3 December 2000 ISSN 0159 0677

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3 December 2000 ISSN 0159 0677 Volume 21 Number 3 December 2000 ISSN 0159 0677 Contents Editorial . 146 Office Bearers . 147 President’s Message . 148 Members’ Interests Notice . 148 People and Presentations . 149 Branch News . 150 Burnie Branch History, Ray Hyland . 153 Past and Present Burnie Office Bearers . 154 History of Potato Growing on the North West Coast of Tasmania, Peter Cocker . 155 Notice of Meeting—Special General Meeting . 159 Darwin Hospital, Vernice Dudman . 160 Letter to the editor … . 164 The Margetts Family, Marjorie R. Margetts . 165 Mary Ann Smith or Saunders? Helen D. Harris OAM . 168 Nurse Amy Sargent, Marion Sargent . 169 News from the Archives Office of Tasmania, Robyn Eastley . 172 Zeehan Pioneer, Solomon Lemin 1851–1913, Adelle de Bomford . 173 Talking of Old Burnie, Wilfred Winter . 177 Mr William Garner, a Table Cape Pioneer, edited Judy Cocker . 181 Family History and Genealogical Research in Circular Head, Pat Brown and Allison Smith . 182 Queries, New Members’ Interests and New Members . Insert Burnie, from Tasmanian Towns in Federation Times, edited Laurie Hoare . 183 Extracts from the Emigrant’s Friend . 186 2003–2004 Tasmania’s Bicentenary, First Settlers Association . 188 William Pitt of Longford House, Marjorie R. Margetts . 189 My Life at Guildford, Betty Crisp . 194 Travellers’ Tales of the Road, A Rhyme of the Coaching Days . 199 Cousins Explained . 202 Tasmaniana Library, State Library of Tasmania, New Acquisitions . 203 From the Exchange Journals, Thelma McKay . 207 A Prayer for Genealogists . 208 Book Reviews . 209 Richard Morgan (1761–1837) Reg. A. Watson . 206 Lost, Stolen or Strayed ... and Found! . 212 Coming Events . 213 Library Notes . 214 Society and Branch Sales . 218 Branch Library Addresses, Times and Meeting Details . 219 Membership of the Genealogical Society of Tasmania Inc. 220 Deadline dates for contributions: 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October Journal Committee Editorial Rosemary Davidson, Cynthia O’Neill, Maurice Appleyard, Jeannine Connors, David Hodgson, Charles Hunt, Lucy Knott, Vee Maddock, Denise McNeice Leo Prior and Kate Ramsay. Journal address Here is the third of our special 21st PO Box 191 Launceston Tasmania 7250 anniversary issues which is a collection or email of new and some previously published [email protected] articles (and poems) selected by Burnie Branch. Special thanks to Judy Cocker who word processed the majority of articles, obtained the necessary Articles are welcomed in any format— handwritten, typed or word processed, on permissions and forwarded them all to the disk or by email. Disks and photographs journal committee well ahead of the will be returned on request. deadline. Deadline dates are: This is the penultimate issue of 1 January, 1 April, 1 July and 1 October Tasmanian Ancestry under the name of the Genealogical Society of Tasmania The opinions expressed in this journal are Inc. From 1 April 2001 the society is to not necessarily those of the editorial be known as the Tasmanian Family committee nor of the Genealogical Society History Society Inc. of Tasmania Inc. Responsibility rests with Please make a note that the State Branch the author of a submitted article and we do of the Society has recently changed its not intentionally print inaccurate inform- ation. The society cannot vouch for the post office box number. The new address accuracy of offers for services or goods that is PO Box 191 Launceston, TAS 7250. appear in the journal, or be responsible for Don’t forget your short story or article on the outcome of any contract entered into ‘My Most Interesting Ancestor’. with an advertiser. The editor reserves the Suggested length is between 1000 and right to edit, abridge or reject material. 3000 words. It is hoped to publish a collection as part of our 21st celebrations. If you wish to contact the author of an Please send your entries to the journal article in Tasmanian Ancestry please write care of the editor, enclosing a stamped committee C/- GPO Box 640 Hobart TAS envelope and your letter will be forwarded. 7001. The deadline is 31 March 2001. To those considering sending an entry for The contents of Tasmanian Ancestry are the Lilian Watson Family History Award subject to the provisions of the Copyright please remember the closing date is 31 Act and may not be reproduced without December 2000. These should be mailed written permission of the editor and author. to the coordinator, Jenny Gill C/- PO Box 191 Launceston, TAS 7250. Rosemary Davidson Cover design © Rosemary Davidson and Alex Wanders. 146 TASMANIAN ANCESTRY December 2000 GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY OF TASMANIA INC. PO Box 191 Launceston Tasmania 7250 State Secretary: [email protected] Home Page: http://www.southcom.com.au/~gensocbb Patron: Emeritus Professor Michael Roe Fellows: Mr Neil Chick, Mr David Harris and Mrs Denise McNeice Executive: President Mrs Anne Bartlett (03) 6344 5258 Vice President Mr Peter Cocker (03) 6435 4103 Vice President Mrs Colleen Read (03) 6244 4527 Executive Secretary Miss Muriel Bissett (03) 6344 4034 Executive Treasurer Miss Betty Bissett (03) 6344 4034 Committee: Mrs Judy Cocker Mr John Dare Mrs Rosemary Davidson Mr John Gillham Mrs Libby Gillham Mrs Isobel Harris Mrs Pat Harris Mr Ray Hyland Mrs Denise McNeice FGST Mrs Anita Swan By-laws Officer Mrs Denise McNeice FGST (03) 6228 3564 Exchange Journal Coordinator Mrs Thelma McKay (03) 6229 3149 Home Page (State) Webmaster Mr Peter Cocker (03) 6435 4103 Journal Editor Mrs Rosemary Davidson (03) 6278 2464 Journal Despatcher Mr Leo Prior (03) 6228 5057 LWFHA Chairman Miss Jenny Gill (03) 6326 1622 Members’ Interests Compiler Mr John Gillham (03) 6239 6529 Membership Registrar Mr John Dare (03) 6424 7889 Projects & Publications Coord. Mrs Anne Bartlett (03) 6344 5258 Public Officer Mrs Denise McNeice FGST (03) 6228 3564 Research Coordinator Mrs Denise McNeice FGST (03) 6228 3564 State Sales Officer Mrs Pat Harris (03) 6344 3951 Branches of the Society Burnie: PO Box 748 Burnie Tasmania 7320 [email protected] Devonport: PO Box 587 Devonport Tasmania 7310 [email protected] Hobart: GPO Box 640 Hobart Tasmania 7001 [email protected] Huon: PO Box 117 Huonville Tasmania 7109 [email protected] Launceston: PO Box 1290 Launceston Tasmania 7250 [email protected] TASMANIAN ANCESTRY December 2000 147 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE renewal of membership form is 2001 and should be mailed to the Journal included with this issue of Committee, GPO Box 640, Hobart, 7001. A Tasmanian Ancestry. Members If there are sufficient entries and the will see there has been a slight increase in standard is high enough, the Society will membership fees. The amount of in- consider publishing the manuscripts crease is to cover the Goods and Services entered in the award in one volume. Tax (GST) that is liable on the Members of the Launceston Branch have membership fees. Overseas members are been finalising preparations for the not required to pay the GST on their fees. ‘Coming of Age’ Conference being held Overseas members will also note there is in Launceston on 10–12 March 2001. A no longer a surcharge for those wishing to comprehensive program of lectures, have their copy of Tasmanian Ancestry workshops, tours and social activities has sent by airmail. Australia Post no longer been organised and I hope that as many provides for letters overseas to be sent sur- members as possible will be there to help face mail so all journals posted overseas celebrate this significant milestone in the must go by air. The Society will in future Society’s life. This will be the last cover the cost of the overseas postage. function to be held under the Society’s There has been some confusion as to current name. From the 1 April 2001 the which concession cards entitle Australian Society will be known as the Tasmanian members to membership of the Society at Family History Society Inc. the concession rate. Members holding a With the rapid approach of the festive Pensioners Concession Card, Health season, I would like to wish all members Care Card or a Full-time Students a joyous and peaceful Christmas and Concession Card are entitled to the exciting discoveries in the New Year. concessions in their membership fees. Anne Bartlett Holders of a Seniors Card or a Seniors Health Card are not entitled to the MEMBERS’ INTERESTS NOTICE Concession rate of membership fees. FOLLOWING the 2000 publication of Members wishing to renew their members’ interests for the years 1998 and membership at the concession rate are 1999, it has been decided that in future required to provide proof of eligibility at years the list will be an accumulation of the time of paying their membership. all previously advised interests. As The introduction of the Manuscript before, only six new interests can be Award was advertised in the previous added each year. The year of commence- issue of Tasmanian Ancestry. This is a ment will be 1998. Interests prior to new award created following the removal 1998 will not be included and will need of classifications from the Lilian Watson to be advised again. Family History Award. Members are To aid in the compilation interests and asked to write from one to three thousand maintain accuracy, it is requested that words on ‘My Favourite Ancestor’. amendments and corrections, together There is no restriction on where the with any deletions be notified as an ancestor came from or where they lived attachment to the membership renewal and members may enter as many times as form. As soon as practicable, this advice the wish. Entries close on 31 March will appear on the form. 148 TASMANIAN ANCESTRY December 2000 PEOPLE AND PRESENTATIONS Top: AGM at Burnie. L to R—Guest speaker Kerry Finch with Burnie Committee members, Judy and Peter Cocker, Dawn and Rex Collins.
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