The Keystone
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THE KEYSTONE THE WITTLIFF COLLECTIONS SPRING 2012 | SOUTHWESTERN WRITERS COLLECTION | SOUTHWESTERN & MEXICAN PHOTOGRAPHY COLLECTION A member of The Texas State University System DIRECTOR from the THANKS TO THE STILL WATER specific books for his research in wriT - books in his library are dedicaTed To TEXAS STATE: FOUNDATION , you have an oppor - ing The novel Blood Meridian: Or the The Apache Indians. There are many AN EMERGING RESEARCH TuniTy To double your donaTion when Evening Redness in the West . Simmons exceedingly rare books, and abouT 400 UNIVERSITY “FIRST IMPRESSIONS” place ThaT fosTers The sTudy and conTemplaTion of unique and you make a gifT To The WiTTliff Collec - has acquired all of Them. Spanish-language books on The Announced in January, precious liTerary, phoTographic, and oTher arTisTic works ThaT Tions This year. Many of The oTher subjecTs come American SouThwesT originally pub - Texas STaTe is now clas - STAFF UPDATE Our lasT newsleTTer announced my spring from and respond To our parT of The world. The foundaTion has generously sTraighT ouT of J. Frank Dobie’s Guide lished in Mexico and Spain. sified as an Emerging The WiTTliff hire as The new direcTor of The I undersTood and appreciaTed much of This before I awarded The CollecTions a $100,000 to Life and Literature of the Southwest : Simmons’ specialTy is Spanish Research UniversiTy by CollecTions are WiTTliff CollecTions buT in some began as direcTor, buT I didn’T really know much abouT The challenge granT To supporT The pur - The SanTa Fe Trail, Indian culTure, Colonial hisTory, and for his work in The Texas Higher Edu - pleased To ways iT was, quiTe liTerally, prema - people who susTain and supporT The organizaTion and iTs chase of a significanT 13,000-volume Spanish Colonial presence, women ThaT area The King of Spain knighTed caTion CoordinaTing announce ThaT Ture. AlThough I had already been To mission—The sTaff. As our physical environmenT receives The library owned by renowned New pioneers, medicine, forTs, guns, wild - him in 1993. Board. Texas STaTe joins MAGGIE DEBRECHT The WiTTliff several Times over The years, firsT as a visiTor To public on a human scale, iT’s our sTaff ThaT Truly brings ThaT Mexico hisTorian MARC SIMMONS. life, horses, arT, sTagecoaches, cowboy WhaT mosT people find unusual is seven oTher Texas pub - has joined our sTaff as many exhibiTions and Then more formally as a job candidaTe, welcoming spiriT alive. The granT is conTingenT on our abiliTy songs, and naTure. Simmons was also ThaT Simmons lives wiThouT elecTriciTy lic insTiTuTions already Archives AssisTanT for I hadn’T yeT worked here a day, and I could only say how Since The WiTTliff CollecTions, aT Their core, are abouT sTo - or running waTer—he likes To spend classified as Emerging The SouThwesTern Research UniversiTies: exciTed and honored I was. ryTelling, I will give one example I hope illusTraTes my poinT. his days in The same deep rhyThms as WriTers CollecTion. Texas Tech, UT Two days before I officially sTarTed I came To The WiTTliff’s ShorTly afTer Thanksgiving we experienced a power failure in The people he wriTes abouT did in pre - Maggie earned her MA DOUBLE YOUR DONATION ArlingTon, UT Dallas, wiTh an emphasis on Open House, which was a Terrific way To inTroduce myself To The Alkek Library, affecTing our side of The building and vious cenTuries. Simmons is a farrier UT El Paso, UT San Public HisTory from loTs of fans of The CollecTions as well as To Those who were spanning all floors. The siTuaTion lasTed for a liTTle more Than DOUBLE YOUR DONATION and an experT mule packer, and he has AnTonio, The UniversiTy Texas STaTe UniversiTy walking in for The firsT Time. There, I had The Taken several horseback journeys of HousTon, and The in 2011 where she was opporTuniTy To boTh share whaT I already loved to the wittliff collections across The SouThwesT To geT a firsThand UniversiTy of NorTh PresidenT of The HisTory abouT The place as well as learn from oThers whaT look aT The land he wriTes abouT. Texas. As a resulT of The Honors SocieTy, Phi makes iT so special To Them. I was also able To do To raise a maTching $100,000 by The a greaT friend of Jack Schaefer, The In 1963, Simmons builT his firsT new classificaTion, Alpha TheTa, and was This on a much grander scale aT our Silver end of 2012. PLEASE CONSIDER auThor of Shane , who gave Simmons adobe house near SanTa Fe. Since Then Texas STaTe may now named The OuTsTanding Anniversary Gala, held aT The Four Seasons in PARTICIPATING IN THE CHAL - dozens of signed copies of foreign edi - he has expanded his holdings from apply for maTching GraduaTe STudenT of The AusTin in November. DespiTe The differences LENGE. The combined $200,000 Tions of his books in every language one To 240 acres. The land was once funds To leverage pri - Year in HisTory for vaTe gifTs for The beTween The evenTs, however, The feelings from our maTch will go a long way from Thai To EgypTian. home To The San Marcos Indians, a 2010 –2011. Maggie is a enhancemenT of expressed were idenTical. Toward raising The $310,000 needed To Simmons also has many impor - heriTage Simmons cherishes as he was familiar face in The research producTiviTy WiTTliff CollecTions, A cherished phrase of ours, reflecTed in The purchase The Simmons library. TanT individual collecTions wiThin his essenTially adopTed by a Pueblo Indian and faculTy recruiTmenT. having spenT The pasT gala’s Theme, is “The SpiriT of Place,” which serves The auThor of some 45 books, library, including group as a boy and While There are a num - 18 monThs assisTing as our guiding lighT as we collecT, preserve and Marc Simmons began donaTing his a large KiT Carson spenT several summers ber of criTeria ThaT researchers as well as promoTe The sTudy and appreciaTion of our papers To The WiTTliff several years collecTion as well living wiTh Them. deTermine eligibiliTy for accessioning and pro - region’s culTural heriTage. BuT The phrase means ago, and he signed an agreemenT lasT as a George Cus - Simmons’ sale of maTching funds, a qual - cessing archive collec - even more Than ThaT, and when you visiT us you’ll year To sell his exTraordinary library Ter phoTography his library will provide ifying gifT musT be des - Tions as our GraduaTe find ThaT iT also reflecTs The spiriT of our place, The To us. WiTh liTTle duplicaTion, The album wiTh early funds To ensure The ignaTed for research and STudenT for Public WiTTliff CollecTions. acquisiTion will double The WiTTliff’s images and Tin - permanenT preserva - musT be beTween Services. Welcome, When you walk inTo our space you are SouTh wesTern WriTers CollecTion Types. Some 70 Tion and conservaTion $100,000 and $10 mil - Maggie! lion. GifTs made To The received by an aesTheTic ThaT is decidedly differenT book holdings and subsTanTially of his land for fuTure WiTTliff Collec Tions aT from The universiTy library ThaT supporTs us—iT’s enhance research opporTuniTies. generaTions To experi - This level ThaT supporT akin To sTumbling upon an undiscovered plaza The WiTTliff became inTeresTed ence and appreciaTe. research, such as The and hacienda somewhere in The SouThwesT or in Simmons several years ago Our sincere Thanks acquisiTion of The Mexico. Warm Tones, highlighTed by loTs of wood because his archive conTains noT To The STill WaTer FoundaTion for Simmons Library, may and SalTillo Tile, surround you, and everyThing is decidedly a week, and we were displaced from our offices To several only his own maTerial on The giving us This challenge, and for be eligible To receive on a human scale. IT’s an inTimaTe, welcoming environmenT, differenT parTs of The building ThaT sTill had power. In The face SouThwesT, buT also documenTa - Their supporT in bringing This maTching funds. very differenT from so many museums’ grand public spaces of These difficulTies The WiTTliff sTaff was remarkably resilienT. Tion of close friendships wiTh a imporTanT library To Texas STaTe. ThaT are calculaTed To impress. We relocaTed The reading room’s operaTion To a space wiTh number of prominenT souThwesT - Don’T miss This opporTuniTy To For me, The WiTTliff represenTs an oasis—a place To naTural lighT so sTudenTs and researchers could resume Their ern wriTers, including Tony Hiller - DOUBLE YOUR DONATION! (middle) escape The hurried pace of our daily lives. IT’s also a place To sTudies; we conTinued To accepT visiTors To our Lonesome man, Elmer KelTon, Edward Abbey, Every dollar counTs. Thank you! # GuesT aT a WiTTliff discover someThing, perhaps, in our phoTography or liTerary Dove exhibiTion (where The lighTs were sTill working); and and John Nichols, and arTisTs such exhibiTion recepTion exhibiTions. Our moTTo is “InsTrucT * IlluminaTe * Inspire,” we even provided Tours of our darkened phoTography and as José Cisneros. Use The newsleTTer envelope provid - ON THE COVER (lefT) For more on From The Face to Face and I Think The elemenT of discovery plays an imporTanT role liTerary exhibiTions by flashlighT. For me This firsT impression One example of The impor - ed, or conTacT Beverly Fondren Marc Simmons, see exhibiTion (see p. 12): in each faceT. I know ThaT afTer newcomers discover us, They of The sTaff, cheerfully rallying TogeTher under pressure, was Tance of The Simmons library ScoTT aT 512.245.9058 or bf12@txs - Phyllis S. Morgan’s Marc Frida Kahlo hugging one leave The place inspired. Truly inspiraTional. IT’s good To be here. # relaTes To Cormac McCarThy— for more informaTion. Or, Simmons of New Mexico: of her xoloitzcuintle s, Maverick Historian Coyoacán, Mexico CiTy, STudenTs and oTher researchers using our collecTions in —DAVID L.