"Top Things To Do in " A multicultural city with a historic center recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, Paramaribo is an important financial center of .

The national capital is home to a series of landmarks which lend credence to its cultural and historical nuances. Set on the banks of the Suriname

River, the city is also known for its diversity.

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10 Vorgemerkte Orte

Fort Zeelandia "A Surinamese Historic Fortress"

Standing over the banks of Suriname River, Fort Zeelandia is a monumental relic from the Colonial Era. Built-in 1641 as a fortified Dutch trading post, it was taken over by English troops led by Lord Willoughby. After nearly two decades, it was conquered by the Dutch in 1667 and subsequently named Fort Zeelandia. From being a defensive barrier to a by Jeroen van Luin prison for political convicts, the bastions have served several purposes over the years. Built-in red bricks which were imported from the Netherlands, the fortress is maintained in excellent condition even today. Housing a museum that documents local history, visitors can catch a glimpse of the dungeons and other harsh reminders of the structure's militaristic past. A bookstore and a restaurant are also housed inside the fortress where patrons can enjoy scenic views of the river.

Waterside Street, Paramaribo

Saint Peter and Paul Basilica "Wooden Basilica of Suriname"

The imposing facade of Saint Peter and Paul Basilica is one of the greatest landmarks of the historic inner city of Paramaribo. Touted to be one of the biggest wooden structures in entire Western Hemisphere, the Roman Catholic cathedral is built in the Gothic architectural style. The seemingly endless supply of lumber from the Amazon rainforest made it more by dantoujours practical to build the cathedral with wood than stone and brick. Built-in 1826, the cathedral underwent several restorations over many years. One of the most revered places in Latin America, the church houses a pipe organ consisting of 1550 pipes believed to be worth 10 million Euros after restoration.

22 Henck Arron Street, Paramaribo

Presidential Palace "Colonial Opulence"

Bathed in white, the exquisite Presidential Palace is a tremendous example of colonial architecture. Facing the inner district's Independence Square, the palatial building is a beacon of Dutch Colonial rule in Suriname. Built-in the year 1730, the edifice was expanded as commissioned by the former Governor-General Charel Emilius Hendrik de by D-Stanley Chausses. By the 20th Century, the palace had added an additional wing on the western side. An exquisite portico and terrace with embellished arches are later additions to the imposing facade. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the palace houses Suriname's Ministry of Finance, National Assembly, Congress Building as well as Court of Justice. The regal chambers are a venue for diplomatic and government functions. The Garden of Palms behind the palace is a charming public garden.

Onafhankelijkheidsplein, Paramaribo

Fort Nieuw Amsterdam "Suriname's River Fortress"

Located by the confluence of Suriname and Commewijne Rivers, Fort Nieuw Amsterdam is an example of excellent Dutch military architecture. Built around the 1740s, the pentagon-shaped fort was constructed after Fort Zeelandia was invaded by the French. Apart from its tactical position for defence, the fortress is one of the rare examples of the advanced by D-Stanley architectural method. Because of the proximity to the river, the fort was built on marshlands under challenging conditions with earthen walls and bricks imported from the Netherlands. A drawbridge connected its bastions to the river banks while a locking system was made to avoid flooding from the canals. The fort was converted into a penitentiary during the 19th Century. Today, it is an open-air museum where visitors can still see the soldier barracks, powder house storage and waiting for sheds. A significant relic of Suriname, Fort Nieuw Amsterdam gives an insight into its military history.

Wilhelminastraat, Nieuw Amsterdam

Historische Innenstadt von Paramaribo "Dutch Legacy"

Between the 17th and 18th Centuries, Paramaribo was an important colonial Dutch town. Situated on South America's northern coast, the town flourished as a result of trade and developed as a centre of commerce and culture. The town's multicultural fabric was reflected in the by Dan Lundberg unique architecture that developed as a blend of the traditional Dutch town planning and engineering along with the use of local materials like wood. This meticulous town planning is visible in the grid-like pattern of the streets that run from north to west from Fort Zeelandia, numerous parks like the Garden of Palms and the monumental Ministry of Finance.

Tamarindelaan, Paramaribo

Paramaribo Zoo "Suriname's Exclusive Zoo"

The only zoo in Suriname, Paramaribo Zoo offers a peek into the lives of Surinamese wildlife. A part of Paramaribo's Cultuurtuin or "Culture Park," the zoo houses many of the exotic animals that represent Suriname's fauna. Opened in 1972, the zoo initially attracted a lot of visitors until the 1980s. After a significant revitalization effort, the zoo was restored to its by Jeroen van Luin former glory and is a popular tourist attraction today. Magnificent birds like the king vulture and scarlet ibis are crowd-pleasers with their brilliant colourful hues. Caimans, jaguars and Surinamese monkeys along with various reptilian species like boa constrictors and anacondas are fitting representatives of the rich Amazonian and Guianan fauna found in the country. The petting zoo and playground make it an ideal destination for visitors with children.

Spathodelaan Sawarienotolaan, Paramaribo Peperpot Nature Park "Trail & Bike"

Spread across 800 hectares the Peperpot Nature Park which formerly was a coffee and cocoa plantation area, which Inhabitat many exotic bird and plant species. The visitors can enjoy their time strolling around the park and experience the great joy of birdwatching the exotic birds and learn in- depth about the rare plants. For health freaks, the park offers jogging and by Pvt pauline bike trail. So visiting this natural park with your friends and family won't be a disappointment.

32 Hadji Iding Soemitaweg, Nieuw Meerzorg, Commewijne, Meerzorg

Jules Wijdenbosch Bridge "Connecting Bridge over Suriname"

Lined by the verdure of Suriname river's banks, the Jules Wijdenbosch Bridge connects the capital of Paramaribo on the eastern side to Meerzog on the western side of the river. A part of the East-West Link of Suriname, the bridge towers over the gushing waters connecting two parts of the country bisected by the river. Opened in the year 2000, the bridge is by Santiago Fernandez named after former Surinamese President Jules Wijdenbosch. The bi-lane road spans across 1,504 meters (4,934 feet) offering panoramic views of the massive river.

Jules Wijdenbosch Bridge, Jules Wijdenboschbrug, Paramaribo

Arya Dewaker "A Revered Hindu Temple"

The towering coral domes perched on the magnificent white circular complex mark one of the biggest temples in Suriname. The Arya Dewaker Mandir is not only an example of architectural excellence but also of the cultural diversity present in Suriname. A significant part of the community in the country, the temple is a massive premise comprised of by David Stanley libraries, meeting rooms and extensive space for Hindu ritualistic ceremonies. Adhering to the principles of Arya Samaj, the temple does not have any images or idols of Hindu deities. Deep symbolism is carved into every structure of the Mandir. While the domes represent the interlinking of God, Human Beings and Nature, the four floors represent ancient Hindu scriptures called . A cultural and architectural beacon in Suriname, the temple is a sight to cherish.

+ 59 748 3847 Johan Adolf Pengel Street, Paramaribo

Neveh Shalom Jewish Synagogue "Suriname's Sole Synagogue"

Suriname's only synagogue, Neveh Shalom Synagogue is one of the most exquisite places of worship in the city of Paramaribo. Adjacent to Suriname City Mosque, the synagogue has a white sand floor and holds many Torahs that are centuries old. One of the most spectacular structures, it was completed in the 1840s designed by architect by -JvL- J.F.Halfhide. The exterior of the two-story building is held together by four pillars forming a portico reminiscent of the Neoclassical architecture. The rich wooden interiors are festooned with chandeliers, candelabras and an intricately carved Holy Ark. Another symbol of cultural diversity, the Synagogue is a majestic place of worship in the capital city.

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