DRAFT DOCUMENT: This is a DRAFT enumeration of all cultivated Buxus. The author invites corrections or additions with citations. Please respond by September 1, 2021 at
[email protected] International Checklist List of Cultivated Buxus L. by Lynn R. Batdorf1 This enumeration follows the provisions of the 9th edition International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants (Code), published in June 2016 by the International Society of Horticultural Science (ISHS), Leuven, Belgium. Registered and accepted cultivar epithets, which have been properly established, appear in ‘boldface type’. Cultivar epithets lacking nomenclatural status or recognized as synonyms appear in ‘lightface type’. Indeterminate names and epithets contrary to the Code are rejected as not established and appear in (parenthesis). Botanical taxa appear in bold italic type. For each entry, the earliest known correct citation is provided. The Registrar invites corrections or additions with citation or registration information. Please forward to: American Boxwood Society, P.O. Box 85, Boyce, Virginia, US 22620-0085;
[email protected]. Buxus Carl Linnaeus Species Plantarum 983.1753. Buxus balearica Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in Encyclopédie Méthodique, Botanique. Paris, Liège: Panckoucke, Plomyeux. 1:511.1785. ‘Marginata’ P. Corbelli in Dizionario di Floricultura 1:231.1873. Buxus bodinieri Léveillé in Feddes Repertorium 11:549.1913. ‘David’s Gold’ Stone House Cottage Nurseries, Catalog, Worcestershire, England.1991. = B. sempervirens ‘David’s Gold’ ‘Golden Frimley’ Hopleys Plants Limited, Catalog, High Street, Much Hadham, Herfordshire, England.1995. = B. sempervirens ‘Golden Frimley’ ‘Recurva’ A descriptive term written as a cultivar epithet. = B. bodinieri ‘Shaggy Box’ Nishiki Nursery, Catalog, Monbulk, Victoria, Australia.2019. A common name erroneously written as a cultivar epithet.