Governor-General Donations to date backs our project. A message from the Governor-General, His Excellency General the Honourable hit $1.8 million. Sir AK MC (Retd) will be made available to be read at Boer War Just $2.7 million to go! Day commemorations. Last year, his message stated: “I commend the National Boer War The site for ’s first Information on donation and Association for their commitment national Boer War Memorial on acknowledgement of recent to honouring the service and the ’s Anzac Parade was donations is shown on the sacrifice of in the Boer allocated in 2006 and dedicated website of the National Boer War. As time passes, it becomes more in 2008. A design competition was War Memorial Association Inc, important that we proudly remember completed in 2013, and work on their heroic deeds.” the four mounted trooper bronze statues to be erected on the site So far, the Commonwealth has been in hand since 2014. Government has contributed little towards the memorial other Our memorial Additional funds are now being than allocation of the Canberra merits support. sought to complete the memorial site and reimbursement of some in time for its dedication on costs of the design competition Anzac Parade, Canberra, is a Boer War Day, May 31, 2017. and government approvals. No beautiful and sacred boulevard. Many hundreds of public spirited donations have been forthcoming Our memorial will attract interest, individuals and organizations from approaches to such entities suggest remembrance and it have donated $1.8 million but as State Governments, the Anzac will educate. It will complete the an additional $2.7 million is Centenary Fund and Department memorial coverage of the wars in sought to enable its completion. of Veterans’ affairs. which Australia has fought since Federation.

Memorial Progree Report April 2015 Page 1 Two supporters at the February 5 launch function: Ken Youdale AM DFC and The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The Hon , previously National Patron of the National Boer War Memorial Association, now Governor of NSW. Governor calls for public support. A key speaker at the February 5 launch was Major General the Hon AC AO (Mil) CVO MC (Retd). Association launches a fresh appeal.

A Memorial Fund Launch meeting Bronwyn Bishop MP, Speaker of the of supporters of the National Boer House of Representatives. War Memorial Fund held in at the Mitchell Library on Thursday David Hurley reaffirmed his 5 February called on government commitment to the Memorial, authorities and charitable trusts to reminding the meeting that as Chief assist in completion of Australia’s of the Defence Force he gladly took on first national memorial to the 23,000 the role of Patron of the Association Australian men and women who and was privileged to be in that The Premier of , The Hon Will Hodgman MP served in the Boer War. position for the unveiling of the was a guest at the February 5 launch function, seen with Memorial design. Fund Chairman Michael Crouch AO Speakers at the meeting included The Hon David Hurley, previously In calling for to complete the National Patron of the National long-overdue Memorial, the Governor Boer War Memorial Association, and stated: “It is tremendously important now Governor of NSW, and The Hon that we achieve what we want to Michael Jeffery, former Governor achieve here. I think there is plenty of of WA and Governor General of goodwill and recognition of what needs Australia, who also served for a to be done. We just need to get over the period as Patron in Chief of our final hurdle. Now I am no longer Chief Association.. Others present included of Defence Force and Patron, but very the Premier of Tasmania, The Hon much a very active supporter of what Supporters at the February 5 function took a keen interest in a scale model of the Memorial. Will Hodgman MP, and The Hon we are trying to achieve.”

Memorial Progree Report April 2015 Page 2 ANZAC CENTENARY HIGHLIGHTS LACK OF NATIONAL BOER WAR MEMORIAL. Completion well overdue.

Our Fund Patron, the Hon Tim Fischer veterans, voluntarily stepping up to AC, has highlighted the very real do battle utilizing their vital Boer War need for completion of Australia’s experiences but in an updated way. first National Boer War Memorial in a Sadly, British General Ian Hamilton at statement he has signed simply “2Lt Gallipoli did not update his Boer War Tim Fischer AC Retd” drawing attention experiences for the Gallipoli campaign. to the role of Boer War veterans in the The Australian massive efforts in the Gallipoli campaign. Boer War must be fully recognized for what they were and for what they ”Many of the First AIF and second AIF contributed to the WW1 effort!” The Hon Tim Fischer AC, current convoys that arrived in Egypt almost Patron of the National Boer War exactly 100 years ago were Boer War Memorial Fund.

First bronze statue on its way to Canberra. Second statue now in progress.

The celebrated sculptor Louis Laumen has completed the first of the bronze statues to be featured in Australia’s first National Boer War Memorial and it is to be shipped shortly from Melbourne to Canberra, where it will be cared for by the organisation until all four figures are completed.

As the mounted trooper bronzes are all 150% of life size, shipping and storage is no mean task. A video interview with the sculptor is is now available on the website of the National Boer War Memorial Association Inc.

Memorial Progree Report April 2015 Page 3 National Patron AN INSPIRATION TO ALL AUSTRALIANS Mark Binskin AC FOR GENERATIONS TO COME. Chief of the Defence Force Fund Patron Magnificent site in National Capital. The Hon Tim Fischer AC Fund Chairman Mr Michael Crouch AO Australian commemorative ceremonies and Fund Committee War Memorial services each year. The Australian Col John Haynes OAM (Retd) Lt Col Tony Larnach-Jones (Retd) War Memorial is located at its Lt Col Ian Guild MBE (Retd) eastern end, and the Parade itself Col Bob Guest (Retd) ade Boer War ar is lined with dedicated memorials Mr Murray Pope Memorial Site such as: Fund Supporters P ark Anzac P The Hon Tony Abbott MP es W • Air Force Memorial ay • Memorial Prime Minister Lt Gen David Morrison AO • Navy Memorial Lake  Chief of Army Burley • Korean War Memorial Griffin Mr Len Ainsworth • Memorial Mr Robert O Albert AO RFD RD Anzac Parade, on which • Rats of Tobruk Memorial Mr Philip Bacon AM Australia’s first national Boer War • Service Nurses Memorial Prof The Hon Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO The Hon Kim Beasley AC memorial is to be located, is a • Forces Memorial Mr Marc Besen AC major thoroughfare in Canberra, • Greek Memorial The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP forming a parade route for many • Turkish Memorial. Mr Wesley Browne OAM The Hon AD CVO Ms Ita Buttrose AO OBE Mr John Conde AO Mr Charles Curran AC Mr Espie Dods Mr Jim Dominguez CBE AM RAdm AO RAN (Retd) Mr Timothy V Fairfax AC Mr David Gonski AC Mr Chris Hadley The Hon John Howard OM AC Maj Gen the Hon Michael Jeffery AC AO (Mil) CVO MC (Retd) Mr Mark Johnson AO Mr Stephen Keir Mr Alan Jones AO Mr Brian McGuigan AM Mrs Susan Maple-Brown AM Mr Max Moore-Wilton AC Mr Andrew D M Murray The Hon Dr Brendan Nelson Mr David Paradice Mr Ted Pretty Mr Bill Pulver Mr David Reid Ms Imelda Roche AO Mr Trevor Rowe AO National Boer War Memorial Fund Michael Crouch AO Mr Paul Salteri AM National Boer War Memorial Association Inc. Fund Chairman The Hon Warwick Smith AM ABN 29 293 433 202 National Boer War Memorial Assn Inc The Hon Shane L Stone AC QC Telephone 0418 208 044 Building 96 Barracks Sir AC OBE [email protected] Paddington, NSW 2021 Mr Rob Thomas AM Tony Larnach-Jones Mr Bruce Tyrrell AM Telephone (02) 8335 5209 National Secretary & Public Officer Mr Richard Warburton AO LVO Facsimile (02) 8335 5357 National Boer War Memorial Assn Inc Mr Ken Youdale AM DFC Website: Telephone 0418 501 065 Ms Carla Zampatti AC

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