Theerzahler Ournal of the Symphonic

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Theerzahler Ournal of the Symphonic the ERZAHLERournal of the Symphonic Organ Society Volume 4 Number 3 $4.00 January 1995 Page 1 empering Winter’s chill rgan tuning in winter- Otime has been like prize-fighting, nothing less. As Fall’s frost has turned to Winter’s chill, with furnaces roar- ing away in re- sponse, you could just hear Winter slip- ping on his gloves, his usual cronies gathered around him. Dust, Hu- midity, Temperature—Na- ture’s star sales representa- tives—are constantly egging Winter on, daring him to discord, prodding him to set the pitch of one division against another and unleash cacophony. Temperamentally weak in the knees, the organ never saw a second round, as a once-sweet tuning pitched headlong under the assault. Small pipes withered under the heat; humidity de- ances and tempering complaints so that mind, whose timely tithe promises to ceived the wood pipes where the metal harmony might again predominate. But banish confusion and silence all noise. ones knew better; and flues and reeds re- perfection proves unattainable; even as Perfect harmony and resonance are at verted to their old finger-pointing and the tuner packs his tools and dims the hand, from a temperament without wolf: long-standing quarrel. A simple nudge of lights, a single Vox Humana pipe sneaks a tuning for eternity. the thermostat scored a direct hit. back into the ring for a final jab, a squawk As we go about our seasonal labors, we After a few months’ absence, the tuner of retort to Winter’s cruelty. might remember the need to restore not will climb his pine rungs once more and uckily, one thing has always conquered one harmony but many—to forgive Win- survey the wounds. To be sure, a few of Winter, and that is Advent—a time of ter while resisting his will, to lay a new the more trustworthy pipes will have side- L greater harmony and warmer over- temperament of faith so as to promote a stepped harm’s way, but most will have tones. As organs have been tuned and greater harmony. May all our hands had no means of defense. The tuner must pipes set back on course this past season, steady to the task as this Winter season now heal each division, mediating griev- images of a certain tuner have come to continues. Page 2 theErzähler Volume 4 Number 3 essons with Dr. Courboin theErzähler a conversation with Richard Purvis ournal of the Symphonic Organ Society Moreno Drive t was sad news indeed to learn of the famous weekly gatherings at Godow- 2111 ff- Los Angeles California that Richard Purvis passed away on sky’s New York apartment, at which Ho IChristmas Day. For the last few years, man, Rachmaninoff, Godowsky and other 90039-3022 usa we were fortunate to spend many remark- pianistic wizards would play informally for Joseph F. Dzeda able hours with this legendary San Fran- each other’s enjoyment. editor for disquisitions, puzzles & quizzes cisco organist and composer, being regaled As he talked, Mr. Purvis expressed how Kurt E. Bocco with reminiscences about his teachers, his deeply he cherished having been a part of contributing illustrator favorite instruments, and the vibrant organ this era. He bemoaned the fact that, while Hot Type culture of the 1920s and ’30s more recent musical trends have been inter- Tough Hen in which he grew up. Not esting and sometimes enlightening, very lit- Grandma Lily only was Mr. Purvis invalu- tle modern music-making equaled the cali- proofreading & editorial assistance able in sifting fact from fic- bre of what he regularly heard as a young tion, helping us to navigate man. But he remained grateful. “I have no Jonathan E. Ambrosino through the nuances of other regrets,” he said toward the end of our last editor & corresponding secretary people’s remembrances, but conversation. “I had my time, and it was This magazine is being published three he was unfailingly generous with his time, very good to me.” times this year: September 1994, January his insights and his wisdom. In our last discussion, we specifically and June 1995. To complete this publication Mr. Purvis was a dramatic, colorful and asked Mr. Purvis about his study with Dr. year, send $12.00 ($5.00 in Canada, $7.00 individual organist—a rightful heir to the Charles Courboin, in order that it might all other foreign countries) to obtain your best of the late Romantic tradition. As a be published with a series of articles on own copy of this issue plus the September young man, he studied with two great Bay Courboin which Friends of the Wana- 1994 and our June issue. If you simply have Area organists, Wallace Sabin (Temple maker Organ President Ray Biswanger is too much free time, we recommend a set of Emanu-El) for organ and Ben Moore preparing. As we were readying this piece thirteen back issues (some in photocopy), (Trinity Church) for piano. Afterward, he for Mr. Purvis’ pre-publication review, we which can be acquired for $33.00, $36.00 or became a pupil of Alexander McCurdy at learned of his passing. We regret that this $40.00 respectively. Kindly make checks the Curtis Institute, Sir Edward Bairstow conversation did not get far enough into payable to the Symphonic Organ Society. at York Minster, and the great pianists Josef the discussion of Franck, since Mr. Purvis Gift subscriptions are the perfect monu- and Rosina Lhevinne. He heard the best went to Courboin specifically to study the ment to a good friendship—or a harbinger musicians of the day: on the organ, Edwin works of this composer. However, Mr. of doom for your best enemy. Please also Lemare, Lynnwood Farnam, Courboin, Purvis offers us a valuable picture of this note our other gift possibilities: the 1995 McCurdy, Ernest Mitchell, David McK. great musician and teacher. wall calendar of Skinner’s photography Williams and the young Ernest White; on The following is reconstructed from the ( Skinner Photo Album, reduced to the piano, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Lhevinne, notes of that last conversation, supple- $8.50), and the compilation of Skinner Josef Hoffman, and Leopold Godowsky, mented by quotations and recorded com- family films (Mr. Skinner’s Home Movies, among many others. He even attended some ments from prior discussions. $27.25). Both items are “musts.” Tremendous thanks must go to the In This Issue: What brought you to study with Charles MALTMAN STICKLEY TRUST for its tireless ff ff Eclecticism talks ................Page 6 Courboin? e orts in stu ing so many envelopes in When I was an organ student at the Cur- such a fine atmosphere on such fine furni- The Skinner tremolo tis Institute in the mid-1930s, I had al- ture; and to the usual fax mob, for their A palpitating disquisition .......Page 7 ready developed a great fondness for the collective eagle eyes and sharp suggestions. Anthony A. Bufano 1941-1994 music of César Franck. And yet I was (Copyright © 1995 by Jonathan E. Ambrosino; all rights reserved.) Remembering a special life ....Page 10 very unhappy with the way I heard A matter of opinion? Franck’s music being played. This sensa- cial warmth of the Sainte-Clotilde Ca- tion only became stronger after I spent vaillé-Coll, especially in comparison with Following up on Mr. Buchanan time in Paris in 1937, and heard Charles other Cavaillé-Colls I heard in Paris. The and British organ consultants..Page 15 Tournemire play Franck at Sainte-Clo- Sainte-Clotilde organ was very warm, Letters to the Editor............Page 17 tilde. (At the time, I was on a scholarship and in a sense almost diminutive, like a The Answer Corner.............Page 19 from Curtis for two years, studying with large chamber organ. Although the organ Sir Edward Bairstow at York Minster in had an unquestionable sense of energy, it England.) was never actually loud. For example, the The first thing I noticed was the espe- Swell Trumpet wasn’t really all that Volume 4 Number 3 theErzähler Page 3 actly who was at the console. As the sum- He wanted to play colorfully, but always urvis continued from page 2 mer session was being organized, Cour- logically and clearly. As he would critique boin asked if I could take my lesson late my registrations, his first and last ques- large—just something to add a bit to the in the afternoon, the last of the group. I tion was, “Does it make sense musically?” fat oboe, but it clearly performed its rôle thought it strange, but I soon found out Beautiful effects were wasted if they coupled to the other why. Courboin had taken a liking to me; stood out from the sense of architecture, foundations. Above the schedule meant we could have a les- if they violated the mood, if they clashed all else, the organ was son as long as three hours. with the essential texture of a piece. very beautiful, very Summer school was six weeks, one les- lyrical, very warm. son a week. Naturally, with such long les- What elements of music-making did he The experience sons, we covered many pieces each week. emphasize? left a deep impres- Furthermore, you were never finished In his teaching, Courboin always re- sion on me. When I with a piece. Out of the clear blue sky turned to three elemental principles in returned to Curtis, I told my teacher, Al- he’d ask you to play something you had the consideration of any piece. First, one exander McCurdy, that I wanted to study prepared three lessons ago. He wanted to had to consider the architecture of the Franck with someone who was more in see if you had thought more about that work; second was the texture; third was tune with the practice of the idiom.
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