Contents Historical Information .......................................................4 City Hall ...............................................................................5 Designated Sites Walking Tour .......................................11 Places of Worship Walking Tour ....................................24 Designation Plaques .........................................................30 Heritage Belleville ! is brochure was developed by Heritage Belleville. Heritage Belleville is our municipal heritage committee and is comprised of citizens appointed to the committee who are interested and knowledgeable about heritage matters. Our Mandate: ! e Function of the committee is to advise Belleville City Council on local heritage matters and assist them in carrying out heritage conservation programs. Prior to the Government E" ciency Act, 2002, Heritage Belleville was known as the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, or LACAC. ! e Ontario Heritage Act, 1990 - section 28 (1) states: “! e council of a municipality may by by-law establish a municipal heritage committee to advise and assist the council on matters relating to this Part, matters relating to Part V and such other heritage matters as the council may specify by by-law.” ! e parts of the act mentioned include the conservation of property which is of cultural heritage value or interest, and the administration of heritage conservation districts A Designated & Listing Information Guide is available at City Hall. For more Information: Heritage Belleville, C/O City Hall, 169 Front Street, Belleville Ontario K8N 2Y8 Telephone: (613) 968 6481, ext. 3260 Email:
[email protected] The History of Belleville ! e earliest known settlement was an Indian village, “Asaukhknosk,” replaced by a French Mission “Kente,” and therea# er named for prominent citizens, “! urlow Village,” “Singleton’s Creek” and “Meyers’ Creek.” In 1789 some $ # y United Empire Loyalists settled here. ! e most notable was Captain John Walden Meyers, a true renaissance man.