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The BG News October 12, 2006

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"Cocaine" Class desks not right for lefties drink name By Freddy Hunt under scrutiny Famous Left-Handers Anti-drug group and University ■ Jimi Hendrix Every student is entitled to a Ohio students file ■ Marilyn Monroe comfortable learning environ- opposition to drinks ment, I mi sining in a right-hand- ■ Paul McCartney and Ringo classrooms ed desk as a left-handed person drug influenced name Star, half of the Beatles! is tar from comfortable, accord- | Page 5 ■ Ben Franklin ing to senior lared Deville. People getting ■ Albert Einstein do not fully "I have to contort my whole ■ Kurt Cobain body In order to write," Deville wrong number said. "Then I'm staring ai the ■ Larry Bird person to my right and its kind Ohio department ■ Jerry Seinfeld accommodate of awkward. fixes wrong number ■ Oprah Winfrey According to an article error leading to sex ■ Jack-the-Ripper at by Robert line on official state ■ Robert DeNiro Needlman, associate professoi southpaws oi pediatrics at Case Western voicemail | Page 5 ■ Mark Twain Reserve University's School oi Ml dicine, about one in ten peo- ple an'left banded. U.S. hopes for "There .ire probably that UN to pass many left-handed desks iii most resolution classrooms. Lefties should stop whining," said David Skehon, a U.S. hoping resolution right-handed junior. passes to punish According to Hob Waddle. assistant vice president for capi- North Korea's nuclear tal planning at the University, testinq | Page 9 the target number of left handed desks in a classroom is II) to 15 percent, but depends on the lay- Buffalo beats out of the room. Although most classes have BG after well left-handed desks available, left- fought game ies still get dissatisfied. lunior Tyger Glauser, creator The men's soccer oi the Facebook group, "I efties team gave their best Deserve a Reward" said left- but fell short of a win handed desks are always pushed against the cold wall on the left to Bi.'f.ilo | Page 7 side of the classroom Falcons tennis "It started mil as a joke.' dlaiisei said "Mj friends and receives title I were talking about all of the inequalities as a left] BGSU women's Scissors, notebooks, vending tennis team wins machines, gas pedals, dining fourth flight match tables and n impute! mouses are at Northwestern all designed forrightles. One of Deville's biggest com Invitational | Page 7 plaints has to do with writing from left to right a lefty, yout hand plows overall ol your writing," Deville said. " I hen you're left with ugly smudges all over the side ol your hand." One solution for left-handed students would be to gel more left-handed desks Amanda Miller, a left-handed junior, said righties will com plain il I here is an increase in

Education at See LEFTIES Page 2 a distance a l BGNtWS ILLUSTRATION rising trend Mote students are Rally kicks off choosing to use alternative programs College Republicans argue free speech to finish their studies. Homecoming The idea behind dis- By Megan Schmidt College Republicans Rotation, said tant education was to You have a right to speak out, but you do festivities Reporter that nott nth was the group "protest- give more people the not have a right to interrupt a meeting." ing ixsicefully" iuid was not disrup- By Dana Freeman opportunity to go to After being ordered by campus tive, but the officer did not under- school who might not police to move their protest ,'. egand | University Chief of Poke stand campus policy on tree speech. be able to. | Page 3 during an on-campus rally for "I le didn't seem to know what he Plenty of orange and brown U.S. Senate candidate Shcrrod ai id hoisting signs bearingmessagBS had nn grounds on which to ask was talking about." Bond said He spiiii went Into making a ONLINE: Read about Brown (D-Lorainl last Friday, like Tuff Puff Puff Pass On Shcrrod the (jillege Republicans to move. claimed they reserved the room successful Homecoming ■^ die movie "Iraq tor sale' some members of the College Brown" and "It's 420: Do You know "We were not chanting or doing and that it was a closed event, but Kickoff yesterda) In the | Republicans say their right to Where Sheirod Brown Is?" anything disrespectful — no it was advertised to Students as a Union Ballroom. free speech has been violated. But when University police behavior that would cause them public, open rally." from II to ^i p.m., A group of alxtul seven College arrived, officers told the group to remove us," Wasil said. "The But according to Universit) the Kickoff proved students How do you feel about Republicans gathered outside of the to move to rile free speech zone, officer acted like we had no right Chief of Police lim Wicgand. offi- are enthusiastic about public smoking being multipurpose room in the Union, located outdoors in front of the to be dierc, but we did have a right cers were dispatched to the ially I lomecomlng weekend. I potentially banned by when." the rally was held, clad in I Man, or risk "further action." slid to lie there. It was an open event." because campus pol ice received a The rally featured a free raf- the state government? T-shirts stippming Brown's oppo- one protester, senior |im Wasil. Miranda Bond, iiorilmcsi Ohio fle, food and games which nent. Mike IX-Wine (R-Cwlarville) But Wasil said campus police field representative for the Ohio See PROTEST | Page 2 helped students become excited about Homecoming weekend. At IJ::i() p.m.. the Brown Bag breaks boundary Homecoming court was Father of gay literature announced and main mem- bers of COURT MARCUS CAREY. By Katharine Kopkowski "The first time I was confront- the court J-UUK! Senior. Philosophy Homecoming Reporter ed with homosexuality, I was so stayed to share new work King Candidates: "It should be allowed confused. I was raised to believe to par- in bars all the time, The Catholic church's official it was a mortal sin, but I met ticipate in Chambltss. Trevor By Adam Shapiro but anywhere else ity in the 1950s, was critically stance on homosexuality has a friend who was gay and one activities. Ganabraffl. Mail Reporter acclaimed and considered one sometimes been summarized by of the kindest people I'd ever Marisa Ponlious. Eric Waqnpi. they can ban it." of the first and most important ft flowers as "love the sinner, hate known," she said. Adelnian, | Page 4 As a budding novelist in the coming out novels when it was the sin" — cutting off further Resnik was intrigued by the a sec- Homecoming 1970s, Edmund White did released in 1982. exploration and discussion. subject, and by the rationale for ond year Queen Candidates: I Raquel Dalion. Kal something rather novel — he "When I started writing about The group who planned the the stance held by the church gradu- against homosexuality. Fish. Kan Rood. began writing about gay life. gay themes in the 70s it was all Brown Bag luncheon yesterday ate stu- Dory Rousos. Nicole At a time when homosexuali- brand new," White said. "1 feel in Hanna Hall was not satis- Her opinion has lieen culti- dent and itandbad ty was still taboo in both society lucky because I got there first fied closing conversations with vated by more than a year of student TODAY and the literary world, White — with a number of topics." this catch-phrase, and created research and development. She personnel Homecoming Showers now dubbed the lather of Gay Before writing one of the first a forum for open conversation remains a practicing Catholic, adviser, said 20 students High: 45. Low: 28 Literature — began humaniz- coming out novels, White co- and debate and despite opposition voiced by are responsible for orga- ing the oft-demonized gay cul- authored 'The |oy of Gay Sex" Emily Resnik. a University other church members, believes nizing the Homecoming ture through both his fiction (1977), the first book of its kind senior double-major in psy- homosexuality is not inconsis- activities. and nonfiction writing. to be sold openly in bookstores. chology and women's stud- tent with her faith. These 20 students are His book. "A Boy's Own Story," He also was one of the first writ- ies, presented her research on Resnik argued that the bibli- known as the Homecoming TOMORROW about an adolescent boy's Catholicism and Homosexuality Partly Cloudy struggle with his homosexual- See LITERATURE | Pige 2 at the meeting. See BOUNDARY | Page 2 See KICKOFF | Page 2 High: 52. Low: 35 k VISIT BGNEWS.COM: NEWS. SPORTS, UPDATES, MULTIMEDIA AND FORUMS FOR YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Thursday. October 12.2006

"I want people to understand that "I want |xi iple lo understand POLICE LEFTIES BOUNDARY that Cadxilidsm is not hateful" From Page 1 From Page 1 Catholicism is not hateful." I l,ut|iin III said. BLOTTER V* believe all people are made Tuesday Jessica Haupnchl | Freshman In the image of (kxl anil deserve left-handed desks and they |ust cal verses most often cited by 2:53 p.m. acceptance and low. /MtliiHigli don't understand the struggles Christians who oppose homo- Student repotted her vehicle was we believe it is wrong for liomo- of being li'ft-handi'd. SexuaitJ need D !»• looked at in natural or acceptable. University, agrees. stolen from Lot 3. sixu.ils to engage physically, they Another solution would be to context of thecukue and time, and Dandurand said he affirms •one is not better than the 5 I)'l p.m. get more desks that are sym- lllxkiMoud as a |i;in of the cwrall and validates homosexuals who other." she said. are still able to cx|XTicnce and Police observed a subject with metrical. Deville said he would messageofihewritet She believes, feel their ilc-Jii-< air not an active Both Haupricht and l.illici express love in so many ways." a bike on Grove Street. When rather sit at a chair and table when viewed In this sense, homo- dmicv. hui beieves they me cafcd Dandurand agree thai sex is Resnik explained her own the subject saw the offi and do away with the side tablet sexuaht) Is morally acceptable Ki.iili.Nc'lile. intended for procreation, arid divergence. dumped the bike on the ground desks all together. llieoverall niessagcol the New Ibose allied to dustily haw slioukl be viewed as aacred. Barring homosexuals from 4:0» p.m. Belli Nagel, assistant director testament and the! hi faith been created ten a beautful lull lite. Focusing on homosexuality expressing their love is suppres- Clover Lane resident report) of purchasing at the University, Is love, Resnik said aiKllvi\eatink|U'pur)x>se.lH'siikt and condemning the lifestyle are sion and judgiiH'iit. and |xwpk' ng unwanted calls fn n said side tablets desks are being she emphasized ihis point b) Hut itcMiick argjes the hUcal mistakes., licsnik aigucs. based on WIKI are part of sanx'-srx couples phased out. using an encyclical published bj scripture iusDating heterosexual studying documents written li\ haw tlie capacity u > be us faithful, 6:08 p.m. Two juveniles reported to have "Seating is influenced by the Pope Benedict \\l In 2005 sMUness, and pre-madtal sex in hiiie Dciicdie I as well as iradilion- charitable and loving as any het- technology and new teaching which she ~aicl emphasized char- general, is mil taken as seriously al Catholic texts and scripture. nusTMial i iiuplc.shcsaid ■ North Main Street restaurant methods." Nagel said. "Lots ily lather than opposition, and by the church, and a double Hie IVi|x's documented siaie- licsnik had similar expert l lot. of rooms have gone to tables loving others rather than simply standard easts menl defining the diunh not as clues witnessing intolerance 6:41 p.m. and chairs." pleaching at them, Catholicism does not condone lesponsHe for liming itsell into of homosexuals in evangelical Subject ' l.vemg Waddle said tallies and Rev Michael (, I laiidurand. these heterosexual behaviors, politics, hut rather lor motivating Protestant churches, and feels individual on Brim chairs provide more work- pastOI ol St Thomas More Dandurand said people spiiiiuallv to lx' actively no church should make homo- and Bishop roads. space and a more accurate Uimcisiix Parish on rhurstin Sexual acts outside of a con- charitable and lining. Remfcsaid sexualit) the most significant 10:44 p.m. sensual monogamous sex in the Though Haupricht and issue they address. portrayal of a professional Vvenue and associale pasta at Subject kicked out of North Mam Dandurand echo the Impor- The ilix isixc- nature of con- workplace. St. Josephs, parish in Mauinee, context of marriage are looked it after he refused to demnation only creates hoslil- Deville said he often sees right- disagreed w itli some ot Resniks upon as sin. regardless ol sexual tance oi love and acceptance .v-irned him fo; il\ and moves BWB) from what ies silting in left-handed desks. conclusions orientation, he said, of all people into the church Jerly conduct. "I guess for rightics it's like lie pointed out his respect lessica Haupricht, a fresh regardless of sexual orientation, licsnik points out as the Ixmom line in lesiis' leaching—love. the handicap stall." Deville for her research and her opin- man who is active in Creed the) feel it's Important to take a W«dn«day cleat position on what is natural said. "It's fun to be in because ion-, hill held linn to his belief on Campus, a Catholic slu- This ixiui nn line is something 1:08 a.m. of all the space until a person in — not all physical desires are deni organization at the and spiritually pure all three believers agree upon. •ned for a wheelchair conies along and : i ly conduct after a verbal

actually needs It." ■

2:30 a.m. and loll the area outside ol the i itiiisiauc e. officers do nave a KICKOFF LITERATURE • 22. of multipurpose room. riglii io nil protesters to leave, ' I fa : ■ ■ PROTEST From Page 1 Vet Wasil said he remains hrsaid From Page 1 le while under the influence From Page 1 unsatisfied with the reason the "ion have a light to speak on Merry Avenue and Summit ■ s license was phonecall saying the protesters protesters were whisked away, out, hut you do not have i Student Steering Committee era to discuss the AIDS epidem- ... were causing a disturbance. since protesters have been light io interrupt a meeting," The planning commit ic through fiction. of his passengers. "It is my understanding thai allowed into political events mi Wiegand said. tee is a group of spirited stu It was these firsts that helped 2:39 a.m. they were being disruptive," campus in the past u.isii also slid he believed drills who are recruited after pave ihe way lor modern-day Sarah M. Webber. 21, of Omore. Wiegand said "We would not "When we sponsored the "free speech /one" should Homecoming and most of the gay literature as well as raise Ohio, was arrested for operating a have responded if we had not [conservative ,iiii\isi David HOI lx' the only place where planning is done in the spring awareness of issues surround- ience, received a complaint" Horowitz's speech ,i lew \rais students could speak freely. semester, Adelman said. ing the gay community. ■ ago, we had campus police on fill Can, assodate dean of The committee has I ins a pioneer in the gay lib- Wiegand. who was not prvscnt failure |na I lorth ai the rally, said ;ui olliiial rvjioM duly for that event and Ihej students .ii the University, told also planned this year's eration movement, said Sharona . Muir. director of the University's was not filed so he could not deter- never made die protesters Ihe lit. News last montii that Homecoming parade. 2:54 a.m. creative writing program. He is mine what specifically caused leave, even when the) were free s|Hm h is allowed anywhere i he i lomecoming parade C ouple reported fighting c i I his lieutenant to ask the CoUegc yelling," he- said. on campus as long as il din's used to be an annual tradi- one ol the people who made il il ton wood Avt i possible lor gay people to I,ilk Republicans to leave the i Hon. Bui Wiegand said the right not interfere with traffic oi block tion, hill I line hasn't hrrn 3:15 a.m. Wiegand said the group did lo lire spree h ends when il entrances into oi oui ol campus one in Bowling Green in about their life stories in an open , A. McGee. 2S. of Bowling comply with the officer's orders becomes disruptive, in thai di buildings. six years. way and without shame. ■ This year, there air 2d stu- While, a native of Ohio, will he ■ ' ; dent organizations, such as sharing pan ol his newest work. liter fighting

Greek .mil athletic groups. Hotel de Dream, with Students ■ GO FALCONS!!! Involved in the parade. and faculty at 7:30 p.m. in I'loui md The grand marshals of Chapel, [be novel focuses on

the parade are llniwisiu Stephen Crane, author of "ihe ■ , they Homecoming Game October 14th President Sidney Ribeau and Red Badge of Courage," and an d the argu- his wile Paula. unfinished novel he had attempt- • I, McGee bit hisex- An important aspect ol ed to write before his death. "ie Bowling (.■• i lomecoming weekend is the "By bringing While here, we are called to the returning ol alumni. showing another aspect of gay cul-

I'eg Schaller, a sec rclaiy ture expressed through beautiful 3:52 a.m. in the Alumni Affairs office, literature," said Nicky Damania, There* m date like..- ■ said mam members of the director of the Univerakys Lesbian, ■ 1956 graduating class plan Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally, I on attending Homecoming Queer/Questioning Resource grabbed a kniff events in celebration of their Center—one of several offices and ■leone. She Homecoming Specials 50th class reunion. departments sponsoring the event walked toward another I According to Schaller, Damania helped coordinate at these Dirino Services Locations! alumni will also he host- White's visit io campus as part she was si arrived, they found it to be a hoax ing a tent that is open lo of the Coming Out Week events J£L everyone who attends the going on through Oct. 20. Homecoming game. I lis IMHIV ol work touches on CffllYS CONVENIENCE STORE $ Kat Fish, a member of much more than the gay cul- CORRECTIONS Homecoming court, thinks ture, however. more alumni will be attend- His literature liberates In a photo caption m yesterdays issue ing the game than usual. everybody, whether vou are gay of The BG News, the hours of operation D 10% OFF 10% OFF "There are a lot of events or straight, male or female, or for Cooper ool were inaccutate. The Chtlv'sC Store Chily's C Store food PucchaM Food Purchase planned lor their organiza- whatever race or religion you pool is open from 9 am to 10 p.m on tions," I ish said. are." Muir said. Saturdays and noon to 10 p.m. on Sundays.


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By Annem.irie Mannion Education and Training mannerisms in associates MCT Council in Washington, D.C. Study Abroad Fair Still, the American School By Gail AppUson "I watched lor years as asso- CHICAGO — If nol sidelined has no plans to drastically MCT ciates came and went. ,inil .is by a broken ankle, (Catherine alter the way it does things. bright and competent as they SACI Faculty Exhibition Adamski might never have Mail bins stacked with exams ST. LOUIS —loan Newman, were, thrv lacked social and studied at the same high are stamped when received a former partner at St. Louis strategic skills," Newman said. Willard Wanlcelman Gallery. Fine school as singers Donny and and then distributed to law firm Thompson Coburn "If an associate doesn't look Arts Center Marie Osmond, tennis star Instructors who specialize in LLP, remembers Interview- and act the pan, the likelihood Andre Agassi, artist lamie specific subjects. ing job candidates on the of his or her success is slim Wyeth, actress Jessica Alba Thirty instructors sit in long campus of a prestigious Newman Bald a light bulb Texas Hold'em Qualifying and teenage fantasy author rows of desks in a large room, law school. She was expect- Went nil in her head late lasi Christopher I'aolini. using red pens to grade exams ing to see the usual How of year and she decided to leave Round 6 The 18-year-old Adamski and make handwritten, person- dark-suited young men and net law career to stan an The Falcon's Nest wanted an alternative to regu- alized comments to students, women, but her jaw dropped "associate training and devel- lar high school and she found it The School was founded in when one male candidate opment" business leaching at the American School, housed Boston on the idea that edu- showed up in shorts. a T-shirt young lawyers everything Festival Series: The 5 in a two-story, brown, brick cation should not be just lor and flip-flops. from where their watei glass building in Lansing, III. the elite The meeting, said Newman, goes to how to work a room Browns There are no ivy, grassy quad, It meant that factory and highlighted the casualness and build relationships. Kobaeker Hall. Moore Musical Arts ANTONIO PEREZ MCI sports fields, stage or even farmworkers, maids and seam- that pervades some young And while some of Center classrooms. Founded in 1897, it MASS CERTIFICATES: Diplomas and stresses should have the same lawyers' lives and their idea Newman's friends questioned is a correspondence school. tassels are sent to students who graduate opportunity to get an educa- of the norm, a view that won't her sanity lor leaving a lucra- The private, nonprofit insti- from the American Conespondence School tion as wealthy people. cut it in the law profession. tive career for such an odd Students for Cultural tution still communicates in Lansing. Illinois "The idea was to bring edu- While new graduates may and risky business, she is on with its approximately 40.0(10 cation to the masses, the work- be savvy about law, they may to something quite big in the Diversity Weekly Meeting students the way it did when cation, which includes online ing masses, who didn't have not have a clue about how to legal Industry 205 Olscamp Hall the telephone and the auto- and correspondence schools, leisure time or money to go dress or act in a profession mobile were new-fangled by about 15 percent a year, to school," said Roberta Allen, that serves high-powered, inventions. It receives and officials said. Students now executive vice president of the conservative clients. returns about 750.000 exams total about 8.5 million. American School. I hey might lx' sporting visi- a year by mail from students "Online learning and its The Armour Institute of ble tattoos, for example. Some who live across the country ubiquitous, cheap and fast Technology (now the Illinois women don't wear hosiery and around the world. technology all provide more Institute of Technology) invited or bras, and some men don't A proliferation of online convenience to adult learners," the school to move to Chicago iron their shirts. Many have no courses has fueled rising said Michael Lambert, execu- in 1902, It relocated from Hyde idea which is their bread plate Open Tuesday - Sundiy 23$ M. Main S*.. enrollment in distance edu- trn direi tor ol the Disutui Park to Lansing in 1996. or bow to make small talk. Hightly SJtecialt fowling Sreen, OH <>M < >rvt <>M "M M <>M <>M < >M <>M < >M Phi Mu News! Student Alumni Connection's Happy Birthday to: THURSDAYS Amanda Copenhavcr - October 2nd Emily Granata - October 9th Freddie & Frieda Ladies Night Congratulations to our newly Pinned Phis! 5K ^wk/CWalk Ladies 18 and up get in free Tiffany Bennett Jessica May all night long Melissa Burden t .mini McGead) Sarah Eckert April Morris Maddie Gillotte Jennifer Schulte Meghan Hunt Beck) Seigneur [essica Kremer Kaiie Thomas Ash Ice Kwapich Mallory Wengatz Martssa Lombard! Jennifer Walker Michelle Massucei Ocl. 141b 9an dt the Sludenl Recrealion Center We love our baby Lions! Visit our table in the Union Welcome to Paradise!!! during Homecoming Week! Only $10.00!

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"I want people to understand that "1 want people to understand POLICE LEFTIES BOUNDARY iliat Catholician is not hateful," From Page 1 From Page 1 Catholicism is not hateful." I laupricht said. BLOTTER Wfe believe all people are made Tutsday left-handed desks and ihey just cal verses most often cited by Jessica Hauprtcbt | Freshman in tlie image of God and deserve 2:35 p.m. don't understand the struggles Christians who oppose homo- acceptance and love Although i reported her vehicle was of being left-handed. sexuality need to be looked at in natural oi acceptable. University, agrees. we believe it is wrong for homo- from Lot 5 Another solution would he to amtext iiftlieciilrt ire atid time, and Dandurand said he affirms "One is not hellei than the sexuals to engage physiaiBy, they 5:08 p.m. 1 get more desks that are sym- tuxkistcxxi as a pan of dx n as sin. regardless of sexual i.ii ue of love and acceptance demnation only creates hostil- leave. Police warned him for disor- ies sitting in left-handed desks. conclusions, orientation, he said of all people into the church ity and moves auay from what derly conduct. "I guess for righties it's like lie pointed out his respect lessica Hauprlcht, a fresh- regardless o) sexual orientation, Resnik points out as the bottom the handicap stall." Deville for her research and her opin- man who is active in Creed tliey feel it's important to take a line III lesUS' teaching—love. Wedn««Uy said. "It's fun to be in because ions, but held firm to his belief on Campus, a Catholic stu- clear position on what is natural This bottom line is something 1:08 a.m. of all the space until a person in — not .ill physical desires are dent organization ai the and spiritually pure. all three believers agree upon. Two male subjects warned for a wheelchair comes along ami disorderly conduct after a verbal actually needs it." altercation at a North Main Street bar. 2:50 a.m. and left die area outside of the cumstance, officers do have a LITERATURE Benjamin C. falknor. 22, of multipurpose room. tight to tell protesters to leave, KICKOFF Beltvue. Ohio, cited for operating PROTEST From Page 1 From Page 1 a vehicle while under the influence From Page 1 Yet Wasil said he remains he said unsatisfied with the reason the "You have a right to speak on Merry Avenue and Summit protesters wen' whisked away out, hut you do not have a Student Steering Committee. ers to discuss the AIDS epidem- Street. His driver's license was phone call saying the protesters confiscated and his vehicle was were causing a disturbance. since protesters have been right to interrupt a meeting," The planning commit- ic through fiction. "It is my understanding that slowed into political events on Wiegand said. tee is a group ol spirited stu- It was these firsts that helped * v one of his passengers. Wasil also said he believed dents who are recruited aftet pave the way for modern-day 2:59 a.m. they were being disruptive," campus in the past Sarah M. Webber. 21, of Elmore. Wiegand said. "We would not 'When we sponsored the "free speech /.one" should i lomecomingand most of the gay literature as well as raise awareness of issues surround- Ohio, was arrested for operating a have responded if we had not [conservative activist] David not lx' the only place where planning is done in the spring vehicle while under the influence, received a complaint." Horowitz's Bpeech a few years students could speak freely. semester, tddman said. ing the gay community. failure to maintain reasonable con- Wiegand who was not present ago, we had campus police on iii Carr, associate dean of The committee has lie is a pioneer In the gay lib- trol and failure to signal on North at the rally, said an official ivpiin duty for ihat event, and they students at the University, told also planned this year's eration movement, said aharona Grove Street. was not filed so he could not deter- never made the protesters The B(i News last month that I lomecoining parade. \luir, director of the University's 2:54 a.m. mine what specifically caused leave, even when they were free speech is slowed anywhere The Homecoming patade creative writing program. He is Couple reported fighting on Pearl his lieutenant to ask the (iiflege wiling," he said on campus as long as it does used to he an annual tradi- one of the people who made it Street and Buttonwood Avenue. Republicans to leave the I tiikm. But Wiegand said ilie lighl not inlcrfere with traffic or block tion, but there hasn't been possible for gay people to talk 5:15 a.m. Wiegand said the group did to free spin h ends when ii entrances into ot out ol campus one in Bowling Green in about their life stories in an open Bradley A. McGee. 2S. of Bowling comply with the officer's orders becomes disruptive In that cir- buildings, six years. way and without shame. Green, was arrested for domestic This year, there are 26stlt- White, a native of Ohio, will be violence, drug abuse and posses- deni organizations, such as sharing part of his newest work. sion of marijuana after fighting Greek and athletic groups. Hotel de Dream, with students with his e»-girlfnend. He w < GO FALCONS!!! involved in the panicle. and faculty at 7:30 p.m. in Prout another woman's residence and The grand marshals of Chapel. The novel focuses on had used his ex-girlfriend's car the parade are University Stephen Crane, author of "The to get there. When she went Homecoming Game October 14th President Sidney Riheau and Red Badge of Courage," and an f the vehicle, they his wife Paula. unfinished novel he had attempt- exchanged words and the argu- ed to write before his death. ment escalated. McGee bit his ex- An important aspect of girlfriend and the Bowling Green I lomecoining weekend is the "By bringing White here, we are Fire Department was called to the returning of alumni. showing another aspect of gay cul- scene to treat her. Peg SChaller, a secretary ture expressed through beautiful 5:52 a.m. Iheres w place like... in the Alumni Allans office, literature," said Nicky Damania, e reported to be stabbed said many members of the director of die University's Lesbian, at a party on Ada Avenue. 1956 graduating class plan Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Ally, Caller stated female subject had on attending Homecoming Queer/Questioning Resource grabbed a knife and said she events in celebration of their Center—one of several offices and was going to stab someone. She Homecoming Specials 50th class reunion. departments sponsoring the event. walked toward another female According to Sclialler. Damania helped coordinate subject and the caller believed at these £>ivim Services Locations] alumni will also be host- Whites visit to campus as part she was stabbed. When officers ing a tent that is open to of the Coming Out Week events arrived, they found it to be a hoax. everyone who attends the going on through Oct. 20. Homecoming game, His body of work touches on $ CfflLYS CONVENIENCE STORE $ Kat Fish, a member of much more than the gay cul- CORRECTIONS Homecoming court, thinks ture, however. more alumni will be attend- "His literature liberates In a pholo caption in yesterday's issue ing the game than usual. everybody, whether you are gay of The BG News, the hours of operation 10% OFF I here are a lot of events or straight, male or female, or for Cooper Pool were inaccurate. The Chily'l C-Store Food Purchase planned for their organiza- whatever race or religion you pool is open from 9 a.m. to 10 pm on tions." Fish said. are," Muir said. Saturdays and noon to 10 pm. on Sundays


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By Aniwmari* M»nnion Education and Training mannerisms in associates MCT Council in Washington, D.C. Study Abroad Fair Still, the American School By Gail AppUlon "I watched for years as asso- CHICAGO — If not sidelined has no plans to drastically MCT ciates came and went, and as by a broken ankle, Katherine alter the way it does things. bright and competent as tnej SACI Faculty Exhibition Adamski might never have Mail bins stacked with exams ST. LOUIS — Joan Newman, were, they lacked social and studied at the same high are stamped when received a former partner at St. Louis strategic skills," Newman said. Willard Wjnkc-lman Gallery. Fir* school as singers Donny and and then distributed to law firm Thompson Coburn "If an associate doesn't look Arts Center Marie Osmond, tennis star instructors who specialize in LLP, remembers interview- and act the pan, the likelihood Andre Agassi, artist lamie specific subjects. ing job candidates on the of his or her success is slim. 6 - 9 p.m. Wyeth, actress Jessica Alba Thirty instructors sit in long campus of a prestigious Newman said a light bulb Texas Hold'em Qualifying and teenage fantasy author rows of desks in a large room, law school. She was expect- went off in her head late fast Christopher Paolini. using red pens to grade exams ing to see the usual flow of year and she decided to leave Round 6 The 18-year-old Adamski and make handwritten, person- dark-suited young men and her law career to start an The Falcon's Nest wanted an alternative to regu- alized comments to students. women, but her jaw dropped "associate training and devel- lar high school and she found it The school was founded in when one male candidate opment" business teaching at the American School, housed Boston on the idea that edu- showed up in shorts, aT-shirt young lawyers everything Festival Series: The 5 in a two-story, brown, brick cation should not be just for and flip-flops. from where their water glass building in Lansing, 111. the elite. The meeting, said Newman, goes to how to work a room Browns There are no ivy, grassy quad, It meant that factory and highlighted the casualncss and build relationships. Kobacker Hall. Moore Musical Arts sports fields, stage or even MIT0NI0 WSEZ i MCI farmworkers, maids and seam- that pervades some young And while some of Center classrooms. Founded in 1897, it MASS CERTIFICATES: Diplomas and stresses should have the same lawyers' lives and their idea Newman's friends questioned is a correspondence school. tassels are sent to students who graduate opportunity to get an educa- of the norm, a view that won't her sanity for leaving a Ilk n The private, nonprofit insti- from the American Correspondence School tion as wealthy people. cut it in the law profession. tive career tin such an odd tution still communicates in Lansing. Illinois. "The idea was to bring edu- While new graduates may and risky business, she is on Students for Cultural with its approximately 40,00(1 cation to the masses, the work- be savvy about law. they may to something quite Ug In the Diversity Weekly Meeting students the way it did when cation, which includes online ing masses, who didn't have not haw a clue about how to legal industry. 205 Olscamp Hall the telephone and the auto- and correspondence schools, leisure time or money to go dress or act in a profession mobile were new-fangled by about 15 percent a year, to school," said Roberta Allen, that serves high-powered, inventions. It receives and officials said. Students now executive vice president of the conservative clients. returns about 750,000 exams total about 8.5 million. American School. I ney might be sporting visi- a year by mail from students "Online learning and its The Armour Institute of ble tattoos, for example. Some who live across the country ubiquitous, cheap and fast Technology (now the Illinois women don't wear hosiery and around the world. technology all provide more Institute ofTechnology) invited or bras, and some men don't A proliferation of online convenience to adult learners," the school to move to Chicago iron their shins. Many have no courses has fueled rising said Michael Lambert, execu- in 1902. It relocated from Hyde idea which is their bread plate enrollment in distance edu- tive director of the Distance Park to Lansing in 1996. or how to make small talk.

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- Barbara Streisand to a Madison Square Garden concert audience, responding to

the crowd's booing of her lengthy anti-Bush skit OPINION Thursday. October 12.2006 4

PEOPLE ON it STREET How do you feel about public smoking being potentially banned by the state government?

"I don't think that it's "It kills businesses. "I think it's fabulous" "I don't think they VISIT US AT completely necessary." BGNEWS.COM Designated smoking should change I* Have your own take on areas were fine the the law." today's People On The way they were" Street7 Or a suggestion for KIRSTENJANECKO. VALERIE COHOVER. DAN KENYON. a question? Give us your Freshman. International JOSH HAMILTON. Junior. Theater Freshman. Digital Arts feedback at Sentor. Vocal Performance Business

Politics in America suck. chairs and makes us stand up We have no leaders; we- have and cheer. ©7<8 WSWK^ self-serving, egotistical gasbags We sec Stephen Colbert at the who couldn't find the- pulse of the White I louse Correspondent's American people with a medical Din net. full of vitriol and truth, ' OPINION COLUMNIST textbook and a stethoscope speaking with a passion never We have a Speaker of t he I louse before seen on C-SPAN. who knew about improper rela- We see Ion Stewart breaking tionships between (iongressmen down before the cameras on his and pages and said nothing. first show following!)/! 1, full of the- Voting for We have Democrats who. raw, empassioned honesty that we years into an imperialist war as a people so needed but no politi- the truth going nowhere, could not man- cian could manage. age to win a presidential election We see him on Crossfire, because Republicans are so big, demanding that the media stand in 2008 mean and scary. up and become accountable for I ,IM week I wrote a column on their failure to fulfill their role Stewart/Colbert '08 bashers, I'm torture because thai Issue is up for as the fourth Estate. But some- putting you on notice. debate now. people think supporters of Ion A quick glance at my I -'ace-hook I had to talk about how denying Stewart and Stephen Colbert need profile will reveal what regular basic human rights is a bad thing. to learn the place of these social readers of my column have likely In America. commentators. already surmised: lam an ardent So I weep because if you care This just in... everyone he-longs supporter of the Stewart/Colbert about politics and pay attention in the political arena. No one 08 phenomenon. to it for any length of time, that is should be excluded, least of all While some think that support- what you are often forced to do. those who obviously have so much ers of the ticket are deluded and And alter I am done weeping. to contribute. need to be more serious about real' I put in a DVD ofThe West Wing Stewart said in a recent interview politics, I think that, like the shows Season 3, and I watch how politics (hat. "Nothing says 'I am ashamed themselves, the ideas behind in this country should be-. government' more I nan Stewart/Colbert ticket run deeper Those who pay any attention to Stewart/Colbert '08." than they first appear. our democratic process may like- I lend lo agree with him. I In-long to no political party, one candidate better than oth- We need genuine leadership, and but I will always he- a West Wing ers, but there are no real heroes In as the politicking of the midterms Democrat. American politics today. hits its apex, I am not especially I here are- thousands, perhaps Most people in my generation hopeful for the next two years. millions ofus out there who, have never been riveted or inspired So please, do not make a mock- placing our hands in our pockets by a politician; we have nevei seen en nt my escape. and looking off into the distance one we wanted to emulate. dive me a reason to have hope with steadfast resolve, slate, Report after report states that fot iln-future. "Joslah Bartlel will always be my there continues to be a decline in Instead of jeering at an obviously President" Why? the numbers or students seeking lanciful presidential ticket, do sour Why would a fictional presi- jobs In public service, and volun- part to create a passionate political dent have such a following? teering is declining. environment that eliminates the Simple. Politics in the nonfiction This might just lie the reason why. need for il in the first place. America suck. \nd SO One day we- are- Hipping It's not like- me to he so casu- through the channels and see a

MATTMAUK . 3G NEWS ILLUSTRATOR ally dismissive; 1 tend to see many miracle: a political speech that Send comments to Jason iamb at sides to all issues, but not this time. simultaneously glues us to our lepion@bqsuedu

complaint Bled to the I ( C: "Use ment show. I also did not see Ohio" campaign which conve- hand smoke at an even greater of the broadcast spectrum is any problems when Arnold niently sounds like the "Smoke rate than they are now. granted as a public trust It is appeared on the show during I uv( )hio" campaign, thespon Being exposed to secondhand not to lx- use-d to favor certain the -003 recall election where all sors of Issue 5. smoke is extremely dangerous. candidates." 135 recall candidates expressed This was done on purpose: especially at the rate we would its ridiculous to think dial by their ideas for California, griping when il comes time to vote, the lx- exposed if Issue 4 was to having \rnoldonhisshow. |a\ and screaming out their ideas smoking companies ate hoping pass. Smoking is an unhealthy I eno is giving Schwarzenegger a simultaneously so as lo exclude you will gel confused and vote habit There is no way around political edge In the election. Arnold's voice. for both these issues when it it. I Exposure to cigarette smoke- Democrats After all. people do not geiier- I could sir (his being a prob- Get more comes time to punch the bullet. is a health risk. II Issue-4 passed. all- watch Hie lonighl Show lem if Arnold were to appear Voting "yes" for IHIIII these people would be coming home fot political talk and candidate on a serious, politically focused Issues, even (hough il sounds with cancerous tumors related to continue in Information. I didn't see any show instead of a comedic, smoke when intelligent, is just what the smok- secondhand smoke rather than 0l the usual suspects like lohn satirical romp like "The Tonight ing companies want. According the rank cigarette Stench on our Kerrj and Bill Clinton complain- Show." Kin he's on a satirical to, if both issues clothing we have become accus- deception ing ahum this Becerra's absurd program where people want you smoke less are passed, Issue 4!tconstitution- tomed too claims boil clown to nothing nothing more than to IK- enter- al amendment would supersede Instead of seeing (hose we l.i\ I eno is getting some heat more than a weak attack by tained. Period. It's (hat time again people: voting Issue 55 law and could not be love die young from secondhand this week from Democrats I inline i,us vi ho fed threatened The Democrats, like fragile, season. TVs are filled with ads reversed unless another amend- smoke, why not an smoking in claiming he is violating FCC when a Republican candidate pubescent infants are crying as if hashing candidates, signs go up ment to the constitution was public places completely? Issue 5 roles, leini is having Gov goes on a program like'' [he they waul more milk before their in from yards supporting differ- made. That means we'd be stuck promises to do just that li elimi- Arnold Schwarzenegger this Tonight Show." When lohn Kerry diaper change. You can tell bow ent subjects and newspapers with ibis law for quite some time nates die health risks white still Wednesday, which is creating appeared on Leno's program he Dcmocrais in California are get- are filled with highly credited if passed. keeping citizens personal rights controversy when Its so dose to focused on politics and also criti- ting worried liccause they're fil- spokesmen idling us which way On top of thai, lacob I wans, in mind. People would still be election lime. cized the- president by inciting ing complaints on a non-politi- we should cast our voles on the president of Smoke I ess Ohio, permitted to smoke at work; they us. Rep Xavier Becerra,a hide commentary such as. "get cal show, which just shows a sign issues surrounding Ohio. is blatantly lying to die public. would just have to go outside. Democrat from Los Angeles. olt your high horse." of weakness. Although many of the issues According to an article Evans [he same goes for public says I eno is violating the Equal It seems hard to believe that The reason why Democrats brought to ()hi<> this year have wrote defending Issue 4, he- restaurants. It's true that diere Time Provision which states even the I Inline rats, while are freaking out aboul Arnold's captured my attention, Issues 4 claims the issue is "a reasonable- would be no more smoking sec- that any broadcast station that almost always disingenuous, appearance- is because the and 5 really have me riled up. approach to meeting the needs tions inside the- restaurant but at puts a candidate on a show lias could believe their assertions Democrats know thai this is their Issue 4 plans on prohibiting of Ohioans lo protect non-smok- least no one will be bothered by to gi\ e equal time to the oilier are valid this time. I definitely last chance at trying to get their banning smoking in most public ers from secondhand smoke' die stench of tobacco just out- candidates in thai election.The didn'i see Republicans filing candidates elected in prepara- places white Issue 5 would ban Evans asserts that the issue side die front doors of the facility. rule also doesn't apply to news complaints about equal airtiine tion for the 2008 presidential smoking in most employment would keep non smoking adults Issue 5 doesn't only address programs, documental it's and when Kerry came on, and that elcciion. I think liiiswholeLeno places, including Ixirs. bowling and children out of areas where the issue of smoking but also Interview shows when the candi- election had higher slakes than a fiasco is just another way to try alleys and restaurants. smoking would IK- allowed: takes into account the environ- date isn't the main focus. gubernatorial election. to attack lie-publican candidates Unlike some people, 1 am mainly Ixirs, bowling alleys, ment of die non-smoker. It deals (tat Schwarzenegger is run- And this didn't seem to influ- and lo get their own candidates I (X) percent in favor of passing bingo halls and restaurants. with the ever growing issue of ning against state treasurer ence \uters either since Kerry noticed in the news. Issue 5. This bill will cm back on I'm not sure if Evans has never secondhand smoke without tak- Phil Angdides for governor of still lost the election because people's unhealthy habits and left the solitude of his home or is ing away the personal rights of California people did not remember what Send cemments to Alan Cakatena at limit the amount of secondhand merely playing dumb but some the smoker. Becerra wrote this in the In- said on soineenlenein- acakapMjgsuedu smoke consuming our environ- of the most frequented places for There are no hidden messages ment. This issue deserves to pass families are most of the places I and confusing terms within its not only because it's clearly the just noted above. Non smoking objectives, unlike- its competitor, healthier choice, but because its families enjoy eating out with Issue 4. So when il comes time FIND OUT WHAT BGNEWS.COM HAS TO OFFER YOU! competitor, Issue 4, is filled with each other all the time, often in to pick u side come November completely ridiculous evidence TOP NEWS STORIES EMAIL EDITION MULTIMEDIA HOUSING GUIDE restaurants; teenagers and even 7, remember to be "Smoke Free" The site is updated dailv To busy to hi( a news- Voice your opinion with Check out the off campus and reasons for passing. college Students congregate at not "Smoke Less." with stones Irom the stand? Get The BG our weekly poll question housing guide at bgnews/ First of all, Issue 4 is proposed bowling alleys on the weekends. paper and online extras New* in your e-mail on our homepage. housing by the smoking companies. It's If this issue is passed, nonsmok- Send comments to Krisen Vasas at sponsored by the "Smoke Less ers would be exposed to second- knstevQbgsuedu

LAREN WEBER. EXECUTIVE EDITOR ANDREA SLIVKA. MANAGING EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy CANDICE JONES. CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR aic POLICIES: Letters lo (he Editor E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an THE BG NEWS LISA HALVERSTADT, CITY NEWS EDITOR (o be fewer than 500 words These and Guest Columns are printed attachment to th«news@bgnews. HOLLY ABRAMS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ALISON KEMP. FEATURES EDITOR are usually in response to a current as space on the Opinion Page com with the subject line marked DAVE HERRERA. IN FOCUS EDITOR issue on the University's campus or permits Additional Letters to the "Letter to the Editor' or "Gues( the Bowling Green area. Editor or Guest Columns may be Column" Only e-mailed letters 210 West Hall AMANDA HOOVER. OPINION EDITOR published online. Name, year and and columns will be considered for Bowling Green State University RYAN AUTULL0. COPY CHIEF GUEST COLUMNS are longer phone number should be included priming. All letters are subject to Bowling Green, Ohio 434031 Phone: (419) 372-6966 JOHN TURNER, SPORTS EDITOR pieces between 400 and 500 words lor verification purposes. Personal review for length and clarity before These are usually also in response attacks, unverified information or priming. E-mail: [email protected] CHELCI HOWARD. PULSE EDITOR lo a currenl issue on the University's anonymous submissions will not be BRANDON HEISS, PHOTO EDITOR Web site: campus or the Bowling Green area primed Opinion columns do not necessarily RACHEL GREENFIELD. DESIGN EDITOR The maximum number of submis- Advertising: 204 West Hall | Phone: (419) 372-2606 reflect the view of The BG News BRANDON NOBLE. ONLINE EDITOR sions for columns is two per month WWWBGNEWS.COM STATE Thursday. October 12.2006 5 Law Students fight "cocaine" use Attorney blames nakedness on looniness

HAMILTON, Ohio (AP)—The lar disorder and is on medic a tified 88 Blauvelt in a building attorney for a city prosecu- lion lor seizures. thai houses county offices the 01.i;Vi;i.AND (AP)—Cleveland will not turn you into that tor charged with public inde- "Scott hlauvclt is an American night of Oct. T>, sheriffs Maj Slale University law students Creepy, penniless, guy who is cency blames his behavior on with a disability,''he said. Anthony Dwyet said. I'he night are helping an anti-drug group mumbling incoherently while mental illness. City officials will decide before, security video had cap fighl a company's attempt to walking through town but that Scott Hlauvclt. 35, who was whether to discipline him for tured Blauvell naked in tin area trademark "Cocaine," an ener- use of the controlled substance charged with two counts of violating rules of conduct. I le's of the building, where cit) offlc gy drink being marketed to very well might. In other words, public indecency after allegedly on paid administrative leave esare kx ated, he said. young people. you understand (he difference seen on security cameras walk- from a job that pays S70.000 The indecency charge cat The five students and their between an energy drink and ing around naked, was seriously a year. lies a sentence oi up to a month professor, Mickey Davis, on a controlled substance," the injured in a 2X105 car accident. Hamilton Law Director in jail and $250 fine Tuesday filed an opposition site's message said. "However, I le also suffers from mental Hillary Stevenson saidTuesda) Blauvelt had been treated with the U.S. Trademark Trial il you don't please seek help illness and is on medication she was not able to talk about lor mental illness before the and Appeal Board. immediately." for seizures, said his attorney. issues related to lilatn ell's men- cat ait idem, and had recent After taking written testi- Sin e us September launch, Michael (imoscr. tal health. I) resumed taking anti-sei- mony, the hoard could decide Cocaine has been criticized In a preliminary hearing yes- Blauvelt was arrested zure medication, Gmoser whether to grant the trademark by anti-drug groups because terday Gmoser said his client Monday. A guard monitoring said, lie said Blauvelt's wife next year. the drink is being touted on was seriously injured in a 2005 a security camera spotted a recently miscarried, adding Redux Beverages LI.C of and other places car accident, suffers from bipo- naked man Investigators iden- to his stress. Las Vegas and its co-founder, as "the legal alternative" to the lames Kirby, are using Cocaine Illegal drug cocaine, as the name for the new caf- II its trademark application feine-rich, high-sugar soft is granted, other soft drink drink, which is being sold at companies could no) use the bars anil stores, mostly in New- Cocaine name lor their prod- edicaid callers referred to sex operator York and California. ucts. II not, Redux could still Kirby's application already use [he Cocaine name, hut so COLUMBUS. Ohio (AP) — The system since Oct. 4. handicapped people and he was has been given preliminary could competitors. Ohio Department of lob and i'he mistake went unnoticed (tilling the Information line to approval. A 30-day pub- The idea to file the opposition family Services said it has cor- until Dan Phibbs of Jamestown get a federal identifier numbei lic comment period opened came from second-year law stu- rected an error in the voicemail complained thai he called the for her. Tuesday. If unopposed, trade- dent Matthew I lelaney.whosaw system on the state's loll lice phone number and was referred Allen said phone Bex opera marks are granted. a headline about the drink. Medicaid line that referred call- through the voicemail s\siem tors often squat on unoccupied I he law students had their "I'm a parent of teenagers, it ers to the number for a phone to the number lor a phone sex (too numbers, so If one digit in PHOTO FROM D* ■' opposition ready and on behalf really bothers me," said student sex business. operator. any of the department's phone of the Progressive Intellectual Angela Simmons. "Plus, it's in a I'he problem stemmed from a "I thought it's pretty poor that numbers is wrong, callers could Property Law Association and the drink's Web site, drink- Held I'm interested in." typo In die voicemail script and you're calling to find out some- mistaken!) get a phone sex line Americans for Drug Free Youth the company It's unusual for organizations was corrected Tuesday, spokes- thing about your livelihood Allen said a representative Inc.. claimed the trademark is accuses the media for mak- to claim harm from a trade man )on Allen said. The incor- and you get that," Phibbs said. from the department called immoral and scandalous, which ing the name an issue and mark on the public's behalf, said rect number bad been in the Phibbs' Wife provides care lot Phibbs to apologize. is against federal law. says it believes kids are smart Meredith Wilkes, a trademark Redux and Kirby have 40 days enough to know the energj attorney at Cleveland law firm to respond. drink is not an illegal drug. Jones Day. typically, trade- Messages were left for "We believe thai you realize mark opposition is competitors, Kirby and his company. On that drinking an energy drink Wilkes said. Underwater crime scene investigator retires

Ernie POM CLINTON, Ohio (API — Washington was ever asked to find was a false Ernie Washington does his work tooth. A man who knew his Rape "victim" convicted of sexual assault for tile Ottawa Count) Sheriff's former diver (or, wife asked him to find the tooth office with his eyes closed. the Ottawa County dropiMtl into a river. I le found ii Washington, 80, is retiring Sheriff under some rocks. COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — A "With all respect to She told the judge that she is from his Job as a diver who helps "It's dumb luck, there was no woman who gained national trying to become a better person. deputies investigate underwater skill Involved," be said" I hat was notoriety for writing a book "With till respect to you, there is a crime scenes Washington is retiring from just luck." about being raped, then aban- you, there is a judge judge we till have to stand before "When your eyes are shut, till of the sheriff's office Underwater Some of his finds such doning her new born in a college we all have to stand sometime," she said. your concentration goes to your Rescue & Recover) leant so as anchors — are now in the trash bin has been sentenced Davis confessed to clear her lingers." he said. that he and his wife, Anne, can Sandusk) Maritime Museum to prison for being the rapist in conscience and claimed the sis Plus, the water is usually too move to Seattle to be with their and til area businesses. the case. before sometime." was consensual, defense tutor dark to see anything. daughter. Alter retiring from a telephone Iwyana Davis. 30, claimed in ^ Davis | Co> . nej Byron Potts said. Me blamed Most of his diving for the Diving has been his hobb) company, Washington was called 1995 that she had been raped, her actions on a poor upbringing sheriffs department over the since 1959. Washington visited to help retrieve items from a boat appeared on television slums to in Common Pleas Court to in to and abuse when she was a child. last Z\ years has involved lake Erie frequently to salvage that sunk. tell her story. 25 years in prison on a charge In November 1995, Davis left searching for bodies. items from walked boats. Ottawa Count) Sheriff's depu- She also formed a nonprofit of rape. She had confessed to bet daughter in a trash bin at "It's something you don't want 'It's lunilTu'got something In ly sgt. led 1 Ikkman.who iecend) group turned to prevent teen havinga sexual relationship u itti Ohio Dominican College, where to do, you don't like to do, hut look for," he said. "I love to try to stepped down as commander pregnancies and provide alter- ,i 12 yeai old cousin, leading to she was a student, the baby you do it because its necessary" find things." of the underwater team, heiixtl natives for young mothers who her unwanted pregnancy. survived. Davis was caught and he said. 'IhestrangestthingWashington Itemize the inventory didn't want to keep their babies. Indge Michael I. Holbrook convicted of child endangering. But she also was harboring a lalieled her a sexual predator and She then wrote I he book secret: She wasn't raped. She was also fined her $10,000. Davis suc- Sacred Womb" and formed the rapist, I ranklin County pros- cessfully manipulated the s\s the group. Second Chance oi ecutors said. tern to her advantage titter the Life, leading to appearances on Davis was sentenced Tuesday crime, Holbrook said Oprah and 20/20. 20O6 TIRE SA1E

BRAKES i) OIL CHANGE homecoming H O VC I. I N G GREEN s I A 'II I' N I V I « \ I It ^^ V«tg«dilSJ3.8«liKW $<

On ANY 4 Michelin Tires with Tire Rotation ON ANY I 9WM; tWJO: •> loWM incinrf.d , . G«t ■ JM rtoitt wfitn you buy a *M of 4 MKMITnmi em..**,i Brake Service i fnciu4*a FREE Inspection i or hght truck t*M Ofttt end* tooo Hurry In and >ai homecoming parade

WE WELCOME COMPANY CARS & NATIONAL ACCOUNTS FREESHUTTLE "HSHI i*tooet m nor TMW M*VKI •MMunao INCLUDES SATURDAY, OCT. 14 TO & FROM Chassis Luba AND BGSU CAMPUS FREE 10 A.M., WEST SIDE •SSSSJW0 SflWCF CflYTBK £ Fluid Top-off*' I South Main Str»«t - AcntM from ALDI Foods ■•twoon Chaniei OF CAMPUS Find more coupons and details about NitroMax, visit RENEW THIS HOMECOMING TRADITION! Bowen-Thompson Student Union presents... Line the streets to cheer on BGSU students, VIP's and organizations as well Ohio Elections 2006 as Bowling Green community members Start: * The candidates... South College Avenue and Scott Hamilton * The Issues... Avenue in Parking Lot #15 by WBGU-PBS The Impact. Route: t I rv • *'lhi The parade will begin in Lot #15 Join rnc Discussion: Turn right (north) onto Troup Avenue Monday, October 16, 2006 Left (west) onto Clough Street Right (north) onto Manville Avenue Student Union Theater /Tnurstin Avenue Room 206 @ 6 PM Right (east) onto Ridge Street Left north) onto North College Drive Left (west) into Commuter Lot #7

Discuss End: North College Avenue and East Merry in Jack Ford, Former Mayor or Toledo Commuter Parking Lot #7

Dr. Melissa Miller, Political Science Professor THEME: "There's no place like home" ■ OWIN-THOMPSON O'clock STUDENT UNION : Visit for details 6 iy.OclotKifl2.2006 Election 2006 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

Foley's candidacy isn't over quite yet Election poll THEBGNEWS SUDOKU By Brian Skoloff er has become .1 strong con- when the filing was made to the 8 Tbe Associated Press icndt'r. partly because Foley's I ciliial I lections Commission. released name will remain mi the halim iciley was considered Ukelj to even though his replacement be re-elected easily until his (AP)—The Associated Press- 5 6 WESl PAI \l HI \< II. Ila. — will receive those votes, 1 he sexually explicit internet mes- Pew Research Centei poll on National Republicans haven'i replacement, state Hep. |oe sages i" teenage male House public attitudes about the given up mi former Hep Mark Negron, lias |ust under five pages were publicized upcoming midterm elet 1 6 9 2 Foley's district, recent!) spend weeks to campaign. Mahoneys campaign notes tions. whether people are inn $244,300 in! television ads The National Republican that the group has committed more motivated to vote than attacking Democratic hopeful CongressionalCommJtteespeni 10 spend another $690,000 by in previous midterm elec 7 9 3 5 1 l ini Mahoney. the money between 1 oley's res- reserving air tirne through dons and which party is most The Democratic newcom ignation Sept. 29 and Oct. I". Nov. 7. motivated was conducted hy Princeton Survey Research 6 5 8 2 \sscic iales International from Sept. 21 through Oct 4 7 •I and is based on telephone interviews with I,HOT adults, including 1,503 registered 1 9 4 6 2 3 voters, from all states except Alaska and I lawaii. Hesults weie weighted to 8 5 2 9 represent the population hy demographic factors Including sex, age, educa 2 1 lion, race, region and popu- —— lation density. SUDOKO t S L I 6 8 9 E I No more than one lime To play: Complete the grid 9 6 I I L E 5 8 P in 20 should chance cm.! so that every row. column E 8 I S 9 » 6 L I tions in the sample cause the and every 3x3 box contains results lo \ai\ In moie than 5 L P 9 E 6 I I 8 plus in minus :; percentage the digits 1 to 9There is no 6 c E 8 I L 17 S 9 guessing or math involved. points from the answers l 9 8 E 6 L would be obtained ii all pen Just use logic to solve I t> 6 E 8 9 L I S pie in I he U.S. were polled — for the entire1 sample and 8 £ 9 L S I I t 6 for registered voters. L I S 6 ► I 8 9 £ There are other sources of potential error in polls. Including the wording and Create and solve your DAVID K0HI order ol questions. Hesults SHAKING ON IT: ! date Kenneth Blackwell. left, shakes hands with Democratic opponent Ted Sin, I may nol total too percent Sudoku puzzles lor FREE. ■ .Vednesday. Oct 4.2006 because ol rounding. \n "X" signifies less than I percent. "»*»" Mmandi*ln prizes at (Among Reqacccd \bters) PRJZESUDOKUCOM Hawmidltroj^*'. ^k>*^tocAlctal.c^.■■ Governor showdown ■ Qur.ealot.51rx«cr*i 1994 44) ■ Some.4pncB»(e*V0,- Crowds come out for Laura Bush COLUMBUS VP] Hie cam debate, which had been tenta- paths in the lobb) ol a hotel ■ OrtyalltMOc paigos nt Republican Ken tive!) scheduled for Monday in where both spoke ataconference 1994-50) By Dan Sewcll lo raise money lor Republican Blackwell and Derhocrai Ted Columbus. The fourth debate on work force development. ■ ' ■ ■ Senate candidate Boh Corker. Strickland said thev hkilv will would he the final one before Will I sec von on Monday?" Octobo 19944) Site planned to he in Indiana debate for a fourth time in the the Nov. 7 election. Blackwell said. (GAp 1994 rc-Jts r parentheses) and Missouri on Thursday for ran- for governor. The race is drawing national Strickland replied that the two Thinking dboutlK'i t INCINNATI lama Hush, a t,( II'candidates. "We are continuing discus attention hecause the winner's would have to talk about it. at tons ihat well* held tl»sN . populai i ampaign-booster lor Party officials say she has sinus in Finalize details In party carries an edge Into the which point Blackwell turned compared to previous ck1' Republicans at ross the conn raised nearly S14 million for nexl week's debate," Strickland 2008 presidential election. and walked away. more enthusiastic about von in. began a four-state suing Republican candidates for the spokesman Keith Dalley said. Ohio gave Hush the electoral Democrats are trying to usual.«less entii: yesterdaj with a fundraiser Nov. 7 election. And Mrs. Hush's Blackwell spokesman ( arlo votes he needed ten re dec linn wrest control oi the state's high- ■ Mae.i9peicerl(earr,ata. lor an Ohio congressman in a \isils USUaDy don't cany the bag- LoParo agreed. in 2004. est office from the Republicans, ■ less.J6p«wnt(c-« heated ic clci lion battle. gage ol the presidents sagging I he two candidates have Blackwell, trailing In recent who have held the office fol ■ Same (volunteer," \iiei helping raise some approval ratings. debated three times but have pulls, approached Strickland Hi years bul are plagued by October 1994-20) SI70.IKKI at a luncheon loi si\ "Everybody respects and struggled to find a sponsor about the potential debate on unpopular administration and ■ Donllnow/ielused(volun term Rep Steve Chabot, Mis. admires her," Said H.G "liuck" and agree to details ul a fourth fuesda) when the two crossed ethics scandals. percent (eaily ( Mush headed In Knoxville, Ic-nn.. \ieholl. SU sJ VICE Win "X-Box 360" through University Dining Services & Pepsi homecoming n O W I. I ! S T A r I 1 \ 1 \ I « M "> ^^ Register to Win u Chance to Compete in the "X-Box 360" Football Challenge.

Program: Register al I nivcrsity Dining Service locations across campus during October 2nd thru (Jctober ll)th for a chance to partici- pep rally & pate in the "X-Box 360 Football Challenge. royalty crowning • The Falcon^ Nest at the Bowen-Thornpsoii Student Union • Zza's • The Black Swamp Pub FRIDAY, • C'hily's Express Convenience Store • . Neighborhood Deli (3 Commons OCT. 13 • The Buffel a ('ominous Anderson Arena, • Kreischer SunDial Memorial Hall - 6:30 p.m. • Shadows Free T-Shirts to the First 100 People • McDonald Dining Center • Mac's Pizzeria Fun Games and Prizes • Temptations Convenience Store Hear from Coach Brandon and help • Founders Dining Center • K. ravings cheer on our athletic teams • Destinations Snack Bar and Convenience Stoic

Sixteen (16) contestants and four (4) alternates will be drawn from University Dining Service locations for a chance to win fabulous Pepsi prizes. The prizes include Best Buy Gift cards, iPod Nano's, a Television, and more. The grand prize will be an X-Box 360.

Contestants will be seeded in a Bracket format with each contestant competing in a single game timed elimination tournament.

"X-Box M>H" Football < hallenge will be held (Ictober 26th at 7:00pm in the Falcons Ncsl at the Bowcn-Thompson Student Union. II Innen will hi' notified by phone ami email. in No Purchase Seeesstuy in Register SPORT .■ - • ■ . " 7 SIDELINES Falcons claim fourth it singles title

By Andrew Harnar BG was going lo win a title." Reporter Menoff said Both players advanced after The BG women's tennis team strong performances in the quar- had two of its players in the tern nal and semifinal rounds. singles final at Northwestern BabinatoppedUrC'sChristina TRACK CLUB Universit- s H'lldcal Invitational Ouin 16-0, 7-51 in the quarterfi- this past weekend. nals and bested Indiana States Team looking for "I was very pleased with Maria Caujolle (6-3.3-6, 6-3) in everyone — we competed hard her semifinals match. new members and we were right t here with t he Menoff heat two Big fen There will be a Track Club tough competition." said coach t onference opponents to Penny Dean. "It was a long but advance to the championship informational meeting today productive three days." round, she beat Wisconsin's at 8:00 p.m. in the Perry Sophomore Stefanie Menoff Erin lobe in straight sets in Field house meeting room. defeated freshman Katia the quarterfinals and defeated The BG Track Club meets to Uabina (6-0, 6-4) in the fourth MSU's Marianne Helens l< : flight championship match on 6-0) in the semifinals. practice at 5:15 p.m. at the Sunday to finish her tourna- Menoff remained undefeated track and all are welcome to ment at a perfect 4-0. in singles matches with her four attend and compete. "You want both of them to victories this weekend. win," Dean said. "You really "I haven't really thought can't coach them or don't feel about Hieing undefeated), but MLB like you can since they're play- now that 1 think about it. It's ing each other. But on the other pretty cool to be undefeated," Pitcher dies after hand, I was very proud of both Menoff said. collision with New of them. They both had to play For Menoff. this was her York sky scraper such competitive, hard matches second singles title of the sea to get to the finals." son. She won the sixth flight Cory Lidle (above) had a For Menoff, the final match of the BGSI1 Invitational in love for both aviation and against her teammate was an September alter losing only three games in her qualifj baseball. Read more on page Interesting situation. "It was strange playing katia, ing matches. She beat Xavier eight but it was exciting because no matter which way it went See TENNIS | Page 8 OUR CALL On the way up Walker shoots historic Sean Payton: One of a handful of first- year coaches in the round in losing e ffort NFL who seeming-. ly can do now wrong Payton By Ryan Bart less of the adversity they nun has been instrumental in the Repotte have faced. "YOU cant use that as an early success of the New While many students were excuse," Winger said. Were Orleans Saints. relaxing at home or on campus going to have to go away to new for fall break, the golf team took courses and the new guvs are On the way down BRANDON MISS a trip to Indiana to compete in going to have to learn." Rod Marinelli: A first-year STRIKING EARLY: George Davis, pictured here playing against Ohio Slate, got the Falcons on the board early this weekend Ball State's Earl Yestingmeier III-MII -Spathell and tilt-rest ol coach of the Lions. Invitational. The trip wasn't as the team are taking full respon- successful as the team would sibility for the poor performance Marinelli is still have liked though, as they fin- — no excuses. Spathelfknewhe in search of win ished Kith in a field of 17 and would be expected to lead this number one. Then again, not shot 884 ill 54 holes. group of young guys in this tour- Coach Garry Winger refuses nament and was disappointed even Vince Lombardi could to allow the lack of experience or that he didn't do as well as he save the Lions at this point. Falling short unfamiliarity of the particular had planned. course to be an excuse for the Spathell had the most experi- The List team's poor performance. Three ence of the Falcon golfers that By Bill Bor dcwick "We did well in the I he Falcons had a few good of the five golfers had never seen day and was one of the two that Cory Lidle's crash is another Reporter scoring chances in the sec- the course before the invitation- had seen the course before. sad chapter in a history of second half. We did ond half, but those chances al, which may have contributed It wasn't the weather, the athletes in plane crashes. lii their second-to-Iasi home were cut short when the team to the high scores. Two of the weather was perfect," Spathelf game of the season, men's 80C- felt it could not get a call from golfers have not had much play- said. "We just didn't play well. Here are five of the most pretty much (ii came out with one of their the referee. On two occasions. ing experience this year prior to simple as that." notable cases: better efforts in front of the everything but BG had scoring opportuni- this invitational. BG was fresh oil a strong per- home fans, but it was not good ties when players were taken Scott Blackburn and liussell formance at Xavier, finishing 1. Payne Stewart enough as the University ol score." down In the box but no call Goodwin got some valuable under par for the first time this (below): Crash occurred Buffalo heat the Falcons 2-1. was made. experience they hope will help year, but was unable to carry Forward George Davis got ompson | BC Mthough the team suffered the team later, but they were that into this tournament. shortly after his U.S. Open the Falcons off to a good start The equalizer for Clarke was its 10th defeat ol the season. unfamiliar with the course and "It's a little bit of a wake up win nearly seven years ago (wo and a half minutes into his team leading sixth goal on Thompson felt his team played didn't perform as well as they call, we finally bail some decent 2. Brook Berringer: the game as he connected for the season. well enough to win. expected. Winger still expected a goal to heat Hulls goalkeeper The score would remain I his is definitely the type the team to perform well regard- See GOLF [Page 8 One decade ago. this Daniel Hell. tied for about 20 minutes, of effort we are looking for," Nebraska quarterback "I saw a gap in the defensi until the Hulls connected foi Thompson said. "It took our |K llustin Kim played a good the game winner in the 28th younger guys a little while to crashed the small plane he ball and I just got to it before minute. Dan Stevens took a figure it out. I think this was BG students make the difference was piloting two days short the keeper and I knew if I pass front Knapp from across an enjoyable game to watch. of the NFL draft. touched the bottom, it was an die field and was able to heat It would have been more As I begin my new role at Bowling Green State University, I open net." Davis said. Shoemaker for the goal. enjoyable if we had won but wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed getting to 3. Thurman The lead for the Falcons The second hall was filled I think it was entertaining meet and visit with many of you during my first few months as was short lived however, last- with numerous opportunities — fun to play." a member of the Falcon Family. I have enjoyed watching you Munson: Lidle's death is ing only seven minutes. Bull for both teams but neither team Buffalo coach John Astudillo faithfully cheering on all of our fall sports programs. already drawing comparisons forward Andrae Clarke look a could notch another goal, agreed with Thompson. As you know, the NCAA has instituted an attendance to another Yankee. Thurman throw in from Brian Knapp and "We did well in the sec- "1 really think BG's effoi t was mandate of 15.000 per home game that many of us in the Munson, who died in a plane was able to put the ball into the ond half," said H(l coach Fred valiant andattimesa little better Mid-American Conference will be challenged to surpass. For back of the net, heating BG Thompson. "We did prett) BGSU, the critical element in teaching this goal is the support over 25 years ago. goal keeper Paul Shoemaker. much everything but score." See SOCCER | Page 8 of our students. 4. Roberto It was fantastic to see so many of you make the-trip to Cleveland during I.abor Day Weekend to take on Wisconsin. Clemente: One of the Student ticket sales were significant in making" The Clash in best to ever play baseball Cleveland" a successful event. ipchoge leads BG, wins All-Ohio crown It is important we build on that same support over the - crashed en route to final two games of the season. We invite you to celebrate Nicaragua to aid earthquake«rholt week award. 32.07.0. Homecoming with us on Oct. 14 when we host Fastcm victims. Reporter Although the Falcons placed Despite their success as a Michigan at 4 p.m. There will also be a fireworks display fol- eighth out of 10 teams, they team, the Falcons have yet to lowing the game and a free outdoor concert that is being put 5. Rocky Marciano: BG's Fddic Kipchoge made his- were able to close the gaps be at full strength. In addition on by the University Activities Organization. Heavyweight boxing cham- tory last Friday. between each other, some- to Kipchumba recovering from On Nov. 15. BGSU will host long-time rival Miami for thing that Wells has been illness. Brad Wells is overcom- an F.SPN2 telecast that begins at 7:30 p.m. There is an pion whose For the first time since 1982, a Falcon on the men's side stressing all season. i ng bronchi! is, a terrible ordeal outstanding promotion involving MTV that day as well as life was lost won the All-Ohio Division I "The team did well getting for a runner that can actually an opportunity for students to earn tuition money via an in a crash in individual crown. Kipchoge closer, but we still have some destroy lung capacity perma- on-field promotion. Newton, topped the best from all the work to do, but there was defi- nently if not treated properly. As our performance on the field has dictated over the years. Division I teams in the state, nite improvement," Wells said. Coach Wells opted to keep BGSU is a Division I-A institution that is proud of its history Iowa. which included the top-three Brad Wells finished 38th freshman Hillary Maiyo out and success. For us to continue to lie viewed in that same contingent from Ohio State, as with a time of 27:40, followed of the race on Friday due to a light in the coming years, students serving as the base of our well as the ever tough Miami closely by F.dgar Ramirez in knee injury that has plagued attendance growth will lie the difference. team, with a blistering time of 44th with a 27:56.8. Ramirez him since the first meet of Your loyalty as students and later as alumni will help us 25:30.2. passed up usual third man the season. solidify our fan base which I believe should consistently give "IKipchogel ran a great Rogers Kipchumba who is "Hillary will return this us at least 20,000 per home game. First and foremost, we need race." said coach Cam! Wells. just coming back from an ill- weekend, but we chose to keep yourhelpthisseason. Coming out to "The Doyt" this Saturday "Winning the All-Ohio meet ness, and finished 50th with a him out at All-Ohio because it's would be a great way to help us start reaching our goals. is a great accomplishment, lie time of 28:23.0. Kevin Kaighin a very hilly course and that can got out aggressively and ran a rounded off the scorers with be very bad for anyone with Roll Along! smart race." a 64th place finish and a time knee problems," Wells said. The win gave Kipchoge of 30:42.4. Kyle Kilbanc placed On a brighter note. Edgar Greg Christopher his second Mid-American sixth on the team with an over- Asst. VP of student affairs/director of athletics Conference runner of the all finish of 66th and a time of See RUNNERS | Page 8 6 Election 2006 WWWBGNEWS.COM

Foley's candidacy isn't over quite yet Election poll THEBGNEWS SUDOKU By Bri.inSkoloff er has become .i strong con when the filing was made to the 8 tender, partly because I oley's I ederal I lections Commission. released name will remain mi the ballot Foley was considered likelj to even though his replacement In- re-elected easily until his (API—The Associated Press 5 6 Ul S| |'\| \| |S| \C ||. | |,| will receive those votes I he sexuallj explicit Internet mes Pew Research t entei poll mi National Republicans haven'l replacement, state Rep. Im- sa^cs iii teenage male I louse public attitudes about the given up on former Hep. Mark Negron, has just under five pages were publicized. upcoming midterm ele< 1 6 9 2 Foley's distriii. recently spend- weeks to campaign. Mahoney's campaign notes tions. whether people arc ing N..' 11,300 for television ads The National Republican that the group lias committed more motivated to vote than attacking Democratic hopetiil Congressional! ommilteespenl id spend another 5690,000 by in previous midterm e1e< 7 9 3 5 1 Mm Mahoney. the monej between Folej - res reserving air time through tionsand which part) isninsi I lie Democratic newcom- ignation Sept. ~'i and (Hi. in. Nov.7 motivated was conducted In Princeton Survcj lie 6 5 8 2 Associates International from Sepi. 21 through Ocl 4 7 I and is based nn telephone inici \ lews with 1,804 adults, including 1,503 rcgis 1 9 4 6 2 3 voters, from all states excepl \laska and Hawaii. Id-suits were weighted to 8 5 2 9 represent the population by demographic factors Including sex. age, edui .i 2 1 linn, race, region and popu- lation density. SUDOKO fr S L t 6 8 9 £ c \n more than one time To play; Complete the grid 9 6 I Z L £ 5 8 f in It) should chance varia ow, column £ 8 Z S 9 » 6 L I linns in the sample cause the ry 3 x 3 box contains results In van In more than Sit 9 E 6 I Z 8 plus in minus:: pcreei |il 1 to9.Thereisno 6 c E 8 I L » 5 9 [mints from die answers that HI oi math involved. I 9 8 f M E 6 L Just use logic to solve would be obtained il all peo Z t 6 £ 8 9 L l S pic- in die U.S. were pulled tm the entire sample and 8 £ 9 L S 1 Z fr 6 for registered voters. L L S 6 V Z 8 9 £ I here arc othei soun cs of potential error in pulls. including the wording and Create and solve your DttMOKOHl order ul questions, liesnlts SHAKING ON IT; may nut total hm percent Sudoku puzzles for FREE. because ol rounding. \n X" ■ signifies less than l percent Plan Super Sudoku and win prizes ai- SUDOKU

Governor showdown ■ ■ come out for Laura Bush COLUMBUS \P) Ihe cam- debate, which had been tenta- paths in the lobb) (it a lintel ■ paigns (it Republican ken livelj scheduled for Mondaj in where both spoke ataconference By Sewell in raise monej for Republican Blackwell and Democrat led i olumbus. I lie fourth debate on work force development. ■ '. sen,ite candidate Bub Corkei •-in, kl.inil said the) likch uill would be the linal one before "Will I sir von nn Monday?" she planned In be ill Indiana debate lor a fourth lime in the i In- \m. 7 election. Blackwell said. ,\\\\\ Missouri nn [liursdav Im race lot governor. I lie race is drawing national suii kland replied that thetwo i INI i\\\n Laura Bush, a GOP candidates,

"We aic continuing discus- attention because the winner's vvnuld have Hi talk about it. at ■ pnpiilai t ampaign-boostei for Part) officials saj she has sions in finalize details foi parity (anies an edge into die which point Blackwell turned campari Republicans ai ross the < nun raised neari) SI I million for 1 next week's debate,' Strickland L'IIIIII presidential election. and walked away. fotll stale swing Republican candidates lor ilu- spokesman Keith Dailc) said. Ohio gave liusli the electoral Democrats are trying to ih a fundraiser \n\ , election. And Mis. Bush's Blackwell spokesman < arlo Miles he needed tin le elei Hull u rest control ol the states high . .ivssman in a visits usualrj don't carr) the bag- LoParo agreed. ill 2004. est office from the Republicans, lionbattle. gage ol the presidents sagging I lie two candidates have Blackwell, trailing in rei eni who have held the offil e Im I \liei helping raise some approval ratings, debated three times but have pulls, approached Strickland Hi years but are plagued In lunclieon for siv "Everybodj respects and struggled to find a sponsor about the potential debate on unpopular administration and term Rep. Steve ( habot, Mrs. admires her." said ILC "buck' and agree to details ol a fourth luesda\ when the two crossed ethics scandals. I to knuwille. lenn.. Niehoff.

v«*» su DINING s t: n v ■ c 06 Win "X-Box 360" through University Dining Senices & Pepsi homecoming s i s i K s . ^^ Register to Win a Chance to Compete in the Box 360" Football Challenge.

Program: Register at I niversit) Dining Sen ice locations across campus during October 2nd thru October ll)ih for a chance to partici- pep rally & pate in the "X-Box 360 Football Challenge. royalty crowning The Falcons Nest ;ii the Rouen-Thompson Student I iiion //.IS I ho Black Swamp Pub FRIDAY, (Ink's Express Convenience Store OCT. 13 Neighborhood Deli a Commons I he- Buffcl a Commons Anderson Arena, Kreischer SunDial Memorial Hall - 6:30 p.m. Shallow s Free T-Shirts to the First 100 People McDonald Dining Center Mac's Pizzeria Fun Games and Prizes temptations ( onvenience Store Hear from Coach Brandon and help Founders Dining Center Kra\ ings cheer on our athletic teams Destinations Snack liar ami Convenience Store

Sixteen (16) contestants ami lour (4) alternates will be drawn from University Dining Service locations for a chance to \\ in fabulous I'cpsi prizes. The prizes include Most Buj (»ift cards, il'od Nano's, a Television, and more, The grand prize will he an X-Box 360.

Contestants will he seeded in a Bracket format with each contestant competing in a single game timed elimination tournament.

football Challenge will be held < i UOpm in Student I num. Winners "ill he notified by phone and email. UL

\K Purchase \'ecessary to Register SPORT SIDELINES Falcons claim fourth flight singles title

By Andrew Harner BG was going in win a title," Re|.' Menoff said. Hoih players advanced aftei 1 he Hi, women's tennis team strong performances in the quar- bad two ol ils players in the terfinal and semifinal rounds. singles final ai Northwestern BabinatoppedUIC'sChristina iiimersiiv sWildcat Invitational Oum [6-0, 7-5 in the quarterfi- TRACK CLUB ibis p.tsl weekend. nals and bested Indiana Stales Team looking for "I was wi\ pleased with Maria Caujolle 6-3, 3-6, 6-3 in everyone we competed hard her semifinals match, new members and we were right there with the Menofl beat two Big Ten There will be a Track Club tough competition," said coach Conference opponents to Penny Dean. "Il was a long bui advance to die championship informational meeting today productive three days." round, she beai Wisconsin's at 8:00 p.m. in the Perry Sophomore Stefanie Menofl lain lobe in straight seis in Field house meeting room. defeated freshman Katia die quarterfinals and defeated The BG Track Club meets to Babina 6-0, n I in ihe fourth MSU's Marianne Eelens flight championship match on 6 0 in the semifinals, practice at 5:15 p.m. at the Sunday to finish her tourna- Menofl remained undefeated track and all are welcome to ment ata perfect 4-0. in singles male lies with her loin attend and compete. "You want both ol them to victories this weekend. win," Dean said A on really "I haven! really thought can't coach them oi don't feel about bein;; undefeated . Inn like von can since they're play- now that I think about it, its ing each Other. Hill on die oilier pretty c ool to be undefeated Pitcher dies after hand, I was \erv proud of both Menofl -aid collision with New ol them. I hey both had to play For Menoff, this was her such competitive, hard matches second singles title ot die sea York sky scraper in gei in the finals." son. She won the sixth flight Cory Lidle (above) had a I oi Menoff, die final match ol the Ht.Ml Invitational in love for both aviation and against her teammate was an September after losing only interesting situation. three games in bei qualif) baseball. Read more on page "Il was strange playing Kaiia. Ing matches, she beat Xavier eight. Inn ii was exciting bei ause no mallei which na\ il went TENNIS Page 8 OUR CALL On the way up Walker shoots historic Sean Payton: One ol ,i handful of first- year coaches in the round in losing effort NFL who seeming-. ly can do now wrong. Payton By Ryan Bon less ol die adversity the) may has been instrumental in the have faced, "You can't use that as an early success of the New While man) students were excuse. Wingei said. "We're Orleans Saints relaxing at home or on campus going lo have lo go awa) to new lor I.ill bleak, die gull team look ionises and ihe new guvs are On the way down BlUNDONHfISS a nip lo Indiana lo compete in going lo have lo learn. Rod Marinelli: A first-year STRIKING EARLY: George Davis, picuned liere play Hall stale's Earl Yestingmeiei lYevoi spaiheli and the rest ol coach of the Lions. Invitational. Ihe nip wasn't as ihe team are taking lull respon- Successful as die leain would sihiliiy for the pool performance Marinelli is still have liked though, as they fin- — noexcuse-. Spaiheli knew hi' in search of win ished 13th in a Held ol 17 ami would be expected to lead this number one. Then again, not shot884 in 54 holes. group of young guys in this toui Coach I iarrj Winger refuses nament and was disappointed even Vince Lombardi could to allow the lack of experience oi dial be didn't do as well as he save the Lions at this point Falling short unfamillarity of die panic ulai had planned course lo he an excuse lot the spaiheli had die most experi The List team's poor performance, I hree em e ol die Falcon golfers that By Bill Bo.rfnwirl I he Falcons bad a few good ni the five golfers had nevet -ecu da) and was one ol die iwo dial Cory Lidle's crash is another "We did well in the scoring chances in the sec the course before the invitation- had seen the course befon sad chapter in a history of second half. We did ond half, but those chant es al, which may have contributed Ii wasn't die weather, the were cut slim I when the team lo the high seme- le.o ol ihe weather was perfect," Spathell athletes in plane crashes. lii their second-to-lasi home game oi the season, men's soc- pretty much felt it could mil gel a call from golfers have not had much play- said. "We ju-i didn't pla\ well Here are five of the most i I-I i ame out with one ol theii the referee. On two occasions, ing experience this year prior to simple as that notable cases: better efforts In from ol the everything but BG bad scoring opportuni- this invitational. BG was fresh oil a strong per home fans, but I) was noi good ties where players were taken Scott Blackburn and Itussell formance at Xavier, finishing I.Payne Stewart enough as the Universitj ol score." down in the box but no tall Goodwin got some1 valuable under par fbi die first time this (below): Crash occurred Buffalo beat the Falcons 2-1. was made. experience ihe\ hope will help year, Inn was unable m carr) Forward George Davis got Although the team suffered ihe team later, bin thej were that Into this tournament, shortly after his US Open iiu' I alcons nil to a good start I be equalizer for Clarke was iis nub defeat ol the season, unfamiliar with the course and "Ils a little bit ol a wake up win nearly seven years ago. two and a half minute- into his team-leading sixth goal on Thompson felt bis team played didn't pel ten in a- well a- the) call, we final!) bad some decent 2. Brook Berringer: the game as he connected for the season. well enough to win. expelled. Winger -lill expected a goal to beat Bulls goalkeepei I lir seme would remain I bis is definitely the type ihe team to perform well regard- See GOLF Page 8 One decade ago. this Daniel Bell, tied for about 20 minutes, ni effort we are looking for," Nebraska quarterback "I saw a gap In the defense, until the Hulls connected for rhompson said "It took our IK Hustin Kim] played a good the game winner in the 28th younger gins a little while to crashed the small plane he BG students make the difference ball and I |usi got in ii before minute. Dan Stevens took a figure II OUt. I llnnk ibis was was piloting two days short the keeper and I knew ii I pass from Knapp from ai toss an enjoyable game to watch. of the NFL draft touched the bottom, ii was an ihe Held and was able In b would have been more As I begin my new role ,u Howling Green State University, 1 open net," Davis said. Shoemaker for the goal. enjoyable if we had won but wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed getting to 3. Thurman The lead lor die Falcons The second hall was Filled I think it was entertaining meet and visit with many ol you during my first lew months as with numerous opportunities inn in play." a member of the Falcon Family. I have enjoyed watching you Munson: Lidle's death is was short lived however, last- ing only seven minutes. Hull for both iea ms bin neither team Buffalo coach John Astudillo faithfully cheering on all of our fall sports programs already drawing comparisons forward Andrae Clarke took a could notchanothei goal. agreed with rhompson. As you know, die NCAA has instituted an attendance to another Yankee. Thurman throw in from Brian knappand "We did well in the sec- "I really think BG'seffort was mandate of 15,000 per home game that many of us in the valiant and at times a little heller .Mid-American Conference will be challenged to surpass | or Munson, who died in a plane was able to pin the ball into the ond ball." said BG coach Fred back of the net, beating lit, rhompson. "We did prettj BGSU. the critical element in reaching this goal is die support over 25 years ago. goal keeper Paul Shoemaker. much everything but score." SOCCER Page 8 of our students. 4. Roberto Ii was fantastic to see so tnanv of you make ihe trip to Cleveland during labor Day Weekend to take on Wisconsin Clemente: One of the Student ticket sales were significant in making "The (lash in best to ever play baseball Cleveland" a successful event, Kipchoge leads BG, wins All-Ohio crown It is important we build on that same support over the - crashed en route to final Iwo games of die season. We Invite you lo celebrale Nicaragua to aid earthquake By Josh Whothcrholt week award. 32.07.0. Homecoming with us on Oct. 14 when we hosi Eastern victims. Rap i Although die Falcons placed I tespite their success as a Michigan at -1 p.m. There will also be a fireworks dispia) fol- eighth out "i i" teams, they team, ihe Falcons have yet to lowing the game and a free outdoor concert that is being put 5. Rocky Marciano: BG's Eddie Kipchoge made his- were able In close die gaps be ai lull strength. In addition on by the University Activities Organization. Heavyweight boxing cham- tory last Friday. between each Other, some in Kipchumba recovering from On Nov. IS, BGSU will host long-time rival Miami for ihing thai Wells has been illness, Brad Wells is overcom- .in ESPN2 telecast that begins at 7:30 p.m. There is an pion whose For the first time since 1982, a Falcon on the men's side stressing all season. ing bronchitis, a terrible ordeal outstanding promotion involving MTV thai day as well as life was lost won the All-Ohio Division I I be team did well getting lor a runner that can actually an opportunity for students to earn tuition money via an in a crash in individual crown, Kipchoge closer, but we still have some destroy lung capacity perma- on-field promotion. As our performance on the field has dictated over the years, Newton. lopped the best from all the work In do. hill there was defi- nently il not Ireatecl properly. Division I teams in the state, nite Improvement," Wells said. Coach Wells opieel lo keep BGSU is a Division l-A Institution that is proud of its history Iowa. which included ihe top-three Brad Wells finished :illlh freshman Hillary Maiyo out and success. For us lo continue to be viewed in thai same contingent bom Ohio State, as with a lime of 27:40, followed Of Ihe race on Friday due to a light in the coming years, students serving as the base of our well as the ever lough Miami closely by Edgar Ramirez in knee Injury thai has plagued attendance growth will he the difference. team, with a blistering lime ol I lib with a 27:56.8. Ramirez him since die first meet ol Your loyalty as students and later as alumni will help us 25:30.2. passed up usual third man Ihe season. solidify our fan base which I believe should consistently give "IKipchogel ran a great Hogers Kipcliumha who is "Hillary will return this us at least 20,000 per home game. First and foremost, we need race," said eoaeb Cam! Wells. just coming back from an ill- weekend, bin we chose to keep your help thisseason. Coming out to "The Doyt" this Saturday "Winning the All-Ohio meet ness. .\m\ finished 50th with a him out at All-Ohio because It's would be a great way to help us start reaching our goals is a great accomplishment, i le lime ol 28:23.0. Kevin Kaigliin a very hill) course and dial can got nut aggressively and ran a rounded oil die scorers with be very bad lor anyone with Roll Along! smart race." a (Mill place finish and a time knee problems." Wells said. The win gave Kipchoge of 30:42.4. Kyle Kllbane placed on a brighter note, Edgar Greg Christopher his second Mid-American sixth on the team with an over- Assl. VP of student affairs/director of athletics Conference runner ol Ihe all finish of 66th and a time of See RUNNERS I Page 8 8Thundav.Ociobal2.20Q6 SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM

the team performed, GOLF "At the end of the da) It's all RUNNERS Yankees pitcher lost following From Page 7 a team thing and it was pretty From Page 7 disappointing," Walker said. scores in Xavier and we thought lit; still expects to show resil- Ramirez turned In bis best it would carry over, Spalhelf ience and Improve the rest of the time ol the season for an 8k crash into New York skyscraper said. "Hut now we know we need year. The team was disappoint- race, and brought with him to continue to work hard — I ed they were unable to cam some inter squad competi- think we'll respond well." the momentum from the Ka\ let tion for third position with Cory There was a bright spot for the Invitational Into Ball State, but Rogers Kipchumba. Lidle team as freshman, lace Walker, they're working toward playing "Edgar ran a nice race," March 22.1972 showed a glimpse of what the better in the upcoming tourna- Wells said "Ikipchiimbal is future of this program could be. ments and pulling together a still having trouble with ill- -Oct. 11.2006 Walker shot a 209 to tie for performance in which everyone nesses, hut hopefully they ^ third place in individual scor- dues well. will push each oilier again ing, and shot the School's third "It was pretty embarrassing next weekend." lowest round ever with a 66. hut we need to learn from It, I lie I,ilc oils play host again By Collavn Long Demonstrating the attitude Walker said. "If you learn from this weekend for the falcon The Associated Press this team has, Walker was your mistakes, you're going to Invitational. Wells hopes more interested in how well get better." thai the familiarity with the NEW YORK — A small plain- course will play a key role ill carrying New York Yankee the team's success. Cory Lidle slammed Into .i for lit; team, but several plaj "It's always an advantage 50-story skyscraper yestci TENNIS ers will wrap their season's up to know the course, and we definitely do," Wells said. day, apparently killing the From Page 7 at the ITA Midwesi Regional pitcher and a second person Championships In Lansing The meet, which has host- in a crash thai rained Flaming University's Annie Diedalis (6- Michigan from October III L'li ed up to 20 ol tile top teams dehris onto the sidewalks and 3, 6-2) in the championship. "I'm hoping we can build ill the nation, has IS teams briefly raised lens ofanothei Menoif and Samantha on what we just did and make scheduled to come, with terrorist attack. Klntzef also woo the third flight practices even a hii tougher, more teams still committing. A law enforcement official doubles title 8-6 over Cleveland more energized, and focused. Among the teams planning In Washington said Lidle — an State University's duo of Dean said. to attend is the Universlt) ol avid pilot who got his Ik ense \ i igelgesa i ig/ Mimtean. The Falcons are sending Five Miami (Ohio), who is inar- during lasi year's offseason In doubles play, B(i bad players to the ITA champion guahlv one ol the stronger — was aboard the single several tandems play well bill ship. In the singles matches teams in the MAI . engine aircraft when il issued came up short of a champi- Ashley lakupcin and Samantha "We are pretty evenly a distress signal and plowed onship appearance. The team Kintzel will represent BG, matched with the other into the 30th and 31st floors ol of sophomore Kelsey lakupcin The Falcons are sending two teams, and we know the the high-rise on Manhattan's and junior leun.i Niissbauni tandems For doubles .is well, course, so hopefully that tipper East side. Mayor posted a 3-2 weekend record, Nussbaum and Kelsey lakupcin, means wee,in seriously Con- Michael Bloomberg said both while the duos of Kintzel and and Kintzel and Menofi make tend this weekend and come people aboard were killed Menoff and junior Andrea up the two teams, out w ilh a win." MAE.CHEKMAYAN "PHOIC l.idle's passport was found Voile and senior Erica Wolfe Kintzel expects to have a on the street, according to a CRASH: Debns lairs fio'i' ' i--w York's Upper East Su> each went 2-1. good showing at the tourna- federal official, speaking to Hie with Yankees pitcher Cwy Lidle aboatd oashed into it yesteidav Several other Falcons also ment based on her season The Associated Press on con- played well In consolation (bus far. dition ol anonymity, li was not abilities Flying an airplane." p.m. and was in the air for matches this weekend. The "From the beginning. I Immediately dear who was at The crash came just loin barely 15 minutes, authorities team finished 10-6 in singles started off a little bit slowet ihe controls and who was the days after the Yankees' embar- said. Bloomberg said lidle and 5-3 in doubles. than I wanted to, bin eat h second person aboard. rassingly quick elimination and his living companion The Wildcat Invitational week I progressive!) get bet federal Aviation From the playoffs, during which were sightseeing and were was the last fall tournament ter," Kintzel said. lidle had been relegated to the taking a route thai look them WmLOSM Ad minis! ration records showed the plane was tegis bullpen. In recent days, lidle oxer the Si,ilue of I iherly, Birch Run Golf Club tered to I.idle, who had repeat- hail taken abuse from fans on the Brooklyn Bridge and the score against the Buffalo ed!) assured reporters in recent ■.puns talk radio for sa\ing the I mpire State Building. defense, which had allowed SOCCER Only 10 Minutes from Campus! weeks that flying was safe and team was unprepared. I he FAAsaid ii was too early From Page 7 no scores In the first half that the Yankees — who were "This is a terrible and shock io determine what might have Ibis season. " tS !wuth in traumatized in 1979 when ing tragedy that has stunned caused thecrash. I he National than ours to be perfectly honest." I he falcons will pla) ihen re on 9 Rt 18 catcher Thurman Munson was the entire Yankees organiza- Transportation Safety board Astuclillosaid. "I think this game last home game ol the season Student ID Special: killed in the crash ofa plane he tion,'' Yankees ownei George sent investigators. could have gone either way. as they i.ike on perennial eon ^JfcP Weekday 18 Holes with cart was piloting — had no reason Steinbrenner said in a state How the plane managed to Astudillo. who is in lfllh sea- ference contender Akron on a£Jg£ Weekend 18 Holes with cart to worry. meni. lie ottered his condo- penetrate airspace ovet one ol son as bead coach of the Hulls, Frida) October 20. I he Zips are " I lie flying?" the 34-year lences to l.idle's wile, \lelanie. the most densely packed sec- has led his team to an 8-3-1 currently ranked 17th in the Call 411 ?S7 3641 lorljy lor m limt old Lidle, who had a home and 6-year-old son, lions ol New York City was not record this season nation and have compiled a near los Angeles, told I he i he Federal official said the i I he plane was unusual I he Davis goal was a rare record of 7-3-1. Philadelphia Inquirer this plane hail issued a distress in that ii was equipped with summer. "I'm not worried call before the crash. I he craft a parachute in ease ol engine about it. I'm safe up there. I look off from New lei se\'s Failure, but there was no sign leel very comfortable with my feterboro Airport about 2:30 the chute was used.

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after Foley's misconduct By Malcolm RHtar (.iscy. the Kip Xincticaninililary Army: Troops to stay in The Associated Press "I do not believe the commando in liar] ' 1 hat 651X000 number seems Iraq until 2010 By Larry Marguak NEW YORK — President Dennis new numbers. I think way waj beyond any number WASHINGTON (AP)-Fcx plan- The Associated Press Bush says he doesn't believe it. that 1 have seen." Casey said. ning purposes, the Army is gearing up Hastert Some experts have a problem they're way off." "I've not seen a number higher to keep current troop levels in Iraq for Speaker of the with il. But several others say than 50.IXKI. And so I don't gh e it another four years, a new indication WASHINGTON — House offi- House it seems sound. Mrtel E 0Harfcn| Broolcngs Institution that much credibility at all." that conditions there are too unstable cials who directl) supervise Such was the varied reception And neither does Michael to foresee an end to the war Gen. Peter teenage congressional pages for a controversial new study E. OTIanlon of the Hrookings Schoomaker. the Army chief of staff, were questioned yesterday by that estimated the Iraq war lay somewhere between .192.979 Institution, which also tracks cautioned against reading too much into ethics committee Investiga- to explain to investigators why has led to the deaths of nearly aticl 942,636 deaths. Iraqi deaths. the planning, which is done far in advance tors probing the handling of they did not tell the speaker 655.000 Iraqis as of July. Even the smaller figure is "I do not believe the new to prepare the right mix of combat units former Rep. Mark Foley's inap- what they knew last fall. Researchers from Johns almost eight times die estimate numbers. I think they're way for expected deployments He noted that propriate messages to pages. Hasten said he believes I lopkins University in Baltimore some others have derived. off," he said. it is easier to scale back later if conditions The Internal investigators his staff acted appropriately and the AI Mustansiriya [he new study — which Other research methods on allow, than to ramp up if they don't spoke private!) with Peggy when the information was University in Baghdad derived attributes roughly 600.000 of the ground, like IXHIY counts. Sampson, who supervises passed on to the House clerk that estimate from a door-to- the deaths directly to violence forensic analysis and taking eye- House pages sponsored by and Rep, lolin Shiinktis, It-Ill., door survey, conducted by and 55,000 more to other war witness reports, have produced U.S. indicts American Republican lawmakers, and the chairman of the board doctors, of 1,849 households related causes — was released numbers only aboul one-tenth in al-Qaida video her Democratic counterpart, that oversees the page pro- in Iraq. Taking the number of yesterday on theWehsiteof Hie as high, he said T have a hard Wren Ivester. gram. Shimkus and the clerk deaths reported by household Lancet, a respected medical time vein); how all the direct LOS ANGEi.ES JAP)-The charge The high schoolers attend met with Foley and made it residents, they extrapolated to a journal. But just how grind is its evidence could lie that broil... of treason was used for the fust time in classes ai Congress' page clear he should stop commu- nationwide figure. conclusions.' therefore I think the survey data the United States war on terrorism yes- school ami perform errands nicating with the former page The researchers, reflecting the "I don't consider it a credible is probably whafs wrong." terday, filed against a California man who for lawmakers. to avoid even the appearance inherent uncertainties in such report," President Bush said However, several liioslatisli- appeared m propaganda videos for al- By starting with those clos- of impropriety. extrapolations, said they were H5 yesterday. eians and survej experts were Qaida. Adam Yehiye Gadahn. 28. could es! to the pages, investigators I he speaker said this week percent certain the real number Neither does Gen. (leorgc \\ supportive of ihevwxk. be sentenced to death if convKted of the can learn whai the youngsters that if he finds that anyone on charge, which has been used only a few might have tolct the supervi- his staff covered up the prob- dozen times in U S history and not at all sors aboul Foley, li I la., and lem, they would be fired. since the World War II era. He also was whether they reported any President Hush has indicted on a charge of providing material inappropriate conduct to expressed confidence in U.S. pushes punishment for North Korea support to terrorists higher I louse officials. Hastens handling of the Until now, there lias been foley matter several times, the ByNidkWadhams think this requires a strong and Annan said no e\ Idence anj Democratic latest yesterday. Tlie Associated Press swift response," Bolton said yes- The United Suites has refused Ex-ATF chief had staff lawmaker oi employee knew He said Hastens "strong terday after a meeting with die talk with North Korea except on give homework help aboul Foley's conduct. Statements have made it clear UNITED NATIONS — The ambassadors of Britain. I ranee the margins ol stx-patt) talks to WASHINGTON (AP) - The man Investigators planned to to not only the party mem- United States hopes to pass a and lapan. persuade the North to abandon who recently departed as director of the question I olej 's former chief bers, but to the country, that new draft U.N. Security Council "Now. we're certainly 'prepared its nuclear program. Bolton dis- Bureau of Alcohol. Tobacco. Firearms ol staff, Kirk Fordham, on he wants to find out the facts," resolution tomorrow to punish for further discussion hut today miss, il Annan's remarks, saying and Explosives ordered his staff to help Thursday. He say he took Hush told a White House news North Korea over its claimed only: I think weVe expressed is late Wednesday and to have with his nephews high school homework, action in 2002 or 2003 when he conference. nuclear lest, U.S. Ambassador a VOtS by the end of the week, our view on that." wasting the agency's time and violating learned ol Foley's inappropri- "I mean, this is disgusting lohn Bolton said. we need to move expedjtiously The Americans' new offering ethics rules, an inquiry found yesterday. ate approaches to pages. behavior when a member of The new draft, which the tomorrow, which were going to introduces significant changes The nephews project - a documentary Fordham has emerged as Congress betrays the trust of U.S. will introduce today, is try lo do,' he said. toaprcviousdralt resolution, cir- about the ATF that took 10 months to a key figure because he said the Congress and a family that part of American and Japanese Yesterday, Secretary!leneral culated liy the U.S. on Tuesday. complete - was one of a half-dozen he brought the allegations sent a young page up to serve efforts for a Security Council Kofi Annan urged the United The latest draft was expected examples of lapses m judgment Carl J. to Speaker Dennis Hasten's In the Congress." rebuke to the North for its States to hold bilateral talks with to be circulated late yesterday chiei ni staff, Scot! Palmer. The president called the alleged test Monday, which North Korea and asked the 111111 - when details were like!) to be Truscott committed before he resigned m August, says the report by Justice Fordham has said he subse- speaker "very credible as far raised tension surround- munist nation not to escalate .111 made known. Department Inspector General Glenn quent!) learned thai Palmer as I'm concerned." and said ing Pyongyang's clandestine "extremely difficult" situation. The previous draft would A Fine spoke with Foley. Hasten has "done a fine job nuclear program and drew "I have always argued that piohthit trade in materials that Palmer has denied speaking as speaker." near-universal condemnation we should talk to parties whose could lx' used to make or deliver with Fordham tit thai time. Hush planned to speak at from around the world. behavior we want to change, weapons of mass destruction, and Hastens office said the a fundraiser in Chicago on "There are still a lot of com- whose behavior we want to and require states to ensure that speaker's staff First learned Ihursday that Hasten was ments thai have been made, influence, mid from that point North Korea not use their terri- aboul i ole) 's conduct In the hosting lo help two Illinois and areas of disagreement, but of view I believe that... (the) U.S. torj 01 entities for proliferation fall of 2005. Republicans in tough races. as we've said repeatedly we and North Korea should talk," or illicit activities. An internal review b) Management Inc. Hastens office said the Infor- Running Specials mation passed on last tall con- 2006/2007 cerned Fole) s overly friend!) Coll 353.5800 — hut not sexually explicit Visit Online — COmputei messages to a lot- met page from Louisiana. The page was sponsored Work and School? by Hep. Rodne) Mexander, II- I-it- His office said the law- maker and his top aide will Put it all together with UPS. appear before the ethics panel Management Inc. nest week. 11 ilh.ll.lie AptS. Hasten, H-lll.. said he did not 1082 Fairview Avc learn <>i Foley's conduct until 2 bdrms / 3 bdrm Twnh the end of September. If that Dishwasher is correct, his staff will have Garbage Disposal COME SEE A UPS RECRUITER ON CAMPUS: Air Condition/Washer/ Dryer in 2/3 bdrm. Mon, 10/16 from 10am-1:30pm • Student Union Carports APARTMENTS Mon, 10/16 from 2pm-4pm • Career Services BGSU Bus Shuttle For Rent Wed, 10/18 from 10am-1:30pm • Career Services 839 Seventh Street, Apt 14 Wed, 10/18 from 2pm-4pm • Student Union One bedroom unfurnished with dishwasher. $395.00 per month Fri, 10/20 from 11am-3pm • Student Union Management Inc. deposil $ B95.00 lease to 8/4/07 Findlav Pike Apts. 7SSM»nvitl*.Apt,9 111/113 FindlayPk Two bedroom unfurnished apt. 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A 10 Thursday. October 12.2006 WWWBGNEWSCOM Underage drinker strip-searched,

Old World duck taken to jail before OSU game Apiece Greek harp COLUMBUS, Ohio (API —An Bowling Green game, also we hope they'll remember Animals of a region Ohio State University student has filed a complaint with and won't want to go through Get ready again." River into the Wash complained to the school's the Franklin County Sheriffs Russian ruler president about her treatment Office, which runs a program Ohio State University police "Green Eggs and Ham" hy police when arrested with with the Columbus police to typically do not take someone author an open beer at an off-campus crack down on off-campus to jail for underage possession, Like nights in white satin? Possessive pronoun party before a football game. parties before games, assistant chief Richard Amwcg Dental filling lunior lordanneSkocik. 21). of "It's overkill." Skocik said. said. Police have used the tactic- Doughy pastry 39 "Hunger" author Chlllicothe, said she was hand- "I feel like I should have hail al Ohio University in Athens. Lukewarm Hamsun cuffed, strip-searched and a citation or a warning rather liichard llollingsworth, Indian nursemaid 44 Writer C a Id well Gemstone from Down 45 Downpour Ordered to wear jail clothes lor than 10 hours in custody" university interim vice presi- Under 46 Noted Dodgers skip- an arrest photograph, she was The sheriff's office defend- dent of student affairs, said Enlightened Buddhist per charged with misdemeanor ed the program called Stop he wouldn't second-guess Italian wine region 47 Accusatory words to underage alcohol possession. teenage Opportunity to the police, but he added that Cafe au Brutus Neophyte 51 Pitfalls "Reading your message Purchase, or STOP. People "we expect students to be Social org. founded in 52 Pay the bill saddens me and sickens me. (aught for underage diink treated humanely through- 1858 53 Lessen In no way has the Ohio State Ing are taken to jail to teach out the process," Legal claims 54 Grasping device Use the rink Holbrook told Skocik that Craps number 56 University or me directed them a lesson and prevent Mineral bonanza 59 Used to be anyone ever to treat our stu- the possibility that they will she applauded her efforts and Pastoral poem 60 Solar period dents — or anyone — in this be involved in more serious would see what university offi- Modernists 61 Final Four letters manner." President Karen problems later in the day, said cials could do to look into the 62 Resistance units 1 Starter starter? 49 Ticket into 63 Cried Holbrook e-mailed the student sheriff's Lt. Shawn Bain, who treatment ol arrested students. 5 Poker winnings 50 WWII landing craft 65 Craggy hill in response. oversees the operation. Holbrook was unavailable 9 Damp 51 Passage 14 Poet Angelou 55 Ave. crossers Skocik. one of 2-1 people "I think it's an eye-opener for for comment yesterday, a uni- 15 Artifice 57 Gray soldier, briefly arrested before thcOhio State- them," he said. "It's something versity spokeswoman said. 16 Liquid measure 58 End of quote 17 Hosiery shade 64 Violin maker 18 Biblical twin 66 -do-well ANSWERS 19 Lowest deck 67 Suffer stiffness 20 Start of Olm Miller quote 68 Mountaineer's spike 1 S » W' it i Slj3 II i 1 The BG News Travel Services Offered 23 Black cuckoo 69 Alum d H V Ma V b 'JHN O 1 I ■I 24 Doctors' org. 70 Pack down tightly l H ) V|H i '■i I r n V rj Classified Ads O n ■ '.' i 'i Travel with STS 10 this year s lop 10 Finishing Touches - document edit- 25 Turned outward 71 Cubic meter M N 0 0 ' i a l 8 I i; i. V ■i 419-372-6977 Spring Break destinations' Best ing and English tutoring. Please call 27 PC key 72 Evening in Bologna : 30 Chemical grouping 73 River of New York l a I ' V 5 S v tt i .::t;U Kcepl deals guaranteed! Highest rep com- Dr Schmidt 419-352-6617. 33 Vacuum's lack n c » I ' O N '/ • A ' . ™ ■dwrtltemenu ih.ii iltn ilnwiili m missions Visil or '. 3 a V o 1 ■J ' b i . encourage dm rtmUiMton '• ■ V Mtetan MonlhebaaHofatiyolherleaBl) Earn S800-S3200 a month to drive 43 Part 3 of quote i ■. * 1 N o s i M ■i '.' protected 1 rtiHn s M brand new cars with ads placed 48 Notable time ^ . i tJ V I 0 3 on them. '3 3 ■1 n oB. b 11 a 1 ■ V .. I 9 : 0 NHS 1 0 dH i 1 1 CAMPUS POLLVEYES 2 youth ministry events leaders. 20 Campus Events hrs. per waeek. emplasis on Jr. & Sr. 1432 E. Wooitir, B6 LASAGNA& SPAGHETTI High Must be 21 Send resume by ARE BACK" Nov 1. SI. Mark's Lutheran Church. 315 S College Dr. Attn: Don Netfer. (419) 352-4663 COME TO COMMONS •delivery available- FOR TAILGATING FUN 352-9638 Friday. 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Mon. place Located next to water tower looking tor a business oriented per- TI30XITS-$18/30Xa$5 352-0970. on ManvilleAve 352-5239 thru Fri. Call Rick at All Breed Ken- son to work in our mam office. Du- nels in Maumee 419-893-7218. ties include filing, dafa entry & proc- THURSDAY For Rent. Evergreen Apts . studio Need child care in my Perrysburg essing wont orders for customers. FLATBREAD SALADS S261 per month w/ util paid. Imme- home, starting Dec. 3 weekdays Hours are Monday & Thursday eve- diate move-in. 330-646-3656. 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments 8:30 am- 3 30 pm. 419-8873-0731. nings 5pm to 9pm & Saturdays 9am Lunch: 11 -2 fo 5pm. Call John Hetferman lo ar- Ivywood Apartments (BARTENDING! up to $300/day No Dinner: 4:30 - 7 From Only $485! exp necessary Training provided. range an interview 419-352 2553 FOUNDERS FOOD COURT Theresa Fry 419 352-7691 EHO On selected floor plans Call 800 965 6520 ext 174. 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STAI>II'M SKATING HK- Part) room ».ull..M.-r..r hlnluli.. ponl..s„r..,1,,llBr.M.|.. f Mil for Information 2 Day Advance ticket Sales EMPLOYEE OF THE MOHTH|PO-1])7 00 930 TEXAS CHJINSAW MASSACRE: IHE BEGINNINGlR) 7:30935 THEOEPARIEOim 70010:00 IHE GUARDIAN IPO-131 7 001000 Located at 11 VoodU SCHOOL FOR SCOUNDRELS i PC-Ill 7 00930 CINEMA 5 • OPEN SEASON [PCI 7 30 7 55 9 35 10:00 Ladies Night Every Thursday! Sch.dul» Good for Fri 10'6-Thur* 10/12 JACKASS: NUMBER TWOiRI 7 309:35 FIYB0»S|PC-I3l 7:0010:00 fffl (Departed. Ths> (R) M?45|PM 3 50PM 6 55PM $1.00 Drafts every Mon, Tue & Wed! GRIDIRON GANG IPO-131 7 15 10:00 10 10JPM |2. Thv(P Thursdays Movies Only J H«< ItfKMSe'&Sunonry.TirnMPllSncmTriui The Best DJ m BG! w/ Student ID Fn Set Swri onfy Opens at 5 p.m. EVERYONE S HERO 101 710900 Muatbe 17 M ru-Ciaee tOeH or be eca»npara*d by Top 40 and All! HOW TO EAT FRIEO WORMS IPGI 7 20 9 30 Departed. The legei guanfean JaCkMt Two (R) 4 '0PM 7 O0PM. (10 10(PM Under 21 Free admission Before 10 p.m. TALLADEGA NIGHTS THE BALLAD OF RICKY SOHO ta SnowTime email at ^yw.cjnwtiprlLcaii Guardian. The (PO-1J) 4 OOPM 7 05PM. ('0 05JPM BOBBY IPO-131 7 00920 Chainie* The Beginning (R) 4 15PM. 7 20PM. M0NSTEB HOUSE (PCI 710910 [1000JPM ....., ,, cine mark, co IT LITTLE MAN (rO-131 7 25 930 Open Season (PG) 4 20PM 7 15PM [9 45JPM DANCE • SPORTS • LOUNGE CLICK (PO-131 7 0C9IO 1628 E. Wooster St. - Next to Quality Inn • Across from Football Stadium


For answers to these read the 6G News everyday and attend the "About 1200 "What utilities? Off Campus Housing Fair. Wed Oct 25 Ifel lor all ol us" I li»e in the dorm.' in the Bowen Thompson Student Union Multi-purpose Room.

For a list of things to considei when searchini I0M UOLMDT lor a place to live, go to our top ten lists online I, -tptilL Dttt|fl at

,x HOMECOMING 06 Learn about campus events to the history of homecoming

■ So you want 10 kno ■ court' | Page 2 ■ Meet the m i football gam hman yeai at BGSU. This year is game 48 | Page 5 2 Thursday. October I?. ?006 HOMECOMING WWW.BGNEWS.COf- TABLE OF CONTENTS From 20,000 to 10: How to get on homecoming court I Page 3 By Chandra Niklewski 2006's Homecoming Court University traditions - the colors, the seal, the rivalries, the songs I Page 4 By Freddy Hunt

Tom Stellers has been to 48 homecomings. Find out why he loves BGSU so much | Page 5 David EDory n By Amanda Gilles Chambliss Rousos Wagner

Homecoming memories from students, faculty and staff I Page 6 By Sarah Virost

Learn about Lillian Gish, her film history and this Mark Nicole Raquel 0Tommy Trevor Sunday's presentation about her | Page 12-13 Pontious Standback Dalton Balicky Garrabrant By Chandra Niklewski

Who will be the King and Queen? The bands that are playing after the homecoming football game on Saturday I Page 14 By Amanda Gilles "As for what the king To be voted to the position of king By Cassandra Shofar Reporter and queen depends upon the student and queen receive, body. The fate of the king and queen From a school of over 20,000 students, lies in the hands of the students who The crowning of the king and queen | Page 14 10 individuals were selected to repre- well, that is a secret chose to vote on Election Day. By Christy Johnson sent the 20061 lomecoming Court. To earn the votes, the nominees The man behind it all, making sun: surprise that I won't have no requirements. the show goes on, is the I lomecoming "Although, to make the student tell in advance." The National Panhellenic Council's family Steering Committee Royalty Chair body aware, the court will be wearing Shane I-ewis. Shane Lewis | Royally Chair sashes during homecoming week." night | Page 16 This year's ten finalists are Tommy Lewis said. "They'll say BGSU Royalty By Janeen Morgan Balicky, David Chambliss, Trevor women allotted for the count. Thus, 2006'." Garrabrant, Mark Pontious, Eric for this year, those who were chosen "I'm not sure what outrageous steps Wagner, Raquel Dalton, Kat Fisher, to be a part of the court are more than I will take to get recognized, but plan Hockey and football will be played this Kari Rood, Dory Rousos and Nicole just the average Falcon fan. on seeing me at every homecoming Standback. For some of the court, their nomi- event that is going on." Eric Wagner weekend I Page 17 These students didn't face the com- nations came as a surprise, but they said. By Colin Wilson petition of the average high school are excited to take on this honor. "I plan to use Facebook, e-mail homecoming process. "I wasn't on court in my high school, and stalking people in the Union," Here at BGSU, pools of applications but I was surprised to receive an e-mail Nicole Standback said. "Those are the Get your Not News fix | Page 18 for nominations are sent to a panel of announcing my nomination tram only strategies I will tell. The rest is a judges. Rochelle Patrick." Kat Fisher said. secret." By Matt Mauk All of the nominations were sent in "I was an attendant my junior year, The court will be announced lo the by at least one student, faculty or staff but for this nomination I was given public at the Kick Off, Pep Rally and member. a list of who nominated me, so thai I ihe homecoming football game. No construction delays, but also no open hotel Tlie nomination process is the could thank them," Kari Rood said. ITie king and queen will not be rooms | Page 22 only role that the faculty and staff are "I had heard that 1 had been nomi- crowned until the Pep Rally, which allowed lo participate in for the royalty nated, but I didn't know thai I was for begins on Friday at 630 pm. By Johnny Payne events. sure until I received the e-mail. The "As for what the king and queen After the judges look at each can- Alpha Chi Omega President, Asliley receive, well, that is a secret surprise didate, they narrow down the choice Howard, nominated me," David that I wont tell in advance," Lewis Cover design by Rachel Greenfield. Photo by Brandon Heiss to the traditional five men and five Cliambliss said. said. WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thusday. October 12.2006 3

8 p.m. GET A LIFE Band Prism Concert CALENDAR OF EVENTS Members from all university bands will per- Some ewntj (akpn (torn wenubgsu edu So you want to be on form in ensembles, quickly moving from one TODAY ensemble to the next. Kobacker Hall. Moore Musical Arts 7 lkm. to 5p.m. Center Royalty Voting/Merchandise homecoming court Sales SATURDAY By Ch.ndr. honor. the number falls even more. A little Lobby. Bowen Thompson Student Reporter The nomination process doesn't over half the eligible people apply Union /:50 am reqtsiration. 9am start end until the first week of classes. each year. Freddie & Frieda 5K Fun The journey to being crowned This year there were approximate- Applications are sent to a commit- 8p.m Run/Walk Homecoming King and Queen is ly 80 different people nominated for tee of six people, five grad students no longer as easy as it was in high the honor. and one administrator read over the The Five Browns Student Alumni Connection offers an early school. Anyone can be nominated. answers given and rate them on a These five brothers and sisters studied music morning shotgun start for a trip around cam- All a potential candidate needs in Gender isn't an issue for BGSU score sheet. at Juilliard School of Music at the same time. pus. $10 early registration high school is a desire to take home homecoming royalty, either. A man The judges don't compare the This performance will have five pianos on Registration at Student Recreation the crown, and the popularity to pull can be queen and a woman can be applications, but score each on its stage. Center Kobacker Hall. Moore Musical Arts it off. Sometimes in exchange for king. own merits, lewis said. One area Center popularity, a gimmick can be used "TTiere's nothing in the rules forbid- which may be helpful to develop is 10 a.m. such as a queen candidate promising ding that. In the future it's completely campus involvement. Homecoming Parade to shave her head if she is selected its plausible," said lewis. However, he Rocco Sciarabba, last year's king, FRIDAY West side of campus beginning at WBGU queen. also points out that it hasn't hap- said involvement in campus organi- PBS. following Manville/Thurstin Street Sophomore Katie Koestcr remem- pened yet. zations is beneficial for the applica- 1-2 p.m. north to Ridge Street bers those days and, when asked In order for nominated students tion process, but students shouldn't Cow Chip Bingo how a student becomes homecom- to move on, each student must be join an organization solely for selec- Purchase a lawn square and win if the cow ing royalty, responded with the most scheduled for graduation the fol- tion on homecoming court. "does his business" on your square1 4 u.n common answer among Bowling lowing year and have at least a 2.5 "Get involved, loin something, but Lawn. University Hall Football vs. Eastern Michigan Green State University students. GPA. This eliminated 15 students this not for the purpose of being recog- Doyt Perry Stadium "I thought they just voted like in year. nized, loin something for yourself, to high school," Koester said. Lewis then informs the qualified benefit you, and to grow from it. (tae Hut this is college. I lere there are nominees that they may apply to be of the many rewards from involve- "Untangling the Nixon Tapes: Homecoming Bash '06 rules and regulations, and the road the I lomecoming King or Queen. to the crown is a difficult and stress- Of course not all students apply, so Fighting City Hall" Immediately following the football game See COURT | Page 4 Stanley Kutler reluming to the University to* Outside Doyt Perry Stadium ful one. .his 50th class reunion, will present informa- The person ill chargeol'making the tion about the Watergate scandal hopefuls jump through hoops this 308 Bowen Thompson Student Union year is Royalty Chair Shane Ifwis. HUNGER CRN COME HT THE WORSE TIMES. Public Skating Mere, lewis said, homecoming Ice Arena crowns don't go to the most popular. 6:50 p.m. They go to the people who an' willing (a. Homecoming Pep Rally to work hard to deserve them. w The king and queen are crowned, sports SUNDAY The process of becoming home- tffl teams are introduced and the dance team, coming king and queen typically band and cheerleaders will perform POSom iK'gins in March. This is nomination Anderson Arena Hockey vs. Alabama- time. Huntsville Lewis estimates he sent out over Ice Arena 1.800 letters to faculty, staff and Orga- SOLVE IT FAST. 7 OS p.m. nizations informing them nomina- Hockey vs. Connecticut 5 p.m. tion time had arrived. I le also sends The regular season home opener. Remembering Lillian Gish e-mails to students 10 eilCOUrage Q-TO-GO BARS FREE DRINK them to nominate someone for the Ice Arena Gish Film Theater. Hannah Hall Taco, Nacho. and Naked Burrito Just Buy an Entree and Great for Any Tailgating Party Show Us Your College ID.

MEXICAN GRILL 129 S. Main St. 1419) 353-7200 4 Thursday. Octobei 1?. 2006 HOMECOMING WWWBGNEWS.COM

been suspected maybe there is some bias going on in the process. COURT Lewis, with some help, wrote tin From Page 4 process out for anyone to read, "in ment might be a place on home- case anyone has a problem or sus- coming court." Sciarabba said. picion." The score sheets are sent to Lewis, Koester agreed the process makes and he calculates the totals lor each ii difficult to cheat one's way onto applicant. The top 10 men and the homecoming court. women are set aside. "I wouldn't doubt that sometimes The top ten women are Inter- that happens, but because they have viewed by three male administrators, to go through all of that, I think its and the top ten men are Interviewed fair." Koester said. by three female administrators. Sciarabba explains there is little The questions answered on the way for one type of student to be applications are further explored crowned every year. and the answers arc scored by the " I be selection committee is made judges. Candidates ate also asked up of a variety of people, which questions regarding the community ensures the court represents a v.iri- service project they would perform il etj ol students." Sciarabba said they were elected as king or queen. Voting for the Homecoming !0»0»N F10WSR Lewis again calculates the scores king and Queen is the final liurdlr DON'T WALK TO THE LEFT: I egend has it thai waling countei-eloclwise around the seal means you will fail the next lesl you lake and calls everyone who was inter- and Lewis hopes to make the MI; viewed, [he top five men and top ing more accessible to students He five women make up the homecom- is considering putting up a head Traditions come out at homecoming time ing court The other ten are thanked shot and miniature biography ol for their time. each candidate on the Internet and By Freddy Hunt university advancement. tion on the back of a ladies hat in Calling the people who didn't also plans on bringing laptops to Reporter Howling Green Slate University the Toledo Union interurban trol- make it past the interview stage is Homecoming events so students has traditions that began in 1914. ley station and then proposed it as difficult, Lewis said. can vole there. "Traditions are what tie yon to an The colors burnt orange and the school colors. "I have to he professional, but I The process of narrowing tin institution and bring you back. seal brown were recommended in Before the University's mascot would feel bad if some ol 'my friends original group down to two is long They become a part of the fabric 1914 by l.eon Winslow, a professor was a falcon, the mascot was a don't make It," Lewis sakL and complex. It is certainly more of the Institution,* said Van Wright, in the industrial arts department. Frir-ids of the Royalty (hair have involved than filling out a ballot in assistant to the vice president of Winslow saw the color combina- SeeTRADmOH|Paoe20 made the cut in the past and it has the cafeteria. Catfish Dinner All Day and Meal includes: Let the Colonel Evening * Country Breaded Catfish * Fresh Made Cole Slaw Cater your Whether planning Wednesday's * Crispy Fries next event! a wedding reception Only! * X Hushpuppies or a game day * Crumblies tailgate party, a bucket of the Colonel's oNU Original Recipe™ IPNC is perfect Sor any )o|iN occasion. $p9 Career Opportunities! SILVERS Apply today for full or part time opportunities. Bowling Green KFC & Long John Silver's Why would you want to work anywhere else? IOZO North Main St. 352-2061 WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. Ocloba 12.2006 5 48 annual homecomings later Two women finish on top of a merit-based homecoming court By Amanda Gillrs Reporter By Stuart Eiktnazi ber homecoming court were pn-- KRT sented Friday night al a campus pep Dedication is one thing thai BGSU rally and again at a Saturday football alumnus Tom SteUers understands. SErYDXE—There's somethingabout game. In bet, due to his dedication, he has this year's homecoming niyalty at "I think its great the UW has oho not missed a homecoming al BGSU the University of Washington. sen to have a nongender-spectflc since 1958. Hie royalty, see, is not one king homecoming royally." said Sumida, After ■Hi years, why does Siellers and one queen. Instead, the wearers 1'H .1 iiiiiiiiiiiuication major. "In our keep coming to the annual home- of the crown are two young women day and age, a lot of the traditional coming event? who had never met. dublxil "roy- definitions of roles are changing, and "At was the friends I wanted als" who finished with the top two this blows in line with that Once to see, hut then it became an annual semi's in a merit-based homecom- people realize that this is not just a visit," Sellers said, ing scholarship contest thai gives no popularity contest but one based Siellers will make the journey favoritism to gender. Oil qualifications, they'll hopefully regardless of obstacles that have The Associated Students of the understand and accept it.' included birthdays, illnesses and University of Washington (ASUWj. Sumida and Cho wen' downed football games of nephews. the campus group that organizes al a private reception. Icnni liackes, "Weddings and family illnesses homecoming, bmke from the annu- ASUW director of programming, have required calendar manipula- al tradition of a homecoming king said the student group is catching SUBMITTED PHOTO t ions, hut I have still attended home- and queen in 2003 in order to make some flak about the change. coming every year." he said. AN ORANGE AND BROWN WEDDING: Alumnus Tom Siellers 58 loved Bowling Green State University so much that orange and brown were his wedding colors the scholarship competition more "It's challenging," she said. "A lot He returns every year because equitable. of people want to see a homecom- BGSU is a significant movement in No one noticed the change last ing king and a homecoming queen the symphony of his life. going back." and worked on the KEY yearbook. year because a male and a female because that's tradition. Yeah, it's He finds that returning each His passion for the l-alcons began SteUers has many memories of finished in the top two. but as sure kind of odd to have two females as year to BCiSU provides him with when he was a BCiSU student. his years at BGSU and said that any as the gowns On royals End Nomura our homecoming royalty; but they an opportunity to complete unfin- He was first introduced to the negative memories arc invisible to Sumitla and Glorya Cho, people are the most deserving students for ished portions of the musical score, campus by his mother's friend, who him. noticed this year. replay some of his favorite passages was an alumnus as well. When he His craziest memory at BGSU Sumida, (ho and their four-mem- See WOMEN | Page 6 and give BGSU the "standing O" for had a tour of campus in the spring was when he dressed as an unwed being the play list that he listens to of 1957, he was hooked. mother for a "Go to Hell, but come the most. "I was convinced that 13(1 was for as a Sinner" party. "In all honesty, I was never actu- me," SteUers said. Like all good things, after four .UClC ally on homecoming court, but I luring his years at BGSU. SteUers years SteUers graduated from the when people question me about my quickly grew attached to the cam- University in 19(12, with a major in I'alcon pride. I tell them you had to pus. biology and earth science. ItUerksj be there," Siellers said. "Once you've He joined the Sigma I'hi Ivpsilon been to God's country, you keep Fraternity and was involved in hand See ORANGE | Page 8

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By Jacki* Bur toll schools, celebrated a combined Staff tutorial KRT homecoming on Friday with a royal University of Kansas court whose members exemplify I he classics are still here — the hie, such character traits as leadership, (U-W1RP.I LAWRENCE, Kan. I his football Kami', the spirit rallies and humanitananism and spirituality. week is supposed to be differenl sparkly tiaras. Ilul even a ritual as "It's a level of history and tradi- from other weeks. The crimson nostalgic as high school and college tion 11 hat I is very d i fferent from how and blue should be flowing out homecoming evolves. other schools do it." said Brother oi your veins. The enthusiasm on Yesterday's homecoming queen, Christopher Brady, principal "I I le campus should he bubbling, this chosen for hei poise, beauty and la Salic. "We acknowledge quali- week everyone should fed proud fashion sense, has given way to a ties we think are Important" that they are a layhawk because it's 21st-century "royal court" where Some schools involve the entire homecoming week. leadership, athleticism and even community, Do you feel that? We certain!) eccentricity are cherished. And "We wanted something very don't. A week with festivities has community-building rules. different from traditional home now turned into just your average It's a natural progression, said comings homecoming Berkeley- week for most students. It's a week Acalanes leadership teacher Mike ■tyje," said UC Berkeley senkn Man where sororities and fraternities \U Mister. Aguiar, who helped organize last get together and have an excuse to ■ Kids arc verj Interested In not week's homecoming celebration . parly. The week brings in alumni In doing something old school." said PHOTO FROM SXC HU the second at Cal in 40 years. the football game for the big parade, \u Ulster. After the Sept. 11,2001. Ihe festivities attracted thou- but for the average student It's just attacks, his students organized a These days, all seniors vote, and include parade floats, royalty and sands ol students, alumni and area another week in the long fall semes charity carnival instead of throw- the choices are more eclectic _ the an Unbonfirc. "Usually you have children for a week ofspirit-ralsing ter. ing the traditional parade with the tireless student volunteer, the class the couple that's a mainstay, but and community-building activi- The days of excitement dur- tiaras and the floats. clown or the athlete who favors last year, we had an outstanding ties that included reunions, a free ing homecoming week are gone In the 1930s, the homecoming sweatpants over ballgowns. student body VP and a girl who 1 ubfesl carnival foi kids, and an Student Union Activities has iried queen's bust-waist-hip measure- "They pretty much give you the was just Involved In the commu- unusual!) creative canned food to revive the week with a big lime ments were published In her home director) and you choose." said nity. It's a real good mix of different drive, Student groups arranged the performer, but it's done little If you town paper, and only a lew stu- Devin Oiler, a senior at Walnut people." food donations to resemble Cal's were In survey students On W dents were allowed to vote tor ihe Creek's Northgate High School. ((incoid, (lallt's 1 larondelet and Sec SERVICE I Page 7 See AVERAGE I Page 9 royal honorees, where homecoming celebrations lie la Salic, both parochial high

selected An eight-judge panel whittles Included: GAS, HIGH Speed Internet and Private Shuttle that number to six liascd on a point WOMEN grading system, with the lop two From Page 5 ITS crowned as "royals" and the rest named members of their court. the award." Whitnn saiil the scholarship awards Gas Bills Students competing foi the became pan of the homecoming roj two M.IHHI homecoming scholar- ally selection within the past 10 years stacking up? ships, awarded by the University ol When they applied for the scholai Washington Alumni Association, are ship, neither Suinida nor Clio realized judged based on grade-pofot average, the two winners could lie the same campus activities, community activi- gender ty career educational goals and hon- "People do get confused "hen I SB) ors and award-, said Trevor YVhilon, 'hornecoming royal' and not 'home Kick them aside 8 UW senior adviser tin student activi- coming queen,'" said Cho, 19, an eco- let us foot the bill! ties nomics major. "People are siill getting Twelve scholarship finalists are Ihe hang of it." Concepts Salon WIXTIIROP & SUMMITTKRRACK APTS. * Tanning Office Located at 400 E. Napoleon Road HOURS: CREW * Hiir Cire (419) 352-9135 Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm MATRIX . " 10% off with student ID Email us: winthrop( Saturday Hours: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm ^sexyhair. 114 W. WMIIK SI • 419 3S3 1844 WWW.BGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. October 12.2006 7

SERVICE students create the game booths, local merchants contribute treats, All applicants can interview for court From Page 6 and hundreds of children come Memorial Stadium. Oski's face and to play. AIKI booth-buikTing gets other Berkeley icons. more students involved than floats at West Virginia University "We wanted to create a week to ever did, said Acalanes senior Ross bring everyone together, create this Albert By Chris Huntvmann about events such as Sept. 11 and putting their likeness on items such sense of community," said Aguiar. "With booths, you throw a bigger The Daily Athenaeum Hurricane Katrina. Candidates were as cigarettes and cannot campaign It was that sense of wider com- net in the pond, grab people from also asked questions about academics in establishments that sell alcohol. munity that prompted Acalanes every niche, include dubs. At the (U-W1RP.) MORGANTOWN, W.Va. and their extracurricular activities. Tucker said. High School's homecoming trans- end, people are coming from all — Before the 2006 West Virginia The 20061 lomecoming Committee In addition, no money from the formation after the World Trade over school to check it out," said University homecoming conn candi- included a University member who University will go toward their cam- Center tragedy. Albert. dates Ix'gin working to win the title of worked as a resident faculty leader, a paigns, he said With four community carnivals This year's receipts will send homecoming king and queen, they Student Affairs Administration repre- Ryan Poe, a senior engineering under their belts, Lafayette high nearly $3,000 to the lane (loodall must complete a long list of require sentative and a judge selected from major running for king, said his cam- school Students still enjoy their Institute, American Red Cross ments. thai' people within the Mountainlair paign has consisted mainly of reach- beloved crazy-activity days, the big disaster relief, the East Bay-based Before campaigning, candidates Administration, according to Tucker. ing out to freshmen at the Bvansdale football game and dance. Mill the Wardrobe for Opportunity, and the HUM fill out an application and go "h was important to have represen- Residential Complex. week is capped ofl"by "no floats, no t iianiic'ii I oundation, which helps through •'" extensive Interview pro- tatives of different people from within Since I am an engineering major. tiaras' festivities that benefit local, female entrepreneurs launch small cess IO lx' pan of the homecoming the University," he said Each judge I spend most ofmj time a) Bvansdale global and environmental causes, businesses in the most poverty ■ ourt hasapoint system to evaluate the can and card really campaign downtown," said Mi Mister. stricken countries all charities < iindidatcs write an essay explain- dictates, The five male and live female Poe said "Instead of dragging floats selected by Acalanes students ing why they should liclong to the students who received the most points I'oe said he has Ixvn putting post- around our track, we do this cute, "What (these students are doing homecoming court Each person who were admitted to the homecoming ers around the Bvansdale campus rinky-dinkcarnival.'saidMcAlisler. inspires me ever) single year," applies to lx' on the homecoming hourt. and explaining I lomecoming to fresh "I he beaut) is an entire school get- said McAlister. "It gives me hope court is guaranteed an Interview, said \s pan of their campaigns to men. ting behind something that reflects the world is going to fall into better Nathan fucker, elections chair of the become homecoming king or queen, During his interview process, Poe humanity at Its best." hands.'' Hornecoming Committee candidates can spend up to $500 of said he explained his dedication to the "No one is any better or art) worse," their own money and can receive University and how well-rounded lie he said donations ofup to $500, could lx'. I he candidates also went through I bwever, candidates cannot sjx'nd "I talked in them about how I pfa) a Connecting With Your a round ot interviews with each judge mooej on alcohols or drugs to gain Family Just Got Easier where (he) were asked questions \oics. They are also forbidden from APPLICANTS | Page 14

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thinking this is a nice place, but I don't understand the extreme loy- ORANGE alty," Crichton said. From Page 5 Even though she loves IiGSU A time to reconnect, Thinking back on his gradua- no more than any other college, tion day, Stellers recalls himself and Crichton was attracted to her hus- friend TomCultice going back lo the band for more than the brown and Sigma Itii I-psilon house lo close orange. decorate and be spirited il up for the summer for thdr lasl She stated that their love was lime. like fate. They grew up less than a By Sarah Virost game. Regardless of who BG is play- Despite the tears, he went home block apart, went to the same grade Reporter "I went to the game ing, students and staff alike get out to become a biology teacher and schools and later taught in the same last year. I don't thereand show their school spirit and yearbook adviser at Austin Fitch building. Time to get out the old sweatshirts, support. I ligh school in Youngstown. "It's hard to understand Tom's re-apply the facepaini and for lit! remember who won, "I went to the game last year. I don t siellers received his masters at love for BGSU, but I am slill there alumni to make the trip back — it's remember who won. but I was sur- kern State University in education for him, "Crichton said. homecoming time. but I was surrounded rounded by more school spirit then in I9fifl and later received his doc- Even his family has come lo Most alumni make the trip back ever. Everyone was wearing orange loralein l!)7.'i. llemethiswilcCaiol understand thai BGSU is just every few years to reconnect with by more school spirit and they were pumped. Il was awe Crichton in l%7. The two were another descriptor for him. their beloved BG, but what about some," said Mike Freyaldenhoven, married in 1971. in show their supporti they bin those who have never left and then ever." Hodgers (.load hall director. As a pan ol their wedding, the him brown and orange memorabil- spend each year at the University Mike Freyaldenhoven | Rogeis director There is the atmosphere of the two incorporated Stellers' love ia for his collection, which includes they love? People like HG's faculty game that is a big draw, hut how ran for BGSTJ hy having a brown and orange and brown shoes as well as and staff. their offices. I luge displays of orange, you walk around anil see old class orange theme. The bridesmaids brown ink for his pens. "I like homecoming. The depart- brown and oilier DC memorabilia mates when sitting in the stadium had orange dresses and thegrooms- In the end, oi hers may just assume ment gets into the spirit and we can be seen around campus. with the thousands of other people? men wore brown tuxes. thai Stellers' love for IiGSU is just decorate. We just have a lot of fun That's what homecoming is all That's when things like visiting the li was the year 1971, so why not?" another facet of his personality, but with it," said Dee Dee Wcntland, about. Decorating, rememberingand hospitality tents come into play. Siellers said "And obviously these Slellers could care less because only history department secretary. celebrating BG's alumni. I lospitality tents are set up lor pen colors dominate the spectrum for he really knows the t rut li behind lust like the history department, All around campus there are peo- pie at the game to be able to walk me." his love for BGSU. many otherdepartments take advan- ple walking around, wearing orange, Coincidently. Crichton, a I9(i.'i "Life's journey has many markers tage of homecoming to make up and getting pumped up for the big See MEMORIES | Page 17 Youngstown State Alumna went on which define it," Sellers said. "One her first date with her future hus- of my mountain top markers' is BG band at a BGSll homecoming. — the people I knew and the things "I remember on our first date I did during those four years." Activities ignore the bad weather

By Christina Wool™ approximate turnout of 484 people, representing Painter and Whitcrall Daily News (Ball Stale U.) the fashion show was a success, halls in the StudebakerWest (iomplex, Royalty Chairwoman Abby Ronk said. dressed up as a cowgiri and cowboy all Foils (U-WIRE) MUNCin, Ind. - Pouring Out of alxiutTOcandidates, all spon- They chose a western theme because with new rain and a severe thunderstorm watch sored by an organization they partici- of "Stu-West," Geiselhart said. did not prevent Ball State University pate in, the top 21 were selected at the There was a twist to this years lash students from supporting their home- end of the show to continue on as can- ion show, Ronk said. Before announc- coming king and queen candidates didates. Students had an opportunity ingthelop royalty iwi ird «@ off 1 -color foil at the Homecoming Pashion Show to vote online for the candidates. was given to the best-dressed pair, [he on Wednesday in Pruis Hall. With an Shad Denny and David Geiselhart, Homecoming Steering Committee §W off 2-color foil chose the three best-dressed couples, with Julie Alter the top three stepped forward, NEW CUSTOMERS the audience chose the winner. Based THE on audience applause, the winners TANNING 2 VISITS FOR $5.00 were Chris Peters representing Delta All of ouy beds V^t CENTER Gamma Iota fraternity, and Michelle HOT NEW DARK BRONZING BULBS! Sm,Nf U, <,«r. nee ""**» 111.10,31/01 Skinner representing 1-psilon Sigma Alpha sorority, who dressed as the f HI'S man and a package. 32 Rooms Ruailable!! 1 MONTH Candidates Hachelle Rekhert and • No Hidden Fees No Credit Card Required IFINEST Service in the standard beds Scott Barrett were nominated by THE HEAT Rotsford and Swinford halls in lolinson 904 E. Wooster 5 tails. 1 booth Complex and dressed as Clark Kent 419- 352-3588 closest to campus ~ *" "I 10 31 08 and Ixiis lane. The students living in lotions always BG!!! SOUTHSIDE LAUNDROMAT the halls chose a Superman theme, 993 S. Main 5 beds,2 booths 419-353-8826 appt. available 25% Dfl! and plan on decorating the halls with THE WASH HOUSE Superman comics, Barrett said. 529 Ridge Street, BG % 419-352-6459 248 N Main 17 beds, 2 booths tjjJL ATTITUDE 419-354-1559 no appt. needed See FASHION! Page II WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. October 12.2006 9 What some candidates will do to Preparing for a big homecoming bash solicit votes for homecoming KRT By Travis DoyU together? Isn't that it? Visiting friends during their www.collegefansites. The Daily Athenaeum Are they really spending this much homecoming? Interested in finding com/tailgating.html time and effort to be elected to have Whether you attend school in a out what parties are happening on (U-W1RK) MORGANTOWN, WAfc. - their names called out over the sound large city or small town, you are their side of town? CampusParty I lomecoming season would not I'm not voting for you; leave me alone. system, so that they can feel special for most likely preparing for home- can be your guide. A group of stu- be complete without tailgating par- Every Friday, after reading my col- two minutes, and then not even get to coming season. While celebrat- dents started this site in 1997 and lies. CollegeFanSites offers cool- umn, I decide that next week I'm going go to a silly, stupid little dance? They ing more than usual is expected set up a database so users can locate ers, chairs and tables decorated in to write something epic I decided that don't even get to give a speech! Worse at this time, it important still to parties or events at various colleges schools' logos and colors. Wallpaper, I'm going to write something more than all of that, this is like a second- be responsible. The following Web in the United States. All visitors can throw nigs and even teddy bears beneficial than just a little humor (and, rate Plaza-Christmas. sites provide valuable information view events, but if you want to add sporting teams' jerseys and helmets hopefully, provoke a little thought, So far, I've seen bananas and cou- on how to have a memorable and a party, you must first become a are available for fans to purchase. too). But then, by Tuesday, something pons for free ice cream handed out. safe homecoming. (iimpusParty member. has come along that needs to be made Only, beware, those coupons are not www.collegedrinkingpre- fun of. for free ice cream, they are buy one, www.collegefootball So on Tuesday, I decided to check get one free coupons! You still pay for my Facebook account. I had fourteen your ice cream, only now you have homecoming-favors.html If you believe the myth that beer group requests, all for a homecoming twice as much to eat! They're trying If you are looking for some ideas If you don't want to miss out doesn't have as much alcohol as hard king or queen. I've never participated to make you fat! And the banana guy, on how to throw a homecoming on the latest news and scores on liquor, then it's time to visit College in this election Ix-fore. 1 think it is pret- well, I don't know what the hell was up event, Party411 has many choices. your favorite college football team, Drinking Prevention. According to ty stupid and pointless, and my voice with him. SGA elections are a lot better This site has decorations, noise- check out College Football News. the site, 1,400 students between will go to feeding no one's ego aside for free crap. makers and complete party kits, An affiliate of Ira News service, the the ages of 18 and 24 die each year from my own. But still, I was curious. Now, take into account the booths and offers online assistance for site offers game previews, news col- from alcohol-related injuries. In an So I went looking into the descrip- in the Mountainlair. I remember read- organizing your event. At the online umns, predictions and polls. There effort to change this statistic, College tions of the groups, with talk about the ing in some of those group descrip- store, shoppers can purchase cus- are team pages to the colleges in Drinking Prevention includes arti- candidates' skills and how they would tions about everything they do around tom-made or other items for an all the major conference divisions cles and advice on the dangers of make a good homecoming-royalty- and for WVU; however, they just sit event, lhe prices are reasonable for ranging from the ACC to the WAC. alcohol, dispels several myths and type person. Correct me if I'm wrong there, behind booths, for hours. a college student's budget, so plan- If you want to rant and rave about has the Interactive Body, a feature but don't tile homecoming king and ning a party will not empty your your college's team, share your that show^ how alcohol affects dif- queen wear little tiaras and dance See VOTES | Page 21 pockets. thoughts on the message boards. ferent organs.

Floats are still built by greek hous- AVERAGE es and other student organizations, From Page 6 but it doesn't seem like they an as Important as they were when home- Beach, we would venture to say coming included all students. most would not realize it's home- Over the past two years the coming week. University has tried to bring excite- Vou can only do Can-struction ment to the week but it has done and layhawk Idol for so many years very little. From having a block before you get tired of the tradition. party in South Park to the new Spirit Week-long events do little to raise Sprint 5K run, little has been done the enthusiasm and pride of being to include not only the alumni but a layhawk. The spectacle and pag- students as well. eantry that once was homecoming Now homecoming is marked by has lost its luster. the special shirts made by the greek

«**»*; -



165 South Mam Strati Oownlown BG • 419-352-6395 WWW.BGNEWSCOM. 10 'hu.iday.Oaobeil2.2006 HOMECOMING WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. October 12.200611

in the Batman and Robin duo, is a FASHION junior who was nominated by Theta Chi fraternity. Lots of music releases at this time of year From Page 8 Then was a tie among the queen By Jim Farb«r up: Nas' "I lip I lop Is Dead." singer Amy Lee is the draw. Also, the "They made Superman T-shirts candidates causing a total of 11 to MCT The most chilling on the group has already done something with Ball State in place of the'S' as continue in ihe coni|ictition. They way? A disk of Barry Manilow sing- no other band has managed of late: the logo," he said. wen l:rin Wliitfield, Raquel Burton, Belated comebacks and promising ing '60s classics, in a dead heat with get a female singer onto hard rock Barrett was among the lop 10 cho- Whitney Kraus. len'Whitaker, Allison debuis, quirks from cullists and Mcatloafs "Bat Out of I lell 111." radio. Last time they sold 5 mil- sen to continue on as a royalty candi- Banilierger.RachellcReichen.Ryann blockbusters from superstars: All Below, we skip through the fall's lion copies in the process. So don't date. The other king candidates were Bogdon, Summer O'Dell, Kendra thesesoenaiios and situations crowd most interesting and/or alarming bet against them maintaining the Kris Rarcy. Zac Davis, Tyler Clemens, Islington, Amanda Hummer and this year's fall onslaught. The start releases, categorized by plot: commercial edge for CD No. 2, "The Mark Mayhew, Brian Pigford. Drake lindsey Wilson. of every school year begins music's (One caveat All release dates are Open Door," out Oct. 3. land. Rodney Mount, linen Hay and O'Dell, one of the remaining can- most densely populated sprint of subject to change.) ■ |el: They helped revive '70s rock Lric Rhode, didates, was participating in her first releases, sparking a marathon that with their super-catchy debut. If the "I really don't know what to Bay fashion show at Rail Stan i mtvenfty. doesn't end until Christmas. DEBUTS TO BE RECKONED WITH: new CD, "Shine On," out del. :!, is right now" Clemens said after being "ii was a real honor licing nomi- As usual, hundreds of releases ■ He's the son of the guy who only half as appealing as their first announced as one of the top 10. nated by my sisters," she said. will vie lor attention. Several of the wrote "It Never llains in Southern shot, it will slill lie twice as good as "This was a lot ol fun and I am really O'Dell, a sophomore, dressed as a most intriguing, daring or just plain California," and the guitarist in the most other rock records out there excited." redneck bride, and was nominated daft entries headed OUT way include Strokes. Does this qualify Albert now. Clemens, who dressed as Robin by Kappa Delta sorority. the first new songs from the Who Hammond Ir. to release a solo CD? ■ The Killers: The most success- in nearly 25 yean a fresh disk from We'll find out when "Yours to keep ful of the zillion '80s redo bands Sling comprised entirely of Kith- drops Oct. 10. returns with its follow-through _ century lute music, plus a joyous "Sam's lown" on Oct. 'i. holiday CD from one of pop's most FIRST-TIME HIT MAKERS TRYING TO ■ lolo: She was only 15 when she UA0 presents glum grinches: Aimee Mann. STAY IN THE GAME: recorded her debut. Now, at the ^1 The most provocative new song ■ Evanescence: Key member Bell doddering age of 17, |o|o is trying w title headed our way? Pete Ubu's Moody bolted from this (loth pop "Win I Hate Women.'' The runner- band two years ago. Bui luckily SeeMUSIC|Paqe25 Homecoming / \ <^ COLLEGIATE CONNECTION ^> oasH OB fjSHjt^L 531 Ridge St Join us after the Homecoming football „/£>\i^fjj^^ 419-352-8333 game for a FREE outdoor concert! y »^—"f I >-"——-^TJl "|—'"V' 1/ ' V^"» // 'iat ini'^n BGSU Closeout Sale • Who: 25%-75% OFF ALL BGSU Regular Sale 2SkinnyDorks, CocoBeanos, Jackets SI 9.99 55.00 and the winner of UAO's $24.99 510.00 Battle of the Bands Pullover Hooded Jackets $45.99 520.00 Windshirts $39.99 SI 0.00 • When: Crewneak sweat shirts & hoodies $30.99-546.99 $5.00and up October 14th T-shirts/short slv+long S15.99andup SS.OOandup (directly following the game) T-shirt with a hat $19.99 $14.99 Fleece vest and fleece pullovers $59.99 S20.00 AH BGSU childrens wear 50-70%off • Where: Nylon pants $29.99 SI0.00 The Intramural fields BGSU Blankets S44.99 $19.99 (by the Doyt Perry Stadium) All BGSU Plush 50%off Umbrellas $17.99 $13.50 Liscense plate frames S8.99 $4.50 Caribiner key chain $10.99 $5.00 BGSU water bottles S9.99 S6.99 Can cooler $5.99 $4.50 Stainless steel travel mugs $3.99 S1.99 BGSU Mom & Dad mugs S3.99 $1.99 Bottle holder $8.99 S6.75 Cappuccino mugs S7.99 S3.9^ many other items at 25%-75% OFF FREE CAR DECAL WITH PURCHASE _A . A_ . — r Iti 4 LILLIAN GISH LILLIAN GISH WILL BE SHOV

"I never cease to wonder at my luck in having for my sister the woman who, more than any other woman i


■ Birth Name: Lillian Diana de Gukhe ■ Date of Birth: October 14.1893 ■ Date of Death: Febmary 27.1993 ACHIEVEMENTS

■ In 1920. Lillian directed her sister Dorothy in Remodeling, Her Husband.

■ Nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award in 1946 for her role as Laura-

Bele McCanles in "Duel in the Sun." ■ Received an honorary Academy Award in 1970

for her "superlative artistry and for rjsti iguished contribution to the progress of motion pictures'

■ In 1982. she was awarded Kennedy Center


■ Awarded Lifetime Adiieveinent Award by the

American film Institute ii 1984.

QUOTES r———————.

■ "Never get caught acting." ■ "The stage was our school, our home, our life. ■ "What you get is a living - what you give is a life. ■ You know, when I first went into the movies Lionel Barrymore played my grandfather. Later he played my father and finally lie played my husband. If he had lived, I'm sure I would have played his mother." ■ "Young man. if God had wanted you to see me that way. he would have put your eyes in your bellybutton" ■ "The older I get. the more I believe in what I can't explain or understand, even more than the things that are explainable and understandable.

PHOTOS f BOM HTTP //SIIENILADIESCOM/PCJSH HTML HOWING HERE ON THIS VERY PAGE WITH LOVE AND SUN nan in America, possesses all the qualities of true greatness." DorodiyGsh

Silent but powerful

By Chandra NikUwski born, film major Kyle Whited says Lillian Gish made Rep' valuable contributions to Mini. "Lillian Gish was a pioneer in the Him industry," i he Gish liim rheater, located In Hanna Hall, pulls a Whited said, she paved the wa\ for great leading \ Isitoi into the past before even entering the theater. women like lulia Roberts and Meryl Streep today. It's Opening the doors of Manna Hall, one is instantly inspiring that aperson from Ohio was able to make such greeted In various memorabilia from the careers of, a name for herself." Lillian and Doroth) Gish, sisters and silent Bun stars The theater was originall) to be named after Lillian, from ihc early 1900s who grew up in nearby Springfield, hut she refused to allow the dedication unless the Ohio. theater was named aftet her sister, Dorothy, as well. "I have always felt ihai Lillian's belongings add an Dorothy had died years before and Lillian Insisted her important element to the aesthetic of the theater as a sister wasa better actress than she had been fe." space, It's as il she's there with us each day, adding her The dedication with the names ol both sisters took a powerful presence and memory to the magic of Him place exactly 30 years ago and is one ol the reasoi.s Studies," said liretl I lolden. associate Curator of the lames 1 rasher, 1 illian's former manager, is visiting the ate theater, Although her career took place before most ol us were See GISH! Page 21 •y ive me tur

ithe jble." 14Thuiiday.Ociobal2.2006 HOMECOMING WWWBGNEWS.COM King and queen to be Outdoor concert after football game

announced at Friday's pep rally By Cassandra Shofar By Christy Johnson "Hopefully, this Reporter Reporter year we get a bigger As the crowd Filters out of /£ \ndcrson Arena will be screaming BGSU's football stadium during .•range and brown Priday. crowd, and that it will Homecoming weekend, enticing Athletes, band members, siu- music will offer a second wind of dcnis and staff will come together continue to grow with entertainment for everyone. to share their lo\e lor Howling "Homecoming Bash 2006," a Green ami Falcon pride will be each passing year." free outdoor concert sponsored by everywhere at this year's pep rally. University Activities Organization, This year's homecoming pep Vanessa Young | Cheerleadmg captain is scheduled to take place around 7 rally is sure to be one to remem- p.m. (pending the game) Saturday ber," said Ashley Howard, spirit The homecoming king and near the stadium. point chair of the Homecoming queen, who were chosen by "We've never done an outdoor Spirit Committee, University students this past week, concert before, and its always conic PHOTO rROM DECfNTX COM I he event! planned are both will also be crowned. up," said senior I indsay Maker, who diverse and numerous, and plan- Nev, thisyearwill be the crown- is the UAO chair of the event "People 2 SKINNY DORKS: One ol three bands performing after the homecoming football game on ners hope everyone has a good ing of the prince and prim ess ol thought it'd he cool to gel everyone Saturday The five membeis play a blend o( funk, rock pop and $ii lime. homecoming. outside." The University's chccrlead- The price and princess are the Unlike pasi Homecoming events the Hands winner, acoustic artist "They're really good." ng squad and dance team will two students who participated with large-scale artists like l.udacris, Shane I'iaseki, 2 Skinny Dorks and Along with Baker. Wiedeiiholl icrl'nrm, the hand will play and in the most homecoming events lilack Eyed Peas and Dashboard Cocobeanos. agrees the outdoor element will students will have chances to par throughout the week. ( .nnfessinnal. UAO decided lo tread I he band 2 Skinny Dorks is from probably e\erl a pull on more peo- Icipate in games that will pump The most spirited Greek organi- in some nev, local uaicis this year. Columbus and creates a unique ple exiting the game. •indents up for Homecoming zation, residence hall and student liaker said although they did their blend of funk, rock, pop and jazz, in "I think that it'll attract more stu rVeekend. Organizations will also get award- regular search for a high-profile art- its music. dents because it's free, so (hey don't "We spend a great deal of time ed at the pep rally. ist this past summer, the votes were "It's really modern and run ... have to worry about buying tick- ireparing our performance for "We wanted more of the student all close lor a couple different arlisis you i an dance to it." Baker said. "It ets, and they'll already be over there he pep rally, but a lot of students body involved this year," explains and artist availability was conflicting Incorporates a lot of things." because ol the game," he said, add- lon'l even know we have one.' Raquel Dalton, rep rally chair. with the Homecomingdatea Hie cover band Cocobeanos, from ing that mixing students and alumni .aid Vanessa Young, captain of the Through games and perform- "We were running into so many Castalfa, Ohio, also offers .* variety togethei more will also be a positive ill-female cheeiieading squad ers we hope to attract Students of problems, and we didn't want to put the audience (ant ignore. result of the concert, "Hopefully, this year we get a all backgrounds to the rally this out a show that didn't generate a "They're a cover band so they'll "We thought il would be a good ligger crowd, and thai it will con- year." good response," said liaker. adding play anything people want lo hear event to finish up the game wilh." inue to grow wilh each passing I lie pep rally will begin at (>:.'!() that a lot of the artists were sched- ... pretty much across the board," Maker said "We're expecting a good ear." she said. p.m. Friday. uled lo be in their recording studios Baker said. turnout." during the requested time. Senior Nate Wicdcnliolt has seen Pepsi will provide refreshments UAO is planning to bring a big Cocobeanos previously and enjoyed at the conceit For any questions or artist to campus in the spring, Baker I heir performance. more information about the concert, said. "The music that they've redone cull the UAO office at (419) 372-2486 Mini Mall Homecoming Hash 2006 will is pretty good, and I like their or Stop by the Union information eauty Salon include this semester's Kaltle of music selections," Wiedeiiholl said. desk.

Pull Sri ■ KaInnee ■ 75 !?£!< LIQUIDATION APPLICANTS From Page 7 ecials: S|lil I'eilicille retail prices Ilrt^uliir Manicures- " 65% - 80% OFF major role in everything I'm involved with." Poe said. Krister Statler, a queen candidate, KIIIIII.I McKitiiiiss LOOKAUKE DESIGNER HANDBAGS OPEN said she is making posters and spend SWAROVSKICRAYSTAL JEWLRY SUNDAY ing time talking to students about the m- HATS • SCARFS • DESIGNER JEWLRY 1-5 PM importance of voting. "Its fust really important to gel your name out there," Statlei said. Statler »1 II PTa*4 said she also has Mends campaigning for her at the cafeteria in the Health 5333 Monroe St. Toledo, Ohio Sciences campus and has received >i 419-841-8556 support from IIP. Dough, Thunday.Octob«12.2006l5 WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING

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THE ENCLAVE I & II 706 Napoleon Rd. Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-7 877-819-6802 Sat 10-4, Sun 12-4 I 14 Mrsday. October 12.2006 HOMECOMING WWW.BGNEWS.COM King and queen to be Outdoor concert after football game

announced at Friday's pep rally By Cassandra Shofar BvBy Christy Johnson "Ll_ I..II.. *JLe_ Reporter Rep ■ Hopefully, this year we get a bigger As the crowd filters mil of Mtderson Arena will be screaming BGSU's football stadium during irangeand brown Friday. crowd, and that it will Homecoming weekend, enticing Athletes, band members, stu- music will offer a second wind ol ^ dents .iml st.ill will come together continue to grow with entertainment foi everyone, HI share their love for Bowling "Homecoming Hash 2006," a Green .mil Ialcon pride will be each passing year." Tree outdooi concert sponsored b) ever) u here at this) ear's pep rally. University Activities Organization, ■ "This year's homecoming pep is scheduled to lake place around 7 rail) i- -me in he one to remem p.m. (pending Ihe name Saturda) her. said Vshle) Howard, spirit 1 he homecoming king and near the stadium. point eh,III ill the Homecoming queen, who were chosen by "We've never done an outdoor Spirit Committee. University students this pasi week, concert before, and it's always come PHOIO FROM DKEWX COM I he events planned are both will also be crowned. up," said senior I indsa) Maker, who liverse and numerous, and plan New Ihisyearwillbethecrown- is the UAO chair of the event. "People 2 SKINNY DORKS: ;iers hope everyone has .i good inn "f the prince .mil princess ol thought It'd he cool 10 gei everyone llendol lunkro ■ . lime. homecoming. outside." I he University's chccrlead- The price and princess are the Unlike pasi Homecoming events the Mauds winner, acoustic artisi 1 hey're reall) good." ng squad and dance learn will two students who participated with large-scale artists like Ludacris, Shane Piascki. .' skinny Murks and Vlong with Maker, Wiedenhofi HIiiiiin. the band will pla) and in ihe most homecoming events Black Eyed Peas and Dashboard Cocobeanos. agrees the outdoor element will •tudents will have chances in pai throughout the week. ( onlessioiial. UAO decided 10 tread I hi hand 1 skmm Dorks is from piobabl) exerl a pull on more peo » ipate in games thai will pump 1 he inosi spirited Greek organi- In some new local waters this year. Columbus and creates a unique pie exiting the game. ttudents up for Homecoming zation, residence hall and student Baker said although the) did their blend ol Funk, rock, pop and jazz in I think Ihal it'll attract more stu .Veekend. organizations will also gel award- regulai search fora high profile an iis music. dents because it's free, so ihe) don'i "We spend .i greai deal of time ed ai ihe pep rally. ist ilns pasi summer, the votes were "It's really modem and Inn ... have 10 wort) about buying tick- ireparing our performance for "We wanted moreol the student all close im a couple different artists you can dance to it," Bakei said "li ets, and they'll already he over there lie pep rally, Inn a lot of students bod) involved this year," explains and artisi availability was conflicting incorporates a lot ol things." because ol die game." he said, add- lon'i even know uc lime one," Raqucl Dallon, rep rally chair. with the Homecoming dates, rhe cover band Cocobeanos, from in); thai mixing students and alumni •aid Vanessa >

hill VI llalatnc 5?£L LIQUIDATION APPLICANTS 110111 Page 7 Spa l'i ilii en

Itrifiilni Ma nil 111 65%-80% OFF ., ™ majoi role in everything I'm involved with," Poesakl. Kristen Statler, a queen candidate, IM mil.1 Mi Kiinii LOOKAUKE DESIGNER HANDBAGS ^^^^ OPEN said she is making posters and spend

(■ SWAROVSKICRAYSTAL JEWLRY S U N D AY imr talking to students ahoul the HATS • SCARFS • DESIGNER JEWLRY 1 -5 PM inccol voting Ms jusi n -. 111 \ importani to gel your ll.llllr mil 11 ••aid-' finis i uiiip.n- II ihe Health 5333 Monroe St. Toledo,Ohio >l 419-841-8556 WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING 15

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THE ENCLAVE I & II Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30-7 706 Napoleon Rd. 877-819-6802 Sat 10-4, Sun 12-4 www.col 16 Thursday. October \2.2006 HOMECOMING WWWBGNEWS.COM Family fun night sponsored by NPHC on Friday

By Janeen Morgan the first time in a while since we've "If these events are pubbed right, I think we ticipation, so we had to cancel the Reporter been involved for Homecoming," show," Alexander said. said Tierney (irayson, senior and could have a lot of participation" "If these events are pubbed right, The National Pan-Hellenic Council president of NPHC. 1 think we could have a lot of par- Shatonda Alexander I NPHC PR Chair is making a reappearance in this According to (irayson, NPIIC's ticipation," Alexander said. year's Homecoming vvilh a family done a few things every year at I (opcfully, this year — even with night filled with games and fun. Homecoming, but the events Creeks put on to display talent, said ning and the family night will fol- the step show being canceled, Ibr the past 10 or 20 years, haven't been major or mainstream. Sharonda Alexander, public rela- low ... later that night," Alexander NPHC will still get participation NPHC has always had a role in After planning for a step show, tions chair for NPHC, when defin- said. from the black community. Homecoming. This year, NPHC the committee ran into participa- ing the step show. "For homecoming this year, we "I know a lot of the Greeks will plans to he involved, only not so tion problems and had to cancel Instead, NPHC's homecoming started planing last semester in the I participate!, but if people see the big. the step show. committee decided to have a family spring. We thought of having an Greeks doing something, usually "NPHC has been involved with Thiswasabitdisappointingtothe night on I lomecoming weekend. annual Homecoming step show, "We will be performing an exhi- and we were going to do this show. Homecoming on and off for the black community at BGSU. Many See NPHC | Page 17 past 10 or 20 years, but this year's expected to see a performance that bition at the pep rally Friday eve- However, there was a lack of par-

Parade returns after 19-year-hiatus Slow cooker good for The committee members are still By Laura Chapman UNI. has not held a parade preparing fall meals Daily Nebraskan (U. Nebraska) for nearly two decades, mainly looking for a grand marshal and because several floats caught on for judges of the parade entries, By Sharon Thompson the recent introduction of Banquet's fire in previous years, she said. lacobson said. KRT Crock-Pot Classics, Betty Crocker's U-WIHF) LINCOLN, Neb. — It's Floats without a fire extinguish- The top-ranking entries will be Crock Pot Helper and Slow Cooker )cen 19 years since cars dragging er would be disqualified from the displayed during the football game LEXINGTON, Ky. _ An easy way to Gourmet "The result is a warm latrjedsdrovc2mph down ft Street parade, Sarrif said. the following day. prepare fall meals is In the reliable meal that's been cooking all day," n Lincoln. Nil). (irant lacobson. theco-chairman The tentative cost for the parade and tmsty slow cooker. Ix-blangsaid. But that will change Nov. .'t, when of the Association of Students of is $5,000 and will cover a number The ever-popular slow cooker, The slow cooker provides busy he University Nebraska-Lincoln the University of Nebraska parade of expenses, including payment for introduced in the 1970s, is expe- people with a home-cooked meal losts the "Cornhusker Carnival steering committee, said last year's law enforcement officers and the riencing a comeback in America's without a lot of stress. It's not nec- Inder the Big Top" I lomecoming Freshman Campus Leadership cost of barricades, lacobson said. kitchens as time-crunched families essarily simple, because it's time- Miade. Associates, an organization within Entries would be charged a rediscover the benefits of using the consuming to put together, but Kat Sarrif. the co-coordinator of ASUN, made it its project to bring refundable $50 commitment/ appliance to have home-cooked its worth it when you don't have he Homecoming committee, said back the parade cleanup deposit, lacobson said, so meals, to think about dinner at the end ncmbers hoped Students' entries "It puts on a good face for the the committee can ensure entries Bonnie Tandy l.cblang. co-cre- of the day, said Amy Cooper ol VOUld include clowns, carousels university," said lacobson, a sopho- fill their spots on the day of the ator of (be syndicated column Nicholasville, ky„ a self-proclaimed ind all things carnival. more (hrmicil engineering major. parade. "Supermarket Sampler," talked "Crock-Pot poster child." about trendsat a Food News Seminar "I have three and could use mote," this summer. She said the value of said Cooper, who uses a slow cooker a home-cooked meal is becoming to make apple, |>ear and pumpkin B ur ac to i ncreasi ngly i mportant. butters, and spaghetti sauce for %Ym ^ y° P' © be! The newest "hot" appliance Is the J j^I ^ Bowling Green, OH updated slow cooker, evidenced by See FOOD | Page 20

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BEST VALUES IN TOWN/EVERYDAV SPECIALS! WWW.BGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. October 12.200617 Avoid rotting Hockey and football will share the weekend pumpkins by By Colin Wilson planning ahead Assistant Sports Editor I lomecoming weekend is a celebra- By Dan Pillar tion which the whole campus par- KRT takes in. Alumni come back— hence the name— and partake in different Nothing can spoil the October events with current students and fac- charm of I lallowecn faster than a ulty. pumpkin thai rots within a day or One thing that is more recognized two of its caning, well before the during the whole celebration is sport- spooky night. ingevents, in particular football. A spoiled pumpkin will turn Although this year, another team even the most skillful carving into on campus will hope to make a splash a hideous caricature. Northerners. during the eventful weekend. whose October pumpkins usu- The BUSH hoctey team plays its ally come with frost attached, don't first two games during I lomecoming have a problem. But in wanner weekend. climates, pumpkins must face an Friday, the Falcons take on October when the weather can still Connecticut and on Sunday they face Alahama-I luntsville. See ROT | Page 23 The team is happy to start off their season on I lomecoming weekend with a lot of extra people on campus. "It winks out that way, which is nice. MEMORIES We love to have the |alumni| at our From Page 8 backs and any parents at our games," said BCiSU hockey coach Scott Much. TWO IMPORTANT GAMES THIS WEEKEND: Junior M,ke Nesdrll practices lot Friday's hockey home opene. around, get some food, meet up "It adds the ability for them to see with old friends and remember the different events. We'd love to see a lot is all about going to football games gamesl," said hockey forward football team to do well against good old days. of former falcons at our game that in the fall, hockey and basketball lonathan Matsumoto. Eastern Michigan as much as we "I worked on our hospitality tent weekend," games in the winter, baseball, soft- The BG athletic community is want to do well against UCortn and last year. We had traditional tailgate The Homecoming football game ball, trad in tlic spring." close-knit. The support they give HuntsvUle." food, like burgers and hot dogs, we is typically on the first weekend of The Falcon hockey players are one another is evident at most The one difference in the two had music provided by the men's October, but the Falcons took on Ohio also happy that they can share the sporting events. teams' situations is the football chorus, and we had students who State last weekend instead. weekend with the football team. Homecoming weekend will be team will be fighting for its place in were, dressed up and interacting The reaching staffs ol the two teams It may just be another game in another example of them cheering the MAC Hast and the hockey team with everyone," said Sarah Dias, an' glad it happened this way. another season, but it has its mean- one another on. will just be beginning what hopes to executive assistant to the dean of "Yeah, it'll be a fun weekend because ing. "You'll always see different ath- Ix.' a promising season. Nonetheless,' the College of Arts and Sciences. there are a lot of activities going on. "Anything to get the attendance letes at different events. It's some- the need for support is clearly there "It was so much fun, and I can't a lot of sports going on. lb me. that's up is good. Hopefully we'll get a thing special about Bowling Green and both teams hope to get it this wail for the many years to come!" what college is all about," said B(i foot- chance to go to the football game that you may not see somewhere I Mas said. ball coach Oregg Brandon. 'College and they'll do the same for lour else," Paluch said. "We'd like the See HOCKEY | Paqe 20

in whatever they do, in terms of committee for Homecoming. Colonial 'Barbers NPHC participation. "We have some people from dif- From Paqe 16 "Next year, we want all partici- ferent chapters in NPHC that make Come in and Get your haircut Today! pants to sign contracts to make up this Homecoming committee. they follow," said Michelle Spencer, sure they are able to step and such," We liav e the Pit Chair and some key Hours: senior and sorority member of Zeta Alexander said. reps from the chapters," Grayson Mori., Tue., Thurs., Fri. PW Beta Incorporated. liven for NI'IIC. planning these said. 8:30 am- 5:30 pm According to Spencer, people events can be tedious. There arc With the work of the chairs, will eventually follow the Creeks different people who make up the (irayson hopes t hat plans for a step Sat. 8:00 am -1:00 pm

tiatural Light 24pk..S8.99 • 2 F3arbers • No Waiting • Walk - ins Welcome dweiser I8pk..$11.99 tystone 30Pk SI0.99 205 N. Prospect • (419)354-0303 Might I8pk S11.99 |3 blocks West of the Admin Bldg on the cornet of N Prospect & Court St ( w. 18 Thursday. October 12.2006 HOMECOMING WWW.BGNEWS.COM What is the fate of all my fellow classmates?

By Matt Mauk fancy "leadership" kids with their promisingyoungtalent. who wanted pus events every week, but sadly, his way up through a billion dollar Not News Columnist "studying" and "shoes" are going to to finally make it big in Hollywood. couldn't remember half of them... corporation and retire in the south be the big business leaders like they But Bowling Green can only sup- that was pretty much how his col- of Prance with a supermodel wife. The approaching homecoming intend to be. ply one ama/.ing actor such as the lege career went. To his dismay, he ended up in a weekend lias inspired a few inter- What's going to happen with the T-iooo. Though he wanted to gain obnox- cubicle job that dealt with business esting thoughts during my three- people we see every day? Instead, Candi ended up getting ious amounts of money from profes- somewhere in the outskirts of the in-the-morning musings. Instead No need to wonder, my dear fans, married four times and having a sional sports (he didn't care which underworld, which happens to be a of reminiscing about past home- because I managed to fashion a time total of six children (three of which onel, it wasn't a guarantee in his majority of Brazil. I lis "supermodel coming experiences, I found myself machine from paper clips, a lawn were named Junior) and beat out future, lohnny gained .'SIM) pounds wife" who was "waiting in the limo" .pondering the fate of students in chair and several Toledo students' tanning-booth induced skin cancer after college and died of cardiac fail- at the reunion was. in reality, his our class. lost hopes and dreams. — although her hair did fall out at a ure while attempting to reach for bulldog named Clara sitting in the Ever wondered what job that bug- To get to the point, this is what I young age from years of platinum the remote. Geo out back. r\ id girl in the hack of room is going discovered about several students' blonde hair dye. David the Computer Science Dingbang I'a the International u> get? futures: lohnny I'rat Guy was a star athlete Major had the most detailed outline And whether or not all those Candl the Sororitv Girl was a and participated in several cam- for his future. He wanted to work See FATE | Page 19 WAL-MART SUPERCENTER ALWAYS LOW PRICES /tto*%£ SM you these special setvices: Pharmacy Quick Lube Express Vision Care Hair Salon One-Hour Photo Processing Hearing Center 131 West Gypsy Lane


A little history on the evolution of pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns By Barbara Quinn spooky carved-out pumpkins this PIZZA KRT time of year? An Irish folktale tells of a fel- Pumpkins arc like people. Some are low named Stingy lack who was big. Somcari'small. Sonware round. so despicable, when he died, God Some are tall. And sometimes we would not allow him into heaven. spend IOO much time decorating the The Devil didn't want him at his outside and forget the value within. place either. Hen are some interesting facts So lack was sent out into the night abotll pumpkins, courtesy of the with only a burning coal to light his University of Illinois Agricultural way I le put the coal into a carved- Extension Wch site and oilier out turnip and began to roam the m&m resources: earth. Better Ingredients. Pumpkins are members ol The Irish referred to this homeless the gourd family that includes apparition as "lack of the Lantern" Better Pizza. watermelon and winter squash. which eventually became "lack-o- Pumpkins get their name from the Lantern." Immigrants to the United Bowling Green & B.GSU Greek word pepoili meaning "large Si,lies soon discovered thai [lump 826 S. Main St. (Next to Big Lots) melon." which the French translat- kins made belter jack o'lanicms ed to portion and the English called than turnips and the rest Is history, pumpion. American colonists later Pumpkins are the ultimate "lack 353-7272 lev ised the name to pumpkin. oNiilrients." S® We Accept Visa & Mastercard Wouldn't you know it was the Irish who Started die tradition ol See PUMPKINS Rage 23 Try our I would like lo pel soualh see how NEW Better Wings! FATE all these kids turn out, bm unfortu- From Page 18 nately, like most an students, I will end up being a rambling hobo beg- Papa John's Welcomes B.G.S.U Students with Great Deals Student was an exchange student ging for pennies and bits of shoelac- ol legend, n you've eve seen a teen es next to mj cardboard box home movie from the 80's, then you know jusi outside campus. exactly what I mean. Or maybe I'll lake on the duties ol Even though he could barely the radio bike man. Large 1 Item Pizza understand a word ot English, be And for those Ol you who wanted managed to make his first million to know the Fate of the bug-eyed by Inventing the most potent male girl ill the back ol the room: No. she enhancement drug, which also hap- didn'l become a gorgeous model one pened lo be a staple in David the day, she owns over seventy cats and Computer Science Major's life. writes to Chris Farley every day.

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University facts: sports, Corn mazes provide fun, family activity TRADITION names and rivalries From Page 4 1*1*: The litst football team was fielded By Patrick Kampvrt and went 0-3 MCT working on theirs since last winter, Normal. It wasn't until 1927 when preparing for an August opening. the nickname Falcons was sug- 1920: The BeeGee News is printed fa the first time foil can't necessarily tell from This is a major project for us; it's gested by a sports editor for the •round level, but (ieorge and Roberl not secondary," explained Robert Daily Sentinel Tribune. The name 1922: The first homecoming was celebrat- ed with a pep rally, fireworks and a parade Richardson's farm in Spring Grave, Richardson at the edge of the field seemed perfect since a falcon is III., is a baseball lover's paradise in late May. a powerful, small bird that also 1929: Bowling Green Normal College It's home to what is billed as the After planting 20,000 plants in an wields the School's colors. becomes BGSU. world's largest corn maze, and 111 i^ east-west direction the day before, I reddle and I rieda didn't bless 19JJ: A plan lo turn BGSU «uo a mental year's theme is baseball, focusing on brotherdeorgewasgoingcrossways, the University until much later. In institution was deleated the world champion White Sox and, north-south, in the tractor to lay I (iso, Freddie the Falcon made his 1947: BGSU and Toledo are allowed to to a lesser degree, the still-popular down 20,000 more, a kernel approxi- first appearance at a basketball compete after a 22 year hiatus. Cubs. mately every 11 to 12 inches. game against Ohio University. In 197S: BGSU gets into the Guinness Book Above the trees, you can see that "By cross-planting, they come 1966 Frieda joined Freddie's side PHOTO FROM SXCHU of Woild Records when 5.376 students the White Sox logo and the team's out more equidistant to each other," spreading spirit all over campus. joined hands and danced to the stadium fireworks-laden scoreboard take toward parents pushing strollers said Robert, looking on. "I love them. They are so much 1984: Hockey team wins lire NCAA .enter stage at the 28-acrc field and grandparents who don't want "Basically, it's so there aren't rows fun," said Jessica Buttler, a sopho- National Championship . (with more than 10 miles of trails! to walk too far. for people to follow. The aerial pho- more cheerleader. "I like I rieda •' a few miles south of the Wisconsin Corn mazes, which have grown tos look real good when it's a solid belter because she dances with the field. In 1935, competition border. popular in recent years as more mass of Kirn." me, and Freddie always steals my between the two schools was A smaller. 5-acre maze design fea- farmers seek new sources of income, lb the brot hers, t hecorn maze was pompoms." suspended for 22 years because turing two kids by a campfire is a tend to be autumn attractions a natural progression from grow- Winslow is also responsible of bleacher brawls between the ihort walk or wagon ride north of among city folk venturing into the ing and selling Christmas trees, an for designing Ihe University seal. opposing students. ■ n he main layout. country for apples and pumpkins. enterprise the Richardsons' parents The largest version of the seal is Bowling Green's official fight V It's relatively simple, geared Hut the Itichardsons have been initialed in the mid-'ROs. located in the middle of cam- song is "Forward Falcons," pus between the Administration although many students believe Building and University Hall. that it is "Ay /.iggy Zoomba." Part- "You can do whatever you want. I for All the Year Round" by Phyllis One of the first things students time archivist Ann Bowers says FOOD put in pureed zucchini as one of my Pellman Good and Dawn I. Itanck. learn while touring campus is the thai Ay /iggy Zoomba" is the From Page 16 layers. My family doesn't like zuc- "1 always know it is time to get out legend behind the giant seal. most unique of all Bowling Green chini, but I do. If I puree it, they'll eat the Crock-Pot when I ask people for If students walk to the left of traditions. lomemade Christmas presents. it," she said. dinner, and they automatically ask the seal, they supposedly will fail "Ay Ziggy Zoomba is the best One of her family's favorite dishes "It's pretty amazing what you can where I want to meet. For guests, the test of the class they are walk- fight song in America, and I will s Crock-Pot lasagna. The recipe is do in the Crock-Pot Try recipes you Childers cooks two roasts in the ing to. tell anybody that" Wright said. .o versatile, ii doesn't require a rec- already have, even if you can't imag- Crock-Pol and serves one plain and Legend also has it that if two lov- Ay Ziggy Zoomba is a loose pe. It's simply layering traditional ine it being done in the Crock-Pot. the other with barbecue sauce. ers kiss each other while standing translation of a Zulu war chant ngrcdients sauce, dry lasagna I'm not very good about using reci- Woodford County (Ky.) Extension atop of the seal at midnight, they and was introduced by stu- loodles, ground heef seasoned with pes. I make things up as I go along," Agent Jennifer Klcc said: "The slow will soon get married. dent Gilbert fox at special spirit mions and green peppers, ricotta she said. cooker works great for pot lucks or Although il may be just a leg- assembly in 1946. Fox was taught heesc, mozzarella cheese _ begin- When Ruth Ann Childers thinks family dinners to keep hot foods end, it has been proven to he true the song while serving as a bom- ling and ending with the sauce and about entertaining, she reaches hot. Mashed potatoes work well this in some cases. bardier in Italy during World War opping with a layer of Mozzarella for "Fix-It and Forgel-lt Recipes for way and allow you to do them an "One time I was late to a test II by a group of Soulh African tnd Parmesan cheeses Entertaining: Slow Cooker favorites hour or two ahead of time." and was in a really big hurry," airmen. said sophomore Jessica Warren. Former Falcon All-American "A tour group was blocking my defensive back Mike Weger way so I had to walk to the left. chanted "Ay Ziggy Zoomba" in B.C.S.U. STUDENTS LOVE Lei's jusl say that the legend held the major motion picture "Paper HOCKEY true." Lion." TROTTERS BECAUSE From Page 17 Despising the Toledo Rockets Foxwasalsoanoriginalmember "IT IS MORE FUN TO EAT IN THE TAVERN is another tradition with rich his- of the secret spirit group thai was THAN TO DRINK IN A RESTAURANT- weekend. tory. created by University President "Well, it's huge for us. I think our The rivalry started at the David Prout in 1946. The organi- students will show up because they University's first football game zation SrCSIC is responsible for are pretty loyal," Brandon said. on Oct. 3rd, 1919, when Bowling promoting school spirit all over "We're gonna need a great crowd. Green test to the Rockets 0-6. campus. Eastern Michigan's not gonna roll "Every year It's like we have to The identities of the SICSIC over." heal them," said Buttler about member's are kept hidden behind The football game begins at 4 Toledo. "F.ven if we have a losing masks and kept secret until grad- p.m. at Doyt I.. Perry Stadium. The season, it is almost made up for uation. The meaning behind the LOCATED AT 119 N. MAIN ST. BOWLING CREEN, first hockey game is Friday at 7:05 with a win against Toledo." title sicsic was created by Fox OPENS AT 5:00 PM MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY p.m. and the second is Sunday at The Toledo rivalry has always PHONE: (419) 352-5895 and has never been revealed to 4:05 p.m. been a healed one on and oil non-members. WWWBGNEWS.COM HOMECOMING Thursday. Oclobet 12.2006 21

into this chance to have their names VOTES called out at a game instead of actu- Pumpkin crop failure in Mass. From Page 9 ally doing anything product i\ < ■. Don't they have something - any- I lere is a clue for you, kiddos: If thing - better to do with their time? By Adam Gorlick months. In 2005. the agency report- you've actually made a difference, Couldn't they l>e out cleaning up the Associated Press "This time of year, ed that Massachusetts pumpkin people will know. I'm sorry; I've never Rail Trail or tutoring someone who you're supposed to see patches yielded about 9,300 pounds heard of you, so leave my damn needs help? I'd have more resped It ir MONSON, Mass. -1 .eaves arc begin- per acre. Facehook profile alone and stop ilieiu If they were even just cleaning ning to change on the sugar maples nothing but orange." (icrald lillman, a deputy director bugging me on my way to class! up their rooms! that tower over the stone walls for the service, based in Concord, Don't get me wrong, I'm not telling So remember, everyone, this elec- neat Wcstvicw Harms, but there's Dave Bradway | Pumpkin farmer N.H., said Massachusetts farmers anyone to avoid voting or anything tion really means nothing, If yon something missing from this New seem to have been the worst bit in like that; 1 just want to see everyone vote for these people, you're telling England autumn scene: the pump- culture experts said as much as half New England. Other crops, like corn who really, really cares about it break [hem thai its OK lo accost people on kins. nl the stale's pumpkin crop may and potatoes, were hurt by the rain, clown crying. their way 10 class and generally lie Instead of countless pumpkins have been washed away by heavy but nowhere near as badly as pu mp- They're pulling all of these hours annoying. i earring Wcstvicw s pick-your-ou n rains in Mayandltinc. kins, Till man said. pumpkin fields, weeds have taken "Some fields were so wet that the "I've heard from farmers saying ovei i lu-land. seeds didn't germinate,'' said Ruth they didn't have one vine that pro- I he $20,000 that farmer Dave Hazzard, a vegetable specialist at duced a pumpkin," he said. Bradway spent planting pumpkins the University nl Massachusetts But those seeking the perfect in mid-June may as well be riming I Allusion Agriculture and pumpkins to carve into jack-o'- in the earth with the seeds ruined landscape program. "Sonic farm- lanterns or puree into pie filling by too much rain. ers COUldn'l plain at all because it shouldn't notice a shortage. Goodwill. "This time of year, you're sup was too wet." "There are plenty of pumpkins for 1/V//' H(7//lW(Y// posed to see nothing but orange. The National Agricultural us to buy from New York, Canada Solid orange," Bradway said recently Statistics Service, which keeps and Ohio and sell on our own /HEADQUARTERS as he surveyed 53 acres of what he records of annual crop yields, won't farms," said Rich Bonanno, whose This year, dare to be different! railed a'total crop failure." have an official tally for this year's pumpkin crop was washed out in Create your own unique costume. Massachusetts farmers and agri pumpkin production for several Methuen. ENTIRE OUTFITS FOR UNDER $10 GISH It's Scary! From Page 13 The best selection for the campus from New York ( ily on BEST PRICES! Sunday, Oct 15, from 3:30 until 5: MI p.m. NORTHWEST OHIO GOODWILL STORES: I rasher will discuss Lillian's guest appearance on an episode of the BOWLING GREEN I960 television show "Mi. Novak.' 1058 N. Main Si. I he episode Will then he viewed by BRYAN I he audience. 222 W. High St. \ller this screening. I rasher will DEFIANCE offer a slide show reflecting upon 1524 Clinton Si. I illian's career, especially the 25 years Fresher served as Lillian's FINDLAY agent," said iiolden. 7430 limberstone Dr. "She is a maim part of American NAPOLEON Cinematic history, and I like tu think 230 logrange Si. that we own a little pan of thai his- PHOIO FROM SlliririADIESCOM/HaSH HIMl NORTHWOOD tory," Whited said. LILLIAN GISH: The silent lilm star appeared in over 100 films during her lifetime 2616 Woodville Rd (Great Eastern) "Nobody can ever take her title away: she will always be known OTTAWA as The first Lady of Silent Screen,'" viewing booths will be available lor from our archive to view for plea- 820 N. Locust St. Whited said. students to watch various Alms. sure," Iiolden said. TIFFIN Iliis year also marks the begin- "ft s so important to us that film The presentation will be held dur- 186 S. Washington Si. ning ol a building project in I lamia not only be Incorporated across the ing the normal Sunday matinee TOLEDO Hall. The (lish Theater now lias new discipline's at KCSU via the theater, nine. 525 Cherry SI. but thai students have I lie an ess to "Again, we're delighted that Mr. theater doors. 4638 Monroe Si Next summer the construction the center as a resource for enjoy- I lasher can be with us, and we hope 2021 S. Reynolds Rd. mi a film and Video Center, which ment nl the art loi in as well. They to draw a good house. The event is will be located across from the (ash will be able to visit In watch a film free and open to Ihe public," Iiolden 9am 8pm Monday Saturday, Moon Spnt Sunday - I heater, will begin. Twenty new tin class or to simply select a film said. (Cherry St., 9am S 30pm. Sotuiday Noon 5, closed Sunday 22 Thusday. October 12.2006 HOMECOMING WWW.BGNEWS.COM No contruction to cause delays, but Pumpkin fungus causing New England crop failures find delays when looking for a hotel By Adam Gorlick lures and record rain in August Associated Press has helped the fungi flourish, Egel By Johnny Payne ButacmrdingtocityandllniuTsitv ing to some of the city's hotels. Kul the said. Reporter Staff there an no foreseeable prob- odds of finding a vacancy tonight are LAFAYETTE Ind. — Halloween Nina Kent, co-owner of Kent's lems. less than slim. I.ast Wednesday, Barb lovers hoping to create the perfect Cucurbits in northwest Indiana, I lomecoming weekend is upon us. City engineer Brian O'Conndl said Ault, a desk clerk at Falcon Plaza Best jack-o-lantern might want to shop said one variety of her pumpkins and so is (he promise of hundreds — the only route currently under con- Western Motel, said there were only more carefully than normal this has about 85 percent loss because if nol thousands — of visitors swarm- struction is Dunhridge Road, which about 20 rooms left. year because of a pumpkin fungus of the rot. ing the city and campus, nins from Napoleon Road to Poe "We still have phone calls aiming that has put a dent in some crops. "We really didn't know until The influx of families and friends Road, but it shouldn't pose too big a in." she said. "We diought we were Two types of fungus or rot have we went out and started picking not only clog stadiums and restau- threat full, but one group decided they affected crops from the Midwest around the 17th of September," she rants, but also the city's roads and I le also pointed out that not only didn't need as many moms as they to New England, causing pump- said. "It's as if they're rotting from hotels. With so many automobiles do construction crews take weekends reserved. Most hotels are fully booked kins to develop mold in some spots the inside out." traveling Bowling Green's thorough- off, hut the project may be finished by by now, though." and then begin decomposing faster The rot has also hit Purdue fares, the presence of road construc- October 13. Ray Kaltola, who works at Ihe Days than normal, said Daniel I gel. a University's Meigs Farm in tion guarantees plenty of frustrating "It might lx- complete by game Inn, said then; were even fewer rooms Purdue University Extension plant Lafayette. Karen Kane, a plant dis- traffic jams. day, weather permitting, of course," still open. pathologist. ease diagnostician, turned over a During last year's festivities, O'Connell said. "It gets real busy around now." he The entire inside of the pumpkin pumpkin and the underside col- lliurstin Avenue's renovation caused With the streets full but unplugged said. "We only have four rooms avail- eventually rots until the shell falls lapsed in her hands. significant backups all weekend long. by closures, many drivers will behead- able," he said. apart. "It's sporadic across the state," A combination of high tempera- she said. SWEETEST DAY SATURDAY OCT. 2 1s ...fetch flowers today MURPHY for your sweetheart -Welcome Back!- BGSU Students and Faculty

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service, a too-short stem . defined as (XAvdery mildew on the surface. That. less than an inch _ indicates that the too, indicates a short-term problem ROT pumpkin already has licgun to decay If you're sure about your choice From Page 17 or will begin the process sooner than of pumpkin, go ahead and carve it you'd like. Immediately After carving, put some be warm, the chief cause of pumpkin Blemishes and sofi spots are pemileum jelly on the cms. Place the nil. another warning sign. Lopsktedness, pumpkin in a cool, dark place. A com- I lerc an' a few lips to tight pump- while aesthetically troubling, doesn'1 mon mistake is to carve the pumpkin kin mi: Indicate potential rot. and then put it out on the front steps. Begin wiili the stem, According io Make sure the pumpkin is heavy Exposure to daylight warmth and ihe University of Illinois extension Try Io avoid pumpkins thai have a sunlighl can cause quick rol.

■ Sting'Songsl romthel abyrinth" iioin ihe one-time Three 6 Mafia straight oulta the 16th century, El rapper since that act won its unlikely MUSIC Stingo performs these songs on a Academy Award (for the track from From Page 11 lute) Oct. 10 "Hustle & Row"). Oct 24 ■ Didd] "Press Play" (the impre- n Bright Eyes "Noise floor." A rari- 10 prove she has slaying power . or sario again tries lo impersonate an ties collection of castoffs from the ,11 least enough to lasi through her artist, with help from everyone from wordy and earnest star, otherwise liens Ihe Rftli singer lakes "The Christina Aguilera to Busta Rhymes] known as Conor Oberst. Oct. 24 PH010 FROM SXC HU High Road" on Oct 17. Oct. 17 n Aimee Mann "One More Drifter in ■ Pitbull: This Cuban-American ■ Snoop Dogg "Blue Carpel Snow." I loliday songs from a notori- our bodies to vitamin A—a nutri- upper became the best-selling Treatment" (whatever thai means) ous Debbie Downer? Must be heard PUMPKINS ent required by our Immune sys- bilingual MC since Cypress Hill on Oct. 17 lo be believed. Oct. .11 From Page 19 tem Io fight infections. Perhaps his debut disk. On Oct. 17. Pitbull ■ Barry Manilow "The Greatest ■ Meat loaf "Bat Out of Hell III: The it's no coincidence that pumpkins releases the followup'BI Mariel." on Songs of the Sixties" (last lime he Monster Is Loose." The franchise One cup of cooked pumpkin and other orange-colored bela- which he lets loose on the state of massacred the songs of the '50s: that keeps [aliening ils catalogue (scoop out the seeds from the carolene-rich foods hit their peak the Caribbean island in the waning why stop lhere?) ()< i II continues to chow down. OCL3I inside and bake until the flesh right when cold and flu's begin lo days of Fidel Castro. ■ Maroon 5 (their yet-tO-be-tJtled ■ Mcgadcth'UnitedAbominations." is tender) contains respectable roam the earth. ■ lohn I egend: The man too-often sophomore CD) Nov. 14 Not just a metal album. An attack on amounts of protein, carbohydrate, Other interesting pumpkins referred to as "the male Alicia Keys" n "American Idol" week: Taylor the United Nations. In terms of its fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, facts: made a near perfect debut two years Hicks and Kathryn McPhee put out politics, this should land jusl lo Ihe potassium, zinc, selenium, vita- You can use pumpkin in any ago. With the help of producer will, their not-yet-titled debuts. So does right of led Nugent (if not Ghengis mins A, C, and K.niai in. and folale recipe that calls for sweet potato, he'll try to match that with ditz-quccn runnerup Kelly Pickler. Khan).Oct.31 _ all for less than 50 calories. or squash. "Once Again" on Oct. 24. Nov. 14 ■ Lucinda Williams "The Knowing." Why are pumpkins orange? Pumpkin flowers are edible. ■ My Chemical Romance: Are they ■ Chris Daughtry, the guy who It used to be we couldn't get an The bright orange color is a dead Thelargestpumpkinevergrown punk? Goth? Emo? Regardless, should have won "A.I.," issues his album out of alt country's best giveaway that pumpkin is loaded weighed a scary 1.140 pounds. these heavily maduup, and too arti- solo first. Nov. 21 female writer/singer. Now she's with an important antioxidant. Pumpkins contain no fat. Most ficial sounding, rockers return with n Clinic "Visitations." The too-cool pumpin' 'era out like Britney Spears beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is of their weight (90 percent) is Welcome to the Black Parade" on Liverpudlian band returns with its does babies. Nov. 7 one of many "carotenoids" found water. Oct. 24. fourth effort. Oct. 10 in bright-orange colored foods like The first pumpkin pies were ■ The Came: No longer fighting with ■ Lloyd Cole "Antidepressant." A CALL IT A COMEBACK: pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes crust-less. Early Americans mentors 50 Cent and Dr. Dre (this great album title from the longtime n It's been more than 20 years since and cantaloupe that can lower our removed the seeds from a whole week anyway), the biggest breakout British singer-songwriter. Oct. 10 that cheesy folk-rock trio America risk for developing certain types pumpkin, filled the inside with rapper of last yearcuthisnewalbum n "Saturday Night Wrist." issued any new material. On Oct. 17. of cancer and heart disease. milk, spices and honey, and baked with a host of top-name producers One of the last, and best, of the rap it'll put out a two-CD project (one Beta carotene is converted in it in hot ashes. Yummy. from Dre to Kanye to Timbaland. rock bands stays in the game. Oct. half new.theot her consistingof older "The Doctor's Advocate" arrives 10 material, cut live). Oddly, the double Nov. 7. ■ Mindy Smith "Long Island set, "Here and Now." was produced No Appointment Tanning \ 2 Weeks ■ Ciara: Sometime in November, the Shores." Not all great country sing- by ex-Smashing Pumpkin James one named, small-voiced queen of ers come from the South. This New lha and includes guest appearances HOKIUlS Plus FflEE 'Crunk & B" will try to follow up her York girl combines down-home sen- from Ryan Adams and members of inexplicably huge debut, "Goodies." timents with sophisticated vocals My Morning Jacket. Does this mean With crunk past its prime, it'll be no on her second CD. Oct. 10 we're finally going to have to take mean feat. ■ Pernice Brothers "Live a Little." these schmos seriously? Call it alt country or just smart n On The Who's "Endless Wire," the BIG DEAL STARS: power pop, the Pernice Brothers venerable British band issues its first ■ Lloyd Banks "The Rotten Apple always deliver quality stuff. Oct. 17 new songs together since "It's Hard" (the second CD from 50 Cent's right- ■ Fat Joe "My, Myself & I." The big way back in 1982. After all this time, hand man) Oct. 10 man from the South Bronx has his il had better be hard. Oct. 31 Unlimited n Rod Stewart "Still the Same: Great cult and his hot singles. But will he n Yusuf Islam: That's Cat Stevens to hMfaf Rock Classics of Our Time" (in finally break out with a real album you. On Nov. 14, the former "Peace which the veteran singer murders smash this time? Oct. 17 Train" conductor issues "An Other »■»■ rock standards as he once did stan- ■ Project Pat "Crook By Da Book: Cup," his first album of nonrcligious foil ft— 866-tanprol I .''.*.>-■ I dard standards) Oct. 10 The Fed Story." The first solo album pop songs i n a whoppi ng 28 yea rs. 866-8655 The Coolest Way to Look HOT! -£ . *- • at*

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