Plan for Bryn Summer Fun Weekend 13/14 July 2019

Completed actions:  Date and Format of event agreed (Will start on Sat 13th July at 3pm in Rugby Club and run until late. Will resume Sun 14th July on the field and finish about 6pm)  Entertainment “Mustang Valley Sole Band” booked for the Saturday Evening. The Rugby Club have sorted this.  Agreed we would not have a mobile bar for use on the field this year. General feeling was this was not required with the new format for the event.  Our insurance has been extended to cover this event.  Organise Craft Stalls for the Sunday Afternoon. Paul to discuss with Christine. (Discussed this with both Delyth and Christine and they have agreed to look after this aspect)  Daley Bee to be booked from 13:30 to 15:30, Val to ask Sue to arrange this. Sue confirmed she had made the booking.  Confirm availability of Tug of War ropes on date required. Paul  Invite the police along. Paul  Prepare an event layout plan for discussion at the next meeting. Paul  Paul to continue discussions with Tata for sponsorship of the event. Did this and every effort was made to support the event but increasing financial pressure at Tata meant they have now said they cannot support the event this year.  Provisional arrangements made with Dragon Amusements along the lines agreed last year. Paul to confirm date with them and invite them to future meeting to discuss details. I have done this and Aled has agreed to attend the next meeting.  Alan Thomas confirmed he had Spoken with the Cricket Club about their input and use of pavilion and confirmed they would deliver activities on the day. Paul  Charlotte confirmed her support to the meeting for access to the required areas of land for the event. Paul  See if the girls can provide a stall for cakes and refreshments in the pavilion. Val Paul had spoken with Jennifer Smith about this at the last coffee morning. Jennifer had proposed making the next coffee morning on the Saturday but starting at 12 instead of 11 and running a bit longer than normal. Partly dependent on volunteers able to help. The meeting agreed to this proposal.  Do we need extra toilets hiring for the event. Discuss at next meeting. It was agreed in the meeting that we did not need these.  Ask Dean Haycock if he wishes to provide catering at the Sunday event. Glan Glan reported that he had discussed this with Dean Haycock and Dean had agreed to do this.  Organise Parking for the event. (To be discussed at next meeting). Meeting agreed this was not required. 

Ongoing Actions  Aled Rees from Dragon Amusements attended the meeting on 31st May and agreed to provide amusements along the lines discussed last year. These will be located in the field to the left of the road leading to the tennis courts and Bowling Green and will be there for the Saturday and Sunday. Paul agreed to meet up with Aled on site to plan the site layout.  Council need to be notified of event and the relevant permits completed. Paul sent them a draft proposal back in April but needed to agree details in meeting then send the agreed documents. This was agreed in the meeting on 31st May and can now be sent.  Bowls Club confirmed they would provide bowls related entertainment on the day and make the pavilion available for refreshments. Details of this to be planned. Graham / David  Organise music to be played from the pavilion on the Sunday. Steve  Prepare and Circulate Publicity material. Paul and Lyndon agreed to do this and all to help circulate.  Agreement on the provision of a number of Marquees for the day has been made but the details are still to be organised. Paul  Paul has spoken with Phil Sam who can provide 2 or possibly 3 marquees, two are 5MX20M and one is 6MX20M. The two smaller ones will be erected as one unit. Phil Sam will organise the erection and dismantling of these but volunteers to help will be required.  Organise children’s sporting activities. We have identified where we can get tug of war rope from and have sacks for sack race from last year. Steve to ask his brother if he can do this. Brian Hughes reported that he would not be able to do this anymore. Charlotte suggested that Park Live might be able to provide this service. Paul and Charlotte to follow up on this option. Failing this, new volunteers will be required.  Can John arranged to borrow bunting used for the Hospital Fete.  Is the bunting used last year in the storeroom at the club? Morgan  Paul to ask Michelle if she can cover first aid for this event as had been proposed last year.  Event permit and all associated documents including a first aid certificate will be required for the council. Paul  Decide at next meeting if any additional Mobile caterers will be required.  Use of the tables, chairs and stage from the community group has been agreed with the council last year. Paul to see if we can do the same this year.  Transport for tables and chairs on the day. Agree at next meeting.  Organise an advert in the Gazette run for the three weeks up to the event. Dianne  Add this event to the NPT Calendar of events page. Paul  Add this event to the Bridgend Council Calendar of events page. Paul  Produce Newsletter to promote event Paul  Ask Football what role they could play. Glan to ask Clive.  Obtain quotes for possible face painting artists. Charlotte said she knew someone who would do this and would make a charge per customer payable by the customer. She will organise this.  Provide a selection of table-top type games as used at the Hospital Fete. John to coordinate.  Organise a Tombola and Raffle with help from volunteers. Paul to ask Gaynor Jones if she would own this.  The Club will organise the provision of hot food for sale on the Saturday. (Rugby Club)  Pasties and hot roles to be available from the bar. (Rugby Club)  Organise electric power supplies from the pavilion for to power the music. Alan agreed to sort this.  Provide Risk Assessments for activities. Paul  Produce signage for the event. This was discussed but banners at £80 each was considered too expensive. Other options to be considered.  NRW may provide an information stall. Any others interested such as fire service, crime prevention, etc. Paul. Sent email on 20/5/19 awaiting a reply.  Inform Craft Stalls to provide own tables. Christine. Charlotte also suggested further contacts for these, which Christine will follow up.  Organise sale of refreshments, etc. from the Bowls pavilion on the Sunday. Val  Charlotte had suggested heritage displays over the weekend would be a good idea. The meeting agreed and Dafydd with the help of others will look at this option.  Organise Bike Ride Martin  Organise Trim Track Activities. Volunteers required  Dafydd will approach Tanygroes Bakery about Welsh cakes etc. to sell.

Saturday (13/7/19): Club Doors Open 12:00

Coffee and Cakes on sale as per normal coffee morning arrangements but from 12 to about 3pm. Daley Bee Children’s entertainment start 15:30 to 17:30 Bowls Club after game tea 17:30 to 19:00 Evening entertainment and music from 19:00 to late.

Sunday Morning (14/7/19)

Organising Committee meet at the pavilion at 9am to go over final plans and risk assessment for the day. Set up for the day. Erect Marquees and prepare pavilions. Put up bunting. Collect and set up tables, chairs, etc. Set up stalls. Put up bin bags, etc.

Sunday 2pm event open

 Food and refreshment stalls available at the pavilions.  Hot food available on the field and at the Rugby Club.  Tombola Stand. Raffle sales, etc.  Rugby Club facilities available for food, drinks, toilets, etc.  Refreshments to be organised in the Bowls Pavilion  Craft Stalls  Dragon Amusements Fair  Table-top games  Short Mountain Bike Ride (Martin to organise)  Fun with sport events (At different times throughout the afternoon) o Bowling demonstrations and fun activities to be organised by the bowling club. o Cricket Demonstrations and fun activities to be organised by the cricket club. o Football to be asked if they wish to organise activities relating to football? o Rugby to organise fun activities. o Tennis fun activities.

Activities Time Table (Proposal for discussion)

14:00 Disco Music outside Pavilion

15:00 Children’s Sack Race

15:15 Parents Sack Race

15:30 Children’s Egg and Spoon Race.

16:00 Parents Egg and Spoon Race.

17:00 Volunteers start tidying up the event area as patrons start to depart.

Dismantle and remove Marquees.

Return items to the community centre. Bryn Summer Fun Weekend

Meeting Notes from Thursday 4th Jul 2019 Bryn Rugby Club

Present Paul, Sue, Dafydd, Morgan, Lyndon, Glan, John Apologies Delyth, Christine, John, Dianne, Val, Gareth, Gaynor, Alan Fairground Plans Aled was not at the meeting so Paul said he would contact him to finalise plans. The field for the fairground is to be cut this coming week along with a general tidy up of the area. Reports from absent members Paul reported on the feedback he had received from those tendering their apologies. Delyth and Christine had reported that after a slow start, they now had 12 stalls intending on coming and further interest was being shown. The Ice Cream man who had expressed interest will not now be there. Sue agreed to see if any other ice cream suppliers were interested.

John and Dianne had reported they had progressed all their actions apart from the publicity in the gazette as their contact there had died.

Val had reported she had here action to provide refreshments in hand but would require assistance especially if she was to take part on the women’s bowling team. Sue agreed to help.

Gareth had reported that the Bowling Club where all ready for the weekend and although Gaynor was currently ill she expected to be well by the weekend. (Post meeting note: Gaynor still not well and felt it best not to count on her for the weekend. A volunteer is therefore required to run the raffle.)

Alan was currently busy with haymaking but has his actions were in hand. Review Planning Document Copies of the document had been circulated so it was agreed there was no need to go through the completed actions.

The meeting stepped through each of the remaining actions.

There was some concern around providing the music on the Sunday but Morgan agreed to address the issue.

The marquees had been damaged in bad weather at the Cwmfest but Phil Sam was checking to see if at least one was still serviceable. John had reported that they did not have any bunting from the Hospital Fete. Morgan agreed to obtain some. Paul to also see if other groups had any we could borrow.

Glan reported that Dean was not available to do the hog roast.

Additional mobile caterers were discussed but agreed in the end that we did not need any.

Paul to confirm with the council the loan of equipment from the community centre.

Club still in discussion with football on what they will do on the day.

Dafydd had stated that there would not be a heritage display as there was insufficient time t prepare this.

All other actions still ongoing. Sponsored mountain bike ride Martin had been unable to attend the meeting so Paul updated the meeting on the plans he had drawn up with Martin and others so far. Event charges It was agreed hot dogs would be charged at £1 each by the club. The Club would make a £2 cover charge on the Saturday evening to cover the group. BRAG would make a £1 per person cover charge for Daley Bee. The coffee afternoon would be charged as normal. Confirm who will be doing what on the day It was felt people already knew what was expected. Risk Assessments Paul explained that these needed to be prepared and circulated prior to the event as this was a requirement of the BRAG insurance as well as the council event permit and the NRW permission for the mountain bike ride. Paul will prepare these for everyone to read and feedback any observations. Defibrillator Update John Morgan joined the meeting and provided an update on progress with this project. He outlined how after discussion with Ryan on the quiz night it was not intended to house a second unit on the wall of the Royal Oak. He also informed the meeting of his success in obtaining an initial unit through his work. BRAG will now obtain a lockable wall housing for this at a cost of £485.85 that will be mounted on the wall at the Rugby Club. AOB No other business, Meeting Closed.

Joint Meeting with Bryn Club 17th Sep 2019


Paul Bulmer, John Thomas, Dafydd Bowen, Val Merriman, Morgan Thomas, Charlotte Galsworthy, Lyndon James, David Whitelock


Sue Phillips, Dianne Thomas, Martin Fitzpatrick


It was agreed to go for Tuesday October 29th for this Event and to engage “Non Stop Kids Entertainment” as the entertainer. Paul to book these.

Morgan to put in the Rugby Club diary.

It was agreed there would be a £1 per person entry charge to go towards the booking fee for the entertainer, which is £199. John asked if we could find an additional person to help him on the door as it was very busy last year. Charlotte said she would ask for volunteers from to help on the night. John also asked if a form of identification such as a stamp or tickets could be used to reduce confusion when children leave and re-enter the main room.

We will still run a raffle as well. Morgan had some children’s prizes we could include.

Food as in the past, Dafydd will organise sausages, buns, etc. and Morgan will sort the cooking. Again proceeds to go towards cost of entertainer.

Morgan mentioned that Steve had obtained further items for the Halloween themed decoration of the Rugby Club for this year.

Will promote this event via an A5 flyer. Issue next newsletter before the event and use it to promote both Halloween and the Christmas event.

Charlotte to work with the youth club to organise a spooky walk through Welfare Park immediately after the children’s entertainer finishes at about 7:30pm.

Volunteers to help tidy the club ahead of the Bingo Players arriving.

The contents of a promotional flyer was discussed and agreed. Paul will produce this. It was suggested that the event should be given a Brand Name to be used on the poster. All to make suggestions then Paul will incorporate this into the poster and the newsletter.

Charlotte to suggest Pumpkin Carving could also be done in the youth Club. This could encourage more entries this year.

Most other arrangements would be the same as in past years.

Christmas Event and Christmas Decorations

As had been agreed in the past, this event will be held in the Rugby Club and like last year, it will take place on the Sunday before Christmas (Sunday 22nd Dec). Morgan to put this in the Club diary. Lyndon to approach the Maesteg Gleemen to see if they wish to perform as they did last year and for the same cost.

Paul to make enquiries about a children’s entertainer for this event. Enquire about Jumping Jack or others as we had already used Daley Bee for the summer fun weekend.

Start in afternoon for families, running into the evening for adults

Club to do a Santa’s Grotto.

Like last year, the Panto will again be held in Cwmafan Community Centre, as this is a larger venue, which is required to fit a sufficiently large audience to cover the cost of the entertainers. This will be on the 15th Dec. Paul to include details in the newsletter.

Ask in the newsletter who has a tree in their garden in a prominent location in Bryn that they would let us decorate for Christmas. Paul. Also ask for ideas for Christmas.

Suggested that donation boxes for Christmas Decorations be placed in the Club, The Royal Oak and the Village Shop. Lyndon agreed to this for the club. Dafydd to ask Ryan and Charlotte to ask Village Shop and to supply collection boxes.

Paul to contact Alan Thomas to arrange for him and Charlotte to discuss Christmas Decoration ideas with him.

Charlotte to provide an article about the Christmas Tree Stars for inclusion in the next newsletter.


Val suggested that the Rugby Club Tote could be mentioned in the next Newsletter. Val / Lyndon to provide the words for this to Paul.

Val mentioned that people had been asking about a St David’s day event. Paul said he had no problem with this and that BRAG had done it in the past. However, he was often away around this time of year so someone else would need to lead on it.

Paul asked Charlotte when she thought she would have the money for the Defibrillator so that the second unit could then be obtained. She though possibly by October but David thought it might be a bit longer than that. Paul asked that they keep him updated so that he could move forward on it ASAP.

Next Meeting

An AGM is to be organised probably in Oct so this could be a good time to review progress on the topics discussed in this meeting.

Minutes of BRAG Annual General Meeting held at the

Bryn Community Centre on Wednesday October 16th 2019


Paul Bulmer (Chair) Mark Dummer (Treasurer) Dafydd Bowen (Trustee) John Thomas (Trustee) Dianne Thomas (Trustee) Val Merriman Sue Phillips (Minutes) Cllr. Charlotte Galsworthy Phillip Morgan Martyn Pallant Morgan Thomas Craig Coston

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies received from David & Jennet Eckton. Charlotte had been nominated to represent all thee Councillors

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of Last AGM

Last year’s AGM minutes were on the village website for public viewing and were shown in the meeting for review. Dafydd proposed the minutes be accepted and John seconded this.

Treasurer’s Report

Paul and Mark summarised the accounts report that had been independently inspected by Terry Filer. Paul had noted that this was the 5th financial year since becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) but that BRAG was formed back in 2009. Mark talked the meeting through the details of the report and explained the requirement on BRAG to retain a £5k reserve. This report will be submitted to the Charity Commission. The Charity Commission website shows all registered charities submissions.

The independent report stated that the accounts were in good order with no issues to note and one recommendation that some of the balance be placed in an interest generating account. Paul showed the meeting how to access the submitted accounts on the charity website and expressed BRAGs appreciation for the voluntary input that Terry provides in her inspection and formatting of our accounts to meet the requirements of the Charity Commission. The meeting was happy with the report with no further questions raised.

Election of Trustees

Paul reported that all trustees had indicated their willingness to stand for a further year. No new trustees had been propose to the meeting.

Mark proposed that all Trustees were re-elected on block and this was approved by the meeting. These are Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen, John and Dianne Thomas.

Martyn asked what was involved in becoming a trustee. Paul explained the process and outlined the requirements of a trustee. He also stated that he would be happy to go over the details with anyone expressing an interest in becoming a BRAG trustee.

Election of Committee

Paul stated that he was prepared to stand as chair for a further year. This was approved by the meeting.

Mark stated that he was happy to continue in the role of treasurer. This was also approved by the meeting.

Paul asked those present if anyone would like to take over the role of secretary. There were no volunteers in the meeting so this role remains unfilled. Paul asked that if anyone would be interested in the role, after giving it further consideration, or they knew anyone else who may be interested, then please contact Paul or any other current member of BRAG so that this may be arranged.

Paul read out the list of names currently held on our members’ list and stated they had all been emailed to ask if they wished to stay on the committee. Paul asked that those present seek interest within the village for new youth representatives, as these roles were currently vacant. Charlotte agreed to approach the youth club for potential youth representatives. Paul also noted the need to update Val’s role in the committee to reflect her new role as president of the Bryn WI.

The remaining committee members were re-elected back on to the BRAG committee.

Martyn represented Cwmavon Football Club, which currently has 29 members. He said he would encourage them to attend the youth club.

Martyn, Phillip and Morgan all put themselves forward as BRAG Committee Members. Charlotte proposed that this be approved and Dafydd seconded the motion.

Paul welcomed them to the committee.

Chair’s Report

Paul presented the chair’s report to cover the period of the financial and calendar year 2018. The slides used will be added to the village website along with these minutes.

The report summarises the Events, Funding, Publicity, Meetings and Projects involving BRAG.

Paul outlined the contract between BRAG and Natural Resources for the maintenance of the Bryn Beast Trail and the Bryn Heritage Walk. Some work required by BRAG on these before the next inspection by Natural Resources Wales.

Paul emphasised how BRAG was successfully working with other groups both within Bryn and across the Ward to deliver benefits for Bryn and the Ward. Examples of the latter being Cwm Walking and Afan Environment.

Paul also spoke about some of the activities that had taken place in 2019 which were an extension of the activities noted for 2018. The Youth Club being one of those discussions.

Marty stated that he knew a number of people who had moved to Bryn that were not aware of BRAG or the activities available in Bryn such as the youth club. Dianne stated that the newsletter goes to every house in Bryn and flyers are taken to the Cwmavon School. Charlotte stated that many are now attending the youth club from Cwmavon and that it should be viewed as the ward youth club. It is important that such facilities are used or risk losing them. Charlotte quoted the current youth club attendance as around 22 plus two youth leaders and the position for a third leader being advertised.

Marty suggested that BRAG add an Instagram page that he was happy to manage. This was agreed to with the suggestion that a subgroup be organised to manage all the digital aspects of BRAG as had been set up by Events, which runs the Richard Burton 10k, as well as other events.

Dianne stated that she did not think that the newsletter should be replaced by social media as many older people in the village still preferred information on hard copy. The meeting confirmed that the digital aspect would be in addition to the newsletter.

Phillip offered to help distribute the newsletter. Paul thanked him for his offer and added that he hoped to share the task of distributing the newsletter across more people ahead of the next issue.

Val said she was pleased that the new BRAG members would be able to help spread the BRAG message across many new residents.

Martyn raised the issue of the bus stop used by the School Bus. Charlotte was well aware of the issue, which has existed for years. Charlotte and Martyn had an extensive discussion on this and shared a lot of information but it was agreed by all that it was a complex situation that would require compromises on all sides.

Paul thanked all the BRAG members and others who had voluntarily given up their time to contribute to the many activities that BRAG had been involved with in making Bryn “a nice place to be”. Many people have put months of effort in to achieving these outcomes.

Paul then stated that that concluded the formal part of the AGM for calendar year 2018 and that current and future activities could now be discussed under the heading of Any Other Business (AOB).


Bryn IT Club

Paul reminded the meeting of the discussions around this topic that took place in last year’s AGM. (See last year’s minutes). As a result of this, and offers from Cwmavon Library, the IT Club has now been restarted for this year as the Bryn and Cwmavon IT Club in the Bryn Library. Over the next couple of weeks, Paul will see how membership builds and based on the views of the club membership will determine if the base continues in Cwmavon or Bryn or even alternates between both sites. If membership numbers are sufficiently large, Paul may consider operating at both sites.

The meeting asked what type of topics would be covered and Paul gave examples and quoted the mission statement of “Making IT good for Society”. Charlotte said she would speak to the library staff to help promote it within Cwmavon as currently all the membership was from Maesteg and Bryn. All agreed to help promote the club.


Planning was already well under way with posters out and promotion on social media. Publicity still to go on the NPT website, etc. Entry will be charged at £1 per person and doors will open at 5:30. John asked for help in operating the payment desk and it was agreed a stamp would be provided to help track people entering and leaving the club main hall. Morgan will obtain a stamp for this. Mark said he would be available to help with this and Charlotte said she also knew people in Cwmavon that could help with the event. Dianne asked if help with the decorations was required but Morgan said she had that organised.

Dafydd was organising breed, onions, sausages, burgers. Morgan organising the kitchen.

Morgan also organising party bags with the club.

Sue agreed to obtain three prizes for best boys and girls costumes and best Lantern.

Raffle prize donations required. Dianne will run the raffle. Most activities will be the same as last year but more people will be required on the door to collect entry money.

Paul mentioned that the children’s entertainer needed to be paid in advance this year.

Christmas event

Proposals had been made at the last BRAG meeting in the Rugby Club and some initial plans had been made such as setting the date (Sunday 22nd) and booking the Maesteg Gleemen. A fee of £350 had been agreed with the club contributing £250 and BRAG £100. The takings for the evening to be shared on this ratio.

The detail planning still needed to take place and Paul suggested organising a further meeting in the club soon after the Halloween Party to do this. This was agreed.

Christmas Decorations for the village

Charlotte informed the meeting of the activities last year and current plans. She stated that last year £1,500 of the money collected had been spent on Bryn.

A meeting has been set up with Alan Thomas to discuss options for this year. Alan had helped last year with the decorations.

Charlotte explained the idea of memory stars and her plans for this year.

Martyn suggested placing the tree outside the community centre. Charlotte agreed to evaluate this option. It would require digging a hole, laying concrete, providing electric, etc.

Martyn asked if NRW would donate a tree.

Charlotte further outlined the Christmas plans for the Ward.

If the village are in support of the Christmas decorations in Bryn, collections will need to be raised this year. It was suggested collection boxes be located in the Club, the Pub and the Shop. Charlotte to organise this.

Suggested a survey of residents wishes be carried out at the Halloween party. Suggested that this also be raised it the Beatles night in the Club this weekend.

Remembrance Sunday

Dafydd explained how BRAG and the WI had agreed to continue the remembrance service this year now that the church has closed in Bryn. This will take place at 11am on November 10th. John to ask if a vicar can attend.

A wreath has been ordered through the British Legion, which John Dafydd will collect. Mark to provide a cheque of £25 for this.

Val Merriman, WI President, will lay this.

Paul Thanked all for attending and contributing to the AGM.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm


Notes from Bryn Meeting in Rugby Club 7:30pm Thursday, 07/11/19 Present: Paul Bulmer (Chair), John Thomas, Dianne Thomas, Dafydd Bowen, Phil Morgan, Morgan Thomas, Glan Phillips, Martin Fitzpatrick, Lyndon James, Charlotte Galsworthy (Second half of meeting only) Apologies: Sue Phillips, David Whitelock, Martyn Pallant, Rhidian Mizen Charlotte Galsworthy will be there but after 8pm.

Reports from absent members Paul read out the points he had received from Martyn Pallant.

Review of the Halloween event The event was very well attended and this year we did manage to cover our costs although the raffle had a poor uptake. Consider next year if it is worth doing a raffle. Could then have two registration desks to take payments as people enter which could help reduce queuing. Stamps on hands to validate entry worked well.

John reported that some people had complained about having to pay to come in but all the people Paul had spoken to over the course of the evening had said how much they enjoyed the event and that they intended coming again next year. For the £1 entry, they get the children’s entertainer costing £200, Prizes for the competitions, Goody bag for each child and a superbly Halloween themed venue providing entertainment in its own right.

Paul asked if the total number of people attending was within the club capacity. Glan to check.

Making it a ticketed event next year was discussed. Pros and cons raised to this. Will reconsider next year.

The Children’s entertainer was good but there had been some comments about the PA system not being loud enough. Paul had made this comment in the feedback to the entertainment company.

Christmas Party Day This has been planned for Sunday 22nd December as agreed in our last meeting. The Maesteg Gleemen have already been booked for the evening. The following details for the evening were agreed in the meeting. • No Bingo this year so that guests can socialise during the interval. • Gleemen to start at 8pm, do 45mins, a 45mins break then a further 45mins. Paul to confirm this with the Gleemen. • Club to provide disco after the Gleemen finish, providing music for those who want to dance on in to the night. • Club will staff the door. Tickets £3 in advance, £4 on the door. • Put on a raffle on the evening, mainly bottles for prizes. • Bar snacks to be provided

Planning for the Children’s Party on the afternoon was as follows: • Dianne and Morgan to organise a Christmas Hamper as a Raffle Prize • Party will be aimed at Primary School age but no limit to be set • Hot food to be served along same lines as Halloween. Volunteers required helping in the kitchen. Dafydd, who normally helps, will be away on this day. • Serve hot snacks 2 to 4pm • Club to provide Santa’s Grotto on stage along with Santa • BRAG to organise children’s entertainment. Get quotes and availability initially. Include invite to Daley Bee • Children’s entertainer to run from 2pm to 4pm • Give out selection boxes from Santa’s grotto from 4pm. • Finish at 5pm and tidy club ready for evening session. All to help. • Entry £2. No discount this year for club members. Causes too much confusion at the door and already excellent value at £2 per child.

Newsletter It was agreed we should issue a newsletter, initially before 22nd December to promote Christmas in Bryn but after further discussion it was agreed we should aim to do this before 1st December.

Ideas for content was requested. All to email their contributions to Paul ASAP.

After discussion Paul was to review who delivers to which areas of Bryn to share this task out and include the new offers of help.

Martin requested 5 extra copies for the area he delivers. Paul to ask Sue if she can include the 4 new houses at the end of Chapel ter. Charlotte will do Meadow Road deliveries again this time but ideally we need a volunteer from up there.

Christmas Decorations for Bryn This is more a village activity but clearly, BRAG and the Club can help work with all the groups in the village and the councillors, in pulling this together

Charlotte joined the meeting at this point and detailed her plans for across the Ward. Focussing on the parts requiring actions from Bryn Residents, these were as follows. • 1st Dec switch on lights on Bryn Christmas Tree • Electricians will do wiring in Community Centre for the tree on Mon 11th Nov • 8,000 lights will go on the tree. • Dafydd will organise a tree with his contacts in Bryn. This should be between 20 and 25ft tall. Charlotte to let him know a date for when this will be required. • Charlotte will organise the hole, the steel base and the concrete. • Charlotte to send a list of the business sponsors for inclusion in the newsletter. • Paul to include a general thank you, to all those who have helped, in the newsletter. Include any details of level of support from the village when available. • Charlotte organising a visit to Bryn by Santa for the switch on. • Phil said people in Bryn were organising a collection around the village this Sunday. Charlotte to get a flyer printed that they can use when collecting. • Purchase of remembrance stars for Bryn to close after 20th Nov. • Charlotte to post further details about the remembrance stars on social media. All to share. • Charlotte agreed to help fund the Christmas Party if there was good support from the village for the Christmas collection. • Suggested that we open the community centre for the switch on. Need to plan the activities around this. BRAG to coordinate this.

Many of the other details Charlotte went through are already on her social media page or will be put on there soon. All to keep an eye on here for details. Most things relevant to Bryn Charlotte also posts on the Bryn Facebook Group.

AOB The meeting asked Charlotte if she could provide an update on the Bus Stop issues. She reported that a survey had been carried out and the Council were meeting on Monday to make action plans.

Meeting Closed

Post Meeting Note: Paul had asked Charlotte about the defibrillator donation which had been expected in October. She had explained that due to other demands on the fund, this was now likely to be in December. As soon as this is secured, the second defibrillator for the village will be obtained and installed. Notes from Meeting at Bryn Rugby Club 7:30 Thursday 19/12/19


Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen, Morgan Thomas, John Edmunds, David Yorwerth, Glan Phillips, Lyndon James, Sue Phillips


Dylan Morgan, Martyn Pallant, David Whitelock, Mark Dummer, Val Merriman, John & Dianne Thomas

Children’s Party

All meet at Rugby Club for 1pm. Doors open to Public at 1:30pm.

Door: This will be manned by Mark Dummer, John Thomas and John Edwards. Morgan has obtained two stamps to acknowledge payment for entry, same as at Halloween. Mark to provide a float for the door and other activities.

Music: The Club will use their systems to provide suitable party music from when people arrive until the entertainer takes over. This can also be used for any announcements required.

Raffle: Dianne was not at the meeting to confirm what she had organised for this. Paul to follow up with Dianne.

Entertainer: MR.T.RICKS, CLOWN, MAGIC, FACE-PAINTING, GLITTER TATTOO'S, and BALLOON MODELING Will entertain the children from 2:15 to 4:15.

Food: Dafydd has ordered bread buns etc. with Tanygroes Bakery. Glan will collect them Friday Morning and place in the Club freezer. Sue will purchase 120 sausages. Glan will obtain 48 burgers to go with the 48 already in the freezer. Val, Dianne, Sue, Morgan and possibly others will run the kitchen operations.

Santa: Grotto already done. Santa organised. Will look to be in his grotto when the entertainer finishes.

Selection Boxes: Sue to obtain 100 selection boxes including a dozen for younger children.

Tidy Up: All to help with the tidy up so that the club is ready for the evening event. Carol Evening

Door: John and David will run this. Maesteg Gleemen: all booked and will start at 8pm.

Raffle: All please bring a bottle to raffle off. Tickets can be sold at the door. Bar snacks: John to see if he can order extra pasties. Glan to see if these can be ordered via Tanygroes. Any bread buns left over from the afternoon could be made up in to sandwiches for sale on the evening.

Disco: Club will use there systems to provide music after the Gleemen finish. AOB:

Paul stated that other items had been raised outside of the meeting but since the relevant people were not present, it was agreed a further meeting would be organised for early in January. The meeting was then closed. MINUTES OF BRAG MEETING HELD ON Thursday 10th May 2018 In the Village Hall, Bryn

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair & Trustee Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mrs Val Merriman, Member Mr Peter Phillips, Webmaster Cllr Charlotte Galsworthy Mr Mark Dummer, Treasurer Cllr David Whitelock Mrs Sue Phillips, Minutes Ms Morgan Thomas, Rugby Club Mrs Erica Williams Mr Stephen Hughes, Rugby Club Mrs Elaine Jones, Afan Environment Volunteers

Apologies: Mr Gareth Jones Mr Dylan Morgan Mr Zach Dixon Mr Royden Rogers Miss Louise Hopkins Mr Alan Thomas Mr Robert Davies Mr David Eckton Mrs Gaynor Jones Cllr Rhidian Mizen Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Mrs Jennet Eckton Mr David Yorwerth Mrs Delyth Wanklyn Mrs Helen Rees Ms Michelle Jones Mr Luke Rosser Ms Michelle Williams Mr Shaun Tobin Mrs Tracy Cooper

The Chair welcomed those present and opened the meeting at 7.00 p.m. He introduced the guests to the meeting. He thanked Sue Phillips for taking the notes for this meeting.

Minutes of last meeting & Matters Arising Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by email before the meeting. These were accepted in the meeting with no changes.

The actions from last minutes were reviewed as follows: Field Drainage: Dianne reported the actions she had taken but without any success. Rugby Club representatives stressed once again that this was much worse since the trees had been removed. Councillor David Whitelock suggested this was a general problem in the area and proposed we raise it with our AM David Rees. Agreed to contact the other stakeholders to progress this. Action All.

Bryn Beast Event Champion: No such volunteer yet established therefore no Bryn Beast Event this year.

Raise Funding through Tesco Bags of Help: Action completed with successful outcome.

Funding BRAG’s maintenance commitments: Discussed on main agenda.

Accept Christmas Tree proposal: from Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy. Done

Accept putting Bryn planning applications on village website: as proposed by Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy. Done

Increase attendance to Councillor Surgeries: None held since last meeting. Councillors do attend the BRAG meetings where general issues are covered. Councillors can always be contacted on individual issues so possibly no longer a need for surgeries? Increasing Interaction between all Bryn Village Groups Paul stated that this is still an objective as part of making Bryn a Nice Place to be. By other groups being represented at the meeting, it provides a chance for them to give a quick update and exchange information between the different groups in the village. It also provides an opportunity to talk about joint participation on future projects.

Paul asked all those present to put forward any ideas they have on how we can continue to build on this working together initiative. Action: All

Richard Burton & Bryn Beast Race Report Richard Burton Race, now owned by Bryn and Cwmafan Events registered charity, is now open for online entries with 155 entries made in the first week of opening. Over 2000 entries anticipated again for this year. BRAG continues to support and promote this race.

It was agreed, there would be no further Bryn Beast event until an event Owner can be identified. ACTION – All Present

Future Events 1 Tennis Coaching: Paul explained how the provision of free tennis coaching had formed part of the Tennis court project but how after about three years of failed attempts due to weather and proposed Tennis Coaches dropping out of agreements, this had still not been delivered. The current avenue Paul has been progressing is with Kyle Harkett from NPT and Luke Williams from Tennis Wales. It was suggested in the meeting, By David Whitelock, that Derek Jones could be another contact for this. 2 Party in the Park: As part of our proposal to the Tesco Bags of Help fund, we had proposed organising a “Party in the Park”. After discussion, it was suggested we organise something along the lines of the Tennis Courts opening event but include elements of the “Sunday Fun Day”, which had been rained off when we last tried to organise this event. Agreed to contact other groups to ask if they would be involved. Suggested input from other groups such as Cricket taster, Bowls, football, etc. Rugby Club could also provide food and entertainment. All present were asked to discuss this proposal with their contacts and feedback on ideas. Further meetings to plan this event would be organised. Action All.

It was also suggested that this would be best held on a Sunday, as it would better avoid conflicts with matches, which generally take place on a Saturday. Charlotte also informed the group that a marquee could be available via the council if required. August Bank Holiday Sunday 26th Aug was proposed as a possible date. 3 Halloween: It was agreed this would be in the Rugby Club again. They have their adult event on the Saturday before Halloween so a day between then and the end of October was proposed. Sue agreed to book an entertainer and confirm the day. Action: Sue 4 Christmas: It was agreed this would also be in the Club this year. What type of entertainment for this year was discussed and it was felt the village had tired of pantomimes and a different approach should be considered. Children’s entertainer? Something for the adults? Plenty of time yet but agreed we should be discussing with our contacts to get a consensus of what people would turn out for. Action All Peter had expressed his concern at the small turn out at last year’s event. With such a small attendance, this event is not sustainable in its current form. 5 AGM Paul suggested the BRAG AGM would probably be the next BRAG meeting sometime in early July. Awaiting the audited accounts. Could also use the meeting to finalise a Party in the Park event. 6 Other: Other suggestions for events included a Tea Dance. This had been done in the past. Dafydd agreed to canvas interest for repeating this. Paul may still have some of the contacts we used before. Action Dafydd

Youth Section Activities Paul had not received a report for this. It was noted that as Dylan and Zach were now getting older, possibly they should now be classed as adult members and new youth members be selected. Paul to discuss this with them. Action Paul

Maintaining Village Assets 1 Tennis Courts: John and Dianne raised concern about recent behaviour in this area. They had recently had to clean up an excessive amount of broken glass bottles, chocolate smeared on the skateboards and general rubbish discarded. Need to remind the users of this asset that it is owned by the village not the council and if it is damaged, we do not have the money to repair it so it would probably have to be closed. The users of this facility need to police it themselves as they are in the best position to do so. David Whitelock did agree to ask the PSOs to increase their monitoring of this area. Action David

It was also suggested we install CCTV the same as the Bowls Club. John to get details off the Bowls Club. Action John

Paul reminded the meeting of the ongoing maintenance costs for this facility such as safety inspections, repairs, insurance, etc. 2 Nature Reserve and Heritage Walk: Elaine Jones reported on this topic. She explained how she ran a voluntary group called Afan Environment Volunteers who met up on the first Wednesday of each month to help improve the environment. She described some of the work her group had undertaken recently on the Bryn Heritage Trail and the Bryn Nature Reserve. The next working party will again be on the Bryn Heritage Trail on the first Wednesday in June at 10am by the picnic area opposite the Royal Oak. Everyone is welcome to join in. Please let your contacts know. Action All

Elaine also reported on the Cwm Walking group who organise walks on Saturdays and Wednesday evenings. These are publicised on the Bryn website and Facebook page. Paul reported some additional work he was aware of including work by the Council to repair the fencing around the Nature Reserve and improving drainage and clearing some shrubs. He also reported on proposed work by Margaret Elsey who has said “Bryn Tip will be Part of our ‘Working with Nature/ Celebrating our Local Nature Reserves’ events we plan on doing an orchid walk in June and Linking in with Elaine’s walking group, once we have the poster I’ll send it over to you. I have been working with the National Autistic Society and have arranged a task day with them to clear some of the Himalayan Balsam on Bryn. We hope to do a corporate day to clear some of the scrub and bramble over summer.” 3 Bryn Beast Trail: This is still with BRAG to maintain. There are some sections becoming overgrown and some signs missing. This needs to be attended to before the next NRW inspection.

Since there is currently no race using this rout, it was asked what other uses could be made of it. It was suggested that a bike club might wish to use it. The meeting agreed to make enquiries. Action All 4 Village Hall: Paul reported that the Centre recently underwent a deep clean and the small hall and kitchen had been painted. A new boiler is required and is being progressed. The Broadband into the centre is currently due to end at the end of May.

It was reported that a number of people had tried to book the hall for parties and other events but their requests had been turned down. The Council had reported that this was because of the cost of providing a caretaker. It was suggested that Paul organise a meeting with Paul Walker, the community centre manager, and the key holders to see what could be arranged. Action Paul

Newsletters Peter had tabled a first draft for comment. This was agreed with a few additions and small changes. Paul also read out a submission by Scott Davies that was to be included.

Chairman’s Report Since the last meeting, BRAG has: • Applied for grants with Tesco, Co-op and Tata. The Tesco application was successful as detailed earlier in the meeting. Still awaiting the outcome of the other two applications.

• BRAG is currently preparing an application with The Big Lottery Heritage Fund on the heritage of the Bryn area.

• Worked with other local groups on many other issues such as those covered elsewhere in the meeting.

• Worked with Youth Services to continue the Youth Club but attendance is currently very poor. Paul asked the meeting for any ideas on ways to improve this. Action All It was suggested that a lower start age would help, especially since the school had closed. Paul had been told their insurance did not allow this when he had asked before. However, he agreed to raise the issue again. Action Paul

• BRAG has liaised with the Councillors on issues relating to Bryn such as water, roads, planning, etc. • BRAG are still looking for new committee members to help share the load and particularly we require a volunteer to act as secretary for the group. Paul asked the meeting to ask their contacts and let him know if they wish to become involved. Action All

• The BRAG Trustees continue to focus on our compliance requirements as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).

Treasurer’s Report Terry Filer had agreed to audit our accounts again this year. Mark has passed the information to her to perform this task. Mark gave an overview of the accounts and explained the total income for last year had been £3481.27 and the total expenditure was £4,663.98. The audited accounts will be posted on the Charity Commission web site as normal.

Historical Society Report Dafydd reported that the late Peter Dixon, from Bryn, who had emigrated to Australia in 1960, wished to have his ashes scattered in Bryn, possibly on the old colliery tip. This is to take place on 13th June. Dafydd to make further information available to the village when he receives it.

Any other Business & Review of Next Steps Dafydd outlined work by the Water Board to better control water flow in the flood plains and the proposed work on the river through Bryn.

Date of next meeting TBC. See earlier note on AGM.

Paul thanked all those present for their constructive input to the meeting then declared the meeting closed at 9pm Joint Meeting with Bryn Club 6 Sep 2018


Paul Bulmer, John Thomas, Dafydd Bowen, Val Merriman, Mark Dummer, Steve Hughes


Delyth Wanklyn, Sue Phillips, Dianne Thomas, Royden Rogers, Dylan Morgan.

Party in the Park review

Purpose of review was to capture any lessons for incorporation into a future event.

It was felt that to improve the chance of good weather; a date in early June should be chosen for next year.

It was also suggested that a Saturday on a non-bank holiday weekend might be better. Would need to check with clubs to make sure it did not conflict with their scheduled events.

It was suggested that 2pm start would probably be earlier enough, allowing more time for setting up on the day.

The following follow up actions were suggested.

 Talk with Aled from Dragon Amusements for his feedback. PB  Thank you letter to supporters. Trustees  Certificate of appreciation. Trustees

Paul and Mark gave an update on the costs of the event and takings. With such a large shortfall, Paul will have to see if he can secure grant funding for a similar event next year. The idea had been to secure sufficient income from the event each year to be able to fund the following years event.


Sue had confirmed Daley Bee booking was Monday 29th Oct.

It was thought this had already been put in the Rugby Club diary but Steve to confirm. SH

It was agreed there would be a £1 per person entry charge to go towards the booking fee for Daley Bee.

We will still run a raffle as well

Food as in the past

Steve mentioned he had obtained further items for the Halloween themed decoration of the Rugby Club for this year.

Will promote this event via an A5 flyer. Issue next newsletter after the event and use it to promote the Christmas event.

Most other arrangements would be the same as in past years.

Christmas Event

As had been agreed in the past, this will be held in the Rugby Club.

Further discussion of ideas took place but these were to be further discussed and agreed with all involved.

Sunday 23rd Dec was proposed. This is to be confirmed after checking with others involved.

Start in afternoon for families, running into the evening for adults

See if Gleemen would be available

Enquire about Jumping Jack as we had already used Daley Bee for two events on a trot.

Club may do a Santa’s Grotto

Find out level of interest in a choir

See what other entertainment options exist on the event web site or through the Welsh Arts council.

When Dylan had given his apologies for the meeting, he had said he had ideas for the Christmas Event and would pass these on to the committee for consideration.

Next Meeting

AGM to be organised for soon after 16th Oct.

Minutes of BRAG Annual General Meeting held at the

Bryn Community Centre on Monday October 22nd 2018


Paul Bulmer (Chair) Mark Dummer (Treasurer) Dafydd Bowen (Trustee) John Thomas (Trustee) David & Jennet Eckton Val Merriman Sue Phillips Steve Hughes Cllr. Rhidian Mizen Cllr David Whitelock Cllr. Charlotte Galsworthy

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies received from Dianne Thomas.

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Minutes of Last AGM

Last year’s AGM minutes were on the village website for public viewing and were shown in the meeting for review. Dafydd proposed the minutes be accepted and Rhidian seconded this.

Treasurer’s Report

Paul and Mark summarised the accounts report that had been independently inspected by Terry Filer. Some of the costs in the report were explained to those present such as the £8136 spent on developing playing field area. This report will be submitted to the Charity Commission once approved by those present. The Charity Commission website shows all registered charities submissions.

The independent report stated that the accounts were in good order with no issues to note.

Paul asked that it be recorded that BRAG greatly appreciates the voluntary input that Terry provides in her inspection and formatting of our accounts to meet the requirements of the Charity Commission. Terry had asked if she could use our accounting figures as an aid to teaching her students in the future. This proposal was accepted by all present.

The meeting was happy with the report with no further questions raised.

Election of Trustees

Paul reported that all trustees had indicated their willingness to stand for a further year. No new trustees had been propose to the meeting.

Mark proposed that all Trustees were re-elected on block and this was approved by the meeting. These are Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen, John and Dianne Thomas.

Election of Committee

Paul stated that he was prepared to stand as chair for a further year. This was approved by the meeting.

Mark stated that he was happy to continue in the role of treasurer. This was also approved by the meeting.

Paul asked those present if anyone would like to take over the role of secretary. There were no volunteers in the meeting so this role remains unfilled. Paul asked that if anyone would be interested in the role, after giving it further consideration, or they knew anyone else who may be interested, then please contact Paul or any other current member of BRAG so that this may be arranged.

Paul read out the list of names currently held on our members’ list and stated they had all been emailed to ask if they wished to stay on the committee. Dylan Morgan had indicated that he was happy to remain on the committee but had suggested new younger members take on the role of youth representatives. Zach Dixon was no longer living in the village.

Paul asked that those present seek interest within the village for new youth representatives.

The remaining committee members were re-elected back on to the BRAG committee.

Chairman’s Report

Paul presented the chair’s report to cover the period of the calendar year 2017. The slides used will be added to the village website along with these minutes.

The report summarises the Events, Funding, Publicity, Meetings and Projects involving BRAG.

When going through the report, Paul did expressed his concern that the PACT meetings that BRAG had attended over the reporting period now appear to have stopped. Cllr David Whitelock briefed the meeting on the reasons for this but stated that he did view these as important to the ward and would see how the needs could be better met going forward.

Paul expanded on the notes about funding and gave details on how this had been used. The Tesco funding came late in the 2017 financial year and was to be spent in 2018 to help put on community events such as Party in the Park, Halloween and Christmas events.

Paul mentioned that the Youth Club, which was restarted in 2017 after many requests from the village, was currently being very poorly attended sometimes with only two children attending. The youth club caters for children between 11 and 18 years of age. Paul outlined the many activities and facilities available in response to Sue’s question on this. All agreed to help promote this service in order to keep it in the village.

Paul outlined the contract between BRAG and Natural Resources Wales for the maintenance of the Bryn Beast Trail and the Bryn Heritage Walk. Some work required by BRAG on these before the next inspection by Natural Resources Wales.

Rhidian asked if a shorter run could be started to make use of the trail. It was suggested that everyone canvass the runners at the Burton race to see if any of the clubs running there would like to assist with restarting the run.

Paul thanked all the BRAG members and others who had voluntarily given up their time to contribute to the many activities that BRAG had been involved with in making Bryn “a nice place to be”. Many people have put months of effort in to achieving these outcomes.

Dafydd said he would like to make a specific thank you to all who had helped on the miner’s memorial project. The relocation of the dram from the school to the memorial site, the refurbishment of the dram, the drawing of plans to obtain council planning permission, the creation of a base for the dram and all the other work that went in to this project.

Paul then stated that that concluded the formal part of the AGM for calendar year 2017 and that current and future activities could now be discussed under the heading of Any Other Business (AOB).


Dafydd informed the meeting of the Bryn family event to spread the ashes of Peter Dixon, who had lived in Bryn before moving to Australia and had requested his ashes be scattered in Bryn. Dafydd outlined how well this event had gone.

Paul said that in the past Bryn had free Wi-Fi facilities in the community centre through the telecoms provider ResQ. However, this has now ended. If the Bryn IT Club were to be restarted, sufficient numbers would be required to cover both the cost of Wi-Fi and the hall rental. This would require a regular attendance of at least a dozen members.

Steve Hughes offered the use of the Rugby Club, which does already have Wi-Fi available, as an alternative venue. Charlotte said that Bois Afan Choir were interested in an IT Club. Concern was expressed that this was taking a regular activity out of the community centre but Paul said, without sufficient numbers the club would have to stop anyway. Charlotte said the local area coordinator, Jayne Colman, might be able to help and put Paul in contact with her.

Paul agreed to restart the IT Club, taking up the offer made by the Rugby Club. He would aim to restart on Tuesday 6th November at 10:30 and will publicise this. Will run for a few weeks and see how numbers go. The Halloween planning was already well under way with posters out, publicity on the NPT website, social media, etc. Entry will be charged at £1 per person and doors will open at 5:30 with Daley Bee starting at 6pm.

Sue agreed to obtain three prizes for best boys and girls costumes and best Lantern.

Raffle prize donations required. Paul will ask Gaynor Jones if she will run the raffle.

Most activities will be the same as last year but a couple of people will be required on the door to collect entry money.

Val and Charlotte have the required certificates to prepare the food.

Dafydd will provide the food for cooking.

Proposal for the Christmas event had been made at the last BRAG meeting in the Rugby Club and some initial enquiries had been made but Paul wished to now finalise these as far as possible in the meeting and then make firm booking and start the publicity for the event.

Sunday 23rd December had been proposed and after further consideration was confirmed as the date.

The event will start with the children’s party at 3pm.

Jump N Jaxx has been booked to provide the children’s entertainment. The event would then run on into the evening with further entertainment for the adults.

A provisional booking of the Choir had been made but Charlotte had suggested that a Rock Choir may have wider appeal and offered to progress this.

Paul said he would look to produce the next newsletter for the end of November and include details of the Christmas proposal in that. He asked for any other articles to include. All three councillors suggested events that could be included and agreed to email the details to Paul for inclusion. It was agreed that another meeting would be called for 7pm on 8th November in the Bryn Rugby Club to finalise the details of the Christmas event with members of BRAG and the Rugby Club. This was to be confirmed with the club by Paul and a confirmation will then be emailed.

Charlotte reported that the Cwmafan road would be reopening fully next week. She also outlined the changes to recycling that are to be introduced by NPTCBC. Details have been posted on her Facebook page.

Rhidian mentioned the MPs surgery coming to Bryn.

Paul Thanked all for attending and contributing to the AGM.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm



Monday 22 Oct 2018 7pm Bryn Village Hall

1 Agenda

1. Welcome & Apologies (PB) 2. Minutes of last AGM (PB) 3. Treasurer’s Report (PB & MD) 4. Election of new BRAG trustees (PB) 5. Election of BRAG Committee (PB) 6. Chairman’s Report (PB) 7. Any other Business 8. Close of AGM 9. Future Events

2 Treasurers Report

• This report covers the fourth financial year for BRAG as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) registered with the Charities Commission on 23 October 2014 with the registration number 1158947. • The BRAG accounts were prepared and submitted for Independent Inspection in January.

3 Section A Receipts and payments

Unrestricted funds Restricted funds Endowment funds Total funds

to the nearest £ to the nearest £ to the nearest £ to the nearest £

A1 Receipts

11,395 - 11,395 BIG Lottery Grants received 301 - 301 Raffle and refreshment income 500 - 500 Donation - Richard Burton race 626 - 626 Sale of tickets to events 77 - 77 Gym subscriptions 338 - 338 IT club subscriptions 805 805 Grant for Thursday club 1,000 1,000 Grant for Insurance 141 141 Transfer from BIG account 50 50 Donation from Bryn AOP 20 20 Miscelleneous -

2,052 13,200 - 15,252 Sub total(Gross income for AR) 4 A3 Payments Entertainment and event costs 776 - - 776 IT club costs 558 - 558 Newsletter printing costs 200 - 200 Tennis court inspection costs 72 - - 72 Hall hiring costs 224 - - 224 Insurance costs 432 - - 432 NPTCBC licence costs - 275 - 275 Postage and stationery 30 - - 30 BRAG (Tennis Court Eqp.) 141 - 141 Miners Memorial costs 1,875 1,875 Grant for Thursday Club 805 - 805 Bryn Pavilion costs 1,050 1,050 Replacement bin for Bryn Park 342 342 Rent for tennis courts 30 30 Equipment and signage tennis courts 141 - - 141 Installation Of Trim Trail, goal posts, basketball nets and benches

8,136 8,136 Sub total 2,188 12,349 - 14,537

5 Charity Commission Website

Full details of the BRAG registration, financial reports and inspections, annual reports, etc. for a registered charity can be found on line. For BRAG these details are at:

BRAG Charity Commission Web Page

6 Election of New Trustees

Anyone wishing to be considered for the role of trustee should put their name forward to this meeting. All current trustees are prepared to serve for the next year. These are Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen and John & Dianne Thomas.

7 Election of BRAG Committee

• Chair (Paul Bulmer) was re-elected 2017 and is prepared to serve another year. • Treasurer (Mark Dummer) • Secretary (Position currently vacant)

8 Other Members

Name Wish to be re-elected Peter Phillips (Web Master)

Shaun Tobin (Burton Race Director)

Sue Phillips (member)

Val Merriman (member)

Louise Hopkins (member)

Michele Williams (member)

Michelle Jones (member)

Delyth Wanklyn (member)

Dylan Morgan (Youth representative)

Zach Dixon (Youth representative)

9 Other Members (continued)

Name Wish to be re-elected Gaynor Bowen (Secretary WI)

David Eckton (Chairman Over 50 Club)

Jenett Eckton (key holder for Wednesday Craft Group)

Ros Catton (President WI)

Betty Daniels (Vice President WI)

Gareth Jones (Vice Chairman Over 50 Club)

David Yorwerth (Over 50 Club)

10 Chair’s Report on the 2017 financial year

– Dedication Service Miners Memorial 22/07/17 – Swansea Tidal Lagoon Presentation 5/10/17 – Halloween Disco 1/11/17 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. – Burton 10k 5/11/17 • Another record number of runners. – Christmas Panto 29/12/17 • Much-loved traditional carols with Anthony Bwye • Panto Act cancelled just days before the performance date due to an accident to a key performer. Alternative performance was quickly arranged and delivered.

11 Projects • Maintenance of the Bryn Heritage Walk and Picnic area • Support of the Bryn Community Centre • Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve • Set up the Coal Dram on the nature reserve • Bryn IT Club • Link with Cwm Walking group was set up • Link with Afan Environment Group (which includes Bryn) was set up

12 Funding

• Funding

– Grant From Tesco Bags of Help – Donation from Burton 10k – Grant from NPTCBC – Grant from NPTCVS

13 Publicity and News

• Publicity – Newsletters – Web Sites – Facebook Page – Flyers – Posters – News Papers – TV & Radio

14 Meetings

• BRAG – Full Committee Meetings including AGM (5) – Many more small working party meetings • PACT (Police And Community Together) – These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative although many meetings were cancelled in 2017. • Projects – Meetings with Council for BRAG Project and other issues relating to Bryn – Meetings with Youth Services – Meetings for Burton Run – Council ran meetings on planning, community schemes, etc. – Meetings with Natural Resources Wales – Swansea Barrage Project – Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding – Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group) – Meetings with Big Lottery

15 AOB

Future Activities IT Club Halloween Christmas

16 Close

• Thank you for attending and for your input




Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair Mr Mark Dummer, Treasurer

Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mrs Gaynor Jones, Secretary

Mr Gareth Jones Mr Steve Hughes

Mr Martin FitzPatrick Mrs Val Merriman

Mr Neill Daniel Mrs Jennet Eckton

Mr David Eckton Mr Royden Rogers

Councillor David Whitelock

Apologies: Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee

Mrs Sue Philips Mr Zak Dixon

Mr Shaun Tobin, Race Director – Richard Burton Race

Paul Bulmer, Chair of BRAG, opened the meeting at 7.05 p.m. and an around the table introduction was carried out so that all present were known to each other.


Minutes of the last meeting were circulated around the table and Paul Bulmer asked if there was any feedback from them. There was no feedback. Daf Bowen proposed them as a true record and Paul Bulmer seconded them.

The School photos project is still ongoing and the proposed School reunion is still under consideration but is doubtful for circa St. David’s Day. ACTION – PAUL/PETER

The proposed Heritage Walk is still on and more information will be provided in the Spring Issue of the BRAG Newsletter. ACTION - PAUL

No calendar photos were received in time for a 2016 Calendar but hopefully photos will be incoming for a 2017 Calendar – a good way of fundraising. ACTION – ALL


The Halloween Party, held in the Rugby Club was well attended and was thoroughly enjoyed by the children but we did not make enough to cover the cost involved. The Licence for the Trim Track, Football play area etc has been finalised with the Council and the installation of such has been completed by Dean Heycock. Feedback on the use of the facility is that it is very well used.

The Christmas Tree at the entrance to the Community was donated by Dean Heycock and gave a festive feel to the centre. The Christmas Show was well attended and the audience said they thought it was an excellent show and a really enjoyable evening. Costs were covered with the help of donations from local companies and the Welsh Arts Council.

The Bryn IT Club restarted in the first week of January. The Chair reported that there is still room for more members to join.

Funding for the Memorial Miner’s project has been successful.

Role Training for the Trustees and Officials has been carried out and is now complete and all involved are aware of their duties. Draft policy documents, based on the role training, are being developed.

The 2016 Accounts have been finalised and are awaiting Audit.

Our New Treasurer, Mr Mark Dummer has been in his role since 1st January 2017.

Grants were applied for, to assist with BRAG Revenue costs, but unfortunately we were not successful. A grant to cover some New Activities Grant was also applied for and was successful.


The financial transactions for both the Halloween and Christmas events have been circulated to all members. Other costs include – Printing of the October & December newsletters at £50.00 each, extension to our insurance cover the Trim Track, until renewal in March, at £27.73, hire of the centre for the Gym, IT Club and BRAG Meetings £151.50. Incoming is £400.00 from the Richard Burton Race and £1,740 grant for the Miners Memorial Project.


The Club has had 8 meetings and is held on a Tuesday at 2.00 p.m. in the Community Centre. A range of topics is discussed and has many advantages for its members. A grant application was successful, within which the cost of the newsletter printing has been agreed. A new router has been installed and new software had been obtained for the Club but will also be beneficial for BRAG use.


Steve Jenkins has been instrumental in the drawing up of plans for the placing of the Dram, formerly located in Bryn Primary School, in the leased site opposite the Royal Oak Pub. The submission of these plans is at a cost of £190 to BRAG. Daf Bowen is setting up talks, to be held in the Royal Oak and The Rugby Club. His first talk will be with Mr Roy Meredith (a Maesteg resident) themed A Day in the Life of a Miner. Look out for more info in the newsletters. ACTION – DAF BOWEN


Paul Bulmer asked Dylan Morgan (Youth Section representative) for his feedback from the younger members of the Village. He reported that the basketball hoop is up and is being well used. All very happy with the way the Park is looking. The Music facility on the MUGA has been repaired, apparently it needed new batteries. John Thomas has asked for more information with regard to these batteries for future replacement. Paul said that if the MUGA wasn’t working to get in touch with him. Obviously the youngsters would like to be more involved in the Gym and are hopeful that Patrick will come up with something. Dylan also said that they were very pleased that the Youth Club was to reopen in the near future. ACTION – DYLAN/PAUL


The Tennis Court project is complete. The Trim Track is in place so are the picnic benches. Solar lighting has been looked into and would be extremely expensive to install so not practical at the moment. BRAG is looking into installing lights on the Pavilion building. The Rugby Club hold the lease on the Pavilion and their representatives have said that they have no objection, in principle, to lights being erected on the building and it was agreed that this work should now be undertaken. They will take this back to a full Club meeting to agree the details of how this would operate. This was proposed by Paul Bulmer and seconded by Peter Phillips.

The requirement for full flood lighting for the football pitches was also discussed. It was suggested that a Working Group be set up to work on the requirements and funding of this project. Interest was shown by Neill Daniel, (Rob Kinsey), Football, Steve Hughes & Martin FitzPatrick, Bryn Rugby Club, Gareth Jones, Bowls, Paul Bulmer & Mark Dummer, BRAG and possibly Rob Thomas, Cricket.


The Group discussion at the meeting showed that all relevant sport group representatives are willing to meet together, form a committee and discuss the needs of all involved and make a proposal to cover not just lighting but all the other requirements of these groups such as new changing rooms. ACTION - ALL


Paul had a brief meeting with Shaun Tobin who apologised for his absence from this meeting. Paul outlined BRAG’s concern regarding the Burton Race being organised under the BRAG charity number. Carys Mill and Shaun are having, and have had, discussions regarding the Burton Race being organised under their own charity number. Paul also outlined that it is still possible to work together on any future runs. A race meeting is due to be held at the end of January 2017. Paul will get in touch with Shaun and ask him to inform Gaynor of the next meeting date for her to send out to all members. ACTION – PAUL/GAYNOR

A lot of interest was expressed in restarting the Bryn Beast although it was felt this would need to be in 2018 as there is insufficient time now for this year and many unknowns to address first.


Next issue of the BRAG Newsletter is due end of March. It has been suggested that the newsletter be used to focus on future events not those that have gone. We aim to produce six (6) per year. Although the costs for printing have been obtained through the IT Club grant, it was suggested that advertising or sponsorship be obtained to help.

Gaynor asked for help in delivering the newsletters. Offers came from: Steve Hughes, Dylan, Martin FitzPatrick & Royden Rogers. Val, Paul, Sue, Delyth, Dave & Jen Eckton and Gaynor & Gareth already doing it. ACTION - GAYNOR


Paul announced that Peter Phillips has put all the relevant leases on the website pages for all to see. The Bowls lease has been returned to the Council and they are awaiting a new one in their new registered charity status. This will be added to the website when complete. Paul pointed out that all personal information is removed before going on the website. ACTION – GAYNOR/GARETH/PETER


A new alarm has been fitted to the Village Hall. Operational instruction has been given to all key holders and new fobs have been issued.



To ensure that all future village events are successful, it will be important for us to communicate our plans to all groups within the village. The first event that BRAG intends holding is the SUNDAY FUN DAY (tried three (3) times in 2016 to hold this event but failed due to bad weather). A working group has been suggested to make this a great village day. The Tennis coaching must be done as this is a condition of the BIG LOTTERY FUND grant, tuition in cricket, bowls, football, skateboarding, basketball and a tug of war are some of the ideas discussed. Perhaps Patrick can come along and give a display of fitness. Paul has said that he will speak to Dianne to see if she can make contact with the Tennis Club again. ACTION – PAUL/DIANNE

HALLOWEEN – Discussions will be held in another meeting.

CHRISTMAS – Discussions will be held in another meeting.


The keep fit sessions, held in the Community Centre on Monday & Thursday evenings (18:45) are continuing to be well attended.

The setting up of a Village Gym is well underway. Talks are being held with the Council and others. Equipment is needed and insurance cover needs to be sourced. Neill Daniel said that he would ask the Football Men if they would be prepared to hold a training session in the gym, perhaps once monthly as they do not want to lose their time slot at the Lido. Student Gym sessions at £2.50 per week and Adult at £5.00. ACTION – NEILL DANIEL


March – date and time to bearranged.

Paul thanked all present for their time and closed the meeting at 8.30p.m. MINUTES OF BRAG MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 3RD APRIL 2017 IN THE VILLAGE HALL, BRYN

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair & Trustee Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mrs Gaynor Jones Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Mr David Eckton Mr Royden Rogers Councillor David Whitelock

Apologies: Mrs Val Merriman, Mrs Sue Phillips Mr Gareth Jones Mr Dylan Morgan Mr Zach Dixon Mrs Jennet Eckton Miss Louise Hopkins Mr Alan Thomas Mr Mark Dummer Mr Robert Davies Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee

Paul Bulmer opened the meeting at approx. 7.10 p.m.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING. Minutes of the last meeting were circulated around the table.

Matters arising were –

The School photos project is still ongoing. ACTION – PAUL/PETER

The Heritage Walk is still on and hopefully more information will be forthcoming in the next newsletter. ACTION – PAUL

2017 Calendar – still waiting for photos to be submitted to BRAG. Please circulate this amongst your friends and get the photos rolling in. Your favourite place, view etc is what is wanted. ACTION – ALL

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT BRAG is currently waiting for audit completion. Hoping that Terry Filer will have completed at the end of this week (7th April) and then a date for the AGM can be arranged.

There has been a break –in at the Doctor’s Surgery early part of this year. The Manager of the Surgery has written a letter to BRAG and Paul is still waiting for a reply back to his calls/emails. Post Meeting Note: Paul has since discovered the practice manager has been off on long term sick and so he has now discussed the situation with the doctors.

BRAG has received a letter off the Bowls Team asking for help. A meeting will be arranged to discuss options. ACTION – PAUL BRAG has had an invitation letter with regard to House of Parliament Festival Week in November 2017. Paul to check their website. ACTION – PAUL

A Wellbeing Meeting is to be held on Friday 7th April at CVS offices. Paul to attend and invited representatives from other groups within the village to join him.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mark Dummer sent his apologies but has been called away on business. Paul said that all is in order but Mark will give a financial update at the next meeting.

IT CLUB After the IT Club suspending its sessions in February due to low numbers, the Club is now back in the Community Centre every Tuesday morning between 10.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. Current club members are happy with the sessions. New members are always welcome to join.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT Daf Bowen said that the talk by Roy Meredith, held in the Bryn Rugby Club “A Day in the Life of a Miner” was attended by approximately 16 people.

All attending expressed their thanks for an interesting evening. Daf, himself, would like to put on another talk outlining the History of Coal in the village of Bryn.

We are still waiting for NPTCBC to approve planning for the placing of the Dram on the old Bryn Navigation Colliery site. Martin Fitzpatrick to undertake minor repairs to the Dram. Hopefully some arrangements should be in place by the end of April.

YOUTH SECTION ACTIVITIES Dylan Morgan, BRAG’s Youth Representative, was unable to attend the meeting due to illness. In his report to Paul, he stated that the youngsters are happy with the Park area and pleased that the Youth Club is back with fantastic facilities. He wants to know if they can have a Colourfast Party and they would be happy to see a Funday being held. ACTION – PAUL/TRUSTEES

BRYN COMMUNITY GYM PROJECT This project is still being considered and talks are ongoing between Paul Bulmer, Patrick Kapida, Delyth Wanklyn and Carys Mills, CVS. Grants are being looked at by Derek Jones but there is the possibility of a 20% match funding being required, this equates to £4k against the £20k required for gym equipment. Carys has reported that attempted gym set-ups in the area have had little success but she pointed out the difference between a community gym and a commercial gym such as limited hours to fit with voluntary staffing. Paul suggested arranging a visit with a successful community gym to understand their formula for success.

There was also concern regarding the poor attendance at the Keep Fit sessions. Many questions still need to be resolved.

TENNIS COURT AREA PROJECT & FUTURE PLANS The tennis nets are back in place and we are able to report back to the Big Lottery that the area is well used. Tennis coaching will be organised now that the weather should be better. Although the weather hasn’t been kind, the Trim Track too, is well used. The lighting should be in place by the end of this month and a light sensor and timer is to be installed to allow the lights to come on when dusk and go off at an agreed time.

SURGERY MEETINGS The Surgery Meetings in the Community Centre have not been successful with only BRAG members turning up for them. The last one held, as a Coffee Morning, with Stephen Kinnock MP, was very constructive and has resulted in a meeting being held with the Council regarding the state of the roads. The rut in the road, on the way to Maesteg, has been repaired within a couple of days of the said meeting. A meeting has also been arranged with Welsh Water for Monday 10th April in the Community Centre. Invitations have been issued to various residents of Bryn. David Whitelock is coordinating all the actions from the initial Coffee Morning. ACTION – DAVID

INCREASING INTERACTION BETWEEN BRYN GROUPS The interaction between BRAG and the various groups of the village is slowly progressing and is very positive. Gareth Jones, Martin Fitzpatrick and Mark Dummer attended a funding meeting to discuss the possibility of one big project at the Bryn Park/Sports venue. Mark, being a Surveyor has examined the Bowls Pavilion and the Rugby changing rooms along with a Council Surveyor. ACTION – MARK

Paul has been working alongside the Over 55’s group and has obtained a grant of £805 for help with the Minibus payments for Jan-March and the payment of a coach to take them to the Cinema.

Daf & Paul have spoken with the Wednesday night Craft group to suggest possible funding options for them. ACTION – DAF/PAUL

BRAG has had a request off the Bryn Bowls for help with their increasing financial obligations. BRAG will meet the representatives to discuss ways of helping. ACTION – PAUL

RICHARD BURTON & BRYN BEAST RACE Shaun Tobin was unable to attend the meeting but reported that they are progressing well with their efforts to become a charity in their own right for the Richard Burton Race. BRAG will no longer be recognised as the owner of the race but will help with the running of the race in the same way as many other local groups and will receive a donation in recognition of their help. Shaun has said that he is willing to help guide BRAG if they wish to restart the Bryn Beast event, perhaps, in a scaled down version. For example, use only second half of the track thereby avoiding any road marshalling with the start and finish being from the rugby field. Need to establish if there is village wide support for this. Further discussions on this still required. ACTION – SHAUN/PAUL/BRAG MEMBERS

NEWSLETTERS Volunteers are needed to cover holidays. Royden volunteered to take on Coronation Street & Brynteg Street, Dave Eckton to cover Nant y Boda and further down the road. Martin Fitzpatrick to cover Welfare Avenue. Need to try and get more volunteers organised. ACTION – GAYNOR

The next newsletter will be published around June again with the focus, as agreed in last meeting, now being on future events rather than past events. All to send possible articles to Paul. ACTION – All UPDATE ON LEASES The last lease to be added to the website was that of the Bryn Bowls Club. Gaynor handed Paul a copy of the new lease that the Bowls have received. Paul and Peter to add to the website. ACTION – PAUL/PETER

BRYN VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Paul has been in contact with the Council regarding the freezing of the hire charges for the groups that hold their meeting there on a regular weekly basis. The Council have agreed to this and these groups will not be charged the increase in April.

The alarm has now been sorted. It appears that the emergency door had a fault on it since installation.

Gaynor brought up that some of the Over 55’s group has shown concern about the kitchen door being locked and there is no key to it. Gaynor has messaged Alison Edwards with a request to resolve this issue. Paul has also spoken to Alison. ACTION - PAUL

Paul has also brought up the issue of the hall being cleaned and painted. Alison’s reply was that this is possibly a little more difficult because the building is still owned by the local authority and is governed by the procurement and trade union terms and conditions. Emma Butcher has been in contact with the Skills and training section to see if they can help. As soon as Alison has news she’ll report back to Paul. ACTION – PAUL

FUTURE EVENTS The tennis coaching arrangements still need to be made. ACTION – DIANNE THOMAS

There is a Charity Bike Ride taking place on Easter weekend. The Race is being ridden in Memory of Mark Stevens who sadly passed away in February of this year. Mark never missed a chance to ride his bike and was one of the Bike Ride’s first members. All proceeds to be donated to Kidney Research.

Paul has received correspondence off Swansea Lagoon Representatives offering to give us a presentation of this scheme. All in meeting agreed that this would be acceptable and Martin Fitzpatrick said that the Club would have no objection to it being in the Club one evening. Paul said that Val Merriman had offered to promote this amongst the WI Ladies.

Gaynor stated that she still has the Tombola Prizes in her attic. The Funday will go ahead but in the summer months. ACTION – ALL

ANY OTHER BUSINESS Martin Fitzpatrick brought up the site where the Old School was located. There is growing concern amongst Bryn Residents with regard to the safety aspects of this ground. The boundary walls are falling down and these walls even have a tree growing out of them. The Council should be contacted and made aware of the situation ASAP. ACTION – PAUL

The next AGM meeting will be held in May. Paul to circulate a date in the near future. Minutes of BRAG Annual General Meeting held at the

Bryn Community Centre on Monday July 3rd 2017


Paul Bulmer (Chair) Mark Dummer (Treasurer) Dafydd Bowen (Trustee) John Thomas (Trustee) David & Jennet Eckton Peter Phillips Sue Phillips Neil Daniel Cllr. Rhidian Mizen Cllr David Whitlock Ruth Mechan Dylan Morgan Martin Fitzpatrick

Welcome & Apologies

Apologies received from Val Merriman, Gaynor Jones, Dianne Thomas and Cllr. Charlotte Galsworthy.

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting, the second AGM for BRAG since becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). All those present introduced themselves to the meeting.

Minutes of Last AGM

Last year’s AGM minutes were circulated and Paul took the meeting through the main points. It was noted that Sue had stepped down from Treasurer after promotion and increased responsibility in her job. Mark Drummer had taken over the role in January 2017. Gaynor had been nominated as Secretary but changes to her domestic life meant she was now looking to step down from this role. Paul said Gaynor had filled this role well over the year and hoped Gaynor would be able to continue her valued input to BRAG in the future. Paul also outlined how other matters raised in the minutes had been addressed over the year including the excellent input from the two new youth representatives elected at the last meeting. Paul proposed that the minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting. This was agreed by all those present.

Treasurer’s Report

Paul summarised the accounts report that had been independently inspected by Terry Filler. This report had been circulated to the BRAG committee and signed off by the BRAG Trustees before being submitted to and accepted by the Charity Commission. Paul showed the committee the Charity Commission website where all accounts and reports submitted by BRAG are available for public viewing. The website showed the submissions for the last two years covering the period that BRAG has been a CIO.

The independent report stated that the accounts were in good order with no issues to note.

Paul asked that it be recorded that BRAG greatly appreciates the voluntary input that Terry provides in her inspection and formatting of our accounts to meet the requirements of the Charity Commission.

The meeting was happy with the report with no further questions raised.

Election of Trustees

Paul reported that all trustees had indicated their willingness to stand for a further year. Ruth asked for clarification of the role of a trustee. Paul explained that the trustees were legally responsible for ensuring that the committee was ran professionally in line with the guidance documentation provided by the Charity Commission.

Re-election of the trustees was approved by the meeting.

Election of Committee

Paul stated that he was prepared to stand as chair for a further year. This was approved by the meeting.

Mark stated that he was happy to continue in the role of treasurer. This was also approved by the meeting.

Paul asked those present if anyone would like to take over the role of secretary. There were no volunteers in the meeting so this role remains unfilled. Paul asked that if anyone would be interested in the role, after giving it further consideration, or they knew anyone else who may be interested, then please contact Paul or any other current member of BRAG so that this may be arranged.

Paul read out the list of names currently held on our member’s list and stated they had all been emailed to ask if they wished to stay on the committee. No one had said they did not however John did ask about those who did not attend meetings and did not send apologies. Paul suggested that no one be removed at this point but that he would contact the members in question and ask them again. It had been proposed at the last AGM that those not attending meetings should be removed. The membership was agreed on this basis.

Chairman’s Report

Paul presented the chairman’s report to cover the period of the calendar year 2016. This report headings are included as appendix 1.

The report summarises the Events, Funding, Publicity, Meetings and Projects that BRAG had been involved with.

The Halloween event had been considered very successful and a date for this year was set and agreed. Sue agreed to get this started.

Paul provided an update on the Burton run going forward and how a new registered charity “Bryn and Cwmafan Events” has been set up to run this.

Paul commented on how the activities of BRAG had very much put Bryn on the map through the newspaper, TV and radio coverage of past events.

He also expressed his concern that the PACT meetings that BRAG had attended over the reporting period now appear to have stopped. Cllr David Whitlock briefed the meeting on the reasons for this but stated that he did view these as important to the ward and would see how the needs could be better met going forward with the reduced resources available.

The projects were discussed along with the positive outcomes from these.

Paul thanked all the BRAG members and others who had voluntarily given up their time to contribute to the many activities that BRAG had been involved with in making “Bryn a nice place to be”. Many people have put months of effort in to achieving these outcomes. Paul then stated that that concluded the formal part of the AGM for calendar year 2016 and that current and future activities could now be discussed under the heading of Any Other Business (AOB).


Ruth had asked if BRAG were going to resume its Ramblers activities of the past. Paul explained that two members of BRAG had been trained in the past to perform this activity but Dafydd Bowen was now the only trained member still with BRAG. He suggested that since Cwmafan also organised walks and had more trained guides but also tended to have a low number of walkers that Bryn and Cwmafan could consider joining forces on this activity. Cllr David Whitlock, on behalf of Cwmafan, seconded this suggestion and agreed to put the relevant people in touch with BRAG. It just happened that the next scheduled walk was on Wednesday 5th July around the Bryn Nature reserve and meeting up at 6pm at the Bryn Community Centre. Paul agreed to publicise this 3 mile stroll in Bryn and hoped a number of Bryn residents looking to resume this activity would join in on this walk.

Paul also mentioned that as part of the agreement with Natural Resources Wales, the heritage walk was due an inspection from them on Thursday. He suggested anyone interested in helping check the condition of the walk before the inspection could assist him after the nature reserve walk on Wednesday.

Paul briefly outlined some of the follow up actions that had taken place after the coffee morning in Bryn organised by Stephen Kinnock MP. He said that he would be looking to follow up the remaining actions from this coffee morning plus a few new actions with the newly elected Councillors as soon as they were ready to do so. Emails had already been exchanged and all residents of Bryn are most welcome to get involved.

Dafydd Bowen provide an update on the miner’s memorial project. He outlined the program of events for the day and listed some of the people who had been invited. He thanked Peter Phillips for designing the plaque that will go on the memorial and noted the help he had received from many others in the village. The event will start in the Community Centre at 10am where a display of the heritage of mining in Bryn will be on display. Weather permitting, proceedings will transfer to the Picnic area on the site of the old Navigation Colliery at 11am. After the ceremony, a buffet will be available in the Royal Oak. It is also intended to continue the celebration in to the evening at the Royal Oak with the provision of live music.

Paul provided an update on the project to improve the sports field facilities. The main stumbling block with both the Lottery and the Sports Council of Wales was the drainage of the playing field. John Thomas outlined how he and Dianne had been progressing this with David Phillips on the Council but without a positive outcome to date. It was felt that much of the problem had occurred since the removal of the trees on the land above the playing fields. Suggested this be taken up with Natural Resources Wales. Paul had been waiting to see what the Council came back with regarding drainage but suggested BRAG should now call another meeting with interested parties in the village plus the Councillors to formulate further plans to move things forward.

All agreed to progress the next Halloween Party and to use the same entertainer. Sue agreed to get that booked for Wed Nov 1st and Martin agreed to put it in the Rugby Club diary.

Paul stated that the IT Club had now closed for summer but would look to resume in the autumn.

Tennis Coaching was still to be organised and Paul asked Dylan if he could canvass the interest in this with the village youth. Dianne will then arrange professional coaching to meet their needs. This will at least initially be funded through the lottery.

Neil outlined the current position with the football and asked about including something in the Newsletter. Paul agreed to this and asked Neil to send him the required information for inclusion.

John raised a discussion about building in Bryn and Mark explained the 106 building clause referred to by John.

Martin stated that he had some photos for a Christmas Calendar if we were doing one this year. Paul agreed to follow this up, with input from others, and obtain printing costs. Paul Thanked all for attending and contributing to the AGM.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm


Appendix 1

Chair’s Report on the 2016 financial year

• Events: – Sunday Fun Day but had to cancel after three attempts due to bad weather. – Halloween Disco 27/10/16 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. • See past events on the village web site for photos of the evening. – Burton 10k 6/11/16 • Another record number of runners on this incredibly sunny November day – Christmas Panto 29/12/16 • Santa toured the village • Gifts and photos in the Grotto • Much-loved traditional carols with Anthony Bwye • Panto Time with “Christmas Magical Tales” starring Welsh Wizard Mario Morris • Projects – Relocation of the Trim Track from the School into Welfare Park – Maintenance of the Bryn Heritage Walk and Picnic area – Support of the Bryn Community Centre – Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve – Removal of the Coal Dram from Bryn School – Bryn IT Club – Reinstating Bryn Youth Club – Bryn Community Gym

• Funding – Lottery Funding for Trim Track and football practice pitch – Donation From Lottery Heritage Fund – Donation from Burton 10k

• Publicity – Newsletters – Web Sites – Flyers – Posters – News Papers – TV & Radio • Meetings – BRAG • Full Committee Meetings including AGM (5) • Many more small working party meetings – PACT (Police And Community Together) • These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative each month although many meetings were cancelled in 2016. – Projects • Meetings with Council for BRAG Project and other issues relating to Bryn • Meetings with Youth Services • Meetings for Burton Run • Council ran meetings on clean air, planning, community schemes, etc. • Meetings with Natural Resources Wales • Swansea Barrage Project • Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding • Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (BRAG are Full Members of this group) • Meetings with Big Lottery


Monday 3 July 2017 7pm Bryn Village Hall

1 Agenda

1. Welcome & Apologies (PB) 2. Minutes of last AGM (PB) 3. Treasurer’s Report (PB & MD) 4. Election of new BRAG trustees (PB) 5. Election of BRAG Committee (PB) 6. Chairman’s Report (PB) 7. Any other Business

2 Treasurers Report

• This report covers the second financial year for BRAG as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) registered with the Charities Commission on 23 October 2014 with the registration number 1158947. • The BRAG accounts were prepared and submitted for Independent Inspection in January.

3 Unrestricted Endowment Restricted funds Total funds funds funds

to the nearest to the nearest £ to the nearest £ to the nearest £ £

A1 Receipts - Raffle and refreshment income 263 263 - Donation - Richard Burton race 400 400 - Sale of tickets to events 503 503 - Royal Oak lunch voucher 21 21 - Gym subscriptions 60 60 - IT club subscriptions 642 642

Grant for Miners memorial 1,740 1,740

Grant for Bryn IT club 2,400 2,400 - BiG Lottery Fund Grant 695 695

- 1,889 4,835 6,724 Sub total(Gross income for AR) 4 A3 Payments Food and decorations for events 460 - - 460 IT club costs - 495 - 495 Newsletter delivery costs for IT club 50 200 - 250 Tennis court inspection costs 72 - - 72 Hall hiring costs 110 - - 110 Insurance costs 535 - - 535 NPTCBC licence costs 275 275 550 Postage 6 - - 6 Plants for bowling green 98 - - 98 Accounts inspection 360 - 360 Tennis court rent 60 60

- - - - Sub total 1,607 1,390 - 2,997 5 Charity Commission Website

Full details of the BRAG registration, financial reports and inspections, annual reports, etc. for a registered charity can be found on line. For BRAG these details are at:

BRAG Charity Commission Web Page

6 Election of New Trustees

Anyone wishing to be considered for the role of trustee should put their name forward to this meeting. All current trustees will continue to serve for the next year. These are Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen and John & Dianne Thomas.

7 Election of BRAG Committee

• Chair (Paul Bulmer) was elected last year and is prepared to serve another year. • Treasurer (Mark Dummer) was co-opted to the role part way through the year when Sue Phillips stepped down as a result of a job promotion • Secretary (Gaynor Jones) is looking to step down as soon as a replacement comes forward

8 Other Members

Name Wish to be re-elected Peter Phillips (Web Master)

Shaun Tobin (Burton & Beast of Bryn Race Director)

Sue Phillips (member)

Val Merriman (member)

Louise Hopkins (member)

Michele Williams (member)

Michelle Jones (member)

Dylan Morgan (Youth representative)

Zach Dixon (Youth representative)

9 Other Members (continued)

Name Wish to be re-elected Gaynor Bowen (Secretary WI)

David Eckton (Chairman Over 50 Club)

Jenett Eckton (key holder for Wednesday Craft Group)

Ros Catton (President WI)

Betty Daniels (Vice President WI)

Gareth Jones (Vice Chairman Over 50 Club)

David Yorwerth (Over 50 Club)

Delyth Wanklyn (Key holder for Community Gym)

10 Chair’s Report on the 2016 financial year

• BRAG Helped Organise: – Sunday Fun Day but had to cancel after three attempts due to bad weather. – Halloween Disco 27/10/16 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. • See past events on the village web site for photos of the evening. – Burton 10k 6/11/16 • Another record number of runners on this incredibly sunny November day – Christmas Panto 29/12/16 • Santa toured the village • Gifts and photos in the Grotto • Much-loved traditional carols with Anthony Bwye • Panto Time with “Christmas Magical Tales” starring Welsh Wizard Mario Morris

11 Projects • Relocation of the Trim Track from the School into Welfare Park • Maintenance of the Bryn Heritage Walk and Picnic area • Support of the Bryn Community Centre • Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve • Removal of the Coal Dram from Bryn School • Bryn IT Club • Reinstating Bryn Youth Club • Bryn Community Gym

12 Funding

• Funding – Lottery Funding for Trim Track and football practice pitch – Donation From Lottery Heritage Fund – Donation from Burton 10k

13 Publicity and News

• Publicity – Newsletters – Web Sites – Flyers – Posters – News Papers – TV & Radio

14 Meetings

• BRAG – Full Committee Meetings including AGM (5) – Many more small working party meetings • PACT (Police And Community Together) – These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative each month although many meetings were cancelled in 2016. • Projects – Meetings with Council for BRAG Project and other issues relating to Bryn – Meetings with Youth Services – Meetings for Burton Run – Council ran meetings on Clean air, planning, community schemes, etc. – Meetings with Natural Resources Wales – Swansea Barrage Project – Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding – Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group) – Meetings with Big Lottery

15 AOB a.Rambling activities b.Current activities, work with councillors, memorial project, sports field, etc. c.Future activities, Halloween, Christmas, IT Club, Tennis, etc.

16 Close

• Thank you for attending and for your input

17 MINUTES OF BRAG MEETING HELD ON Monday 21st August 2017 In the village hall, Bryn

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair & Trustee Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mrs Val Merriman, Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Councillor Rhidian Mizen Mrs Ruth Mechan

Apologies: Mr Gareth Jones Mr Dylan Morgan Mr Zach Dixon Mrs Jennet Eckton Miss Louise Hopkins Mr Alan Thomas Mr Mark Dummer Mr Robert Davies Mrs Sue Phillips Mr Royden Rogers Mrs Gaynor Jones Mr David Eckton Mr Mark Dummer Councillor David Whitelock Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy

Paul Bulmer welcomed those present and opened the meeting at approx. 7.10 p.m.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by email before the meeting. These were accepted in the meeting with no changes.

Matters arising from previous meetings not on this agenda were –

Heritage walk took place on 5/7/17

Calendar photos still required if we are going to do a calendar this year? Printing cost would be about £400 plus VAT for 200 so would need to sell over 100 at £5 each to make an income. Agreed to defer a decision on this for now.

Paul was to ask Mark Dummer to prepare estimate for additional toilets on Bowls pavilion prior to submission for grant to build. This had been done and Mark had agreed to meet up with Gareth Jones to discuss.

Paul was to follow up on letter of invite to Parliament Week 13 – 19 November 2017. This appears to be mainly schools and youth organisations that have followed this up. Did not appear to be any interest within BRAG. Action Closed.

Paul did attend the wellbeing meeting at CVS on 7/4/17 and represented the interests of Bryn. The state of the grounds and wall at the old school site on Varteg Row has been raised with the Council planning dept. by Paul. They said they are aware and will be covered in the planning application on the site after obtaining an engineer’s report.

The School photos project is still ongoing. ACTION – PAUL/PETER

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Since the last meeting in April, BRAG has progressed issues with the Council, Welsh Water, CVS, Charity Commission, etc.

Paul read out the details in the emails with the councillors. Many of the actions were still ongoing but completed actions included:

A temporary repair had been made to the rut in the road over to Maesteg. Many improvements had been made to the community centre and more were in progress. Speed limit signs on the road to Maesteg now resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Hedgerow restricting access to old railway line near Royal Oak has now been trimmed. Increased schedule for emptying bins etc. in children’s play area next to the tennis courts.

Other points that had been reported by Councillor David Whitelock was that the courts were getting much tougher on litter and fly tipping, he was progressing further speed monitoring with the police and was continuing to follow up on the other actions raised and the last coffee morning with Stephen Kinnock.

Organised a miner’s memorial and put on an event to launch this.

Progressed improvements to the recreation facilities. E.g. Field drainage, lighting, tennis court inspection and maintenance, improving Bowls toilet facilities, etc.

Now working with Cwm Walking to provide guided walk. Next walk in Bryn scheduled for 2nd Sept.

Bryn Heritage Walk passed the inspection by Natural Resources Wales but the inspection of the Bryn Beast Route does require work. Awaiting the report from Natural Resources Wales on this.

Progressed a number of improvements to the community centre and further improvements are ongoing.

Held the BRAG AGM.

Delivered the April and June Newsletters. Next newsletter almost ready.

Paul thanked everyone who has helped in the above activities.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mark Dummer sent his apologies. Paul said that all is in order but Mark will give a financial update at the next meeting.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT Daf Bowen thanked everyone who took part in the Memorial Day. The accounts for this work now have to be completed. Those present all felt it had been a very successful day.

Dafydd will consider if a further Historical Society Presentation will be planned before Christmas. ACTION – Dafydd

YOUTH SECTION ACTIVITIES Dylan and Zack were unable to attend the meeting. Paul will follow up on a number of actions with them outside of the meeting. ACTION – Paul

TENNIS COURT AREA PROJECT & FUTURE PLANS Agreement was reached to: • Obtain a further noticeboard for the second entrance to the tennis court area as some users had claimed they had not seen the existing notice. • Put up a chainmail basketball net. • Provide a second bin so there is no excuse for litter in the area. • Provide tennis and or basketball coaching once requirements have been agreed with the youth section.

SURGERY MEETINGS This will resume on the first Saturday in October.

INCREASING INTERACTION BETWEEN BRYN GROUPS Due to the poor attendance from other groups at the meeting it was not possible to progress this topic. It was agreed to organise a further meeting in the Rugby Club to address just this topic. A date will be included in the newsletter. ACTION – Paul & Peter

RICHARD BURTON & BRYN BEAST RACE Good progress with the Burton that will take place on Sunday 5/11/17.

If Bryn is to put on a Bryn Beast in 2018 considerable village support will be required. It was suggested that an outline of requirements be prepared and discussed in the above meeting in the Rugby Club. ACTION – PAUL/BRAG MEMBERS

NEWSLETTERS The next newsletter will be published around September. Neill had asked before about including an article on the football. Paul agreed to see if he still wished to do this. ACTION – Paul.

Other topics were discussed that Peter agreed to include. ACTION Peter.

BRYN VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Paul provided further details of the work being progressed on this.

FUTURE EVENTS Halloween booked for 1/11/17 with Entertainer and Martin confirmed the Rugby Club was booked. Paul said he would arrange a meeting at the club closer to the date to finalise the details for the evening. ACTION – Paul.

Christmas Event still to be organised. Val to look at the night out site and identify possible shows. ACTION – Val.

Swansea Barrage Presentation to provide an update of this project is to be delivered in the Rugby Club. Provisional dates agreed with Rugby Club were Wed 20th or Thu 21st Sept, Thu 28th Sep, Wed 4th Oct, Thu 5th Oct. It was agreed in the meeting to go for Thu 5th Oct in the hope that a decision on the project by the government may have been made by then. Paul to follow this up with the Swansea Barrage project team and organise publicity. ACTION – Paul.

Saturday September 2nd at 10am – Walk ‘n’ Talk – A walk around the Bryn Nature Reserve, talking about plants, habitat and importance, introducing history of the site and management plans

Saturday September 16th – Volunteer Fun Day – Meet on Bryn Nature Reserve and carry out some site management (e.g. brush clearance) for a couple of hours. Followed by BBQ (or cooking on open fire) and some willow weaving (or another activity) in the afternoon.

Restart IT Club early October if sufficient support?

Bryn Youth Club restart date to be obtained by Paul for Peter to add to the newsletter. ACTION – Paul.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS None raised. Meeting closed at 8:15 MINUTES OF BRAG MEETING HELD ON Monday 21st August 2017 In the village hall, Bryn

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair & Trustee Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mrs Val Merriman, Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Councillor Rhidian Mizen Mrs Ruth Mechan

Apologies: Mr Gareth Jones Mr Dylan Morgan Mr Zach Dixon Mrs Jennet Eckton Miss Louise Hopkins Mr Alan Thomas Mr Mark Dummer Mr Robert Davies Mrs Sue Phillips Mr Royden Rogers Mrs Gaynor Jones Mr David Eckton Mr Mark Dummer Councillor David Whitelock Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy

Paul Bulmer welcomed those present and opened the meeting at approx. 7.10 p.m.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING & MATTERS ARISING. Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by email before the meeting. These were accepted in the meeting with no changes.

Matters arising from previous meetings not on this agenda were –

Heritage walk took place on 5/7/17

Calendar photos still required if we are going to do a calendar this year? Printing cost would be about £400 plus VAT for 200 so would need to sell over 100 at £5 each to make an income. Agreed to defer a decision on this for now.

Paul was to ask Mark Dummer to prepare estimate for additional toilets on Bowls pavilion prior to submission for grant to build. This had been done and Mark had agreed to meet up with Gareth Jones to discuss.

Paul was to follow up on letter of invite to Parliament Week 13 – 19 November 2017. This appears to be mainly schools and youth organisations that have followed this up. Did not appear to be any interest within BRAG. Action Closed.

Paul did attend the wellbeing meeting at CVS on 7/4/17 and represented the interests of Bryn. The state of the grounds and wall at the old school site on Varteg Row has been raised with the Council planning dept. by Paul. They said they are aware and will be covered in the planning application on the site after obtaining an engineer’s report.

The School photos project is still ongoing. ACTION – PAUL/PETER

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Since the last meeting in April, BRAG has progressed issues with the Council, Welsh Water, CVS, Charity Commission, etc.

Paul read out the details in the emails with the councillors. Many of the actions were still ongoing but completed actions included:

A temporary repair had been made to the rut in the road over to Maesteg. Many improvements had been made to the community centre and more were in progress. Speed limit signs on the road to Maesteg now resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Hedgerow restricting access to old railway line near Royal Oak has now been trimmed. Increased schedule for emptying bins etc. in children’s play area next to the tennis courts.

Other points that had been reported by Councillor David Whitelock was that the courts were getting much tougher on litter and fly tipping, he was progressing further speed monitoring with the police and was continuing to follow up on the other actions raised and the last coffee morning with Stephen Kinnock.

Organised a miner’s memorial and put on an event to launch this.

Progressed improvements to the recreation facilities. E.g. Field drainage, lighting, tennis court inspection and maintenance, improving Bowls toilet facilities, etc.

Now working with Cwm Walking to provide guided walk. Next walk in Bryn scheduled for 2nd Sept.

Bryn Heritage Walk passed the inspection by Natural Resources Wales but the inspection of the Bryn Beast Route does require work. Awaiting the report from Natural Resources Wales on this.

Progressed a number of improvements to the community centre and further improvements are ongoing.

Held the BRAG AGM.

Delivered the April and June Newsletters. Next newsletter almost ready.

Paul thanked everyone who has helped in the above activities.

TREASURER’S REPORT Mark Dummer sent his apologies. Paul said that all is in order but Mark will give a financial update at the next meeting.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT Daf Bowen thanked everyone who took part in the Memorial Day. The accounts for this work now have to be completed. Those present all felt it had been a very successful day.

Dafydd will consider if a further Historical Society Presentation will be planned before Christmas. ACTION – Dafydd

YOUTH SECTION ACTIVITIES Dylan and Zack were unable to attend the meeting. Paul will follow up on a number of actions with them outside of the meeting. ACTION – Paul

TENNIS COURT AREA PROJECT & FUTURE PLANS Agreement was reached to: • Obtain a further noticeboard for the second entrance to the tennis court area as some users had claimed they had not seen the existing notice. • Put up a chainmail basketball net. • Provide a second bin so there is no excuse for litter in the area. • Provide tennis and or basketball coaching once requirements have been agreed with the youth section.

SURGERY MEETINGS This will resume on the first Saturday in October.

INCREASING INTERACTION BETWEEN BRYN GROUPS Due to the poor attendance from other groups at the meeting it was not possible to progress this topic. It was agreed to organise a further meeting in the Rugby Club to address just this topic. A date will be included in the newsletter. ACTION – Paul & Peter

RICHARD BURTON & BRYN BEAST RACE Good progress with the Burton that will take place on Sunday 5/11/17.

If Bryn is to put on a Bryn Beast in 2018 considerable village support will be required. It was suggested that an outline of requirements be prepared and discussed in the above meeting in the Rugby Club. ACTION – PAUL/BRAG MEMBERS

NEWSLETTERS The next newsletter will be published around September. Neill had asked before about including an article on the football. Paul agreed to see if he still wished to do this. ACTION – Paul.

Other topics were discussed that Peter agreed to include. ACTION Peter.

BRYN VILLAGE COMMUNITY CENTRE Paul provided further details of the work being progressed on this.

FUTURE EVENTS Halloween booked for 1/11/17 with Entertainer and Martin confirmed the Rugby Club was booked. Paul said he would arrange a meeting at the club closer to the date to finalise the details for the evening. ACTION – Paul.

Christmas Event still to be organised. Val to look at the night out site and identify possible shows. ACTION – Val.

Swansea Barrage Presentation to provide an update of this project is to be delivered in the Rugby Club. Provisional dates agreed with Rugby Club were Wed 20th or Thu 21st Sept, Thu 28th Sep, Wed 4th Oct, Thu 5th Oct. It was agreed in the meeting to go for Thu 5th Oct in the hope that a decision on the project by the government may have been made by then. Paul to follow this up with the Swansea Barrage project team and organise publicity. ACTION – Paul.

Saturday September 2nd at 10am – Walk ‘n’ Talk – A walk around the Bryn Nature Reserve, talking about plants, habitat and importance, introducing history of the site and management plans

Saturday September 16th – Volunteer Fun Day – Meet on Bryn Nature Reserve and carry out some site management (e.g. brush clearance) for a couple of hours. Followed by BBQ (or cooking on open fire) and some willow weaving (or another activity) in the afternoon.

Restart IT Club early October if sufficient support?

Bryn Youth Club restart date to be obtained by Paul for Peter to add to the newsletter. ACTION – Paul.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS None raised. Meeting closed at 8:15 MINUTES OF BRAG MEETING HELD ON Monday 20th November 2017 In the village hall, Bryn

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair & Trustee Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee Mr John Thomas, Trustee Mrs Dianne Thomas, Trustee Mrs Val Merriman Mr Peter Phillips Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Councillor Rhidian Mizen Councillor David Whitelock Mrs Sue Phillips, Minutes Mrs Jennet Eckton Mr David Eckton

Apologies: Mr Gareth Jones Mr Dylan Morgan Mr Zach Dixon Mr Royden Rogers Miss Louise Hopkins Mr Alan Thomas Mr Mark Dummer Mr Robert Davies Mrs Gaynor Jones Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy

Paul Bulmer welcomed those present and opened the meeting at 7.00 p.m. He reminded everyone that BRAG still required more active members to share the load and also still needed to fill the secretaries position. Thank you to Sue Phillips for taking the notes for this meeting.

Minutes of last meeting & Matters Arising Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated by email before the meeting. These were accepted in the meeting with no changes.

All actions on last minutes completed with exception of School. More on that later in the agenda.

Increasing interaction between all Bryn Village groups Paul stated that BRAG wish to continue to work with all other groups in the village towards the goal of making Bryn a nice place to live.

The Halloween Party had been very much appreciated by the children of Bryn and was an example of a joint effort between BRAG and the Rugby Club. Dafydd asked Martin to pass on BRAGs thanks to all those from the club who helped and for the club’s contributions to the evening. Despite a very good attendance, BRAG still did not cover its costs for this event and it was agreed a small admission charge would need to be made next year.

BRAG still progressing the drainage of the field for the football and other uses of the field. Dianne explained what BRAG had done to date on this matter and this was followed with a long discussion on other possible options. The discussion explored many options for both sources of funding and solutions such as drainage ditches around the perimeter of the field, aeration of the field, etc. It was agreed that the offer made by the council to aerate the field should not be taken up as this could cause more damage to the drainage. Alan Thomas had obtained a quote in the past for to put in a new drainage system but the £95,000 funding for this could not be found. The agreed action was for Martin and Dianne to see if Alan Thomas, as the perceived authority on this matter, could obtain costs to repair the existing drainage and prevent water coming down from the hills from getting into the field. ACTION – Dianne / Martin

Martin outlined some of the problems that had been experienced in terms of the miss use of the field such as riding motor bikes across it. The maintenance of the field is undertaken by the trustees not the council and this type of abuse of the field puts its future at risk for everyone.

BRAG had passed on a request of the possibility for a Ladies Rugby Team to train on the field. Martin was following up this request on behalf of the rugby club. They had been looking for evening practice believing the field was flood lit. Nanty had also expressed interest in the use of the field. Martin is discussing these requests with Alan Thomas.

Paul outlined how BRAG were progressing the setting up of further regular events in the Community Centre to help secure the future of the centre, having nearly lost it in the past. By way of example he outlined discussions that had taken place with Mountain Rescue and an Archery Club. Paul also outlined how BRAG continue to support the other regular users of the community centre such as the over 50’s club and the crafts group.

Paul outlined the proposals for the bowling club being progressed by Mark and Gareth to help enable the club to start new socially inclusive teams such as a lady’s team, a youth team, etc.

Paul gave examples of how BRAG is promoting things through the BRAG publicity channels such as the newsletter, the village website, the BRAG Facebook page, etc.

These were all examples of how all the village groups and the councillors could achieve so much more for the village and working towards the goal of making Bryn a nice place to live.

He asked all those present to put forward any ideas they have on how we can continue to build on this working together initiative.

Richard Burton & Bryn Beast Race Report Richard Burton Race now owned by Bryn and Cwmafan Events registered charity but BRAG continues to support this race. Over 2000 entries this year and won the Swansea Sound Charity Sporting Event of the year award. The profit from this event focuses on local charities.

BRAG still needs to establish what is the support in the village to relaunch the Bryn Beast? BRAG would envisage local groups and businesses all benefiting from this such as the over 50s club, the football, the Rugby Club, the Royal Oak, the bowls club, the craft group, etc., etc.

However, although many people in the village have expressed an interest in restarting the race and Paul had spoken to a number of young people in the Rugby club about it just last Friday, yet again no one has turned up at the meeting to support the proposal. Paul asked the meeting, do we now officially close this proposal?

A discussion took place about the areas of running a race that existing BRAG members were already comfortable with from helping with past races. Daf stressed the need for someone with the enthusiasm to own the race and oversee the many activities involved. Also the need for owners of some of the other activities such as entertainment, course preparation, marshalling, etc.

Those present agreed to discuss this further outside the meeting and talk to others with the skills required. If this results in sufficient commitment, a further meeting will be called to discuss just this topic. ACTION – All Present

Paul outlined how a simpler race event could be staged using part of the existing route and avoiding many of the more challenging aspects of organising a race. He also outlined how aspects of the work could be paid for as is now done with the Burton race.

If the race is to take place on the first Saturday in June, as had become the tradition for the Bryn Beast, then preparations would need to start very early in the new year. He also said that once sufficient commitment to the race could be made by volunteers he would be happy to again approach Tata for sponsorship. Dianne stated that based on comments made at the Burton race this year she felt that such sponsorship could be forthcoming.

Future Events The details for the Christmas Event on Monday 18th Dec. now needs to be organised. It was agreed: ACTION – All Present as detailed below • Doors will open for admission at 6:00 pm • Committee members will need to be there before then. • The artists Circo Rum Ba BA will arrive about 3 pm • The Pantomime is called Christmas at the Crow House and is aimed at all the family. • There will be No Santa’s Grotto this year as the Rugby Club has one on the Sunday before. • We will serve refreshments etc. Need volunteers for this. Sue, Jennet and Dianne agreed to get their heads together to cover this. • Daf will speak to Tanygroes Bakery • Agreed we need to sell as many tickets as possible beforehand so we know what numbers we are catering for. All present agreed to obtain tickets from Val and attempt to sell these. • Need people to man the door, taking tickets, selling raffle tickets, etc. John, Val, and Daf all agreed to help with this. • Donations for raffle required • Paul to ask Gaynor Jones if she will help organise the raffle and sell tickets in advance. • Dylan Morgan has offered to lead on Christmas Carols this year. Paul explained that he has already discussed this with Anthony Bwye and Anthony was comfortable with the proposal. • Paul to organise carol sheets • Paul to organise PA system • Paul stated that Dean Haycock has offered to donate a Christmas Tree as he did last year. This will need decorating. It was agreed to meet up at the centre on Sunday 10th December at 2pm to do this and the centre. This would mean the centre was then done in time for the over 50s Christmas party. • Paul has event posters arriving this week and will circulate these. All to then promote the event in any way they can. • Val and others knew people who could get short articles into local papers • If anyone thinks of anything else, then this can be discussed by phone or email

The Rugby Club doing a Christmas Party and Santa’s grotto on Sunday 17th Dec. Peter has included this in the newsletter along with a Craft Fair at the club.

Royal Oak doing Santa’s Sleigh. Details to be obtained and added to the newsletter.

Dianne explained how she was organising Tennis coaching in the community centre. All thought this was a really good idea and Dylan had reported that the youth of the village would also like this. This would be funded with money allocated for this purpose in the original tennis court project but which needs to be spent before the end of the year. Sue mentioned she also knew people who could provide coaching if Dianne did not get anywhere with the Swansea Tennis Club. Needed to move quickly on this.

Bryn IT Club is now up and running again. Paul reported how this was now one of the UK wide Digital Inclusion centres and circulated booklets that explained what this provided. He said new members were always welcome and all should encourage others to join the club.

BRAG have put in for funding for a Party in the Park next summer with Tesco Bags of Help. Need people to put the tokens in the voting box at Tesco Maesteg. All to encourage all their local contacts to support this. ACTION – All Present

When we have the information pulled together for all the past Bryn Schools we will look to put on a School Memorabilia evening if sufficient interest. Some time off yet though.

Youth Section Activities Dylan had submitted a report which Paul read out stating the preferred interest in tennis coaching rather than basketball and the interest in having the Bryn Beast restart.

Newsletters Peter had tabled a first draft for comment. Space was limited for adding further items but the following additions were suggested: • Santa’s Sleigh • more detail agreed about the Pantomime on/show.aspx?id=2915 • information about Tennis Coaching. • Put web links in for Surgery information, regular events and anything else

Review License and operation of Village Hall Paul reported that generally this was all operating well and BRAG had helped with the following activities in conjunction with the council: • Fire inspections, hygiene inspection, etc. all taking place. • Cleaning now much better • New emergency phones installed • New light installed outside toilets. • Alarm repaired again Paul asked if there were any other concerns any of the regular groups had about the centre. None were raised.

Chairman’s Report As reported in the past, the legal and administrative matters of operating a CIO are now mainly addressed in the Trustees meetings. Most issues are progressing satisfactorily but the one concern is still on generating sufficient income to meet the increasing commitments and responsibilities of BRAG. The assistance of all committee members and residents of Bryn is essential in helping with this. ACTION – All Present

In the last Trustees meeting we reviewed the mission statement for BRAG and agreed we need to ensure our energies continue to focus on making “Bryn a nice place to live”

Treasurer’s Report Terry Filer had agreed to audit our accounts again this year. These will be submitted to her at the end of the calendar year.

Historical Society Report Nothing to report at this time. Report Projects & Future Plans Paul gave a quick resume of the following BRAG projects: ACTION – All

• Rugby Club Heritage project to be given a push again by Martin • Bryn Gym project now cancelled due to lack of support for it • Tennis court project complete apart from the coaching • Heritage walk and Bryn Nature reserve (Volunteers required) • Bryn Beast Trail requires help from others to meet our agreement with NRW • Cwmwalking collaboration working well • Web site and social media continues to be developed with good feedback • Paul asked the meeting to consider additional ideas for future projects and feed back to him for discussion in future meetings.

Surgery Meetings Paul stated that three councillors were starting to get things done in the ward again. E.g. Paths through the woods in the centre of Bryn had been cleared.

When Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy had tendered her apologies for the meeting, she had asked if the village would like to see Christmas decorations for the village. BRAG will do the community centre as normal but it would be nice to have a further tree near the memorial on Bryngyrnos street if this was possible. Paul to feed this back to her. ACTION – Paul

Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy had also Suggested that planning applications relating to Bryn could be on the web site. It was agreed this could be useful and Paul will request that these be sent to Peter for inclusion. ACTION – Paul

It was reported in the meeting that Coronation Street Road repairs are at the top of the wish list for Bryn

Paul stated that people need to start to use these surgeries again to make them effective. ACTION – All Present

Any other Business & Review of Next Steps John relayed information to the meeting about the new houses on the site of the old petrol station that he had obtained from the estate agents.

Date of next meeting • Probably about March unless anything urgent comes up. • Will need race meetings if Bryn Beast is to go ahead.

Paul thanked all those present for their constructive input to the meeting then declared the meeting closed at 9pm Bryn Welfare Park Development


In a BRAG meeting, users of the Bryn Park area had asked if BRAG could help coordinate further developments of the Bryn Park area following on from the excellent work conducted so far with the tennis court area and the trim track. The BRAG committee agreed that it fell within BRAG’s constitutional remit of “Making Bryn a Nice Place to be” so made initial inquiries with contacts with the Big Lottery, CVS, Council Officers and the ward Councillor.

On receiving a general nod of approval from the above authorities, in the March BRAG committee meeting the representatives from all the Groups using the Bryn Park area were asked for their input to the proposal.

It was also agreed to set up a working party to progress this proposal. This working party, like the Burton 10k working party and the Bryn Community Gym working party, should be chaired by a BRAG committee member but may contain volunteers who are not BRAG committee members.

The first step towards forming this working party took place at the Bryn Rugby Club on 19/4/17. The minutes of this first meeting are included in Appendix 1. Appendix 2 contains the wish list for which the project will seek funding.

Progress to date

After initial agreement to set up a work group to progress the objectives of this project an initial meeting took place on 19/4/17.

Dianne Discussed what was being proposed in a telephone conversation with David Phillips, head of estates for Neath Port Talbot Council, on 20/4/17 to seek agreement that this did not contradict the relevant leases involved? David Phillips confirmed that he could not see a problem as far as the leases were concerned.

Cost Estimates for Project

Financial Analysis

Grant Proposals

Evidence of need

What Else?

Appendix 1 Minutes of first Bryn Park Development Working Party Meeting Bryn Rugby Club on 19/4/17


Paul Bulmer (BRAG Chair and Trustee), Alan Thomas (Bryn Cricket Club), Gareth Jones (BRAG and Bryn Bowls), David Eckton (BRAG and Bryn Bowls), Graham Merriman (Bryn Bowls and Rugby Club), Dianne and John Thomas (BRAG Trustees), Mark Dummer (BRAG Treasurer), Dafydd Bowen (BRAG Trustee), Hellen Rees (BRAG), Tracey Cooper (BRAG).


Dylan Morgan (BRAG Youth Representative), Martin Fitzpatrick(Bryn Rugby Club), Patrick Kapida (Bryn Community Gym), Neill Daniels (Bryn Rockets FC)


Paul opened the meeting and brought everyone up to speed on the background to date and the purpose of the working party to demonstrate the need for the project as well as oversee the project.

Discussion of ideas presented for the project

Paul read through the proposals he had received and these were considered by all present. A number of problems were identified in the initial proposal as well as a number of common solutions. For example, a 3G football field would overlap with cricket field and so was not possible. A £G separate practice area could be possible? The main problem effecting all activities on the field was the drainage system which had collapsed over the years and required replacement.

The Footballers do currently have two pitches, one is prone to exceptionally bad drainage and not serviceable for much of the season.

All agreed Drainage should be the first consideration. Poor drainage has been the reason why the Cricket has been excluded from certain leagues in the past.

It was also noted that other clubs in the area have expressed interested in sharing the field if the drainage could be addressed.

There was also a need to include facilities for wheel chair bowls. Bryn could be the only valley club to offer this facility.

Additional car parking space for visiting teams was an increasing requirement and would become essential if the facilities were enhanced to enable increased participation.

There is an increasing use of the field for other events such as the Bryn Beast Alpine run.

Extensions to the changing room was required by all groups.

The very poor state of the prefabricated 1930’s buildings was discussed and the need to bring building up to modern standards.

Room to store maintenance equipment for the site was again a common need by all groups.

Community grants were discussed in terms of running costs

A grass cutting tractor, costing about £20,000, was an essential requirement to maintaining the field now the Council no longer undertook this work.

A separate proposal for a Community Gym was explained to the group and it was agreed that it would make sense for their requirements to be included in the proposal although they may wish to do that as a phase two as they were looking for shorter timescales to get started.

Cost of project

Mark Dummer agreed to coordinate the formulation of a ball court cost for the project before a planned meeting with the Big Lottery on 27/4/17. Representatives from all the groups involved to help Mark with this.

After establishing the common needs and a few more facts such as the existing changing rooms being built in 30s as prefabricated buildings which were no longer safe, and the Bowls pavilion being built in 60s. The central theme for the project would be a new building 3 times the area of the existing changing rooms to cater for all groups and a new drainage system for the field.

Paul agreed to update the wish list based on the discussions.

Demonstrating the need

All agreed to consider how we now best solicit the input of all relevant parties as this will be a requirement of any grant applications.

Dianne agreed to contact the council to get further clarification on the leases involved in relation to the proposed work.

Attendance of the Big Lottery Funding Meeting

I was agreed that 3pm was the preferred time for this meeting for those intending being there. Paul to confirm this time slot.


Dianne prompted a Discussion about 106 agreements in relation to the old school. Mark explained how a 106 agreement works in practice.

Paul then closed the meeting and thanked all for their input.

Appendix 2 Bryn Park Development Wish List

The wish list below represents the views of the working party after the initial meeting


• A separate practice field be converted into 3G. Providing an all year/weather surface. • Flood lighting so it can be utilised in the winter evenings. • Have a facility we can share with other local clubs. • Updated changing rooms with decent enough facilities to accommodate 4 teams (plus showers). • The project should benefit the whole village and surrounding area as numerous sports /activities can take place all year round.


 Build patio and erect railings etc around patio area for safety.  Build retaining wall and make a feature garden.  Remove grass banking around the bowling green and replace with new materials.  New fencing and gates required around the bowling green.  Relay paving slabs around the Bowling Green.


• Needs covered in the joint list below. All Groups

• A modern building with 4 changing rooms and showers and facilities to enable access and use by all sections of the community. • A well-drained field that is serviceable most of the year. • A tractor/grass cutting unit • Storage for maintenance equipment


Monday 18 July 2016 7pm Bryn Village Hall

1 Agenda

• Welcome & Apologies (PB) • Minutes of last AGM (PB) • Treasurer’s Report (PB) • Election of new BRAG trustees (PB) • Election of new BRAG Chair (JT) • Election of new BRAG Treasurer (NC – New Chair) • Election of new BRAG Secretary (NC) • Election of BRAG Committee (NC) • Chairman’s Report (NC) • Any other Business (NC)

2 Treasurers Report

• This report covers the first financial year for BRAG as a CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) registered with the Charities Commission on 23 October 2014 with the registration number 1158947. • Normally BRAG accounts would be subject to just an Independent Audit but because of the extra costs associated with the Tennis Court and Skate Park this year also required a further Independent Inspection of the audited accounts • These processes started in January but have only just been completed.

3 Unrestricted Restricted Endowment Total funds Last year funds funds funds to the nearest to the nearest £ to the nearest £ to the nearest £ to the nearest £ £ A1 Receipts Raffle and refreshment income 556 - - 556 - Donation - Richard Burton race 500 - - 500 - Sale of calenders 845 - - 845 - Donation - Beast of Bryn race 600 - - 600 - Donation - Total Building Control 1,140 - - 1,140 - BIG lottery grant for official opening 750 - - 750 - Miscellaneous 61 - - 61 - Float repaid 200 200 BiG Lottery Fund Grant 74,170 - 74,170 - Sub total (Gross income for AR) 4,652 74,170 - 78,822 -

A2 Asset and investment sales, (see table). ------Sub total - - - - -

Total receipts 4,652 74,170 - 78,822 -

A3 Payments Food and decorations for events 514 - - 514 - Cost of performers at events 802 - - 802 - Committee meeting exps 42 - - 42 - Calender printing costs 350 - - 350 - Hall hiring costs 97 - - 97 - Insurance costs 361 - - 361 - Printing and computer supplies 122 - - 122 - Nature walk signage 1,071 - - 1,071 - Postage 6 - - 6 Maintenance of tennis courts 52 - - 52 Miscellaneous exps 21 - - 21

- - - - - 4 Sub total 3,439 - - 3,439 - Big Lottery Restricted Fund for Tennis Court Project

Fund to which Current value Cost (optional) Details asset belongs (optional) B4 Assets retained for the Local authority fees Restricted 838 - charity’s own use Cost of equipment for play area Restricted 70,850 -

Cost of lease and associated fees Restricted 592 -

Professional fees Restricted 1,890 -

- - -

- - -

- - -

- - -

BIG Lottery Fund Grant Restricted 74,170 -

5 The following report was issued by the accounts auditor Terry Filer

Recommendations and comments:

1 The Treasurer should propose to the BRAG Committee that the annual accounts are prepared on a receipts and payments basis as allowed by the Charities Commission as this appears to be the most appropriate for the charity based on the assumption there are no assets owned outright by BRAG.

2 As the receipts and payments basis has been used for the period ended 31 December 2015 there are some differences in the

opening balances due to uncleared items. I have not been able to verify these to the previous accounts as the detail is not available. The receipts and payments accounts are based on opening and closing bank and cash balances.

3 Cheque for £1,000 dated 6 January 2015 (cheque number 000075) has not been verified to an invoice although Mr Bulmer has confirmed it relates to signage for the nature walk at Bryn tip.

4 Books and records are well organised and I was able to verify expenditure and income items to the receipts provided with the exception of 3 above.

5 Receipts and payments information has been reconciled with the Treasurers bank account, BIG bank account and petty cash records provided.

6 Email from Independent Inspector (Rob Cole) States: • To save us going back & forth, especially as the AGM is on Monday, I’ve adjusted the spreadsheet accordingly (please see copy attached).

• Provided you are happy with the amendments, you can report at the AGM that the accounts are satisfactory and that we are finalising the paperwork.

7 Election of New Trustees

As per our constitution, all trustees must step down at the first AGM and be re-elected or replaced.

8 Election of BRAG Committee

• Chair • Treasurer • Secretary • Members

9 Chair’s Report on the 2015 financial year

• BRAG Organised: – Christmas Panto 19/12/14 • Circus Berzercus presented “A Komedy of Errors”. – Opening of the Bryn Tennis Court Facilities Jan 2015 – Bryn Beast 30/5/15 • Largest number of runners to date • Many extra attractions – Official opening of the Bryn Tennis Court Facilities • Falconry Display by “Black Mountains Falconry” was laid on • Entertainment by “Pick A Mix Entertainment” who organised music and games for the children present • A Skate Board demonstration and coaching session • Refreshments and buffet • The whole day was provided free of charge – Burton 10k 1/11/15 • Another record number of runners on this incredibly sunny November day • Celebrations continued all day in the rugby club

10 Events (Cont.)

– Halloween Disco 28/10/15 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. • See past events on the village web site for photos of the evening. – Christmas Panto 22/12/15 • Santa toured the village • Gifts and photos in the Grotto • Much-loved traditional carols with Anthony Bwye • Panto Time with “Circo Rum Ba Ba” who presented Dress UP for Christmas. • Mulled wine and mince pies served all night.

11 Funding

• Funding – Lottery Funding for Tennis Court area – Donations from Bryn Beast and Burton 10k – Donation by Total Building Control – Tesco support of Halloween – Sale of village calendars

12 Publicity and News

• Publicity – Newsletters – Web Sites – Flyers – Posters – News Papers – TV & Radio

13 Meetings

• BRAG – Full Committee Meetings (5) – Many more small working party meetings • PACT (Police And Community Together) – These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative each month although a number of meetings were cancelled in 2015. • Projects – Meetings with Groundworks – Meetings with Council for BRAG Project – Meetings with Tata – Meetings with Youth Services – Meetings for Bryn Beast – Meetings for Burton Run – School Project Meetings – Council ran meetings on Clean air, planning, community schemes, etc. – Swansea Barrage Project – Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding – Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group)

14 Projects

• Tennis Courts • Nature Walk • Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve • Bryn School – Despite many meetings, petitions, demonstrations and written submissions by BRAG and the School Action Group, the village school closed in July 2015. – Final farewell parties were organised by BRAG and other village groups – BRAG documented as much as possible about the school before closure and has continued to work to retain assets belonging to the village

15 Minutes taken at BRAG Committee Meeting held on Thursday 25th February 2016 at the Bryn Village Hall

Present: Mr Graham Rowlands, Chair Mr Paul Bulmer, Treasurer Mrs Dianne Thomas Mr John Thomas Mrs Jen Eckton Mr Daf Bowen Mrs Michelle Jones Mrs Gaynor Jones

Guests: Mr Phillip Wanklyn, Mrs Pauline Wanklyn, Ms Delyth Wanklyn

Apologies: Mrs Sue Phillips, Mrs Val Merryman, Mr David Eckton, Mr Gareth Jones

Before Graham opened the meeting he welcomed Mr Phillip Wanklyn and family to the meeting.

Their purpose at this meeting was to ask if BRAG had a member, living in Coronation Street who has the backing/approval of BRAG with regard to taking photos of cars being parked. Mr Wanklyn and his family have reported this to the police. In reply Graham stated that BRAG has no involvement with Domestic issues.

Minutes and Actions from last meeting It was pointed out that, in the last minutes, a donation to BRAG from the Beast run was shown as at £200.00, the figure should have been £400.00. Apparently £200.00 was given before and £200.00 after. A correction to the minutes will be made.

Paul explained the follow up discussions with Ryan and why it had been agreed that no donation was to be made.

School photos – Paul and Peter are to archive these. ACTION – Paul and Peter

Acceptance of the last minutes as a true record was proposed by John Thomas and Seconded by Gaynor Jones.

Chairman’s Report Graham thanked Santa (Rob Phillips) for playing his part in the Christmas panto and apologised for him getting soaked on such a dreadful night.

Margam Par Trail Race Flyers – Organisers are keen to get involved in the BRAG organised races.

Bryn Primary School – Graham is hoping to speak to Peter Ross on Monday 29th February regarding the school. ACTION – Graham

The Beast of Bryn race will be down £2,000 this year due to TATA decreasing their sponsorship in the current financial climate that they face. Graham is waiting to hear news about the marquee as ARSCO have taken a large contract loss from TATA. He is also awaiting an up-date on Forestry and Council permits. Michael Sheen has shown an interest in the Burton Race at the end of the year. Unfortunately he his otherwise engaged on the day of the Beast of Bryn race. Graham will provide further updates at the Race meeting next week.

Treasurer’s Report Paul tabled his report and talked the meeting through the points in the report.

Accounts are in order waiting for audit to come back before submitting for independent inspection. Date for AGM to be set as soon as this work is complete.

Historical Society Daf Bowen is to complete the grant application form for the Coalfields Regeneration Scheme. Steve Jenkins is on board regarding the plan to site the dram. James Davies has painted the dram and it is now in Daf’s garden until it can be sited – Mid March. ACTION – Daf Bowen

Tennis Court Project & Future Plans Paul reported that the H & S Inspection had now been completed and he was just awaiting the invoice to settle the bill. John Thomas raised the point that he and Paul carries out cleaning of glass, alcohol cans, wine bottles etc after late evenings in the Tennis Courts. John agreed to make the Police aware of this? John said that the facility is well used. ACTION – John Thomas

Bryn Heritage Trail Nature Trail – Paul has installed two more posts at the start and end of the walk and put signs on these and on a few more trees. During the high winds some trees have fallen over. A tidy up in general is needed with the undergrowth and like last year, weed killer will be needed throughout the growing season to keep down the bramble and ferns. ACTION – Volunteers needed

The Walking Group, originally scheduled for Boxing Day is still on hold but Graham said he will plan a suitable date.

Paul regularly walks the trail to perform maintenance.

Graham tendered his apologies as he had another meeting to attend. Paul took over the chair for the remainder of the meeting.

Conserving Bryn Primary School Heritage The Council have reported to Dianne Thomas that there has not been a lot of interest in the school. Dianne is to write to the Council and ask if they will be prepared to hand the school over to BRAG and then BRAG can involve an outside consortium to run it as an Outward Bound Centre. ACTION – Dianne Thomas

The Lottery People have frozen the remaining £11,000 until Christmas 2016 to enable BRAG to get the Trim Trail removed from the school grounds. Costs for Solicitor’s fees, insurance, etc. had previously been emailed to the committee by Paul and was also tabled in the meeting. Next step is to move the Trim Trial. Daf Bowen has asked that this be carried out. Proposed: Daf Bowen, Seconded: Gaynor Jones ACTION – Dianne Thomas

Dianne Thomas is meeting with the Council regarding the lease, to BRAG, for the extra land, alongside the Trim Trail site, for an outside gym, picnic area and a roundabout for disabled children. Dianne is also to meet with Ian Hart, Playground association for advice. ACTION – Dianne Thomas

Delivery of Newsletter Paul Bulmer asked for volunteers to deliver the next newsletter. Gaynor has offered her services and Gareth’s. ACTION – Volunteers Post Meeting Note: After the meeting, Ms Delyth Wanklyn volunteered her families help with this task.

Mining & Windfarms Paul outlined the plans currently being implemented, as included in the newsletter. No further points were brought up by the committee. John Thomas mentioned that he had seen a JCB on Brombil and had contacted the council. 2 applications have been submitted to the Welsh Assembly, 1 for solar panels and 1 for 4 wind turbines.

Summer Theatre Event Paul Bulmer asked the meeting for their views on this as per the tabled proposal. A vote was taken against us having this event. Dianne Thomas has suggested we hold a Party in the Park event. This would be held in the Tennis Court area in August. Volunteers will be needed. The meeting agreed to consider this. ACTION – Dianne Thomas

Update on Leases relating to the Village Only one remaining lease outstanding. The Bowling Section. Gaynor to ask Gareth. ACTON – Gaynor Jones

Review of License and operation of Village Hall The members present said that the overall view of the operation of the Village Hall is that it’s being well run with no particular issue outstanding. All groups using the hall are being responsible and keeping within the guidelines issued.

Any Other Business Daf Bowen stated that the Bowls were celebrating their 90th Anniversary this year and Gaynor Jones joined in and said that this year Ceri Lewis was President of The West Bowling Association. The Bryn Bowls Team has an important match on Thursday 2nd June against The Welsh Bowling Association. The WI has kindly offered to make Tea for them.

Daf asked if BRAG were in agreement to supplying compost and flowering heathers for the flower garden the Bowls are trying to set up. Proposed: Daf Bowen, Seconded: Dianne Thomas. ACTION – Daf Bowen

Gaynor Jones has made contact with the Coalfields Regeneration Scheme with regard to a grant for funding catering items to set up a possible coffee/tea morning come lunch. This would be held in the village hall on a Wednesday. Coalfields require proof of two events to start the application for a grant. ACTION – Gaynor Jones

The iPad’s (that used to be used in the school) are now being used every Tuesday, in the village hall, in the Computer IT Club that has been set up. We are in week 8 and the Club is proving to be successful.

A thank you plaque for John Hill is still under discussion. ACTION – Daf Bowen

John raised a concern about escalating crimes in the village going unreported. Others acknowledged this concern. John agreed to supply further information to Paul for the current newsletter. ACTION – John Thomas

Date of next meeting – This needs to be before the AGM which will probably now be in May.

On closure of the meeting, Paul Bulmer asked Delyth Wanklyn for feed back. Her response was very positive, was unsure what to expect but was surprised at the Amount of content covered by the meeting.

Treasures Report

BRAG 25/02/16

Funds The accounts have been updated up to the end of December, our financial year end. These have now been submitted for audit and because last year we turned over more than £25k with the Tennis Court Project, they will also go for an independent inspection. Both these reports plus a report I will prepare detailing all our activities over the last year will then be sent to the Charities Commission in line with our requirements as a registered Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). A summary of financial activity since my last report was emailed to the BRAG committee in January.

The email stated: I said I would produce a financial report for our Christmas Event. Here it is.

Income: Sale of tickets before event £53.00 Sale of Tickets on the door £250.00 Raffle £164.05 Tuck shop £39.29 Visit to Santa £30.00 Total = 536.34 Expenses: Hire of hall for Christmas event £64.00

Payment for performance £300.00

Purchase of gifts and sale items £116.80 Refund to John Thomas for unused tickets £6.00 Total = 486.80

Balance is therefore plus £49.54

I have not yet included any income from the sale of selection boxes as that is an ongoing activity.

All accounts can be made available by the treasurer on request.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The accounts summary has not changed since the last meeting although there is now a new Safety Inspection that has been performed.

Interest in skateboard and tennis coaching was requested in the last two and the current newsletters and this is to be recorded by Dianne Thomas.

The Big Lottery has offered to fund the relocation of the school Trim Trial if the Council will agree to this. Dianne is progressing with the council and will provide an update under this agenda item.

As a reminder and for the benefit of new BRAG members, the following statement summarises BRAG’s CIO status: The main intended benefits of the new entity are that it has legal personality, the ability to conduct business in its own name, and limited liability so that its members and trustees will not have to contribute in the event of financial loss. These are already available to limited companies; charities can be formed as companies, but then they must be registered with both Companies House and the Charity Commission. In contrast, the CIO only needs to register with the Charity Commission. This is expected to reduce bureaucracy for the charity Insurance The BRAG insurance is due for renewal on 15/03/16. I am dealing with the brokers who are looking for new quotes as they feel our current insurance may not now be the most appropriate with all the extra things we have taken on.

BRAG Computing Equipment & Bryn IT Club The laptop and iPads were returned to BRAG by the council it was proposed by the BRAG committee that this equipment should be used to set up a Bryn IT Club in response to the many requests from the over 50s club for this service.

The Bryn IT Club was started on Tuesday 15th Dec 2015 and runs every Tuesday from 2pm to 4:30pm. The aim of the club is to cover many of the tools useful for living in the 21st Century such as buying computers, smart phones and computer tablets, using the Internet for free phone calls around the world, saving money when shopping, social media and much more. So far 8 sessions have been run. Membership currently stands at 13 but with a target of 20. A grant is being progressed to fund a better Internet connection and greater publicity of IT within the village.

Funding Options Paul has now attended six meetings with potential grant providers since September. He has started to progress the required form filling but these will need to be completed by all the BRAG trustees. As stated in my past reports, we will still need clear evidence from the residents of Bryn as to what they would like to see. This will need to be established before we can proceed further with these applications. Dafydd has also reported to Paul that he is progressing a grant from the Coal Regeneration Board for the miner’s monument. Dafydd will enlist Paul’s support as required.

Licence Agreements As requested in past minutes, the licence agreements for the recreation area (Tennis Courts), community centre, Bryn Beast and Welfare Playing Fields have now all been placed on the Bryn Village website. The other licences related to the village still need to be scanned and put up on to the website.

Newsletter Printing As agreed in the last meeting, the quote from Gunndeliveries was used to print the last newsletter. BRAG will continue to use this company for future deliveries unless circumstances change.

Welsh Arts Council Sue Phillips received the following email on 09/02/16 for consideration by BRAG. Hello Sue Hope all's well. This year Arts Council Wales Nights Out Scheme are promoting our wonderful, interactive circus theatre show - L'Hotel "the smallest hotel in the world" set in a tiny Teardrop caravan! We will be touring Wales in the Spring/Summer and it would be great to bring the show to Bryn Village Hall. We loved performing there last year with our Christmas show. I've attached a video link and show description below. Look forward to hearing from you. Best wishes Winnie

The following event description was also included: L' Hotel has parked ceremoniously at its latest destination...... The only hotel to come to you!

The "smallest hotel in the world " is shrouded but watch as it comes alive: beds are made, tables laid, chamber maids roused, bell boys leap into action and finally the special guests arrive and are ushered up the red carpet to their luxury accommodation. Watch amazed as this charming, eccentric, tiny venue erupts into glittering cabaret, dances into dream filled slumber and wakes to clattering kitchen choreography.Acrobatics, globe walking, dead celebrities, French finesse, trumpeting and mime mayhem make this an enchanting show to delight an audience of any age or nationality.

Minutes taken at BRAG Committee Meeting Held on Wednesday 8th June 2016 At the Bryn Village Hall

Present: Mr Graham Rowland, Chair Mr Paul Bulmer, Treasurer Mrs Dianne Thomas Mr John Thomas Mr Peter Phillips Mr Daf Bowen Mrs Michelle Jones Mr David Eckton Mrs Val Merriman Mrs Jen Eckton Mrs Gaynor Jones

Guests: Emily Neal (resident of Bryn interested in Youth Club) Liza & Colleague (Tennis Coaching)

Apologies: Mrs Sue Phillips had a previous appointment and would Attend late.

Mr Shaun Tobin also to attend late.

Chairman’s Report

Graham Rowlands opened the meeting by thanking those present for attending. He announced immediately that he and Shaun Tobin would no longer be doing the Beast of Bryn and that last year was the last run. He said that for the previous two (2) months he had been in conversation with Swansea Harriers Mr Adam Newton with regards to a business they are setting up, Run Afan Forest. He explained that the aim of this business was to set up runs through Park area and a half Marathon etc. He pointed out that if groups, like BRAG, would help out during the runs that his new business would organise, that he would give a donation to those helping groups, from the profits made.

Graham said that the HUB Director, Mr Stuart Wilkie was no longer a Director and that he didn’t think it was a good idea to hold an event when so many men were in danger of losing their jobs.

Dianne Thomas said that if the Beast of Bryn was no longer an event, how would we raise the £800.00 needed to cover all the insurances etc that is needed to run the Village Hall, the Tennis Courts and all the other projects BRAG have taken on.

After a heated conversation between Dianne and Graham, Dianne asked him if he was still the Chair of BRAG, he answered yes, at the moment. Graham left the meeting at 7.30 p.m. Not long after Graham’s departure, Sue Phillips and Shaun Tobin joined the meeting.

Val Merriman said that because of the information Graham had given the meeting, could we have another meeting to decide what to do with regard to the Beast of Bryn. Daf Bowen asked, would it be appropriate, if BRAG representatives could meet up with TATA to discuss funding for BRAG to continue the run. Apparently June 28th was an important date in the TATA calendar.

Minutes of Last Meeting

Ryan Edwards, Royal Oak didn’t make any profit from last year and was not able to make a donation.

School Photos - Peter Phillips and Paul Bulmer have still to go through the huge amount of photos. Still on-going.

ACTION – Peter & Paul

Treasurer’s Report

Paul handed out copies of his report and talked the meeting through the points.

Audit Report

Audit report submitted for independent inspection. Paul read out a note from the auditor, Terri Fyler. A clean bill of health has been given on the accounts of the Tennis Court & Skateboard areas. All other accounts are in order and are well maintained. Paul has been granted an extension to the presenting of the report to the Charity Commission. Terri Fyler has told Paul that she will be looking at our accounts again after 20th June 2016 to address the points raised by the independent inspection.

Historical Society

Daf Bowen has spoken to Carys regarding the lease for the ground opposite the Pub. He is also waiting for a reply from Dan Brookesbank of the Coalfields Regeneration Scheme. He also said that the local boys are waiting to site the Dram. £190.00 required for planning application.

ACTION – Daf Bowen

Tennis Court Project & Future Plans

Liza and her colleague from Vale of Glamorgan, Vale Tennis Academy came along to give advice on Tennis Coaching. It has been proposed that in conjunction with Swansea Tennis Centre, BRAG has a launch party on Sunday 17th July 2016. Liza will put in writing her proposals and outline her flexibility with a coaching programme.

Paul is to set up separate meeting to discuss a launch party. It was suggested that perhaps the Party in the Park event could also be held at this launch party. At 8.00 p.m. Liza and colleague left the meeting.


Bryn Heritage Trail

Paul and Margaret have been out with their cutters keeping the trail tidy. He has suggested a Committee Walk. This was suggested for a Sunday afternoon after lunch.


Bryn Primary School Heritage

Dianne Thomas has been in contact with Dave Phillips. The delay in getting the Trim Trail removed from the School grounds is down to the Council. Costs for the removal are circa £2-3k. BRAG is not at fault. We are waiting for the lease agreement. The remaining money from the BIG LOTTERY has been extended for spending until December 2016, enabling BRAG to get the Trim Trial removed, re-site and insured.

ACTION – Dianne


Villagers have been asked about the format of the newsletter. It seems that as long as they can read the newsletter, they are not particularly bothered about it’s format. It was suggested that a template be set up and Paul to fill it with the information as he and Peter receive it. Peter has said he will set the template up. Paul wants to talk to Mark.

ACTION – Peter & Paul

Bryn Calendar

It has been suggested that we have a calendar for 2016 to raise funds. Gaynor has suggested a photo of your favourite place in Bryn. To be discussed in next meeting.

Mining, Windfarms etc

Time was getting on and this item will be on the Agenda for the next meeting.

Summer Theatre Event

It was agreed that the Summer Theatre event would not be held this year.

Update on Leases relating to the Village

The Bowls lease is the last to be uploaded to the Website. Graham Merriman and Gareth Jones will provide this lease from their paperworks.

ACTION – Gaynor


Beast of Bryn Run & Richard Burton Run – Shaun Tobin explained that he did not want such an all engulfing role in the Beast of Bryn Run, in the future, but would have a conversation with the Swansea Harriers and others in key roles to try and get them interested in forming a committee to take on the run. BRAG could then take ownership of the after run events. He will run, but for personal reasons, does not want to be in a controlling position. He is involved with the Richard Burton Run this year as its nearly upon us. He believes that after 28th June things may be a lot clearer for TATA, its employees and possibly BRAG with regard to sponsorship.

Bowls Garden – Daf Bowen, as was agreed in the previous meeting, has bought the promised Heathers for the Bowls Garden. Dave Eckton thanked Daf and BRAG on behalf of the Bowls Club.

I.T. Club – Paul has secured a grant to allow the Community Centre to have a larger router in the centre. This will enable us to have a bigger IT Group. Sessions have now ended for the summer months. A big push is needed to increase group numbers.

Cattle on the Tip - The cattle on the tip have become a regular site for the Villagers and since their arrival they have produced 3 additions. There doesn’t seem to be any objections to them being there.

Litter picks – Paul has secured tools and safety packs off Keep Wales Tidy to help volunteer groups to keep our village tidy.

Bryn Youth Club – Emily Neal is a lady who has recently moved into Bryn and is interested in volunteering to help the Youth Club leaders. Emily has obtained her Duke of Edinburgh Award. Paul stated that two (2) Youth Leaders have been accepted and there is the possibility of Youth Club opening on the 25th September 2016. Paul has shown them around the village and they appear to be interested in the Tennis court area as well, seems to think this will fit in very well with what they want to do. Paul invited Emily to join the group and she was co-opted onto the BRAG Committee.


A.G.M. It has been suggested the date for the A.G.M. be one that is soon after the 20th June 2016 as this is the date Terri Fyler has given to address the actions from the independent inspection.

Date of next meeting – this will be organised by Paul.


Paul thanked everyone for their attendance and participation in the meeting and closed at 9.10 p.m.

Treasures Report

BRAG 08/06/16

Accounts Audit The audit report for the accounts is included in Appendix 1.

The accounts were then submitted for independent inspection after auditing. The independent inspector has come back with questions for the auditor. I have agreed an extension of time for our Charities Commission report due to the delays in completing the independent inspection.

Funds The accounts have been updated up to the end of May. A summary of financial activity since my last report is as follows:

Two Newsletters printed at £50 for 400 copies of each, total £100 IT Club costs since the start of May, the period covered by the IT grant. £347.49 Tennis Court Inspection Report £71.94 BRAG insurance £535 Tennis court annual rent to Council. £60 Plants for bowling green gardens. £49.94

The accounts auditor and independent reviewer are still in discussion over some points of format for the account reports. All accounts can be made available by the treasurer on request.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The accounts summary since the last meeting shows a payment of £60 to the council. There is also a new Safety Inspection that has been performed but this is not covered by the grant. See tennis court inspection under Funds.

Interest in skateboard and tennis coaching was requested in the last three newsletters and this was to be recorded by Dianne Thomas. Dianne has reported that she has had no requests. However, this is a requirement of the terms of the grant so Paul Bulmer has continued to progress coaching options and circulated a proposal from the Swansea Tennis Centre.

The Big Lottery has offered to fund the relocation of the school Trim Trial if the Council will agree to this. Paul Bulmer has obtained a quote for this work and submitted the plans to the council. Dianne is progressing with the council and will provide an update under this agenda item.

Insurance The BRAG insurance was due for renewal on 15/03/16. The brokers were looking for new quotes as they felt our current insurance was not now the most appropriate with all the extra things we have taken on. After lengthy discussions and comparisons of available options, a new policy was chosen and implemented.

As a reminder and for the benefit of new BRAG members, the following statement summarises BRAG’s CIO status: The main intended benefits of the new entity are that it has legal personality, the ability to conduct business in its own name, and limited liability so that its members and trustees will not have to contribute in the event of financial loss. These are already available to limited companies; charities can be formed as companies, but then they must be registered with both Companies House and the Charity Commission. In contrast, the CIO only needs to register with the Charity Commission. This is expected to reduce bureaucracy for the charity

BRAG Computing Equipment & Bryn IT Club The laptop and iPads returned to BRAG by the council, continues to be used by the Bryn IT Club which has now provided twenty meetings of the club.

The Bryn IT Club was started on Tuesday 15th Dec 2015 and has run every Tuesday from 2pm to 4:30pm. The club will now close over the summer and resume in the autumn. The aim of the club has been to cover many of the tools useful for living in the 21st Century such as buying computers, smart phones and computer tablets, using the Internet for free phone calls around the world, saving money when shopping, social media and much more. A grant has been secured to fund a better Internet connection and other training tools and provide greater publicity of IT within the village.

Funding Options Paul has secured the IT Club grant from the Big Lottery.

John and Dianne have retained some money from the Tennis Courts project to implement the trim track if we can get permission from the council.

Dafydd is progressing a grant from the Coal Regeneration Board for the miner’s monument. Paul has provided the information Dafydd required for this.

Gaynor has been looking at options for a lunch time club.

Licence Agreements As requested in past minutes, the licence agreements for the recreation area (Tennis Courts), community centre, Bryn Beast and Welfare Playing Fields have now all been placed on the Bryn Village website. The other licences related to the village still need to be scanned and put up on to the website.

Nature Reserve A new fence has now been erected around the picnic area after requests from Paul Bulmer to the biodiversity team. Paul is also in discussion with this team for further work to clear litter, repair some damaged signs, clear the track between the community centre and the picnic area and obtain an updated document about the nature reserve.

Paul has also treated the picnic area with two applications of weed killer and attended to the rockery garden. Approval is required to obtain some more heathers for this garden to replace the ones which have died.

Heritage Trail Paul maintains this trail on a regular basis but further help with this would be greatly appreciated. How about a committee walk of the trail armed with sheers, saws, etc.?

Litter Picks Paul has obtained tools and safety equipment off Keep Wales Tidy for up to 10 volunteers. A Risk Assessment has also been produced by Keep Wales Tidy for such activities in Bryn. These can now be organised on an as need basis around Bryn.

Minutes of B.R.A.G. Annual General Meeting held at the

Community Centre on Monday July 18th 2016


Paul, Daff, John, Diane, Val, David, Janet, Gaynor, Gareth, Peter, Sue and Bob Davies.

Apologies received from Emily.

Last year’s AGM minutes were circulated and proposed by John and seconded by Diane as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

Treasurer’s Report

All committee members had received a full and detailed report by email which was fully discussed in the meeting.

The overall summary statement had been put together by Terry Filer and agreed by Rob Cole, an independent inspector for the audit. There are 2 forms of income, unrestricted and the second restricted to the fund: each invoice is raised, money is credited to the account to pay the suppliers.

Terry Filer’s recommendations and comments were discussed in full.

Daff asked about the £1000. Paul said it was from the Big Lottery Heritage Fund. A surplus had been left over which the committee and the Lottery had agreed to spend on the Heritage Walk. This had always been part of the project but was originally to be funded from match funding that was still to be raised.

Diane asked if Terry could confirm in writing that the outstanding items had now been sorted; Paul to ask Terry for a confirmation email. (PB)

Email received from Rob Cole to say that he had made the necessary adjustments to the spreadsheet, so that the AGM could go ahead tonight. Paul confirmed Rob Col’s fee is £300; Terry has given her services voluntarily and is happy to do future audits. Val suggested a letter of thanks should be sent to Terry. ( GJ )

Paul confirmed that if our income stays below £25k , we wouldn’t need an independent inspector in the future.

Election of New Trustees

As part of the BRAG constitution, all trustees had to step down at the first AGM after becoming a registered charity, to then be re elected.

Graham has stepped down as trustee having moved out of Bryn;

A show of hands was raised for Paul, John and Diane to be re elected;

Daff was proposed as the new 4th trustee, all committee members in favour.

Paul handed over the meeting Chair to John as Paul had put his name forward to become the new chairman of BRAG.


Paul was nominated as Chairman by John, Proposed by Daff and seconded by Sue.

Diane asked whether we should have a vice chairman; Paul explained that if we didn’t have a vice chair, the treasurer could act as chairman in his absence.


Paul has stepped down and Sue has kindly offered to be the new treasurer. Proposed by Daff and seconded by Diane. Sue confirmed, as the new Treasurer, that she was happy for this role to include acting as vice chair.


Gaynor has offered to be the new secretary. Proposed by Paul and seconded by Daff.

Val has stepped down but will continue to support BRAG.

Post meeting note: clarification that Val has only stepped down as assistant secretary but is continuing as a committee member of BRAG.

Paul read out the list of names currently held on our member’s list; Gaynor said that she thought that if you were on the committee, you should attend each committee meeting as this list is also used for our insurance policy. Daff said that obviously all of us around the table were keen. Paul thought we had two options 1) those on the list who haven’t attended meetings, be removed or 2) ask the list of members if they would like to continue as a committee member. The meeting agreed the second option and this is to be followed up by the secretary. (GJ ) (topic for next meeting )

A short discussion followed on whether the trustees would override the decision of the committee members to which Paul confirmed that the trustees would be democratic if such an occasion arose so long as the decision was legal and did not put BRAG at financial risk. The trustees are legally bound to protect BRAG in this way.

Chairman’s Report

Paul presented the chairman’s report to cover the period Nov ’14 to Dec ’15. This report is included as appendix 1.

The report summarises the events, Funding, Publicity, Meetings, Projects.

Paul commented on how the activities of BRAG had very much put Bryn on the map through the newspaper, TV and radio coverage of past events.

He also expressed his concern that the PACT meetings that BRAG had attended over the reporting period now appear to have stopped.


A group of young boys from the village were invited into the meeting and asked if one of them would like to join the committee. Zak Dixon agreed to be the youth representative and they would also ask Dylan Morgan. Gaynor will follow up officially adding them to the committee. ( GJ )

In response to the question raised by the boys, Paul gave an update on the Youth Club, which is hopefully starting back up in September.

John gave the boys an update on the Mugger project and explained that there was some money left in the Big Lottery Tennis Court fund and a meeting had been arranged with Dean Heycock to cost Astro Turf, two fixed goals and solar lightening for the area next to the park and re-siting of the trim track. Picnic tables were also being sourced for the park.

John also asked the boys to look out to see who was continually leaving smashed glass in the tennis courts and to let us know.

It was agreed that the AstroTurf was the main priority, but the boys also asked if they could have nets on the basketball hoop. Diane will look into sourcing these nets.

Zak is training to be a basketball coach and he will come up to our Fun Activity Day to help out with those interested in playing this sport.

Gareth asked if the lottery could possibly pay for Zak to become a coach. This would be a topic for the next meeting.

Paul thanked the boys for their attendance input this evening.

Paul has circulated our constitution, few bits now irrelevant. Paul asked that we all have a read and it will be discussed at a future meeting to see if we can reduce it down.

John thanked Peter for all his help with the website.

Gareth thanked BRAG for the heather plants in the bowls area.

Paul Thanked all for attending and contributing to the AGM.

Meeting closed at 8.20pm


Appendix 1

Chair’s Report on the 2015 financial year

• BRAG Organised Events: – Christmas Panto 19/12/14 • Circus Berzercus presented “A Komedy of Errors”. – Opening of the Bryn Tennis Court Facilities Jan 2015 – Bryn Beast 30/5/15 • Largest number of runners to date • Many extra attractions – Official opening of the Bryn Tennis Court Facilities • Falconry Display by “Black Mountains Falconry” was laid on • Entertainment by “Pick A Mix Entertainment” who organised music and games for the children present • A Skate Board demonstration and coaching session • Refreshments and buffet • The whole day was provided free of charge – Burton 10k 1/11/15 • Another record number of runners on this incredibly sunny November day • Celebrations continued all day in the rugby club – Halloween Disco 28/10/15 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. • See past events on the village web site for photos of the evening. – Christmas Panto 22/12/15 • Santa toured the village • Gifts and photos in the Grotto • Much-loved traditional carols with Anthony Bwye • Panto Time with “Circo Rum Ba Ba” who presented Dress UP for Christmas. • Mulled wine and mince pies served all night.

• Funding – Lottery Funding for Tennis Court area – Donations from Bryn Beast and Burton 10k – Donation by Total Building Control – Tesco support of Halloween – Sale of village calendars

• Publicity – Newsletters – Web Sites – Flyers – Posters – News Papers – TV & Radio

Meetings • BRAG – Full Committee Meetings (5) – Many more small working party meetings • PACT (Police And Community Together) – These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative each month although a number of meetings were cancelled in 2015. • Projects – Meetings with Groundworks – Meetings with Council for BRAG Project – Meetings with Tata – Meetings with Youth Services – Meetings for Bryn Beast – Meetings for Burton Run – School Project Meetings – Council ran meetings on Clean air, planning, community schemes, etc. – Swansea Barrage Project – Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding – Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group)

Projects • Tennis Courts • Nature Walk • Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve • Bryn School – Despite many meetings, petitions, demonstrations and written submissions by BRAG and the School Action Group, the village school closed in July 2015. – Final farewell parties were organised by BRAG and other village groups – BRAG documented as much as possible about the school before closure and has continued to work to retain assets belonging to the village

Minutes taken at BRAG Committee Meeting Held on Tuesday 20th September 2016 At the Bryn Village Hall

Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair Mr Gareth Jones Mrs Dianne Thomas Mrs Michelle Jones Mr John Thomas Mrs Val Merriman Mr Daf Bowen Mr David Eckton Mrs Gaynor Jones, Secretary Mrs Jen Eckton Mr Dylan Morgan

Guests: Mr Royden Rogers Mr Robert Davies Ms Delyth Wanklyn (delivered Gym proposal, unable to stay)

Representatives: Bryn Rugby Club Representatives: Mr Martin Fitzpatrick Mr Stephen Hughes Mr David Yorwerth Cricket Club Representative: Mr Alan Thomas Neath/Port Talbot Council: Mr Dave Whitelock Ms Christi Rees Kickboxing Representative: Mr Patrick Kapida

Apologies: Mrs Sue Phillips Zak Dixon

Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the chair welcomed the invited Group Guests and thanked them for attending. An around the table introduction was carried out so that all present were known to each other.

Councillor Dave Whitelock gave a speech saying that if all attending groups were to talk to each other then they would possibly be in a better position to obtain group funding.

Alan Thomas said that there is no longer a Rugby Team in the village. However the Football Team is in great form with approximately 44 members and that for the remaining 22 weeks of the Season, the Football would play on the field. Alan said that he was present to ask BRAG for help in obtaining funding for lighting for football training purposes, on a designated triangle area at the Bryn Recreational Park area.


For the benefit of the invited Groups, Paul stated that BRAG was a registered charity and outlined that amendments to the Constitution have been carried out, after discussions with Carys Mills, CVS and will be put to the Charity Constitution. Role Training has been organised for Monday 17th October in the Village Hall.

Paul read out a Resignation letter from Mrs Sue Phillips who, having been promoted at her work, no longer feels that she can carry out her role as Treasurer as effectively as she would like but was happy to continue to support BRAG where she can as a committee member. A new Treasurer therefore needs to be found. At this juncture, Mr Daf Bowen proposed that the Secretary write a thank you letter to Sue.


School Photos - Peter Phillips and Paul Bulmer have still to go through the huge amount of photos. Still on-going. ACTION – PETER & PAUL Once all the work has been carried out it was suggested that a possible reunion event be organised? This event could include memorabilia relating to past village schools etc. If completed in time, St David’s Day could be a possibility?

Historical Society – See Historical Society Report

Tennis Court Project & Future Plans – See Tennis Court

Bryn Heritage Trail

The suggestion of an organised walk along this trial was acceptable to the meeting. A date has yet to be arranged. ACTION – ALL

Bryn Primary School Heritage – See Report on Tennis Court Project & Future plans


Paul reported that there has been little activity in the BRAG finance only to say that the following items had been purchased – Postage Stamps - £6.48, Heather plants for the Bowling Green garden and the picnic site opposite the Pub - £48.42, Printing of the newsletter - £50. A Standing Order for the BRAG Website Norton security - £30 and an invoice is due for the hire of the rooms in the community centre over the last quarter, including for the last AGM.

To cover the absence of one or more of the cheque signatories, it has been proposed by the trustees that a third name be added.

We have fixed cost of circa £1,000 for Insurance, Safety Inspections, and Licences etc. Two grant requests are in progress, Revenue to cover our fixed costs and for the Miners Memorial Service that BRAG would like to arrange, at the picnic area.


A restart date for this Club could be end of October beginning of November. We are looking to increase member numbers so please try and promote this item. Paul has obtained a grant for new equipment to improve the WiFi signal at the Village Hall this means that more people can be catered for.


Daf reported that we were not successful in obtaining the requested grant from the Coalfields Regeneration Scheme with regards to placing the Dram opposite the Pub. Money has to be sourced to site the Dram. Daf is trying to organise a Memorial Service, dedicated to all the Miners who have worked in the Village Mines and to have a Brass plaque made. The Dram is to be sited within the picnic enclosure opposite the Pub. This work is to be organised using local companies.

Daf is in contact with Carys regarding a Lottery grant under the Celebration Fund.

ACTION – Daf Bowen


Dylan Morgan as a BRAG member representing the Youth of the village, made the following requests in a very positive proposal:

 Mini Football Nets and Balls  Net for the Basket Ball hoop  A repair to the music facility and lighting in the Youth Shelter inside the Tennis Court area.  Coaching for Tennis, Basketball and Football  And, probably more importantly, get the Youth Club up and running ASAP.

Dianne thanked Dylan for his positive contributions to BRAG. Dianne updated the meeting on the actions being taken to date to progress these requests. Paul provided an update on the youth club.


The Sunday Fun Day did not take place due to bad weather conditions on the first two attempts and inability to find a date that did not clash with holidays for the key coaches required to deliver the event. Arrangements will be made to facilitate this event in the springtime. This event is also required to satisfy the requirements of the BIG LOTTERY conditions.

A discussion was held with regard to all attending groups coming together as a combined working group to apply for a grant to cover lighting, improvements etc of the Bryn Recreational Park area. Another meeting is to be held to establish interest in, and the setting up of, a separate working group under the umbrella of BRAG.

The Rugby Club is holding its Christmas Party for the village children on Sunday 18th December, in the Rugby Club.


As stated above, interaction between the attending groups was very positive. Gaynor agreed to obtain contact details so that this interaction may be continued in the future. ACTION – GAYNOR


This year’s Halloween party has been booked for Thursday 27th October in the Bryn Rugby & Social Club.

A meeting to finalise arrangements is to be held 2 weeks prior to the night. ACTION – ALL


It was agreed that Gaynor, with Sue’s advice and help, make enquiries as to what is available for this year. ACTION – GAYNOR, SUE


The Beast of Bryn Race was cancelled this year due to TATA making redundancies. Graham Rowland has left the village and is no longer available to help with the race. Shaun Tobin is still a Race Director and has obtained TATA support for the Richard Burton Race. Shaun has also got the interest of Port Talbot Harriers for their support of the races. The Richard Burton Race will take place on Saturday 6th November 2016 and online entries are being received.


Dianne and John are still in talks with Dave Phillips regarding the removal of the Trim Trail and the Outside Classroom both are still on school grounds. The wording on the licence needs to be finalised and is to include that the Council do the necessary grass cutting. The council want BRAG to take ownership of litter control of the area. This is already being done by BRAG for the Tennis Court area.

Tenders are required to implement the work and these have been requested with two of the three required now received.


Paul asked the meeting if there were any suggestions/alterations needed to the content or format of the Newsletter. A couple of additions were suggested if there was room. Paul agreed to add these.


Paul asked the meeting if this was a good idea. Yes. He also asked for photos, taken possibly around the village. Time scale for submitting the photos is probably 2 weeks to enable the choosing of photos and the printing of the Calendar to be complete in time for sales for Christmas. ACTION – ALL


The Bowls lease is the last to be uploaded to the Website. Graham Merriman and Gareth Jones will provide this lease from their paper work. ACTION – Gaynor


The operating of the Village Hall is running smoothly and the groups using it have not had any difficulties. However, we do have an outside redundant bin which needs to be removed. ACTION – PAUL


Patrick Kapida introduced himself to the meeting. He had come to the meeting to put forward an idea to use the Village Hall as a Community gym. His suggestion was to open Monday to Friday and use the small room. He wanted to talk about this venture coming under the BRAG umbrella. Paul suggested putting together a written proposal then setting up a work group to progress this. A number of people present expressed an interest in progressing this so Paul and Patrick agreed to progress this proposal. ACTION – PAUL & PATRICK


To be arranged for early December.

Paul thanked everyone for their attendance and participation in the meeting and the meeting closed at 8.55 p.m.



Present: Mr Paul Bulmer, Chair

Mrs Gaynor Jones, Secretary

Mr Daf Bowen, Trustee

Mr John Thomas, Trustee

Mr Dylan Morgan, Youth Representative

Apologies: Mrs Dianne Thomas

Mrs Sue Phillips (going to be late)

Mrs Val Merriman

The Meeting was held to discuss the Christmas Magical Tales Show on Monday 19th December 2016.

Paul opened the meeting and gave the apologies he received.

The schedule of the night, as detailed in the newsletter ready to be delivered, was discussed as follows –

• Santa’s truck will leave the Royal Oak at 17.00 p.m. travelling down the Road, returning into the village at the Chapel Terrace end. Hopefully the Police will be on the road (by the new houses being built) waiting to stop the traffic for Santa to enter the village. Ryan will decorate his truck with lights etc and will set up the Christmas music from inside the cab. ACTION – RYAN & PAUL • Ryan has offered to try and source the sweets, for the children, off one of his suppliers for free. ACTION – RYAN • If Ryan’s supplier is not able to offer him the sweets, Sue Phillips to buy. ACTION – SUE PHILLIPS • Darrel Thomas and Dylan Morgan are to play the parts of Santa and Santa’s elf. Suits are already in the possession of BRAG. • Approx. 18.00 p.m. Santa to arrive at the Community Centre. • Paul to check with Antony Bye about entertaining the audience with Christmas Carols etc. ACTION – PAUL • At 18.30 p.m. The Christmas Magical Tales Show starts. • In the interval we will sell Mince Pies, Daf to source approximately 100, through John Hill. Also on sale will be Tea, Coffee, Cup drinks, for the children, Mulled Wine, for the Adults, chocolates, sweets etc. We will need the big pan to make the Mulled Wine. (Gaynor to check the centre for the pan). • Raffles will be on sale at the entry and in the big hall. Daf to supply raffle tickets. Carol Badham and Gaynor Jones to sell the tickets. ACTION – DAF, CAROL BADHAM, GAYNOR JONES. • Selection boxes will be given to the children when they have their photo taken with Santa. Sue Phillips normally buys these. Gaynor has asked if we can wait until she has had a reply from Wilko’s Maesteg and Tesco’s Maesteg. • All available volunteers, please can we meet at 3.00 p.m. in the Centre on the day. • Decoration of Santa’s Grotto (Gaynor’s Gazebo) and Hall. Setting up of seating. ACTION - ALL • Volunteers so far are – KITCHEN – Mrs Jen Eckton, Mrs Dianne Thomas and one other. ON THE ENTRY DOOR - Mr David Eckton & Mr John Thomas. RAFFLES – Mrs Carol Badham and Mrs Gaynor Jones. SETTING UP OF MUSIC & MICROPHONE – Mr Paul Bulmer. PHOTO’S – Mr Peter Phillips. RAFFLES - Both John & Daf have offered a bottle of wine. Paul to ask Councillors for donations and Gaynor to ask Andrew’s Butchers of Maesteg. • Paul to source Christmas Tree for outside the Centre. ACTION – PAUL BULMER

During the meeting Dylan Morgan, our Youth Representative set up an on-line Events to sell tickets. All present thought this to be a good idea. ACTION – DYLAN & PAUL


John Thomas asked Paul if Shaun Tobin had organised the photograph, from the Beast Run, for John Hill as a thank you for his generosity during any and all BRAG events. Paul to get in touch with Shaun. ACTION - PAUL

Paul stated that he would send out an email, informing BRAG members that Mark Drummond has volunteered to be the next Treasurer of BRAG. He said that if he did not get a reply to his email, then he would take that as agreement of Mark’s position. ACTION - PAUL

Dean Heycock has possession of the Goal Posts and Basketball hoop. They are ready to be placed in their positions. He is in the process of generating the Risk Assessment required. ACTION - PAUL

Daf asked Ryan if the BRAG Christmas get together could be held in the Royal Oak with a Christmas Dinner. This is to be arranged for week commencing January 9th 2017. Ryan has agreed to this. ACTION – ALL

A Trustee’s and Full BRAG Meeting to be arranged for early New Year 2017.

Paul thanked everyone for their time and input into the meeting and closed the meeting at approximately 8.15 p.m. ??

Committee Meeting Wednesday 21st Jan 2015 Held at Bryn Village Hall 6:30pm

Present Graham Rowland (Chair), Paul Bulmer (Treasurer) Dafydd Bowen (Chair of Historical Society), Peter Phillips (Web Master), Dianne Thomas, John Thomas, Michelle Jones.

Apologies Sue Phillips, Val Merriman, Tim Richards.

Chairman’s Report Graham thanked everyone for attending and wished them a Happy New Year. He commented on the poor turnout at the Christmas Event although there was a good turnout when Santa visited the top part of the village. Graham commented on another busy year ahead with the races coming up and expected an even greater turnout than last year. He commented on the school and community centre closures and said we would discuss these issues later in the agenda.

Graham gave a big thank you to the committee and officials for supporting him in running BRAG and the many BRAG activities over the last year.

Minutes of Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were recorded by Val for the first half but since she had to leave early, Rebecca recorded the second half. Val had submitted her minutes which Paul Bulmer read out to the meeting. Paul will stitch the two halves together when he gets the minutes from Rebecca. It was agreed that although a reserve level of £10k had been quoted by the solicitor, it had been agreed in the last meeting that a target reserve of £5k was more realistic and that the minutes would be amended to state this.

Matters Arising Paul confirmed he had completed all his actions from the last meeting.

Treasurer’s Report Paul presented his report and tabled supporting documents. The report is included in appendix 1.

Historical Society Chairs Report Dafydd gave an update to the committee on calendar sales to date. He reported that we have covered our costs and any further sales will now be profit. He is still awaiting the return of money from the sale of calendars by others and the return of any unsold calendars. He holds a detailed list of who has sold what.

Graham asked about a possible historical presentation on Neath Canals. The committee members present all expressed interest in this. Dafydd agreed to follow up on this.

Review of Christmas event. Paul suggested we should plan the next one earlier to give us better options on available dates.

Committee Meeting July 9th Bryn Village Hall 6 30pm

Present:- Graham, Paul, John, Dianne, Dafydd, Gaynor, Gareth, Jennet, David, Val Apologies:- Sue Phillips

The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Chairman's Report There had been a meeting at the school the previous day. It is sad to see its closure. What are the prospects? Graham and Paul have asked for support to maintain the trim trail and have requested the dram is sited on the heritage site/picnic area. What will happen to the outdoor classroom and the bell, as the bell is historical? Dean Heycock is available to help with transport.

Minutes of last meeting & Matters arising John proposed that these be accepted. Discussion took place as to who owns the land on which the school is built. It was suggested that this be checked with the Land Registry. DT

Treasurer's Report There has been additional income - TOTAL Building Control has given their fees back to BRAG as a donation to the tennis court project. Paul then circulated the report.

Historical Society Report Dafydd outlined the plans for the re-siting of the dram. He has been in touch with Dean and Martyn about the outdoor classroom also.

Tennis Court Project & Official Opening Proposed date - August 15th. DJ is booked. Burgers and Hot dogs to be sold. Dafydd will speak to Ryan. Official invites to go out to Ward Councillors, AM and MP and Mark Dummer. Suggestion to have a skateboard demonstration. Graham will sort this. Howard Daniel mentioned as a professional tennis coach. Gareth suggested applying to SportLot for equipment. Bowling green to be fenced off on the day.

Heritage Trail Markers are to be put up along the old shunting track and lots of people are using it. There will be a signpost for the walk.

Leases relating to the village Leases have been signed for the Village Hall, Tennis Courts, Bowls and Rugby Club. It was requested that copies be posted on the BRAG website, so need to contact the relevant people from each organisation.

Review of Licence and operation of Village Hall This was planned for 3 months after the takeover. There are a few problems which still need sorting out. The path has been repaired by the council. The kitchen is due for a deep clean. Ask

Treasures Report

BRAG 24/09/15

Funds The accounts have been updated up to the end of August.

A summary of financial activity since my last report is: • Purchase of weed killer for Tennis courts • Hire of hall for BRAG committee meeting on 9/7/15 • Tennis Court official opening Black Mountain Falconry • Tennis Court official opening Pick A Mix Entertainment • Tennis Court official opening food refreshments & decorations • Big lottery payment for tennis court official opening

The accounts summary will be tabled in the meeting.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The accounts summary will be tabled in the meeting. This shows £73,489.68 received from grant to date and £73,489.68 paid to suppliers.

We have now obtained competitive quotes for the repair of subsidence to the tennis court. John had progressed this with a number of builders without success. Mark Drummond had offered to obtain quotes for this work on behalf of BRAG but also had no success. After lots of chasing of potential contractors John has now obtained the three quotes required, submitted these to the Big Lottery and had approval to progress the work.

The transaction since last meeting was a final payment to SutcliffPlay and payment to BRAG for the official opening. We have some money left to organise coaching and possibly set up a football area in the tennis court for winter months.

The opening of the facilities on 15th Aug. went very well as detailed in the Newsletter.

Funding Options As stated in my last three reports, the first requirement would be clear evidence from the residents of Bryn as to what they would like to see. This would need to be established before we could proceed further with this application.

Stephen Kinnock has been asked for advice on obtaining Coal Regeneration Grants. Graham has sent me some details on a Rural Community Development Fund.

Licence Agreements As requested in past minutes, the licence agreements for the recreation area (Tennis Courts) and the community centre have now been placed on the Bryn Village website. The other licences related to the village still need to be scanned and put up on to the website.

Treasures Report

BRAG 24/09/15

Funds The accounts have been updated up to the end of October with the Halloween event details.

A summary of financial activity since my last report is:

Date Item Income Expenditure Balance 25-09-15 Income from Tennis Courts £62.60 £5,018.92 Opening Day Raffle 25-09-15 Donation to BRAG from Bryn £200.00 £5,218.92 Beast 28-10-15 Paid for hire of hall on 24 Sep 15 £10.00 £5,208.92 for BRAG Meeting 28-10-15 Daley's Disco for Halloween Party £150.00 £5,058.92 28-10-15 Raffle Sales at Halloween Party £103.00 £5,161.92 28-10-15 Sale of hot dogs at Halloween £51.75 £5,213.67 Party

This shows that the accounts broke even for the Halloween event although these do not show the donations from Tesco and BRAG committee members that were used to purchase prizes and other items used to deliver this event.

The event was acknowledged as a big success and so with agreement from the Rugby Club, BRAG would look to repeat this next year. The BRAG Halloween decorations were left with the Rugby Club for use next year.

All accounts can be made available by the treasurer on request.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The accounts summary has changed since the last meeting to cover the cost of repairs at £1250, to the tennis courts. This shows a change from £73,489.68 to £74,739.68 received from grant to date and £74,739.68 paid to suppliers.

Interest in skateboard and tennis coaching was requested in the last newsletter and this is to be recorded by Dianne Thomas.

The Big Lottery has offered to fund the relocation of the school Trim Trial if the Council will agree to this. Dianne is progressing with the council.

BRAG Computing Equipment The laptop and iPads that had been on loan to the Bryn Primary School by BRAG have now been returned to BRAG by the council after persistent chasing by Dianne Thomas. It is proposed to the BRAG committee that this equipment could be used to set up a Bryn IT Club. Twelve people from the over 50s club have already registered their interest. It could also be mentioned in the next newsletter. Funding Options Paul has now attended three meetings with potential grant providers since the last committee meeting. He has started to progress the required form filling but these will need to be completed by all the BRAG trustees. As stated in my past reports, we will still need clear evidence from the residents of Bryn as to what they would like to see. This will need to be established before we can proceed further with these applications. The relevant Documents are to be tabled.

Stephen Kinnock has been asked for advice on obtaining Coal Regeneration Grants but still awaiting a reply.

Licence Agreements As requested in past minutes, the licence agreements for the recreation area (Tennis Courts) and the community centre have now been placed on the Bryn Village website. The other licences related to the village still need to be scanned and put up on to the website. The lease for the Bryn Beast has been signed by the BRAG trustees and should be back with us soon.

Newsletter Printing The following quotes have been obtained for the printing of future newsletters:

Printer Printing Turnaround Delivery Comments Gunndeliveries £50 3days Free delivery 4colourdigital £60 2days Collect from Port Talbot Labour Party £30 Collect No longer have a printer

Minutes of a BRAG Meeting held on Monday November 23rd 2015

At Bryn Village Hall

Paul in the chair with Daff, Diane, John , Gaynor ,Janet ,Peter and Sue.

Apologies received from Graham and Val.

Paul welcomed everyone and explained that Graham was sorting out accommodation.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. Proposed by Daff and seconded by John.


Gaynor will ask Brian to be Father Christmas. Gaynor suggested the selling of raffle tickets beforehand and agreed to take on this task. Raffle donations needed.

John wondered if the Club could sell any tickets for the event.

The committee agreed to stay neutral and use the Village Hall as the venue.

The following committee members were asked to do the following:

Diane to purchase mulled wine; Daff to see John Hill for mince pies; Sue to get sweets for the children ,selection boxes , tea and coffee; Peter to do photos ,@ cost of £1.50 to include selection box; Janet to run the kitchen ;John on the door; Paul – Santa’s transport ;Gaynor Community Bus ;Paul to ask Emma for an extension lead & Paul to be the main organiser.

Diane asked for more decoration for Santa’s grotto and all to meet early to decorate. Centre to be opened at 2pm.

Diane gave a full update on the situation regarding the Trim Trail.

Walking Group

This is to be put on hold.

Richard Burton Run

This was very well attended, with no problems to report. The presentation evening will probably be held at TATA. Members commented on the lack of atmosphere at the last presentation evening.

The School Bell

The Bell continues to be rung at The W.I. meetings and Over 50’s Club.

Treasurer’s Report A full and detailed report was handed out by Paul and can be found on the website. Accounts have been updated to the end of October and include a donation to BRAG from the Beast run for £200.

No donation has been received from Ryan ; this is to be followed up.


The night at the club was a huge success. The club have actually asked if the event can be held there every year!

Members discussed the possibility of the club’s involvement with the run.

Tennis Court Project

Money from lottery now balances; No response has been received from tennis coaching helpers.

School Photographs

Nothing has been done regarding this at the moment.


Changes have been made with regard to some events.

Village Hall

There has been an improvement done with regards to the cleaning. But the male and female toilets need to be looked at.


It was suggested that BRAG should have some kind of plaque made up for John Hill, to thank him for his very kind donations , possibly a photo of Beast of Bryn with TATA logo, Daff to look into this.

The School i pad’s have been returned to BRAG.

Meeting closed at 9pm.


Minutes of B.R.A.G. meeting held on Tuesday June 16th

Graham, Paul, Daff, Diane, John, Val, Sian and Sue present.

Mugger Project Update:

John and Diane have received the forms which state that we have been offered £86000, the grant for the implementation phase and money for the launch. Graham would like the school involved , possibility of a fun night and disco mentioned for end of August.

Dave Phillips in the Council keen for us to accept the lease and had asked for our Solicitor’s details.

The Liaison officer in Cardiff requires three tenders for the project;

Clause of the contract to be looked at e.g. not necessarily has to be the lowest quote;

Graham asked if John could contact the council who would be able to give us a list of contacts and to ask which one would they prefer us to use.

Treasurer’s Report:

Full and detailed report given by Paul . Current Balance £2403.45

Unfortunately we have been unsuccessful in any of the three grants that we had applied for.

Viv Gage has once again agreed to audit the current year’s books prior to the AGM.

Historical Society Report:

The night was a great success, Peter Phillips and Daff took photos and a video which will be put on our website. Sian had received positive feedback, from the Education officers, who had been very impressed with the whole evening.

Area opposite Community Centre Update:

This project is ongoing with Gail and Groundworks but Gail has sorted funding.

Registered Charity Information

Constitution of a Charitable Incorporated Organisation document given to all members for their information to read.


More funding being sourced.

Grow Wild

Pack of seeds given to the school to promote bees etc.


Treasures Report BRAG 16/06/14

Funds See balance sheet. The Balance Sheet shows that since last report on 7th Jan 2014 we have spent £360.74 on insurance and £1458.13 spent on the Heritage Lottery History Project “Coal, coal our Country needs coal”. Over this period £45 was collected from the sale of Calendars. Committee members with money from the sale of calendars should bank this with the treasurer ASAP and return unsold Calendars to Dafydd Bowen.

This leaves a balance of £3489.10 but £1085.65 of this belongs to the Heritage Lottery Project so the actual balance is £2403.45.

School Project Account See spread sheet entry. This project was complete apart from submitting the end project report. However, after discussing the end project report with Debra Boyland, the project coordinator at the Heritage lottery, it was suggested that we extend the project within the existing budget to provide the display board for the new walk being developed at the Bryn Nature Reserve.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The first phase of this project was completed and we have now been offered the grant for the implementation phase. There are conditions we have to satisfy before we can accept the offer. Funding Options

Potential funding options include: Unfortunately we were unsuccessful in any of the three grants that we applied for that were detailed in the last report.

NPT Homes Graham has identified another option on the link shown below. See the application form tabled. Can we agree a project to submit?

Local Development Plan There does not appear to be any progress on this since April. I emailed them today to ask for an update. Below is the information I received.

It is expected that a report will be placed before the Economic and Community Regeneration Cabinet Board on the 10th July, 2014. This will then go on to Full Council on the 30th September, 2014. This Report will ask members to accept the Deposit Local Development Plan, the comments it received, the Alternative Sites suggested to the LDP and the comments they received, the Council’s response to those two exercises and request that they be submitted to the Welsh Government for Public Examination. Those reports will be published at/or around the 30th September, 2014 and you will be able to view BRAG’s comments as well as the Council’s view on those comments.

Once the documents are submitted a Welsh Government Inspector is appointed and they will consider all the documentation as well as arrange the various Public Hearings for those respondents who have stated that they wish to attend and speak at a hearing. For those that chose not to attend, then the Inspector assesses all of the paperwork before making their decision based on the evidence before her/him. You will be contacted around the 30th September informing you of our intention to proceed to Examination and you may then be contacted by the Inspector’s Programme Officer if you elected to attend a hearing.

The website will possibly be updated in July if the Reports get cleared to go forward for Full Council consideration.

Minutes of B.R.A.G. Annual Meeting held at the Community Centre

On Thursday August 21st

Present: Paul, Sue, John, & Diane. Also new members Louise Hopkins, Michelle Williams and Michelle Jones were welcomed and proposed by Paul and seconded by John. Apologies: Graham, Daff and Val.

Meeting Part of our constitution is to hold a meeting where everyone is welcome; Three people from the village attended this meeting and became new BRAG members as detailed above.

Paul opened the meeting and presented a set of slides summarising achievements since the last AGM. These slides would be made available on the village web site.

The slides provided a summary of:  Events organised such as: o B.R.A.G.’s two races o Halloween Disco o Beastly Bryn Event o Christmas Event o Guided Walks o Wind Farm Information Day o School Project Presentation Evening o Etc.  Funding achievements such as the Tennis Courts project  Publicity and News achievements  A summary of meetings held by BRAG with many different organisations  Update on ongoing and completed projects  Accounts summary slide

Paul explained the big change in status for BRAG going from ‘Unlimited’ organisation to a ‘Limited’ Charitable Incorporated Organisation. He also explained the reasons for this change.

Paul reported that whereas most events were well supported, some such as the Beastly Bryn Event had been poorly supported. These events take a lot of organising by all the volunteers involved and all they ask for their work is the support of the village for these events.

Guided walks –we should carry on with these as people would like them to continue;

Wind farm information day – disappointing turnout as a lot of work had gone into organising it;

Children’s Play Scheme – had been well attended;

Burton Run had been very successful;

Treasures Report BRAG 24/09/14

Funds There have been no further transactions since the AGM other than venue hire for AGM and this evenings BRAG meeting. See audited I&E account and the summary in the AGM Slides.

The Audit report had been presented at the AGM. Paul has a copy of this if anyone wishes to see it.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts The first phase of this project was completed and we have now been offered the grant for the implementation phase. There were conditions we had to satisfy before we could accept the offer. The paperwork covering these conditions has now been completed by Dianne and John although further forms will be needed once the CIO agreement is in place.

Funding Options No further funding options have been progressed since the last meeting while the CIO application is in progress as our status could otherwise change part way through an application.

Local Development Plan As reported at the last meeting, the LDP website was updated in July and the proposal was scrutinised by myself and key points brought to the attention of the BRAG members.

Other developments Progress on the new footpath from the Nature Reserve along the river has been reported in the news letters. As reported at the last meeting, we will look to link this with Drysiog Farm renovation in the future.

CIO Carys Mills has submitted our application and is to attend this meeting to present an update on the subject.

Minutes of a B.R.A.G. meeting held at the Community Centre

On Wednesday October 1st

Graham in the chair with Paul, Daffyd, John, Sue, Carys, Katrina, Louise , Debra Tucker, Brian Rees and Luke Mckay present.

Apologies received from Val and Peter.

Chairman’s Report

Graham said that tonight’s meeting would obviously be dominated by the proposed closure of the school and community centre and thanked everyone for coming. He welcomed Debra Tucker as a representative from school parents and Luke McKay was invited to join the BRAG committee.

Graham read out the minutes from the recent Annual Meeting, it was agreed that Paul was to make a few alterations before the minutes were circulated.

Graham confirmed that BRAG had donated £200 to Bryn Primary School to have t-shirts with “Save our School” printed on them. Debra asked if BRAG could fund any banners. It is hoped that we can soon arrange a public meeting with our local councillors and AM.

Graham thanked Paul for his continued commitment with BRAG, as due to his work commitments, he hasn’t been able to get involved recently with the current issues.

Treasurer’s Report

Since the Annual Meeting there has been very little transactions made. Because we are shortly moving to becoming a CIO, Paul is trying to keep these at a minimum.

An audit sheet from Viv Gage was passed around for those present to view. Paul explained it was difficult at the moment to apply for any grants until our status to CIO was confirmed. Carys said she hoped this would be sorted soon. Carys also stated that as a CIO, it would be its own legal entry, so no one would be held liable and there for would be a much safer set up for BRAG. John also keen for this to be sorted as the contractor for the Mugger project is keen to arrange a start date.

Graham confirmed that £400 would be donated to BRAG from the Beast of Bryn Race.

Local Development Plans

Paul constantly checks the LDP website to see what is being proposed. Recent proposals are for houses on the right hand side of Maesteg road together with five houses on the old garage site. Plans for the garage site are on Peter Allen’s website and advertised on Zoopla’s website too.

Minutes of a committee meeting

Held at Bryn Village Hall on Monday November 10th

Graham welcomed all ; Karen chairperson of Bryn School Action Group and her husband Wayne were present as they would like to join BRAG.

Apologies received from Tim and Carys.

Chairman’s Report

Graham said that BRAG had enjoyed a very productive year and we will have our annual Chinese to reflect on another successful year. Two major events had been enjoyed with The Beast of Bryn and The Richard Burton Run.

Graham past on his thanks to Paul, who had stood in for him while he had been heavily involved with work and the run events. Tonight we were here to discuss the School and Community Centre’s proposed closures and the Xmas event on Dec 19th would require as much help as possible.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. Proposed by Dafydd and seconded by John.

Matter’s Arising

Peter was to look at a quiz night.

Treasurer’s Report

Paul said that the accounts were updated and included the Halloween event. These will now be closed out, which was one of the conditions we had to meet to satisfy the change of Status to CIO. We are now registered as a CIO Charitable Incorporate Organisation.

The start-up of the Tennis Courts Project with the Big Lottery can now proceed under this new Status. King Davies Solicitors have caused a delay as they didn’t realise a CIO was a legal body and required proof; the lease then had to be redrafted and signed by the trustees and not as BRAG, which has all taken time to complete.

Heritage Project can be closed as a BRAG project by end of October. Our last few transactions will need to be audited by Viv Gage.

The transfer date for us to become a CIO, in terms of our accounts, was agreed as 1st November. No change to our name and purpose is required by the bank but we did need to inform them of our registration number which Paul will progress. It was decided that

Treasures Report BRAG 04/12/14

Funds The accounts have been updated up to the end of Oct. This closes out the accounts for BRAG unincorporated.

A new accounting period has been started for the new BRAG status as CIO, starting on 1st Nov 2014.

Tennis Courts Project Accounts There were conditions we had to satisfy for the grant. The paperwork covering these conditions has now been completed by Dianne and John although further forms were required for the change to CIO which Paul completed. The solicitors had not been aware that a CIO organisation represents a legal body in its own right so had produced an incorrect version of the lease. This has now being corrected and the new lease signed along with Land registry documents. These have all been returned to the Big lottery and we should get a start date soon. John can then progress the project again with the installation company.

An assortment of publicity material has also been ordered for the project.

Funding Options No further funding options were being progressed while the CIO application was in progress as our status could otherwise of changed part way through an application. Now I am on top of the CIO changes and all the other work in progress I have started looking at funding options again. The solicitors did advise that we should have about £10k of reserves when we take on the tennis courts plus insurance to cover any larger costs although this was before he understood our new legal status. None the less we do need to start building a reserve fund.

I have a meeting with the Big Lottery on Friday 5/12/14 to discuss possible funding. Ideas to put forward at present include the list below but any other suggestions welcome.

1. Way markers for the new walk 2. Picnic furniture for the new walk 3. Funding to put a play area next to the community centre 4. Funding for to support community events and build community spirit 5. Funding to purchase tools for the maintenance of the new walk 6. Funding to complete the miners monument next to the picnic area. 7. Courses such as computing, 1st Aid, Committee Member safety, etc. 8. Brown signs for the two run events which each draw over 1000 visitors. 9. Tourist promotion of heritage and nature walks in the area. 10. Heritage Calendars

BRAG 2014

A Summary of Achievements in the BRAG Financial Year 2013 / 2014

1 Agenda

• Welcome • Summary of Achievements • Summary of accounts and audit report • Committee Membership and nominations • Update on CIO (Charitable Incorporated Organisation) • Update on Tennis Courts Project • AOB • Close

2 Events Organised

• BRAG Organised: – Halloween Disco on 1st Nov 2013 • Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes • Disco and entertainment was included. • See past events on the village web site for photos of the evening. – Beastly Bryn Event • Den Building, games and Spooky animal activities – Sat Dec 7th • Santa toured the village • Gifts and photos in the Grotto • Much-loved traditional carols with the Maesteg Gleemen • Panto Time with Tinsel Tales • Mulled wine and mince pies served all night.

3 Events (Cont.)

– Guided Walks – Wind Farm Information Day – Charity Presentation evening – Children's Play Scheme – Burton Run – Reminiscence evening – School Project Presentation evening

4 Funding

• Funding – Lottery Funding for Tennis Court area – Business Donations for Bryn Beast – Tesco support of Halloween – Lottery Funding of School Project

5 Publicity and News

• Publicity – News Letters – Web Sites – Flyers – Posters – News Papers

6 Meetings

• BRAG – Full Committee Meetings (3) – Many more small working party meetings • PACT (Police And Community Together) – These meetings cover the Ward and are held in Cwmavon. Any Residents of the Ward can attend these Meetings. BRAG generally sends a representative each month. • Projects – Meetings with Groundworks – Meetings with Council for Tennis Courts Project – Meetings with Tata – Meetings with Play Scheme – Meetings for Bryn Beast – Meetings for Burton Run – School Project Meetings – Council ran meetings on Clean air, planning, community schemes, etc. – Swansea Barrage Project – Developments that could have a bearing on Bryn such as wind farm proposals • Funding – Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group)

7 Projects

• Tennis Courts • Nature Walk • Voluntary work days around the village and the nature reserve • Daffodils and trees • Children's Play Area by Community Centre • Owen Jones

8 Accounts

Opening Ballance £7,365.82 Closing Balance £3,474.95 Commitments £1,085.65 Income during the year £1,170.06 Expenditure during the year £5,060.93 Breakdown of expenditure Publicity, News Letters, etc. £471.24 Events £340.30 Projects £3395.34 Insurance £789.06 Other (Software) £64.99

9 Update on Tennis Courts Project

10 AOB?

11 Close

• Thank you for attending and for your input

12 Minutes of meeting held at the Royal Oak 6/9/13

Present:- Graham, Paul, Dafydd, Val

Apologies:- Sue, Dianne, John

School Historical Project Dafydd provided an update. The walk will take place on Wednesday at 1 15pm (weather permitting) Another visit could be arranged to Afan Argoed or the Maritime Museum. Presentations include a 15 min film presentation. Looked at finances - should be funding to make a film. Mark is still working on the website. Dafydd is going to take Ivor Parry to be interviewed when he returns from holidays.

Not much progress with historical talks - Daf is looking into possibilities, but it can be embarrassing if a speaker is booked and not many people turn up.

M.U.G.A. John and Dianne sent an email with their apologies stating that one objection had been received from the disabled society, but it was not local, and NPTCBC had replied accordingly. Full planning permission should be granted today and if that goes through, the fees will be £750 + VAT. Mark Dummer has been very helpful, and he can get the necessary professional person to oversee the project if we get the full grant.

Christmas Event Sue has booked the Community Centre and the panto. It will be Tinsel Tales by Likely Story Theatre and will be the same process as last year. We will keep the first £100 and NPTCBC will hopefully subsidise part of the payment. Use sound system for background Christmas music instead of choir.

Presentation Night Invites have been sent to all groups supporting the race. Val and Sue to get raffle prizes. Calendars will be sold on the night. Beast of Bryn to purchase some to give as gifts also. 7 50pm - Introduction 8 20pm - Presentation of cheques 9pm - Bands

AOB Possibility of a get-together night in October. Graffiti due to be completed today on building by the Community Centre. British Heart Society want to meet with BRAG - possible presentation in Community Centre. Need to look at website and see what can be done to update it. Possibility of having our own domain name (.com or .uk) Look at Kenfig Hill Historical website, it has some good features.

BRAG Meeting 2/10/13 Present Dafydd, john, Dianne, Paul, Graham

Apologies Sue, Val,

Progress update on tennis courts project Now have planning approved. Need a chartered surveyor report next. John needs to submit an end of term report next. Will then apply for the full grant which will take about 6 months for confirmation of the grant.

Bowls Dianne has been approached to ask if they can have a discussion with BRAG. BRAG agreed to this and suggested they come along to the next meeting. Dianne to communicate this back to the Bowls committee.

Ground Work meeting Graham reported on this meeting which he had with Gail today. Discussed the work by the toilet block. Gail to contact David Phillips re the lease for to develop this area. Gail will also prepare a work plan for the walk and submit this to Jonathan Price.

Halloween Agreed to put this on. Dianne to organise a disco. Need smoke and bubbles as part of this. Need to find a date to suite disco and community centre.

Historical talks Dafydd to set up talks. These are to start in November. Paul to get this changed in the newsletter.

School project Paul to issue a spend report on this. Dafydd to find out how long the extension has been agreed for. Still need the blog site setting up and regular information adding to this.

Christmas event Show is organised by Val and Sue. Marian Lewis will support the event. Dafydd will be the man in a beard. Will agree next week on a role for the Gleemen. Graham is canvassing for funding. Graham to contact the police to invite them to our events again.

Next meeting Can Paul book the community centre for 7pm next Thursday.

Paul prepare a presentation for this.

Thank you, Paul Bulmer

> Meeting held at Community Centre. October 10th 2013 > > Present:- Graham, Dafydd, John, Diane, Paul, Peter, Sue, Val > > School Project > Need to contact Jan Francis to arrange a timeline for the rest of the project. > The walk has still not taken place. > An extension has been given until February, but there are still a number of aspects to be completed. > > Christmas Event > Tinsel Tales by Likely Story Theatre. > Community Centre booked. > Need to draw up an agenda for the night. > Anthony Bye is available to sing with the children - allow 30mins for this. > Can a few choir members accompany him? > Need Christmas music in the background. > > Request > There has been a request from Caroline Sheeran to bring schoolchildren along to help with the area by the Community Centre. > > John and Diane's project > They have met up with Carys and ironed a few things out. > Account to be closed and then the application will go in for the lottery money and then there will be a 6 month wait. > > The meeting ended with refreshments - Chinese takeaway and choice of drink!

Meeting held at the Royal Oak Friday 15th October

Present:- Graham, Dafydd, John, Dianne, Sue

Apologies:- Paul Minutes of last meeting:- these were approved Police Help:-the guys from Cymmer will be able to help with the Santa parade, as the Bryn/Cwmavon PCSO is not available. Food and drink:- mince pies from John Hill (Sue to order) mulled wine, lemonade There are crisps left from Halloween, choc bars Posters and Advertising;- Sue has been in touch with Likely Story and there are dedicated posters available. Hope these will arrive in time for posting around the village. Information to go in next newsletter. Marian:- Val to ring Marian and check that help is still available for Santa's transport. Time Scale:- 5;15pm - Santa leaves from outside Rugby Club 6:15pm - Arrive Community Centre 7pm - Panto starts Tickets £3.50/£2.50 Anthony Bye will be there. Date of next meeting:- TBA AOB:-John and Dianne have met with Carys. John has to send in an update of what has been done to the Big Lottery Fund for the next stage of the application. This goes in by the end of November.

BRAG meeting Tues 29/10/13 ------BRAG meeting Tues 29/10/13

Present Graham Rowland, John and Dianne Thomas, Sue Phillips, Dafydd Bowen, Paul Bulmer Meeting called to plan up coming events. Halloween Need to get access to community centre to set up. Find out what can be done. See if we can get in after 4:30. PB. Got prizes for costumes. Graham to get prizes for best pumpkin. Sue will not be there until after work, 7:00. Dafydd to sell calendars. Will Anthony Bye sing national anthem on Burton run. Will get a free run entry. PB Disco now booked for £80 for the night. Will arrive before 6 to set up and operate from 6:30 to 9:00

Will sell sweats, crisps, etc, plus tea, coffee, pop and cakes. Do a raffle. Committee will donate wine for prizes. Ryan, from Royal Oak, will donate crisps for sale. Police to be present and will also help with presenting prizes.

Entry fee £1 per child. It was expected that based on the charges agreed that the event will make a loss which will be subsidised by BRAG. The committee agreed to this.

Christmas event. Graham to get another tree for the community centre. GR. Tell community centre warden about our arrangement for putting the tree up. PB. Further meeting required to plan the detail of this event.

Burton Run The committee asked for clarification on BRAGs role with this run. Graham explained how this had come about at the request of Tata and how this can benefit Bryn in the long run.

Graham explained how the Burton run is expected to be far larger this year than past years and how support from both Cwmafan and Bryn will be required.

Village Meeting about proposed Wind Mill developments Paul Bulmer briefed the meeting on discussions taking place with assembly members and others to plan a future village meeting about wind turbine proposals.

New members of BRAG Christine Martin has expressed interest in joining BRAG. Paul to invite her to the next meeting.

Next meeting To be agreed

Meeting with David Rees AM on Thursday 7/11/13 A meeting with David Rees AM was requested by BRAG to discuss energy developments in the Bryn area and if required, plan a village meeting to discuss issues. The meeting took place in the Royal Oak.

Present David Rees, Val Merriman, Viv Gauge, Peter Phillips, Dafydd Bowen, Paul Bulmer.

David briefed those present on what he knew about wind farm developments in the area. Applications fall in to two categories, above or below 50mw. Below 50 is approved by local council.

The current proposed applications are within what the local council have control over.

Community funds are provided by the developers of some of the schemes.

£2000 per megawatt is the guide lines for community funds. This is per year for 25 years. David did say this can vary.

The strategic area for wind farms, referred to As Tan8 area, is still a risk for future development. This are extends right down and around Bryn.

Licenses for fossil fuel come from London. Licenses are in place for gas extraction. No drilling done so far. Mainly coal bed methane. A licence for Fracking at St Johns also in place. This could stop Tata steel mine development if it were to be approved.

David stated that Port Talbot council have got good expertise on wind farm planning.

David passed on a Department of Energy and Climate Change Document on shale gas Fracking to BRAG. This documents provides answers to many of the questions around this method of gas extraction.

David suggested that BRAG should Write to the wind farm company's asking for to be formally kept informed. Paul to follow this up.

Paul to Send David the details for the environmental document. For the proposed wind farm SE of Bryn.

Local MP also may have input to wider discussions.

Brag meeting 25/11/13

Present Paul, Graham, Dafydd, John. Val

Apologies Sue

PB to send school project details to DB ready for a meeting on 26/11/13 Include spread sheet and initial remit for project.

GR announced that the runs will provide £150 towards the cost of the Christmas events at Bryn and Cwmafan.

PB check how many selection boxes used in the past and let Dianna know. She will then obtain them.

Ask Sue to book the community centre when she knows what set up time is required.

DB to collect mince pies.

PB look to see what carols music we have. DB to also ask Ryan.

Tickets Just sell on the night.

Newsletter changes noted. PB to send updates to Mark.

Tasks on the day? Jane in kitchen. Diana do mulled wine. Peter do photos. Raffle and tickets on door.

Tin of sweats to go round with Santa. Diana to obtain.

Project carol words or print carol sheets? PB

Next meeting will be on Monday for the race meeting.

Paul Bulmer [[email protected]]

Hi Jayne, below are my notes from yesterday and what I think the next steps are.

------We discussed the Foel Trawsnant wind farm proposal and I updated Suzy on the information BRAG had on this proposal so far. We also showed the scoping report and Suzy noted the details so that she may obtain a copy and also find out if there was a more recent documents produced in connection with this proposal.

We looked at maps of the above proposal and also discussed the strategic area proposed for wind farms which was a much bigger concern to BRAG than the above proposed wind farm. Suzy said she would obtain a large hard copy of the strategic wind farm areas for BRAG. This could then be used in any future village meetings addressing the topic.

Paul expressed his concerns about wind farms from and engineering and environmental aspect and asked if the strategic plan had been updated or was to be updated based on the most recent scientific information now available from recent research and experience with regard to renewable energy sources. Suzy agreed to raise this question in the Senate.

The group wondered what actions were being progressed by the other communities affected by wind warm proposals in the South Wales valleys. Jayne agreed to see if she could find contacts so that the relevant groups could stay in touch.

The proposed wind farm on the hills between Goytre and Bryn was also discussed as this appears to of gone quite again. Jayne would obtain an update on this.

BRAG asked what other applications may be in the pipeline for the Bryn area. Suzy was not aware of any but all would keep their ears open and share any information they did hear about.

The group generally felt that solar generation offered less environmental damage than wind turbines and was more open to this being progressed as a green policy.

The question was asked if Wales was being seen as a source of energy for the rest of the UK as it appeared that with the current proposals, including the biomass power stations, the area was going to be generating far more power than it is using. Tata is a large energy consumer in the area but they intend becoming a net exporter in the future if proposed capital investments go forward.

Paul also stated what he had found out about the Swansea Lagoon after attending a presentation at the Swansea (Morfa) stadium on behalf of BRAG. This appeared to be a very good scheme offering both commercial and tourist benefits to the area in addition to green energy. There was also the possibility of some storage capacity from this scheme which is an essential requirement for the larger rollout of renewable energy sources. He asked Suzy if these developments were included in current energy policy for the area. Suzy would enquire.

A Summary of Achievements in 2013 BRAG 2013 EVENTS ORGANISED

 BRAG Organised:  Halloween Disco on 25th Oct 2012  Hallowe’en disco, sponsored by Tesco’s Maesteg.  Prizes awarded to the most creative youngsters for the scariest looking jack-o’-lantern pumpkins, as well as the creepiest costumes  Entry was £1 per person  Tues Dec 11th  5.00pm: Santa sets off!  6.00pm - 6.45pm: Gifts in the Grotto  6.15pm: O Come, All Ye Faithful Tata Brass Band will perform a medley of much-loved traditional carols.  7pm: It’s Panto Time!  Mulled wine and mince pies served all night. EVENTS (CONT.)

 Good Friday children's fun day  Bryn Beast 1st June  Bryn Art Attack  Children's Play Scheme  Presentation Evening 14 Sept.


 BRAG no longer provides a Chair and Secretary. The Councillors informed us that this was the wish of the village residents.  Requests have however been made to BRAG that minutes should be reinstated.  During this time the Councillors have helped with:  The Bryn Beast


 Projects  Nature Reserve  Now formally recognised  Rockery Garden added  Great Dragon Ride now passes through this area  School Project  Funding obtained for  Computers, cameras, etc.  Trip to Big Pit HISTORY PRESENTATIONS

 The Monks of Margam. Oct  The Port Talbot Railway. Jan  The Development of the Village of Bryn. Feb FUNDING

 Funding  Lottery Funding for Tennis Court area  Business Donations for Bryn Beast  Tesco support of Halloween  Lottery Funding of School Project  Keep Wales Tidy funding of Rockery Project  Welsh Assembly funding of Broadband


 Publicity  News Letter  Flyers  Posters  News Papers


 BRAG  Full Committee Meetings (3)  20/11/12, 23/7/13, 02/10/13  Many more small working party meetings  CRAC  CRAC meetings did stop and we have not attended any since.  Projects  Meetings with Groundworks  Meetings with Council for Tennis Courts Project  Meetings with Tata  Meetings with Play Scheme  Meetings for Bryn Beast  Meetings for Burton Run  Attend race events to distribute publicity  Funding  Meetings with NPT Council for Voluntary Services (We are Full Members of this group)  Calendars  Meetings to agree content and organise the printing of 2 sets of Calendars Minutes of a committee meeting held at The Royal Oak

on Tuesday November 20th 2012.

Graham in the chair, with Dafydd, Val, Paul, Mark, Sue, and Gareth Mcneil present.

Graham introduced Gareth from NPTCBC Play Development Team, who is involved in the four year Lottery Proect:

In both the Bryn and Cwmavon ward area, the Playbus will be visiting one evening per week during 2013 for two hours, and will be situated next to the park. Consultation has begun with Bryn Primary School and they will try not to clash with the youth club.

As a follow on from Playbus, Gareth will develop sustainable play activities for the children, using natural resources. He is also hoping to get BRAG involved by working with the children in various ways. During the second week of the bus provision, there will be promotion events to give information to the parents. The subject of CRB checks was discussed. The main concern from the school was regard to safety; hopefully we can get a regular visit schedule from the Police, or at least a PSCO, to the park so that they can build up a relationship with the children of the village.

Gareth will work with highways for the possibility of putting lights on the footpath from the bottom of Welfare Avenue up to the park. Paul also mentioned the pathway from the Dram Road up to Bryngurnos Street.

Gareth left with a list to start working on - lights, clearing, PSCO visits, possible storage facility for the youth club, Graham mentioned the old toilet block- could this be made into a small gym? Gareth will keep us updated.

Re the Christmas Panto , Humbug : Paul to check if he has the elves suits, Dafydd has agreed to be Santa and will give out selection boxes to the children at a cost of £1.Santa’s grotto is in Adam’s garage and Paul to ask Peter to take photos. Sue to ask Ceri from Tesco to sponsor the event so that we can buy mulled wine, and Sue to order mince pies with Tanygroes Bakery. Tickets given to the committee members and Ryan at the Pub. Re: the old tennis courts – Marion had been through the lease; this would be at a cost of approx £300 / year, but we could possibly get a grant; public liability insurance would be our biggest problem and concerns were raised re the cost of maintaining the road to the tennis courts; a meeting is scheduled for this coming Friday as regards to where we go next with the lottery funding.

Next Historical Society talk is Thursday November 29th with Bill Perkins, raffle prizes needed.

Another morning of bulb planting was agreed for this coming Saturday at 12 o’clock, as still three sacks left to plant.

We still have £100 voucher to spend towards plants for the Nature Garden; Gail from Groudwork said that she would help and get the schoolchildren involved – Paul to chase this up.

As a committee we have decided not to take on the lease of the toilet block.

Re : Limited Company - Graham to ask Carys a few more questions.

Annual Meeting is to be arranged for the New Year.

------MINUTES OF B.R.A.G. COMMITTEE MEETING held at Bryn Village Hall Thursday January 13th 2011

Present:- Graham, Paul, Dafydd, Sue, Heather, Val, Steve, John Apologies:- Viv, Luke, Lee

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Graham thanked everyone for their efforts with recent events. There are committed members involved and B.R.A.G. is now going from strength to strength. The work that has been done on both websites is tremendous and appreciation and thanks must be given to Peter, who has spent a lot of time on this, and also to Luke. There have been many compliments about the two websites.

Graham has spoken to a few people in senior management at TATA and is going to speak to retired employees about their memories of the war.

He also spent some time with the Co-operative Society. There is a grant of £2000 which can be applied for annually for community purposes.

Treasurer’s Report Accounts were presented up to 11/12/10 Money coming in from the sale of the calendars is very encouraging. We can apply for a grant of £2000 from CVS. The £1300 which we had from Big Lottery last year has been accounted for and Paul has provided them with receipts etc. Paul has come up with a pro forma to be filled in to account for any fundraising income that comes in. It is to be signed by the person involved in the transaction and verified by Paul. An example of the form was circulated, and the meeting approved. It was proposed and seconded that a debit card be applied for in order to make purchases on-line. This was approved by the meeting. Proposed:- Heather Seconded:- Steve

Historical Society Report There have been 3 talks this Autumn Harriet Jones – Mining

Minutes of a Committee Meeting held on March 10th

Present : Graham, Paul, John, Sue, Val, Lee, Luke, Dafydd

Also, Gail from Groundworks and Paul and Jenny from Biodiversity.

Apologies received from Shaun and Des.

Gail’s report: First design draft of the History / Biodiversity Panel brought to us for confirmation. Information from our website had been used. Details of Bryn Tip’s Industrial heritage are to be put on the panel to tell the story of the colliery. Also, the history of the actual site is to go on the panel which is to be erected near the seat. Total cost of a 4 x 2 panel is £1800.

Bryn Logo needed – Paul to send via email, together with any images of actual miners.

Gail still waiting for the council to say YES, but hopefully the project will be started within the next 6 weeks and completed before June 18th. Graham asked if this could be moved along more quickly, so that within the next month we could see a start of the project. Jenny and Paul will email Graham and Paul the details to proof read.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.

Chairman’s Report:

Graham reported that he and Paul had given Dr Brian Gibbons a presentation of the Run, which had gone well.

Graham had seen men repairing the old railway line and sweepers around the village.

Treasurer’s Report : No Report given .It will be updated by next meeting.

Historical Society Report :

Dafydd reported that Sally Roberts Jones will be our speaker on March 31st and Mr Viv Thomas will speak about a Thomas family from Maesteg on April 28th.

Dafydd will contact Eira from Port Talbot Historical Society and Heather Davies from Maesteg Historical Society to see if they would like to put a display together for June 18th.Dafydd will be taking our boards to the Maesteg display on Friday 18th March.

Update on the Run:

The Council and the Police had been quite helpful with regards to the road crossings, and had been up to see where these crossings would take place. Priority was to be given to the traffic.

Alan Dalglesh (head of security from Tata Steel) has offered his support, and that of his security guards, to the event. Also the works 4x4, which has a full medical kit plus oxygen, would be available to us for the day. (A date needs to be sorted for the security men to go on the route).

A letter had been sent to Michael Sheen to see if he is available on the day. Minutes of a Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Community Centre on 31/8/11

Chair Graham Rowlands. Paul, Dafydd, Steve, John, Heather and Sue present.

Apologies were received from Viv Gage.

Graham welcomed everyone, and thanked everyone for coming. It has been a long time since we had met, but there were lots going on behind the scenes!

Graham read the minutes of the last meeting and they were accepted.

Chairman’s Report

1 The picnic area has been delayed until further funding can be found;

2 An AGM for the running event will be held shortly, to discuss the donation of the money made on the day;

3 Graham proposed a Halloween Disco be held at the community centre on Tuesday October 25th,

Sue to ask: - Bryn W.I., to move venues and ask Lisa Morgan for help to decorate the room.

Entry £1 to include a bag of sweets; extra drinks and sweets to be on sale and ducking apples/apples on a string to be charged at 10pence/try;

Donations for prizes needed and Sue to buy decorations and sweets;

4 Graham would like BRAG to organise a Christmas Pantomime for the village; possibly have the Maesteg Gleemen involved and Santa to visit the village, all on the same day.

Sue to ask, Peter Knowles if he has a panto contact.


(ADULTS £ 2.50 CHILDREN / OAP £1.00)

5 Graham would like the proposed walks to start soon, but first permission is required off the forestry, after felling finishes in October;

Treasurer’s Report

Balance in account £2513.03

Minutes of B.R.A.G. AGM held on Tuesday November 29th 2011

Chairman Graham welcomed everyone and outlined all the events that have taken place over the year. Graham also thanked all the committee members for their help and hard work over the year and confirmed that we have made a difference to the village.

Minutes of last year AGM were put on the screen.

These minutes were proposed by Val and seconded by John.

Matters Arising:

There is a delay in the approval with the local council over the planning for the picnic area and as a result we have lost the grant. Paul is currently trying to get this grant reinstated with a possibility of match funding with it being a small grant.

The 2012 LDP deadline has now been extended to 2014, but both Marion and David told us there was nothing to worry about, even though Mr Jeffries had been seen in the village.

Treasurer Report

Accounts had been audited. Balance of account is £1572.59. A full and detailed report was given by Paul and shown on the screen.

For all the grants, a full income / expenditure report was given and the balance was £1197 at the end of September.

Grants – capital equipment e.g. projector screen, computer etc. Record of assets – lease of bits of land from council that we can develop, eg . if we apply for a grant we have to own by lease that piece of land, toilet block, land for skateboard area etc.

Viv Gange stated that we need to include a depreciation value into the income/ expenditure figure so that we could build up funds to replace eg the projector. Viv will help Paul to do this. Daf asked for a total amount from the calendar sales - £1378 with the printing costs totalling £300. Paul said that this was the highest income generated by ourselves and the more we can raise will enable us to match fundraise.

The Year of B.R.A.G Achievements was shown on screen with Graham giving a account on each and every one of them.

Historical Society

An excellent talk had been given in November by Sally Roberts on Dic Penderyn, and four more talks are planned for after Xmas.Daf is off to the printers tomorrow with the photos for this years calendar and to proof read what had already been done.300 copies have been ordered to sell at £5 each.

No nominations received, so the current officers will remain the same.

Bwystfil y Bryn 2012 will be held on Saturday June 16th. Graham not sure as yet what funds Tata will be able to give us this year. Graham hopes to make it more of a carnival atmosphere next year. Some enquiries had already started to come through, with our website to be used for promoting the run, Hopefully bigger and better next year !!

The vandalism we encountered last year came to over £1000; the village raised £500 towards the repair but when this was presented to Tata, they handed us back the cheque to us , so we have a healthy start for next year.

The future quiz money will go towards raising money to put a memorial on the tip for those who lost their lives in the mines.

Surgery Meetings

These meetings are held on the 2nd Saturday of every month in the village hall. We were all asked to promote these meetings as it would be lovely to see more villagers turn up.

Christmas Pantomime Sat Dec 10th

Father Christmas will start the night off from Welfare Avenue at 5.30 heading back to the community centre. Cwmavon choir Bois Afan will then start the evening off before our panto Peter Pan starts. Mulled wine and mince pies will be available on the night. This year we will be having a xmas tree in the porch of the community centre; a first for Bryn !

No proposals or ideas received.


Graham has asked the council for planning permission to erect a memorial on the tip. Graham has also met with Tata who proposed that their apprentices would build and erect it.

John thanked Graham and Paul for the work they and the committee had done for the village.

This was seconded by Marion who said that BRAG had done a superb job. Marion also informed us that there were now grants available and Marie Shufflebottom was working hard to get Bryn put under the Community First umbrella.

Meeting closed at 7.50pm.

Bryn Residents Action Group


Date: 14th January 2010

Venue: Bryn Village Hall

Present: Graham Rowland, Paul Bulmer, Julie Moore, Andrew Moore, Dafydd Bowen, Sue Phillips, John Thomas, Viv Gage, Val Merryman, Heather Head.

Graham opened the meeting and thanked everyone for attending.

Graham read the minutes of last committee meeting 26th Nov 2010.

Minutes of the last meeting on were accepted as a true record of proceedings.

Actions not covered

A letter has been sent regarding the proposed boundary changes to the Bryn & Cwmafan Ward.

A reply has been sent to Rhys Jeffries letter.

Bryn Tip, members of BRAG have met with the council regarding the Bio-Diversity’ project and it was felt that more funding will need to be sourced as the funds are match funded. A working party will need to be set up to clear areas of Gorse. Dick Wagstaff wishes to be kept informed of progress of the project.

Chairman’s Report

Graham thanked all the committee for the support given to him and praised the groups achievements over the last 8 months.

Treasurers Report

Balance of the account £1608.25, including lottery grant money. A donation of £50 was suggested to Bryn Primary School in recognition of the part played by the children in the Christmas event, proposed by Paul Seconded by Dafydd.

Historical Society Report

Dafydd has visited the old age group on a Thursday and received lots of history of the Village. Dafydd proposed a Tea Dance one afternoon to record some of the memories. Arrangements for January’s history event are progressing well. It was proposed the February event be a St David’s day celebration with the Primary School.. Graham, Paul and Dafydd to discuss with Jan.



Date : Wednesday February 3rd

Venue : Bryn Rugby Club

Apologies received from John and Val

Graham opened the meting and thanked everyone for coming.

Graham read out the minutes from the last committee meeting.

Actions not covered :

Graham thanked Paul for his terrific effort in setting up the BRAG website. A £50 cheque was presented to Jan Francis Jones and Bryn primary school from our Xmas event

Chairman’s Report

Graham reported that yet another successful Heritage night had been received at the Club where approximately 60 -70 people had attended and £56 had been collected on the raffle. Re Nature project : update meeting will take place with the council this Friday Feb 5th Western Logs to put fencing up and complete by end Feb. The cost will be covered by our grant of £10k. A working party will be needed to help out during March. If possible dates to be given to the School for letters to go out asking the children and parents to help.

Treasurer’s Report

Balance of the account £1603.42 sheet circulated to all. Lottery fund received and all expenditure has to be tracked for an end of year report. B.T. community support fund has been contacted and Paul to hear in March whether we have been successful in receiving this grant. Committee will need to fund raise throughout the year and a possible Table Top Sale was mentioned. Initial enquiry made to the Coalfield Regeneration funding committee. BRAG website now in the hands of Viv Gage More photos to be updated from Historical Night Group membership list been updated and circulated.

Hisorical Society Report

Dafydd said that he was overwhelmed with the number that turned up at the club for Alan Thomas’s excellent account of village life in Bryn. Dafydd had spoke to Mr Curtis up at the school regarding the children’s play for the next event. Harriet Jones from Neath Museum had been very helpful with regards to putting on a tea dance etc. February 25th will be a working party night towards the St David’s event March 25th Dafydd will give us a talk about Bryn before the coal came; April 29th John Adams from Port Talbot Historical Society will be our speaker

BRAG Website

Paul has setup the framework but the individual frameworks will need to be kept updated. Viv to work closely with Alan with regards to information for the newsletter and the website.


Paul to chase up Marion regarding actions from the last surgery. BRYN RESIDENTS’ ACTION GROUP MINUTES

Date: Thursday 15th July 2010

Venue: Bryn Village Hall

Present: Graham Rowlands, Paul Bulmer, Dafydd Bowen, Allan Jones, Joyce Jones, Heather Head, Steve Easton, Val Merriman, John Thomas

Paul welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies were received from Sue Phillips.

Minutes of the last meeting were not available, so Paul referred to the notes he had made.

Matters Arising

The Tea Dance was very successful. Dafydd and Harriet managed to interview about 8 people regarding their war memories. Steve Easton offered to get these transcribed. The community bus provided transport to the event. £20 was donated to Bryn Senior Citizens group by BRAG. Paul has reminded Marian about the T- shirts. A video from the St David’s Day event is still in the making. Graham is progressing this.

Treasurer’s Report

The balance sheet was displayed. Paul explained that income and expenditure have balanced out over the last few months, so finances remain about the same. We are continuing to pursue alternative sources of funding, particularly in relation to computer equipment. Paul has also explored the possibility of funding for publishing information about walks. A meeting has also been held with Chris Munroe to progress multiple funding options. The voluntary litter pick took place as published. There might be a possibility of having a broadband connection to the community centre. Marian Lewis is looking into this. Paul will progress this with Marian.

Chairman’s Report

Graham thanked those involved for their help with the Tea Dance, and reported that it had been a great success, even with people from outside the village. He has had a meeting with Dr Brian Gibbons and residents regarding the buildings being erected along the Goytre road. He passed around the draft of a leaflet about the Afan Valley, which includes information about Bryn. Graham is in consultation with Senior Management at Corus about the possibility of having a Steel Museum. He has discussed a proposed walk to Drysiol if we can obtain the land. There are lots of projects underway, and good progress is being made behind the scenes.

Historical Society Chaiman’s Report

Dafydd reported that in addition to the successful Tea Dance, 2 talks have been held this year, and there are plans for Harriet Jones NPT Heritage Officer to speak on September 30th on the subject of mining. On October 28th John Adams will speak about the Mansel Talbots and their influence. There are plans to produce a Bryn calendar. This was discussed and it was decided to look at photographs for inclusion in this in the next meeting. All the committee members to review and suggest favourites.

Minutes of a Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Rugby Club on Monday 27th September

Graham in the chair with Paul, Daffydd, Steve, John, Peter and Sue present.

Apologies were received from Val who was on holidays.

Resignations had been received from Julie & Andrew Moore and Alan & Joyce Jones.

Graham welcomed everyone, especially Peter to his first committee meeting and thanked him for setting up an excellent website for BRAG.

Graham read the minutes of the last meeting and they were accepted.

Actions not covered on the main agenda

No income received into BRAG’s account, but still had expenditure due to printing costs of the newsletters.

PC funding for Xmas lights etc. Now with Carys Mills;

A reminder has been given to Marion Lewis requesting an update on Broadband for the Community Centre.

Steve reported that Virgin have recently put in cables in Coronation Street. Peter suggested that if we say that we would publicise Virgin on our website and newsletter, perhaps they would give us a line. Obviously, as it would be for the Community Centre, the council would have to agree this.

The BRAG Calendar has been drafted. £3 each is the printing cost; it was agreed to sell each calendar at £5 to raise some income for BRAG. A quantity of 50 will be printed by the AGM with further orders to be taken on the night.

LDP feedback now needed as all comments would have been received by 30th September.

Graham and Paul have completed the costing of putting up information boards for the proposed walks which have been given to Marion and the Groundwork team.

A draft of the AGM presentation was given out by Paul for all committee members to check.

Minutes of committee meeting

Held at Bryn Pub on 20/10/2010

Graham thanked everyone for coming.

Apologies had been received from Jan Francis –Jones, Peter Phillips, Mark Llewellyn and Luke Rosser.

Minutes of the last meeting had been circulated and were proposed by Dafydd and seconded by Paul.

Matters arising from the minutes:

A request from the Police Authority had been received to hold an event for the teenagers in the village; committee agreed that we would look at this in the New Year.

Treasurer’s Report:

A/c. Balance same as AGM. AGM accounts would be included in 2010/2011 figures.

Small loss made as cost of newsletters had to be covered.

The question arose as to whether our accounts should be audited – there could be a possibility that the Lottery could ask to see our books. Viv Gage and John Thomas agreed to audit the account.

Historical Society Report

Dafydd has posters to put out for next Thursday’s event: John Adams will be speaking on The Mansel Talbot’s of Margam at Bryn Rugby Club 7.30pm.

David Lewis from Maesteg will be our November 25th speaker, who will talk on The Iron Industry in Maesteg.

Raffles needed for both occasions from committee members please.

XMAS Event December 9th

Graham asked for as much help as possible.

Children in the village are already asking questions about the event. Graham said that last year’s response, when Santa had walked around the village, had been tremendous and very rewarding.

Minutes of Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Pub Sunday Nov.21st

Graham, Dafydd, Sue and Val present.

Dafydd announced that the calendars were ready. Sue proposed that a complimentary calendar be given to the Pub and Club, to promote them but also to John Hill for his continued donations to the historical society. Graham thought it would be a good idea to give a copy to Alan and Joyce Jones also. Dafydd seconded this and agreed to distribute these.

Re Xmas Concert:

1 Luke has designed and distributed a poster to advertise the event; 2 Dafydd has his Santa outfit sorted; 3 Police escort for Santa has been arranged; 4 Elves arranged to follow Santa with a bell and sweets for the children; 5 All available to meet at the School at 5pm for the start; 6 Agenda for the night sorted with Jan, Graham and Dafydd; 7 Marian has sorted the community minibus; 8 John Thomas to be asked to go on the minibus; 9 Ken Pearson and friends have agreed to play on the night; 10 Dafydd to contact John Hill to see if he will donate 150 mince pies; 11 Xmas decorations have been arranged for the community centre; 12 Hopefully Marian will be able to donate the selection boxes ; 13 Lee has sorted out the timber and is to get the paint for the background; 14 Luke to try and get raffle prizes donated from Maesteg shops; 15 Sue asked to get pop and sweets for the children on the night; 16 Sue asked to compare the evening; 17 Will Curtis sorting out the play in school; 18 Dafydd to get the raffle books; 19 Paul to be asked to put the programme and carols onto the projector; 20 Sue to go and see Caroline Davidson; 21 Val asked to try to purchase Victorian candles (depending on price); 22 Jane ok to sell tea and coffee on the night; 23 Val and Heather to sell raffle tickets on the night;

Meeting closed at 8.30pm

Minutes of Committee Meeting

Held at Bryn Pub Sunday Dec.9th

Graham, Dafydd, Sue and Val present.

Dafydd announced that the calendars were ready. Sue proposed that a complimentary calendar be given to the Pub and Club, to promote them but also to John Hill for his continued donations to the historical society. Graham thought it would be a good idea to give a copy to Alan and Joyce Jones also. Dafydd seconded this and agreed to distribute these.

Re Xmas Concert:

1 Luke has designed and distributed a poster to advertise the event; 2 Dafydd has his Santa outfit sorted; 3 Police escort for Santa has been arranged; 4 Elves arranged to follow Santa with a bell and sweets for the children; 5 All available to meet at the School at 5pm for the start; 6 Agenda for the night sorted with Jan, Graham and Dafydd; 7 Marian has sorted the community minibus; 8 John Thomas to be asked to go on the minibus; 9 Ken Pearson and friends have agreed to play on the night; 10 Dafydd to contact John Hill to see if he will donate 150 mince pies; 11 Xmas decorations have been arranged for the community centre; 12 Hopefully Marian will be able to donate the selection boxes ; 13 Lee has sorted out the timber and is to get the paint for the background; 14 Luke to try and get raffle prizes donated from Maesteg shops; 15 Sue asked to get pop and sweets for the children on the night; 16 Sue asked to compare the evening; 17 Will Curtis sorting out the play in school; 18 Dafydd to get the raffle books; 19 Paul to be asked to put the programme and carols onto the projector; 20 Sue to go and see Caroline Davidson; 21 Val asked to try to purchase Victorian candles (depending on price); 22 Jane ok to sell tea and coffee on the night; 23 Val and Heather to sell raffle tickets on the night;

Meeting closed at 8.30pm


Held at the Community Centre

On THURSDAY October 7th

Graham thanked everyone for coming to our first AGM, even though the village turnout was disappointing.

Graham read out the Agenda to those present and asked for a round of applause for all those who had been a part and supported BRAG over the last year.

Treasurer’s Report

A full account of the year’s money raised was detailed on screen for all to see;

Total in A/c £1592 as at end September. A large portion of this money had come from The Lottery funding, i.e. Revenue Grant to cover our main costs such as community centre hire and printing costs.

Paul is currently pursuing capital grants to fund future footpaths, ponds for fishing and information boards.

£12k was obtained from a combination of the council/groundwork and bio-diversity to put up the fencing around the tip, which is now our nature reserve.

The Year of BRAG’s achievements was detailed on screen and read through by Sue.

The Committee for 2010/11 will stand the same with the current officers as no new nominations had been received.

David Williams announced that Bryn Rugby were to receive £10k from the Capital Budget to install a new boiler in the changing rooms.

Information on LDP

There are 4 new sites for residential housing, 3 for new and 1 for affordable housing.

Affordable housing possibly like the Barrat houses in Cwmavon, where you buy two thirds of the house and rent a third. Not housing association.

During the next few weeks, exploratory drilling will take place by Mr Jeffries. A map was distributed to all present to see the areas numbered 71, 72 and 73.

1 Steve Easton suggested that if Bryn kept quiet, the mining might actually happen ; 2 Graham asked if the results of the drilling would be made public. 3 The initial application is to drill for coal; 4 If successful, the application would take at least two years to complete; 5 Marian Lewis said that if Mr Jeffries was successful , that he would have to be seen to provide some money to improve the village; 6 Marian also stated that as many people as possible should write individually to the planning department to express their views on the proposals; 7 Marian also stated that the concerns expressed about the highways issue and about the drilling becoming a potential eyesore to the village also needed to be put in writing. 8 A concern was brought up regarding the material that would be dumped and it was suggested that certain controls would have to be put in place;

An application had been received to deposit material e.g. stone, on land behind the school. Questions were raised as to what and where would this material be coming from?

Recently, during a Saturday surgery meeting, lorries were seen turning outside the community centre. David Williams ‘called this in’ and found that an amendment had been received by the council to include Saturdays into their Monday to Friday schedule.

THE BRYN BEAST RUN June 18th 2011

Preliminary details are that this run will be over 15miles. It will start at the pub and end at the rugby club, and will attract lots of people from across the country. Graham is hoping that this will become an annual event and be a focal point for the valley, and put our village on the MAP!

Tartar has agreed to sponsor this run and will donate over £5k. It was suggested by Marion that we apply for a further £5k grant from Community First, also to aid this event. Shaun will be happy to work with us on this project which he feels will showcase our village.

Marian is involved in talks to improve the toilets, ready for our tourists.

Marion is also having the Old School buildings looked at as an environment issue as there is a nasty substance coming out of the walls.

The old bike shelter is to be demolished shortly.

The residents asked that extra pressure is required for the demolishing of the old garage. A court order had been issued to the owner. The view was that this has already dragged on far too long.

PT88 on the LDP map was for a housing application behind this garage.

Both councillors praised the group, although often nagged by us, congratulated us on all the work in progress and for our constant communication with them as councillors.

Report from Shaun P.C.S.O.

Shaun thanked the members of Cwmavon CRAC for their support this evening.

Shaun congratulated BRAG on their first year and the amount of work they had completed.

Crime is an all time low in South Wales and Bryn is a safe place to live. Possibly the village is not aware of a team of Police, Fire and members of the authority who deal with the following:

1 Rural & Forestry Team tackling off road bikes 2 Combating illegal tipping 3 Forest Watch 4 Speeding through Bryn (with the help of the schoolchildren) 5 Rogue Trade awareness – cold callers targeting the old and more vulnerable

Shaun suggested that we get involved with the Nominated Neighbour Scheme; leaflets were available on the evening. If we have an incident to report please call 101, but if it’s urgent, we are still to call 999.

Shaun reported that vandalism in Bryn School was getting worse when the school was closed. Jan Francis Jones said that it was more of a nuisance than major damage that had been caused. Shaun obviously doesn’t know the children’s names so asked everyone to be on the lookout and report these children to himself so that he could talk to the parents. All calls would be treated confidentially.

A survey is to be carried out as the Community Centre and the Surgery are also suffering with vandalism.

Another concern is that football is being played on the bowling green.

Shaun would appreciate our help on the above.

Councillor David Williams thanked Shaun for his continuous hard work for both Cwmavon and Bryn and said he was a first class officer.

Graham said that BRAG committee members will be seen to be working with Shaun around the village.

Groundwork’s Report

Gail has been working with BRAG for the last six months and arrived at the AGM with photos of a new bench which, when we all voted on the chosen design, would be erected opposite the pub at the entrance to the new nature reserve. NO. 2 design, was carried.

Proposals and ideas:

1 Could the skateboard ramp be replaced - No funding available but still seen as a priority for the village 2 This year Bryn School will have to pay for grit in their salt boxes 3 John Thomas had contacted Paul Hinder from Community Spirit Paper who will hopefully help fill out a grant application form from the Welsh Assembly to purchase something for the young children in Bryn. 4 Possibility of a wildlife grant of £36k being progressed. This would be spent on the nature reserve. Unfortunately, Paul said that this is involving lots of form filling, and there are still some complications around land ownership to overcome. We may also need to match fund it and put a clear plan in place.

HISTORICAL SOCIETY REPORT Dafydd had been collecting photos for our upcoming Calendar.

John Adams will be the next speaker on November 25th on the Talbots.

The Xmas Event will be held on December 9th – Santa will ride around Bryn; the Maesteg Gleemen have been booked and the children from Bryn Primary will take part.

Close The raffle was drawn. David Williams thanked David Rees for attending; Paul thanked Peter Knowles and the members of CRAC for attending our first AGM and for their support and leadership at the start of the formation of BRAG. Graham thanked everyone for attending.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm

Bryn Surgery 12 Sep 09

Holes need seeing to in Maesteg Road and Bryngurnos Street. Problem been reported to Gary he will be dealing with it. Also gave him Pauls map with the problems highlighted on and he will be coming up the Bryn to investigate.

20mph signs by school Been reported to Phil John, awaiting a reply.

Old Railway line – John Hill (water holding on road) Been reported to David Jenkings, going up to see the problem on Tuesday, will report back.

Weight restriction on Station Terr. Spoke to John Flower, he informed me that they were not going ahead with that at present as the forestry where not going to use the road for their lorries.

Car park toilet side of Community Centre. They are going to look at the area and do a costing. It is going to looked at by Wendy’s group as well as it links in with the plans for the development of the old tip.

Wendy from the environmental department re project. Contacted the office, she only works from Wednesday’s left a message for her to contact me, if she does not phone by Thursday I will phone her.

Road Sweepers I contacted Clive Rogers to bring the small sweeper up the Bryn to give it all a good clean.

Land outside the school – clean up. Had a word with Gary to see what he can do for me.

Flip chart. I have asked a friend of mine to see if you knows of any spare ones.

Raffles Remind me to bring some up. Marian

Notice Board See if a proper enclosed notice board can be put up outside of the Bryn Community centre.

The grass cutting and general tidy up is most noticeable. The grass cutting along the old railway line has made a massive improvement. The bins have also been emptied. Bryn Surgery 10 Oct 09

Fly tipping opposite Royal Oak David reported that this had been recovered and will be forensically examined to identify the owners who will then be prosecuted. He would also arrange for boulders to be placed there to restrict access from the road.

Right of way by the river through Bryn David will follow this up with officers who specialise in this to ensure that this right of way remains open.

Bus services to Bryn David had been made aware that the bus service through Bryn had been reduced from twice an hour to just once an hour. He had confronted the service provider and been told that since the route was not subsidised by the council the operator needed to operate the route without making a loss. This could not be done with current levels of use so had to be reduced.

LDP proposals David updated those present on information he had been given for to cascade. He is to provide an electronic copy to BRAG for wider circulation. He acknowledged the views expressed by Bryn in opposition of affordable housing and also the support for sheltered accommodation for old age. He stated that the consultation period had been extended a further 6 weeks from Fri 9/10/09. He was aware that extra time for additional proposals had also been agreed to and that time must also be allowed for feedback on these additional proposals. R Davies outlined the proposal he had put forward and which BRAG supported. David agreed to ensure this was not overlooked when new proposals were accepted.

PACT Shaun Thomas from PACT (Partnership And Communities Together) introduced his self to those present and how he has already been successfully working with BRAG in cracking down on crime in Bryn. He will attend the next Bryn village meeting to tell the residents more about PACT and how they can work together.

Problems with drugs and needles in Bryn were outlined to Shaun who agreed to follow this up.

Shaun outlined a recent problem where conmen in the area were conning old people out of money. All present to publicise this risk and to remind old people to always challenge callers for identity and ask them to call back at a time when others can be with them.

Wagons turning Wagons turning next to the community centre were causing damage and were a potential safety risk. David is to investigate.

Iceland deposits by NPT council David reported that the substantial deposits made by NPT into Icelandic banks are to be refunded in full back to the council.

Council ground used for Parking Details were passed to David for investigation and progressing.

Bryn Sign Posts David reported that the Bryn sign posts requested about two years ago will now be erected.

Grass cutting and litter collection When grass was cut at the sides of the road in Bridgend the letter collectors had followed behind using the same set of traffic controls used for the grass cutting. David to suggest this good practice be employed by NPT in the future.

David reported that he did have funds available to help support recreational developments such as those proposed by BRAG especially if they provided facilities such as changing rooms for mountain bike riders. Proposals to be drawn up by BRAG.

Actions from last surgery BRAG asked that the actions from the last surgery should also be reviewed. David pointed out that surgery sessions held by Marian Lewis had no relevance to his surgery sessions and should be addressed separately in the future. He did agree to progress any actions that had not been fully closed out. These were as follow.

Holes need seeing to in Maesteg Road and Bryngurnos Street. The locations of these problems were explained and David will progress. Also the grass cutting and the emptying of bins was also explained and will again be followed up by David.

20mph signs by school Signs now ready to erect.

Old Railway line – John Hill (water holding on road) David to now progress.

Road Sweepers Work has still not been done to a satisfactory level. David to follow up.

Flip chart. David to arrange for one to be provided in the community centre.

Notice Board David to see if a proper enclosed notice board can be put up outside of the Bryn Community centre.

Email Address David is to provide BRAG with his email address once he gets this working. This is so that good communication between BRAG and the village councillors may be maintained. In the mean time BRAG will send emails via Marian Lewis. Bryn Surgery 14 Nov 09

Surgery taken with Councillor Marian Lewis Chaired by Graham Rolands Minutes by Paul Bulmer

Actions from last minutes

Tidy up and maintenance in the village At the meeting in September, Councillor Marian Lewis was given a map of Bryn showing all the areas requiring maintenance.

Over the last two months many of these jobs have now been done. The grass cutting and general tidy up is most noticeable. The grass cutting along the old railway line has made a massive improvement. The bins have also been emptied. Having returned the village to this creditable standard plans must be made to keep it to this standard in the future. Those present expressed their appreciation of the work done.

It was noted that there were some items still required finishing off. Marian will visit Bryn on Monday and drive round with Graham to see what else needs to be done. Others present were invited to join them.

Some items noted was a sign post that had been knocked down while grass cutting that needs to be replaced. A tree that had blown over required removing and a replacement planting. Also the wind braces on the remaining trees require repair.

Fly tipping opposite Royal Oak David reported that this had been recovered and will be forensically examined to identify the owners who will then be prosecuted. He would also arrange for boulders to be placed there to restrict access from the road.

Access control to this area has now been provided through the placing of large pipes, made into flower pots, across the entrance to the site.

Still awaiting an update on the fly tipping from councillor David Williams.

Right of way by the river through Bryn David will follow this up with officers who specialise in this to ensure that this right of way remains open.

All the land owners of the right of way alongside the river are to be notified of their responsibility to maintain this right of way and keep it clear for pedestrians. The footpath signs are to be replaced.

Bus services to Bryn David had been made aware that the bus service through Bryn had been reduced from twice an hour to just once an hour. He had confronted the service provider and been told that since the route was not subsidised by the council the operator needed to operate the route without making a loss. This could not be done with current levels of use so had to be reduced.

A petition has been raised by the village.

A community bus is being considered for Bryn.

Marian was asked what role central government can play in providing this service. Marian is to obtain a written reply to this.

LDP proposals David updated those present on information he had been given for to cascade. He is to provide an electronic copy to BRAG for wider circulation.

BRAG has received a hard copy of this from Marian but would still like an electronic copy.

He acknowledged the views expressed by Bryn in opposition of affordable housing and also the support for sheltered accommodation for old age.

Marian confirmed these view had been acknowledge when she spoke at the village meeting on the 12/11/09. All present endorsed the views Marian had presented.

David had stated that the consultation period had been extended a further 6 weeks from Fri 9/10/09.

This is not the case but further input will be submitted to the LDP team when consultation is resumed early in 2010.

David was aware that extra time for additional proposals had also been agreed to and that time must also be allowed for feedback on these additional proposals.

R Davies outlined the proposal he had put forward and which BRAG supported. David agreed to ensure this was not overlooked when new proposals were accepted.

BRAG have seen the proposal and also recommend the support of this by the village.

PACT Shaun Thomas from PACT (Partnership And Communities Together) introduced his self to those present and how he has already been successfully working with BRAG in cracking down on crime in Bryn. He will attend the next Bryn village meeting to tell the residents more about PACT and how they can work together.


Problems with drugs and needles in Bryn were outlined to Shaun who agreed to follow this up.

Still require feedback on this.

Wagons turning Wagons turning next to the community centre were causing damage and were a potential safety risk. David is to investigate.

Currently no feedback on this but Marian will now pick this up and also request that the damage caused is repaired.

Council ground used for Parking Details were passed to David for investigation and progressing.


Bryn Sign Posts David reported that the Bryn sign posts requested about two years ago will now be erected.

Still being progressed by David.

Grass cutting and litter collection When grass was cut at the sides of the road in Bridgend the letter collectors had followed behind using the same set of traffic controls used for the grass cutting. David to suggest this good practice be employed by NPT in the future.

Still being progressed by David Holes need seeing to in Maesteg Road and Bryngurnos Street. The locations of these problems were explained and David will progress. Also the grass cutting and the emptying of bins was also explained and will again be followed up by David.

Still being progressed by David.

20mph signs by school Signs now ready to erect.

Still being progressed by David.

Old Railway line – John Hill (water holding on road) David to now progress.

Still being progressed by David.

Road Sweepers Work has still not been done to a satisfactory level. Both David and Marian to follow up.

Those present also asked about how work was audited and controlled by the council as many examples of shoddy workmanship were quoted by those present. A written response to how work is audited and controlled to ensure efficient use of taxes was requested.

Flip chart. David to arrange for one to be provided in the community centre.

Graham reported that he now had the chart and pens and was just waiting for the stand.

Notice Board David to see if a proper enclosed notice board can be put up outside of the Bryn Community centre.

David had reported at the village meeting that this has been approved and is being progressed. Should be installed soon.

Email Address David is to provide BRAG with his email address once he gets this working. This is so that good communication between BRAG and the village councillors may be maintained. In the mean time BRAG will send emails via Marian Lewis.

Still awaiting this from David. Marian said she thought it was [email protected]. Paul to try this.

This concluded the discussion on actions carried forward from past meetings.

New actions

An article from the local paper about the proposed work on the tip was shown to those present. Paul took the cutting and agreed to copy it. He also has copies of other recent articles referencing BRAG.

Proposed speed bumps on the main road through Bryn

The proposed speed bumps through Bryn that had been mentioned by David at the village meeting were discussed by all those present. It was not felt that this was a safe proposal in the location involved. Alternatives were discussed and suggestions made to further reduce the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph. This is still 10mph faster than the safe speed for crossing speed bumps. Rumble strips to make motorists more aware of their speed. Speed cameras to enforce the speed limit, etc. Marian agreed to contact the community police officer to see if initially random speed checks could be carried out at this location.

All present felt that permanent speed cameras at either end of the village were the preferred option.

More signs showing the speed limit were also considered desirable.

A mirror opposite Baldwin Street was considered a major asset in providing safe egress from this street since current visibility is very poor and a speeding vehicle has little chance of stopping.

Marian to discuss all these options with the relevant people.

Other work R Davies raised the issue of the gas pipe beside the bridge next to the poultry farm was not only unsightly but was also potentially dangerous when exposed in the way that it is. Marian to investigate further.

Bryn Surgery 12th December 2009

Surgery taken with Councillor David Williams Chaired by Paul Bulmer Minutes by Julie Moore

Fly tipping opposite Royal Oak David reported that this had been recovered and will be forensically examined to identify the owners who will then be prosecuted. He would also arrange for boulders to be placed there to restrict access from the road.

Cllr Williams reported that they traced the registered owner of the car responsible but are still waiting more information.

Right of way by the river through Bryn David will follow this up with officers who specialise in this to ensure that this right of way remains open.

The right's of way officer has visited the area. Cllr Williams will follow it up.

Bus services to Bryn David had been made aware that the bus service through Bryn had been reduced from twice an hour to just once an hour. He had confronted the service provider and been told that since the route was not subsidised by the council the operator needed to operate the route without making a loss. This could not be done with current levels of use so had to be reduced.

Cllr William reported that there could possibly be a Community bus service with funding from the Welsh Assembly Government. Alan Jones also contacting Older Persons Commissioner for Wales.

LDP proposals David updated those present on information he had been given for to cascade. He is to provide an electronic copy to BRAG for wider circulation. He acknowledged the views expressed by Bryn in opposition of affordable housing and also the support for sheltered accommodation for old age. He stated that the consultation period had been extended a further 6 weeks from Fri 9/10/09. He was aware that extra time for additional proposals had also been agreed to and that time must also be allowed for feedback on these additional proposals. R Davies outlined the proposal he had put forward and which BRAG supported. David agreed to ensure this was not overlooked when new proposals were accepted.

Next Meeting will be in January. Cllr Williams will keep us updated.


Problems with drugs and needles in Bryn were outlined to Shaun who agreed to follow this up.

Shaun outlined a recent problem where conmen in the area were conning old people out of money. All present to publicise this risk and to remind old people to always challenge callers for identity and ask them to call back at a time when others can be with them.

Shaun unable to attend meeting. Still require feedback on these issues

Wagons turning Wagons turning next to the community centre were causing damage and were a potential safety risk. David is to investigate.

Wagons now stopped and any damage caused has been repaired by Western Logs at No cost to council.

Bryn Sign Posts David reported that the Bryn sign posts requested about two years ago will now be erected.

Cllr Williams will follow it up

Grass cutting and litter collection When grass was cut at the sides of the road in Bridgend the letter collectors had followed behind using the same set of traffic controls used for the grass cutting. David to suggest this good practice be employed by NPT in the future.

David reported that he did have funds available to help support recreational developments such as those proposed by BRAG especially if they provided facilities such as changing rooms for mountain bike riders. Proposals to be drawn up by BRAG.

Most of the Village has been cut and is looking better.

Actions from last surgery BRAG asked that the actions from the last surgery should also be reviewed. David pointed out that surgery sessions held by Marian Lewis had no relevance to his surgery sessions and should be addressed separately in the future. He did agree to progress any actions that had not been fully closed out. These were as follow.

Holes need seeing to in Maesteg Road and Bryngurnos Street. The locations of these problems were explained and David will progress. Also the grass cutting and the emptying of bins was also explained and will again be followed up by David.

Holes have been repaired

20mph signs by school Signs now ready to erect.

Signs still not erected

Old Railway line – John Hill (water holding on road)

David to now progress.

Need to check if the problem has been repaired

Road Sweepers Work has still not been done to a satisfactory level. David to follow up.

Road sweepers have visited the village but not adequately, some areas need revisiting.

Flip chart. David to arrange for one to be provided in the community centre.

David unable to supply stand.

Notice Board David to see if a proper enclosed notice board can be put up outside of the Bryn Community centre.

Notice board erected.

Email Address David is to provide BRAG with his email address once he gets this working. This is so that good communication between BRAG and the village councillors may be maintained. In the mean time BRAG will send emails via Marian Lewis.

Cllr Williams' e-mail address is: - [email protected]

Proposed speed humps on the main road through Bryn

Cllr Williams reported that speed humps are proposed for the main road with the existing speed humps on Chapel Terrace being increased.

New Actions

The Bus stops throughout the village need clearing of grass and weeds as people are unable to access some of them in bad weather.

The porter cabin on the Old Bus Depot site and the Old Petrol Station need clearing.

Update needed on the Top Road between Ynys-y-Gwas and Port Talbot.

Can the kerbs be lowered for easier access to the Property in the turning area at Bryn Varteg.

Street lights seem to be on all the time in Penrhiw Street.