Landon & Holton-Arms Middle Schools Present:

Disney’s High School Musical Jr.

Information Packet

Please find enclosed:

 Audition Notice  Important Production Information  Character Breakdown  Permission Form (To be completed & returned at the Audition)  Audition Form (To be completed & returned at the Audition)  Technical Team Application Form (To be completed & handed to Mrs. Gersh by Dec 7th)

Please read everything carefully with a parent/guardian before scheduling your audition and completing the attached forms. Questions? Email: [email protected]

‘We’re all in this together!’ – High School Musical Jr.


Production Information for High School Musical Jr.

We encourage all students who are interested in a participating in the Middle School Musical to audition for the show – whether in a Principal (Solo Singing/Speaking) role or as part of the ensemble.

Being cast in a principal role in Disney’s High School Musical Jr. is a considerable time commitment that requires total support from both student and parents. We encourage families to look closely at their personal schedule and make sure there is adequate time for homework, athletics, rest, and family time before committing to the musical in a principal role.

If cast, students are expected to attend every rehearsal their character is called for – Please Note: some roles require more rehearsals than others! Not every Student will be called for every rehearsal, principals can expect 2-4 afterschool rehearsals per week. Students are expected to be collected promptly at the end of rehearsals. Information can be found on the portal and weekly Landon newsletter.

Rehearsals: For all students, rehearsals will take place 4-5:30pm (sometimes later but no later than 7pm) in the PAC auditorium at Landon School.

The full cast will not be called for every rehearsal. A detailed rehearsal schedule will be available on the portal – please be aware we will try to stick to the published schedule but it is subject to change.


Required Rehearsals: Landon PAC, 4-5:30/7pm (NO later than 7pm) DECEMBER:

Monday Dec 11th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – First read through of script – scripts/CDs distributed Tuesday Dec 12th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal Wednesday Dec 13th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal 6:00-7:00pm MANDATORY PARENT MEETING FOLLOWING Thursday Dec 14th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal Monday Dec 18th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal

WINTER BREAK – Students expected to work on learning lines/songs


Thursday Jan 4th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Review/ Scene 9 Monday Jan 8th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Scenes 16,17,18 Tuesday Jan 9th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Troy, Gabriella, Ms. Darbus, Ryan, Sharpay, Chad, Zeke, Taylor – Scenes 2, 3, 5 Wednesday Jan 10th 4:00-5:30pm Ryan, Sharpay, Gabriella, Troy, Zeke, Chad, Taylor – Scenes 8, 10,11,12 Thursday Jan 11th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Ms. Darbus, Taylor, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Troy, Chad, Coach Bolton, (Detention students) 4-5:30pm– Scene 6 Friday Jan 12th 4:00-5:30pm Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Troy, (Jocks), Ms.Darbus, Gabriella, Kelsi - Scenes 13, 15 Tuesday Jan 16th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Kelsi, Ms. Darbus, James, Susan, Cathy, Cyndra, Ryan, Sharpay, Gabriella, Troy, (Thespians) - Scene 7 Wednesday Jan 17th 4:00-5:30pm Troy, Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Zeke, Martha, Jason, Kratnoff, (Jocks, Brainiacs) – Scene 14 Thursday Jan 18th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST - Scenes 16/17 Friday Jan 19th 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL – TBC – FULL CAST on call – please be available Saturday Jan 20th 9:00-11:30am: FULL CAST / 12:00-2:00pm PRINCIPALS STAY 9:00-2:00pm: TECH CREW – Carpentry Masterclass (Lunch provided to those who stay after 11:30am) Monday Jan 22nd 4:00-5:15pm Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Troy, (Jocks) - no Holton this week Tuesday Jan 23rd 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week Wednesday Jan 24th 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week Thursday Jan 25th 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week

Monday Jan 29th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Stumble Run: Scenes 1-10 Tuesday Jan 30th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Stumble Run: Scenes 10-18 Wednesday Jan 31st 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Scene 18 & Curtain Call


Thursday Feb 1st 4:00-5:30pm PRINCIPALS ONLY Friday Feb 2nd 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL - TBC - CAST on call – please be available Monday Feb 5th 4:00-7:00pm REHEARSAL - TBC - CAST on call – please be available Tuesday Feb 6th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Stumble / Tech Wednesday Feb 7th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST – Tech Thursday Feb 8th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Run Through Monday Feb 12th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Clean up / BAND Tuesday Feb 13th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Run Through Costumes/ BAND Wednesday Feb 14th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Final Full Dress

Performance Dates: Thursday February 15th Daytime Performance: 1pm Call – 2:00pm SHOWTIME Evening Performance: 6pm Call – 7:00pm SHOWTIME Costumes:

After casting is complete - we will be asking parents to assist us by obtaining a few basic costume items detailed in a costume packet for your child’s assigned character. If you are unable to acquire a particular item, please do let me know and we will be happy to help.

Costumes –To be sourced by DEADLINE: Friday January 12th 2018

Parent Volunteers:

Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to assist with costumes or support for the musical.

Please see me if you have any questions.

Thank you. We look forward to an exciting production ahead!

~ Mrs. Karina Gershowitz


(Please complete this page and return at the audition)

We have read the audition / production information and understand the time and commitments of performing in HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL Jr. I understand that I must attend ALL of the REQUIRED REHEARSALS FOR THE ROLE I AM CAST IN and that if I cannot attend one or more of them (without prior permission), I will be RELEASED from my role. If I am cast, I agree to honor all of the requirements expected of me.

______(Student Name, Grade & School) (Student Signature)

______(Date) (Parent Signature) We will be using email & the portal as a major form of communicating information to students and parents. Please provide an email address that you are able to check daily.

______(Student e-mail address)

______(Parent e-mail address) (Parent phone number) Required Rehearsals: Landon PAC, 4-5:30/7pm DECEMBER:

Monday Dec 11th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – First read through of script Tuesday Dec 12th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal Wednesday Dec 13th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal 6:00-7:00pm MANDATORY PARENT MEETING FOLLOWING Thursday Dec 14th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal Monday Dec 18th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Rehearsal


Thursday Jan 4th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Music Review/ Scene 9 Monday Jan 8th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Scenes 16,17,18 Tuesday Jan 9th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Troy, Gabriella, Ms. Darbus, Ryan, Sharpay, Chad, Zeke, Taylor – Scenes 2, 3, 5 Wednesday Jan 10th 4:00-5:30pm Ryan, Sharpay, Gabriella, Troy, Zeke, Chad, Taylor – Scenes 8, 10,11,12 Thursday Jan 11th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Ms. Darbus, Taylor, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Troy, Chad, Coach Bolton, (Detention students) 4-5:30pm– Scene 6 Friday Jan 12th 4:00-5:30pm Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Troy, (Jocks), Ms.Darbus, Gabriella, Kelsi - Scenes 13, 15 Tuesday Jan 16th 4:00-5:30pm Jack Scott, Kelsi, Ms. Darbus, James, Susan, Cathy, Cyndra, Ryan, Sharpay, Gabriella, Troy, (Thespians) - Scene 7 Wednesday Jan 17th 4:00-5:30pm Troy, Gabriella, Chad, Taylor, Zeke, Martha, Jason, Kratnoff, (Jocks, Brainiacs) – Scene 14 Thursday Jan 18th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST - Scenes 16/17 Friday Jan 19th 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL – TBC – FULL CAST on call – please be available Saturday Jan 20th 9:00-11:30am: FULL CAST / 12:00-2:00pm PRINCIPALS STAY 9:00-2:00pm: TECH CREW – Carpentry Masterclass (Lunch provided to those who stay after 11:30am) Monday Jan 22nd 4:00-5:15pm Coach Bolton, Chad, Zeke, Troy, (Jocks) - no Holton this week Tuesday Jan 23rd 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week Wednesday Jan 24th 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week Thursday Jan 25th 4:00-5:00pm REHEARSAL – TBC - no Holton this week

Monday Jan 29th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Stumble Run: Scenes 1-10 Tuesday Jan 30th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Stumble Run: Scenes 10-18 Wednesday Jan 31st 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST – Scene 18 & Curtain Call


Thursday Feb 1st 4:00-5:30pm PRINCIPALS ONLY Friday Feb 2nd 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL - TBC - CAST on call – please be available Monday Feb 5th 4:00-7:00pm REHEARSAL - TBC - CAST on call – please be available Tuesday Feb 6th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Stumble / Tech Wednesday Feb 7th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST – Tech Thursday Feb 8th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Run Through Monday Feb 12th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Clean up / BAND Tuesday Feb 13th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Run Through Costumes/ BAND Wednesday Feb 14th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST – Final Full Dress

Performance Dates: Thursday February 15th Daytime Performance: 1pm Call – 2:00pm SHOWTIME Evening Performance: 6pm Call – 7:00pm SHOWTIME


After casting is complete - we will be asking parents to assist us by obtaining a few basic costume items detailed in a costume packet for your child’s assigned character. If you are unable to acquire a particular item, please do let me know and we will be happy to help.

Costumes –To be sourced by DEADLINE: Friday January 12th 2018

Disney’s High School Musical Jr. ~ Audition Form ~ Please complete the top half of this page fully and bring it with you when you come to audition:


Character(s) I am Auditioning For:______OR ANY (Circle) Are there any roles you would NOT wish to be considered for? ______

Previous Acting/Singing/Dancing Experience or Training:

Please look carefully at the required rehearsals and list all previous commitments and/or conflicts including SPORTS: (include Landon/Holton related and outside activities, lessons, family commitments, etc).

Please do not write below this line – Thank you. (Directors Notes)




Roles under consideration:

Character Breakdown – Disney’s High School Musical Jr.

Troy Bolton Troy Bolton, the most popular kid at East High, is the star of the basketball team who yearns to be more than what people want him to be. Troy discovers he loves to sing, but is afraid to admit it to his . Look for a solid young actor who can convey the full range of emotions and character traits Troy Bolton embodies: athletic, independent, sometimes shy, smitten with Gabriella, a true leader. Troy should be a strong singer and able to sing from his heart in a naïve yet convincing manner. He should also be able to move like a natural athlete while dancing and singing.

Vocal range top: Bb4 Vocal range bottom: Eb3 Jack Scott Jack Scott is the nerdy school announcer who trips over his own feet. Think about casting a student who will make this role his own and can portray a "gift of gab" radio voice. Jack can be quirky in all aspects: looks, dress and comportment. Seeking a character actor with superior diction and good comic timing.

Chad Danforth Chad Danforth is a hot-wired jock, second in command to Troy. He is focused on winning his school's basketball championship, but is slowly understanding that there might be more to this world, including his sparring crush on Taylor. Chad has a couple of solos and large number of acting scenes.

Vocal range top: G4 Vocal range bottom: C3 Ryan Evans Ryan Evans is Sharpay's fraternal twin and a star in the making. This character loves singing, dancing and lots of attention. He follows Sharpay's orders, but wants to break free from her shadow. A "triple threat" for this actor: strong singer, dancer and actor. Everything Ryan does is calculated and executed impeccably.

Vocal range top: F#4 Vocal range bottom: F#3 Zeke Baylor Zeke Baylor is a basketball player on the Wildcats Team. He has two secrets: a crush on Sharpay and a love for baking! Zeke and Chad are the most prominent of Troy's friends. Zeke has solos.

Vocal range top: G4 Vocal range bottom: G3 Coach Bolton Coach Bolton is the stern basketball coach and Troy's dad. He lost the big game years ago and wants a second chance through his son. Casting an actor that can handle the demands of acting older than almost everyone else in the show. Coach Bolton is primarily an acting role.

Gabriella Montez Gabriella Montez is the new girl in school. Gabriella is intelligent and shy. She possesses a fantastic voice when she sings with Troy. Look for an actor who can take positive risks with both acting and singing.

Vocal range top: C#5 / Vocal range bottom: A3 Taylor Mckessie Taylor McKessie, the head Brainiac of the school, is the president of the Science Club. She wants Gabriella to join the Science Decathlon team so they can finally win the competition. Taylor has a hidden soft spot for Chad, which might be why she is always making fun of him. Casting an actor that can portray Taylor's assertiveness as well as sing a solid solo.

Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: G3 Sharpay Evans Sharpay Evans is the egocentric star of the school musicals. She is Ryan's older twin (and the alpha dog of the two) and has a mad crush on Troy. Sharpay has never met a mirror she didn't like. Casting someone who can portray a diva and has solid acting chops and strong singing and dancing skills. Sharpay knows how to work a crowd.

Vocal range top: D5 Vocal range bottom: A3 Martha Cox Martha Cox is a proud member of the Science Club and is brainy with a secret love of dancing. She has a fun- loving sidekicky personality and becomes an adoring devotee of Gabriella. Cast an actor who is kind and funny. The role has important featured solos but the voice quality is not as important as the character. If you have a student that can show off some crazy brake dancing moves, bravo! Brava!

Vocal range top: Bb4 Vocal range bottom: G3 Kelsi Nielsen Kelsi Nielsen is a thespian rehearsal pianist and student composer extraordinaire. Underneath her shy demeanor, Kelsi has no tolerance for people (read: Sharpay) who use their talent only to be number one. Casting an actor who can play the underdog but has the intelligence and ability to shoot the "zingers" at Sharpay with timing and accuracy. Must be coached to look like a pianist as she continually accompanies onstage. Kelsi has a small solo in "We're All in This Together.

Vocal range top: Bb4 Vocal range bottom: D4 Ms. Darbus Ms. Darbus is the eccentric drama teacher. Passionate and disciplined, she is always trying to expose students to the enrichment and fun of theatre. Casting an actor who knows how to milk every word, phrase and gesture for this role, must make their eccentricities appear second nature. Ms. Darbus's acting skills and timing should be topnotch; her singing voice is secondary as she has no solos. Ms. Darbus exudes wacky, yet it doesn't detract from her true love of theatre and her students.

Ensemble The Ensemble makes up all the other characters who populate : Jocks, Brainiacs, Thespians, Skater Dudes, Cheerleaders, Ms. Tenny, Science Decathlon Moderator, etc., with a few featured solo parts further described below. The ensemble is present throughout the show and provides the vocal power for the group numbers. These roles vary in size and in vocal, acting and dance requirements.

Ripper Ripper is a cool skater dude who is, lo and behold, a cello player! Casting a student who can sell this fun "double personality" with one short but sweet air cello solo!

Vocal range top: G#4 Vocal range bottom: G#3 James In the big Audition scene, James is the auditionee who sings so badly off key it would scare anyone! Casting a person who can confidently sound bad& this can be a challenge for a good musician.

Vocal range top: C#4 Vocal range bottom: A3 Susan Susan is the "pop star wanna be" audition candidate. Casting someone who is not afraid to go over-the-top with this short yet humorous part.

Vocal range top: A4 Vocal range bottom: F4 Cathy Cathy is the auditionee who can belt! Casting a student that can fill the auditorium with her voice. It doesn't need to be pretty!

Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: G4 Cyndra Cyndra is the final auditionee and she sounds like an opera audition.

Vocal range top: F5 Vocal range bottom: Ab4

Disney’s High School Musical Jr: Winter 2017-18 TECH CREW APPLICATION

Complete thoroughly and thoughtfully and return to the folder outside Mrs. Gersh’s office on the bulletin board (opposite BAND ROOM), by December 7th. Alternatively scan and email to [email protected]

Name: ______Phone: H ______C ______Email: ______Grade: ______School: ______Roles will be assigned based upon an assessment of a student’s ability, reliability & availability. Why do you want to be part of the tech team for the winter musical? ______Share any prior technical theatre experience you may have here: ______Technical Support Areas

Please number your top 3 areas of tech support that you are interested in being involved with in order of preference (1 - 1st choice, 1 - 2nd choice, 3 - 3rd choice):

_____Stage Management _____ Stage Crew _____Costumes _____Make-Up/Hair _____Lighting _____ Sound _____ House Management _____ Set Construction _____ Set Painting _____ Props

Is there a specific job you would LIKE to be considered for?


Are there any specific jobs you would NOT like to be considered for?


Complete Page 2

Tech Crew are expected to attend the following rehearsals/performances – do you have any conflicts?


Required Rehearsals: Landon PAC, 4-5:30/7pm (NO later than 7pm) DECEMBER:

Monday Dec 11th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – First read through – scripts/CDs distributed Wednesday Dec 13th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Tech Meeting 6:00-7:00pm MANDATORY PARENT MEETING FOLLOWING WINTER BREAK – Students expected to work on becoming familiar with the script/songs JANUARY:

Thursday Jan 4th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – Music Review/ Scene 9 Monday Jan 8th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – Scenes 16,17,18 Thursday Jan 18th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW - Scenes 16/17 Friday Jan 19th 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL – TBC – FULL CAST/CREW on call – please be available Saturday Jan 20th 9:00-11:30am: FULL CAST/CREW 9:00-2:00pm: TECH CREW – Carpentry Masterclass (Lunch provided) Monday Jan 29th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – Stumble Run: Scenes 1-10 Tuesday Jan 30th 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – Stumble Run: Scenes 10-18 Wednesday Jan 31st 4:00-5:30pm FULL CAST/CREW – Scene 18 & Curtain Call


Friday Feb 2nd 4:00-5:30pm REHEARSAL - TBC – CAST/CREW on call – please be available Monday Feb 5th 4:00-7:00pm REHEARSAL - TBC – CAST/CREW on call – please be available Tuesday Feb 6th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Stumble / Tech Wednesday Feb 7th 4:00-6:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Tech Thursday Feb 8th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Run Through Monday Feb 12th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Clean up / BAND Tuesday Feb 13th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Run Through Costumes/ BAND Wednesday Feb 14th 4:00-7:00pm FULL CAST/CREW – Final Full Dress

Performance Dates: Thursday February 15th Daytime Performance: 1pm Call – 2:00pm SHOWTIME Evening Performance: 6pm Call – 7:00pm SHOWTIME

Is there anything else we should know about you? (physical injuries, lots of absences from school, brilliant ideas, learning issues, health issues, special credentials) ______

Thanks! Don’t forget to Complete and return to the folder outside Mrs. Gersh’s office on the bulletin board (opposite the BAND ROOM), by December 7th. Alternatively scan and email to [email protected] The Cast & Crew list will be posted by December 8th.