My Credibility Is Fine in the Downtown Eastside, F403-118 Alexander St., As I Write on the Basis of What People Knowingly Vancouver, B.C
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PaulR Taylor, (My credibility is fine in the downtown eastside, f403-118 Alexander St., as I write on the basis of what people knowingly Vancouver, B.C. talk of. Regardless of someone's personal record or hygiene, they know a scam when they see one.) Your Worship, Being articulate when reading port on the daily financial dealings notes is dependent directly on the of Martin Baker and others in DEEDS. distance of said notes from my She did, and was eminently eloquent eyes. When I was making my presen- when pointing out entry after entry tation regarding DEEDS (Council - where she had paid bills that were Nov.24), I was trying to say what totally DEEDS' costs. the community feels about this or- On a regular basis, DEEDS used ganization and relate specifics. New Hope money to pay for their own Alderman Puil was right when he expenses - with money they had the said that these people had made official duty of administering for serious departure from the necess- New Hope. To just reduce this whole ary methods of handling public money. scenario to a question of honesty vs. Not "peanuts" or "odds & ends", dishonesty seems to miss the point. especially where the local people As Ms. Chisholm said, up until about are concerned. I wasn't aware of two weeks ago Baker et a1 had been Margaret Chisholm's presence (New adamant in saying that they didn't Hope Co-ordinator) when I spoke, but owe her a cent; then, about a week was hoping against hope that she ago they suddenly pay her $8,200 - would appear to make a detailed re- '1 they must be pretty stupid to pay this money if it wasn't owed in the '1 Any other organization must conf om first place." It was done to make to the guidelines for financial ac- the practice seem regular and 'just countability laid out for City one of those things'; in reality to grants." These guidelines are in mollify Ms. Chisholm into not speak- place to make the nature of the ing her mind about the true pract- handling of public money clear. What ices and colours of this group. may get lost or ignored in the short I was serious when I said that the time allotted is the community's nickname of this group in the commun+ reactions to the DEEDS' operations. ity is "Dirty ~eeds". Practically The lack of accounting doesn't sat- everyone coming with stories and isfy the Slow Pitch League about the complaints has been really dissatis- disappearance of the $1,000 raised; fied: many who had worked within it doesn't satisfy Ms. Chisholm who DEEDS over the past few years have had New Hope money going to pay off become disenchanted with their busi- a Bingo debt; it doesn't satisfy the ness practices ancl treatn:ent of individuals who were repeatedly frus- others in the conmunity. Sebastian trated when dealing with DEEDS.... Roniir ~:man executive and, after it -does satisfy the 'staff' who got seeing the nature (true nature) of their salaries from New Hope money, Martin Baker,and Tony Seaver, left. the electrical company and the kit- chen suppliers and. .. .. From what 1've been able to gather, AGAIN only one person in the bikeshop is actually employed, yet eight jobs are When the Council's deliberations claimed to have been created. When didn't show a 2/3 backing, the DEEDS I asked for a Service Audit, I hoped people sitting around me began to that the simplest questions would be mutter "defer it", "defer it". The asked: - who are the eight people, next remark was the clincher: "How where did they work, when, what was can we get what they want to hear?" their work; what are the results of Anything gotten from DEEDS right now the expenditure of $180,000 of must be subjected to scrutiny. They public money? have proven themselves adept at sta- On Tuesday (Nov.24), Council gave ging high-profile events just for the Social Planning two weeks to prepare sake of good publicity and at putting as comprehensive a report as possible words together to make themselves on the answers to these questions. sound like saints. Witness their I I The difficulty that arises is that press conferences" and success stor- one person with a full workload vy ies; anyone walking by a day or two go directly to DEEDS and listen to after these stories appear sees what whatever they say - and their res- was there a week before - poor busi- ponses will constitute the main ness and dissatisfied customers. body of the report. ,, , If Ms. Chisholm had been queried ,and again by the auditors, if her allegations After Council adjourned, I was are not lies, then we have a very walking through the foyer outside serious breach of ethics and perhaps chambers and was accosted by Tony the law. As Alderman Davies said: LETTERS Dear Editor, I would like to write a letter, CARNEGIE not in praise of Older Women, but in 13'13U WIDNISI)AY - wit 11 praise of benches. .WWNzAs . '11 IItWUvAYs Q~B@BW One of the great pleasures of life is sitting down, especially if you ODD F, WEN WEDNESDAYS are a senior walking up & down east Hastings. You have to buy a lousy An Open Letter to all Carnegie Patrons cup of coffee just to find a place Sheila Bell has asked me to set to rest your weary bones. the record straight so I will. She So you would think that with was temporarily suspended from , $66,000 , the Carnegie Community selling coffee because of an app- Centre would put in a couple of arent dash discrepancy. After benches on the Hastings St. side of looking into it, it was discovered the building on Carnegie property. that there was an error on the With benches, the Carnegie could coffee sheet and Sheila's cash was ask people not to sit on the centre' right on. Sheila is now back as a steps blocking entrances. This has member of our coffee sellers' team been~ladaily problem. People may and is not suspended. occasionally drink on those benches, Please let me add that the goss- but people drink anywhere anyway. ip, back-stabbing and malicious Hell, they drink in the Carnegie lying that has taken place in Car- washrooms, in the back alley, .... negie and in the community regard- The benches could be % size, as ing this incident has hurt Sheila Paul Wright suggested; just enough deeply. Rumours have no place at room for sitting down and a bag of Carnegie: they are cruel, vindic- groceries. A full-sized bench at tive and hurt people. To use an Crab Waterfront Park costs $1,000. old phrase: "If you can't say any- It's logical that %-size benches thing nice about a person, don't would cost about half that. ($500). say anything at all." Don Larson Robin Sobrino, 2nd floor Programmer It's almost that time of the year again. To celebrate the special Meetings, meetings, meetings: 'meaning of Christmas. This time of year is for everyone, both for the SENIORS - Tuesday, Dec . 8, 2: 00pm children and for us. I would like to VOLUNTEERS - 2nd Sunday of the month wish you all a very merry Christmas PROGRAM COMMITTEE - 4th Monday and a wonderful New Year. FINANCE COMMITTEE - 1st Tues. 4 pm CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE - 4th Tues. From Mary & Adam The provincial government has p I' We are talking about people's imposed an impossible 3$ week dead- E lives here. They would never ex- line on community groups to design N pect their own staff to come up an alcoholic treatment program for D with such a far-reaching proposal the Pender Detoxification Centre E in such a short time. It should in the downtown eastside, spokesmen take months ." for the groups said. D Elearns said the groups are also "I want to see the superhuman E cdrncerned that 18 beds of the 25- group that could put together a T bed capacity in the centre will meaningful proposal on such a com- 0 be reserved for police cases, and plex topic in that period of time," that the food program will be dis- said Downtown Eastside Residents continued. Association organizer Jim Green. 'u hat means you would be taking '1 We don't know how much money is 2. people in, drying them out for a available from the government, or 2 few hours and throwing them out other conditions. It's impossible. the door, without dealing with Things don't just work like that. their problems in any more posi- What's their game?" Y, tive way," she said. Green said the groups must set 3 Health ministry spokeman Terry up a non-profit coalition to nego- Moran agreed that the abolishing iate with architects, alcoholic CD of the food program was to ensure treatment professionals and po- a quick turnaround in admissions tential staff, as well as with the to Ehe centre. ,government - a process that could As for the 18 beds reserved for 'take months . $ the police, he said, "Invariably, The Dec. 15 deadline, announced Y they are not used that much ex- Thursday, actually represents a ? cept the last Wednesday, Thursday two-week reprieve for the groups after they had complained that an welfare cheque issue). They will earlier Nov.30 deadline was even be available to the community the more unmanageable. rest of the time. It will be a Plans to close the detox centre very flexible system." - permanently were shelved by Health Green said the use of police beds * Minister Peter Dueck after commun- would put the non-prof it group in ity complaints that it is needed an awkward position.