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Ursinus Weekly Newspaper Newspapers

10-20-1972 The rsinU us Weekly, October 20, 1972 Charles Chambers Ursinus College

Gary Griffith Ursinus College

Geoffrey Higgins Ursinus College

John T. Fidler Ursinus College

Richard Whaley Ursinus College

See next page for additional authors

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Recommended Citation Chambers, Charles; Griffith,a G ry; Higgins, Geoffrey; Fidler, John T.; Whaley, Richard; Frye, Nancy; Vietri, Robert; Hart, Richard; Connell, Ruthann; McAviney, Don; Blind, Rodger; and Borish, Mark M., "The rU sinus Weekly, October 20, 1972" (1972). Ursinus Weekly Newspaper. 88. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/88

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus Weekly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Charles Chambers, Gary Griffith, offGe rey Higgins, John T. Fidler, Richard Whaley, Nancy Frye, Robert Vietri, Richard Hart, Ruthann Connell, Don McAviney, Rodger Blind, and Mark M. Borish

This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/88

PAGE TWO THE URS/NUS WEEKLY FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 20, 1972 s. F. A. R. C. Committee You Gets Three New Faces To this day, those of us with parents who went here have never figured out where those parents went to classes On Tuesday, October 10, 1972 when they attended Ursinus College more than twenty years elections for three student open­ ings on the Student-FacultY-Ad­ ago, because mosl of the school has been built since they ministration Relations Committee graduated. This particular writer first glimpsed Ursinus were held in the Parents Lounge from a low vantage point in the back seat of a car in about after lunch. Cindy ;\Iartin, Dave nineteen-fifty-seven when he saw rock being dumped into Friedenberg, and Carol Clark were what was either a cow pasture or a hockey field in prepara­ elected out of the seven candidates running. In addition, Linda :\Iills tion for a new women's dorm. The construction here has was re-appointed by the tJ GA continued fast and furiously ever since and the change in President. the campus has been staggering. Stauffer, Paisley, and The purpose of SF A RC is to Beardwood Halls, the Wismer complex, heating plant, Wilkin­ promote better understanding a­ son Hall, the New Men's Dorm, the bookstore, the Life Sci­ mong the students, faculty and ad­ ence building, the Administration building, the Myrin Li­ ministration. The committee is brary have been built in only thirteen years. Throughout made up of three students nomin­ all these years the 'temporary' and later 'new' army surplus ated by petition and selected at large, one student nominated by gym built in the War era remained. Remained until June of the SGA President, three faculty this year, however, when it was demolished upon the comple­ members elected by the faculty in tion of the D. L. Helfferich Gymnasium, the Elliott Pool, and the spring, two. members of the the surrounding sports areas, a complex costing almost five administration selected by the Pres­ ident of the College, and a member millions of dollars and· ranking with the best colleges, any of the Board of Directors of Ur­ size, on the East coast. And still more is being built. The sinus College appointed yearly. Alumni Memorial Library is currently being transformed in­ The committee meets four times a New semester and can be convened at FAR member Dave Friedenber~ and indy Martin ( arol to a Student Union and Bomberger Hall-Chapel is being re­ lark not pictured). conditioned. By graduation day nineteen-seventy-three the a ny time upon the request of three members. It is the only all-school entire campus will have been constructed or re-constructed in tee. dred-thirty were able to cast bal­ representative committee surviving lot in the half-hour election on less than fifteen years. after the seeming demise of its One-hundred-twenty-six students October 10, according to the Elec­ Difficult to Grasp sibling, the Student Life Commit- out of approximately eleven-hun- tion Committee chairman. This phenomenal growth is at the same time both easy and difficult to grasp. As soon as one becomes accustomed 71;1" • to using a new building, remembering how things were be- l".lYjrln fore the building arrived is difficult. Much as we hate to ad­ Library Opens mit the fact, most of us could not now place where as would­ be Freshmen we were interviewed by the Admissions office; for we have adjusted to all the new buildings effortle sly and New Listening forgotten the past. Yet, when we vi ualize rsinu we still Room think more of the college as it was, of Ursinus as a small After eleven long months, the Spangler Listening Room on the I items are then to be taken up lair school with a not terribly well developed campus, and not as listening room in ;\Iyrin Library second floor. Anyone wishing to 1.0 the lis nin~ room. opened the beginning of this se­ it is now-a college with facilities matching or bettering any use the listening room should con- The material recorded on the mester. The new facility, which is suit the listening room catalog 10- ca~settes at this time ili predom­ school of its size in the country. When members of the Class based entirely upon the cassette cated beside the main catalog and inantly music and literature. The of 1973 first came to see rsinus, their tours were rather format, was provided through the come to the circulation desk with library is actively purcha ing re­ short; now the prospective Freshman are being run ragged. generosity of family and friends of his LD. card. pon presenting his cordings of items uggested on sev­ The imagination, it seems in this ca e, will take some time to the late ~1rs. 1\1ary Mendelson, as card, which will be held until all eral basic mu:ic collection lists and assistant librarian at rsinus. catch up with reality. equipment is returned, the p rson is tryin,lt to increase the library'~ Four stereo cassette players, will receIve a pair of headphones, holding' of curriculum relaled ~a- But Remember each of which can accommodate the ca settes he request, and e.'- terial., While the ('olll,ction i But buildings alone do not make a college; it is as the two people, are located in the plana tory printed material. The_e quite small and unbalanced at this word indicates, a group of people. One thing at rsinus time, e\'entu:llly :111 fields will b which s ems not to have changed is th academic reputation repre_ nted. of its students and graduat which, a hown by the lead )Iuch of what the library wi he story of this issue, seem to remain fairly high. to acquir - for it collection i eilh­ Coming Events er una,,:dlabl· on comnwrcially Anoth l' unchanging aspect of the chool is the dedica­ produced c/\ elu, or i badlv re­ tion of it. Board of Director, Admini:tration, Faculty, and Entertainment: places to go, things to see corded. For that n-:! on, ,Ith'ou h Alumni. By JOE VAN WYK AND STAFF onll' commercial C/l (' I' .ITt. bl'­ nd so upon h occasion of thi Founder' ay-Dedi- inK purcha, ecl, the majority of the cation-Hom coming Day, The Weekly speaking for all r- On Campus: l'a ttl in the colll'clion lire being taped from phonograph r cord. inus stud n s would like tho conc rned, and they all know a urday, Oclober 21, Homecominjr, Dedication, Founders' Day Record IIrc c pynghtl cI mllt'ri I, who th y ar, 0 know that w appr cia e th ir effort. ; and unday, October 22, Final Day of Rejritration for he Cia of 197·1 lind incc copyright la\\ v n if amos poin s in the past they m to hav heard Open hess Tournament card"d milt rllIl IITt' lit bl' mol' complaining than appr ciation (and no doubt will con- In Town: and , h tinue to in lh futur ), 0 r aliz tha at lea t once \\' stopped The )Jaln Point to say thank you. Thank you. Oct. 19-22, Loudon Wainwright Oel. 2·'·25, andy Denny AC:1dem~' of .Iusic THE URSINUS WEEKLY at leven, J ov, 5 Richie Haven, ,'o\', 26 Publish d ('a'h week during the cad mic ye r by h 5 udenl . pec rum of 'r inu olleg, olleg '\'ille, Pa. 19126. T n Y nrs f r, r.huck B -rry, • OV. 24 e\"n y- econd ye r of publication. ,rand Funk Railrond, • ·ov. 26 The Ch rry Hill EDITOR-IN-CHTEF p.m. Chllck Chamber. NEWS EDITOR FEATURE EDITOR Geoffrey Riggin, J ame, Cochran MEN'S SPORTS EDITOR WOMEN'S SPORTS EDITOR Bob ri tr; Ruthann 'on nell CHlEF OF PHOTOGRAPHY John Rou

W\ T OBBLER' TR TYPI T ...... ot Open Your RTl.l " hy BOllliljll ' 'he king ccount at BUSINESS MANAGER I...LE F.' II.I.F., P Scott . Rhoad . TEl R J

Pr lid nk F R

II ~e II U) Dol 1.111 PAGE THREE FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 20, 1972 THE URSINU WEEKLY __ IDLER ON THE WAX Churches Near Collegeville Area Welcome Ursinus Students By RICHARD WHALEY Fain;ew Village. is the Grace Bap- at :30 and 11:00. On the First ti t Church. It is a !'\ew "'ork undav of every month there is a By JOHN FIDLER one not an alumnus of Savoy For those students who would A sociated \\;th the General Asso- Prai e· and Heaiing ervice at 7:30 The summer of '72, the greatest Brown, helps out with the song like to remain active in their faiths ciation of Regular Baptist Church- P.~r. Also there is Church chool summer of my life (or so I was writing and plays some hot 'n' nas- during their stay at college, The es. Thev are Calvinistic in doc- for Adults from 9:45 to 10:45 on told on WFIL while driving the ty lead and slide riffs. The other Weekly ha made an attempt to trine. adhering to the Philadelphia unday. ~Iore than 20 Ursinus car) brought some great releases two players, Tony Stevens (bass) make necessary information avail­ Baptist Confes ion of 16 9. students attend this church. in the world of pop music. The and , (drums) complete able. Earlier this month, letters The pa. tor is Rev. Thomas I There is also home-based Bible Stones' best effort yet, "Exile on the total sound that was Savoy and information sheets were mailed ,·oyes. The church ervice is at studies and teachings available in Main Street" was an instant suc- Brown's and is Foghat's. to the churches who are in the 'r- 11 A.~1. and there is a midweek different homes on weekda~'s; for cess, as w;s their unprecedented . . inus ollef,!:e Handbook: Auf,!:u tus service at 7:30 on Wednesday. information call Pastor Charles t d R d St d The material on the album IS a Lutheran Church Trappe· Evans- o.urh' an th 0 ehw~r "came uP near perfect mixture of old stan- burg :\1ethodist Church Ev~nsbur"'. Cheng, at 4 9-33 7. Wit ano er smas In ever A d d d· • , .. , Graterford Bible Fellow hip hurch " B t thO I ar s an new material, and each First Church of Christ Scientist D u II M omen t. u IS was a so ·d f h . . ' The Graterford Bible Fellowship t. Eleanor hurch Sl e 0 t e album contains a POSSI- Phoenixville· Friends :\1eetinf,!: t h e summer 0 f th e new b an. d 0 t bl . I I P " .' ·th fi · e sing e re ease. erhaps the on- Phoenl·xville· Grace Baptist is found on Route 29 in Graterford. At 416 ~fain t., Collegeville, is the new b an d WI ve Inexper- I . k h Ib . , . d Itt· ·t b t th Y mlsta e on tea urn IS a new Church orristown· Graterford There is a College and Career Sun- located St. Eleanor church. )Iass lence ugs 0 109 gUI ars, u e . f th P t /S ' l , day School at 9:30 and ;\Iorning is held at 7:15, :30, 9:45 (Folk b d ·th II t bl· h d verSIOn 0 e evere t tevens Bible Fellowship Graterford· The new an WI we -es a IS e ilL· 'A ." tl t"tI d .' ' . W~r hip at 10:45. There aLo is ~ra s). 11:00 (Hij<"h ~Iass). 12:15 players, bif,!: names in their own I~oLng, . ,eaAvln . g(aAIn,. alP) ,; I let Jewish Community Center, . orns- . I·· f th· .. I eavln gain gain.. s town· Limerick Chapel Limerick· E:ening Wor.·h!p at 7:00 and a and 7:15. The High Mass on the right, sp Itbng .k:om etlr ongthm~ slower tempo and shorter length Lowe'r Providence Baptist Eagle~ mid-week sen'lce at 7 :30 on I last unday of each month is in bands and stn 109 ou on elr d 't ·t k·t . I I ·f ' own. Some cf the bands which on, qUI e ~a e I , p~r~c~har y. I ville; Lower Providence Presbyter- Wednesdays. "Latin. There will be a special They wrote that they' seek to youth mass each Tuesday night in have formed over the summer are ~oul ve Tcohme hO.apPfrecla . e long- ian, Eagleville; l orriton Presby- . h h I te J . . H Ina . e c olce or a sing e on terian Fairview Village· Pawling m~ke our ch~rch a ge~UJ~e fellow- Advent at 7:15 p.m. in the Church . Ramatam Wit tea Iml en-· . h L "th I' , d "s ra ship of learning, worshlppmg, shar­ drix' dru~mer Mitch Mitchell and Sl e one t~S I: th e:, e o~ y Chapel, Phoenixville; St. Elenor's ing, and serving. As the people of Confessions are at