Research Article ii FF o o r r e e s s t t doi: 10.3832/ifor3515-013 Biogeosciences and Forestry vol. 13, pp. 447-455

Shifts in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community composition of Betula alnoides along young, middle-aged plantation and adjacent natural forest

Yuebo Jing (1-2), Betula alnoides is a fast-growing and native timber species prevalently planted Tao Li (1), in tropical and subtropical areas of southern . Despite the large-scale de- velopment of B. alnoides plantations, knowledge of its association with arbus- (3) Hongliang Cui , cular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is limited. In the present study, we chose young Lingfei Li (4), (3-year-old sapling, P3y) and middle-aged (12-year-old stand, P12y) B. alnoid- Samuel C Allen (5), es plantations and adjacent native forest (N) in the Puwen Tropical Forest Ex- (1) perimental Station located in Xishuangbanna prefecture of Yunnan Province, Lin Chen , southwestern China, as study materials and explored the change in AMF com- Yongpeng Li (2), munity composition in the plantation chronosequence. In addition, we com- Zhiwei Zhao (1) bined morphological methods and Illumina MiSeq sequencing techniques to an- alyze rhizosphere soil AMF. The results indicated that the AMF richness and di- versity indexes of B. alnoides at two ages tended to be similar to those of nat- ural growing trees in native forest. However, the specific AM fungal composi- tions were distinctly different, providing evidence of the conservation value of the native forest, which harbors a unique AMF diversity. Hierarchical cluster analysis further revealed that the AMF community composition of trees in the mid-aged stand (P12y) was more similar to that of naturally growing B. alnoid- es (N) than that of the young-aged trees (P3y), which proved the considerable resilience of AMF to the establishment of the B. alnoides plantation. A set of at least five soil properties (available phosphorus, available nitrogen, organic matter, total nitrogen and silt content) was found to play a significant role in shaping the AMF communities. These results contribute to the understanding of the impacts of B. alnoides plantations on AMF diversity and composition. Such information is critical for the efficient planting and sustainable manage- ment of B. alnoides plantations. (1) Laboratory of Conservation and Uti- lization for Bioresources and Key Laboratory Keywords: Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi, Betula alnoides, Plantation, Native of Microbial Diversity in Southwest China, Forest Ministry of Education, Yunnan University, Kunming, 650091 Yunnan (China); (2) Yunnan Introduction warping, and is predominantly used for Academy of Forestry and Grassland, Kun- Significant levels of biodiversity and eco- flooring, in high-grade furniture and inte- ming, 650201 Yunnan (China); (3) Yunnan system services of tropical forests are of rior decoration. Artificial planting of B. al- Reascend Tobacoo Technology (group) Co., global importance. However, due to hu- noides in southern China began in the Ltd., Kunming, 650106 Yunnan (China); (4) man population growth and increasing de- 1980s, and the planting areas have ex- College of Food Science and Technology, Yun- mand for agricultural products, the conver- ceeded 150,000 ha, mainly in Yunnan and nan Agricultural University, Kunming, 650201 sion of natural forest to agricultural land Guangdong provinces (Wang et al. 2016). Yunnan (China); (5) Department of and has been increasing worldwide in recent Along with the large-scale establishment Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Science decades. It was estimated that 68,000 km2 of B. alnoides plantations in southern Center, New Mexico State University, Farm- of tropical forest is lost annually, and this China, some concerns have been paid to ington, NM 87401 (USA) amount is increasing by 3% (>2000 km2) the stability and sustainability of this artifi- each year (Hansen et al. 2013). Presently, cial forest from different ecological as- @ Zhiwei Zhao ([email protected]) agroforestry and human-made forests us- pects, including plant community diversity, ing fast-growing native species for the pur- soil physicochemical properties, carbon se- Received: May 15, 2020 - Accepted: Aug 04, poses of timber and non-timber products questration, and soil and water conserva- 2020 are the sustainable alternatives to satisfy tion (Jiang et al. 1999, Meng et al. 2002, Li the high increasing demand and relieve et al. 2003, Chen et al. 2006). However, the Citation: Jing Y, Li T, Cui H, Li L, Allen pressure on primary tropical forests (Ja- study of microorganisms in this forest is Samuel C, Chen L, Li Y, Zhao Z (2020). Shifts cobs et al. 2015). quite limited. Among the rhizosphere mi- in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal Betula alnoides Buch. Ham. ex D. Don (a crobial communities, arbuscular mycor- community composition of Betula alnoides species) is the only species in the rhizal fungi (AMF) are one of the most criti- along young, middle-aged plantation and genus Betula that has been found naturally cal components; AMF are obligate root adjacent natural forest. iForest 13: 447-455. in the tropics. It is a valuable tree species symbionts associated with approximately – doi: 10.3832/ifor3515-013 [online 2020-10- mainly distributed in southeastern Asia and 72% of vascular (Brundrett & Teder- 07] southern China with good adaptability to a soo 2018) and occur in almost every terres- wide range of soil conditions. The wood of trial ecosystem (Smith & Read 2008). AMF Communicated by: Werther Guidi Nissim B. alnoides has moderate density with opti- are known to provide a wide range of mal texture, is resistant to cracking and ecosystem functions, including improving

© SISEF 447 iForest 13: 447-455 Jing Y et al. - iForest 13: 447-455

y plant productivity through increased nitro- Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grass- Analyses of AM fungal colonization, r t gen and phosphorus acquisition, enhanc- land, Yunnan Province, China (101° 06' E, 22° spore density and morphological s e ing drought tolerance and protecting host 25' N, 800-1354 m a.s.l.). This area belongs identification r

o plants from soil pathogens (Smith & Read to the northern margin of the tropics in the Root segments were cleared with 10% (w/ F

2008). AMF not only play critical roles in Northern Hemisphere. The topology of this v) KOH at 90 °C in a water bath for 60-90 d determining the performance of host spe- area is characterized by low mountains and min. After cooling to room temperature, n a

cies (Van Der Heijden et al. 1998) but also hills, and the soil type is lateritic red soil. root samples were washed with water, cut s enhance the sustainability of ecosystems The climate is tropical monsoon, with a into segments approximately 1 cm in e c by improving soil structure (Rillig & Mum- mean annual temperature of 20.2 °C and length, stained with 0.5% blue ink (Hero® n e mey 2006). Furthermore, since they can re- mean maximum and minimum tempera- 203, Shanghai, China), mounted on micro- i c flect the different levels of degradation tures of 23.9 °C (July and August) and 13.8 scope slides and examined for AM fungal s o and the changes during vegetation recu- °C (January), respectively. The annual rain- structures under a compound light micro- e peration, AMF are correlated with the veg- fall (1675.5 mm ca.) is mostly concentrated scope (Olympus BX53®, Tokyo, Japan). Fun- g o

i etation type and can notably reveal the (86%) in the warm season (May-October). gal colonization was measured by the mag- B

rate of soil development; therefore, the The zonal vegetation includes montane nified intersection method (McGonigle et –

AM fungal community is considered to be a rainforest, monsoon evergreen broad- al. 1990). The percentages of root length t s good soil quality indicator (Pagano et al. leaved forest, wet seasonal forest and ra- with hyphae, vesicles, and arbuscules were e

r 2011). vine rainforest (Wang et al. 2003). B. al- quantified by examining over 200 intersec- o Previous studies reported that arbuscular noides plantations were initially established tions per sample. F i mycorrhizal symbiosis significantly pro- in this area in 1988, and the Puwen Tropical AM fungal spore extraction was carried moted the growth, nutrient absorption Forest Experimental Station contains out by wet sieving and decanting 20 g of and photosynthesis of B. alnoides seedlings stands of different ages. To reduce the ef- air-dried rhizosphere soil (Gerdemann & Ni- in greenhouse experiments (Gong et al. fect of geographical distance on AMF, two colson 1963). Following the nomenclature 2000). There is evidence that afforestation B. alnoides plots, 3-year-old (P3y) and 12- of genera or species proposed by Redecker significantly affects the development, dis- year-old plantation (P12y), close to each et al. (2013), AMF species were identified tribution, and function of the AM fungal other (with a distance of less than 100 m) according to Schenck & Pérez (1990) and community composition (Guo & Han 2008, and a plot of natural stand (N) with B. al- several specialized websites: International Sheng et al. 2017). However, studies focus- noides trees adjacent to the plantation Culture Collection of Vesicular Arbuscular ing on AM symbiosis and the composition were selected; the selected plots were at Mycorrhizal Fungi (http://invam.caf.wvu. of AMF communities in B. alnoides forests the same slope. Thus, the study serves as a edu/), Blaszkowski (http://www.zor.zut. have yet to be conducted, which is critical specific case for exploring the AMF re-, Schübler and as the first step towards the management cruited by B. alnoides at different growing Walker ( and application of AMF communities aimed stages. Sampling was conducted in Octo- /amphylo/). at improving the health of the soil to pro- ber 2018. Five B. alnoides trees from each mote the productivity and sustainability of plot were chosen randomly, totalling 15 se- Soil DNA extraction, PCR, Illumina B. alnoides plantations. lected trees. For each B. alnoides sample, MiSeq sequencing and bioinformatics The present study was conducted at the the fine roots and rhizosphere soil from analysis Puwen Tropical Forest Experimental Sta- four directions (east, west, south and Using the EZNA® Soil DNA Kit (Omega tion located in Xishuangbanna Prefecture north) were collected, mixed and homoge- Bio-tek, Norcross, GA, USA), genomic DNA of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. nized into a homogenous sample. To en- was extracted from 0.5 g of air-dried soil Xishuangbanna is an Indo-Burma biodiver- sure identity of each sample, we followed sample according to the manufacturer’s sity hotspot and comprises 16% of the total each root to their origin and distinguished protocol. The final DNA purity and concen- plant diversity in China (Cao et al. 2006). the B. alnoides roots by observing the dark tration were determined with a NanoDrop The forests in this area have a biodiversity red color of the velamen and the peculiar 2000® UV-vis spectrophotometer (Thermo that is important both globally and nation- smell. Scientific, Wilmington, MA, USA), and DNA ally. Therefore, more studies concerning The average diameters at breast height quality was checked by 1% (w/v) agarose the conservation of biodiversity are need- (DBH) of sampled B. alnoides trees from gel electrophoresis. ed to provide information and enhance the P3y and P12y and N were 4.9, 18.7 and 36.6 Nested PCR was used to improve the understanding of this specific forest eco- cm, respectively, which can represent the fragment specificity. The first PCR was per- system. young, mediate and mature stages of B. al- formed using a combination of the AM fun- We selected young (3-year-old saplings, noides. There was no management in the gal-specific primers AML1 (5'-ATCAACTTTC- P3y) and middle-aged (12-year-old stand, soil of the plantation (fertilization, herbi- GATGGTAGGATAGA-3') and AML2 (5'-GAAC- P12y) B. alnoides plantations and adjacent cide or tillage). Only manual weeding was CCAAACACTTTGGTTTCC-3' - Lee et al. 2008) native forest (N) at the same slope as the conducted during the first and second with an initial denaturation at 95 °C for 3 study targets. The primary objectives were years of planting. min; 32 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, 55 °C for 30 (i) to study the AM symbiosis of B. alnoides s, and 72 °C for 45 s; and a final extension in the forest, (ii) to assess to what extent Soil characteristics analysis step of 72 °C for 10 min. The product of the B. alnoides plantation affects AM fungal The soil samples were air-dried and ho- first PCR amplification was used as the composition and diversity by illuminating mogenized by sieving through a 2-mm template DNA for the next PCR. AM fungal- the shifts in different growing stages and mesh to remove plant debris and coarse specific primers AMV4.5NF (5'-AAGCTCG- comparing them with naturally growing B. sand. Particle-size analysis was conducted TAGTTGAATTTCG-3') and AMDGR (5'-CCCA- alnoides trees in native forest, and (iii) to with the pipette method according to the ACTATCCCTATTAATCAT-3') were added (Lu- explore the soil properties affecting the U.S. Department of Agriculture system mini et al. 2010), and nested PCR was con- shift in AMF communities after afforesta- (Singer M & Janitzky 1986) to examine the ducted with an initial denaturation at 95 °C tion with B. alnoides. soil texture. Soil enzyme activities were de- for 3 min; 30 cycles of 95 °C for 30 s, 55 °C termined using the enzyme activity assay for 30 s, and 72 °C for 45 s; and a final ex- Materials and methods kits (Suzhou Comin Biotechnology Co., tension step of 72 °C for 10 min. Both PCRs Ltd., Jiangsu, China) according to the man- were carried out in 20 μL of reaction mix- Site description and sampling ufacturer’s protocol. The chemical proper- tures containing 4 μL of 5× FastPfu Buffer, The study site is located in the Puwen ties of soils were analyzed using the meth- 2 μL of 2.5 mM dNTPs, 0.4 μL of each Tropical Forest Experimental Station of ods described by Du et al. (2006). primer (10 mM), 0.4 μL of FastPfu poly-

448 iForest 13: 447-455 Betula alnoides and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

merase, 1 μL of template DNA (approxi- y Tab. 1 - Soil properties of young and middle-aged Betula alnoides plantations and adja- r mately 10 ng), 0.2 μL of BSA, and 10.8 μL of t cent native forest located in Puwen Tropical Forest Experimental Station, Xishuang- s sterile distilled H2O. An 8-bp sequence bar- e banna prefecture of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. P3y, P12y and N represent r

code was added as a tag to distinguish the o

3-year-old saplings, 12-year-old stands and adjacent native forests, respectively. (TN): F PCR products from one another. The amplified fragments were extracted total nitrogen; (TP): total phosphorus; (TK): total potassium; (AN): available nitrogen; d (AP): available phosphorus; (AK): available potassium; (OM): organic matter; (ACP): n a

from 2% agarose gels and purified with an

acid phosphatase activity; (ALP): alkaline phosphatase activity; (UE): urease activity; s AxyPrep® DNA Gel Extraction Kit (Axygen, e

USA) following the manufacturer’s instruc- (CAT): catalase activity; (SC): sucrase activity. Data are expressed as the mean ± SE c (n=5). Differences at p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. n tions and quantified using QuantiFluorTM- e i ® ST (Promega, USA). Purified amplicons c Soil s were pooled in equimolar and paired-end Units P3y P12y N p o

parameter e sequenced (2×300) on an Illumina MiSeq® pH - 4.64 ± 0.04 4.28 ± 0.03 4.22 ± 0.01 0.006 g o

platform (Illumina, San Diego, CA, USA) ac- i -1

TN g kg 0.54 ± 0.06 1.18 ± 0.05 1.48 ± 0.11 0.004 B

cording to standard protocols by Majorbio

-1 –

Bio-Pharm Technology Co., Ltd. (Shanghai, TP g kg 0.27 ± 0.01 0.37 ± 0.03 0.38 ± 0.01 0.008 t

China). TK g kg-1 8.81 ± 0.17 12.52 ± 0.77 10.50 ± 0.54 0.008 s e

Raw fastq files were quality-filtered by r AN mg kg-1 44.20 ± 5.73 95.93 ± 12.55 141.90 ± 9.03 0.005 Trimmomatic and assembled by FLASH. o -1 F The criteria used were as follows: (i) the AP mg kg 1.97 ± 0.13 2.87 ± 0.23 3.66 ± 0.38 0.005 i reads were truncated at any site with an AK mg kg-1 54.50 ± 1.66 73.25 ± 6.19 105.25 ± 19.26 0.009 average quality score <20 over a 50 bp slid- OM g kg-1 11.00 ± 1.49 25.50 ± 1.28 33.96 ± 2.40 0.004 ing window; (ii) sequences with overlaps ACP μmol d-1 g-1 12.43 ± 1.75 11.39 ± 0.64 13.18 ± 1.73 0.827 longer than 10 bp were assembled, provid- ALP μmol d-1 g-1 2.02 ± 0.34 12.65 ± 0.28 12.65 ± 0.28 0.009 ing their overlap had less than 2 bp mis- UE μg d-1 g-1 538.12 ± 77.94 1058.85 ± 68.03 964.81 ± 38.75 0.007 matches; (iii) sequences of each sample -1 -1 were separated using barcodes (exactly CAT μmol d g 4.58 ± 0.41 25.40 ± 1.65 25.33 ± 2.03 0.009 matching) and primers (allowing 2 nucleo- SC mg d-1 g-1 17.57 ± 2.91 35.27 ± 4.92 34.47 ± 2.00 0.013 tide mismatches), and reads containing Sand % 42.40 ± 1.36 45.40 ± 2.71 47.60 ± 1.03 0.070 ambiguous bases were deleted. Silt % 16.20 ± 0.37 24.00 ± 1.05 24.60 ± 1.69 0.009 Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were Clay % 41.60 ± 1.57 30.60 ± 3.42 27.80 ± 1.63 0.020 clustered with a 97% similarity cutoff using UPARSE (version 7.1 – parse/) with a novel “greedy” algorithm clearly separated among different aged chical cluster analysis using Spearman_ap- that performs chimera filtering and OTU plantations and natural stand and to fur- prox distance. Mantel tests using Euclidean clustering simultaneously. The ther explore the effect of soil parameters distances were conducted to understand of each sequence was analyzed using the on AMF composition, we performed non- the relationships between the AM fungal RDP Classifier algorithm (http://rdp.cme. metrical multidimensional scaling (NMDS) communities and environmental factors. against the MaarjAM database based on the relative abundance of mor- The “ecodist” package of R version 3.2 was with a confidence threshold of 70% (Opik et phological species and OTU matrix (OTU used (Goslee & Urban 2007). al. 2010). abundance table) using Morisita-Horn dis- similarity in the “vegan” R package (Oksa- Results Statistical analysis nen et al. 2013). Subsequently, differences Variations in soil physical, chemical and bi- in community composition among three Soil characteristics ological characteristics and AMF attributes, study stands were tested by permutational The soil physicochemical and biological including AMF colonization in roots, spore multivariate analysis of variance (PER- parameters showed significant differences density and relative abundance of morpho- MANOVA) with 1000 iterations performed among the 3 study plots except for acid logical species identified from rhizosphere using the package “vegan” in R. In addi- phosphatase activity and sand percentage soil, and Glomeromycota OTUs in soil, were tion, the similarity among AM fungal com- (Tab. 1). The soil of this area was acidic. The analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. munities concerning the number and abun- lowest pH value was found in plot N (4.22), To test whether the AMF composition dance of OTUs was determined by hierar- while the highest pH value was in plot P3y

Fig. 1 - Structures of AMF colonizing the roots of Betula alnoides trees in different study stands. (a) Vesicles (V) and hyphae in the root apparatus of a 3-year-old Betula alnoides plant. (b) Arbuscules (A) and hyphae (H) are visible in the roots of 12-year-old Betula alnoides trees. (c) Hypha (H) and hyphal coil (HC) in the root apparatus of Betula alnoides trees growing in the native forest. Scale bar =30 μm. iForest 13: 447-455 449 Jing Y et al. - iForest 13: 447-455

y percentages of naturally growing B. al- r Tab. 2 - AM fungal attributes of young and middle-age d Betula alnoides plantations t noides were the lowest among the three s and adjacent native forest located in Puwen Tropical Forest Experimental Station, e studied stands, with hyphal, arbuscule and r Xishuangbanna prefecture of Yunnan Province, southwestern China. P3y, P12y and N

o vesicle colonization percentages of 7.54%,

F represent 3-year-old saplings, 12-year-old stand and adjacent native forest, respec- 0.58% and 4.16%, respectively. However, a d tively. Data are expressed as the mean ± SE (n=5). Differences at p < 0.05 were consid- significant difference among different n ered statistically significant. a

stands was only detected for hyphal colo- s nization (p = 0.044 – Tab. 2). e c Attributes P3y P12y N p-value Along the chronosequence, the AMF n AMF hypha colonization (%) 19.00 ± 5.61 25.32 ± 2.18 7.54 ± 2.57 0.044 e spore density in rhizospheric soil increased i c Arbuscule colonization (%) 1.61 ± 0.67 3.84 ± 2.17 0.58 ± 0.30 0.170 from 51 spores in P3y to 98 spores in P12y s o Vesicle colonization (%) 15.97 ± 5.55 15.30 ± 2.13 4.16 ± 1.44 0.088 and up to 225 spores per 20 g of air-dried e soil in N (Tab. 2). However, the Kruskal-Wal- g Spore density (no. spore/20 g soil) 51.00 ± 18.23 98.00 ± 37.18 225.20 ± 82.95 0.054 o

i lis test did not detect a significant differ- Shannon index of morphospecies 1.29 ± 0.11 1.59 ± 0.11 1.51 ± 0.08 0.114 B

ence (p = 0.054).

– Simpson index of morphospecies 0.66 ± 0.04 0.72 ± 0.05 0.70 ± 0.05 0.336 t s Chao-1 of OTUs 46.50 ± 2.54 56.62 ± 4.26 32.65 ± 6.68 0.026 Morphological diversity of the AM e r Sobs of OTUs 42.80 ± 2.85 52.40 ± 4.55 31.60 ± 6.22 0.077 fungal community o From the soil of the study plots, we iden- F Shannon index of OTUs 2.74 ± 0.15 2.90 ± 0.07 2.12 ± 0.39 0.160 i tified 23 morphospecies belonging to 2 or- Simpson index of OTUs 0.10 ± 0.02 0.08 0.25 ± 0.10 0.154 ders, 3 families and 4 genera, including 12 identified to the species level and 11 identi- (4.64). Regarding the chemical properties, served in P12y soil, and the ALP activities of fied to the genus level (Tab. 3, Fig. 2). Glo- the soil fertility obviously increased with in- P12y and N soils were the same (Tab. 1). mus and were the most repre- creasing age of the B. alnoides tree. P3y soil sentative genera in the study area, with 10 showed significantly lowest values for TN, AM fungal colonization and spore and 8 species, respectively, followed by TP, TK, AN, AP, AK and OM, whereas N soil density Scutellospora (4 species). The total richness presented the highest values for these Some typical structures of AMF that colo- of AMF from P3y, P12y and N was 12, 15 and properties except for TK. The N soil had nized the roots of B. alnoides of different 17 species, respectively. The fungal Shan- the highest sand and silt contents, while ages are presented in Fig. 1. Overall, the non index and Simpson index values were P3y soil had the highest amount of clay. In level of root AMF colonization peaked at highest in P21y, followed by N, and those of relation to biological properties (enzyme the intermediate stage (12 years), with root P3y were the lowest; however, the indexes activities), the lowest ALP, UE, CAT and SC length colonization percentages of 25.32%, were not significantly different (p > 0.05 – activities were observed in P3y soil, the 3.84% and 15.30% for hyphae, arbuscules Tab. 2). highest UE, CAT, SC activities were ob- and vesicles, respectively. The colonization In accordance with the NMDS permuta-

Tab. 3 - Relative abundance of AMF morphospecies in Betula alnoides rhizosphere soil of young and middle-aged plantations and adjacent native forest located in Puwen Tropical Forest Experimental Station, Xishuangbanna prefecture of Yunnan province, south - western China. P3y, P12y and N represent 3-year-old saplings, 12-year-old stand and adjacent native forest, respectively. Data are expressed as the mean ± SE (n=5). Differences at p < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Genus Morphospecies P3y P12y N p-value Acaulospora Acaulospora bireticulata F.M. Rothwell& Trappe 0 0.17 ± 0.17 0 0.368 Acaulospora capsicula B‚aszk. 6.73 ± 2.32 6.68 ± 3.58 20.48 ± 8.80 0.277 Acaulospora foveataTrappe & Janos 3.13 ± 3.13 0.73 ± 0.36 0.48 ± 0.21 0.602 Acaulospora koskei B‚aszk. 0 0 0.04 ± 0.04 0.368 Acaulospora laevisGerd. & Trappe 6.33 ± 4.98 7.28 ± 3.92 3.44 ± 1.54 0.871 Acaulospora sp. 1 0.63 ± 0.63 0 0 0.368 Acaulospora sp. 2 0 0 0.11 ± 0.11 0.368 Acaulospora sp. 3 0 0.17 ± 0.17 0 0.368 Gigaspora Gigaspora sp. 1 0 0 0.17 ± 0.17 0.368 Glomus Glomus flavisporum Trappe & Gerd. 27.08 ± 4.71 10.19 ± 3.72 4.75 ± 2.39 0.007 Glomus fuegianum Trappe & Gerd. 0 0 0.40 ± 0.40 0.368 Glomus macrocarpum Tul. & C.Tul. 0 6.79 ± 3.51 11.71 ± 4.14 0.027 Glomus multicaule Gerd. & B.K. Bakshi 0.50 ± 0.50 33.65 ± 10.14 15.96 ± 6.93 0.005 Glomus sp. 1 45.19 ± 7.83 14.54 ± 6.35 29.78 ± 9.93 0.065 Glomus sp. 2 0.63 ± 0.63 0.69 ± 0.33 0.04 ± 0.04 0.325 Glomus sp. 3 0.33 ± 0.33 0 0 0.368 Glomus sp. 4 0 11.50 ± 7.04 0.11 ± 0.11 0.266 Glomus sp. 5 0 0.09 ± 0.09 0.04 ± 0.04 0.581 Glomus sp. 6 0 0 0.04 ± 0.04 0.368 Sclerocystis Sclerocystis coremioides Berk. & Broome 0 1.20 ± 1.20 0 0.368 Sclerocystis rubiformis Gerd. & Trappe 6.47 ± 3.31 5.97 ± 1.83 12.25 ± 4.34 0.403 Sclerocystis sinuosa Gerd. & B.K. Bakshi 0.50 ± 0.50 0 0 0.368 Sclerocystis sp. 1 2.50 ± 2.50 0.35 ± 0.35 0.20 ± 0.16 0.891

450 iForest 13: 447-455 Betula alnoides and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi y

Fig. 2 - AMF spores isolated r t

from rhizosphere soils of s e

Betula alnoides trees and r o

morphological identifica- F

tion. (a) Acaulospora fov- d eata; (b) Acaulospora lae- n a

vis; (c) Acaulospora koskei; s e

(d) Glomus multicaule; (e) c

(f) Sclerocystis sinuosa; (g) n e Sclerocystis rubiformis; (h) i c

Glomus sp. 6; (i) Sclerocys- s o

tis sp. 1; (j) Acaulospora sp. e 3; (k) Glomus sp. 2; (l) Giga- g o spora sp. 1. (a)-(i): scale bar i B

= 20 μm; (j)-(l): scale bar = –

50 μm. t s e r o F i

tion test on the relative abundance of dif- and Sclerocystis sp. 1. Three taxa, namely, MiSeq® sequencing after quality control, ferent morphological taxa, there was no Acaulospora sp. 1, Glomus sp. 3 and S. sinu- and a total of 119 OTUs were detected clear separation of the AM fungal commu- osa, occurred only in P3y; three taxa, based on 97% similarity (Tab. S1 in Supple- nity composition of P3y, P12y and N. Only namely, A. bireticulata, Acaulospora sp. 3 mentary material). All sequences belonged Glomus flavisporum (p = 0.007), G. macro- and S. coremioides occurred only in P12y; to the phylum Glomeromycota, including carpum (p = 0.027) and G. multicaule (p = and five taxa, namely, A. koskei, Acaulo- ten genera, namely, Archaeospora, unclas- 0.005) showed different abundances of spora sp. 2, Glomus fuegianum, Glomus sp. 6 sified Archaeosporaceae, Acaulospora, Re- AMF spores among the studied stands and Gigaspora sp. 1, occurred only in N. deckera, Scutellospora, unclassified Gigas- (Tab. 3). poraceae, Gigaspora, Glomus, Paraglomus Nine taxa were recorded in all three AM fungal community composition and unclassified Glomeromycetes. With in- plots: Acaulospora capsicula, A. foveata, A. assessed by Illumina MiSeq sequencing creasing read numbers, the species accu- laevis, G. flavisporum, G.multicaule, Glomus A total of 269,130 sequences were ob- mulation curves (Fig. S1 in Supplementary sp. 1, Glomus sp. 2, Sclerocystis rubiformis tained from all 15 samples from Illumina material) tended to reach a saturation

Fig. 3 - Non-metric multidimen- sional scaling (NMDS) plots show- ing the correlations between AM fungal community and soil charac- teristics. NMDS permutation test on OTU abundance (a) and on the relative abundance of different morphological taxa (b). Physico- chemical correlations are shown with lines. The length of lines indi- cates the relative importance of that variable in explaining the vari- ation in AM fungal community composition, while the angle be- tween arrows indicates the degree to which they are correlated. iForest 13: 447-455 451 Jing Y et al. - iForest 13: 447-455

y plateau, indicating that the sampling inten- r t sity was sufficient. s e Nine, 10, and 6 genera were detected r

o from P3y, P12y and N, respectively (Tab. S2 F

in Supplementary material). Based on Illu- d mina MiSeq® sequencing, the diversity in- n a

dexes of Chao-1, Sobs and Shannon index s peaked in P12y, followed by P3y, and those e c of N were the lowest. Nevertheless, only n e the difference in Chao-1 was significant (p = i c 0.026 – Tab. 2). s o The NMDS permutation test resulted in a e clear separation of the AM fungal commu- g o

i nity composition of P3y, P12y and N (Fig. B

3a). This observation was further con- –

firmed by the PERMANOVA test (F=7.2688, t Fig. 4 - Proportional distributions of the sequences and operational taxonomic units s p=0.001 – Tab. S3 in Supplementary mate- e (OTUs) in the phylum Glomeromycota among the total, P3y, P12y and N samples. P3y, r rial). The 3 stands shared Glomus, Acaulo- o P12y and N represent 3-year-old sapling, 12-year-old stand and adjacent native forest, spora, Gigaspora, unclassified Gigaspora- F i respectively. ceae, unclassified Archaeosporaceae and unclassified Glomeromycetes. Glomus was Tab. 4 - Mantel test of relationships of AM fungal community composition of Betula the most dominant genus in all 3 stands, alnoides stands with soil characteristics. (TN): total nitrogen; (TP): total phosphorus; with sequence proportions of 87.31%, (TK): total potassium; (AN): available nitrogen; (AP): available phosphorus; (AK): avail- 87.56% and 55.00% in P3y, P12y and N, fol- able potassium; (OM): organic matter; (ACP): acid phosphatase activity; (ALP): alka- lowed by Acaulospora, with proportions of line phosphatase activity; (UE): urease activity; (CAT): catalase activity; (SC): sucrase 11.01%, 10.17% and 43.12% in P3y, P12y and N, activity. Values in italics indicate significant correlations (p < 0.05). respectively; Redeckera was detected only in P12y. Three taxa, namely, Archaeospora, Scutellospora and Paraglomus, were shared AM fungal community Variable by P3y and P12y and were not found in N Mantel r p value (Fig. 4 – Tab. S2 in Supplementary mate- pH 0.1536 0.2150 rial). TN 0.3259 0.0170 Hierarchical cluster analysis concerning TP 0.1342 0.3490 the number and abundance of OTUs showed that the AMF communities of 15 TK -0.0520 0.7650 samples were divided into two distinct AN 0.3076 0.0040 clusters, one cluster contained only the five AP 0.5774 0.0010 samples of P3y. In contrast, the other clus- ter included the five samples of P12y and AK 0.3069 0.0800 five samples of N, showing a high degree OM 0.3326 0.0060 of similarity of AMF communities from ACP 0.1032 0.4100 these two study stands (Fig. 5). ALP 0.1045 0.3670 AM fungal attributes and community UE 0.0780 0.6620 composition in relation to soil CAT 0.1465 0.1910 characteristics SC -0.0995 0.5700 Considering the AM fungal attributes, in- sand 0.0061 0.9840 cluding AM colonization, spore density and diversity indexes, including morphological silt 0.2426 0.0220 and molecular, the Kruskal-Wallis test only clay 0.2029 0.1310 found significant differences among differ- ent study stands on two attributes, name- ly, colonization percentage of AMF hyphae Fig. 5 - Hierarchi- (p = 0.044) and Chao-1 index of OTUs in the cal cluster analy- molecular analysis (p = 0.026 – Tab. 2). sis based on the Neat clustering was not apparent in the OTU similarity of morphological analysis of AM fungal com- AM fungal com- munities on the relative abundance of dif- munities from ferent taxa (Fig. 3b), and significant dissimi- P3y, P12y and N. larity between different study stands was P3y, P12y and N not observed (PERMANOVA test r2=0.1320, represent 3- F=1.9775, p=0.1480 – Tab. S3 in Supplemen- year-old sap- tary material). lings, 12-year-old The variation in AM fungal community stand and adja- composition based on OTUs was positively cent native for- correlated with a series of parameters, in- est, respectively. cluding soil AP, AK, AN, TN, TP, TK, OM, silt, sand, ALP, CAT, UE and SC along axis NMDS1, whereas pH and clay were posi- tively correlated with variation along axis NMDS2 (Fig. 3a). Furthermore, to compare

452 iForest 13: 447-455 Betula alnoides and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi

the effects of variables on the AM fungal the sporulation rates of different species excellent, and this kind of resilience was y r community composition, Mantel tests and has also been found to be closely re- also confirmed by the study of reforesta- t s were conducted. AP had the most substan- lated to host plants (Diop et al. 1994, Bever tion plots on degraded pastures in South e r

tial effect on the community (p=0.001), and et al. 1996). Ecuador (Haug et al. 2010). Likewise, in our o F

AN, OM, TN, and silt content also signifi- In our study, the spore density increased study, B. alnoides plantations did not sig- cantly influenced the AM fungal commu- over a chronosequence from 3 years old to nificantly reduce the AM fungal community d n a

nity composition (Tab. 4). 12 years old and in natural stand with long diversity, and resilience was not low in B. growing time and denser vegetation cover. alnoides plantations compared with neigh- s e

Discussion These results appear to contradict those of boring natural forest. Moreover, with in- c n

The present study was the first to explore Birhane et al. (2018), who observed a low creasing stand age, the AMF fungal com- e i the AM symbiosis of B. alnoides in both spore density in dense vegetation cover munities showed a noticeable develop- c s plantations and natural stand and to com- and significantly higher spore density in ment trend towards the natural stand. o pare AM fungal community composition poor vegetation cover but agree with the However, the distinct composition of the e g o

among young sapling, middle-aged and findings of Sheng et al. (2017), who found a natural stand itself revealed the consider- i B

mature natural growing B. alnoides in tropi- linear increase in spore abundance in black able potential for AMF diversity conserva- – cal ecosystems of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantations tion, suggesting the crucial importance of t

Province, southwestern China. Thus, it is over a chronosequence from 11 to 46 years. protecting pristine tropical forests. s e

the first step in understanding the ecologi- In our study, the low AMF spore density The results of our study, including both r cal aspects of AM fungal communities in B. in 3-year-old plantation could be attributed the morphological identification of spores o F alnoides plantations and the first step to- to disturbances in the soil due to vegeta- and molecular analysis, showed that Glo- i wards the management of AM fungal com- tion removal during land preparation be- mus and Acaulospora were the dominant munities aiming at improving the planta- fore planting B. alnoides seedlings, as AMF taxa. These two genera have a high preva- tion soil quality and health as a whole. availability and activity can be affected by lence in most ecosystems (Da Silva et al. tillage or soil preparation, which can result 2015, De Pontes et al. 2017, Pereira et al. Primary status of AM of B. alnoides in a significant decrease in spore density 2018), which is possibly due to the high stands at different ages (De Pontes et al. 2017). adaptability of these AM fungal groups to The results indicated that among the AM different plant hosts, soil types, climatic fungal attributes studied, hyphal coloniza- AM fungal community diversity and conditions and other environmental char- tion in roots and the Chao-1 index of AMF composition acteristics (Vieira et al. 2019). OTUs in rhizosphere soil differed among A total of 9, 10 and 6 AM fungal genera Regarding the proportion of specific gen- the three studied stands; those in P12y were identified in P3y, P12y and N by Illu- era, the results of Illumina MiSeq® sequenc- were the highest, followed by P3y, and the mina MiSeq sequencing, respectively. How- ing revealed that the proportions of Glo- lowest was N. This result could be ex- ever, based on spore morphological identi- mus sequences in P3y and P12y were 87.31% plained considering the nutrient-rich condi- fication, 12, 15 and 17 species belonging to and 87.56%, respectively, showing the ab- tions of the natural stand; sufficient min- four genera, namely, Acaulospora, Glomus, solute position. In contrast, in the natural eral nutrients may be taken up by plants Gigaspora and Sclerocystis, were detected. stand, Glomus sequences had a proportion from the soil without the help of AMF, Variation in the sporulation rate of differ- of 55.00%, which was not as significantly leading to a gradual reduction in the de- ent AMF species might explain the differ- dominant as that in plantations. Glomus pendency of plants on AMF (Liu et al. ent findings between the morphological taxa are thought to be resistant to many 2017). The higher root AMF colonization of and molecular analyses since morphology kinds of disturbances (Chagnon et al. 2013), middle-aged B. alnoides trees in our study depended on spore surveys in rhizosphere which might partly explain the higher pro- was similar to that reported by Sheng et al. soil. In contrast, the molecular method portion of this group in plantations. (2017) of black locust (Robinia pseudoaca- could be used to detect all the AMF prop- cia) plantations. Sheng et al. found that the agules, including spores, hyphae and AMF- Soil characteristics driving AM fungal AMF colonization of black locust tree roots infected rootlets of the host plant. Never- communities in plantations along a chronosequence of theless, to more thoroughly assess AMF The influences of climate, soil and plant 11, 23, 35 and 46 years of age showed a community diversity, it is necessary to as- communities on AMF communities are well hump-shaped variation, peaking at an in- sociate classical taxonomic evaluations documented (Antunes et al. 2011, Sheng et termediate stage of 35 years. Moreover, with molecular biological techniques (Jú- al. 2017, Melo et al. 2017). Although many AMF have different life strategies (Her- nior et al. 2019). An accurate depiction of researchers have reported that soil impacts rmann et al. 2016); for instance, Glomus the AM fungal community could be ob- AMF diversity, there is no consistent con- species are known as competitive root col- tained by Illumina MiSeq® sequencing since clusion. Some authors have reported that onizers since they can colonize roots from a tremendous amount of amplicon data soil texture has a more significant influence spores (Herrmann et al. 2016). The experi- can be collected with this technique (Liu et on the AMF community than soil chemical ment on Plantago lanceolata showed that al. 2017). In contrast, morphological studies properties (Da Silva et al. 2015, Duarte et al. Claroideoglomus species could colonize can accumulate propagules, which are nec- 2019). However, other studies have found roots profusely and form numerous arbus- essary for studying the application of AMF that while soil chemistry does modify the cules and hyphal coils (Blaszkowski et al. in the following step. AMF community, soil texture does not ap- 2015). In this study, the B. alnoides trees at AMF species richness was high in planta- pear to do so (Pagano et al. 2013). different ages harbored distinct AMF tions, pointing to a broader range of niches In the present study, soil pH, AP, AK, AN, groups, which might partly explain the di- and opportunities in these study plots. Sim- TN, TP, OM, silt, sand, clay, ALP, CAT, UE, vergence of AMF colonization in roots. ilar results were obtained by Reyes et al. SC and TK differed significantly among the (2019), who compared the morphospecies three studied stands. These factors are vi- AMF spore density in rhizosphere soil of AMF in 3-4-year-old and 6-8-year-old de- tal in shaping AM fungal communities in AMF spore densities recorded from 51 graded secondary forests with mature rain- different natural ecosystems (Lin et al. spores/20 g air-dried soil to 225 spores/20 g forests and found that both the species 2012, Xiang et al. 2014, Reyes et al. 2019). air-dried soil in this study were comparable richness and Shannon index of degraded However, which factors principally contrib- to those observed from the tropics (Bir- secondary forest regrowth were signifi- ute to the differences in AM fungal com- hane et al. 2018). AMF spores are resting cantly higher than those of mature rain- munities in different stands is of critical structures that are involved in “long-term” forests. They thus concluded that the re- concern. We revealed that AP was the main survival, and their abundance varies with silience of secondary forests was high and driving factor of the AM fungal communi- iForest 13: 447-455 453 Jing Y et al. - iForest 13: 447-455

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