2017 new Releases 7

Yellowstone Country: Idaho, Wyoming & Montana David Skernick • Professional photographs of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana, and Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks • 144 full-color and panoramic photographs make you feel the experience of being in the landscape • The appendix includes a complete list of exposure, equipment, and panorama statistics

Are you up for a road trip? Ride along the back roads of the vast Yellowstone region and enjoy stunning panoramic photographs that reveal the beauty of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana and include Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park in all their glory. Embark on an expedition without GPS, visiting majestic wildlife and drinking in fantastic landscapes along the way. Glimpse the emerald green Shoshone Falls in Idaho, turning aspens and grazing moose in the Grand Tetons, black bears roaming the Devil’s Tower region in Wyoming, glorious geysers, steamy hot springs, and imposing bison with their young in Yellowstone, the raging Bull River and otherworldly Glacier National Park in Montana, as well as lonely railways and isolated barns along “gray” roads, that is, the ones less traveled. The appendix includes a complete list of camera equipment, exposure, and panorama statistics—enough to satisfy even the techiest of photographers. David Skernick resides in Woodland Hills, California, with his wife, Ria, and dog, Chewy. He spends his time traveling, photographing, and teaching workshops along the back roads of America. Visit his website, photo24.com, and contact him directly at [email protected]. Size: 12" × 9" • 143 color photos • 192 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7643-5339-0 • hard cover • $39.99 AVAILABLE IN June

High Sierra:The Range of Light Fred Weyman • Landscape photographs of California’s Mountains • Covers the high-altitude range from Lake Tahoe to • The Sierra Nevada Mountains are believed by many to be the most beautiful in the world

The Sierra Nevada Mountains don’t easily reveal their treasures, but this photographic compilation, the result of over 30 backpacking trips in the remote high country, reveals the spirit and beauty of a national gem through brilliant images. Focusing on carefully selected landscapes captured from virtually impossible vantage points, the photographs reflect a genuine Sierra backcountry experience. Witness the disappearing edges between water and rocks at Lake Aloha, the scant vegetation peeking out between slabs of smooth granite in Cherry Creek Canyon, and read about the natural processes that led to the creation of waterfalls, glaciers, and lakes. The painstakingly crafted compositions demonstrate how light can determine the way one sees and remembers a landscape. Musings about the Sierra Nevada by naturalists, mountaineers, and writers, including John Muir, Norman Clyde, Jane Wilson Howarth, and Jack Kerouac, complement the arresting photography. A self-taught photographer since high school, Fred Weyman, from Reading, PA, was an environmental toxicologist and has backpacked in the Sierra Nevada more than 30 times over a period of 15 years.

“Fred Weyman’s photographs of the Sierra Nevada reflect the same kind of Size: 12" × 9" • 125 color photos • 256 pp. passion for their subject as Ansel Adams and Galen Rowel.” ISBN: 978-0-7643-5344-4 • hard cover • $45.00 — Michael Brune, Executive Director, AVAILABLE IN July