Pouria Abbassi, P.E.

WHEREAS, Pouria Abbassi, a native of Iran, came to the United States in 1983 and was educated in Los Angeles graduating from Beverly Hills Prepratory School and is a UCLA graduate and a registered professional mechanical engineer in the State of ; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi became a U.S. Citizen in a ceremony at the Los Angeles Convention Center in 1998; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi began his City Service as a Sanitation Engineering Assistant in October of 1991 and continued to promote to the level of Control Systems Engineering Associate II in December of 1996, and Control Systems Engineering Associate IV in July of 1997; and during his employment, was instrumental in the automation of the recycling and refuse collection trucks; served in the Advance Technologies Group providing technical support and mission critical tasks for the Bureau's Solid Resources operations; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi promoted to Sr. Systems Analyst II for the City Administrative Officer in December of 1998; and during his employment was part of a Special Studies Group responsible for the budgetary implications of information technology activities within the City; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi promoted to Assistant General Manager for the Los Angeles Convention Center in July of 2000; and promoted to the level of General Manager and Chief Executive Officer in June of 2006; and during his employment has successfully advanced the business of the Convention Center and lead the transition of this Convention Center into a vibrant, dynamic, environmentally conscious and innovative organization; and

WHEREAS, through Mr. Abbassi's efforts the Los Angeles Convention Center has established dialogue and value added interactions with the Los Angeles business community, increasingly enhanced its profile and presence, established solid business relationship to garner business and facilitate operations with AEG/Staples Center, and LA LIVE; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi successfully established and implemented a 10 point strategic initiative to drive and map the business of the Los Angeles Convention Center towards realizing the true economic impact and social benefits of a thriving convention center for Los Angeles, and has consistently exceeded expectations to the present day;

WHEREAS, during this economic recession, under Mr. Abbassi's leadership, the Los Angeles Convention Center has not only operated on a solid fiscal base, not burdening the General Fund with its operating expenses, but has returned funds to the General fund both in 2010-11 FY and 2011-12 FY; and ·

"WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi's positive contributions to the City are reflected in a myriad of engineering, research, productivity and business awards and commendations he has achieved throughout his 20 year career, culminating most recently with his recognition as the "2011 Businessman of the Year" Award from the Encino Chamber of Commerce, California Awirds for Performance Excellence (CAPE) Bronze Award from the Council for Excellence, Community Impact Award by the Los Angeles Business Council and Industry Leadership Award by the Los Angeles Business Journal; and

"WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi has implemented multiple outreach programs geared to the youth and the community at large which included learning excursions, youth programs, internship opportunities, the Thanksgiving Turkey giveaway program, the Census program and emergency preparedness activities; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi is a member of various industry associations and sits on the Boards of the Los Angeles Business Council, Providence Tarzana Hospital Foundation, West Los Angeles College Hospitality program and is an active member of the Pacific Council on International Policy, the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce, the Encino Chamber of Commerce, and works with various Iranian American community organizations and concerns; and

WHEREAS, Mr. Abbassi was one of the key members of the Norooz Celebration Committee who in 2004 spearhead the implementation of the annual Norooz Celebration of the Persian New Year in the City of Los Angeles, in an effort to create an appreciation in the rich tapestry of culture and diversity of this great City:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this resolution the Los Angeles City Council does hereby commend and extend its appreciation to Pouria Abbassi for over 20 years of dedicated to the citizens of Los Angeles and to the departments in which he served and, furthermore, the City extends its cere congr: tulations and be wish~ transitions into his new leadership role. ~ May 11,2012 :x:l... ADOPTED C) MAY11 lOll =z LOSANGELES GtlYCOUNCil. ~ I CITY OF LOS ANGELES

RESOLUTION Agoston Haraszthy 1 200 h Anniversary

WHEREAS, August 30, 2012 marks the 200'h anniversary of the birth of Agoston Haraszthy, a charismatic nobleman known to generations of wine lovers and who is recognized today as the most important Hungarian pioneers in the ; and

WHEREAS, on August 30'h, 1812, Haraszthy was born in Pest ; and

WHEREAS, in March 1840, Agoston Haraszthy immigrated to the United States and settled in ; and

WHEREAS, in the early 1840's Haraszthy then traveled through the United States authoring a book called "Travels in North America" which was published in Pest, Hungary; and

WHEREAS, in 1849 Haraszthy emigrated his family via covered wagon from Wisconsin to , where he planted vineyards and was elected as the first sheriff of the county and chosen by the people of San Diego to represent them in the State Legislature in the City of Vallejo, the former capitol of California; and

WHEREAS, in 1852 Haraszthy acquired a large tract ofland near Mission Dolores in San Francisco, where he planted flowers and grapevines and entered the "gold rush" city by refining and coining gold he purchased from the California mines and then accepting an appointment from President Franklin Pierce as the first Assayer of the new United States Branch Mint; and

WHEREAS, in 1861, Haraszthy offered the State of California his services as a commissioner to report to the Legislature on the "ways and means best adapted to promote the improvement and growth of the grape-vine in California," then at his own expense, made a trip through the European wine regions and gathered over 100,000 cuttings representing more than 300 varieties of choice European grape vines which he brought back to Sonoma and helped distribute them throughout the state; and

WHEREAS, his second publication "Grape Culture, Wines and Wine-Making, with Notes Upon Agriculture and Horticulture" was published in New York and recognized as the first important work about California and written in California by a Californian; and

WHEREAS, on June 1, 1863, Haraszthy incorporated Buena Vista estate as the Buena Vista Viticultural Society, one of the first modern agricultural corporations in California with tunnels dug deep into the hillsides and landholdings in excess of 5000 acres; and WHEREAS, Haraszthy's tireless efforts on behalf of the vineyard culture and wine production in California; his excavation of the first hillside wine tunnels and construction of the first stone wine cellars in the state; his innovative use of native Californian Redwood to make fine wine tanks and barrels; his determination to show that grapes grown on hillsides without artificial irrigation can yield exceptional harvest of rich and intense grape flavors; and his frequent and eloquent speaking and writing about the future of fine wine production in California, earned him the title "Father of California Viticulture" ; and

WHEREAS, Buena Vista Vineyards included more than 400 acres of vineyards under active cultivation and were described in contemporary publications as the "Largest vineyard in the world"; and

WHEREAS, Haraszthy's and Vineyards have won multiple prestigious awards at exhibitions in America and Europe; and

WHEREAS, the career of Agoston Haraszthy is emblematic of the great sweep of history from Europe to America and his diverse and innovative enterprises and achievements mark him as one of the most famous to immigrate to America:

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Los Angeles by adoption of this Resolution congratulates Agoston Haraszthy on the bicentennial anniversary of his birth on August 30, 2012. Further we commend Agoston Haraszthy for his pioneering sprit and his ambition that helped shape the economic and agricultural landscape of California.


Councilmember, 4th District

ADOPTED MAY111.012. . m•msem~ Form 99



Lupus Awareness Month

Whereas, systemic lupus erythematosus, commonly called Lupus, is a chronic and Life-threatening auto-immune disease, in which the immune system attacks the body's own cells and tissue; and

Whereas, Lupus can harm the heart, kidneys, skin, Liver, and nervous system; and

Whereas, Lupus is known as one of the great imitator illnesses that mimic symptoms of other iLLnesses and is difficult to diagnose; and

Whereas, tens of thousands of Southern Californians and more than 1.5 miLLion people nationwide are afflicted with Lupus or related diseases; and

Whereas, Lupus primarily strikes women in their prime affecting aLLaspects of their Lives, including family, friendships, education and careers; and

Whereas, African American women suffer more severe symptoms and a higher mortality rate; and

Whereas, Lupus is a treatable chronic iLLness without a cure and there is a strong need for educational outreach and support for sufferers of Lupus; and

Whereas, Lupus LA is marking I 2 years of providing patient services and educational programs for victims of this devastating disease:

NO~ THEREFOR~BE IT RESOLVED, that by the adoption of this resolution the Los Angeles City Council hereby declares May 2012 to be Lupus Awareness Month in the City of Los Angeles and further congratulates Lupus LA on its important work, serving Lupus sufferers and educating the public on the devastating impacts of this disease.

May I I, 2012



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