Ghiver This Report Was Prepared By: L\1Anagelllent Lan the Wadena County Advisory Committee
ral Resources " nai · February 1977 ~ 16~ .e,o5 This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. (Funding for document digitization was provided, in part, by a grant from the Minnesota Historical & Cultural Heritage Program.) gHiver This report was prepared by: l\1anagelllent lan The Wadena County advisory committee: Emil Burgau Crow Wing River Tim Frieday Jan Holden Greg Kempf Harold Kinnunen Joyce Line Russel Nanik Abner Roche Hubert Schermerhorn Tom Schulz Jack Stigman Doug Swanson David Tellock Frances Tellock Jeanne Tellock Roger Tellock Chuck Winkels Rivers Section, Division of Parks and Recreation: Arne Steff erud, rivers project coordinator James Weseloh, rivers project leader Dale Homuth, rivers project leader Kathy Brandl, student intern Jane Harper, researcher Greg Breining, rivers project coordinator Michael Priesnitz, rivers coordinator I I' This management plan, prepared by the Minnesota Summary Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and an advisory board of Wadena County residents, recommends that the stretch of the Crow Wing River in Wadena County be included in the Minnesota Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers System. The DNR and county residents revised the plan after public meetings on the proposal in April. The DNR feels that the Crow Wing River qualifies for "Wild" and "Scenic" classifications under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 197 3. The act was passed by the legislature to "preserve and protect" rivers with "outstanding scenic-, recreational, natural, historical, scientific and similar values." This report is divided into three major sections: Analysis, Management Plan and Appendix.
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