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Theme Reflected from Love Metaphor Found in Arctic Monkeys' Album Suck It And

Theme Reflected from Love Metaphor Found in Arctic Monkeys' Album Suck It And




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 134214150





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 134214150




Chin up, Queen, or the crown slips!




Foremost, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Arina Isti’anah S, Pd.,

M. Hum., who always gives an endless support through her kind and

positive words so that I could reach this level. I would also like to thank Dr.

Francis Borgias Alip, M.Pd., M.A. as my thesis co-advisor for the

constructive advices.

I would like to thank Unggul Luberizky, Luthfy Heriancy Agung

Kurniawati, Edward M. Sirait, Rocky Hatibie, Rein Nayoan, Stevanus

Christmas Prijono, and the rest of Canisius College ‘87 for supporting my


I am grateful to my family: Sephora Leilani Laya Bock (mother),

Dominique Volta Bone (father), Maria Stares Axl Bone (sister), Anastasia

Valya Miroku Bone (sister), Syair Jiwa Mahasura (son). They make me

believe that hard times too shall pass. I am also grateful to my best friends

for bearing with me until the very end and help me to reach that light at the

end of the tunnel. With a special mention to Cemara Disa, Desty Woro, Desi

Febriana, Luisa Wikan, Monica Donna, Nino Putranto, Rahel Warsito, Satya

Windriya, Cynthia Santa, Ignacia Lucy.

The last but not least, a very special gratitude goes out to all down at

Eman Aditya, Nian Baptista, Mutya Annisa, Tarista Sutanti, and Sr.


Ursula Quera Nandadevi Bone




CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 4 C. Objective of the Study ...... 4 D. Definition of Terms ...... 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 7 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 7 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 10 1. Semantics ...... 10 2. Metaphor...... 12 3. Conceptual Metaphor ...... 14


4. Love Metaphor ...... 14 5. Theme ...... 27 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 28

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 29 A. Object of the Study ...... 29 B. Approach of the Study ...... 30 C. Method of the Study ...... 31 1. Data Collection ...... 31 2. Data Analysis...... 31

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...... 33 A. Types of Love Metaphor Used in Arctic Monkeys’ Album Suck It And See ...... 33 1. Love is Insanity ...... 33 2. Love is Natural Force ...... 35 3. Love is Fire ...... 36 4. Love is Journey ...... 37 5. Love is Physical Force ...... 40 6. Love is Magic ...... 42 7. Love is War ...... 43 8. Love is War ...... 45 9. Love is Unity of Parts ...... 45 10. Love is an Appetizing Food ...... 46 11. Love is Fluid in a Container ...... 47 B. Semantic Features of Love Metaphor...... 48 1. Semantic Features in Suck It And See Album ...... 48 2. The Theme of the Album ...... 69



REFERENCES ...... 77 APPENDICES ...... 79



OADT : Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary p. : page para. : paragraph



No. Table Page 1. Analysis of Metaphor “I’ve been feeling foolish” 49 2. Analysis of Metaphor “She’s been looping the looping…” 49 3. Analysis of Metaphor “She’s thunderstorms” 50 4. Analysis of Metaphor “Cheating heartbeat, rapid fire” 51 5. Analysis of Metaphor “Now I’m out of place…” 52 6. Analysis of Metaphor “One of those games you’re gonna…” 53 7. Analysis of Metaphor “And you’re acting like a stranger…” 54 8. Analysis of Metaphor “It dose a dozen sommersault…” 55 9. Analysis of Metaphor “Topless models doing semaphore…” 56 10. Analysis of Metaphor “Their hypnosis goes unnoticed…” 57 11. Analysis of Metaphor “I heard the piledriver waltz…” 58 12. Analysis of Metaphor “I heard the news that you’re planning…” 59 13. Analysis of Metaphor “And do you think love is a laserquest?” 60 14. Analysis of Metaphor “Do you still feel younger…” 61 15. Analysis of Metaphor “When I’m pipe, and slippers, and…” 62 16. Analysis of Metaphor “Now I can’t think of air without…” 63 17. Analysis of Metaphor “That’s not a skirt girl, that’s a sawn of…” 64 18. Analysis of Metaphor “You’re rare than a can of dandelion…” 65 19. Analysis of Metaphor “All the old flames fastened on…” 66 20. Analysis of Metaphor “Don’t take it personally…” 68 21. Analysis of Metaphor “I poured my aching heart…” 68



BONE, URSULA QUERA NANDADEVI (2019). Theme Reflected from Arctic Monkeys’ Album Suck It And See. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma

One of the main functions of language is to deliver message or information. In conveying the message or information, language has several features and one of them is figurative language. A common type of figurative language is metaphor. A metaphor is a comparison which identifies one dissimilar thing with another. Love metaphor is one example of metaphor type. This research uses love metaphor to identify several metaphorical expression used in the song of Arctic Monkeys’ album entitled Suck It And See and to determine the theme of the album. This research contains two objectives. The first is defining the types of love metaphor and analyze their meanings. The second is determining the theme of the album by analyzing the most frequent love metaphor appeared in the album. In order to convey the meaning of each love metaphor, semantic approach is applied in this study. There are 36 love metaphors classified into 11 types of love metaphor: love is insanity, love is journey, love is fire, love is game, love is natural force, love is physical force, love is magic, love is war, love is unity of parts, love is an appetizing food, love is fluid in a container. Suck It And See album mainly contains metaphors of love which refer to insanity with total 18 times appearances and shared concepts [- sane], [- control], [+ enthusiasm]. Love insanity itself illustrate the big picture of the album itself and its relation with other types of love metaphors in the shared concepts. From the most frequent love metaphor the specific theme of Suck It And See can be determined which is “The helplessness of being in love”.

Keywords: love metaphor, arctic monkeys, suck it and see



BONE, URSULA QUERA NANDADEVI (2019). Theme Reflected from Arctic Monkeys’ Album Suck It And See. Yogyakarta: Prodi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Fungsi utama bahasa adalah untuk menyampaikan pesan atau informasi. Dalam menyampaikan maksud dalam pesan atau informasi bahasa memiliki beberapa fitur dan salah satunya adalah bahasa figuratif. Jenis bahasa figuratif yang paling umum adalah metafora. Metafora adalah perbandingan yang membandingkan dua hal berbeda. Metafora cinta adalah salah satu contoh dari tipe metafora yang ada. Penelitian ini menggunakan metafora cinta untuk mengidentidikasi beberapa metafora yang digunakan di lagu-lagu Arctic Monkeys dalam album berjudul Suck It And See dan menentukan tema dari album tersebut. Penelitian ini memiliki dua tujuan. Tujuan pertama adalah menganalisis metafora-metafora di dalam album tersebut dan mengklasifikasikannya ke dalam tipe-tipe metafora cinta. Yang kedua, menentukan tema album dengan menganalisis metafora yang paling banyak muncul. Untuk mendapatkan arti dari masing-masing metafora, pendekatan semantik diterapkan dalam penelitian ini. Sejumlah 36 metafora cinta dikategorikan ke dalam 11 jenis metafora cinta yaitu: cinta adalah kegilaan, cinta adalah perjalanan, cinta adalah api, cinta adalah permainan, cinta adalah kekuatan alami, cinta adalah kekuatan fisik, cinta adalah keajaiban, cinta adalah perang, cinta adalah satu kesatuan, cinta adalah makanan lezat, cinta adalah cairan dalam bejana. Album Suck It And See ini sebagian besar membahas mengenai cinta adalah kegilaan dengan total 18x kemunculan di dalam album dan memiliki kesamaan konsep yaitu [- waras], [- kendali], [+ antusiasme]. Metafora cinta adalah kegilaan menunjukkan tema besar dari album ini dan konektivitasnya dengan tipe metafora cinta lainnya dalam kesamaan konsep yang dimilikinya. Dari metafora cinta yang paling banyak muncul tersebut tema dari Suck It And See dapat ditentukan secara spesifik yaitu “Ketidakberdayaan atas perasaan jatuh cinta”.

Kata kunci: love metaphor, arctic monkeys, suck it and see




A. Background of the Study

Language with its complexity is made of sentences and meanings that have limitless range and sustain by interest in communication of people who use it (Chomsky, 1986, p. 19). Therefore, language is used as a tool of communication to convey information, speak one’s mind, and entertain people with various meanings. For example, in making songs people use language through the lyrics because there is a strong relationship between linguistic and music in songs (Jancke, 2012, p. 62) to convey the writer’s mind and feeling in an entertaining way. However, the meaning that is processed can be different from one person to another.

The study of meaning communicated through language is semantics

(Finch, 2000, p. 139). In order to really understand a language we use in communication people need to see what is the message behind it. Semantics shows how meaning works in language to make humans understand the message or information which is carried in everyday’s communication through the language. In semantic field of reference there is metaphor that can carry meaning.

According to Goatly (1997, p. 42) metaphor is defined as a reference to an object, process or concept in an unconventional manner. Metaphor which is unconventional is relatively indirect use of language or known as figurative



language, different from literal language which is a form of conventional metaphor. On that account, both figurative and literal language are forms of metaphor. Thus, there is no escape from the fact that metaphor is everywhere in the language that people use everyday because realizing it or not we employ metaphors all the time in our communication (Goatly, 1997, p.2.).

There are two main positions of role in metaphor, including classical and romantic view (Finch, 2000, p.162.). The first one is classical that requires special form of interpretation and is considered as something outside the language. Meanwhile, in the romantic view metaphor is not considered as an anomaly that needs special methods of interpretation, but as a part of the language itself (no real distinction between figurative and literal language since all language is essentially metaphorical) (2000, p.162). It is a more contemporary approach in seeing metaphor as something so close to us, within our everyday life, which can be found in the work of George and

Lakoff (2003, p. 61) about conceptual metaphor that have three basic kinds of metaphors: structural, orientational, ontological. In this study, the focus is on the conceptual metaphor of George and Lakoff which will be applied to the analysis of the conceptual metaphor of love, such as love is war, love is game, and love is journey.

This study dissects conceptual metaphor of love in several song lyrics based on their meaning and classifies it into separate groups based on its frequency of reappearance to see the significance of conceptual love



metaphor usage. The songs chosen are from an album called Suck it and See by Arctic Monkeys.

Arctic Monkeys is an English rock band from formed in 2002.

The band consists of as the lead vocal and guitar, in drums and vocals, in guitar and Nick O’Malley in bass and backing vocals. In gaining public attention Arctic Monkeys were the first one to come via internet. They were considered as the trendsetter in the way emerging bands promote themselves and reach the market via online.

The band has been nominated for three Grammy Awards. In 2006 they won the for their debut album Whatever People Say I Am,

That's What I'm Not. They also won Seven , both Best British

Album, and Best British Group. The band was the headline at the

Glastonbury Festival 2007 and 2013.

From year 2006 until 2018 six studio have been released by them:

Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not (2006), Favourite Worst

Nightmare (2007), Humbug (2009), Suck It and See (2011), AM (2013), and Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino (2018). Their most rewarding album so far is Suck It and See. It has gained many positive feedbacks from the critics and included in Mojo (England popular music magazine) as one of the best album of 2011 ranked 39 out of 50 on the list of “Top 50 albums of 2011”.

The album consists of 12 tracks with 4 singles under the titles: Don't Sit

Down 'Cause I've Moved Your Chair, The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala, Suck It and See, . The writer aims to analyze several tracks from the



album included the 3 singles (The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala, Suck It and

See, Black Treacle). Several songs chosen are under the same theme of love because the writer aims to analyze love metaphor found in the songs in order to find out the significance of the love metaphor usage in the album itself.

B. Problem Formulation

In this research, there are two points which are going to be discussed in the next chapter, they are:

1. What types of love metaphor are used in Arctic Monkeys’ album Suck it

and See?

2. What semantic features of love metaphor reflect the theme in Arctic

Monkeys’ Suck it and See album?

C. Objectives of the Study

Metaphors can be found in a literary text. In understanding the metaphor, the writer needs to have a thorough understanding about the metaphor itself in order to interpret the literal meaning carried. After understanding the concept of metaphor then the analysis of metaphorical meaning can be conducted. The theme of the song can be analyzed after analyzing each meaning of metaphoric expressions found in the literary text. This study is conducted to analyze the theme of an album by finding the love metaphor carried in the metaphorical expressions found in the songs of the album. The aim is firstly



achieved by explicating several metaphorical expressions in the songs to find the love metaphor. After finding the love metaphor, each one of those will be interpreted and classified into kinds of love metaphor based on the metaphorical concept of love such as love is war, love is nutrient, etc. Further analysis will be revealing the contribution of love metaphor in each song to the theme of the album.

C. Definition of Terms

The main issue which will be discussed and analyzed in this research is metaphor. According to Finch metaphor is something that can carry meaning over or transfer it to one another in semantic filed of reference (2000, p. 161.).

The goal of this research is to accomplish the objective of the study and in order to accomplish it the writer needs to understand the literary text and the metaphor in it contextually.

The objectives of the study in this research is song. According to Guerra song is “a composition made up of lyrics and music, with the intent of the lyrics being sung, for the purpose of producing a proportionate feeling or emotion in relation to a particular matter.” (para. 1, 2015). The element of song which is the lyrics is going to be discussed thoroughly in this study.

Lyric is defined as “short poem, not epic or narrative“ according to

Oxford Dictionary of Music (2012, p. 531). In expressing feelings or thoughts lyrics contain literal and figurative language and have different meanings on



each side. The literal meaning carries a basic meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence. On the other hand, figurative language carries metaphoric expression which is not delivered literally and different from its primary definition.

Love metaphor is an expression which contains metaphorical meaning.

This expression can be found in any word, phrase, or sentence which specifically contains a concept of love. According to Kovecses love metaphor is a metaphoric expression which is not just characterized an abstract concept like the emotion of love itself, but also something as concrete as human’s relationship (2004, p. 27).

Theme is defined as “the ‘glue’ that structures and binds the ideational and interpersonal meanings” (Forey, 2002, p. 49). It construes the interpretation of the clause or the text as a whole plays a crucial role in focusing and organizing the message and to impart to the coherence and the success of the message.




There are some previous research of metaphor related to love metaphor in the song and music. In order to avoid similar analysis previous research should be reviewed. In this section other previous research found by the writer will be reviewed one by one. There are are two journal articles and two theses.

A. Review of Related Studies

A journal article entitled “Conceptual Metaphors: a Diachronic Study of

Love Metaphors in Mariah Carey’s Song Lyrics” (2015) written by Gavelin is taken as the first related study based on the same topic which analyzes conceptual metaphor in song lyrics. This study focuses on the description of love metaphor in several song lyrics by singer Mariah Carey and the changing perspective of love in the love metaphor she uses throughout her career. The aim of the research is to examine which conceptual metaphors are applied in the song lyrics written by Mariah Carey. In addition, the lyrics she made in the beginning of her career is compared to her recent lyrics. However, the analysis of the reasons behind the different metaphors used throughout her career is not well explained and rather confusing because the conclusion ends up with speculations (occasionally using word like ‘may’) and there are no strong evidences or supporting data behind the reasons of Mariah’s changing perspective of love that is reflected through different love metaphors she uses



in her lyrics. Gavelin herself also states that it is impossible to really know what makes the differences without further studies.

The next related study is taken from a journal article by Johansson entitled “Conceptual Metaphor in Lyrics by Leonard Cohen” (2016). The study discusses conceptual metaphor in song lyrics in order to find out the expressions that are conceptually presented in the lyrics. The research is done by mapping the source and the target domains and then observing the lexical expressions in the lyrics. This study analyzes a broader conceptual metaphor, not just love, but also life and death. Nonetheless, the prime focus of the study is only on the interpretation of the metaphors in three songs of Cohen throughout his career that represent those three metaphors (love, life, and death).

Lestari’s thesis entitled "Metaphors in the Song Lyrics of Green Day”

(2017) is the third related study. In this study Lestari discusses the metaphors of Green Day lyrics to show the types of metaphorical expression used in the lyrics and then to define the meaning of each metaphor used by the band.

Later the study finds out that all types of metaphors are appeared in the data with the ontological metaphor as the most frequently used type of conceptual metaphors. The analysis is done thoroughly and very specific so that the readers also have a deep understanding about each conceptual metaphor.

Anyhow, this study doesn’t provide a furthermore explanation of why the ontological metaphor is appeared to be the most frequent metaphor in the song lyrics.



The last but not least is the related study taken from a thesis “Metaphors of Love in the Lyrics of Kylie Minogue” (2015) by Harpela. This research is to examine the metaphors of love found in the lyrics of Kylie Minogue because most of her songs deal with subject of love. Later the meaning of the love metaphors were analyzed. This study also places the metaphors in the suitable categories of conceptual metaphor (ontological, orientational, and structural), makes it very detail. Still, just like any other studies previously discussed, this study only focuses on the interpretation of love metaphors in song lyrics and nothing else.

This study is different from the related studies which have been reviewed previously. The focus of the studies is mainly on the interpretation of the conceptual metaphor, mostly love metaphor. They predominantly discuss which conceptual love metaphors are used in the song lyrics and then interpret the meanings based on the suitable categories of conceptual metaphor. Meanwhile, this study examines types of conceptual love metaphor found in the Suck it and See album by Arctic Monkeys and then tries to categorize them based on their frequency of reappearances to find out the contribution of the conceptual love metaphors to the theme of the album. The aim of this study is to develop previous studies by providing a more thorough analysis of love metaphor and its contribution in song lyrics, not merely focusing on the interpretation.



B. Review of Related Theories

A deep understanding of theories about the object of the study is required to have a thorough analysis. In this analysis, the basic theory used is semantic approach because the object of the study here is a literary work in a form of songs and the meanings of the songs is the center of the discussion.

1. Semantics

The core function of a language is to deliver message or information in order to successfully bring out what both communicator and communicant want. The message or information conveyed carries meanings and the delivery is considered successful if the meanings carried are understood in the process of communication. In the process of every day communication, verbal or written, the information or message contains words, phrase, and sentences. The meaning behind those words, phrase and sentences can be studied through semantics. Hurford, Hasley and Smith (2007) state that semantics is “the study of meaning in language” (p. 1). It is the study of meaning showed by elements of a language.

According to Finch, cognitive semantics that takes on functional view of a language considers the meaning of elements important because it’s impossible to only focus on the adequate account of grammatical rules (2005, p. 142). Language is seen as the part of our experiential world and cannot be separated from everyday life because of its core function as a tool of communication. The concepts expressed by the language are also



interconnected. In order to understand one concept with the help of the other we should first understand and differentiate the literal and transferred meaning carried in the utterance.

According to Yule, the focus of semantic analysis is what the words conventionally mean rather than what those mean on a particular occasion

(2006, p. 100). The concern of the approach is the general meaning (objective) and avoids local meaning (subjective). It deals with conventional meaning carried by the usage of words, phrases, and sentences in a language. The meaning of words in a language usually revolves around the conceptual meaning. It covers the basic and essential components of meaning brought by the literal use of a word (Yule, 2006, p. 100). Meanwhile, associative meaning focuses on the meaning of words on a particular occasion. There is an association or connotation attached to a word based on how people perceive or experience the word and it can be different from one another.

In defining the meaning of words semantic property plays an important role. Semantic property is a component of meaning of words that underlie our intuitions about literal meaning and are associated with the grammatical structure of a language (Frawley, 1992, p. 12). Conceptual and associative meaning cannot be separated when it comes to determining the semantic property of a word. Semantic features partake in determining the semantic property in order to clarify a word into specific elements. Semantic features is the basic elements involved in differentiating the meaning of each word in a language from every other word (Yule, 2006, p. 101).



In semantic features analysis there are literal and non-literal meaning to be analyzed to find the shared concept. Shared concept helps us to understand the different meaning of one word and another. A word contains specific elements that makes it different from another word although it also carries similarities. For example, woman, boy, and horse are three different words with specific elements as shown in the table below.

Features Animate Human Female Adult Words Woman + + + +

Boy + + - -

Horse - - - +

The features are animate, human, female, and adult. The word woman has all 4 features. Meanwhile, the word boy and horse don’t share all four features provided. The word woman shares the same concepts with boy in [+ animate] and [+ human] and doesn’t share the same concept in [- female] and

[- adult]. With the word horse, it shares the same concept in [+ adult] and doesn’t share the same one in [- animate], [- human], and [- female]. The word boy shares same concept with the word horse in [- female] and doesn’t share the same concept in [+ animate], [+ human], [- adult].

2. Metaphor

Metaphor is a comparison which identifies one thing with another, dissimilar thing. It states that one thing is another thing, not just that one thing



is like another thing (Lakoff and Johnson, 2003, p.3). For an instance, in a sentence the ship ploughed the water, there is a transformation of language from farming to the activity of sailing, in this case ‘sailing’ is referred to as the target (tenor) and for the comparison, ‘farming’, is referred to as the source (vehicle) (Finch, 2005, p. 161).

On the roles of metaphor in language there are two major positions which are classical view and romantic view. The first position is classical view which sees metaphor as something outside the language. The origin can be traced back from Aristotle’s work about poetics and rhetoric. According to

Aristotle in this stance metaphor is considered as a decoration to the ordinary language. Special form of interpretation is essential in this view (Finch, 2005, p. 161). The second one is romantic view, the opposite of the classical. It views metaphor as an anomaly which does not require special form of interpretation because the metaphor itself is within everyday language and thought and cannot be separated. The distinction between figurative and non-figurative language is hard to tell since language is considered metaphorical in nature. Metaphor is something inside the language, naturally an integral part of a language. Lakoff and Johson as the first one to invent the theory of cognitive metaphor claim that metaphor is naturally a part of human’s conceptual system, it’s within our everyday language and very common (Finch, 2005, p. 147).



3. Conceptual Metaphor

Lakoff and Johnson are the first ones to develop the theory of conceptual metaphor. They argue that metaphor is something which can be understood and experienced in terms of another (Lakoff and Johnson, 2003, p.14). Therefore, to understand one complete abstract concept people need to find another common concept that can strongly represent the abstract one.

Basically, there is a connection between conceptual domain according to

Lakoff and Johnson, a rather abstract one (source) with something easier to perceive (target). Conceptual metaphor is about the source domain and target domain in understanding one concept. For example, we have this conceptual domain “argument” that can be described in terms of “war” as in “He shot down all of my arguments” to understand how argument works, it is about losing or winning as if our opponent and us are in a war (2003, p. 5). The concept of war in “Argument is war” reflects many things people do in arguing such as ‘shot’ (an act of attacking or defending something) in the previous example, though it is verbally and not physically. The actions people perform in arguing are something we live by in culture (p.5) where in our culture argument is viewed in terms of war which involves the sense of attacking, defending, losing or winning.

4. Love Metaphor

Kovecses (2004) presents the research of metaphors of emotion in his book about human’s emotion concept and its relation with metaphor. First



thing first, it serves the reader a better understanding of emotion concepts in

English language from cognitive semantics perspective. Later it discusses the basic emotions found in human, such as anger, sadness, love, lust, and fear.

Kovecses argues that metaphor not only involves the language people use about the emotions, but that it is also very important to the apprehension of most aspects of conceptualization of emotion and emotional experience (2004, p. 20).

Eight emotion concepts are examined: anger, fear, sadness, love, lust, pride, shame, and surprise. Those emotion concepts are being associated with metaphorical source domains provided in the research, such as fluid in a container, a natural/physical force, insanity, social superior, etc. Based on the occurrence there are source domains that apply to all emotion concepts, such as emotion is possession of an object (e.g: She has a lot of pride), source domains that apply to most emotion concepts, such as natural and physical force, source domains that apply to some emotions, such as heat/fire, nutrient/food, war and game and the source domain that only apply to one emotion, such as hidden enemy and supernatural being that only apply to the emotion of fear.

Among the eight emotion concepts the most highly metaphorized emotion concept is love. It is because love concept is mainly structured in metaphorical terms. Metaphors also play a very important role in conceptual model of love and by metaphor it means ‘conceptual metaphor’ introduced by

Lakoff and Johson (2003, p. 5). They distinguish a conceptual metaphor from



the linguistic expressions that reflect or manifest the conceptual metaphor.

For example, “she’s starved for affection”. This expression shows us that love is some kind of nutrient, something that we need. Nutrient is a concept which is subordinate to the concept of need. In such cases, following the practice of

Lakoff and Johnson, Kovecses tries to represent the appropriate conceptual metaphor by using more specific concept (which is NUTRIENT) (2004, p. 6).

Apart from traditional view of metaphor, Lakoff and Johnson consider the primary function of metaphor as a tool to understand complex, difficult, abstract or less clearly depicted concepts. By trying to understand such a concept in terms of another, less complicated, physical, or more clearly delineated concept, the concept that tries to be understood (LOVE) is called the ‘target domain’ and the concept which is used for this purpose

(NURTRIENT) is called ‘source domain’. Thus in Lakoff and Johnson’s perspective, metaphor serves as the cognitive role of understanding one concept in terms of another. The portrayals such as LOVE IS NUTRIENT are intended to capture this aspect of metaphor (Kovecses, 2004, p. 6).

In his perspective about love metaphor Kovecses states that “It also partakes of metaphorical source domains that typically characterize human relationships” (2004, p. 27). It is due to the fact that love does not only involve something as abstract as emotion but also something as concrete as a relationship as well. Thus, conceptual metaphor of love has the largest number emotion concepts. In accordance with Kovecses there are several emotion concepts of love and below is the list of the source domains of love



followed by examples taken from Lakoff and Johnson (2003, p. 139-146) which manifest in everyday language.

a. Love is Nutrient

The nutrient metaphor focuses on only one aspect of love which is the need. It makes us see love as a need in term of food, a need to live and survive. People need food in order to live and survive. Below are the examples are taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

She's starved for affection. I need love. I cant live without love. b. Love is a Journey

The emphasis of journey metaphor falls on the progress and the purpose of the love relationship, and the difficulties along the way. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johnson (2003).

Look how far we've come. We'll just have to go our separate ways. It's been a long, bumpy road. c. Love is a Unity of Parts

The unity metaphor conceive love as perfect harmony, a state of idyllic.

It suggests the idea of two parts complement each other. In a love relationship



this is experienced as the lover being only a half, and the half being made up by the beloved. The consequences of love as the unity of two parts is the way we conceive love as the bond, or attachment between the two parts. Some further aspects of the concept love is when the unity of two parts can be dispersed. The bond may weaken as the time goes by and cease to exist altogether because when the two physical objects can form a unity they can also become single. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson


We were made for each other. We are one. She is my better half. d. Love is Closeness

The metaphor conceives love as closeness in terms of physical. The physical closeness is between the two physical objects in unity. It serves physical connection between the lovers. Below are the examples taken from

Lakoff and Johson (2003).

I want to be with you all my life. We're always together. He follows her everywhere. e. Love is Fluid in a Container

Fluid in a container metaphor captures the relationship between intensity and quantity of love. The intensity is often expressed by the amount of



substance in a container. If the amount of the substance is a lot then the intensity of love is high and if there is only a small amount of it then it is low.

Our body is often seen and served as a container for our emotions and the emotions as fluids inside the container. Below are the examples taken from

Lakoff and Johson (2003).

She was filled with love. Warm feelings welled up inside him. She overflowed with love. f. Love is Fire

Metaphor love is fire highlights the intensity of love, the existence of love, the coming into and going out of existence of love, its duration, the cause of love, the frustration caused by love, and how it can render a person unable to function normally. In the context of love, the fire can cause emotional pain where it can burn and leave scar. Fire also conceptualizes love as having a beginning, existence, and an end. When the fire is kindled love begins, when the fire is burning love exists, and when it goes out the love ends. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

My heart's on fire. He was burning with love. She is his latest flame.



g. Love is an Economic Exchange

This metaphor views love as commercial transactions. Here love functions as a valuable commodity and the lovers as merchants exchanging goods. The idea of an ideal love this metaphor offers is something that should be mutual and equal in degree. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

I gave her all my love. I didn't get much in return.

I've lost all my love for her.

h. Love is a Natural Force

It something related to natural force such as flood, storm, wind, etc.

Passivity, lack of control, and pleasantness are three aspects of love this metaphor focuses on. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson


She swept me off my feet. Waves of passion came over him. She was carried away by love i. Love is a Physical Force

It is something related to a physical force such as magnetic, gravitational, chemical, etc. In this metaphor the person in love obeys a larger and stronger physical force. The persons / lovers who are involved cannot help being in



love since all he or she does is obey a force larger than him or her. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

I could feel the electricity between us. There were sparks. They are uncontrollably attracted to each other. j. Love is an Opponent

This metaphor focuses on the attempt to avoid lack of control. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

He tried to fight off his feelings of love. Eventually he surrendered to his love. She was struggling with her feelings of love.

k. Love is a Captive Animal

In this metaphor animal that tries to get away is love and the person that tries to keep it back is the person who is in love. We have this urge to keep the animal back inside us or stop it from getting away from us that requires a lot of energy. The energy in this context is the energy needed to maintain control over love. We want to overcome the weakness but at the same time we also helpless because of the lack of control over love. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

His love got out of hand. He unleashed his love. She gave way to her feelings of love.



l. Love is War

Love is represented as war. This structures our actions in performing love where war is something needed to be won. Though there is no physical battle but there is an inner feeling battle. There is a sense of attacking or defending, gaining or losing in order to win and not to lose when it comes to war in this particular context. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson


She conquered him He has won her heart She retreated from her feelings m. Love is a Sport / Game

Love is seen in terms of a more game-related notion of play. It is a more playful way to conceptualize love that one is experiencing. For instance, one can play (acting/pretending) hard to get for somebody who apparently shows his emotional attachment more openly, though one is as interested. One can also play with others feeling though not as interested to test how far one can go for merely a validation. Someone can also act emotionally attached to a person one day and the other day act reservedly and coldly. Those kinds of play can be considered as the play of maintaining closeness and distance and consequently can lead to the notion of love is war. Below are the examples of love is sport/game).

He made a play with her



She plays with his feelings He cheated on him n. Love is Magic

Love is seen as something has control over us. There is a psychological force (the magic) whose effect the person in love undergoes. This shows the passivity aspect of love and the lack of control which most clearly seen in the examples spellbound, hypnotized, in a trance. If one can feel spellbound, be hypnotized, or in a state of trance a person is not be able to function normally.

The person who is in love is viewed as a person who lacks control over the state he or she happens to be in. In other words, the more control we have of our emotion (in terms of love), the less we are in love. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

She cast her spell over me. The magic is gone. I was spellbound. o. Love is Insanity

In this metaphor the insane person corresponds to the person in love. The one who makes the person insane is the person one falls in love with. Insanity is the ultimate lack of control. When the insanity metaphor is applied to love it is when the person in love is not responsible for what he or she does either.

This metaphor also links to enthusiasm. We tend to be enthusiastic with the



person we are in love with. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and

Johson (2003).

I am crazy about her. She drives me out of my mind. He constantly raves about her. p. Love is a Rapture / High

The person in love in this metaphor corresponds to the person under the influence of drugs and the drugs are the love itself. Besides the lack of control as the consequence of the ‘drugs’, what comes out strong of this metaphor is the same degree between the pleasantness of the rapture or high and the pleasantness of the love experience. Below are the examples taken from

Lakoff and Johson (2003).

They were besotted with love. He is intoxicated with love. I am giddy with love. q. The Object of Love is an Appetizing Food

The concept of love in this metaphor links to the love as a need, liking, and sexual desire. One of our most important need is food that is why love is seen as a need to be fulfilled. In concept of liking, when we eat food, especially appetizing food, not always because of hunger or to to satisfy our basic need but to satisfy our liking of the food (something that we desire). We eat it simply because we desire and enjoy it. Meanwhile, the sexual desire is



conceptualized as the hunger for the appetizing food. This indicates the presence of love in addition to sexual desire. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

Hi, sweetheart. She's my sweet and sugar. Hi, sugar! Honey, you look great today! r. The Object of Love is a Beautiful Object

Another kind of liking explains in this metaphor. It is when something is pleasant to the sight. And what is pleasant to the sight is usually something we find beautiful. In this metaphor the object of love is always considered beautiful no matter how it looks. Beauty also considers as a force, both physical and psychological, and liking is the reaction to the force. The force takes variety forms such as magnetic force (attractive), a mechanical force

(bowl over, bombshell, knock off), a strong light (dazzling, glamour), and a magical force (hypnotize, enchanting). However, liking which is present in love doesn’t necessarily involve the liking of such physical attributes as beauty. It also involves non-physical characters: personality, nature, etc.

Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

Let's go, beautiful. Hi, cutie! Well, gorgeous?



s. The Object of Love is a Deity

This metaphor brings out the concepts of respect, admiration, devotion, sacrifice, and enthusiasm. Lovers see themselves as being devoted to each other the same degree as a priest that sees himself as being dedicated to the service of God. In this context, love can be directed to only one person just as priest that can only serve on God. People in love see themselves as the

‘servants’ to the beloved. The object of love serves as the deity. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

I adore you. She loves the air he breathes. He worships the ground she walks on. t. The Object of Love is a Valuable Object

The focus of this metaphor is attachment. The same way we want to treasure and keep possession of a valuable object we tend to attach to the person we love. There is also a sense of pride here because when we fall in love we are not merely attached to the object of love but we also proud of him/her because we value the person highly. This is because one of the typical sources of pride comes from possession of a valuable object. Below are the examples taken from Lakoff and Johson (2003).

Hello, my precious! We have to leave now, my dear. You're my treasure!



5. Theme In defining the success of a text the choice and representation of theme plays a crucial role. It plays a very important role in focusing and organizing the message and also contributing to the coherence and the success of the message. Theme works as the 'glue' to structure and bind the ideas and interpersonal meanings (Forey, 2002, p. 50). In order to convey the writer’s point of view in a literary work theme is considered as the important element.

Theme is one of the features in text that can interpret the writer’s point of view (Martin as cited in Forey, 2002, p. 50).

As noted above, there are several functions of theme in general. Firstly, organizing the message and playing a crucial role in the success of the text from a reader’s perspective. Secondly, construing the intended interpretation of the clause and the text as a whole. Thirdly, extending the analysis of a text beyond grammatical structure of clauses or sentences. At a higher level, theme incorporating the author’s aim in participating the discourse.

Participating the discourse means go beyond the grammatical constraints. The discourse constraints are much more abstract than the grammatical one (Forey,

2002, p. 51). The idea is more related to social context in which the discourse is constructed.

C. Theoretical Framework

This part will discuss the contribution of related theories above in answering the problem formulation. The theory of metaphor and semantics



have significant role in this study. Both theories help the writer to solve problem formulation by defining the meaning of the object of study.

Semantic analysis is conducted in this study with the help of semantic theory provided in the study. Lexical semantics is used as a medium to analyze the literal meaning of the song. After finding the literal meaning found in the metaphorical expression of the songs in the album analyzed the theory of metaphor is applied here. The theory helps the writer to elaborate and then categorize each metaphorical expression into concepts of love metaphor. After categorizing each metaphorical expression found in the songs based on its love metaphor, the theme of the album can be concluded by analyzing which love metaphor appears the most in the songs




In this chapter, the object, the approach, and the method of the study

are elaborated. The process of analyzing the object of the study is later

explained. The approach of study is pertained as a tool to analyze the object.

The method of the study is established to help answering the the problem


A. Object of the Study

Arctic Monkeys is an indie-rock band from Sheffield, England, and is popular with their poetic songs which contain many witty and unique metaphors. The frontman, Alex Turner, is the song writer of the band who is known for his genius metaphorical expression which can put out something as abstract as love, for example, into his unique wordplay. As it is said by Jax25

(2012, para. 1) he is very popular and much appreciated with his “acute observations” and “poetic phrases” which makes it easier for the fans to understand and express their own feelings about their personal feeling of infatuations, disappointment, and insecurities through the Arctic Monkeys’ songs. The album Suck it and See is the fourth album of Arctic Monkeys and considered as the “most rewarding album so far” (Hogan, 2011, para. 2) because of the mixture of its well-observed lyrics enriched with Arctic

Monkey’s famous distinctive metaphors and its wide range of music from glam-rock to indie pop balladry.



There are 12 songs in the album, but only 8 songs under the same theme of love which would be deeply analyzed. Those songs are entitled “Love is a

Laserquest”, “Piledriver Waltz”, “Black Treacle”, “She's

Thunderstorms”, ”The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala”, “Reckless Serenade”,

“Suck it and See”, “That's Where You’re Wrong". At the end of the research, the writer would reveal the significance of the love metaphor usage in the album itself.

B. Approach of the Study

Semantic approach is applied to conduct the research. It is required in this research since the writer aims to analyze the meaning in language. In this particular context of semantics and its nature of the subject (meaning), there is metaphor that can carry meaning over or transfer it to another. The approach was used to interpret the meaning of metaphor found in some songs.

The meaning of each metaphorical expression of love in the songs was deeply analyzed to classify them based on the emotion concepts of love. The object of the study is lyrics of several songs by Arctic Monkeys. The written text was analyzed thoroughly to find the best meaning with the help of semantic approach. At the end of the study, the analysis of meaning in each song showed the theme reflected from love metaphor found in Arctic Monkeys’ album.



C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

There were several steps taken in conducting the research. Firstly, the writer picked one of Arctic Monkeys most popular albums. Then the writer chose 8 songs under the same theme, which is love. The titles of the songs chosen are “Love is a Laserquest”, “Piledriver Waltz”, “Black Treacle”,

“She's Thunderstorms”, ”The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala”, “Reckless

Serenade”, “Suck it and See”, “That's Where You’re Wrong". Secondly, the metaphors found in the songs will be collected and interpreted to be classified into the kind of love metaphor the writer wants to analyze in order to find the theme reflected from the love metaphor in the album.

2. Data Analysis

Data analysis was conducted after collecting the metaphor. There were three steps in this part. First, the writer required to find the metaphors in the song and then analyze the meaning of each metaphor by conducting semantic analysis. In the process of analysis the writer used Oxford Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary and Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary.

Second, the interpreted metaphorical expression was classified into the type of love metaphor (such as love is unity, love is game, or love is journey) using the theory of metaphor by Kovecses. Third, analyzing the semantic features in order to understand the difference between the literal and



non-literal meanings within the lyrics. The last but not least, the theme of the album was determined by analyzing which love metaphor appeared the most in the album based on the semantic feature analysis.





This chapter discusses how love metaphor is used in the song and what theme is reflected from the use of love metaphor in the album of the song.

The metaphoric expressions will be classified into love metaphor and elaborated with theories on the reviews to attain the theme of the album.

A. Types of Love Metaphors Used in Arctic Monkey’s Album Suck it and


This section focuses on the types of love metaphors in Arctic Monkeys’ album Suck it and See. The classification and the elaboration of love metaphors are discussed in this part. The theory used in this part of analysis is theory of love metaphor by Kovecses (2004).

There are 73 metaphoric expressions found in the songs which contain 36 love metaphors. Among 36 love metaphors in the songs there are 11 kinds of love metaphor including: love is insanity, love is journey, love is fire, love is game, love is natural force, love is physical force, love is magic, love is war, love is unity of parts, love is an appetizing food, love is fluid in a container.

Below is the list of love metaphors which have been classified.

1. Love is Insanity

In this metaphor love is related to ultimate lack of control because of the insanity caused by the love itself that can drive one’s mind crazy. Besides



lack of control, enthusiasm is also linked to this metaphor. The enthusiasm can grow because of the person we fall in love with or we are crazy about.

There are eighteen metaphors which represent love as insanity. a. I’ve been feeling foolish

On sentence (a) the intense feeling of love illustrates as someone who feels foolish over his feelings because of a woman. The insanity of love makes him feel foolish because it drives him out of his mind. According to

OALD foolish is “(of actions or behavior) not showing good sense or judgement” (2010, p. 581). When someone is in tune he can show a good sense or judgement, it means she/he has control over his mind and feeling.

Meanwhile, when someone is not in control over his mind and feeling he cannot show a good sense or judgement. In this context, the man cannot think straight and show good sense because he has no control over his feelings towards the woman he is infatuated with. b. That’s not a skirt girl, that’s a sawn-off shotgun and I can only hope you’ve got it aimed at me

Sawn-off shotgun is “a shotgun with part of its barrel cut off” (2010, p.

1313). It is a kind of gun which uses in military. He portrays the skirt that the girl’s wearing as deadly as a gun. Even though it is deadly, the man still hopes the gun is being aimed at him. He wishes the woman wants him as much as he wants her, putting aside the fact that the woman may not be good for him.



c. She’s been loop the looping around my mind

On the third sentence the woman has entered the man’s mind. According to OALD loop the loop is an idiom meaning “to fly of make a plane fly in a circle going up and down” (2010, p. 880). It is an act to perform a loop usually done by an aircraft. In this case, the act of loop the looping in one’s mind here means the woman is the plane who flies in a circle in his mind and performs a loop then leaves her trace (loop) to interfere with his brain. The woman constantly lingers (looping) in his mind and it is a sign that his mind has gone crazy about her because he could not think of any other thing but the woman.

2. Love is Natural Force

Love as seen in natural force is related to natural events such as flood, storm, wind, etc. The natural events stand for the love which involves passivity, lack of control, and pleasantness. There is one metaphor found in the album which represents love as a natural force a. She’s thunderstorms

The phrase above describes the subject of love as something apocalyptic as a thunderstorm. According to OALD thunderstorm is “a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain” (2010, p. 1560). The presence of the woman described has the same vibe with a thunderstorm which gives a sensation of passivity and lack of control. When there is a



storm with heavy rain people have no control over the natural event and it makes them helpless. Likewise, the portrayal of the woman in the lyrics is so powerfully and naturally beautiful making everyone who sees her helpless and has no control over themselves. How powerful and affecting the aura that the woman brings makes her not just a single thunderstorm in the illustration of the song writer but a series of thunderstorm in one body.

3. Love is Fire

This metaphor highlights the intensity of love, the existence of love, its duration, the cause and the frustration caused by love. It can cause emotional pain where it can burn and leave scar. Fire conceptualizes love as having a beginning, existence, and an end. Below is the portrayal of love is fire as seen as something intense causing a person unable to function normally. There are two metaphors which represent love as fire. a. Cheating heart beat, rapid fire

The person who undergoes the intensity of love feels his heart beats rapidly like fire when committing something bad (cheating). According to

OALD cheating is “to have a secret sexual relationship with somebody else”

(2010, p. 238). When someone cheats on his partner, it gives a sensation of feeling guilty and scared of getting caught. Those combination of feelings form intensity like rapid fire in one’s heart just the way the man feels towards the presence of the woman which is so powerful like thunderstorms.



a. All the old flames fastened on, make a wish that weighs a tonne

Old flame is defined as “a former lover” by OALD (p. 1023, 2010). In this

metaphor, the old flame is in plural. It shows that there are so many men in

the woman’s past that finally also fastened on to her. According to OALD

fastened on (to) somebody or something is “to choose or to follow somebody

or something in a determined way.” (p. 538, 2010). The one who is fastened

on usually gives attention to particular thing because he/she considers it is

special. In this case, the woman is seen as something special that can attract

those men, even the men from her past, and the man himself to (choose her)

give their attention. They all personally make the same wish about her, a wish

that feels heavy (weighs a tonne) it is actually impossible to be with her and

be the only one for her because she will never settle for someone but


4. Love is Game

Love is related to something as playful as a game in this metaphor. How

someone plays hard to get is one of instances in love is game metaphor.

Someone who plays with others feelings merely in order to get validation also

represents this metaphor. Love is game is a more playful way to

conceptualize love that one experiences. There are three metaphors found

which represent love as game.



a. One of those games you're gonna lose but you wanna play it, just in case

In sentence number 1 there are phrase and words like on of those games, lose, and play. Based on OALD game is “an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other”. The two following words which indicate the notion of love is game in this part, lose and play, are part of the game itself. When there is a game there must be something you play in order to win and not to lose. Therefore, it is very obvious in sentence number

1 that love is seen as game-related notion of play.

In this metaphor, the one game that is being played is the game of dating.

Game represents relationship with someone which eventually ends up unsuccessfully (lose). Despite past failures in the relationship the woman continues to play with other men and ignores the man’s feelings. b. And you're acting like a stranger 'cause you thought it looked like fun

There are words acting and fun which indicate the notion of game-related love in the metaphor. Based on OALD acting is “the activity or profession performing in plays, film/movies, etc” (2010, p. 13). Acting is an act of play pretend. When a person does an acting he/she plays role which is not his/her real self. OALD defines fun as “enjoyment, pleasure; a thing that gives enjoyment or pleasure and makes you happy” (2010, p. 608). When people have fun they have this sense of enjoyment. The pleasure which triggers the fun may vary in forms. For example, someone can have a good time (fun) at a party but some are not. There are people who have fun in their own way, like



reading a book or go to shopping by themselves because they don’t like surrounded by people.

In this metaphor, play pretend (acting like stranger) is considered as something the woman enjoys to tease the man (cause you thought it looked like fun). There is a sense of enjoyment in acting like a stranger to the person she has known before although the man doesn’t feel really comfortable with the game she plays. The man feels like he is being played by the girl’s action. c. And do you still think love is a laserquest or do you take it all more


Laserquest is a laser tag game combines the classic game of hide-and-seek with a high tech twist (About Laserquest, para. 1). The equipment use is laser gun to tag the opponent. According to OALD laser gun is “a piece of equipment which uses a laser to read a bar code or to find out how fast a vehicle or other object is moving” (2010, p. 837). The aim of the player is to tag their opponents as many times as possible using the laser gun and the other player avoids being tagged.

In this metaphor, the man questions about love: ‘and do you still think love is a laserquest’ (love = laserquest). Here the meaning of love equals to laserquest. In this case love is considered as merely a game to be won for the person that is being referred to. The writer of the song tries to convey his helplessness in moving on from a person he knew will never see him as a lover because this person is always busy to protect herself from being hurt by



not taking love as something that serious, seeing it as a merely laserquest game.

5. Love is Journey

The progress, the purpose of the love relationship, and the difficulties along the way are emphasized in this metaphor. In this part the progress and the difficulties of one’s relationship is being discussed. There are three metaphors found which represent love as journey. a. Now I'm out of place and I'm not getting any wiser

The sentence above describes a state of desperation one experiences in his/her relation with someone. In this metaphor, the man feels like he is not there (with the girl) anymore (out of place) and by the time he realizes there is something wrong in his relation with the woman he knows that none of those things he has gone through with the woman makes him a better man (not getting any wiser). There is a process in his relation with the woman here that finally makes him realizes something that is not worth fighting for at the end of the day. b. Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now or darling,

have you started feeling old yet?

In sentence number 1, there are a lot of questions the man has for the woman. The questions are related to the change of the woman. The man wonders if the woman has changed into a maturer person (have you started



feeling old yet) or still the same old person who plays around like a child (feel younger than you thought you would by now). Change is a part of progress in one’s relation. c. When I’m pipe and slippers and rocking chair singing dreadful songs

about summer

According to OALD pipe is “a tube through which liquids and gases can flow”, “a narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco”

(2010, p. 1130). In this metaphor, the pipe refers to a tube used for smoking tobacco. Slipper is defined as “a loose soft shoe that you wear in the house” by OALD (2010, p. 1400). Then OALD defines rocking chair as “a chair with two curved pieces of wood under it that make it move backwards and forwards” (2010, p. 1282). The usage of rocking chair is usually referred to elder people. There is a stereotype of older people sit happily on rocking chair.

It is because the activity does bring some peace of mind to them (Watson,

1998, para. 3).

In this metaphor, the combination of words pipe, slippers, and rocking chair refer to a phase of life when someone just sits at home with one’s pipe and slippers while sitting on rocking chair because he/she is already old.

When I’m pipe and slippers and rocking chair means when he’s already old.

He pictures the time when he gets old he is in the state of contemplating things because he has been through a lot of hard times while he sings



something sounds nostalgic (singing dreadful songs about summer) that reminds him of a past time.

6. Love is Physical Force

A larger and stronger physical force affects love in this metaphor. The persons who are involved cannot help being in love since all he or she does is obeying a force larger than him or her. There are two metaphors found which represent love as physical force. a. It does a dozen somersaults and leaves you supercharged

According to OALD somersault is “a movement in which somebody turns over completely, with their feet over their head, on the ground or in the air” (2010, p. 1419). When someone does the somersault it is more like an acrobatic movement. OALD defines supercharged as “(of an engine) powerful because it is supplied with air or fuel at a pressure that is higher than normal”, “stronger, more powerful or more effective than usual” (2010, p.

1498). When a person feels supercharged it is on the next level of feeling charged.

In this metaphor, the way the woman acts (when she flicks a red-hot revelation) makes the man (as if) he does something out of habit, a dozen somersault. It is because the energy transferred by the woman has a larger force than the man. The larger force outside the man’s control that is resonated by the woman makes him instantly feeling supercharged.



b. I heard the piledriver waltz, it woke me up this morning

The combination of words piledriver and waltz is contradictory.

Piledriver refers to a harsh wrestling movement and waltz refers to a form of slow dance. Piledriver is defined as “a very heavy kick or blow” based on

OALD (2010, p. 1107). It is a technique usually used in professional wrestling. According to OALD waltz is “a dance in which two people dance together to a regular rhythm.” (2010, p. 1671). There are words piledriver and waltz in the sentence that become a larger force to the man and it affects him.

The piledriver waltz is illustrated as something disturbing that has the power to wake him up from his sleeping. It is because waltz has lost its literal meaning, as a dance with slow movement, because combined with word piledriver. The waltz he is hearing has turned into something with heavy movement like in a wrestling to an extent it is so disturbing. The piledriver waltz is also a form of the unhappy ending the man hears before.

7. Love is Magic

There is a psychological force whose effect the person in love undergoes.

This shows lack of control and passivity which most clearly seen in the examples spellbound, hypnotized, in a trance. If one can feel spellbound, be hypnotized, or in a state of trance a person is not be able function normally.

The more control we have of our emotion, the less we are in love. There are two metaphors found which represent love as magic.



a. Topless models doing Semaphore wave their flags as she walks by and

get ignored

On sentence number one the woman has the power to spellbound everyone because she is capable to distract everyone’s attention even from the topless models doing Semaphore. According to OALD spellbound is “with your attention completely held by what you are listening or watching” (2010, p. 1432). It is obvious that the woman has held everyone’s attention completely just by watching her because she makes everyone ignoring the topless models as she walks into the scene. b. Their hypnosis goes unnoticed when she's walking by

Based on OALD hypnosis is “an unconscious state in which somebody can still see and hear and can be influenced to follow commands or answer questions (2010, p. 739). It is something that happens in an unconscious part of human’s thought. In psychology, hypnosis is used a treatment to cure dependence. For example, smoking dependence can be cured by hypnosis. In this metaphor, even with the presence of the woman the hypnosis given by the topless models can be distorted because they are already spellbounded by her beauty.

8. Love is War

There is a sense of attacking and defending in order to win and not to lose when it comes to feeling that one senses in this metaphor. There is one metaphor found which represents love as war.



a. I heard the news that you're planning to shoot me out of a cannon

The woman wants to get rid of the man by giving an end to the relationship. In this metaphor, as if the woman plans their goodbye by shooting him out of a cannon.The sense of attacking the man by shooting him is a form of goodbye and rejection from the woman towards the man. It is a painful goodbye for the man because he is the one that is got rid of

(attacked/shot) in this metaphor.

9. Love is Unity of Parts

The unity metaphor conceives love as perfect harmony. It suggests the idea of two parts complement each other. The unity can be dispersed. It may weaken as the time goes by and cease to exist altogether because when the two physical objects can form a unity they can also become single. There are two metaphors found which represent love as unity of parts. a. Now I can't think of air without thinking of you

OALD defines air as “the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and that we breathe” (2010, 31). It is one of essential things for human kind. With the absence of air human cannot breathe and it can lead to death. In this metaphor, the man feels like he cannot breathe (can’t think of air) without thinking of the woman. Putting the woman in his thought is just the same as breathing for him. For him thinking of the woman is very normal and done



automatically just like breathing. It’s a part of him, something normal because the woman is always there in his mind. b. Don't take it so personally you're not the only one

In this metaphor, the man convinces himself that he is not the only because the woman doesn’t really love him. She plays around with other men and it makes him feel less special so he doesn’t need to take everything that woman does to him so personally.The result of the analysis is shown in the table below.

10. Love is Appetizing Food In this metaphor, love is linked to the love as a need, liking, and sexual desire. Love is seen as desirable as food. We eat something simply because we desire and enjoy it and the same goes with love in this concept. There is one metaphor which represents love as appetizing food. a. You’re rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock and those other girls

are just post-mix lemonade

According to Pa dandelion and burdock is fermented roots that became a manufactured fizzy drink of sugar and extracts (para. 7, 2011). The tastes similar to root beer but it can only be found in British culture. The rareness of the drink is projected to the description of the woman in the man’s eyes. The man sees the woman as rare as a dandelion and burdock and that’s what makes her special. According to Pepsi Mid America postmix is “a softdrink



made on location”. It is mixed with water and CO2 and done through post-mix dispenser. Post-mix lemonade means carbonated drink with lemon flavor.

In this metaphor, dandelion and burdock and post-mix lemonade are being compared. The woman is the dandelion and burdock because she is one of a kind just like d&b which is rare to find. On the other hand, the other girls that the man sees are just post-mix lemonade, a carbonated drink, which can be found everywhere and nothing special about it.

11. Love is Fluid in a Container

In this metaphor, the body of the man serves as a container and his feeling is the fluid inside the container. There is one metaphor which represents love as fluid in a container. a. I poured my aching heart into a pop song

The man’s aching heart is the fluid inside the man’s body (container).

The amount of fluid inside the container is overwhelming so it is needed to be released. The man releases his aching heart into a catharsis. In this metaphor, the way he copes with his aching heart is by writing a pop song as his catharsis. At the end of the day, he writes a song about her to deal with his own feelings.



B. Semantic Features of Love Metaphor Based on the discussion above there are 11 love metaphors found within the album of Arctic Monkeys entitled Suck It And See. This part will show the semantic features in classifying the metaphorical expressions into love metaphors and then determine the theme which is reflected from the use of love metaphor in the album. The theme of the album is determined by analyzing which love metaphor appeared the most in the songs.

1. Semantic Features in Suck It And See Album

In this part the shared concept will be analyzed to show the love metaphor in each song in the album. In determining the shared concept the literal and non-literal meaning must be first defined. The result of the analysis will be shown in a form of a table. a. She’s Thunderstorms

Love metaphors found in this song are love is insanity, love is natural force, and love is fire. The first is love is insanity, the shared concepts are [- sane] and [- control]. The second is natural force with the shared concept [+ power]. The last is love is fire with the shared concepts [+ heat] and [+ burn].

Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 1 Analysis of Metaphor “I’ve been feeling foolish”

Lyrics Literal Meaning Non-Literal Shared



Meaning Concept I’ve been feeling The writer (of The writer cannot [- sane] foolish actions or think straight and behavior) does not show good sense [- control] show good sense or because he has no judgement control over his feelings towards the woman he is infatuated with

In this part, someone feels foolish over his feelings because of a woman.

The insanity of love makes him feel foolish because it drives him out of his mind. According to OALD foolish is “(of actions or behavior) not showing good sense or judgement” (2010, p. 581). When someone is in tune he can show a good sense or judgement, it means she/he has control over his mind and feeling. Meanwhile, when someone is not in control over his mind and feeling he cannot show a good sense or judgement.

Table 2 Analysis of Metaphor “She’s been loop the looping around my


Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept She’s been loop the A woman loops the The writer’s [- sane] looping around my looping in description of a [- control] mind someone’s mind like woman who a plane fly in a circle lingers in his going up and down mind and drives and leaving a trace him crazy in the cloud



In this particular context, the woman has entered the man’s mind.

According to OALD loop the loop is an idiom meaning “to fly of make a plane fly in a circle going up and down” (2010, p. 880). It is an act to perform a loop usually done by an aircraft. In this case, the act of loop the looping in one’s mind here means the woman is the plane who flies in a circle in his mind and performs a loop then leaves her trace (loop) to interfere with his brain. The woman constantly lingers (looping) in his mind and it is a sign that his mind has gone crazy about her because he could not think of any other thing but the woman.

Table 3 Analysis of Metaphor “She’s thunderstorms”

Non Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept She’s a storm with thunder A way to [+ power] thunderstorms and lightning and describe a usually very heavy woman which is rain powerfully and naturally beautiful making everyone helpless and no control over themselves

The phrase above describes the subject of love as something apocalyptic as a thunderstorm. According to OALD thunderstorm is “a storm with thunder and lightning and usually very heavy rain” (2010, p. 1560). The presence of the woman described has the same vibe with a thunderstorm



which gives a sensation of passivity and lack of control. When there is a storm with heavy rain people have no control over the natural event and it makes them helpless, similar to the woman the writer refers to. How powerful and affecting the aura that the woman brings makes her not just a single thunderstorm but a series of thunderstorm in one body.

Table 4 Analysis of Metaphor “Cheating heartbeat, rapid fire”

Non Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept Cheating heart to have a secret The writer feels [+heat ] beat, rapid fire sexual relationship an intense [+ burn] with somebody else sensation just like that make someone’s when someone heart skip a beat like cheats rapid fire

The person who undergoes the intensity of love feels his heart beats rapidly like fire when committing something bad (cheating). According to

OALD cheating is “to have a secret sexual relationship with somebody else”

(2010, p. 238). When someone cheats on his partner, it gives a sensation of feeling guilty and scared of getting caught. Those combination of feelings form intensity like rapid fire in one’s heart just the way the man feels towards the presence of the woman which is so powerful like thunderstorms.



b. Black Treacle Love metaphors found in this song are love is journey and love is game.

The first is love is journey, the shared concepts are [+ process] and [+ journey]. The second is love is game with the shared concepts [+ play] and [+ lose]. Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 5 Analysis of Metaphor “Now I’m out of place and I’m not getting

any wiser”

Non-Literal Lyrics Literal Meaning Shared Concept Meaing Now I’m out of The writer feels The writer feels [+ process] place and I’m not like his presence like he is not [+ journey] getting any wiser is not in a there anymore in particular place the relationship anymore and does (‘place’ refers to not feel wiser the ‘relationship’ he is in) because there is something wrong in it and in the process when he is in the ‘place’ (relationship) it doesn’t make him a better man (wiser)

The sentence above describes a state of desperation one experiences in his/her relation with someone. In this metaphor, the man feels like he is not there (with the girl) anymore (out of place) and by the time he realizes there is something wrong in his relation with the woman he knows that none of those



things he has gone through with the woman makes him a better man (not getting any wiser). There is a process in his relation with the woman here that finally makes him realizes something that is not worth fighting for at the end of the day.

Table 6 Analysis of Metaphor “One of those games you’re gonna lose but

you wanna play it just in case”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept One of those games The writer refers to The writer refers [+ play] you wanna lose but someone who plays to someone who [+ lose] you wanna play it a game that is plays a game of just in case obviously he/ she is love called going to lose relationship which will end up badly anyway

Based on OALD game is “an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other”. The two following words which indicate the notion of love is game in this part, lose and play, are part of the game itself. When there is a game there must be something you play in order to win and not to lose. Therefore, it is very obvious in sentence number 1 that love is seen as game-related notion of play.

c. The Hellcat Spangled Shalalala Love metaphors found in this song are love is game and love is physical force. The first is love is game, the shared concepts are [+ game] and [+



playful]. The last is love is physical force with the shared concept [+ force].

Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 7 Analysis of Metaphor “And you’re acting like a stranger cause

you thought it looked like fun”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept And you’re acting The writer refers to The writer refers [+ game] like a stranger someone who acts as to his partner [+ playful] if she/he doesn’t who pretends like know him someone else as a playful way to deny his presence

There are words acting and fun which indicate the notion of game-related love in the metaphor. Based on OALD acting is “the activity or profession performing in plays, film/movies, etc” (2010, p. 13). Acting is an act of play pretend. When a person does an acting he/she plays role which is not his/her real self. OALD defines fun as “enjoyment, pleasure; a thing that gives enjoyment or pleasure and makes you happy” (2010, p. 608). When people have fun they have this sense of enjoyment. The pleasure which triggers the fun may vary in forms. For example, someone can have a good time (fun) at a party but some are not. There are people who have fun in their own way, like reading a book or go to shopping by themselves because they don’t like surrounded by people.



In this metaphor, play pretend (acting like stranger) is considered as

something the woman enjoys to tease the man (cause you thought it looked

like fun). There is a sense of enjoyment in acting like a stranger to the person

she has known before although the man doesn’t feel really comfortable with

the game she plays. The man feels like he is being played by the girl’s action.

Table 8 Analysis of Metaphor “It does a dozen somersault and leaves you


Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept It does a dozen The writer refers to The writer refers [+ force] somersault and something which to a woman

leaves you makes him do whose act makes supercharged somersault and it the man does leaves him something out of supercharged habit like a dozen somersault because the energy the woman carried has a larger force than him and it makes him instantly feeling supercharged

According to OALD somersault is “a movement in which somebody

turns over completely, with their feet over their head, on the ground or in the

air” (2010, p. 1419). When someone does the somersault it is more like an

acrobatic movement. OALD defines supercharged as “(of an engine)



powerful because it is supplied with air or fuel at a pressure that is higher than normal”, “stronger, more powerful or more effective than usual” (2010, p.

1498). When a person feels supercharged it is on the next level of feeling charged.

In this metaphor, the way the woman acts (when she flicks a red-hot revelation) makes the man (as if) he does something out of habit, a dozen somersault. It is because the energy transferred by the woman has a larger force than the man. The larger force outside the man’s control that is resonated by the woman makes him instantly feeling supercharged.

d. Reckless Serenade One love metaphor found in Reckless Serenade is love is magic. The shared concepts are [+ hypnotized], [+ spellbound], and [+ beauty]. Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 9 Analysis of Metaphor “Topless models doing semaphore, wave

their flags as she walks by and get ignored”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept Topless models Some models who The writer refers [+ hypnotized] doing semaphore, don’t wear any top to a woman [+ beauty] wave their flags as and do semaphore whose presence she walks by and get ignored because completely steal get ignored there is another everyone’s woman who walks attention and by even ignore the topless models because of her



undeniable beauty

In this context, the woman has the power to spellbound everyone because she is capable to distract everyone’s attention even from the topless models doing Semaphore. According to OALD spellbound is “with your attention completely held by what you are listening or watching” (2010, p. 1432). It is obvious that the woman has held everyone’s attention completely just by watching her because she makes everyone ignoring the topless models as she walks into the scene.

Table 10 Analysis of Metaphor “Their hypnosis goes unnoticed”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept Their hypnosis The hypnosis given The writer shows [+ spellbound] goes unnoticed by particular people that even with [+ beauty] don’t affect the presence of anything the woman the hypnosis given by the topless models can be distorted because they are already spellbounded by her beauty

Based on OALD hypnosis is “an unconscious state in which somebody can still see and hear and can be influenced to follow commands or answer questions (2010, p. 739). It is something that happens in an unconscious part of human’s thought. In psychology, hypnosis is used a treatment to cure



dependence. For example, smoking dependence can be cured by hypnosis. In this metaphor, even with the presence of the woman the hypnosis given by the topless models can be distorted because they are already spellbounded by her beauty.

e. Piledriver waltz Love metaphors found in Piledriver Waltz are love is physical force and love is war. The shared concepts in the love is physical force are [+ force] and

[+ disturbing]. Meanwhile, the shared concepts in the love is war are [+ painful] and [+attack].

Table 11 Analysis of Metaphor “I heard the piledriver waltz it woke me

up this morning”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept I heard the Someone hears a The writer refers [+ force] piledriver waltz it piledriver waltz and to the piledriver

woke me up this it wakes him up in waltz as morning the morning something disturbing that has the power to wake him up from his sleeping and also a form of the unhappy ending the man hears before.

The combination of words piledriver and waltz is contradictory.

Piledriver refers to a harsh wrestling movement and waltz refers to a form of



slow dance. Piledriver is defined as “a very heavy kick or blow” based on

OALD (2010, p. 1107). It is a technique usually used in professional wrestling. According to OALD waltz is “a dance in which two people dance together to a regular rhythm.” (2010, p. 1671). There are words piledriver and waltz in the sentence that become a larger force to the man and it affects him.

The piledriver waltz is illustrated as something disturbing that has the power to wake him up from his sleeping. It is because waltz has lost its literal meaning, as a dance with slow movement, because combined with word piledriver. The waltz he is hearing has turned into something with heavy movement like in a wrestling to an extent it is so disturbing. The piledriver waltz is also a form of the unhappy ending the man hears before.

Table 12 Analysis of Metaphor “I heard the news that you’re planning to

shoot me out of a cannon”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept I heard the news Someone finds out The writer can [+ goodbye] that you’re that he’s going to be sense that the [+ painful] planning to shoot shot out of a cannon woman wants to me out of a cannon get rid of him [+ attack] from her life by giving an end to the relationship

The woman wants to get rid of the man by giving an end to the relationship. In this metaphor, as if the woman plans their goodbye by shooting him out of a cannon. The sense of attacking the man by shooting



him is a form of goodbye and rejection from the woman towards the man. It is a painful goodbye for the man because he is the one that is got rid of

(attacked/shot) in this metaphor.

f. Love is a Laserquest Love metaphors found in Love is a Laserquest are love is game, love is journey, and love is unity of parts. The first is love is game with the shared concept [+game]. The second is love is journey with the shared concepts [+ process] and [+ journey]. The last is love is unity of parts with the shared concepts [+ unity] and [+ need]. Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 13 Analysis of Metaphor “And do you think love is a laserquest?”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept And do you think The writer refers The writer [+ game] love is a love as a laserquest questions his laserquest? which is a laser tag former lover game combines with about her classic game of perspective of hide-and-seek and a love as a game high tech twist (using game as an analogy of love)

Laserquest is a laser tag game combines the classic game of hide-and-seek with a high tech twist (About Laserquest, para. 1). The equipment use is laser gun to tag the opponent. According to OALD laser gun is “a piece of equipment which uses a laser to read a bar code or to find



out how fast a vehicle or other object is moving” (2010, p. 837). The aim of the player is to tag their opponents as many times as possible using the laser gun and the other player avoids being tagged.

Table 14 Analysis of Metaphor “Do you still feel younger than you

thought you would by now?”

Non-Literal Lyrics Literal Meaning Shared Concept Meaing Do you still feel The writer The writer [+ process] younger than you questions questions his [+ journey] thought you someone whether former lover would by now? he feels younger related to her or older in the maturity and mean time wonders if the woman has matured or is still the same old person like when she was younger

There are a lot of questions the man has for the woman in this part of the lyrics. The questions are related to the change of the woman. The man wonders if the woman has changed into a maturer person (have you started feeling old yet) or still the same old person who plays around like a child (feel younger than you thought you would by now). Change is a part of progress in one’s relation.



Table 15 Analysis of Metaphor “When I’m pipe and slippers and rocking


Non-Literal Lyrics Literal Meaning Shared Concept Meaing When I’m pipe The writer refers The writer sees [+ process] and slippers and himself as himself when he [+ journey] rocking chair someone who is old with pipe smokes pipe, and slippers and wears slippers, rocking chair in and sits in rocking the state of chair contemplating things because he has been through a lot of hard times

According to OALD pipe is “a tube through which liquids and gases can

flow”, “a narrow tube with a bowl at one end, used for smoking tobacco”

(2010, p. 1130). In this metaphor, the pipe refers to a tube used for smoking

tobacco. Slipper is defined as “a loose soft shoe that you wear in the house”

by OALD (2010, p. 1400). Then OALD defines rocking chair as “a chair

with two curved pieces of wood under it that make it move backwards and

forwards” (2010, p. 1282). The usage of rocking chair is usually referred to

elder people. There is a stereotype of older people sit happily on rocking chair.

It is because the activity does bring some peace of mind to them (Watson,

1998, para. 3).

In this metaphor, the combination of words pipe, slippers, and rocking

chair refer to a phase of life when someone just sits at home with one’s pipe

and slippers while sitting on rocking chair because he/she is already old.



When I’m pipe and slippers and rocking chair means when he’s already old.

He pictures the time when he gets old he is in the state of contemplating

things because he has been through a lot of hard times while he sings

something sounds nostalgic (singing dreadful songs about summer) that

reminds him of a past time.

Table 16 Analysis of Metaphor “Now I can’t think of air without thinking of


Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept Now I can’t think Someone cannot The writer feels [+ unity] of air without think of air without like he cannot [+ need] thinking of you thinking of another breath without person thinking of the woman he really loves even just for a while

OALD defines air as “the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and

that we breathe” (2010, 31). It is one of essential things for human kind. With

the absence of air human cannot breathe and it can lead to death. In this

metaphor, the man feels like he cannot breathe (can’t think of air) without

thinking of the woman. Putting the woman in his thought is just the same as

breathing for him. For him thinking of the woman is very normal and done

automatically just like breathing. It’s a part of him, something normal because

the woman is always there in his mind.



g. Suck it and See Love metaphors found in Suck it and See are love is insanity and love is an appetizing food. The first love metaphor is love is insanity with the shared concepts [- sane] and [+ enthusiasm]. The second is love is an appetizing food with the shared concepts [+ rare] and [+beverage]. Below are the result of the analysis of the semantic features shown in the table.

Table 17 Analysis of Metaphor “That’s not a skirt girl, that’s a sawn-off

shotgun and I can only hope you’ve got it aimed at me”

Non-literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning meaning Concept That’s not a skirt The writer sees a He portrays the [- sane] skirt in a form of a skirt that the girl, that’s a [+enthusiasm] sawn-off shotgun girl’s wearing as sawn-off shotgun which is a shotgun deadly as a gun. He wishes the and I can only hope with part of its barrel cut off usually used woman wants you’ve got it aimed him as much as in military he wants her, at me putting aside the fact that the woman may not be good for him.

Sawn-off shotgun is “a shotgun with part of its barrel cut off” (2010, p.

1313). It is a kind of gun which uses in military. He portrays the skirt that the girl’s wearing as deadly as a gun. Even though it is deadly, the man still hopes the gun is being aimed at him. He wishes the woman wants him as much as he wants her, putting aside the fact that the woman may not be good for him.



Table 18 Analysis of Metaphor “You’re rarer than a can of dandelion

and a burdock”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept You’re rarer than a Someone refers to a The writer [+ rare] can of dandelion person who is rarer describes her [+ beverage] and a burdock than a type of drink love interest as someone who is rarer than a dandelion and a burdock, a type of beverage which is hard to find.

According to Pa dandelion and burdock is fermented roots that became a manufactured fizzy drink of sugar and extracts (para. 7, 2011). The tastes similar to root beer but it can only be found in British culture. The rareness of the drink is projected to the description of the woman in the man’s eyes. The man sees the woman as rare as a dandelion and burdock and that’s what makes her special. According to Pepsi Mid America postmix is “a softdrink made on location”. It is mixed with water and CO2 and done through post-mix dispenser. Post-mix lemonade means carbonated drink with lemon flavor.

In this metaphor, dandelion and burdock and post-mix lemonade are being compared. The woman is the dandelion and burdock because she is one of a kind just like d&b which is rare to find. On the other hand, the other girls



that the man sees are just post-mix lemonade, a carbonated drink, which can be found everywhere and nothing special about it.

h. That’s Where You’re Wrong Love metaphors found in That’s Where You’re Wrong are love is fire, love is unity of parts, and love is fluid in a container. The first is love is fire with the shared concept [+ flame]. The second is love is unity of parts with the shared concept [+ unity]. The last is love is fluid in a container which shared concepts included [+ fluid] and [+ container].

Table 19 Analysis of Metaphor “All the old flames fastened on, make a

wish that weighs a tonne”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept All the old flames All the former lovers The writer refers [+ flame] fastened on, make a fastened on to a to a woman who wish that weighs a particular person and is his former tonne make a wish that is lover that has the heavy capability to still attract men from her past, including him, and they make the same wish to be with her which is impossible because she can never settle for someone but everyone



Old flame is defined as “a former lover” by OALD (p. 1023, 2010). In this metaphor, the old flame is in plural. It shows that there are so many men in the woman’s past that finally also fastened on to her. According to OALD fastened on (to) somebody or something is “to choose or to follow somebody or something in a determined way.” (p. 538, 2010). The one who is fastened on usually gives attention to particular thing because he/she considers it is special. In this case, the woman is seen as something special that can attract those men, even the men from her past, and the man himself to (choose her) give their attention. They all personally make the same wish about her, a wish that feels heavy (weighs a tonne) it is actually impossible to be with her and be the only one for her because she will never settle for someone but everyone.

Table 20 Analysis of Metaphor “Don’t take it personally you’re not the only one”

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept Don’t take it Telling someone not The writer [+ unity] personally you’re to take something convinces not the only one so personal himself that he is not the only because the woman he loves doesn’t love him and plays around with another men too



In this metaphor, the man convinces himself that he is not the only

because the woman doesn’t really love him. She plays around with other men

and it makes him feel less special so he doesn’t need to take everything that

woman does to him so personally.The result of the analysis is shown in the

table below.

Table 21 Analysis of Metaphor “I poured my aching heart into a love


Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept I poured my aching Someone pours his The writer writes [+fluid] heart into a love heartache into a love a sad love song [+ container] song song based on his painful love experience to release his painful feeling

The man’s aching heart is the fluid inside the man’s body (container).

The amount of fluid inside the container is overwhelming so it is needed to be

released. The man releases his aching heart into a catharsis. In this metaphor,

the way he copes with his aching heart is by writing a pop song as his

catharsis. At the end of the day, he writes a song about her to deal with his

own feelings.



2. The Theme of the Album

The appearances of love insanity in the album found in several song there included Black Treacle, Piledriver Waltz, Reckless Serenade, She’s

Thunderstorms, Suck It And See, and That’s Where You’re Wrong. Those 6 songs contain the elements of love is insanity. The shared concepts of love is insanity such as [- sane], [- control], and [+ enthusiasm] reflected in the songs and the appearances of the shared concepts which represent love is insanity are frequent compared to elements of other love metaphors.

Love is insanity in Suck It And See portrays a feeling of losing one’s mind when a person falls in love with a particular person. There is no sanity, lack of control, yet the feeling of being in love itself gives a sense of excitement or enthusiasm because we tend to be enthusiastic with the person we are in love with. For an instance, in the lyric She’s been loop the looping around my mind, indicates a sense of lack of control because falls in love with the woman cannot help but keep on thinking about her making him loses his sanity. The shared concepts [-sane] and [-control] are found in the lyrics.

The two most frequent love metaphors found in the album are love is game and love is journey. The shared concepts in love is game are [+ play],

[+lose], [+playful]. Love is game in this album indicates a kind of love that is all about losing and winning which come along with the painful feeling in losing the game of love, and the fun in winning or taking control the game of



love. For an instance in lyric And you’re acting like a stranger because you thought it looked like fun indicates the fun in playing with one’s feeling.

Similar to love is insanity, there is a sense of excitement in this metaphor but in a different form. Meanwhile, the shared concepts of love is journey is

[+process] and [+journey]. Love is journey here indicates a kind of love in one’s relationship and one’s relation with himself which involve a process of changing in the journey of the relationship. For example in the lyric When I’m pipe and slippers and rocking chair singing dreadful songs about summer, an indication of love is journey is shown in one’s relation between himself in the past and in the now. There is a changing of heart in a form of acceptance to deal with past’s wound. There is a sense of helplessness in dealing with the change that happens in the process. Similar to love is insanity that indicates a lack of control over something that has happened.

The third most frequent love metaphors found in the album are love is fire, love is physical force, love is magic, love is unity of parts. First, the shared concepts in love is fire is [+ heat], [+ burn], [+flame]. Love is fire in this album shows an intense burning sensation when dealing with a person one’s infatuated with, even from the past. In the lyric All the old flames fastened on, make a wish that weighs a tonne shows a strong attraction between a woman and his past lovers because she is that attractive making all his past lovers still feel the burning inside them to be with her although it is impossible. Just like love is insanity and love is game there is an element of excitement in dealing with someone in this love metaphor.



The second, in love is physical force the shared concepts are [+ force] and [+ disturbing]. This type of love metaphor shows a kind of force that affects one’s psychological being, like someone’s action or movement. For example in the lyric It does a dozen sommersault and leaves you supercharged shows an indication of being affected after seeing someone’s action, who is the woman the man is in love with. Love is physical force also shows similar indication like love is insanity in term of excitement and helplessness, love is game in term of excitement, love is magic in term of helplessness because of one’s beauty, and love is natural force in term of force which can affect and blow one’s mind.

The third, love is magic has the shared concepts [+ beauty], [+ hypnotized], and [+ spellbound]. It shows one’s helplessness because of witnessing the beauty of someone, especially a woman, which has a power to hypnotize one’s mind. For example, the lyric Topless models doing semaphore, wave their flags as she walks by and get ignored indicates a beauty which has the quality to steal everyone’s attention, it has the capability to hypnotize them to focus on her only. This love metaphor share similarities with love is insanity and love is fire in term of excitement and helplessness in dealing with someone’s beauty, love is physical force and natural force in term of force which has the power to move someone not just physically but beyond that.

The last love metaphor in this part is love is unity of parts with the shared concepts [+ unity] and [+ need]. The shared concepts in love is unity of parts



show an indication of someone who struggles with the idea of being united or connected with his significant other. For an instance, the lyric Now I can’t think of air without thinking of you portrays the need of someone in connecting with the other person he is in love with. This indication shows similarities to love is insanity in term of lacking in control of one’s own feelings like a sign of helplessness.

The least frequent love metaphors found in the album are love is war, love is natural force, love is appetizing food, love is fluid in a container. The first love metaphor is love is war with the shared concepts [+ goodbye], [+ painful], [+ attack]. Love is war in this context of album portrays a sense of attacking to get rid of someone because he is not wanted anymore in the someone’s life. An example comes from the lyric I heard the news that you’re planning to shoot me out of a cannon which shows a sense of attacking by shooting a man as a form of goodbye and rejection. This love metaphor share similarities with love is game in term of losing and winning a battle of love.

The second is love is natural force with the shared concept [+ power]. It portrays a depiction of something as powerful as natural events, like thunderstorms. An example is taken from the lyric She’s thunderstorms which tells a description of a woman as if she is as powerful as a series of thunderstorms, not just a single thunderstorm. The love metaphor shares similarities with love is insanity in term of helplessness and love is magic in term of mesmerized by particular beauty.



The third is love is appetizing food with the shared concepts [+ rare] and

[+ beverage]. This type of love metaphor gives a portrayal of someone in a projection of a tasty rare beverage. For an instance, You’re rare than a can of dandelion and burdock and those girls are just post-mix lemonade, shows a portrayal of a woman who is very special in a man’s eyes and he sees her as a type of rare and tasty beverage called dandelion and burdock and she is nothing compared to other girls who are merely portrayed as a common carbonated drink. Love is an appetizing food has similarities to love is magic in term of beauty which is rare and that’s what makes it special and hypnotizing.

The last is love is fluid in a container with the shared concepts [+ fluid] and [+ container]. It shows that someone’s aching heart is a fluid and the body serves as the container. An example taken from the lyric I poured my aching heart into a love song which contains the notion of aching heart as the fluid and container as the body, so the aching heart is needed to be cured by releasing it into (writing) a pop song as a catharsis of broken heart. This type of metaphor shares similarities to love is insanity in term of helplessness in dealing with the intense painful feeling of broken heart.

It can be concluded that from the most frequent appearance, love is insanity, plays a major role in the album Suck It And See and the shared concepts it carries mainly relate with other types of love metaphors.

Therefore, the theme of the album is “The helplessness of being deeply in love” which is determined from the most frequent appearance of love



metaphor: love is insanity. The album mainly talks about being in love and to some extreme infatuated with a beautiful woman with strong personality which drives the man crazy. It highlights the undeniable excitement and frustration caused by the feeling of love the man experiences.




The conclusion of the analysis in the previous chapter is presented in this chapter. After analyzing 8 songs from Arctic Monkeys’ album Suck It And

See, 36 metaphoric expression are found and classified into 11 types of love metaphors. Those types of love metaphors are: love is insanity, love is journey, love is fire, love is game, love is natural force, love is physical force, love is magic, love is war, love is unity of parts, love is an appetizing food, and love is fluid in a container.

In order to have a thorough understanding of the usage of each love metaphor semantic features analysis is conducted. The literal and non-literal meaning of each metaphor are defined to find the shared concepts. By finding the shared concepts helping the researcher to determine the specific theme of the album.

Before determining the specific theme of the album, the researcher needs to find out which love metaphor appears the most in the album. Finding out the frequency of appearance of each love metaphor is helpful to find out the general theme of the album. The most appeared love metaphor is love is insanity with shared concepts [- sane], [- control], [+ enthusiasm]. The shared concepts it carries mostly relate with other types of love metaphors.

Finally, the theme of the album is determined through the most frequent appearance of love metaphor: love is insanity. The theme of the album is



“The helplessness of being deeply in love”. The album is mainly about the excitement and frustration which comes along with the feeling of being in love.

The present study aims to facilitate further analysis in giving broader insight about specific type of metaphor like love metaphor especially in song lyrics of an album. By analyzing the theme of an album song through the metaphor, the researcher intends to depict the real message which is wanted to be delivered by the writer of the songs. Hopefully, in the future, this study is continued to be conducted with more theories and references applied in the analysis to get a deeper and more thorough understanding.




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Appendix 1: Lyrics of Arctic Monkeys’ Suck It And See Album

1. She’s Thunderstorms

She's thunderstorms

Lying on her front, up against the wall

She's thunderstorms

I've been feeling foolish, you should try it

She came and substituted the peace and quiet for

Acrobatic blood flow concertina

Cheating heartbeat, rapid fire

She's thunderstorms

Lying on her front, up against the wall

She's thunderstorms

Here is your host, sounds as if she's pretty close

When the heat starts growing horns

She's thunderstorms



She's been loop-the-looping around my mind

Her motorcycle boots give me this kind of

Acrobatic blood concertina

Cheating heartbeat, rapid fire

She's thunderstorms

Lying on her front, up against the wall

She's thunderstorms

In an unusual place, when you're feeling far away

She does what the night does to the day

She's thunderstorms

Lying on her front, up against the wall

She's thunderstorms, thunderstorms, thunderstorms

2. Black Treacle

Lately I've been seeing things, belly button piercings

In the sky at night when we're side by side

And I don't mean to rain on anybody's cabroilet

One of those games you're gonna lose

But you wanna play it, just in case



Now it's getting dark and the sky looks sticky

More like black treacle than tar

Black treacle

Somebody told the stars you're not coming out tonight

And so they found a place to hide

Does it help you stay up late? Does it help you concentrate?

Does it tune you in when you chew your chin?

Am I ruining your fun?

And you talk the talk alright

But do you walk the walk or catch the train?

You wanted it, you got it, but you don't want it now

Now it's getting dark and the sky looks sticky

More like black treacle than tar

Black treacle

Somebody told the stars you're not coming out tonight

And so they found a place to hide

Now I'm out of place and I'm not getting any wiser

I feel like the Sundance Kid behind a synthesizer

And I tried last night to pack away your laugh



Like a key under the mat

But it never seems to be there when you want it

Black treacle

Black treacle

Black treacle

3. Hellcat Spangled Shalalala

Just when things are getting complicated in the eye of the storm

She flicks a red-hot revelation off the tip of her tongue

It does a dozen somersaults and leaves you supercharged

Makes me wanna blow the candles out

Just to see if you glow in the dark

Shalalala, shalalala

Shalalala, shalalala

Home sweet home, home sweet home, home sweet booby-trap

I took the batteries out my mysticism

And put 'em in my thinking cap

She's got a telescopic hallelujah hanging up on her wall

For when it gets too complicated in the eye of the storm



Shalalala, shalalala

Shalalala, shalalala

Oh, oh-oh-oh

And in a hellcat spangled cavern

When your judgement's on the run

And you're acting like a stranger

'Cause you thought it looked like fun

And did you ever get the feeling

That these are things she's said before?

Her steady hands may well have done the devil's pedicure

What you waiting for? Sing another fucking shalalala

Shalalala, shalalala


4. Reckless Serenade

Topless models doing Semaphore

Wave their flags as she walks by and get ignored

Illuminations on a rainy day

When she walks, her footsteps sing a reckless serenade



I've been trying to figure out exactly what it is I need

Called up to listen to the voice of reason

And got the answering machine

The type of kisses where teeth collide

When she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby

Those twinkling vixens with the shining spiral eyes

Their hypnosis goes unnoticed when she's walking by

I've been trying to figure out exactly what it is I need

Called up to listen to the voice of reason

And got the answering machine

I left my message but did he fuck get back to me

And now I'm stuck still wondering how it's meant to be

Singing a reckless serenade, reckless serenade

Reckless serenade, reckless serenade

Reckless serenade, reckless serenade

Reckless serenade



5. Piledriver Waltz

I etched the face of a stopwatch on the back of a raindrop

And did a swap for the sand in an hourglass

I heard an unhappy ending, it sort of sounds like you leaving

I heard the piledriver waltz, it woke me up this morning

You look like you've been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel

And sat in the back booth by the pamphlets

And the literature on how to lose

Your waitress was miserable and so was your food

If you're gonna try and walk on water

Make sure you wear your comfortable shoes

Mysteries flashing amber go green when you answer

But the red on the rest of the questionnaire never changes

I heard the news that you're planning

To shoot me out of a cannon

I heard the piledriver waltz, it woke me up this morning

You look like you've been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel

And sat in the back booth by the pamphlets

And the literature on how to lose

Your waitress was miserable and so was your food



If you're gonna try and walk on water

Make sure you wear your comfortable shoes

Oh-oh, oh-oh


6. Love Is A Laserquest

[Verse 1]

Do you still feel younger than you thought you would by now

Or darling, have you started feeling old yet?

Don't worry, I'm sure that you're still breaking hearts

With the efficiency that only youth can harness

And do you still think love is a laserquest

Or do you take it all more seriously?

I've tried to ask you this in some daydreams that I've had

But you're always busy being make-believe

And do you look into the mirror to remind yourself you're there

Or have somebody's goodnight kisses got that covered?

When I'm not being honest

I pretend that you were just some lover



Now I can't think of there without thinking of you

I doubt that comes as a surprise

And I can't think of anything to dream about

I can't find anywhere to hide

And when I'm hanging on by the rings around my eyes

And I convince myself I need another

And for a minute, it gets easy

To pretend that you were just some lover

When I'm pipe and slippers and rocking chair

Singing dreadful songs about summer

Will I have found a better method of

Pretending you were just some lover?

Will I have found a better method of

Pretending you were just some lover?

7. Suck It And See

Your love is like a studded leather headlock

Your kiss, it could put creases in the rain

You're rarer than a can of dandelion and burdock

And those other girls are just post-mix lemonade



Suck it and see, you never know

Sit next to me before I go

Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes

Be cruel to me 'cause I am a fool for you

I poured my aching heart into a pop song

I couldn't get the hang of poetry

That's not a skirt, girl, that's a sawn-off shotgun

And I can only hope you've got it aimed at me

Suck it and see, you never know

Sit next to me before I go

Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes

Be cruel to me 'cause I am a fool for

Blue moon girls from once upon a Shangri-La

How I often wonder where you are

You have got that face that just says

"Baby, I was made to break your heart", oh-oh-oh

Suck it and see, you never know

Sit next to me before I go, go, go, go



Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes

Be cruel to me 'cause I am a fool for you

8. That’s Where You’re Wrong

A pussyfooting setting sun

Make a wish that weighs a tonne

There are no handles for you to hold

And no understanding where it goes

Jealousy in technicolor

Fear by name, love by numbers

Street lamp amber, wanderlust

Powder in a blunderbuss

She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me

And suddenly the sky is a-sizzle

Sitting on the floor with a tambourine

Crushing up a bundle of love

Don't take it so personally

You're not the only one

That time has got it in for, honey

That's where you're wrong



All the old flames fastened on

Make a wish that weighs a tonne

There are no handles you can hold

And no understanding where it goes

She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me

And suddenly the sky is a-sizzle

Sitting on the floor with a tambourine

Crushing up a bundle of love

Don't take it so personally

You're not the only one

That time has got it in for, honey

That's where you're wrong

That's where you're wrong

That's where you're wrong

Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh

Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh



Appendix 2: Elaboration of Love is Insanity Found In Arctic Monkeys’ Suck It And See

1. She’s Thunderstorms a. She came and substituted the peace and quiet for acrobatic blood flow concertina

The powerful presence of the woman profoundly describes in the next sentence. The woman has the power to switch “the peace and quiet” for

“acrobatic blood flow concertina”. According to OALD the peace and quiet is “the state of being calm or quiet” (2010, p. 1080). Meanwhile, according to

OALD acrobatic is “involving or performing difficult acts or movements with the body” (2010, p. 13) and concertina is “a musical instrument like a small accordion, that you hold in both hands. You press the ends together and pull them apart to produce sounds.” The combination of acrobatic, blood flow and concertina explaining the presence of the woman which makes the blood rushes intensely like a combination of seeing something acrobatic and listening to a concertina being pressed and pulled altogether. The situation which is peace and quiet before becomes suddenly intense (acrobatic) and musical (concertina). There are senses of excitement and lack of control because of the intensity in the presence of the woman which drives him insane.



b. Her motorcycle boots give me this kind of acrobatic blood flow concertina

The woman is described wearing motorcycle boots. It is obvious that what the woman wears is something which also draws attention. According to

OALD boot is “a strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle and often the lower part of the leg”. The impression of someone wearing boots is strong and bold as described in the dictionary, just like the boot itself. The kind of boots that the woman uses is motorcycle boots and it gives a sense of masculinity, sexiness, and fierceness at the same time because it is not a fashion item that women often use. The woman’s confident in choosing what she wears also fascinates the man making his blood rushes intensely like doing an acrobatic and listening to a concertina at the same time.

2. Black Treacle a. Lately I've been seeing things, belly button piercings in the sky at night when we're side by side

In this part, the presence of someone in a way it affects how one’s mind works. According to Cambridge Dictionary of American Idioms seeing things is “to imagine something is present or happening when it is not“ (2003, p.

425). The existence of someone makes the brain works in a different way

(unable to function normally) to an extent it doesn’t make sense anymore: what the man sees. Belly button piercings is what he sees when he’s side by side with the woman he is in love with while looking at the sky. The man



hallucinates as if he sees belly button piercings in the sky when the woman is by his side. It gives an understanding that the presence of the woman affects the man’s clarity in seeing things because in the actual sky there is no belly button piercings. b. Now it's getting dark and the sky looks sticky more like black treacle than tar

The appearance of the sky is described here. As it gets late the sky looks like black treacle. According to OALD treacle is “a thick black sweet sticky liquid produced when sugar is refined” (2010, p. 1592). Even though the night sky is dark but it is not something purely dark, it has something sweet in it just like black treacle compared to tar. Tar is “a thick black sticky liquid that becomes hard when cold” (2010, p. 1527). The color of the tar is also black and the texture is the same, sticky. What makes them different is the flavor. Black treacle has a hint of sweetness and used in cooking, meanwhile, tar is pure bitter because it is obtained from coal and used in making roads.

The dark sky represents the bitter sweet feeling of the man towards the woman when they’re together.

3. Reckless Serenade a. She flicks a red-hot revelation off the tip of her tongue

OALD defines flick as “to hit something with a sudden quick movement, especially using your finger and thumb together, or your hand” (2010, p. 569).



When someone flicks something it is done by sudden quick movement to get rid of particular object like when you flick the dust off your shirt. The tail of a horse also flicking when there are flies. Another example is when someone flicks a peanut (an object) at the other. Based on OALD red-hot is “new, exciting and of great interest to people” (2010, p. 1232). Something red-hot can be an issue that draws people attention. For example, a recent red-hot issue is about Industrial Revolution 4.0. A gossip can be considered as a red-hot issue too because it is something new to the people that are being exposed to the information and it makes them excited to the discuss about it more. Meanwhile, revelation is “a fact that people are made aware of, especially one that has been secret and is surprising” according to OALD

(2010, p. 1266). It is to make people aware of any particular issue. A scandal can be an example for something that has not been revealed before and once it is being found out then it becomes a revelation for those who don’t know.

In this metaphor, the woman portrays as someone who loves to tell something which drives one’s mind crazy. The way she tells the man about something he doesn’t know before (red-hot revelation) drives him insane.

The words (in a form of revelation) she throws (flicks) at him makes his heart ponders because of the excitement and the restlessness at the same time. b. When she walks, her footsteps sing a reckless serenade

This sentence gives a sense of admiration on a different level. He can even hear a serenade comes from her footsteps. It is portrayed as reckless



because the beauty that the woman offers is a rare kind of beauty that even something considers as a handicap is still beautiful for her. Her beauty doesn’t offer perfection and that’s what makes her beautiful. The imperfection is actually what makes her perfectly beautiful like a serenade, a reckless one. c. When she laughs, the heavens hum a stun gun lullaby

In this line, the man perceives the woman’s laugh as something as paralyzing as a stun gun and heavenly as a lullaby. According to OALD stun gun is “a weapon that makes a person or an animal unconscious or unable to move for a short time, usually by giving them a small electric shock” (2010, p.

1485). For a split second, the laugh of the woman is capable to paralyze everyone in the room because it is so beautiful. Meanwhile, lullaby is “a soft gentle song sung to make a child go to sleep” defined by OALD (2010, p.

888). Not just paralyzing but the laugh is also heavenly because it is so soft and gentle just like a lullaby. In other words, the lullaby that is hummed by the laugh of the woman sounds like a stun gun. It comes out gently but paralyzing. d. The type of kisses where teeth collide

This part illustrates the man’s insane experience when he kisses the woman. OALD defines collide as “crash into each other” (2010, p. 279).

Collide is synonymous with crash. For example, if two people, vehicle, etc. collide, they crash into each other. The kiss he has experienced with the



woman is so passionate, intense and rough as if their teeth could crash into each other while kissing.

4. Suck It And See a. Your love is like studded leather headlock

According to OALD studded is “decorated with small raised piece of metal” (2010, p. 1484). For example, a studded leather belt. Leather is one of materials that is often decorated with studs. OALD defines headlock is “(in wrestling) a way of holding an opponent’s head so that they cannot move”

(2010, p. 693). Headlock is used to make the opponent helpless by making them unmoving.

In this metaphor, the love of the woman is illustrated as something as deadly as a headlock. The act of headlock is done not by hands but a studded leather. It gives a more intense sensation because the love feels like your head being headlocked by a studded leather. The kind of love which drives one’s insane. b. Your kiss, it could put creases in the rain

OALD defines kiss as “to touch somebody with your lips as a sign of love, affection, sexual desire, etc, or when saying hello or goodbye” (2010, p.

822). According to OALD crease is “ an untidy line that is made in cloth or paper when it is pressed or crushed” (2010, 344). In this metaphor, the kiss



the woman gives to the man has the power over the man. How the kiss gives the man such an impact describes as something that even the rain could be affected by it. c. Jigsaw women with horror movie shoes, be cruel to me cause I’m a fool for you

According to OALD cruel is “having a desire to cause pain and suffering” (2010, p. 353). In this metaphor, the man is being cruel to himself by being a fool for the woman. The one who is allowed to be cruel to him is the woman because he falls head over heels with the woman, so, everything that she does seems just right, even though, it’s not right. d. You have got that face that just says “Baby I was made to break your heart”

The man sees the woman as someone who is capable to break everyone’s heart because of the beauty she possesses (there is word face to describe the woman’s ability to breaking heart). The description of the woman is very physical here. Someone’s physical features that can drive one’s mind crazy by breaking everyone’s heart.



5. That’s Where You Are Wrong a. There are no handles for you to hold and no understanding where it goes

In this metaphor, the man talks to himself. The you refers to himself.

He’s having a self-talk contemplating what is actually going on. He becomes clueless (no handles for you to hold, no understanding where it goes) because of the woman’s presence and how he feels about her. b. Jealousy in technicolor, feared by name, loved by number

According to OALD jealous is “feeling angry because somebody you like or love is showing interest in somebody else” (p. 802, 2010). Jealousy itself is the feeling of jealous. In this metaphor, the name refers to the men the woman plays around with and the number refers to the amount of the men.

The woman is feared and loved by many guys including the man himself.

That’s what makes him jealous, those other guys the woman plays around with. c. She looks as if she's blowing a kiss at me and suddenly the sky is a scissor

According to OALD as if is “in a way that suggests something” (p. 70,

2010). The man feels like the woman blows a kiss for him and it drives him crazy (making his vision captures scissor in the sky because of the kiss). It obviously the woman toys with him because it’s only as if. In this metaphor, the portrayal of the woman can blow one’s mind even just with her playful gesture that looks like as if she blows a kiss at the man.



Appendix 3: Table of Semantic Features in Love is Insanity

Non-Literal Shared Lyrics Literal Meaning Meaning Concept She came and Someone whose The combination of [- sane] substituted the presence brings acrobatic, blood flow [+ enthusiasm] peace and quiet something other and concertina for acrobatic than peace and explaining the blood flow quiet presence of the concertina woman which makes the blood rushes intensely like a combination of seeing something acrobatic and listening to a concertina being pressed and pulled altogether. The situation which is peace and quiet before becomes suddenly intense (acrobatic) and musical (concertina). Her motorcycle Someone’s The kind of boots [- sane] boots give me this motorcycle boots that the woman uses [- control] kind of acrobatic give the writer and is motorcycle boots blood flow acrobatic blood and it gives a sense of [+ enthusiasm] concertina flow concertina masculinity, sexiness, and fierceness at the same time because it is not a fashion item that women often use. The woman’s confident in choosing what she wears also fascinates the man making his blood rushes intensely like doing an acrobatic and listening to a



concertina at the same time. Lately I've been The writer sees The man hallucinates [- sane] seeing things, belly button as if he sees belly [- control] belly button piercings in the sky button piercings in piercings in the when he’s with the sky when the [+ enthusiasm] sky at night when someone woman is by his side. we're side by side It gives an understanding that the presence of the woman affects the man’s clarity in seeing things because in the actual sky there is no belly button piercings. Now it's getting The sky looks The dark sky [- sane] dark and the sky sticky like black represents the bitter looks sticky more treacle sweet feeling of the like black treacle man towards the than tar woman when they’re together, just like tar which is bitter in flavor and black treacle which is sweet. She flicks a A girl’s tongue The woman portrays [- sane] red-hot revelation flicks a red-hot as someone who [- control] off the tip of her revelation loves to tell tongue something which drives one’s mind crazy. The way she tells the man about something he doesn’t know before (red-hot revelation) drives him insane. The words (in a form of revelation) she throws (flicks) at him makes his heart ponders because of the excitement and



the restlessness at the same time. When she walks, A girl’s footsteps The writer can hear [- sane] her footsteps sing sing a reckless something as [+ enthusiasm] a reckless serenade beautiful as a serenade serenade comes from the girl’s footsteps. It is portrayed as reckless because the beauty that the woman offers is a rare kind of beauty that even something considers as a handicap is still beautiful for her. When she laughs, A girl’s laugh The man perceives [- sane] the heavens hum makes heaven hum the woman’s laugh as [+ enthusiasm] a stun gun lullaby a lullaby something as paralyzing as a stun gun and heavenly as a lullaby. The type of kisses Kisses that could The kiss the writer [- sane] where teeth make one’s teeth has experienced with [- control] collide crash the woman is so passionate, intense [+ enthusiasm] and rough as if their teeth could crash into each other while kissing. Your love is like Someone’s love The love of the [- sane] studded leather look like a studded woman is illustrated [- control] headlock leather headlock as something as deadly as a headlock. The act of headlock is done not by hands but a studded leather. It gives a more intense sensation because the love feels like your head being



headlocked by a studded leather. Your kiss, it could Someone’s kiss The kiss the woman [- sane] put creases in the ould put creases in gives to the man has [- control] rain the rain the power over the man. How the kiss gives the man such an impact describes as something that even the rain could be affected by it. Jigsaw women The writer tells a The man is being [- sane] with horror movie woman to be cruel cruel to himself by [- control] shoes, be cruel to to him because he being a fool for the me cause I’m a is a fool woman. The one who fool for you is allowed to be cruel to him is the woman because he falls head over heels with the woman, so, everything that she does seems just right, even though, it’s wrong. You have got that Someone’s face The man sees the [- sane] face that just says says “Baby I was woman as someone “Baby I was made to break your who is capable to [- control] made to break heart” break everyone’s your heart” heart because of the beauty she possesses, that can drive one’s mind crazy by breaking everyone’s heart.

There are no No handles to be The man talks to [- sane] handles for you to hold by someone himself. The you [- control] hold and no and no where to go refers to himself. understanding He’s having a where it goes self-talk contemplating what



is actually going on. He becomes clueless (no handles for you to hold, no understanding where it goes) because of the woman’s presence and how he feels about her Jealousy in Jealousy has The name refers to [- sane] technicolor, colors, feared and the men the woman [- control] feared by name, loved by some plays around with loved by number people and the number refers to the amount of the men. The woman is feared and loved by many guys including the man himself. That’s what makes him jealous, those other guys the woman plays around with. She looks as if A girl blows a kiss The portrayal of the [- sane] she's blowing a to the writer and woman can blow [- control] kiss at me and the sky becomes a one’s mind even just suddenly the sky scissor with her playful [+ enthusiasm] is a scissor gesture that looks like as if she blows a kiss at the man.



Appendix 4: Summary of Love Metaphor Appearance Frequency in the Album

Type of Love No. Song Title Frequency Metaphor

1. Love is insanity Black Treacle, She’s 18x

Thunderstorms, Reckless

Serenade, Suck It And

See, That’s Where You’re


2. Love is game Black Treacle, Hellcat 3x

Spangled Shalalala, Love

Is a Laserquest

3. Love is journey Black Treacle, Love Is a 3x


4. Love is fire She’s Thunderstorms, 2x

That’s Where You’re


5. Love is physical force Hellcat Spangled 2x

Shalalala, Piledriver




6. Love is magic Reckless Serenade 2x

7. Love is unity of parts Love is a Laserquest, 2x

That’s Where You’re


8. Love is natural force She’s Thunderstorms 1x

9.. Love is war Piledriver Waltz 1x

10. Love is appetizing Suck It And See 1x


11. Love is fluid in a Suck It And See 1x


From the table above love is captive animal, love is war, love is appetizing food, and love is fluid in a container are the least metaphors appear in the album with total one time appearance. Following the appearance of love is fire, love is magic, and love is unity of parts with total of appearance 2 times. After that, there are love is game and love is journey with total of appearance 3 times. Finally, the most appeared love metaphor in the album is love is insanity with total 18 times of appearance.