Who in Single Picks of the Week the World
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record Dedicated To Serving The Needs Of The Musk & Recoi 9P006 Industry 4 r 1r3 aQOAAA110H world 0A19 13SNQS Ox l L dtiO3 S31VS ONROS 91!!O O9 a0-zi September 5, 1910 15c In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the WHO IN SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK THE WORLD ., Glen Campbell updates If you liked "Maybe" you'll Tommy Roe's latest mes- Blues Image follows up Conway Twitty's old smash, dig the Three Degrees sing- sage song is "We Can their smash "Ride Captain "It's Only Make Believe" ing their next smash, "I Do Make Music" (Little Fugi- Ride" with "Gas Lamps and (Marielle, BMI). He should Take You." (Planetary/ tive, BMI). Who said bub- Clay" (Portofino/ATM, AS - score big with his great Make Music, BMI). The girls ble gum is dead? Tommy CAP). The new one is in the version (Capitol 2905(. Flip: are on their way to becom- does his best to keep it same vein which means a "Pave Your Way into To- ing consistent sellers (Rou- alive and well with the repeat performance, no morrow" (Glen Campbell, lette 7088(. kids and on the charts doubt (Atco 6777). BMI). (ABC 11273(. SLEEPER PICKS OF THE WEEK PH! 1f?p.S P.M JAMES IAYEtR FIRE AND RAIN James Taylor's "Fire and Blue Mink sings about "Our "Rubies" (Green Apple, "5.10.15-20 (25-30 Years Rain" (Blackwood/Country World" (Three Bridges, AS - BMI) is a fantastic rhythm of Love)" (Van McCoy/In- Road, BMI) was bound to CAP). The group is always number done up acoustic- terior, BMI) is the Presi- come along. With so many on the verge of a big one ally by Saint Jacques. He dents' countdown to a hit. versions out there is no and this will do it for them performs with great inten- Very solid side will be a reason the excellent orig- thanks to a great perform- sity and will hit with im- stone pop click before inal will not be THE one ance (Philips 50686). Flip: pact (GRT 25). Flip: "She's long (Sussex 207). Flip: (Warner Bros. 7423). "Respect to Mr. Jones" Beautiful" (Green Apple, "I'm Still Dancing" (Van (Three Bridges, ASCAP). BMI). McCoy/Interior, BMI). ALBUM PICKS OF THE WEEK areuW r,emttiel CURTIS tiqre+enunw M,,tf h Edwin Starr, of Motown's Gordy Label, Is Celebrat- ing His No. 1 Single, 'War,' Aretha Franklin is feeling Charles Lloyd takes a Mother Earth are "Satis- Curtis Mayfield steps out At the Same Time as Mo- that "Spirit in the Dark" on right turn into hard rock fied" and so will their as a soloist on the new her new and up to her on this new "Moon Man" growing multitude of fans. "Curtis" album. The theme usual high level album. album. The guy shows just Tracy Nelson, Mother and execution of the debut town Record Corp. Cele- "Don't Play That Song," how close jazz and rock are Earth's earth mother, sings package are extremely etc. (Atlantic SD 8265). (Kapp KS 3634). out smartly (Mercury SR heavy (Curtom CRS 8005). brates 10th Anniversary. 61270). www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com CLOefIE TO WE CARPENTERS Remember how good, how warm, love -rock used to sound? Well, chum, it still does, as you'll discover on listening to Carpenters' new album, CLOSE TO YOU. As you know from pleasant experience with the title track, love -rock still sells pretty good, too. Which means that not only the lovers will want to stock up on the CLOSE TO YOU album and a new single taken, therefrom, "We've Only Just Begun," which figures to follow "Close To You" to the top of the charts and into the hearts of listeners everywhere. Produced by Jack Daugherty for A&M www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Aleong FORE Editorial Chairman Sidney Miller, Jr., Publicity Repression Growing Problem Chairman, announces that the Board of Directors of FORE regretfully accepted the resig- On the Music Scene nation of Warren Lanier as In any troubled situation or music doesn't start people be- is composed of agitators who are Chairman, effective Friday, climate, a sure way to increase come frustrated and are likely looking to give cause for a riot Aug. 21. problems is the use of repressive to take out their hostilities on when the police must interrupt a Aki Aleong, a member of the tactics. Repression is used to any nearby figure of authority. show which runs late. One thing Board and co -Chairman of the stop incidents but creates riots Now comes word that Howard is certain: there is a feeling that Program Committee, was ap- and worse. Think of Kent State Stein's Capitol Theater in Port - young people and rock fans in ponted Chairman. and Jackson State. The world of chester, N.Y., is the subject of particular are willing to take music is experiencing a disturb- legal harrasment. The Board of any amount of a b u se which (Continued on page 36) ing number of instances of re- Trustees of t h e village has those in power are willing to pression. passed an ordinance prohibiting dish out. Powder Ridge showed Example: Powder Ridge. The musical entertainment after 1 this to be incorrect as the fans courts revoked the festival's per- a.m. which would ruin the Capi- turned towards self-distruction; mit but the rock fans, eager to tol's late shows. It seems that Grant Park proved this theory's hear the music of their culture, the powers that rule Portchester invalidity in a rather vengeful came anyway. Result: incredible feel threatened by the fact that manner. drug abuse which exceeded the people like rock music and are Our hope is that Portchester per capita bummer rate of Wood- willing to stay up late to hear it. will learn from these lessons and stock. Conclusion: when the mu- Not Learned from History perhaps find a way to put up sic stops kids tend to take ab- Stein has never had any trou- with a bit of litter and some surd chances with drugs for ble with the town before and noise in lieu of something no lack of anything better to do. complaints were few, mostly con- rational being would want. Stein Example: Grant Park (1970). cerning minimal littering and stated, "We prefer mediation For some unknown reason Sly loitering. What conclusion may but will do everything we legally and the Family Stone were un- we draw from this latest exam- can to reverse the order." able to show up in time for their ple of repression? One might be The Board of Trustees of Port - free concert. Result: rioting on that the village wise men have chester and other legal bodies a par with the 1968 Democratic not learned the lesson of history with the power to turn off the Convention Grant Park demon- and are not that wise after all. music would do well to follow Aki Aleong strations. Conclusion: when the Perhaps the Board of Trustees Stein's very rational attitude. Mae Comes Up S. Sees Decca NATRA Convention UNIVERSAL CITY, Calif. - brief press conference at which Mae West was the guest of hon- the bejeweled Miss West treated A Financial Success or at the Universal Studios par- the press corps to some of her HOUSTON, TEXAS - The ty held to promote Decca's new famous quips. Mike Maitland, 15th Annual NATRA Conven- LP, "Mae West-Voice Tracks MCA Records President; Jack tion took place here Aug. 19-23 NATRA Awards From Her Greatest Movies." Loetz, MCA Records Executive at the Royal Coach Motor Inn, On Page 36 Over 750 record merchandisers Vice President; Gil Rodin, a and was, according to officials' and store clerks, radio and tele- Kapp Records Vice President reports, a notable financial Americans should enter gov- vision programmers and mem- and co -producer of t h e voice success. ernment to see that govern- bers of the press attended the track LP (and the man respon- A highlight of the five-day ment works for ethnic groups," Aug. 20 event, which began in sible for the LP) ; Mel Nimon, conclave was the speech given Fletcher said in his talk. "The the studio commissary with a District Sales Manager for the on Aug. 20 by Arthur A. name of the game for the next cocktail party and ended there Western region; and Jim Ran- Fletcher, Assistant Secretary- 10 years is bringing an end to with a buffet dinner. dazzo, District Promotion Man- U.S. Department of Labor, who e c on o m i c discrimination." Following the star's arrival ager, were among the partygo- spoke on the job bias problem. Fletcher noted that the Phila- by police escort, there was a (Continued on page 36) "Negroes and Mexican-Me (Continued on page 36) McKune Named Motown VP, Operations John F. McKune has been named Vice -President in Charge of Operations for Motown Rec- ordCorp., assuming responsibil- ity for the worldwide operations of the entertainment complex. Prior to joining Motown, Mc - Rune was a top executive of the Management Consulting compa- ny of Touche Ross & Company, (International Consulting and Public Accounting Firm) where his responsibilities included or- ganizational planning and sys- tem analysis. McKune, a business adminis- From left, Mae West J. K. (Mike) Maitland, MCA Records President, tration graduate from . UCLA and Gil Rodin, Kapp VP and producer of the West voice track Decca LP. (Continued on page 36) John McKune RECORD WORLD-September 5, 1970 3 www.americanradiohistory.comAmericanRadioHistory.Com Price Named West Coast Chess Appoints IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIu1I111I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Patterson Colossus Operations Director record NEW YORK - Arnie Or- world NEW YORK - Jerry Ross leans, Director of Marketing o has not only been busy lately announced for Chess Records, 200 W.