Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) 105-109 (2003)

SPB Academic Publishing bv, The Hague

Cretaceous and Cenozoic decapod of Jamaica

³ Stephen+K. Donovan¹Roger+W. Portell² & Joe+S.H. Collins

'Department ofPalaeontology, NationaalNatuurhistorisch Museum, Postbus 9517, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The

2 Netherlands; Florida Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 117800, University of Florida, Gainesville,

3 Florida 32611-7800, USA; Department ofPalaeontology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, England, and 8, Shaw’s Cottages, Perry Rise, Forest Hill, London SE23 2QN, England

Keywords:: Jamaica, Cretaceous, Cenozoic, Crustacea,

Abstract Morris (1993) and new, but as yet undescribed,

collections mentioned below.

In the last decade, a rebirth in interest of Jamaican fossil crustaceans has occurred. A of known material is summary provided together with some indications ofthe directions that Overview of material future studies should take.

The range of depositional settings shown by the

decapod-bearing units studied the authors Introduction by pre- cludes any suggestion of a recurrent mode of pres-

ervation. carapaces are rare, except in The have renaissance in the Complete past ten years seen a the Lower Miocene Montpelier Formation, where study of the fossil shrimps and of Jamaica. a diverse faunahas been collected within slide blocks Previously, the only publications on the island’s

of scleractinian corals. derived from a trio Withers Although decapod crustaceans were a ofpapers by shallow-water setting, they are preserved in deep- (1922, 1924, 1927), which described taxa from the water chalks (Portell & Collins, in press), with a Upper Cretaceous and Eocene. After this flurry of depositional depth in excess of 200 m (Underwood activity in the 1920s, Jamaican fossil shrimps and & in Of interest here crabs Mitchell, press). particular were largely ignored until the late 1980s, when is the presence of the symbiotic genus Trapezia Ms Carla Gordon of the University of the West

Latreille, a with Indies genus commensal pocilloporid (UW1) collected abundant fragmentary ma- scleractinians, a of corals no longer present terial from the Falmouth Formation (Late Pleis- group in theCaribbean (with the exception ofMadracis). tocene, last interglacial). This material formed a Other deposits include the Bowden shell bed (sub- significant part of the new collections reported on marine mass flow, laid down in 100-200 m water by in the first Jamaican Morris (1993) paper on Pickerill of Pliocene depth; et ah, 1998) Late age, crabs in 66 Since then the aided years. authors, by the raised reef of the Late Pleistocene Falmouth Mr H.L. Dixon (formerly UWI) and other collec- Formation (Larson, 1983), coeval shallow-water tors, have been describing the locally abundant siliciclastic lagoonal deposits of the Port Morant decapod in remains found Miocene and younger Formation (Mitchell et ah, 2001) and a land deposits of the island (Collins et ah, 1997, 2001; in fill of claw a fissure terra rosa (Donovan & Dixon, Collins & Donovan, 1998; Collins & Portell, 1998; Donovan 1998). & Dixon, 1998; Portell & Collins, in press). That the studies of Withers Our early gave an incor- current knowledge of Jamaican fossil shrimps rect of the true and taxo- and impression stratigraphic crabs is summarized in Table 1, to which should nomic of Jamaican crustaceans be added diversity decapod the indeterminate specimens listed in was determined by the research interests of the 106 S.K. Donovan et al. — Cretaceous and Cenozoic decapods ofJamaica

Table I. Fossil shrimps and crabs from the Cretaceous and Cenozoic of Jamaica; Morris (1993) listed localities and horizons that have

yielded indeterminate crab specimens. Data from Morris (1993) unless stated otherwise. Higher classification follows Martin & Davis

= = = in 1 = (2001). Key: + present; cf. confer; aff. affinity (see Bengtson, 1988, for a discussion of cf. and aff. open nomenclature);

Upper Cretaceous (horizon unknown); 2 = ‘Veniella Shales’ (Campanian); 3 = Guinea Corn Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian);

4 = Chapciton Formation, Yellow Limestone Group (Early-Middle Eocene); 5 =WhiteLimestone Group formation unknown (Eocene-

Oligocene); 6 = Montpelier Formation, White Limestone Group (Early Miocene) (Portell & Collins, in press); 7 = Bowden shell bed,

Bowden Formation, Lower Coastal Group (Late Pliocene) (Collins & Portell, 1998); 8 = Old Pera beds, Manchioneal Formation,

Upper Coastal Group (Early Pleistocene) (Collins et ah, 2001); 9 =Falmouth Formation, Upper Coastal Group (LatePleistocene); 10

= Port Morant Formation, Upper Coastal Group (Late Pleistocene) (Collins et ah, 1997; Collins & Donovan, 1998); 11 = fissure fill

(Quaternary) (Donovan & Dixon, 1998). For a general discussion ofthe geology of Jamaica, see Robinson (1994).

Taxon 11234567892 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 n11

Infraorder Thalassinidea

Family Callianassidae

'Callianassa'‘Callianassa’ + + + + spp. +

‘‘ ‘Callianassa’Callianassa' gigantea Withers +

‘ ’ Callianassa subplana Withers +

‘ ‘Callianassa’Callianassa' trechmanni Withers +

Neocallichirus peraensis Collins et al. +

GlypturusGlyplurus acanthochirus Stimpson +

FamilyFamily Ctenochelidae

+ Ctenocheles sp.

Infraorder Anomura

Family Porcellanidae

PetrolisthesPelrolisthes sp. +

Family Albuneidae

Albunea sp. +

Family Diogenidae

Paguristes sp. +

Petrochirus + sp.

PetrochirusPelrochirus bahamensis (Herbst) cf. +

Infraorder Brachyura

Family Dromiidae

Kromtitis + sp. nov.

Family Dynomenidae

+ Dynomene sp. nov. Family Raninidae

Cretacoranina trechmanni (Withers) +

Raninoides louisianensis Rathbun +

Family Calappidae

cf-cf. Calappa gallus (Herbst) \\ Calappa springeri Rathbun aff. +

Family Hepatidae

Eriosachila bartholomaeensis(Rathbun) +

+ Hepatus sp.

Collins al. Hepatus praecox Collins et +

Family Necrocarcinidae

Necrocarcinus + sp.

Paranecrocarcinus?Paranecrocarcinusl + sp.sp.

Family Leucosiidae

leucosiid + leucosiid gen. et sp.sp. nov.

aff. Persephona punctata punctata (Linne) aff. +

Uhlias limbatus Stimpson cf.

Family Mithracidae

Mithraculus forceps A. Milne Edwards cf.

MithraxMilhrax sp. + + Contributions to Zoology, 72 (2-3) - 2003 107

Table 1. Continued,

Taxon 1 2 3 44 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Mithrax A + Mithrax sp. nov.

Mithrax B + sp. nov.

Mithrax caribbaeus Rathbun

Mithrax hispidus (Herbs!)(Herbst) +

+ Mithrax spinosissimus Lamarck +

+4- Mithrax verrucosus H. Milne EdwardsEdwards

+ Teleophrys sp. nov.

Family Pisidae

Chlorilia aff. sp.

aff. Hyas sp.

Rochinia aff. sp.

Family TychidaeTychidae

Pitho + sp.

Pitho anisodonanisodon (von Martins) +4-

Family Dairidae

Daira + sp. nov.

Family Parthenopidae

Mesorhoea sexspinosa Stirapson aff.

Platylambrus + sp. ,„

Family Cancridae

Cancer aff. sp. Family Portunidae

+ Callinectes jamaicensis Withers

Callinectes sapidus Rathbun aff.

Callinectes toxodes Ordway cf.

Euphylax fortispinosusfortispinosus Collins etet +4-

aff. Ovalipes sp.

+ Portunus sp.

portunid et +4- portunid gen, sp. nov. Family Carcineretidae

Carcineretes woolacotti Withers +

FamilyFamily Carpiliidae

Carpilius corallinus Herbst +4-

Family Goneplacidae

Nanoplax xanthiformis (A. Milne Edwards) cf.

Family Panopeidae

4- Eurypanopeus sp. +

Eurypanopeus abbrevialusabbreviatus (Stimpson) +

Eurypanopeus depressusdepressus (Smith)(Smith) cf.

Hexapanopeus caribbaeus (Stimpson)

A + Lophopanopeus sp. nov.

+4- LophopanopeusLophopanopeus sp. nov. B

aff. Micropanope nuttingi (Rathbun)(Rathbun)

Micropanope polita Rathbun cf.

Micropanope spinipes A. Milne Edwards cf.

+ aff. Micropanope sp. nov.

+ cf. Neopanope sp,sp.

Panopeus herbstii H. Milne Edwards + +4-

A. Milne Edwards +4- PanopeusPanopeus rugosus

- aff.aff. Panopeus sp. nov. 108 S.K. Donovan et al. - Cretaceous and Cenozoic decapods ofJamaica

Table I. Continued.

TaxonTaxon 1 234567892 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II11

Family Pilumnidae

Pilumnus Rathbun aff. pannosus

Pilumnus sayi Rathbun cf.

Pilumnus spinossimus Rathbun aff.

Family Trapeziidae

TrapeziaTrapezia sp. nov. +


xanthid + gen. et sp. nov.

Chlorodiella + Chlorodiella sp. nov.

Eriphia sp. +

Collins & D’n + Eriphia gonagragonagra xaymacaensis “ ” “EurypodaEurypoda sp.

Eurytium limosum (Say) + aff.

LeptodiusLeplodius sp, nov.nov. cf.

Phymodius maculatus (Stimpson)(Stimpson) +

Xanthilites?Xanthilitesl rathbunaerathhunae Withers

Family Ocypodidae

Uca + sp.

Family Gecarcinidae

Cardisoma guanhumiguanhumi Latreille + +

Family Grapsidae

Pachygrapsus sp. +

Varuna?Parana! + sp. +

collectors of these specimens, D. Woolacott and the agenda is the re-examination of the long-ne-

C.T. Trechmann. It could be argued that the bias glected Cretaceous deposits that yielded the mate- of earlier studies towards the Upper Cretaceous and rial described by Withers.

Eocene has now been overcompensated by our focus

on the younger Cenozoic. However, the mid-Ceno-

zoic White Limestone Group (Middle Eocene- Acknowledgements

Middle Miocene), with its commonly mold-like

preservation and low yield of fossils, has deterred SKD and RWP gratefully acknowledge the support ofNational

Geographic Society grant # 7278-02. We thank our co- many macropalcontologists over the years. The > many workers who have helped us in collecting Jamaican fossil description of abundant carapace material from the decapods. Early Miocene Montpelier Formation (Portell &

Collins, in press) must be regarded as a triumph, rather find in than a failure to crabs the rest of References the White Limestone Group. New collections of

Pliocene and Pleistocene crabs await description Bengtson P. 1988. Open nomenclature. Palaeontology 31: one of us from the Late by (RWP), particularly 223-227.

Pliocene Formation raised Hopegate (dolomitized Collins JSH, Donovan SK. 1998. Some new crab records reef) and further taxa from the Falmouth Forma- (Crustacea: Decapoda) from the late Pleistocene Port Morant

Formation of southeast Jamaica. Bull. Fossil tion. it is that of Mizunami However, anticipated our program Mus. 24 (1997) : 73-77. will fieldwork now shift to the Paleogene, notably Collins JSH, Donovan SK, Dixon HL. 1997. Crabs and the Early-Middle Eocene Chapelton Formation, barnacles (Crustacea: Decapoda & Cirripedia) from the Ycllow Limestone which has Group, already yielded late Pleistocene Port Morant Formation of southeast

small a diversity of taxa (Table 1). Also high on Jamaica.. Bull. Mizunami Fossil Mus. 23 (1996); 51-63. Contributions to 72 - Zoology, (2-3) 2003 109

Collins JSH, Donovan SK, GA. 2001. Bowden Lindsay W, Simpson Formation, southeast Jamaica. In: Donovan SK.

A new of crab the Pleistocene species portunid from early (ed.). The Pliocene Bowden shell bed, southeast Jamaica.

Old Pera beds of Jamaica. Proc. Geol. Ass. 112: 7-12, Contr. Tert. Quatern. Geol. 35: 9-27.

Collins Portell RW. 1998. JSH, and Portell Collins JSH. in Decapod, stomatopod RW, press. Decapod crustaceans of

cirripede Crustacea from the Pliocene Bowden shell Lower Miocene bed, the MontpelierFormation, White Limestone St. Thomas parish, Jamaica. In: Donovan SK (ed,). The Group of Jamaica. In: Donovan SK. (ed.). The mid-

Pliocene Bowden shell bed, southeast Jamaica. Contr. Tert. Cainozoic White Limestone Group of Jamaica. Cainozoic

Quatern. Geol. 35: 113-127. Res. 3

Dixon Donovan SK, HL. 1998. A fossil land crab from the Robinson E. 1994. Jamaica. In: Donovan SK, Jackson TA. late Quaternary of Jamaica (Decapoda, Brachyura, (eds). Caribbean Geology: An Introduction : 111-127.

Gecarcinidae). Crustaceana 71: 824-826. Kingston; University of the West Indies Publishers’ Larson DC. 1983. Depositionalfacies and diagenetic fabrics Association.

in the late Pleistocene Falmouth Formation Jamaica. of Underwood CJ, Mitchell SF. in press. Sharks, bony fishes Norman: University of Oklahoma MS and endodental (unpubl, thesis). borings from the Miocene Montpelier Martin JW, Davis GE. 2001. An classification of updated Formation (White Limestone Group) of Jamaica. In:

the Recent Crustacea. Nat. Hist. Los Co. Mus. Angeles Donovan SK (ed,), The mid-Cainozoic White Limestone

Sci. ser. 39: 124 of pp, Group Jamaica. Cainozoic Res. 3

Mitchell SF, Fickerill RK, Stemann TA. 2001, The Port Withers TH. 1922. On a new brachyurous from

Morant Formation the (Upper Pleistocene, Jamaica): high Upper Cretaceous of Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. resolution sedimentology and paleoenvironmental analysis 10: 534-541. of a mixed carbonate clastic lagoonal succession. Sedim. Withers TH. 1924. Some Cretaceous and Tertiary decapod Geol. 144: 291-306. crustaceans from Jamaica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 13: SI- Morris SF. 1993. The fossil of Jamaica, In: Wright 93.

Robinson E RM, (eds). of Jamaica. Geol. Withers Tli. 1927. Biostratigraphy Ranina trechmanni, a new Cretaceous

Soc. Amer. Mem. 182: 115-124. crab from Jamaica. Geol. Mag. 64: 176-180, Pickerill RK, Mitchell SF, Donovan SK, Keighley DC.

1998. and of Pliocene Sedimentology palaeoenvironment the Received: 25 March 2003