R Ilkralb Allied Forces on Germans' Heels; Hir Brest Garriso

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R Ilkralb Allied Forces on Germans' Heels; Hir Brest Garriso "'J .. 1 \ \ ' 5, JAY, Aucroarr zf, ‘ , ' i —.....7 ■ ■ ■ , ■ • ■ \ \ ATtragt Dally Circulation '■ IffiE EOURTEE?! Mattchester Evening ffer^ald jrw the MeaUi at inly, 1944 The Weath^x derful wbrk' lhe Red Crosa haa Forecast ol C. S. U rather Bnrean Members of the Briti.sh W ar yet- D|d You Lose a Snapshot been doing, it would b« beat to let 8 ,7 2 8 erans auxiliary have been invited Tot Missing Of Filer Being Decorated? Red Grosa Out the Western Union be the initial Flntr and continued cool tonight; - .^•4 - \ - Member ef the AtaUt A b o u t T o w n to attend the ceremonies in con-' informer and then allow the Red Sunday Increnalng^ cioudinese fol­ nection with th; burning of the Somewhere in Manchester, Cross representatives to follow up '— : ' Baraan o f Clrcnhstioas r i l k r a l b lowed hy raid late In the day aad As Messenger SuperflniH^ Hair Removed quite cooL l Mlsntanomoh Tribe No. 58, T. O. mortgage at the Legion Home on For 3 Hours aomeonc ia mourning the loaa to assist in whatever, way they t iL , will hold iU regular Jncet- Saturday evening. Sept. 9. T h w of a snapahot. can. - ■ - ■ . Mancheater-^A City of Village Charm M Monday evening at 8 o'clo^ planning to gu are aaked to aotlfy The'picture, found in a local Permanently — Painlessly '•> Safely! l^tha Zipier club on Brainari Mre. George Rialev, J»7 Ttlghlnnd I atore yeaterday, ahows a young No Lorfger to^Briiig Batl. YOL, LXIIL, NO. 279 (OlnasUled(Adv9itlalng aa Pngs 19) street Phone 2-!051, not later Child Gels Out of Auto ' Lieutenant In a U. S. Army Air m Xn c h e s Te ^ CONN.,'Sa t u r d a y , a u g u s t 26,1944 W a . The Haymakera w ill hold FREE CONSULTATION (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CEI hel«- meeting immediately foUow- than Sept, t ^ And Wamlers Ab,out Corpa uniform being decorated News of W ar to Faini- X ^ the tribal meeting. by a Major. ' Bathing Caps TELEPHONE 2-1264 i Until He Is Found. The anap ia .probably price- lies ill Town. j • A card party apooaored hy th* leaa to the loser. The owner ------- ' i , ; Thermos and Picnic Juga Parisians Watch Yanks Ride By Manchester i may have the picture by call­ ~ y r AiKiuaty **'* Four-year-old Frank Eddy, of The Red Cross here, as W fll' as , and Supplies. • Miss Rena Halem*$ ' ^ Romanian droops ing at The Herald office. I be held at the home of Mr. ami elsewhere in the nation, has 'been Nell Cheney, 89 Brooklleld Bunce drive, gave his father a scale this morning by putUng him­ Allied Forces et. tomorrow evening at 8 Date Book informed that it will no longer oe self among the missing for a little ck. Ing for him. Patrolman George a n^esaenger of bad new.a to the ELECTROLYSIS SALON Tomorrow over three hours. 'Th e youngster A R T H u p Turn Upon Nazis; Dent found the boy In front of the families of those killed or Woiinil- A apeclal meeting of the Polish- was In his father’s car which waa p^^PR U C STORFS ROOM 15 — RUBINOW. BLDG. 843 MAIM ST. Outing Washington Social Club, parked on Main street while the Manchester Savings Bank building ed in action. “giQfican club will be held at the Villa Louisa, Birch Mountain. and returned him to his father. It was felt that with the won- ubbouae oni Clinton street at father did some shopping. It was Sunilayi Aug. 27 about 8 o’clock this morning. The On Germans’ Heels; e o'clock Sunday afternoon, Outing of North End Improve­ tot decided to do some window ■ Galati Gap Taken neaa of importance will be ment Association. Garden Grove .shopping on his own and wandered losacted and all members are on Keeneyi street. ged to be present The meeting fr^m the automobile down Mam I bean called by the president of Monday. Aug. 28 atreet. Returning to the ear the father Killing Germans and I club, Alexander Mikolowskt Opening of K. of C. Carnival, Main street, opposite Cambridge mlaeed hia child and went aearch- Jap E nvoy Hir Brest Garriso: Taking Them l^rison- ' ^ v ld Hawley, who Is attending street. Annual meeting and election of be Bummer session at Wilbraham era; Red Spearheads officers at Dllworth-Comell Pbst, koademy,' will spend the week-end Js Linked Seine, C r o s s e d ^ H a A. L., at Legion Home. NORMAN BENTZ, Speed Toward BucHa- rtth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paper collection in northeast obert F. Hawley, of 20 Coburn Sheet Metal Work — Eavee - rest; May Reach Capi­ American Troops Dozen At section of Manchester. ad. The summer,term ends on Troughs. .Now Is the time In To Attack Wednemlay. Ajig. 10 'have Eaves Troughs Installed By Aip^ican Trooi p t t. tal Tomorrow Night. ^ » t Honor Roll meeting at Buck- or repaired. On Port Snpported Seaman, Second CIims James F. land school. C A L L S M I Moscow, Aug. 26.— </P)— West Coast Story Re­ Occupy Briancon -.Hiffy, of 232 Henry street is a Saturday, Sept. • Bombers and Giins Faiamber of the crew of the light Burning of mortgage ceremony Romanian troops were .re-' ports Kurusu Respon­ and installation of officers, Amer­ ported turning on the (Ger­ Battleship Warspi tomlser "Marblehead" which tooK sible for Fleet Being Lfart in the action in the invasion ican Legion Home. ALICE COFRAN mans, killing and taking Rapidly Liquidat leC Southern France. Seaman Duffy (Known As Queen AUee) them prisoners, as the Red Held at Pearl Harbor, f ± r t . ' “r : Fall of Paris Cintered Navy service last April. SPUtlTCAL MEDIUM Units Drive into Avig­ Arm y sped through the Ga- Pocket Below Seii I The Navy revealed yesterday that TALL CEDARS Seventh Daughter of aBeventb Sen non; Allies Astride: I the "Marblehead" was in \ the Bom With a VelL Jati gap today, toward Bucha- .Bulletin! i IH w th em France action. ^ \Yet to Have ' Supreme Headquartera BINGO Readings Daily, Inehidlng Snnday, ^ rest at a pace'which, if main- .Washington, Aug. 28.— (JP> Rhone Valley Lines. 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- 'tained, would carry Soviet l|ed Expeditionary For Oavay’s Grill on East— -Center! —The State department de­ menL In the Serrlee of the Peo­ spearheads to the Romanian capi­ Aug. 26.—:</P)— Gen. Dv iM reet announega. today that there | TONIGHT clared today that JapaneM Rome, Aug. 26.— </P)— | Ficial Nod ple for SO Eenrs. tal by tomorrow night. peace envoys in the Imme­ D. Eisenhower’s forces we I'Win ba dancing af,the grill on S at-! 199 Church Streot, Hertford, Coon. American columns h ^ e occu-1 Jnrday nights from 10 o'clock on. ORANGE BALL 75 Mllee From Oil Fields diate pre-Pearl Harb<tr period driving northward and Phono 9-2024 The charging Russian troops U n w 10 per cent tax will be added never mised an y' question ward on a 200-miIe-wk last were reported little more than about th# dispoaltion o f Am er­ ancon,‘‘LaJX Headquarter. 1 ^ ^ that period bnly.^ front toward Germany an| 100 miles from Bucharest and ican NnvnI, forces. Tbo de­ tier more than 100 miles j Fails to Confirm Cap barely 75 from the Ploesti oil Soldiers In American yehicles rl4e down a wide, sun-lit atreet on the edge of Paris as the populace Belgium today on the heels i I Mildred Barcamb, of High partment Issued a statement north of the captured seaport is spending her vacation at flelds. The Slret river was crosa- in comment on assertions of this section of the French Capital line the sidewalks to watch the advance of the Allied units. (A P ture; Proclaimed Lib­ fleeing Germans who apj. dphia and Wildwood Beach, 20 miles south o f captured made by Representative Msg- wirephoto from Signal Corps radiophoto), ' of Cannes, and other Seventh ently were trying to get out ,\ T ^ c l . nuson (D-W ash) ia his boms Arm y forces have driven into erated by de Gaulle. France. The Seine bad tiesB cr A ^ ^ d Star dispatch said a state. ed at half a dozen places. pitched'twttle between the Roma­ Avignon, key communications center in the deKa of the Rhone Bulletin! - — Allied planes relentlessly ha \ nians and'Oermana was wltnesaed Bombers Hit mered the enemy, destroying by Soviet forces. Seattle. Aug. 26.—(JP)—A report valley, AtBbd headquarters an­ London, Aug. 2S.—(/Pi— Yank Planes Batter nounced today. N a z i. planes, 549 vehicles and In this flghVv.toe first reported that ,Saburo Kurusu, Japanese French brondcasts from Paris BOOFIMC today declared the capital, Unks in the past 24 hours. episode here of, thbdlomaniana cai^ peace envoy to Washington before Jap Cruiser Leas Than’ 20 Miles From Italy Pearl Harbor, was responsible fo r The : triumphant advance of symbol of liberty, again was Attack Launched on Breqt rying out their anhounced inten­ Approximately 300 miles- I\C.SIDIHC the United States fleet being In • German Oil Targets Lieu t Gen. Alexander M. Patch’s free ot the Oernnaa yoke, al­ tion to fight with the'Tjnited Na­ the main fighting front r the harbor when the Japs struck troops freed nearly aU of southern though the Nazis declared •■attaataa r n e t j Otftm. tions, the Romanians captured 360 northwest and southeast of and for the withdrawal o f air ^ -Off Celebes .V France east of the Rhone river fighting still was going on.
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