, and known and less understood "man's maiden voyage to the feasible land-landing system f hono a Theta Mu wil1 hold its Fal1 TaPPinS Cer' by students," he said. "Cen­ moon." for returnmg space vehicles. ftn, r'ng a11 those whose outstanding scholastic condoms for men — but no pills, loops or other prod­ 1562 S.Dixie Hwy. ent ters are an area students % ave made them eligible for membership in the ucts which require a doctor. Phone: 665-8114 She reports that in less than two weeks of sales, should be familiar with." cQuitt the raffle has been quite successful. An extra 1,000 tick­ Cill w? y« Dean of the College of Arts and e he ets are being printed, and contraceptive companies are Besvinick said the centers lefreshmo ! gwst speaker. resh donating their products to be used as prizes. are the places on campus Q-EJUVSLIU ana. jLzatkzz <£>hoh. ments will foe served. where the different depart­ She doesn't expect any trouble from shocked par­ HANDCRAFTED CUSTOM DESIGNS DAY'S ROUNDTABLE FEATURES ENGLISH & ents because "we don't advocate promiscuity, but if ments of the various schools . SPANISH PROFS people are going to engage in sex, we're hoping it'll be can get together and re­ (embers of th responsible sex." search common interests. na tt t0nio English and Spanisih Departments will be Judy has checked with local pharmacies and the "Out of these discussions W at SILVER & GOLD JEWEL­ WabetWep . ^ Academic Roundtable in the Ibis Miami Police Department about the possible existence come new areas for research lli|:l§. \ en II a.m. and 1 p.m. All students are invited. of a minimum legal age for contraceptive buyers. Ap­ and new courses for stu­ RY, BELTS, SANDALS ; ^fEFLYERS MEETTOMORROW parently there is none. • dents," Besvinick said. SUEDE VEST, TOPS, Better l 1 a FIyers wil1 JTieet a ain "And if they can be sold, why can't they be raf­ BAGS, HEADBANDS, Lt Wilson °m s ?Ii; § tomorrow at 7:30 Speaking before the com­ 5 ln the fled?" she says. ETC. YOUR DESIGN OR be di" Union. Slides will be shown, and mission will be: Dr. Mose to learn kl0ers will CK SS6d for uPcoming events. Ground school However, the raffle stimulates mostly a humorous ent held on Thur Harvey, director of Advanced OURS ? ground sdays in S-245 at 7:30 p.m. reaction. "Some are buying tickets for goof. They're International Studies; Dr. 'illterestPr? schoalwi;H also begin next week. saying they're gonna put the stuff in Christmas cards now, studen Herman Meyer, professor of cert '•"format,-!; ts are invited to the meetings. For and send it to their friends," Judy says. mathematics; Dr. Eugene side of the co" recall 284-5897. The drawing will beheld 7:30 p.m. January 11 in Man, dean of Research Coor­ than DlRECT0R the dination; Ernie Brazier, a 3070 GRAND AVENUE COCONUT GROVE *Lewis WILL BE HERE, THURSDAY tickets may be bought from ZPG members for 25 , they should^6 cshopR!feai,rch Director for Food Fair will be at the cen ^ac ^. contact Judy Bagatti at learn the Americ in erested may ^•Th"Ursdau axv uZ -^luericaann MarketinMarKetingg AssociatioAssotia«un» <*•>•at ;ke to see co # 'tio!iDe«w ernoon in the Student Union. Check the 446-5006 for further information. )nvenience esic for location. hard way. UNGDEM r r >reM^ OCRATS MEET, FRIDAY • f° °fncfbe S ;dinadanc sa •a meeting of Young Democrats on Friday at FLY TO EUROPE Vote YES j^L^S.Dogn o_f£ th,, e Studen~. P t _Unio. . n •, £ fi N A TIONAL Stay £lso Sa«pr°dl 5 ^ VIA Only S19900 in RT from Nassau For The Available also: e 1970-71 Edition of "EUROPE school. t "it? YOU'RE ON iversity- b V; S?H$c^9Y71 "STUDENT ise tM e s E T becausPe therW^tf' OURUST gTe r L°oWolT TRAVEL Field House ranee -" MExfcO, CENTRAL AMERICA & SOUTH AMERICA .THE STUDENT FREE DELIVERY In North Miami WIwhatfa i e ay ' ; "feels f ' for Information and Reservations Call Dec. 10 & 11 jition due G ^ '"ECTORY IS COMING he was u» WORLD WIDE TOURS m. 816 N.E. 125th St., No. Miami, Fla. 754-2596 THE HUKKiCAftE lues., l>ec. 8,1970

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'Also available on.Tape. tA Specially Priced-2-Ftecorjd Set. lues., L»ec. 8, ly/o THE HURRICANE


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Don Ellis At Fillmore including: Hey Jude/Pussy Wiggle Sfomp The Magic Bus Afe My Doughnut Rock Odyssey/The Blues THE HURRICANE Tues., Dec. 8,1970 $1

, to d° whe

roll "bandage 3 e ac with

'ea r At Young. Another former cute role, if that s ' Springfield used to be in the He But her heavy group, Jim Messina, but he accent and Jewish pressions become The Hump has been replaced recently by after awhile. the guitar player from the old The Hump Show Lounge of the Marco Polo Resort Illinois Speed Press. you can't knock Motel presents 13 days of the {or her great voice, experience. Be­ One thing that the group Her singing, as ginning on Thursday, Dec. made clear to me, when I worth the price of ad 10, the counterpoint guitars talked with them, was that It's powerful, dynan of , formerly they don't like to be termed a perfectly clear. with , and Larry Love Will Get You country-rock band even if "Rhine" Rhinehart, blend part of their sound is in this Yves Montand as with on organ, bag, because they are just a fessorwho hypnotiz on drums, and By JIM FISHEL rock and roll band and go into quitting her cha on bass, to cre­ Hurricane Entertainment Editor where their music takes ing, also fits the part ate the "pretty, but at the them. The stand-out song of same time, very heavy" their set was the long version Well everybody, prepare yourselves for the final of "Nobodys Fool" in which sound, which their name, concert of the USG concert series this Saturday night Iron Butterfly, was meant to each of the group's members symbolize. featuring and Love. This man just hap­ took extended solos. This pens to be the leader of one of the last of the great group would be one of the Movie California bands of the great bands to have at the From their hit single, "In- university. A-Gadda-Da Vida," recorded past. Love has had such prior to the addition of Pin- big hits as "Little Red era and Rhino to the group, Book", "Andmoreagain", to their recently released The Band Have Recently Released Their Third Album, "Stage Fright" "7and 7 Is", and assorted ... they were fomterely Bob Dylans bachuphd fifth album for Atco, "Meta­ others. Arthur is present­ morphosis," the Iron Butter­ Later on that same night, I fly has moved steadily into ly going through the fourth version of Love went up to the Hump Room that special musical sphere in the Marco Polo Hotel, and toward which Doug Ingle has and their newest album been striving since the had some creative guitar I saw the Classics IV. This The 'Big Pink' Band To Play group's inception. work by the late, great group has really changed Jimi Hendrix, a good since the last time I saw Following Iron Butterly friend of Arthurs. Fea­ them, since they now play into the Hump will be Gary some very heavy selections, Puckett and the Union Gap. tured with Love will be Miami Beach Convention Hal in addition to their usual They will be the Marco Odetta, the fine folk and Polo's holiday offering begin­ blues stylists who rose to array of past hits. The group The band will be appearing this Saturday night, as the Hawks and then touted as the group wtj ning Wednesday, Dec. 23, great prominence in the still features the great Den­ December 12, at Miami Beach Convention Hall begin­ backed up Bob Dylan, they lave been together fort and running through Satur­ sixties. The show would nis Yost on vocals, and my ning at 8:30 p.m. most ten years. day, Jan. 2. undoubtedly prove to be only complaint with this pre­ a very huge success, and Arthur Lee sentation was that each set In the summer of 1968, Capitol Records released Since "Music From Big Phk" was released; Barbra VINCE MARTIN an album called "Music From Big Pink." Like a fresh hopefully will be another step in the right direction of lasted such a short time, that have moved out of the pink-ioofed house in^ new flicks r PLAYS TONIGHT getting concerts back on the soccer field. you had trouble getting into breeze blowing through the blasting decibles, shatter­ Saugerties where the songs on that legendary a Renowned folk singer, it. ing feedback and frenetic rhythms that had then so were created. They have found taeir indi^^0!! While I am on the subject of the concert series, it heavily characterized pop fare, "Music From Big Vince Martin will play to­ has just come to my attention that the university is in Woodstock, New York, and have also recorded J night in the Internationa Pink" broke through the chaos of psychedelia to in­ trying to create waves against the new head of the One of the redeeming at­ more albums. Their third, "Stage Fright" has ]u> 'OwF Lounge at 8 p.m. as part of tributes of this club are that fluence enormously, if not reroute the entire direction concert series Irwin Ellerin. I don't know what the been released. the Folk Concert Series. it has one of the best sound! of rock music. Time magazine hailed the album as "an school is trying to do to him, and why they want to Tickets for the concert are $3.50, $4-50$ systems available, conse­ event;" Life, said that the recording "dips into the MIRACLE do it, but through my many dealings with Irwin I $5.50. Get them soon! In New have found him to be very honest and competent. quently when there are prob­ well of tradition and comes up with bucketsful of lems, it lies with the group not clear, cool country soul that washes the ears with a L^NATALIOR, There is an open seat to fill on the Student Enter­ the club. This weekend the "SCROOGE" sound never heard before;" 's review 01 Th« Hurricane tainment Committee when the elections start this Hump will bring in the Iron A NEW MUSICAL week, and the one candidate that I whole-heartedly stated: "Every year since 1963 we have all singled out Butterfly for a stint. This one album to sum up what happened that year. WPLG-TV10 PresetBr? ! Ust of th V endorse is Stuart Weiss. I have known Stu for some group is recording in Miami time now and feel that his knowledge and compe­ wOMtrco this week and don't forget It was usually the Beatles with their double bar­ !!;re *e silver , TWIN*2 tence are just what we need. Vote for him and you'll that they now feature on rels of rubber souls, revolvers and peppers ... I have be represented well. -,^1 and the P lead guitar Mike Piniera of chosen my album for 1968. "Music From Big Pink" is 'Live Cream' ThursM1 /^"ainl y not Miami is still on the top of the recording industry an event and should be treated as one . . . The album ju EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT the old Blues Image. * Station. For as the top groups in this land and others still flood was recorded in approximately two weeks. There are Bruce and Ginga. ; Dal into Criteria Recording Studios in North Miami to people who will work their lives away in vain and not Once upon a time there am0rph0 was a pop group who were ^uce Lersr r!saw it f record. By the way Miami has two of England's most touch it."* Entitled '"?vjft| r the true super stars, they SUch will be telecast -hp" I ^lents a famous citizens visit here last week George Harrison called themselves Cream. day, December^, and Bar When Saturday night ar­ or »ra S and Mick Jagger. Maybe there still is hope for the al­ So famous did the album become that the musi­ Eric, Jack and Ginger as a to 9:00 on W* h rived, I had but one thing on title role ready dying Miami Music Scene. cians who created it were, for a while mistakenly three man line-up presented WPLG-TV. ^ lenr identified by the public as "Big Pink," or, in variation, their audiences with a sound "The Band from Big Pink." Robbie Robertson, Rich­ that was not only awesomely The Crea Play '* ) for the loud, but totally inspired as cf f£S< Bl 0d S ard Manuel, Levon Helm, Rick Danko and Garth Hud­ Ws t" l °in well. of their most W & fal- cre son are, in fact, merely The Band, emerging through alroads,, includin" andg 'TWJ ^ Ori the triumph of their first album to tie with The Bea­ When they unfortunately §inai"soun decided to break up, they There is also an iotej Th,Resul t tles as Group of the Year in Eye Magazine's world­ ,Ucce !s almo performed a farewell concert Ss by way of wide poll of rock stars and music critics. Once known for their British fans at the television rarny Chan1^1 is succeSSfU l ( Royal Albert Hall. The enter­ herP ny other plans to air 0 t •Ptation , prising BBC filmed this out­ such C UStr0ph standing farewell adding in a sion classics, - ^ >2gh 8n t Career Models International ^B • I Hr io0r °ver-exte few candid interviews with Rolling Stones_ - ph Often t °t0^graph£ y n Central Intelligence Headquarters time .humno r is ent tit's. BOUTIQUE FASHION MODELS & ACTRESSES §eUt 50% OFF ALL DRESS PANTS Her» °geth CMI REACHES ALL MAJOR MOVIE, TELEVISION MODELING AND ACTING Buy 1 pair jeans at regular price — Get el COMMERCIAL PRODUCERS AND FASHION MEMBERSHIP HEADQUARTERS //im ,\S, (Streisa 2nd pair half price! MIAMI BEACH'S ROCKIN' NEW erk PHOTOGRAPHERS BOTH LOCALLY AND NA­ DISCOTHEQUE ... WHERE YOU OO- AMD is l " ^d INFORMATION WEAR-YOUR-OWN-THING ... pr«»«n«» .^egal), TIONALLY! T 24 HRS. A DAY m ris fouler/° P « — FOR EACH MODEL AND ACTRESS 865-0449 * DENNIS YOST «2* |lf ^T; «er-Wt 1714 79 St. Causeway Q by H. K. CORPORATION Miami Beach THE CLASSICS]; as T.V. COMMERCIALS & BROCHURE PHOTOGRAPHY — TWO FEMALES NEEDED. NO RE­ M*Clothe s for Mind and Body *T0MMY STRAND t UPPER HAND ?. soap hooke STRICTION IN HEIGHT OR WEIGHT. PAY SCALE $254125 PER DAY. Tomorrow's Clothes Today lf 0tys the b Necesitamos dos muchachas para Comerciales. de Television y fotografias para folletos. 7098 Bonita Dr. Master.charge Miami Beach or Diplomat cards No restricciones de estatura o peso. Salario $25-$125 diarios. accepted 6(il 865-0704 t!)the y all CASUAL THMEAM f ter MM tClF-MMKINO marefl demonstration seen. Cops sometimes dress and look like brothers and parti­ ; J 0°s avaTable in any drug store. clothes with the pockets sewn up or cut out. — especially when unrolled again. cipate in demonstrations. Sometimes they act as provocateurs eye dr I °nti HAVE any known illness, carry identification N VER C RRY A A word about gas: cops and soldiers mainly use CS and urge you to do illegal and particularly reckless things. v «tratJL v ^ Pen-knife or a nail file to a demon- f IF V° For example, I am a diabetic on insulin or I w^nnn-f °an be charged with Possession of a dangerous (strong) and CN (weak) tear gas. The gas comes in cannisters, rds «r ta£v allergy- Carry a supply of medication you take. weapon if you get busted. plastic grenades, pepper fog machines, and can be sprayed Decide with your own little group what to do. enl IveP i cP medicines may be confiscated, a Movement from helicopters and cars. Watch where the wind is blowing eese i If you are sure someone is a cop, tell people. Sometimes [though *wye* i can often get them back (and-or you may Demo Uniform and move the other way whenever possible. Burning and nau­ they bust people and come right back into our ranks. Blow Jtor or f™ e the cops). Be sure you've had a tetanus tox- D sea from tear gas usually last only a short time, so you can their cover. Take their picture. Expose them. ifuiiyll «« *„ f"°nstrations are seldom peaceful. Police riot, people ,ccessf" y.;uin the past five years. Tetanus from street + soon reenter a gassed area. i sbot„!he serious, and shots provide full protection. try to take over the streets — since there is never clear cen­ When cops grab you or say "You're under arrest" in a can be serious, tral leadership when people are running in the streets, it is Diinds"S " When the police throw tearrgas canisters into the crowd demonstration it almost always means that they are under or­ ORY THE PHONE number of a lawyer or of a legal important to get a small group of friends and move with them C the gas continues to come out after it hits — throw the canis­ ders to make arrests and you won't be able to talk your way • tfice written on a piece of paper or on your arm. at an times. If you are alone you will have much more trouble ters off somewhere into the blue. Beware — certain canisters Wa out of it. In a demonstration cops don't take time just to ha­ You _1 »t^ jcfenSe deciding what to do. are designed to explode if picked up — be careful. If a cannis- rass you. In fact, they're scared and want to make their arrest lghe ° DRY THE NUMBERS of a Movement doctor or of harl tu f," L- •joSnittee for Human Rights. ter seems a dud, stay away — it may be nausea gas, against as quickly as possible and so get back to the precinct house ha On A Peaceful Picket Line u d the audien, \ which there's no protection. and safety. he VER CARRY DRUGS in a demonstration! Cops may threaten you for obstructing traffic or bloaking »*« sigT"S ,tr VOU SMOKE, bring a pack of cigarettes. If you get the sidewalks or disorderly conduct. For the crime of trespass the cops will give you a warn­ a Cops In A Demonstration udience * '% • ,MI be glad to have them for yourself, and to hand Don't be scared away. They probably won't bust you if ing that you are trespassing. REMEMBER: you don't have to M Vl ouU u b - tus Danc»S lStedy you're orderly. •?• When you're in a demonstration, never take stuff like be warned personally; an announcement to the crowd in I artist and !> spray paint, stink bombs, joints, or paper bags, from .people which you are present is sufficient. And the cop doesn't have a ^ WFVER TAKE YOUR address book to a demonstra- Self-Defense you don't know and trust. There are so many plainclothesmen to use the word trespass. He can say "Break it up" or set tip •hls weekend ! S w f you're arrested the cops will get everyone's name. An Establishment newspaper, like The New York Times, infiltrating crowds that it is very dangerous — you will feel police barricades as a warning. stover We > Clear Day' Is 'Contract' By Ardrey: Unmemorable Filled With Information Bv MARK BERMAN also carry a tune and should Of Tin Hurricane Staff be used in more musicals. By ILYA PERLINGIERI To this writer the one Hurricane Book Editor thing that makes Robert Au­ «. a Clear Day You Can The movie's hypnotic THE SOCIAL CONTRACT: A PER­ 0n SONAL INQUIRY INTO THE EVOLU­ drey's books such best sellers «- Forever" has nice music scenes into Daisy's previous TIONARY SOURCES OF ORDER AND DISORDER. By Robert Ardrey, 40S PP.. is his capacity to fill a text „d a few cute scenes, but it Victorian life, are dazzling New York: Atheneum, $10. Books a with an abundance of infor­ offers little else. but perhaps a bit over-done. Nature has its order, and mation and to make it com­ The costumes are unbeliev­ disorder threatens only when Barbra Streisand as Daisy prehensible to a non-scien­ Gamble, fits the tar-out city there is overpopulation (as After three billion years able and the photography is tist. This is still an age of sci­ broad to a tee and plays a with the lemmings) or when perhaps we have only proven great. pesticides play havoc with ence (which I am not putting cute role, if that's what you that as the next experiment reproduction (as with some we are dismal failures — just down). If you are not equipt te But her heavy Brooklyn Barbra, wearing a sleek accent and Jewish girl ex­ birds and seals off the coast as Tyrannosaurus Rex. with a Ph.D. in some esoteric gown and unusual head gear pressions become a bore of southern California). Man (There is, however, a solu­ science, it is comforting to in lavish 18th century style is no exception. tion: birth control. But if we after awhile. Badfinger Imitates Middle Beatles know that the jargon can be Robert Ardrey has written do not encourage this, the al­ looks radiant enough to suit . . . new album on Apple translated into readable You can't knock Barbra another fascinating book, ternative is DEATH BY any man's appetite. prose. for her great voice, though. this time about man's social STRESS.) contract with his fellow Her singing, as usual, is But the best part of the Beatle Influence Shines Through worth the price of admission. homo sapiens and his envi­ movie lies in the office en­ ronment. To Ardrey, the con­ It's powerful, dynamic and counters between the profes­ tract is an accommodation perfectly clear. sor and his patient. between the grown and 'Stars' Is Moving growing, and compromises Yves Montand as the pro­ Badfinger Is Good Rock Seeing "On a Clear Day' must be part of it if we are fessor who hypnotizes Daisy will leave' you happy. It has to continue to survive. He into quitting her chain smok­ By JOSHUA own album, sings on most of some funny lines and offers says a "society is a group of New Musical Drama ing, also fits the part. He can Assistant Entertainment Editor. the cuts. But not to much unequal beings organized to us a pleasing break from the Ever feel like you've heard avail, as he doesn't save it, meet common needs." We it all before, but it was so only makes himself look a bit Bv TERRY FINE heavy stuff Hollywood has Music are no different from any Hurricane Contributor been turning out. good the first time around useless. other species. There are the that you didn't mind hearing alphas (the leaders) and the You walk out of Dade-Ju- it all again. Well, that's what Mason Proffit We've probably been omegas (the followers). nior College's cultural arts Movies Badfinger is likt. Country Rock Drama spoiled by Barbra's first two Elton John has a voice not Out of the West rides a building after viewing Max­ movie attempts, "Funny Sure, they're an out and unlike Van Morrisons, rich in The author begins by dis­ out copy of what has been new heavily country and well Anderson's "Lost in the Girl" and "Hello Dolly." Both a rhythm and blues vain. western inlfuenced rock cussing Jean-Jacques Rous­ called the middle-Beatle seau's Social Contract writ­ Stars" and you are profound­ interwoven into a dynamic had good plots, award-win­ Bernie Taupins' lyrics are po­ group, Mason Proffit. So sound, but they do it so well ten two hundred years ago. Fright" ning music and excellent di­ etry on a par with Lenard jump off your horse and turn ly moved. Dade's production and beautiful drama. rection. that you don't really mind. Cohen and Keith Reid. Elton As Ardrey states it, Rous­ of this musical drama written Certainly a major force Dylans bachup W And they're even on Apple on your record player. seau's was not a contract John is backed essentially by by the same dramaturgical providing the play with its Records. keyboards, guitars and drums "but a document of surrender Chalk up one for "Clear Mason Proffit who record­ architect of "Anne of a Thou­ hauntingly lyrical quality Day" director Vincente Mi- The drumming, guitar with a little orchestral and a of the individual to the group and binding it into a total work, and particularly the ed on the Happy Tiger label ... a total surrender of dis­ sand Days" is an experience. nelli . . . Barbra did not choir sound on a few of the have come up with a sound theatrical experience is the harmonies make Badfinger numbers. order to order." "Lost in the Stars" is the Play upstage her co-star. Yves sound as if they have been that is a lively combination beautiful music, singing, and story of a black African min­ Montand probably sang as The ten songs on the al­ of contemporary rock know- dancing. At times such a taking lessons from the fab Since then, man has com­ ister, Steven Kumalo, whose much as she did and had as bum are all excellent. In­ how with country and west­ combination created an im- four. Their timing, their orig­ cluded is the recent single, mitted one blunder after an­ search for his son in Johan­ many lines. inal compositions, their total ern reality. The result is not other. Of course man's insan­ mense sense of energy "Border Song." I particularly unlike Poco. nesburg, leads to the tragic sound is simply Beatle-istic like "First Episode at Hien- ity has not been relegated discovery of his son's act of amongst the African charac­ iftdl The movie definitely runs and beautiful. just to the past two hundred ters, somewhat reminiscent into problems with its over­ ton" and the up-tempo num­ Mason Proffit are mainly murder, the murder of a Badfinger's second album, ber "The Cage." years. It stems back to his white friend of his. The ensu­ of Gershwin's musical. At production, which was accen­ NO DICE, is like their first, a influenced by John and Terry emergence as homo sapiens. other times, the music and d as the group* tuated by a lousy script, me­ Talbot, two brothers who ing events: the trial, his son's i been together te* collection of twelve happy Big Brother Ardrey feels now our latest existential confrontation singing by itself created a diocre acting and unmemora­ songs that deal with nothing Try Again with Tim Ayers, Art Nash, faux pas has been to turn to and Ron Schuetter make up with his impending execu­ variety of moods, all very ef­ ble music. more serious than love. (And The new Big Brother and science, "our sole religion, fective. the Holding Co. album, "Be the group. The Talbot broth­ our one maker of miracles." tion, Steven's own denial and But Streisand fans don't what is more serious than reacceptance of his faith, and "Lost in the Stars" is a k" was released, Barbra that?) A Brother," on the Columbia ers have written all the mate­ And so from discussing despair. Barbra will be rial on the album with the the mutual acceptance be­ magnificent work. Ron oofed house in' new flicks reviewed around for a long, long time. Included on NO DICE is label isn't really worthy of Rousseau, Ardrey delves into Thompson is a magnificent much notice. They have not exception of the standard the natural order of the ani­ tween Kumalo and Edward that legendary al their current hit single, "No country number "Stewball." Jarvis, the white man's fa­ actor. Undoubtedly we will Matter What." And the sin­ > progressed in four years and mal (and man's) world — foeir individual ho* The music comes across ther, resulting from their col­ be hearing more of him in ia>e also recorded 9- gle is fairly good example of probably never will. showing examples of what years to come. This is not to say that they well, essentially their harmon­ happens when disorder oc­ lective grief are all delicately tag; Fright" has 'Owl' Stars Streisand what the rest of the album is ies on songs like "Till The like. None of the tracks last were not once good, it's just curs. He again stresses the that this new album sounds a Sun's Gone" and "Two Hang­ importance of territorial be­ over four minutes, there are man." Instrumentally, the THE BAND IN CONCERT are $3.50, $4.50 afli no instrumental solos, what lot like their old stuff, only it havior as "an evolutionary isn't. Talbot brothers are extreme­ mechanism of defense." The % New Funny Movie they do is make a total group ly talented. Between them, effort out of everything they challenge today is one of Nick Gravenites, formerlv they play nine instruments, urban territory. The insani­ ByNATAUOR. CHEDIAK play. The result is good rock besides both singing. Hats off, as usual, to Buck with country-western and of Electric Flag and also his ties of New York or Tokyo, °' The Hurricane staff Henry for laying bare the R&B influences. Rome or London are abun­ The dant — and clear. Pres^ , last of the super sexual perversions of the Big Should you purchase this r 0ad ' f *ay Piays City with unprecedented record there is an interesting Yet, inspite of these ills, ret to appear picture of the group on the !? he silver screen is humor and good taste. Come­ Pan Am Airlines the lure of the city is there, e0 inside cover. Notice the fa­ and we volunteer to stay. . *l and the Pussycat dian Robert Klein gets off on It cial characteristics of Bad­ Within this urban disaster, ThursM a fine start in his film career Mainly not just anoth- finger in comparison to the Features Air-Rock Ardrey sees the breakdown ptation For the tradi with a very minor role. Beatles on their double white of social structure. We seem ce and Ginger. C - - L.P. Bob Dylan, the Masked commentary. Barbra and George are Marauders, Ruben and the bent upon violence and con­ pr metamorphosis, the Elton John The current program in­ flict and he distinguishes Milled 'Live g te !saw [t fit t0 en- typecast for this comedy. A Jets and th Pink Floyd are Love Songs now performing eight miles cludes Dylan's "Little Sadie" among three types of con­ 1 be telecast -h SUch great deal of the warmth is flict: aggressiveness (compe­ i , talents as George Another rainy afternoon high — on the aircraft of Pan from his Self Portrait album, Sat. December 12 8:30 PM % December ££,> entirely their own. As a mat­ tition), violence, and war. m fo"*«*r Barbra Streisand with nothing to do. So I American World Airways. "More or Less Hudsons Bay 9:00 on ^ The last one he sees as the Miami Beach Convention Hall, North roles Buck ter of fact, the film speaks found myself listening to Again" by the Masked Ma­ LG-TV. mr** - least of man's threats. The Tickets 3.50 4.50 5.50 Ca e Graduate and much better of them and Elton John, while reading They and other top names rauders, "Jelly Roll Gum " th22 )^ fofr th " battlefield is being replaced Tickets now on sale at Miami Beach Auditorium Box rhe Cream g$\ % „i e screen- their versatility, than it ever "Love Story." One was more from the current rock gener­ Drop" by Ruben and the Jets, 8 by violence in the city's Office, 1700 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Fla. -heir most ^ - U beautiful then the other. ation can be heard on one "Outside Love" by the Breth­ a Bl00d Sweat does of itself. streets. Tickets now available at Slak Shack including T° %rjt Si & There are few records that channel of Pan Am's Thea- ren, and "Come in No. 51" by H?ht n incredi In general, do not be sur­ the PINK Floyd from the ds," and fulor,vUl0ri , bly de- I would dare to compare to tre-in-the-Air as recorded by also an m ^ §mal soundtrack. prised if "The Owl and the Radio Geronimo, Europe's soundtrack of "Zabriskie :re is s is alm Erich Segal's "Love Story." t rm- !**?£!* «st a huge Pussycat" does exceedingly Elton John's first American first progressive radio sta­ Point." vision"• rarty°i°bV- ay 0f a n« Hfunn hilafi- well at the box-office. For release is. one. Entitled tion. The format is similar to Pan Am's Threatre-in-the- successful tet m vie; but aboutI ° > like the sheer sake of downright ELTON JOHN, on UNI, it is a disc jockey show, with a Air entertainment offers a ns to air o*tfj honesty, effort, and tons of host from Monaco-based choice of eight channels ca­ s l3Ustr packed full of a feehng that SAVE THE classic* Si ^ °Phobia : «$&_ sets laughter, it should. I only is as simple as love, as com­ Radio Geronimo introducing tering to musical tastes from io0r . «« °ver-extensive in- ling Stones_ wish that all these good peo­ plicated as life. the numbers and providing classical to modern. t0graph a n d, ple in the movie industry K>tiS-s w Y. The songs, all written by ' - e feel the situ would leave New York City is ei Elton John with lyrics by ***&* Wthean d its sacred Broadway well Bernie Taupin are ballads of PRECISION SOUND CENTERS enough alone. Enough is love to make love by. CONCERT enough. 251 S.E. 1 St., Miami 373-8052 iable0rpyptil!VOlves an hn- _***r» f ^gether of a 2210 N.E. 123 St., N. Miami 758-0577 m< 1 r >

so on an 11-yard option. A h adthe By DAVE GOLDSTEIN play that has continually chru same „prol y ane had r* >W pecefflt'ei Executive Sports Ed.tor hurt the Hurricanes. New- Tealwenu>;ngJSCl You could sense that the house led all rushers in the °"to vote o, Kichefski Coached Hurricanes were in for a jng game gaining 83 yards. forSSya^W^ Saturday night of footba" when Miami's offense put A little over four minutes.. The home P; word, His Last Game Houston on the scoreboard later Houston was on the early in the first quarter. scoreboard again. This time UM quarterback Kelly Co- it was a 47-yard pass from saw B Houstons ^ "°' stepped over the end tight end Earl Thomas to gain 466 Potei For The 'Canes chrane st split end Elmo Wright on a an wide in downs. Ho ; 1 lu D".."itu-an. R•)"U5ii M support* "I am grateful for Walt the ten Elmo made his 34th Hurricane Sports Editor taking over in a very difficult the end zone to throw a pas • Miami rev 7^ touchdown reception of his erse • roof01., The < Poet T.S. Eljot once wrote, situation. I think the victory What made the play so iromc the-stats 3-8. ftat^ ester r° collegiate career. This season 00 "This is the way the world over the Gator sweetened up was the fact that Kelly com­ There were H ^ °startoffb ends, not with a bang but a the season. As I've said be­ Wright caught 47 passes for pleted it for a sizable gam. 864 yards and nine TDs.' ^me seemed to"N To: I would whimper." Change the word­ fore Gator meat is sweet And when the game was f C0Urse The final tally of the quar­ ° > WhelH] t scoria'r> it reads, "This is the way a "Seriously though, Ki­ ter came on a nine-yard pass ame first downs and 138 on total from quarterback Gary Mul­ S > SD0rt,f % head coach resigns, not with chefski's contract doesn't run offense, came out on tne a shout -but with a whisper." lins to flanker Mike Parrott. c T out until May 31st. He's still short end 36-3. °hort Sonny u£ », ,„,lhcway W In a quiet and near desert­ an administrative assistant Houston made it 36 when The Hurricanes held the ke ed locker room following the and I nope that Walt remains Newhouse scored his second P° him seve^U loss to Houston, Walt at the University until he re­ lead in the first quarter after TD of the night on a nine coring into the Ray Borowicz kicked a 34- most of trip K"^IV Kichefski almost in a whis­ tires." yard run in the final quarter. halftimeXX1^ We'll start of per said, "I've coached my Asked if Kichefski's state­ yard field goal. Then the loQkeci like it ^ r anf Cougars broke loose in the Senior quarterback David a s students be s last football game as a head ment will pressure him into Teal played his last game as tVget hack on coach or as an assistant." second period scoring 28 convention 0f 1^ making a decision on the ath­ a Hurricane Saturday. Teal A he While it is true that Ki- letic director Stanford said, points while holding the UM gnew. fan ch/ ; W* Krasnow 1 played the second half and A chefski's one season at the "No I don't think so. I do offense to 21 yards and no crowd indeed ^t there is no f helm of the team was not hope we have a decision be­ first downs. > vobQ tfand s was all that Elma would say. trophy. He deserved it. In just two years, PW» broken the NCAA total offense record. Every pairs oP jeans completes a pass or runs for yardage, he sei record. ,, at this store The past two years have had winners w^ deserving. Last year it was Oklahoma's Steve: sh

Offic a OVEN HEATED DELIVERY SERVICE ddirj0, Delivery Charge - 50c and up (According to Order and Area) Tues., Dec. 8,197"0 THE HURRICANE 13 3 Rubble' s Despite Krasnow ^ ame» rpmber 11 and 12 the students will get a pec Do you, as students, enjoy being graduated at the 0^- vvote on a referendum to up their student ,ance t°, '; three dollars towards a "bubble" field- Miami Jai-alai? Do you enjoy having your concerts in 0. fee ^^k%m%m%m%m%m%mm%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m%m jeopardy because teeny hoppers can crash the gates words are in order in this, a very impor- of the soccer field? T ast year USG President Jim. Yasser at- Do you enjoy hauling yourselves to Dinner Key issLie- ^ the bau roUingon the "bubble" field­ B t0 Auditorium to see the basketball team in action? I Houston',466 'P°ySc5 ed & know I don't, and even the ball players themselves ls A ncl>? se unacquainted with the "bubble," it is a don't enjoy driving to the auditorium. " Houston 2 J F 4 oported by an air supported Dacron Po- If you answered no to the previous questions, ^jlding sU pP cost of the structure is estimated at nirev f The has gone further along." Krasnow'forgot to say that then it is high time that you, the students of this uni­ erserjt>^ ter roor. tats3-8.etltha' reS the Air-Tech people who put up this structure had not versity, consider shelling out some bread for a facility 0,0 tart off before giving an endorsement on this developed an air conditioning system last year and the To s that will alleviate many of the problems that this erewe T would like to level a verbal blast at Stu- idea was quickly crushed. I would like to congratulate retim» ctu school has. gtru ^f' Government President Mark Krasnow. Yasser for at least getting the ball rolling on this Once this bill is passed, the structure could con­ 3 y le^ ° w has made promise after promise that he project. I wonder if Krasnow would have thought of ceivably be built by next September. That is not a t scoring. M K unable to fulfill regarding this structure. it. promise but rather an optimistic hope. rt Soi h^Teway he has taken time to do a little back Broken promise number two. "The structure will If this bill is killed, then the "bubble" fieldhouse % Hi*V ng him sever ? S° which all politicians are noted for. Why cost no more than $250,000. And that includes park­ will be put back in the file of nice dreams. If the bill is n§ int o the 1> ,/fcrk be any different? . . ; ; ^ ing," said Krasnow in July. The Air-Tech people are passed, then at least there will still be some hope of */ 1 start off with promise number one. "Won't now saying $900,000. A bit more than Krasnow's fig­ having a place where the students can gather for their lme ^ 0 Ln-> Hents be surprised to see a fieldhouse when ure and a bit more realistic. activities. ike Pe t back on campus, in September?" This was There's little more to say about this matter ex­ ^; it c* 4 ¥T% I could go on but it would be senseless. I believe the Krasnow following his election to SBG. Obvi- the student by now sees politics for what it is. Now, cept I urge you to vote yes on the December 11-12 ention r*club , —Photo By JOHN "BUBBLE" ; ^lere is no fieldhouse. w fan 0 before this column is ended, I would like to give my election. Remember the rain on the soccer field dur­ d indeed. H R k stabbing number one. "Oh, it's true that endorsement for this badly needed fieldhouse despite ing past concerts? This could easily end with a field- Captain Willie Allen (33) Scores /Ysser) started this thing but our administration Krasnow. house. ... wouldn't this look better on UM campus? UM Cagers Defeat Lehigh mors In Opening Win, 74-67

By ED LANG close contest until Kevin in the second half. It took Hurricane Sports Editor O'Riordan hit a foul shot and him awhile to get going. Of course you must realize that $lyi% It is said that a visiting Lionel Harris hit a jump shot O'Riordan and Klein had basketball team in Philadel­ Itask<»ll)all to give Miami a 54-51 lead. been out of organized ball for ill be the next phia's Palestra fieldhouse a year and that an effect on iting. Lehigh attempted to put a them." stands two chances of win­ press on Miami with 2:22 left ridiculous rumi ning, slim and none. Despite in the game but the hot On hand to cheer the team the odds, head basketball hands of Rich Klein, Lionel Miami shot a miserable 34% were 2,151 fans including the American who is J coach Ron Godfrey takes his Harris and Bob Spagnolo put football team, swimming while Lehigh hit only 32%. the NFL. It is an J team up north to play La- the game out of Lehigh's team, athletic director Walt Miami held a slim 42-39% in grasp. hat Dooley WOn>tJ Salle College. Kichefski and a rare quest free throw percentage. — Dr. enry King Stanford. This will be the start of a Klein finished the game as >t be a drawing the leading scorer with 19 Miami has not the best of r people living in i long road series beginning Kevin O'Riordan, who fortunes against it's next op­ played his first game in a points. O'Riordan was the tomorrow. After LaSalle the game's high rebounder with ponent LaSalle. In 12 meet­ team travels to Dayton, Ohio, UM uniform, tallied seven ings Miami has taken only learly 52,000 points in the first half while 16. Lehigh's leading scorer to face University of Dayton. was Hank Wisniewski with four of those including last lis Bears into ... Rich Klein and Lionel Harris 16 points. year's 103-96 win. ss Miami Dolphins."'! each had six. O'Riordan was That will take place on the Godfrey seemed pleased All games home and away fans came to see redshirted last season after sley-coached team 11th. A week later on the with the season debut. "The will be broadcast live over 18th the Miami cagers move transferring from Wichita kids went out there and radio WKAT (136;). Sonny to the ridiculous. on to Lincoln, Nebraska, State University. didn't lose thier cool," he Hirsch will handle the play ach of the Clevelal where they'll participate in said. "They got the points by play and David Blount ill not be back if the Husker Classic. After the Klein transferred from when they needed them. will do the color work. Of land fans (and te long trek the 'Canes finally Long Island University and course all results will be "Collier" rumors, come home to face Fordftam he too sat out last season. ^'Willie (Allen) got off to a aired over WVUM (90.5 on December 22. Harris was the leader of the slow start but he came back FM.) names to the 1 freshman squad last year as :cember 4), you For at least a couple of he averaged 28.0 points per ead coaching job. ______W' —Photo By 40HN BOBEL days though the cage tea.m game. can soak up some sun and ie basketball seasa Miami's 6'3" Forward Richie Klein Drives For Goal Miami seemed stymied by ... former Dade South star led Hurricane scoring with 19 points some memories of the 74-67 Lehigh's zone defense. Added be made about f victory over Lehigh Universi­ to the 'Canes problems was ty, Friday night. that center Willie Allen ran as an All-Ameri* into early foul trouble, He ble. Willie went op 'Canes Face Dade North The win was a pleasant was taken out midway in the : to play in the foj surprise for Godfrey. It first half after collecting marks the first time in his three fouls. four year coaching career dn't buy a ret that the team has taken their Godfrey attempted to ore, you've got first game ofthe season. Said bring Lehigh out of the zone t do that either. Season To Open a delighted Godfrey after the defense by putting in outside mded, Miamim^^^^^^^^^^^ game to waiting reporters, shooting ace Bob Spagnolo. He then moved on to "Anyone have a cigar?" He "Spag" however, was as cold first half,the Jj Swimming coach Wil- the largest fielded at the style events. Tozer, from obviously showed signs of as the rest of the team in the Johannesburg, South Af­ Miami Springs High field and 42 per «|iam Diaz openg hig firgt UM. It is also one of the former Boston Celtic coach first half. fson at the helm of the most talented. Leading rica, is South Africa's School where his boys' Red Auerbach. Miami came out and uuimce bac>"».k» t•o- _\F-• tea'-cam jFriday? rid . The the field are John Spire number one swimmer and girls' teams each looked a bit more impressive bounds. Also in Jwimmers face MiamiMiami- - and Tyrone Tozer. and ranks 25th in the The team however showed in the second half. It was a won three state titles as signs of first game jitters. Le­ started hitting J jDade Junior College Spire, from Miami, U.S. Well as numerous lesser This year's co-captains high, who earlier in the week by 6'3" for^J forth campus at 7:30-at was Dade County's finest championships. Five had been trampled by the ca­ ended the ni ^Mpool. swimmer in 1970 and are Tony Baker and Lee dets of Army 72-47 held a 32- Jhe team features 19 1969. Spire specializes in Hunter. Hunter, a return­ times he was named 29 half time lead. dimmers and is one of the backstroke and free- ee from last year, was "Coach of the Year" for , it's about 1 the 'team's premiere swimming in Dade Coun­ Both teams were colder man Trophy Jj swimmer in 1969. Hunt­ ty. than a blizzard in the Arctic. ;Ceived this ti er's specialty is the Catch a Yellowbird. aperiority.butaot' breaststroke. He's a local product from Miami Pal­ PAPPY Sez - 3ban are just ^ metto High School. Bak­ Fly home for the holidays ildn't have wo"» er, also a breaststroker, THE NAME OF THE GAME IS: city department hails from Larchmont, "GET ACQUAINTED!" New York. at special low prices*. nk Other swimmers back • How To Make A Hit With The o years, Pl« i; Opposite Sex!! ecord. Every >""e from last season are rdage, he sets Greg Jordt, who won nu­ merous 200-yard butter­ From Miami to: (one way) fly events and Salvador ioma's Steve Villanova, a fairly con­ x* Baltimore/Washington $51 bulousO.J-5' sistent winner in the 200- Philadelphia.... $56 yard individual medley Dame New York $59 Notre and the 500-yard free­ style. Hartford/Springfield $63 nan who s ,;. Diaz has had a long Boston ....$60 best P«bliCU " and successful career as a high school swimming Montreal... $76 coach in Miami. He Los Angeles $110 began his coaching ca­ (All prices include 8% Federal trans, tax) reer at Miami Jackson High School in 1953. His teams took four succes­ BMNGYOUri dimmers Dive Into Season sive state titles from *If you're under 22 years of age you can fly at the above re­ . as Dade North meets Miami Friday 1960-1963. TO PAPPY" !! FREE !! FREE !! FREE !! FREE !! duced prices, (25% less than regular fares), any day except ALL GIRL'S DRINKS ON PAPPY'S Friday and Sunday from 1 P.M. through 12 midnight. Just stop in at the University airlines ticket office with proof of THIS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY « THURSDAY age, pick up your Northeast ID card for $3 and make your 4-DAY SPECIAL! FROM 8 TILL 9 P.M. DEC. 8 - DEC. 10 $13.50 PER DAY, reservations. Or you can call Northeast direct at 379-4361. UNLIMITED K^%<§ MILEAGE Daily & Weekly Rates VkF£K j SAVE 50' Available^ *rt* ,— **___ iBring This Cou|po n Northeast Airlines 944-5021 or 945-7431 Wh* ^j& Save 50c on Leisure Time Rentals •Every Med. or Large s 311 Sunny Isles Blvd. rs*"aH (2 blocks West of Collins Ave. •Pizza r on 163rd St^ iPhone 665-5464 ill 18 S.DIXIE HWY. !0./ J 0«i

TOP 1 do" 0 Allen House Takes Handball Title MO** 8 _ upi-s dis* Tennis single elimination TRACK By TONY MUSTO Basketball is quickly draw­ teams will play at Dinner W^ewflai Van Buren, both with 3-2 tournament is in the final TAPE i's And PAT DONNINGER ing to a close. The playoff records, will fight it out for Key Auditorium, January 1, S •M^ law on matches with three remain­ tion Hurricane Sports Writer meeting will probably be held third place in this league 1971. $ •&<* on Wednesday morning at ing contenders. They are After defeating Railey Extramural basketball has House in the MRHA finals, 10:00 a.m. The top two teams The Seventy league has Cissy Budke of the Apart­ 2.88 its practices Monday and from each of the four leagues ments, Suzanne Gray of Allen House went on to nail not yet been decided. Har" Wednesday at 1:30 on the in­ will make the playoffs. Pierce, and Ellen Fitch of STEREO down the all-campus hand­ ding House, 3-0, is on top, Kargen of CWS, Donna Bat­ tramural courts near 960 and S"ACK ball championship by upend­ but Lee and Railey, both 4-1, chellor of. the Apartments, Tuesday at 4:00 at the 730 960. Also, those girls wishing 6024 S.Dixie 666-1612 ing Sigma Chi in all three In the Fifty league, Jack­ are close behind. Cleveland, Lynn Baker from 960,. and courts. Anyone wishing to to participate on a worn* matches. Allen's Jack Savelo son and Jefferson are tied for try out for the team should meet to- 3-2, is not yet out of the pic­ Sue Dourney also of 960. tennis team should downed Dave Allen of Sigma first with 5-1 records moving attend any practice session. at the into the last day of play. ture either. morrow at 4:00 p.m Chi, 21-15, 21-5, in the num­ In Wednesday night's bas­ ber one singles match. Jackson lost their first game Women's Intramural golf varsity tennis courts to Allen, but since has won Foster House's undefeated ketball league, Lee House 4-0 record paced the Eighty beat Buchanan. Delta Zeta will begin second semester. In number two singles, Jeff five straight. Originally, golf was sched­ Page downed Scott Mazo, 21- league. Barker and Monroe,., and: The Black Kittens won both 3-1, and Washington, 3r on forfeit. uled earlier, but facilities 11, 21-11. To complete the Jefferson won their first were not available. Tenta­ sweep, Allen's doubles team four and then lost to Jack­ 2 are eying the remaining ; Something new this year tively planned is intramural By son. Allen and Buchanan are playoff berth. " Assistant I of Ken Premo and Charlie will be added to the women's golf at the Biitmore for $1:80 tied for third with 4-2 rec­ Myers bombed Sigma Chi's intramural basketball cham­ a round starting second se­ ords. toes*1 Ray Boshold and John Clark, pionship playoff. The top two Save s apple pie The current leaders of mester. 21-2,21-5. ^modern Ame­ The Sixty league title ap­ women's intramural activity kbe points has the Apartments: fhey came tc Boxing weighins were held pears to be going to Garfield SOUTH MIAMI LETTER KaS have as ahead as a result of their vic­ on Thursday and Friday, House, 5-0. The number two they college stude tories in Volleyball and SERVICE, INC. f with the first bouts on Mon­ spot will probably belong to nitie*>ts S w^ par day. The bouts will continue Belaunde, who is 4-1, with Bowling. The standings are Edw. Longo, (Former U/M Student) Pres. e,rV 1548 S. Dixie 665-1124 Basketball 1* ri Taft I Tuesday, Wednesday and, only an opening game loss to as follows: possibly, Thursday. Garfield . . . Hoover and W' onsorei 1. The Apartments 450 KWIK PRINT, INC. hag sp 2. Pierce 360 95 Andalusia, C.G. 446-4402 ^ not here- 3. Buchanan 330 •A "Were here 4. CWS 285 $ 44 Build a Students." 5. Black Kittens 285 100 Copies 2 Swigert and 6. »60 VIII 270 1 (Any Form, Camera Ready) Bot-'n1,pge students 7. Gamma Sigma 270 f beginning the 8. Cleveland 260 •fgil that the i. 9. Lee 230 WE DO FRATERNITY & SORORITY YEARBOOKS, the campuses w. 10. Tyler 225 SPECIAL ORDERS, INVITATIONS, BULLETINS, i were concert 11. Wilson 180 XEROX COPIES, LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, BUSI­ Fieldhouse ll a democracy 12. McKinley 165 NESS CARDS & MAILINGS ^longer if we can' latitudes of We Print Today What You Wanted Yesterday And Athletes of the month nom­ We Have lt Ready Tomorrow Etonautsdep inees for November are Merri ^Lovell addec "'ur constitutional

Things Are Really Swinging . . . as IM boxing tournament continues overnai * ANNOUNCEMENTS DISCOTHEQUE CLUB LOST AND FOUND PERSONALS SERVICES UNREAL

mmnmM Draft counseling medio-legal-psych. "The Inner Circle" Every Friday Please find Willy Hays a seat as Pete & Bill — Congratulations on We trade 8-track stereo tapes ond Congratulations Ronee (or tommit WORTH 25'OFF 24 hours. 446-6583 Grove night 8:00 till 2:00 a.m. Girls 18 Freshmon Representative. your engagement! It couldn't have paperback books — 2 for 1. Book your driving test ond good I and up, Guys 21-35vTwo "Fantas­ happened to finer people. Best of 'n Tapeworm, 2428 Ponce De Leon. your new Vega. Barry. Regular Met On Any Of Our GIANT SANDWICHES tic" bands. Free membership with. ^^ Girls — How would you like to get luck for a happy future!! Luv, Leslie, this ad and i.d. Hotline 665-6700. •• Lost: A good sophomore Represen­ "UNREAL" "Katmandu" isi0-( Selecl UP TO 5 SANDWICHES PER COUPON - Mix To Your Choice F** involved in the UM sports scene? Gail & Suzy. For the "NOW" approach to Life tative. O-O "UNREAL" Katmanduisri^UELANI VAN PE1 Giant-Burgtrs/Roast Bccf/Stcak/Fith/Ham'n Chatst .Jf The varsity swim team needs 20 girl Insurance designed for you.no mat- Found: Pat Wilson, a greet Of The Hurricane Star volunteers to act os timers and FOR RENT How do Sexy, Intellectual, Success­ .ter where your head's at. Call Sophomore Representative. smbership of the \ fudges at their home meets. Interest-. ful Men feel about Women's Lib? 284-5950 evenings. BURGER. CASTLE MEN on WOMEN!!Ithoppw^Bittee for the S Find out Thursday at 8 p.m., Fla­ 6855 S.W. 57 Ave.. (Red Rd.) ed girls can come fay the pool office . House to share, garage-workshop, 17500 S, Dixie Highway Pat Wilson, running for Soph­ Thursday at 8 p.m. tn the Flamin Government's rep Across from Holsum Bakery North Bound, Perrino dny time before December 11 and near Miracle Mile. Foreign Students MISCELLANEOUS mingo Ballroom. omore Representative, will Ballroom. rsity governance South Miami see Coach Diaz or call ext. 3622 welcome 448-9697. work for everybody. i at the SBC ; Kan you Karry "Katmundu?" KAN YOU KARRY KATMANDU? 8865 S. DIXIE HIGHWAY 2350 DOUGLAS ROAD For your insurance needs.. . . ALL beting Monday. Opp, Sears, Coral Gables One Sophomore Representa­ (They're really pretty heavy). (They're really pretty heavy) Near Kendall Drive ADVENTURE-PROFIT? Club filming e committee will c tive — Pat Wilson. STATE INSURANCE CO. Corner S. Do yourself a "Real" service, don't Christmas sailing yacht cruise. Dixie & Sunset Dr. 666-2141. »n Delans, Dave OFFER EXPIRES DEC. 15 Personally speaking, Pat Wilson, miss "Katmandu!" Coming soon. Helen 443-1032. Passarello, Glen 1 will make the best Sophomore WANTED FOR SALE ABORTION REFERRAt SERVICE. 'teve Chaykin. Representative. Willy Hays is willing to serve the (ARS) Safe, Legal (NY), ond Inex­ I tried to get the Sensitivity-Eneounter-lndividual T- Freshman Class. These 4 Locations Only ADIDAS sneakers, all sizes and pensive. Please call 24 hrs. 1- THE UNIVERSITY Of HIAtt sentative group pt groups forming — facilators need­ If Robin London is elected to the L j models available. Call 284-2593. 215-545-3157 Mr. Lewis. All inqui­ SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DIVW this," SBG Pre ed too. 446-6583 for screening in­ Student Entertainment Committee Krasnow told th< ries confidential. TUTORING OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH terview. . — she'll do it for everyone on the. [The written pre 48 inch black light; brand new,' OFFERS OM Jewelry and leather Shop, patio and soccer field. So, vote. as got to be goo complete. $9.50. Call x. 4550. A unique opportunity to portion ; Dr.'s Low, Allen, Clasby and 'handcrafted custom designs. Silver Accounting Tutoring by UM gradu­ in an important developmenloln* at the rate this tl ond gold jewelry, belts, sondals, Sdlzman on WOMEN. Thursday at LOVE YOU! KATMANDU .., ate — all courses. Call Craig dication program in reseord 'the people wh SPALDING GOLF CLUBS '69 suede vest, tops, bags, headbands, 8 p.m, Flamingo Ballroom. 444-6106-. onti-onxiety ond anti-dip** MODEL PRO SET, 3 WOODS 2-9- , etc' Your design or ours. 3070 re drugs. by the time it IRONS, BULLSEYE PUTTER, SUN­ Grand Avenue, Coconut Grove. SERVICES Specialists on Campus — Sci­ Applicants, both mole ondk* dl pi and me — Shepard M. Faber.. money for any organization. n 1970 Pat Wilson, excellent condi'- . , w0 ' " fi S.B.G. needs Pat Wilson as their Term papers, edited — spell­ Date Sell national brand candy tion, running for Sophomore- Rep­ next Sophomore Representa­ Romeo — My love for you is inevi- ing corrected. Accurate, rea- Need comt (>«' resentative^ table — Juliet. - 40% profit. Jack Friedlander tion. Contact San^ Money cannot be returned if ad is cancelled. tive. sonable — IBM Selectric Us. es' 446-2382: 1 446-2382. after 6:00 p-"