Upgraded Automotive Gas Turbine Engine Design An< 9Evelopment

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Upgraded Automotive Gas Turbine Engine Design An< 9Evelopment a' %.,ra' s; 4 : , .. .: .:>'. .* y. DOEINASA12749-7912 VOI 2 5* '-~ i+-is. NASA CR-159671 ?./ COO-2749-43 Upgraded Automotive Gas Turbine Engine Design an< 9evelopment Program Final Report .* (34SA-Ch-15$3071) Ui'GHA9ED AUTti?lOTxVE GAS Nd;)-32719 c TUAB? ?L ENClHE DESTGfi AdU DEV ELOPHENT 2fiqtiiiAM, VOLU~E2 Final Heport (chrysler COKE,.) 346 p iii' .:15/YP dl CSCL 131 'Jncias G3/37 Lbdli) Edited By C.E. Wagner and R.C. Pamprecn Chrysler Corporation Detroit, Michigan 48288 Prepared for National Aeronautics arid Space Administrat Lewis Research Center Under fontract EY-76-C-02-27~9.ACll for U.S. Department of Energy Office ot Conservatiot~and Solar Applications Division of T~.ansportdtionEnergy Conservation DOEINASAl2749-7912 VOI 2 NASA CR-159671 Coo-2749-43 Upgraded Automotive Gas Turbine Engine Design and Development Program Final Report Edited Bv C.E. Wagner and R.C. Pampreen Chrysler Corporation Detroit, Michigan 16288 Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Center Cievelanrf, 9:iro 44135 Under Contract EY-76-C-32-2749.AOll for U.S. Departmen: of Energy Officc ot Cons-,.vation and Solar Applicat~ons Divis~onof Transqortation Energy Conservation Washingten, i3.C. 20545 Under Ini. -agency Agreement EC 77-A-31-1040 Acknowledgement This report covers all work performed under DOE Contract No. EY-76-C-02-2749.Ao11 from November, 1972, to June, 1979. The contract was initiated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, was subsequently transferred to the Heat Engine Systems Branch, Division of Transportation Energy Conservation of the U.S. Department of Energy. Mr. Charles E. Wagner was the Chrysler Corporation Program Manager. Mr. Paul T. Kerwin, NASA-Lewis Research Center has been the Proiect Officer since 1977. Previous Project Officers were David G. Evans, NASA-Lewis Research Center, and Thomas M. Sebestyen, EPA. Mr. Robert A. Mercure, DOE -Division of Transportation Energy Conservation, has tcen the Proiect Coordinator since the technical management was turned over to NASA-Lewis !;esearch Center through an interagency agreement. Contributors to this report were: A. Billington, T Golec, J.V. Gross, H.P. LeFevre, E.M. Kohl, H.E. Koontz. J.J. Lewakowski, C.H. Mader, T.D. Nogle, E.Z. Trieskey (Laboratory Personnel), K Buyukataman. A.A. Ladhani, F. Dosenberger, D.S. Musgrave, R.C. Pampreen, L.J. Pritchard, N.W. Sparks. R. Swiatek (Design and Analysis), C. Belleau, 1.M. Corwin, F.A. Hagen, J.R. Kirberg, A. Roy, R.J. Warren and P.J. M'illson (Materials), and R.W. Bloor, R.A. Jaynes, R F. Pauley and L. Sevek (Drafting). A number of companies participated in this program, and their contributions are acknowledged. Ceramic material support was provided by Carborundum, Inc., and the ceramic regenet,. r cores were made by Corning Glass Works. The Garrett Corporation provided use of a rubher-mold manufacturing process for casting turbine rotors. Pratt and Whitney Aircraft Group, Government Products Division. provided use of the Gatoriring process tor casting turbine rotors. Engine control work was pertormed by the Garrett Corporation and Ultra, Inc. The testing and analysis of the gas generatcr and power turbine shafting and the design ot the air bearing were carried out by Mechanical Technology Incorporated. Aerodynamic model testing ot the power turbine exhaust diffuser and of the flow distribution of the regenerator core were conducted at Creare, Incorporated. Three aerodynamic consultants were used on the program. Dr. O.E. Balle (Consultant I in the report) and Pratt ~ndWhitney Aircr~ftof Canada (Consultant 2) provided consulting services for the compressor-turbine, and Noel Penny Turbines Ltd. iconsultant 3) provided ccnsultation on the power turbine and carried out an alternate design Many of the compressor and turbine parts were provided by the Atlas Tool Company and the Howrnet Turbine Components Corporation. Acknowledgpment is also gtveri to the englneerln); staft members of NASA-Lewis Research Center for their ongoing techn~calsupport of the program They include M.R. Galvas, T Katsanis, M.G Kofsfey, K.L. McLallin, R C. Nussle, R.J. Roelke / W~nter,slid R.Y. LYong. Finally, the authors wish to etpres, thwr apprec~dtionto 1.N Kolman and others of Chryslrr's Graphic .Arts V~pnrtment,and to S 1. PieL.lrsL~,Supervisor, for the outstanding artwork and copy preparation evident in all four volumes of th~sreport. TABLE OF Page CONTENTS Abstract . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. vi 1.0 Summary ........ ...... 1 2.0 introduction .... ... .. .. 2 3.0 Engine Design Features. ... 3 3.1 Cycle Characterization 3 3.2 'Yater lniection. .... 3 3.3 VICV .... ........ 3 3.4 Free Rotor . -3 3.4.1 Gas Generator Rearings . ... .. 3.1.7 No.se .. .. .. 3.1.3 Cost . ...... .. ...... .. 3.4.1 Gas Generator Resynse Time .. .. 3.5 Housing Geometry . .. 3 5.1 Regenerator Conflguratton . 3.5 2 Compressor Coliector . 3.5.3 Front-Bearlng Lubrication . .. 3 5.4 Thermal Insulation 3 o I'ower-Level Selection . .. 3.7 Outline of Report . .. .. Cornpressor Desizn. .. 4.1 .4ercdynamic Design . .. 1.7 \'ICIf Design .. ... .. .. 1 3 Intake-Housing Design ... .. 1.1 Flowpath and Performance Estimate . 15 impeller Mechanical Design . .. Compressor-Turbine Design. ... 5 1 Aercdvnamic Design .. .. 5.2 \'c~rte\Chamber Design . 5.3 f'ertormance Estimate 5 4 C<~mpressor-TurbineMechanical Deslgn Power Turbine Design o 1 .4ercd:;namlc Design o 2 Power Turbine h4t~hanicalDesign Engine Housing 7.1 Linerless Insulation Gas Cenerator Section P.1 Shaft, Bearings and Seals. 6.2 Thermal Analysis 8 3 Compressor- Turbine Nozzle 8.1 Compressor Cover 8.5 \'IC.\' and Air intake Mechanical Design Power Section Q 1 Po\ver Turb~neShafting 0 2 Shaft C)ynamics 0.3 Pon~rTurbine Rrduct~on-Gear.Assembly 0.4 Aux~liaryand Actessory Components and Drive Systems 0 4.1 Drive System Requirernents 0.1 2 Dr~veSystem Description 0 4.3 Engine Auxiliaries interstage Section 10 1 Strllts 10 2 Paxc; Tu:b:ne Nozzle and Actuator 10 3 RI~SSeals Regenerator I I I Regenerator Se.11 Drsign I I 2 Regener,ltnr Drive and Support System I 3 Rcgeneratc~rCover Stress Analysis Combustor iii TABLE OF Page CONTENTS 13.0 Powertrain and Vehicle Systems; Performance Predictions ............................................31 (continued) 13.1 Powertrain Systems .........................................................31 13.2 Vehicle Systems .....................................................................32 14.0 Engine Assembly...................................................................................................................... 33 14.1 Engine Housing ....................................................................................................... 33 14.2 Power furbine Nozzle Assembl, .........................................................................33 14.3 Gas Generator Assembly ..........................................................................................33 14.4 Power Section Assembly ..............................................................................33 14.5 AirlOil Pump Assembly ..............................................................................33 14.6 Variable Inlet Guide Vane Assembly ............................................................33 14.7 lntakelstarter Assembly ........................................................................... 33 14.8 Insulation ................................................................................ 33 15.0 Instrumentation .....................................................................................34 15.1 Rig Tr~t~ng..................................................................................... 34 15.1.1 1.26 Scale Compressor Rig .......................................................34 15.1.2 Turbine Nozzle Cold-Flow Facility ............................... 34 15.1 3 Power Turbine ............................................... 35 15.1.4 Regenerator Flow Distribution Rig .......................... ..36 15.2 Engine Testing.................................................................... 36 15.2.1 Dynamometer Facility ..............................................................36 15.2.2 Performance Instrumentation ....................................... ...37 15.3 Vehicle Eynamometer Tssting ..............................................40 15.3.1 Emission Tests ....................................................................40 15.3.2 Fuel Economy Tests .......................................................... 40 16.0 Engine Performance Development ......................................41 16.1 Init~alTest Results ..................................................... 41 16.2 Engine Development Summary........................................... 41 16.3 Thermal Loss Assessment ...................... .............42 16.4 Final Performance Assessment ....................... ............-42 17.0 Component Performance Development .................... .... 44 17.1 Compressor Development .................................. 44 7 .I 1 Ini!~al Results From 1.26 Scale Test Rig .................. ...44 17.1.2 Initial Results From Engine Testing ................ ...45 17 1 3 Collector Modifications ......................... 46 17.1.4 Diffuser Modifications .............. .....47 17 1.5 Rotor Modif~cations............................... 18 17.2 Compressor-Turbine Development ......................... 48 17.2.1 Initial Efficiency Estimate From Engine Tests............ ...49 17.2.2 Development Summary of Orlginal Des~gn......... 49 17.2.3 Consultant Review ..........................................50
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