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Mail Service from Intercollegiate Press, New Student, College Humor Uh? Urrhnitiattu M Mail Service From Intercollegiate Press, New Student, College Humor Uh? Urrhnitiattu. Published Weekly by the Students of N. 0. State College of Agriculture and Engineering Vol. 9, No. 11 STATE COLLEGE STATION, RALEIGH, N. C., DECEMBER 1, 1928. Single Copy, 10c e Wolves Will Play Tech’s lied Terrors. iDANCE comma GIVES ‘ Wolfpack Loses Close 011 ‘Ai.’ BARN wumm: Birds Tomorrow; To Have 19 Games knollfllunnuus, To Michigan Spartans 7-0 Game . III Coming SeasoniWilliamson's Letter Tells Why; BRIllIANl SCENE or Final [0123' His Orchestra Did Not Play -_u—I I The North Carolina State Wolfpack Nineteen games are on the N. C. For Dances Victors Score In Third J. Stitt Wilson Is To don their moleskins for the last game State Red Terror schedule for the com- GREAT ri_snvmrs of the year Thursday afternoon, their ing basketball season. All home games The following is a report of the Pan- ! Quarter; Techs Al- Be Here Three Days Thanksgiving Day clash with the Uni- will start at 7:15 o'clock, and when Hellenic Pledge Dance Committee 5 Early In December versity of South Carolina on Riddick freshmen games are to be played on..which has been submitted. ; Annual Afl’air Finds the most Score Field being the final of the year and the same night they will follow the The accompanying letter explains ! J. Stitt Wilson, who annually one of the grid classics of the south. varsity contest. according to Tal Staf- the reason Ted Williamson's orchestra ’ Farmers and Farmer- TAR HEEL ELEVEN DOES visits State College for a series Eight huskies will sing their swan ford, graduate manager. did not furnish the music. 1 of lectures. will come back this song to football in this contest. Fred The Red Terrors will make one Mr. Williamson's letter to H. J. ettes at Their Best WELL DESPITE THE SNOW year. it was announced that he Crum, Bill Metts, Dave Floyd. Jim- long trip this year, visiting University Young. president, follows: would not be here this year on mie Mayfield. Chink Outen, Francis of Georgia. Mercer, University of “Dni‘on, 0., Nov. 13, 1928. N. C. State Eleven Outgains: account of a recent illness. Goodwin, Fred Vaughan, and Johnnie Florida, and South Carolina. The "Ms. Yorso: SHAW UNIVERSITY MUSIC He has recuperated and will, Ford are playing their last game for M3 will meet the Floridians in "DEAR SIR—i just wired you that i FEATURES SATURDAY HOP Michigan Team; Vaughn,War- be here on December 9 for a the ,’Pack. ' nesville in two games. could not fill the dates this week-end. three-day stay. He will deliver The Gamecocks will present a for- “I want to explain to you that there ren, And Others Play Usual two lectures in day. either in midable array of stars that will give ':*Nine of the games will be with Students From Meredith and Good Games For State College. l’ullcn Hall or in the Y. M. C. the 'Pack plenty of trouble. Eddie them Conference teams and eleven is a possible chance yet that I would A. auditorium. Zobel is back in the visitors' lineup I“! be played on the home court in be able to get to you, but in case the Peace Attended, But Had to for the first time in many weeks, and Mnk Thompson gymnasium. As was 'chance did not turn out 1 would have East Lansing, Mich.—A- fighting State College will be the only the South Carolina supporters expect case in 1928 the Wake Forest's to cancel the last second—this would Leave Before Real Fun Com- Pack of Wolves from North Carolina one Mr. Wilson will visit in the that his presence will be greatly felt. e game will be played at the City cause you a very disappointing condi- menced; All Got Filled With State College bowed to the Michigan east. as he is on his way to Coach Tebell has his eleven in good ' ' itorium here. Double-headers have tion and I hope you can fill the job Europe. ' shape following their splendid show- ‘ _ arranged with all the State's Big with these three day's notice. Peanuts, Red Lemonade, Ice State College eleven in a game played —u—oo—-—a* ing against Michigan State last Satur- teams. “I was en route from Dayton, Ohio, Cream, Cakes, and Apples. \ during a driving snowstorm here last ' day. Vaughan will be back in: the ~11 I season will open on December to Penn State College to play the big Saturday. The final score gave the lineup and should give the visitors 20. With the High Point five 88 the homecoming day rally, a very choice _ . JI , Spartans a 7-0 margin over the Dixie plenty of trouble. Captain Bob War- opponents. job. We had about three inches ofl By T. A. VERNON Ii‘. eleven. Vaughn Chosen On ren will be one of the Gamecocks' The schedule is as follows: snow. My baggage car,'a Cadillac se- Saturday night in the Frank Thomp- chief worries. ‘dan, caught fire and what instruments son gymnasium scores of farmer lads The game was evenly fought and Scores of the last four games be- December : 'we did get out had to be sent to the and farmerettes gathered for their an- both elevens made numerous attempts All - Southen Team tween the colleges are listed below. 20—High Point at Raleigh. factory to be repaired. My trunk of‘ nual what-not. Meredith girls by the to score. The Spartans pushed over Last season the 'Pack shut out the 22—Atlantic Christian at Raleigh. music, over $900 worth of special ar-; dozens were present. but that did not the only score of the game in the By Floryll. Scout Gamecocks by a 34-0 score at Colum- January: rangements, was burned up. 'keepI the town girls from turning out third period, after a series of passes v‘ “This happened Friday. 1 went to: in representative and line plunges had ended with Dan- bia in a game that was featured by 8—Furman at Raleigh. Philadelphia and tried to replace the, numbers. zinger’s crash through the line for a Bob Warren's and Jack McDowall's ll—Lenoir-Rhyne at Raleigh. loss, but it put me out of shape so' Perhaps it was the pink lemonade touchdown. Fred Vaughan, aggressive Wolfpack ball carrying. South Carolina has li—Wake Forest at Wake Forest. that caused so many to turll out. It forward, whose work this season has scored three wins to the Pack's one bad that I would not be able to replace has not been As usual, Captain “Bob" Warren, of since 1924. 19—South Carolina at Raleigh. for two weeks at least. i could bring said yet whether or not the Wolfpack, played his brilliant drawn much favorable comment, has The record is listed be- 22—U. N. C. at Chapel Hill. a picked-up band, but this would not said lemonade was “spiked." Dean game. Won a berth on the first All-Southern low: ' 25—Duke at Raleigh. Cloyd and President Albright were Lepoh Vaughn, and Stout Year N. C. State U. S. C. be right by you, and I do not want to present, so it can be surmised that it played remarkable games in the line. grid eleven to be picked by 'an ex- 1924 0 10 28—Virginia at Raleigh. dish out rotten music under my name. | Roger Grove's punting for Michigan pert. 30—Georgia at Athens. —Continued on page 2. was not. State was outstanding. 1925 "‘ 7 3 Iii—Mercer at Macon. Besides the red lemonade there were The Wolfpack outgained the Spartans He is a member of the first team 1926 14 20 abundant quantities of peanuts, cakes, selected by Nash Higgins, 1927 34 0 ‘February: and apples. A red-hot orchestra from 200 yards to 169. Michigan State an- chief scout ‘ 1-2—Florida at (lainesville. SIAIE PR0lE880li8 nexed fourteen first downs to the ten for Florida University, who states $4.300 Stolen 4—South Carolina at Columbia. Shaw University furnished the music for the 'Pack. in the secund period the that he has seen 15 of the best teams Lawrence, Kans.—(lP)—Follow- 9—Duke at Durham. for the dancing that followed and the State offense carried the pigskin to the in the South this season. Vaughan is ing the Kansas-Nebraska football l3—U. N. (l. at Raleigh. wuo'sfll IN AMERICA departure of the girls from the adjoin- Spartans' 4-yard line, where they lost placed at right guard along with game here, the entire receipts of the‘ l8—Wake Fort-st at Raleigh. ing college. Dr. Brewer requested that —Continued on page 2. Pressley, Clemson, as center and game—$4,300———were stolen from the 22—V. M. l. at Raleigh. his wards be in their respective sleep- Steele of Florida, as left guard. office of the athletic director. 23—Davidsoll at Raleigh. President Brooks and Five State ing places at a reasonable hour. Here's Higgins' selections: _-_..>AV-7-7-_A_..7._—.AA-,AAAAAAAAAAMAAAAA—MA. College Professors Are ; —Continued on page 2. VETERAN TECH GUARD First team: Vansickle, Florida, L. [ALL-SOUTHERN Thus Honored VAV\\.~V-W vauw\r-\.w V_. -n—‘aw PLAYING LAST GAME E.; Maree, Georgia Tech, L. T‘ iPLUCKY LITTLE HALF CORKIN(i GOOD CENTER Steele, Florida. L. G.; Pressley, Clem-l GUARD PROSPECT ‘ WINDS UP CAREER TODAY i in the recent publication of the PLAYS LAST TIME TODAY son, 0.; Vaughan, N. C.
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