We will not stop. We will not settle. We will not go back. JOIN US IN THE PUSH TO 100% ACCEPTANCE. 3

GLAAD 05 Mission Statement ANNUAL REPORT 06 President & CEO’s Message 2017-18 08 2017-18 Highlights

KEY 12 News & Rapid Response ACCOMPLISHMENTS 14 Digital Advocacy 18 GLAAD Media Institute (GMI) 22 Campus Ambassador Program 26 Spirit Day 30 Events 34 Media Program 38 &Together

GLAAD BY 44 GLAAD at Work THE NUMBERS 46 Letter from the Treasurer 47 Financial Summary

INVESTORS 52 GLAAD Supporters & DIRECTORY 55 Giving Circles 59 Staff 61 Board of Directors 4 5


GLAAD NEWS & RAPID RESPONSE GLAAD serves as a resource to journalists and news outlets in print, broadcast, and online to ensure that the news media is accurately and fairly representing LGBTQ people in its reporting. As the world’s largest

GLAAD MEDIA INSTITUTE (GMI) Through training, consulting, and research—including annual resources like the Accelerating Acceptance report and , , bisexual, the GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index—GMI enables everyone from students to professionals, journalists to spokespeople to build the core skills and techniques transgender, and that effectuate positive cultural change.

GLAAD CAMPUS AMBASSADOR PROGRAM GLAAD Campus (LGBTQ) media advocacy Ambassadors are a volunteer network of university/college LGBTQ and ally students who work with GLAAD and within their local communities to build an LGBTQ movement to accelerate acceptance and end hate. organization, GLAAD is GLAAD MEDIA AWARDS The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and at the forefront of cultural honor media for their fair, accurate, and inclusive representations of the LGBTQ community and the issues that affect their lives. change by ensuring fair, GLAAD TRANSGENDER MEDIA PROGRAM GLAAD is reshaping the way Americans see the transgender and gender non-conforming community, working through news, entertainment, and online media to share stories of accurate, and inclusive transgender people that build understanding and support. representation that leads &TOGETHER GLAAD introduced the “&” symbol as a call for solidarity, togetherness, and a recognition of intersectionality at a time when marginalized communities are subject to discrimination both in policy and everyday life. to 100% acceptance. GLAAD SPANISH-LANGUAGE & LATINX MEDIA PROGRAM GLAAD works to share stories from the LGBTQ community in Spanish Language and Latinx Media, helping to increase understanding and support among the Spanish-speaking community, the fastest-growing population in the country. 6 7 PRESIDENT & With our new CEO’S MESSAGE Words are powerful—those of us in marginalized communities understand that better than anyone. institute of change From an appalling “joke” by the President to a historic statement of support from the Mormon Church; from a hate-infused op-ed to an authentic LGBTQ storyline on the Disney Channel, all it takes are a few simple words to move hearts and minds in either direction of progress, impacting how we treat and continuously others as well as the feelings of worth we hold deep within ourselves.

activated army of It’s through the media that these influential words, positive and negative, gain speed, strength, and influence. And with news and commentary being generated faster than ever before, so must the change-makers, we will pace with which GLAAD realizes our mission. For the 2018-2019 year, that means rising to today’s challenges with a bolder approach and our greatest army of ambassadors yet.

not go back…we will In its headlines and its policies, 2017 brought heightened discriminatory rhetoric to the forefront of American culture. Not surprisingly, the toxic speech found a way to infiltrate the public consciousness, only“ move forward. altering the trajectory of the acceptance pendulum. For the first time since its introduction in 2015, our Accelerating Acceptance report reflects an erosion in the progress we’d since built year over year. The 2018 survey shows a significant increase in reports of discrimination and a decline in America’s LGBTQ comfortability, most notably reflected in a 4% backwards shift of allies to detached supporters. The only bright light? Support for equal rights among non-LGBTQ U.S. adults is unwavering. Let that be our inspiration.

Historically, GLAAD has responded swiftly to injustice, skillfully using the media to change the ” conversation. This continues to be an important part of our legacy in the Trump Accountability Project. Thanks to the actions of our News & Rapid Response Team, we successfully called on UN Ambassador Nikki Haley to condemn anti-LGBTQ violence in Chechnya, and exposed discriminatory audio featuring Tennessee State Senator Mark Green, resulting in the withdrawal of his Secretary of the Army nomination. In today’s climate, however, being “reactive” in the face of discrimination is far from enough. Enter the GLAAD Media Institute.

A beacon of education, consultation, and research, the GLAAD Media Institute is, quite simply, our future—and our top priority this year. Through this initiative, we’re poised to take a mightier stance in commanding the fight for equality, not just responding to it. We’ll write our own narrative, rather than amend someone else’s. We’ll share the skills and tools we’ve developed over the past three decades, harnessing the incredible power of words into a rousing chorus that breaks through the noise and incites real change.

The $15 million lead gift from the Ariadne Getty Foundation to fund the GLAAD Media Institute is truly a cause for celebration. Not only will this generous donation allow us to break barriers, champion acceptance, and amplify media impact on a whole new level, it’s an inspiration to other industries, organizations, and thought leaders to step up and act on our behalf.

There are forces against us just as there always have been. But there’s also hope, like the 79% of non-LGBTQ Americans who support equal rights, a number that’s holding stable and strong in spite of everything else. With our new institute of change and continuously activated army of change-makers, we will not go back…we will only move forward.

We will do it for those like me who are old enough to remember a place and time where being a gay woman was not supported. We will do it for non-binary and bisexual+ youth, groups facing their own unique challenges. We will do it for the variety of faces and voices within our own community, and for ALL the communities under attack in the U.S. and worldwide.

I invite you to join us in leading the global charge to 100% acceptance.

Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO 8 9

HIGHLIGHTS OF GLAAD ACCELERATING LGBTQ ACCEPTANCE 2017-18 JAN Every day GLAAD is working through news, entertainment, and social media to tell the stories that will grow LGBTQ acceptance. Hundreds of media moments stemmed from GLAAD. Here are some of the most memorable: GLAAD announces at the Wold Economic Forum in Davos the findings of its fourth annual Accelerating Acceptance FEB report conducted by The Harris Poll. For the first time in the report’s history, GLAAD reveals an alarming erosion of LGBTQ acceptance, putting numbers to the increasing discrimination and JULY LGBTQ youth shines during the 2018 Winter Olympics in bias that too many LGBTQ Americans have experienced in the PyeongChang as openly gay athlete helps the past year. U.S. Figure Skating Team take home a bronze medal. Rippon GLAAD launches an online petition to combat President later appears on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to speak about his Trump’s proposed ban on transgender service members from relationship with GLAAD and announce a personal fundraising openly serving in the military (including the 15,000 transgender campaign to support our culture-changing LGBTQ youth people already serving). AUG programs. Ellen surprises him with a check for $10,000 from Shutterfly.

The Church of Jesus Chris of Latter-day Saints makes a historic statement of LGBTQ acceptance to Mormon youth tied to the LOVELOUD festival, organized by ’ lead singer Dan Reynolds, GLAAD, and other LGBTQ-affirming Mormons.


#BiWeek (September 17-24) shapes the cultural narrative on At SXSW, GLAAD announces a collaboration with Jigsaw, a unit the bisexual+ community through headline-making events within Google’s parent company Alphabet, to create public data and activities including digital video partnerships with Planned sets and machine learning research resources to help make Parenthood and BiNet USA, a first-of-its-kind chat with NOV online conversations more inclusive for the LGBTQ community. APR groundbreaking out bi+ elected officials, and a change.org petition to “Make Wonder Woman Bisexual” in the film sequel. , Ricky Martin, , , Halle GLAAD’s “Drop the F Word” media campaign demands Berry, , and are just a few of the journalists to steer clear of biased terms like “religious celebrities on-hand to move LGBTQ acceptance forward at the freedom” and instead use the accurate term “religious 29th Annual GLAAD Media Awards in . exemptions.” Many press outlets, including TIME and CBS, amend their language, a victory for our communities.


GLAAD teams with Bonnier Publishing USA for a DEC publishing partnership that will bring LGBTQ stories to families around the world through children’s literature. GLAAD releases its second annual Spanish-language media The first in the series is Prince & Knight, a beautiful tale report Still Invisible. As the name implies, the report finds that about a prince who falls in love with a knight. only 3% of characters on Spanish-language scripted television were LGBTQ. GLAAD accompanies the report with the launch of the #PantallaInclusiva/#InclusiveScreens campaign calling for more representation and featuring artwork from 10 Latinx LGBTQ artists. 10 11

KEY ACCOMPLISHMENTS 12 13 Notre Dame Students Walk Out of Pence NEWS & RAPID RESPONSE Commencement Address “The protesting students were Texas court rules that praised on Sunday by several gay spouses may not be left-leaning national groups entitled to workplace including the LGBTQ media benefits group GLAAD.” Sarah Kate Ellis, President and Chief Executive of GLAAD, called the Texas ruling a “warning shot 2017-18 to all LGBTQ Americans that the OCTOBER When State war on marriage equality is ever- Real-time vigilance Representative Betty Price suggests HIGHLIGHTS evolving, and anti-LGBTQ activists will do anything possible to “quarantining” Georgians with HIV and APRIL GLAAD successfully pressures UN for immediate discriminate against our families.” AIDS, GLAAD jumps into action, calling out Ambassador Nikki Haley to condemn and stigmatizing language’s capacity to block call for an investigation against anti-LGBTQ action vulnerable populations from testing and violence in Chechnya through a targeted treatment while working with HIV advocates outreach to her office combined with an outcry on tip sheets for reporters covering affected from our social media following. GLAAD’s News & Rapid Response Department communities. MAY A groundswell of protest over GLAAD- catalogues anti-LGBTQ statements and actions in NOVEMBER GLAAD sends letters and tip unearthed audio of Mark Green calling real-time, equipping journalists with resources to sheets to presidents and editors-in-chief of transgender Americans an “evil” to be expose anti-LGBTQ activists and hold anti-LGBTQ all major news outlets demanding fair and “crushed” leads the Tennessee State Senator politicians and the White House accountable. This I call on my colleague in the accurate reporting on religious exemptions, to withdraw his nomination to be the next team has also been tracking legislative processes effectively reframing the conversation and Secretary of the Army. House to apologize for her touching on more than 75 anti-LGBTQ bills in getting reporters to shift away from the JULY After Trump announces his attempt to statehouses across the country, providing support appalling comments. “religious freedom” argument of anti- ban open transgender military service over LGBTQ hate groups such as Alliance for local crusaders who are on the ground fighting Twitter, GLAAD organizes a rally that very Defending Freedom. night where the anti-LGBTQ hate groups and for equality in key states such as Texas, Mississippi, State Rep. Park Cannon, joining GLAAD in calling for action from State Rep. Betty Price DECEMBER GLAAD spotlights the extensive actives who lobbied for the ban are exposed and Tennessee. anti-LGBTQ record of Alliance Defending and misinformation being spread about the Freedom and shifts the media narrative transgender community by the White House is around the Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme fact-checked. ” Court oral arguments. AUGUST GLAAD works closely with local “ MARCH GLAAD uncovers Alliance advocates in Texas to defeat Governor Greg Defending Freedom’s new strategy of Abbott’s attempt to pass an anti-transgender arguing religious exemptions in an attempt bathroom ban after he calls for a special to take down bans on conversion therapy. session in an attempt to force it through. APRIL During Mike Pompeo’s Senate OCTOBER As Trump becomes the first sitting confirmation hearing for the position president to speak at the Family Research Trump’s Army Secretary Pick, GLAAD Slams Transgender of Secretary of State, GLAAD works with Council’s Values Voter Summit, GLAAD The Long, Futile Search Mark Green, Withdraws Military Ban Capitol Hill leaders to ensure he is held exposes the anti-LGBTQ records and extremism for President Trump’s Name From Consideration “This administration will stop at accountable for his past and grilled about of its speakers, successfully pressuring the press Pride “LGBT advocacy “Controversy surrounding nothing to implement anti-LGBTQ his anti-LGBTQ recording. to frame the event as fringe. organizations like GLAAD Green’s anti-LGBTQ ideology within our government – even if it means denying some of have been rebuking President record gained traction when advocacy group our bravest Americans the right to Trump all month for not serve and protect our nation.” GLAAD unearthed audio.” officially recognizing June as Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO, GLAAD LGBT Pride Month.” 14 15


2017-18 HIGHLIGHTS Protecting a lifeline MAY When Debra Messing’s 2017 GLAAD Media that’s vital to our past, Awards speech begins trending on YouTube for the wrong reasons, GLAAD uncovers an online mobilization of individuals using the platform’s present, and future algorithms to flag and remove LGBTQ-related content. This key moment fuels an important part America is in the middle of a culture war where the Our goal: to help develop technology as an ally rather than an of GLAAD Digital’s work moving forward: tracking casualties are marginalized communities and the (often unwitting) tool for discrimination, hate, and resistance. alt right conversations on hubs like 4chan and battleground is the media. But these days, it’s hard to When a social media algorithm blocks positive content that It was pretty uplifting Reddit to get ahead of their next move against the tell—what is the media? According to Pew Research, the LGBTQ youth want to see; when claims are made that artificial LGBTQ community. to hear that GLAAD is number of U.S. Adults who get their news from TV has intelligence (AI) can unethically detect sexual orientation; when AUGUST GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate 1 out there staunchly dropped to 50% while the number of U.S. Adults who the removal of net neutrality threatens to censor and erase Ellis pens an Op-Ed in The Advocate in support of get at least some of their news from social media has defending the LGBTQ net neutrality. Without it, she writes, “censorship LGBTQ voices, GLAAD Digital is there, working directly with 2 and erasure of the LGBTQ community is not only increased to 67%. tech companies, advocacy groups, and community leaders community on the possible, but inevitable.” to raise awareness. We also maximize the efforts of our own internet. I think I speak It’s clear that the media and the way in which it is “ NOVEMBER Sarah Kate Ellis speaks about communications team using digital tools like social media and IT. for everyone at the GLAAD’s work defending LGBTQ people’s internet consumed has changed, and both continue to evolve— “lifeline” at Web Summit, effectively announcing our rapidly. And yet the fact remains that the internet has been In doing so, we not only protect the digital lifeline that’s so Webbys when I say we presence in the digital media advocacy space at the and continues to be one of the greatest forces for good in crucial to those marginalized—and to our own legacy—we feel quite awed by largest tech conference in the world. the lives of LGBTQ people, providing them access to vital ensure GLAAD’s mission of accelerating acceptance stays on- their efforts. NOVEMBER GLAAD Chief Digital Officer Jim lifesaving resources, connecting them to others in their track within the fast-paced, ever-changing digital landscape. Halloran is featured on an episode of The Webby community, and showcasing positive role models they David-Michel Davies, Executive Podcast, an audio program devoted to stories of Director of Webby Awards likely won’t see in traditional media outlets. GLAAD.ORG the internet, offering insight and perspective on creating technology that is equitable and safe for FB.COM/GLAAD ” With three decades of experience demonstrating all users. the media’s powerful influence, as well as our own @GLAAD JANUARY GLAAD announces the launch of the authoritative potential to lead the conversation, GLAAD #digitaltaskforce, a coalition of advocacy groups, tech companies, and community leaders that will has stepped up to address this critical time by forming our come together to address systemic problems in organization’s first-ever digital department. online bias.

MARCH GLAAD and Google’s parent company, Alphabet, announce a collaboration to promote LGBTQ-inclusive AI research.

1 http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/01/05/fewer-americans-rely-on-tv-news-what-type-they-watch-varies-by-who-they-are/ 2 http://www.journalism.org/2017/09/07/news-use-across-social-media-platforms-2017/

18 19

GLAAD MEDIA INSTITUTE The goal is to educate as many people as we can, to really get the message of acceptance out there...I’m front and center with the LGBTQ community to say 2017-18 this community needs help now. HIGHLIGHTS Turning education An Institute “ Ariadne Getty JUNE GLAAD connects transgender activist and musician Summer Luk with Teen Vogue to into armor for of Change pen a personal essay about to her The GLAAD Media Institute enables people to build conservative Chinese parents. today’s culture war ” the core skills and techniques that effectuate positive JUNE On the one-year anniversary of the Pulse Since its founding in 1985, GLAAD has learned a lot cultural change. This is accomplished through three nightclub shooting, the GLAAD Media Institute about the media’s role in changing hearts and minds. pillars: provides a training for survivors, including Now it’s time to share that experience more widely, Ricardo Negron of Proyecto Somos Orlando. TRAINING giving people and orgainzations the tools they need OCTOBER The Disney Channel turns to GLAAD Spokesperson and media engagement education for to break barriers, champion acceptance, and amplify in developing the network’s groundbreaking effective storytelling media impact in a hostile and increasingly dangerous first LGBTQ storyline on its coming-of-age show cultural climate. Andi Mack. GLAAD provides expert feedback CONSULTING on the contents of the episode to authentically Serving industries, corporations, and organizations depict a young teen’s experience coming out to Civil rights are under attack. Misinformation continues positioned to take a stand for justice his peer group. to fuel ignorance and fear. LGBTQ acceptance among The Disney Channel’s Andi Mack

JANUARY For the first time since its inception, American people is decreasing. With emotions running RESEARCH the fourth annual Accelerating Acceptance high and media credibility at an all-time low, GLAAD’s report, conducted by The Harris Poll, reveals an mission remains as crucial as ever. And yet we Fielding studies, evaluating data, and developing alarming erosion of LGBTQ acceptance. The recognize that closing the gap to full acceptance will metrics to strengthen our mission and drive action. findings are revealed at the World Economic not come from legislation or judicial decision alone. In Key resources include the Accelerating Acceptance Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In a show of order for us to truly move forward, we must inspire a report, the Where We Are on TV report, and the solidarity, the Ariadne Getty Foundation GLAAD Studio Responsibility Index. announces a $15M lead gift dedicated to deeper understanding and empathy from Americans building the GLAAD Media Institute. themselves.

MARCH TransMilitary, the first feature-length By empowering and activating our current allies, film project to receive funding from the GLAAD Media Institute, premieres at the SXSW Film as well as receptive supporters, the GLAAD Media NBA player Reggie Bullock of the Detroit Festival and wins the Audience Award in the Institute will be the driving force to make that Pistons was trained by GMI to share the story Documentary Feature Competition category. happen—fostering growth and change more of his transgender sister Mia who tragically The GLAAD Media Institute’s grant to the film meaningful and long-lasting than any law or verdict. lost her life to violence. He has since includes promotion, media outreach, and appeared across news and sports media visibility assistance. with a message of LGBTQ acceptance.

Getty quote source: https://www.townandcountrymag.com/society/money-and-power/a14457871/ariadne-getty-glaad-gift/ THE VATICAN, 2015 MEXICO, 2017 GLAAD’s campaign around Pope Francis publishes a GLAAD provides sensitivity and cultural competency training a world resource guide for journalists, an open letter and petition, for Mexican consulate staff across North America and and videos, all calling on the pontiff to meet with LGBTQ antibullying training for Mexican consulate staff globally. families in the U.S. during his trip to the Americas. UNITED KINGDOM, 2017 ITALY, 2016 GLAAD advises the British Council on the formation and of good GLAAD consults with activists and advocates to create the dissemination of Five Films for Freedom, a digital film festival first-ever Italian Diversity Awards, modeled after the GLAAD that makes LGBTQ short films accessible to audiences Coast to coast and around the globe, Media Awards. worldwide. the GLAAD Media Institute strives to make equality a universal language.

BRAZIL, 2014 GLAAD helms the creation of two public service announcements calling for World Cup fans to help #StoptheSlurs, and creates guides for media on including LGBTQ perspectives in coverage. , 2014 GLAAD releases the GLAAD Global Voices Olympic Playbook to ensure fair and accurate reporting on the LGBTQ situation in Sochi during the Olympic Games. Additionally, GLAAD awards GLAAD Gold to media outlets, newsmakers, and advocates who raise awareness of LGBTQ people in Russia and around the world. BELIZE, 2015 With an assist from GLAAD leveraging international media to tell his story, Caleb Orozco wins his case against the criminalization of relationships between men in Belize. CHILE, 2015 GLAAD prepares a same-sex couple to document their decision whether to start a family on the reality show Happy Together, offering the Chilean people fresh, upbeat insight into the daily lives of LGBTQ people. CHINA, 2015 GLAAD assists in bringing ten Chinese same-sex couples to the U.S. to be married at the West Hollywood City Hall by the mayor while securing Los Angeles and international media attention for , the couples, and the sponsorship by Alibaba. GLAAD also helps create the AUSTRALIA, 2017 PAN-AFRICA, 2017 Chinese Rainbow Media Awards in Beijing, modeled off NIGERIA, 2015 GLAAD teams up with local celebrities to support the campaign GLAAD provides source material for the curriculum at a the GLAAD Media Awards. Following the release of poll numbers measuring Nigerian for equal marriage in Australia. Additionally, GLAAD assists in the training for 24 journalists from 15 Sub-Saharan countries, acceptance of LGBTQ people, GLAAD provides local supporters formation of an Australian LGBTQ media organization through leading to improved coverage of LGBTQ rights and religion. , 2015 expertise and best practices in monitoring and advocating in the a two-week, on-the-ground experience. GLAAD also consults and media-trains and producers GLAAD plays a pivotal role in winning marriage equality media for more fair and accurate representation. GLAAD also of the “edu-tainment” show MTV Shuga, a teenage drama in Ireland by training LGBTQ leaders on best practices presents a media training for journalists and LGBTQ advocates in that has been used to educate young African audiences from the marriage equality fight in the U.S. Nigeria to do media monitoring, outreach, and advocacy. about sexual education and HIV. 22 23


2017-18 HIGHLIGHTS Engaging, SEPTEMBER GLAAD recruits and teaches 130 informing, and APRIL Prior to Mike Pompeo’s committee GLAAD Campus Ambassadors representing Being a GLAAD Campus Ambassador hearing, University of Texas at Austin GLAAD 39 states. This is a remarkable increase from has been nothing short of inspiring LGBTQ Campus Ambassador Tony Hernandez one year ago, when the program featured just empowering...Not only has GLAAD hand-delivers a letter and research to 31 students in 13 states. youth taught me how to amplify my voice, warn Senate Foreign Relations Committee members and key Democratic Senate SEPTEMBER During #BiWeek, GLAAD Campus but it’s given me the tools to have my leadership of Pompeo’s extremist record. Ambassador Gianna Collier-Pitts of Despite this year’s reported decline in comfortability, voice be heard. University gains national attention and media the fact remains that 20% of 18-34 year-olds identify GLAAD’s Campus Ambassadors coverage with a change.org petition to “Make as LGBTQ.3 By amplifying the voices and vision of “L. Juliette, West Connecticut State University ‘18 have shared stories of LGBTQ youth Wonder Woman Bisexual” in the movie sequel. this next generation of LGBTQ advocates, GLAAD in media including:

Campus Ambassadors play a pivotal role in shaping CNN.com OCTOBER GLAAD Campus Ambassadors take the culture—and the future of our organization. It wasn’t until I joined GLAAD that I HuffPost Spirit Day to their campuses around the country realized I would have the opportunity and encourage fellow students to go purple. Essence Local events include a photoshoot facilitated A volunteer network made up of current to have such a large impact in a Teen Vogue by GLAAD Campus undergraduate LGBTQ and allies, GLAAD Campus short amount of time. Ambassador Teagan Rabuano at T-Party, a Ambassadors serve as national representatives of The Advocate Kylan Kester, Morehouse College ‘18 club for trans, non-binary, and gender non- student-led activism. They work closely with GLAAD Seventeen conforming students and their allies. to build sustainable and inclusive programming and Popsugar end discrimination within their local communities, all NOVEMBER 108 student activists were trained Being a campus ambassador for Refinery29 while learning our best practices on leveraging media by the GLAAD Media Institute and GLAAD GLAAD has changed my life. NBC News Campaigns Team at the 2nd Annual GLAAD to create change. Joon Park, Boston College ‘18 Journal-Constitution Campus Ambassador Summit in Atlanta, GA.

FEBRUARY GLAAD launches amp, a digital platform and young creators series designed I felt great honor to do my part in to amplify the voice and vision of a new impeding Pompeo’s nomination, generation. GLAAD Campus Ambassadors are key contributors of original content including as his confirmation would be a great op-eds, creative writing, photography, art, disservice to our Nation and the videos, and more. LGBTQ+ community. Tony Hernandez, University of Texas at Austin ‘18

3 GLAAD 2017 Accelerating Acceptance report ” 24 25

NOVEMBER 10 - 12 / ATLANTA 26 27


2017-18 CAUSE CELEB Supporting LGBTQ CBS, including the casts of Mom, The Talk, HIGHLIGHTS and Madam Secretary UNPRECEDENTED ONLINE ENGAGEMENT youth through Let it rain purple on #SpiritDay Disney-ABC, including Kerry Washington, • 2,286,282,071 total impressions as we take a stand together Tracee Ellis Ross, Jessica Capshaw, Jason (compared to 1.8B in 2016) Ritter, and hosts from Entertainment Tonight against bullying, and to support • 553,616 glaad.org/spiritday impressions the largest, most Freeform, including the cast of Shadowhunters (compared to 220,965 in 2016) LGBTQ youth! and Grownish • 563,431 unique views on blogs (compared visible anti-bullying Celine Dion via HBO, who shares a video of Dracarys from to 7,517 in 2016) Game of Thrones breathing purple fire and campaign in the another video of their staff gathered to form GLOBAL IMPACT Team up with baseball as we a massive purple HBO logo Spirit Day 2017 participation included the “ , who highlights a special selection of Mexican Embassy and their 51 consulates, world stand for inclusion, and against programming featuring LGBTQ characters the United Nations Free & Equal initiative, the bullying. UK Consulate, Mentally Aware Nigeria, Gay Started in 2010 by a high-school student, Spirit Day MTV, VH1, and Logo, including hosts of TRL, Post Italy, It Gets Better Mexico, Venezuela MLB via Twitter and casts of RuPaul’s Drag Race and Teen Wolf is now a global, multi-platform phenomenon, with Igualitaria, and many more. NBCUniversal, including Ted Danson and billions pledging to “go purple” in a show of solidarity PURPLE REIGN Kristen Bell from The Good Place, the TODAY Wear purple and post to social show, and Watch What Happens Live host Times Square’s American Eagle Outfitters, with the LGBTQ youth who disproportionately face Andy Cohen MTV, and Thomson Reuters light up in purple bullying and harassment because of their identities. media with #SpiritDay and in NYC, as do Wells Fargo Duke Energy #prideNBCU on October 19. Showtime, including the creators of Episodes Center in Charlotte and Target corporate and the casts of Penny Dreadful and headquarters in Minneapolis, among others. On October 19, 2017, celebrities, schools, faith via Twitter Shameless institutions, national landmarks, corporations, media SINGING LOUD Spanish-language programming, including GLAAD National Board of Directors member outlets, and sports teams—not to mention parents, morning shows Despierta América and Un and songwriter Justin Tranter kicked off Spirit classmates, neighbors, and friends—all joined together ” Nuevo Dia Day with a private concert in Los Angeles in a united stand to let marginalized youth know they A-list supporters include Celine Dion, Hailee featuring Courtney Love, , Steinfeld, Queen Latifah, Britney Spears, Tim are supported. , JoJo, Carly Rae Jepsen, Gigi McGraw, , Christina Aguilera, Jimmy Gorgeous, , and more. Kimmel, Ryan Seacrest, and Faith Hill

The turnout was our biggest yet, generating 2.2 billion Forward-thinking companies include social media impressions worldwide. Kellogg’s, who launches a video featuring beloved characters like Tony the Tiger “speaking out” against bullying

U.S. Senators include Tammy Baldwin, Dianne Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, and U.S. Representative Joe Kennedy III

Sports organizations include Major League Baseball and all thirty MLB teams, plus the NFL, WNBA, and NBA 28 29

Adam Lambert 30 31


2017-18 I think the South gets ignored a lot, and the HIGHLIGHTS Celebrating, honoring, LGBTQ community is so present and strong GLAAD and country music singer Ty Herndon presented the only LGBTQ concert during and fundraising in (here). Thirty-five percent of queer people CMA Fest with some of country music’s biggest live in the South, so for GLAAD to take the stars including Vince Gill, Tanya Tucker, Michael the name of LGBTQ Ray, and more speaking out about LGBTQ Hosted by YouTuber Kat Blaque and featuring time and effort to throw a gala here is a great acceptance in Nashville and the south. presenters such as activist Blair Imani and acceptance and sign, especially given the political climate. Tommy Dorfman, as well as special guest teen poet Royce Mann, the September event honors next-generation change-makers who use equality Tommy Dorfman at the GLAAD Gala Atlanta social media, digital media, or technology to Host Tommy Dorfman and presenters including enhance LGBTQ experiences online and in their GLAAD hosts a number of events across the country and “ August Getty, Isabella Gomez of ’s One communities. throughout the year recognizing icons, role models, and Day at a Time, Jazz Jennings of , and Thanks to GLAAD—and to all of you—visibility Keiynan Lonsdale and Alexandra Shipp of Love, leaders who have made significant contributions to the for trans, non-binary, and gender Simon awarded Rising Stars Grants to diverse, LGBTQ community. From our twice-yearly luncheons intersectional artists Gio Bravo, Leah Juliett, and announcing the recipients of Rising Stars Grants, to non-conforming people is Shayna Maci Warner. Honorees Sam Altman, founder and president of Y-Combinator, and Don Lemon, CNN anchor, fundraising galas in and Atlanta, to the bi- increasing at a rapid rate. are among the honorees celebrated for their coastal GLAAD Media Awards honoring fair, accurate, and Asia Kate Dillon at the GLAAD Media Awards in New York work in tech and media. Hosted by Ross inclusive LGBTQ representation, these fêtes are a chance Matthews, guest appearances include Justin Tranter and Nancy Pelosi, among others. to come together and celebrate the achievements and Britney Spears receives GLAAD’s Vanguard supporters of acceptance moving forward. Award by surprise presenter Ricky Martin GLAAD and Survivor have completely changed and Jim Parsons is honored by Ryan Murphy. Hosted by Wanda Sykes, the evening features my life...Together with GLAAD, we changed appearances by Parsons’ Boys in the Band castmates, as well as Olympians Adam Rippon The largest Atlanta event to date is hosted millions of people’s perceptions of trans- and Gus Kenworthy, and actors including Chloe by CMT personality Cody Alan and features a Grace Moretz, Chelsea Peretti, Denis O’Hare, performance by Billy Gilman of The Voice, as well gender people. We shattered stereotypes. Anthony Rapp, and Wilson Cruz. as appearances by Real Housewives’ Cynthia We created a global conversation Bailey, Shereé Whitfield, and Porsha Williams and Survivor cast member Zeke Smith. about privacy and respect. Director Ava DuVernay, actress Samira Wiley, and Ms. Gloria Carter—accepting on behalf of Zeke Smith at the GLAAD Rising Stars Luncheon in New York her son, Jay-Z—receive standing ovations for groundbreaking speeches. The event opens with an iconic by Melissa Etheridge and Adam Lambert and features special guests including Senator Cory Booker, Robin Roberts, Laverne ” Cox, and .

Dorfman quote source: http://www.atlantamagazine.com/news-culture-articles/tituss-burgess-tommy-dofrman-honored-glaad-gala-atlanta/ 32 33

Nancy Pelosi and Sam Altman Britney Spears at the at the GLAAD Gala San Francisco GLAAD Media Awards Los Angeles 34 35


2017-2018 on Miley Cyrus’ VMA dress. They posed HIGHLIGHTS Meaningful with celebrities including Billy Eichner and Heidi Klum and took over @GLAAD’s JULY GLAAD announces inaugural Instagram during the red carpet and event. glaadgrants recipient—multiplatform collaboration to docuseries America in Transition—which fairly and accurately NOVEMBER GLAAD celebrates Trans explores relationships, family, and social Awareness Week with a variety of issues by sharing first-person narratives from initiatives, including a #BeyondtheBinary trans people of color, including immigrants, tell the stories of campaign featuring an inclusive language people living with HIV, and those living in guide and photo series of influencers, rural environments. transgender lives Visibility matters and the Beyond the Surface video series exploring issues affecting the trans JULY GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate While 27% of millennials say they personally know someone and the ways in community. GLAAD also releases a video Ellis sits down with Heath Fogg Davis to who is transgender, only 9% of Americans over 45 say the with Justin Tranter showing how music can discuss his new book Beyond Trans: Does same.4 In fact, most Americans learn about transgender be especially powerful for trans people, Gender Matter for C-SPAN’s After Words people through the media—which makes fair and accurate which our stories are who too often don’t see themselves series. representation all the more imperative. told in the media can reflected in the media. JULY Singer-songwriter Kesha and actor GLAAD works across multiple fronts to accelerate acceptance MARCH GMI-funded documentary team up with GLAAD to change the world. TransMilitary premieres to a standing for the transgender community. This includes collaboration to support transgender equality after President ovation and wins Audience Award at Trump announces the military service ban raise awareness about the issues they face, as well as offering SXSW. by promoting a T-shirt sold on the website trainings to empower them to share their stories in the “ Omaze. Each purchase of the exclusive media. Conversely, we also work with national news outlets, MARCH GLAAD releases More Than a “They Make US Stronger” shirt raises funds TV networks, film studios, and Spanish-language media Number: Shifting the Media Narrative, a for GLAAD to fight the ban, while calling to properly highlight the unique challenges and everyday new advanced resource for journalists and for justice, inclusion, and acceptance for the realities faced by transgender people. ” activists. The report outlines the importance brave heroes serving our country. of moving away from focusing solely on the number of victims lost in a given year, SEPTEMBER Transgender service members, documents the epidemic of anti-trans along with trans veterans, walk the iconic violence in 2017, and provides reporters red carpet at the MTV VMAs with GLAAD with advanced tips and advice from President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis and transgender spokespeople and activists fashion designer August Getty, who worked about how to better cover anti-trans violence.

4 GLAAD 2017 Accelerating Acceptance Report 36 37

Transgender service members, along with trans veterans and President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis at the MTV VMAs 38 39


2017-18 Moonlight cast HIGHLIGHTS Uniting in solidarity This collaboration reflects Nancy Pelosi Participants in the &Together campaign include: the urgency and need Nico Santos Adam Rippon within the LGBTQ Nico Tortorella Amiyah Scott to engage in standing Olivia Munn community and across Paris Jackson Angelica Ross up for social issues...Duly Parson James Auli’I Cravalho social justice movements Patricia Arquette Brad Goreski recognizing this importance, Queer Eye cast Chloe Grace Moretz No one is just one identity, and many of us are under attack. Reggie Bullock The “&” symbolizes a declaration to stand with all groups Ricky Martin “ASOS has teamed up with Robin Roberts subject to discrimination: including women, immigrants, Ross Mathews communities of color, and LGBTQ people. It’s also a call for GLAAD to amplify their Dan Reynolds Ryan Murphy vulnerable communities to explore their intersecting identities Daniel Newman message of inclusiveness. Samira Wiley Denis O’Hare and work together to create a more inclusive culture and Don Lemon achieve collective liberation. ASOS Stephanie Beatriz Emma Watson Stephanie Rice Gigi Gorgeous Stranger Things cast Gloria Carter Sting Gus Kenworthy Superfruit Hannah Hart ” Tatiana Maslany Isabella Gomez of Atlanta Jackie Evancho Tig Notaro Jazz Jennings Jim Parsons Tittus Burgess Jonathan Groff Tommmy Dorfman Justin Tranter Trace Lysette Katherine Langford Troye Sivan Keiynan Lonsdale Tyler Oakley Lena Waithe Valerie Jarrett Lila Downs Vida cast Luna Blaise Wanda Sykes Martina la Peligrosa Wilson Cruz Millie Bobby Brown Zeke Smith

ASOS quote source: https://www.bustle.com/p/the-asos-x-glaad-collection-celebrates-lgbtq-identity-gives-back-3208237 40 41

asos x glaad& merchandise Gloria Carter and Robin Roberts at the GLAAD Media Awards New York P. 30-31 GLAAD BY THE NUMBERS BREAK

42 43



613k likes* 402k followers* 569 posts on 413 email glaad.org campaigns 4.4M unique 34.3M page views** recipients**

19k followers* 125k followers* 2.7M views

1775 hours of television reviewed 180 feature films reviewed***

*As of May 1, 2018 **May 1, 2017 - May 1, 2018 ***As of June 12, 2018 46 47


On behalf of the Board of Directors of GLAAD, we are pleased to share a summary of our financial statements for the year ended September 30, 2017 (FY 2017). By multiple measures, GLAAD moved forward on our planned trajectory of ambitious financial growth along with increased visibility and impact. $10,000,000

$9,000,000 FY 2017 marks the end of our transition from a calendar-based fiscal year to a year ending on September 30. This change allows us to better anticipate $8,000,000 our year-end results and provides us with the opportunity to make the best strategic use of resources generated at the end of December. In FY 2017, our $7,000,000 INCOME total net assets increased by 9.5% and our income exceeded our expenses by $6,000,000 more than 2%. As our fundraising efforts have become stronger and more EXPENSE diversified, contributions grew to 60% of our total income. $5,000,000

Consequently, we begin FY 2018 from a position of strength, and with the $4,000,000 increased ability to make strategic investments in our growing programs and organization. As the need for our critically important work increases, we have $3,000,000 grown in both size and influence. We remain steadfast in our commitment to $2,000,000 financial discipline and the optimal use of our resources. This enables GLAAD to respond rapidly to the myriad threats to our community and to further $1,000,000 advance our mission to accelerate acceptance.

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 We thank you for your continued support of GLAAD—you make everything we do possible! YEARS Respectfully submitted, Nicholas Hess Treasurer

GLAAD is committed to meeting the highest ethical standards in every aspect of our work. Our annual financial statements have been audited by the Harrington Group, Certified Public Accountants, LLP, an independent audit firm with substantial expertise in nonprofit accounting. A copy of our full Financial Statements is available by request or on our website at glaad.org. 48 49

FINANCIAL SUMMARY CONT’D STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 with comparative totals at September 30, 2016

Year Income Expense Change in Net Assets 2017 2016 2013 3,716,710 4,942,244 (1,224,534) TOTAL ASSETS $7,325,162 $6,689,656 2014 4,953,326 4,674,432 278,874

2015 5,158,050 5,433,676 (275,626) TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,026,819 578,521 2016 7,291,488 5,728,863 1,562,625 TOTAL NET ASSETS 6,298,343 6,111,135 2017 9,035,073 8,847,865 187,208

STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES FOR THE TWELVE-MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 with comparative totals for the nine-months ended September 30, 2016

Twelve-Months Nine-Months 2017 2016

REVENUE AND SUPPORT 9,035,073 7,291,488

EXPENSES 8,847,865 5,728,863

CHANGE IN NET ASSETS 187,208 1,562,625

NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 6,111,135 4,548,510

NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $6,298,343 $6,111,135


50 51


52 53



With profound thanks we honor the following donors, who have supported GLAAD’s Major League Baseball programs in excess of $1,000,000 in lifetime giving. Allstate Insurance Company Metlife Absolut Vodka Gill Foundation Anheuser-Busch, Inc. National Basketball Association Ashley Derrick National Football League Foundation Anheuser-Busch Inc. Google, Inc. AT&T NBCUniversal Arcus Foundation Hilton Atlantic American Corporation Netflix I’ve been a Ariadne Getty Foundation IBM Corporation BD Medical / Becton, Dickinson and Co. Omnicom Group AT&T Michael Palm Foundation Bloomberg L.P. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP member of a Foundation MTV Networks CBS Corporation Salesforce Delta Air Lines Terry K. Watanabe Charitable Trust Christina Zhang Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP lot of LGBTQ Citibank, N.A. Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Diageo North America Wells Fargo Bank Coca-Cola Company Sony PlayStation / SONY Computer Entertainment America LLC organizations Estate of Richard W. Weiland and Michael Schaefer Comcast NBCUniversal SoulCycle and GLAAD is Delta Air Lines Southwest Airlines my favorite. Dermatology Consultants Target FOUNDATIONS Diageo North America The Nielsen Co. Inc. They“ do a lot of We are so grateful for the following Foundations, who underwrite GLAAD’s current Disney-ABC Television Group Tinder, Inc. media programs to help accelerate acceptance for LGBTQ people. Facebook / Instagram TLC / Discovery Communications great work–I’m Georgia Power Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. Arcus Foundation Google, Inc. proud to be a Gray Television UM New York Ariadne Getty Foundation David and Pamela Hornik Hilton Unilever member! Baker Brook Foundation Shawn Ingram Hyundai Motor America Univision Communications Inc. Marci Bowers, M.D. Kors Le Pere Foundation Kellogg Company Viacom International, Inc. / VH1 / Logo TV Tom Bindert Kirkland & Ellis Foundation Wells Fargo Bank (Member since 1992) Breakfast, LLC LTR Lewis Cloverdale Foundation Liberty Mutual Insurance Westfield Collingwood Foundation The Morrison & Foerster Foundation LOGO Comcast NBCUniversal Kenneth S. Norton ” Robert J. Crackel and Charles H. Drummond III Rosie O’Donnell The Craig Davidson and Michael Valentini Fund Southern Edison LEGACY CIRCLE of the Stonewall Community Foundation Tawani Foundation Our endless gratitude goes out to these GLAAD Supporters, who have designated GLAAD as Daniel and Janet Mordecai Donor Advised Fund The Ted Snowdon Foundation the beneficiary of their estate, ensuring GLAAD’s success and vitality into the future. Delta Air Lines Tinder, Inc. Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. David I. Abramson Bradford M. Clarke Ward Auerbach and Andy Baker Dow Chemical Company UPS Foundation John D. Claypoole and Frank Vazquez Herbert Baker Steve Coffey and George L. Stirling The Dozoretz Family Foundation Wells Fargo Bank Estate of Robert M. Cohn Esmond Harmsworth 1997 Charitable Foundation The Yagan Family Foundation Terrence P. Bean Cora Ann Styles Living Trust Georgia Power Keith G. Boman, M.D. Craig H. Lindhurst Trust Gilead Sciences, Inc. Jon Borset Rick Davis Gill Foundation Donnie Bourisaw and Steven R. Gales-Bourisaw Dana Douglas and Doug Inman Thomas M. Boyd and Steven H. Lampkin Estate of C. Gary Ogden Juli Buchanan Estate of John Peter Fludas Kelley L. Buchanan David W. Gill Estate of Rosemary Bybee Neil G. Giuliano 54 55

LEGACY CIRCLE CONT’D GIVING CIRCLES Ken Glass Karen A. Simonsen and Linda J. Sherline Brian S. Graden Jeffrey Skorneck Dean Hansell Wally Smith SHAREHOLDERS CIRCLE Estate of John Harbster Carmichael Smith-Low We sincerely appreciate these GLAAD Shareholders Circle Members, who annually donate $1,500 or Jeremy Stanford and Paul McCullough, Jr. Charlie Harrison more to invest in GLAAD’s work. Benefits include early invitations to VIP events and communications Dan Hess John W. Stewart III and Ramon Torres with the GLAAD CEO. You can make a Shareholders Circle gift in a single installment, or by joining Todd K. Holland and Scotch E. Loring David G. Stinson our monthly giving program at $125 or more. Margot I. Irish Estate of Lee Sylvester David Jarrett Estate of David Taylor DIAMOND CIRCLE ($250,000+) SILVER CIRCLE ($10,000-$24,999) Michael B. Keegan Margaret A. Traub and Phyllis A. Dicker Ariadne Getty Anonymous (2) Estate of Robert L. Kehoe Heather Trumbower Dareus Family Office ONYX CIRCLE ($100,000-$249,999) Peter King Estate of Warren J. Warren Arjan Dijk Ward Auerbach and Andy Baker Michelle D. Klatt and Joy D. Breed Estate of Richard W. Weiland and Michael Schaefer Ariel G. Foxman and Brandon Cardet Gary A. Knight and Keith Austin Christian F. Winkle IV Marc and Lynne Benioff Christopher Fraley and Victor Self Leonard Kraisel Estate of Walt Witcover August Getty Richard W. Garnett and Ross Murray Robert W. Kuhn and Steven E. Geyer Lori J. Wolf and Carol Leifer Nats Getty Ranjan Goswami Marilyn Lamkay Estate of James B. Wozniak Rosie O’Donnell Jeffrey G. Leeds Mark B. Wyn Andrea J. Hanson and Allison Dick PLATINUM CIRCLE ($50,000-$99,999) Dane Levens and Drew Desky Estate of Richard Yorkey Cynthia Holland and Imhoff Anonymous Billy Lewis Cathy Judd-Stein and Jeff Stein William Lewis and Rick Underwood Nicole and Stephen A. Eisenberg Eugene Kapaloski Byron E. Mason Nicholas and Cesar Hess Jacob Keeperman Susan McDonald David and Pamela Hornik Estate of Michael McShane Bart Kogan Frank Miller Charitable Fund GOLD CIRCLE ($25,000-$49,999) Daryl Lee Alan L. Mittelsdorf and Jeannette Mittelsdorf Anonymous Scott E. Miller and J. Douglas Piper David Mizener and Arturo Carrillo Marci Bowers, M.D. Shay Mitchell Karen A. Moschetto Tony Conway and Steve Welsh Sasha Pieterse Estate of Phillip Michael Newman Amy Errett David L. Raines Michael J. Nutt and Yaniv Dabach Peter Padvaiskas Robert S. Greenblatt Linda Riley Estate of Jeanette Ann Page Living Trust Hannah Hart Sally Ringo and Michele Tanner Andrew Palese Caitlyn Jenner Danny Rose and Aaron Rosenberg Estate of Jess Perlmuth Kathy and Steve Kloves Michael G. Rose and Ruben Rodriguez Estate of Richard A. Pfefferman Janine and Tim Lewis Troye Sivan Walter J. Phillips Jonathan B. Murray and Harvey Reese Pamela Stewart and Loan Huynh Ed Ragsdale and Leo Corzo The Nolet Family Jon Stryker and Slodoban Randjelovic Janice A. Raspen Estate of Daniel K Raymond Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos Smith-Swisher Family Foundation Patrice Reid Samuel S. Thayer and Marisha Thayer Louis A. Vega and Stephen Kleiner Sally Ringo and Michele Tanner Justin Tranter Steve Warren Charles and Damon Robbins Anthony Watson Estate of Catherine Roland Benjamin Scheie Robert L. Schwartz Angel Silva and Ray Espino 56 57

BRONZE CIRCLE ($5,000-$9,999) Meghan McCain Joel B. Beck, M.D. Sarah Kate Ellis and Kristen Henderson Ian A. Andrusyk Terrence Meck and Breton Alberti Chad Beguelin and Thomas Sleeman Scott A. Ellison Patricia Arquette Lane Merrifield Robin M. Bergen and Janine Hackett Bruce Fatz Matthew and Katie Baas John Millar Betsy J. Bernard and Laurie Peter Rich Ferraro Jon R. Baitz Michael J. Nutt and Yaniv Dabach Mark Bernhardt Javier Figueroa Robert Berk Kevin J. Oldis Jon Bernstein Randy W. Fiser Luigi Caiola and Sean McGill Rebecca Oppenheimer Jeremy Best Ryan Fitzgerald Sharon Callahan John P. Ouderkirk, M.D. Tom W. Bindert Mick Foley Bruce Castellano Seth Persily Jason Bolden and Adair Curtis Bill Forrest R. Martin Chavez, Ph.D. Dean Pitchford and Michael Mealiffe Jennifer F. and Deirdre Boylan Helene Fortier Chris and Carolyn Colpitts John R. Pope Henry P. Briffel Eric Frederic Kathleen Condrick Russo and Dwyer Foundation Andrew H. Brimmer Jordan Fudge Roberta A. Conroy Peter Saraf Sallie Brooks and Sam Brooks Dorothy L. Furgerson and Carrie A. Reid Ron Conway Jeffrey W. Schneider and Jeffery Povero Thomas R. Burke and Axel T. Brunger Frank Garofalo Thomas J. Dilling Jeffrey Schoenfeld Denis Cagna and Carlos Medina Anna Getty Tommy Dorfman Peter Schweitzer and Myrna Baron Andre D. Caraco and David Azulay Neil G. Giuliano Van Fletcher and Skip Paul Harry Shum, Jr. Mona Card Judith and Steven Gluckstern Theresa M. Fulton and Steven D. Tanksley Deborah R. Smith Lisa Carteen Vaughn M. Greenwalt Michael Gallion Hillary B. Smith James Clemente James Halloran and David Heighington Glenn Geller and Jim Maresca Jussie Smollett Dwight Coates Jennifer Hansen Michael and Susan Gelman Simon P. Sutton and Don Johnston Barrett and Tria Cohn Kyle Heath and Todd Rhoades Jennifer Gilbert Greg Swalwell and Terry Connor Robert Conners David and Michele Hedley Douglas A. Greene Thomas Vitale and Timothy Burch Craig Conway Stephen Hendrick April Greer James D. Wagner Scott Cooksey Kelli Herd and Kim Deneau Linda Hammes and Jeffrey C. Hammes Susan Wojcicki Patrick Correnty Patrick Herning Dean Hansell Jody Young Michael Covert Curt Hess Bob Harper Craig Zodikoff and Jay Grant Wilson Cruz James C. Hormel and Michael Nguyen Mamrie Hart Wayne J. Zahner Victor Cuciniello Paul W. Horning III David V. Hedley III and Bryan Hancsin BLUE CIRCLE ($1,500-$4,999) Ronald J. D’Angelo and Scott Newman Mary Ann Horton Hilton Howell, Jr. Mark Anawalt Bruce N. Davis and Robert Murray Human & Civil Rights Organizations of America | CFC | HCROA Kevin Huvane Kristen Anderson Donald De Line Lisa Iglesias Denise Johnson Eric and Karen Andresen Roberto Diaz Del Valle Tad Jankowski and Claudyne Wilder Adam F. Jones and Timothy Snead Paul Austin Robert P. Denny Cedric Jenkins Charley Kearns and Frank Ching Robert Baker and Andre Glaus Charley G. Dobson Carl E. Johnson and Gordon Sze Cody J. Lassen Richard Bankowitz Robert D. Dockendorff George Johnson Shawn Layden Kimberly Barnes Nevin Dolcefino James A. Johnson and Paul D. Dobrea Gigi Lazzarato Michael J. Bates Susan M. Dooley and Tara Mounsey James P. Johnson Hernan Lopez and Travis Kidner Michael Baum The Dozoretz Family Foundation Brenda Johnson-Flynn Timothy Lynn Alvin H. Baum Jonathan Eaton and Eric K. Carlson David Jones Paul Marcarelli Matt Bayer and Joyce Yaung Michele Edelman and Amy J. Jupiter Courtney Josten Barry McCabe Jonathan Beane Kenneth Eisenberg Max Kaller Kenneth and Barbara Ellis Rita and Fred Keeperman 58 59

Coco Kenny and Brian Kenny Gavin Newsom Gordon Smith Edward King III Michael Orcutt Richard W. Smith, Ph.D. STAFF Travis Kidner and Hernan Lopez Gary P. Osifchin Stephanie Smith Joseph B. Kittredge Jr. and Winand Van Eeghen Michael R. Owens Rachel and Jim Solomon EXECUTIVE Philippe Krakowsky Christopher R. Panizzon John Sosa Sarah Kate Ellis President & CEO Bru B. Krebs Kathleen Pasqualini Denise St. John Daniel Kwan and Joanne Chang Mehool A. Patel Yvette Spears Anthony Shallenberger Executive Assistant to the President & CEO Rene Lacerte LP Perrett Tamara Stewart and Corey Galloway Carolyn Larocco Ethan Petersen Zeke Stokes and Troy M. Cassel CAMPAIGNS AND PROGRAMS James L. Laufenberg and Mike Daily Gregory Phillips and Marcela Phillips Karen Stroup Zeke Stokes Walter Leiss Eric A. Pike Russell Todd Vice President Leo Burnett Group Juan Pimentel William M. Tomai and John E. Sebesta Nick Adams Sam and Ashan Leslie Ken Prag JoAnn Turovsky Director of Transgender Media and Representation, GLAAD Media Institute Scott R. Levenson Claudia Queen and Sheryl Sadeghi Ryan Twaddle Adam K. Levin and Heather M. Levin Gregory Rae and Tyrus Emory Evan Urbania Jeremy Blacklow Director of Entertainment Media Timothy Lucas Geoffrey Ralston Scot and Jonathan Vaughn Kirk Luetkehans, M.D. Melissa Rasmussen and Francesca Raminella Steven Vest Alexandra Bolles Associate Director of Campaigns Shripriya Mahesh Carrie A. Reid and Dorothy L. Furgerson Kate Visosky and Public Engagement Malec Dr. Eric Reiner Robert Vogt and Joel Richardson Raina Deerwater Michael Malkin and William Moore Thomas Roberts and Patrick Abner Karin Wachowski Entertainment Research Assistant, Beth Malone Richard Rodes Michael G. Wallace GLAAD Media Institute Jim A. Maloney and Andrew Nance Florence (Pippy) Rogers Christopher Warmanen Mackenzie Harte Gwen Marcus and Nancy Alpert Gary Roof Tiffany R. Warren Coordinator, GLAAD Media Institute Matthew Marks and Jack Bankowsky Neal Rosenberg Stephen Weber Shane Henise Daniel Maury and Mark Paulson Margaret Rowe Devon Webster Campaigns Manager Mimi McCain Esquire and Joanie Ferguson Barbara Rowland and Suzanne Feese Charlotte A. Wells and Gina Lamar Clare Kenny Tarell McCraney Luis Rubio John D. West and Michael J. Lappin Director of Youth Engagement Thomas J. McGough Helena Ruffin and Shari Robins Michaela A. West Ross Murray Marykay Mentzer Jack Sansolo and Dean Waller Kevin White and Raul Barreneche Sr. Director, GLAAD Media Institute Valerie Milano JD Schramm and Ken Daigle Thomas Whitman and Michael McVean Janet Quezada Edwin Millan Mark Schuster and Jeff Webb Bernard Whitman Campaigns Manager James Miller and Christopher Sousa Ebels Richard Scott, M.D. Dashon Williford Scott Turner Schofield Dick Miller Shannon S. Scoville and Sheri Knesek Sarah and Simon Winkler-Leopold Special Projects, Transgender Media and Representation, GLAAD Media Institute David Mizener and Arturo Carrillo David Se Steven Wojtanowski Dr. Anil Mohin and John Scholz John E. Sebesta and William M. Tomai Paul Wolf and Art Wolf Megan Townsend Director of Entertainment Research & Analysis, Lana M. Moore Bob M. Sertner and Steve Batiste Mark Wolk and John E. Narvesen GLAAD Media Institute Matthew Moran and David Marin Jonathan Shapero Paul Wood Monica Trasandes Matthew Morgan Nekki Shutt Nathan Woodard Director of Spanish Language & Latinx Media Matt Mullenweg Adam Singer Andres Wydler and Representation, GLAAD Media Institute Will Murdoch Jeffrey Z. Slavin Sue Yellen and Larry Yellen Vincent Murray Alison Smith James Yiannias Peter Nelson Fred Smith Douglas J. Yonko 60 61

CREATIVE Christine Liu Development Coordinator Courtney Brown Warren BOARD Consulting Creative Director Eric McBride Membership Coordinator Morgan Alan OF DIRECTORS Design & Multimedia Manager John McCourt Senior Director of Business Development Abdool Corlette OFFICERS and Integrated Marketing Video Production Manager Pamela Stewart, Michael McKee Chair Adam Goldman Manager, Strategic Partnerships Cody Lassen, Traffic Manager Vice Chair, Development Priya Patel David Hornik, COMMUNICATIONS Senior Manager, Membership and Digital Fundraising Vice Chair, Governance Rich Ferraro Justin Rosado Nick Hess, Chief Communications Officer Associate Director of Donor Services Treasurer Alfonso François Seth Persily, Jacqueline Schweiger Communications Coordinator Secretary Database Manager Andrea Hanson, 104 West 29th Street Matt Goodman Mike Wang Audit Chair Associate Director, Communications Associate Manager of Special Events 4th floor

MJ Okma New York, NY 10001 DIGITAL MEMBERS-AT-LARGE Associate Director of News and Rapid Response Jim Halloran Justin Tranter 212.629.3322 Anthony Ramos Chief Digital Officer Tiffany R. Warren Director of Talent Engagement Richie Allen LOS ANGELES Sue Yacka-Bible Administrative Assistant Director of Communications MEMBERS 5455 Wilshire Boulevard Chris Brown Jonathan Beane DEVELOPMENT Digital Director Arjan Dijk Suite 1500 Tamara Stewart Nicole Eisenberg Brendan Davis Los Angeles, CA 90036 Executive Vice President Associate Director of Digital Communications Amy Errett 323.933.2240 Emily Bergmann Thad Florence Shane Taylor Development Coordinator Web Project Manager & Developer Ariel Foxman Brendan Caulfield Chris Fraley Andy Zwerin Executive Assistant IT Manager Ariadne Getty Ricky Carter Ranjan Goswami Major Gifts Officer OPERATIONS Hannah Hart Sharon Pollack Carrie Rachel Dean Rebecca Heineman Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Events Manager Cathy Judd-Stein Siobhan Neitzel Kathy Kloves Rachael Greto Interim Financial Systems Manager Senior Director, Event Marketing Lana Moore Rasheedah Jones Jill Nash Amhir Hidalgo Human Resources Generalist Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships Linda Riley Danny Rose Samuel Thayer Louis Vega Anthony Watson Tom Whitman 62

Credit: Written by Tess Forte glaad.org / facebook.com/glaad / @glaad