Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Night Kiss by E.T. Malinowski Night Kiss by E.T. Malinowski. BL Entertainment: Book One. What could be frightening enough to freeze the blood of a centuries-old Vampire turned K-pop idol? Being bound to someone. University student Cheong Jin-woo dreams of working in the arts, especially for BL Entertainment and his favorite band, Bam Kiseu. After seeing the band perform, Jin-woo separates from his friends to explore. What he discovers backstage will change his life. Does he embrace it or run? Jung Ki-tae has kept his secret for centuries—until a young fan interrupts his feeding. Even more disturbing is the instant bond Ki-tae feels with Jin- woo—a complication he refuses to allow. Yet resisting becomes increasingly difficult as Jin-woo and a group of students win the chance to make a video for the band, working closely with them for weeks. The obsession Ki-tae felt toward Jin-woo—even before tasting his blood—deepens into genuine feelings, feelings that terrify Ki-tae. But when he finds a way to break the bond, he’s torn between severing the connection and protecting Jin-woo…. Night Kiss. What could be frightening enough to freeze the blood of a centuries-old Vampire turned K-pop idol? Being bound to someone. University student Cheong Jin-woo dreams of working in the arts, especially for BL Entertainment and his favorite band, Bam Kiseu. After seeing the band perform, Jin-woo separates from his friends to explore. What he discovers backstage will change his life. Does he embrace it or run? Jung Ki-tae has kept his secret for centuries—until a young fan interrupts his feeding. Even more disturbing is the instant bond Ki-tae feels with Jin- woo—a complication he refuses to allow. Yet resisting becomes increasingly difficult as Jin-woo and a group of students win the chance to make a video for the band, working closely with them for weeks. The obsession Ki-tae felt toward Jin-woo—even before tasting his blood—deepens into genuine feelings, feelings that terrify Ki-tae. But when he finds a way to break the bond, he’s torn between severing the connection and protecting Jin-woo…. Night Kiss. What could be frightening enough to freeze the blood of a centuries-old Vampire turned K-pop idol? Being bound to someone. University student Cheong Jin-woo dreams of working in the arts, especially for BL Entertainment and his favorite band, Bam Kiseu. After seeing the band perform, Jin-woo separates from his friends to explore. What he discovers backstage will change his life. Does he embrace it or run? Jung Ki-tae has kept his secret for centuries—until a young fan interrupts his feeding. Even more disturbing is the instant bond Ki-tae feels with Jin- woo—a complication he refuses to allow. Yet resisting becomes increasingly difficult as Jin-woo and a group of students win the chance to make a video for the band, working closely with them for weeks. The obsession Ki-tae felt toward Jin-woo—even before tasting his blood—deepens into genuine feelings, feelings that terrify Ki-tae. But when he finds a way to break the bond, he’s torn between severing the connection and protecting Jin-woo…. ANNOUNCEMENT/GIVEAWAY: Night Kiss – E.T. Malinowski. E.T. Malinowski has a new queer paranormal book out: Night Kiss. What could be frightening enough to freeze the blood of a centuries-old Vampire turned K-pop idol? Being bound to someone. University student Cheong Jin-woo dreams of working in the arts, especially for BL Entertainment and his favorite band, Bam Kiseu. After seeing the band perform, Jin-woo separates from his friends to explore. What he discovers backstage will change his life. Does he embrace it or run? Jung Ki-tae has kept his secret for centuries—until a young fan interrupts his feeding. Even more disturbing is the instant bond Ki-tae feels with Jin- woo—a complication he refuses to allow. Yet resisting becomes increasingly difficult as Jin-woo and a group of students win the chance to make a video for the band, working closely with them for weeks. The obsession Ki-tae felt toward Jin-woo—even before tasting his blood—deepens into genuine feelings, feelings that terrify Ki-tae. But when he finds a way to break the bond, he’s torn between severing the connection and protecting Jin-woo…. Especially with a mysterious killer getting closer. DSP Publications| Amazon| iBooks| Barnes & Noble| Kobo| Google Play| Universal Link. Giveaway. DSP Publications is giving away a $10 DSPP gift code with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter: Excerpt. Jin-woo was late and Min-su was going to kill him, but if he hadn’t gone back to the studio, they wouldn’t have their visuals, and then she would have killed him slowly. He’d had to scramble to find someone with the keys, too, forcing him to miss all the other presentations. He never realized how hard it was to find maintenance personnel on a campus this size. When he finally reached Min-su, she looked scared as hell. “What?” he asked. “What is it? What’s wrong?” “Um, I… I can’t breathe. I really… can’t.” Min-su puffed out her cheeks and fanned her face. “I didn’t…. If I had known, I would have chosen a different outfit. I would have done my hair, and my makeup is just…. Dammit. Why didn’t anyone tell me they were going to be here?” “What the heck is she talking about, Jong-in-a?” Jin-woo demanded. “We’re not just presenting to Park Soon-joon hyung,” Jong-in said quietly. “Of course we aren’t. Seonsaengnim is there as well,” Jin-woo said. “This isn’t new.” “It’s…. We’re…. Jin-woo-ya, Bam Kiseu is in that room!” Min-su said, grabbing him by his vest and shaking him back and forth. “HanYin oppa is in that room! Ki-tae oppa is in that room! Cheongul oppa is in that room!” Jin-woo did the only thing he could think of. He slapped her. Min-su stumbled back a few steps and just stared at him. Then she narrowed her eyes and came at him. Jin-woo threw up his hands in defense of the punch coming his way. “I’m sorry!” But it never landed. He peeked with one eye. Min-su looked completely calm. “Thank you,” she said with a sigh. “I was losing my shit, and that’s not acceptable.” “You’re good?” Jin-woo said. “Good,” Jin-woo said as he began to shake. “I’m going to pass out now.” And he did just that. Jin-woo didn’t remember hitting the floor, but he figured that must have happened, as he was staring up at the ceiling with Min-su slapping his face and Jong-in looking terribly concerned. He caught Min-su’s wrist and held her hand to his face for a few moments, closing his eyes once more. “No, you cannot pass out on us again. We’re up next, Jin-woo-ya!” Min-su said, an edge of desperation in her voice. “I’m not going to pass out again. I just wanted you to stop slapping me and calm down,” he said. Then he slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He looked at Jong-in and teased, “You couldn’t have caught me?” “Nope, Min-su-ya was in the way.” “Hey, this is not my fault,” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “Well, you were shaking Jin-woo-ya pretty hard,” Jong-in pointed out. “There’s no need to panic. They’re people, just like us.” No, not just like us , Jin-woo thought but wisely kept the words to himself. Blog Tour and Guest Post: Night Kiss by E.T. Malinowski. We are pleased to have E.T. Malinowski stop by today to talk about Night Kiss, the first in the BL Entertainment Series. Check out the guest post below, where E.T. talks about who would play the characters in their book. When you are done, take a look at the description and excerpt, then enter to win a ten dollar DSP gift card!Who Would Play Who? If I were a Hollywood producer about to put your book on the big screen, who would you want me to cast as the leads? Why? And can we have pictures to drool over? This is actually an easier question to answer than you might think. Once a story idea starts to percolate in my twisted little brain pan, I think about what the character looks and sounds like, and what type of personality he or she has. With Night Kiss, the characters had visual inspirations before their personalities developed. The story itself was inspired by an image and a song. In a movie adaptation of Night Kiss, this would be my dream cast. Honestly, I doubt anyone who has followed me on Facebook is surprised by my answers! Jung Ki-tae is the youngest son and member of Bam Kiseu. He has a way of charming people with a smile and a wink, and then turning on the sexy in the blink of an eye. He would be played by Kai from who displays the same boyish charm right before he smacks you in the face with how damn sensual he is. The ability to go from Kim Jong-in (real name) to Kai (Stage persona) in the space of a heartbeat shows his skill as a performer. Cheong Jin-woo is a hard-working university student. He is sweet and kind, but has a strong will. He looks all innocent and adorable, but can be just as erotically wicked as the man he falls in love with. As part of my dream cast, he would be played by (Stage persona), also from EXO. The oldest member of the group, Xiumin is what I call adora-sexy. One moment he is cute and adorable, and all little boy innocent and the next, he’s all grown man and sexy as hell. Few men can pull this off, Xiumin is one of them. Having seen how easily he switches from lovable Xiumin to hyung about to correct his dongsaeng (mostly !), I can picture him playing Jin-woo easily. Jung HanYin is the middle son and member of Bam Kiseu. HanYin is a very happy person and wants those around him to be happy as well. He has a habit feeding everyone their favorite foods. It’s his way of showing he cares. He does have a tendency to hug people, a trait he picked up from his visual inspiration; Zitao (real name), formerly of EXO and now a solo artist with his own production company, LTAO. If it were up to me, I would choose ZTao (Stage name) to play HanYin. Having seen clips of his acting ability in Railroad Tigers and a few of his other movies, I feel he would be able to accurately portray HanYin’s sweet nature as well as his fierce protectiveness. I think he would truly get HanYin’s need to care for his family above all else and the personal pain HanYin experiences when he feels he has failed in that task. Bak Jong-in is an incredibly hard-working university student, even more so than Jn-woo, and is one of Jin-woo’s dear friends. He is very quiet and doesn’t speak much but when he does it usually is significant. He is more open with his friends and can be very stubborn. In my dream cast, Jong- in would be played by Lay (Stage persona) of EXO. Lay is another person who I classify as adora-sexy. It’s the dimples, they’re killer! And when he combines them with glasses, forget it. As far as acting goes, I don’t believe Lay has ventured into that field, yet. However, visually, he is Jong-in for me. I’d like to think he could pull of Jong-in’s combination of quiet strength and dominance. Jong-in isn’t into that scene but he prefers to be on top because he has never found anyone he trusts enough to bottom for, but that’s a story for another time… and a later book! Jung Cheongul is the oldest son and member of Bam Kiseu. He’s the stoic one, the one who talks the least, and is perhaps a bit of a grump at times. He’s a fighter and a lover who isn’t sure he’s worthy of love. However, he adores his brothers and is more open with them, more playful, smiling more. In this, I think of (Stage persona) and he’s who I would choose to play Cheongul. Kris Wu began his music career with EXO as well and left the group in 2014. Having watched him in XXX: The Return of Xander Cage, while not a great movie and I would have loved to see Kris perform rather than just play DJ, I can see Kris carrying off Cheongul’s quiet strength. I can picture him getting all fiercely protective and warning people against hurting his brothers all with a single look. I’ve noticed Kris rarely smiles when photographed, but when he does, and I mean a genuine smile because you can tell the difference, it changes the whole feel of the photograph. There aren’t many of those and it makes me sad. I think Kris can pull off those rare moments when Cheongul is relaxed enough to show what he really feels. Yi Min-su is not your average lady. She’s sassy and sweet, and smart and adorable. She’s just as hard-working as her best friends, Jin-woo and Jong-in, and while she’d never admit it, she’s a fangirl, especially when it comes to Bam Kiseu and Cheongul in particular. Min-su was inspired by Lisa (Stage persona) from BlackPink and I would choose Lisa to play her on-screen. Whether she has the acting ability to carry a role or not has yet to be seen. It may never happen, but that’s why this is a ‘dream’ cast! There are three other characters that I will list but I won’t go into detail about why I chose the people I did simply because the people I’ve chosen are actors. They have the skills to carry off roles, otherwise, they wouldn’t be as successful as they are! Park Soon-Joon is the sire of Cheongul, HanYin, and Ki-tae, and manager of Bam Kiseu. I would cast Jang Dong-gun to play him. He has this air of maturity and experience while still being sexy. Rhim Hyun-jo is the personal assistant to Soon-Joon. He is quiet and unassuming, almost delicate, and that’s just what he wants you to think. My choice for this role would be Wu ChuYi. The first time I saw Wu ChuYi it was in a series called My Roommate is a Fairy Fox and I loved it. It most legends the Fox Spirit is female and, quite honestly, Wu ChuYi gave that sense of delicateness to his performance without compromising or disguising his masculinity. It was well-done in my opinion. Because of that, I feel he could carry off Hyun-jo with no problem, especially when Hyun-jo drops his veneer of delicacy and bares his fangs. Liang ChénBao is the sire to Soon-joon and Owner of BL Entertainment. She is elegant and sophisticated, and beautiful. She can be fierce and terrifying when she feels the situation calls for it. I would cast Fan Bing Bing to play ChénBao in a movie of Night Kiss as she was the visual inspiration for the character, particularly in her role as Empress Wu. There are several other characters in Night Kiss, but these are the main ones and their inspirations. The only other character that appears regularly is Cho Shin-bai, the head of security for not only BL Entertainment but for the Jung boys in particular. Honestly, I picture him as huge and bald, and built like a brick shithouse, but I’ve never thought of someone who could play him in a movie. I’ll have to get back to you on that one because I’ll also have to think about his wife who is a tiny little pixie of a lady! Once you read Night Kiss, let me know who you think should play the various characters. You can do so on my author Facebook page or on my website! E.T. Malinowski has a new queer paranormal book out: Night Kiss. What could be frightening enough to freeze the blood of a centuries-old Vampire turned K-pop idol? Being bound to someone. University student Cheong Jin-woo dreams of working in the arts, especially for BL Entertainment and his favorite band, Bam Kiseu. After seeing the band perform, Jin-woo separates from his friends to explore. What he discovers backstage will change his life. Does he embrace it or run? Jung Ki-tae has kept his secret for centuries—until a young fan interrupts his feeding. Even more disturbing is the instant bond Ki-tae feels with Jin- woo—a complication he refuses to allow. Yet resisting becomes increasingly difficult as Jin-woo and a group of students win the chance to make a video for the band, working closely with them for weeks. The obsession Ki-tae felt toward Jin-woo—even before tasting his blood—deepens into genuine feelings, feelings that terrify Ki-tae. But when he finds a way to break the bond, he’s torn between severing the connection and protecting Jin-woo…. Especially with a mysterious killer getting closer. DSP Publications | Amazon | iBooks | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | Universal Link. Giveaway. DSP Publications is giving away a $10 DSPP gift code with this tour. Enter via Rafflecopter: Excerpt. Jin-woo was late and Min-su was going to kill him, but if he hadn’t gone back to the studio, they wouldn’t have their visuals, and then she would have killed him slowly. He’d had to scramble to find someone with the keys, too, forcing him to miss all the other presentations. He never realized how hard it was to find maintenance personnel on a campus this size. When he finally reached Min-su, she looked scared as hell. “What?” he asked. “What is it? What’s wrong?” “Um, I… I can’t breathe. I really… can’t.” Min-su puffed out her cheeks and fanned her face. “I didn’t…. If I had known, I would have chosen a different outfit. I would have done my hair, and my makeup is just…. Dammit. Why didn’t anyone tell me they were going to be here?” “What the heck is she talking about, Jong-in-a?” Jin-woo demanded. “We’re not just presenting to Park Soon-joon hyung,” Jong-in said quietly. “Of course we aren’t. Seonsaengnim is there as well,” Jin-woo said. “This isn’t new.” “It’s…. We’re…. Jin-woo-ya, Bam Kiseu is in that room!” Min-su said, grabbing him by his vest and shaking him back and forth. “HanYin oppa is in that room! Ki-tae oppa is in that room! Cheongul oppa is in that room!” Jin-woo did the only thing he could think of. He slapped her. Min-su stumbled back a few steps and just stared at him. Then she narrowed her eyes and came at him. Jin-woo threw up his hands in defense of the punch coming his way. “I’m sorry!” But it never landed. He peeked with one eye. Min-su looked completely calm. “Thank you,” she said with a sigh. “I was losing my shit, and that’s not acceptable.” “You’re good?” Jin-woo said. “Good,” Jin-woo said as he began to shake. “I’m going to pass out now.” And he did just that. Jin-woo didn’t remember hitting the floor, but he figured that must have happened, as he was staring up at the ceiling with Min-su slapping his face and Jong-in looking terribly concerned. He caught Min-su’s wrist and held her hand to his face for a few moments, closing his eyes once more. “No, you cannot pass out on us again. We’re up next, Jin-woo-ya!” Min-su said, an edge of desperation in her voice. “I’m not going to pass out again. I just wanted you to stop slapping me and calm down,” he said. Then he slowly sat up, rubbing the back of his head. He looked at Jong-in and teased, “You couldn’t have caught me?” “Nope, Min-su-ya was in the way.” “Hey, this is not my fault,” she said, putting her hands on her hips. “Well, you were shaking Jin-woo-ya pretty hard,” Jong-in pointed out. “There’s no need to panic. They’re people, just like us.” No, not just like us , Jin-woo thought but wisely kept the words to himself.