POLITYKA WEWNĘTRZNA I BEZPIECZEŃSTWO DOI: 10.12797/Poliarchia.03.2015.04.04 Katarzyna ANDRYS
[email protected] POLITYKA WIZERUNKOWA HASZYMIDZKIEGO KRÓLESTWA JORDANII ZE SZCZEGÓLNYM UWZGLęDNIENIEM ROLI PIERWSZEJ DAMY Abstract Impression Management Policy of the Jordanian Royal Family with special attention to the position of the first lady Impression Management Policy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is the image creation of this country within and outside its borders. The main actors in this process are the King and the Queen. This image is diversely interpreted and every so often is on the verge of suppressing the reality. In Jordan, the mis‑ sion of the King in creating a plausible image of his country seems to be large‑ ly complicated. The monarch has to reconcile different groups of people, such as conservatives or refugees with economical dependency to the USA, Israel or Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The Hashemite Monarchy is a particular case among the Middle Eastern countries, because the role of the Queen in public life is cru‑ cial. With the exception of the King, photographs of the royal family, or even the Queen alone, are often encountered. The present Jordanian Queen, Rania Al ‑Abdullah, is one of the most recognized Middle Eastern women, mostly be‑ cause of her skilful promotion in worldwide media. The Queen is chiefly pro‑ moting education, women and children’s rights and charity organizations. The image of the country created by the Queen is parallel to the King’s activity and also affects his image positively. keywords Jordan, Hashemite Royal Family, Impression Management Policy, Abdullah II, Rania Al -Abdullah 52 Katarzyna Andrys POLIARchia 1(4)/2015 WStęP Polityka wizerunkowa Jordanii to przede wszystkim kreowanie wizerunku państwa poprzez działalność króla i królowej.