PREVIOUS WINNERS 2018 WINNERS 2014 WINNERS Best Scot at Westminster – MP MP - Best Scot at Westminster Michael Russell MSP - Debater of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Kate Forbes MSP - One to Watch Hugh Henry MSP - Committee MSP of the Year MSP, Finance and Constitution Committee - MSP - MSP of the Year Committee MSP of the Year Fergus Ewing MSP - Politics in Business Award MSP - Community MSP of the Year MSP - E – Politician of the Year Murdo Fraser MSP - Politics in Business Coalition for Continuing Care – Barnardo’s , Aberlour Nicola Sturgeon MSP - E-politician of the Year Childcare Trust and WhoCares? Scotland - Public Campaign or Gillian Murray - Public Campaign or Campaigner of the Year Campaigner of the Year Councillor John Alexander, SNP, leader of Dundee City Council - Gordon Matheson, Leader City Council - Scottish Local Scottish Local Politician of the Year Politician of the Year Jeane Freeman MSP - Winner Scottish Politician of the Year Gordon Aikman – Judges Awards Alistair Darling – Lifetime Achievement Award 2017 WINNERS Nicola Sturgeon MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year MP - Best Scot at Westminster MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year 2013 WINNERS MSP - One to Watch Douglas Alexander MP, Best Scot at Westminster MSP - Committee MSP of the Year MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Andy Wightman MSP - Community MSP of the Year Kezia Dugdale MSP, One to Watch Murdo Fraser MSP - Politics in Business Award Richard Lochhead MSP, Politics in Business Award Ruth Davidson MSP - E-Politician Island Council Leaders:Councillor Gary Robinson, Councillor Angus Amanda Kopel: Frank’s Law - Public Campaigner of the Year Campbell and Councillor Steven Heddle, Scottish Local Politician of Council - Scottish Local Politician of the Year the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year Shelter Scotland, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year Kenny MacAskill MSP, Political Impact of the Year 2016 WINNERS MSP, E – Politician of the Year David Mundell MP - Best Scot at Westminster Rt Hon Sir George Reid, Lifetime Achievement Award Ruth Davidson MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP - One to Watch Mary Scanlon - Committee MSP of the Year MSP - Community MSP of the Year 2012 WINNERS Fergus Ewing MSP - Politics in Business Award Michael Moore MP, Best Scot at Westminster Johann Lamont MSP - E-Politician Dennis Robertson MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year No to Name Persons (NO2NP) Campaign - Public Campaigner of the Year MSP, One to Watch Councillor Mark Macmillan - Scottish Local Politician of the Year Stewart Hosie MP, Politics in Business Award Rt Hon Lord Campbell of Pittenweem CH CBE PC QC - Lifetime Councillor Gordon Matheson, Scottish Local Politician of the Year Achievement Award Martha Payne, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year Johann Lamont MSP, Political Impact of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year 2015 WINNERS Angus Robertson MP - Best Scot at Westminster MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year 2011 WINNERS Alison McInnes MSP - Committee MSP of the Year Angus Robertson MP, Best Scot at Westminster Neil Findlay MSP - Community MSP of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Gavin Brown MSP - Politics in Business Award Ruth Davidson MSP, Newcomer of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - E – Politician of the Year Councillor Michael Foxley, Highland Council, Scottish Local Gordon Aikman – Gordon’s Fightback - Public Campaign or Government Politician of the Year Campaigner of the Year Save RAF Lossiemouth, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year David Parker – Leader, Scottish Borders Council - Scottish Local Frank Maguire, Thompsons Solicitors, Lifetime Campaign Award Politician of the Year Murdo Fraser MSP, Political Impact of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year Gordon Brown MP, Lifetime Achievement Award Alex Salmond MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year PREVIOUS WINNERS 2015 WINNERS 2011 WINNERS Angus Robertson MP - Best Scot at Westminster Angus Robertson MP, Best Scot at Westminster Willie Rennie MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Alison McInnes MSP - Committee MSP of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP, Newcomer of the Year Neil Findlay MSP - Community MSP of the Year Councillor Michael Foxley, Highland Council, Scottish Local Gavin Brown MSP - Politics in Business Award Government Politician of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - E – Politician of the Year Save RAF Lossiemouth, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year Gordon Aikman – Gordon’s Fightback - Public Campaign or Frank Maguire, Thompsons Solicitors, Lifetime Campaign Award Campaigner of the Year Murdo Fraser MSP, Political Impact of the Year David Parker – Leader, Scottish Borders Council - Scottish Local Gordon Brown MP, Lifetime Achievement Award Politician of the Year Alex Salmond MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year 2010 WINNERS 2014 WINNERS MP, Best Scot at Westminster Gordon Brown MP - Best Scot at Westminster Derek Brownlee MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Ruth Davidson MSP - Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, One to Watch Hugh Henry MSP - Committee MSP of the Year Public Audit Committee, Committee Award John Finnie MSP - Community MSP of the Year Councillor Pat Watters, COSLA, Scottish Local Government Politician Fergus Ewing MSP - Politics in Business Award of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP - E – Politician of the Year Ann Moulds, Action Scotland Against Stalking, Public Campaigner Coalition for Continuing Care – Barnardo’s Scotland, Aberlour of the Year Childcare Trust and WhoCares? Scotland - Public Campaign or Margo MacDonald MSP, Political Contribution of the Year Campaigner of the Year Jack McConnell MSP, Lifetime Achievement Award Gordon Matheson, Leader - Scottish Local Hugh Henry MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Politician of the Year Gordon Aikman – Judges Awards 2009 WINNERS Alistair Darling – Lifetime Achievement Award Jim Murphy MP, Best Scot at Westminster Nicola Sturgeon MSP - Scottish Politician of the Year John Swinney MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Gavin Brown MSP, One to Watch 2013 WINNERS Public Audit Committee, Committee Award Douglas Alexander MP, Best Scot at Westminster C-Diff Campaigners, Public Campaign of the Year Johann Lamont MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Steven Purcell (GCC), Scottish Councillor of the Year Kezia Dugdale MSP, One to Watch Bruce Crawford MSP, Political Contribution of the Year Richard Lochhead MSP, The Herald Politics in Business Award John Swinney MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Island Council Leaders:Councillor Gary Robinson, Councillor Angus Campbell and Councillor Steven Heddle, Scottish Local Politician of 2008 WINNERS the Year Alistair Darling MP, Best Scot at Westminster Shelter Scotland, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Kenny MacAskill MSP, Political Impact of the Year John Park MSP, One to Watch Patrick Harvie MSP, E – Politician of the Year Chris Harvie MSP, Free Spirit of the Year Rt Hon Sir George Reid, Lifetime Achievement Award Sir Sean Connery, International Scot Award Alex Salmond MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Clydeside Action on Asbestos, Public Campaign of the Year Lord Wallace of Tankerness Jim Wallace, Lifetime Achievement Award 2012 WINNERS Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Michael Moore MP, Best Scot at Westminster Dennis Robertson MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year 2007 WINNERS Humza Yousaf MSP, One to Watch Gordon Brown MP, Best Scot at Westminster Stewart Hosie MP, Politics in Business Award John Swinney MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Councillor Gordon Matheson, Scottish Local Politician of the Year Derek Brownlee MSP, One to Watch Martha Payne, Public Campaign/Campaigner of the Year Christine Grahame MSP, Free Spirit of the Year Johann Lamont MSP, Political Impact of the Year Sir Tom Hunter, International Scot Award Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Farepak Campaign, Public Campaign of the Year Margo MacDonald MSP, Lifetime Achievement Award Alex Salmond MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year PREVIOUS WINNERS

2006 WINNERS 2002 WINNERS Andy Kerr MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Alisdair Darling MP, Best Scot at Westminster The Shetland Sakchai Makao Campaign, Public Campaign / Prof. Sir Neil MacCormick MEP, Scottish Euro MP of the Year Campaigner of the Year David McLetchie MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Angus MacNeil MP, Best Scot at Westminster Mike Rumbles MSP, Committee Member of the Year Tavish Scott MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Margo MacDonald MSP, Campaigner of the Year Justice 1 Committee, The Committee Award Elaine Smith MSP, Free Spirit of the Year Karen Gillon MSP, FreeSpirit of the Year Award MSP, Lifetime Achievement Award The Green Group, The Johnnie Walker Award for Malcolm Chisholm MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year 2005 WINNERS 2001 WINNERS Des Browne MP, Best Scot at Westminster Dr John Reid MP, Best Scot at Westminster Alex Neil MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year David Martin MEP, Scottish Euro MP of the Year The Finance Committee, Committee Award Tommy Sheridan MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Brian Monteith MSP, Free Spirit of the Year John McAllion MSP, Committee Performer of the Year MSP, Johnnie Walker Award Donald Gorrie MSP, Free Spirit of the Year The Glasgow Girls, Public Campaign / Campaigner Award Christine Grahame MSP, Politician to Watch Robin Cook MP, Lifetime Achievement Award Sir David Steel MSP, Lifetime Achievement Award George Reid MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Jack McConnell MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year 2004 WINNERS 2000 WINNERS Sir Menzies Campbell MP, Best Scot at Westminster Gordon Brown MP, Best Scot at Westminster Nicola Sturgeon MSP, Donald Dewar debater of the Year Prof. Sir Neil MacCormick MEP, Scottish Euro MP of the Year Des McNulty MSP, Committee Award Michael Russell MSP, Debater of the Year Kenny Macaskill MSP, Free spirit of the Year Gordon Jackson MSP, Committee Performer of the Year Patrick Harvie MSP, One to watch Tavish Scott MSP, Politician to Watch David & Ozlem Grimason, Public campaign/campaigner of the Year Margo MacDonald MSP, Maverick of the Year Tam Dalyell MP, Lifetime Achievement Award Alex Salmond MSP, Award for Outstanding Political Achievement MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Jim Wallace MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year 2003 WINNERS Robin Cook MP, Best Scot at Westminster 1999 WINNERS Neil MacCormick MEP, Scottish Euro MP of the Year Gordon Brown MP, Best Scot at Westminster David McLetchie MSP, Donald Dewar Debater of the Year Frank McAveety MSP, Debater of the Year The Green Party, Election Performance of the Year Susan Deacon MSP, Front Bencher of the Year Rosie Kane MSP, One to Watch Donald Gorrie MSP, Back Bencher of the Year The Petitions Committee – John McAllion & Michael MSP, Politician to Watch McMahon, Committee Award Donald Dewar MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year Margo MacDonald MSP, Campaigner of the Year John Farquar Munro MSP, Free Spirit of the Year George Reid MSP, Scottish Politician of the Year