The Cost of Governance
News AdvertiserSERVING PICKERING SINCE 1965 PRESSRUN 47,600 ✦ 52 PAGES ✦ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 2004 ✦ ✦ OPTIONAL DELIVERY $6/$1 NEWSSTAND LOOKING UNIQUE TIME TO ROCK 2005 Jeep Grand Cherokee Senior B lacrosse club cuts a different path opens training camp Wheels, Pullout Sports, B1 Briefly... Pickering: Ajax and Pickering fire- fighters need your help to choose the final 12 photos to be used for a The cost of governance 2005 fund-raising calendar The selections are being made phones, meals and newslet- included $3,255 for meals, re- his total was due to the num- at a special show, presented by Dy- Holland, Johnson ters in 2003. ceptions and promotions, ber of committees he namic Publishing and Event Manage- top 2003 expense • Councillors hire ment, at the Pickering Recreation The breakdown of expens- help; Johnson’s wife $6,489 for phones and Inter- chaired. Complex this Saturday, April 24. list with almost es was presented at Mon- net, $3,480 for newsletters “You tend to incur more There are approximately 20 po- $20,000 each day’s council meeting, with paid $4,800 – Page A8 and postage, and $4,800 for expenses as you do more tential candidates for the 2005 cal- Ward 3 Regional Councillor outside agencies. His ex- work, none of it is frivolous Rick Johnson topping the penses in 2002 totalled expenses. It’s the cost of endar. By Danielle Milley list with $19,484 - outspend- in expenses he incurred $11,514. More items were doing your job,” he said. Tickets are $15. There’s a cash Staff Writer bar and complimentary hors d’oeu- ing Ward 2 Regional Council- while Ward 1 City Councillor counted towards total ex- Coun.
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