Transforming Giving Lives Sight FREE EYECAREFORTHEPOOR in patients of all eye 36 Treating April - June 2019 I Newsletter No.: 137 % CARECARE 2 CARE LRBT Newsletter - - LRBT’s 42 millionth patient! year Ali old 8 sitting aloneinacornersomewhere, lostin participate inanyactivity. He wasusuallyfound attempts, hissisterscould notcajolehimto even meethisfriends.Despite theirbest stopped goingoutsidetoplayandrefused incident, Aliunderwentadrasticchange,he smile andcheerfuldisposition.Afterthis everyone forhisbubblypersonality,ready was theappleofhisparent’seyeandlovedby The onlyboyandyoungestoffivesiblings,Ali ophthalmologists. corneal transplantadvisedbyvarious blind butwashelplessashecouldnotafford earner, wasdevastatedtoseehissonturning exertion. Hisfather,SyedGhulam,adailywage other eyealsostartedgettingaffecteddueto lost hiseyesight.Hehadtoquitschoolas remedies worsenedthecaseandeventuallyhe his neighborhood.Localdoctorsandhome the treatedtogobackleadingfulfillinglives. has impactedthelivesofmillionsmorebyenabling LRBT recentlytreatedits42millionthpatientand playing cricketin eyesight while Ali losthis only 6atthetime, Two yearsago, only hopetosee. whom LRBTisthe million childrenfor one ofthe3 from ,is million patient,Ali LRBT’s 42nd him tohisfollow-upvisitsthehospital,he work tocomeseehissonandaccompanied Syed Ghulamtookacoupleofdaysofffrom successfully andtodayheisabletosee. take therisk.Ali’sKeratoplastywasperformed long yearsaheadofhimcompelledthemto of thesurgery’sabsolutesuccess,butAli’s was alarmingandLRBTdoctorsweredoubtful and broughtAlitoKarachi.Hiseyecondition uncle toldthemaboutLRBTfreeeyehospital LRBT emergedasabeaconofhopewhenAli’s provide abetterlifefortheirson. miracle. Itbroketheirheartsthattheycouldnot consoled herson,secretlyhopingfora mother struggledtocontrolhertearswhileshe would heremainblindfortherestofhislife; thought. Herepeatedlyaskedhismotherthat full ofpossibilities.” our soncuredwithafuture giving usthejoyofseeing treatment. Thankyoufor not havethemeanstoafford care topeoplelikeuswhodo who providefreequalityeye have institutionslikeLRBT generous donorsthatwe Allah’s mercyandthehelpof and said,“Itisthrough soon. Hethankedthedoctors to travelhishometown nicely andheshouldbeable him thatAli’seyewashealing when thedoctorsassured was overcomewithemotion was overcome with emotion when the doctors assured Coping with the him that Ali’s eye was healing nicely and he should be able ever-growing to travel to his hometown soon. He thanked the doctors patient volume and said, “It is through Allah’s mercy and the help of LRBT started off as a small mobile unit generous donors that we in Tando Bago over 33 years ago. Over have institutions like LRBT the years, it has spread throughout the who provide free quality eye country with 19 hospitals and 58 eye care to people like us who do not have the means to afford care centers. The journey of growth and expansion continues. LRBT’s 42nd thought. He repeatedly asked his mother that treatment. Thank you for million patient, Ali would he remain blind for the rest of his life; his giving us the joy of seeing Korangi: from Multan, is mother struggled to control her tears while she our son cured with a future one of the 3 consoled her son, secretly hoping for a full of possibilities.” A project to house the consultant clinics and a pediatric wing with dedicated waiting areas was urgently needed million children for miracle. It broke their hearts that they could not due to increasing number of patients reporting at the whom LRBT is the provide a better life for their son. Tertiary Facility to receive specialized treatment. This only hope to see. project was launched on 1st March, 2019 and is Two years ago, LRBT emerged as a beacon of hope when Ali’s expected to be completed by the end of February next only 6 at the time, uncle told them about LRBT free eye hospital year. Concrete slab of the roof has been laid and electrical wiring is in progress presently. Ms. Khurshid Ali lost his and brought Ali to . His eye condition Bhaimia, our longtime supporter is financing this eyesight while was alarming and LRBT doctors were doubtful project. The Bhaimia family had earlier sponsored the playing cricket in of the surgery’s absolute success, but Ali’s entire second floor of the main Hospital building. Later, his neighborhood. Local doctors and home long years ahead of him compelled them to the family financially supported the construction of a remedies worsened the case and eventually he take the risk. Ali’s Keratoplasty was performed new section in which the new Outpatient Department is located. lost his eyesight. He had to quit school as his successfully and today he is able to see. other eye also started getting affected due to We are grateful to Ms. Khurshid Bhaimia for her exertion. His father, Syed Ghulam, a daily wage Syed Ghulam took a couple of days off from continuing support to LRBT. earner, was devastated to see his son turning work to come see his son and accompanied blind but was helpless as he could not afford him to his follow-up visits to the hospital, he corneal transplant advised by various ophthalmologists. Tip for Healthy Eyes From the desk of our Ophthalmologist The only boy and youngest of five siblings, Ali was the apple of his parent’s eye and loved by “The best way to maintain healthy eyes is to everyone for his bubbly personality, ready rinse your eyes thoroughly with clean water smile and cheerful disposition. After this at least twice daily and avoid excessive use incident, Ali underwent a drastic change, he Help us change the lives of stopped going outside to play and refused to millions more like Ali. Help of mobile and computer.”

us turn them into productive LRBT Newsletter even meet his friends. Despite their best members for their families Dr. Zeeshan Kamil 3 attempts, his sisters could not cajole him to and society. Help us give participate in any activity. He was usually found them a bright future full of Consultant Ophthalmologist – LRBT CARE sitting alone in a corner somewhere, lost in love, hope and cheer. CARE 4 CARE LRBT Newsletter organizations inPakistan.” be abenchmarkforvariousnon-profit the organizationarestrong.IbelieveLRBTcan segment ofsociety.Thesystemandcontrols believe theorganizationistreatingalarge on 16thApril,2019.Herobservationswere: PCP, visitedLRBTSecondaryHospital,Mandra Ms. MahvishMemon(FinancialAnalyst) proceeds fromwhichwillgo tofundadult launched exclusivesilkscarves,100% supporting LRBTforyears.Thisyeartooit Luxury brand,SaniaMaskatiya,hasbeen Sania MaskatiyaSupportsLRBT LRBT Pakistan Visits toLRBT Seeing isBelieving Highlights fromaroundtheworld

“I LRBT SightSaviourLaunchEvent the campaign. actress/model SyraShahrozewasthefaceof cataract eyesurgeries.Renowned excel andprovidetopclassservices.” hospital. MashaAllah,mayyoucontinueto heartwarming toseethefunctioningofthis 4th June,2019.Hecommented: Teaching EyeHospital,Korangi(Karachi)on Consultants -UAE),visitedLRBTTertiary (Senior Consultant,Afridi&AngellLegal LRBT Trustee,Mr.AmjadAliKhan “It is Excellence AwardsCeremony heldatMarriott Hameed -ChairmanLRBTat the 34 The awardwaspresentedto Mr. NajmusSaquib for Profit’category. this awardforthefifthconsecutivetimein‘Not management practices.LRBTisproudtohavewon demonstrating progressandenlightened showing outstandingperformanceand the soleaimtorecognizeandhonorcompanies Management AssociationofPakistanin1982with Corporate ExcellenceAwardswereinstitutedby MAP’s 34 larger community. people ofPakistanandraiseawarenessinthe aim wastohighlighttheplightofpoorblind and SocialMediaCampaign.Thecampaign’s off withaholisticTVC,Print,Radio,Outdoor, LRBT’s AnnualRamzanCampaign2019kicked LRBT RamzanCampaign2019 a longwayinbringingcolorstosightlesseyes. Proceeds fromsaleofthesewristbandswillgo from oneeyeandLRBTsavedit17yearsago. shared hisstorywhenhehadlostsight exclusive bloggerseventheldinKarachi.He by HassanShehryarYaseenofHSYatan LRBT SightSaviourwristbandswerelaunched th CorporateExcellenceAwards th Corporate Karachi onApril9,2019. on socialmediaandGoogle. customers andgeneralpublic bysponsoringit promoting LRBTZakatappeal TVCtoits We wouldalsoliketothank PTCLfor Vista andDHAOffices. placing LRBTstandeesinDHAClubs,Creek Home (OOH)spaceinKarachialongwith extensive supportbyprovidingfreeOutOf their busstandsandDHAKarachi our messageextensivelyinKarachithrough We arethankfultoSignSource message toallthemajorcities. its CardsCustomers,helpingusspreadour along withsendingLRBTZakatappealflyerto in Karachi,,IslamabadandFaisalabad space attheirstrategicallylocatedretailoutlets We wouldliketothankPSOforprovidingus Support Partners Facebook andTwitterpages. comment onLRBT’spatientstorypoststheir they donatedRs.10toLRBTonevery also supportedLRBTforaweekduringwhich Soneri Bank’sPledgeforKindnessCampaign funds forthecause. increasing awarenessinadditiontoraising about LRBT’saccomplishmentsaimedat was supportedbyvideosofcelebritiestalking EFU donatedRs.10toLRBT.Thiscampaign followers. Foreverylike,commentandshare, with itsFacebook,InstagramandTwitter sharing LRBT’spatientpicturesandvideos EFU lifejoinedhandswithLRBTinRamzanby donations forLRBT. ordering platformscollectedZakatand andYayvothroughtheironline millions ofvisuallyimpairedPakistanis. Pakistan, todeliverchangeinthelivesof two ofthelargestonlineshoppingsitesin LRBT joinedhandswithDaraz.pkandYayvo, Digital Partnerships Partnerships Ramzan Collaborationsand for promoting for their 5 CARE LRBT Newsletter The contribution of all our support partners to the campaign. the cause is commendable.

PSO promotes LRBT

DHA Karachi supports LRBT

Sapphire collaborates with LRBT The Graham Layton Trust - UK:

Ramzan Fundraising Success for the Graham Layton Trust

LRBT collaborated with leading retail brand Sapphire during Ramzan. Proceeds from a selected line of kurtas will go to fund eye LRBT Newsletter surgeries of underprivileged patients. The The Graham Layton Trust held its third pre-Ramzan 6 campaign was promoted heavily on social Dinner on Saturday 27th April, 2019 at the media and Sapphire outlets across Pakistan. Millennium Gloucester Hotel in London and its first CARE CARE Actress/Model Sunita Marshall was the face of Iftar Dinner in Manchester on 18th May, 2019 at the and surpassinghis£2,000fundraising target amazing timeof03:24:00,beating hispersonalbest from ourvolunteerwhocompleted theraceinan finish lineonApril28th2019. Itwasafantasticeffort led MatthewWallentotheLondonMarathon2019 Months ofhardwork,dedicationanddetermination Graham LaytonTrust Matthew runstheLondonMarathonfor Hoo’ andotherwellknown‘nasheeds’. entertainment fromShahidKhan,whosang‘Allah The Manchestereventalsoincludedfabulous and seeforthemselveshowtheyhelpchangelives. gave guestsachancetomeetoneofourpatients it hadonherlife.Thisspecialmomentintheevening about hercornealtransplantsurgeryandtheimpact Zafar andTrusteeNusratMirzaspoketoFatima Ajmal Masroor.Throughlivevideolink,Dr.Sara stunning sculptureintheauctionsconductedby exquisite artwork,CricketWorldCupticketsanda glasses. Therewastheopportunitytobidfor impairment throughtheuseofvisionsimulation Zakir challengedgueststoexperiencevisual cause, whileConsultantOphthalmologistMs.Rahila Trustee ArtMalikspokepassionatelyaboutthe Abdur-Rahman. ChairmanMianErshadZaheenand respective eveninghostedbyactorIslah Vermilion. Morethan200guestsattendedeach challenge inaidoftheGrahamLaytonTrust. Aatif raised£2,000throughsponsorshipofhis thought ofthosethatwouldbenefitfromhisefforts. intense heatbutwhatkepthimgoingwasthe water, altitudesickness,occasionalsheerdropsand battled throughfrozencoldnightsintents,littlehot Khan, whotookonthechallengeinMay2019.Aatif lost cityofMachuPicchuforourvolunteerAatif It wasagruellingyetrewarding10-daytrektothe Aatif completesMachuPicchuTrek social mediawithanoverallpositive response. Ramzan appealmessagethrough televisionand Canadian Pakistanidiaspora was communicatedthe LRBT Canada them. and communicatetheworkLRBTdoeswitheachof supporters andhopetobuildagoodrelationship media -wearepleasedtohavebuiltanewwaveof newsletters, marketingontelevisionandsocial We connectedwithoursupportersviadistributing you toalloursupportersacrosstheUnitedStates. of Ramzanalone,weraisedover$105,000.Thank This wasaverysuccessfulquarterandinthemonth LRBT USA towards theGrahamLaytonTrust. 7 CARE LRBT Newsletter 8 CARE LRBT Newsletter is proudtoworkwiththeminongoingprojects: LRBT givescredittoitspartnersforsuccessand Partnership Agreements 472 glassesarebeingprovided tothem. 67,069 childrenofwhich607 wererefractedand During thisquarteryear, we conductedOPDof the hospitalsinitsnetwork. program. Thisisbeingimplemented byLRBTatall continues toprovideeyewearchildrenunderthis need toincreasechildren’saccesseyehealth campaign, whichisaglobaleffortemphasizingthe LRBT, asapartnerinBHVI’s“OurChildren’sVision” Brien HoldenVisionInstitute conduct 1,759cataractsurgeries. 2019 is6,600.Inthisquarter,wehavebeenableto equipment. Thesurgeries’targetsetfortheyear LRBT hasalsobeenprovidedwithophthalmic Mansehra andSwat.Inordertosupportthisproject, launched inbeginningJuly2016atitshospitals over aperiodof3½years.Thisprogramwas carry outrefraction,cataractandminorsurgeries Sightsavers, LRBTisrequiredto Bank inpartnershipwith program ofStandardChartered Under theSeeingisBelieving far accordingtoschedule. A totalof755surgerieshavebeenaccomplishedso during theperiodJanuary2019toDecember2019. conduct 1700sightrestoringcataractsurgeries In arelatedarrangement,LRBTisrequiredto surgeries, accordingtoschedule. under review,wecarriedout1,590cataract spread overaperiodofthreeyears.Inthe designated hospitalsinournetwork.Theprojectis conducting sightrestoringcataractsurgeriesatfour Under anagreementinkedwithSightsavers,LRBTis Sightsavers support. grateful toGovernmentofSindhfortheirgenerous conducted inallthefiveSindhHospitals.Weare province. Thesesurgerieswillbe deserving patientslivinginthe cataract surgeriesonthepoorand to carryoutsightrestoring Sindh hasbeenallocatedtoLRBT million fromtheGovernmentof This fiscalyear,agrantofRs.70 Government ofSindh Medical ReliefInternational December 2020. a two-yeardiplomacoursewhichwillconcludein Paramedicine. Thesestudentsarebeingtrainedfor mid-level eyecarepersonnelatourSchoolof LRBT isalsobeingsupportedbyCBMtotrain22 according toschedule.Inarelateddevelopment, this activity.Thisprojectisprogressingsmoothly, Tando Bago,RashidabadandGambatarehosting designated hospitals, calendar year.Three surgeries duringthis restoring cataract carry out3000sight CBM, LRBTisrequiredto Under anagreementwith CBM International progressing accordingtoschedule. surgeries havebeenaccomplished. Thisprojectis During theperiodunderreview, atotalof300 employed inCottageIndustries inDistrictKhanewal. surgery patients,whichcomprise poorfemales restoring cataractsurgeriesfrom FHFreferred (FHF), LRBThasbeenallocated 1,500sight Under anMoUsignedwithFredHollowsFoundation FHF Cataractsurgeries DMCC fortheirgeneroussupport. We aregratefultoA&ACompanyFormations- period. Avastin injectionswillbegivenovertheproject at tenofourdesignatedhospitals.Atotal4,243 June, 355poorpatientsreceivedAvastininjections shall concludeinMay2020.Duringthemonthof patients only.ThisprojectbeganinJune2019and financed bytheCompanyforpooranddeserving requires tobeinjectedforsomeeyeailments,will Company, allAvastinrelatedactivityinwhichthis Under anunderstandingreachedwithA&A A&A CompanyFormationsDMCC-Dubai this organizationinfuture. Karachi. Wehopetoescalatethescaleofworkwith Teaching Hospital,MultanRoad,Lahoreand restoring surgeriesonchildrenatourTertiary our hospitalinMandraandanother46sight surgeries onpoorfemalesat conducted 155cataract As required,wehavesofar UK. Wales basedinBirmingham, Charity LawsofEnglandand organization existingunderthe an independentnonprofit An MoUwasinkedwithMRI, Foundation The Fred Hollows 25 ofourdoctorsattheTertiaryHospital,Korangiarepresentlyundergoingvarioustypesproceduraltraining. CONTINUOUSMEDICALEDUCATION B. Dr.MukeshofGambatHospitalattended 3 • Dr.WajidAliofChiniotHospitalattended2 • 3NursingStafffromourvarioushospitals • OTHER TRAININGPROGRAMS 8OTTechniciansfromourvarioushospitals • 3OTTechnicians fromourvarioushospitals • 8NursingStaff fromourvarioushospitals • REFRESHER COURSES the finalexams.Theirresultsareexpectedsoon completed theiracademicsessionandappearedin Session 2017:Sindhdomiciledstudents (JMCH) andqualified examinations atJinnahMedicalCollegeHospital academic session,appearedintheirfinal Students otherthanSindhcompletedtheir final examinationsareexpectedinnextquarter. their academicsessioninDecember2018.Their Session 2018: enrolled inthesecourses on atfullpace.Presently,56candidatesare Theatre (OT)Technician&Refractionistaregoing Technician, OphthalmicOperation Ophthalmic Assistant, Session 2019:Coursesfor Paramedicine LRBT SchoolofOphthalmic DEVELOPMENT 2. TRAINING& At present,44FCPSand7MCPStraineesareundergoingpostgraduatetraining. eye caretrainingprograms Congratulations oncompleting 1. HUMANRESOURCEDEVELOPMENT to 4thJune,2019 weeks’ LaserTrainingatKorangi from20thMay to 1stJune,2019 weeks’ OPDTrainingatShahpur from20thMay from 13thJune,2019 Hospital, Karachi.Theirclassescommenced for theyear2019/2020atChiniotGeneral selected forone-yearNursingAssistantCourse 11th May,2019atMandraHospital attended RefresherTrainingfrom29thAprilto 11th May,2019atKorangiHospital attended RefresherTrainingfrom29thAprilto June, 2019atMandraHospital attended RefresherTrainingfrom17thto29th Students fromSindhcompleted Dr.NajiaUzair,MariamKashifand Uzma • Dr.SaimaAminfromourKorangiHospital • VitreoRetina Symposiumfrom3rdto5thMay, • BhurbanOphthalmic AnnualConferencefrom • Dr.SyedFawadRizvifromourKorangiHospital • 5. CONFERENCES 14CentralOffice Staffmembersattended • Dr.IzazHussain Farooqi,Dr.SaimaAmin, • 4. WORKSHOPS Dr.SyedFawad RizvifromourKorangiHospital • 3. APPOINTMENTS Dr.AmirShehriyar completed4-monthOPD • Dr.MohsinofMansehraHospitalattended • Dr.IfraheemofMansehraHospitalattended • the bestqualitycaretoourpatients. doctors andparamedicssoastogive LRBT stronglybelievesintrainingits 2019 atAgaKhanUniversity Hospital, Karachi Neuro OphthalmologyConference on12thApril, Naz fromourKorangiHospital attendedFirst to 3rdApril,2019atPCHotel,Lahore attended ROP1stNationalSymposiumfrom2nd attended: Office, Karachi Sightsavers on25thMay,2019atLRBTCentral Accessibility Audit-UKAMProjectby training workshoponSituationalAnalysis& CPSP Tariq attendedSkillsDevelopmentWorkshopsat Dr. MuhammadAmmadJavaidandAnum Arshad Mehmood,Dr.IsrarMuhammadHayat, Karachi (Session Oct-19)on17thJune,2019atCPSP (Vitreo RetinaOphthalmology)Examination was appointedasPaperSetterforFCPS-I Training atKhanewalandjoinedChiniotHospital May to21stJune,2019 one-month PhacoTrainingatShahpurfrom14th March to31stMay,2019 one-month SICSTrainingatShahpurfrom25th 2019 atHongKong 26th to28thApril,2019atBhurban, 9 CARE LRBT Newsletter 10 CARE LRBT Newsletter Performance Data Performance MAJOR SURGERIES Current Year April toJune19 Last Year MAJOR SURGERIES Last Year MINOR SURGERIES Last Year OPD VISITS Cataract SurgerieswithIOLs49,653(98.32%ofTotalSurgeries) Total CataractSurgeries50,501(85.69%ofMajorSurgeries) Total MajorSurgeries58,933 Current Year Current Year

1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,500,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 500,000 50,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 - - - Jul toSep18 Jul toSep18 Jul toSep18 717,988 711,509 44,722 45,499 13,426 13,963 Oct toDec18 Oct toDec18 Oct toDec18 845,126 763,822 63,902 58,676 16,132 15,027 Jan toMar19 Jan toMar19 Jan toMar19 793,466 840,529 58,933 59,757 15,246 16,173 Other Major IOL Secondary SICS withIOL16,326 Cataract PhacowithIOL Cataract PhacowithoutIOL ECCE withIOL2,795 Other Cataract without IOL Apr toJun 19 Apr toJun 19 Apr toJun 19

788,624 734,847 8,442 14,341 14,245 56,782 49,956 184 0.32% 14.87% 4.92% 28.75% 3,145,204 3,050,707 28,333 224,339 213,888 59,145 59,408 601 1.06% YTD YTD YTD 96 0.17% 49.90%

June 2019 and SurgeriesSinceInceptionto30th Cumulative SummaryoftotalOPDs 01/02/87 to01/06/08) QUETTA PASRUR MANSEHRA MANDRA LAR KHANEWAL GAMBAT ODIGRAM ARIFWALA AKORA KHATTAK LAKHPAT) LAHORE (KOT TOTAL ENT SURGERIES (ICI) KHEWRA GAWADAR (MALC) TURBAT (MALC) LAHORE (MULTAN ROAD) CHINIOT KALAKALAY SIBI KARACHI NORTH TANDO BAGO SHAHPUR SADDAR ADAM RASHIDABAD (TANDO KORANGI Hospital LRBT Hospitalsfordetailedexamination andsurgery. medicated, 471refractedand 208werereferredto patients wereexamined,out of which1,201were Chemical Pak.Ltd.&APPNA. Atotalof1,504 Shahpur incollaborationwithSightsavers,Lotte Khattak, Korangi,Mandra,Quetta,Rashidabadand 7 EyeScreeningCampswereconductedatAkora Eye ScreeningCamps

Commencement May 1991 Nov 1985 Nov 198515 Aug-15 15 1-Jan-2015 1-Jul-2015 1 Jul2015 2 Jan2012 15 Nov1985 4 Nov2004 02 June2008 23 Oct2000 17-Mar-08 8 Nov2005 15 Mar2005 15 Feb1999 2 Jan2006 20 Mar1988 26th Sep2013 15-Dec-08 20 Oct1990 14 May1987 26 Oct1986 Date

38,182,691 2,153,927 1,372,712 2,061,081 1,494,464 1,257,368 2,387,584 1,073,540 2,216,409 1,876,265 1,056,712 2,354,385 7,616,266 7,556,138 Total OPD Patients 166,507 337,687 167,282 303,775 172,782 723,719 835,475 933,661 38,917 26,035

4,148,771 Surgeries 214,418 198,661 265,941 118,428 103,950 181,618 277,333 117,113 332,909 237,382 246,870 717,723 793,884 Total 18,204 26,228 15,517 18,632 11,688 57,537 88,629 99,543 4,123 2,440

42,331,462 2,368,345 1,571,373 2,327,022 1,612,892 1,022,290 1,438,986 2,664,917 1,190,653 2,549,318 2,113,647 1,156,255 2,601,255 8,333,989 8,350,022 Total 184,711 363,915 182,799 322,407 184,470 781,256 939,425 43,040 28,475 356

Our big-heartedsupporters Rs. 1millionandaboveduringthequarterare: in ourfightagainstcurableblindness.Thedonorswhodonated we aredeeplythankfultoallourgenerousdonorsfortheirsupport On behalfofLRBTandtheneedypatientswithimpairedvision, Total Mrs. SughranBibi A. Q.Enterprises Mr. WaseemullahAnjum Sapphire RetailLTD. Mr. MalikNaeem Mr. ManzoorAhmed Mr. ChIkramUllahRanjhaPhalia Mr. MusadaqZulqarnai Mr. MohammedAslam Mr. MohammadKhan Garib Sons(Pvt.)Ltd. Liberty MillsLimited Ms. ZeenatTowfiqChinoy Mr. AbdusSamad Mr. KhawarMasoodButt PAK-ARAB REFINERYLTD. Ms. KhurshidBhaimia Boxes Donations LRBT Mandra Chaudhry MuhammadTariq ICI PakistanFoundation Shan-e-Abbas Ashary Global Givin Mr. ShahidHamid K-Electric The BhaimiaFoundation Al MeezanInvestmentManagementLtd. Mr. ShaheenAmin Cowasjee Foundation Medical ReliefInternational Punjab WelfareTrustForTheDisabled Subhan FoodIndustries Mr. MuhammadShafi Mr. NoorMuhammad Mr. MuhammadSufyan Beltexco Limited Mr. M.J.Chaudhry CBM International Chiniot AnjumanIslamia Convenience FoodIndustries(Pvt.)Ltd. Ms. ZaveraLotia&MasoomaAdamjee Mr. MasoodAhmedKhawaja Mr. ShafiqurRehman Infaq Foundation Mr. SalmanAhmed(Bahrain) Anonymous Siddique Corporation Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal Rukaiya GainTrust Mr. RashidNaseerKhan Bestway Foundation Mr. AmjadAliKhan A&A CompanyFormationsDMCC Sightsavers International Dr. JaffarKhan Health Department,GovernmentofSindh Graham LaytonTrustUK Name ofDonor

357,066,031.16 14,000,000.00 14,900,000.00 17,500,000.00 18,438,735.30 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,052,907.00 1,097,600.00 1,200,000.00 1,200,000.00 1,400,000.00 1,437,386.35 1,440,000.00 1,459,184.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,638,636.00 1,692,000.00 1,854,089.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,060,000.00 2,179,968.75 2,315,878.00 2,500,000.00 2,814,945.00 2,911,096.00 3,000,000.00 3,000,000.00 3,115,000.00 3,946,900.00 4,030,000.00 4,832,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,500,000.00 7,196,900.00 7,824,080.85 Amount Tel.: 315-221-4440 [email protected] Watertown, NY13601 1815 StateSt Account: 196066705 Routing: 021000021 Chase LRBT USA USA: USA Website: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected], Mobile: 416-939-0426 Tel.: 1-289-217-1186 Canada Toronto, ONM4W0A8 Unit 304 1 BloorStreetEast Mr. AshfaqueAzad mailed to: C/O HumanConcernInternationaland Benevolent Foundation Cheques infavorof:LaytonRahmatulla Online LRBF Canada (GLT -UKregisteredcharityno.290464) London WC1R,4TQ Send chequeto:GLT,24BedfordRow, Foundation (AccountLRBT) Account Number:72684977 Sort Code:40-05-18 HSBC Bank:GrahamLaytonTrust Website: Email: [email protected] Tel.: 44(0)2033971433 Benevolent Trust(LRBT) charity toLaytonRahmatulla Graham LaytonTrust(GLT)-asister United Kingdom Ordinance 2001) (Exempt underSection61ofIT Fb: Lrbt.Pakistan Website: Email: [email protected] 0800-44441 Tel.: 021-35396600-5(6lines)and Extension, DHA,Karachi-75500 37-c, SunsetLaneNo.4,PhaseII Trust (LRBT) The LaytonRahmatullaBenevolent Pakistan LRBT WORLDWIDE Zakat/Fitrah/Sadqahetc. AmountDonated Email Fax Telephone Address Profession Name Form Donation

11 CARE LRBT Newsletter LRBT Corneal Bank

In this quarter, LRBT performed 112 corneal surgeries. We Help us help them become productive are deeply thankful to Karachi Airport Eye Bank Welfare members of society Society and Site for Smiles & Smarts for sponsoring 79 corneas, Site Lions Club for donating 13, PAM USA for 6 Cost Treatment and Bardast Lions Club for 5 corneas. Rs. 4,340 The cost of an adult Sight Restoration Cataract Surgery with an Intra-Ocular Lens Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) surgery was Implant performed for the first time at LRBT Korangi, Karachi. 4 DALK Rs. 8,880 The cost of 1 child’s Sight Restoration surgeries were performed at LRBT Korangi Hospital, which is Surgery a landmark shift from Penetrating to Lamellar Keratoplasty. Rs. 35,440 The cost of adult Retina Detachment K-AEWS Site Bardast Pam Total Surgery Month & Lions Lions Self Total USA Donated Rs. 39,980 The cost of child’s SFS&S Club Club Retina Detachment Surgery January 12 6 0 0 18 1 19 LRBT Pakistan Bank Details: February 17 0 5 5 27 0 27 Please deposit your Zakat at any 9 0 8 0 17 3 of the following banks: March 20 Account Title April 20 0 0 0 20 2 22 The Layton Rahmatulla 15 0 0 0 15 0 Benevolent Trust May 15 6 0 0 0 6 3 Faysal Bank 22-June 9 Account No. Total 79 6 13 5 103 9 112 0330000131981129 Branch Code 0330 IBAN No. PK89FAYS0330000131981129 Swift Code Did you Know? FAYSPKKA Standard Chartered Bank Limited Account No. Pakistan ranks Pakistan has 01-6556450-01-00 3rd in the world for Branch Code population with visual 3 million visually 047 impairment impaired children IBAN No. PK02SCBL0000001655645001 Swift Code SCBLPKKXXX United Bank Limited (UBL) 80% Daily 9500 Account No. blindness patients visit LRBT 010-4241-4 is curable Hospitals and Clinics Branch Code 0949 – online IBAN No.

LRBT Newsletter PK84UNIL0112094901042414 LRBT performs LRBT has treated over 12 Zakat Online: approximately 1,00 0 42 million surgeries daily patients across Pakistan CARE CARE

(Exempt under Section 61 of IT Ordinance 2001)