16th March 2021

General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

49 Stockyard Street Cunnamulla Qld 4490

Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Council Notice is hereby given that the Ordinary Meeting of Council is to be held on Tuesday, 16th March 2021, at the Noorama Race Course, Noorama commencing at 9.00am. Agenda 1 OPENING OF MEETING



4 MOTION OF SYMPATHY • Stacey Lee Hooper • Nola Brown

5 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES Recommendation: That Council adopt the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held Thursday, 16th February 2021 as a true and correct record of that Meeting.


7 MAYOR 7.1 Mayor’s Report 3

8 CORRESPONDENCE 8.1 General Correspondence 4 8.2 Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General re Oxford Hotel 6 Cunnamulla, Application for Extended Trading Hours 8.3 Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General re Wyandra General Store, 12 Application for liquor licence 8.4 Letter from Dr Michael Dornbusch – Request for comment on variation to 16 proposed field trial of GM cotton - application DIR 147 8.5 Letter from DWA & CM Meurant requesting Council support relating to the 18 Music in the Mulga event 8.6 Correspondence – South West Hospital and Health Service – Deadly 20 Recruits Camp 2021

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9 OFFICER REPORTS 9.1 Chief Executive Officer 9.1.1 Office of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report 22 9.1.2 Grants Report 24 9.1.3 Project Management Report 27 9.1.4 Change of Date - May General Meeting of Council 29

9.2 Director of Infrastructure 9.2.1 Infrastructure Operations Report 30 9.2.2 Purchase of Rubbish Truck 40 9.2.3 April 2021 Sealing Package Tender 41 9.2.4 April 2021 Earthworks & Stabilising Package Tender 45

9.3 Director Community Support & Engagement 9.3.1 Community Services Report 50 9.3.2 Library Services Report 53 9.3.3 Local Laws Report 55 9.3.4 Rural Lands & Compliance Report 57 9.3.5 Wild Dog Advisory Committee (WDAC) – Unconfirmed Minutes 59 9.3.6 Tourism Report 69

10 CONFIDENTIAL 10.1 Proterra – Tender Packages for 2020 Flood Works - Late Report

11 LATE REPORTS 11.1 Action Items Register 11.2 Economic Development Update Report 11.3 Finance Report



Ms Cassandra White Chief Executive Officer Tuesday, 16th March 2021

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7.1 Mayor’s Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Office of the Mayor Author: Suzette Beresford, Mayor

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the meetings and teleconferences that Mayor Beresford has attended.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Mayor’s Report

Discussion Mayor Beresford has attended the following Meetings and Teleconferences:

February 2021 17/02/21 • Chris Hamilton, RESQ • Ben Smith, Lucid Economics • Strong Families, Strong Communities Meetin 19/02/2021 • Simone Talbot, SWQROC

March 2021 05/03/21 • Gallery Opening of Kirk Mitchell’s Art Exhibition 11/03/21 • SWRED EDAC meeting

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8.1 General Correspondence – Notification of Decision Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: Department of Health Author: Office of the Gene Technology Regulator

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with general correspondence for their information.

Recommendation That Council: 1. receive and note the correspondence

Attachments A. Letter from the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator Notification of decision on application DIR 174 from Biocelect Pty Ltd for the commercial supply of a GM cholera vaccine, Vaxchora

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Dear CEO/General Manager

17 February 2021

Notification of decision on application DIR 174 from Biocelect Pty Ltd for the commercial supply of a GM cholera vaccine, Vaxchora®

The Regulator has issued licence DIR 174 to Biocelect Pty Ltd, authorising import, transport, storage and disposal associated with commercial supply of a genetically modified (GM) cholera vaccine, Vaxchora®. Vaxchora® is a vaccine developed to prevent cholera disease in people who travel overseas to areas where cholera is present. These activities associated with GM vaccine supply are authorised to take place throughout Australia. This vaccine also requires approval from other agencies including the Therapeutic Goods Administration. The Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) and the licence were finalised taking into account input received during consultation with the public, State and Territory governments, Australian Government agencies, the Minister for the Environment, the Gene Technology Technical Advisory Committee and local councils. The Regulator thanks submitters for their contributions. Submissions are summarised in Appendix B and Appendix C of the RARMP, together with information about how the issues raised relating to risks to human health and safety or the environment were considered in preparing and finalising the RARMP. The finalised RARMP concludes that the import, transport, storage and disposal associated with commercial supply of the GM vaccine poses negligible risks to people and the environment and does not require specific risk treatment measures. However, general licence conditions have been imposed to ensure ongoing oversight of these activities associated with supply of the GM vaccine. The finalised RARMP, a summary of the RARMP, the licence and Questions and Answers about this decision can be obtained online from the DIR 174 page of the Office of the Gene Technology Regulator’s (OGTR) website or requested via the contacts detailed below.

Office of the Gene Technology Regulator | MDP 54 GPO Box 9848 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Telephone: 1800 181 030 | Facsimile: 02 6113 8303 | E-mail: [email protected] Website:

"Important: This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this transmission in error please notify the author immediately and delete all copies of this transmission."

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8.2 Correspondence – Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General advising Oxford Hotel Cunnamulla, Application for Extended Trading Hours Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: DJAG, Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation Author: Karen Mitic, Licensing Officer

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with correspondence from the Dept Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) advising of an Application for Extended Trading Hours by the Oxford Hotel Cunnamulla.

Recommendation That Council: 1. Consider and advise their position relating to the application; and 2. Request that the CEO respond to DJAG, advising Council’s position.

Discussion DJAG has provided notice that the Oxford Hotel Cunnamulla has lodged an application for extended trading hours and is requesting that Council advise whether they have any comments on, or objections to the application and provide a response by the 29th March 2021. The Applicant is requesting the following: Current Trading Hours 10.00am to 12.00am Monday to Sunday Proposed Trading Hours 10.00am – 12.00am Sunday to Thursday 10.00am – 2.00am Friday and Saturday

Attachments A. Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General advising application for Extended Trading Hours

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8.3 Correspondence – Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General advising Wyandra General Store, Application for Liquor Licence Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: DJAG, Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation Author: Darren Parker, Licensing Officer

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with correspondence from the Dept Justice and Attorney General (DJAG) advising of an Application for a liquor licence by Patos Bar and Café Pty Ltd, at the Wyandra General Store premises.

Recommendation That Council: 1. receive and note the correspondence

Discussion DJAG has provided notice that Patos Bar and Café Pty Ltd has lodged an application for a liquor licence at the Wyandra General Store and is requesting that Council advise whether they have any comments on, or objections to the application and provide a response by the 10th March 2021.

This application was received following the previous Council meeting with a response required by the 10th March 2021. No objections were submitted regarding this application as conditions display the supply of alcohol will be with a meal and not as a licensed alcohol only premises; with the Applicant proposing to include an outdoor dining area as part of their proposed licensed area. Proposed Trading Hours 10.00am to 12.00am Monday to Sunday

Attachments A. Letter from Dept Justice and Attorney General advising application for Liquor Licence

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8.4 Correspondence – Request for comment on proposed field trial of GM Cotton Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, Canberra Author: Dr Michael Dornbusch, Delegate of the Gene Technology Regulator

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with correspondence from Dr Michael Dornbusch, Delegate of the Gene Technology Regulator, requesting comment from Council regarding a proposed field trial of GM Cotton.

Recommendation That Council: 1. Consider and advise their position relating to the application; and 2. Request that the CEO respond, advising Council’s position.

Discussion Refer Attachment

Attachments A. Letter from Dr Michael Dornbusch, Delegate of the Gene Technology Regulator

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3 March 2021

Dear CEO/General Manager

Request for comment on proposed field trial of GM cotton On 23 January 2017, a licence was issued to Monsanto Australia Limited for a field trial of cotton genetically modified (GM) for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance (DIR 147). Your local government area was proposed as a possible location for the field trial. The licence permits growing of the GM cotton until July 2021. The licence holder is now applying for a variation to the licence to permit growing of the GM cotton for a further three years, until July 2024. The proposed variation seeks to allow planting of up to 50 sites each year, with a maximum planting of up to 50 ha per site and a maximum combined area of 250 ha/year. The GM cotton would not be used for human food or animal feed. I would like to offer you the opportunity to comment on the proposed extension of time for this trial. I realise Councils do not usually have specialist scientific advice available to them. The purpose in consulting your Council is to make you aware of the application and to seek comment from people who are familiar with the area where the varied trial could take place.

Assessment of the original licence application DIR 147 The OGTR prepared a Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan (RARMP) for DIR 147 before issuing the licence. The RARMP was based on current scientific information and advice received from a wide range of experts, agencies and authorities, and the public. The risk assessment concluded that this limited and controlled trial of the GM cotton modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance poses negligible risk to the health and safety of people and the environment. Licence DIR 147 imposes conditions to restrict the size (number of hectares planted) and duration of the trial and to contain the GMO to permitted locations. Further information on the field trial can be found on the DIR 147 page of the OGTR website. I would be grateful to receive any comments on the proposed licence extension within 30 calendar days from the date of this email, i.e. by 6 April 2021. An early response (including nil response) would be very much appreciated. If you would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact the evaluator for this application by e- mail ([email protected]) or by phone on (02) 6289 1427.

Yours sincerely

Dr Michael Dornbusch Delegate of the Gene Technology Regulator

Office of the Gene Technology Regulator | MDP 54 GPO Box 9848 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Telephone: 1800 181 030 | Facsimile: 02 6271 4202 | E-mail: [email protected] Website:

"Important: This transmission is intended only for the use of the addressee and may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient, you are notified that any use or dissemination of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you receive this transmission in error please notify the author immediately and delete all copies of this transmission."

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8.5 Correspondence – Letter from DWA & CM Meurant requesting Council support relating to the Music in the Mulga event Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: Music in the Mulga Author: DWA & CM Meurant

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with correspondence from David and Carmel Meurant requesting support from Council toward the Music in the Mulga event to be held in May 2021

Recommendation That Council: 1. Consider and advise their position relating to the request; 2. Approve grading and rolling of Pitherty Rd from the bitumen to the Wandilla turnoff; 3. Approve use Council’s generator for the duration of the event; and 4. Request that the CEO respond, advising Council’s position.

Discussion Music in the Mulga is an annual event hosted by David and Carmel Meurant at Wandilla Station each year in May. The event drives economic stimulus into the Paroo Shire, and provides an experience many festival goers return each year to attend.

Music in the Mulga is a family run event and following the cancellation of Music in the Mulga during 2020, organisers are planning for a larger crowd than previously seen. To keep patrons safe David and Carmel are requesting the following support: That the Pitherty Road be graded and rolled from the end of the bitumen to the Wandilla turnoff; and Use of Council’s generator for the duration of the event

Attachments A. Letter from DWA & CM Meurant, Music in the Mulga

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23rd February, 2021

Paroo Shire Council

PO Box 75


Dear CEO,

After the cancellation, due to Covid in 2020, Music In The Mulga 2021 will be held from the 13th— 16th May and it is shaping up to be a huge event. We are writing to request having the Pitherty Road graded and rolled from the end of the bitumen to the Wandilla turnoff to safely accommodate the high volume of vehicles and caravans which will be travelling the road. Presently the road would be a traffic hazard for people unaccustomed to dirt roads and towing caravans and we do not wish to see visitors to our Shire having accidents due to condition of our roads.

Also, would council once again consider the use of the generator for the Saturday of the Festival?

2018 saw the one-way economic boost to our Shire of $368,662.67. This amount was worked out through the collection of receipts from patrons of the event and was money spent in the Paroo Shire only being Cunnamulla, Eulo, and Wyandra prior to the event. The amount is only an indication of what would have been injected into the Shire as the visitors also had to leave the area and their stocks would’ve been depleted.

We need to continue to grow events such as this to encourage the spend of travellers that are attracted to all of our events within the Shire.

If council finds favour in our request, could the grading be complete by Friday 7th May as patrons will be starting to arrive by then.

Thanking you for your time and consideration and awaiting your reply.

Yours faithfully

DWA & CM Meurant

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8.6 Correspondence – South West Hospital and Health Service – Deadly Recruits Camp 2021 Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Organisation: South West Hospital and Health Service - HOPE Program Author: Suzanne Eustace-Earle

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide Council with correspondence from Suzanne requesting support from Council toward the Deadly Recruits Camp 2021

Recommendation That Council: 1. Consider and advise their position relating to the request; 2. Request that the CEO respond, advising Council’s position.

Discussion – Email received Hi Cassie

The HOPE Program in partnership with the Murweh Shire Council, Paroo Shire Council, CACH, RAPAD, SWHHS, Defence Force Recruiting have delivered 5 successful Deadly Recruits Camps (last years was cancelled due to COVID).

The camp is for students from St George, Cunnamulla P-12 SS, Charleville HS and Charleville School of Distance Education (total of 33). It gives students the opportunity to simulate life in the Defence Force. Directly after the DR Camp the Defence then take any students that are interested (free of charge) to Toowoomba for testing. As a result of this 9 students from Cunnamulla and Charleville have entered the Defence Force.

Paroo Shire Council in the past has provided • Transport of the Elders on the Community Day • Provide and transport porto-loos to Tinnenburra • Provide and transport cold room to Tinnenburra

The DR Camp will be held 20-25 June this year and we are wondering if the same support would be given this year?

Look forward to hearing from you.



Suzanne Eustace-Earle HOPE Program South West Hospital and Health Service [email protected]

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9.1.1 Office of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Office of the Chief Executive Officer Author: Cassandra White, Chief Executive Officer

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an update on activities within the Office of the Chief Executive for the month of February 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Office of the Chief Executive Officer’s Report.

Discussion 1. Economic Development • Economic Development Update Report will be included in the Supplementary Agenda as a Late Report

2. Health 2.1 Notifiable Diseases • Nil 2.2 Food Recalls • FSANZ 2021/11 received on 22/02/2021 • FSANZ 2021/13 received on 23/02/2021 • FSANZ 2021/12 received on 24/02/2021 • FSANZ 2021/14 received on 25/02/2021

Emailed to local food outlets & advised to remove product from shelves 2.3 Food Hygiene Inspections • Nil 2.4 Building • 20-21-13 Form 56 received from Kevin Mizen – notice to the local government that a Private Certifier has been engaged for 21 Railway St Wyandra for a new construction of enclosed covered area received on 18/1/2021.

• 20-21-14 Development application, Material Change of Use on Lot 2 on RP 72055, Broad St Cunnamulla for Telecommunications Tower received on 4/1/2021 from Out Of The Woods Planning, Maroochydore. Forwarded to Chris Tickner. Payment for MCU Impact Assessable received on 18/01/2021. Confirmation Notice sent on 01/02/2021 to Field Solutions Group cl- Out The Woods Planning. *Proposed Development “Have Your Say” for Telecommunications Tower on Lot 2 RP72055 for Development Permit for Material Change of Use placed in the South West Newspaper & signs erected on Broad St & Arthur St from 18th February to 12th March.

• Building Inspections for the Month: Nil 2.5 General • 8/2/21 Enquiry to Tony Goldsworthy re-catering for a small group with COVID Restrictions, details forwarded to caterer. • Email received on 17/2/21 from Office of Liquor & Gaming Regulation re:

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application to extended Trading Hours at the Oxford Hotel please advise whether the council has any comments on, or objections to, the grant of this application, CEO to discuss at the next Council Meeting. • 22/2/2021 Sharon O’Hare spoke with Tony Goldsworthy re- requirements for catering from YOMSCI 2 nights per week, Tony has advised a food licence will be required to operate at YOMSCI. 2.6 Enquiries received by Chris Tickner • Nil

3. Workplace Health and Safety • 253 Take 5’s completed by staff at various work sites • 2 x Hazard Reports submitted and rectification works completed • 6 Incident Reports completed • 2 relates to a minor injuries to 2 staff members • 4 relate to minor damage to Council plant • Completed 8 general Inductions for the following; • 4 employees • 4 contractors • Travel to Munda Munda Road to conduct inductions of civil contractors. • Conduct safety talk to staff at Thurlagoona Road • 3 Safety Spot Checks on civil construction sites to raise the awareness of safety • Chair council safety committee meeting • Assist safety consultants with Work Safety & Safety Management Plan • Attend teleconference with Qld Public Unit and surrounding Shire Councils to update COVID-19 activities • Nil Lost Time Injuries (LTI), 1 worker with injured back

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9.1.2 Grants Application Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Office of the Chief Executive Officer Author: Alison Shaw, The Right Grant

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an update Grant Applications as at the end of February 2021 as prepared by Alison Shaw of The Right Grant.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Grants Application Report.

Discussion See attachment A for updates on grant applications that have been submitted and upcoming funding opportunities.

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Attachment A

1. Paroo Shire Council – Grant Applications Submitted

FUND Department/Provi Project Total Project Council Amount Status der Cost Contribution Requested Feral State Funding for strategic $1,000,000.00 Pending Budget resubmitted Pest Initiative- cluster fencing Round 5 subsidies Regional Arts Fund Federal Gallery Coordinator $150,000.00 EOI Full application submitted Recovery Boost administered by position (over 3 years) successful Renewal State organisation – Flying Arts Remote Airstrip Federal Eulo Airstrip upgrade $150,000.00 - $150,000.00 Pending Upgrade Program Remote Airstrip Federal Yowah Airstrip $150,000.00 - $150,000.00 Pending Upgrade Program upgrade Regional Airports Federal Wyandra Airstrip – $147,581.00 - $147,581.00 Pending Program - Round 2 re-sheet/repair runway and fence strip Regional Airports Federal Cunnamulla Airstrip- $24,613.00 - $24,613.00 Pending Program - Round 2 upgrade manuals and line-marking Building Better Federal Cunnamulla Airport $1,550,060 - $1,550,060 Pending Regions Fund Terminal Upgrade Building Better Federal Cunnamulla Hot $717,904.00 - $717,904.00 Pending Regions Fund Springs – Stage 2: Pontoon & Jetty Driver Reviver – Federal Upgrade to $46,870.00 $1,171.75 $48,041.25 Pending round 2 Cunnamulla VIC Driver Reviver site

2. Funding opportunities:

Murray-Darling Basin Economic Development Program (Round 3):

It will be a $200million round with $100million dedicated to tourism-related infrastructure. The intended outcomes of the program are to: • increase the capacity of eligible communities to diversify and strengthen local economies. • enhance the resilience of these communities to manage current and future economic challenges and changes. Page 25 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

• and increase the opportunities for employment within these communities.

The minimum grant amount is $50,000 (GST exclusive). There is a notional pool of $1 million available for the Paroo Shire. The grant opportunity will run from 1 June 2021 to 31 May 2022. Applications close April 12th.

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9.1.3 Project Management Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Office of the Chief Executive Officer Author: Chris Safonoff

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the on the activities undertaken by the Project Management Team.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Project Management Report

Project Updates 1. CCEC Building The CCEC building is very close to completion with PC documentation being currently compiled along with defect listings and consultant inspection reports. All consultant inspections and defect reviews were undertaken on the 1st and 2nd March. Fourier and their optic fibre cable contractor are due on site from the 12th March through to the 23rd March to undertake all the IT migration scope. The weekend of the 20/21st March is when the servers and phones will all be physically relocated in preparation for the staff to move in on the 22nd March. Training on the AV systems has been delayed until the 22nd March as the servers need to be installed and working to facilitate this training. Some signage will not be installed until after the move in date as the order was not placed until the shield changes had been agreed and finalised, but this will be installed with no impact on the operation of the building.

2. Digital Connectivity Project – Field Solutions Group We are still awaiting final details of how the retail connection opportunity for Cunnamulla residents will be made available via Thompson electrical. The land access agreement accountability is all sitting with FSG and council are awaiting the documents back from FSG to execute for the Cunnamulla tower site. FSG are in contact with the State Government around the reserve land in Eulo and are in contact with the two private land owners around the other 2 sites. FSG have been requested to provide an updated programme and status report to council and to arrange a phone link up with the CEO and other key stakeholders to discuss the current progress.

3. Deep Creek Bridge The final funding acquittal is still in the approval phase and we are awaiting confirmation of acceptance. Regular contact is being maintained with the department to follow this matter through the process.

4. Sewer Treatment Plant The STP continues to operate as expected and water quality results have improved over the last month. Premise engineers report was issued and most items have been attended to. The grit auger and blower adjustments are still to be resolved fully. All variation scopes have been completed with the exception of the incinerator which is now in Australia but yet to be delivered.

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Ergon permanent power is now fully connected and the generator is not running daily. Works are likely to proceed on the upgrading of the pond access road and areas surrounding the ponds in late March.

5. Cunnamulla Hot Springs Following the closure of the EOI for the commercial operator, contact has been made with representatives for the two submissions received. Zoom meetings will be set for mid March to discuss the capabilities and thoughts on the proposed project with each of these parties. A draft stage 2 EOI will be prepared for approval by the steering committee prior to distribution, but this will need to be delayed until the design has progressed to the next level, so as we provide a more accurate representation of the proposed design of the facility and the pools. The appointment of the secondary consultants was approved at the steering group committee and the successful parties have all been provided confirmation of being the preferred consultant and purchase orders are currently being arranged. The unsuccessful parties were also notified. The initial full design team meeting is to be held on the 9th March at COX Architecture offices. Discussions have been finalised with the funding body around the next $250,000 stage and the paperwork has been submitted and we are awaiting funding date confirmation.

6. Cunnamulla Racecourse The project scope for the racecourse canteen area that can be accommodated within the available budget has been finalised and tenders to the local builders have closed. The project has been awarded to Land Constructions who have commenced planning and procurement of materials for the project. The upgrade works are targeted to be completed prior to the Anzac day races but the programme will be very tight and this will be monitored as to what stages can be completed within the available window remaining. Racing Queensland are dealing with the racing club as to finalizing the payment of the $46k of funds previously awarded for the female jockey facility.

7. Hall Courtyard The project scope for the hall courtyard that can be accommodated within the available budget has been finalised and tenders to the local builders have closed. The project has been awarded to Land Constructions who have commenced planning and procurement of materials for the project. The Purchase order has been issued and works are due to commence shortly. Council will order the seats and garden planters separately.

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9.1.4 Change of Date - May General Meeting of Council Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Office of the Chief Executive Officer Author: Cassandra White, Chief Executive officer

Purpose The purpose of this document is to request that Council amend the date of the May 2021, General Meeting of Council.

Recommendation That Council resolve to change the date of the May General Meeting of Council from Tuesday, 18th May 2021 to Monday, 24th May 2021 to allow the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to attend the Western Queensland Alliance of Councils Conference to be held in Richmond 17th – 19th May 2021

Discussion The Western Queensland Alliance of Councils (WQAC) Conference is being held in Richmond on 17th – 19th May 2021. The last WQAC was held in Longreach in 2020 which offered positive interactions and opportunities for delegates to meet personally with many State and Federal representatives.

Cr Beresford (Mayor), Cr Brain (Deputy Mayor) and the Chief Executive will be travelling and attending the conference.

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9.2.1 Infrastructure Operations Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Infrastructure Author: Infrastructure Department

Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide an update on Infrastructure Operations for the month of February 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Infrastructure Operations Report.

Discussion 1. Maintenance Crews Throughout February the Infrastructure department have been busy catching up on historic maintenance issues by way of minor surface correction in Cunnamulla, as well as undertaking extensive efforts to improve Councils commitment to road safety and upgrading outdated roadside furniture. It has been found that there is an extremely large number of roadside signage and guide posts on both the Council network and the RMPC network that are non-compliant, which the team are working diligently to rectify. A detailed list of work completed for the month of February is as follows; in addition to minor works which pop up daily keeping the team constantly busy.  Minor light formation grading on the Glencoe Road, South of the weir  Surface correction of Beardmore and Bedford Streets as well as shoulder correction, allowing storm water to reach the drain  Desilting of surface drainage on Bedford Street to allow better flow of storm water  Daily pushing of the Cunnamulla Refuse Tip  Major clean up and sign establishment of Cunnamulla Refuse Tip  Rockwell Road – Sign installation/replacement o 65 Guide posts o 2 ”T” Junction signs o 1 Left curve sign o 1 Right Curve sign o 12 Grid signs o 12 Floodway signs o 18 Chevron/Delineation signs o 1 Give-way sign  Glentuckie Road – Sign installation/replacement o 18 Guide posts installed  Cuttaburra Road – Sign installation/replacement o 3 Grid signs installed o 12 Floodway signs installed o 8 Chevrons/Delineation signs installed o 67 Guide posts installed o 1 Give-way sign installed o 1 ”T” Junction sign installed o 1 Right Hand Curve sign installed o 180km Speed sign installed  Cuttaburra Road – Roadside vegetation and regrowth cleared for reduction of vision hazard, various sections along the entire length of road amounting to 19km all up of clearing. (Within existing road corridor and within sixe limit of vegetation management).

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2. RMPC Works  4 pipe repairs completed on the Bollon Highway, Traffic Lights and Traffic control needed. (Holes in the traffic path created by separation of pipe/culverts caused by our ever moving black soil areas)  8 Guide posts replaced on Bollon Road  2 cement headwall replacements on a culvert on the Bollon Road  Surface correction works performed 24th of February and Bulloo-Development Road  Road inspections completed on Bulloo Development Road, Charleville Road, Bollon Road and Barringun Road during the week of 21st – 26th February  Emergency call out the morning Sunday the 14th February due to water over the road on the (Charleville Road)  Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla – Charleville) – 7 x Floodway signs and posts replaced, 5 x Stock crossing signs and posts replaced (4 x ordered), 2 x 100km speed signs replaced, 1 x 110km speed signs and post replaced, 2 x A71 signs replaced, 163 guide posts replaced/straightened. 3. Road Works 3.1. Flood Restoration Works – Munda Munda Road After completion of the Murra Murra Road early in the month of February (2.5km Heavy Formation Subgrade Treatment) this crew moved onto the bottom end of Munda Munda Road, working their way towards Yaralla Road. The high quality of works has been continued and we have the potential of getting a large portion of this section of road signed off as complete. The treatment type approved by QRA is that of standard heavy formation grading; meaning we can complete this section and move forward without need to return with gravel trucks. A total of 8.9km of road has been completed and which has either been fully signed off or subgrade prepped awaiting gravel cartage. With gravel supply now available and having trucks start on the ground on 22nd of February we hope to have this 8.9km section and 13km of the Yaralla road close to complete by the end of March. This crew continues to camp out of Bollon, though the distance even from there is becoming almost that of the distance from Cunnamulla when considering 80% is travelled on unsealed roads 3.2. Flood Restoration Works – Jobs Gate Road Completion of Thurulgoona Road Subgrade took place late in January and this team moved into the mammoth task of Jobs Gate Road. Some minimal works from the REPA 2019 package has been completed and signed off in the form of Heavy Shoulder Grading on the southern section of bitumen. We have also been able to desilt and secure two turkey nests along the section of road from end of bitumen to Bundaleer South Lane which will offer some water security for the duration of works. We have completed for the month of February close to 9km grading including subgrade preparation and Heavy Formation Grading. This team has seen a few significate breakdowns with the semi water tanker which has slowed progress from time to time; this along with the extraordinary distances travelled each morning only becoming bigger which has started to show in our lack of production. 3.3. Flood Restoration Works – Gravel Trucks Council flood damage teams were given access to gravel supply at South Plains Pit 2 on the 16th of February, unfortunately due to wet weather that week carting did not commence until the 22nd. We have taken the opportunity to request the help of our local contractors to help speed the process due to the late start. Five road trains commenced carting and they are moving an average of 650t per day around to the Jobs Gate Road (Ch. 78.740km) this is a significant turn around and consists of 83km one way on unsealed road. It is estimated that the entire volume of gravel needed for Jobs Gate unsealed works will be carted in 20-27 work days. 3.4. RMPC Grading Works – Charleville-Bollon Road This job has progressed exceptionally well; productivity increased with the help from a Page 31 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

local contractor working closely with our crew. During the month due to significant rainfall work halted for one whole week. Despite this set back, as at the 26th February we had completed 37.5km of medium formation grading incorporating the cleaning of all diversion drains (where possible), 2.5km of rework due to wet weather and the remaining 4km of grading scheduled to be completed in the first week of March. 3.5. Upcoming Roads Packages The stabilisation and sealing packages sent out to tender via Vendor Panel in February as mentioned in the January council report have closed on the 26th February and tenders received were reviewed. The report for recommendation to council has been prepared by the Project Manager and will form part of the late agenda. 4. Plant & Workshop With the resignation of the workshop supervisor in January we have made some necessary short-term changes in the workshop space to both fill our obligation to our apprentices as well as bring some outside experience in the way of quality assurance to industry standard procedures and mentoring. It has gone a long way to change the culture of the workshop over such a short period of time and the perception seen by all staff as it pertains to the workshop and their turnover of plant repairs. With the imminent COI inspections rapidly approaching this has been the directive and approach taken by the entire team in order for us to become compliant with our heavy fleet of plant items. The Workshop team have been working some overtime during the week as well as Saturdays in order to catch up on workload and ensure we meet our deadlines with these works. An extensive list of February works is as follows.  Unit 247 Prime Mover - A/C Defect, cleaned out condenser thoroughly with water, diagnosis of brake light faults and carrying out thorough COI pre inspection. Anything minor that could be fixed such as various cracks on truck tipper sub frame was grinded out and welded up.  Unit 253 – Front-End Cab shock absorbers and various other defect repairs completed outstanding for a long period completed, reassembled all front lights and grill etc. cab tilt solenoid faulty, ordered new solenoid and reassembled. A major leak on hydraulic hoist cylinder and truck PTO pump was discovered once truck was being moved from the workshop, awaiting parts to complete.  Rubbish truck unserviceable batteries both replaced.  Unit 250 Pave liner – Replaced the main air valve for controls, replaced air hose from compressor; this unit has been discovered too have significant wear to a majority of the running gear. It was decided to send off site for repair, these works should be completed by mid to late March.  Unit 339 950M CAT Loader – Serviced.  Step deck trailer – Full brake replacement.  Unit 253 – Bull bar indicator lights replaced with LED.  Unit 271 Scarab street sweeper – Remove leaking oil pressure line, sent off site for braising and reassembled. The replacement part for this is a 6 week wait ex. Italy.  Unit 336 Cat 924G loader – Repair flat position two (RH front) tyre, (pushing at the town dump). Front boom hydraulic lines oil leaks resealed.  Semi Water Tanker – Taken off site for internal welding of cracks, (High Risk Work, Confined Spaces).  280 KW truck – Jan inspect front end kingpins whilst on concrete.  453 tipper / water tanker trailer – Crack repairs on chassis and sub frame, front rubber mounts replaced.  656 – Kubota zero turn mowers bearing shroud bent (suspected bearing failure), straightened guard & re checked all ok.  Jockey wheel replacement on 4 inch Kubota.  Sign Posts/Frames made for the Cunnamulla Refuse Tip.  Old enclosed Camp Trailer repurposed into a lockable emergency sign trailer. Page 32 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

 Unit 254 Western star - Hydraulics PTO clutch re assembled & install pump, Replace air conditioner components, re-gas and test air-conditioning. Repairs to wiring for tail lights.  Unit 247 Hino Truck - Install new PTO pump, trailer dolly lock booster replaced, new brake switch fitted to truck brake pedal and tested.  Unit 124 Hilux Duel Cab - Serviced 110,000 km.  Unit 203 Colorado - Service also completed & noted suspension & brakes need repairs.  Unit 331 Cat 259D Skid Steer - 1250 hour service complete and assess defects including air-con faults (all faults repaired).  Unit 253 – Windscreen Replaced.  Unit 252 - Truck scoped out for defects and repairs begin parts lists for quotes.  Unit 280 Kenworth - Change out 50 mm Jost Jaws for new ones same size; old ones badly worn. Cab air bags and shocks Replaced.  Unit 137 and Unit 138 New Hilux Duel Cab Utes - Orange beacons not working on both Ute on arrival, wiring poor quality; install all new plant stickers & unit numbers and swap supervisor tool boxes over.  Unit 252 UD Truck - Extensive crack repair work completed and hoist cylinder parts sent offsite for recondition, returned and repaired.  Unit 409 Dolly - Remove & replace turntable.  Unit 280 – installation of Jost 50mm Jaws Kit, reducing from 90mm and returning our fleet of Prime movers to a uniform standard. Eliminating the need for changing pins on trailers.

These along with various small jobs as they arise has kept the workshop busy, it’s been an exceptional month of production from them and a great turnaround in both attitude and enthusiasm. 5. Plant Replacement The two new outdoor work crew Hilux’s arrived on the 9th of February. The quotation documents for the replacement of the Plumbers vehicle had all been received which had been distributed via Vendor Panel on the Local Buy Contract panel. After review, a decision had been made and a new vehicle ordered with a 12 week turn around. Quotations were also received for a new low loader, unfortunately due to the issues with COVID-19 and short resources the turn around time on a new low loader is 9-10 months, after a review council has made an order for the new low loader. The new Grader and Roller will arrive early in March. Council have been unsuccessful in acquiring more than one quote for the replacement of the Rubbish Truck. However, we have been given a free demonstration of a truck from the company who have supplied a quote which took place on the 25th February, this truck will be sufficient for our needs. It will take 16-19 weeks to build should council decide to purchase. Additional report supplied for Council’s consideration. 6. Assets Department The assets department has seen a few changes over the last month with Council taking back some of the services previously contracted out. This includes working closely with the safety department and completing all fire equipment maintenance and testing, testing and tagging of electrical equipment, and the maintaining of lifting slings auditing records. This will see a significant cost reduction to Council and utilise the skills of our currently qualified Asset Officer. We have seen a number of needles picked up around the town in the month of February with the main hotspots being at the old town bridge and the river walk on the western side of town. There has been a significant amount of needle packaging found underneath both sides of the new bridge and could suggest needles possibly being thrown into the river. A total of 17 needles and 26 other items of drug related paraphernalia were found in the month of February. On top of the above a detailed list of works completed on shire assets are below, with various other small works in planning/awaiting quotes.

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6.1. Shire Hall  Repairs to Kitchen area sliding divider.  New locks ordered for cage style gates to court yard (awaiting arrival).  Serviced and cleaned floor polisher.  Replaced faulty batteries in polisher.  Fixed water leak in male’s toilet (stage area).  Replaced blown fluorescent light bulbs (multiple).  Repaired paper towel dispensers in all toilets.  Requested covers to be placed on supper rooms A/Cs where missing.  Electrical repairs ongoing for sound room power cord ends that have been damaged.  Replenished bait stations.

6.2. Works Depot  Removed rear door self shutter straightened in back up and re-installed.  Testing and tagging of electrical equipment in the Workshop, awaiting delivery of supply of tags to complete all other testing and tagging.  Installed barrel bolts to both small shed roller doors.  Adjusted roller doors.  Replenished bait stations.  Organised fire pumps to be fixed ASAP. (ongoing issues due to waiting on electricians).  Requested Repairs to hole in wall and cracks in walls in Main Office.

6.3. Cunnamulla Pool  Adjusted and Fixed all female change room latches and toilet latches fabricated a stronger door latch.  Damaged and Rusted Poles in BBQ area were replaced with the aid of Council Boilermaker.  Attempted to repair water leak in main pool but unsuccessful, further investigation ongoing.  Adjusted steel door on canteen due to damage (Attempted Break In).  Repaired front doors to pool due to damage (Attempted Break In).  Request sunken grass areas to be top dressed (Help of P&G).

6.4. Information Centre  Placed new door handle on office door.  Drone footage Info centre.

6.5. Communities  Repaired two seats.  Reinstalled broken blind.

6.6. Drop-Inn Centre  Repaired broken rear door.  Requested clean up and mowing of area (Help of P&G).

6.7. Cemetery  Repairs to damaged fencing.

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 Adjusted front walk in gate latch.

6.8. John Kerr Park  Repairs to flooring in grand stand.  Tightened coach bolts in stairs.  Installed new locks to all access gates to JKP (assistance of Council Boiler Maker, chains welded to locks and all welded to fence).  Removed minor derogatory graffiti (constantly on going).

6.9. Centenary Park  Repaired fitness equipment due to minor damage and wear and tear.  Playground Inspection found loose bolts (rectified).  Helped remove Graffiti from BBQs.  Organised electrical repairs to damaged line.  Removal of broken glass.

6.10. Apex Park  Swing adjustment (wear and tear).  Park inspections.

6.11. Cunnamulla Refuse Centre  Drone pictures x 3 sets.  Continuous monitoring of dump.

6.12. Cunnamulla Race Course  Site inspections.  Repairs to flooring.  Tightened coach bolts to stairs and hand rails.  Request for repairs of sunken pavers.  Request removal of damaged seating.

6.13. Housing  Installed 2 smoke alarms.  Repairs to flooring in Louise Street.  A large number of calls for lock outs and other small minor call outs/requests.  Sliding doors adjustment.  Waiting on second quote for door replacement (Flat 1 pensioners units).  Cleaning of rubbish underneath units (pensioners units) due to snake scares etc.  Repairs to close line.  Fixed water leaks in taps multiple.  A/C replacement pensioners unit 5/5.  Ongoing catch ups with tenants for minor repairs. 7. Water Supply & Sewerage Operations Water  Bore number 2, 3 and 4 running and keeping up with demand.  Water consumption to date for February 126.5 ML.  Water Breaks: There were six mains breaks in Cunnamulla.  Eulo water consumption 5.2ML  One leak repaired in Yowah  Two leaks repaired in Wyandra.

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Sewerage  Pumps: All pump stations operating normally.  Hours run: (1 - 45.6. (2 - 24.4. (3 - 50.1 (4 -10.4. (5 - 13.2.  Blockages: there were 4 blockages, all being house lines with no mains blockages reported.  Cunnamulla STP performing well, with only a few minor problems of pump blockages. Rodney Jones is working in well as operator. Customer  There were four C/R attended in February, all being sewer callouts for Requests house line blockages. 8. Proterra Update - 2019 & 2020 Flood Damage Works 8.1. Executive Summary – the following is a brief of the key items/ issues of interest of relevance to Council:  The Project is progressing through the Gravel and gravel pit requirements. Councils should note that there will be a requirement to increase the size and capacity of most pits and this is taking some time.  All submissions for Road Works have been approved by QRA and as at the date of preparing this report about $49.45M has been approved for REPA works.  2019 REPA Works is progressing with over 40 roads having the road civil works completed an with only minor works such as pipe replacement, rock protection and the like to be completed.  Preparation of Contract Documentation for the 2020 REPA works is now at a stage where four (4) tenders closing on the 3rd March and recommendations being considered at the March Council Meeting. 8.2. Gravel/Materials Supply (Quarries and Gravel Pits)  QRA has approved all submissions. The final gravel quantity has been established for 2020 works of about 370,000 tonnes.  The Gravel Contractor has now delivered over 53,000 tonne of gravel for both 2019 and 2020 scope works as previously approved. All gravel for 2019 Scope has now been delivered.  A request for a Purchase order for the additional gravel requirements as been forwarded for approval.  Crushing and Screening is underway on various locations along Murra Murra Road with the plant currently located at Bendee Downs No. 1 pit and will progress north towards the highway over the coming weeks. On completion we will then move to Thurulugoona Reserve Pit on Thurulugoona Road.  The Contractor is presently sourcing additional plant in order to deliver additional gravel to meet current programs.  The review of the gravel pits that will be used has been completed. In brief:  Over 55 pits have been identified for potential use for the project. These are based on location, current capacity and recent soil testing results.  Out of the 55 pits 45 pits have been identified as pits for actual use in sourcing gravel in order to deliver up to 370,000 tonne of gravel (subject to QRA final approval).  Most of the 45 pits do require an increase in either size or capacity and will require to progress through a regulatory approval process. This process will commence within the next few weeks and will include applications to both DAF and DES.  We have engaged an inspector specifically to deal with the management of gravel pits, liaison with property owners etc.  Key issue at the moment is the negotiation with property owners for access and royalties. The project has identified a shortfall of historical information that required attention.

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8.3. Submissions. All submissions for Road Works have been approved by QRA and at the time of preparing this report about $49.45M has been approved. A submission for a Fishway on Coonberry Plains Road is currently with DAF waiting approval. This will be submitted once approvals have been provided – the latest information is that this application should be released early March 2021. 8.4. REPA Delivery.  Council crews continue to deliver both 2019 and 2020 Flood Damage Works in the SEQ and are presently working on Yaralla and Jobs gate Road.  Current status for Contractors for 2019 Works:  Yerrel Road Package:- Completed including additional works on Farnham Plains and Koomearng Roads.  Humeburn Road Package:- Road Works are completed on all roads with only a pipe replacement on Old Charleville Road to be completed. The Contractor is sourcing materials at the moment.  iAmenda – Tinneburra Road Package:- All roads works have been completed with only some minor works associated pipes and signage outstanding  Cuttaburra Road Package:- Works have generally been completed. However due to rain some sections of road cannot be completed until it dries out. These works are expected to be finalised by Mid-March 2021.  Mt Alfred Package:-Contractor has commenced works with the bulk of the works expected to be complete by the end of the 2nd week in March.  Coongoola Lane Package:- Works not yet commenced. Council should note that the Contractor is expecting to commence work by the of the first week in March.  The following is an update on additional works Packages underway;  Package 1:- Centred on Gamarren Road and Charlotte Plains Road. Works are completed for the exception of a floodway at Charlotte Plains Station. Council should note that Council is currently planning the installation of a concrete causeway as part of R2R works.  Package 2:- Centred on Glencoe and Weir Roads. Road works have been completed on Glencoe Road with only one (1) minor treatments to be completed. Works on Weir Road are on hold as Council is currently planning the installation of a concrete causeway instead of the recommended treatment due to the ongoing damage caused to the road surface during flooding. These works will progress once approval is in place.  Package 2 :- Centred on parts of Thurulagoona and Jobsgate roads.  Thurulagoona Road Civil Works have been completed with pipe works the only items remaining to be completed.  Jobsgate road works have been largely completed including a section at Ch 108 which included as a variation some 2020 REPA works at a flood way.  Close out procedures are progressing as soon as a road works are completed. This includes confirm scope/treatment requirements, gathering evidence and reviewing financial information. At this point in time the Construction Works is still expected to be completed by the end of March and the project on track for close out by end of June 2021. The Status will continue to be monitored however at time of preparing this report there was about 100 treatments remaining and most of these are expected to be closed out when the Coongoola Lane Package has been completed.

 Current status for Contractors for 2020 Works:  A meeting was held with Councils Prequalified Contractors on the 4th February 2021. This was well attended and from feedback well received. The

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project team would like to thank the Mayor, Councillors, CEO and staff that attended.  Tenders have been advertised for Packages A to D (SEQ and NEQ) and close of 3rd March 2021. It is intended to make recommendation to the March Council meeting to award contracts for these packages.  A further three (3) packages are intend be to be advertised in early March for Packages F and J and a new package in the SEQ (Package K) based on Jobs Gate road from the Border to Ch 50 and including minor roads. This package was originally part of PSC scope of works however removed.  At this stage the remaining packages in the Western Quadrants (E, G,H and I) are due for advertising in early April.

Page 38 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021 ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish % Complete Resource Names PredecCrew Cost Approved Budget Comments 1 July 1 September 1 November 1 January 1 March 1 May 1 July Mode 29/06 27/07 24/08 21/09 19/10 16/11 14/12 11/01 8/02 8/03 5/04 3/05 31/05 28/06 26/07 1 Paroo Shire Council Works Program 379 days Tue 14/01/20 Wed 30/06/21 6% $10,601,054.40 $10,600,000.00

2 Rural Local Roads Projects (Council Funded) 261 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 30/06/21 0% $522,089.60 $520,000.00

3 Patch potholes in depot yard 261 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 30/06/21 0% Paveline Patching Crew (a) $20,044.80 $20,000.00 Paveline Patching Crew (a)

4 Patch potholes in depot yard, around town 261 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 30/06/21 0% Paveline Patching Crew (a) $20,044.80 $20,000.00 Paveline Patching Crew (a) and on rural roads

5 Formation grading to secondary roads 25 days Tue 5/01/21 Tue 9/02/21 0% Council Crew 1 16 $300,000.00 $300,000.00 Council Crew 1

6 Emergency works and miscellaneous 8.5 days Fri 9/04/21 Wed 21/04/21 0% Council Crew 3 22 $102,000.00 $100,000.00 Council Crew 3

7 Town Kerb and Channelling 40 days Wed 24/02/21 Wed 21/04/21 0% Town Crew 10 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 Town Crew

8 Rural Local Roads (Grids) 147.5 days Mon 3/08/20 Wed 24/02/21 0% $80,000.00 $80,000.00

9 Cleaning of Stock Grids 25 days Mon 3/08/20 Fri 4/09/20 0% Town Crew 38 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Town Crew

10 New Grids 15 days Wed 3/02/21 Wed 24/02/21 0% Town Crew 47 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Town Crew

11 TIDS Projects 364.68 days Tue 14/01/20 Thu 10/06/21 35% $1,949,120.00 $1,950,000.00

12 Bundaleer South Plains Rd 8.3 days Tue 9/02/21 Fri 19/02/21 0% Council Crew 2 52 $99,600.00 $100,000.00 Council Crew 2

13 Jobs Gate Rd ‐ 2km pavement ‐ Prep 43.75 days Wed 7/04/21 Mon 7/06/21 0% Contractor (Road) 18 $700,000.00 $700,000.00 Contractor (Road)

14 Jobs Gate Rd ‐ 2km pavement ‐ Seal 2.68 days Tue 8/06/21 Thu 10/06/21 0% Contractor (Seal) 13 $300,160.00 $300,000.00 Contractor (Seal)

15 Eulo‐Toompine Rd ‐ 5km Shoulder Widening ‐ 2.28 days Tue 14/01/20 Thu 16/01/20 0% Contractor (Seal) $255,360.00 $255,000.00 Seal

16 Eulo‐Toompine Rd ‐ 5km Shoulder Widening ‐ 49.5 days Wed 28/10/20 Tue 5/01/21 75% Council Crew 1 34 $594,000.00 $595,000.00 Council Crew 1 Prep

17 R2R Projects 202.25 days Wed 1/07/20 Fri 9/04/21 5% $1,248,040.00 $1,248,000.00

18 Town Roads ‐ Prep 16.25 days Tue 16/03/21 Wed 7/04/21 0% Contractor (Road) 25 $260,000.00 $260,000.00 Contractor (Road)

19 Town Roads ‐ Seal 1.03 days Wed 7/04/21 Thu 8/04/21 0% Contractor (Seal) 18 $115,360.00 $115,000.00 Contractor (Seal)

20 Grid Cleaning 25 days Mon 7/09/20 Fri 9/10/20 0% Town Crew 9 $50,000.00 $50,000.00 Town Crew

21 SE Quadrant ‐ Crew 2 10.5 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 15/07/20 0% Council Crew 2 $126,000.00 $125,000.00 Council Crew 2

22 SE Quadrant ‐ Crew 3 33.25 days Tue 23/02/21 Fri 9/04/21 0% Council Crew 3 50 $399,000.00 $400,000.00 Council Crew 3

23 Wittenburra Rd (Turn Turn) 6.65 days Wed 29/07/20 Thu 6/08/20 90% Council Crew 1 42 $79,800.00 $80,000.00 Council Crew 1

24 Cuttaburra Rd and Yowah Rd Reseal 1.09 days Tue 1/12/20 Wed 2/12/20 0% Contractor (Seal) 15 $122,080.00 $122,000.00 Contractor (Seal)

25 Grid Entry and Exit ‐ Prep and Reseal 31 days Mon 1/02/21 Mon 15/03/21 0% Paveline Patching Crew (b) $49,600.00 $50,000.00 Paveline Patching Crew (b)

26 Stabilised Floodways (Charlotte Plains) 3.85 days Fri 19/02/21 Thu 25/02/21 0% Council Crew 2 12 $46,200.00 $46,000.00 Council Crew 2

27 Queensland Disaster Resilience Fund 109 days Mon 11/01/21 Thu 10/06/21 0% $174,400.00 $175,000.00

28 Eulo Flood Boat Channel 109 days Mon 11/01/21 Thu 10/06/21 0% Consultants $174,400.00 $175,000.00 Consultants

29 TMR RMPC Projects 261 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 30/06/21 8% $2,054,404.80 $2,055,110.00

30 Culvert Program including 35 days Mon 9/11/20 Fri 25/12/20 0% Town Crew 20 $70,000.00 $70,000.00 Town Crew Culvert ()

31 Paveline Patching Works 261 days Wed 1/07/20 Wed 30/06/21 0% Paveline Patching Crew (a) $20,044.80 $20,000.00 Paveline Patching Crew (a)

32 Bollon Road Shoulders 25 days Wed 15/07/20 Wed 19/08/20 0% Council Crew 2 21 $300,000.00 $300,110.00 Council Crew 2

33 Flanelbelly Floodway 3 days Tue 15/09/20 Fri 18/09/20 100% Council Crew 1 45 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 Council Crew 1

34 Thargomindah Rd Shoulders 15 days Fri 18/09/20 Fri 9/10/20 100% Council Crew 1 33 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 Council Crew 1

35 Barringun Rd Shoulders 15 days Thu 29/04/21 Thu 20/05/21 0% Council Crew 1 39 $180,000.00 $180,000.00 Council Crew 1

36 Bollon Rd Pavement Repairs ‐ Prep 9.35 days Tue 6/04/21 Mon 19/04/21 0% Council Crew 1 41 $112,200.00 $112,000.00 Council Crew 1

37 Bollon Rd Pavement Repairs ‐ Seal 0.43 days Mon 19/04/21 Tue 20/04/21 0% Contractor (Seal) 36 $48,160.00 $48,000.00 Contractor (Seal)

38 Signs and Guideposts and Rubbish 10 days Wed 1/07/20 Tue 14/07/20 0% Town Crew $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Town Crew

39 Bollon Rd Grids ‐ Prep (reshape) 7.4 days Mon 19/04/21 Thu 29/04/21 0% Council Crew 1 36 $88,800.00 $89,000.00 Council Crew 1

40 Bollon Rd Grids ‐ Seal 0.35 days Thu 29/04/21 Thu 29/04/21 0% Contractor (Seal) 39 $39,200.00 $40,000.00 Contractor (Seal)

41 Bollon‐Charleville Rd Medium/Heavy 40 days Tue 9/02/21 Tue 6/04/21 0% Council Crew 1 5 $480,000.00 $480,000.00 Council Crew 1

42 Hungerford Road Medium/Heavy ‐ 1st 20 days Wed 1/07/20 Tue 28/07/20 100% Council Crew 1 $240,000.00 $240,000.00 Council Crew 1 Grading

43 Hungerford Road Medium/Heavy ‐ 2nd 20 days Thu 20/05/21 Thu 17/06/21 0% Council Crew 1 35 $240,000.00 $240,000.00 Council Crew 1 Grading

44 TMR Element Work 129.5 days Thu 6/08/20 Wed 3/02/21 51% $397,000.00 $397,000.00

45 Element 16 ‐ Hungerford Rd Resheeting 28.5 days Thu 6/08/20 Tue 15/09/20 100% Council Crew 1 23 $342,000.00 $342,000.00 Council Crew 1

46 Element 5 ‐ Declared Pest Spraying 12.5 days Mon 28/12/20 Wed 13/01/21 0% Town Crew 30 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Town Crew

47 Element 6 ‐ Fire Breaks 15 days Wed 13/01/21 Wed 3/02/21 0% Town Crew 46 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Town Crew

48 DRFA Flood Restoration Projects 226.65 days Wed 1/07/20 Thu 13/05/21 0% $4,176,000.00 $4,180,000.00

49 APR 19 REPA ‐ Crew 3 2.5 days Wed 1/07/20 Fri 3/07/20 0% Council Crew 3 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 Council Crew 3

50 FEB 20 REPA ‐ Crew 3 166.5 days Fri 3/07/20 Mon 22/02/21 0% Council Crew 3 49 $1,998,000.00 $2,000,000.00 Council Crew 3

51 APR 19 REPA ‐ Crew 2 12.5 days Wed 19/08/20 Fri 4/09/20 0% Council Crew 2 32 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 Council Crew 2

52 FEB 20 REPA ‐ Crew 2 (a) 111 days Mon 7/09/20 Mon 8/02/21 0% Council Crew 2 51 $1,332,000.00 $1,333,333.00 Council Crew 2

53 Feb 20 REPA ‐ Crew 2 (b) 55.5 days Thu 25/02/21 Thu 13/05/21 0% Council Crew 2 26 $666,000.00 $666,666.00 Council Crew 2

Task Milestone Project Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only External Tasks Deadline Manual Progress Project: Paroo Works Schedule Split Summary Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only External Milestone Progress

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9.2.2 Purchase of Rubbish Truck Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Infrastructure Author: Infrastructure

Purpose The purpose of this report is to summarise the responses received for PSCRFQ2020/21-6 for the supply and delivery of one side loading rubbish truck and trade of one used side loading rubbish truck and to recommend the award of contract.

Recommendation That Council receive the report and award the contract for one new Littlepact 12m3 side loading rubbish truck to Garwood International Pty Ltd with a purchase price of $231,340.00 (excluding GST) and a trade offer of $12,500.00 (including GST) for Council’s used unit.

Discussion Council’s adopted 2020-2021 Budget encompasses a Plant Replacement Program which recently was amended to included replacement of one side loading rubbish truck. This rubbish truck is a valued asset to council as it will be utilised daily to up keep Cunnamulla town rubbish collection. The request for quotation was called through Vendor Panel selecting Local Buy suppliers under contract NPN1.15 Specialised Trucks and Bodies. Four of the most repeatable companies including STG Global, Superior Pak, Manco Engineering and Garwood International. Request for Tender submissions closed at noon, 23 February 2021. The responses were then reviewed and analysed. All companies had received the invitation to quote and downloaded the documentation, only one company submit response documentation which was Garwood International for One 12m3 Littlepact Side Loading rubbish truck built on a Hino body, Garwood has also submitted a trade price for Councils used unit. Council’s budget allowance for this piece of equipment is $375,000.00 excluding GST, pricing submitted is well under council’s allocated budget. Total pricing received with all features council has requested is $231,340.00 excluding GST. It is recommended that Council proceed with the quotation from Garwood International Pty Ltd for One New Littlepact 12m3 Side Loading Compactor on a Hino body and accept the trade offer for councils used unit for $12,500.00 Including GST. Although this unit was the only submission it has been evaluated that this unit meets all councils requirements as Garwood have provided Council with a demonstration model to ensure council was familiar with the unit and it was user friendly and meet all council needs. This took place on Thursday the 25th February 2021.

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9.2.3 April 2021 Sealing Package Tender Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Project Management Author: Adam Trew

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities related to the Sealing Package tender which closed on the 26th February 2021

Recommendation That Council: 1. Delegates’ authority to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, finalise and execute any and all matters in relation to the engagement of Austek Spray Seal Pty. Ltd for the April 2021 Sealing Package including the contingency allowance if necessary to the value of $234,055.20 ex. GST; and 2. Resolves in accordance with Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation 2012. to award the April 2021 Sealing Package to Austek Spray Seal Pty Ltd. for the Tender Sum of $234,055.20 ex. GST (attached).

Discussion The following work package was posted on Vendor Panel using the LocalBuy Panel. Responses were posted via the Road, Water, Sewerage & Civil Works – Contract BUS270 and the Reference Number is VP226599. Full service works are to be completed by the sealing contractor. However, all screening pads will be prepared by Russell’s Grader Hire. Two separate sealing visits will be required and are to be co-ordinated with the stabilising works. Works to be completed are as follows:

Watson Street (between Louise Street & Emma Street) - Sealing running lanes following profiling/gravel placement. - C170 14/7mm Double/Double Seal = 3,060m2.

Jobs Gate Road (Ch. 22.22 to 27.88km) - Full width seal following profiling. 5.66km length x 4.1m average width. - C170 14/7mm Double/Double Seal = 23,206m2.

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) - Patchwork sealing required between Ch. 0km and 104km approximately. Locations and areas have been provided by TMR. - C170 14/7mm Double/Double Seal = 6,552m2.

Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) - Patchwork sealing required between Ch. 93km and 119km approximately. See table below for more details. - C170 14/7mm Double/Double Seal = 1,120m2.

Section Start Finish Width Area

RHS 93.34 93.64 2.4 720 Grid 118.85 118.90 8 400

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Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) - Patchwork sealing required between Ch. 17km and 75km approximately. See table below for more details. C170 14/7mm Double/Double Seal = 2,400m2.

Section Start Finish Width Area

LHS 17.45 17.60 2.4 360

RHS 33.90 33.95 2.4 120

RHS 44.30 44.80 2.4 1,200

RHS 59.50 59.60 2.4 240

RHS 70.30 70.40 2.4 240

RHS 74.90 75.00 2.4 240

Eulo-Toompine Road - Reseal over existing 14mm shoulder seal. Sections were missed on last seal visit. - C170 7mm Single/Single Seal = 3,400m2.

Section Start Finish Width Area

RHS 13.850 14.100 2.3 580

LHS & RHS 17.000 17.480 2.3 2,210

RHS 21.050 21.300 2.4 610

Four submissions were received and are detailed below:

Job Colas RSG Austek SPA

Establishment/Disestablishment $54,745 - $27,000 -

Watson Street $17,167 $21,910 $22,185 $43,972

Jobs Gate Road $87,023 $75,420 $76,580 $162,906

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $44,685 $94,807 $43,898 $153,858

Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $16,416 $21,360 $20,352 $42,439

Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $12,074 $21,627 $14,560 $35,892

Eulo-Toompine Road $12,920 $14,450 $15,980 $35,795

Total $245,030 $249,574 $220,555 $474,862

Austek are our preferred supplier for this sealing package. They have shown a lot of initiative to work in Paroo Shire and have been highly recommended by other companies in the area. Please note that there will be an extra establishment charge to the prices shown above due to changes in programme following the tender being posted. Therefore, total price for Austek is $234,055.20 ex. GST.

Please note that the total costs shown above for Austek are different from that shown on the quote supplied (Total of $230,922) as several jobs were removed from the Scope of Works provided in the tender (Oxford Hotel, Cunnamulla Cabins, and Civic Centre).

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Financial/Resource Implications:

These Projects have the following funding allocations:

Estimated Budget Remaining Job Costs Amount Budget

Watson Street $355,676 $375,000 $19,324

Jobs Gate Road $711,880 $1,000,000 $288,120

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $468,406 $574,504 $106,098

Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $135,008 $300,000 $101,193 Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $63,799

Eulo-Toompine Road $25,085 $65,000 $39,915

$1,759,854 $2,314,504 $554,650

Note: Estimated costs include stabilising works, sealing works, aggregate supply by PSC, gravel supply by PSC, stockpile pad preparation, supply of Water Truck by PSC, and construction of detour tracks (Jobs Gate Road only).

The remaining budgets for each job will be utilised as follows:

- Watson Street: Either a contingency for construction works or possible lime stabilisation of subgrade. - Eulo-Toompine Road: Earthworks/Shoulder Works for future widening works. - RMPC Jobs: Profit to PSC. - Jobs Gate Road: Have received additional quotes from SPA and Austek to lime stabilise (250mm deep, 6% lime content) and seal a further 2.5km on Jobs Gate Road. Estimates are provided below:

Works Quantity Rate Total

Import 50mm Capping Layer (SPA) 513 $58.34 $29,899

Stabilise 250mm deep with 6% lime (SPA) 10250 $8.00 $82,000

Supply Lime (SPA) 232 $357.31 $82,954

Backwatering (SPA) 10250 $0.23 $2,358

Gravel Supply (PSC) 513 $32.00 $16,400

7mm Aggregate (HH) 85 $104.00 $8,837

14mm Aggregate (HH) 161 $104.00 $16,790

PM Fees (PSC) 1 $1,000.00 $1,000

Detour Track (RGH) 1 $3,000.00 $3,000

Seal (Austek) 10250 $4.19 $42,948

Total $286,184

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Other Considerations: 1. Council will supply their own aggregate which will result in a $10,000 saving. 2. This paper is to be read in conjunction with the March 2021 Earthworks & Stabilising Package paper.

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9.2.4 April 2021 Earthworks & Stabilising Package Tender Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Project Management Author: Adam Trew

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities related to the Earthworks, Pavement and Stabilising Package tender which closed on the 26th February 2021

Recommendation That Council: 1. Delegates’ authority to the Chief Executive Officer in accordance with Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009 to negotiate, finalise and execute any and all matters in relation to the engagement of Stabilised Pavements of Australia Pty. Ltd for the April 2021 Earthworks & Stabilising Package including the contingency allowance if necessary to the value of $1,126,647.88 (ex. GST); and 2. Resolves in accordance with Section 228 of the Local Government Regulation award the April 2021 Earthworks & Stabilising Package to Stabilised Pavements of Australia Pty Ltd. for the Tender Sum of $1,126,647.88 excluding GST.

Discussion Project Update

The following work package was posted on Vendor Panel using the LocalBuy Panel. Responses were posted via the Road, Water, Sewerage & Civil Works – Contract BUS270 and the Reference Number is VP226574. Subsequent sealing works are being organised separately by PSC. Works are currently planned to commence on the 7th April 2021.

Watson Street between Louise & Emma Street - Install new stormwater crossing near Hickling Street (carried out by PSC). - Profile existing running lanes. Existing shoulders/verges to remain. - Transport all profiling’s approximately 2km to the Council Depot on Broad Street. - Subgrade Treatment Type A. - Place and test 2,100t of Type 2.3 gravel to tie-in with existing shoulders/verge.

Jobs Gate Road (Ch. 22.22 to 27.88km) - Grade a temporary side track for traffic management (Russell’s Grader Hire). - Import 1,160m3 of gravel from a nearby PSC stockpile to be used as a 50mm capping layer over the entire 5.66km length. - 250mm deep stabilisation using a minimum of 6% lime content in accordance with MRTS07A over the entire 5.66km length.

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) - Works schedule has been provided by TMR. - 200mm deep cement stabilisation with 2% additive at locations provided by TMR. - Total area for stabilisation is 6,552m2 between Ch. 0 and 104km.

Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) - 200mm deep cement stabilisation with 2% additive at the locations provided below. - Total area for stabilisation is 1,120m2.

Section Start Finish Width Area

RHS 93.34 93.64 2.4 720

Grid 118.85 118.90 8 400

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Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) - 200mm deep cement stabilisation with 2% additive at the locations provided below. - Total area for stabilisation is 2,400m2.

Section Start Finish Width Area

LHS 17.45 17.60 2.4 360

RHS 33.90 33.95 2.4 120

RHS 44.30 44.80 2.4 1,200

RHS 59.50 59.60 2.4 240

RHS 70.30 70.40 2.4 240

RHS 74.90 75.00 2.4 240

The only submissions received were from Stabilised Pavements of Australia (SPA) and Durack Civil. These results are summarised below:

Job Durack SPA

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $239,501.00 $362,006.23

Jobs Gate Road $718,745.72 $469,053.09

Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $64,268.59 $99,116.88

Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $34,111.90 $40,693.36

Watson Street $106,192.81 $155,778.32

Total $1,162,820.02 $1,126,647.88

Stabilised Pavements of Australia (SPA) are the preferred supplier for this package based on their construction programme, reputation, tender price, potential to carry out an extra 2.5km of stabilising work on Jobs Gate Road, and also because they specialise in stabilising works.

Financial/Resource Implications:

These Projects have the following funding allocations:

Estimated Budget Remaining Job Costs Amount Budget

Watson Street $355,676 $375,000 $19,324

Jobs Gate Road $711,880 $1,000,000 $288,120

Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $468,406 $574,504 $106,098

Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $135,008 $300,000 $101,193 Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $63,799

Eulo-Toompine Road $25,085 $65,000 $39,915

$1,759,854 $2,314,504 $554,650

Note: Estimated costs include stabilising works, sealing works, aggregate supply by PSC, gravel supply by PSC, stockpile pad preparation, supply of Water Truck by PSC, and construction of detour tracks (Jobs Gate Road only).

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The remaining budgets for each job will be utilised as follows:

- Watson Street: Either a contingency for construction works or possible lime stabilisation of subgrade. - Eulo-Toompine Road: Earthworks/Shoulder Works for future widening works. - RMPC Jobs: Profit to PSC. - Jobs Gate Road: Have received additional quotes from SPA and Austek to lime stabilise (250mm deep, 6% lime content) and seal a further 2.5km on Jobs Gate Road. Estimates are provided below:

Works Quantity Rate Total

Import 50mm Capping Layer (SPA) 513 $58.34 $29,899

Stabilise 250mm deep with 6% lime (SPA) 10250 $8.00 $82,000

Supply Lime (SPA) 232 $357.31 $82,954

Backwatering (SPA) 10250 $0.23 $2,358

Gravel Supply (PSC) 513 $32.00 $16,400

7mm Aggregate (HH) 85 $104.00 $8,837

14mm Aggregate (HH) 161 $104.00 $16,790

PM Fees (PSC) 1 $1,000.00 $1,000

Detour Track (RGH) 1 $3,000.00 $3,000

Seal (Austek) 10250 $4.19 $42,948

Total $286,184

Other Considerations: 1. This paper is to be read in conjunction with the March 2021 Sealing Package paper.

Page 47 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021 ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors 15 Mar '21 22 Mar '21 29 Mar '21 5 Apr '21 12 Apr '21 19 Apr '21 26 Apr '21 3 May '21 10 May '21 Mode S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S 1 Carnarvon Hwy Widening 44 days Mon Sat CN-15202 22/03/21 15/05/21 2 Project Prep & planning 9 days Mon Thu 1/04/21 22/03/21 3 Establish to area & Set up 1 day Tue 6/04/21 Tue 6/04/21 2

4 Mitchell Hwy (Barringun to 9 days Wed Thu Cunnamulla) CN15889 7/04/21 15/04/21 5 Place Gravel & Insitu 9 days Wed Thu 3 Stabilise 200mm HSB 7/04/21 15/04/21 6 Mitchell Hwy (Cunnamulla 3 days Fri 16/04/21 Sun to Charleville) 18/04/21 7 Insitu Stabilise 200mm 3 days Fri 16/04/21 Sun 5 2,400m2 - 6 Patches 18/04/21 8 Balonne Hwy (Balonne to 4 days Mon Tue Cunnamulla) 19/04/21 27/04/21 9 Insitu Stabilise 200mm 2 days Mon Tue 7 1,120m2 - 2 Patches 19/04/21 20/04/21 10 Travel for Roster Break 1 day Wed 21/04/21Wed 21/04/219

11 Travel for Roster Break 1 day Tue 27/04/21Tue 27/04/2110

12 Jobs Gate Rd Section 1 12 days Wed 28/04/21Sun 9/05/21

13 Import 50mm Overlay 4 days Wed Sat 1/05/21 11 Gravel, Spread Shape & 28/04/21 Compact 1,160m3 14 Lime Insitu Stabilise 7 days Thu Wed 13SS+1 day 250mm 23,206m2 29/04/21 5/05/21 15 Jobs Gate Rd Section 2 8 days Sun 2/05/21 Sun 9/05/21

16 Import 50mm Overlay 2 days Sun 2/05/21 Mon 13 Gravel, Spread Shape & 3/05/21 Compact 513m3 17 Lime Insitu Stabilise 4 days Thu 6/05/21 Sun 9/05/21 14,16FS+1 day 250mm 10,250m2 18 Watson St (Cunnamulla) 6 days Mon 10/05/21Sat 15/05/21

19 Profile out Exisiting 1 day Mon Mon 17 Pavement 765m3 10/05/21 10/05/21 20 Subgrade Treatment A - 1 day Tue Tue 19 Comapct exisiting 3,060m2 11/05/21 11/05/21 21 Place Import Gravel, 3 days Wed Fri 14/05/21 20 Compact, Trim & Test 12/05/21 22 DisEstab & Travel Home 1 day Sat 15/05/21 Sat 15/05/21 21

Project: Paroo Shire Rehab Prog Task Milestone Project Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual Summary Rollup Start-only External Tasks Deadline Critical Split Manual Progress Date: Tue 9/03/21 Split Summary Inactive Task Inactive Summary Duration-only Manual Summary Finish-only External Milestone Critical Progress

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Stabilising/Earthworks Cost Job Durack SPA Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $239,501.00 $362,006.23 Jobs Gate Road $718,745.72 $469,053.09 Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $64,268.59 $99,116.88 Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $34,111.90 $40,693.36 Watson Street $106,192.81 $155,778.32 Total $1,162,820.02 $1,126,647.88

Sealing Cost Job Colas RSG Austek SPA Establishment/Disestablishment $54,745.24 ‐ $40,500.00 ‐ Watson Street $17,166.60 $21,909.60 $22,185.00 $43,972.20 Jobs Gate Road $87,022.50 $75,419.50 $76,579.80 $162,906.12 Mitchell Highway (Barringun to Cunnamulla) $44,684.64 $94,807.44 $43,898.40 $153,858.20 Mitchell Highway (Cunnamulla to Charleville) $16,416.00 $21,360.00 $20,352.00 $42,438.60 Balonne Highway (Balonne to Cunnamulla) $12,073.60 $21,627.20 $14,560.00 $35,892.40 Eulo‐Toompine Road $12,920.00 $14,450.00 $15,980.00 $35,795.20 Total $245,028.58 $249,573.74 $234,055.20 $474,862.72

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9.3.1 Community Services Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Tony Koch, Director

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities undertaken by the Community Services Team for the month of February 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Community Services Report.

Discussion 1. Corporate Plan Activities undertaken by the Community Services Team align with Corporate Plan Priority Areas WC1 and WC5. Program 2 – BOC- Livability of the Community • Community Services Administration • Celebrations & Functions • Community Development • Youth Program • Sport & Recreation Program • RADF • Funded Programs • Regional Partnerships • Drought Community Program Program 2 – BOC – Community Assets & Services • Swimming Pool

2. Livable Community 2.1. Community Support – Service Program Outcomes Number of Service Users this Month service users Service users who received a service this month 42 Improved ability to access appropriate services 25 Service users who received improved social connectedness 255 Occasions where information, advice and referral services were provided 29

% of time Services Provided this Month allocated Access/Enquiries (information, advice, referrals and assessments) 35 Support (community/community centre based development, coordination and support) 40 Program Reporting (daily, monthly and OASIS quarterly) 15 Meetings Channels (interagency, community reference group etc) 33 Development (study, leadership programs, information stalls etc) 0 Community Education (workshops, programs, information stalls etc) 16 Council Community Programs/Events (NAIDOC, Qld Week, Cunnamulla Fella Festival etc) 55

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Programs Actions / Reports Status Interagency Meetings Preparing Agenda & Minutes In Progress RADF First round considerations and In Progress meeting minutes

2.2. Youth Support – Service Program Outcomes Clients for the Month Dec 2020 Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Total number of registered Users 6 6 5 New registered clients 3 3 0 Clients who received one on one service 5 5 5 Active Case management plans 4 4 5 Closed Case management plans 3 3 0 Improved client outcomes 4 4 5 Case management Clients reassessed 4 4 5 Service users closed 2 2 0

Program Programs Service Hours Achieved Monthly Total Access/Enquiries (information, advice, referrals and assessments) 25 23 Support / Client Management (case management /plans/ outcomes/ assessments, referrals and YSCIS reporting, includes reporting, emails and 60 83 phone calls) Program Reporting (daily, monthly and OASIS quarterly) 15 Channels (Drop in centre, life line) 35

Development (Study, Leadership programs, training etc.) 25 213 Workshops (Youth Education, mentoring etc) 0

Council Community Programs/Events (NAIDOC, Qld Week. 60 Cunnamulla Fella Festival etc)

2.3. Sport & Recreation January Number of Average Statistical Information – Attendance of Events Attendees Events Attendances Morning Programs 192 23 18-20 School Based Programs 89 3 18-20 After School Program 125 23 13-14 Night Programs 145 Total For the Month 615 49

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2.4. Swimming Pool Programs Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Number of Days Open 27 24 Average daily swimming pool temperature (degrees) 22 23

Attendance February 20/21 Year to Date 18/19 19/20 Categories Number Daily Revenue Number Daily Daily Daily Average Average Average Average Children 444 18.5 $444 3,585 26.75 21.7 28.2 Adults 63 2.6 $126 756 4.73 4.69 6.89 Lap Swimmers 130 5.4 $260 474 3.54 N/A N/A Totals 637 26.5 $830 4,815

Chemical Usage Jan 2021 20/21 Year to Date Category Daily Daily Number Number Average Average Chlorine (kg) 490kg 20.4 1870 20.32 Acid (L) 240L 10.0 1195 12.98

2.5. Upcoming Events & Activities Date Event / Activity Location Friday, 12 March 2021 • Welcome to Cunnamulla Paroo Shire Hall, Cunnamulla

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9.3.2 Library Services Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Tammy Hickey, Library Services Officer

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities relating to Library Services within the shire for the month of February 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Library Services Report.

Discussion 1. Corporate Plan Activities undertaken by the Library Services Team align with Corporate Plan Priority Area: WC5 - Ensuring the Wellbeing of the Community Program 2 – BOC- Community Assets & Services 2. Activities 2.1. Cunnamulla Library 2.1.1. Deadly Digital Champions a Huge Success: On Wednesday 24th February we held our Deadly Champions building a Deadly Digital Community launch. Despite the recent “Sorry Business” in the community we had a very good roll up. The occasion was celebrated with a cake and Deadly Digital Communities shirt and tote bags were handed out to participating Indigenous Elders. The State Library of Queensland Executive team were very impressed and our Face Book page depicting the launch was shared by State Library and other libraries. The participants will determine how long the program continues based on their digital requirements. Cunnamulla State School students also enjoyed participating as they are the “champions” in this program. We are very grateful for the much-appreciated assistance from Strong Families, Strong Communities each week. 2.1.2. Weekly First5Forever Program Growing by the Week: Our weekly Monday Music and Playtime in the Library program is growing each week, with an increased number of mums/bubs/children coming along. Kat Fagan, (KEYS Coordinator) has also attended and reported to us she impressed at the quality of our program and how we are incorporating reading, singing nursery rhymes etc. into our program. With increased attendance at our weekly program comes increased membership (11 new members just this month), which is very exciting. 2.1.3. Three Library Grants Submitted: Three State Library of Qld grants have now been submitted. We are now awaiting the outcome with bated breath and hope that we will once again be successful with our various submissions. Two First5Forever submissions and one Strategic Priorities grant submission. We have applied for our own PA system, First5Forever marquee, camera and tripod in the First5Forever grants, and extra enclosed wall to wall storage to behind our awesome new circulation desk for the Strategic Priories grant.

2.2. Wyandra Library The library has also only been opened for two days this month, due to medical issues in the library assistant’s family. Our Exchange has been completed. There have been a few travellers calling in to the library to see what there is to do in the Wyandra area.

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2.3. Yowah Library Patrons are continuing to come to the library and are ordering more books. Use of the public access and printing and photocopying has also increased. We have had lots of problems with mice but this is being dealt with.

February 2021 Cunnamulla Yowah Wyandra Open Days 19 4 2 Items Loaned 595 27 6 Average loans per day 31 7 3 Visitor Statistics 1038 22 8 Average Visitors Per Day 54 6 4 Adult Membership 414 151 46 Junior Membership 142 3 24 New Members 11 0 0 Requests made 55 11 0 Internet Hour Usage (hr.) 4 hrs. 2.5 hrs 0 hrs.

2.4. Highlights for March 2021 3. Find out if successful with SLQ grants

Gathering of participants for Deadly Champions building a Deadly Digital Community

Cutting the cake at the launch of Deadly Champions building a Deadly Digital Community

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9.3.3 Local Laws Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Colin Ickeringill, Rural Lands & Compliance Officer and Jason Thomas, Local Laws Officer

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities undertaken by the Local Laws Officer for the month of February 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Local Laws Report.

Discussion 1. Corporate Plan Activities undertaken by the Local Laws Officer align with Corporate Plan Priority Area: - Ensuring the Wellbeing of the Community - WC5 Program 2 – BOC- Regulating of the Community • Public Order & Safety • Environmental Health

2. Activities

Comments received Attacks / Rehomed Wandering Dangerous Impounded Euthanised Surrendered Vaccinations Notices Issued No. of requests / Noise Barking

Cats 6 2 1 Dogs 26 1 14 2 9 20 Horses Emus Sheep Goats Kangaroos Meat Ants Birds 1 . Snakes 1 Untidy Allotments Excess Water

No. of animals 9 impounded No. of rehomed 20 animals No. of animals 2 euthanised No. of notices issued Page 55 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

• 05/02/21 Request for Local laws officer to attend a resident’s house to pick up dog which had been run over by a passing vehicle. • 7x Wandering Dog Notices sent 9/02/21, • 2x Wandering Dog notices sent 12/02/21, • 2x Wandering Dog Notice sent 16/02/21, • 25/02/21 - 3 roaming dogs Railway Station. • 28/2/21 call from a resident in the pensioners units that 2 dogs were roaming and looked to be aggressive. • Parvo shots paid for pups Wicks Street. • Pups 12/02/21 Garden Street, Wicks Street and Bowra Street - Have Surrendered animals with forms signed. • 22/02/21 report of Dangerous Dog - morning patrols will be carried out as a service to the community to ensure their safety. Notice sent to owner regarding proposed declaration of Menacing Dog. • 11 to Lucky Paws 5/02/21. • 9 to Lucky Paws on the 19/02/21 • Cat trap deployed in Ivan Street, King Street and Little Bedford Street at the request of residents. • 2 cats euthanised 25/02/21. • 26/02/21 kitten surrendered. • Morning Patrols around the State School to pick up deceased Corellas (power pole victims)

Priority Status Update Registration Dog registrations are still coming in for High Ongoing animals seized via impound. Pound upgrade New planning stages have Planning Low/Medium recommenced. Quotes for works being stages requested and assessed. Effective Update with acting local laws officer on Working communication High status of works, and what has been strategy done in the absentee of other worker. Respond to Respond to e-mails. High Ongoing emails/meetings/training Toolbox meeting High Ongoing 10/02/21 safety meeting. Allotments High Ongoing Illegal dumping Cameras have been removed because No cameras of vandalism, and damage we have had High installed a camera stolen and a python lock damage as a result. Prescribed activities Low/Medium Application Nil to advise on.

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9.3.4 Rural Lands & Compliance Report Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Colin Ickeringill, Rural Lands & Compliance Officer

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the activities undertaken by the Rural Lands & Compliance Unit for the month of March 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Rural Lands & Compliance Report.

Discussion 1. Corporate Plan Activities undertaken by the Rural Lands & Compliance Officer align with Corporate Plan Priority Areas: - Ensuring the Wellbeing of the Community - WC3 and WC5. - Generating & Managing Growth - GMG4 Program 2 – BOC- Regulating of the Community • Public Order & Safety • Environmental Health • Stock Roues & Rural Lands • Pest & Weed Control

2. Activities 2.1. Wild Dog & Pest Control • The PWDAC committee was held on the 12/2/21. The dates for the coordinated campaign in May were agreed upon and it will be taking place from the 10th May to the 15th May. The aerial baiting will be from the 10th to the 14th May with the ground baiting station (Baroona) being undertaken on the 15th May. • Also at the meeting the bait meat quantity was decided and 13,000 kg of meat is to be purchased. • I have received the quotes for the bait meat and the successful supplier has had a purchase order raised for the supply of the bait meat with detailed instructions regarding the delivery to the Shire Depot.

2.2. Customer Requests • A concerned resident from Wyandra rang to inform me that the sheep which have been agisted across the river from Wyandra were running low on feed and were starting to lamb out. I drove up there to inspect the feed situation and found there to be an adequate amount of feed left for the remainder of the agistment period and as for the lambs there were 3 lambs seen out of 735 ewes. • Received an enquiry from a landholder in regards to pig baiting and what is required for me to attend their property and administer the 1080. I informed them that a viable quantity of meat for me to bait would be approximately 300-400kg. I also informed them the dates for the coordinated baiting campaign and if they wanted to be included. They are going to inform me at a later date as to what they decide. • I met with a property manager who had requested assistance in identifying pest plants and weeds on the property he manages. Most of the plants/weeds were identified and he is implementing a work schedule that incorporates the spraying and biological control of the pests. He was supplied with fact sheets and booklets that will help him in the future.

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2.3. Stock Route Fences & Waters • Had an enquiry from the SLAM team in regards to travelling stock permits, they were supplied with the appropriate information. • A local landholder has informed me of a problem with a water facility on the stock route that he holds a Permit to Occupy over. I haven’t had a chance to meet with him yet to rectify the problem.

2.4. Town Commons • The sheep that were agisted west of Wyandra under a stock route grazing permit #GP010828 ending on the 14/02/21 were removed before the agistment period ended. • On my way back from Charleville on the 19/02/21 I had a drive around the Wyandra town common and observed 3 horses that were supposed to have been removed by the owners as they have not submitted the correct paperwork and have not paid any fees. I have not been able to contact them as yet, messages have been left but they have not bothered to return the calls. While I was up there I inspected the new water trough that was installed prior to Christmas and it is working fine.

2.5. Processes & Policy • Nil.

2.6. Miscellaneous • The 36 bait meat racks that were ordered last year have all arrived at the council depot, before they are distributed to the baiting stations they are to be branded with PSC welded onto the frames. • On the 19/02/21 I drove up to Charleville with 9 surrendered puppies to meet Katrina from Lucky Paws who was taking them back to the coast for re-homing.

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9.3.5 Wild Dog Advisory Committee (WDAC) – Unconfirmed Minutes Council Meeting: 16th March 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Tony Koch, Director

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with a copy of the unconfirmed WDAC meeting minutes.

Recommendation That Council endorse the following: 1) That Council receive and note the unconfirmed minutes of the WDAC meeting held 12 February 2021: and 2) That Council provide guidance to the CEO regarding the Committee’s resolution

Discussion Current regulations regarding 1080 toxin precludes anyone other than a fully accredited officer (State or Local Government) from the handling and administration of said toxin. Currently, PSC has one officer with this accreditation. An absence of this officer from official duty (e.g. sudden illness, etc) would place a baiting campaign (or part thereof) in jeopardy as the only “plan B” is to call in a replacement authorised officer from (a) a neighbouring Shire or (b) from Biosecurity Queensland. Often, Paroo’s neighbouring shires are baiting at very similar times, sometimes overlapping weeks. The WDAC considers this Plan B untenable, and requests that PSC make at least one other officer available to obtain accreditation and be available for 1080 administration when the RLCO is unavailable. This officer would also assist the RLCO with logistics and toxin administration for the biannual baiting campaigns. A training and accreditation opportunity is available before the next baiting campaign. Attachment List • Unconfirmed Minutes of WDAC Meeting

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WILD DOG ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Supper Room, Cunnamulla Friday, 12 February 2021

OPENING OF MEETING The Paroo Wild Dog Advisory Committee was declared open at 9:10am


Chairman Peter Lucas Mayor Suzette Beresford Richard Beresford Peter Vagg Shane Warner Kym Williams Rod Cribb Shellie Cash – National Parks Colin Ickeringill – PSC Stock Route Officer Tony Koch – PSC Director Community Support & Engagement

APOLOGIES James Clark Peter Warren Rod Anthony

MINUTES TAKER Tony Koch & Colin Ickeringill

2. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLUTION Paroo Wild Dog Advisory Committee adopts the Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 18 June 2021 as a true and correct recording of that meeting. Mover Shane Warner Seconder Rod Cribb CARRIED

3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES • 1080 Accreditation for local Landholders: o Application in the first instance was unsuccessful; however QFPI has requested PSC work with SQ Landscapes to deliver the training. SQ Landscapes have been allocated the funding. o The training will be open to the public, not only to Council/Government employees, as the Law/Regs will likely change in Sept 2021 allowing other than Govt Employees to participate and get the 1080 accreditation.

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o Training will be in 2 blocks – AC/DC training, then 1080 training. The 1080 training will also include the practical assessment (i.e. the group will bait 500kg of meat for local distribution). o 23-26 March – AC/DC o 12-16 April – 1080 Training & Practical Exercise o Training Provider (Ballistic Training Solutions) have been requested to supply possible dates in April/May/June … waiting to hear back. o Colin to keep WDAC up to date with developments.

• Town Orderlies being accredited for 1080 – Colin approached Works Super and Chief Operations; the training of Orderlies is not supported by their management. Possibly Assets Officer (Troy N).

RESOLUTION Paroo Wild Dog Advisory Committee requests PSC to arrange to have at least 2 employees (including Rural Lands Officer) accredited to administer 1080. Mover Richard Beresford Seconder Kym Williams CARRIED

• 1080 Storage – currently only on PSC controlled property. Possibly, the new Regs will see on-farm storage and permits to supply neighbours (with appropriate compliance etc). • Budget 2020-2021: The $2.00/kg contribution from landholders will still be in place. However, the cost of meat will be higher and this has been accounted for in the 20/21 Budget.

• Baiting Racks have been manufactured and are being delivered when the Courier has load space. Racks are being stored at PSC Depot and before delivery are to be identified as belonging to Paroo Shire Council with either a PSC stamp or PSC welded on the frame. Proposed allocation; o Carellan 5 o Glentuckie 2 o Baroona 4 o Garrawin 4 o Merimo 7 o Talbalba 2 o Murra Murra 6 o Nara 3 o Wyandra 2 o PSC Depot 1 (floating/spare to be allocated at later date)

• The 600lt Avgas pod purchase had been approved by Council. However, prior to committing to a purchase, Crackers advised Colin and WDAC that he has the same concerns with the Pod as for Drums. PSC’s purchase process was cancelled. At least

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once per year 2 fresh drums to be purchased prior to the baiting campaign. If any doubt regarding cleanliness; fresh drums to be purchased prior to each baiting round. • Colin to arrange drums purchase and ensure they are not used for any other purpose.


Since our last meeting we have been able to employ two professional trappers for 25 days each, they both struggled to get many dogs, 9 adults and 4 pups in total and both commented that there was not a lot of dog activity in the areas they went, but advised us on the strategic areas to bait. The October baiting program nearly finished before it started, it was to start on the 26th October, but as we are becoming used to the meat supplier rang the week prior to the start and informed us he could not supply our order. Colin was able to get a supplier to supply what we required, but at a later date and a higher cost. This is a problem that we will have to address as it is costing the shire extra funds and making us change our baiting dates, I know it was a stop start baiting program but I think it was still successful. I have also had a problem with my carbon farming and absentee landholders, either not wanting to participate or only wanting very small quantities for very large areas, those requesting the small quantities still wanting it to be put out by plane, we are still using the same plane time but instead of putting out 270 kg, we only put 50 kg out. The Paroo Shire sent out letters to all landholders in the shire looking for Expression of Interest for cluster fencing, which I am told had a good response and this allowed Council to apply for funding from the State Government round 5 QFPI funding for wild dog cluster fencing funds. I have been told that the Ag Minister will make an announcement in February of who was successful. There is another round to come for cluster fencing from the State Government there was $4 mil in the budget allocated for cluster fencing. Our shire Rural Lands Officer Colin Ickeringill has at long last been accredited, which will give the landholders in the shire a better opportunity to use 1080, when required. The State Government still has not made a decision on what they are going to do when the supply of 1080 runs out. The department was going to put out an options paper, but now say that might not get done, Kristy Gooding the LGAQ rep told me they have written to the Minister requesting a response to who is going to pay. I would like to thank the committee members for the effort they put in organising their landholders for baiting and am sorry for the stop start operation, I would just like to let you know the Council do appreciate your efforts. I would also like to thank Colin Ickeringill and Tony Koch for the work they do for this committee.

Peter Lucas 10/02/2021

RESOLUTION Paroo Wild Dog Advisory Committee receives and notes the Chairman’s Report

Moved Peter Lucas Seconded Peter Vagg CARRIED

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As Peter mentioned in his report, the meat supply/delivery is still an issue.

Delays in Qld Health completing the 1080 accreditation for Colin, resulted in Cameron Wilson (BQ) and James Theuerkauf (Bulloo SC) being required to administer the 1080 during the campaign.

Wyandra 30/10 – good quality meat and well prepared on the drying racks. Delivery from Roma was done by Evan Palmer. 720kg transported to Yalli airstrip.

Carellen 03/11 – 1260kg, of which 50 was ground spread.

Murra Murra 04/11 - 2100kg delivered by air including 300kg of dog baits for Talbalba. Peter Warren also took 200kg of pig baits with him when he left for ground distribution on Talbalba and Weona.

Glentuckie 05/11 – 680 all by air. Meat was left at the strip on pallet and did not thaw out overnight. This required a considerable effort to get meat prepped for the plane, with a delayed start time for the first flight. The baiting could have been called off (by the 1080 officer).

Nara 05/11 – 910kg all by air. Again, meat handling prior to flight time was not up to scratch. Arrived at the Nara airstrip to find the meat had been drying on pallets for 2 days in the hot weather and had lost a considerable amount of fluid which meant the meat weighed a lot less than it should have. Tom King Jr picked up the 50kg of meat for Nulbear and 50kg of meat for Charlottevale from Nara for ground distribution on the 2 properties.

Baroona 10/11 – 970kg plus 140 pig. Was nearly a non event due to landholder notification issues. The issues were able to be rectified and the baiting went ahead. Some of the attending landholders were a bit disappointed about their meat allocation as they believe they should have received a larger quantity of bait meat, they were informed by their area representative that due to having not sent their meat requirements through on time the meat was ordered on past quantities.

Merimo 19&20/11 – 3295kg. The afternoon of the 19th went well with only Shane Warner, Cameron Wilson and myself at the baiting station. We were able to get 3 full plane loads of bait meat distributed for the afternoon and have a full plane load waiting on the airstrip for the next morning. 8 landholders were in attendance on the day of the 20th to assist with the preparation of the baits. We had an issue with the quality of some of the meat as it contained scrap meat and large chunks of fat which was unsuitable for pig baits. We were able to utilize this meat and use it for dog baits with Cameron Wilson’s approval. Upon

Page 63 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021 contacting the supplier about the quality of the supposed pig baits, the invoice was amended to delivered amount.

Paroo Shire Council was invoiced and paid for 12,700kg of bait meat. Allan Brady supplied 2,600kg with the remainder supplied by Rathdowney Abattoirs. The meat from Allan Brady went straight to the Wyandra airstrip. The meat supplied by Rathdowney was weighed into the Chiller upon delivery to the shire depot. A total of 11,780kg of bait meat was distributed within the Paroo Shire. Extra packaging and incorrect preparation of the bait meat may have led to the shortfall in purchased meat to baited product.

ISSUES TO BE RECTIFIED IN NEXT CAMPAIGN • Authority to sign forms. • Deed Polls. • Neighbour notifications. • Signage on property entry points. • Scales to be used at each station to confirm weights. • Adverts in local paper, • Signs at Shire Entry points (see Balonne for examples, check wording).

6. SCALP SPREADSHEET Council has paid out $2250 in bounties so far for the 2020/2021 financial year a total of 45 dogs. Colin Ickeringill is working on data for the spreadsheet, but due to stockpiled scalps being handed in for the bounty and scalps not being claimed for the bounty is having a difficult time getting the correct data. Scalps more than 3 months old will not be paid (one landholder had stockpiled for 3 years).


Wyandra - Peter Lucas: The Paroo Shire spring baiting program commenced at Wyandra on Friday the 30th October, with 8 landholders in attendance along with Cameron Wilson Bio- security Charleville and our RLO Colin Ickeringill as well as the Wyandra town orderly Russell Dawson. I was not present in the morning as I had to load sheep, but all reports everything went well. Evan Palmer picked up our meat in Roma and delivered it to Wyandra for us free of charge, the meat was very good as we had most of it out on the baiting racks overnight, so it was well drained and good size. I picked up 720 kg of meat and took to Yalli strip. There was not a lot of wild dog activity on the eastern side of the prior to our baiting program, we had Craig Zerk trapping the eastern side and Russell Itzstein trapping the western edge, so had a good idea of where the dogs were. The properties baited in this area by plane off the Wyandra airstrip were, Narran / Yarramanbar 270 kg, Mack’s Creek 135 kg, Quilberry 135 kg, Morinda 135 kg, Moruya 135 kg, Ardgour 75 kg, Offham 135 kg, Northam 135 kg, Rosevale 270 kg ( on his way to Yalli) Warrego Park 40 kg by vehicle, Clovelly 50 kg by vehicle. Woodlands went off the Carellen strip this time to cut back on ferry time. We picked up Yarramanbar and Clovelly again but lost Playboy.

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The western side of the river is mostly fenced and the area outside the fence belongs to absentee landholders, so have a problem knowing what wild dog activity is there. We have always been allowed to bait these properties by air and I feel that has kept the number of wild dogs very low where we have baited, but we are now struggling to get many baits into the carbon farming properties as they have reduced the quantities that they require to a handful of baits. I took 720 kg of baits to Yalli airstrip and the properties baited from there were, Aldville 270 kg, Mt. Alfred 100 kg, Yalli 100 kg, Humeburn/ Yerrel 50 kg, Cliffdale 100 kg and Sholto 100 kg. We used a total of 2185 kg of meat which is nearly a ton short of our May baiting program.

Nara – Peter Lucas: Nara baited on the 6th November as no one was available for the 3rd November, so the plane did them in the afternoon on their way home to Charleville after doing Glentuckie in the morning. Andrew O’ Brien and Geso Taylor organising the properties baited were Mayvale/ Cleland 270 kg, Charlotte Plains 270 kg and Adgingbong 270 kg, a total of 810 kg put out by plane. Nulbear did not bait and Victo have now dog fenced themselves and said they did not have any dogs so were happy not to bait.

Baroona – Richard Beresford: Lost Cocklarina and Boobera. Bowra used their own meat. Killowen is keen to continue.

Owner/Managers to confirm instructions prior to the day.

Eulo - Shane Warner: Kane Lucas advised that dog activity was only where sheep and goats were present. Delays in the program lost 2 participants. New fences lost another 2 participants. The support of SQ Landscapes is very much appreciated.

PAPP Baits – tabled for discussion, and if anyone has any research or info … please make available.

National Parks – Shellie Cash: (05/11) Binya received 40 dog and 40 pig baits, Wombula 40 dog and Ningaling 20 dog. (19/11) Bindegolly received 330 pig and Currawinya received 1537 pig and 518 dog.

Lower Nebine - Rod Cribb: Peter Gardiner got a fair few older dogs. Seem to have quietened down a bit now. Dogs active in the area south of the Bollon Rd through Murra Murra area.

Upper Nebine - Peter Vagg: Colin covered off relevant info.

8. BUDGET 2020/2021 Summary of cash costs presented by Tony Koch.

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9. BAITING DATES The allocated dates for PSC next baiting program are 10-15 May 2021 (same as Bulloo). • Peter to advise Colin of State Program dates to assist with timing of meat purchase. 10. MEAT PURCHASES AND QUANTITY The purchase of meat will be looked after by Colin. The committee suggests buying the same quantity as for the Oct/Nov baiting program, approximately 13 tonne. Colin advised that preliminary meat prices are $5.39/kg (incl GST) Discussion suggested purchase and delivery of meat to be made a month in advance to secure the majority supply. This strategy relies on meat arriving at the Depot in a very frozen state so that the chiller can keep it frozen. The chiller doesn’t have the grunt to re- freeze any thawed meat. • Colin and Peter to work on the meat purchase strategy. 11. SQ LANDSCAPE FUNDING Christine Crafter from SQ Landscape is looking to support the next pig baiting campaign. Funding amount not confirmed at this stage. 12. WILD DOG TRAPPERS REPORTS

a. Craig Zerk (Report 2)

I trapped on Mooro Woodlands and Elverston I went around Cobbrum and checked for dogs, I found dog sign on the southern end of Cobbrum and feel there are pups in that area about 18 km south of the Linden road. There were dogs coming into Cobbrum from the western side on the northern end of Cobbrum I did not have time to get traps on Cobbrum.

I got 2 dogs off Mooro 1 an old black male dog an a female pup. I got 3 pups off Woodlands 2 female and 1 male. On Elverston I got 2 male dogs. There were more dogs on all places, with pups on Woodlands and Mooro that I didn't get and the adults with them. Elverston only had 1 or 2 adult dogs on it but there was old dog sign along the exclusion fence the Elmina boundary.

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Woodlands had mature dogs and pups still on it . I took Kim Williams around and showed him where the dogs were marking so he could set traps in those areas, Kim was going to bait in the area the pups were running.

Mooro had a den of pups at least 1 I saw and didn't get and adult dogs. The pups on Mooro were near the Lulworth boundary a couple of kilometres from the Carellen Lulworth Mooro corner.

Thanks for the opportunity to work for the Paroo shire trapping again.

Craig Zerk.

b. Russell Itzstein (Report 2)

I started dog trapping at Charlotte Plains where there were a few dogs killing their goats. I caught 1 dog in the first week, but the rest of the remaining dogs were getting harder to trap because of all the food source. The other properties that I checked were Cleland, Mayvale, Pine Ridge and Murrawonda with no sign on any of these places. I then moved onto Tinnenburra, Glentucky and Irrara. There was no real fresh sign of dogs there. But 1 old dog track was going from Glentuckey to Irrara. It had not been moving around much. Back to Wyandra. I checked the properties of Quilberry, Claverton Park, Alpha, Northam and Clovelly on which I caught 2 dogs on Alpha, 2 dogs on Northam and 1 dog on Clovelly. The other places I did not find any dog sign on them. There is still 1 dog on Alpha, 2 on Northam and a couple of dogs still on Clovelly.

Russell Itzstein.

13. FEDERAL FUNDED PROJECTS (Trapping Project) Grant has been closed out and Final Report and Acquittal Report have been submitted. See Trapper Works report in Agenda for dog capture information.

14. PAROO SHIRE EXCLUSION & LINK FENCES EOI’s 64 Landholders responded to the Council’s call for EOI’s for Link and Cluster Fences. In summary, the EOI’s estimated that if all fences were erected then; • 730 km of fence would be required to protect the proposed 830,000 ha of fenced area. • Graziers advised that the productive capacity of the Shire would increase through an additional (approx.) 116,000 sheep, 30,000 goats, and 5,000 cattle would enter the Shire. • Noted that the QFPI does not support the Link fence concept, only fences that close out a Cluster. The Link Fence data was collected just in case a Grant comes up that covers that type of fencing idea

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• See map of EOI areas included in Agenda.

15. QFPI ROUND 5 FUNDING – EXCLUSION FENCING PROJECT Application for $1.0M exclusion fencing subsidies was submitted on time (November). The Assessment Group (made up of reps from a number of organisations) has reviewed applications (December). Anecdotally, the application met with strong support and commentary suggested it was well prepared. Only a couple of minor queries (budget items) came back from the initial assessment. The response has been sent to Assessment Group (January).

No time frame for notification of success has been advised.


• Covered in previous items.

17. CLOSURE OF MEETING The Paroo Wild Dog Advisory Committee meeting was declared closed at 1:00pm.

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9.3.6 Tourism Report Council Meeting: 16th February 2021 Department: Community Support & Engagement Author: Barbara Mason, Tourism Manager

Purpose The purpose of this document is to provide Council with an update on the progress of the Tourism Program for February/March 2021.

Recommendation That Council receive and note the Tourism Report.

Discussion 1. Corporate Plan Activities undertaken by the Tourism Team align with Corporate Plan Priority Area: TD1-4 – Developing and Promoting Paroo as a Tourist Destination Program 2 – BOC- Community Brand and Resilience 2. Activities 2.1. Outback Muster and Drive Brochure Launch OQTA Outback Muster was held in on Monday 22 February. The Muster was attended by in excess of 70 travel agents, transport reps and travel media. OQTA launched the Drive Outback Queensland guide; this is a new initiative for 2021. 2.2. Bicycle Hire The Visitors Centre has researched bicycle hire in surrounding shires and Accredited Visitors Centres. We have also conducted an email survey with previous visitors on the popularity of the option of bicycle hire in Cunnamulla. Over 80% of replies to date show this is a desirable product. The Visitor Centre will look to purchase bicycles for hire. This product aligns with the 3 year tourist plan - Identify product service and infrastructure gaps, attract regional events, improve product integration and advocate for investment. 2.3. Hot Springs Update The Steering Committee met on the 25th of February to review and recommend the appointment of the secondary consultants. The successful companies have been notified and a meeting set for the first week of March. The commercial EOI successful applicants have been contacted and will meet with Project Manager and Tourism Manager via Zoom to discuss the next steps. 2.4. Cunnamulla Fella Roundup – 3rd July Council has been fortunate to have Drought Angels support the Cunnamulla Fella Roundup with a free community concert on the night of the 3rd of July. The concert is a part of the ‘Country Cares Arena Tour’ and is the final of 3 concerts to be held – the other concert venues are Chinchilla and Nanango. The purpose of the tour is to highlight the ongoing mental health crisis in regional Queensland and provide a fun, family friendly atmosphere for communities to come together in support of one another. The evening will provide entertainment and education about the impact of mental health and awareness of the many organizations that are mobilized to support those in our communities who need a helping hand. The Drought Angels also bring with them the support of Wrangler and a number of musicians. The Tourism Team is in the process of putting together a full event program and a marketing plan for the event.

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2.5. Eulo Beautification After further community consultation and feedback, Council received quotes for irrigation of the Lizard Lounge and the Eulo Park (behind the town hall). Due to budgetary constraints it is not possible to irrigate both areas; therefore purchase orders have been raised to irrigate the Eulo Park. Also included in this project is a signage audit and update. The audit was conducted by Charles Walsh Nature Tourism Services and Council Tourism Manager on the 16th and 17th of February. Council is currently waiting for the final report and costings to bring the Eulo Tourism Signage up to date and get it to a consistent standard with the surrounding towns. During this audit we also covered the signage between Eulo and Yowah and the Yowah Township. The outcomes of this will be included in the report. 2.6. Visitor Statistics Visitor numbers through the centre are as per graph below.

• Shire Event Calendar Following consultations with staff, community groups, event coordinators and funders; the local events calendar has been prepared for publication and dissemination.

(see attached)

Page 70 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March2021 2021 Australia Day Celebrations EventsICPA State Conference Yowah Opal Festival 26 January 31 May - 2 June 16 - 18 July Welcome to Cunnamulla Eulo Polocrosse Splash Test Dummies 12 March 29 - 30 May 18 July Eulo Gymkhana and Enduro Men’s Sand Green Open Day Tournament Golf 3 - 4 April Championships Golf 1 August Under 5’s Easter Fair 4 - 6 June Cunnamulla Diggers 8 April Cunnamulla Polocrosse Races Noorama Picnic Races 5 - 6 June 15 August 10 April QLD Day Cunnamulla Gymkhana Anzac Day Services 6 June 28 August 25 April Paroo in Pink Eulo Lizard Races Cunnamulla Diggers 11 June 29 August Anzac Day Races Cunnamulla Ladies Pink R U OK Day 25 April Day Races 9 September Wyandra Horse & 12 June Dead Puppets Society Bike Gymkhana Cunnamulla Fella Roundup 2 October 1 May Cowboy Camp, Outback Memories of Orbison Cunnamulla Gun Club Shoot Barrels and Rodeo 10 October 30 June - 3 July 7 - 9 May Cunnamulla Diggers Music in the Mulga COUNTRY CARES ARENA TOUR Cunnamulla Cup Races 13 - 16 May Drought Angels 10 October 3 July Cunnamulla Show Full Boar Gymkhana and Enduro 21 May NAIDOC Week Events 30 - 31 October 4 - 11 July Weathering Well Comedy Cunnamulla Poets and Remembrance Day Show - Jenny Woodward 11 November 28 May Country Music Muster 5 - 11 July New Years Eve Celebrations Bangarra Dance 31 December 31 May - 3 June Opera Qld - Are You Lonesome Tonight - A Celebration of Opera and Country Music 31 May

For more information visit (07) 4655 8400 [email protected] 71 of 73 General Council Meeting Notice & Agenda 16 March 2021

Sports & Recreation Clubs Cunnamulla & District Diggers Cunnamulla Motorbike Club Cunnamulla Youth Club Race Club Riding for all ages Operated by CACH, Cunnamulla Race Course, Mitchell Hwy Jason Palmer - 0427 554 871 or after-school and evening activities Tim Higgins - 0409 738 616 Ronie Simpson - 0447 804 086 Maryanne Johnstone - 07 4655 8800

Cunnamulla Bowls Club Cunnamulla Multipurpose Courts Outback Physical Bodyworx For competitive and social players of Available for tennis, netball and other Exercise Sessions: all ages sports Alice St, Cunnamulla Mon & Wed 4pm - 5pm, Cost $5pp 40 John St, Cunnamulla Geoff Rynne -0408 802 276 Tue & Thu 6pm - 7pm, Cost $2pp Maurice Higgins - 07 4655 1599 Stockyard St, Cunnamulla Cunnamulla Polocrosse Club Samantha Jones - 0417 072 206 Cunnamulla Golf Club Share your passion 18 hole, sand green course Paroo Pony Club John Girdler - 0427 411 726 or Share your love of horses par 70 - total 5,245m Patricia Jordan - 0427 551 452 Humeburn Rd, Cunnamulla. Liz Land - 0428 551 587 John Woodcroft - 0427 204 490 Cunnamulla Show Society Pistol Club Show is held annually in May at the Safe and responsible gun ownership Cunnamulla Gun Club Herb Martin - 07 4655 2662 Safe and responsible gun ownership Cunnamulla Showgrounds on Mitchell Hwy, Cunnamulla Emma St, Cunnamulla Noorama Picnic Race Club Phil Nass - 0497 221 053 Amy Palmer - 0438 730 180 Annual race meeting held in April Noorama Racecourse, Jobs Gate Rd, Cunnamulla Junior Rugby League Cunnamulla Swimming Club Noorama. Jim McKenzie - 07 4655 4911 Get active… Tina Jackson (Secretary) - or Andrea McKenzie - John Mills - 0439 027 970 0407 662 560 [email protected] Cunnamulla Senior Cunnamulla Swimming Pool Noorama Sport and Rugby League Rams Triathlon club meets every Sunday Recreation Centre Club …stay active morning – John St, Cunnamulla Noorama Racecourse, Elizabeth Benson (Coordinator) - Jobs Gate Rd, Noorama Ethan Capewell - 0484 243 075 07 4655 0502 or 0484 781 186 Donal Sullivan - 07 4655 4045

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10 Confidential

11 Late Reports Refer Supplementary Agenda

12 General Business

13 Closure of Meeting

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