A Debugging Stundard Janls Livingston, Mofondq Inc
LA4JR -92-562 LA-UR--92-562 DE92 008476 TITLE SIIPERC(I!IPL!T1;RII1:I!LT(;I::Gk!ORKSHO1’’91 PRocm-JIN(:s AUTHOR(S) .J. Brown SIJBMlrTEDT(I Sllllc’r(:(lml)iltclr ‘9 ,\ll)wluc’rqll~’. Y:’ :hvtlml)t~r 14-lti. DWCLAIMER llrnrewrlwm~dwan~ntd worhapmodbym~dlkUnti Smtm ,,, , :, .,,, .,,.,..., , ,,, ,,, .,. ,.. * .,!, ,,. .,, ,,, . ,,, I!.r II ., ,I!l, m,..r.!,.m,,, ,!,,,,!,,,.. ,,, ,., ,: . ,, ,, .,, ; ,,,.,,. ● .,, . r. ,., ,, .V ,, t, I ,1. %,,.. 0!,!., 1, ,1 . .. .,,, ,. ,,.. ..., ,.,,,l ..,.. ,,, ! ,. ,1,..11,,, .,,,.,,., “.. ..t 11.,, s,,, Ilm,, #.t...l..l ,,1I ,s”8,,, —.. — . .....-. — . -. ----- ----- . ...... .. .. .. .. .,- . .- _______ .— MASTER Lus Alamos National Laboratory 1!m IannosLos Alamos,Ncw Mexico 87545 OL,l.l.,,,,,., ml’’” , ‘ ‘ “ . ., .,,, ,i.,i,’~ ,,1 . s b D 1 o. NM ~ Supercomputer Debugging Workshop ’91 Proceedings Albuquerque, New Mexico November M-16, 1991 FOREWORD The Supercomputer Debugging Workshop ’91 (SD ’91) was held the week prior to Supercmnp~ltlng ’91, and focused upon topics relat[ng to debugger construction and usage In the Supercomputer programming environment. The workshop brought together debugger developers and users to discuss topics and experiences of mutuai interest, andestablisheda basisfor fhturecollaborations. The objective of the woricahopwas to promote a free and open exchange of information between an interdisciplinary group of debugger developers and users from the commercial and aeademie communities, thereby advancing the statc-of- the-art of debugger technology. Program Chair: Jeff BrowL
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