YVMBB 250 The WBZ Movie club came In KVE-MN- d TICK. S Trianon duo. more or less continuous, although IT 10- - 12 blobs to "wreck Trianon orchestra; artists. there were several til IT OK LOCAL INTERLST. YVOR CHICAGO 217 our nervous system from time to l ON THE WTIC, Hartford, S;15 Concert 5:3(t-- S Capitol theater organ; stu- ; time. Mine. Penike, soprano, gav e a m New p Tip-To- iiU'lli-flk- AIR by tht club of the dio of of glee program; Inn string Russian rendition "Song Britain Normal school, under ensemble. India." She has a very nice, voice, THE GREATEST SALE NEW the direction of L. Ethel Prior. 11- - 2:30 Tearney's Town club orch.: too. folks. Phil Spitalny's orchestra BRITAIN HAS EVER WITNESSED Pershing Palace orchestra; Mid- - offered 'Southern Rhapsody" and OPKUA. way Garden orchestra; Capitol "Waters of Minnetonka." bad 'cess WI.RN KSDAY. : ."''' Ap.srvia rrrw: A. J. Gould, t'.l "WTIC. Hartford, 10 "Boccac- theaer program. to 'em. The orchestra, playing at the s.ortH "WEAF cio," by the Light YYORD RA A K'ate Bos'on. stopped short r timi; Vaml.-rbii- LMla Robbia T VIA 275 ONE DAY SALE rayligii saving Opera company. S in the middle of thai last number A orr!it-str;t- . North Shore line. Pei'in YVGV. Chicago. 10 Gems from and a oft" in the dis- wmm; 213 10 Webster hotel trio; I. B. S. A. soprano, away TOMORROW AT 9 O'CLOCK rasir m.i, soor.rs. may your ihe grand operas. tance, sang the chorus. Yery effec- i). 7:5". I'.ailin Hobs, choral singers. WGY, song's. tive, ah hough the distance effect One The Won't r.--' 10:20 Calvin H. P win trie. We Couldn't Run This Sale More Than Day. Bargains WEKI. Host on : Muniiw; up' Trtt.st Co. CONCERTS. 1. CHICAGO 147 might have come from fading. AVOIl, Newark 5. -- Talk. Mni--y TU rg. 7: JO U. S. WQ.I BE HERE EARLY. Spirt VEAF, New York, 5 Last Throughout the Day. .'. Tialnbo Gartlens orchestra. WPG. AtPti'ii' city i.S. 'ranr. s Sper, sontrs. band. 10 O'C ock were be- - . Army 11-- 3 Melo- - By conditions A East-ma- Kainho Gardens orch.; WKAK, Ww Yor- k- Si. Kmi.1 ri'liTson. htuvois. YGY'. 7:SP :! 111 Schenectady. rlinns- i Ptlll S tO llliprov nnd WJZ came WW AM. N.'n.Tr:? T. PrrJ r'uzirkp. iolinisr. rinr.n Tt,nJ .,,..! THURSDAY ONLY theater orchestra. Joe YYarner. character througn iis it snouiu. wun ilie oranu Coats That WTIC. Hnn'nr.! T:r. '. i Prrnik ATo du Tf, t'tior. YVBZ. 9 WBZ con- songs; qv Pprlnetiield, . Tour. M ford Gail Band-dl- $19.75 W.I.. N". Y.,rk "i" Nrnrt Tulin. pianist. cert Girls; COAT Were group. WHAS I.OI IS VILLI". 422 WI1Z. S',inn-.-:i- 7:"". Hunry Warrior. Pitt; Trlolo, uks. Vt'CP, Newark. 9:30 Orchestra bit WSAI. r. Pater, w Cincinnati, SACRIFICE To .SM.75 N Yo-- k . Ivl 9:30 Pat Armour's orchestra. YVYNC. w - iy KaHna, inns. of S. S. "l.aFrance." i" near- -' the 0 Bittick-Benso- n and came K'. orchestra. honestly, through 1 Kuy ivliill. vroiluror. WBYA. Itichmond. 9:45 Stock- WBZ. a i TO 10 10:30-1- 1 ly as kuid as does That's SIZES 1.". n Ukulele solos. HTK-HA- Kil n X;thv S'l.'tr, rontr;il:o. ton Male club. - oi;ii glee AY RAW 2."t fa'". Jack Little, that favorite song- .a '1 "s Alanine Herpnuders. RICH MOM") - :;m 'ihii'T v'"iirt' I. Plllll IP 9:30 Market ster. was out there and he way play- S. H. P. Pit ban oreln'stru. nr.. reports. baseball num- - Ur;.-"- i Jin!-- '. i.kcti scores. ing and singing l"ts of request Coats That THURSDAY ONLY WI.MI i;V YOUk 288 New 6:4 5 own I l.i 1.,'ht ni M'liiiiin r) lol nr.. WFP.H, York. "Why (lk-- hers and doing his announcing i'ia:lf- ou 'l. 3:45 Stockton Male. club. Were $29.23 , A pianist. Women Are Bautiful." various little; COAT 10 'and passing along Purci 1! rs. Health talk. 75 9 ru'Vski ) ,. S. Sit( WNYC, New York, "Fewer and otherwise conduct-- ; $15 Pns ;nbi 10:10 Gke club. pleasantries SACRIFICE To $13.7.) Pu.-'t- ir.ii'" and Fitter Words." hiriiset: in tne manner wincn Irria I ' i 10:45 recital. ing 'onrr rt. "by Organ , nv W.17,. New Y'ork. 9:50 Talk Me has made him one of the most pop-- ALL (Ct. i:. William I.awlor ba ritonr--. 12 Carry Back to Old Vrginny. SIZES "'.M!'.'. rt ; Associated Press sports editor. ular of radio artists. A sen- from MoTj :." ill. ' YVM4 ATLANTA long ! 1 Ci:iZ"n'.s I'oriim. 42S '.Uitiflst. ii'; ) h. 12:45 Dance music. tence, with no time to take breath. o,i' m n vi k.i m:v yoi :r 2 We heard one number, a piano solo. Coats That THURSDAY ONLY ( - Kd orrln-stru- Must Be ','.i ly) ; i l.ui- by Jack. It was "Ireland sini). s.l" Ivlna Jos.-plts- pliinis'. violinist. lleavep." and he played it with COAT Were 7:" nno S:.''.'. Milton Ynkeman, f nor. Ann Lucille, soprano. many variations. $25.00 ra." WO I A PAT I". RSO N' 225 SACRIFICE To $39.73 police an I r.'Hor: Pusom'8 N"apoli'an. the . Static 'j:'2't Mi I. ail's danro orrlt.-stra- 6 Silk City Night, Owls orchestra. Through KDKA. was also loud ball ' Pittsburgh, ALL SIZE YY.MCA n i 1 W I I A 395 4.", Mr.IPul t a as- - :v YOUR;! PR LAPKLPH and we hear.! Art Pandry's orches- G Concert orchestra. picos Co.itf tit". IHn.rl of! (ilcotr. 'ai!'s strinfr 'ns"nible. 6:3" tra in a pleasing, if somewhat wild, Willi. f.:"!1 Krnb-- (io hrp's orohrstra. Dance orchestra. Happy thunderstorm! And the program. Th" station faded a lit lv 7 11. YVOO .same to sir, thank Of last Dan Nolati 'i; :n. Talk by P. Str.vton. PHILADELPHIA 508 you, you! bit. 7 'h' T;i 7:30 music. wo have the of S:13 Concr'. by tl N. i'.ri'ain pi'iru's orrlK s' ra. Dinner dance evening impression DRESS "i X-- 3 a somewhat distorted As DRESS Normal Sri oo; Gb-- cli.b. I.. KiIhI ll.nv.aiiiins. Program from WEAF. nightmare. A niong othe r bate callers were M' is: HonH'S'vaib.-rs- Pi Fox we list.-n- ..f, thunder storms r;i;t-'- ' i. i Prior, .lin-cor- (I) Tbc r'nb: a. r's theater studio program. WKKC "incin nai nd WSB, :) in the distance ami the of Sarlir!it (Yon "npr r, b. Mi. niaror.i-o- Nisiii. 10:30 Dance music. crashing lanta. Th se stations through P::;n. O'ai n sta'ie were ft arful lo hear. The 1. ". a Two ("'lurks ( r. Tli' luaasf. orchostra. YVLI'I PHILAPI I.l'H IA 395 fairly wel tliln'i hear thing SACRIFICE SACRIFICE Korrs); whole in Hi" I Moon at nv.is Pi a 'oofr'alan , nnoanrrnirnt, 7:30 Dream thing started, late aft' from Chicago. New CbrM (Miirsb); Daddy. In- Ma-- : PPL'" S noon and up, increasing in (soprano polo. .Anita MrAlidn Nrws Ivlitor. Advertising convention pageant. kept Two Only S.hool a "a Sta'arh's orrlio.stra. S:30 tensity until along about 1" o'clock, thanks! Dresses That Nrw Pritain Normal Progress program. ' 1 'when started to 1.. Glee chib. l'iano stoios: To be Hilly ay. sonirs. 9 Armory program. things up P. E. Were $15.73 SILK ENSEMBLE (Ill the gr- ater of tit" nnnouncfl, - K'hel Prior. Tito 12 McAlpin Pnt. riain. is. In Arcadia dance orchestra. again. During part there was a iii.sgu.aing To $33.00 SUITS Cub: a. SISi When Poit Voiron VI MOW" YOI5R 3fil YVCAl PHILADELPHIA 278 evening of which cauu-ii- t us China Is of Too r) ; M'-- on a iimount fading Weary 38 TH b. Th. y Nrws and sons. j 7:."o Sizes 18 and (I)icki spoils: Recital by N. Snellenburg. a a.nd us (Itob-lnson- ); cjiu.se, to a. of a Christmas Tnr 7 Poona Pii'iihaum. .soups. tnitlships Much Advice THURSDAY Twig 5:10 Clarence Seaman's orche.s'ra. Ar-- we small Foreign Worth ln-li.- ""ounder. bad only one $39.75 r. Aluttntain Sons 7.1."i Poo S S 0 Geneva. June 2 P) China is sick I.iincston, ponsfl. Miller Piano Period. boat and th re vvere sharks in th' ONLY (alto soio, M. NVviily Poow's orcan rrcital. 9 :o death over foreign interference in (Ca'lman): 7;"" Melrose concert quartet, wa'er at us and there N-- w f griunint: :;.-- Mr. Chu. THURSDAY Kraiisi Britain Nnrnril trnor. j - domes) ic affairs. the Jimmy I"!y:in. 9:30 Helen T. Hoel, soprano, "b'ars in th thai- mountings Pcliool Giro flub. (IV) I'iiino solos S:I.', I'"ranc"s Sprr. contralto. 9:45 Senator Hasenpfeffer. Chinese minister to Italy, declared ONLY boys." sea-sio- n to bo announced. 1.. lOb-- I Prior. S:.1i' Ciar"tiro Williams Trio. 9:50 Agnes Evert, soprano. yi str.rdoy during a tempos' nous $1 $2 $3 com- The Chib: a. P.ockin' Tinir J "Mak" Monry Produce," II. K. .10 Instrumental Trio. of the permanent opium ' (Knot): b. Kprins Cborus Jlntrli. lis. 10:15 Maurice Patton. tenor; Har- Although w e ha rain in t his city mission in a viol'-n- altercation with from "Pamson an 1 H o i.O'-w- Now York orchestra. ry Reinly, baritone, we guess, w, e didn't get any thnn-l- r.tho British delegate. Sir Malcolm $5 $8 (Satnt-Sa.n- r. Clory to I sis from 0:'i Palisadrs Park orchestra. 10:30 Carl Ziehrns, Lou Tlirscher. storm, that is. not while we wenr Deb vigiie. Sir Malroni had criticized "AMa" (Wr.)i). Nrw Pritiun Nor- 1" P.osi lan l dance orchestra. songs. conscious. But somebody else vv si he importation of morphine into , mal Srliool C.lrr rilll 1:1'" Paitre orchestra. 10:4,-- Frank Cook, songs. getting some awful blows, juJ ing China. CLOSING OUT Worth THURSDAY AA i I 1. in so veiled he Soprano solos: a. parr 12 in: Pane" orcln stra. 11 Bittong's Cheer-- p club. by the crashes which echoed our Mr. Chu became that $1P mio Pin "I. a I'or.' d. - m: receiver. statinn was affected, screamed. talk, d of the CORDUROY BATH ROBES S3.9S ONLY vu from ' wihi'-- yohk :io YVGV SCHK.M.CTAnY 380 Every literally - tiiio'- b. Sons 't.rta Holmes ensemble. even tile WHZ. t eadiness of the Ci lese to mak" Cr;il isirins 6 Stock reports, news items and usually trustworthy ) Van :'a Mas- - 'If find a Grrtrbaninol'f r. inn :! Winifred Bauer, "Piano baseball scores. which rocked and bobbed around war on Great Britain you l. 1 nl You ; Sons like a a storm. The low who is not n and THURSDAY fGri'srl; 6:30 Children's bedtime story. dory in Chinese WOMEN'S Were : . 7 4 'i anti-Br- if is not a 9Qr' s,U Win N w.s waves worse n' than not, i h I'll say he Sa:r!"rsi.n T'k dipesf. 7 "Book of receive treatint ONLY ' lorn bun, s Knowledge" program. on en- exclaimed the min- BLOUSES $1.98 (Parliy). K.C.ivn WHAP Miidriiral 7:25 Baseball scores. did those high, although the good Chinese," - 5:1 a "Jmmi- - that ' soprano. J. Sf vy. I'Tompan- llnsM While Adams, 7:30 Eastman theattr tire system wasn't anything ister. Program by word-battl- heat- 1S'. pr.'ition we'll car" to encount- r alone on a The e became so orchestra. Rochester. . New laiitland eellisl ; M. of 'WOMEN'S Were Up To THURSDAY t "Tltr P.fiisons for s:sr, Phyllis Kraetiter. 8:05 Musical from T.'oeh- - dark night. ed that Bourgeoise. president d1 Andr ws. C. program was to fjft Sn pta ni;if,y." 'Ir. to Marion Knier, soprano; Earl ester. th" commission, oidig'd SILK BLOUSES $6.98 ONLY ff.VJU S r. snlos: a. try (bir-is- b tenor. the session. Pian.i Palmer, HAM 278 W'c to tun in W.I',. r Tun'1 '.': Pric". ItOCHI.STLR managed (b'tis (C.ra speaker. marke'. New York, and '. stave. with tha iniing'T). '.:"" Aiicnsla Sto'snn. reiiding. 7:20 Baseball scores; from County l"tr 7:30 "Eastman orchestra. sation until the storm subsided, if 'WOMEN'S Values To THURSDAY C. Caa b !. In Maty orpan recital. theater Chile Reported Opposed Ctf) l.attra Pinney. it was a storm j vv as sonici IIHIK 1' i S:05 Vladimir Rosins, tenor; Ray- r I'm ni tli" : a la Pnbinson. To ONLY 9:3" nrKiti rwitsi' pianist; but we're not sure what. Sounded Kcllorrg's Proposals UNDERWEAR '$2.50 ill.' A .an ' o. Kraeuter. Marion mond Wilson, pianist. 2 lP Al- s' ndios of n: Phpllis cellist; 319 like an raid. William Santiago, Chile, Jun" " -- - V(.R Rl'I'I'ALO airplane sib-n- Id. I P.o. aau a ao" WlaAK i". Ken. r, soprano; Pa rl Beth- official circles are on (t:30 Two piano recital. Ballyn, that will known singer of though On. ra roinoa inann. baritou-'- sta- the- it is on reliable 10 'No I.i"',t R sea songs, who at the subject, report", EXTRA SIZE DRESSES from l :i:ss l Jointly with station WEAF. appears No il l. VI.II MAX YORK trans-Atlant- the Chilean govern- 7 tion ev.-r- time his boat, a authority that W 14 ( !,I'IN(. I', I ... 10 "The Hour of Kings."' Miirk- -i r. nele (";..,. lit . formula ot were tomorrow harges. pm dn.-ks- on-- ment will not the to 18, that $19.73, Y M A R RT I I A LO 268 liner, offered of accept Exchanges -. half bom i:;::r' - I'es 'i!li;ims orchf B. .American secre- lolly 6:30-7:- his usual The Prank Kellogir. I 7 i sninii"" r music. enjoyable program. Mlrln Mak.os ; n ioi Wm. P. I.ove, "The Mf dical tary of state, fur a settlement of the 7:3'i-K.0- 5 Eastman theater orch. static ripped and tore around lb rnrdnia on-'i.s- ' fro'"' s ion" Taetia-Arie- S:n.i Musieale. throughout the program. but we dispute. 7.::" Pas. b all nvn 7 I", ss Williams A lo Mr. Kellngg's recent S:30 recital. didn't mind. We managed to hear reply 7.": Conimuaii'Mi 1V(-M- AY YORK 520 Organ out or note. In which he suggested divid- " on an averag of two words .v.-.- - YYTtC YYASHINGTON 4(19 linnr. Market Hicb Spots, a ing Tacna and Arica between Chile - V. S. every six, so that wasn't pont WHITE AND 7:4.- M. A. r. Pa t: - lleriiiiin N' ilman. pianist, 7:30 Concert by the Marine and Peru and Bolivia a cor- VAN RAALTE showing. giving - Sil il d PI ' S. a l by Kb montnry Spanish lessons. band. ridor to the pea, is expected to be Sna-- tl iVf't r di- - 7 Pssons. YVCA P "WASHINGTON 19 to BLACK llr Pi inrb tat Advance Spanish w nt to WJZ. New York. sent Washington today. " Then we !' b. r P. .an 7 " Pol iee a 'a rms. 7;;jo ""Matters Before the House." ion the "G-ni- of Romance" oab-- 7:::."i - "Trend of ihe Times,"' Sydney "The Shinolas." hearing $:, KadlO Natnlr t."H more or l"ss eoni p'ete. Old Man DIGGAN STILL DELAYER. SILK t T t on P.ur- - I ssh.-r- S:3'i I.'. S. band. ho flirtvl ion of on: Army 2 Hosiery par-Io- our disrespect, Haiti. June (P. 7 wr- nee Metealf. whistler. 9 "Troubadours." Donaldson, g.ss. Pa about the and also caused to his ". 10 Same as WTIC. spoke crystal The damage plane ? VHZ runr. t pil S: Baseball results. a off V. 300 told about gazing, lovely when he to take for Values From 10 Mr. ii. S:;.i.-- W. dil'son." Alex du I'. KDKA Pi rrSRl RGH crystal attempted if you can kid vours' lf Into San Porto Rico, yesterday, will s a no. matt 6:30 Dinner concert. Giles Ever- sport Juan, Sa lie P. Yflbai. 'oh' see If you want start of Bernardo osiery -- thinking yon things. the Duggan, to 1 ::; 'i To bo d. 5.: la John Williams, nor. glades club orchestra. delay $2.50 $3.50 iitir.oon. m see things, a. good, large sportsman, for that place 11 mis.. a iind Kilter Words." Frank 7:15 Baseball scores. really Argentine r.poi'is: hooker of all.' ce, "whisky" will do until tomorrow-- His was dam- 3 sons. 9 S'ockman-Farme- r news and plane Pair "i;.et,.;y. fake a good look, be- -' it struck a as :: I Ithe trick. But aged when pier -- p.os l ( in it) a: Pornstrt icb. violinist. market period. see fish- Will M. I. from the cause, ten to one. you won't Duggan was trying to avoid a $1.00 I.4S-S-- ork t cO: i Gray, bnn'onc. 9:3m p. concert lllar much after tha'. if anything. boat which got in his path. 1" nst runienia prnsrn m. Pittsburgh Musical institute. ing nws. fore- fi:.",.--) ;t " -- Av.aMier. 10:55 Time signals, weather Dark Shades Post and foan pi poller ai.arms; The ice cream sncial took place in READ HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 238 3 $1.00 Pa. ho Pa V(.ltll MAV VOI'.k-2- 7S cast and baseball 4 I we over YVANTS A I N C I N N A TT 2 2 Rjs. By the way. changed FOR YOUt MAIN :1" Kvrp-- 0! tin- it Abb-'- Inn oretiestra. W L K to WJZ. New York, after hearing s. "Hliv Wom- n are Beautiful" Hotel Gibson orchestra. - STREET ball poor. (:(:, the of Romance. Tie- ice t.'i r Kr-.- in W iss. S:30 Educational talk. On f. Pit' Pro' lor cream social came in all chopped up. the Square 7 . M.'ii-sti- S:40 Hotel Gibson concert CROWLEY BROS. INC. 7:"' MiWia'r.. strinp rnsenibie. '. -- . , Male since WJZ was mi to its old tricks of b'r.rii W'l'.AP. e'asmll.n Poyal Kntertninr.s r., ljaJtJyMMM'!iWiWa Ti.t,j listeners dizzy. lading,l puck PAINTERS AND Ifi Samo iis YTC. 7 t.'- SI-- py Hall's orchestra. quartet .making -- witn and forth, back and forth, back and HIM ( "," Connie's Ion oreiiestra. i; The rink of Frograms" DECORATORS Y.c '" orch- forth, back and forth . back and Kra v.y K'iit Kid s Kllii. Y RS'I" R.Y SRORK 2lfl the Cincinnati Post dance forth, back and forth, well back and 267 Street HOME TOWN Stanley :, limn, hair ,t;i-- k orch'Stra. estra and entertainers. Chapman THE OLD Wa'yui's 225 forth anyway. Among th" songs on I r.undbaek. rist. YVRRM CHICAGO Estimates Cheerfully Given rh'ra. 'r. optotnel were "The Man Who Broke - Klvir.i period. All Jobs Tel. 2913. Hard, pianist. Popular at Monte Carlo" and "On the 1 Nuttv club. Mmsii';i1 iiropriim. A ztt WEIHI CHICAGO 370 Banks of the YVabash." nice pro- Wr.RRVRKKPOItT with Sousa's marches playing K Sansliitie. rta-1- ' r. SOsbnrn's orchestra: Flornce gram, nimn Frank a part. New Britain Co. Si bay Paii'hab. r. violinist. Rehrond; Frank Greif, prominent Sign a Marv Mr.M.'ihon. pianist. Bordner. "DOING BETTER WHAT - rntdl-tiill- s. reci'al. in Osborn's orchestra; Frank Ct, DRIVE YOURSELF MANY DO WELL" Ha t n- -lv Jr. Trio. Bordner; Lawrence Salerno. P.on-ayli- TO RENT Ropers, soprano. Oriole orchestra; Kay NEW CARS 34 CHURCH STREET -- : Behrend. wopi si jr.s I.il'i-i- M. Alien, pianist. Florence IIAt A.M NIGHT SKKM1B c;;. rne Harrison, soprano. WG CHICAGO 302 Sao od hour 15c a mile Telephone S94 So Slito .' Ka in It. r.s. 7:45 Blackstone string quintet. id You-Driv- e Auto Co. Proliekt rs d.inci- rirch. In Grand opera selections. Renting ,..l'v Cor. "rt Elm W !K. ItK RILL ,1Ki 1 Sam 'n' Henry. Seymour IIM)M Telephone 3981. OYSTERS '::bi Mil j.- Make-!"diev- 1 :10 Studio music. BEST 1 AT THEIR ':4.". -- Smith, banjo kinp. 1:30-- 1 :S0 Popper Party. ARE Jimmy 400 W.I Mi I : IKl-.- i ::! ; rtrirb- contralto. W I1T HICAGO DURING THE MONTH -- tenor. Mieliael I.amberi. cellist. s:)0 F!dwin Kemp, OF MAY. - lb ri rii-b- Hardusoh. rontralto. s:50 Bordin organ recital: Triangle Mi .),;,..! I.'iinl'i ni. cellist, I entertainers; spooiaitbs. -, Mi.-- (ill.'li't- I. ("35,1 Cinderella cafe orch. THE HONISS rpbeiis ii. Al M S b a a rt.. iolinist. ti (ifnii Art Hecker. pianist; -- M.W lullk- - I: inho'id and Tat. OYSTER HOUSE Your hour league. WIHO ( HICAGO 225 j Auto Electric Service 22 STATE ST. WOR M'AVMiK I "5 7.9Porothy Ha- -, soprano: Charles HARTFORD Evelyn El-- ! Waih-y- "Sports." Champlin. baritone; tinier Grant's 25c, 50c sue! ?! Store ' lio-- . Frank Grief, tenor; A. ABETZ TEL. 11S5 ,1a s Jacobs' contralto; C. Also, Alwa.vfc a Fresh bupply "i r Timidity in ' r,i' 114 FRANKLIN SQ. to Take Home ' I vvnvne ,!.' '" i ok rt I'on. Marie Tuny. ...w.e., Perkins. William Molnaire. Cramer ami Fried- - ,.; t be lay." S,'- l ( I'Grady; l!lsie Orr; I.ennre man. PenrI HolV.in.m. ,T.!0 II II or WJAZ C!IRA(.0 MAIN STREET STORE FOR RENT - 'u r: ih ra et. r im- 1. midnight Club Chs Pierre, Rental $123.00 WI'.NA M W Mil! Earl Hoffman's Ch-- z Pi- rre oren.. Monthly nrebestra June Radley, pianist; John Ben-pe- t, Applv Trio. Chez Pierre Co. Hawaiian quartet. The W L. Hatch W.I.H MOOM HEART 370 Citv Hall Phone 3100 II M- - ARR- - 2(i.t 9 Child artists, solos, bands. Sim- - Ami ore! stra. 1 lVietorlans. Isabel Defaut, ' Is eon Oliver, pianist; R. Thomas. :.! .jr, Settin' I'p hour. 302 Pi", -- t ; n- Snedell. ukulcl'" Y LI IV C HICAGO ONE-FAMIL- HOUSE WITH EIGHT ROOMS c. o S Million FINE Rook Review, Reavers sing. in location; hardwood :',- "- P. Kirb. a .1 tines Browning, tenor. i:15 Dinner concert. Right on Bassett street, a superb , Coat.-s- . cost 45 I rlintr- - in pel la Is. :i:1,-- t'ash Cretii! Hour. j,:50 Pattison baritone; floors, hot water heat; will be sold at .1,M. YORK 15 MrWaltt rs. songs. Edvvard Iarry. pianist. 1 Ma l"k- t a uola nous. (, pM WARR 252 f:50 Auld Sandy. FINE RENT ON LYONS STREET h -- I .11 ill Ilia I'V 7 ' i'a s orch- St ra. 9 WEAF. Co-to- 5:4" on tat ions. 7:4 bra ham Lincoln Post. 1:30 Ambrose I.arsen, organist. -fl r i .p. . 5:50 Farm ma: ,IM WARR 252 WLS CHICAGO 345 AFTER. CLEARING OUT THE BAfiREi. 7 i ore ' st ra . 7 Ramblers. Model STAHLEV Commn !r rt Bernstein's Virginia 7:30 program. Real Estate Co. FACTOR.Y TODAY -THE RI5EMAN Bas'-l-il- v:,"-:3- 3 scores. YVM AO CHICAGO 447 7:.1i. r Market reports; Camp DISCOVERED THE FIRE WAS 7:55 nit.- pp S: Tivoli Symphonq orch. 7 Chicago theater organ. 272 Main Phone 313 Rooms 303-6- , Bank Bldg. fEAl(V S Imp. rial In.) 9:.'t"-l":5- 0 Martha Gustav Bischoff 7:30jHotel I.aSalle orchestra. Street; S:3ft I.t-- isolm "r- -e chamber music Opera. S:2li Whitney trio. concert- - Final concert. 10:3ij-10;4- 6 Estelle Furstenberg. 9:55 WMAQ players, chimes. (