The 12 th -Romania -Belgium-France Geomorphological Meeting, Climatic change and related landscapes Savona (Italy), 26-29 September 2007

The 12 th Meeting was held in Savona, Italy, under issues and field examples proposed. These were the auspices of International Association Of mwrely a few case studies, selected for logistic Geomorphologists (Iag), Asociatia Geomorfologilor reasons and taken from the wide range of Din România, Associazione Italiana Di Geografia knowledge built up by the group of Physical Fisica E Geomorfologia (Aigeo), Belgian Geography and Geomorphology of the University Association Of Geomorphologists, Groupe of Pisa in many years of research in Liguria and in Français De Geomorphologie. It was organised by the French-Italian Maritime Alps. Paolo Roberto Federici, University of Pisa and his The itinerary was also a chance to see some of collaborators. the most attractive often unknown, italian localities The meeting aimed the possibility to discuss from the Ligurian Sea to the and the existing relationships between climatic change Maritime Alps. and geomorphological environments. Particular In the first day of field trip the partecipants focus had given to morphological transformations moved along the Ligurian coast and they visited induced by climatic change, of which they the famous archaeological site of Balzi Rossi, represent crucial indicators. Three sessions, along where relevant quaternary coastal landforms are with the plenary lectures, were focused on this preserved. A stop was also devoted to the Albenga theme in coastal, gravitational and glacial Plain, formed by a huge delta developing since the landforms and processes. Holocene. In the afternoon the partecipants crossed The Meeting held between the 26th and the the Ligurian Alps stopping at specific locations 29th September 2007. On the first and second where large landslides are currently affecting days, there were invited speeches together with human settlement areas. selected oral communications and poster In the second day the group travelled north to presentations at the imposing Fortezza del Priamar the mountains of the Valle Stura di in the in Savona. The partecipants were 81 from nine Maritime Alps. On top of general morphotectonic Countries, Plenary Lectures were 3, the oral and climatic outlines, stops were taken at moraine communications 26 and the posters presented 33. complexes, erosive glacial landforms, paraglacial On the third and fourth days there was a field and alluvial fans. trip in Liguria and Piemonte. This was to experimentally display and verifies the topics dealt An attractive “Guide Book for the Excursions with during the Congress. The itinerary choosen in Western Liguria and On the Maritime Alps” was were enable participants to openly discuss the prepared for the participants.

Prof. Paolo Roberto FEDERICI University of Pisa