The Tracker the Tracker
Volume 57, Number 4, Fall 2013 THE TRACKER JOURNAL OF THE ORGAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY Sage Chapel, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Aeolian-Skinner, 1940, III/68 A (Finger Lakes Wine Tour Aug. Aug. 10) Lakes(Finger Wine Tour August 11-14, 2014 11-14, August S yracusePipe Organ Holiday This Pipe Organ built in 1929 as Opus 5566 by M.P. Möller, Inc. Hagerstown, Maryland fOr the Fox Theatre Atlanta, Georgia has been recOgnized as a natiOnal heritage pipe Organ by the Organ Historical Society and has been designated a Landmark of American Organbuilding as the largest theater organ built by the company, and the largest of its genre remaining in its original home in unaltered condition. President, Organ HistOrical sOciety cHair, HistOric Organ awards tHe citatiOn tO be Held in trust fOr tHe Organ HistOrical sOciety by tHe Owner Of tHis Organ fOr as lOng as tHis instrument is maintained in a manner cOnsistent witH its cOnsiderable HistOrical significance. PAST OHS PRESIDENT SCOT HUNTINGTON PRESENTS AN HISTORIC ORGAN AWARD TO THE FOX THEATRE IN ATLANTA, GEORGIA. LEFT TO RIGHT: Carolyn Wills, Adina Erwin, vice president and general manager, Fox Theatre Inc., Scot Huntington, Ken Double, president of ATOS. Setnor Auditorium, Crouse College, Syracuse University Walter Holtkamp, 1950, III/72 A (Finger Lakes Wine Tour Aug. Aug. 10) Lakes(Finger Wine Tour August 11-14, 2014 11-14, August S yracusePipe Organ Holiday THE TRACKER Volume 57, Number 4 ~ FALL 2013 From the Executive Director JA MES WEAVER CONTENTS Dear Friends, From the Executive Director 5 JAMES WEAVER What a great time we had in Ver- mont this summer! As I remem- From the President 9 ber so many fine moments there, WILLIAM F.
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