SLOVAK NATIONAL UPRISING 1944–2014 Slovak Republic Geography

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SLOVAK NATIONAL UPRISING 1944–2014 Slovak Republic Geography th 70 ANNIVERSARY OF THE SLOVAK NATIONAL UPRISING 1944–2014 Slovak Republic Geography Although the Slovak Republic is one of the youngest European 2 Slovakia is a country situated in the heart of Europe. states, its lands were settled in the distant past. However, its people, the Total Area: 49 034 km The geographical centre of Europe is in fact the Church Slovaks, lived and grew up in the shadow of the Hungarian nation under Population: 5 405 000 of St John in Kremnické Bane, a village in central Slova- the rule of the Hungarian crown and were not entitled to make decisions kia. Measuring 49 000 square kilometres and with a pop- regarding their future for a long time. A hundred years ago, few people Capital: Bratislava ulation of slightly less than 5.5 million, Slovakia is not knew anything at all about the Slovaks or Slovakia. And if they did, they a large country. It is only slightly larger than Denmark, knew only that the Slovaks lived in the Kingdom of Hungary. Slovakia (413 000 inhabitants)inhab Switzerland or the Netherlands. It takes a mere half hour did not exist as an administrative unit and was only mentioned as a country to fl y over Slovakia. lying somewhere between the River Danube and the Tatra Mountains. Slovakia occupies an area between Poland in the north The 20th century saw the dreams and longings for independence nurtured and Hungary in the south. Its western neighbours are the by several generations of Slovaks come to fruition. Independence was achieved Czech Republic and Austria, while Ukraine lies on at the end of the 20th century and in the ensuing years Slovakia joined the Euro- its eastern border (this is the shortest border, only pean Union. The history of this young and dynamic country, narrated 96 kilometres long). Slovakia has no access to the sea. by its people, is an example of what the media refer to as a success story. The nearest sea is the Adriatic in the south (361 km away). Slovaks wishing to bathe in the Baltic Sea have to fl y some 440 kilometres north of the border. Žilina Prešov Trenčín Košice Banská Bystrica Trnava Nitra Bratislava The Slovak armed struggle against Nazism was also a fi ght for the Slovaks’ own national existence in the face of probable liquidation by the Nazis. The Slovaks demonstrated their national growth and inner self-consciousness through the Uprising, which triggered by the decision to end their vassal dependency on Nazi Germany. The Slovak nation thereby proved both to itself and to the democratic world at large that it had a distinct national existence. This manifested itself in true patriotism and in a display of solidarity with anti-fascists from other European nations. The Slovak nation voiced clear, categorical and spontaneous objection to the military occupation of Slovakia. The Uprising was one of the greatest national acts in the modern history of the Slovak people, a history which appears to be modern only after the event. Visiting Adolf Hitler Division of Czechoslovakia in Berlin on March 13, 1939 Following the annexation of Austria, interests of Nazi On JulyJuly 21, 1939, thet ConstitutionConsti of the Slovak Republic Germany turned against the last bastion of democracy in was adopted. It was a cocorporatist constitution like those Central Europe – Czechoslovakia. On September 29, 1938, inn fascistfasc Italy and PPortugal.rtugal Economic and foreign policy Germany, Italy, France and Great Britain ordered was subosubordinatednated tto thee intereinterests of Nazi Germany. the Czechoslovak government to cede the Sudetenland On OctobOctoberr 26, 1939, a CathoCatholic priest named Jozef Tiso, to Germany in accordance with the Munich chairmanman off HHlinka’s Slovak People’s Party, became presidentesident andnd heheada of state. The leading role of Hlinka’s Following the signing of the Vienna Arbitration Slovak People’sle’s PaParty was embodied in law. on November 2, 1938, Germany and Italy permitted Hungary and Poland to take possession of Czechoslovakvak In addaddition to this SSlovak political party, there were also territory. On March 14, 1939, the Slovak State was a couple of ethnic mminority parties - Deutsche Partei declared, in effect dividing Czechoslovakia. On Marcharch 115, (Franzanz KKarmazin)mazi and Szlovenszkoi Magyar Párt 1939, Nazis occupied Bohemia and Moravia and declaredec (Jánoss EsEsterházy). Concluding the Munich Agreement the founding of the Protectorate. The SlSlovako Republic fought alongside Nazi Germany innt the war against Poland on September 1, 1939, against G E R M A N Y Territory ceded to Germany thehe USUSSR on June 22, 1941 and declared war against Territory ceded to Hungary thehe USA and Great Britain in December 1941. Territory ceded to Poland PRAGUE P O L A N PILSEN D G E R M BRNO A N KOŠICE Y UZHHOROD BRATISLAVA R Y G A U N Political power was concentrated H in the hands of pro-Nazi Hlinka’s Czechoslovakia’s territorialorial lolosseses from autumn 1938938 to springs ring 1931939 Slovak People’s Party representatives Jozef Tiso visiting Adolf Hitler – Vojtech Tuka and Alexander Mach in Berlin on March 13, 1939 CzechoslovakCzechos vak politicalpol Political resistance resistanceesistanc abroadabr in Slovakia PoliticalPolitica emigrantsigrants foundund asyasylum in Paris and, after Former political party members (mainly Social thee defeatdefea of FranFrance, in LondoLondon. Former Czechoslovak Democrats, Agrarians, Nationalists and National Presidentdent EdvardEd Beneš wasas tthe leader of the London Socialists), members of civic resistance groups (Obrana emigrantigrant community.ommu The Slovak Communists were národa, Flóra, Justícia, Victoire and Demec), the church, representedepresen in the London-based resistance by Vladimír and the illegal Communist Party had fought since 1939 Clementis.Clem Thee CzeCzechoslovak Communists in Moscow, against the new conditions in Slovakia and against Nazi led by Klement GotGottwald, formed the other centre policy. Those representing civil democracy and members of resistanceresis abroaabroad. Following the German attack on of the Illegal Fifth Central Committee of the Communist thee USSR,USSR the SovietsSo acknowledged the Czechoslovak Party of Slovakia created an underground Slovak National government-in-exileti in London and broke off diplomatic Council in December 1943. The founding agreement relationsations with the Slovak Republic. The British and the fi rst programme document – the Christmas governmentgovernm followed suit. On December 12, 1943, Agreement, which demanded the restoration of the E. BenešBen signed a Treaty of Friendship, Mutual Assistance Czechoslovak Republic and the equal status of Slovakia and Post-War Cooperation with the Soviet Union. within it, were signed by J. Ursíny, J. Lettrich and M. Josko on behalf of the civic bloc and K. Šmidke, G. Husák and L. Novomeský on behalf of the Communists in Bratislava. Social Democrats I. Horváth and J. Šoltés and representatives of other civic groups (P. Zaťko, J. Styk) made up the rest of the underground Slovak National Council in January 1944. Czechoslovak National Committee (ČSNV) in Paris, the fi rst resistance organization abroad. From the left: J. Šrámek, H. Ripka, General R. Viest, General S. Ingr, Š. Osuský, J. Slávik and E. Outrata SS General Gottlob Berger, the fi rst commander of the Nazi occupation forces in Slovakia | General Staff Lieutenant Colonel J. Golian Slovak National Uprising The Slovak National Uprising occurred partly as a consequence of the decision taken by Josef Tiso, President of the Slovak Republic, to concede to the German occupation of Slovakia on August 28, 1944 – the Uprising began the following day. It was also the result of long months of preparation, and the political ambitions of the Czechoslovak government-in-exile in Great Britain, the Czechoslovak Communists in Moscow, sections of the Slovak army becoming an insurgent force, and the work of the pro-democracy and Communist resistance. The Uprising began as General Staff Lieutenant Colonel J. Golian, the military commander of the insurgent Slovak army ordered Slovak troops to resist the German troops. The order with the code name: “Start the evacuation” came into effect at 8 pm that evening. German occupation group Trnava garrison moves SS Schill arrive in Nitra out to insurgent territory Centre of the Uprising Insurgent Territory SS BATTLE THE UNITS OF COLONEL Banská Bystrica became the centre of the anti-Nazi Map of the insurgent territory ARMY GROUP 178th GROUP ASSAULT VON MATHIAS NORTH UKRAINE DIVISION VOLKMANN REGIMENT OF THE uprising. The Slovak National Council and National st TATRA 1 TANK ARMY Councils took power. Free Slovak Radio began broadcasting in Banská Bystrica. The insurgent army of around 60 000 men played a key role in defending the insurgent territory. The insurgent army fought alongside SS BATTLE GROUP 18 000 partisans for 61 days against well-equipped German SCHÄFER troops of over 48 000 soldiers with front-line experience. Disarmament of two East Slovak Divisions by the Germans before the outbreak of the Uprising, was a heavy loss. THE UNITS OF THE 1st TANK ARMY HEADED THE UNITS BY GENERAL VON RINTELEN OF ARMY SERVICE AREA 531 SS BATTLE GROUP SCHILL Direction of German attack German-held airfi eld Defence Area Command 1. (2.) st 1 Czechoslovak Army in Slovakia Command East Slovak Army Command Demarcation-line of the insurgent territory on August 29, 1944 Insurgent Gendarmerie Command Demarcation-line after the fi rst week of fi ghting 1st and 2nd Infantry Division Command Territory ceded by Hungary Insurgent airfi eld “Protection” Zone Locations of fi rst fi ghting Location of two divisions of East Slovak Army View of Banská Bystrica Loading weapons and the historical town centre at the barracks in Martin During the initial days of the Uprising, mobilization public notices appeared | Slovak National Council building in Banská Bystrica | Leaving to join the Uprising The Slovak National Council The Slovak National Uprising brought radical political, economic, and social change to those living in the liberated insurgent territory of Slovakia, an area measuring 20 000 km2 and containing more than 30 districts and approximately 1 700 000 inhabitants.
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