June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E759 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING THE 50TH ANNIVER- casion of his 100th birthday. Carlo was born IN HONOR OF MRS. VEOLA SARY OF CONGREGATION BETH on June 8, 1918, in Bernardsville, New Jersey. DOTSON PORTER SHALOM He was one of 13 children in a proud Italian- American immigrant family. HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. HON. BRADLEY SCOTT SCHNEIDER Upon completing basic training, Carlo was OF GEORGIA OF ILLINOIS assigned to the 9th Division, 60th Infantry, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Front Line Medical Battalion as medic. He Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Tuesday, June 5, 2018 served with distinction in the European and Af- rican Theaters. During his service in the Euro- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. SCHNEIDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today pean Theater, Carlo was seriously wounded today to honor a great woman of faith, com- to proudly recognize Congregation Beth Sha- by a grenade as he rescued a soldier from the passion, dignity, grace and a dear friend of lom in Northbrook, Illinois on the occasion of field of battle. The blast from grenade was so longstanding to my wife Vivian and me, Mrs. its 50th anniversary. strong that both Carlo and the wounded sol- Veola Dotson Porter. Sadly, Mrs. Porter Congregation Beth Shalom is the spiritual dier were thrown through the air. Miraculously passed away on Tuesday, May 29, 2018. Her home to more than one thousand families and both men survived, but Carlo was paralyzed funeral service was Tuesday, June 5, 2018, at is, without a doubt, an integral part of the from the waist down for over a year and was Northbrook community. 11:00 am at the Friendship Missionary Baptist For the past half century, from generation to evacuated to London hospital to recover from Church in Columbus, Georgia. generation, the synagogue has pursued a mis- his injuries. For his actions, Carlo received the Mrs. Porter was born on November 28, sion of enriching lives through inclusion in the Bronze Star Medal. After nearly four years of 1921, in Gentian, Georgia to the union of Mr. ever-evolving ideals of Jewish observance, service, he received an honorable discharge and Mrs. Charlie Dotson, Sr. She was the eld- life-long learning, and acts of kindness. with the Combat Medical Badge, Combat In- est of six children that were born to this union. Across the years, Beth Shalom has built an fantryman Badge, WWII Victory Medal, Euro- Her formative years were spent in what is now extraordinary community of Jewish faith, family pean-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal the Milgen Road-University Avenue area in and tradition. Every day, through the annual with three service stars, Army of Occupation Columbus, Georgia. cycle of the seasons, and across the long arc Medal and American Defense Service Medal. Her life would change forever when she met of life’s events, multiple generations join to- Upon returning home, Carlo met and mar- Mr. Jake D. Porter, Sr. at the Smith Grove gether to pray, learn, teach, and work together ried his wife, Mary. Together they raised five AME Zion Church. She married Mr. Porter in in service to the community, the Jewish peo- children. Carlo worked for the City of New 1942 and five children were born to this union. ple and the State of Israel. York in the Parks Department and retired after Her life was truly blessed because of her Through Limud (study), Tefillah (prayer), 30 years. A passion for remembering and hon- love for God and her family. She learned from and Tzedakah (acts of justice and loving kind- oring those who fought during WWII is a the Christian example of her parents and ness), Beth Shalom is a living example of cause that drove Carlo and his wife Mary to passed the lessons learned on to her children Jewish values and vibrant Jewish life. contribute greatly to the construction of the who in turn are passing them on to her grand- The Congregation prides itself on warmth WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C. A con- children and great-grandchildren. and friendliness to members, celebrating that tribution that will serve as an eternal monu- Moreover, she had a love for people and ‘‘Shalom’’ is the Hebrew word meaning wel- ment to the brave service members, like this fueled her desire at a very young age to come. I can think of no better example of this Carlo, who sacrificed so much in defense of become a nurse. She attended and graduated warmth than the special holiday services cus- our great nation. from Practical Nursing School in Columbus. tomized to embrace people with special Her nursing career began at St. Francis Hos- needs. f pital and ended with her becoming a private Beth Shalom is also a force for positive so- duty nurse with a specialization in New Born cial action in the Tenth District. Their activities MARGARET AGNEW Care. During her nursing career, she upheld include delivering groceries to families in the principles as enunciated in the last sen- need, feeding the homeless, supporting our HON. ED PERLMUTTER tence of the original Florence Nightingale military troops overseas, hosting blood drives, OF COLORADO Pledge: ‘‘I shall be loyal to my work and de- and mentoring youth attending school in inner IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES voted toward the welfare of those committed city Chicago. to my care.’’ I believe Florence Nightingale Tuesday, June 5, 2018 As well, Beth Shalom is proud home to would have been proud that such a woman countless community leaders, young and old, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise entered her beloved profession. She ended who work tirelessly to improve lives in the Chi- today to recognize and applaud Margaret her distinguished nursing career after 40 years cago area, our nation and the world. Agnew for receiving the 2018 Trivity Health and went on to serve as a faithful volunteer at I congratulate my dear friends, Rabbi Aaron and SilverSneakers National Instructor of the the information desk at the Columbus Govern- Melman, Assistant Rabbi Ari Averbach, Cantor Year Award. ment Center. Steven Stoehr, and Rabbi Emeritus Carl This award honors SilverSneakers instruc- Mrs. Porter achieved much success in her Wolkin, and the entire Beth Shalom Congrega- tors who put in tireless dedication and efforts life, but none of it would have been possible tion on this anniversary. into making their classes a great experience without her strong faith in God. Her spiritual I wish Congregation Beth Shalom many and encouraging members to get more out of journey after Smith Grove took her to Hope- more years of success as they write the next life. Margaret was selected as the winner well Baptist Church in Upatoi, Georgia. Fol- fifty years of their history. based on her experience and teaching style. lowing her beloved husband’s death in 1980, f She has more than 34 years of experience as she joined the Friendship Missionary Baptist IN CELEBRATION OF CARLO an instructor and teaches nine different Church where she served diligently as a Sun- VERARDI SilverSneakers classes at Apex Community day School Teacher, member of the Choir No. Recreation Center in Arvada, Colorado. 2 and the Deacons’ Wives. Margaret’s commitment to those she teach- She is survived by her children, Deloris, HON. LEE M. ZELDIN es is commendable and has helped many Jake, Ibrahim, Melvin, and Gwendolyn; two OF class members become inspired and moti- sisters; Deborah and Ange; her 21 grand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vated to live their best life. children and 37 great-grandchildren; and many Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Congratulations to Margaret Agnew for this other family members and friends. Mr. ZELDIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- well-deserved recognition by Trivity Health and George Washington Carver once said that, nize WWII veteran Carlo Verardi upon the oc- SilverSneakers. ‘‘How far you go in life depends of your being

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.001 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 tender with the young, compassionate with the tion, or to offer their loved ones better lives, Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth aged, sympathetic with the striving and toler- each is inspired by the fact that the United award. ant of the weak and strong because someday States of America is, as Abraham Lincoln de- Yadira Tiscareno Escalera is a student at in your life you will have been all of these.’’ scribed it, a country ‘‘. . . of the people, by Jefferson High School and received this award Likewise, Mrs. Porter did so well in her life be- the people, and for the people.’’ They realize because her determination and hard work cause she never forgot where she came from that the United States is truly a free nation. By have allowed her to overcome adversities. and always she treated people with dignity seeking American citizenship, they have made The dedication demonstrated by Yadira and respect. She used her God given talents the decision that they want to live in a place Tiscareno Escalera is exemplary of the type of to help babies enter the world and to help all where, as guaranteed by the First Amendment achievement that can be attained with hard people from all walks of life. The scripture tells of the Constitution, they can practice religion work and perseverance. It is essential stu- us that the race of life ‘‘isn’t given to the swift as they choose, speak their minds without fear dents at all levels strive to make the most of nor to the strong, but to those that endure until of punishment, and assemble in peaceful pro- their education and develop a work ethic the end.’’ Mrs. Porter ran the race of her life test should they choose to do so. which will guide them for the rest of their lives. with dignity and respect and she has now Mr. Speaker, I respectfully ask you and my I extend my deepest congratulations to claimed her greatest reward. other distinguished colleagues to join me in Yadira Tiscareno Escalera for winning the Ar- On a personal note, Mrs. Porter and the congratulating these individuals who will be- vada Wheat Ridge Service Ambassadors for Porter family have been cherished friends to come citizens of the United States of America Youth award. I have no doubt she will exhibit my wife, Vivian, and me, and we have been on June 8, 2018. They, too, are American citi- the same dedication and character in all of her truly blessed by their friendship. zens, guaranteed the inalienable rights to life, future accomplishments. Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We, as a f me, along with the almost 730,000 people of free and democratic nation, congratulate them IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE the Second Congressional District, in extend- and welcome them. JAMES REDDINGTON, LANCE ing our deepest condolences to Mrs. Porter’s f CORPORAL UNITED STATES MA- family, friends, and the Columbus, Georgia RINE CORPS community during this difficult time. We pray RECOGNIZING ALLEN GRAFFAM that they will be comforted by an abiding faith FOR HIS 43 YEARS OF SERVICE IN MAINE PUBLIC SCHOOLS HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT and the Holy Spirit in the days, weeks, and OF PENNSYLVANIA months ahead. HON. CHELLIE PINGREE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Tuesday, June 5, 2018 OF MAINE OATH OF CITIZENSHIP ON JUNE 8, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise 2018 today to recognize the late James Reddington, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Lance Corporal USMC. A medal presentation HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY Ms. PINGREE. Mr. Speaker, I would like to at Lackawanna County Courthouse and me- OF INDIANA recognize an outstanding educator from my morial service at Cathedral Cemetery was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES District who has spent the past 43 years work- held in his honor conducted by Lieutenant ing as a band director in Maine’s public General Ron Christmas, Colonel Terry Ebbert, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 schools. the U.S. Marine Corps Color Guard, and the Mr. VISCLOSKY. Mr. Speaker, It is with Allen C. Graffam graduated from the Univer- Greater Scranton Black Diamonds Pipe Band great pleasure and sincerity that I take this sity of Maine in 1975 and soon after, took a over Memorial Day Weekend 2018. time to congratulate thirty individuals who will job at Brunswick High School. After eight Jimmy was a Lance Corporal with Echo take their oaths of citizenship on June 8, years of service in Brunswick, Allen became Company 2nd Battalion 5th Marines and 2018. This memorable occasion will be held at band director at Mt. Ararat High School in served his country during the Vietnam War. the United States Courthouse and Federal Topsham, Maine. Since becoming band direc- On March 23, 1967, nineteen year old Lance Building in Hammond, Indiana. tor in 1983, Allen has been an inspiration to Corporal Reddington charged an enemy posi- America is a country founded by immi- his students and is greatly admired for his tion to draw fire away from the rescue and re- grants. From its beginning, settlers have come ability to listen, to advise, and to teach. Allen’s covery from the field of a wounded fellow Ma- from countries around the world to the United leadership and dedication to educating in the rine. He was fatally wounded during this ex- States in search of better lives for their fami- classroom has prepared countless students to change. lies. Oath ceremonies are a shining example become important leaders in their commu- Because of his actions, Jimmy was post- of what is so great about the United States of nities. humously awarded two Purple Hearts. He also America—that people from all over the world In addition to his role as band director, Allen received ten additional medals and awards for can come together and unite as members of has also served as the Coach of the Girls’ his service. However, because his family was a free, democratic nation. These individuals Softball team at Mt. Ararat High School. Al- deceased, these medals had gone unclaimed realize that nowhere else in the world offers a len’s ability to fill multiple roles perfectly exem- for fifty-one years. Lance Corporal better opportunity for success than here in plifies his life long commitment to Maine stu- Reddington’s medals will be presented to the America. dents. Marine Corps League, N.E. Detachment, On June 8, 2018, the following people, rep- This June, Allen is retiring after 43 years of where they will be held in repose and dis- resenting many nations throughout the world, incredible service in Maine’s public schools. played. will take their oaths of citizenship in Ham- Allen’s nearly half a century as a band director It is a solemn honor to recognize the mem- mond, Indiana: Hua Lin, Elvira Garcilazo, and leader in our schools makes me very ory of Lance Corporal James Reddington, Mayra Medina Alvarado, Jaime Francisco proud to represent him and the State of Maine USMC. I am grateful to him for his service in Osorio Perdomo, Rosaelin Garcilazo Men- in Congress. I wish Allen and his family the defense of his country and his willingness to doza, Gladys Wanjiru Muchemi, Jocelyn best in his retirement, and I wholeheartedly sacrifice his life so a fellow Marine might live. Cappello, Hector Castellanos, Marijana thank him for his many years as an educator We shall never forget his selfless actions that Celakoski, Sonia Chavez, Daniel Garcia, Pau- in Maine’s schools. day and we are thankful for his service and the service of all who served in Vietnam. May lina Gonzalez, Marilynn Rose Hoang, Pablo f Lara, Sandip Singh Lidhar, Guillermo Artemio he rest in peace. Lopez, Jose Martinez, Bertha Medina, Benson YADIRA TISCARENO ESCALERA f Kingori Muchemi, Daniel Bapfutwabo, Devote HONORING ROBERT KILLIP Niyondiko, Francis Kwarteng Oduro, Shirley HON. ED PERLMUTTER Oduro-Nkansah, Maria E. Palmerin, Ly Pham, OF COLORADO HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Aisha Usman Qadeer, Engracia Rangel, Mina IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF NEW YORK Franklin Roosevelt, Lizzy Salazar Strantz, and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Janet A. Vazquez. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Although each individual has sought to be- Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Tuesday, June 5, 2018 come a citizen of the United States for his or today to recognize and applaud Yadira Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to her own reasons, be it for education, occupa- Tiscareno Escalera for receiving the Arvada honor Robert Killip, a leader and integral part

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.001 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E761 of the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Frang for his dedication, integrity and out- After retiring from being a school teacher, Riverdale (CSAIR) community. standing service to the United States of Amer- Ron worked at Chemung County RSVP and in A father of three, Robert often experiences ica. the garden department at Chase Pitkin. During CSAIR through the eyes of his children. That f his free time Ron enjoyed going camping, hik- is why it felt natural for him to accept the chal- ing, cooking, and gardening. lenge of leading the Young Family Children’s CONGRATULATING THOMAS J. Ron’s interest in politics was put to good Program. For two years he planned weekly MIDDLETON use as the legislative chair of AARP Chapter Shabbat and annual High Holiday services for 276. Ron and his entourage of red shirted col- CSAIR’s large and owing under five set and HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON leagues were familiar faces in my office and their families. Robert’s leadership role in OF IDAHO were frequent attendees at my town hall meet- YFCP helped offer parents a meaningful way IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ings. Ron was an effective communicator and to connect with one another, while their chil- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 a tireless advocate. He was never shy about dren participated in spirited services filled with Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to standing up for what he felt was right. prayer, song, stories and dancing. Through congratulate Mr. Thomas J. Middleton on his When Ron was not working, he would vol- Robert’s commitment to the success of YFCP, retirement from the Idaho National Laboratory unteer his time to give back and improve the so many young CSAIR families have felt wel- (INL) after 27 years of service. Since June of community. Ron volunteered with many orga- come in shul and integral members of our syn- 1991, Mr. Middleton has held INL positions of nizations in his community. Ron shared his agogue community. increasing responsibility: physical security offi- time with Senior Notebook, the Department of Robert grew up in Atlanta, where he and his cer, physical security manager, safeguards Aging Advocacy, Age Friendly Coalition, Cre- family attended a Reform synagogue. He at- and personnel security manager, protective ating Healthy Schools and Communities, Pov- tended Jewish day school in Atlanta where he force manager, Security and Emergency Serv- erty Coalition, Food Bank of the Southern Tier, met his future wife, Avi, in high school. Fast ices Division director, Facilities and Site Serv- Health Priorities Squared, and First Pres- forward to five years ago when, after grad- ices deputy director and Laboratory Protection byterian Church. No matter where he went or uating with a JD and an MBA from Boston director. what he was doing he always had a smile to University, Robert settled in Riverdale with A graduate of Virginia Tech, Mr. Middleton give and welcomed all. now Rabbi Avi Killip and their 6-month-old. received a Bachelor of Arts in liberal arts and Throughout his life, Ron earned many acco- Looking for an observant and committed egali- science and is a martial artist with a third-de- lades for his hard work and dedication to his tarian community, the young family found a gree black belt in Taekwondo. Prior to working community. Ron was recognized with the Mil- home at CSAIR. Here they have celebrated at INL, he served six years as a special agent dred Parfitt Award, the Jefferson Award, and two more life cycle events—one naming and with the U.S. State Department Bureau of Dip- named the Chemung County Department of one bris—with our congregation. Now all three lomatic Security. Before moving to Idaho, he Aging and Long Term Care’s Distinguished children, Judah, Dasi, and Gabe, call CSAIR was the assistant regional security officer for Volunteer of the Year. He was also nominated ‘‘our shul.’’ The Killip family has indeed be- the American Embassy in Guatemala. for the coveted AARP Andrus Award. come part of the CSAIR family and Robert’s Mr. Middleton completed his service to the Ron will be missed by the many commu- leadership role in YFCP has helped make the Laboratory as the Director of Laboratory Pro- nities and countless individuals he made an shul even more welcoming to young children tection, to which he had oversight of programs impact on over a lifetime of good will and and their parents. that secure critical national research facilities, service to his fellow man. I will certainly miss This year, CSAIR is celebrating Robert at and the development and deployment of ap- his presence. their annual Gala Celebration as one of their plied nuclear science research assets. He also I ask that this legislative body join me to re- distinguished honorees. They have chosen a managed 550-plus employees and a $110 mil- member the life of Ronald L. Rehnner, Sr. terrific individual to honor. I would like to send lion annual budget. f my personal congratulations to Robert on the Mr. Middleton’s greatest joys are spending WARREN SPAULDING occasion, and thank him for all his hard work time in Idaho’s great outdoors and with family. on behalf of the community. One of his greatest accomplishments was f climbing the Grand Teton when he turned 50 HON. ED PERLMUTTER OF COLORADO RALPH O. FRANG years old. Mr. Middleton exemplifies qualities in knowl- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES edge and skills that have been essential to Tuesday, June 5, 2018 HON. ED PERLMUTTER keeping the nation and INL strong and secure, Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF COLORADO and I thank him for his service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES today to recognize and honor Colonel Warren f A. Spaulding, United States Army, Retired, for Tuesday, June 5, 2018 HONORING AND REMEMBERING his service to our country. Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise THE LIFE OF RONALD L. Colonel Spaulding graduated from the U.S. today to recognize and honor Private First REHNER, SR. Military Academy at West Point, New York, Class Ralph O. Frang, United States Army, for with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in his service to our country. HON. TOM REED 1952. Upon his commissioning as a Second Private First Class Frang served in the OF NEW YORK Lieutenant, he served in the Air Defense Artil- United States Army from 1943 to 1945, serv- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lery branch, and later transferred to the Field ing in Normandy, Ardennes, Rhineland and Artillery branch of the United States Army. Central Europe during World War II. Private Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Colonel Spaulding served multiple tours of First Class Frang’s military awards and deco- Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to duty in both the continental U.S. and inter- rations include the Bronze Star Medal, the honor and remember the life of Ronald L. national tours in Japan, Korea, the Republic of Purple Heart Medal, the World War II Victory Rehner, Sr. Ronald Rehner was a family man Vietnam and Germany. Medal, the European-African-Middle Eastern and known to many as a school teacher, who Colonel Spaulding’s dedication to military Campaign Medal with 4 bronze battle stars taught in the New York communities of Roch- education led him to serve as a professor of and the Bronze Service Arrowhead, and the ester and Elmira, in Cincinnati, Ohio, and even military science at the University of Colo- Good Conduct Medal. as far away as Moshi, Tanzania, teaching ge- rado—Boulder, in the ‘‘Golden Buffalo Bat- Private First Class Frang started his military ography at Mawenzi Secondary School. Ever talion’’ from 1973 to 1975. Colonel Spaulding career training with the 10th Mountain Division concerned with current affairs, Ron would was recently inducted into the University of in Colorado before transferring to the 101st bring real world issues to the classroom to Colorado’s Reserve Officers Training Corps Airborne Division as a paratrooper where he give context to his lessons. Beyond his work (ROTC) Golden Buffalo Battalion Hall of Fame participated in the D-Day landing at Normandy in the classroom, during his time in Tanzania, for his untiring efforts as a military educator. Beach on June 6, 1944. Ron was an active member of the United Following his military retirement, Colonel Private First Class Frang’s courageous serv- States Peace Corps. After applying his gifts Spaulding continued his work in education at ice has charted the path for future generations abroad, Ron returned to the United States to the Colorado School of Mines—working to of men and women to serve in the military. I teach history at Thomas Edison High School keep the ROTC detachment on the Colorado extend my deepest appreciation to Private in Elmira, New York. School of Mines campus.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.005 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E762 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 Colonel Spaulding’s courageous service has Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- ber 18, 1991, when its Parliament adopted the charted the path for future generations of men resent leaders like Alyssa in the United States Constitution Act on the Restoration of the and women to serve in the military. I extend Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- State of Independence of the Republic of my deepest appreciation to Colonel Spaulding ognize and applaud her for utilizing her talents Azerbaijan. for his dedication, integrity and outstanding to reach her goals. I invite my colleagues in Azerbaijan has emerged as a key player for service to the United States of America. the United States House of Representatives to enhancing global energy security. The comple- f join me in congratulating Alyssa on receiving tion of the Southern Gas Corridor—which will this esteemed designation, and wishing her run from the Caspian Sea through Azerbaijan, CELEBRATING THE WORK AND the best of luck in all her future endeavors. Georgia, Turkey, Greece, and Albania into LEGACY OF COLONEL RON PERRY f Italy—will increase the energy security of key American allies by increasing the amount of HON. JOHN R. CARTER KATY OFFICERS RECOGNIZED FOR natural gas from the Caspian Sea to European OF TEXAS THEIR LIFE SAVING ACTIONS markets. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Azerbaijan also provides roughly 40 percent of Israel’s oil consumption and enjoys friendly Tuesday, June 5, 2018 HON. PETE OLSON OF TEXAS ties with Israel beyond oil sales. Jews have re- Mr. CARTER of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I cele- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sided in Azerbaijan for 2,500 years without brate the extraordinary work and legacy of persecution and today, the Jewish community Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Colonel Ron Perry, USA, Retired. This Texas in Azerbaijan numbers over 12,000. Azer- native’s life has been one of continual service Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to baijan is also home to Christian communities and he has made lasting impacts on our brave recognize Officers Dustin Garcia and Matthew and has been praised for its religious toler- warriors at Fort Hood and across the Army. Newport of Katy, TX for receiving recognition ance by the European Parliament. After receiving his commission in the Infan- for their efforts to go ‘‘Above & Beyond.’’ Azerbaijan is a key global security partner try in December 1974, COL Perry served his On April 10th, Matthew and Dustin re- for the United States. As an active member of beloved nation and Army at installations sponded to a major car accident at Avenue D NATO’s Partnership for Peace program, Azer- around the world. His nearly three decades of and 10th Street in Katy and then proceeded to baijan cooperates with the United States in honorable service saw him excel at some of perform CPR on a female injured until fire- countering terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and the most challenging duties anyone in the mili- fighters could arrive on scene. The officers are narcotics trafficking. Azerbaijani troops serve tary could shoulder. COL Perry’s work didn’t credited with saving the young woman’s life shoulder to shoulder with U.S. soldiers in Af- go unnoticed as he received numerous and are true heroes to their community. On ghanistan, as they previously did in Kosovo awards and decorations saluting his efforts. May 14th, Katy Mayor Chuck Brawner pre- and Iraq. In support of the International Secu- Following a brief stint in the private sector, sented the officers with ‘‘Above & Beyond’’ rity Assistance Force in Afghanistan, Azer- COL Perry returned to the Army to serve as recognition for their actions. Matthew has baijan has extended important over-flight the civilian Deputy to the Commanding Gen- worked 2 years for the Katy Police Depart- clearances for U.S. and NATO flights as well eral, Ill Corps and Fort Hood. In this critical ment. He previously served as an officer in as regularly providing landing and refueling role, COL Perry called on his decades of ex- Sugar Land and Eagle Lake. Dustin has been operations at its airports for U.S. and NATO pertise to support The Great Place as it con- an officer in the Katy area for over 21⁄2 years forces. tinues to be one of the world’s premiere mili- and holds no prior police experience. These As co-chair of the Congressional Azerbaijan tary installations. His institutional knowledge two men are a true inspiration to their commu- Caucus, I congratulate the people of Azer- and efforts toward championing the base, the nity and serve as an example to all of us. baijan on the centennial of their Republic Day. thousands stationed there, and the community On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- May the partnership between the United that supports them cannot be adequately sional District of Texas, congratulations again States and Azerbaijan progress and continue quantified, nor equaled. to Dustin and Matthew for earning this well-de- to benefit both of our nations. COL Perry’s commitment to investing his served award. I thank them for their service to f gifts, talents, and abilities to ensuring the our community. Army remains the world’s greatest military f HONORING HARPER CHAPEL force is a deeply held creed that speaks to the UNITED METHODIST CHURCH generosity and activism of a true and devoted RECOGNIZING THE 100TH ANNIVER- FOR THEIR 150TH ANNIVERSARY public servant. As he begins the next phase of SARY OF THE REPUBLIC DAY OF his life, I salute his decades of work and AZERBAIJAN HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER proudly join his colleagues, friends, and family OF MISSOURI in wishing him nothing but success in the fu- HON. STEVE COHEN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture. OF TENNESSEE Tuesday, June 5, 2018 f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I rise TRIBUTE TO ALYSSA JOHNSON Tuesday, June 5, 2018 today to honor Harper Chapel United Meth- Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to odist Church in Osage Beach, Missouri. On HON. DAVID YOUNG recognize the 100th anniversary of the Repub- Sunday, September 23, 2018, the congrega- OF IOWA lic Day of Azerbaijan, and to extend my best tion will be celebrating the church’s 150th An- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES wishes to all Azerbaijanis. May 28th marks the niversary. This historical accomplishment is founding of the Democratic Republic of Azer- even more impressive when considering Mis- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 baijan, when the people of Azerbaijan first souri was not quite 50 years a state when Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise gained their independence from the Russian Harper Chapel UMC was established near the today to recognize and congratulate Alyssa Empire in 1918. Although Azerbaijan’s inde- Grand Glaize and Osage Rivers. Johnson of Mount Ayr High School. Alyssa pendence was ended by Soviet forces in In 1868, Mr. Thomas Ezard and Mr. Thom- was recently honored for outstanding aca- 1920, it is noteworthy that the Democratic Re- as Harper began a Methodist class that would demic achievement at the Sixteenth Annual public of Azerbaijan was the world’s first sec- set the groundwork for Harper Chapel UMC. Governor’s Scholar Recognition on April 29, ular parliamentary democratic republic in a During the years this class met in various 2018. predominantly Muslim nation—earning diplo- homes and the local log school house. The This statewide program is sponsored by the matic recognition from the United States dur- Southern Methodist Bishop appointed the Cir- Iowa Governor’s Office, the Iowa High School ing the administration of President Woodrow cuit Riders who led the class. Then in 1880, Athletic Association, and the Iowa Farm Bu- Wilson. We also recall that the Democratic the community welcomed their first ‘‘regular reau. Each Iowa high school was invited to se- Republic of Azerbaijan granted universal suf- preacher’’, Tom Rodgers. A new era was ush- lect a senior with the highest academic rank- frage to its citizens in 1918, making it the first ered in on April 20, 1911 when Asa and Ethel ing. Not only are they academically gifted, but Muslim country to give women the right to Farmer and E.P. Wade generously donated the selected students are often the youth who vote. one acre of land in trust to the Methodist Epis- are successful in extra-curricular activities and Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, copal Church. This land is the present site of community endeavors. Azerbaijan restored its independence on Octo- Harper Chapel UMC.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.006 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E763 On January 12, 1912, the original church For the last four years, AHS Head Coach development in collaboration with public and building was dedicated and to this day it is still Ashley Boyd has stepped up to the plate and private partners, has encompassed housing, used for weddings and other activities. Thanks filled Jimbo’s cleats. Her team’s record is im- commercial and recreational facility develop- to the handiwork of Charles Harper and Carl pressive. In an interview earlier this year, ment. Knight, the original pulpit is still used in the Coach Boyd said, ‘‘These players are proud of Despite Buffalo being among the smallest of original church. 87 years after the Methodist where they come from. They’re proud of this the many cities LISC is involved, Mike’s depth class started meeting, under the leadership of community, and they’re happy to get to rep- of experience in neighborhood redevelopment, Reverend M.A. Thomas, a building program resent them. They’ve worked their tails off.’’ public housing and community and commer- was started to build a parsonage, repair the Coach Boyd’s passion along with Assistant cial financing projects boosted our city’s profile current sanctuary, and begin plans for a new Alyssa Romero’s dedication will guide the in the national organization. Since opening sanctuary. Due to the success of the building Lady Eagles not only at State but far beyond their doors in 1998, LISC has invested $131 program on October 28, 1956 the new parson- game time. The leadership of a coach not only million in those neighborhoods, further age was dedicated, and on Easter Sunday, improves an athlete’s performance but works leveraging an additional $254 million in invest- April 8, 1963 the new sanctuary was dedi- to instill values of hard work and discipline. ment. Our work has resulted in the creation of cated. So this weekend, grab the family, put on 2,574 units of affordable housing, 355,000 The positive impact on the parishioners and your red, white and blue, and head to Austin square feet of commercial space, and the ren- surrounding community has been steadfast to cheer on our Lady Eagles. ovation of 9 recreational fields for youth. throughout the years. Vacation Bible School Let’s play ball. Mike and LISC became synonymous twenty began in 1945 and continues to improve the And that’s just the way it is. years ago at a time when Buffalo needed their lives of children and families in the area to this f assistance most as we faced the challenges of day. The vision of Harper Chapel UMC to— old, vacant housing stock, a smaller base of ‘‘Intentionally Connect People with Christ and CONGRATULATING BRENT STACEY philanthropic sources and reductions in gov- Each Other’’—is an inspiration and will be a ernment support. Far from standing outside guiding light for future generations. HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON the fire, Mike went all in bringing public, pri- I ask you to join me in recognizing Harper OF IDAHO vate and non-profit partners to the table to re- Chapel United Methodist Church on their IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES search, learn, listen and get to work to imple- 150th Anniversary. This milestone is a great ment targeted solutions one house, one street, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 testament to the commitment this church has one neighborhood at a time. Today, while shown to the Lord, their parishioners, and the Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to problems remain, our ability and resolve to ad- entire community. congratulate Brent Stacey on his retirement dress them as One City has never been f from Idaho National Laboratory, and to thank stronger. him for his service to our nation. Mike Clarke’s investment in the citizen-led ATASCOCITA HIGH SCHOOL As Associate Laboratory Director for Na- planning movement building on our great ar- SOFTBALL—STATE BOUND 2018 tional and Homeland Security at INL, and as chitectural, civic and cultural assets, the re- a strategic advisor, Brent provided valuable emergence of downtown and adjacent neigh- HON. TED POE leadership in addressing the cybersecurity borhoods yielded real action and results that OF TEXAS challenges facing the nation’s critical infra- have contributed greatly to Buffalo’s renais- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES structure. sance. In this capacity, Brent addressed House and Mike’s ability to harness progressive strate- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Senate subcommittees on several occasions, gies using all financial resources available led Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, this past and the Senate Select Committee on Intel- to the first federal New Market Tax Credit in- Friday, the girls from Atascocita High School ligence regarding efforts to mitigate vestment that preserved the historic Asbury Softball team earned a trip to State by beating cyberthreats to our nation. Brent played an im- Delaware Church. Now, known as Babeville, top ranked Katy. They claimed the Region III portant role in INL’s campus infrastructure ex- this unique performing arts center founded by 6A Championship and are headed to State for pansion, and was instrumental in bringing the Ani DiFranco and Scot Fisher is a center for the second time in three years. Congratula- first high-performance computer to the labora- music, art, and community projects in Buffalo, tions. It is an honor to recognize a talented tory. New York. group of ladies on the field and off the field. Brent advanced INL’s partnerships with aca- Responsible for implementing HUD’s Sec- The girls are set to play this Friday, in Austin, demia and industry and was the first president tion IV grant program, LISC’s capacity building at McCombs Field against Plano. and CEO of the Idaho Regional Optical Net- program has had a tremendous impact on Atascocita High School softball team has six work, a nonprofit organization that advances driving community development activity here in seniors on their team. Last November, three of science, research, education, health care and Buffalo. Its collaboration with HELP USA on them signed college scholarships to play at state government through high-speed band- the HELP Buffalo II affordable housing project the next level: Lauren Bazan, Harding Univer- width. for families with minimal incomes, and perma- sity; Kyla Snow, Texas Southern University; I offer my best wishes to Brent and his fam- nent supportive housing for formerly homeless and, Lillie Grotenhuis, San Jacinto College. ily, and gratitude for his three decades of serv- veterans is spurring new energy in the Broad- The name Grotenhuis is well known in my ice. way-Fillmore neighborhood. Mike’s active in- community. In 2014, Atascocita High School f volvement in bringing the National Vacant Head Softball coach, Jimbo Grotenhuis, unex- Properties Campaign to Buffalo and intense pectedly passed away from a heart attack. HONORING MICHAEL K. CLARKE focus on neighborhood business district activi- One of his daughters, Lillie, is a talented sen- ties, including Jefferson and Elmwood Ave- ior on the team. She never got to play for her HON. BRIAN HIGGINS nues laid the foundation for enhanced urban father at the high school level, but she has his OF NEW YORK commercial corridors. passion and drive for the game. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Most recently, an investment of $5 million Jimbo was a legend in the softball commu- from LISC and in a dynamic public-private nity, so much, that Humble ISD renamed the Tuesday, June 5, 2018 partnership led by Herbert Bellamy, Jr, the son Atascocita High School softball field in his Mr. HIGGINS of New York. Mr. Speaker, I of a legendary leader on the east side of Buf- memory. Written in large black letters, on a rise today to recognize Michael K. Clarke falo, a closed warehouse-turned-community red brick wall, behind home plate, it says upon his retirement as the Executive Director center is now home to 30 families with com- ‘‘Welcome to James ‘‘Jimbo’’ Grotenhuis of the Buffalo, New York office of LISC (Local munity space and a children’s playground. Field’’. The lessons Jimbo taught in the short Initiatives Support Corporation). Prior to joining LISC Mr. Clarke was a Mort- time he coached at Atascocita High School The LISC strategy to ‘‘invest in businesses, gage Officer for the Community Preservation were invaluable. It is said that the measure of housing and other community infrastructure to Corporation (CPC) a not-for-profit real estate a man is the influence that he has on the lives catalyze economic, health, safety and edu- lender, which specializes in financing afford- of others. I have no doubt, that the Atascocita cational mobility for individuals and commu- able housing for low and moderate-income High School Softball team will carry his spirit nities,’’ has been brought to life under Mike households. For five years he served as the of hard work and dedication with them to Clarke’s two decades of visionary leadership. Executive Director at the Buffalo Municipal State. This nonprofit agency, promoting community Housing Authority (BMHA) which owned and

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.008 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E764 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 operated over 5,000 low-income rental apart- State championship team. She genuinely man, and a star tennis player—which he con- ments in 27 developments in the City of Buf- cares for her players and wanted to see Lib- tinues to play recreationally to this day. falo. He was a Capital Programs Manager for erty relevant when it came to softball. Her In 1979, Sandy married his high school the New York State Division of Housing and team’s record is impressive. In an interview sweetheart, Lynn Baker, and they will be cele- Community Renewal (DHCR), and the Execu- earlier this week, Coach Slack said, ‘‘These brating 38 years of Marriage on June 9th. tive Director of Kensington-Bailey Neighbor- girls have no fear in them at all and this stage Sandy and Lynn together have three chil- hood Housing Services, Inc. His extensive never even bothered them.’’ Coach Slacks’ dren—Lindsey, Benjamin, and Hayley—as well public service has extended to volunteer lead- passion along with Assistant Joe Slack and as two grandchildren. ership on the following boards: Rental Assist- Katherine McAdams will continue to guide the Of everything Sandy has accomplished, his ance Corporation of Buffalo; Friends of the Lady Panthers far beyond a State title. The greatest love was to teach in the same school School of Architecture and Planning at SUNY leadership of a coach not only improves an district he attended as a child and to share his at Buffalo; Erie County Commission on Home- athlete’s performance but works to instill val- love for history by taking students on trips to lessness; Bailey-Amherst District Management ues of hard work and discipline. The commu- Washington D.C. and every Association and the Downtown Neighborhood nity is proud of Coach Slack for all her accom- year. Development Corporation. plishments as a coach and a leader. To all who know him or know of him, Congrats to Liberty High School’s State Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring worked with him or at times, worked against Championship team: Jo McGinnis, Mikaelah Sandy Croft for his commitment and service to him, there is one thing we can all agree on, Burkland, Bailey Webb, Kennedy Evans, the youth and community of Nevada County. Mike put his community first. His hard-won Kamryn Turner, Abbie Knepper, Molly reputation as a community organizer, neigh- Barnette, Jaylen Prichard, Karli Beam, Baylee f borhood advocate, housing activist and all- Chandler, Sarah Lopez, Kara Cannon, Harley CONGRATULATING MARSHA SMITH around agitator has earned him our respect Davis, Abby Phillips, and Kaci West. FOR RECEIVING THE LIFETIME and gratitude. Saturday evening, hundreds of fans decked HUMANITARIAN AWARD AT THE Mr. Speaker, as family, friends and col- out in black and gold, waving flags and noise 2018 GOVERNOR’S SERVICE leagues join in ‘‘Larkinville’’ to acknowledge makers, welcomed the Lady Panthers home. AWARDS his many accomplishments on June 4, I add The Lady Panthers were escorted to the Lib- my appreciation for Michael K. Clarke’s friend- erty County line from Austin by the Liberty ship, leadership and legacy of making a real County Sheriff’s Office. Dayton Police Depart- HON. JACK BERGMAN difference in the lives of those who live in and ment picked up the team at the Dayton City love the City of Buffalo. limits then Liberty Police Department picked OF MICHIGAN f them up at the Dayton-Liberty City limits. They IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LIBERTY HIGH SCHOOL LADY PAN- were escorted all the way to the pavilion be- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 THERS—2018 STATE SOFTBALL hind City Hall in downtown Liberty. The out- CHAMPIONS pouring of support from the City of Liberty and Mr. BERGMAN. Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor surrounding communities was in true fashion to congratulate Marsha J. Smith for receiving HON. TED POE of Panther Pride. the Lifetime Humanitarian Award at the 2018 Way to go Panthers. OF TEXAS Governor’s Service Awards. Through her ex- And that’s just the way it is. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceptional leadership and steadfast devotion to f her community, Sue has become an indispen- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 sable part of Michigan’s First District. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, for the first RECOGNIZING THE RETIREMENT OF MR. SANDY CROFT The Lifetime Humanitarian Award is given time in Liberty High School history, the Lady annually by the Michigan Community Service Panthers Softball team is the Texas UIL State Commission to individuals who demonstrate a Class 4A Softball Champions. On Saturday HON. DOUG LaMALFA ‘‘lifelong commitment to community involve- afternoon, they defeated the Vernon Lady OF CALIFORNIA ment and volunteer service.’’ They have Lions in Austin with a score of 3–1. Congratu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shown a ‘‘tremendous passion for helping oth- lations to the Liberty High School Softball Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ers’’ and are well-known for their exceptional Team and the City of Liberty. impact in their community and state. Few are Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Liberty’s rich history of rugged Texas pio- as deserving of this honor as Marsha Smith. recognize the retirement of Mr. Sandy Croft neers who settled near the Trinity River spans In her 24 years as the executive director of after 34 years of dedicated service to the more than 180 years. Today, Liberty continues Rotary Charities of Traverse City, Marsha’s Pleasant Ridge School District and the com- to live up to its rich legacy and community leadership has helped the organization provide munity of Nevada County. spirit. Liberty is home to Liberty Independent more than $58 million worth of grants and Born in Pasadena, California in 1958, Sandy School District which provides outstanding transform Northern Michigan. educational opportunities for students. But Lib- spent time in Santa Barbara, and Newport erty was missing one thing, a team State Beach, before eventually settling down in Marsha was also instrumental in forming the Champion. Jerry Michalsky, sports editor with Grass Valley in 1969. He started school in the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy, local newspaper The Vindicator, has been a Pleasant Ridge School District in third grade— which has led the acquisition of over 40,000 sports writer for over 24 years and never been the same school district he will retire from as acres of land and 124 miles of coastline for able to cover a State Champion. His dream a teacher this year. Graduating from Nevada environmental protection. Before her work with came true this past weekend. Union High School in 1977, he then attended Rotary Charities, Marsha was involved in the Liberty County radio station KSHN 99.9 FM Westmont College. Less than a year later, founding of the Women’s Resource Center in streamed the game live from Austin. The one tragedy struck his family when his older broth- Traverse City, which offers support for sur- and only, passionate, Bill Buchanan gave a er passed away. He moved back home to be vivors of domestic violence and sexual as- play by play for fans who were unable to with his mother shortly afterwards. Not willing sault. Marsha’s tireless devotion to public make the trek to Austin. My friend and past to give up on school, Sandy continued his service has touched the lives of countless Liberty Church of Christ preacher, Jonathan education closer to home at Sierra College. members of her community, and the impact of Sanford (now announcer for the San Antonio Soon after, he received his secondary teach- her work in her community cannot be over- Spurs), was the announcer at McCombs Field. ing credential in Social Science and English at stated. He gave the play by play live on Saturday. Sacramento State. He went on to receive cre- Mr. Speaker, it’s my honor to recognize Mary Anne Campbell, President of the Liberty dentials in both Physical Education and Indus- Marsha Smith for her decades of service to Dayton Area Chamber, kept the fans back at trial Arts. Northern Michigan and congratulate her once home up to date with her Facebook postings. Sandy is not only a successful, dedicated, again for receiving the Lifetime Humanitarian Folks in Liberty rallied behind a young team of and driven individual, but he’s also an avid Award. Michiganders can take great pride in girls who made championship history one outdoorsman. Growing up in rural Grass Val- knowing the First District is home to such a game at a time. ley, he’d often explore the old gold mines and dedicated individual. On behalf of my constitu- For the last 13 years, Liberty High School dig for remnants of Native American artifacts. ents, I wish Marsha all the best in her future Head Coach Karen Slack has dreamed of a In high school, Sandy was a hunter, a fisher- endeavors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.012 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E765 ROLLING THUNDER remembered. Today, the organization has you want?’’, he would often ask the girls. branched out to include all wars and recognize ‘‘Freedom!’’ They would yell back, going back HON. TED POE that we still have an accumulated estimate of and forth louder and louder until they would all OF TEXAS 86,788 unaccounted United States veterans. collapse with laughter. ‘‘Do you young ladies IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. Speaker, Rolling Thunder rides for our have your marching shoes on?’’, he would ask soldiers whose lives were given in pursuit of a them. Sheyann always had her marching Tuesday, June 5, 2018 great cause, American Freedom. I am proud shoes on. Mr. POE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, each Me- to recognize these angels on bikes with hearts On March 7, 1965, Sheyann marched with morial Day, families all over the nation plan bigger than Texas. They make a difference the Southern Christian Leadership Conference their weekend barbeques and look forward to and represent all that is right and good in (SCLC) across the Edmund Pettus Bridge on enjoying a long weekend. But despite the fes- America. what later became known as Bloody Sunday. tivities, many of these folks don’t remember And that’s just the way it is. She was beaten with billy clubs and sprayed why we have the day off of work, and why we f with tear gas. Despite being terrified by the vi- celebrate this national holiday. olence that erupted, she was determined to TRIBUTE TO SHEYANN WEBB But for the members of Rolling Thunder, in continue to march. Sheyann kept attending CHRISTBURG Houston, Texas, there is no question. Each mass meetings at Brown Chapel AME Church year, they join together to help remind Ameri- and marched again with SCLC towards Mont- cans across the nation of just why it is that we HON. TERRI A. SEWELL gomery on March 21, 1965. Her enthusiasm celebrate Memorial Day. OF ALABAMA was arguably too much even for Dr. King, who Rolling Thunder is a group of patriots who IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES told her she did not have to march all the way have made it their mission to honor our mili- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 to Montgomery and had her picked up by a tary heroes by bringing awareness through a van and driven back to Selma. motorcycle demonstration in Washington, D.C. Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor Sheyann Webb Christburg, Sheyann’s activism continued long after the While many members are veterans, not all marches. In junior high school, she became are; some are just patriotic Americans who a leader in the American Voting Rights Move- ment. A trailblazer in every sense of the word, one of the first black students to integrate into wish to do their part. They unite together to an all-white school in Selma. She was pushed demand accountability for our POWs and Sheyann was only eight years old when she dared to march across the Edmund Pettus down stairs, called bad names, and was sus- MIAs to be identified and brought home. pended from school—all while receiving no In 1987, a group of Vietnam Veterans gath- Bridge in Selma on Bloody Sunday. She cou- support from the administration. But Sheyann ered together to discuss the thousands of re- rageously participated in the March from remained unbought and unbossed in her activ- ported sightings of Americans still living in Selma to Montgomery which led to the pas- ism throughout her life, graduating from captivity. They were disturbed by the neglect sage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Today, Tuskegee Institute in 1979. from our government. So, they decided to do we pay tribute to Sheyann as one of the Today, Sheyann continues her outreach and something to force the government and media youngest foot soldiers for justice. civic engagement through her company, KEEP to acknowledge the horrific abandonment of Sheyann was born in Selma, Alabama, in Productions Youth Development Mentoring our men and women overseas. After much 1956 to parents John and Betty Webb as one and Modeling Program, where she works with brainstorming, the veterans came up with a of eight children. Growing up in public hous- youth ages two to eighteen to help them blaze unique idea. They began reaching out to fam- ing, she attended a segregated public school. their own trails to success. Because Sheyann ily, friends, fellow veterans, and advocates to As Sheyann walked to her third grade class knows firsthand how impactful childhood op- assemble a group of patriots willing to stand one morning in January 1965, she stumbled portunities can be, her program assists youth up for our soldiers. across a meeting at Brown Chapel AME In 1988, on Memorial Day, 2,500 men and Church. There, she saw an uncommon sight in helping them build self-esteem, confidence, women rode to our Nation’s Capital on their for Alabama in the 1960s—both black and and find purpose in their lives. In addition, she motorcycles. Decked out in leather, wearing white people congregated together outside of also works with youth groups across the State shades and bandanas, waving Old Glory, and the church. Noticing how powerful the moment of Alabama to organize development work- riding 500 plus pounds of steel, they were a was and never one to shy away, a curious shops and training programs that help young terrifying but inspiring bunch. The sound of Sheyann stepped inside to find Dr. Martin Lu- people obtain the skills they need to succeed. over a thousand bikes riding in unison re- ther King’s aide Hosea Williams speaking to Sheyann remains vocal about her experi- minded many of the bombing campaign the crowd. Williams’ words instantly caught ences in the Voting Rights Movement, writing against North Vietnam dubbed Operation Roll- her attention: ‘‘If you can’t vote, then you’re the book ‘Selma, Lord, Selma’ which was ing Thunder. Very powerful. Since then, that not free, and if you ain’t free, children, then eventually turned into a movie. She speaks to small group of veterans became known as you’re a slave’’. numerous religious, community, and edu- Rolling Thunder. They are right thinking Amer- Sheyann’s participation in the mass meet- cational institutions throughout the world and icans with big hearts. ings were not free from criticism. Upon return- regularly appears on national talk shows. The number of riders has increased every ing to school, she was reprimanded for being On a personal note, I am privileged to have year, and now nearly 900,000 members be- late and attending potentially dangerous meet- known Sheyann Webb Christburg all my life long to the Rolling Thunder. There are cur- ings. The Birmingham Church bombing had as a native daughter of Selma and my former rently 90 chapters throughout 32 states. Two just taken place a few years prior, and her babysitter. Sheyann has made such an incred- of those chapters are back home in my great parents were worried that she would be a tar- ible imprint on my life as a mentor, confidante city—Houston, Texas. It’s hard to find a more get for violence. Being involved in the Voting and friend. To know Sheyann, is to be inspired patriotic state than Texas. With 8 out of 10 Rights Movement was dangerous, as it could by Sheyann. Her courage in the face of adver- Texans enlisting to serve our nation, it’s not a jeopardize her parents’ jobs or get them sity, her moral compass on issues of social surprise that Texans are joining the ‘‘Ride for kicked out of public housing. But that did not justice and her heart of gold are her trademark Freedom’’ this year. stop her, Sheyann was determined to blaze and standard bearers. I know that it is be- This year, like every year, on Memorial Day, her own trail towards freedom. cause of her influence on my life that I am Rolling Thunder chapters join together and For her 9th birthday, Sheyann asked her Alabama’s first Black Congresswoman. To say ride to our Nation’s Capital. These demonstra- parents to register to vote and stood in line thank you doesn’t seem an adequate reflec- tions are known as the ‘‘Ride for Freedom’’. with them at the local Dallas County court- tion of my sincere gratitude. This year, they celebrated the 31st Ride for house for an entire day before they were reg- On behalf of the 7th Congressional District, Freedom. The ride begins at the Pentagon on istered. Sheyann was not deterred by her the State of Alabama and this nation, I ask my Memorial Day. At noon the riders, all at once, teachers either. Despite their warnings, she colleagues to join me in celebrating the tre- start their motorcycles and begin the ride to continued to skip class becoming the only mendous accomplishments and extraordinary The Wall to show their continued support for child to regularly attend the mass meetings at contributions of Sheyann Webb Christburg— our missing and fallen soldiers. They pay their Brown Chapel. an American icon of the Voting Rights Move- respects. Sheyann was often accompanied to the ment. We pay tribute to her bravery as a trail- Although the group may have started to after-school meetings by her schoolmate blazer and honor her continued efforts to moti- bring attention to our POWs/MIAs from Viet- friend Rachel West. The two girls became par- vate and uplift up children across the State of nam, they want to make sure all soldiers are ticularly close with Dr. King himself. ‘‘What do Alabama and this nation.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.011 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E766 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 RECOGNITION OF THE NORTHERN I would like to offer my deepest condo- RECOGNIZING FRANK EMOND CALIFORNIA POWER AGENCY’S lences to the family of Mr. Michael Camelo, Jr. 50TH ANNIVERSARY This is an immense loss to the Cape Coral HON. MATT GAETZ Fire Department and to the city. Although OF FLORIDA HON. DOUG LaMALFA short in years, Michael’s life was filled with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA great accomplishment and a spirit of service to Tuesday, June 5, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES others—he and his family will be in my pray- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ers, and the prayers of our community. Mr. GAETZ. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to recognize and pay tribute to a local hero and Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, it is with great f national treasure who has dedicated his life to honor that I rise today to commend the North- humble service; service to his country and ern California Power Agency, also known as TRIBUTE TO GRACE MCDONALD service to others. Mr. Emond is a Pearl Harbor NCPA, on its 50th anniversary. NCPA was es- survivor and recently celebrated his 100th tablished in 1968 by a consortium of locally HON. DAVID YOUNG birthday on May 21, 2018. owned electric utilities to make joint invest- OF IOWA The history of the life and work of Frank ments in energy resources that would ensure IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Emond is nothing short of astounding. Francis an affordable, reliable, and clean supply of ‘‘Frank’’ Emond, originally from Rhode Island, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 electricity for customers in its member commu- played the French horn in his high school nities. By banding together, these local con- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise band. After graduating and working for three sumer-owned utilities, including several in my today to recognize and congratulate Grace years, he joined the U.S. Navy in 1938, leav- District, achieved economies of scale nec- McDonald of Winterset High School. Grace ing his home in Rhode Island to serve as a essary to build generation and collectively face was recently honored for outstanding aca- musician. the challenges of an evolving electric utility in- demic achievement at the Sixteenth Annual In the summer of 1941, Mr. Emond was as- dustry. Governor’s Scholar Recognition on April 29, signed to Pearl Harbor, aboard the battle ship The Agency’s mission is to provide mem- 2018. USS Pennsylvania with Admiral Kimmel, Com- bers with reliable, efficient, and cost-effective This statewide program is sponsored by the mander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet. wholesale power, energy-related services, and Iowa Governor’s Office, the Iowa High School On the night of Saturday, December 6, advocacy on behalf of public power con- Athletic Association, and the Iowa Farm Bu- 1941, bands from the Pennsylvania, the Cali- sumers through joint action. I can tell you, reau. Each Iowa high school was invited to se- fornia, and the Arizona held a dance band through my decades of dealing with NCPA lect a senior with the highest academic rank- contest on the docks; bragging rights for the during my tenure in Congress as well as the ing. Not only are they academically gifted, but winner and great entertainment for the troops California legislature, that the Agency meets the selected students are often the youth who and civilians. Mr. Emond’s band won the tro- that mission with flying marks. are successful in extra-curricular activities and phy, which they later donated in memory of all NCPA has been a pioneer in implementing community endeavors. 21 Arizona band members and 1,100 hands innovative technologies that benefit the envi- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- that went down with them. ronment, as highlighted through its construc- resent leaders like Grace in the United States On the morning of December 7, 1941, ‘‘a tion of both the world’s first integrated waste- Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- date’’, in the words of President Roosevelt, water geothermal system, which greatly pro- ognize and applaud her for utilizing her talents ‘‘which will live in infamy’’, Mr. Emond was longs the life of invaluable geothermal renew- to reach her goals. I invite my colleagues in playing the French horn with his band mates able resources, and the nation’s first ‘‘fast the United States House of Representatives to as they were preparing to play for the morning start’’ combined-cycle natural gas turbines. join me in congratulating Grace on receiving flag raising. The Agency also owns and operates nearly this esteemed designation, and wishing her The ceremony was horrifically interrupted by 260 megawatts of in-state, hydropower re- the best of luck in all her future endeavors. hundreds of Japanese aircraft dropping bombs sources that generate carbon-free electricity and riddling the harbor’s battleships with ma- for Californians while also providing outdoor f chine gun fire. recreation benefits. NCPA also regularly rep- The Pennsylvania was struck by a bomb, resents its members’ interests in issues re- RICHMOND STUDENTS EARN GOLD killing 15 and launching men, including Mr. lated to the Central Valley Project. SEAL AWARDS Emond, into a rescue operation. Mr. Emond I ask my colleagues to join me in com- was trained as a stretcher-bearer and began mending and congratulating NCPA on 50 HON. PETE OLSON retrieving the injured and the dead. years of invaluable service to its public power OF TEXAS Mr. Emond retired from the Navy in 1968 members and their respective communities, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and spent a decade working as a civilian em- the State of California, and the county. ployee at Pensacola Naval Air Station. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 f To this day, Mr. Emond continues to serve MICHAEL CAMELO, JR. Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to his country and his community. He has been recognize Favour Umeakuana and Sonali Puri a Red Cross volunteer at Pensacola Naval of Richmond, TX for both earning a Gold Seal Hospital for the last 15 years. He works at the HON. FRANCIS ROONEY at the 2018 State Visual Arts Scholastic Event hospital’s front desk where he frequently OF FLORIDA contest. brightens the day of many visitors as he IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The State Visual Arts Scholastic Event, or greets them and works the switchboard. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ‘‘VASE’’, is part of the Texas Art Education Mr. Emond expresses that ‘‘time is one of Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. Mr. Association and awards Gold Seals to its most the easiest gifts to give, and is an important Speaker, I rise today to honor Michael talented high school artists. It is the highest one that could change the outcome of some- Camelo, Jr. Camelo, a second-generation honor a Texas high school art student can ob- body’s day or maybe even their life.’’ Mr. Cape Coral firefighter, who passed away on tain. Favour, a freshman at George Ranch Emond has certainly given generously of his May 29th at the age of 37. High School, and Sonali, a junior at Foster time and has, no doubt, positively impacted Engineer Camelo joined the department in High School, were two of the 150 students the lives of countless people who are blessed 2006 and served honorably in several critically awarded a Gold Seal out of over 35,000 en- to know and work with him. important positions including paramedic, haz- tries. These students have demonstrated in- Frank Emond’s presence and service has ardous materials technician, public safety boat credible talent and are thought of by their been, and will continue to be, an invaluable operator, and as member of the Firefighter classmates to be truly unique. Favour and asset to Northwest Florida. We are proud that Survival and Rapid Intervention team. Sonali are in elite artistic company and de- he calls our area home and honored that he Mr. Camelo is survived by his two children, serve the recognition this award displays. chooses to spend his time volunteering here. Anna, 5, and Michael Camelo III, 3. Both of On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the United States these young children will forever be a part of sional District of Texas, congratulations again Congress, I am humbled and privileged to rec- the Cape Coral firefighter family that Michael to Favour and Sonali for receiving Gold Seal ognize and honor Frank Emond for his count- cared about so deeply throughout his entire awards. We look forward to seeing their future less contributions and service. I’d like to ex- life. artwork. tend my gratitude to Mr. Emond and his family

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K05JN8.013 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E767 for all they’ve sacrificed for this country and ber of the Hall of Fame at Thomas Jefferson His considerable legacy will benefit genera- our community. I would also like to wish him High School. I am proud to represent her in tions to come. I mourn with his widow, Ernes- a happy 100th birthday and best wishes. the United States Congress. I ask that my col- tine Lee Henning, a leader in her own right, f leagues in the House of Representatives join and his family, friends and colleagues. I am me in congratulating Claudia and wishing her grateful to have known him, and grateful for all JACK CLAWSON nothing but continued success. he has left us. HON. FRANCIS ROONEY f f OF FLORIDA BISHOP C. GARNETT HENNING, HONORING AUDREY KENT AND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SR., CHAMPION OF THE AME HER SON MIKE KENT CHURCH AND OF AFRICAN DE- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 VELOPMENT HON. JOHN R. CURTIS Mr. FRANCIS ROONEY of Florida. Mr. OF UTAH Speaker, I rise today to honor the life of Jack IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Clawson, who recently passed away at the HON. KAREN BASS OF CALIFORNIA age of 90. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Jack was a highly respected resident of our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. CURTIS. Mr. Speaker, I stand before district, not only as the father of my prede- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 you today to honor Audrey Kent and her son cessor, Congressman Curt Clawson, but also Ms. BASS. Mr. Speaker, I am saddened to Mike Kent for their sacrifices on behalf of our as a passionate family man and follower of report the passing of the Right Reverend nation. Jesus Christ. He led a remarkable life, having Coral Garnett Henning, Sr., a giant of the Afri- Audrey Kent served as an army nurse for grown up working on his grandfather’s farm in can Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, a de- three years in San Francisco during the height Utah and a shipyard in Seattle. As a member voted defender of the less-fortunate, a tireless of World War II. Working in an operating of the greatest generation, he joined the U.S. advocate for the empowerment of African room, Audrey helped injured soldiers from the Army and fought for our country during WWII, Americans, and an unfailing friend of Africa. Pacific recover before being transferred home. in Japan between 1945 and 1947 while serv- Elected as the 112th Bishop of the AME In this capacity, Audrey alleviated the suffering ing on the staff of General Douglas MacArthur. Church in 1992, he had already served (and of soldiers exposed to the horrors and car- For three years thereafter, he would serve as grown) congregations in his native Tennessee, nage of war. a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of as well as Kansas, Missouri and California, in- Mike Kent also heeded the call of duty and Latter-Day Saints in Denmark. His service to cluding Ward AME Church in my district. served in the Vietnam War. As a door gunner his church would continue throughout his life. While assigned to Los Angeles from 1972–80, on a helicopter, Mike held an especially dan- A graduate of Brigham Young University he worked to further economic development, gerous position that was often the focus of and Harvard Business School in the 1950s, he education, the arts and civil rights, and Mayor enemy fire. For eleven rigorous months, Mike began a successful business career, serving Tom Bradley appointed him to head the Los inserted troops into the field, resupplied them, as the President of Thonet Manufacturing Cor- Angeles Housing Commission twice. Wherever and conducted reconnaissance, besides other poration, DeSoto Furniture and Hill-Rom Com- he went, Bishop Henning devoted his consid- duties. pany. As with every other aspect of his life, erable talent, energy and intellect to ecumeni- Doug Kent, Mike’s brother and Audrey’s Jack instilled a sense of belonging and caring cal outreach, mentoring, political engagement, son, also served during the Vietnam War re- at each of the companies he led. To his and supporting education. He also developed pairing helicopters. Tragically, Doug was killed friends and family, however, Jack Clawson a well-deserved reputation for building and in a helicopter accident on the same day that was known as a devoted husband, father and strengthening institutions. Mike arrived in Vietnam. Doug’s name is now grandfather. He will be greatly missed by Assigned to Africa in 1992 to serve the 14th inscribed upon the Vietnam Veterans Memo- those who knew him and well-remembered by Episcopal District—West Africa, he fortified rial with the names of other fallen heroes. Until all. both the church and education all over the re- now, neither Audrey nor Mike have had the f gion. He built Bethel AME Church in Ghana; opportunity to view Doug’s name in person. Thanks to the generosity of the Utah Honor TRIBUTE TO CLAUDIA SCHNAIBLE in Coˆte d’Ivoire, he established C. Garnett Henning, Jr. Memorial High School in honor of Flight program, both veterans will now have his late son; and he founded AME University that opportunity. As Audrey and Mike look forward to paying HON. DAVID YOUNG in Monrovia, which today is the second-largest OF IOWA their respects to Doug, I honor them for their university in Liberia. Assigned to the 19th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication to freedom and our country. The Episcopal District—South Africa in 1996, he good that both have accomplished during their Tuesday, June 5, 2018 continued to create and build, both programs military service and throughout their civilian Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise and structures, including re-opening the nearly lives is immeasurable. century-old Wilberforce Institute (now Wilber- today to recognize and congratulate Claudia Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring the force Community College) which had been Schnaible of Council Bluffs, Iowa on her in- service of Audrey and Mike to their country. duction into the Thomas Jefferson High closed by South Africa’s apartheid govern- School Hall of Fame. Claudia is a 1955 grad- ment. f uate of Thomas Jefferson High School in Though he would continue to support Afri- IN HONOR OF FORMER GEORGIA Council Bluffs. can projects, he returned to the United States REPRESENTATIVE ROBERT F. RAY Claudia has been a lifelong resident of in 2000 when he was assigned to the 8th Council Bluffs. She attended the University of Episcopal District, which includes Mississippi HON. SANFORD D. BISHOP, JR. Nebraska, but left to join the workforce and and Louisiana. There, too, he did what he did OF GEORGIA best, but was called to extraordinary service start her career. Claudia worked at Phillip’s IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Department Store where she was promoted to when Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. He clothing line buyer. She owned her own cloth- would go on to administer millions of dollars to Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ing store and ended her career working for restore damaged churches and sustain min- Mr. BISHOP of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, it is Younkers and Von Maur Department Stores. isters and members of the district in the wake with a heavy heart and solemn remembrance Claudia has always been dedicated to giving of that historic disaster. He was also ap- that I rise today to pay tribute to a remarkable back to her community. She has volunteered pointed to the National Bush-Clinton Katrina statesman, farmer, and public servant, former her time as a youth leader for the Shepherd Fund, a committee that oversaw distribution of Representative in the Georgia General As- of the Valley Lutheran Church, served as more than $70 million. He successfully super- sembly Mr. Robert F. Ray. Sadly, Representa- president of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, as a vised the restoration of 49 out of 51 churches tive Ray passed away on Tuesday, May 29, member of the Alzheimer’s support group at damaged by Katrina: In 2008 he received his 2018. His passing marks the close of a long St. Joseph’s Villa, Bethany Lutheran Home, last assignment, to the 3rd Episcopal District, and prolific life, and his departure leaves a and as a member of the Hall of Fame com- from which he retired in 2012, freeing him to void in the hearts of many Georgians, A me- mittee. continue advocacy matters close to his heart, morial service for Representative Ray was Mr. Speaker, I applaud and congratulate which is what he was doing the last time he held on Friday, June 1, 2018, at First Baptist Claudia on achieving the honor to be a mem- came to see me. Church in Fort Valley, Georgia.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.017 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 Robert Franklin Ray was born in Crawford IN RECOGNITION OF THE 30TH AN- nine years as chair of the board. During his County, Georgia to the union of William NIVERSARY OF THE DELAWARE time, he helped ACC acquire the Nolan Ryan McCrary Ray and Thelma Crutchfield Ray on & LEHIGH NATIONAL HERITAGE Center and pushed for the expansion of the their family-owned farm. Robert’s passion for CORRIDOR Science/Health Science Center. These two farming and agriculture began during his child- men have been described as tireless workers hood, as he helped his family plant and har- HON. MATT CARTWRIGHT with a genuine passion for their community. vest crops on their farm, which is now a pecan OF PENNSYLVANIA They have been valued members of the Alvin orchard. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Community College team. On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- Robert’s passion for farming and agriculture Tuesday, June 5, 2018 sional District of Texas, congratulations again motivated him to build an impressive career Mr. CARTWRIGHT. Mr. Speaker, I rise to to Bart DeWitt and Doyle Swindell for their which began at the age of 19 when he was remark on a notable milestone in the history of long period of service on the Alvin Community elected President of the Crawford County the Pennsylvania 17th Congressional District. College Board of Regents. I thank them for Farm Bureau. By age 22, he had served as a Thirty years ago, a group of thoughtful and their dedication to furthering education in our member of the Crawford County Board of committed citizens took the region’s case for Alvin community. We are grateful to have such Commissioners before going on to serve two national historic significance to Congress. The hardworking public servants in our district. terms on the Crawford County Board of Edu- result is the Delaware & Lehigh National Herit- Best wishes in their next endeavors. cation. He also served as the Assistant Com- age Corridor (D&L). f missioner for Marketing for the Georgia De- Today, the D&L Corridor is a lively, vibrant partment of Agriculture and the Manager of place to live. Towns and cities are revitalized, TRIBUTE TO RALPH (ED) the State Farmers Market in Macon, Georgia. and their historic districts have been pre- KERMOADE In 1982, Robert was elected to the Georgia served. Technology, culture, and innovation General Assembly, where he served 12 terms have replaced the industrial past, while agrar- HON. DAVID YOUNG and represented Crawford County and por- ian roots are still visible in the surrounding OF IOWA tions of Bibb, Houston, Lamar, Monroe, countryside. The D&L Trail connects people to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Peach, and Upson counties. our industrial heritage, health and wellness, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 During his 24 year tenure, Representative economic development, and nature and the Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Ray served as a member on the Agriculture environment. today to recognize and congratulate Ralph The D&L’s unique combination of industry and Consumer Affairs, Appropriations, Industry (Ed) Kermoade of Council Bluffs, Iowa on his and natural resources helped it fuel America’s and Rules, House Journals, and Small Busi- induction into the Thomas Jefferson High 19th Century Industrial Revolution. The dis- ness Committees as well as the Chairman of School Hall of Fame. Ed is a 1974 graduate covery of anthracite, and later the manufac- the Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Com- of Thomas Jefferson High School in Council turing of iron ore and its historic transportation mittee. Representative Ray made agriculture Bluffs. his first priority as he worked diligently to en- path from Wilkes-Barre to Bristol, catapulted Ed earned his bachelor’ s degree from the sure that the interests of farmers were sup- the region into an internationally-recognized University of Nebraska Omaha and graduated ported and protected and led the charge to hub of production. Without a doubt, the Dela- from Drake University with a degree in sec- give poultry farmers rights in contract negotia- ware and Lehigh Canals and the Lehigh Val- ondary education administration. Ed has been tions. His legacy also includes spearheading ley Railroad were essential in this process. It a teacher and coach in the Council Bluffs legislation and funding to support education is their history that the D&L works to preserve Community School District. His career has and economic development, which was instru- and celebrate as a Smithsonian Affiliate taken him to Longfellow Junior High School mental in the establishment of Georgia’s sys- through the National Canal Museum and and Wilson Middle School and he has taught tem of tourism routes and the creation of toll- aboard the Josiah White II mule-drawn canal driver’s education for 41 years at 13 different free calling zones in the Middle Georgia area. boat. high schools across the Council Bluffs metro With the support of the National Park Serv- area. Ed remains active in the Council Bluffs In addition to his political career, Robert was ice, the Pennsylvania Department of Con- actively involved in the communities that he community volunteering with the West End servation and Natural Resources, the William Optimist Club and the Cobra Optimist Sports served. He presided on a variety of boards, Penn Foundation, countless volunteers, and served in a number of organizations at the Club. Ed said he always tries to pass on to his like-minded partner organizations, the D&L is students that, ‘‘it is always the right time to do local and state levels, and received numerous continuing its commitment to inspiring connec- awards and commendations. the right thing and if you are early, you are tions by revitalizing towns, restoring its beau- never late.’’ Robert accomplished much throughout his tiful landscape, celebrating and preserving its Mr. Speaker, I applaud and congratulate Ed life, but none of this would have been possible heritage, and planning its future for genera- Kermoade as a member of the Hall of Fame without his enduring faith in God and the love tions to come in Luzerne, Carbon, Lehigh, at Thomas Jefferson High School. I am proud and support of his wife, Jennifer; his children, Northampton and Bucks County. The history to represent him in the United States Con- Lisa, Robin, Bob, and Adam; and his siblings of the D&L is still in the making. gress. I ask that my colleagues in the House and grandchildren. f of Representatives join me in congratulating On a personal note, Representative Ray THANKING BART DEWITT AND Ed and wishing him nothing but continued and I served in the State House together and DOYLE SWINDELL FOR THEIR success. I was blessed with his friendship, counsel, and SERVICE ON THE ALVIN COMMU- f support over the years. Representative Ray NITY COLLEGE BOARD OF RE- HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY was a great representative for Middle Georgia GENTS and a stellar example of how a public servant OF MRS. JUNE FOSTER SANCHEZ should serve his constituents. HON. PETE OLSON HON. CEDRIC L. RICHMOND Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join OF TEXAS OF LOUISIANA me, along with my wife, Vivian, and the more IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES than 730,000 residents of Georgia’s Second Congressional District in paying tribute to Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Tuesday, June 5, 2018 former Representative Robert F. Ray for his Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. RICHMOND. Mr. Speaker, I rise to remarkable leadership in our great State of thank Bart DeWitt and Doyle Swindell for their honor the life and legacy of Mrs. June Foster Georgia. He shall be remembered as an out- service on the Alvin Community College Board Sanchez, a retired educator, who died on May standing statesman, a champion of education, of Regents. 24, 2018 at the age of 86. and an advocate for hard-working farmers. We Bart and Doyle worked a combined 82 Mrs. Sanchez was a retired educator who extend our deepest sympathies to his family, years of service on the ACC Board of Re- taught in the Orleans Parish Schools for 42 friends and, loved ones during this difficult gents, a school where they are both alumnae. years, primarily at John W. Hoffman School. time and we pray that they will be comforted Bart joined the board as a trustee in 1972, She was also an instructor in the Department by an abiding faith and the Holy Spirit in the while serving as a math teacher in Houston of Education at Dillard University for seven- days, weeks, and months ahead. and Friendswood school districts. Doyle spent teen years.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.021 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E769 Mrs. Sanchez was the beloved widow of Mr. and landscape, the Delaware and Lehigh Na- comed them for holidays and made important Andrew ‘‘Pete’’ Sanchez, Sr., who was the first tional Heritage Corridor pays tribute to this re- connections. Jean and Larry see in Rabbi African American Department Head for the city gion’s role as an early leader of industrial in- Katz and Cantor Stevens this same spirit of of New Orleans. From their marriage came novation and a shining example of our nation’s warmth and welcoming, and it has helped twins, Andrew Jr. and Andrea. natural resources. them feel at home here. Mrs. Sanchez graduated from Gilbert Acad- Since Congress established the Delaware Jean and Larry have accomplished so much emy Senior High School. She received a and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor in 1988, in the community, and for their incredible work Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Edu- the dedicated members of this organization CSAIR has chosen to honor them at their an- cation from Dillard University, and she re- have tirelessly worked to maintain and build nual Gala Celebration. I would like to con- ceived a Master of Education degree in Early on the progress of this landmark area, which gratulate them on receiving this wonderful Childhood Education from Harvard University. encompasses nine Historic Landmarks, six honor, and add my congratulations for all they Moreover, Mrs. Sanchez acquired (30) addi- National Recreation Trails, and two National have done to strengthen our neighborhood. tional hours in advanced graduate studies Natural Landmarks. With the support of the f from Xavier University, the University of Kan- , the Pennsylvania De- sas, Loyola University and Tulane University. partment of Conservation and Natural Re- HONORING THE 126TH AIR REFUEL- Mrs. Sanchez received a Golden Diploma source, the William Penn Foundation, count- ING WING AT SCOTT AIR FORCE from Dillard University and she was a proud less volunteers and like-minded partner orga- BASE IN ST. CLAIR COUNTY ILLI- Life Member and Golden Sorority Member of nizations, generations of Americans have and NOIS the Alpha Beta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kapa will continue to be able to connect with their Alpha Sorority, Inc. She was a member of the heritage. HON. MIKE BOST New Orleans Chapter of Top Ladies of Dis- Mr. Speaker, please join me in thanking all OF ILLINOIS tinction. those organizations and individuals who have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mrs. Sanchez was a proud and faithful dedicated their time and effort over the lasts Tuesday, June 5, 2018 member of the Hartzell United Methodist 30 years to make the Delaware and Lehigh Church. She served as Chairperson of the Ad- Heritage Corridor the success it is today. Mr. BOST. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in rec- ministrative Board, Treasurer, and Board f ognition of the important efforts of the 126th Member of Hartzell Day Care Center. She was Air Refueling Wing at Scott Air Force Base in President and Vice-President of Hartzell’s HONORING JEAN HILL & LARRY St. Clair County, Illinois. On June 2, 2018, I United Methodist Women. She served as Sec- SCHULTIS celebrated the many achievements of this unit retary of the New Orleans-Slidell District when I attended the 126th Air Refueling Wing United Methodist Women. HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Day, which was done by proclamation of the Mrs. Sanchez lived an extraordinary life that OF NEW YORK Governor. cannot be categorized. Her legacy will forever IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The 126th Air Refueling Wing routinely suc- ceeds in its mission of providing immediate, be a part of New Orleans and her dedication Tuesday, June 5, 2018 to community embodies the spirit of public sustained, long-range air refueling of both nu- service. We cannot match the sacrifices made Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I want to honor clear and conventional aircraft for both U.S. by Mrs. Sanchez, but surely, we can try to two former Riverdale residents who, though Armed Forces and NATO Allies. match her sense of service. We cannot match they no longer reside here, have left an indel- The 126th Air Refueling Wing has more her courage, but we can strive to match her ible mark especially on the Conservative Syn- than 1,000 Air National Guard and active duty devotion. agogue Adath Israel of Riverdale (CSAIR) United States Air Force Personnel who re- Mrs. Sanchez’s survivors include her chil- community. cently received its eighth Air Force Out- dren Andrea (Jefferson, Sr.) and Andrew (Dr. One thing was clear on that fateful day six standing Unit Award for service provided from Janice T.); Ruby Foster, mother; Ruby San- months ago when Jean Hill and Larry Schultis December 2014 through December 2016. chez, sister-in-law; Jefferson, Jr. and Ashley, moved out of Riverdale after making their life The service members of the 126th Air Re- grandchildren; Jemori, Journi, Jefferson, III, here. They might be leaving Riverdale, but fueling Wing routinely demonstrate their excel- great grandchildren; Dr. Angelique Williams they were not going to leave CSAIR. Our shul lence in performance while supporting the (Sterling, Jr.), niece; host of cousins; and de- had become a constant in their lives and United States Air Force operations. The sig- voted friends Delores Parker, Nathalie Latiker would remain so for a long time. nificant awards and recognition the 126th Illi- and Stella May. Jean and Larry met in 2005 and Larry nois Air National Guard has received sets the Mr. Speaker, I celebrate the life and legacy moved to Riverdale in 2006. Jean celebrated foundational framework for being a strong of Mrs. June Foster Sanchez. her daughters’ Bnot Mitzvot at CSAIR. Jean Center of Excellence for military aircraft. I am f was comforted through Jean’s mother’s pass- proud of their hard work and dedication to en- ing by attending minyan regularly at CSAIR suring the best aircraft maintenance and repair RECOGNIZING THE 30 YEAR ANNI- with Larry. Jean and Larry watched proudly as work is done at Scott Air Force Base. Our na- VERSARY OF THE DELAWARE their niece became the first child born to a gay tional defense depends on having our military AND LEHIGH NATIONAL HERIT- couple to be named in the synagogue. aircraft able to fly in a minute’s notice, so the AGE CORRIDOR Jean and Larry have worked quietly and work they do every day is critical in keeping all humbly to make CSAIR a stronger place. of us safe at home. HON. LOU BARLETTA Jean, a partner in a management consulting f OF PENNSYLVANIA firm and Larry, an attorney, are consummate TRIBUTE TO VIRGINIA CANTRELL IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES problem solvers, who dedicate their work and their donations to improving CSAIR through Tuesday, June 5, 2018 overcoming any obstacles that arise. Not HON. DAVID YOUNG Mr. BARLETTA. Mr. Speaker, it is my honor enough space? Larry worked with the architect OF IOWA to recognize the Delaware and Lehigh Na- to help plan and envision the new Betty Baum IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tional Heritage Corridor, which is celebrating Library. Need a few more good people? He 30 years of providing exceptional educational served on search committees and helps select Tuesday, June 5, 2018 and recreational experiences for residents and the synagogue’s Gladstein Fellows. Need a Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise visitors of Pennsylvania. 10th on Friday morning? Larry is there. today to recognize and congratulate Virginia The unique and rich history of the Delaware Jean and Larry support both the Rabbi’s Cantrell of Council Bluffs, Iowa on her induc- and Lehigh National Heritage Corridor, which Fund and the Cantor’s Fund in appreciation of tion into the Thomas Jefferson High School spans Luzerne, Carbon, Lehigh, Northampton, the critical role both play in the community, Hall of Fame. Virginia is a 1958 graduate of and Bucks Counties, includes pioneering rail- recognizing the importance of providing re- Thomas Jefferson High School in Council roads, steel production, and coal mining and sources and flexibility to address urgent Bluffs. distribution. The corridor boasts 165 miles of needs. This commitment is grounded in Jean Virginia was born into a family who valued mountain-lined trails, in addition to various ca- and Larry’s collective experiences from Lon- education. Her mother taught school and her nals, rivers and, and picturesque towns. don to Scranton, when their family found Jew- father served on the local school board. Dur- Through the preservation of historic railways ish communities, anchored by rabbis who wel- ing Virginia’s senior year in high school she

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.025 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 was class president, homecoming queen, and IN RECOGNITION OF THE 40TH RE- HONORING LAURIE KRACKO valedictorian. Virginia graduated from UNION OF THE BRAVE MEN AND Graceland University, and the University of WOMEN OF THE 6TH AIRLIFT HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Iowa, and earned a master’s degree in library SQUADRON OF NEW YORK science from Western Michigan University. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She began her career working in an elemen- HON. BRIAN K. FITZPATRICK Tuesday, June 5, 2018 tary school in Illinois. Virginia returned home Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor a to help with the family business after the death OF PENNSYLVANIA pillar of the Anshe Sholom community, Ms. of her father. She worked for the Council IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Laurie Kracko, who this year is being honored Bluffs Public Library and was the librarian for by the congregation for all she has accom- Bloomer Elementary School and returned to Tuesday, June 5, 2018 plished. Laurie has been a life-long member of Con- Thomas Jefferson High School to help estab- Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr. Speaker, the 6th Air- lish the first computer lab. Virginia has re- gregation Anshe Sholom. Her grandparents, lift Squadron is part of the 305th Air Mobility Selma & Erich Kracko became members in mained active in her community and is best Wing at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, 1946. Her father Elliot was born into Anshe known as one of the ‘‘peanut-brittle ladies’’ New Jersey. It operates the C–17 Sholom, and when he married Ellen in 1972, who help raise money for a school in Haiti and Globemaster III supporting the United States they continued their membership and have for other church ministries. Air Force global reach mission worldwide. The been involved ever since. Laurie grew up in Mr. Speaker, I applaud and congratulate Vir- 6th Airlift Squadron is the oldest airlift squad- New Rochelle and in Mamaroneck, went to ginia on the honor of being a member of the ron in the Air Force, having served with dis- Solomon Schechter grade school, and grad- Hall of Fame at Thomas Jefferson High tinction since 1 October 1933—85 years ago. uated from Scarsdale High School. She re- School. I am proud to represent her in the It must be understood that any aviation squad- ceived her Bachelor’s Degree in Business United States Congress. I ask that my col- ron which boasts a proud 85 year history can Communication from The University of Hart- ford in Connecticut. leagues in the House of Representatives join only be considered extraordinary. The squad- ron was initially assigned to the 2nd Transport Right out of college, Laurie started working me in congratulating Virginia and wishing her for her father in one of his businesses. After nothing but continued success in all her en- Group, at Shreveport, Louisiana, and later re- organized in August 1937 with Reserve per- a few years, Laurie chose to work in the non- deavors. profit world where she spent five years work- sonnel at Columbus, Ohio. The squadron was ing at The National Jewish Council for Disabil- activated on 14 October 1939 into the Army f ities/Yachad, as office manager. In 2009, Lau- Air Forces at Olmsted Field, Harrisburg, Penn- rie left Yachad to, once again, work in one of DANA ABBOTT RECEIVES SWIM sylvania. The squadron made airlift history her father’s businesses. In 2010, Laurie COACH HALL OF FAME AWARD during World War II when, in October 1942, it opened her own business, City Sprint Safety was transferred to Port Moresby, New Guinea. and Supply. In just under three years of being Then flying C–47s, the 6th became the first in business, a competitor approached Laurie HON. PETE OLSON personnel transport squadron to fly in the Pa- and her business partner with an offer to pur- cific. It was during this assignment that the OF TEXAS chase City Sprint. They sold the business in squadron earned the nickname Bully Beef Ex- the winter of 2012. In March of 2015, Laurie IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES press, as it carried tons of boiled beef to allied bought out her father’s business partner in Tuesday, June 5, 2018 combat troops in Australia and New Guinea. Modern Paint & Hardware Corp. and together, The French called it ‘‘boujili boef’’, and the Elliot & Laurie formed The Modern Paint Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Americanization of the term has continued to Group, where they went from one paint & congratulate Dana Abbott of Katy, TX for re- this day to be the squadron’s emblem. The 6th hardware store to eight in a matter of 90 days ceiving the National Interscholastic Swimming performed aerial transportation in the Pacific from April to July of 2015. This rapid growth Coaches Association Hall of Fame Award. Theater and Southwest Pacific Theater during turned Modern Paint into the second largest World War II and in the Far East during the chain of paint stores in Westchester County. The Hall of Fame Award from the National Korean War and after until 1968, when it was Over the years, Laurie has become more Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Associa- temporarily deactivated but then reactivated in and more active in Anshe Sholom. She is in- tion is one of the most significant awards for April 1970 during the Viet Nam War as more volved in planning events, weekly Kiddush the sport. Two association members are C–141 Starlifters were coming into service. It preparation, social media and weekly Shabbat named annually and have their names en- has performed worldwide airlift operations announcements. She is on the Chesed com- graved on the trophy at the International since then. The 6th conducted resupply mis- mittee, the Outreach Committee and much Swimming Hall of Fame. In 2016, Coach Ab- sions in support of scientific stations in the more. Laurie became a Board Member in bott led the St. John XXIII College Preparatory Antarctic during Operation Deep Freeze from, 2015, and in 2016 became Secretary of the Board. swim team to a girl’s state championship and 1971 to 1974. It re-supplied Israel during the In 2016, Laurie represented Congregation a boy’s regional crown for the Lions. Coach 1973 Yom Kippur War. It evacuated Viet- Anshe Sholom at the Westchester Jewish Abbott founded the Tiger Swim Club in Katy namese refugees during the fall of Saigon, Council Leadership Development Program and and the West Houston Aquatic League. He April through June 1975. It has also supported has participated in many of their events and also served as an assistant coach at the Uni- U.S. forces in Grenada, October through De- meetings on behalf of Anshe Sholom. versity of Texas before working as the head cember 1983, during the invasion of Panama, As you can see, Laurie has done it all, and swim coach at Katy High School from 1980 to December 1989 through January 1990, and is most deserving of this warm recognition. 2005. During his career, Abbott has received during the liberation of Kuwait, August 1990 Congratulations to her on this grand occasion. numerous awards including the TAPPS Male through March 1991, and continues to support f military operations throughout the Middle East. Coach of the Year in 2016, the 2008 Paragon IN RECOGNITION OF THE 20TH AN- Award from the International Swimming Hall of In June of 1979 current and past members of the squadron organized the first of what would NIVERSARY OF THE CENTER Fame, and the TISCA Theron Pickle Lifetime FOR DOMESTIC PREPAREDNESS Achievement Award. be 40 consecutive annual reunions spanning 4 decades—the longest continuous running re- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- union in the Air Force. On June 6, 2018, those HON. MIKE ROGERS sional District of Texas, congratulations again past and present members of this distin- OF ALABAMA to Coach Abbott for receiving the National guished military unit will celebrate a milestone IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Interscholastic Swimming Coaches Associa- with the 40th Annual Bully Beef Reunion. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 tion Hall of Fame Award. I thank him for his Today, we recognize the fine, dedicated men Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I dedication to our education system and for and women of the 6th who have served self- rise today to recognize the 20th Anniversary of sharing his passion for swimming with our stu- lessly and honorably over 85 years, and con- the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) dents. gratulate them on their 40th Reunion. which will be celebrated on June 14th.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.029 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E771 On June 1, 1998, the Center opened its graphic production and print processes was in- ondary education administrator in Kentucky doors to America’s first responders. Over the strumental in the financial successes of the and Alabama, including her last 18 years of past 20 years, the staff of the CDP have pro- firm. Along with her superb management leadership as President of Somerset Commu- vided cutting-edge training to first responders skills, Pat brought her passion for education nity College (SCC) in Somerset, Kentucky. from all 50 states, every U.S. territory and into the publishing world. Pat started the Cus- Dr. Marshall and her late husband, Dr. Scott many tribal nations. Through the years, the tom Publishing division of IBJ Media, respon- Marshall, were a dynamic team with immense Center’s unique training capabilities have pre- sible for launching several statewide education passion for post-secondary education, who pared the nation’s communities to plan for, re- publications including Next Indiana, GRAD, worked tirelessly to improve access to college spond to and recover from disasters. As the and Career Ready. The Custom Publishing di- degrees and open new doors of opportunity nation’s only facility that trains local respond- vision is also responsible for producing publi- for those most in need. In fact, when the Mar- ers with live toxic materials, the CDP’s training cations for grades K–10, reaching hundreds of shalls first arrived in Somerset, they surveyed builds skills and confidence within the re- thousands of students across the State of Indi- the rural Lake Cumberland region and quickly sponse community that can save American ana. Relationship oriented, Pat developed realized the tremendous need for a scholar- lives in a homeland security crisis. long-term partnerships with the Indiana Com- ship fund to help our students pay for tuition. Since its inception, the Center has contin- mission for Higher Education and the Indiana So, Dr. Marshall launched the SCC Founda- ued to expand its facilities and curriculum to Department of Workforce Development mak- tion, which is a nearly one-million-dollar fund better meet the training needs of first respond- ing these highly respected publications pos- today, making college dreams come true for ers. Today, the CDP serves an essential role sible. During her time with IBJ Media, Pat’s in- countless local students. within the Department of Homeland Security’s fluence reached beyond the education sector. Despite severe budget cuts and rising un- Federal Emergency Management Agency for Pat was responsible for overseeing more employment rates, Dr. Marshall guided SCC helping provide critical training that ultimately than forty custom publications annually for through some of its greatest successes. She helps keep our communities safe. government, not-for-profits, and various indus- expanded the local campus with several new I am pleased to recognize the staff of the tries. She also oversaw the expansion from state-of-the-art buildings, increased enrollment Center for Domestic Preparedness today for print to web and mobile apps. numbers to historic levels, developed key part- reaching this important milestone, and look Her many awards are a testament to the ex- nerships with four-year colleges and univer- forward to witnessing its continued service to ceptional work ethic of this incredibly talented sities to streamline student transfers, and gar- the nation. individual. A hard worker, Pat published hun- nered a multitude of accolades for her per- Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing dreds of books through IBJ Book Publishing, sonal leadership and SCC’s achievements. the CDP on this exciting milestone in their his- three of which were picked up by national Dr. Jo Marshall is an incredibly gracious and tory. publishers including Simon & Schuster. Most humble individual who leads with a steady f recently, one of these books received the Na- hand and a heart of compassion. She has PAYING TRIBUTE TO PATRICIA tional Jewish Book Award. Of particular note, made a remarkable difference in our commu- KEIFFNER ON THE OCCASION OF Pat published Breaking Cardinal Rules, which nity and in the lives of countless students in HER RETIREMENT FROM IBJ drew national attention as a #1 best seller of Kentucky. Although she is retiring, Dr. Mar- MEDIA basketball books. shall has laid a foundation for future success Pat’s impact on her community goes far be- and growth as SCC continues to serve our re- HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS yond publishing. Rooted in a desire to make gion. OF INDIANA positive change, Pat used her extensive ex- My wife, Cynthia, and I wish our dear friend, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pertise to create successful public and private Dr. Marshall, many joyful years of retirement sector partnerships and received the Presi- with her children and grandchildren. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 dential Citation from Ronald Reagan for her f Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I statewide initiatives. rise today to honor Patricia ‘‘Pat’’ Keiffner on Pat’s dedication to her community is evi- HONORING MIRIAM WESTHEIMER the occasion of her retirement from IBJ Media. denced by her service on the boards of Com- & JOEL EINLEGER For the past twenty-three years, Pat devoted munity Health Network Foundation, Little Red her life to providing exceptional service to her Door, Teachers’ Treasures, Lugar Series, and HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL co-workers, authors, IBJ partners, and ven- Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce’s OF NEW YORK dors. In her more than two decades of service, ChamberAction. The Indiana Commission for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Pat published various statewide publications Women recognized Pat as a Trailblazer as a Tuesday, June 5, 2018 focusing on education and launched over 400 recipient of the Torchbearer Award for her books. The people of Indiana’s Fifth Congres- work with public/private partnerships. Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I want to take a sional District are forever grateful for Pat’s Pat has made a remarkable impression on moment to honor two individuals who have commitment to literature and educating the her community and the lives of her friends, done outstanding work as part of the Conserv- next generation of Indiana students through family, and colleagues. She has truly left a ative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale her work in publishing. legacy of success at IBJ Media that will be (CSAIR) community, Miriam Westheimer and Before residing in the Hoosier state, Pat built upon for years to come. On behalf of In- Joel Einleger. earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and Soci- diana’s Fifth Congressional District, I would Joel and Miriam found a home at CSAIR ology from Morehead State University in Ken- like to congratulate Pat Keiffner on her ex- that spoke to their divergent backgrounds. Ye- tucky. She later attended Southern Methodist traordinary career and extend my gratitude for shiva-educated, Joel grew up in a Modern Or- University, where she earned her Master’s in all the wonderful contributions she has made thodox family in Washington Heights con- English. Passionate about education, Pat to our Hoosier community. While I know Pat nected to the local Jewish community. Miriam began her career as a secondary and post- will be missed, I wish the very best to her hus- also grew up in Washington Heights, and her secondary English coordinator and instructor band John and the rest of her family as she family’s connection to Judaism was primarily at Plano Senior High School in Texas. After enjoys a well-deserved retirement. cultural, with shul attendance reserved for four years of teaching, Pat became the Dean f High Holidays. They both were drawn by of Academic Affairs at Sawyer Business Col- CSAIR’s warmth, evident when the Havurah lege, and then was Senior Security Coordi- TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF DR. JO offered to make a minyan after Miriam’s father nator for Northrop Grumman, and later Gen- MARSHALL passed away, and when food showed up on eral Manager at the Greater Lexington Cham- their doorstep after their oldest, Ari, was born. ber of Commerce. These positions led her to HON. HAROLD ROGERS Miriam served on the Education Board and Indianapolis where she started her own press OF KENTUCKY the Social Action Committee; chaired the Gala firm, Magna Graphic/ Midwest Incorporated. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honoring Rabbi Katz and Shoshi Talesnick; Her leadership at Magna Graphic/ Midwest and worked on the Child Protection Com- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Inc. prepared her for her career at IBJ Media mittee. She organized the interfaith Seder, de- where she has been influential in the manage- Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I veloped a partnership with the Creston Ave- ment of various projects and publications. rise today to pay tribute to Dr. Jo Marshall in nue Baptist Church, and started regular Israeli During her career at IBJ Media, Pat stood recognition of her retirement after a lifetime of folk dance evenings. She also chaired the out as a leader. Her role in revamping the dedication as a highly esteemed post-sec- most recent Capital Campaign, which through

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.033 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E772 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 her special connection with Bette Baum, bulance District. On June 12th, Mr. Bukovac of the Anshe Sholom Sisterhood and their re- helped her to envision the new Baum library. will receive American Ambulance Association’s markable dedication and hard work. Like Miriam, Joel contributed to CSAIR by 2018 Stars of Life award. f serving on the Design Committee for both Robert Bukovac has dedicated his life to building renovations. At the same time, Joel protecting all Americans through his service as TRIBUTE TO DUSTIE BURTON focused on the congregation’s spiritual core. a United States Marine, firefighter, and police He organized the first Torathon, an evening of officer. Today he is saving lives as a Para- HON. DAVID YOUNG classes and workshops open to the commu- medic and serves as the Las Animas County OF IOWA nity. He was passionate about finding a way to Emergency Preparedness Coordinator. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES reinvigorate Friday nights, leading to the now Mr. Bukovac is a valued teammate at the Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Trinidad Ambulance District and has gone popular Lechu Neranena program. He was Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise to above and beyond the call of duty in service also intent on providing an easy way to sus- honor Dustie Burton from Greater Regional to his community. tain Jewish learning and continuity through the Medical Center in Creston, Iowa who was Our nation owes no greater debt of gratitude Passport to Jewish Education initiative. This awarded the 2018 DAISY Award For Extraor- than the one we owe our first responders and program encompasses a host of scholarship dinary Nurses at a ceremony this spring. opportunities for the children of CSAIR mem- service members. They have made incredible This award is part of the DAISY Founda- bers. sacrifices for our country and deserve our ut- tion’s program to recognize the superhuman Both Joel and Miriam are CSAIR treasures, most support and appreciation for their serv- efforts nurses perform every day. Dustie was extending the warmth and energy that first ice. Robert Bukovac’s continued dedication to nominated by patients, families, and col- embraced them to all who enter our doors. service is a testament to his character, and I leagues because of her willingness to give her This year, CSAIR is honoring them for their am proud to honor and recognize this out- best efforts for the patients at GRMC. exceptional contributions to the community at standing accomplishment. I applaud and congratulate Dustie for her their annual Gala Celebration. They have cho- Mr. Speaker, on behalf of the 4th Congres- award and for providing excellent patient care sen two outstanding honorees. I too want to sional District of Colorado, I extend my best in Iowa’s Third District. I am proud to rep- congratulate both Miriam and Joel on this wishes and congratulations to Mr. Bukovac for resent her and all the employees of the Great- wonderful occasion and thank them for all they receiving the 2018 Stars of Life award. er Regional Medical Center in the United have done. f States Congress. I know that my colleagues f HONORING ANSHE SHOLOM join me in congratulating Dustie Burton and KIM CROMIE NAMED KATY ISD SISTERHOOD wishing her continued success in the future. NURSE OF THE YEAR f HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF DR. HON. PETE OLSON OF NEW YORK HUMPHREY DON GERMANIUK, OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MD, AP FP IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 5, 2018 HON. TIM RYAN Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor the OF OHIO Anshe Sholom Sisterhood. It is my privilege to Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize Kim Cromie of Katy, TX for being recognize their dedication to Anshe Sholom named the 2017–18 Katy Independent School and the wider community as they celebrate Tuesday, June 5, 2018 District Nurse of the Year. 101 years of incredible work. Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, today I rise Kim, a nurse at Bonnie Holland Elementary The earliest mention of the Sisterhood was to remember the life of Dr. Humphrey Don School, cares for students and the sicknesses in 1917, when it was called the Ladies Aid So- Germaniuk, 64, who passed away on Friday, they endure throughout the academic year in ciety. From its inception, the Sisterhood has April 20, 2018. a tremendously effective manner. Her col- been concerned with the health and well-being Humphrey was born on February 4, 1954 on leagues describe Kim to be a crucial member of the New Rochelle Community. During the Staten Island, New York City to Ukrainian im- of their team and are extremely appreciative of Second World War, the Sisterhood established migrants Onufriji and Neonila Germaniuk. the work she has done. She was nominated and ran the first kosher kitchen for Jewish sol- Growing up, Humphrey played in a rock and for Nurse of the Year by her colleagues for diers stationed at Fort Slocum, now known as roll band that performed all throughout New her professionalism, work experience, vol- David’s Island. They also provided the free in- York City. His band, Timeless, had gained unteerism and clinic management experience. oculations against polio and had organized such a large, dedicated following that they In 2017, Bonnie Holland Elementary School blood drives. captured the attention of Capitol Records, and was recognized as a ‘‘Project Adam Heart Over the years, the Sisterhood has raised began recording with the label. At the age of Safe School,’’ largely due to Cromie’s work money for Anshe Sholom by hosting guest 19, Humphrey took his first steps toward what with the school’s staff and Texas Children’s lecturers, art auctions, fashion shows, ba- would become a distinguished career in foren- Hospital. When not aiding the health of stu- zaars, card parties, charity dinners, and trips sic medicine by volunteering with the Manhat- dents, Ms. Cromie takes time out of her busy to Jewish Museums. Their work supports the tan Medical Examiner’s Office under the guid- schedule to mentor other Katy ISD nurses. Rabbi’s discretionary fund and has helped fi- ance of renowned physician Dr. Milton On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- nance renovations to the synagogue. Helpern. sional District of Texas, congratulations again The Sisterhood also arranges the annual Humphrey studied Biology at Wagner Col- to Kim for being named the 2017–18 Katy ISD Passover Seder, assists with the community lege on Staten Island, and graduated in 1975. Nurse of the Year. I thank her for her dedica- sukkah every year, with Succot dinners and After graduation, he had the amazing oppor- tion to keeping our kids healthy. We’re lucky Shavuot lunches, and provides gifts for Bar tunity to travel to Italy and obtain a dual Ph.D. to have such an exemplary nurse caring for and Bat Mitzvahs. They are always available and M.D. from the University of Rome. In kids at Holland Elementary. to help community members in need, visiting 1984, he returned to the United States with a f the sick and homebound, delivering food to deep affection and appreciation for his Italian those in need, and providing Shiva meals for hosts and their Italian culture. Upon his return; AMERICAN AMBULANCE ASSOCIA- the bereaved. Humphrey began his professional medical ca- TION’S 2018 STARS OF LIFE The Sisterhood has always been willing to reer at The Ohio State University, where he AWARD support the work of the congregation, whether completed a residency in pathology in 1988. through direct financial help to the synagogue, Following his residency, he held a Fellowship HON. KEN BUCK helping hands to a family in need, or dona- in Forensic Medicine at the Miami-Dade Coun- OF COLORADO tions to community organizations feeding the ty Medical Examiner’s Office in Florida and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hungry. became certified as a Forensic Pathologist. Over a century of work could only be After his certification, he served as an asso- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 achieved and sustained by individuals who are ciate Medical Examiner for Onondaga County, Mr. BUCK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to rec- truly dedicated to their synagogue and com- New York for five years. Then in 1994, Hum- ognize Robert Bukovac with the Trinidad Am- munity. I am proud to recognize the leadership phrey was selected to serve as Deputy Chief

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.036 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E773 of the Washington, D.C. Medical Examiner’s vieve Marie Germaniuk; son and daughter-in- peaceful protest to urge for democratic reform Office. law Zachariah Shevchenko and Suzanne Eliz- in the midst of widespread government corrup- While in Washington, Humphrey built a na- abeth (nee´ Schoen) Germaniuk; sister and tion. tional reputation as an authority in forensic niece Nina Irene (nee´ Germaniuk) and Nila Local residents who did not engage in the medicine; honing his craft by performing thou- Skye Cooper of Stillwater, Minnesota; step- protests but assisted injured protestors like- sands of autopsies and testifying in hundreds niece Oksana (Sergie) Popova and grand- wise were mercilessly shot. of capital trials, both in District and Federal nieces Ulyana Popova of New York, N.Y., and The inhumane violence and slaughter of in- Court. At the same time, Humphrey was able Drs. Vera (Richard) Salvatore, DDS (nee´ nocent citizens shocked the world. to keep his academic career alive by writing Popova) of Schenectady, New York. President George W. Bush strongly con- numerous articles on forensics, and also lec- I extend my sincerest condolences to his demned the use of force, and British Prime turing on various medical and legal aspects of family and friends. Minister Margaret Thatcher said that she was death investigations as an adjunct professor at f appalled by the massacre. Georgetown and George Washington Schools As the leading country of the free world and of Law. By 1998, Humphrey was serving as HONORING SAMANTHA & DANIEL international community the United States has Chief Medical Examiner of the Nation’s Cap- WIENER always promoted democratic governance and ital. economic liberty as its key pillars. Despite receiving many accolades for his HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Our enduring and unyielding commitment to management of the Washington, D.C. Medical OF NEW YORK democracy and peace makes it imperative for Examiner’s Office, the professional demands IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES us to remember the victims of the Tiananmen of his position took a toll on him. Humphrey Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Square Massacre and continually rebuke the chose to return to Ohio after his time in Wash- use of violence by governmental actors Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is important that ington, and accepted a position as Assistant against peaceful protesters whenever and we acknowledge and celebrate the efforts of Coroner to Trumbull County. Humphrey de- wherever it happens. scribed the change of scenery as a ‘‘priceless those who selflessly work to better their com- opportunity’’ to reconnect with what mattered munities. Samantha and Daniel Wiener, the f most in his life, and he became the first cer- recipients of the Hebrew Institute of River- TRIBUTE TO EMMA COCKBURN tified Forensic Pathologist to serve the county. dale—more commonly referred to as the In 2008, Humphrey found himself in politics Bayit—Young Leadership Award, are two such for the first time as he successfully ran for his people. HON. DAVID YOUNG first term as Trumbull County Coroner. Over Samantha and Daniel are dedicated mem- OF IOWA the next 10 years, until his death, Humphrey bers of the Bayit who have been active in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helped build the office into an extremely well many important behind-the-scenes efforts on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 respected one. As Trumbull County Coroner behalf of their shul. Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise he fought to recoup taxpayer money lost in They both bring their unique professional today to recognize and congratulate Emma professional time spent testifying in private backgrounds into their involvement in the shul. Cockburn of Nodaway Valley High School. civil litigation. He also regularly advocated for Samantha’s background in early childhood Emma was recently honored for outstanding legislation addressing reimbursement to coun- education, with extensive knowledge and ex- academic achievement at the Sixteenth An- ties, and conducted training seminars for po- pertise in educating young children, and Dan- nual Governor’s Scholar Recognition on April lice departments regarding death investigation. iel’s work in real estate, have impacted the 29, 2018. During his long career, Humphrey had a dis- areas of volunteerism that they have chosen This statewide program is sponsored by the tinguished record of national, state, and local to connect with at the Bayit. Daniel also Iowa Governor’s Office, the Iowa High School community service. He was a delegate to the serves on the executive committee, and he, Athletic Association, and the Iowa Farm Bu- National Association of Medical Examiners Samantha and their children—Akiva, Tehila, reau. Each Iowa high school was invited to se- and College of American Pathologists, gov- and Liliya—are regular attendees at Tot Shab- lect a senior with the highest academic rank- ernor of the Ohio Society of Pathology, and bat and supporters of the Youth Department. ing. Not only are they academically gifted, but member of the American Society of Clinical Samantha and Daniel see what needs to be the selected students are often the youth who Pathologists. He was also a member of the done at shul, step up, and offer their time and are successful in extra-curricular activities and Ohio State Medical Association; the Ohio help without waiting to be asked. community endeavors. State Coroner’s Association, and, perhaps This family’s tireless efforts and spirit of vol- Mr. Speaker, it is a profound honor to rep- most fondly for his colleagues and peers from unteerism are exemplary. They are fitting re- resent leaders like Emma in the United States Trumbull Memorial Hospital, as past president cipients for the Young Leadership Award, and Congress and it is with great pride that I rec- of the Trumbull County Medical Society. it is my hope that the youth of the Bayit will ognize and applaud her for utilizing her talents In 2010, Humphrey was invited by Pakistan heed their examples. Congratulations to to reach her goals. I invite my colleagues in to participate in a series of lectures on the Samantha and Daniel on this well-deserved the United States House of Representatives to best practices for competent death investiga- honor. join me in congratulating Emma on receiving tion alongside representatives from the Punjab f Forensic Science Agency, the Pakistani Su- this esteemed designation, and wishing her preme Court, and the Punjab Institute of Lan- COMMEMORATING THE 29TH ANNI- the best of luck in all her future endeavors. guage, Art and Culture. The trip was con- VERSARY OF THE TIANANMEN f SQUARE MASSACRE ducted under the sponsorship of the U.S. IN RECOGNITION OF AUBURN UNI- State Department and hosted in the ancient VERSITY EQUESTRIAN TEAM city of Lahore as part of an ongoing diplomatic HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE WINNING NCEA NATIONAL CHAM- effort to strengthen ties between the two coun- OF TEXAS PIONSHIP tries as part of the Global War on Terrorism. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Humphrey considered the trip a great oppor- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 tunity, and a defining moment in his career. HON. MIKE ROGERS Alongside his impressive professional ca- Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF ALABAMA reer, Humphrey was also an avid outdoors- today in remembrance of the 1989 massacre IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. man. He and his family enjoyed sailing on Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Lake Erie and Mosquito Lake, and hiking and Today marks the 29th anniversary of what is hunting on the family’s property in Western deemed to be the greatest challenge to the Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I Pennsylvania. Humphrey was a member of communist state in China since the 1949 revo- rise today to recognize Auburn University the Vienna Fish and Game Club where he lution. Equestrian team for winning the 2018 National taught hunter safety education. He also be- We pause to remember the hundreds of ci- Collegiate Equestrian Association (NCEA) Na- longed to the Trumbull County Antique Tractor vilians who risked their lives for democracy on tional Championship. Club, and actively participated in the County’s June 4, 1989 and gave the last full measure The Auburn team defeated number one Democratic Party. of devotion in service to the cause of freedom. Georgia 10 to five in the Extraco Events Cen- He loved his family so much, and will be The Chinese army shot unarmed civilians, ter in Texas. This is the fifth national title for deeply missed by his wife of 36 years, Gene- mostly students, who participated in a 7-week the Auburn program—with all five under

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.041 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 Coach Greg Williams and the second title in what the Bayit community has become. Mark sity’s Fuqua School of Business in Durham, the last three years. 13 of the 14 riders that served on the Board of Trustees and as the North Carolina. He also graduated from the competed at the 2018 NCEA Championship organization’s Executive Vice President during Massachusetts Institute of Technology Execu- will return for the 2018–19 season. Associate the 1970s and 1980s. Over the past eight tive Program, Seminar XXI. Most recently, Head Coach Jessica Braswell was also election cycles, Mark has chaired the Nomi- Derek was hand selected to serve as the Ex- named National Coach of the Year. This nating Committee and worked to ensure fair ecutive Officer to the Director for Logistics (J– marks the 21st national title for Auburn ath- elections. 4), Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs letics. As a criminal defense attorney, Mark hosted of Staff. Mr. Speaker, please join me in recognizing the ‘‘Guilty Until Proven Innocent—Freeing the Derek has been a tireless advocate of the the Auburn Equestrian team for this exciting Wrongfully Convicted’’ program last January, broader military objectives. His service has accomplishment and congratulate them on a which brought former prisoners to discuss played a vital role in countless missions, all of job well done. War Eagle. their experiences with the Bayit community. which were crucial in advancing our national f As the Bayit community has been a part of security interests. Throughout his career, Mark’s life, his wife Lorna soon joined the Derek has been a role model for the men and THE CITY OF ALBION’S community after their wedding. Lorna has par- women who have been lucky enough to serve BICENTENNIAL ticipated and dedicated her time to the com- with him. He has represented his faith, family, munity for almost 20 years and is beloved by and his hometown of Bath, Ohio with great es- HON. JOHN SHIMKUS many. Lorna is a practicing clinical social teem. OF ILLINOIS worker who specializes in couples and in addi- In honor of his service, I would like to ex- press my gratitude for Derek P. Hotchkiss’ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion counseling those who need help free of charge. dedication to this country and our community. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 The time Mark and Lorna have dedicated to I wish him all the best. I am sure that he is Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to the Bayit community has been impressive, as looking forward to continuing his passion for acknowledge the upcoming bicentennial cele- have their contributions. It is my pleasure, Mr. the outdoors, and spending time with his lov- bration for Albion, Illinois. George Flower of Speaker, to honor and thank the Bakers for ing family. Lastly, I recognize that alongside Hertfordshire, England, founded Albion (which the impact they have had in the Riverdale every strong Sailor stands an even stronger is the poetic name for England) in April 1818, community. family. I would like to extend my heartfelt ap- preciation to his wife, Jennifer; daughters, just two miles east of where Morris Birkbeck, f another affluent Englishman, founded Clare and Grace; and son, Will, for supporting Wanborough. The two villages and the area HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF this American hero during his time of service around them became known as the ‘‘English COMMANDER DEREK P. HOTCHKISS to our Nation. Settlement.’’ f While Wanborough eventually faded away HON. TIM RYAN TRIBUTE TO ERMA CLEVELAND with the accidental drowning death of Birkbeck OF OHIO in 1825, Albion survived to play an important IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES role in Illinois’ history. Albion was the birth HON. DAVID YOUNG Tuesday, June 5, 2018 OF IOWA place of Illinois Governor Louis Lincoln IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Emmerson. He was born in the house which Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I rise today is now the Edwards County Historical Society to recognize the service and character of a Tuesday, June 5, 2018 Museum at 212 West Main Street. George great American on the occasion of his retire- Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise Flower’s brother-in-law, William Pickering, was ment from active duty military service with the today to recognize and congratulate Erma elected to the Illinois State House of Rep- United States Navy. Commander Derek P. Cleveland of Oakland, Iowa on the occasion of resentatives in 1842 and served for ten years. Hotchkiss, or simply Derek as he is known to her 100th birthday. Erma celebrated her birth- He developed a close relationship with Abra- all, has devoted his young adult life to the day on May 12, 2018. ham Lincoln. When Lincoln was elected Presi- service of his family and country. He has set Our world has changed a great deal during dent, he gave Pickering his choice of either a towering example to all of us fortunate to the course of Erma’s life. Since her birth, we being Minister to England or Governor of the know him. As Derek completes his tour of duty have revolutionized air travel and walked on Washington Territory. Pickering chose to be on the Joint Staff and hangs up his military the moon. We have invented the television, appointed Governor of the Washington Terri- uniform, we all know that his influence has cellular phones, and the internet. We have tory. reached far beyond the strict confines of his fought in wars overseas, seen the rise and fall The City of Albion is planning a three day rank and previous job titles. of Soviet communism and witnessed the birth celebration beginning on Friday, October 12, Derek’s military career began at the Naval of new democracies. Erma has lived through 2018, to commemorate their bicentennial. Academy Preparatory School in Newport, eighteen United States Presidents and twenty- They will have a giant cake, several kettles of Rhode Island in 1994. Derek then attended five Governors of Iowa. In her lifetime, the chowder, a quilt exhibition, music, and much the United States Naval Academy where he population of the United States has more than more. On Sunday they plan on having a com- was a member of the football team. He grad- tripled. munity-wide ecumenical worship service at the uated with the great Class of 1999 and com- Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to represent stage for all to attend. missioned as an Ensign into the United States Erma in the United States Congress and it is I offer my congratulations to the city of Navy. Derek served honorably in uniform for my pleasure to wish her a very happy 100th Albion on their bicentennial anniversary, and I two decades with tours of duty across the birthday. I ask that my colleagues in the wish them many more. United States and deployments around the House of Representatives join me in congratu- lating Erma on reaching this incredible mile- f world. He served as the Supply Officer for the Navy’s Flight Demonstration Squadron—the stone, and wishing her even more health and HONORING LORNA AND MARK Blue Angels. He served as the Supply Officer happiness in the years to come. BAKER aboard the frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts f (FFG 58) in Mayport, Florida; and Assistant CONGRATULATING AZERBAIJAN HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Supply Officer on the aircraft carrier USS John ON ITS CENTENNIAL REPUBLIC OF NEW YORK C. Stennis (CVN–74) in Bremerton, Wash- DAY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ington. He represented the U.S. Navy as a Fellow with the Starbucks Coffee Company as Tuesday, June 5, 2018 part of the Supply Corp’s Training With Indus- HON. BILL SHUSTER OF PENNSYLVANIA Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, it is my great try Program. He led sailors and mentored IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pleasure to recognize two constituents who young officers and NCOs. Along the way, he have dedicated more than 40 years to the He- earned qualifications as a Supply Corps Avia- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 brew Institute of Riverdale Bayit Community, tion and Surface Warfare Officer and member- Mr. SHUSTER. Mr. Speaker, as co-chair of Mark and Lorna Baker. ship to the Acquisition Professional Commu- the Congressional Azerbaijan Caucus, I rise Mark was one of the first members to join nity. Also, Derek earned a Master’s Degree in today to congratulate the Republic of Azer- the ‘‘boiler room’’ group in 1974 to help create Business Administration from Duke Univer- baijan on its 100th year of independence as

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.045 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E775 the country celebrated the centennial Republic HONORING BARRY BENDER regularly face vacancy crises, which harm the Day on May 28 of this year. operations of the judicial system in the District. Since first declaring independence from the HON. ELIOT L. ENGEL Congress created the D.C. Judicial Nomina- Russian Empire in 1918, Azerbaijan sought to OF NEW YORK tion Commission (JNC) to recommend can- be an example for new nations by adopting a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES didates, and Congress should generally defer National Charter granting all citizens within its Tuesday, June 5, 2018 to its judgment. This bill is a compromise, use- borders full civil and political rights, regardless ful to all concerned, that retains a congres- Mr. ENGEL. Mr. Speaker, communities find sional role while saving the Senate time by re- of ethnic origin, religion, or gender. The United their strength in the dedicated individuals who States was quick to recognize and support moving the need for committee and floor ac- offer their time and talent to benefit the greater tion and increasing the odds that D.C. will Azerbaijan in 1918 and again in 1991, as So- good. For the past 18 years, Barry Bender has have a full complement of local judges. viet dominance over the country ended. been one of those people regularly making Currently, there are 10 vacancies out of 62 Since then, Azerbaijan has continued to be selfless contributions to the Hebrew Institute of authorized judges on the D.C. Superior Court an ally and partner to the United States, nota- Riverdale, or Bayit community. and two vacancies out of nine authorized bly being among the first to provide com- Barry’s service to the Bayit began as a nat- judges on the D.C. Court of Appeals. In the prehensive and unconditional assistance fol- ural extension of his Jewish professional life, current Congress, only one judge has been lowing the September 11 terrorist attacks. conducting Jewish educational experiences confirmed. Azerbaijan continued to support the Global throughout the U.S. and Canada using tech- Both pre- and post-home rule, the District War on Terror efforts in Afghanistan, providing nology and multimedia. has never had control over the nomination and airspace to NATO jets en route to Afghani- He has brought his creativity and technical approval process of local D.C. judges. My bill stan, and ground transport for non-lethal sup- skills to many Bayit events and activities in- would not alter the role of the JNC or the plies in the region. Notably, Azerbaijan is one cluding the annual dinner, and to the video President in the nomination process. Under of the few Muslim-majority countries that en- production and broadcast of the annual the Home Rule Act, the JNC recommends to joys strong relations with Israel, and it is this Selichot concert. the President a list of three persons for each As an award winning amateur photographer, commitment, not just to the United States, but vacancy on the Superior Court and Court of Barry is often seen around the Bayit with his also her allies, that shows Azerbaijan’s contin- Appeals. The President must nominate a can- camera documenting Shul life. He has given ued dedication to remaining a trusted and didate recommended by the JNC within 60 classes on a variety of topics including ‘‘Jew- close friend to democratic nations across the days to the Senate for advice and consent. If ish Meditation,’’ and ‘‘The Seven Days of Cre- globe. the President fails to nominate such a person ation Through the Eyes of Science.’’ He is within 60 days, the JNC must nominate a rec- Azerbaijan continues to be a leader in pro- also a proud member of the Bayit’s Commu- ommended person directly to the Senate for moting global energy security. Once com- nity Security Service (CSS) Team. advice and consent. The Senate has no obli- pleted, the Southern Gas Corridor project will Barry’s real claim to fame at the Bayit gation to provide its advice and consent. provide European markets access to natural though is being a second generation shul lol- Under this bill, once a name has been trans- gas in the Caspian Sea, allowing our Euro- lipop man, continuing in his father zt’’l’s foot- mitted to Congress, the nomination would be pean allies to diversify their energy sources, steps. His dedication to our community is a di- deemed approved unless a resolution of dis- while bypassing Iran. This access is crucial to rect result of the values his parents taught him approval is enacted into law during a 30-legis- maintaining energy security in the region and by example. promoting global trade opportunities for the On June 3, 2018, at their 44th Annual Jour- lative-day review period. United States and its allies. nal Dinner, the Bayit is honoring Barry Bender I urge my colleagues to support this impor- tant legislation. Mr. Speaker, I would again like to thank the with their Community Service Award. I want to f people of Azerbaijan for their continued part- echo their recognition by extending my grati- nership and friendship, and ask my colleagues tude to Barry for all he has done to enrich the TRIBUTE TO MARIA A. THOMSON to join me in congratulating Azerbaijan on this lives of those around him. This honor is ex- historic centennial Republic Day. tremely well-deserved. HON. NYDIA M. VELA´ ZQUEZ f OF NEW YORK f INTRODUCTION OF THE DISTRICT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLUMBIA COURTS VACANCY Tuesday, June 5, 2018 LAMAR SCHOOL DISTRICT EM- REDUCTION ACT PLOYEES RECOGNIZED FOR 40 Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise to YEARS OF SERVICE HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON honor the life and achievements of Maria A. Thomson who was a tireless lifelong leader OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA and advocate for the community of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. PETE OLSON Woodhaven, which she dearly loved. Tuesday, June 5, 2018 On January l0th of 2018, Mrs. Thomson OF TEXAS Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, today, I intro- passed away, leaving behind a lifelong legacy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duce the District of Columbia Courts Vacancy of community service and civic engagement. Reduction Act. This bill would allow local Dis- She earned the respect of city and state lead- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 trict of Columbia court nominees to be seated ers, in fact she was known as the unofficial Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to after a 30-day congressional review period un- ‘‘Mayor of Woodhaven’’. With over 40 years of recognize Beverly Richard, Helen Daniels and less a resolution of disapproval is enacted dur- community activism, Mrs. Thomson’s acco- Lydia Torres for their 40 years of service and ing that period. Currently, nominees cannot be lades and accomplishments are numerous. I dedication to the Lamar Consolidated Inde- seated without affirmative Senate approval. hope to highlight some of her life’s work today. pendent School District (CISD). The congressional review process for nomi- Mrs. Thomson was a dedicated public serv- nees would be the same one used for legisla- ant who cherished public safety and quality of Beverly, Helen and Lydia have each worked tion passed by the D.C. Council. It is therefore life. Early in her career she was elected Presi- for the school district for forty years. They a reliable process, long-recognized by Con- dent of the 102nd Precinct Community Coun- were recently recognized by Lamar CISD for gress. My bill is prompted by the unique re- cil, bridging the gap between law enforcement their dedication to our children and our quirement that judges for the local D.C. courts and the community. She later founded the vol- schools. Their tenure and commitment to edu- be confirmed by the Senate, where nominees unteer local Civilian Patrol. As a result of her cational excellence is a true asset in our re- for the federal courts, understandably, get the leadership, she earned the unique distinction gion. primary focus and priority. There is currently of being the first and only civilian to be recog- On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- an urgency facing the District’s criminal and nized as the 102nd Precinct’s Honorary Police sional District of Texas, congratulations again civil justice systems, and the D.C. courts have Officer of the Month. Furthermore, she annu- Beverly Richard, Helen Daniels and Lydia raised serious concerns due to longstanding ally honored the fallen heroes of 911 and our Torres on 40 years with Lamar CISD. I thank vacancies. nations veterans. them for their commitment to education and to Whether under Democratic or Republican To better ensure the delivery of government our kids. control of the Senate, the local D.C. courts services to Woodhaven, she joined Queens

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.050 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E776 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 5, 2018 Community Board 9 where she served for by faith and embodied a life of stewardship: The Taiwan Relations Act further authorized three decades. In addition, Mrs. Thomson Reverend Joe C. Johnson. the establishment of the American Institute in served as the Executive Director of the Great- The Johnson family, the family of Ebenezer Taiwan to be responsible for implementing er Woodhaven Development Corporation for Missionary Baptist Church, and the broader United States policy toward Taiwan as well as more than two decades and led the South Florida community mourn the loss of a providing consular services to American expa- Woodhaven Business Improvement District moral and spiritual giant. triates. On June 12, 2018, the American Insti- (BID). She understood that small and inde- Reverend Joe C. Johnson was one of our tute in Taiwan is scheduled to hold an inau- pendent businesses are vital to boosting the boldest, strongest, and most unapologetic gural ceremony for the opening of its new of- local economy, creating walk to work jobs and servant-leaders. As the senior pastor of Ebe- fice in Taipei’s Neihu district. This new facility shaping a neighborhood’s identity. Mrs. Thom- nezer Missionary Baptist Church for the past is a reflection of the United States’ enduring son enjoyed promoting and showcasing 41 years, Reverend Johnson has been the commitment to Taiwan. Woodhaven’s Jamaica Avenue business cor- cornerstone of a rich and vibrant faith commu- Mr. Speaker, as the American Institute in ridor by hosting the yearly ‘‘Wonderful nity. Taiwan opens a new office in Taiwan, let us Woodhaven Street Festival’’ and other events. All those who knew him had the opportunity reaffirm that the Taiwan Relations Act and the Whether she advocated for small busi- to soak in his wisdom. I am both humbled and Six Assurances are and will remain corner- nesses or led the fight to landmark the cher- proud to have not only known him, but to have stones of United States relations with Taiwan. ished , her passion ema- been able to fellowship with him and his con- I urge the executive branch to implement the nated from her strong sense of civic pride and gregation. He was a role model, a keen lis- policy set forth in the Taiwan Travel Act, which duty. Her advocacy, passion and dedication to tener, an advisor, and a dear friend. would allow United States officials to travel the betterment of Woodhaven was immeas- I will always remember him as a man of without restrictions to meet with their counter- urable. Mrs. Thomson truly set the bar for great empathy and foresight; parts in Taiwan, and for Taiwanese officials to what it means to be a community activist and A man who believed that people have an in- do likewise with respect to travel to the United leader. trinsic value beyond their tangible contribu- States. I would like to point out the sense of I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring tions and cared deeply for his congregants; Congress contained in the National Defense Maria A. Thomson’s distinguished life of public and Authorization Act for FY 2018 that the State service and accomplishments. Our neighbor- A man who worked tirelessly to better the and Defense Departments’ review of arms hoods are enriched because of her vision and lives of all those in our community. sales to Taiwan be handled in a manner con- leadership. We mourn her passing and cherish My thoughts are with his wife Emma Inez, sistent with standard processes and proce- her legacy. his children, grandchildren, and their entire ex- dures for sales to other countries, and express f tended family at Ebenezer Missionary Baptist gratitude to Taiwan for its partnership in com- Church. bating global terrorism and addressing other IN MEMORY OF CLEMENT CLAY In the days, weeks, and months ahead, we global challenges through the Global Coopera- ‘‘BO’’ TORBERT, JR. will celebrate his life and honor his legacy. tion and Training Framework and other initia- While this loss will be felt deeply by everyone, tives. HON. MIKE ROGERS we are forever privileged to have shared this Finally, I would like to congratulate the OF ALABAMA time with him on Earth. American Institute in Taiwan on the upcoming IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May he rest in eternal peace. opening of its new office in Taipei’s Neihu dis- f trict, and give our thanks to the Taiwanese of- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 ficials who helped facilitate the site selection REAFFIRMING THE COMMITMENT Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I and construction of the facilities. OF THE UNITED STATES TO TAI- rise today to remember the life of Clement Mr. Speaker, I hope my colleagues will join WAN ON THE OCCASION OF THE Clay ‘‘Bo’’ Torbert, Jr. me in expressing support for a continued OPENING OF THE NEW OFFICE Bo was raised in Lee County. After grad- strong relationship between the United States OF THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE IN uating high school, he attended the U.S. Naval and Taiwan. TAIWAN Academy and later graduated from Auburn f University in 1951. At Auburn, he was a mem- ber of the school’s swim team. HON. GREGG HARPER CONGRATULATING THE ALVIN ISD In 1954, Bo graduated from law school at OF MISSISSIPPI TRACK AND FIELD TEAMS the University of Alabama. In 1958, he was IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES elected as a State Representative and in Tuesday, June 5, 2018 HON. PETE OLSON 1966, was elected to the Alabama State Sen- OF TEXAS ate. In 1976, Bo was elected as chief justice Mr. HARPER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today as IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the Alabama Supreme Court where he co-chair of the bipartisan Congressional Tai- Tuesday, June 5, 2018 served two six-year terms. wan Caucus to reaffirm the commitment of the After serving in the Supreme Court, Torbert United States to Taiwan on the occasion of Mr. OLSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to went on to teach at both the University of Ala- the opening of the new office of the American recognize the Alvin ISD high school track bama School of Law and Cumberland School Institute in Taiwan. teams for their performance at the 2018 Texas of Law. He also joined the Maynard, Cooper The Taiwan Relations Act was signed into State Track and Field Meet held at the Univer- and Gale law firm and practiced there until he law on April 10, 1979, codifying the foundation sity of Texas at Austin. retired. to preserve and promote continued economic, Kynnedy Flannel, of Alvin High School, Bo was an active member of First United cultural, and strategic bonds between the broke a 37 year record, while winning first Methodist Church in Opelika. He passed away United States and Taiwan. The United States place in the girls 6A 200 meter dash. She also on June 2, 2018 in Opelika, Alabama. and Taiwan have forged closer economic and won gold in the 100 meter dash and will at- Mr. Speaker, please join me in remembering security relations over the years based on our tend the University of Texas next fall. Hailey the life and public service of Bo Torbert. He shared commitment to democracy, the rule of Pollard, a senior at Shadow Creek, earned a will be greatly missed. law, and free market principles; and Taiwan’s silver medal in the girls 5A discus. She will at- f willingness to partner in efforts to combat tend the University of Houston next year. global terrorism and to address other global Ce’cori Tolds, of Manvel High School, was RECOGNIZING REVEREND JOE C. challenges. The United States is now Taiwan’s awarded a silver medal in the 5A boys high JOHNSON largest investor and its second largest trading jump, leaping a whole 23 feet and 7.75 partner. Taiwan consistently ranks as a lead- inches. Sydnee Williams, a freshman at HON. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ ing trading partner of the United States and Manvel, placed second in the 100 meter hur- OF FLORIDA Taiwan is a strategic destination for our agri- dles for girls. The Manvel women also placed IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cultural exports. Taiwan is a significant eco- sixth in the 4x400 meter relay, featuring a nomic and security partner of the United team of Rayah Wynn, Taylor Harvey, Tuesday, June 5, 2018 States in East Asia, and we look forward to Thurneisha Keys, and Ja’Daisa Sims. These Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, Taiwan playing a key role in our Free and student-athletes made Alvin ISD proud track it is my privilege to recognize a man who lived Open Indo-Pacific Strategy. and field fans.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.054 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS June 5, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E777 On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- of Sam Stewart, Jr. and his support of The On June 2nd, his life will be celebrated at sional District of Texas, congratulations again Downtown Market and City of Anniston. The Downtown Market. to Kynnedy Flannel, Hailey Pollard, Ce’Cori Sam lived a life of public service in Annis- Mr. Speaker, please join me in remembering Tolds, Sydnee Williams, Rayah Wynn, Taylor ton, Alabama and Calhoun County. Sam even Sam Stewart and recognizing his hard work to Harvey, Thurneisha Keys, Ja’Daisa Sims, Ajai served as an Anniston City Councilman and a make The Downtown Market a reality. Sample, Daija Reese, Demetria Phipps, and candidate for Probate Judge. Sam was very Celisa Cook for their performances at the active in the community and schools and was f 2018 Texas State Track and Field Meet. We invested in making Anniston the best city it PERSONAL EXPLANATION look forward to seeing what their future holds. could be. Sam served as a charter member of The f Downtown Market’s original advisory board HON. LLOYD DOGGETT and helped shape the market to be the suc- OF TEXAS IN MEMORY OF SAM STEWART cess it is today. Rain or shine, you could al- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES AND HIS SUPPORT OF THE ways find Sam under the big top tent visiting DOWNTOWN MARKET Tuesday, June 5, 2018 with each vendor on market days. Sam lived with MS, but did not let it slow Mr. DOGGETT. Mr. Speaker, I was present HON. MIKE ROGERS him down. He was an avid Auburn fan and on the floor and used the voting machine to OF ALABAMA was always ready to talk football. Sam loved record my vote in favor of H.R. 5515, the Na- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his family and his friends. tional Defense Authorization Act of 2019. But Sam passed away on October 12, 2016. His for some unknown reason, my vote was not Tuesday, June 5, 2018 absence is still greatly missed in Anniston, but recorded. Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speaker, I his vision for Anniston lives on in The Down- Had I been present, I would have voted rise today to remember and celebrate the life town Market—which he was passionate about. YEA on Roll Call No. 230.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:49 Jun 06, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05JN8.058 E05JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS