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January 1990 Daily Egyptian 1990

1-25-1990 The aiD ly Egyptian, January 25, 1990 Daily Egyptian Staff

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This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1990 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in January 1990 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illi nois University at Carbondale Thursday, January 25, ) 990, Vol. 75, No. 85 , ) 6 Pages ~~~~~~~~~~~------~----~--Policeman charged In• cocaine• conspiracy• Student, Carbondale resident also implicated

JeffSloeber the FBI, the Division of CriminaI mont acted responsibly and appro­ Staff Writer Investigation, and the Southern priaJely in investigating the all,'ga. lIlinois Enforcement Group was tion and bringing the maue< to the A Carbondale police OffICer, a ~ by a.tJonda1e Cor the sus­ judicial process," they said. University student :ilia <:. poct.cd iIIcgaI and unahicaI activi­ Caubondale police said Gould Carbondale man were charged ties on the part of Gould. police was immediately re~eved of his with conspiracy LO distribute said. Carbondale pol.ice said out­ duties following his arrest at the cocaine and arrested by the FBI side ooun:es were used to "*"""' Carboodale police station. Tuesday. The arrests came on the objectivity in the in>-esligation. The Ihn:e men were scheduled to heels of a two-month investigation, "Such allegations violate the make first appearances Wednesday FBI ooun:es said public trust that is so essential," before U.S. Magistrate Philip The Carbondale officer was said City Manager Stcve Hoffner Frazier in U.S. District Court in identified as Eiben L. Gould, 48, and Police Chief Ed Hogan in a Benton. A court spokesman said an 18 1{2 year veteran of the joint statement. Hoffner and they will oot be required to coter a depanmenL Also arrested were Hogan said they regret the fact a plea Gerald L. Walker, 25, a senior in member of the po~ce department The information compiled during forestry from Chicago, and Charles has allegedly been involved in the investigation is being turned D. Gum, 34, of C1rlJondaJe. Po~ conduc-. over to a federal grand jury and said both face conspiracy charges. "The community sbould ~, additional chalges may be brought The combined investigation by however, th.t the police deoart- against GOIlkL Algee pleads guiltY to murder in October slaying of student By Tony Mancu<;o Dennis L. Harris, 24, is-the man Two other criminal counts StaffWritar chalged with shooting Jackson. He against Algee were dropped and was granted a 6O-day continuan"" Watt said Algee would serve three Two Carbondale men indicted before his 1riaI. years on parole when he leaves ror the Oct. 14 sbooIing death of prison after the sentence. University studeDl Jason A. ~~~~.r: $....,'. Anorney W. Charles Jackson decided to take different sentence saying lbal A1gee was Gno::e said a femaJe co-eonspirator routes IOWaId the adminisIration of accountable for the murder even in the robbery thalled to the shoot­ justice Wednesday. though he did nOl fire the fatal ing ideotified Algee in a piClJJre. Ifs about time Stanley E. A1gee, 36, and his shot. According 10 Carbondale POOce, atlOOlCy, Steven ~eue , negoti­ WIIIJ. ,;aid !hal anyone who aids, the shooting lode place in :he early En>Ie Mor!!IiI*I of IolIrphysboro deans \tie !IIqJS of I"UIbn ated a plea of guilty to the first atr..lS or attempts to aid or abet a morning when l ackson and three Hal1\Jesday aIIemooIL I"UIbn IS 9ChelUed to nHJpeII in six degree murder chalge. Algee was person committing a criminal act co-workers were carrying bank lOelgh~ sentenced to 46 years in the Dlioois must be held in lOXOUDL ~ deposit bags intended for a night Del"'..:<.ment of Corrections with to murder carries a 20- to 6O-year credit for time aJready """cd jaillCI'IIl. SoII1lIAL, Page 5 House trounces veto of Chinese scholar bill Housing rate hike killed by USG vote Daily Egyptian wire services The ·vole will take place due to ladlof infoo:nation on subject , Thursday aCtemoorL A two-thirds WASHlNGION - The House, majorilY of the Senate as well as By BrIan Gross if there is no commiuee repon?" "but we rea1Iy do need (the in a s~ at President Bush's over­ L"" House is required to override StaftWriler Walthers, who voted. yes to inaea:e) if we hope to keep pace tures to China, voted overwt-ebn­ the veto. defcalthe bill, asked. '"The com­ wi!b ir 1Iation." ingly Wednesday to overturn his Bush·s lobbying efTon bezan The Undergraduate Student miure is there to inform the sen­ Students in single housing veto of a bill thaI guards against with breakfast ror 37 of the 45 Government defeated a bill ate. The only reason I voted it supper ted the proposed increase sending Chinese scholars home to GOP senatOrs, Collowed by a pub­ proposing a 55 pcrt:'".Dt housing down was.a lack of Imowledge." ovcrwhchningly,lones said. face possible political persecution. oc appeal for supporL in the face of rate increase Wednesday nighL The proposal called Cor ''TIle hall presidents ,-'t let­ Aft er the 390-25 '1 ote Bush what he called "erass potitics~ by The senate was not given increasing the housing rate for ters of support in," he "" . ~ ., .; stepped up bis pressure on some supporters of the override. enough information by the USG students living in campus hous­ own students said 'yes: but this Republican senators to belp him Joined by Secretary of State hou::ing and tuition commiure to ing, Evergreen Terrace, Southern group said 00. keep ties open to China. James BaIccc and national securily recommend the proposal, Ed Hills and Greek Row. The rate "In pas. years, (the housing Republican senators on both adviser Brenl Sc-Jwcmf~ Bush also Walthers, senator for the College had not been increased for three and tuition committee) has sides of the issue described the telephoned senators, who said he of Education, said. The commit­ years, Ed Jones, director of attended president council meet­ White H: """ effort as a "fuU-rourt asked for their VOle 0Ul of pcrsonaJ tee hal 00 report on the proposal University housing said. ings, but iIlis year they dIdn 't yress" in advance of what is loyalty as well as to uphold a presi- at the meeting. "We've been aNe to keep (the expected to be a Senate vote "How are we supposed to vet<: housing rate) down," lones said. SolI USG, Page 5 Thursday. See VEm, Page 5 This Morning MuHiple-choice no answer to education refonn

Dajy EgypIian WIre services Stlldents' work. said Graham governors nolle rely on ICSl scores City to replace old, Down. executive dircctor of the in their effort to upgradr. American diseased trees More than three dozen educa­ Council for Basic Education, one education. tiool and civil rights groups warned of the groups. As they promised to do at their -Page 6 PrcsidcnI Bush and the na tion 's " A heavy emphasis on standard­ summit latl September in governors Wednesday against rely­ ized. multiple-choice tests as lIle Clwlouesville, Va., the president TV show awards ing on multiple-choice teslS 10 primary measure for national edu­ and the governors are crafting per­ measure students' abilities and calional goals will undermine fonnance gools for US. students to McSwain blooper ""lied for phasing out such exams many of the educational reforms be reIcased next month in hopes or , as quickly as possible. " spurring schonl reform. -Sports 16 which the governors and presidenl Student achievement - and wish LO achieve," the statement At the same time, the National advancemcot - should be mea­ said As sessment Governing Board. 405,40 pero!nI cIIance 01 rain sured by a mixture of essays, The groups signed the SlalC:.'CDt ~ts~dro~ofthe urging President Bush and the 50 Sao 1ES1S, Page 5 January 25, 1990

Balanced team effort key to Salukis' attack By Kevin Simpson Staff Writer McSwain blooper gas award Balance and teamwork has been the key to success for the Saluki By Greg Scott Staff Writer men's lJ:lsIretball team as they have jumped out to a solid start midway lhrough the season. Freddie Mc:;wain's most The Dawgs,15-"! ovcraJJ and 2-2 recent accomvlishment may in the Missouri Valley Conference, have proved that using your trnnsfonm unselfishness and bustle bead doesn't always worIc to an into a winning combination as they athlete's advantage. prepare themselves fC'" the heart of The Saluld senior guard the Missouri Valley Conference received the dubious honor of sche.1ule. "Worst Slam of the Decade" on Tho Salukis' offense is ranked a nationally televised prognun earlier this week. fi ~t in the MVC, averaging 82.3 In the Salukis' 79-Tl loss to IX';"''' per game. Even though the Dawgs hove not been overworking Creighton in the Missouri the statistics keepers as of late, Valley Confere nce champi­ (69.8 points in four Valley games) onship game last season, the scoring load has been equally McSwain was driving toward head and bounced bact. Itt of distributed among the play=. the basket for what looIced I",e a the goal. Senior guard Freddie McSwain slam dunk. The Saluki star didn't ward> feels this equality in scoring is McSwain leaped up and the show, but be n:membas the mainly because the Salukis are an drove the ball through. But the on unselfish JaIlclub. basketball hit McSwain the Sa> Ilt.N(, "-15 "I think it's baJanee and a lot of teamwork," McSwai n said. "' on a given nighL McSwain has lad After !:;.,d'g !wo suaight MVC think we're playing together and Lhe team in scoring in six games games on the road, the Salulcis everyone is complementing each and shared in thrc,: others. Mahan regrouped "'Kl won tlar DCXIIOt G other really well. A lot of people has been high-man four times and games agr';"'~ ;m;ana Stale, Tulsa are doing a 101 of different things. shared twice. Jones has boen the and 0Iicag0 S!3I!e.. McS.. 1:i!I keIs "We don't care how we wi ~ as high scorer four times and shared 'be ICam is baclc 00 track aad bas long a:; we win," McSwain said. once while Shipley has led twice. th~ right state of mind for the ValIey IlIIlC. "We're not looking for one person Head coach Rich Herrin that to do it. Whoever goes out and McSwain's oontroI over his game '"0\\: lost • ooupIc of games tboI we IIIiI* we shouldn't baw: Iost,­ does it that night, congratulations, has added to the Salukis' success. thanks for doing iL" "We're not a one-man teariJ of McSwain said.. '"o\\:'re just trying Four Saluki starters are double­ any type," Herrin said. "If they 10 capitalize 00 all the mimb:s we've made- Everybody is going digit contributors. McSwain and (opponenis) want to c:Jme out and 10 lese some aad win some.. senior Jerry Jones average 17.6 double-team anvone, we can IooIc 16_1 pokIls per game, battles "I have a lot of aJIIfidcnce in ...­ .JerI'f.lo...... , --aes and 16.1 points per game, second to somebody e\se. against QIiI:ago ItII:IImy Nghl_ tile Arena. and founh in the '¥\illey respective­ ''''''''; McSwain said.. '"0\\:'0 "be in s..e ly. Juniors Sterling Mahan (15.1 "I think Freddie ha. his game the L'>ick oftbings in the VaIk:y_- ...... SOpcn:mL ..,.,..a.ewillail _ il_- aad we're doing well points, sixth in the Valley) and under control and that is very Defense bas been canying the LoodI (Sma) Wavcr put it iIIo Rick Shipley (11.4 points) also important." Herrin said. "'He"s ballclub as or Iate. In the Dawgs .... lads t!Iol !be defcosc be was McSwain acknowledges the play key roles in the offensive going to catch some aJIJIbinatioo current three-game win streak. giving us was going to won, - imporulllCe of fans helping the scheme. defenses sometimes, but if be does Sng; bas IimiJod ~ 10 38 McSwain said. -AD ..., badlD _ AIaIa ltcmate a feared place for Depending on who's hot and he's going 10 have to live with it, percent shooting from the fielel put foIIh die c:Ifort. He gne as !be Y.dIcy _ visiting CarlJondale. what the opposing team's defense play and do the other phases of the Only twice this season bave the confi­ -Cheryl Burnett Springfield. time Oklahoma State diving cham­ gram," Owm said.. The game will be a matchup pion, two-time Oldahoma State " Recruiting Laine was real of the two houest teams in the the Gateway last season with a diving nmllCl"-i!p, 1987 "all-sports tongh," Ardrey said. ., mel her the Gateway Conference. The 5-13 reconI and were 7-20 over­ queen" at Norman High Scbool, summer before her senior y<2 in Salukis, 10-7 overall and 5-2 in all But Southwest has turned its four-time "outstanding athlete" at high school at a national-level Gateway play, take a six-game fon.""" around this season. Norman High Scbool, two-time meet. I was coaching men's diviog winning streaIr into the contesL Five starters are bacle from NCAA zone meet qualifier and at Southwest Missouri State Southwest Missouri (11-4, 6- I) last year's team, but third-year most. =dy she became the SlU­ University aDd was at the u::cc.t 1.alne0wen coach Cheryl Burne tt has a enters the game with a five­ C rocord boIdcr in the J-mcIa div­ recruiting rom. ~ didn't have a cqnssed tbat. Anlrey was more game winning streak. completely different tr..:.up. ingbo:wd women's Ieam. After!I:eiDg Uinc Southwest piclred up two A11- tbao jug acnar::b 10 beL The Salukis neYrr have lost to Owen, an ck:ctricaJ engineering dive, I told her that if I was .".,.. in "He is one of my best friends American junior college trnns­ a situation when: I _ ooacbing Southwest (16-{) but the Bears 1ll2juted mlK:h of Owm's Owm also n::ccivtd IcllZIS from best dn= in the country, includ­ ~ tremendous job bringllig in Warner, Okla., averages 10. I success lO her former interest in almost every top 20 diving pr<>­ ing divas ffOm Texas, defending some very talented junior ccl­ points and 5.7 rebounds. dancing. gnun in the country, Ardrey said.. womeB~s NCAA cba~pion s . lege players. They are obviously Freshman guard Sccclia "As a div..- you're a performer. "What we established was an Sodbcm Mclbodist, NcbrasJca and a force to be reckoned with." Laine is a great performer," Ardrey immediate friendship,' Ardrey Arkansas, aU top diving pro- The Bears fmished eighth in Sa> BEARS, "-15 saiel "She used to be invol""" in said.. ballet and gymnastics so she Owm agrcod with her cnar::b aad Sae DYER, "-14 /)uily f:"gyp{ian Janu""y 25.1990

Golla eat. righl? Come to a Hillel Shabbos Potluck world/nation Dinner al Interfafth Cenler Japan launches mission 913 S. Illinois (corner In. & Grand) taking satellite around moon Frl., Jan. 26 6:00pm TOKYO (UPI) - Japan launched a rocket Wednesday carrying IwO r-·---fHi-BTGGE R',-BETTEP.'OEA'('j- Bring a dish to pass satellites in one of the most ambitious projccts for the country's Ordgling aerospace industry, making it the world 's third nation to make , bid for or the moon. If the mission succeeds, one satellite will be plac.:d into orbit $3:00 Contribution around the moon and another around Earth. The purpose of the : ~IIo."'i'IJ~~ For delails call 549-7387 expedition is to master technology nt'Nlcd to ",... .d probes to Venu s and I ~ p.~" or 549-5641 Mars, a spokesman said. : ' ® FREE P IZZA South African talks indicate racial reforms II fREE 12' Q-IEESE PIZZA W/O RDER I JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (UPI) - Talks between the UrulCd "Tho .... An>und" Of ANY 16' PIZZA States and South Africa ended Wednesday amid growing signs the : LI MIT I PER ORDER. I minoriLy goverment intends to announce 3 series of racial reform initiatives shonly. Herman Cohen, U.s. Assistant Secretary of Sl3lC for ~REE DELIV E RY \$.49-7811 F R E E D E LIV ERY I Afril:an Affairs, said Prcsdident FW. de K1crk incicalCd the release of bla~ nationalist Net",n Mandela and other "major developments" would occur soon but not spt::ific dates were mentioned. Go'rbachev won't allow Azerbaijani secession MOSCOW (UPI) - '.re Red Anny, ignoring an Azerbaijani secession ,,~~'C()II2~IEl? ultimatum, lOOk conuol. of the volatile border with Imn Wednesday, and a Foreign Minisuy spokesman vowed Mikhail Gorbachev would not allow dissident republies to break away from the Soviet Union. Azerbaijan's 11)11~IEII2 p.1rliament had threatened to consider soccssion if the Red Anny did not OPEN 24 HOURS pu ll out by 6 a.m. Wednesday. Scientists warn of Sicilian volcano blast WASHINGTON (UPI) - Sicily's Mount Eb13 appears poised for a Plate Lunch Specials volcarne eruption thal could cqualthe devastating 1980 blast of Mount Sl Helens in the United States, geologists warned Wednesday. British $2.80 ~10TORC\ Clf rcscarchers said their observations of ground deformations al Mount Etna BATTERIES between 1981 and 19&8 tndicate the volcano may be primed for another desbUC~YC blasL Mount Ev.>a, one of the world's most active volcanoes, Lasagna is sc'1'Ounded by fertile vineyards and citrus groves and several large towr.S lie less than 25 miles away. In 1669, its eruption killed 20,000 includes soda or coffee poople -the sixth most deadly volcanic disaster in history. Secord 'had enough;" gets two,years parole , WASHINGTON (UPI) - A fedeno1 judge who said Richar

i~~ir.:~.::::.::::4;::::~~=i~~~~~~~m~ officertriggered to threeseven days years of inrace prison riots aflY year the ago, deaths saying of t wothe blackcourt couldmen thatnot ~ "do perfect justice in this case." Dade County Circuit Coo" Judge Joseph P. Farina also allowed Wilfiam Lozano to remain free 00 $10,000 bond and gave him 30 days to file an appeal. Suit dropped after man agrees to give marrow ROANOKE, Va (UPI) - A man sued by woman who says he is the Greek Feast - father of her dying infant son agreed to donate some of his marrow if necessary to save the boy [rom a degenerative bone dise:lS.', his lawyer said. The suit was immediately dropped. The child's moth"", Sue Id Argabright, had sued Sanford Andrew Moore io an elTon to farre him to Come reast on the Iin est o f Greek .' C 00 ng undergo tests lhat would determine whether .his_marrow matehes lhat of lbursday. January 25'" • Sunday 28'" her4-month-olcl son. • • Salata ' SteefatRo . state (Oreek salad) • (Beef casserole) ' . t) ~ :. ' , Ami Bouti ' Lamb Shisk-a-bohs SIU E b t II (roasted leg of lamb) , ' And Much Morel - oas s enro ment at IIOS W, Main carbo ndale 457-77 1 1 ~~·...... =~~~~~~:.:.--ct-'~~ I --re(X)rd -number since-l978 EDWARDSVrLLE (UPI ) - O fficials at SlU-E say on-campus enrollment this semester is the highest since 1978. Authorities listed ,,"rollment al 10,140 compared to 9,965 for the same semester last year. The s,;hoo!'s on-campus enrollment reached its peak in the winter scmes.er of 1978 at 10,253. The number of full-time students at SrU-E wa. listed at 6,2 18, an increase over 6,0 11 last year. The school's female enrollment is 5,544 compared to 4,596 maleS.

Fuji Volcano The Daily Egyptian has establisbed an accuracy desk. U' readers spot an BlueTyphoons $3.50 error, they can call 536-3311, exu:osion 233 or 229. TODAY/AU DAY Daily Egyptian (USPS 169220) Published daily in the Journalism and Egyptian Laboratory Monday "'rough Friday during the regular semesters and Tuesday through Friday during summer term by Southern Illinois Universitx, CommunicatIons Building, Carbondale, lL 62901. Second class postage paid at Carbonda!e,lL. Editorial and business offices localCd in Communications Building, North Wing, Phone 536-33 tl , Waltr,r B. Jaehnig, fiscal officer. Subscription rates are $45 per yellr or $28 for six months within the UnilCd States and Stl5 per year or ~73 for six mooths in all foreign countrics. Postmaster: Send change of address to Daily Egyptian, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. II 62901 • Jnnuary 15. I ., 0.,;;.. HgY/ltinll

'Square One TV aims to teach children math through entertainment Mathmagic: by parodying soap operas, music videos and the classic ''

By Wayne Wallace show, which pull ..; oul ct'''lain r~lrl~ Staff Writer and lessons to be taught in school. "Square One TV" aur.lets ~In As if gellins kid !o tunc into audience of Lhird- La sixth-cradrl"'!". educational television ' ,asn', hard ac cord ing LO Thurrn ~ ln . "Th;:Il'~ enough, the prcd ucc r ~ of " quare roughly ages eight 10 12," he One TV" arc now 311!ling n: Ihe added. parenlS. k :. lor " Mathncl," the scg rncnI " Wr could go primclirnc," wil: leave L.GS An gc l ~. in 1990

I Jaily Eg)pliall Opinion & Commentary University recycling must be supported THIS WEEKEND, millions of people will pick up the Sunday edition of th e e w York Tirnes and read about 69,500 trees. According to the Illino is DCjJartment of Energy and Natural Resources, that's the amount of virgin ,,·ood pulp consumed to produce the average Sunday issue. Also accorcling to IDE R, the New York TImes still uses only 8 percent recycled paper, and the Washington Post uses none. But le t's look at ourselves. W ith more and m ore communities pursuing recycling programs, Carbondale jumped on the ba ndwagon Jan. 1. The University's program is due hopefully by the end of February.

CONGRATULATIONS ASIDE, a look at the damage already done and at some of th" problems we face may put us in a somber enough mood to take the project seriously. Recycling no longer is a good deed. It is a necessary process we must perfect if we intend to li ve separate li ves from the garbage we create. The outlook for the c ity's program is good. Tom NBC miniseries angers ethnic group Redmond, city planner, said most people are cooperating with the program. By BJ. Cutler Noriega. a commandante. a gener­ commentaries from one of its labo­ al, a governor getting rich by deal­ raLOrics. To the always sensitive If NBC had been pai" by a med­ ing with Colombian cartel drug and suspicious Mexicans. thi s COMMUNIQUE, Carbondale's bimon:hly newsletter, dling foreign power to hann rela­ bosses to bring cocaine to the U.S. seemed to place Washington "s will be printed on recycled Daper !>eginning M:m:h I. It 's tions between the United Slates through Mex ico." imprimaLUr on the movie's lurid time that other publications addresseci !he problem of waste and Mexico. it could not have done In every part of the country? charges. as seriously_ the job better than it did with its THere are no honesl governors or Mexicans also were angry TV miniseri es. U[): .. g Wars: The military officers fightin g drug because the show ignored th eir The matter of what to do with discarded maner grows Camarena Story." lords? No wonder McxicaJ;s. from more serious in nature dail y. Illinois has about 162 usable police and military casualties in the Of course. nobQd) II1Ci ted NBC President Carlos Salinas de Gortari war on drugs. Nor did it mention landfills, down from 600 just 10 years ago. to produce the docudm ma that to the man in the street, are furious Camarena's mexican pi lot, Alfnxlo Evidently, Illino is isn ' t a lone. Legislation whic h allegedly described the 1985 kid­ at what they eall NBC's "slander." Zavala, who was kidn apped and manda tes recycling ex ists in many states. Illino is, nappi ng, torture, and murder of Listen to the justified complaint killed with him . "Maybe beca use U.S. Drug En forcement of newspaper columnist Sergio unfonunately, isn't among them. they didn't want a Mexican hero." Ad mini stration agcnl Enrique Sarmiento abo ul th e n,iniserjcs' said government TV. Camarena. The networic wos driv- "caricatures": NOT TO WORRY: The federal governm\!nt has said_ en by its own HOllywood-style "The program porua)'ed all NBC lookoo down its no,., at that an counties in excess of 100,000 people will initiate a sensationalism and irresponsibility. Mexican officials as corrupt, all Mex ico's CC': ruplion. something we Mexican women as whores, and Americar.s should hesitate to do. plan III reduce solJd waste 25 percent by 1991. Smaller - txc!~tO~nt~ ~ th{8 ~~9~~:; e\'cl)' DEA agent as a ,.,Uless hero. After all, the appalling mayor of counties, Jackson County included, will have until 1995. fo llowed by a panel di scussion Th is black-and- white. self-righ­ our nation's capital has just been The real job in making newly created recycling programs anchored by Tom Brokaw. Thus teous auitude ...s eldom , if cvcr, arrested and charged with smoking work belongs to all of us. We need to create a market for the film's fiction got blended with rencels th e It uth in an iss ue as crnck. And we are onc of the few rec ycled goods. Maybe a ban on no n-biodegradable news commentary. and it's not complex os drug trafficking. Nor nations which ICLS lawmakers take ackaging will draw some anent ion from producers. clear which ingredient was wo,,",. does it do justice to the fami ly and bribes and call th em "campaign P For instance, in !.he discussion an community traditions of Mexico, contri butions" or "honornrium s." Pay attention to the two -tiered bin s in v ffices in NBC reponcr imoncd: "Mexico is arguably suonger than those in the February. Toss empty aluminum cans in o ne and used just like Panama ... Drug corruption U.S." 8J. CUllu is a foreign affairs white ledger pa;-.!r in the other. is dccp and pervasive . .. .In every In addition. the DEA fooli shl y co lumnisl for Scripps Howard pan of the country there is a local allowed Brokaw to broadcast the NI!Ws Service. I N LI E WITH President Bush ' s Clean Air Act , recycled paper allows for 74 percent less air pollution than pa per made fro m virgin vood pulp. Likewise, w a ter Anti-pollytion progress thwarted by neighbors poll ution is lessened by 35 percent. Kansas Cny Star don't have poUution w..trol equip­ about carbon dioxide em iss ions ror 1I1 0se who subscribe to newspapers, save old i!. ues mcnt at many electrical powcr created by coal-burning power The Soviet Unioo hopes to ban plants. Air is fouled. Water is con­ plants. The two countries ar~ trying - each 3-foot stack spares one tree when- recycled. leaded gasoline by 1996. That's taminated. Land is dwnpcd upon. to woric tOgether to reduce those For those who enjoy soft drinks, don' t toss empty cans almost 10 years after the United Pollution in Third World coun­ eMissions. into the trash with biodegradable leftovers. Save them, then StateS outlawed most US<: of leaded tries is increasing. S1JCCCSI) in con­ The United States can hel p by sell them fo r about 30 cents per pound. gasoline. The Soviet Union lags far trolling pollution in the United sharing technological gains made Current recyclin g efforrs save about 200 millioh trees behind when it comes to concern Slates ha s just helped illustrate in the past !O years. PoliuMn <00- aboutl.he environmcoL how ;xx>rly other nations arc far­ trol equipment has been used to every year. By creating a demand for recycled products, we Herc's another sobering facl. ing. Th.1t's a concern to U.S. envi­ retrofi t cenain power plants. And could spare even more. many countries around !.he world ronmenl alists. After all. pollution coal producers and the federal gov­ have not paid enough attention to know!' 1)0 national boundaries. ernment are studying ways to bum. clean ai r, water and land during In the Sovict Union, for coal more cleanly. their days of development in the instance. environmental problems If carbon dioxide pollution rcalJy Qu~tahle Quqres 20th century. PoUution conuol has r {:Iy have been discussed un til does increase global warming. the '---"----_--=:- suffered. Big investments wi ll be the last few years. Soviet President United States has plemy to gain if nccdcd by these countries to clean Mikhail Gorbachev has cndnged it ca n con trol PO;lulion in lhe "It always works." Ying Vang, executive director of the Loa Family up their acts. that si tuallon dramatica ll y. U.S . Soviet Union and elscwhere Co mmunfly, aOe.r ex plaining that Hmong students participated in a The worst cx ample of cnviron· and Soviet expertS now at'! meet· around the world. spirit-caUing ce r ~mon y, using an egg, rice and incense. The cererr.ony mental ignorance are provided by ing on a wide variety of issues. was performed to lure sp irit'i out of the gra\'e of a favorite teacher man)' Third World countries. They BOLh co untri es are concerned Scripps Howard News Service who was buried wit h pidures of the st udents. "We want to sec standards thal will inspire American schools. No multi· ple·choi ce test C\'er inspired anytxxly." A. Graham Down, exec uti\le Acid rain damage felt in unexpected regions director of the Council for Basic Education, on he prefers essay exam ­ Kansas C~y Times fired power plants and gasoline­ coaI-rrred electricity plants in that inations to multiple choice. burning ,·chicles. The emissiOl)S of stale and clsew here should be The lalcs t reliable infonna tioil sulfuric acid and ni tric acid literal­ reduced. indicmes Lh at acidilied lakes and ly fall back to Earth in min. slcct. Editorial Policies Congress is expected this week streams have Lurned up in surpris· snow and c\'co fog. to rcs ume work on a new Clean lncludJng leiters, commentaries, reflectlhe Th c latest information comes Signed Brticles, viewpoints and other ing pans of the country. 111e prob­ Air Act. Acid rain controls arc at opinion," 01 their authors only. Unslgned editorials represent 8 consensus 01 the lem is more widespread than first from the aLi anal Acid thc rop of the priority list. O-ally Egyptian Bo:1rd, whose members are the student odl1or·In-d15ef, the editorial thoughL. ThaI means the solution Precipitation Assessment Progr.:m. page edItor, the as!OOCiate edUortal page editor, a news staff member, the faculty AcL1 ified lakes in Florida, may have to be more ex ten sive, It is a decade-long look to provide Wts:onsin a'ld Michigan should managing editor and a School of Journalism faculty memb«. the definiti ve answers on wha t Leuers to the editor must be submitScf!:t1.vM~Ji9Q pI .u~ PFl'(ll}'lt.b,e. IJI'!

dent's fO""lgn policy prerogatives. visas cJtpire before returning to the denl and cultural exchanges. " He was as firm and fired up as United StateS. He said the price ,If (,«widing any,ning I've seen," Sen. Alan Bush vetoed Ihe bill Nov. 30 his veLD would be " lost opponuni· SJmpson of Wyoming, the chie f after il passed lIle House 403'() and tics for the Chin es~ scholars of GOP head-counter, said after the cleared lIle Senate by voice VOle tomorrow." brcakfast session. after senators voted fDr an idenLi· In the Ho use, however, 145 Witll up to a do7.cn Republicans cal, non-binding version 97'(). Republicans s ided wilh 245 wavering and liuJc gra

~€W Gft~D€f45 mi ~ ~ liunan Szechwan & Mandarin Cuisine Welcome Back to School Once a year the Chinese have their biggest ttoliday ... Chinese New Year Day is coming this weekend. We prepared the traditional Chinese cooking for all our Chinese and American friends who like real Chinese food. Menu includes varieties of Sand Pot dishes, Se2 the Officer Selection Team in ti1e Student Union )y ~ jf-j etc, and others. Come and celebrate Between 10AM and 3PM Jan. 30 thru Feb.1. with us. We dare 1520 S. Palk Avenue you to compare Herrin the quality and 988-171 8 Sun.-ThulS . 11 A.M .-9:30P.M. the price. Fri. a::at. llA.M.- 10:30P.M. January ~5. 1990 r " ------, Briefs : LA ROMA1S PillA &a : I $ 1 .00 oR FREE Dellyery . I" ~,c ;- I I . 1/ 320z. Pepsi ~'');., ,~ I T il E SA ILI NG (Juh wi ll meet ,'I Ohio roolll. \'H!cO :'In" dLscu;;;sinn liHHn:ll i ... rn Ih'\~:.-c d 1ll:1jnr!-> :I re I Medium, Ln!'ge with delivery of small ~ l\l--'" ~~ I t) tonight in the Student Center, on The Ba lik fm thl' WII

1lin m JS7-5955. Spring s(' lllcSlrr or cn hOlL ~' :11 7 rour ... e of Ih e. ArC'n:L For m ore L ______~ lonighl at the lOp 0 1 lhc , t:ur :-. III lhl' IIlfnnn:ltion. GLI15..1C)-1()67. : - 529-1344 - : TnE PSYC I-I O LOGY Club will Communic3lL o ns b udding. /\11 mee t at 7 10nighl in Life Science II. Slud cnl" welcomc. H ·IE I·IILARIOUSLY refrt

~mi nars on Jan . 29,30, 31 . or Fcb. nmo:,h.:r'rctz:tm!~-d..~ur 1• .u:r,'I'Tll!.... '"In;J.L •..:,·1lI and sweat li k~ a pig and no one cares I 2 at th(' SRC information desk. lhel'CnerrlwJ;r..lho:= O:3"u,ferchrll1,.,v;tZlrr",r This Saturday: OLD 37 with Wayne Higjon on SP;.jcc is limited 10 six people JX'.r 'o(' .....ltt'(,ja pmfe'-'~' n.l' ,1"' .. r.. cf,oJ""II:nco.1",h..-ir INlr.Jl1«"~'enl\.~t't' ..., 1'1.oI<.:,lm.t... .'ual.lf'llI.mur. scssion. M ecLS from 6·7 i}. i.i. in fiddle. Get your Reservations Now Y'lr Ken Impo!1.,nl :,' :rot"'1 !:.mllle!-." n,.. 'mel"'CTr~;:lm"-.JT,. lh· the RC SPOrlS Medic ine. For Iho:-c .....lo.\. ... "'.he'r,jpc:ur'" H.-h<-.~II", ... ,u.."'fina'I('I;d Carlisle and the Cadillac Cowboys Feb. 3. There's more inrtJ nTIalion. ca ll 453·1292. "' .....'.-e .. :mul·huno,c'Lmc already been 270 made and they're going fast ! And

\'In ,ot t \' 1': \I'[ n ' if you made Ken Carlisle reservation s last week. INTRA~ 1 IlAL WALLYBALL­ \ IO KE :, L (C I ~.s \\1111 11 1• • Men's. womcn's. and CoRee cli vi· \ U Tl'AI. 01 11"1 ,\ 11 .\ (lI\l1'''''L':-'', thinking they would appear this Saturday. call back! sions. A. B. and C lcvels of com­ ·ltol.ll(!1('I'WTll'l'm'Cl":lUn • L>JenWn!h"mc"n,eo.' For Reservalions Call 5?9-8221 andl,eldhdpIILu,., p lilions. A ll tca ms must send i.I m,u, .. n\.candfman':'OIL "ell L..n""n .. n.\ le'\.... ~le" representative 10 the captains' romp;an,namr mccLing 6 p.m .• Jan. 28 in the SRC • E3S~'- IO'usc compuler • UnlimnrJrn('umc.­ Asscmbl y room East. Pick up a ..aJCJ.lOob rmrnual roSLer at tho SRC infonnation desk. 1990 SPRING For more inform at i on, COnt:>C I r>oo ...... , ~ . ""' ...... inlTamurals at 453-1273. ~ SPCDRTS8L CALL FOR enLri es for !he M:. an1 Ms. S:U Bod vbuild ing EC.SHOW Competition LO be held on April S IU ARENA 21. For more informaLion, call ~ John ·\l1e mand aL 549-4915. Sponsored by Lhe SIU-C Weig h~iftin g Club.

THE STUDENT Environmenta l Center will meet at 7 tonight in the

PIANO RENTAL I year interesL free piano renLa! plan used ianos for sale BYASSEE KEYBOARD & SOUND

FRIDAY (FEB. 2) Winner Must Be Present A comedy about life, Friday al 8:30 p.m. love and the gentle art 5:00 P.M.-9:00 P.M. of raising children. SATURDAY (FEB. 3) A RO HOWARD Film 10:00 A.M. -9:00 P.M. Parenthood ' SEMINARS SUNDAY (FEB. 4) starring STEVE Given (j)' Area and MARTIN ~ National Experts. NOON-5:00 P.M.

Blase R (5:00 lWL) 7:15 9:55 ADMISSION: ADUL TS-$3.00 0wbIm... VacatIon PG-13 CHILDREN 12 AND UNDER FREE (5:30 lWL) 7:45 9:55 R WHEN ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT. TICKETS AVAILABLE DAY OF EVENT ~ LiH'e Mermaid G 15 ·00 lWL) 7:00 900 AT SOUTH LOBBY BOX OFFICE ONLY. ~~D Wizard PG (5:45lWL) WSltr:;~~~ NatUlill 8m Arena Family Buslnen R R ~.!! ... LigllJ'JI. ? 1!~,;!5~'-'~N~ 41 0 8.00 SIU ARENA PROMOTIONS PRESENTATION , " .... , .., ..\ , .•. ,. t.'.'.'~. •••• t ••••• •• ...... " .... , l'agcX Daily Egyplinn

EntertainV1en~ 'Tremors' far from earth-shaking; sand worms little to scream about By Tracy Sargeant d.IY and decides LO take a chun k StaffWrl1er Film Review ()l It of the lOwn's population. with­ out any reason? 11lcre is not even a They say there is someth ing new Perfectionist thaL something is ouL homOlown legend abouL the sLupid under the sun . But under the there. things. ground ... wel l, there is llOlhing new A studenL in seismology, Rhonda One last thing LO look for (if you there either. Tremors, starring Lebeck (Finn Carter). who also decide LO check ouL Lhi s nick,) Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward, docs bappcns LO be OUL in the middle of look for the constant product IlOl promise much, and LO be hoo­ nowhere, becomes Val 's love intcr­ endorsements. 1llcre is one scene cst it delivers just lhaL eSL She is recruiLed LO help the where this is so blatant, it almost When I say there is nothing new town rid ilSClf of these "unnam­ sLeals the sccne. Watch for the 2- under the ground I mean iL FIJ5L of .ble" thin?,.'. liter of orange Crush in Walter all , the creaLures very much resem­ 013ng's rnarkCL (It's ncar "'" end This film also co-stars Michael so doo'L drifLorrand miss i,j. ble a cross between the Gross of "Frunily Tocs fame", who "Bectlejuicc" sandworms and gianL plays opposite Reba McEnLire. The boltlc is sitti ng on the slugs with a mean disposition. The The LWO arc a pair of level-headed counter and iL is the central focal worms have the usual B-grade survivalists. until the war on the poinL in tl LC room. They purposely movie characteristics-they are worms wms persona\. They b=k Lurn the bottle's logo 10 the camera blind. smell horrid and 001-" pink <'lIL the heavy artillery, like every­ when Lhc ~' swi'!" h the picture to slime. body's favorite weapoo-thc dou­ focus 00 who is speaking. Each of the four worms have ble-barroled elephanLgu n, when tl,rec liLtle worm-like appendages At a time like this, when all the worms auack the LOwn. chaos is breaking loose, do you th'" pop ou Lof their mouth ~.Thcsc Besides having very liLtle pi,,~ "baby wonn." seem LO learn some think they would seriously care this movie offers no emotional about a lillie rcfrcshmall? n~w Lrick every time they kill tics. Most of the poopfe ki lled orr someone, thus adding to the vari­ If they have LO endorse a prod. arc never introduced to the audi­ UCI why can'L they make do some­ ety of ways poople die. By far the ence, they jusL Lum up dead OUL mO SL popular way LO die is by thing creative-like discover that alongside the road. Sort of like the pop is poisor. to the worms. being sucked into the sand. No big road \cill . . sllljlrise. Then they cou ld simply drive orf The movi e is set in a small. [n the movie. the crealUfCS arc the wo.ms by spilling a tanker car s leepy lillie desert town of never named. You cannot feel full of the liquid. Perfection. Val Megcc and Earl sorry for them because they are noL AL leasL LhaL would leave them IIIT... estone BasseL (Bacon and Ward), arc the some mutanL producL of Loday's open for a sequel-The AnlS. Or Lypical sLereoLypes of "the good SOCiClY. And you cannot gci mad has thaL one been dooc already? ....._ ...... TIRE PUROtASE at them tx:causc Lhey arc not on ole' boys". They have only one ''Tremoo" eootains a weak plo~ some ho~day munching spree from FIRESTONE 4-PACK goal in life: LO make big in the CiLY lOU many useless four-leucr words, the p\anCl S~"",. o ~ Bixby. BuL unfortunaLely for only one decenL play-on-words. the ...... our dynamic duo, Pcrfectioo is like The film gives no solid expIana­ lOWn'S name and not nearly enough _- .::.---...... _ 13 a mach motel-you can check in, tioo for the worm's Lime\y visiL IL gory special erreelS. If you have --.....--­ buL you do not check OUL does hinL they are probably a prod­ nothing bcUcr LO do 00 a Sawrday =~~ 4 _ $13000 Each time Val and Earl seL 0uL uct of evolution that no one has arternoon and wanted LC catch up 1__ 1 3 ior the "big CiLY" someone Lurns up ever seen befocc. How car· some­ on a few hours of sleep. then dead along the way. Thus they one be intcrcsLcd in something that "Tremors" is a good movie for return home LO .N3JTl the resL of the jusL pops op ouL of the sand one you. 4_$15000

2.57511-15 Novel looks at child care, divorce; Z1575R-1 5 ZZS15R-15 4 _ $17000 an aduHpe rspective of a child's life !l575II-15 Author portrays fears of adults in finding ''what is best for a dlik:l" By Jeanne BIckler is a surprise; watch for iL Entertainment Editor Seclions of an omniscient other's inner thoughlS about child "PicLuring Will." the new novel rearing are interwoven in the story. by contemporary author Ann The thoughts arc the kind that BeaLtie, is the sLOry of five-and-a­ would seem LO come when a parenL half-year-old Will, told from the wak.cs up in the nigh~ having had point of view of the adullS in his some tern"le, unfounded dream of life. injury LO the cbikl. Although the SIOry itself is not This omniscient other thinks. astounding or written in a bold " You fear that the world will Ire3l new fashion. it is a compelling the child unfairly. The child. rarely look into the complex world or intimidated, proceeds on his way child care and divorce. quite well. (He'll be) SlrUck by Will's mother Jody is a wedding lightning, then. Something cruel phoLographer in a smaIl Virginia and sudden. Lightning does not LOwn. Jody has developed a ca1ain strike. " degrcc of local "I.une." but hesi­ Never fear, the identity of this tates LO move 00 LO h;gger and bet­ omniscient character is revoalcd in Ler things. Despite Lh" urgings of Wayne and Corky have their thecnd. her boyfriend Me!, she won', give Beattie mows her characlCrS. up the small Lime and move LO own ar.~ieties; what will they do with the hoy all week? How can They are rkll, whole people with New York CiLY with him. distinct intenSlS and pczsonalitics. Whenever Mel visilS Jody and they ensure thaI Will has • good lime? And Corley needs this visiL LO ror e"am~le, Jody, wll has Will in Virginia. he is \\'o\l's father never LOlally ovarome her divora: figure. The relationship belwccn help her convince Wayne LO have another child with her. from Wayne, has an unusual way Mel and Will is tigh~ Jody is sur­ of keeping herself in his life. From prised and slightly annoyed when Although all or these points of time LO time, lody sends Wayoe a Will begins 10 pick up Mel 's facial view are given. Will's is nOl From package of grocery Slore receipts, ex pressioos and body gestures. whaL the other characters say and photogrnphs, electric bills and doc­ him, Will docs noL have much of a think abotll Will seems LO be Lor's bills, SO he will know how relationship with his naLurn! father an easy-going, level - h ea~ed kid, much it costs 10 raise a child alone. Wa yne. \Vayne is a "three-time pcrl!aps more so than the adults in What a greaL way LO keep your­ loser'· who lives in Rorida with his the book. self in someone's m;nd. BUL these ( urren! wife Corky. Will's annual As the book SIaItS ou~ iL appears "coStS" are obviously much more (riP 10 F!orida is a time of great Will, Jody and Mel are going LO be than receipts for Jady. They are "O\iC LY for all the adullS in his life; the cefilral relationiliip throughouL more emoLiona! than ltIonetaI)'. Flresto¥lfssterCare Servlt!e c...."t~ ho wever, \ViII himself seems to BUL abouL halfway through, lody "Picturing \Vill"' is insighl into h;,'ldlc II just finc. drops out almost altc.b~ lher and lIlC expression, "what's bcfJ for the .. - R(,':lILic docs a ni ce job with lIlis docsn'L reappear in the SlOry until child." It makes the "",li1.3tioo thai -- UNIVERSITY MAll .::t:.lJ>t ",·""n of the book. She realistiC1l - the end. Since Jody seemed LO be with lour or five p~pl c making 1203 E. MalO. Carbondale fOICR'FRr7~ 1\ ,ho\\'s the fcars adults have the main characLer, this is eoofus­ Lhese kinds of dccisior,s for Lhe CJ 529-3136 SAT7 3I).O:IlIl \\ Ill'n surrendering or accepting a ing. child, somethi ng ncces;arily gelS caTR:A_ .II"". Jody, and especially Mel, The focus on Mel and Will's IOSL -­ h.l\'l' :l hard lime lelting the little relationship is more central LO the "Picturing Will" (Random 1'It'~ go 10 J mnn they do not truSl SLOry than iL originally seems. This Hcuse) comes ouL Jan. 30. q January 25, 1990 Daily Egypritur Page

1981 TOVOTA T[RCE' O(,OIT' 1m I stereo. high mileoJe. rurs geod. Students get Daily Egyptian II 1 chance to o Classified study abroad 536-3311 : VlSA I By Dale walker Q- Staff Writer DIREcrORY Students who wanI 10 :;rudy Ibis en Fa: Sale: ForRcnc rail at Nakajo, SIU-Cs campus in AUIO ApuImcnI Japan, 0.- at Ou-'n UniYClSity. 3D en !Y.Mczs Hoos<:o exchange school in Austt3Jia. .­ Paru .to 870 1 AoB7 to submit appIicaIioos before !he ~ Mobile Homes Feb. I deadline. .... Roaeobonal Vehicles Townhomes "The deadline is FdI. I ...... , -- Bic)'cIcs Duplc>cs want LO encourage people to Homes Rooms inquire if they an: a.m:s.od • 311 --CD MoiIiIe Homes RoommalIiaolion visit sites in EngImd. RaJa:, West 10-19 ""'-41¢ I"" -'1"" pcan FasI1ioo Ocsign and Mcrch:lndising'" is a four-wcct.: seminar in cooperation wilb the -CD - Paris Fashion InstilUIC. It runs to advertl.e May 2&-Junc 29. I In the Persons interested in SlDdying a. D.E. ClauIfleda overseas r.an call In~ematiooal Programs and Services a1 453- 536-3311 3734. January 25, 1990 Daily Egyptian w ANtED: MAU: CHRlSll A.N, non- 3 BDRM APT.• walt 10 campul. '2 8 ~ ~ RM CAQTEi/:Vlllf near JAlC, AS7 ·5432. Pro f•• ,i onal at ~ c~ . :W~ :;::r:.;, e,!r:. P... .. ale LD I. Quiet, Nice No peb, $.49·4808. .. ./ hootup. ~ ...- oc:. 985-3291 . ~ . n~w s ' -26- 90 85d5Bc96 CAR BO NDALE. SPA 10 US ~:FOR RENt col !!:~ NIce PLACES ARE 51 ill avoil. '2 GOVERNMENT t-t()H,fS FROM S I STUDI O opt.. Serlnole kitc.hen. 1·25-90 7282Bb8S b dr F"l , A mi . we" , 50165 a mo . ru reptJlr) DelinqueN lox property 687·1873 Of 68]·4983. R epo~sen , o n' Call ' 1·50S· ~~~& I i~~~n!'~u!o bOlh:.'t~;Jr; 1·26-90 BS3 I1k86 687·6000 ExI c"Lf9S01 :or cutTenl fociliti •• _ free paTing. quiel. 1 ~:-"'MObil~~ 1 rt'pOliil rnning on ~. lincor. ViBogt! 22.90 6637Ah91 GOVERNMENT HOMfs FROM ~ ~:;''nt SHl~J . 1 12S:J~~.' of ru repairl. Delinquenl lox pRlpS"ly. 2-26-90 830580107 Reponeuiont (all 1·80S· CLEAN , WEll-MAINTAINED 687·6000 &:I. GH95u1 lot cumlr'll eificiel"lC i. s o nd siudios all within .tpaliil. ;;;~!~~2 campul, 2·21 ·90 M37Ml0A di\lon,. 10 2·16·90 8311 80101 FURN. 1 80RM apl., no peb, mu" be neal and d eon , oh. r J pm. Lim~uters::1] IC:SSIC!!::,:) I 45]·nB2. ~f9QBDRM. All .IIK. ~~e:. INFOQUEST NEW AND used ! corpcnl, hunting onJ I.. ing on compulen iI~ 011 SJ 25. ~ I4-.en \.2li.9'6. Call 68.l.3413 bn':'9 your ~ deal. We do repaiD 7J06BaB6 5A9·3 .. 1~996A18S itr DISCOUNT HOUSING. 1 bdrm 12 MHZ TUR BO 80286 SYSTEM. furn ., opt., g05 heal, air. leo,. 12 mhz 0 Wait turbo :!86 Mother 15, no dog" call Boord with Intel 8028t PnxeuOf. ~:.~~~~U9 . londmcd: Test. .. 15.9, Norbn's 51 Tesb .. 13 .... AMI nio •• MS·DOS ~e:rr. 2 BORM, m ~~J. and OS/2 Compati ble, S 12 KB "''"''''''' ' $185 . ~'5'9 . ~ . Rom hpondoble 10 A MB I/O· e-.W;.~ LUxuRy J bd~3~~ ~c:!:''o:~~~:k~ S~~ • • du.i.... OriIO . Ideal 10, Floppy O,i... e or 1.404 MB ., .5 " p rofeuronol. $100 off for lir.1 Imperial Mecca Io p y Dri ve, Mo nochrome rnonlh'. rm , $A30. 5A9·A360. tC ~ Prinw Cord, 80287 :·31·90 8.S66!oB9 Now LeasIng Mot Co·Procenor Sod.. et, 101 · c'[(5'S'f T6 SIU, 5004 S. ~K.y Enhanced Keyboard. for Summer &. Fall monochrome Hi·Ru m Monitor, ~~~q~c::w~ 5~~5Joe ~ " SI80 2·21'90 8578801004 "Housing for the ~I~n~:~, ~ J BD W: M. CLOSE 10 SIU, carpet. Slyi. Melal Slid.' 'Cene, COOl VAtI.EY BOARDING kennel •. o /c, no dog •• S390 mo .• 04 07 HfJOt.d, d ~n , r.cnonable, $3· Monroe, OOQU lrom library. avail. Serious Student" ~~':::P~~~ A/dar.. RJ IA Ovquain. 5"2·8282. now. 529· 1539. Options: Memory 2·21·90 707~ 2·21 ·90 857780104 6il:YKA!IMA/ 'J)."iI/ AMJI. Mall. v,. FEMALE LAW STUDENT need. Fumished. Prot.nor 80287·8/ 80287· 10. :X;L~~~~~ ~i~ : : !:"J~~ ' Sf25 Aappy "",,e 1.2 M8 5.25"11 A A 993·2120. one bedroom 2·15·90 8287Aol00 11" cofl 453· 1166« ASl-0397. L-.,r:!· ":h:.m~~crud::r. !:n, MB 3 .5" Hard Dri... . miCl'O'WG'O'e. ~.687 - 177A . '1lJ/ BlJl l00/I'1

fO[I SlRVlCE LNE a:IOk. Ful lima. SPC CHAIR POSITION CMJi~ Tor ~CHOLARSHIP OPPOR1UNIIIl::S. Day ~ift . M u ~ have 01 leoiJ two 1990·9 1 KhooI year. Pol1iailuilion F RE~ ~ iMEN ond SOpitOmorM, c.oJ, yean full service fulouronl granl olfel'"ed. 2.0 GPA :!2uired. ~ j ,l.,.d a nd CIoUI $0 campus. uperience. Senn of humor full ·time loIudenI 1oI00u •. ~cotionA Call 549· 1494 reguired. Coli between 2·5 pm ~rn':~oI~ ! r~~ oHi:: : . ~ to .hOIe 2bd;:'3c!! .9~ ~16 .~'2ilA . 81 88(86 536·3393. con... enio"ce$, 15 minu l"1 10 LOOKING f OR A iroternity, \ ·25'90 7?99C85 C0"ll'" 985-3533. ATIENTlON : EARN MONEY ::rl'!e~!~sOO ~tI~ r.ading booksl 532,000/ year ~{aoOMMATES ~~6'P!'~ for a one w •• ~ on-(ampUI incom. pot.ntial. Delail •. bd.-m hoUle, furr. , 5 bloch from mo r ~el::r projecl. MUll be 111602·838·8885 E.:. 81<1793. ca"'PJ' , S 125 mo. fIOCh. No peb, 419 S. WaJ,inglo". 457·5923 or ~:"iZor:~ :~~~"I ~f!' h~1& BARTENDER'I ~}gB .457·7876. 1_ 47 wallr."e' - porHim., aPPly in 1·26·90 73OBBo86 FEMALE SMO Ell / peno:n, 11 am-6 pm r:J Gahl,,,',, NONSMOKERS, r,;, 0 oIudy 01 "'" 608S. IAlnot, Av • • ;~~:~ 1:~;: 9::!~. ':oJibrO:d $~E16R7cASE MA~~:, chemillry. INonlmoken nol AKfJired to ,"",*). M,II.! be 21 ·35 =~:::S~, ctri~ )'U c*f, 115·1351::... w• ..,l1 PP1 intake of if. caming co •• s and qualified :.moken $140 for coun5eling ,.,....ic •• pro... ided 10 ponid~ in 5 morning MUioru, children and th.ir (ami lie,. non-smokers $040 for 1 morning Quolified applicant, will hov. a ,.nion. Call 51U.c Psych Oepl. Mmw',~.. in a human ....;c. 536·2301. I1Z 2·6·90 8224C95 ~=~ ~l~rur:n°':;:t:~ lamilie •. Send rewm. and Ihr •• ~~' ~3 -:-;riti w:»\; ,elated referr.\ce, 10: Youth would hr •. per WHit, mUil ro:. 01,110 . :;e~~o P.O . Box 31\1, M'boro ~~T~~~ like to ~~s:. =I~:"~ t:irl WIN A HAWAIIAN congratulate AXP '~E~iONisf/fypISf7~~D EOE. VACATION OR BIG SCREEN TV PLUS 7 -10 pm at the ~~':~.!r ~~~tegjo~ pt~ b'2fV:gNMENT JOBS S¥:.Wo­ RAISE UPTO Newman Center ~"V7~ .Edu~..,j Poych%gy. $1,400 I ' .JUST Jeri Price :g~·.~~~O~J[~ri:_~5~111 f!; 10 DAYS! Assembly Room ~ ",SCOVEl< CREblr~?1 amenl fed.allilt Objeclive: Fundrniscr on )'Our C0!I"PUI. Flexible hours. ii~t~fiON SPEcIAU !~8IZt. Commiunem: Minimal on her :-"~~-=c!.~~JI· ~ ~b,:oot!:,r:;W~37~:.r more ~~~eZ'e~:,eV~~~ ' lavalier to 950-84n uf. 3. Campus organilations. BE THERE! "25=90 726OC~ 5le~SEO PRACTICAL ~~1n clubs) fr ater:n.ilie!' . NANNIES NEfDED. ENJOy canng war!.: wirh ...... eIv diloObIed adu~1 lor childr.n' 8. a Bo.'on a r.o o:. na sorOflll CS TrmNation nannyl W.'II plac. you wilh a ~~~f~o:n"!:" e':.,!~~ call OCMC al requir.d with 1..... Io~nlally ) (800)93205281 ~:..::;,t~~ di..ob&ed pr.ferred. Sa 57.00 1(800)9 5(J"· 8472 exl. 10 of IronlpOrlalian paid, many toeial I Applications functian,. a." ,upporl of any' ~~~~~~~ . :: 13'" Sf., Mu ....,.,... . L ~;;:li ~~~~inl~l~{~:n1!. "EROIie INSTRUCTORS ••perienc. Ihe vitality 01 N.w :- t!tta.A reliabl. pe,!!~ are still En!1land. To g.' ,'arl~ an an hou~ cleaning . If inl ..al.d call rr~ O::r~9Jo:lin~ 45;·3377, 1ecM. 1nII:foKI9I. For pr&-t>eginn31 for cute pictures F. can c..a. .<53·2219. at March 3. ~-I1iS>NA[ MARKEfI~!I;)lt more ..formation . that were ...LrnaI1Ire.tudentk)~an campt" p'.:'rtlolion, lor lop used in smile ~"!:ie::/,j, ~a$~ 'or n..t 111I·otra Applications per. ,e~ . ~" be arganlud ~...d""'""Y""""'" '_'a'Pena"". ads; now's s...dv/~ 800-.592·2121. can be 1-2S-W 8542(85 THE SOUfH'W£SfERN COMPANY your chance picked up wm be on co"'fM" January 29th ~h~e~d'.!ow= to claim them. at the Profil ~ mon:h i, SI774. If)Ou lilt. a cho'~o, indtIfMnd.nl Office of ="a~ion i.=::-ar: 7 pm. in PoriUmon rm 107 . P'oeoso Student be an lim_ and pleme bring paper Oevelopment­ 2'1.;:t 7321C9Q es CASE \oVORKER POsmoN 60r an Student inten"ve home·ba..d Ir.olmenl ~ ~ fom~ie5 r:J ri.le lorchikf 0bI,;5e a~ Mg*t. Outia include Center. " ... _.Iam;lyl~ ~:~~~~' i n~~i:~nl'l i nl:~Zi!~~~ communily 58r ... ic ... Oualilied place a opplicanls will hove a Masle,'s D.I.Smll,.Ad DEADLINE: dOg,... in a human WI'Vice f*d om:! ~ ~', Q:)Ume~ng ~e or SJ~nll ~~~:JOnd ~~ January 26 obusi... ! and negl::t:l'amilie,. Sokry It $19,000·$20,000. s.ncI ~ ,.,ume and three rel.r. nces 10 Youth S.r ... ic., Pro..9rom The Ladies of I Auditions Coordinotor, 604 E. ColI.t; Delta Zeta .; ~~~i.ILF~ 't1~ or are Jan. 30 z:r;. (iUed. EOE.73Q5C93 would lik€ to Bal:room 8- congrdtulate I Student '~.~ CARBONDAU MOBILE MOBILE HOMES Connie Brown Center. HOMES* Highway 5'!1 North on being II st Small and $1 :. £5 21 " ·Loundromal • CableYision named r,,!u h. ,.S I u~ -city Water & Sewer medium "tu/UlS .Trash Pick Up · ~Servioe B-DAY acts ·i..ocked Post 0l'f1Ce Boxe5 encouraged. 'InOOo' Pool ,ATQ Carbondale Mobile sweetheart. Love, Starting at $155 mo. We're keeping Meg Get involved! Lots Available up the Everyone's Starting at $75 mo, I ~~~~JJ tradition! . 549-3000 L Ar~ Welcoml~! Pogc 12 Daily £gyptilln January 25, 1990 r-­_ , Debaters take first place in tourney Italian------Sausage or Jerianne Kimmel Un iversity. said. "We graduated champion, Bi le said. Pepperoni Staff writer our LOp six debaters last year and a SIU-C's dehatcrs moved from 1m of people said that's il for SIU. No.8 up lO NO.3 in the lalesl Varsity debaters from SIU·C BUlthe squad as a wholc is back." nalional r'd nk ings by Lh e National Personal Pan Pizza took first place in the M issvuri Some 32 varsity and eight novice Cross-Examination Deba te Mule Forensic Tournament Sunday learns from 21 schools entcred lhc Association in DccembeI. only $ •• 29 with Coupon. at Central Mi ssouri State competition. University. The Saluki debalers eontinuc-. ~ .i ;-. Plaza Shopping Center Missouri State University learn for Two novice awards also cor · team in the nation, out of approxi­ thc litle. lribuled lO the beSl overall squad mately 300 schools, lO claim five <; :.<: ~ , ~ ! 4~t4143 -sa "Wc're in U1C ch"'" again," JclT sweepstakes, a cumulati ve pain! consecutive national champi­ Bile, director of Forensics al the' system Lhal dc.tcnnincs LIle national onshi ps. L.... ~-""~~! !~~E~ 2':8!!3.. ___l ~'itgreacl ' Recycling of plastics ~~~~~ to expand in Chicago C HICAGO (UPI) - Illinois Wednesday gained its first soft Th ree plants are in drink botLlc recycling operation to the planning stages put a dent into the marc than 600 THURSDAY HIGHT SPECIALS! fill million pounds of polyelhylene to bring total 112 112 Icrcphtalztle produccd in Ihe nati on $1 SeagraDls Coolers $1 Hight 112 112 C3ch "car recycling capacity to $1 Coronas $1 Oak . Brook-ba,cd Waste 200 million pounds Management of North America 1/ 4 Ib_ Fields Hot Dogs $3.25 Pitchers Inc., the world 's largesl waste annualy by 1994. For 50¢ & Free Chips $ _80 Old Style hauler, and Delaware-based Du Pont Co., a gianl chemical and Kecycl i ng HU''>I:. plasti CS 517 South Illinois plastics manulaclumr. announced a already is being done by o th er 549·SnX South Side plastics t(;\;ytling oper­ firms in Illinois such as alion woulq begin hy the cnd of Eaglebrook Profilcs in Chi cago March in a $nncr Libby's plant. and FDA Plaslics in Decalur, bUl The PI~ics Recycling Alliancc, this is the first op~r.11io n in the a joint venture of the two compa­ Slale lO recycle ]'Or boilles, ",id nics that in D

Polly'S Place Wefcomes CHRISTINE FAREL Ike Honda Will Drive You .WILD! (former OWflQ1" of Adam'" Rib - Eve'S Apple) Up To' $1,000 Cash Rebat"! Now Taking Appolntm<;nts 457-5600 828 E. Main on These Vehicles: carbondale Professional Hairstyling All Remaining 19895 :C~~L~~~1 Come in for our very best I $2.00 : deals! Only -I Off finy 718ft! Up to I ~vgularly I $1,000 cash back I Pncic:l Pizza I on each of these vehicles! I FREE I Up to $1,000 Cash Rebate on ALL Used I, DELIVERY: Vehicles-Hurry In Whil. Selection Is Best! 0tI PIZlfIIt 'exduding be:e CMes I CARBONDfiLE I I Sun-Thurs 11am-Z,lm I Fri Ii Sat 11am-3am Lt4.?~15j)J January 25 .1 990 f)aily Egyptian PJ!!C 13 Comics

---ern!: l. I 1 x 11D

Shoe bv Jeff MacNelly (;;,!\ ~.....==-....

oo V calvin and HobbeS P.K.'s rumo Joe & Dave Parrishl All Day/ All Night 50(: Drafts & Speedrails Band 9:30PM - 1: 30AM 308 S. Illinois

bV Mike Peters &'Tf'TI1EJmffl(Q)H lRi~(Q) v~ Fee Allocation Forms are Now Available and can be picked up in the USG office, 3rd floor, Student Center. Applications are due February • st. Walt Kelly's Pogo by Doyle & Stemeci

~I • CHECKERS NIGH[ Gl.JB '. ~ NoCover Drink Specials ~75¢ ...... Old Style & Coors light Draft 95¢ ...... Domestic Bottles Todays Puzzle $·1.35 ...... Seagrams V.O. ACROSS U Gaunt .ony 35 Umenck name H 1 Lalmn " Tractor name 7 Monogram $1.35 ...... Beck's Dark 5 Decline A5 CuUlng tool part: abbr, : ~.Jla~ LiYII r.ao+-+-...-+-+--t- ....Io./; .-++-+-H 10 - mater 47 EmetQenC:y 8 Ho lor one H"" $1.35 ...... Rumpleminze ,.- Highest poont !,.. '1NtI1 9 Sch. &ubI. Anrmore" 15 MOO I.. 50 Oriental coin 10 Eng. fl'rel' 42 PHc:e a.~ PfintMtt 51 Understands 11 Conduc1s 45 L.ewrnv.mg $1.35 ...... Captain Morgan Rum 16 Melt 52 Outlandia" 12 Elpouse 17 ~ce to s'art 50' MI KIIt.nlna 13 Priscilla'. '6leam $1 .75 ...... Stroh's Pitchers 20 long lime !J5 Have. meal John 21 landed 51 See 17A- 2e! Mr. Plttvln e2 Sorannl :: ~~ '7 =:II~llors- t..,,-t-H-+--t!!''l-H- $2.25 ...... 54 oz. Pitchers-Bud 23 Mature. &3 Skepllcl.m mana~ '8 locate 2A OpeIaled 6' Stumble 23 Be preHnt .. " Nouveau - 26 Rogel entry 65 Sediment Bud light, Miller lite~ abbr 66 Humble 24 ~~ 'unnr ~ ~ft:;\lStrna~n 1!!"~'Il!"I..r.rl-+-Io.~!,, - H -;,..... 27 Teas. F7 "The CAnSOl''' 25 M, Jf\U,Ul do) 30 Drop. Dance with D_J _ Slo Man 32 lei II llano DOWN ~ !:I~' ~,::; .. 5'- - pura 33 Relus. 10 1 Not on lime 2iI Clairvoyant ~ Shote ~nt COOPef.te 2 Reveftleralt" 3D ~ iJ.ed gaze ~ MC/du!4t at the hottest night :701atget' 3 Gavt. agt. 31 MarsheS !l7 Melon e g 39 Ua • shunle • Mr Koppel 33 Se¥ere 5g Harem room club around!! .0 StrM' SI1(1'" 5 More Mnal 3l Plane 60 Weep .1 P ••Uies 6 Sinclair 01 sunace 61 MOfe' abtM' Puzzle answers are on Page 14 760 E. Grand 457-2259 -' Page 14 f)aily Egyptian Jan uary 25, 1990 DIVER, from Page 16 - Schintzius obeys rules; grMll s," he S3!d. Aft er fall ing to advance QU I of cuts his hair for DeVoe I ~ e NCAA zo ~e me el In 1989, Owen is ready 10 go back. GA INESVILLE, Fl a. (U PI) 31 the lOp and long and shaggy Crystals, " My mai n goal 1,\ 10 make lhe - Dwayne Schintzius, the sus ~ In th e back. The slyle - his Tie-dyes .o.J CAA finals," Owen ,u. pended senior cenl er for the trademark - is called "the lob­ "Uniq ue Boutique" Jewelry "Laine is beginni ng (a believe in Florida GaLars. fo!!owed the ster" and was the focus of 3 Mon 10-6 Quality Crafts her.;clf," Ardrey said. "Her rleord orders of hi s coach Wednesday national magazine artk.. le a year Satl-6 U stairs On the Island 457-0211 ··!,o sel has become Ih,; spit rk she and CUI his famous hair·do, pos· ago entitled "Much Ado Aboul nceded." sibl y clearing Ihe way for hi s A '00." The Sly le also became Owen broke fa nner S IU- C relu", 10 Ole squad. known as the "Dwayne-·s record of SchinlZius. suspended from 275.7 on the 3-mclcr dil' ing board the leam Jan . 15 for his part in "He gOl his hair CU I - final­ earlier in the sea son during th e an i ncid~ nt outside 3 campus ly," said Chip Ratliff, mCCl aga in';l AI:1bama w ith a score fralCmil) 1l!>uSC, was ordered by SchinlZius' styli st fo r th e past of 279.2. Galors interim coach Don three years and the owner o f Lucero ,,'C nl on to qualify for the DeVoe to gCI hi s a hai rcul as Mane SlOp S2.1on in Gainesville. 1988 U_S. Diving Team. pan of the penallY. "Dwayne's got a learn ovrr Owen e, ccls in the classroom as In his four years wi th th e lhere waiting for him . and I wC'JI. HCT 3.71 g ral;~ point average Galors, Ihe 7·fool·2 A II ­ th ink Dw.tyne just wanted to c==50ct Stroh'S~ is among :~c 1O~ on the Learn . America senior from Brandon play ball." '" I"ic it here at SJ U. I am so has worn his hair c:ose

~l~<~Cerry Out or ...... , n7-0303 Sl.S. lIlIrtOh Awe. · C...... ~ "I've GOt. a 'Cheezy' Deal for you!" Real Meal Delivery Deal Pay Only A Quatros Medium $7.39 Cheezy Pan or thin Crust Pizza with ~')~ 1 Item, 2 Large 160z. 0' Boftles of Pepsi and ~ Fast, Free Delivery 222 W. Freeman • c.uupus Shopping Center 549-53Z6

The Craft Shop is located on the lower level of the south end of the SIU Student Center, to the Big M ~ddy Room. For further ir.!crmation about any of these workshops stop by or call ...... __ ••••••••• 11 453-3636. : epc conaorta : : pr... nte : Basic Wood Family Coordinated Kid's Classes ... •__ .. - D--- ·* Beginning Guitar Kid's Kaleidoscopes : ~ '~ .. D~_! Jewelry Making Kid's Clay "'~-i.J -a:: ~~-- '.' Qulltmaklng Kid's Jewelry ~-...... - . Sculpture Kid's Tempera Painting ~...... ;:::::'-- . Stained Glass Kid 's Fibers ..... : Beginning Guitar 2 Kid's Collage • Calligraphy Kid's Sculpture · Ceramics for Teens · Basic Ceramics I Coming Soon: Basic Ceramics " Valentine's Cards Pottery Wheel Tole Painting Raku Crafts of the Past Pa:lermaking Funky Furniture Painting Mat Making Learn Car Tune-Up Marbelizing Paper Ceramics Open Studio Survival Sewing Valentine's Day Craft Sale Paint a Pot Springfest '90 Egyptian Paste Beads "Salukis in Space" mte Day Design-Your-Own Workshops Free Face Painting during Paint Bar Springfest! Boomerangs Springfest Craft Sale Kid's Art Fun Room

• ' ~•• • •••" • •• •• • ' • t • January :!5, I990 Daily Egyptian Page 15 BEARS, from Page 16 ---=~~iiiiii!iiiii~iiiiijji!ii"- Wmkr.eld (9.6, 3.8, 59 assists , 38 steals) has joined Dawson and The Bears and Salukis have similar Johnson to bring new life to the Bcars who are tied with Illinois strengths. They are the Gateway's best in Slale (6- 1) for r.r>' in the Gateway. defense . Southwest has allowea' only 58.2 " Southwcst doesn' t have a hig gun ," SCOll said. "They have a b.11· points per game'and the Salukis hp.~ !e gii!en anced au.ack which makes them up an average of 62.5. lough 10 defend. Dawson is a ke)' player inside and will probably malch up with Amy Rakers." SIU-C has held the opposition 10 BUrnell. Whcn Burncll was asked The B.:ars and Salukis have sim· a Gmway·low .405 r.eld goal per. wh:u her concern s ar~ c-:tcring ilar slrengths. I'hey arc lh~ centage while the Bears have lonighl's game, she had:. quick Gateway's best in defense and yielded .420 shooting. response. rcbounrling. South\\ ';$ ( has The Salukis will stay wilh the " Amy Rakers, Amy Rakers, . I()o., ~, ...... nowt