C- ** FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOR SALE.HOUSES. FOE SALE.HOUSES. FOB SALE.HOUSES. FOB SALE.HOUSES. 7 FOB SALE.HOUSES. SUBURBAN PROPERTY. It. "<* »t. tl.OO. 1 Wk.. CM I am.. rr FOR 9A.LE.$18,000.THE FIXEST BEfilDEN'CB FOB SALE.A SPLENDID, GOOD LOCATION. FOR SALE.A WASHINGTON HEIGHTS FOB SALE.NO. 18W 1ST ST. N.W. / FOR SAIvE.HOC8E WITH LOT 21X100. « Ittw. It. BOc. »t tl.OO. I wt.. C M. I .tt.ML SA »OK O.N EAST GAIIITOL ST. CtooTenleat to Libmry Low price. A FIBST-CLAS& BHSIDENCB BABUAIM. 15.500. / Worth knowing (boot. FOR SALE - AN VNC8UAL OPPORTIMTT. {IHtI-BMOORE * HILL (Ioc.), 717 HTH ST. N.W. and Capital; southern exposure; firoUfe o**r Only $4,100. AT A SACRIFICE. Very handsome; brownatooe to parlor wMdowv; Well-contracted, modera ft-room brick; cellar 7-room bow, new steel roof, one acre ground: 2l> fee-t by depth of 100 fee*; four stories and Ob u itaw west of Bth >t. On aceooat of pument comtot due the owner 3 stories. attic; 4 rooms on a fioor. A furnace; located Dear main car line. PRICK outbulldlnn; floe water; center Tillage; l«.»rd SMALL HOMF. AND INVE8TMBNT. Mgh cellar; attractive stone and brick front; WELL PLANKED. will sacrifice on* of .he beat constructed homaea HOUSE. WELLBl'ILT #4,800. The owner will accept SK2.B0 PE1 walk to door: price, (2.000; bait ca»li. balance $2,700. 13 large rooms, tileJ batiis, pantry, linenContaining1ST 7LOOB.Parlor, back parlor, dlntac room, on Waabington Haighta, wot of 18tb It., facing STONE It FAIRFAX, l«48 New Torfc «Tf. MONTH. COVERING PHINOIPAL AND Ali. IN ten Tears; Immediate poaaesalon. Addrhr as «sn fel-2t «UL»I MM AIJ. NORTH WRHT HOME. fe2-3t 002 F St. n.w. 100 deep; altar. atairwaja, alectrie lights, large closets aad FOR " Keoalmyton. frfooaa home, in tboronth « * Realty Broker, Thi» how wm boJlt aj day's labor far former SAUB-WIDR, BIO ROOM HOtJSE. » . » " w Side Ilfbt. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1S42 New Tork at«. If ran wish to steoi* a gatroiae bargainpantries.k owner's home; S storks; parlor, back WASHINGTON HQOUTS. nw, »»»w »*»/ W,IB* 94.0W. FOB £UIJE-*5,2A0. NEW BOCSE CW EAST a thoroughly well-conat.'octed bouse this Is year parlor M VIA B-!1a ^11 »-* «A OAFITOL ST. NEAR LINCOLN PARK. FOB 8ALE.A TBKX OBEAP BOOSE 1«.W. dlDlu room, pantry aad kitchen on first floor; T*»iiwv. vuMt W PCH iwr IVI uwrc. 4V FOB SALJt. Wwl located io tbe Don turret- lot 21x105: SO WELL CONSTRUCTED. 3 atorlea, collar; opportunity. 4 bad rooms and bath on M; front and rear wmii; well-planned homt; lit'-floor kitchen; hot romltttoa. This U something unusual, perfiH-tami sod larve cellar, 8 rooms and tiled bath; 8TOXK A FAIRFAX. 1S*> New Tort «T«. water urn colonial house, containing 14 room*; > Twostory New m * lot southern west 9th lot to over lw reel fonuic*; K it. d.w., facing York 18x100; exposure; ofstairways; heat; food atley. AccommodatingI Ml* of floe will surely b* (old at one*. Furnace beat. reception hail; hot-water beat; lot «T«. FOR ground; Blind* sod atirubbcrr; wltblo room »table. Terms 8TONE * FAIRFAX. 1343 New Tort BALK.A WIDE HOUSE. at., aooth of T. tuj dlituct of will nM deep to alley; plenty of tor A MODERN UOU8E. STONE * FAIRFAX. ISOStw York are. BLUNDON. O'BBIEN ft BOiT (Inc.). 1290 G N.W driving the city; be DETACHED HOME.WEST CONN. AVE. to rait purchaser. FOB SALE.$4,000. f«l-it JOSEPH I. WEIZ-EB, Near North Oapt. at. BK8T RK8IOONT SECTION. FOB SALS.LOOK AT THIS. ; |12,0. _ NEAR MASS. ATE. AND 22D ST. FOB of the BUILT BT OWNER KOR HOUR. Contain* 12 fe2-3t Realty Broker. 802 F st n.w. room*. 4 on a floor; porcbes; WEU/ BDILT; A stone's throw from mansions, sooth. 15,775; resting for 848.60; a 10-room brick SALE. ~ttOhdwlmt corner properties In rooms and haih; fliw repair; large rooms: Juat Ilka 10,300 booses; better construction. 27 Facing dwelling! koose; two OT bath rooms; MAGNIFICENT HOUSE.ONLT »#,000. tooth and eaat exposure*; hour contain#Petworth; ruoma on KOR SALB^t4,4fiO. NEW DWEULJ>fO IN MASS. FEET FkONT. lot on a LOT 10 tiled lame tiled heat: four flrat floor, Incmdlnghotwater CAR LINES. Two stories, STONE A FAIRFAX. 1»42 New York »T«. 1* rooms, three STEAM HKAT; 30x106; cumberedHOT-WATERst. wast 90X100; room*; bath; mtAr ruomi; both; wide veranda*; largo library with open fireplace; unusually large AVE. S.E. SEAJt thla la hatha; boat; 111,000. Of 16th St. kaatcr; cellar; laaadry; lat-floor kitebra; locate.1 pate around front of with ceHar, bay-window brick house; 6 large FOB 8ALE.A SNAP. leaa than coat *>f improvements. STOW * 1848 New Tort are. FOB 8ALH. flowfa; lurpe porrh booae; coal and A brick hooie on 7th it. rent* 8TOXE * 1342 New York ait. FAIRFAX. a $40,000 residence. Within 20 minutes'adJoinsrooms, tiled bath and kitchen; gas n.w.; MOJO; FAIRFAX, NORTHWEST SECTION. One of the handaomoat home* In Bennington; ride of the Tbla la a ranges; furnace best. Will rent at $30 per mo. price, 13,100. IjOt alone worth more: 33x135. FOB SALE.NEW FOB 8ALE-NEW, NICK. NORTH Or RHODE ISLAND AYR. U treasury. gem. JOSEPH I. WEUjBR, STONE * FAIRFAX. 1843 New York aro. COLONIAL BE8IDENCB. $5,000; renting for 835; vary pretty 8-atory O'BRIEN N.W city convenience*; lirfe groondi; r*n» Weat of Connecticat uc.; containing 14 rooma bar-window cellar under entire BLPNDON, * BELT (Inc.). 1210 G to *ecur* beautiful borne at a Toryopportunity NEW YORK AVE. NORTHWEST. fe2-3t Realty Broker. 602 F1 St. n.w. SALE-STORE AND DWELLING. and 8 bath rooms; lot to a brick; hooae; fel-lt reasonable orlce. FOB large public allejr. FURNACE HKAT; TILED BATH; food-alsed FOR 8ALK. $5,000. FOB 8ALE~*4,7»>. CORNER HOC3B BETWEEN 7th at. n.w. Price. 927,000. The owaer bad thla booae lot; near 14th st. FOB SAL£.GREAT BARGAIN. THIS. Originally »ol<1 for $0,000. Ow»r'i Ill-health S.E. A boalneaa stand. Buy for laTeatmert. A built for lila home. Everything la flist-elaaa.carefully a new located near lornI 8-room booae; lara* groonda; all modem lor aomr. * EAST CAPITOL. ST. ANI> PA. AVE. Only good BTONB * FAIRFAX, 1348 New York aee. Practically bouse, rau»en immediate FBie. onui abort walk from Cong. Library; frootage nearly neat-appearing building; $3,000. 8TONE A FAIBFAX, 1842 New York are. " and 8 8TH. N.W.; raated for *40.50; boltt abou eeolencea; located at lit. Rainier; property cootwill 7 momH and bath; attic; southern exposure.outalus STONE A FAIRFAX. 1842 New York are. FOB SALE.$3,860. mr; 10 itHa bnt. VEK1( be sacrificed. Attractive front. 20 feet; three stories, with 8 rooms and bath; FOR SALE.4BEAT SNAP. HOT-WATER HEAT. rooms; cellar; TBRRRM. tvuonc ViiTCW, KI UIU11UHL uucwawv. INVESTMENT. REDUCED TO RICH-APPEARING PROPERTY. ft LITTLE. FOB SALE-FINK *6.250. LARGE TILED BATH. fel-St 71.1 14th at. n w. MODERN N. H. AYR RESIDENCE. JOSEPH I. WBLLBB, $0,000; renting for IW a month; new dwelling; Sold when completed a few yeara ago for DOUBLE REAR PORCHES. Price. $7,000. fe2-3t Realty Broker, 602 F at. n.w. near 14th at.; I atoriee: cellar; fnrnacc. 90,000. Owner anxious to cet BUTNDON, O'BRIEN * RELr (Inc.), 1230 U N.W MARYLAND, D. REDUCED $6,500. cr*ran m. vait>vat 1u9 vm tm4 away. ON COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. VIRU1NIA. C. UOMB8. Attractive fr«>nt of Roman brick, with FOR SAL*.»B,5G0. R ST. N.W. NKAU 1ST 8T. EAST PAYMENTS. prot>ertles: No. 1 stock and dairy faronSUBurban^ *tone trimming*; 0 room* and bath; HOT-WATERbrown» tod bjiT-window brick dwell FOB RENTING FOB STORE 1710 15TH ST. STONE * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. FOR SALE-LOOK AT THIS. IT IS EXCEF II price*, all (Up*, all bargain*. State wmta. ^ on Two-story cellar, SALE.»3,860. $». T«T handsome, fell three-story red tlonal. In e*tenal*e overhaul 2 000 plana to HEAT, 18 feet wide; four rooms first floor, inc. with 8 iargr room* and tiled bath; and dwelling on »tii it. u.w. near U 10 bar-window FOR SALE. 11.500 Juat pent wlwt from. If too iU to wll. library; cellar under entire bouse. Houaeincluding rent for STONE New Tofk 1H. brick; rooms; TWO (2) BATHS; aU light, In*; northwest, near 14th at. car; 19 feet froat Ilat with ua. Some ottr of our mr.ny customers will beat; rear double porch; would farmice ic FAIRFAX, 1343 cheerful rooms: side INVESTIGATE THIS OFFER. 8 rooms TUB of thin character ami location la very seldom for mo. Purchase includes all door alley. Open. bay window; beautiful and tiled bath ; buy-. HOfLg CO. (Inc.). 630 La. st*. and when once offered la sold $38.M per price FOR SALK.A COZY BTONIla: KAIRiTAX, ljgt New Tort we. To settle ail estate, a three-story, ten-room 4 rooms flrat cellar under entire bouse ale, qulcklj. mud win(low screens aod shades and floor HOME. floor; 1676 . YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER Only $3,500. FOB SALE.SPLENDID VALUE. brick dwelling and modern bath, lot 45 by 133, la clear of lmcumbrance; price, |V,000. Keys aj chan<* HEIGHTS. F n.e. bet. 6»h and Xtb: t offered $5,000 below the original office. like thla! Handsome 9r. hnuae In choice COLUMBIA ROAD aClMBIA JOSEPH I. WEIA.ER,mattlnfs. at. atoriea, cellar, Reduced to fS,000. price. northeast suburb; 5c. fare: bath. hot anil cold $8,04)0. rooma and bath; good condition. A 12-room >.n MARE AN OFFER OF $8,250. Thl. la > .ru> t Via hnat.hililt hAITIAa All th* f«8-3t Really 602 F at. n.w. dwelling Washington Heights; The bouse gas. porches: lot 80x150: 2 water, Broker. T 6TOXB * FAIRFAX. 1342 New Yarfc art. THREE BATH 4 rooms on a la In Qrst-ctasa condition; beatod by FOR SALE.Another. Near D at. car; thr*e story stsb.e; vnn u 11 v. t'i fiiki Tn.'A_CTrtD v ivn mnT.T, \iR (8) HOOM8; Boor; hot aervanta' chicken house; high elevation: ahade of lmtnena* * Heights. Contain* JO rooms and bath; hot-water FOR SALE-REDUCED TO HOT-WATKR HEAT; SOUTHERN BXPOSOBE. water; many closets; atalrway; torlea, 10 rooms, cellar; bay window; bot-water worth heat; »**autlful mantels iut 20x A MODERN "K" STREET RESIDENCE short distance trolley, all In fine fruit: S .VtXIOO. Broker^ 100; AT FOB Inn 9 ^--111 .^ .. .- - bnlld»*.* FOR SALE.CHEAP CORNER. alley. SALE.Three 2 storj bricks; rood lota ti .m~ . mm nun- Ton room* STONE A STRICTLY LOW PRICB. ruui))|im lur and l»ath: good repair. Price, ffl.OOO. FOR SALE.A l>E»3I)ED_BARGAIN--COZIEST Good Investment. A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. Wert of alley; rented to white tenants, f13.80 each neaa; tin place will rent for $2S and more Dun;will Tfcis la something unrsual. Will be scfld quickly. bay-window brick bouse: a.m.l.; n.w.; Near 7th and M. Connecticut. ave.; comparatively new; price, a Investment. OWNER,6room ReoU $33.60. Price, $4,800. FOB red preased-brlck front, brown stone trimming*; $5,000; good afford a comfortable :t»lng for any Industrious price, S3.BTD to quick buyer. 8 rooms and bath. AND 81DB LOT. well LUTHER L. APPLE, 612 14tb St., person; $2,100, on accommodating terma. 1'holo. WASHINGTON HKKiHTft RESIDENCE. Box 1.12. Star office. fe2-3t* STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. SALSBOUSE thoroughly conatrncted; twelve rooms; two fel-St Exclusive Agent. Price. *9.000. Convenient to tb» downtown lection; we*t of elegant bath rooms; HOT-WATER HKAT; 40 THE SOl.'LE CO. (Inc.). t«0 La. are. FOR SALE-FINE BRICK DWELLING. NO. 1013 FOR SALE-WELL LOCATED. 16tb FEET FRONT. It has been said that the house FOR SALE-GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY, 14TI I 144.5 MINUTES' I T«argc rooms; larp- parking; lar*e house; fine on 1st large WALK C.NDUIT ROAD: OVEli repair; well rented; large lot, to paved alley. S st. n.w.; 11 rooms; kitchen floor; Cheap at $3,000. »tTheboose l« modern and well arranged. First alone could not be built under 112,000. MAKE at. below Tbomaa Circle; 4-sto. modern store amL H acre; bungalow cottage. 60 ft. porchea; fruit; Ait seldom offered. cellar; good yard; hot-water heated. Possession On 13th at.: < rooms and bath; large front and floor.Parlor, reception bell, dining room, AN OKFBR of $8,500. We should think there dwelling, wltb 14 rma. A batb; alley side amI baru; garden; opportunity can he had at once. Title Onlr $10,000 and kitchen. On accrnnt and good nhi.i.'; apring water; 11.200: perfect. rear lot; alley. .of the extremepantry would be doaens looking for such a bargain In a rear, good 2-sto. brick stable. Yearly tenan:t f2.'.0 casb. Till: SOl'I.K CO. (Inc.). 630 I.a. ore. nitvci' vou htm ttTPr.iT part on time If desired. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1343 New York «Tg. width there Is a wide passage from tbe kitchen modern bonte situated on this beautiful at |150 per montb. Price, $23,000. U. L. llUST fe2-6t* W. C. DUVALL, 025 F n.w. to the frotu door. are 3417.IF YOU WANT A Business Man. FOR SALE. There eight bed rooms, street; wide parking; convenient to residentialthe 608 14tb at. n.w. lartl-tf B FINE LITTLE FAKM. $4,500. FOR SALE.TWO LHFT-THB BEST-BUILT. modern butIT, servants' stairway, not-water heat, Connecticut ave. car line. APPLY AT ONCE. well located, aee thla one; 1U<^, acrea, all fenced; $4,200. and brick stable on the rear of the lot. FOR SALE.SOMETHING UNUSUAL-FINE 8 12 acrea under 4 hoiuf; «'o*t $5,500; 7 rooms and hath; 6-room, bath and ceaiar house In 112.00(1 STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. room brick cultivation; pastures; bearing line to UPto-date. Nice wide bouse. 3TONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aye. bnuae near 20th and H ata. n.w., willI orchard; amall fruit, lm« and hath; lot 22x100. Well rented. and P sts. n.w. FAIRFAX. 1342 figure owner, surprisedto say nothing of the lot, which Is a valuable (Inc.),_030 J. WALKER, Oarcoran bldg., 15th will accept for tills splendid home. nonresident,The one. The location la a FOB SALE.FINE COLONIAL RESIDENCE, 2711( 4234. 108 ACRES, WELL LOCATED FOR Would make u good home. fe2-7t FOR SALE-BUY FOR INVESTMENT. Is desirable one, west of 13th boose modern and well arranged; parlor, back 14th St.. on the Heights, surrounded new at.; 6 wiperb rooms; full tiled batb; HOT or bunting and Ashing club, AO acreaFARMln|jclear. A new bouse aear 18th at. Darter, dinfnff room nanrrv an,1 lrltnhon ftn i\nm by WATER NEAR 10TII AND T. FOR SALE.NORTHWEST. improvements. HEAT; handsome mantela and rombina balance tltuber; .VX> yards' frontage on naviaaMo Only $5,000. floor; apvfn bed rooms. A A 1'CD V fT4*rr\OAtfll» trnrvrt WO/\*Tm «\w nT*w tlon 8 rooms and bath: furnace heat; one-half * good b'g lot to an a i j. « 11tj r ivv.i l \JC ueilf fixtures; elaborately decorated; a real house creek, hour's ride Washington; 1% miles RR.; $4.O00. Bent pays 10 per cent net Some one can a In with real rooma and real rooms and huth: first-class square from 14th St. cars; two stories and cellar; on get bargain thla alley. BRICK AND BROWN STONE. comforta; |1,S00 cast unimproved; plenty timber for building on place; F.ijrhf condition; lot lnTestment. located house. at office will boy; balance of to i $1.0(10. THE So feet wide; well rented. southern exposure; side light, and In excellent BTONK h FAIRFAX. 184S New Tork are. Key centrally FIRST FLOOR.Large parlor, library, an $6,500 ault; easily wort! SOCLE CO. (Inc.). tKIO La. ave^_ condition. Price, $6,500. Address "OWNER T," STONE&FAIRFAX, 13*2 New York aye. a yd cheerful $9,000. fe2-2t VOH SALK-OFFER large light dining room,nnusimlyWILLIGE. GIBBS * 603 * 006 300 ACRES. MOST ALL TIMBER; ELEvi IV? TKN PER CENT INVESTMENT. Star office. $5,000. FOR SALE-HOME OR INVESTMENT. large pantry and kitchen. DANIEL. 13th. n»*Mr Or. house: stable and chicken house; PRICE. YEAR RENT. One of these well-built GOOD AS A SECOND FLOOR.Four bed room* and Ja31-3t and spring* $1,800. $11H FOR SALE-NORTHEAST. wide housea on New York are. CORNER. large streams; house worth $3,000; $2,400. R. M. 6 rooms and bath; furnace heat: two stories and Bide light, fide windows. elegant tiled bath room; many closets. FOR K1VETT. ClKtou Station. Fairfax Co.. S RF7T. 14TH AND 15TH. northwest. Built for owner's THIRD FLOOR.Three bed rooms SALE.SPECIAL.TEN BRICKS, 4 ROOM!\ Va. cellar; southern exposure; large rear yard to wide home. On account WEST OF 1CTII ST. and large each; water, sewer; rented J'llERE 18X100. excellent a.m.l. Price only of alcknes* A 2 family lionar, 12 icoma. 2 bath rooms; bath. gnod condition; $81 ARE 100 PEOPLE IN WASHINGTON alley; condition; " will sell at a sacrifice. bring easy $8fi; price, (8.500; terms. Onii who Nine rooms and hath; floe repair; southern aa Dim l.Llroao "f»WVER V Star office. fi'2-2t separate beating rttr HEATED BY A FIRST-CLASS HOT-WATER easy would Jump at this little chicken farm it STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York «T>. plants; porches. frame hoasi>, 4 rooms; rented $9.25; price, $!»50 \liey saw it; 2 acres; new rrlce, $5,500. expoftire. {'rice. $>j.250. HEATING PLANT; servants' stairway; gas and GEORGETOWN' REAL ESTATE 1204 32c1 cottage; fruit; cti!-?kfii FOR SALE. FOR for electricity; lot 25 A LARGE CO., house; close to cars; only $900. Just the place for « an estate trustees will SALE.*3,US0. Renting $54. by 160; ja31-th.f,a-3t* man. R. M. ^ BUSINESS PROPERTY. $3,500-To close the 10th st. between P and Q sts. It woal<] cost over $0,900 to bnlld such a bonis BRICK STABLE ON' THE REAR. TWOSTORYThis ~ city KIVETT, Clifton Station. Va. lltb at. this. Located near 14th and R sts. ft-stnrv hrlfl- H tralllncr If were a FOIt SALE- well-built sacrifice you ninde present of the lot. property could not be duplicated for |S0,000. 138 ACRES. 75 HEAVY IITRD W(K)I) TIMBER. RENT. $3uO year. I'ri.-e, $3,100. This Is a big Handsome and bay-window Good location. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aye. Let us arrange to show you through. ONLY $2,400. cut 3.000 ties; small house, stone ~ outbuildings; clow to bargain. preas-biick dwelling; trimmings; STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York «ve. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York Six-room brick, near 11th at. and Pa. ave. a.e. ; Clifton; R.R. runs concrete cellar; 6 rooms and rOR SALE.$7,000. between two car through it; owner needs money, » pleasant SALE. lines; lot 16x108 to 25-ft. pave<1 must sell, and will take $1,200; don't "miss it. BEACTIFI I. TWO-STORY ATARTMENT. bath. Always well rented to desirable FOR SALE.THREB (3) STORY HOUSES Columbia Heights. FOR alley; fine front and back yanla; Just what yoil R. \f KIVJCTT Ixit 2i>»luO. TRICE. tenants. A rare chance for speculation or AT TWO (2) STORY PRICES. bet. 13th and 15tb. i0 i.rrns, TWO (2) BATHS; A OUTACHED RESIDEKCK ON JOHN *7.060. will a 2 SCRIVENER, Located west of 16th. south of (J. All rooms investment. Better be prompt. $4,600 buy fall 3-story 0-room brick stairways; IIOT-WATKR HEAT; lot 20x120. WASHINGTON HEIGHTS." Ja31-4t 31!) 4% n.w. "THE EVERUHKEN8".EVERY REyl'ISITK OS" ri' bright anil cheerful, awl is heated hot A. F. FOX COMPANY, dwelling in Mt. Pleasant; STEAM HEAT; tiled Renting for $55. Beautiful situation; well built. A business man needing the cash offers for a home; 2S 8 by ave. A GOOD FOR SALE-COLUMBIA country acrea, wood; all fenced: water. Live In oih' apartment and let the other fe2&4 X. E. cor. 14th and N. Y. bath; cabinet mantels; laundry room. BUILT TO HOME, FINE INVESTMENT sale his beautiful home at a sacrifice. HEIGHTS. spring, beautiful stream; llr. bouae on ramcistern, for the SELL FOR $6,000. STONE &FAIHFAX. 1342 New York aye. LESS THAN *18,000. Special Bargains. elevation pay building. ' and surrounded by big old handing FOR SALE.WASHINGTON The improvements could not be duplicated for $5,500, reduced from $7,200; 3 storlea, cellar trees: barn, chicken house; orchard, small BLOOMINODALB HOME. $4,600.A full 3-story bay-window brick ID HEIGHTS. The lot Is valued at The STEAM HEAT; 4 rooms on each floor; Tll.KT fruit, 10 lot Cheap at $G,650. $12,000. $10,000. BATH (trapes; easy driving distance of atatlon; as pretty $4,750. 8ALE. Bloomlngdale; rooms; cellar; furnace; A modern honse, HOT-WATER consist of a handsome 12-roomimprovements a little place as you ever set your eyes upon; not i'II'" u n itirgr iibi. 3040 Wh st. LOT $5,100.Faring south, west of 14th; 3 stories, proveiuenia; 0 acrea of lawn and garden; 3 ONE HALF BLOCK OF 14TH ST. STONE & 1342 New York are. HOT-WATER HEAT; SO BY 155; facing 20 feet wide. IM, Comparatively new: u rooms and bath; WITHIN FAIRFAX. 10-room dwelling: lot l%xl^6: alley. south. We are sore there are to from steam car, 25 mlnutea from city.minutes kitchen; hark fine tine EXTENDED; brick. 32 feet wide, 3 OWNER WILL SELL parties ready Price. H.flOO. stairway; repair; firstfloor stories. 8 rooms, batb and attic; slat* FOR SALE-REDUCED TO $4,000. AT A SACRIFICE.OUT-OFTOWN snap up such a bargain as this in such a HOT-WATER fquare. 1'rice is low. roof; lot 50x150 to surrounded OWNER GOING WEST. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. home. Let us arrange to show welllocatedyou $5,250.Very attraetlre; HEAT, Another tt-room residence with 2V4 acrea. Price, alley: by hardwood finish; laundry, cellar; TILED $3,500; two-thlrda can hedge; frame stable and ben bouse; one Brick dwelling and brick stable. A beautiful FOB SALE.DETACHED HOUSES through. EXPENSIVE PLUMBING. BATH, adjoining above; remain. MOPERN DOWN-TOWS RESIDENCE. mile nearer the than Saul's built lesa tban 3 TILED STONE & 1342 New York ave. LOT 48X120. city home, years; BATH; FAIRFAX, STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 Xew York are. Pretty 7-room with chicken THIS IS A QBEAT BARGAIN eaMne-t mantel#; luruace ueu,; atinu.tv » cottage porchea; ~ This Is an Ideal home; contains 12 moms and subdivision. .; Corner Houses. FOR SALE. ja31-3t bouae, stable, other two acrea of modern HOT-WATICK AT $7,000. oratlona. A DETACHED outbuildings; fcatb; plumbing; HEAT; STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York »re. Some with side RESIDENCE. garden and fruit. Price, $1,800. All for po« lawn; paved alley; large rooms, and big ones, yards. Less than $15,000; situated on the Heights. One FOR SALE--IF YOU'RE QUICK YOU CAN GEI session or Investment. Tide00: the hou»e alone Is 23 feet wide; between two FOR SALE.A BRICK FOR SALE-A REMARKABLY CHEAP HOUSE. of the most select loesticns In the District of THIS BARGAIN. "CENTRAL REAL ESTATE BROKERS." bargain; Send for list. *» «»*» on " car lines; well liullt for owner's use. Would A SACRIFICE AT Columbia, near houses occupied by senators, tc*-uv IVWUJ 4iO. CH~ C 01. D.W. a tine for man HOUSE, 11 BOOMS. 3 BATHS; $5,250. fnako borne business or physician. KITCHEN 1ST steam on Three stories and cellar; new back building; members of the Supreme Court representatives.and Reduced to (4,250. The price. 19.000. Is extraordinarily low. FLOOR; heat; STONE A FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. business a FOR~SALE.100 ACRES-WILL SElZn^PAlC lot 20x100, with large yards; close to sew furnace; sanitary plumbing; modern bath prominent men; opposite $100,000 Cost $5,000. ceis of one or handsome bouse FOR SALE. residence; property that could not be Good reasons for more acres; about one-third cleat #»d, IIRIGHTS HOME.COLUMBIA MASS. AVE. and NEW NORWEGIAN room; mantels; newly decorated; duplicated sacrittclug. 8 rooms, ALl balance in beautiful format; located six miles froiu COLUMBIA ROAD. LEGATION. Don't fail to see It. all large rooms; many closets; southern exposure; Reduced to $8."50. Undoubtedly the for $25,000. A commodious three-story brick LARGE; lot 20 ft. wide, 100 deep; on lettered Price reduced to $6,800. five rooms on a hot water at. west of ntli. Capitol, % mtle from steam ami elecrlc road, Price, lot 18% bj 80 to public alley. West of 13th at.. finest homes ever offered In Wash dwelling; floor; heat; on new Ten rooms and bath; large rooms; large lot. A 110,000.00. wiimn lot 50 150. A home summer and Lot proposed electric road (bill fordirectly bargain. soum 01 n. a convenient location, lngton Heights for the price. Could by delightful alone wortfa.J3.00C ' which passed the Senate the past week*: land distance of the business section and nearwantlogthe .not he duplicated under fl2,<»00. The winter. Improvements worth 3,SUC1 and car a STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. high rolling, very fertile; overlooka city of SMALL INVE8TMK.VT-CAPITOL HILL. NORTH SIDE OF F STREET; RENT, best line In tbe city. Should rent for *40 present owner took them as part pujr Washington; fine stream of water. Price, $100 *1 Rivt trmo t Ath »t. n.w. Brick houaes; rent of ea«h, $18. Price of eacb, A 12-room brick dwelling; Lot-water beat; 28 the builder. The houses are very.. THAN THE COST OF IMPROVEMENTS. STONE ft FAIRFAX, 1342 New York are. A FINE INVESTMENT IN A first-class reasonable handsome and well arranged, having A valuable size ja31-3t FOR 8ALU.60 ACRES LAND; IMPROVEMENTS II.MO. Well located In northwest. N'erer raoant. feet front; condition. Very lot; 20 by 150; offered at worth on electric and steam near MOORE & HILL 717 14TH ST. N.W. ON A BUSINESS STREET PROPERTYWEST t $7,000. parlor, reception hall, dinJng room, $25,000; situated on one of most $8,000; roads; (Inc.). and kitchen on the FOR SALE.DESIRABLE RESIDENCE BETWEEN Washington; high elevation; if sold at r*2-sa,m,w,8t OF 8TH; PAYS 7% ON AN STONE A FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. pantry first floor; uiruut-s. iuc uuuse is wen^theBrraii|WU.ranor,^beautiful once, ' Dupont and Sheridan circles; handsome stone and tine for subdivision. OF $87,000.00. INVESTMENT seven bed rooms; two tiled bath room, and kitchen 011 the $11,000; Address OWNER rooms: servants' library, dining pantry brick, 3-story and basement house; 37 feet front; L, 8tar office. fe2-3t# WB DES11US AN OFFER. FOR SALE-DOWN TOWN. stairway; hot-water flrst floor: second floor, five bed rooms and a on 14 rooms foR Near 14tb and L sts. A 10-room brick lots about 2i 12i> to a wide alley side; and 2 baths, all In 8ALBMOORE k HILL (INC.), 717 14TH ST. NTT. 3-story heat; by large tiled bath room; third floor, five bed rooms condition; price, a decided perfectFOR RENT-BY OWNER, TO RESI'ONSIBIW dwelling, with two bath rooms; price, *6.500. A alley. There are few houses so thor $20,000; bargain. * and bath room; partly finished attic; servants' FITCH, FOX ft 1400 O St. n.w. tenant liy the year, auhurhan home with W r A VERY FINE PROPERTY ON T good purchase for an investment, a home or room oughly well constructed of select.. biliard servants* BROWN, flue for Ha* r Business Value. Is mucb less ooe stairway; room; room; laundry Ja31-3t acres; pasture horse*; pasture netted *135 On 1st st. n.w. near D; 10 rooms; lot to STREET NORTHWEST BETWEEN 9TH renting. Tbe price tban could materials. room and cellar. A SPLENDID TWO-STORY last summer; twenty minutes' walk from car». food AND 10TH RENT MONTHLY. duplicate the property for. STONE & FAIRFAX, .342 New York ave. 1 liar: 13.800. fJO.BO t»Tn*TB> m M i i tin i v i 4,600. tlfWHt. FOR SALE.LESS THAN $10,000 FOR S.\I,E-*G,900. 14TH ST.: FORMRRLY HRT.I) AT nnft. alley; all modern Improvements; excellent land; buildings In icood condition; fruit; well Price, $2,600. Well-built, 3-story Roman brick $14,000 WAS LOANED ON IT. SPECULATORS Call and »ee. at 4 and 7 room* ana tiled bath; furnace; good will buy a $15,000 residence dwelling, SHOULD BE TO Jal6-w.ss.m.l3t*cnndltlon. located; possession once. ARTHUR CARR, through sticet; beautiful finish and near Dupont Circle. south, on a desirable at. on Washingtonfacing GLAD GET HOLD OF SUCH Hyattirllle, Md. Ja31 -8t» Rents a month. A SNAP. FOB SALE-ARTIST'S HOME. 1310 MASS. ATE. Sards;built; easj term*. splenldlT ENTIRE STONE FRONT: 12 Heights. $50 FOR RENT-HOMES FOR ON I STREET BETWEEN 26TH AND lot 20x100. bitj.m1. « r AitirAA, 1042 flew xorK lie, STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York aye. D.w.; bona*, atndlo and atable; (20.000; easy RENT IN HYATT8- A Fine Home. S7TH; A TWO-STOK* FLAT; RENTS large rooms; terms; 11 rooma. 0 toilet rooms. 3 baths. vine; Mho desirable boniest for sale, easy term*. FOR PER YEAR. Wide alley. FOR SA LE.lO^r"Htltmore~st~ FOR owner, ROBERT ARTHUR CARIt, Hyattsirllle, Md. 43 feet frontage; 12 rooms; tiled bath; *300 STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York aye. NEAR K AND CONN. AVE. HINCKLEY, premise*,A«dress Ja.tl-.lt* beat; first-floor kitchen. Price, «3,800. A well-built bouse. SALEJ12.000; deio-aot* FOR HALE. hotfrater FOB Full 3-story. bay-window Twelve-room dwelling, with three bath rooms; _ SALE.$5,900. stone and brick dwelling; 4 steam heated. Owner wishing to ieare The moat attract Ire proportion ever offered la "First Ward" Home. A 3-story. 10-room will sacrifice this floe INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. Friendship Heights.Beautiful 10-room 8WARTZELL, RHEEM * HENSEY CO. brick on room? d°er>. HOT-WATElt HEAT. large dwelling.WashingtonA house; Near two car lines; 8 rooms; pressed brick dwellingbaywindow Ix>t trust of $7,000 can remain at Would take a.m.I.; completely furnished; furniture practically front; best condition; a fe2-2t.eSu t Glrard at.; 4 rooms deep. 150 feet deep to wld? alley. \Vi7c- FOR SALE.S11.000; RENTING FOR S105 A to possible bargainbarIilndow Can be at a small property as part payment. new; open any reasonable offer If made at , t 10.500. Good condition. purchased bargain. month; (tore property and dwelling on a once; chance of a to a STONE A FAIRFAX. IH42 New York are. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. owner lifetime buy beautiful ^ finish.Hardwood St.; will dispose of this splendidbusiness home cheap. Owner called away. Keys with A Bargain Home Southeast. FOR HALE. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aw. FOR SALE.LESS THAN *8,000. FOR producer In order to realize cash to lmproreIncome HENRY W. OFFUTT. 'Phone West 200. 32d and Just off PennsTlrsnla ave.; 8 rooms; bsth; eel- EXTRAORDINARY!! READ THIS!! SALEWASHINGTON HEIGHTS HOME. other property. N sts. line FOR SALE.$7,750. Everyone says they are the STON K A 1342 New York aTe. Ja31-3t lar; furnace; condition; practically new: ONLY *4.850. new bouses. best most SEMI-DETACHED. ONLY *10.250. FAIRFAX, 12.880. Beautiful constructed, West of Connecticut ave.; 14 three FOR REST.COTTAGE AND 12 ACHES LAND COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Bet. 13th and 14th, Columbia Hgts. complete and prettiest rooms; FOR SALE #10,000; RENTING FOR |75 A ABOUT THREE 8UUARES FROM .. naiob rooms; Dot-water beat; four rooms BL.ECTRIO ALMOST NEW. 10 rooms. 4 on a floor. new houses for the price deep month; a 12-room on Mass. ave. n.w., CARS AT Rhode Island Are. N W. Full 3-Btory bay-window. 9-room and modern west of 16th st. on each floor: servants' stairway; double rear dwelling BKIOUTVVOOD, OPPOSITE TUB Fine wide house of 10 rooms and Two modern baths: 2 stairways. lot 25 formerly held at #18,000; $14,000 once loaned MATTHEW O. EMERY MANSION. bath; bath brick; parlor, reception ball, dining and Double rear 10 rooms. TWO BATHS, porches; by 150; facing south. on It. RENT. $26. exposure: lot 22x100; reduced from I#,000southernto HOT-WATER HEAT. STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. CAN LEA8E. kltcben on lat floor; laundry, steam beat, porches; attractive decorations. 2 stairways, HOT WA STONE * FAIRFAX, 1342 New York ave. MOORE & HILL (INC.). 717 UTH ST. N.W. «7,600. cellar; good big yard. SOUTHERNconcreted STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 Xew York are. TEH HEAT. Boom for FOB SALE. Ja30-w,tb,a*,m,w-St EXPOSURE. stable. Wide alley. A CHEAP CORNER. FOR SALE. Price. *3.100: Rent, J28.00. TENANT AT 137.50. FOR STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. HOW'S THIS?. VIRULNIA REALTY TIIlIS COIU'OrtATION, Two brick houses u.w.; Investments. SALE.$7,750. REDUCED TO *7.500. PRICE, $3,(XX). 310 Columbian IF XOU WANT ONB West of 14th; new: 10 rooms; FOR SALE.WITH STABLES. Lot 50 by 150. Substantial nine-room brick RENTING FOR building and RoMljn, Vs..Orflce«. JUST A REAL BARGAIN. 2 bath rooms. HOT-WATER HEAT. four rooms on a #38.50. furnlabe* titles to mil real eatite In Virginia and MOORE A HILL (Inc.). 717 14th St. n.W. dwelling; deep floor; large NORTHWEST. glTei you a perfect title fe2s.tu,th.3t THAT'S ALL. 2 stairways; lot 140 feet deep WE HAVE FOE SALE steam heated; situated on the corner ofattic;a A LARGE INCOME. JalOtf BLITNDON, O'BRIEN * BELT, Inc., 1220 Q n.w. to alley. Built to sell tor $0,0 O. lettered and numbered street northwest. The STONB & FAIRFAX. 1342 New Vork ave. FOR FOR SALE. fe2-3t" 8TOXE & FAIRFAX, 1342 Xew York are. 250 HOUSES WITH owner, residing In New York, Is anxious to make SALEADDITION TO PARK. Bow to be your own landlord on $100.00 to FOR SALE. quick rale, and offers this bright corner at a FOll SALE.INVESTMENT. Lota 60x100; ALL IMPROVEMENTS. $500 00 cash and 120 to S50 monthly. Per full FOB SiALK.UKEAT VALUES STABLES ON THE SAME sacrifice. EXTRAORDINARY STORE PROPERTY. Terms reasonable. * particular* drop poatal. telephone or call for AT $6,500. 'STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York ave. RENTS FOR $30.00. WEAVER BROS., 1416 V It. n.w. Illustrated plat, etc., of "Connecticut iWH A 10-room dwedllng on Columbia Heights; 4 FRICE. $3,500. ja3-tu.tb.Ra.tf rooms on a floor; attic: TWO BATH ROOMS; lot LOT WITH TI1E HOUSE. FOR SALE. Situated on a ear line, west of Ttb w«l) Terrace." FIRST A DESIRABLE CORNER St.; COLLEGE! MD.. BEAUTIFULLY AND PrLTO.V R. GORDON. SHOWING. 25x100. UP TO WEST OF 18TH constructed; well located. PARK, Suburban of these STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. $4,500 $200,000. STREET. See as at once to secure this bargain. conveniently located, 8 miles from cltr: atcaoi liealty Operator. NEW 35 feet front; ten rooms and two steam STONE & FAIRFAX. 1342 .New York are. nd electric roads; lot* for sale; two country ROBERT K. HRATER. M*t., HOUSES, FOR SALE.A VERY CHEAP HOUSE. SEND FOR LIST. baths; of 6 and fe2 tf Colorado bldg. Tel. Main 629. heated; suitable for a physician. Price, $8,000. « home*, 8 rooms, at moderate prices. 86 to 41 B ST. N.E. 12 roonu; 3 BATHS; 2 stairways; hot-water STONE 4 FAIRFAX. 1342 New York are. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aye. FOR SALE.INVESTMENTS. GEO. H. CALVERT. College Park, Md. J»8 JOt» «. beautiful lot 140 feet to public GOOD-PAYINKR TALIA bo many NEW FEATURES. Such sound house* on $11,000. a bare always lived In the country. I do CO.. Exclu»l»e cor. FEKRO Washington Heights, containingthTeestory Just where jou want to live. STONE & FAIRFAX, 1342 New York aye. (11.000.Renting (or $100 month; a modem I lived In Agenta, 8th and H ten rooms, hot-water four rooms eoriR - better Dart by you than If the city. ts. n.w. construction. heat; deep; Tub* fho etrla r\t a h/MIBA Vfln Want FOR dwelling west of 14th at. for new before fe2-3t R ST. EAST OF NORTH CAPITOL beautiful bath rooms; rear expensive SALE.SELECT HOME PROPERTIES IN for $100 a month; four Don't All to send my catalogue porches; Near Conn. ave. and R at.; wide at. Southwest Washington; If you wish for a home $15,000.Renting 3-story JOR Is a beautiful thoroughfare, wide, all improved decorations; convenient to cars. These houses are under entire brick houses on a numbered street n.w. some offered for rhIp without anv nrofit to the biiilder. 8 storlw; cellar house. In this section, let us know; It Is likely we can for JOHN F. JERMAN. Fllrfll a H.. Va. SALE8.ro»mhouse; 1st clau condition; N. T. are. and beautified with elegant homes. rooms on a 2 bath*. $11,600.Renting $92.C0 a month; 0 brick COME OUT RAIN OR SHINE. He bad them erected and offers them tor (ale 4 floor. meet your wants. A few are mentioned here. houses on a numbered street n.w. Branch office at Vienna. 'Pbone connection at u.w.; price very reason*Die. HOT-WATER 1IRAT. $2,750..On "G" St., west of 7th.; 6-room and Fairfax 0. H. and Tltma. M-W FOR BLl'NDON, O'BRIEN * BELT, Inc., 1220 O n.w. at cost simply to dispose of his ground. 1342 New York aye. $10,500.3 brick bouses, renting for $£2.60 a 10 ro. m STONE 1342 New York STe. STOVE & FAIRFAX. bath brick. on a numbered street. ' SALEHandsome h-use; hot-water beat; it FAIRFAX, |3,000...On "M" street «.w.; 6-room and bath month; handsomely decorated; large grounds; price very FOR SALE.NEW HOUSES. brick. $8,500.Renting for $70 a month; a block of FOB SALE.LOTS. low; terms liberal. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING DESIRABLE brick houses. * llnf. It. 50c. 8t. 11.00. 1 wt.. $2.33. I mo tl-W. I OK SALE. |3,250..West of Oth st. b.w. ; 6-room and'bath for a month; nnr; FOR SALE-AT A NEW HOUSES FOR SALE; PRICES ARE brick. $6,250.Renting $65 n«*r!y FOB SALE.FINE CORNER VA. AVE. 9-room house; hot-water heat; large veranda; BARGAIN, 8R.&B. VERY ACCOMMODATING west of 14th St.; 10 rooma, 2 hatha. LOT. ' lot 25 fr. tine location; southern exposure; 1st floor, FOR SALE. REASONABLE; |3,000..Pretty 7-room and bath dwelling; yery $7,000.Renting for $55; west of 16th at.; IS and 20tta at. n.w., 112.6x67.7; 8.211 fq ft. frout; choice location; price only DWELLING; TFIRMS close to St. Dominic's on S3 750: term* to suit. library, dining room, kitchen; 2d floor, 4 $8,000. Semi-detached houses on Washington EACH. Semi-detached house*. Four Church; throngn rooms; HOT-WATER HEAT. Price, *1.00 ft. BUTLEIH-TALIAi<'KRBi> 0<>., FOR SAIJC. Krlor,autlful bed rooms, with closets, and large Heights. Built after the style of the popular (6,000 street. $7,500.Renting for $65 a month; on Columbia cor. 8th and H n.w. fe2-:*t bath; all handsomely papered; furnace houses In West front rooms deep; finished In hardwood; two stairways; $3,600..On "G" st., near 6th St.; 6-room and HOT-WATER HEAT. 14-roonj house: bet. new union station and the heat; . Large front and rear porches; hot-water heat; bath brick. Heights; FOR SALE. Capitol: property baa tine future; will be aold under entire house; large yard. Address Boxcellar porches; an exceptionally large bath room;covered well constructed of select lots 27 $4,500.Renting for $38 a month; new; cornel SWARTZELL, RHEEM * BENSEV CO., st bargain. 1«3, Star office. fe2-3t two stairways- hot-water heat; In a section being materials;thoroughly $4,200..Eight-room and bath dwelling on "O" west or 10m bc. positive by 100. If you wish a thoroughly well st. s.w. for a 8 1« F at. n.w. FOR SALE. FOR SALE.DETACHED HOUSE. IN built np with handsome detached residences. house, this Is $4,000.Renting $33 month; corner; Splendid well 2- BlllCK, MT. Convenient to two car your opportunity. constructed $4,750..Near B. E. & Ptg.; 9-room and bath rooms; n.e.; GOOD INVESTMENTS. lureatment; thoroughly bnllt, I'leasant; just completed; containing B rs. and b.; Drtck. for Bth it. n.w. south of xaii11»y apartment Douse, located m nne renting concrete cellar; steam heat; & FAIRFAX,llnesSTONE1342 New York are. $6,250 EACH. The best located $3,660.Renting $29: VKBY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS e<*tion. * elegantly finished; two-story N: valuable for Duelnes*. lot 20x80; 1 *j. from 14th st. cars; sold at a FOR bouses In the city. West of 16th street. In ON MASS. AVE.. ADJOINING AND FOR HALE. niDdlTV *4,000.Renting for $38; store, west of 0th St. NORWEGIAN LEGATION. Apply on premises, 1462 Oak st. n.w. Alsobargain. SALEA section built up with residences selling from JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. aye. n.w. .3,350.Renting for $30; one of the best renting OPPOSITE Ha-.dsome 6-room liouse: choicest section of houses 350V A 3.M1 Center st. Open for inspection. $6,250 110.000 to 120,000. Tbe honses are finished In fe2-eod-tf,20 houses In tbe rlty Mt. Pleasant; positive bargain. Will an tiled front and rear 2-famIly bay $8,500 house % sq. east of Dapont hsrdWood; baths; porches; LOOK AT THIS-For $3,650. Renting for $32.50 nvcrn A m n* mmm vn r nTa oiir TKHBELL 9* IJTTLH FOK 8AL.K.NORTH CHEVY CHASE, MD. Circle; handsome large closets; facing south, with outlook on FOR SALE.IN COLUMBIA HEIGHTS: a month. An on a 1/riDliHiuxu «' v x. aniA f«-2 rtt 713 14th st. n.w. 3-story dwelling. new roouia and tiled bath 8-room dwelling, lettered AND WITHIN ONE SOl'ARE a A modern with every 8 for a borne or an dwellings; eight street n-pst nf Oth utrcpt ftiuith of fitrppf* wld« 90 50X90, dwelling convenience: STONE & BRICK. grounds. Buy Investment.beautiful modern HANDsome R AND FRENCH rooms: corner lot, &U by 150 ft.; Tery good car $5.«») LOANED ON IT. room; concrete cellar; heating plant; frontage; near 3 car lines; & ahort walk to F at. OF GERMAN service. For particular* address owner, L. A. $7,600 EACH. Beautiful new bouses In the bouse strictly up to date In every particular; the SITES. CAN BE BOLUHTEMBASSYAT A For sale. STONE & FAIRFAX. ana THIS IS GREAT.$3,000. Renting for 138.30. BROOKE, 1342 B st. i.e., or call bet. B and 7 1342 New York ave.. adjoining corner of 14th. choicest resident section of Capitol Hill; 3d at. price Is low considering location value, $6,000. Brick store and dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, on BARGAIN. \ Handsome new Colonial Home In Mt. p.m. and before 10:30 a.m. Sunday. No (gents. between Maryland ave. ami East Capitol at. JAMES F. SHEA. numbered street northwest. The owner claims the FOR SALE. fe2-eod,tf,T 043 La. ave. B.w. IMeasant; exceptional value; liberal " " property rents all the time. He needs cash; must FOR SALE.A BARGAIN-OUT-OF-TOWN ATTENTIION. INVESTORS! Full three-story bay windows; ten rooms, four FOR SALE. ALSO terms; ideal location; convenient to desiring to make a quick juile, Is offeringOWNer.m AN EXCEPTIONAL OFFER. rooms deep; two stairways; double rear ANOTHER GOOD ONE.$6,500. for SHERIDAN CIRCLE-WR HAVE TnB 7-foora frame, steam beat, lot well porchea; JUST READY TO INSPECT.. Renting BEST SELECTION IN THIS ave. cars; ten beautiful rooms 8UxtK), $7,750. hot-water beat; haudsome decorations; flrst-claaa 175. Brick, on a numbered street northwest. Lot Connecticut In Ecklngion. for only $3,750. located RENTING FOR $95 A MONTH. In every respect. NOS. 1341 TO 1345~FIRST ST. N.W. 29.6x85. Alley. LOCALITY. and tiled bath; concrete cellar; hot-water BA&IA * LAM1TON, 615 14tb at. n.w. Small houses on 6th »t. n.w. Dear R; wide 94,000 will buy two brick bouses on a numbered fe2-3t NEW HOUSES a heat; unusually large lot to frontage. NEAR 18TH AND S STREETS. Three more of those delightful little homes are street northwest, renting for (32.50 month. 8WARTZELL. RHERM * HENSEY CO.. alley. FOlTSALE-5-K. DWELLING ON GOOD ST. STONE & FAlKr AA. ?7,&00 EACH. Well arranged; fonr rooms deep; about finished and will be open for Inspection Four brick houses, renting for $40. Price, on* of th<* verv «»« » 8.W., rear fe2-2t,eSu 916 F gT. N.W. valuta Positiv»*!r w. Ik for one of the 1342 New York ave., adjoining corner of 14th. stairway; tiled baths; hot-water beat; double contain six rooms and $4,000. Always rented. _ renting price, $U50; rear lots (Sunday); they tomorrowA corner store near 14th street. offered In this best business locations s.w., on car line, g(X>d porches; good-sized to alley; reasonable tiled bath room and are trimmed in chestnut Price, $6,000. FOR SALE.BARGAIN FOR BtJItAlii/, UU St. I.W. INVESTORS, price la the down-town section should see elect white pine. TWELVE SOLD IN THIS $3,500.Renting $30; tains 10,700 so. feet: will subdivide Into (8) hast' HOMESEEKERS. these. ROW. A good, solid building, wltl) a cellar. lots; 35c. per foot. Not a vacant houseeconomical will call see T»-l 1. *0 JAA ...V for you aud take you to $10,000. cwu. $2,650.Renting for $20: a 2-story and basement Id this section. Houses will sell as soon ns Full SALE -$3U0 TO $500 CASII WILL BUY RENTING FOR $7B. $4,600 EACH. New bouses In race, umj fo.iuu bay-window brick, on 6th Ht. n.w. L. WALTER this moat attractive property. Groom brick Bloomlngdale; are. WEED, finished. splendid residence; finely located*n.e.; MASS. AVE. NEAR lflTH. hot-water heat; two stories and cellar; seven JAMES F. SHEA, 613 La. «re. n.w. STONE A FAIRFAX, 1842 New York 729 15th st. d.w. TERRELL k LITTLE. entirely modern; kitchen on main llour; porcelain FORMERLY HELD AT $18,000. rooms and bath; rear porches; handsome mantels; bath: tine bargain at $3,350. STONE A FAIRFAX. 1348 New York are. expensive decorations. fe2-eod-tf,13 FOE SALE.DOT ON IRVING STREET BHT. fe2 sa,tu.th,3t 713 14th at. n.w. WlIAKiK, CUIUS * DA.MEL, 603 and AOS FOB SALE.ONLY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 18th and 14th. Columbia Heights; 60-foot front; 13th. FOR SALE.A MAGNIFICENT HOME. »2.860 t 1 80 cents worth Would exchange fe2-3t $6,390 BACH. New houses on Columbia Heights; BRICK DWELLINGS,EACHNEW Bne». It. 50c. 8t, »1.QP. X wk., >2.83. cy>.. $1.30. per foot; $1. *OR SALR-$2,830 Bt'YS ONE OP THESE Price. $25,000. Home bollt within the past atx two stories and ball OOH. 15TH AND "E" STS. SOUTHEAST. equity for equity In bouse. Address Box 127, FOB SALE-. years; cost as much to build. Handsome cellar; reception plan; double modern little FOH BKlfT. Stsr office. fel-3t» new Mr. and bath modern houses;ATtractlre2 stone rear porcbea: beated by bot water: convenient 8lx rooms and bath room; homes; < from aie. car $12,000.00. and brick; splendid arrangement;appearance;two to two car Bear Fa. ave. care; open Sunday and week-days. FOR RENT.NO. 720 18TH ST. N.W. squares line; alx already sold; see residence an Ulrard «t. near 13 large hall. lines. Easy payments. Fifteen l.V>4 E »t- a e. for a sample; open for lnsnectlon. Elegant 14tii; drawing rooms, icieptlon Tery large ride from the office. minutes' JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. ave. n.w. SPLENDID BUSINESS STAND. WANTED.LOTS. & rooms and 2 hatha; house practically new; price dining room, pantry and kitchen on the 1st floor; city poet ELEGANT MODERN STORE ROOM * CELLAR _8CHMII)X BRANDT, owners. fe2-2t« reduced, as owner la Ave bed rooms and two baths on the 3d fe2-eod-tf,6 4 lines. It. SOe. 8t. *1.00. 1 wk.. *2.33. 1 mo.. *7 *>. greatly leaving city. $7,000 EACH. North of Massachusetts ave.; FOB SALE.CENTRAL NORTHWEST.8UPEBB TO 30-KOOT AU». ^ F<>It SALE A QI'AUTY N W. Q( ANTTT\ HOME~ floor; fire bed rooms on ;he 3d floor; a large ball west of 2 handsome 6-room apartment* above. WANTED.NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LOT brand new; servants' noose witn Connecticut ave.; 12 rooms; 2 baths. homes of 10 room*; tiled bath room; ateam heat; OTWIU Uir A T* roomy, modern feature apecialtlea; tl0,000.<)0. room; room*; iigntea |u hv m*nalarm <>naHw fmm ftRA MU) a for equity In 8-story steam-heated new brick arvhlteotnre, workmanship, S storj, brick W 14th at. and electricity; beautiful decorations; the borne price, *7,600. RENTAL. on home or materials, bay-window BMC 1100,000. ave. n.w. VERY REASONABLE residence Hslrbts; good investment; location, lot, street, alWy. cars.everythingfurnishin** Thomas Circle; 10 rvjom* and bath, caiu ue la 40 feet wide; the lot U a deep ooe, running to JAMES F. SHEA, 643 La. LIEBERMANN * HAWN, 1303 F ST. trust, *4,000. Address Box 161, Star offlcc. O. K.; critically for at a a of Connecticut fe2-eod-tf,4 ^ Inspect. $\5lX); cash, |SUU; bualnftta small coat. cuQvMted public alley; west are., north of (7,000 EACH. Near the War Department. A f«a-»t monthly," Including principal. Interest, $63. Massachusetts are. Could not be duplicated under block of modern houses heated hot FOB SALE.ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERS! STTBUiBAHPROPERTY HI 11,1'Kit.' Star office. fe2-3t»^ $7,000.00. $36,000. The owner has good reasons for offering by water; brick on L roa RBNT-F. H. SMITH OO., 1408 N. Y. AVE. a four rooms deep; two stairways; doable rear A cosy 6-room bay-window dwelUnc C. F. NBBBIT. KOH 8AI.E. Near Dupoot Circle, beautiful 3-story, modern for sale at snch sacrifice. fronts of brick and stone. St. n.w. near Pa. arc.. In St. Stepben'a pariah; E. Q. SMITH. L. D. LATIMER. 11 rooms; excellent STONE A FAIRFAX, 1842 New York are. porches; 702 13th at. n.w.; 8 ttork;*; 8 room* and bath: WANTED.TO PURCHASE 50 INVESTMENTS FOUNDED ON BEAL E3TAT* brick; porcelain bath; price, $2,700. J. D. * W. D. 8ULLIVAN7 707 suitable for buaioeaa ARK Must sell at once to ckwe estate. TVcondition.rum FOR low n.w. *40.00 100 acres on the THE BEST. suit. SALE.$26,000. LESS THAN *4,000. Beautiful new two-story f?2-2t to facing (2.MO.Tuo a18.50. Chaptn at., Height*, 3-story, contains IS rooms, 8 lath rooms and has side Capitol Hill. KAST CAP. 8T. la not far away.a rood section. CHEAP. OAN LEASE. WANT AN OFFER. -Washington 8 rooms aad all brick; bath; modernbaywindowyard; the lot has a frontage of 37 feet; the house $200 CASH and a LJTTLE A MONTH. MOORE * HILL. (INC.). T17 14TH ST. N.W. Baltimore or 4.730.Near bureau engraving; 9-room bouae; kiiixoveuit-nU. la thoroughly well constructed and well arranged. WE HAVE THE LARGEST LIST OF NEW See This Hooae Before Too Buy. ja30-w.th.aa.m-4t adjoining immediately 11 ln>|>ruTementa; Jaat been remodeled; Key at our offlce. HOUSES FOB "SALE IN THE CITY. YOU BXJTNDON, O'BBIEN * BOLT (Inc.), 1220 Q N.W. buildings not lot 26 ft. to alley; you should » thia $ BTQXB A FAIRFAX, 1842 New York are. SHOULD NOT THINK OF BUYING WITHOUT fel-2t Washington; bouse; will And It to be a On 8th at. B««r Q. 2-storr brick; 6 rooms. LETTING US SEND YOU A LIST OF p«m~ Address. yon bargain. HE1SKBLL tc FOR 8ALB.CHEAP AT (8.7S0. THE6B FOB SALE.»1,7B0. BENT OF necessary. UeUiRAN, Coat $11,000. Just »here want to HOUSES. |15."5> t Ilia. It-80e. 8t.H.0a. 1 wfc..WJ». 1.w. a.w.; new bouaaa; lei-2t 1008 F at. n.w. you live; -8TONB * FAIRFAX. 1342 New York avenue. WE WILL GUABANTEB. A. A. WALTER C. PIPER, the of a noose near Conn, " 10 TO SIS ACRES EACH. IN owner leaving city, must sell at rOR Inst style you want; Cocy brick hooae; located near 12th and D sta. m FARMS, ^ laristlgsla one*; SALE-PRICE, $900; BENT, are. and R st. on lettered St.; 3 stories; cellar FOB SALE.$4,290. The adjoining almllar hooae sold (or more money Co.. Md., on tha Savera and Sooth rlrera, Chiaa# Room Monroe brick In court near new unionw>.00.FOURroomstation; under entire house; 4 rooms, on a Boor; S baths; Brownstone corner, 35 feet frost, west of 14tk; .we rent It for $18.90. 606, 125 st., and aawer; only two left. water BUT WATER HEAT. Rents US. cry attractive. BLUNDON, O BBfiaN 4k BBUT (toe.), UK O N.W. M-St FLOI'D >. DAVIS, TU tad *U. a.*. JOUlS $19 fcW. , Illinois Jtfl-4t MCUVKNKB, W0NB4FAULFAX.IMS N«wX«ffe Wfc STONE * FAIRFAX, IMS New York it*. fel-M *sr-MU»