Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification

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Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705 Enhancing RSA Security Capability Using Public Key Modification Sarjiyus, O. Department of Computer Science, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria Abstract: This research, Enhancing RSA Security Capability improved algorithms have been simulated and are known to Using Public Key Modification is basically a modification of the provide much better security; but such sophisticated public key parameter in the existing RSA in order to enhance the algorithms could be very expensive and known to consume security and performance of the algorithm, all in an effort to much computational resources. As it is known, cryptography secure the confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of sensitive is the procedure used to protect sensitive data over a data during internet transactions. The purpose is to design an RSA technique that accords faster key generation and raises conventional network channel, which may not be necessarily security to a more secure, higher level ahead of the existing RSA secure being a public channel, and the other side receives the technique by the ‘e’ to ‘f’ transformation. Factorization attacks message as it is, unaltered. Nowadays, the subject of data are very common and have a devastating effect on RSA by confidentiality becomes a very crucial issue in information compromising the privacy of data. These have been overcome in security. Easy administration of the Internet today and data the improved RSA algorithm by choosing two prime numbers, p globally led to the importance of data security even though, its and q so large enough to make it hardly possible for attackers to emergence has created new dangers for users who want their factor out the components of the modulus n, and freely, get the data to remain safe. As it is, hackers are using a diversity of exact value of the totient function, Փ (n) for which they can techniques to penetrate and break into information transferred possibly, easily use to deduce the value of the private key‘d’. For the performance parameter, inputs were captured primarily through the channel and steal the information or alter the from the prime numbers p and q used to define the modulus n, original data content [2],[3]. the public key value, e; while the outputs range from designated Nowadays, cryptography algorithms afford a high level of data sizes in (kb), encryption and decryption times (in Secs) for confidentiality by concealing private data of any individual or the two algorithms. The result show that in the context of security, the improved RSA technique based on public key group. Many of the ongoing researches aim at finding out the transformation produced more complex ciphers than the existing new cryptographic algorithms that are more efficient based on RSA technique during encryption process thereby enhancing the security and complexity [2]. Again, one secret-key security of the modified RSA. For performance, the improved cryptography algorithm could be generated and used for both RSA shows a slight increase in time complexity in the encryption approaches which is known as asymmetric key. This process, but not in decryption. Hence, the new RSA technique is technique proved that it has lesser computational efforts but most suitably used for systems desiring high security but less unfortunately has many drawbacks such as key management speed of execution. issues, which can lead to the tendency of the private key Keywords: Key generation, Private Key, Public Key, Security, becoming compromised [4],[5]. Sensitive Data, Technique. Asymmetric cryptography algorithm uses a public-key to I. INTRODUCTION achieve encryption pattern and then use a private key to decrypt the ciphered information. However, asymmetric lobally, the emphasis is on the use of cryptographic cryptography implements two different mathematical techniques to secure the transmission of vital information G approaches, like a public key and the other, a private key. through insecure channels. It has been revealed that Dissimilar symmetric algorithms applied only one key to both cryptography is one technique that is used to accomplish such the encryption/decryption approach [6], [7]. Moreover, the purpose by ensuring data secrecy/confidentiality, authenticity public key is stored openly and can be used to encrypt data by and integrity. anyone. On the other hand, the private key is kept secret and However, the data transferred through network channels faces implemented by the receiver side to decrypt the received some threats all in a bid to uncover the secret information encrypted data. being transmitted. Developing more information technology Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) in 1977 were the first to platforms often results in raising the level of Cyber threats and describe the algorithm that implements the public key [2]. vulnerabilities of the data in insecure channels[1]. To curb RSA algorithm alied different keys as public/private keys but these problems, researchers are developing various techniques are related to a large scale of alications. As a result, reliably to discover unconventional alternatives to improve the secured results and better security transfer of data are big security of transmitted data by ensuring data gets to the prime integer numbers chosen for both the public and private receiver side untempered, unaltered. At present various keys [6], [7]. RSA alied extensively for encryption/decryption www.rsisinternational.org Page 10 International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume VII, Issue IX, September 2020 | ISSN 2321–2705 problems leading to a protected transmission of the data. RSA the semantic security to the system which is not provided by technique tends to have more enhanced protection when the Multi prime RSA algorithm. The algorithm was only proposed value of the key is big enough and it becomes much more but not implemented. The main problem of this algorithm is difficult to figure out its common factors. An asymmetric key that the exponent can be predicted by a hacker and as such, means that it works on two different keys as public key and a can easily find the prime numbers used in key generation. private key. The public key should be known by everyone but [12] Proposed the use of Fermat’s little theorem with RSA the private key is not and it is kept privately to the receiver algorithm. The fermat’s little theorem is used during key only. The objective of RSA is founded on the fact that it generation in order to increase the speed. The main problem should be hard to factorize a key because a large prime integer of the conventional RSA algorithm is that it is very slow when is chosen. This research therefore, focuses on designing an it comes to key generation; as large key size numbers are improved RSA technique which has the ability to fasten key selected, it increases key generation time. This problem can be generation while at the same time raises security to a second solved by alying Fermat’s little theorem during key generation higher step ahead of the existing RSA algorithm as a result of process. This method helps to trust users in cloud computing the transformation of the public key exponent e, to f= ((e*2) environment. +1) to achieve better, higher and stronger security and the use of very large prime numbers to battle factorization attacks. [13] Proposed a Multi-prime RSA algorithm which was implemented in the middle layer before the data is stored in II. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE the cloud. When an authorized user requests the data, the data Cryptography can be viewed as the science of devising is decrypted and provided to the user. In client phase, the methods, techniques and practices that allow information to be client sends the query to the server. Depends on the query the sent in a secure form, through a communications channel in server responds to the client with the corresponding file. such a way that the only person that is able to retrieve this Before this process, the client authorization step is involved. information is the intended recipient. It is the practice and In the server side, it checks the client name and password for study of hiding information. In modern times, cryptography is security process. If satisfied, the queries are received from the considered a branch of both mathematics and computer client and the corresponding files are searched in the database. science, and also closely affiliated with information theory, Finally, the corresponding file is retrieved and sent to the Computer security and engineering [8]. Cryptography plays a client. The shortcoming of this algorithm has to do with its vital role in most applications used in technologically vulnerability to brute force attack [9]. Proposed the design of advanced societies; examples include the security of ATM hybrid cryptographic algorithm that enhances data security in cards, computer passwords, and electronic commerce which cloud computing. This algorithm was designed using a all depend on cryptography [8]. In other words, Cryptography combination of two modern cryptography algorithm; multi- is the process of encoding messages in order to make them prime RSA and MD5 algorithms. In the proposed algorithm, non-readable for the purpose of achieving security [9]. multi-prime RSA is used for encrypting data while the MD5 is used to generate a message digest and attach a digital [10] Presents an insight into the basics of cryptography and signature concurrently. The proposed algorithm was found to different types of cryptography. It describes the RSA be efficient in terms of speed, and required less memory space technique and explores its intricacies and characteristics. It compared to most existing algorithms. It was also found to goes further to illustrate in general all the variants of the RSA have the ability to resist some threats surrounding algorithm and presents various comparisons among them on cryptographic algorithms.
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