Fraternity Secular Franciscan Order Church of the Good Shepherd 3435 Trindle Road, Camp Hill, PA 17011

Brother Rubus, OFM Cap – Spiritual Assistant – (717) 232-1003 [email protected] Barbara Acri, OFS – Minister –[email protected] website

Newsletter for December 2012 Editor - Artz, OFS [email protected]

DECEMBER’S FRATERNITY MEETING The 3rd Sunday, December 16th, meeting begins at 1:30 PM in the All Purpose Room December Snacks and Drinks: Everyone is invited to bring something Please remember to bring plates, forks, spoons, napkins, and cups On-Going Formation: Christmas at Greccio Our traditional Christmas Crèche observance

JANUARY’S FRATERNITY MEETING The 3rd Sunday, January 20th, meeting begins at 1:30 PM in the All Purpose Room January Snacks: Kathy Giera and Loretta Washington (please bring plates, forks, spoons, and napkins) January Drinks: David Artz and Stephen Hurtak (please bring cups) On-Going Formation: To Live as Francis Lived, by Foley OFM, Weigel OFM, and Normile SFO Reflection 19, pages 73-76 Humility Toward Others

INQUIRER AND CANDIDATE FORMATION December and January: formation begins at 12:45 PM in the All Purpose Room Please read your assigned chapter in The Franciscan Journey, by Lester Bach OFM Cap and all of the supplemental readings shown under the Readings/Questions for dialogue. Prepare to actively participate in the discussion of the chapter and the supplemental readings.

“FOR UP TO NOW” – FORMATION MANUAL Each study group is responsible for the scheduling of their meeting times and places. Please read the assigned chapter, and prepare to actively participate in the discussion of the chapter. December: No study group meetings because of the Advent and Christmas Seasons January: Chapter 15, Part 2, pages 12 to 16 - St. Francis and His Approach to Divinity, Fitzsimmons OFS Remember to appoint a spokesperson to prepare a five minute report on your study group for each fraternity gathering. Please include highlights of the discussion, with personal insights and reflections. SPANISH CELL ELECTION OF OFFICERS The Spanish cell will have their Election of Officers Date and Time: Friday, December 7th, 5:30 PM Fraternity: San Antonio de (emerging Spanish Cell) Location: Saint , 1439 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA Meeting room: 2nd floor of Assisi Hall

Mary Simmons OFS, the Regional Vice Minister, will be presiding at the Election of Officers. Brother Kip Ledger OFM Cap, the Regional Spiritual Assistant OFM Cap, will be attending the elections.

NEW FRATERNITY REGISTER Barbara Acri, Beatriz Frometa, and Liduvino Medina, attended the Annual Chapter of the Saint Margaret of Cortona Region, in Takoma Park, Maryland. They showed our new Register to the people in attendance at the Annual Chapter. Many of the people showed an interest, and expressed a desire, to have a new Register for their Fraternity. A complimentary copy of the new Register will be given to Deacon Tom Bello OFS, the National Minister. Since Deacon Bello was unable to attend the Annual Chapter, Barbara presented the new Register to Patrick Martin OFS, the Regional Minister, who will take the new Register to Deacon Bello.

FRATERNITY’S ANNIVERSARY Our Fraternity was established 69 years ago, on January 16, 1944. The anniversary of our establishment is observed on the memorial of the first martyrs of the Franciscan Order January 16 - Sts. Berard, , and companions, protomartyrs of the Order Please remember in your on this day, all the deceased brothers, sisters, and spiritual assistants, of our Fraternity. Our Fraternity is here today because of them.

FEEDING THE BIRDS ON CHRISTMAS “If ever I speak with the Emperor,” he would say, “I will beg him to issue a general decree that all who can should throw wheat and grain along the roads, so that on the day of such a great solemnity the birds may have an abundance, especially our sisters the larks.” Saint Francis, from 2 Celano 200 Once again this year, our Fraternity members will be distributing packets of bird seed after Mass on Christmas at some of our parishes. To prepare the packets of bird seed, interested Fraternity members are asked to bring Glad sealable sandwich bags, along with several pounds of good quality bird seed, to Barbara Acri’s home, on Sunday, December 2nd, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM

FRATERNAL DAY OF PENANCE All fraternity members are asked to join together in a Fraternal Day of Penance every month on the Wednesday following our Fraternity meeting. Our intentions for the coming months are December: for all the countries in the world where the Church is being persecuted January: those serving our country overseas HOLY NAME OF MEMORIAL The Holy Name of Jesus is celebrated as a memorial on January 3rd. Please note the Saint Guide for the Liturgy of the Hours Christian Prayer Edition – correctly references where to find the proper prayers 4-Volume Edition – incorrectly states that no official texts yet exist in English. You will be able to find the proper prayers for the 4-Volume Edition beginning on page 31 in the Proper Offices of Franciscan and Blesseds.

SAINT JOSEPH PRAYER GUIDES We received the new Prayer Guides for 2013 for the Liturgy of the Hours. The new Prayer Guides will be at the December Fraternity meeting. If you do not already have your new Prayer Guide, and you are unable to attend, the new Prayer Guide will be mailed to you. The Prayer Guides are $3.50 each. Please place this amount in an envelope marked “Prayer Guides” and give or mail the envelope to our treasurer Elsie Arnold.

PRAY FOR VOCATIONS Please continue to pray for vocations. Please remember vocations in your daily Mass intentions. Each day, during Morning and Evening Prayer, after the intercessions, please take a moment and add the National Prayer for Vocations to the Secular Franciscan Order.

PROMOTIONAL LITERATURE Elsie Arnold recently adopted Church in Lebanon. Our promotional literature is currently being displayed in seventeen Churches, and the Cathedral Chapel. We thank everyone for all of their hard work. If you would like to adopt an additional church, please call or email Stephen Hurtak. Remember to ask for more brochures at least two weeks before you expect to run out of brochures.

“FIRST CONTACT” CARDS All fraternity members have their own “first contact” cards. The cards are an easy and convenient way for you to give someone your name and contact information at any time that you feel it is appropriate. If someone is interested in the Secular Franciscan Order, please give them your card, and let them know they can call or email you at any time.

Please remember in your prayers, all who are remembered below Please notify David or Maryann Artz of any additions or corrections.

OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS  Barbara Acri, Maryann Artz, Tana Dale, Caroline Enos, Chris Gubicza, Stephen Hurtak, Loretta Washington, Stephen Wolf, Trish Wolf, Kathy Giera and her mother, William Jurina and his mother  Mary Thuman, former Regional Minister, who was recently hospitalized with kidney failure  Stephen Hurtak’s uncle Robert, who recently died  Also a special prayer for those impacted by Sandy, may they find resolution and have continuous grace during this moment in their journey

PROFESSION ANNIVERSARIES December and January: none

BIRTHDAYS December: Maria Rosa Barajas 4th January: Christina Gubicza 17th, Ken Ritchey 20th, Marianne Fischer 28th

DECEASED FRATERNITY MEMBERS AND SPIRITUAL ASSISTANTS December: †Julia Clark OFS 12/4/1954, †William Foley OFS 12/24/1954, †Rev. Peter Sef 12/22/1958, †Robert Rudy OFS 12/3/1960, †Mrs. Eugene Handley OFS 12/29/1965, †Helen Sanderson OFS 12/12/1975, †Mary Jackson OFS 12/9/1996, †Nellie Rice OFS 12/2/2011 January: †Mary Canvell OFS 1/24/1954, †John Devine OFS 1/17/1984, †Martha Fields OFS 1/31/1984, †Dolores Ellio OFS 1/3/1988, †Caroline Wolfe OFS 1/18/2003, †Joseph Smurda OFS 1/23/2005, †Rev. Wallace Sawdy 1/7/2006, †Mary Breski OFS 1/1/2009

Pope Benedict XVI’s Monthly Prayer Intentions December  Migrants. That migrants throughout the world may be welcomed with generosity and authentic love, especially by Christian communities.  Christ, light for all humanity. That Christ may reveal himself to all humanity with the light that shines forth from Bethlehem and is reflected in the face of his Church. January  The Faith of Christians. That in this Year of Faith Christians may deepen their knowledge of the mystery of Christ and witness joyfully to the gift of faith in Him.  Middle Eastern Christians. That the Christian communities of the Middle East, often discriminated against, may receive from the the strength of fidelity and perseverance.

Reflections on Benedict XVI’s monthly prayer intentions by the Apostleship of Prayer

Please remember your Liturgy of the Hours for Evening Prayer As Secular , we are expected to pray both Morning and Evening Prayer each day. If you would like one-on-one help with the Liturgy of the Hours, either by getting together in person, or by phone, email, or webcam, Stephen Hurtak has offered to be of service in any way that he can help. Also, a short hand-out “Learning to Pray Morning and Evening Prayer” is available, and would be a perfect way to review whether you are correctly praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Simply ask for a copy.

EVENING PRAYER II – THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT Christian Prayer – Proper 91, Psalter 861 4-Volume Edition – Volume I, Proper 266, Psalter 937 Hymn – O Come, O Come, Emmanuel CP #63 on Page 1577, in Volume I on Page 129

Franciscan Saints, Blesseds, and Feasts (between fraternity meetings) DECEMBER 2 Bl. Maria Angela Astorch, , Second Order Bl. Rafal Chylinski, priest, First Order 8 of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Patron and Queen of the Franciscan Order 10 Bl. Peter Tecelano, Third Order 13 Finding the Body of St. Francis 15 Bl. Mary Frances Schervier, virgin, Third Order JANUARY 3 Holy Name of Jesus (Memorial, see the Proper Offices of Franciscan Saints and Blesseds) 6 Bl. Diego José of Cádiz, priest, First Order 7 Bl. Angela of Foligno, religious, Third Order 8 Bl. Fabris, Third Order 12 St. Bernard of Corleone, religious, First Order 14 Bl. Odoric of Pordenone, priest, First Order 16 Sts. Berard, priest, and companions, protomartyrs of the Order Our Fraternity was established on this day – January 16, 1944 18 St. Charles of Sezze, religious, First Order 19 Bl. Thomas of Cori, priest, First Order St. Eustochia Calafato, virgin, Second Order 20 Bl. John Baptist Triquerie, priest, martyr, First Order When the Saint’s day falls on a Sunday, use the Sunday office, not the Saint’s office. Check the St. Joseph Prayer Guide to find the proper prayers in the Proper of Saints, the Proper Offices of Franciscan Saints and Blesseds, or the Supplement of New Feasts and Memorials.

ATTENDANCE All Inquirers, Candidates, and Professed members should make the monthly fraternity gathering a priority. If you are unable to attend, please contact one of the council members and ask to be excused. We are concerned when we do not hear from one of our brothers or sisters.

COMMON FUND AND MISSIONS When we attended one of the regional meetings, we were reminded – Those who are excused from attending fraternity gatherings are to contribute to their fraternity’s needs. Stated another way – Being excused from fraternity meetings does not dispense us from our fraternal obligations. Members should contribute according to their means for the spiritual and temporal needs of the fraternity. If you are unable to attend, send Common Fund and Mission Donations to our fraternity Treasurer Elsie Arnold OFS, 1133 Sun Drive, Lebanon, PA 17046 Regional increased the Fair Share from $18 per year to $27 per year for active professed members. This was just announced at the Annual Chapter of the Saint Margaret of Cortona Region. Fair Share for professed members is $27.00 - this is to support the Regional, National, and International Councils of the Secular Franciscan Order. From our Rule: Chapter 3, Life in Fraternity, Paragraph 25.

FRATERNITY LIBRARY A list of the books and tapes in the fraternity library is available. To borrow books or tapes, please contact Stephen or Trish Wolf by email to Trish at [email protected] A recent addition to the fraternity library is Compendium - Catechism of the by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, ©2006, pages 224

REUNIONES DE LA FRATERNIDAD Se invitan a los hermanos de la célula San Antonio a que visiten la Fraternidad de habla inglés el tercer domingo de cada mes a las 1:30 PM en la Iglesia Buen Pastor.

UPCOMING EVENTS December 1: Mass, 8:00 AM at Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Harrisburg the Mass is for the intentions of Saint Thomas More Fraternity and: Annual Chapter of the St. Margaret of Cortona Region – Takoma Park, Maryland

December 2: Prepare packets of bird seed for distribution after Mass on Christmas please see the article in this newsletter for the time, and location December 7: Spanish cell Election of Officers please see the article in this newsletter for the time, location, and meeting room December 18: Council Meeting, 6:30 PM at Barbara Acri’s home December 22: Mass, 8:00 AM at Saint Francis of Assisi Church in Harrisburg the Mass is for the intentions of Saint Thomas More Fraternity January 3: Study group meeting, 5:15 PM for Evening Prayer, 5:30 PM meeting, at Barbara Acri’s home January 7: Study group meeting, 1:00 PM at Loretta Washington’s home January 9: Study group meeting, 1:30 PM at the Soda Jerk in Hummelstown April 6: Franciscan Day of Recollection for Inquirers and Candidates – Ellicott City, Maryland

Where there is fear of the Lord to guard the house, there the enemy cannot gain entry. Saint Francis, from Admonition XXVII