
n June 1,1921 the Greenwood district known as Black Atty. takes (Hi 11 Street was reduced to Schools and regenterficatjon rubble after a large-scale civil unrest known as the Chicago Public Schools officials faster to create a great school system schools closing served public hous­ Tulsa Race Riot. Those who citing a sense of urgency, unveiling or leave behind a generation of ing and low income residents. were there explains it was a a series of proposals to address un- young people unprepared for work Back in January, 2006 CPS said CHA/Police, der-enrollment in 11 elementary and for life, Mayor Daley said. it took steps on Chicago struggling massacre. schools, while addressing low per­ The impacts of Chicago School schools with a proposal for closings b Black History and to formance in eight other schools that can be in part of many students have Black Community would undergo a "turnaround" if the been left behind already from the schools, principal replacement, and plan is approved. demolition of public housing which new curriculum among options as Wins sort the Chicago overall; A turning point reports the CPS and contributed to the dismantling of the they viewed then: Restructuring List officials and educators must move public education system with (Continued on page 3) By Ms. Beauty Turner For numerous of years the Chicago Police Department have been arresting young men and young women for trespass­ ing when they came to visit a Seniors organizing on 40th street relative or simply if they lived in public housing developments Ms. Beauty Turner story they put a closed sign on their and couldn't show the officers a The aging of America, together management door. State ID. with extended life expectancy, is Many of the residents feel as if Recently Attorney resulting in an unprecedented de­ Habitat is not keeping clear records Támara Holder about their rent either. mand for all kinds of long-term stood up in support " For the last 18 months since care services. Among these ser­ ¡of some of the vices are assisted living residences. Habitat Management Company ! residents in the However, according to the resi­ took over managing the Paul G. dents of Paul G. Stewart Apart­ Steward buildings every things court of law and ments Senior Housing in the 500 been messed up, Residents in the this is the results. East 40 building, Habitat Manage­ building complained on January Headline: ment Company has been doing an 28th in a community meeting. "Defendants Ac­ awful job keeping up their build­ "We formed a Paul G, Steward quitted In Ickes Trespass Case', ings. Residents and Tenants Association "Támara Holder's Fight For Many of the residents believe trying to bring attentions to our Public Housing Residents". they are just as bad as Regent Man­ dilemmas," Antoinette Ross a long Community Activist Barbara agement company that was re­ time resident said. "Since Decem­ Moore alerted me to this issue in ported on television, that manage ber 2006 we have been trying to 2005 when her grandson were 45 Condo's and ran out on the resi­ get Habitat to do their jobs as a constantly being detained and dents after the media broke the (Continued on page 3) arrested after visiting her in the (Continued on page 9) Under Obama's win

"BlacDonnell Robinsokn LeadershiBlack leaders hid from the fact thapt whoslep registered to votte for ithen first Chicagofor State Attorney resulted in ove"r Staff Writer Obama did not generate the historic time in over 20 years. That momen­ 400,000 voters slept in the February Chicago, was the home turnout that they expected, and it tum carried into the record numbers 5 election. city and state of U.S. Senator Barack hurt the historic candidacy of Alder­ of people participated in early vot­ State Senator and Illinois Senate Obama, and he has done more than man Howard Brookins for Cook ing, but in the end the Black leader­ President Emil Jones, Jr. said on what people expected of him to the County States Attorney. ship failed to generate the early pre­ WVON that he truly did not under­ point that he can win the Democratic The Obama momentum did gener­ dictions of almost 70% turnout from stand why the level of excitement nomination for President of the ate large number of new voter regis­ the Black community. What was that motivated him in this election United States, and on to winning the trations, including the 114 years old thought to be an easy win for Alder­ did not translate more into others presidential election. But major Bronzeville resident Virginia Calls man Howard Brookins in his race from the community. "The Obama campaign made a decision not to invest in Illinois more because there was already high Winners and concentration of news reports and Obama material in so many local with solutions driven initiative Al elections that they did not see a need Civil rights group announces Sampson's to invest any more money, and I just new pathways to success radio com­ expected more turnout," said Jones. through alliances with faith com- mercials WVON host Cliff Kelley said that (Continued on page 14) talked he also did not understand how peo­ about mak­ ple could not say that they did not ing history with know about the significance of this Jr. Alderman, lost nd Obama, but election. Kelley said" maybe we th lost his 2 attempt Howard his seat as 7 Ward did not include the historic Loser for not need to get Dr. Carl Bell, the psy­ Democratic Commit­ to get his former seeking reelec­ Brookins, legislative aide candidacy of Alderman How­ chiatrist to examine the state of our teeman to Sandi tion for the his­ winner to run minds." Kenny Johnson ard Brookins for nd and loser to Jackson, and may States Attorney toric 2 Ward now lose his seat as elected to public Committeman do all he "It is wonderful that Obama took City Chairman of the office could to win Illinois; but we need to find where Cook County Democ­ any of the presidential candidates ratic Party stand on police brutality, housing loss, and lack of jobs that are a re­ flection of the Wards and areas where thousands of people did not vote" said Mr. Stanley A., a voter in his 40's named "Thank you to the African Americans who did vote. It was unfortunate that people did not know clearly that Brookins was Mayor Daley Ranoule Taumum, Win­ Pat Dowell Win­ Winner for his early qualified for the office." ner for taking his 20% of ner for 3rd Ward 'Gator" wins more endorsement of "And people just did not make the supporters from his last Democratic momentum as he Barack Obama and connection of just how historic that Bradley Winner for campaign and putting Committeeman, his field operation wins in Illinois safe in his political Brookins candidacy was, and does­ that support behind Will with a different posture again. for historic election Burns' campaign for twist in political n't understand why Black leadership of Judge Michael State Rep .of 28' District mauvering of Ken (Continued on page 8) Hyman Dunkin Page 2 February 14,2008 South Street Journal Fact& Commentary News Briefs Round Up of J UnZip it at EditoriaVfbSouthStreetJournal.net Mark Allen The Bronzeville Community ake Mead­ ows Apart­ SSJ Associate Editor Development Partnership (BCDP) L ments com­ hosted a legislative reception and dinner celebration in the lower ing down!? Reports level lounge of Sebastian's Hideout in downtown Springfield Illi­ are in 10 years for I nois. The legislative orientation reception was convened by the low-raise condos. BCDP to educate African American legislators in the Illinois Gen­ You mean to say eral Assembly on the importance of supporting African American Black middle class Tes He Can heritage tourism development in Illinois. Bill Williams VP at the have to go too!? Wow Chicago Convention & Tourism Bureau and board member'of the city planners you are ^ arack Obama became the first African- BMC&TC (Right in photo) makes a point during the lively and mean. U*^ American politician to actually have a entertaining orientation session. Other legislative and civic en­ JmmM chance to win his party's nomination for the gagement leadership participating in the session included Rep. President of the United States by winning, in con­ Congrats to 16th Ester Golar 3rd Dist, Sharon Morgan, Gina Griskall, Deborah Ward Alderman vincing fashion, all the political experts on televi­ Cuzan, State Senator Mattie Hunter 3rd Dist, State Senator Emil sion stated that he is the embodiment of hope. They Jo Ann Thompson at the Ribbon Cutting for a 146 unit senior supportive Jones Jr. 14th Dist, Anne Walker, Cheryl Colbert and Paula Robin­ living building at 5717 S. Ashland stated that he has created the hope and change son. movement, so he is a force to be reckoned with in Legendary actress Denise Nicholas was in town recently at the 2008. I agree. But I must in good conscience state Walmart, 2500 W. 95th Street and then here and now that for the sake of the country, for the "Watergate Type Conspiracy at Kmart, 17550 Halsted Street, Home- sake of our community, and for the sake of hope - |W wood, The award-winning actress and\ Barack if you are elected please deliver!!! Unveiled Involving HUD' author Nicholas made several stops in Obama is not the candidate of change in poli­ CCN Media Group Media Network backs call by Investigative Chicago to autograph copies of her\ tics in the future. He has already changed much of Reporter for indictment and resignation of top Chicago Local best-selling novel, "Freshwater Road"\ the landscape of politics in this presidential cycle. HUD Officials, Chicago, IL and to speak with high school students He has already exposed the game for what it is. It is A four year investigation reveals that Housing and Urban De­ what is. I have ranted for months about how good about the book and what life was like velopment Officials lied under oath in federal case # C032209 during the Civil Rights movement. people are muted by the political moves of well regarding New Englewood Terrace Apartments. Vs United States trained, well funded, deeply rooted political ma­ of America (HUD) on an illegal termination of a Housing Assis­ It looks like The Chicago Black Wall chines that exists for the sole purpose of getting tance Payment Contract.. HUD recently lost the 4 year court bat­ Street Project's challenge for inclusion politicians of their choice elected. Politics is about tle. Investigative reporter, Lionel B Nixon (former HUD official) of new Black products at the new everything but issues. Politics is about delivering along with witnesses will provide facts never before revealed to Treasure Island Supermarket in Hyde things for everyone but the people. It is not and has the public. Park is being heard. not been for a very long time about delivering good A HUD "Watergate type" conspiracy involving top HUD offi­ Word has it that Treasure governance for the people. cials in Chicago confiscated and destroyed information. In addi­ Island will announce that We as a community should vote solely based tion to their retaliation against whistleblower, Ms. Freddie C. on issues instead of on just how much we personally they have added Reggio 's Batchelor ( who's laptop they confiscated because it housed evi­ Pizza to start and are ac­ like the candidate. Yes. Obama has never been dence of obstruction of justice),. Batchelor also stated there is tively calling on other elected to an executive office. Yes. Obama has additional proof of direct retaliation and intimidation from HUD only been a Senator for about three years. Yes. contained in one of their business envelope marked (Your Eyes Black Product owners. Upon inspection Obama's record in state office does Only) from HUD Regional Office77 West Jackson, Chicago, Illi­ Look for more efforts like not necessary reveal him to be a maverick that has nois (Letter and envelope to be displayed at press conference!)- this to hit places like Tar­ changed the landscape of politics in a city that des­ Courtney Minor a federal HUD employee, said in that letter, get, Lowes, Best Buy, CVS, Walmart and others in the Black com­ perately needs it. But, Barack is a very smart per­ said that Ms. Freddie Batchelor would be actually guilty of trea­ munity. Hellooo Melody Spann-Cooper! son that understands that what he promises he must son, if she talked about the obstruction of justice, a triple conflict deliver. He also has the experience of cracking the Newsmax Magazine's special report "Obama & the Oprah Fac­ of interest, malfeasance, public government corruption, and his tor" Can Oprah Winfrey, the machine ceiling to break through into the United misstatement of the ethics law. States Senate so he knows how to deal with dirtier most influential woman in Amer­ Executive head of HUD, Secretary Alfonzo Jackson was ac­ politics— keep your hands clean. And he is not bad cused of retaliation. Greene, one of the PHA officials said, "I'm ica, make Barack Obama the next on the issues either. experiencing what happens when you really say no to the Secre­ President of the United States? A Barack also knows that the best candidate and tary". Appeals to Jackson and subordinates in Washington DC to Zogby poll, commissioned by the best public official do not always win. He has investigate these matters were ignored, said Nixon. Newsmax, revealing Oprah's experienced that already. He has broken open for political reach and how Oprah our community to see plain as day how politicians routinely give their endorsements away solely based Farrakhan Scheduled to Address stacks up against the power of on political convenience instead of philosophical Hillary Clinton. integrity. That is why many of the members of the Nation of Islam "Saviors Day" "I believe that Barack Obama Black Congressional Caucus endorsed Hillary Clin­ (Taylor Media Services) Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis will defeat Hillary and win the ton before the Iowa Caucus. That is why scores of Farrakhan is scheduled to address his organization's annual Democratic nomination, " so says th African-American state politicians in South Caro­ "Saviors Day" celebration in Chicago, Illinois on February 24 . Dick Morris, along with Eileen lina jumped on the Hillary Clinton band wagon Questions had been raised as to whether the 74-year-old Farra­ McGann, and he provides strong khan would appear since he is thought to be suffering from com­ months ago when she looked like a lock for the supporting evidence: "I think .. nomination. That is why several African-American plications related to treatment for prostate cancer. The often con­ victories in states as diverse as politicians in Chicago gathered under the cloak of troversial Muslim minister had already turned over the day-to-day anonymity at the Ballroom on Martin Luther King operations of his nationwide group to a committee he selected. Washington, Louisiana, Ne­ Drive in Bronzeville on the Southside of Chicago The theme of this year's gathering is "The Gods at War: The Fu­ braska, and Maine illustrate his national appeal and demonstrates several months ago to pledge their support for ture is all about Y.O.U. Persons interested in attending the event Hillary's inability to win in states without large immigrant and La­ Hillary Clinton. It was not about any issues. It was can visit online www.savioursday2008.org. or call 773-324-6000. tino populations." not about any differences in policy between Obama Please note that the young lady that song at the Former Mayor and Clinton. It was about picking up their thirty Rev. Jackson Responds to Fidel Eugene Sawyer city hall tribute on Friday, Feb. 1st was Engle- pieces of silver. wood's very own, Felicia Coleman-Evans, daughter ofDarlene Well, now that the race is wide open and Castro's Resignation Sherpard, President of the Sherwood Park Advisory Council Obama has demonstrated that he can win, the calcu­ The following statement from Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Felicia is a member of Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church and lations have changed. Will all those African- founder and president of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition is in re­ American politicians jump ship and beg Obama for sponse to today's announcement that Fidel Castro is resigning his has song recently in Europe. forgiveness or will change come on the local level lifelong post as President of Cuba. Feliicia made her Carnegie Hall debut as featured soloist in the as well as nationally? "Today's announcement of Fidel Castro's resignation repre­ tribute to the great Leontyne Price. I hope Obama continues to captivate the hearts, sents a major moment in history. The United States should seize In Bronzeville Andrea Lee, M.S. W. has reported that the Grand hopes, and dreams of the country and march right this moment to open up a new era of relations with Cuba. It is Boulevard Federation, is now located in the Charles Hayes Center into the White House. And I hope that he starts to time to break down old barriers and build new bridges. There at 4859 S. Wabash, 2nd Floor. deliver real change from the moment he finishes his must be an end to the economic blockade against Cuba and usher Birthdays at FOX-TV include giving his oath of office until the moment that he in a new climate of open educational, trade and cultural exchanges meteorologist Tammie Souza hands over the keys to the new occupant of 1600 between our two countries. Restoring normal diplomatic rela­ Pennsylvania Avenue NW. And I hope that change tions with Cuba serves the interest of peace in our hemisphere. It and GoodDay Chicago's morn­ that it flows from Washington, D.C. into our hearts is President Bush and Secretary of State Rice that should initiate ing news anchor Jan Jeff coat and minds so that we can change our way of choos­ this process. ing politicians. While our community has said good by to some famous political names, Quotes: Black History we are taking the to also lift up the "I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history." names of a number our the not so famous name of people we have lost from Morgan Freeman the grassroots community. Berthond "Bert" Potts was another legend we lost from the grassroots community. Mr. Potts was a member of Operation "I don't even know how he could form his mouth to say that. (Freeman) Breadbasket, founding member of Operation PUSH and was still a current showed how backwards he is. Obviously, we need Black History Month. member of The Rainbow/PUSH Coalition at the time of his death. Potts' People of African ancestry need to know their history more than any other group." Dr. voice was well known to WVON_AM 1690 listeners who for years heard Pott's on -air comments with his famous phrase "what I mean ? " And right Conrad Worrill before his death he renewed his South Street Journal subscription. And to Black Star Project director, Phillip Jackson; his uncle and this publishers Advertising Jeffery Davis, Sabin Emin, former landlord and friend, "The Button Man" Mr. John Jackson past. South Street Journal Darva Watkins-Thomas He was another regular caller on WVON. The same holds for John Volume 14 Number 4 Office Assistants: Alice Ghant, Kim Carter DeVaugh. He passed in December; a SSJ Advisory board member from the is published by Writers: Bridget Reynolds, Donnell Robinson, Beauty start in 1993. Then there was a host of family and friends of SSJ and the Jarrell Communications Inc., Turner, Royce Strahan, Veronica Williams, community at large. "Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in Editor and Publisher, Ron Carter 449 E. 35th Street, heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy. " Associate Publisher, Administration: Daisy Johnson Chicago, 111. 60616, 773-373-7000 E-mail: [email protected] But for somehow there were more deaths than there were births in Associate Editors Mark Allen, Beauty Turner the last two months. South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 3 Chicago Schools a mix of regenterfication has consistently opposed the idea of shifting Rallies continue by teachers as students and closing schools as a means to shown at RainbowPUSH to save improving them. We believe closing schools teachers jobs in the wake of the Chi­ and displacing students and staff is not the cago Public Schools proposals to answer." close schools and fire and move One school advocate enlist that what's really teachers as are the students. going on here, if you look at all the choices for closings and messing around is an assertion by ing and education is not valued by a large per­ Duncan and Daley that they can do anything cent of the population. they want, since there is a "policy" reason for For the teachers it will be hundreds of them, doing anything and a way of manipulating according to CPS .[Sun Times says nearly "data" to get the results they want. They cur­ 500].Kids stay put at turnaround schools, while rently have about 50 people (possibly as many principals and teachers go back into the pool. as a hundred) "running the numbers" and pre­ Everyone leaves at -schools that are being out­ paring the lies for each school they are attack­ right closed — perhaps the most drastic move of ing. Demographics and Accountability are just the various options, even more so than turning the major departments that will be promoting a school around since it involves kids as well as the Big Lie over the next three weeks. The Law teachers and administrators. Principals lose Department is working overtime to bring this jobs at schools that are going to be consoli­ prize (unlimited ability to terminate schools) to dated, but teachers get to move along with the the Daley administration. kids. Steward said "As professional educators we For the teachers it contributed to the rapid know, and industry research has shown, that replacement with privatized schools and to the smaller classes lead to improved student recent firing of unionized teachers and increase achievement. Combining schools and students of non-union charter schools. may lead to overcrowding, thus lessen a stu­ CPS, CEO Arne Duncan is defending his dent's chance for success. The solution to un- proposal to close failing schools and fire derutilization is not to create overcrowding. day again CPS proposed a variety of measures hundreds of teachers from those facilities. CPS must consult with the educators and (Continued from page 1) affecting nearly 200 schools that fall short of But Marilyn Stewart, President of the Chi­ other stakeholders affected in order to mini­ rates were decreasing at almost 50%... The federal standards under No Child Left Behind. cago Teachers Union countered that Duncan's mize or eliminate the adverse affects of these proposed changes. After all, teachers know truancy rate increased at 42 high schools, some Repeating its proposal of 2006, roughly 1500 plan would destroy the collective efforts of kids are going to be affected. Already there are diligent teachers trying to make a difference what students need." quite markedly - Austin doubled from 33% to The CPS has held hearing around the city students who will never be counted in the mid- "As a 30-year teaching veteran, I'm con­ 64%, Robeson had 533 truants in 2006 up from cerned about the students, teachers and com­ on the proposed turnarounds, consolidations, south "BronzeviUe" and west area schools that 56 in 2005, Bogan 447 truants in 06 up from 14 munities who will be adversely affected by and relocations. The hearing are ending with a truants. But dropout rates declined at many closed. They have become the disappearing these changes." Said Stewart in response to the Board of Education meeting on Wednesday, schools in 2006, including a few schools with a children—not displaced, vanished with the proposed plans for turning around underper- February 27, 2008 at the Central Office, 125 S. neighborhoods school they once called home. lot more truants. forming schools and consolidating underuti­ Clark St., 5th Floor Board Chambers to vote on Catalyst Chicago an independent newsmaga­ lized schools. CPS proposals. To make comments at the Over the last five years Chicago has been zine reports, this is a much more complex prob­ In her statement she said, "Every student meeting citizens must sign in for public partici­ experiencing a drastic economic transforma­ lem than is described in the media and firing has the right to be educated in a safe, healthy pation in the lobby, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. Meeting tion: a wave of new development and a reversal everyone in a school won't necessarily change learning environment. Many parents tell us begins 10:30 a.m. of white flight, a wave of gentrification, and the outcomes for kids living in high poverty they prefer that be a school within their own the displacement of entire neighborhoods. To­ neighborhoods, or in communities where learn- neighborhood. The Chicago Teachers Union (Teachers seeking funds Continued on page 5) Seniors organizing on 40th street (Continued from page 1) Aalderman Pat Dowell of the 3r ward with impressive amenities. In addition to a the change in senior housing options since the management company. We have issues such as where the apartments are located said that she grocery store, dry cleaners, and a fitness cen­ mid 1990's. The oldest baby boomers turned deteriorating conditions of the parking lots as is fully aware of the residents in the Paul G. ter, we offer a full calendar of social activi­ 60 in 2006, and when the trend peaks in 2030, well as the buildings grounds. Other concerns Steward buildings concerns. She also informed ties, three media centers with 70' TVs, seven the number of people over age 65 will soar to sighted was: the Weatherizing of doors and me that she have been to numerous of their full-time social service coordinators, and 24- 71.5 million — one in every five Americans. As windows, Insufficient lights in building court­ community meetings," but the problem or the hour monitoring service - all with spectacular a result changes have been made in all facets of yards, Plumbing and the Tenant use of the burden lays on the two Owners CEO Fred views of downtown and the lake ¡...However senior housing. community room. Bonner and IDA they would have to come to with all the improvements in the Paul G. The Steward apartments monthly Rent is some type of agreement to help the residents!" Steward buildings recently; residents content from: $650 - $850. Many of the residents said, Dowell said. that there needs to be be many more.' "We even have worked with the Metropolitan Fred Bonner did not return calls on the " Recently IDA and Habitat have agree to Tenant Association plenty of meetings and matter. come out and talk to the residents as well as workshops but nothing else, we need help!" Paul G. Stewart Apartments - is descript put more capital into the buildings!" According "Well first of all we are all in the dark, I as a living bold, beautiful, and bountiful! to Metropolitian Tenant Organization (MTO) think that Mr. Levin and Paul Bonner have With feature new, fully rehabbed, spacious Organizer Malik. came to a parting of the ways," Jeffery said. studio, 1 & 2 bedrooms apartments - each The aging of the baby boomers has fueled "We have been told all types of things when it comes to our housings," Reverend Jefferies added. "Our concerns are that we are afraid if being moved up out of here and we have no where to go!" Reverend Jefferies a 24-year JOHN'S resident said. "Since Habitat came to our buildings things have gotten worse,' Mrs. Ross who is also a ARDWARE & BICYCLE long time resident added. "Feces is backing up in my sink, the grease traps haven't been clean out, the smell of sewer SPECIALIZING HI BICYCLE SALES & SERVICE water reeks throughout our building, FOR TOOLS OF ALL TRADES FOR HOME CONSTRUCTION "Reverend Jefferies went on to say. ^COMMERCIAL TOOLS Since December 2006 the residents have WITH COMPLETE SUPPLIES FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING send out letters to the Governor, Congressmen, HEATING AND PAINTING Habitat management company, HUD, MTO as ASK ABOUT OUR TOOL RENTAL well as numerous of others representative. A spoke person for Congressman Bobby Rush -Touree Muhammad said when asked IF WE DON'T HAVE IT. YOU DON'T NEED IT about the letter from Paul G Steward. "Congressman Rush informed me that he will be looking into this matter!" Muhammad said. Mark Segal, Chief Operating Officer for 7ww35w0 IlflliHALSTEW I foilirD The Habitat Management addressing the resi­ dents concerns responded by e-mail with a statement saying, "The Habitat Company shares residents' many concerns about the con­ i/fwl 4o3-7444 dition of the apartments owned by Paul G. Stewart Apartment Associates, Phase IV. As the management company engaged by the Illinois Housing Developing Authority to take WsñmñLm w£ WINTER HQU COMSÚNE, COMB ALL over the management of this property, we have been working diligently with building owner­ John's Winter Savtop Come One Come All ship to help secure funding to make the neces­ sary improvements to this building. John's Winter Sáwtgs with Coupon Habitat Company LLC has over 23,000 units under management, and are one of the m luí lw mm mmm mm m mm #w w liliiKI If mm m IfW m.mr mw largest private residential property managers in Chicago and the Midwest, Page 4 February 14,2008 South Street Journal

f: 773/548/6622. www.cerquanvera.org. Phone ^~*0 cLI Ü CB-üJ LU Si g 773-488-8636 Thursday, Feb. 21 [pgáaa BcBDoa The 2nd Annual Rosa Parks ASK THE DOCTOR 10-11am at "Taking A Stand" Awards and American Cancer Society is Annual Report Luncheon at the Bessie Coleman Library, 732 E. Brunch honoring Clark Kirk, Clara seeking volunteers for its annual Hilton Chicago. A native of Chi­ 63rd Street. Sponsored by the Shelters: 3 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. 953 Daffodils Days, which celebrates cago, Ellis Cose has, since 1993, New Communities Program/TWO West 63rd Street Gifts from God the progress that cancer treat­ been a contributing editor for in partnership with the University Ministries. Love Donations will be ment is making, and the hope Newsweek magazine. He is also of Chicago's Dr. Thomas Fisher, accepted: Following the awards, cancer will be eliminated. Among the former chairman of the edito­ Instructor, Emergency Medicine the volunteer tasks needed to be rial board and editorial page edi­ and Community Solutions in Ac­ filled in addition to deliveries are tor of the New York Daily News. tion, ASK THE DOCTOR offers daffodil pre-sales coordinators in Cose began his journalism career community members the oppor­ individual Chicago businesses, as a weekly columnist .for the tunity to ask University of Chi­ GALLERY GUICHARD PRE­ and to take requests, pack and Chicago Sun-Times—becoming, cago physicians questions sub­ SENTS REFLECTIONS OF AN man individual table sales at lo­ at the age of 19, the youngest mitted in advance or to benefit ART MASTERED: AN INTRO­ cations around Chicago. Also editorial page columnist ever from the ensuing conversation. Only questions SPECTION Featuring the fine art needed are sponsors. For more employed by a major Chicago received by Febru­ of Charlotte Riley-Webb and information contact Emily Phillips daily. In addi­ ary 18th will be Louis Delsarte, Exhibition till April at (312) 279-7257 or at tion League responded to. FAX 1, 5:00 - 10:00 pm Opening Re­ [email protected]. President and questions to 773- ception: Gallery Guichard 3521 CEO Cheryle 256-1584 c/o S. Martin Luther King Drive. R. Jackson Older adults and people with Renita Austin. disabilities should apply for Illi­ will launch the nois Cares Rx and Circuit next phase of Breaker benefits over the Internet projectNEXT, Words of Inspira­ to get their benefits faster and to For tickets call tion by Robert T. participants will attend a black avoid any possible break in cov­ 773-451-3520. Email to arl@cul- Sells, Christian author Robert T. history play at Kennedy-King erage next year. Individuals can chicago.org. Sells offers the ultimate expres­ College. The play will cost $8. use the online application at sion of love and adoration with Prior Winners were Sen. Jacque­ Xpressions of You is a time for www.cbrx.il.gov because it is the Haymarket Center will host a Words of Inspiration, using a line Collins and John Paul Jones. young lesbian, bisexual, trans- fastest way to get approved for dessert and beverage gathering beautiful com­ Email Gay Chisum gender, queer, and allies/ the state's prescription drug as­ for employers who have em­ bination of supporters of these women of sistance program, Circuit Breaker ployed clients from our eight- poetry, prose Sun. Feb. 24 African descent to enjoy a safe property tax grants and $54.00 week Job Readiness Program. and praise in space and address issues they license plate discount. The 2008 from 2:30-4:30pm at 124 N. this "love lan­ The Gods at War: The Future is may be facing at school, at state's pharmaceutical assis­ Sangamon Street complimentary guage" book. all about Y.O.U. (th) Youth Or­ home, in church, and in the com­ tance program, Illinois Cares Rx, parking RSVP to: Nephtali 6 pm. Free. ganized & United To Help. FAR- munity. Age: 18+, Every 1st Fri­ provides wrap-around prescrip­ Fuentes at 312.226.7984, ext Books will be RAKHAN LIVE, McCormick day - Drop-in, 6-9pm @ Affinity tion drug coverage to fill in the 546. available for Place 2301 S. Lakeshore Dr. 5650 S. Woodlawn, Garden gaps created by Medicare Part D sale and auto­ 2pm (doors open at 12 noon) $20 Level. Affinity provides a safe and offers drug coverage for peo­ graphing. donation Call Toure Muham­ space for game night, movie ple who do not have Medicare. Monday, February 18, night, networking and community Seniors with questions about Tuesday, February 19, Global Reach involvement. Food provided. Illinois Cares Rx or Circuit Why are young black men in jail? Inc presents a black History Every 3rd Friday - Doors open @ Breaker can call the Senior Why are babies making babies? forum to acknowledge and cele­ 7. Showtime 8-10pm @ Affinity, HelpLine 1-800-252-8966 or 800- The Media Connection TV Show brate the Achievements of Afri­ 5650 S. Woodlawn, Garden 624-2459. entertainer and producer Bill can-America to World/Global Level. Music-n- Discussion, Art- Cosby at the Annual Martin Lu­ History, Invited speakers are Dr. n-Discussion, Words-n- ther King Jr. Scholarship Break­ Yaounde Olu, Rev. Al Sampson, Discussion. Performances and fast sponsored by the Rainbow/ Marc FX Hart, Salim Abdul- post discussion. Thiirs. Feb. 14 PUSH Coalition as he discusses Klhaliq, Ron Carter SSJ Newspa­ NAACP Chicago Far-South Sub­ the critical issue of "Raising Our per, at 7 pm, dr. Jacob Caruthers Energy-Efficient Light Bulb urban Branch. February Monthly Youth". The Media Connection CCICS, 700 East Oakwood Blvd. Giveaway. The bulbs use two- Meeting 7:00 P.M. St. Victors Host Naimah Latif, CAN-TV 39th and Langley, Coordinator by mad at (773) 531-8798 or email thirds less energy than a stan­ Catholic Church Rectory Hall 553 Channel 19 in Chicago. 12:00 Randy Evans. me at dard bulb to produce the same Hirsch Ave. Calumet City, II noon, Watch The Media Connec­ 1 rd [email protected]. amount of light and last ten times 60409 tion every Monday at 5 pm and Iteb. 22™ -23 as long. Over the next month, Tuesday at 12 noon on CAN-TV To celebrate Black History Mon. Feb. 25, they will be distributed through: Friday, Feb. 15 Channel 19 in Chicago. To see Month, Cerqua Rivera Dance Deputy registrars may accept the Theatre (CRDT) Jubilation runs Aldermen's offices, The Chicago Cook County Commissioner on the Internet, go to Google registrations of qualified residents at 7:30pm at the Columbia Col­ Department of Environment, 30 Robert Steele (2nd District) In­ Video and type in: The Media to vote. Residents which must lege Chicago Music Depart­ N. LaSalle St., 25th Fl. The Chi­ vites you to the Grand Opening Connection host Naimah Latif. be a U. S. Citizen, must have For info on upcoming shows call ment, 1014 S Michigan Avenue, cago Department of Housing, 33 of his new district office at 3936 been a resident in the precinct for (312) 849-FILM (3456) Chicago, IL 60605. Matinee per­ N. LaSalle St., 2nd Floor The West Roosevelt Road, 1st Fl 3:30 th at least 30 days prior to Election Historic Chicago Bungalow Asso­ formances on February 19 and Day and must be at least 18 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For additional st ciation, 1 N. LaSalle St., 12th 21 at 12:00pm are also avail­ years old by next election. "Sign information or to RSVP please February 19, able to school groups and com­ Floor, The Department of Aging's call (773) 722-0140. Entertain­ up for class today to become Grand Boulevard Federation, munity organizations. Tickets to Senior Centers, or call 311 to ment and light refreshments. This an Illinois Deputy Registrar" PPEN Monthly Meeting - TUES­ CRDT's Jubilation are $35 for learn the nearest location that month's Sistas in the Arts is co- Class Held; Celia Gregg Memo­ distributes bulbs. DAY, 2007 from 5-7 PM at 4150 reserved seating and $30 for rial AME Church, 520 Sibley sponsored with Affinity's XPU. S. King Drive (Centers for New general seating. Advanced reser­ 7:30pm Affinity 5650 S. Wood­ Boulevard, Calumet City, Illinois Horizons). Please RSVP. GBF vations recommended. To pur­ 60409. Reverend Clinton E. lawn (garden level) Featuring : chase tickets, contact the Cerqua Volunteers Needed for Annual Monthly Meeting - Wed., Febru­ Ward III, Pastor, Monday 7 p.m. Sharon Powell Poet and Sex Rivera Dance Theatre office at Daffodil Days in Chicago: ary 20, 2007 at 10 AM at the Chi­ - 8 p.m. For info email to valen- Health Educator. 773-847-0305 or CRDTof- March 17-21, evenr celebrates cago Urban League (4510 S. cia_hotmail.com or call Valencia [email protected]. For more in­ the hope cancer will be elimi­ Michigan). 4859 S. Wabash, 2nd E. Ross at (708) 539-7978. Newsweek's Ellis Cose to key­ formation, please visit us at nated. The Chicago office of the note Chicago Urban League Floor p: 773/548/8140 ext. 205

ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC A/OSERIVICE FUEL FILTERS CEDA Light & Gas BUI Assistance MUFFLERS SHOCKS BRAKES SPRINGS STRUTS AXLES TUNE UP OIL CHANGE Program starts Tuesday, Sept 4,20Q7 GAR-XAHTB SERVICE Who can apply? 460 E. 35th Street Household with seniors 60 years or older» Located to th& DI or SSI individuals. Lake Meadows Shopping Center PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING; * Proof of income for Household (Last 30 days) 312—225-8211 'Social Security card for household members J12—225-91» fu *ComEd and Peoples Gas Bill (30 days). Serving Brongewffie Smce 1989 Evening Star M J. Church Visa & MasterCard Accepted 4235 S. Cottage Grove Chicago, IL 60653 Monday - Friday: 9:00 a,m. - 5:00 p.m, t' tri ¡fl té Saturdays 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. >NT WORRY CALL 1 Phone: 773/536-9527 South Street Journal February 14,200S Page 5 from the Department of Planning that refers them back to the Plan, but the Westside group reported it does not address WEST their concerns. However, Commis­ sioner Randall has referred them to Association Deputy Commissioner Bonome for for further discussion. SIDE!! TIF Advisory Community some of the latest develop­ ments concerning the Pro­ Council Action posed Ogden-Pulaski TIF. There still is no TIF Advisory Coun­ The Lawndale Alliance on Cable cil in place for the Proposed Ogden- channel CAN TV21 Pulaski TIF. Nor has there been any Receives The Lawndale Alliance will hosted communication from Alderman the Ogden-Pulaski TIF Hotline on Dixon or Alderman Munoz as to Monday, February 11, 2008, Cable when a Council will be put into place. Community Pictured above are: (left to right) Miguel Alba, director of Public Affairs for channel CAN TV21. The live call in If you are interested, please contact Jewel-Osco; Corinne Jenkins, executive director of WACA; Lola Jenkins, show, co-hosted by Valerie F. Leo­ Alderman Dixon's office at 773-522- vice president of Operations at WACA; Roy Whitmore, president of Opera­ 2430. If you are in the 22nd Ward, Grant tions at Jewel-Osco and Anthony Taylor, manager of Community Relations nard and Joe Ann Bradley, will gave at Coca-Cola Enterprises. viewers a forum within which to you should contact Alderman Ricardo The Kenwood Oakland Community Organization (KOCO) was also the re­ discuss some of the issues surround­ Munoz at 773-762-1771. Award- The cipient of a community grant award from Jewel-Osco and Coca-Cola Enter­ ing the Proposed Ogden-Pulaski TIF Westside Association For prises at the 9th Annual Taste of Black History Kick-Off Reception held at Redevelopment Plan; provided an A Call to Action Community Action (WACA) DuSable Museum of African-American History in Chicago. KOCO was rec­ overview of the approval process and Call Alderman Sharon Dixon at 773- was the recipient of a com­ ognized at the Black History kick-off reception for their excellent, diligent explore ways the TIF may more di­ 522-2430 and Alderman Ricardo munity grant award recently community work over the years. Five other community organizations were rectly benefit local businesses, home­ Munoz at 773- 762-1771. Ask them from Jewel-Osco and Coca- also awarded and include: St. Sabina Church; Black-on-Black Love; owners and residents. Program spon­ to recommend that the Community Cola Enterprises at the 9th Westside Association For Community Action; DuSable Museum of African- Development Commission not move American History and Proviso Leyden Council on Community Action. sors include the Monroe Foundation Annual Taste of Black His­ and Do for Self Community Develop­ forward with the Proposed Ogden- tory Kick-Off Reception held ment Corporation. A press release is Pulaski TIF Redevelopment Plan at DuSable Museum of Afri­ attached. until a TIF Advisory Council is put in can-American History in place, and community input is in­ Chicago. WACA was rec­ Approval Process cluded ognized at the Black History The Proposed Ogden-Pulaski TIF The Civic Federa­ kick-off reception for their Redevelopment Plan is being ad­ excellent, diligent commu­ vanced without the benefit of a local tion Calls for TIF nity work over the years. advisory council to review it before it Five other community or­ is approved. The redevelopment plan Reform ganizations were also was introduced to the Community The Civic Federation issued a report awarded and include: St. Development Commission on De­ recently calling for TIF reform. To Sabina Church; Black-on- cember 11, 2007, and was reviewed download a copy of the PDF file, Black Love; Kenwood Oak­ by the Joint Review Board on Janu­ click onto the link below. land Community Organiza­ ary 4, 2008. The matter will appear http://www.civicfed.org/articles/ tion; DuSable Museum of before the Community Development civicfed_261.pdf African-American History Commission for a public hearing on Inquiring Minds Want to Know and Proviso Leyden Council February 19, 2008. The hearing will Ms. Anita Booth provided the follow­ on Community Action. take place at 1:00, in City Council ing information: A neighbor on 19th Chambers, 2nd Floor City Hall. We and Drake report, that they received a urge you to stand in the gap for North letter offer from the Department of Lawndale and present public testi­ Planning to buy their 2 flat for mony. For info 773-521-3137. $82.000.000. According to what was Teachers off tomorrow said in the (City's TIF) meeting, the Correspondence plan had not yet been approved, so how could they make an offer for rally for funding to the City property in the TIF. We will inquire if this home owner (Continued from page 3) least five years in neighborhood classroom. When she picked up her The Lawndale Alliance submitted a schools. diploma from a south suburban high letter to the Community Development requested to sell their property. To celebrate progress and foster Organizers expect more than 100 school, she was a teenaged single Commission with a detail outline of We thank the North Lawndale growth of their community-enriching candidates from GYO's 16 partner­ mother, and what she wanted was to our concerns and recommendations Community News for continuing program, teacher candidates of Grow ships around the state to attend the sing. surrounding the Proposed Ogden- to cover community and eco­ You Own Teachers Illinois will rally rally. "When I got out of high school, I Pulaski TIF Redevelopment Plan. nomic development issues. in the Capitol rotunda in Springfield "We have grown considerably in really didn't have a desire to go to They have since received a letter on Tuesday, Feb. 26, from 11:30 a.m. the two years of the initiative," Hal­ college. I didn't see the importance to 1 p.m. lett said. GYO wants funding for the of it," Camphor says. "I was going to Legislators and teacher candidates program to increase from $3 million pursue a career in music." has launched their message: Grow a year in 2007 and 2008 to $4.5 mil­ But her love for her child and for 'IfatTmotiify Your Own which they say saves lion for 2009. "This program has reading joined with her love for mu­ taxpayers' money because it fills expanded from 12 partnerships to 16 sic to put her on another path, one understaffed lower-income schools and from 395 teacher candidates to that would lead her to a husband, two with highly qualified teachers who 545. Increased funding is badly more children, a church, community are committed to their communities. needed to support this growth." activism and then to Grow Your "The GYO partnerships and the The law that funds GYO sets a Own. ***** inspiring teacher candidates will goal of 1,000 new teachers in schools Camphor recalled that in high make their case for needed funding by 2016. school "all my friends were studious, | in Springfield with policy makers, Hallett says that 87 percent of and my close friends went to college. BeverCy Mm - CfUcago many of them long-time supporters," GYO teacher candidates are non- My best friend went to St. Xavier in said GYO director Anne Hallett. white. "They are people who live in nursing." Camphor was visiting that Funded by the state, GYO unites the neighborhoods," she said. "They friend who brought her to a life- community groups, higher education know the culture of the kids and changing moment: Camphor was 1827 W. 103rd St institutions and school districts to bring major assets into the class­ introduced to a young man playing recruit teacher candidates from room. We want these highly moti­ the piano in the lobby of her friend's Chicago, 160643 lower-income neighborhoods where vated adults to have the resources dorm. schools have trouble retaining quali­ they need to reach their promise to It turned out that the young man (773) 881-FU1S fied staff. The state funds provide become highly qualified teachers." was a pastor involved in St. Xavier's forgivable loans that help put the Candidate Tiana Camphor, 25, of campus ministry. He invited her to candidates through college so they Chicago's Southwest Side, was a join his gospel choir. Now, Corey can obtain teaching certificates. In dreamer, although she didn't dream Camphor is her husband and the exchange, they agree to teach for at of eventually being at the front of a (Continued on page 6) BERRY JAMES. JTR.

APPLIANCES & FURHITUR FURNIWM VmmfBmamMi wlaCJEif %rl»CCfi jr. flaífígS» StO\ Refrigs, Stoves $99&up Single Matt & Box ^asferS, DrVI Wahers, Dryers, Freezers ANY I $79 • - .. T , , . Family Table/4 Chairs $89 m"m 9 m m w-m..^RF' will || Full Set $89 family f able/* FuiiBed$99 Queen Set $115 .' '>.m ift1 *g Single Bed $89 King Set $145 •- Pillow Full Sets $159 h ', Bunk Bed $189 Chests $49 Pillow Queen Sets $179 flunk Bed.JIB sofa sets $225 Pillow King Sets 259 60fa SitS $225 Lamps $29pr Must have Ad for Sale $1 ff A ,iances w/AD &éñ Ani.Mr ° ° PP Prices i259 H. ASHLAND • 77M7$-WB1 If 0PEH 730 AM fflfILAYAWAY Page 6 February 14,2008 South Street Journal added, "and we're going to Spring­ field to make sure the General As­ Black History Teachers sembly knows it." (Continued from page 5) "There are father of her two younger children. CBS 2 Special Her husband also helped her connect still a few to the Ambassadors for Christ Edition of Church, near 79th Street and Ashland seats avail­ Avenue in Chicago, and through the EYE ON CHICAGO church, the singer found another CELEBRATING able!" voice. She became an activist with TARGET Area DevCorp., a commu­ BLACK nity organizing and development organization that helped form GYO HISTORY GHETTO Illinois and is a GYO partner with Chicago State University and the MONTH Chicago Public Schools. Special Eye on Chicago Will Air TOURS Saturday, Feb. 23, at 11:00 a.m. Ms. Beauty Turner has a unique With a home life, a church and a Rear center Ms. Beauty Turner founder and host of Beauty's GHETTO community anchoring her, Camphor and Sunday, Feb. 24, at 10:30 bus tours of the inner city' It were Tours looks on as co-host Ron Carter, publisher and Editor discuss and reverted to an old love. a.m. Donna Thompson, CEO featured in the Los Angeles Times, explain issues surrounding public housing. Photo by Mable Hardy "My husband had the book at our Access Community Health Net­ Chicago Sun Times, Chicago Trib­ house," she said, referring to "Inside work, featured guest une, Boston Globe, as well as nu­ have been relocated from Robert Some of the people, groups who Mrs. B's Classroom: Courage, Hope CBS 2's Diann Burns will host a merous of other prominent papers in Taylor Homes, State way Gardens, have grace the Beauty's Ghetto Bus and Learning on Chicago's South special edition of Eye on Chicago early July 07. Madden Park Homes and the city's Tours with their presents include: Side," written by a Chicago journal­ in celebration of Black History Next tour is on March 17 from other, now-demolished high rise LA California Professor/Student ist, Leslie Baldacci, who left the Month in Chicago. The half-hour 10-1 pm. (Visiting Cabrini Green public housing developments. She 1/9/08 craft to become a teacher. program will air on CBS 2 on Feb­ Development.) has provided similar tours for North­ Highland Park High school stu­ Camphor was shocked when she ruary 23 at 11:00 AM and again on There are still a few seats avail­ western University's Freshman Ur­ dents 1/16/08 read the stories of the miserable February 24 at 10:30 AM. Burns able for "Beauty's Ghetto Bus ban Program, the Jewish Council on Chicago Center Culture INC. conditions in the schools. will be joined by CBS 2 anchors Tours." Urban Affairs, Cardinal Francis 1/23/08 and reporters, Suzanne LeMignot, One of Baldacci's statements Every tour is conducted by na­ George and others. (75) Ninth grade students and 3 Steve Baskerville, Jim Williams, stood out: "I can go and I can make tional-award-winning Assistant The last tour was almost at ca­ teachers from, -Young Women Derrick Blakley, Pamela Jones and a difference." Editor, South Street Journal Beauty pacity, so people are strongly rec­ Leadership Charter school 1/31/08 Dorothy Tucker. The program will Shortly after Camphor finished Turner and co/hosted by the news­ ommend contacting Beauty at 773- - Chicago Center focus on important issues impact­ the book, she learned about the paper Publisher Ron Carter. 924-9590 or 1-773-297-5619 cell, Culture INC 2/9/08 ing Chicago's African-American GYO teachers' initiative, and today Turner will take you to historic [email protected] Tickets Harvard School of Excellence community. The topics include she is studying at Chicago State sites, provide you with data and are $25 each. 2/15/08 healthcare, children with special University to earn her teaching cer­ details about low-income families, Google search "Beauty's Ghetto needs, male role models and cul­ tificate. and introduce you to people who Bus Tours" for more information. ture. To her, just as important as GYO's financial backing for school is the group's moral support through DREXEL COUNSELED SERVICES, INC. its cohort program. 8AVEWAT rnnns/CALnMrT "Our cohort is really like a big RD family. We check up on each other. 936 E. 93 STREET 911 f * If III iwwmw/mimwnmi We read chapters together," she CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60619 said, adding that GYO's child-care Fill I LIQUORS. IN6 assistance is a "life saver." (773)731-5395 m www w. w^wwwwiwp *avw Will she be at the rally? (773) 336-5545 FAX RD Yes, she says: GYO is "just awe­ 13-315 EAST 43 STREET some. We need to have more fund­ WE PROVIDE: ing." CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 60653 For Madeline Talbot, lead organ­ LEVEL I OUTPATIENT SERVICES- izer of Action Now and a power LEVEL II OUTPATIENT SERVICES (773)548-341 behind getting the law passed, "there is no excuse for giving the kids who DUI EVALUATIONS, DUI RISK EDUCATION OPEN*: MONDAY. SATURDAY I aa-.S p need the most help the least experi­ ANGER MANAGEMENT enced teachers. ASSESSMENTS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY "GYO is changing that," Talbot


•J) South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 7


It's the long legacy of Black people lo rock the status quo by making new history everyday. Your dreams, ingenuity, inventiveness, imagination, insight, innovation,, talent, skills and hard work have always changed history for the better. That's why here at ABC 7 Chicago we not only celebrate Black history, we will broadcast the news proudly. Creativity, passion, trae grit .and old-fashioned motherwit have enabled Black people to do what many would think impossible. And to that, we say keep on rocking.


i - iff:! *•»,>*. ;.V* -, T» I--. * in\ ¡r*< Page 8 February 14,2008 South Street Journal Gun Control in Chicago Marc A. Wiley Propelled by daily reports of shooting deaths as well, he said. across the nation, Rev. Gregory Livingston, "Every year, I've presented an aggressive national field secretary' for the Rainbow PUSH package of gun reform legislation in Springfield Coalition, assembled leaders from the Brady and Washington, D.C. In the last few years, Campaign Against Gun Violence, Purpose Over we've made some, but not enough progress Nadie Anieee Pain, Save Another Life and others to plan con­ against the odds in Springfield. certed action in pursuit of stricter gun laws. Rev. Jesse Jackson, of the Rainbow PUSH "We did not call this meeting because we Coalition, called for a summit of anti-gun or­ Cuminings-Smitli knew that six people were going to be shot in a ganizations after five women were fatally shot at Missouri courthouse yesterday," Rev. Livingston a Lane Bryant department store in Tinley Park, She Built Bridges Over Troubled said. "Nor did we know that three women would Illinois. Throughout 2007, Rev. Jackson led a Waters And Heard Trumphet Sound die because of gun violence in Louisiana this campaign in support of common sense gun laws knew about a woman who was born September 18, 1915 in and a ban on assault weapons. In July, he and Fr morning." ; Waterford, Mississippi. She was the 9th of 15 siblings. She Michael Pfleger, pastor at the Faith Community Mayor Richard M. Daley unveiled a package received her education in the public school system in Mar- of "common sense" gun legislation proposals the of St. Sabina, were arrested during a protest at I City will support in Springfield and Washington, Chuck's Gun Shop in Riverdale, Illinois. shall ¿ounty, Mississippi. Mrs. Nadie Smith did I met this great D.C., that balances the need to protect the rights "Rev. Jackson was there when Dr. King was not have an opportunity to complete her educa­ woman over 41 of gun owners with the necessity of reducing the killed with a gun," Rev. Livingston reminded tion but she used what she had learned to help years ago and threat of gun violence in Chicago and all across participants in today's meeting. others. While a 7th & 8th grade student, she always enjoyed our conversations and words of America. Many of those participants have been in­ was an able instructor who taught the lower wisdom. I learned how to cook from this Rev. Livingston told the group that 30,000 volved in tragic incidents of gun violence, in­ grade level students. She volunteered and woman because I spent so much time in the people die from gun violence in the United cluding Jennifer Bishop of the Brady Campaign taught reading education at District 169 in Ford kitchen with her. She would always tell me that States every year, with gun violence now the Against Gun Violence. Since the shooting deaths Heights to low- achieving students in the com­ when she cooks, it's not by measurements but to leading cause of death among African American of her pregnant sister and brother-in-law, Bishop munity. She did not have a diploma or a degree the taste. I mastered this technique because of males ages 15-24. has spearheaded numerous anti-gun violence from any school or university, but she had a her advice. Initial crime data from last year shows that the marches and rallies promoting awareness to the Ph.D. in life and yet another, in love. We need to learn the basics of what a family vast majority of homicides in Chicago 75 per issue. Mrs. Smith career was being a wife to her consist of and continue teaching our children cent — involved firearms, Daley said. Daley said the legislative package includes husband and mother to her 13 children. She was moral values. I remember Nadie Smith told me Further, the data show that 89 per cent of five proposals - four of which will be pursued at a social worker to many in the community. She a long time ago, "Family is like a tree, you need offenders had a prior record and that more than the state level and one at the federal level. provided respite care to many, cleaning their a leaf, branch and the roots. The leaf provides 73 per cent of murder victims had a prior record homes and preparing their meals. She was a beauty, the branch provides strength and roots great worker with the PTA. She also volunteer provide life. One cannot survive without the for the American Red Cross who was responsi­ other." She fed and provided shelter, and men- No Matter What May Be The Test ble for making sure the children were vacci­ tored to so many in the community of Ford nated with their early childhood shots. Heights. Nadie Smith has left this world but God Will Take Care of You I remember eating many meals at her home. will always live in so many people's heart. She Join Nadie Smith cooking was one of her passions. has gone to join her husband of 58 years. I had She would cook a feast fit for a King. Breakfast a vision of Deacon A.C. Smith standing at those Bishop Lucius Hall, Pastor consisted of bacon, eggs, grits, sausage, oat­ pearly gates taking his bride to their new home. First Church Of Love and Faith meal, salmon and rice, and homemade biscuits Nadie with her long silky black hair and draped on a daily basis. Her dinners were served with in white with gold trim, telling the angels to Schedule of Services: Roast, Turkey and Dressing, Beef Stew, Fried continue to watch over her children and over 38 Chicken, peach cobbler, pound cake and her grandchildren, 93 great grandchildren and 23 Sunday, Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. homemade dinner rolls. Nadie Smith was very great great-grandchildren. The church was Sunday, Evening Live Taping and big on family and community coming together. crowded not because Nadie died, but because I often speak about it takes a whole village how she lived. This Great woman was not just a Broadcast on WGCI -AM 1390 - 5:00 p.m. Tuesday, Worship to raise a child. Mrs. Nadie Smith was that type mentor to me, but she was my grandmother Service - 7:30 p.m. of woman who not only said it but lived it. If with a message that will live on forever. In her you did not have anywhere to sleep, you had it training I will continue to be an advocate for Saturday, Channel 25 (Comcast) 7:00 p.m. at her home. If you were hungry than you children and senior citizens. showed up and had breakfast, lunch and dinner. You Are Invited To Attend an African-American Heritage Celebration ¿Hid Cjrl ¿Uld"" Opening of

ti ij IJ 1 U 5 newest restaurant in the South Loop- IJIC Campus 133 South Hakted Street Friday: Feb. 29,2008 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM Brief Presentation by John ML Clark* President/CEO Remarks By: Lt. Gov* Pat Quiiin and State Treasurer Alexi Giannoultos

RSYP; (773) 488-1411 Extension 21 South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 9 Atty. takes on CHA/Police harassment of residents (Continued from page 1) Housing Authority and the the many pending and potential Robert Taylor Homes written in the South Street Woodlawn Organization (the . future trespass cases against Journal. Ickes' property manager) for relatives and friends of Ickes Dariul Moore age 18 at that time was alleg­ alleged rules and regulations residents. edly threatened and told by CPD not to visit his that residents could not have The victories also provide bed ridden grandmother while she lived in the visitors. CHA as a whole pays more fuel to the class action projects. Or he would be constantly arrested for the CPD $16 million annually lawsuit filed by Attorney Holder trespassing. "One time was too much to be ar­ to police public housing, in on behalf of Harold Ickes Home rested for visiting my Grandmother," according which Derrick Hill reports he residents against the City of to Dariul Moore "My grandson was afraid to has no know report of what the Chicago Police Department in come over and visit me," Moore said in a tele­ CHA gets for their money. October of 2007. Attorney phone interview on February 17, 08. Holder has received hundreds of "It felt wrong as if it were illegal than!" LaCharles Washington was complaints regarding abuse of Moore added. It's unconstitutional for residents visiting his infant child prior to police power, including but not Ickes Homes is located on the west side of in public housing to be treated any less than going to school at 10 am, when limited to trespass. Attorney State Street between 22nd to 25th street. Young residents tried of police harassing them, climb being American citizens. Being poor shouldn't he was arrested outside the Holder, who represented the in a tree and firm the misconduct of the Chi­ make you any less than any one else in America; steps of an Ickes building and "... these arrests and men pro bono, commented, "the cago Police Department violating their citizen and any one else that being treated unfairly chal­ detained for ten days. He was prosecutions are flat- most important thing to me is rights and degrading them. lenge it in the court of law. Recently that same later told by an assistant public that public housing residents Ickes Homes is currently serving as one of issue was raised in 2007 during my Ghetto Bus defender to plead guilty if he out wrong... young realize that they do not have CHA's "relocation resources," transfering resi­ Tours. wanted go home since he could people have been ar­ lesser rights just because the live dents who were moved from other develop­ Residents from the Dearborn homes, and not afford to post bond. in public housing." ments. Plans for this property's future are un­ rested in public housing der consideration. As half of the building are Harold ICKES Homes told me what were taking Attorney Holder was in from the year of 05 un­ She continued, "These victories prove that if you fight for what closed down. place in their homes; Residents from ICKES court that day and convinced til now. Many of them sued CPD, CHA and the city about this trespass­ Mr. Washington to withdraw is right, you will prevail. Many ing issue. And this year they are finding out that his plea of guilty and fight for now have a felony on of these arrests and prosecutions Holder is one of Chicago's rising legal ana­ fighting back pays off as Attorney Holder stood his innocence. Friday's victories their records concern­ are flat-out wrong and a waste of lytical stars. She gained national attention for up in support of some of the residents. also settle a previous belief of ing these trespassing the taxpayer's money." So many fighting for the rights of railroad workers who On February 8, 2008, Arty. Holder won two Judicial Sub circuit No. 9 Judge charges." Attorney Holder other young people have been were fired in the name of "homeland security" cases of trespass on the Ickes property by way of Marvin P. Luckman, who, in arrested in public housing from which led to a Congressional hearing. Her law acquittal. open court, previously told the year of 05 until now; many firm specializes in criminal defense, expunge­ The State of Illinois failed to meet its burden defendant Larry Smith, "Unless you are on the of them now have a felony on their records con­ ments, Governor's pardons, police brutality and that Ickes residents could not have visitors on the lease, you can't be on the Ickes property." cerning these trespassing charges. personal injury lawsuits. property and such visitors would be arrested for Mr. Smith is also the father of an infant child Following the residents addressing the issues this Ms. Holder sits on the Women of Power trespass by Chicago Police. Each defendant, who resides on the property; he was arrested reporter with Reverend Jesse Jackson and some Alumni Association Advisory Board; and is also Larry Smith and LaCharles Washington, was with the child's mother, Marie Battle, last July. other ministers stayed overnight at Ickes so the the founder of Rev. Jesse L. Jackson's Rainbow charged with two counts of trespass: Trespass to Attorney Holder tried Ms. Battle's case last Oc­ residents who are speaking out are not harassed. PUSH Expungement Clinic. State Supported Land and Trespass to Real Prop­ tober, which resulted in a not guilty verdict by Jackson called the harassment an attempt to Get in touch with Attorney Támara Holder erty. Judge Luckman. drive away low income residents from the in- (http://www.xpunged.com) Attorney Holder subpoenaed the Chicago These acquittals now set a precedent for creasingly upscale near South Side. Politicians slept in Chicago (Continued from page 1) turnout; seriously against Brookins for doing tion still talk about how the elections were ers now agree that there must be more direct did not make the same case for Brookins as his wife "wrong", shamelessly spoken, 'women stolen proving that a majority vote does not contact with the 400, 000 people that did not they did for Obama," Stanley A said. of Chicago lack the vision of the larger spec­ count and don't participate. vote and how assessing what message will get Even though political leaders like Congress­ trum, the Big Picture', take a look next time." Rick Bryant District Director for Jesse Jack­ them to the polls in November. man Jesse Jackson Jr. and others did not sup­ Gator also mentioned, son Jr, said "that's sad, maybe some correspond port Brookins, there was still enough voters In response to the voter turnout, WVON on to conclusion, we need to listen to what Obama that did not vote at all that could have made the air host Matt McGill said that he talked to peo­ is speaking of, we need to realize this is a de­ difference for Brookins. Rev. Al Sampson's ple that did not vote and it appears that there is mocracy, you get who you vote in." radio commercials talked about making history a sentiment among a lot of voters that they are "They say that after all the work people did with Obama, but did not include the historic "anti anything to do with politics, no matter in the last election, Bush was made the Presi­ candidacy of Alderman Howard Brookin. what happens." With all the media hype around dent even after Gore won a majority vote," Ranoule Tatum who dropped out of the race Obama that it wasn't clear that some real Crawford said. And now the candidate is for 26th District State representative endorsed hands-on voter education still needed to be Obama, you already have super delegates say­ the winner Will Burns a political insider that done to convince more people to vote. ing that even if Obama win the popular vote had enough backing to defeat Kenny Johnson. Even with the small voter turn out Tatum, they will keep their commitment to the Clinton Tatum said that he was glad that his supporters explained, "People do vote, African Americas so that kind of talk proves once again that the were able to make the difference for Burns in do vote, however it is the percentage that does majority vote will not count. his victory. "Most people saw Burns and John­ not participate, those are the votes that matter The people of the 3rd Ward elected Alder­ son running similar high tech campaigns, so we most because they neutralize the movement, man Pat Dowell as 3rd Ward Committeeman. were glad to add our truly grassroots support on they do not believe a change can come." A dent Dowell said " the State of Illinois, and the the ground for Burns and our 20% of support in a Black political movement and its leader­ country went to the polls to elect leaders who for Burns helped make the difference and we ship. represent their values. I am deeply honored to are glad and confident in Burns leadership." The black political base of leadership has be your Alderman and as Committeeman, I will We could have done more to connect Brookins issues of a transformation or a further lost of its ensure that our ward elections are held to the to Obama but did not and that's unfortunate, political landscape. highest standards of integrity and fairness. I said Tatum. A lost that have many concerns of the eco­ cannot express my gratitude enough for those "Not voting for Brookins was a travesty." nomics of communities. William Beavers lost who worked so hard on my behalf to make me Said Wallace "Gator" Bradley. 'While Authori­ his seat as 7th Ward Democratic Committeeman the Democratic Committeeman of the 3rd ties tried to pull me down and, criminalize me to Sandi Jackson, and may now lose his seat as Ward. Most importantly, I want to thank the for. spreading the vice, 'put down the bullet, City Chairman of the Cook County Democratic voters of the 3rd Ward. Your faith in me will pick up the ballot, as a (Black) people are being Party. not be forgotten and I will work everyday to tortured by police, under brutal circumstances Bobby Rush surrendered his post of the first demonstrate that it is not in vain. Together, we and, facing depths of fiscal police organizations Black Historical 2nd ward committeemanship will make our ward the best in the City of Chi­ which are unimaginable. This was our last by not seeking reelection or slating anyone to cago." JTúémj^lti chance, the chance of a lifetime to speak out retain it. As we move into what is going to motivate against the injustices. T.J. Crawford another WVON on air host voters to vote in November, enough community Women might have taken a toll in the voting said that too many people in the next genera­ and political lead­ One Call Unlocks them all with this ad. On leek nut service Turner's (7731568-LOCK 5625 Dry Cleaners 12201 So. Halsted 9352 S. Halsted St

(773) 238-7272 Salutes Black Wall Glispie Street Summit Locksmiths Page 10 February 14,2008 South Street Journal

Off The P Wal From the Scottsboro Nine (9) To the Jena Six.

e salute The NAACP for the great job they "The boys were held without bail; did to help the Scottsboro Boys after many of local lawyers refused to defend them; them were sentenced to die in the electric local chair in Alabama. They did come to their aid after drop­ Newspapers whipped up the mob ping the Ball to the IDL in the beginning and I Want to spirit, and the judge scheduled the talk more about what they actually did for them. first trial for horse-swapping day, But before saying more about the NAACP, I want ensuring a tremendous crowd. Ten to say something about police brutality. After the Civil thousand people, most of them armed War, Now we know the slave owners bull-whipped their with rifles and revolvers, poured into slave, cut their feet, toes and fingers off; raped the black a town of fifteen hundred. Sheriffs women and sodomized the men. But after the Civil War beat the boys in an effort to extract was over, and the 13th and 14th Amendments were confessions, but in spite of the lies... passed, it was unlawful to do this, so lynching prevailed they did not confess and they refused in the South and also some Northern cities and thousands the advice of their crooked lawyer to of Black men were lynched all the way up to the 1930's "plead guilty and beg for life in jail." Now, I was born June 25, 1931, at the beginning On the night of the first day of the of The Great Depression, in Chicago, Illinois, exactly trials, however, Clarence Norris was three (3) months after the Scottsboro incident, which taken out of his cell alone, threat­ took place three months before. Can you see the connec­ ened, and badly beaten. He turned tion? If you don't, keep reading and you will see it. states evidence the next day. The On page 25 of a book by James Goodman, who verdict in the first case was greeted taught history and social studies at Harvard University, with applause and cheers from the you read where it says in his book entitled Stories OF spectators in the courtroom and a Scottsboro: "The deputies discovered two white girls, thunderous roar from the crowd out­ dressed in men's overalls. Initially they said nothing side. A brass band struck up a tune. about an assault. The first time the sheriff asked them if The second jury had to be influenced the boys had bothered them they said no only under the by the reaction of the people of Jackson County to the police stations of the United Sta tes, and while the Chicago Police E pressure of the lynch mob outside the jail in Scottsboro verdict of the first. PCFA,INT'L doesn't go along with IDL's line of reason- used them on Black i and the prodding of the solicitor, who kept saying, "Go It is significant to note that police brutality is not a ing(because we are not Communist or Socialist), we had plagued to talk c ahead and say they did it, that boy attacked you, didn't ne procedure in our criminal justice system. However, in prefer to believe that it was the US Supreme Court ruled to help the Scottsbor he." The girls finally agree to make the charge. Investiga­ 1931 Black men were beaten openly and in public view in Powell v. Alabama 1932, the white man knew that sentenced to die, but tions after the trials revealed that the two girls were noto­ until the US Supreme Court began to reverse cases like from then on there would be oversight and the Writ of week. rious prostitutes, who applied their trade in Huntsville Brown v. Mississippi, etc., at which point police depart­ Habeas Corpus, and the writ of certiorari would bring and Chattanooga. One of them, ments started secret interrogations in the back rooms near reversals of these violations in the Federal Court. Ruby Bates had once been arrested for hugging a alleys of police stations of police departments started It was after Scottsboro that police departments Negro in public. secret interrogations in the back rooms near alleys of went underground, so to speak, especially

Letters From evidence, hard facts that say this is how the woman really Obama reply to feels." This statement is hurtful and dangerous. These words from a man with a media platform like O'Reilly's can unwittingly send Mr. Tavis suggestions to sick people at a time when we have escalating mass violence, Jena is still a recent memory, and Smiley the noose continues to surface as a symbol of intolerance in communities across the country. President and CEO, The Smiley The statement also calls up images of some of America's Group darkest moments. The lynching party—a horrific event that 3870 Crenshaw Boulevard, Suite 391 brutalized black Americans and terrorized communities. There Los Angeles, CA 90008 is no acceptable context for the use of the term "lynching party" in our national political dialog and media. Dear Tavis, President Bush recently stated that "lynching is not a word to be mentioned in jest. As a civil society, we should understand hank you for the invitation to that noose displays and lynching jokes are deeply offensive. participate in the 2008 State of the They are wrong. And they have no place in America today." Black Union forum in New Or­ The President is right. While free speech is our right and T privilege, there are standards of decency and dignity that all leans, Louisiana February 21-23. The ex­ change of ideas raised at this annual sym­ participants in the political dialog should observe as we ener­ posium are invaluable as our nation strives getically debate the issues. to address the critical issues facing not just We should all be sensitive to the historical journey Barack African Americans, but Americans of every race, background for leading America in a new direction more than Michelle and Michelle Obama are on, and we owe it to ourselves to as­ and political party. Obama. sume our best behavior and maintain maximum dignity. I especially commend you for hosting this dialogue in New Tavis, this is our movement and our time. I look forward to Bill O'Reilly owes Michelle Obama and all of America an Orleans. On the eve of the Louisiana primary, I visited this great working closely with you throughout this election. Thank you apology. Fox News must also react to this insensitive comment city for the fifth time since declaring my candidacy to share for your continued support. that is a reference to the very worst of America's racist past. policy proposals for rebuilding the Gulf Coast so that we never We are asking both Fox News and the FCC to pass judgment experience another Hurricane Katrina. On February 9,1 was Sincerely, on this. deeply humbled to win the Louisiana primary with 86 percent of Barack Obama the African American vote and a 14 point lead among all voters who said they were adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina. A Presidential Request Uniting our country and creating a national constituency for Rev. Jackson Responds to President George Bush fundamental change is why I am running for President of the The White House United States. We have come a long way in this race, but we Lynching Party Reference by still have a long road ahead. In the final stretch, I will be on the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW campaign trail everyday in states like Ohio, Texas and Wiscon­ Bill O'Reilly Washington, DC 20500 sin talking directly with voters about the causes that are at the heart of my campaign and the State of the Black Union forum The following is a statement from Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr., Dear Mr. President, such as affordable healthcare, housing, economic opportunity, founder and president of Rainbow PUSH Coalition regarding e waited 7 years to contact you making sure civil rights and foreign policy. I am committed to touching Bill O'Reilly's comments about Michelle Obama. we were successful in developing a road map im­ every voter, and working to earn their vote. pacting the plight to save the dreams, hopes and That is why with regret, I am not able to attend the forum. I Dear Editor aspirations of the youth in the community where we live. We understand that you have declined the campaigna€™s request to have the audacity to hope for America's promise. have Michelle Obama speak on my behalf. I ask that you recon­ n his radio program, talk show host Bill O'Reilly com­ We have spent the last 7 years saving a historical apartment sider. Michelle is a powerful voice for the type of real change mented on Michelle Obama's recent statement regard­ building named the Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments America is hungry for. No one knows my record or my passion ing pride in her country. O'Reilly said, "I don't want which I was illegally evicted from in 1999 where I served as the to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's H.U.D. Drug Elimination Coordinator of a seeding program South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 11 At the gravesite in Tulsa» wha In the police sta­ tions of northern big cities like New York, Chicago, was a Illinois in 1952,21 years after The Scottsboro inci­ dent, and by that time the practice was to arrest Black men in these big cities and take them to the n March 1, we will come targeted Black not a not back of these police sta­ into the Black Wall communities; tions near the alleys where It is question­ they could not be heard in Street Summit thanking able whether the front of the police those of Tulsa Okalahoma and these re­ stations where the Desk even those in Bronzeville as they have sources are Sergeant sits, and if some­ lived the Black Economic agenda that we sustainable one comes through the strive for today. for black busi­ alley and hears the Ron Carter, publisher and Our economic purpose then and as we ness under the screams of a Black man editor, Mark Allen, associ carry it out once again is to recognize the current devel­ being tortured, they would ate editor issues upon us and the challenges ahead. opment. think some man was beat­ The Black Wall Street, originally In as much, the Black Wall Street committee has proclaimed that ing his wife. known as the Negro's Wall Street, is a term, reportedly coined by the Summit is a long term long over due campaign with business or­ This kind of police Booker T. Washington, to describe the segregated black business dis­ ganizations, consumer advocates, and business-related agencies is in behavior was going on 30 trict on the south end of Greenwood Avenue in Greenwood, Tulsa, place to assess actions taken and the challenge ahead to secure and years later when Police increase Black businesses. Commander Jon Burge Oklahoma during the early 1900s. It was a prosperous area, made so This Summit is to leverage our most valuable assets intellectual of and his cohorts tortured partly by the segregation laws in effect at the time that restricted Af­ almost 150 Black men, rican Americans from spending their money in white areas. The area working in harmony - while we utilize the nearly $800 billion in Black and the people of Cook reportedly used "black dollars" instead of U.S. currency to do busi­ consumer spending to advance our own economic agendas. We are to County Chicago paid over ness inside the district. collaborate with the Chicagoland community businesses to strengthen $ 5 million for an investi­ Chicago today witness daily of the spiraling number of black males the economic base among Black Americans." gation that admitted some languishing on the streets. Regrettably, they have been eradicated There is no division among us. We are joined together in the same blacks had been tortured, from the process because they are considered an obsolete and fungi­ mind. Grant unto us each representative, the boldness speak a natu­ but that the statute of limi­ ble commodity with little or no economic worth, as jails are an eco­ ral agenda which confirm with signs of action as where we are to go tation had run out. The nomic market for others using Black youth. for the future. only difference between It has been conveyed that the summit cannot be idle while increas­ We are targeting on Measur­ what happened to me and ing numbers of businesses face the risk of closing due to the monopoly able Outcomes as they pertain what happened to them of others. In addition, to widespread access to capítol and the respon­ specifically to Increasing and was that Commander sibility that the community must act and act quickly. Sustaining Black Businesses if Burge had been a soldier One example as in the Englewood community of the 51 at all. in Viet Nam where he Korean stores being granted property on 59th street Join us at the Chicago Urban learned to use the Black and Halsted, and overall the Chicagoland 2020 and League located at 4510 S. Box, and when he joined 2040 plan that do not include the stability of Black busi ¡partment, he brought one with him, ten, and the rest is history. Well, I nesses sharing the economics at least in its own commu write about what the NAACP did nities. The 2040 Plan places strong emphasis within the Boys after they were tried and hat will have to wait until next

the People called the "Michigan Boulevard gazing gatherings on summer nights ... and of a Plantation! Garden Apartments Challenge" there were several stores on the ground Yes I said a Plantation, with a white couple on the porch and a during the Empowerment Zone floor, including a bank, a Sears, an A&P, Black woman Dress like Aunt Jamama walking away from the years. and several stores owned by African- house. When did Slavery become marketable? In 1981 the Michigan Boulevard Americans." My Grandfather was 100 years old before he passed in 2004 and Garden Apartments (Rosenwald) The "Save The Rosenwald Coalition" that Picture reminds me of his very few but painful story's not a was placed on the National Register needs technical assistance from the White hot southern day with a cool refreshing glass of sweet tea. So of Historic Places list by then Con­ House to ensure a successful redevelop­ stop buying any drinks from this company! Stand up and let gressman Harold Washington ment of our property; your voice be heard & overload their lines. thereby designated as a significant Provide a potential framework for improv­ 1-800-832-377 architectural structure by the United ing our community's understanding of the States Department of the Interior structures and processes involved in suc­ and must be protected by this branch ¡ cessful heritage-led regeneration. of government as a part of the The building is protected by U.S. Legisla­ American fabric which tells the tion: story and is an exemplary model for workforce housing for the working We need your staff to research other re­ poor. sources available to us. Coalition members In 1908 Mr. Julius Rosenwald will be visiting Capital Hill in early 2008 to became president of Sears. Mr. meet with your staff for assistance. I have Rosenwald was inspired by Booker elicited the support of Digger Phelps who T. Washington an ex-slave and worked with me on a previous pro- founder of Tuskegee Institute. ject.Thanks for your consideration. Of all his philanthropic efforts, Rosenwald was most famous Sincerely, for the more than 5,000 "Rosenwald schools" he established Bobbie Johnson RN throughout the South for poor, rural black youth, and the 4,000 Convener - Save The Rosenwald Coalition as a Proud Black libraries he added to existing schools. The network of new pub­ person and forward this to every Black Person you know! lic schools subsequently employed more than 14,000 teachers. In 1927, Rosenwald received a special gold medal from the William E. Harmon Awards for Distinguished Achievement in Race Relations for his contributions to the education of black Arizona, youth. In 1929 he built the Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments; an exemplary model for workforce housing in Chicago. The covenants that were created by Mr. Rosenwald and Mr. Wash­ Southern Style ington yielded an everlasting monumental legacy. Dear Editor The Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments were homes to y name is LaMar McGowan and today was the first residents rich and poor; famous and anonymous. This building day of my life were I Felt like less of a Black Man! is located in the Grand Boulevard Community (38); a Casey When did Slavery become marketable? I'm Calling Reform Community. for a nation wide Boycott on a drink company named "Arizona" "This was an extraordinary, first-of-its-kind place in Chicago, which has a variety of flavors, I myself have bought a number and the people who lived there were musicians, athletes, doc­ of their drinks, but on 11/30 I bought my last one. Their is tors ... the cream of the crop among Chicago's black aristoc­ someone in the marketing dept. who told someone on the board racy," as Rosenwald's grandson, biographer Peter Ascoli, who that "We can degrade Black people and make money at the has wrote a book about his grandfather called "Julius Rosen­ same time" and the board member agreed! wald: The Man Who Built Sears, Roebuck and Advanced the Every Black person from the south knows how good it felt on Cause of Black Education in the American South;" told the those hot southern days to have a tall glass of sweet tea. in 2003. "Inside this building were two nursery "Arizona" has a flavorknow n as "Southern Style Sweet Tea" schools, ballet classes, and a Boy Scout troop. There were star­ but if you look closely on the front of the can their is a picture Page 12 February 14,2008 South Street Journal Entertainment Brief

MAXINE DANIELS FIRES •Entertainment mogul Sean BACK AGAINST R. KELLY "Diddy" Combs says there's a huge Daughter of George and Re­ difference in his acting perform­ gina says singer is trying to ance in Broadway's "A Raisin in defame her parents. the Sun" and his performance in *Maxine Daniels, the 21-year- the made-for-TV adaptation sched­ old woman at the center of R. uled to air Monday (Feb. 25) at 8 Kelly's latest sex scandal, has p.m. on ABC. taken her story to the Chicago Sun-Times in an attempt to de­ SPIKE LEE BACKS OBAMA: fend herself and her parents * Spike Lee told an audience at the University of against accusations leveled in a press release issued Dayton to "do the right thing" and support Sen. Monday by Kelly's camp. Barack Obama's run for the White House.

'MADEA'...THE CARTOON: Yes, Tyler Perry 'DEBATERS' SCREENED AT BAFT A/LA is animating his famous gangsta grandma for a EVENT: Film's *"The Great Debaters" got the new TV series. *Now that Madea has left her rather royal treatment in Los Angeles Sunday at a special large mark on the stage and big screen, the next step screening hosted for families by The British Acad­ for creator Tyler Perry is emy of Film and Television Arts/ to bring the gun-toting Los Angeles' Inner City Cinema. grandma to life in her own cartoon series. TANK ARRESTED DURING NBA ALL-STAR WEEKEND: MARIO, JASON TAY­ Singer alleges police brutality in LOR GO'DANCING': New Orleans. *One minute, Tank New crop of 'Stars' an­ is singing with Jordin Sparks in the nounced for ABC reality Grammy swag suite. The next min­ show; cast comes to­ ute, he's tasered and handcuffed gether for 'Oprah' tap­ near the House of Blues in New ing. Orleans. * Singer Mario and Miami Dolphins star Jason Taylor MAGAZINES LINE UP FOR are among the dozen ce­ J.LO BABY PHOTO: People lebrities who will compete magazine reportedly pays mil­ on the next season of lions for exclusive "Dancing With the Stars," shots. *So what's the which returns to ABC on going rate for first dibs March 17. on pictures of J.Lo's twins? MSNBC is re­ NICOLE MURPHY porting that People %Jf »fc! LOVES HER SOME magazine is prepared to STRAHAN: *Nicole pay Jennifer Lopez and Murphy, the ex-wife of her husband Marc An­ actor Eddie Murphy, re­ thony $6 million for cently spoke to People exclusive pictures of the magazine about falling in babies. love with her current squeeze, Michael Strahan of the Super Bowl cham­ MORE MIJAC GRAMMY RUMORS: Singer pion New York Giants. allegedly demanded a special award and other accommodations in exchange for appearance. DIDDY SAYS HIS ACTING GAME HAS IM­ *Cindy Adams of the NY Post claims to have more PROVED: Mogul set to show and prove in Mon­ details about the drama between Michael Jackson day premiere of 'Raisin in the Sun.' and Grammy producers that resulted in a planned segment saluting the 25th anniversary of "Thriller" being cut from the Feb. 10 telecast. «? /i/^ ¿PS C/& •

ITTY BITTY BITS: Michelle Obama in News­ week; Dog Chapman returns; Michael Clarke Duncan in the 'Street*; *The latest issue of News­ week has an extensive cover feature on Michelle FEBRUARY Obama, the wife of Democratic presidential candi­ date Barack Obama. Toots and Slows... Award voting Chicago wfefMocsucer Den' "ytons1 tale of a young soet who finds remanes with a girl fromfi e X hood ouinq a cchlfoversiai beef n CSava-'ai íChatna¡,n-A¥&Gn}. SHOOTING CANCELS LIL WAYNE-HOT 10th BOYS REUNION: Gig in New Orleans scrapped The Last Stand... Tm briSast mry i 9pm 4700 S. Cottage 77^9244700 Th«. Visit. . Dfanatic story of a young man incarcerated for a rape ne didn't commit, —*tn Harae* Baiy [fee WMsm, and Rae EVEKYtYEIWESIUl Dawn Cheng. F mea n CnicagD. MB. JACKS 5901 S. State St 773^67-sow Hi ftufcy aa* ftág^ 7SOO am- «W» <« Sortv *f áC¡ésr€e¡£B Sfiop fw Service, Selection ami Savings 1401 East 75* Street (@ Dorchester) Brand 773/254-4SÍS |4747) Sandwiches * Soups * Coffee South Street Journal February 14, 2008 Page 13 Black History in Film It's Happening at: Sam Cook and can-American cast, including Lena HIP HOP DANCE Dinah Washington Columbia Home, Ethel Waters, Louis Arm­ CLASS- FOR BEGINNERS; Learn the strong, Duke Ellington and Eddie basics of this exciting dance form as well as College "Rochester" Anderson. Little Joe is a the latest dance moves in this class that fo­ would be really compulsive gambler who has prom­ cuses on pure enjoyment. This high energy Chicago's ised his wife Petunia that he'll give class include plenty of choreography influ­ good too. up this bad habit. However, one day enced by some of today's hottest video chore­ RICHARD PEGUE IS "DR. DUSTY" Film & Video Little Joe goes to a casino where he ographers. Dance to the latest sounds of Rap, Department is shot and severely injured. R&B and Pop music. As a bonus, students will The Best Music of Your Life and Critical Little Joe dies and is given be given an opportunity to participate in a per­ Encounters, six months to redeem his formance at the end of each semester. Ages HIS IS A HISTORIC EVENT in a as part of the soul and become worthy of Adults and Teens. Classes are held Saturdays historic place. This newspaper office is African entering Heaven, or his soul 11:30 -12:30 at 39 West 47*1 Street. 312-842- just east of Grand Boulevard, or South Parkway OR Doctor will be condemned to Hell. T th Heritage 2401. www.annettehawkins.org. Martin Luther King Drive on 35 street - around the corner from Celebration, When he is resuscitated, Friday, Feb. 29th , Sam and Dinah, a couple of blocks from Quincy. Got that? I said Little Joe must choose be­ presents a MIC Stage presents Open MIC Extrava­ this to editor and publisher Ron Carter last year and when you think screening tween redemption and Geor­ about it, this is great geography that we seem to take for granted as gia Brown, a seductive ganza e: Gary and debate Comer Youth Cen­ we walk on this hallowed ground. Time travel isn't ready for us of Gordon singer. Unrated. (Exerpted yet but if it were where would you go? To the future? Or down the from a review by Alejandro ter, 7200 S. Ingle- Park Jr.'s side. 773-358-4091. street to see Sam Cook entering Doolittle Grammar school on a cold Frias on imdb.com.) Phillip th 1972 film 6:30pm to 8:00 pm, winter morning. Or Dinah walking from 37 and Cottage to Phil­ Jackson says, "This Black musical is th SUPER FLY. Join faculty members lips for classes. Let's go to 37 and Prairie to see Quincy going to similar to The Wizard of Oz. I en­ Free for members Vaun Monroe (standin' with the 'fly) the store on the corner. When was the last time you saw a photo­ courage youth to see this film with of GCYC with high and George Bailey (stickin' it to the graph of someone you knew having a good time? Didn't it make parental guidance."Saturday, Febru­ school id, $ 5 for movie) for a spirited debate of one of YOU feel good too? ary 16, students with high the most controversial and influential school id. $ 10 for "GOODTIMES" is more than just the title of the 1979 hit by films ever made. Thursday, February students without Chic. Goodtimes is an enjoyable state of mind, a feeling of joy and 14, Columbia College's Film Row high school id, relief from the pressures and problems of today. TODAY the elec­ Cinema 1104 S. Wabash, 8th Floor, Tickets are tion, the taxes the rent the streets and the BS.. .Bills and Stuff Chicago 7:00 p.m. start. available for Come on let's go to Riverview or the Regal.... To ride the Bobs or $5.00 in ad­ to see Bobby Blue Bland.. .Skating or to visit that sky scraper.. .to Black Star on vance. Get your the Savoy or to the top of the Prudential building, up to 41. Good- tickets now! Lim­ times, Good Dusties. the Stars on ited seating. THE BEST MUSIC OF YOUR LIFE is 40 years old this year. Prizes will be The official date is May 6th (at WVON) awarded to the and we're starting our celebration now Hollywood winner of the with this column in the South Street In celebration of Black History mentioned cate­ Journal. We'll recall some of the really Month, The Black Star Project has gories. Mr. Mer­ good times and good music you've organized a Film Festival! The three cer 773. made part of your life just like we do selected films represent three distinct LERA HfflWIE 426.1626. on the radio at WKKC 89.3 FM. This depictions of the African-American • mí mm* mmmm The event is is the Kennedy-King College radio experience in the 20th Century. Sat­ brought to you station that you can now hear on line at urdays in February for a free screen­ by MIC Stage WKKC.fm (that's WKKC dot fm). ing and discussion of these films. CEO- Markus TUNE IN AT MIDNIGHT and do Referee'd by Ron Falzone, FREE and Infinite Dreamer Allen. the time travel thing with the Tempta­ open to the public. Saturday, Febru­ G. Garvin Turns tions and Miracles, Count Basie, the ary 23, 2008. Production, LLC, headed by Ny'Acies Thomas, present the Up the Heat' on the Talk of Chicago Spaniels and El Dorados. Muddy Wa­ socially conscious original musical Renowned Chef brings Real Talk, Real ters and Koko Taylor, Marvin and Malcolm X, stage play The Infinite Dreamer, set Life, Real Radio to new weekend pro­ Tammy and the neighborhood kids direction by Spike Lee, this film to run February 21st. 22nd, and 23rd of gram Sam Cook and Dinah Washington. We traces Mal­ 2008 at the a Malcolm X Col­ The G. Garvin Show with Emilie McKen- bring you the memories and songs you colm X's path lege, 1900 West Van Buren dall returns to the Talk of Chicago 1690 love. A fan named Donald Yarborough th from hustler Street, Chicago, IL. 60612. WVON on Saturday, February 16 from called me "The Time Collector" and and drug run­ Doors Open at 6:30pm. The noon-3pm. you know he's probably right. We've ner to his Play starts at 7:00 PM. Chef G. Garvin, host of TV One's popular, got a lot to bring you in the South conversion to The Infinite Dreamer (http:// Turn Up the Heat, will not only bring his Street Journal with a little help from Islam and www.idreamstageplay.com) is culinary skills to the air with special features our friends in this office.. .radio's miss­ emergence as an intriguing tale of one man's such as, Hooking It Up, Cooking It Up, but ing magic, Mark Allen and another a leader in the struggle with the negative the program will also focus on the social, eco­ 'Doctor', Dr. Veronica Williams who Nation Of temptation of easy money. nomic and spiritual dynamics within the Afri­ knows her gospel radio. Islam. This When recording artist can-American community, for example, the SOUTHSIDE SENIORS GET READY TO PARTY with us at th film is filled Ny'Acies Divine (Ny'Acies importance of African Americans taking the the ATLAS CENTER, 1767 E. 79 street at Creiger. The special th nd with riveting Thomas) is approached by a lead in the rebuilding of New Orleans, the event is our 40 anniversary celebration on Saturday March 22 . performances record company, dangling a difficulties Black women face in the filmin ­ The event is a fund raiser for the Atlas Center between Stony and by Denzel big money contract to entice dustry and the troubled lives of Black athletes. Jeffery, and tickets are only five dollars for the dancing and the fun Washington, him to include profanity and "I want to discuss why positive images, re­ we will have from 12 noon until 4. This IS the Dusty Record Con­ Angela Bas- derogatory lyrics in his music, sponsibility, accountability and stable support vention for seniors. We'll be saluting the southside high schools sett,and Al he resists. Until, his Mother is systems are important and why positive results you may have attended. For more details call 312 747 0189. given a life hinging ultimatum of Freeman, Jr. as The Honorable Elijah are not just a coincidence—it's about positive P.S. we do the Blue Monday Luncheonette party with the having a heart transplant, which the Muhammad. Rated PG-13. (Exerpted resolution," expressed Garvin. dusties at 11:30 until 2 every week and lunch is less than three dol­ family cannot afford, and the insur­ from www.imdb.com). Sharing the hosting duties with Garvin will be lars. Join us for the fun and all of the services the Southeast Depart­ ance does not cover. His psycholo­ Refreshments will be for sale. Chicago radio personality, Emilie McKendall, ment Of Senior Services offers. The staff is absolutely wonderful. gist and love interest, Dr. Theresa Please call 773-285-9600 to reserve who has graced the mic on several radio sta­ Stevenson (Dionne Woodson), E mail Richard at ^ [email protected] tions in the Chicagoland area seats. The Black Star Project, 3509 reaches out to help. Will he sell his S. King Drive, Suite 2B. Cabin in the soul to get the funds for the much Sky was a groundbreaking production needed operation; does he even have for its time due to its use of all Afri­ a choice? HAPPY NEW YEAR CUSTOMER 2008 APPRECIATION SALE SPECIAL RADIO TV COMBO PROMOTION

"50 Wings Special ...$24.93 $99.00 * 25 Wings Special ... $3.3.SO * Tender Deep Fried Whole Chicken PACKAGE INCLUDES $5.49 m RADIO INTERVIEWS ON WBGX AM 151 * 25 Pc. Honey BBQ Chicken Wings SPONSORING CREDITS ON $2.4.99 OMNIBUS R0UN0TABLE Tax not Included TV WORLD NEWS TONIGHT I GOT SOMETHING TO SAY MORGAN'S MEMOS CHANNELS 19 & 21

VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS FOR FISH -*****^ CHICKHNÍ TV mm mm TONIGHT & I GOT SOIETHÍNQ TO SAT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CALL BOOK YOTJR SPECIAL EVENT NOW 1T33 W. 87th Street BETWEEN JANUARY AND MARCH 2008 (Corner of 87th * Hermitage) MORGAN CARTER AND SAVE 10% FOR FASHES OF ftFEOPL F OR MORI (773) 429-3-8X2/1.5 773-420-3645 OR 773-443-7510 WHEN TOBMBMGI N I8ÍS AD!!! (773) 429-9569 (Fax) CALL (773) 541-75» 3847S.Ga« . Page 14 February 14,2008 South Street Journal There are 10 offices available Power to ranging from 66-square-feet to 172- square-feet. Tenants can choose ing equal skill, effort, responsibility from one to three-year leases at $17 Equal Pay Act to and under similar working condi­ open a per square foot. On-site parking is tions. Black male available to tenants and mailbox ensure women DCEO Announces rentals without an office is another crisis Building for service the incubator offers. "We and men paid Expanded Access to will have 20 to 30 mailboxes avail­ (Continued from page 1) Business able for rent. A lot of times small equal wages for Workforce Services businesses, especially home-based Once a model and now an entre­ mynity and new programs focused on businesses, will not have a business for Individuals and preneur, 3 5-year-old Bertina Power equal work education, the workforce and multi­ address that they can receive mail is set to open a 3,500- square-foot The State announced that Illinois has Businesses media outreach and packages. So this is an option office building in February for small won its first Equal Pay Act case in City and state community, civic The Chicago Urban League on for them," adds Power. businesses and self-employed pro­ court resulting in thousands of dol­ and business leaders to attend the announced its strategic response tó the fessionals looking for space to grow "They could even rent out one of lars in owed wages for a female Chicago launch of Illinois workNet crisis of African American men and and develop their respected busi­ our conference rooms for a day or a employee. The Illinois Department Illinois Department of Commerce boys with a new program designed to nesses. few hours if they need to meet with of Labor (IDOL) found that Main and Economic Opportunity Director promote social, educational, familial, clients or simply need a place to And unlike many commercial Street Liquors located at 2000 W. Jack Lavin, Mayor !s Office of and economic success at its Annual come do some work for a few office buildings where tenants must Madison Street in Chicago violated Workforce Development Commis­ Report Luncheon. hours." The entire building will be supply their own office equipment the Act by paying a male clerk a sioner David Hanson and Illinois The Initiative for African American Internet connected so those wishing such as copy and fax machines and higher wage for performing the Department of Employment Security Males, or I AM, will tackle the nega­ to bring laptops can do so. "This even a receptionist, Power is supply­ same work as a female clerk for­ Director James Sledge announce a tive trends and outcomes that dispro­ location ing all these merly employed at the store. On Jan. comprehensive effort to transform portionately impact Black males. The offers excel­ needs as 17, 2007, a Cook County Circuit and expand access to the state !s initiative is integrated with new pro­ lent street amenities. Court judge ruled in favor of the workforce development system. grams to expand job and career oppor­ parking right Other State and ordered the employer to Illinois workNet is a free resource tunities for African Americans, to in front of shared pay $4,061 in backwages and $8,122 that integrates physical locations develop stronger connections to the the build­ amenities in penalties to the employee, making (Illinois workNet Centers) with Black church, and to establish a multi­ ing," Power include two this the State's first equal pay case online resources and a broad range media platform for African Americans added. "And conference won in court since the law went into of community-based organizations in Chicago. The programs represent because of rooms, effect in 2004. to connect individuals and busi­ Phase II of the League's groundbreak­ its proximity kitchen, nesses with high-quality career plan­ ing projectNEXT economic empower­ to Interstates The Equal Pay Act complaint was break room ning, training, job placement and ment agenda. 90, 94 and filed by a female clerk when she and a café. support services. 57, it is a learned that a male clerk was paid Ellis Cose, author and Newsweek "Tenants Tuesday, February 19, 10:00 a.m. perfect loca­ more for performing the same work. magazine columnist, was the featured will have After investigating the complaint, news conference. Jack Lavin, direc­ speaker at the event, which drew more tion for today's mall business." their choice of using the staff recep­ IDOL found Main Street Liquors in tor, Illinois Department of Com­ than 1,000 of Chicago's business, "I grew up not too far from here tionist for administrative support or violation of the Equal Pay Act and merce and Economic Opportunity civic, political and academic leaders so I have a personal investment in bringing their on staff person," on June 30, 2005 demanded that the (DCEO), David Hanson, commis­ to the Chicago Hilton and Towers. this project and I want it to work," Power said. employer pay backwages to the sioner, City of Chicago, Mayor!s One of the largest business network­ she said. "While my goal is to help "Of course, those tenants wanting complainant. The employer refused Office of Workforce Development ing events of the year, the keynote Black business professionals espe­ to use the services of the staff recep­ to comply with the Department's (MOWD), James Sledge, director, address was delivered by Cheryle R. cially women, I am open to dong tionist will have an additional charge demand, making it necessary for the Illinois Department of Employment Jackson, now in her second year as business with anyone. Embarking on added to their monthly rent." Power, Department to seek the assistance of Security (IDES), Local elected offi­ President and CEO of the Chicago her first commercial project, Power a real estate broker, began working the Illinois Attorney General's Of­ cials, Local business, community Urban League said if this project proves successful, as an accountant for Atena Insurance fice to recover the wages and to and civic leaders Instituto del Pro­ With the I AM program, Jackson said she hopes to develop more commer­ after college. A Hampton University collect penalties for delaying pay­ greso Latino, an Illinois workNet the League is taking a leadership role cial properties. graduate, she is married with a one- ment of wages due the employee. Center, 2570 South Blue Island in helping to address the Black male month old son. The incubator, Power There will be an open house at the Illinois' Equal Pay Act prohibits crisis. "African American men and Avenue, Business Enterprise Center, at 8055 building for prospective tenants employers with four or more em­ boys are becoming lost in a cycle of S. Stony Island Ave., used to be from 5p.m.-8 p.m. Monday. For ployees from paying unequal wages hopelessness and underachievement. Keller Williams Realty and had been more information, or to RSVP call to men and women doing the same We must restore their hope and give owned by a medical professional (773) 721-9200. or substantially similar work, requir­ them tools for economic and social who sold the building. success," Jackson said. Community Insurance 1*6 iii6 r, line» Providing Superior Service Since 1962 Auto, Home, Life, Health, Business, Churches & Non-Profits Travel Like the Pros! - hit.a vmi b.< i.M* *#C*l|J#fi Pft 1^0 8 ^*r\

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i : v. •-• • . • Í.V - **% SnnífsKor» South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 15

Asked what would he say to those it pay. YTB pays you back for how you live who are wary of what appear to be when encouraging friends, family and associ­ pyramids Lewis informs that "YTB ates to pool their resources in your direction is publicly traded, we are regulated (through purchases), or recruitingwhere your by the FCC, were regulated by the reap the reward for the sales or their recruits. same people who regulate Google Like any other multilevel marketing corporation ) Microsoft, ATT, IBM etc. Our books YTB recruits its members through other mem­ are open and we make a profit." bers who have a 'downline'. Members sell not When asked if people can be confi- only travel but have a website which in addition 'dent in the future of YTB, Lewis to travel offers a bridal registry and can even defends, "I'm am not going to get allow you to save on car purchases. . involved in anything that is not right. It can begin as easily as a $500.00 investment " I've got too much to loose. I've done and $49.00 monthly hosting fees for a ready my due diligence and if the United made business that can be up and running on States government says it's okay, I say the internet within 24 hours of your signing up. it's okay." "Travelocity came to YTB approximately two years ago offering to partner with them." YTB is a 120,000 member strong in­ Lewis explains that although Expedia is the ternational travel agency, a partner of largest travel agency in the world, "we feel that Travelocity and is set on a path to rival we will overcome Expedia in two to three the largest agency in existence. years." He further explains how Expedia has The ideal behind YTB is not simply felt the pressure of YTB's rapid growth so selling travel but a lifestyle. A lifestyle much so that they began multilevel marketing that capitalizes off of the tax breaks two weeks ago. "We will be in every country in (Continued from page 1) they don't have a mentor, they don't have a generated from owning a home based business the world in a matter of time." On a sparkling black marble conference track to run on, they don't have somebody to that allows its entrepreneurs to get paid for how It's only natural that Kenny Lewis would table in one of four suites at his corporate head­ help get them out of their jam when they get in they live. choose YTB given his affinity for what he sees quarters sit six trophies the spoils from his a jam. And the money that they need is going to WTB asks, why not make your lifestyle your as winning team. latest passion. And the returns keep coming. be way more than they ever thought of." business? You travel, you make purchases, and Kenny Lewis is engaged in something worth­ so do your significant others and you can make while and could not be more content. And like some ebullient fiance, he will flash you the evidence to prove it. On the fifth finger of his left hand he bears a blue and white sapphire ring for $100,000 dollars in sales in his first quarter [check this info] . ON FEBRUARY 15™, Ask Kenny Lewis what thrills him these days and he will emphatically and unabashedly respond YTB. No sweat. And no sweat it ASK YOURSELF ONE QUESTION... was. "This thing is huge." YTB (Your Travel Bureau) is a multilevel CAN YOU BELIEVE? marketing corporation that Lewis discloses as one of the easiest and most satisfying venture has ever endeavored. Why? "Because it "There will be more Black men in college than in prison," works. And it works without thinking about it." That is what he advises his newest recruits "Chicago will be the new Black Wall Street" and prospects. And (besides running his Kenny's Ribs and Dusties buffet chains) that is how he spends his time these days. Re­ "Every Black child will graduate high school with a top education no matter their zip code." cruiting and mentoring. "When people come in I don't want them to try to think about it and figure it out." "I'm a giver. I'm a giver from my heart" says Lewis explaining part of the passion. Promoting YTB is a way that he can give entrepreneurs the opportunity to change their lives. Unlike Kenny's Ribs chain which has Chicago never been franchised, YTB allows a mini­ Urban League mal investment of under 500 dollars. There is not the risk and financial involvement. "... you can't get hurt", says Lewis. While many have approached Kenny Lewis to open up their own Kenny's Ribs franchise Lewis contends that the financial risk was too great and people wanted him to guarantee their /"\l NIN W/AL success. LUNCHEON "When people come to me and say give. me a franchise for Dusties [Buffet] or give FEBRUARY 15,2008 me a franchise for Kenny's [Ribs], I cringe... because they want me to guarantee their suc­ cess. Those ventures cost a million to five millions dollars. Now I'm very skeptical about taking someone's money, because once I take your money, you are going to hold me Featuring keynote speaker: accountable for your success. I don't want .nica go o rand ba I room that responsibility. I don't want it." L I's Cose So-th Michigan Avenue I feel [YTB] is the greatest business oppor­ tunity I have ever seen. The huge plus is that Aulho*, CCLTHS* -une contr'bJha editor !zom i: juom it can't cost you more than 500 dollars so you can't get hurt. How many black entrepreneurs for Newsweek magc/irc have been slaughtered out there-, their lives Ticket Information: wrecked because of getting involved in a venture [that costs way more] than what they Jo*n us os we aynch $80 each anticipated? In most cases they take that leap

must change the Civil Rights struggle to a struggle for eco­ Wake Up nomic and political improve­ ment. Black I read in the Black Press in 2006 that the National Urban League changed their agenda Americans from Public Relations and So­ cial Work to improving the eco­ With the nomic conditions of the black communities. The Black Press is now Black publishing about the many eco­ nomic summits held in various parts of the country. I know it is Press! the Black Press that is causing Other people are not spending recognition for me and the their money with us. Why are United American Progress Asso­ we spending most of our money ciation. In 1961, with them? Buy Black! I organized the U.A.P.A to We live together, go to church get more blacks involved in together, sing and shout to­ Business Ownership. I feel Edu­ gether, we must learn to spend cation, Votes and Proper Use of our dollars together. Buy Black! our Dollars can get blacks off The Black Church Leaders the bottom. must take the leadership in get­ Due to my appreciation of the ting our people to buy black. Black Press that enables me to How many business people stay informed. I read at least where you are spending your nine (publications) a week: The money do you see attending a Bulletin News, South Street black church, giving money to Journal, Standard Newspaper, help the black community? Buy Jackson Advocate, Wake Up Black! News, Chicago Crusaders, Citi­ If outsiders are not spending zen News, Chicago Defender, money with Black Business Owners why would we be never could have been as suc­ when they were not. Some sen­ N'Digo, and when I can get The South Street Journal spending most of our money cessful with the Civil Rights tenced for execution. Due to Jon Austin Weekly. I wish all blacks with them? Buy Black! Movement as he was. T was the Burges's action, the city has to thanks the following busi­ could see the value of the Black We are calling for a New Di­ Black Press that exposed White pay twenty million dollars. Due Press to our struggle as I do. nesses for the donations for rection in 2008. Buy Black! Americans. Some whites in to the Jon Burge case and other the Black Wall Street Sum­ Hats off to the Black Press, I America were not aware of the mistreatments of blacks in Chi­ Webb Evans, President mit: hate to think of what would have injustice that blacks were receiv­ cago exposed by the Black United American Progress Chatham Foods (327 E. 79th happened to blacks in America ing. Press, the city has to pay thirty- Association, meets every 4th St), if it were not for the Black Press The Black Press exposed po­ eight million dollars. Monday of the month at its Calumet Foods (315 E. 43rd or what would happen in the lice officer Jon Burge of Chi­ The Black Press is helping us office located at 7616 South St.), future. The Black Press has al­ cago who was putting an electric in our movement (economics). I Cottage Grove Avenue, Chi­ One Stop (4301 S. Lake ways published our side of the instrument to blacks and making read in the black press that Dr. cago, IL 60619 Martin Luther King said that we Park), Dunkin Foods (8753 story. Dr. Martin Luther King them lie that they were guilty of S. Stony Island; 3481 S. King Drive), DO YOU NEED CASH?? Saleh's Dollars Plus (238 E. 35th St.), ARE YOU IN A PENDING LAWSUIT NOW? HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED Churches Chicken (101 E. IN AN AUTO ACCIDENT? 35th St.), HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED IN A SLIP / J and J Chicken (8649 S. FALL ACCIDENT? Cottage Grove), and HAVE YOU BEEN WRONGFULLY TERMI­ Quality parts for over 20 years Pappy's Liquor (4700 S. NATED? Monday—Saturday 8 am—8 pm Cottage Grove). Sunday 9 am—5 pm Police Brutality / Wrongful Arrest Open 365 days a year Our Clients Needs Come Call The Maxport Corporation, Inc. Phone (773) 778-8100 First 773-264-1563 Fax (773) 778-8102 At Your Service 24 Hours A Day

We salute the organizers ot the Third Annual Black Wall Street CHICAGO economic Summit .11. In the Spirit or Black Wail Street Tulsa SINCE 19

Mailing Address: QU« P WWW .BLAC KWALLSTR EET.ORG 3473 South King Drive rwr i- builder^ Box #484 BLACK WALL, STREET DISTRICT OAKLAND Chicago, II60616 T>o.c aL*a-: •••.-..-. STBtiT D STRICT it» CAi-ircafüAS »&«.-• ¡r=s- AnsiOAM ¿'Jto:.i MMfcGMui flfePtaMACMMte .' ' B3C- " 5Ii --«ft Tel: 312/842-7033 Bssa e>«T¡a at »T«2"-o -.s:» "ats» • »-» Q« Br.-?rtr -r-c: -r—e s_u Lti'itas e:-iDI= ¿...CM» Fax: 312/788-1075 •- : South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 17 "Borrower Outreach Days" ! Caught in Foreclosure Crisis

According to preliminary figures from the National Training and Infor­ mation Center, about 14,000 foreclo­ sures started in 2007 in Chicago, up from 10,339 in 2006. Mayor Daley Outlines City's Foreclosure Initiatives with HUD Secretary Jackson, Encour­ ages Residents to Attend Workshops Since 2003, well before the crisis of the last year, the City and its partners began to combat foreclosures through the Home Ownership Preservation Ini­ Sales tiative, or HOPI (HO-PEE). Through Rainbow Push National Field Secretary, Mr. Gregory Livingston, Tommy Appraisals the initiative, any Chicago resident who Bennett, National Director of Community Affairs stands with James is having trouble paying their mortgage Brown. The Rainbow Push Coalition has been helping homeowners like (773) 723-0700 can be connected to a financial coun­ Mr. James Brown get through the home foreclose process. selor simply by calling 311, the City's non-emergency number. On January 1, the City launched its new "early warning" Last year, the City also substantially increased its efforts process to give homeowners more time to get help before a to inform residents about the availability of its 311 foreclo­ foreclosure action is initiated. The Swift Mansion sure assistance campaign with a widespread marketing how to avoid foreclosure, we have a real chance of mak­ 4500 S. Michigan ¿Ave, campaign. ing a difference," he said. is a National, and State Historical seven community facilities, and the Landmark site. CHA's Plan for Transformation development of new retail space. This building is 3 The entire site was addressed in a stories, 10,000 sq. single master planning process be­ Moving Forward in the 3rd Ward cause of the critical link between the ft. 27 rms, 5 baths, development on-site and the sur­ Georgian marble Alderman Pat Dowell (3) is encour­ opportunity. I want all of the resi­ rounding community, and the need exterior. A Car­ aging residents to learn more about dents to be informed about their to comprehensively address its im­ riage Side Drive, a the ongoing plans to improve the neighborhood," continued Alderman pact on the future of the area. two-story coach commercial and residential environ­ Dowell. In the current phase which began house, a lower ment of the 3rd Ward. In the coming weeks, the master the week of December 17th, Brin- Dowell said "I am hopeful that as plan for the re-development of shore Michaels will be constructing a level, and a sub basement. It sits on a 76.5x160. the 3rd Ward continues to grow and Robert Taylor Homes (now known total of 118 rental units at 39th and Excellent for: Bed and Breakfast Residential Home Café re-develop we will remain a place as Legends South) will be moving Indiana, 41st and Prairie, 42nd and Asking Price: $2.6 or best offer that is welcoming to people of all forward to transform and revitalize Wabash and on Prairie, between 42 Contact person: Christina Perkins income levels. The re-development the current site and surrounding and 43rd. Fifty two (52) units will Icvfswift4500(S netzero.com of Robert Taylor Homes as Legends neighborhood and reintegrate Robert be set aside for public housing resi­ South will provide not only market Taylor Homes into the larger com­ dents, forty three (43) are afford­ (773) 548-1238 (773) 816-7504 rate housing, but also mixed-income munity. able units and twenty three (23) are rental and affordable housing units." According to the developer, Brin- market rate apartments. Powers "As residents see cranes going up shore Michaels, the plan calls for the Construction, an African American and construction beginning, not only construction of up to 2,388 new firm is the general contractor. More for this project but many others, I mixed-income rental and affordable information on the Plan for Transfor- orti irHattor want them to know what is going on and market homeownership units, mation is available at ¿; emtiom t tumttsr in the ward. Building can bring not the rehabilitation and construction of www.thecha.org. (See the Plan for only homes and stores, but jobs and Transformation). 3330 South Indiana

• •;••• ..•. !¿

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www.SiIverCioudCondos.com 773.684.5900 For appointment Call: 773- 704-6784 creative SHARON SMITH ««"-TOR Page 18 February 14,2008 South Street Journal Career Emulo to place an ad 773.373-7000 State

Do you know any Black Chasity Melvin of the Chicago Sky - WNBA males who are seniors in Construction Computer high school who want to go to Encourages Jobs For Youth Clients to Reach college out of state for FREE? Sev­ Lawsuit produces jobs for the Sky! eral Black Colleges are looking for The State of Illinois is involved hiring future black male teachers and will in a lawsuit with the Construction Chasity Melvin's awe-inspiring trade with Washington back on May The state's new web-based elec­ send them to universities/colleges for Unions due to their lack of hiring & message to the JFY's graduating 24, 2007. The veteran center has put tronic hiring system is up and run- 4 years FREE. The "Call Me MIS­ employing minorities. In an effort class was nothing short of a slam up double digits in points and re­ ning. The launch of TER" program is an effort to address to provide some damage control, dunk. Calm and confident, Chasity bounds in nearly every game she www.work.illinois.gov came less the critical shortage of African Ameri­ the unions are working with a non­ can male teachers particularly gave JFY graduates some insight has played for Chicago, and as a then one year after the Governor among South Carolina 's lowest profit organization to provide test­ into the world of being a WNBA result wins are starting to come at a announced plans for the website performing public schools. Program ing, training, and job placement star, what she likes about Chicago more frequent pace. The afternoon creation. participants are selected from among within several unions for minorities, and her future goals. Chasity said to concluded with Chasity signing The new eRecruiting website is under-served, socio-economically mostly african-americans. JFY clients, "You are truly blessed autographs and posing for pictures designed to expand access to jobs disadvantaged and educationally at- (drywallers, electricians, heavy to have a program like JFY."' The with clients and staff. within state government and sig­ risk communities. The program is a equip, operators, carpentry, plumb­ clients were elated to have the op­ For twenty-eight years, Jobs for nificantly increase the pool of ap­ collaboration between Clemson Uni­ ing, etc.) The name of the organiza­ portunity to ask questions about her Youth (JFY) has provided job train­ plicants. All Illinois state agencies versity and four historically black tion is Project P.R.I.D.E. and it's phenomenal career and how she colleges in South Carolina : Benedict ing services to Chicago's youth and under the jurisdiction of the Gover­ run by St. Paul on 45th & Wabash . feels about living here in Chicago. provided Chicago's business com­ nor are using the new program, College , Claflin University , Morris The classes are going to be at Prai­ College and South Carolina State She humbly replied. "I like the munity with motivated, job- ready giving job seekers one-stop for rie State College in Chicago University . The project provides: a.. Lakefront, I like being right down­ workers. JFY is the largest non­ finding, applying for and tracking Heights . Tuition for admitted students pursu­ town and I have a great view. The profit in Chicago serving young the status of their state job applica­ ing approved programs of study at As it was explained persons Lakefront is the best part of Chicago adults 17- 24. JFY's mission is to tion. "I am committed to streamlin­ participating colleges, b.. An aca­ choose a field in which they are for me right now." help young men and women from ing the hiring practices within the demic support system to help assure interested to work, and they will be As reported by the Chicago Sky's low-income families become a part state. The new website makes it their success, c. A cohort system for walk through the entire process to website, Chasity says that "My im­ of the economic mainstream. Jobs easy for more talented people to social and cultural support. Visit get hired into a union. If one do not h t t p : / / mediate goal was to come to Chi­ For Youth has made a difference in find and apply for jobs in state have any experience in that particu­ cago and give some veteran leader­ the lives of over 100,000 Chicago government," said Governor Blago- www.callmemister.clemson.edu/ lar field, the starting pay rate is area youth. Jobs For Youth provides index.htm. for more details and the ship and help the team finish close jevich. "We need to use every tool $29.00 per hour. More if you have a games and we've been able to do all services free of cost. that is available to attract the best online application or call (800) 640- background in that field. 2657. that." T he Sky has made major Learn more about Jobs For and brightest to public service. This The contact's Tonya Cody- SEARS strides early on in year No. 2 of the Youth's programs and upcoming new technology helps us achieve Robinson, (773)538-5120. They are franchise, thanks in large part to the events by visiting our website at: this." The web-based system run by We offer great pay and even looking to recruit very heavily at recent acquisition of Chasity www.jfychicago.org . Jobs for the Illinois Department of Central better employee discounts. To this time, as reports are they have Melvin , who came to Chicago in a Youth: A Life. A Job. A Future. Management Services (CMS) was apply for this exciting opportunity not received enough participants to created with the user in mind. The visit www.sears.com/apply or begin the February class. website, www.work.illinois.gov lets applicants focus their search for a Program to help women and state job, by allowing them to THE DOOR OF search open positions by job de­ minorities gain jobs scription, county and/or salary. "The new program is really in building trades driven from the job seekers per­ OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN! spective," said Maureen O'Don- nell, Acting Director of Central ALL HIGHLY MOTIVATED SELF START­ Daley praises cooperative efforts on a City project. Management Services. "The pro­ ERS, INTERESTED IN BEING PART OF A of City Colleges, Construction Indus­ "The ordinance doesn't force any­ gram helps applicants target their try, Labor. A voluntary program one to participate and it doesn't im­ job search more effectively by GREAT TEAM THAT IMPROVES YOUR created by the City Council and pose penalties. focusing on a particular field of HEALTH AND CREATES WEALTH FOR aimed at increasing' the employment It merely tells contractors: If interest. An applicant can even of women and minorities in the you=re willing to help these new register for email notification of ORDINARY PEOPLE. CALL ABOUT HOME building trades has placed more than workers gain a foothold in your in­ specific job opportunities." BASED BUSINESS. 150 City Colleges students in union dustry, the City will make it worth The new eRecruiting website apprenticeships in its first two years your while," Daley said. also lets job seekers register a per­ of operation, Mayor Richard M. "Two years later, we can be proud sonal profile and basic professional 800-382-0859 EXT.6903 Daley said today. to say that the voluntary approach background, and each time a posi­ "In two short years, the Dawson has been a successful one and that tion is applied to, the previously- Technical Institute has established the Dawson apprenticeship program entered profile information will itself as the top apprenticeship trainer is helping us make sure the people automatically be included in the in the city, and that is a tribute to the who build our city are representative application. spirit of cooperation and partnership of the people who live in our city," This eliminates the need to re­ that so many different groups have he said. enter the same information for brought to this effort," the Mayor In its first two years of operation, every job application. The sys­ said in remarks delivered at Ken­ the program: nedy-King College, 3901 S. State St., •Has formed new training partner­ tem also makes it easier for where the apprenticeship training ships with the Builders Association, applicants to track their pro­ program is located. Rush University Medical Center, gress. The job seeker can log on The program was created in No­ ComEd, the Operating Engineers and to www.work.illinois.gov any­ vember, 2005, when the City Council the Painters unions and the Illinois time to check the status of their passed an ordinance to provide finan­ Road and Transportation Builders. application. cial incentives to companies that agree to sponsor Dawson graduates for union apprenticeships. Under the ordinance, a City con­ JUL o o tractor gets credits if it agrees to sponsor graduates of Dawson=s Con­ struction Program for union appren­ United Services of Chicago, Inc ticeships. The credits would be ap­ ADVANTAGES OF HIRING A JO! READY VETERAN plied toward the company=s next bid • MORALLY HELPING SOMEONE • ENORMOUS TAX CREDITS UP TO $9000.00 PER EMPLOYEE Construction Trades, • FREE FEDERAL BONDING IN THE EVENT OF THEFT OR LOSS • FREE HUMAN RESOURCE SUPPORT INCLUDING killed Crafts, • Conflict resolution •> Resolution services Career Opportunities: *** Consistent personnel evaluation Computer <* Free placement services and access to employees Production, <* letra staff trained in security *•* Mail Staff trained in security REGISTER NOW! Writers & * Job training assistance available

Application Intake located in room 305 Sales Positions We ham approximately 300 job ready veterans and we assist with At South Street Journal Office hours 10 auftv - 2 p.m. Call: completion of IMS firms to qudtfyyeur company fir tax credits,

Ms. Daisy We would like to send a tax credit specialist to explain in farther 73-238-2050 Johnson detail our program Sponsored by lilirtois Department* of Commerce & Economic Opportunity and Employment Opportunities Grwnt Program 773-373-7000 South Street Journal February 14,2008 Page 19 Place you help ABC Newspaper Circula­ JOB OPPORTUNITY tion, Inc. is a recognized leader in an ad 773.373-7000 wanted or help D&G HOLDINGS, is an establish­ the newspaper Circulation indus­ Career ment that deals in the Import and try. ABC, a growth oriented company, Are you between jobs or starting your available call SSJ at export of Art & crafts, antiques, provides a wide variety of circulation own business? Are you a college Call Jeff Davis textiles and fabric materials, We services for The Wake Up Newspa­ Student? City Cen­ 7T3-373-rooo are looking for a trustworthy rep­ per, Chicago Sun Times and other tral | Full-time, Part- 773 373-7000 resentative in the united states prestigious national and regional pub­ time, Temp/ Contract | $10.00 - Quality Improvement Coordi­ that will aid as a link between us lications. CAREER OPPORTUNITIES $17.00 per hour. To place your ad nator- Someone with a working and our customers in the USA. Bring us your knowledge, skills, en­ thusiasm and team spirit and we will Inside Sales and Marketing Projects: knowledge of child welfare/ fos­ Respond only if you will like to provide you with the training, tools $10.00-$17.00 per hour. here ter care practice, who also also work from home part-time and get and support you need for career suc­ has a background in program paid weekly without leaving or it cess. Whatever direction you want Entrepreneurs & Million­ evaluation, quality measure­ affecting your present job. (PAY your career to move in, ABC is right aires-In-Training...$1000+/ ment, peer review, regulatory/ IS GOOD). Please if you are inter­ there, providing a unique and friendly accreditation standards, etc. ested, fill the require below and work environment. Sales Representa­ Daily Starting Immediately! httD://BQ8JII8nols.oro/loba.htm forward the following info to: tives Chicago land and Indiana.Area If You Are Seriously Moti­ Foster Parent- Full time, sala­ Email: [email protected] Part time positions with Full-tinfe pay vated To Create Wealth ried position. Starting at $22K + LFull names Commissions, bonuses and "Daily From The Comfort Of Your Cash Rewards No experience neces­ benefits, a home, a minivan and 2.Phone number/fax Home...Learn THE SECRET U.S. Census Bureau Hiring sary! Paid Training! Earn up to $20 more. Positions available in Field Representative Positions avail­ 3.Full contact address.... an hour! Human Resource Personnel THE RICH DON'T WANT Chicago (76th & Parnell) and in Hoping to hear from you soon. able to conduct household interviews. Salary $8-$10/hr Monday - Friday YOU TO KNOW) *No Selling $10.82-$13.07 per hour depending on Lockport, IL. htto:// Mr. Allan Bluman 9am - 4pm Data Entry Clerks Salary *Not MLM *No Boss Full location 44.5 cents per reimbursable 3v$lll)npi§,orafl9b$,htrn $8-$10/hr PM Shift Monday-Friday mile (must be available 3 weekdays, 4 The Assistant Commissioner of LIVE Training & Support a contract employee with a 9am-2pm and 2pm-7pm Telephone weeknights and all day Saturday) For the Natural Resources and Wa­ 24/7... Learn From Success­ proven record in foster parent Service Representatives Salary $8- more information and testing locations ter Quality Division. Manages $10/hr Am Shift Monday-Friday 9am- ful MENTORS DAILY For recruitment/ Licensing. This is a and times, call 1-888-722-8995. Job the Department's public outreach 2pm Hire Yourself Today!!!ABC Audio Details visit: Requirements: 2 forms of ID, 3 Per­ 6 month contract with bench­ efforts, including but not limited to, Newspaper Circulation, Inc. P.O. Box www.missionarycmoney.co sonal References Valid driver's license, mark requirements. It may tran­ brand identity, creating marketing 209141, Chicago, IL 60620 Please E- Working automobile Land-line tele­ sition into a full time position in m Or Call Toll Free (888) tools, developing and implement­ mail or mail your resume to: dirfPntt* phone. January. Joel K. Johnson, COO, ffl«tfe6i®aol.com 304-9888 ing a marketing plan, developing SOS Children's Villages Illinois. templates for departmental pres­ YOUTH COMMUNICATION Jones Academy is search­ The Post Office is hiring. If www.sosilllnois.org. entations and managing special Title: Technology Advisor ioeLkJohnson^amalLcom ing for preschool teachers with great you know of anyone who is in­ events. Experience developing Job Description: Below is a compre­ knowledge of classroom, management, terested, Have them call. 866- and implementing a fundraising hensive and composite of technol­ , 2yers experience sanitation, and sixty 999-8777. Follow the prompts campaign is preferred. This posi­ ogy needs that we are hopeful of Job Opportunity (60) college Credit hours, teachers, and an application will be Sent securing either through the CTC tion supervises a variety of staff Health Systems Research is solicit­ assistants with one year experience, to them. You can apply online VISTAs education, experience and ing resumes for three HIV/AIDS including interns. Performs related head teacher with type 04 Early Child­ adapted skills. Applicants need not Regional Resource Coordinators duties as required. Qualifications; hood Certificates. Applications can send at ^.|,iP„;i/W-W-W,MIg4,4g,m,/ possess all skills as this was just an for US Department of Health and Bachelor's degree in Environ­ resumes to Jones Academy, 4344 S. mrnÉMMíÚl This must be done initial attempt at looking at broad role Human Services (HHS) in Region mental Policy, Environmental Sci­ Wentworth Ave. Chicago, II 60609 before May 31. Hiring for full for Technology Advisor. Design and IV (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, ence, Urban Planning, Architec­ time positions at $17.00 per execute Technology Plan Kentucky, Mississippi, North Caro­ ture, Economic Development and hour Create infrastructure and training for lina, South Carolina and Tennes­ three years of work experience in THE ART INSTITUTE organization web site uploads see), Region V (Illinois, Indiana, NURSING PROGRAM Develop community partnerships the area of Natural Resources and OF CHICAGO Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio and - FREE TUITION. with agreement toward discreet; Wisconsin) and Region X (Alaska, Water Quality. RESIDENCY RE­ Museum Shop is Hiring...for Tem­ investments, actvity and deliverables Idaho, Oregon and Washington). QUIREMENT: Residency in the porary seasonal help in our Retail If you know of anyone between Project evaluation for community 18-28 years old, interested in the The HIV/AIDS Regional Resource City of Chicago is required of all and Warehouse departments 35 news portal Produce Management Coordinator position will be a full- employees at the time of hire. If Nursing field, University of the Handbook for procedures and sys­ hours per week at $7.50 per hour District of Columbia (UDC) is time employee of Health System- you are disabled and require a To apply: You may complete an in- tems, Design press kits, media data­ san HHS contractor, will be one offering FREE tuition, FREE base Develop stakeholder database reasonable accommodation to file person application at Human Re­ books, a $250 monthly stipend, HIV/AIDS Regional Resource Coor­ your application, please contact Projects to address & certain pre­ sources 116 South Michigan Ave­ and guaranteed job placement as ferred traits to offer: 1. versatility to dinator assigned to one of the HHS the City of Chicago, Department of Region Offices in , GA, Chi­ nue, 12th Floor Monday-Friday a nurse at Providence Hospital adapt stand-alone PC with multiple! cago, IL or Seattle, WA. If you have Human. Resources at from 9am-4pm OR Email: upon graduation (it's a 3 year levels of functionality and limited j questions or need additional infor­ 312.744.4976. You will be re­ [email protected]/ Fax: (312) 857- program) with a starting salary of connectivity to design and network mation contact Dr Jamie Hart by quired to provide information re­ $40,000. The program is recruit­ and Internet access and prescribej sending an e-mail message to garding your request. The City of ing new students now!! Contact and provide project management; Ms. Beshon Smith (202) 266- [email protected] Mildred Hunter Chicago is an Equal Opportunity/ YTB (Your Travel Biz) over technology plan. Regional Minority Health Coordina­ 5481 or email Affirmative Action. Employer is a leading company in the travel 2. ability to rebuild and upgrade web tor Office of Minority Health, Office site and network marketing industry and of Public Health and Science U.S. * access from audience, Department of Health and Human a career in the technology industry- is experiencing significant GoBlack- * schools and stakeholders to man- j Services, Region V 233 North -either in Corporate America, in the growth. Explore becoming a refer­ Biz. age and * administrate web site j Michigan Avenue, Suite 1300 Chi­ not-for-profit sector or as an inde­ ral travel agent and marketing rep­ :.com functionality cago, Illinois 60601 PH: 312-353- pendent contractor— i.c.stars is a resentative with a company that is Illinois' #1 website for finding * accessability to promote commu- j 1386 Fax: 312-353-7800 Website: free four month internship which literally creating millionaries. Let Black-owner businesses and nity youth news portal http://www.omhrc.gov teaches business, leadership, and me show you the way to financial Black Sales Professional is hiring! 3. design relational database to: We're looking for friendly people * collect participant skill develop­ technology skills in a variety of real freedom. visit to provide great customer service ment, client based projects. This intern­ ^.yj|.^.,jilJ..«:i.iii..i.M^j..i.i. and and reach out to Black-owned * archive contributed work for post-1 ship offers a monthly stipend as TELEMARKETING. PAID TRAIN­ businesses and place them on secondary education portfolio well as job placement to up to five rho?eiñf5r^átÍóTií onSaTTT^ñrjrea M. ING. No cold calling. Full-time or our growing site! Whether you're * build organizational capacity Thompson at 773-655- part-time, days or evenings. Excel­ years, i.c.stars boasts a 100% job a seasoned sales professional or create user guides for maintaining lent salary plus bonus. Students and placement rate at companies such 2033. Travel for less. To book you would like to turn your rela­ and updating. tionships with Black-owned busi­ Contact Information: Phil Costello, B retirees also welcome. Touhy/ as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Accen­ flights, car rentals, hotel reserva­ Cicero, Lincolnwood. 847-675-3600. ture, Little Fuse, Thought Works, nesses into a great full-time or 312 922 7150 / C 847 732 6484, tions, resorts, and cruises please part-time career, we would like to AHState, Loyola University. The Bftilfe®¥8tt1rT-.S8mt&&a visit ^#^^t|4V4J4fg^ meet you positions range anywhere from A career in the tech­ Web Developer to Business Ana­ FOR ANNOUNCEMENT Manager, Research and Develop- nology industry-either lyst. The alums of the program also NUMBER IN ORDER TO AP­ ment-Chicago Online Work Company: SPSS Inc. Would you like to work online tem­ in Corporate America, in the average a salary of $40,000 and PLY TO TAKE THE TEST!!!!!! up. The requirements for applying Job RefCode:MG10934 porarily and get paid weekly? which not-for-profit sector or as an This position oversees the design to i.c.stars is that you must have a Apply on internet at you could earn a lot. This is a part independent contractor—a free and documentation of components time job based on contract and four month internship which high school diploma or GED and products for the SPSS product commission, it involve quite a hand­ teaches business, leadership, equivalent and at least six months suite as well as manages a diverse ful of trust and honesty. If you have and technology skills in a variety work experience, i.c.stars is fo­ ro-8776)."T5]rwill need an­ group of Ul Designers, Technical interest in part time job we would be of real client based projects. cused on under-served communi­ nouncement number in order to Writers and Software Developers. glad if you work with us. You can This internship offers a monthly ties with a vision of creating 1,000 apply. Only apply one time, dupli­ Education and Work Experience: contact us: Bachelor's degree in Science, Busi­ stipend as well as job place­ community leaders by the year cations will not be accepted. Job admsainterl [email protected] 2020. Contact Thressa Thomas, Choices: ness, Software Engineering or while I will brief you more about this ment to up to five years, Computer Science; advanced de­ wonderful offer. Thank You Best and reference Nairobi Henson City Carrier from 37,996 - 49,219 i.c.stars boasts a 100% job gree desirable, 5 years or more of Regards Mr. Charles placement rate at companies (from cycle 12) @ 312-640-3855. Mail Processing Clerk from significant demonstrated project such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, You may also visit www.icstars.org. 35,519-48,301 management experience in a soft­ Accenture, Little Fuse, Thought Mail Handler from 28,516 -, ware product development environ­ WANTED!!!! SALES Works, Alístate, Loyola Univer­ 47,538 ment, A proven track record coordi­ REPRESENTATIVES Residential Construction sity, and Microsoft just to name Sales, Service Associate from nating and motivating technical (Sales Experience Required), Program professionals Specialized Knowl­ Excellent Earning Potential, a few. The requirements for 37,210-49,306 OFFICIAL INFORMATION REGARDING edge and Skills: Proven experi­ Fundraising Opportunities, • Flexible Career Postal Employment Bene­ applying to i.c.stars is that you APPRENTICESHIP OPPORTUNITIES. ence in leading software product Hours Part Time, Full Time must have a high school di­ B. E. W. Local 134 and the Electrical fits such as Life Insurance, Paid development projects, Excellent Commission & Bonuses, E-MAIL ploma or GED equivalent and at Contractors' Association sponsor an ap­ Vacation & Sick Leave, Heath knowledge of company's software YOUR RESUME DETAILING least six months work experi­ prenticeship program in Cook County, Insurance & more development procedures, Demon­ YOUR SALES EXPERIENCE ence, i.c.stars is focused on Illinois through the Electrical Joint Ap­ Examination - Test 473 Battery , strated eagerness to solicit ideas prenticeship and Training Trust (EJATT). under-served communities with all examinees are required to take and assimilate them, Proven strong EJATT has permission from the U.S. a vision of creating 1,000 com­ multiple choice test. The exam business acumen, problem solving pm, Tues - Fri. 773-846-3091 or Department of Labor to open a registra­ ability, and attention to detail. In 773-483-9608, THIS IS A munity leaders by the year tion for new applicants for its Residential will take approx. 3 !4 hours. You will receive a scheduling packet order to be considered for this PERFECT OPPORTUNITY FOR 2020. To find out more about Construction Program. In the Residential position SALARY REQUIRE­ MOTIVATED INDIVIDUALS TO this awesome opportunity con­ Construction Program, apprentices learn with exam MENTS MUST BE CLEARLY DETERMINE THEIR OWN HOURS tact Thressa Thomas, and to install and maintain power, communi­ date, location & time along with STATED please apply directly to & EARN $300.00 TO $1000.00 A reference Nairobi Henson cations, and lighting systems in residen­ practice material in the mail. WEEK COMMISSION. SO, IF tial settings. Applicants who are selected (from cycle 12) i ) 312-640- Chose one or more jobs at the W:Mt YOU... JUST GOT LAID OFF... into the program from this registration will 3855. You may also visit time of exam. CANT FIND EMPLOYMENT... begin classes in 2008. For more informa­ mm. NEED EXTRA INCOME, HIRE www.icstars.org. tion on this program, please go to our 3 4 YOURSELF TODAY! website at ¿ No recruiter/contract/agency resumes will be accepted for this position -

Page 20 February 14,2008 South Street Journal


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