Windows Server 2012 Editions

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Windows Server 2012 Editions Windows Server 2012 Editions Editions Entry Level, Small Business, Workload Virtualization Cost Effective Cloud Enabled Optimized Optimized Users & CALs Up to 15 users 25 users Unlimited users Unlimited users (No CALs required) (No CALs required) (CALs Required) (CALs Required) Basic server functionality PC backup, simplified Full Feature Functionality including server backup, file, management tools and Full Feature Functionality Feature Comparison same as Datacenter edition and print cloud connectivity Small businesses that require Small businesses that only a first server with Customers with low density or Customers with require the most Primary Customers simple management and non-virtualized environments highly virtualized environments basic functionality cloud connected capabilities Limited to one processor Limited to up to 2 processors Up to 2 processors per license Up to 2 processors per license License Rights (Single processor servers) Up to 2 Virtual Machines 1 Virtual Machine Virtualization Machine Cannot be run as a VM and per license (Can only run Windows Server Unlimited Virtual Machines cannot host VMs (Licenses can be stacked to enable (VM) Rights Essentials as VM) use of additional VMs) ROK & COEM Part Numbers LENOVO ROK HP ROK MICROSOFT COEM WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 ROK OEM PART # WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 ROK OEM PART # WINDOWS SERVER 2012 MS PART # 2012 Windows Server 2012 Foundation 82972FM 2012 Windows Server 2012 Foundation 701591-DN1 Windows Server Essentials 2012 x64 2012 Windows Server 2012 Essentials 82972EM 2012 Windows Server 2012 Essentials 701587-DN1 2012 G3S-00123 English 1pk DVD 1-2CPU Windows Server Standard 2012 x64 2012 Windows Server 2012 Standard 82972SM 2012 Windows Server 2012 Standard 701595-DN1 2012 P73-05328 English 1pk DVD 2CPU/2VM Windows Server Standard 2012 x64 2012 P73-05347 English 1pk 2CPU/2VM Addtl License Windows Server Datacenter 2012 x64 2012 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 82972DM 2012 Windows Server 2012 Datacenter 701600-DN1 2012 P71-06769 English 1pk DVD 2CPU Windows Server Datacenter 2012 x64 2012 P71-06787 English 1pk 2CPU Addtl License WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 ROK OEM PART # WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 ROK OEM PART # WINDOWS SERVER 2012 R2 MS PART # 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation 4XI0E51560 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Foundation 748920-B21 Windows Server Essentials 2012 R2 x64 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials 4XI0E51563 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials 748919-B21 2012 R2 G3S-00716 English 1pk DVD 1-2CPU Windows Server Standard 2012 R2 x64 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 4XI0E51561 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 748921-B21 2012 R2 P73-06165 English 1pk DVD 2CPU/2VM Windows Server Standard 2012 R2 x64 2012 R2 P73-06229 English 1pk DVD 4CPU/4VM Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2 x64 2012 R2 P71-07714 English 1pk DVD 2CPU Windows Server Datacenter 2012 R2 x64 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 4XI0E51562 2012 R2 Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter 748922-B21 2012 R2 P71-07785 English 1pk DVD 4CPU CALs CALs CALs CLIENT ACCESS LICENSES OEM PART # CLIENT ACCESS LICENSES OEM PART # CLIENT ACCESS LICENSES MS PART # Windows Server CAL 2012 English 1pk 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 User CALs 1 pack 0C19602 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 1 User CAL 701608-DN1 2012 CAL R18-03737 1 User CAL Windows Server CAL 2012 English 1pk 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 User CALs 5 pack 0C19604 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 5 User CAL 701606-DN1 2012 CAL R18-03755 5 User CAL 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 User CALs 10 pack 0C19606 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 10 User CAL 759561-B21 Windows Server CAL 2012 English 1pk 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 Device CALs 1 pack 0C19601 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 1 Device CAL 701609-DN1 2012 CAL R18-03665 1 Device CAL Windows Server CAL 2012 English 1pk 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 Device CALs 5 pack OC19603 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 5 Device CAL 701607-DN1 2012 CAL R18-03683 5 Device CAL 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 Device CALs 10 pack 0C19605 2012 CAL Windows Server 2012 10 Device CAL 759563-B21 .
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